Benchmark 1 Study Guide

Benchmark 1: Study Guide
Because a real TCAP/Benchmark test would not have a true study guide, I am using this type
instead. Below, you will find a list of things/questions to study for your Benchmark.
1. Who invented the Printing Press?
2. Where was the largest settlement of Mound Builders located? (what state)
3. Who constructed the first cities in North America?
4. What is monotheism?
5. What is polytheism?
6. What are nomads?
7. What is the region between North and Central America called?
8. What is migration?
9. Study the chart on page 13 and the various Native American Culture Areas (including the
Inuit, Aluet, Great Plains, etc)
10. What was the earliest Meso and South American Society?
11. What were the capitals of the Aztec and Inca Empires?
12. Name 3 causes and 3 effects of the Crusades.
13. What was the Iroquois League?
14. Why did the Paleo Indians come to the Americas?
15. Look on page 7, give 3 other titles for this map.
16. What mountain range did the Inca’s live?
17. Review the map on page 9- locate Meso, North, and South America. Also note where the
Aztec and Incas got their food from.
18. What are pueblos? What are kivas?
19. What were the three main African Kingdoms? Who ruled them?
20. What is a hajj?
21. What are joint-stock companies?
1. What was the primary thing that the French traded Native American’s for?
2. What was the encomienda system?
3. Name 3 things that caused Native American’s to die/
4. Who named the Hudson Bay? Where is it located?
5. Who traveled on the St. Lawrence River? Where is it located?
6. How did the Aztec’s greet the first Europeans to arrive in Tenochtitlan?
7. Name 3 mountain ranges in the U.S.
8. What does circumnavigate mean?
9. Who was the first to circumnavigate the world?
10. What is the Northwest Passage? Why were they looking for it? Name 3 explorers who
searched for it.
11. How many voyages did Columbus make? Where did he land? Who inspired him?
12. A century is __________ years. We are in the ______ Century.
13. What is the Columbian Exchange? Name 5 things that traveled from Europe to the
Americas. Name 5 things that traveled from the Americas to Europe.
14. What is an astrolabe?
15. What is a caravel?
16. What was the main thing Europeans were looking for when they came to America?
17. What is the Middle Passage?
18. Who was Martin Luther? What was the Protestant Reformation?
19. Who was the first European to reach North America?
20. Who conquered the Aztecs? The Incas?
21. Name the 3 types of Spanish Settlements.
22. What is a plantation?