Introduction to Database Systems Winter term 2013/2014 Melanie Herschel Université Paris Sud, LRI 1 Chapter 2 The Entity-Relationship Model • After completing this chapter, you should be able to: ‣ Motivate and explain the three phases of database design, ‣ Evaluate the significance of the Entity-Relationship Model (ER model) for DB design, ‣ Enumerate the basic constructs of the ER model, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction ER-Modeling Relational model(ing) Relational algebra SQL ‣ Develop ER diagrams (schemas in the ER model) for a given application. 2 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Ncis_ER_diagram.gif 1631×1448 pixels Chapter 2 The ER-Model • Database Design Overview • Basic ER Constructs • Cardinalities • Keys, Weak Entities • Design Principles 3 4/18/10 12:07 PM Database Design • Overall goal of DBMS usage: Efficiently develop programs to support given real-world tasks. • These programs need to store data persistently. • To develop these programs, apply proven methods of software engineering—specialized to support data-intensive programs. Database design • Database design is the process of developing a database schema for a given application. • Database design is a subtask of the overall software engineering effort. 4 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Database Design •The specification of programs and data is intertwined: ‣ The schema should contain the data needed by the programs. ‣ Programs are often easy to develop once the structure of the data to be manipulated has been specified. •Data, however, is an independent resource: ‣ Typically, additional programs will be developed later based on the collected data. ‣ Also, ad-hoc queries will be posed against the DB. 5 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Database Design •During DB design, a formal model of the relevant aspects of the real world (“mini world”, “domain of discourse”) must be built. • Once the DB is up and running, questions will be posed against the DB. Knowledge of these questions beforehand is important input to the DB design process and helps to identify the relevant parts of the real world. •In some sense, the real world is the measure of correctness for the DB schema: the possible DB states should correspond to the states of the real world. 6 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Database Design •DB design is not easy for a variety of reasons: ‣ Expertise: The designer must become an expert for the application domain or needs to talk to such experts. Depending on the domain, these experts might not be used to give a complete and formal account of their field. ‣ Flexibility: The real world typically permits exceptions and corner cases. Does the DB schema need to reflect these? ‣ Size: Database schemas may become huge (in terms of number of relations, attributes, constraints). •Due to this complexity, DB design is a multi-step process. 7 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Database Design Three phases of DB design Conceptual Database Design Produces the initial model of the mini world in a conceptual data model (e.g., in the ER model). Logical Database Design Transforms the conceptual schema into the data model supported by the DBMS (e.g., the relational model). Physical Database Design Design indexes, table distribution, buffer size, etc. to maximize performance of the final system (subject of “DBSII - Implementation of database systems”). 8 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Database Design Why multiple design phases? • Partition the problem, attack one sub-problem after the other. For example, during conceptual design there is no need to worry about performance aspects or limitations of the specific SQL dialect of the RDBMSs. • DBMS features do not influence the conceptual design and only partially influence the logical design. ➡ Thus, the conceptual design work is not invalidated if a different DBMS is used later on. 9 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud The ER Model Das Entity-Relationship-Modell •Proposed by Peter Chen (1976), today at Louisiana State University. Nach Peter P. Chen 1976 •The ER model comes with a graphical notation which helps to The entity-relationship model ? towards a unified view of data. establish quick overviews of database application schemas. ACM TODS •Such ER diagrams are also a great way to communicate schemas to non-expert/future DB users. Standardmodell in der frühen Entwurfsphase 10 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Felix Naumann | Datenbanksysteme I | Sommer 2009 Example ER schema in graphical notation Actor Firstname (1, m) Lastname DOB stars_in (1, n) Movie Title Year Director •This mini world talks about actors and movies. •Actors star in movies. •Actors have a firstname, a lastname, and a date of birth (DOB) •Movies have a title, a year, and a director. 11 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Example A possible state of this mini world Actor Movie Star Wars title Harrison firstname year 1977 director Ford Lucas lastname DOB title 13.7.1942 Raiders of the Lost Ark year director 1981 Spielberg 12 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud The ER Model •The Entity-Relationship Model is often referred to as a semantic data model, because it more closely resembles real world scenarios than, e.g., the relational model. ‣ In the ER model, we model the concept of “Actor”. In the relational model we deal with names and dates of birth. ‣ In the ER model, there is a distinction between entities (objects) and relationships between such entities. In the relational model, both concepts are represented by relations. •There are no “ER Model DBMS”. Instead, we will describe a translation of ER model concepts into the relational model. 