Financial Services Guide

Date Issued: 9 September 2011
Financial Services Guide
Russell Investment Management Ltd
This Financial Services Guide (“FSG”) is an important document which we are required
to give you as an Australian financial services licensee. This FSG is intended to inform
you of certain basic matters relating to our providing you with a financial service.
The matters covered by the FSG include:
»» who we are and how we can be contacted,
»» what services and types of products we are authorised to provide to you,
»» how we (and any other relevant parties) are remunerated,
»» details of any potential conflicts of interest, and
»» details of our internal and external dispute resolution procedures and how you can access them.
It is intended that this FSG will assist you in determining whether to use any of our services. If you choose to use any of our products and
services you may also receive a Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”). A PDS will be provided when we make a recommendation to acquire a
particular financial product (other than securities) or offer to issue or arrange the issue of a financial product. The PDS will contain information
for you to consider before making a decision about that product.
Information about Russell Investment
Management Limited (“RIM”)
Any financial services offered will be provided by representatives
of RIM.
RIM is part of Russell Investments, a group of companies that are
subsidiaries of Frank Russell Company – a US corporation.
Dealing in:
»» Basic deposit products
»» Derivatives
»» Foreign Exchange Contracts
»» Government debentures, stocks or bonds
You can contact us by:
»» Interests in RIM’s Managed Investment Schemes
»» calling 1800 458 272
»» Securities
»» writing to us at:
»» Superannuation
ussell Investment Management Ltd
GPO Box 3279
Sydney, NSW 2001
Our financial services and financial products
Dealing on your or another person’s behalf in:
»» Basic Deposit Products
»» Derivatives
RIM is authorised to provide financial services and financial products
to retail and wholesale clients by:
»» Foreign Exchange Contracts
Giving general financial advice for:
»» Interests in Managed Investment Schemes (including investor
»» Basic deposit products
»» Government debentures, stocks or bonds
directed portfolio services)
»» Derivatives
»» Securities
»» Foreign Exchange Contracts
»» Superannuation
»» Government debentures, stocks or bonds
»» Interests in Managed Investment Schemes (including investor
directed portfolio services)
»» Retirement savings accounts (“RSA”) products
»» Securities
»» Superannuation
Russell Investment Management Ltd ABN 53 068 338 974, AFS Licence 247185
perating registered managed investment schemes (including
holding any incidental property) which only hold derivatives and
financial assets.
Providing instructions to RIM
You can give us instructions by telephone or mail. There may be
special instruction arrangements for some products and services –
details of which are explained in the relevant PDS.
Payments to RIM or Russell Investments
companies in relation to services provided
If you invest in a product we provide, RIM will receive remuneration
in relation to your investment in that product. This remuneration
may include upfront fees, management fees and performance fees.
The remuneration we receive in respect of a product is set out in the
PDS or other disclosure document for that particular product.
Members of Russell Investments may receive fees on normal
commercial terms for providing services to our products.
In particular, Russell Investment Group Pty Ltd may receive fees
for providing consulting services and administering securities
lending programs to our products.
RIM or members of Russell Investments, may receive commissions
and other benefits (eg research) from brokers effecting trades for
the products we provide. These benefits may flow to the products
operated by RIM or Russell Investments.
When we advise you about products made available by another
Russell Investments company and you acquire that product, then
that company will receive remuneration. Please refer to the relevant
PDS or disclosure document for more detailed information on the
remuneration payable to that member.
Remuneration or other benefits received by
RIM or Russell Investments staff
Employees and directors of RIM or other Russell Investments
companies receive salaries, bonuses and other benefits
that are attributable to the provision of services by RIM.
Remuneration received by those who
recommend RIM products
We may pay adviser remuneration of up to 0.35% p.a. of
the value of your investment in a RIM product to Australian
Financial Services licensees and/or their representatives who
recommend RIM products to investors. We will pay any adviser
remuneration out of our investment management fee, so it will
not represent any additional cost to you.
The following table provides a hypothetical example of
the adviser remuneration payable in relation to the Russell
Balanced Fund, based on an account balance (over 12 months)
of $10,000 at the maximum adviser remuneration of 0.35% p.a.
Your adviser may charge a fee for providing you with advice
about your investment in our products. If you choose, we may
offer to arrange for you to pay your adviser this service fee by
deducting it from your investment in our products. We do not
receive any fees for this service.
Dollar amount of adviser remuneration
(0.35% p.a. x $10,000)
Russell Balanced Fund
Details of any adviser remuneration or benefits paid to your adviser
will be in the financial services guide and the statement of advice,
which your adviser will give you.
R_PDS_RPS_FSG_RIM_V1F_1109 MKT/4108/0911
Alternative Remuneration Register
Occasionally, we may provide alternative forms of remuneration to
Australian Financial Services Licensees and/or their representatives
who recommend our funds to investors. The cost of any alternative
remuneration will be paid out of our investment management fee,
so it does not represent any additional cost to you. As a member of
the Financial Services Council (formerly the Investment & Financial
Services Association Ltd), we are required to maintain an Alternative
Remuneration Register. This register lists each occasion on which we
give or receive a material amount of alternative remuneration. Our
Alternative Remuneration Register is a public register and will be
made available to you on request.
Payments to Platforms
We may pay a one-off or annual product access payment of up
to $15,000 to platform, wrap or IDPS operators that distribute
RIM’s managed investment schemes. In addition, we may make
volume-based payments of up to 1.25% p.a. to platform, wrap
or IDPS operators that distribute RIM’s managed investment
schemes. Any such payments will be paid out of our investment
management fee, so it will not represent an additional cost to you.
Personal Information
At RIM the privacy of your personal information is important
to us. Any personal information collected will be handled in
accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy details
how we comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act in the
handling of your personal information. Please contact us for a
copy of our Privacy Policy.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
RIM holds professional indemnity insurance (“PI Insurance”).
The PI Insurance covers claims that may arise in relation to the
conduct of any representatives or employees of RIM whether or
not such people still represent or work for RIM.
Complaints handling
We have procedures in place for dealing with complaints promptly,
and in any case within 45 days. If you have any enquiries or
complaints, please contact us:
»» By calling: 1800 458 272
»» By writing to:
Complaints Manager
Russell Investment Management Ltd
GPO Box 3279 Sydney NSW 2001, Australia
RIM is also a member of the Financial Ombudsman Service (“FOS”).
If you have any complaints you may write to FOS at:
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1300 78 08 08
Fax: (03) 9613 6399