13 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Ncis_ER_diagram.gif 1631×1448 pixels 4/18/10 12:07 PM Chapter 2 The ER-Model • Database Design Overview • Basic ER Constructs • Cardinalities • Keys, Weak Entities • Design Principles 14 Basic ER Model Concepts Entity • An entity is an object in the mini world about which information is to be stored. Examples: actors, movies, studios, awards. Page 1 of 1 • Note: entities do not have to correspond to objects of physical existence. Entities may also represent conceptual objects like, e.g., vacation. •The mini world that has to be modeled can contain only a finite number of objects. •It must be possible to distinguish entities from each other, i.e., objects must have some identity. Examples: entity book identified by ISBN number, entity vacation identified by travel agency booking number. 15 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Basic ER Model Concepts Attribute • An attribute is a property or feature of an entity (or relationship, see below). Example: the title of this movie entity is “Star Wars”. • The value of an attribute is an element of a data type like string, integer, date. • These values have a printable representation (which entities have not). 16 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Basic ER Model Concepts Relationship •A relationship represents a relation—not in the strict relational model sense—between pairs of entities (a binary relationship). Example: Ford (an entity) stars in (a relationship) the movie “Star Wars” (an entity). •“Relationship” is often used as an abbreviation for “Relationship type” (see next slide). 17 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Basic ER Model Concepts Entity and Relationship Type Entity Type: A set of similar entities (similar with respect to the information which has to be stored about them), i.e., entities which have the same attributes. Example: All actors vs. all directors. Relationship Type: A set of similar relationships, i.e., relationships which have the same attributes. Example: X stars in movie Y. 18 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud ER Diagrams Basic Graphical Syntax •Entity type E E •Attribute A of entity type E A E •Binary relationship R between entity types E1 and E2 R E1 E2 19 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud ER Diagrams Recursive Relationships •Relationships may also exist between entities of the same type (“recursive relationship”) Recursive relationship Original Movie is_sequel Sequel • In this case, role names have to be attached to the connecting edges. In the ER model, role names may be attached to any kind of relationship for documentation purposes. 20 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud ER Diagrams Attributes of Relationships •Relationships may have attributes, too: Relationship attributes Actor stars_in Movie Role This models the fact that a role is stored for every pair of actor X and Movie Y such that X starred in Y. 21 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud ER Diagrams Graphical Syntax • An ER diagram contains boxes, diamonds, ovals, plus interconnecting lines. • Boxes, diamonds, and ovals are each labelled by a string. • Box labels are unique in the entire diagram. • Oval labels are unique for a single box or diamond. • Diamond labels are unique for a pair of connected boxes. • Interconnecting lines are only allowed between box—diamond, box—oval, diamond—oval. • A diamond has exactly two connecting lines to boxes. There may be any number of connections to ovals. • An oval has exactly one connecting line. 22 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud ER Example Modeling a mini world: define an ER diagram • Information about movies is to be stored. • For each movie, the title, release date, genre, and homepage URI are relevant. • Movies may be granted awards (e.g., Oscars, Palme d’Or, ...) • Relevant award information are the name, the category, and the year of the award. • Each movie is produced by a studio (of a given name and address). 23 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud ER Schemas: Semantics Definition A DB state I interprets the symbols in the ER schema by defining • A finite set I(E) for every entity type E, • A mapping I(A):I(E) → val(D) for every attribute A of an entity type E, where D is the data type of A and val(D) is the domain of D, • A relation I(R) ⊆ I(E1) × I(E2) for every relationship R between entity types E1 and E2. • A mapping I(A):I(R) → val(D) for every attribute A of relationship R (D is the data type of A). 24 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud ER Schemas: Semantics Example state corresponding to ER schema stars_in Actor Firstname Lastname Movie DOB Title Year Director •I(Actor) = {JD,HBC} •I(Firstname) = f1 with f1(JD) = “Jonny” and f1(HBC) = “Helena Bonham” •I(Lastname) = f2 with f2(JD) = “Depp” and f2(HBC) = “Carter” •I(DOB) = f3 with f3(JD) = “09.06.1963” and f3(HBC) = “26.05.1966” •I(Movie) = {CB,ST, PC} •I(Title) = g1 with g1(CB) = “A Corpse Bride”, g1(ST) = “Sweeney Todd”, and g1(PC) = “Pirates of the Caribbean” • •I(Year) = g2 with g2(CB) = 2003, g2(ST) = 2007, and g2(PC) = 2006 •I(Director) = g3 with g3(CB) = “Tim Burton”, g3(ST) = “Tim Burton”, g3(PC) = “Gore Verbinski” 25 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud ER Schemas: Semantics Example state corresponding to ER schema (cont.) • I(stars_in) = {(JD, CB), (JD, ST), (JD,PC), (HBC,CB), (HBC,ST) } Actor Movie JD HBC CB x x ST x x PC x • Note: A relationship is interpreted by a set of entity pairs and thus is unique for two given entities. 26 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud ER Schemas: Semantics Consequences of the ER semantics Cinema shows Movie Time • Consider the above ER diagram. • Suppose a cinema shows the same movie twice a day (at 3pm and 6pm). • Can this information be stored in the given schema? 27 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud From n-ary Relationships to Binary Relationships • We have seen that an ER model represents binary relationships only. • However, in the real world, a relationship may relate more than two entities to each other. An n-ary relationship has_contract_with Actor Movie Studio 28 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud From n-ary Relationships to Binary Relationships • To transform an n-ary relationship to a binary relationship, we 1.Create a new association entity type. 2.Introduce a relationship between the new entity type and the old entity types. 3.If there is an entity with multiple roles, create a relationship type per role. 4.Attributes of the old relationship type are appended to the new entity type. 29 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud From n-ary Relationships to Binary Relationships An n-ary relationship has_contract_with Actor Contracting studio Actor signed_contract Movie Producing studio Studio Contract is_contracting_studio is_subject_of Movie is_producing_studio Studio 30 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud From n-ary Relationships to Binary Relationships Modeling that a cinema shows the same movie twice a day shows Cinema Movie Time 31 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud IS-A: A Special Type of Relationship • Subclass ‣ Special case of the (super)class ‣ Less entities fall into the subclass (compared to the entities falling in the superclass) ‣ More (specific) attributes ‣ Possibly more relationships to other entities. • The ER model allows to specify a subclass in the form of an IS-A relationship ‣ Represented as a triangle ‣ Tip is showing to the superclass ‣ The relationship implicitly is a 1:1 relationship (and is not explicitly represented) 32 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud IS-A: A Special Type of Relationship Subclasses to movies Subclasses of movies are • Animation movies ‣ One additional attribute • Crime movies ‣ One additional relationship Title Year Genre Length Movie Actor is_voice_of IS-A IS-A Animation Movies Crime Movies Weapons 33 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud IS-A: A Special Type of Relationship • The IS-A relationship forms trees, a class may have multiple subclasses, but a class may not have multiple superclasses. • An entity may consist of several components of the IS-A-tree ‣ “Star Wars” has four attributes. ‣ “Cindarella” has four attributes plus a “Voices” relationship. ‣ “Der Dritte Mann” has four attributes plus the “Weapons” attribute. ‣ “Roger Rabbit” has four attributes, plus the “Weapons”-Attribute and the “Voices”-Relationship. 34 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Ncis_ER_diagram.gif 1631×1448 pixels 4/18/10 12:07 PM Chapter 2 The ER-Model • Database Design Overview • Basic ER Constructs • Cardinalities • Keys, Weak Entities • Design Principles 35 Cardinalities M:N Relationships • In general, an arbitrary number of entities of type A can relate to an arbitrary number of entities of type B via a binary relationship. Page 1 of 1 • An actor can star in numerous movies. • A movie set comprises many actors. • An entity of type A may not relate to any entity of type B, and vice versa. • Meet the many “actors” sitting in LA cafes that have never played in any movie. • National geographic movies do not have actors. A B ➡ Many-to-Many or m:n relationship ‣ Special cases are one-to-many (1:n) and one-to-one (1:1) relationships. 36 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Cardinalities 1:N Relationships • An entity of type A can relate to any number of entities of type B. • An entity of type B can relate to at most one entity of type A. • Example • A movie may win many awards. • An award is granted to one movie. • Again, an entity of type A may not relate to any entity of type B, and vice versa. A B • A movie may not win any award. 37 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Cardinalities 1:1 Relationships • An entity of type A can relate to at most one entity of type B. • An entity of type B can relate to at most one entity of type A. • Example • A studio may only have one President. • One President may only head one studio. • Again, an entity of type A may not relate to any entity of type B and vice versa. A B • A studio may temporarily not have any president. 38 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Cardinalities The (min, max) notation • The ER model introduces the (min, max) notation to specify an interval of possible participations in an relationship: E1 (m1, n1) R (m2, n2) E2 • An entity of type E1 may be related to at least m1 and at most n1 entities of type E2. • Likewise, m2 is the minimum number and n2 is the maximum number of E1 entities to which an E2 entity is related. 39 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Cardinalities The (min, max) notation Formal Semantics • For every DB state I and every entity e1 ∈ I(E1): m1 ≤ | {e2 ∈ I(E2) | (e1, e2) ∈ I(R) } | ≤ n1 • For every DB state I and every entity e2 ∈ I(E2): m2 ≤ | {e1 ∈ I(E1) | (e1, e2) ∈ I(R) } | ≤ n2 • Extensions: ‣ “ * ” may be used as maximum if there is no limit. ‣ (0, *) means no restriction at all (general relationship). • Note that the maximum cardinalities on each side are used to distinguish between m:n, 1:n, and 1:1 relationships. 40 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Cardinalities The (min, max) notation Studio Presidents (1:1 relationship) “A studio can have at most one president and a president can preside at most one studio.” President (0,1) (0,1) is_president_of Studio Movie awards (1:n relationship) “A movie award goes exactly to one movie. A movie may be awarded multiple awards (but maybe none at all).” Award (1,1) (0,*) awarded_to Movie 41 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Cardinalities The (min, max) notation Derive cardinalities from verbal specifications “Besides normal customers, the database may contain customers who have not yet ordered anything.” Order ( , ) from ( , ) Customer Derive cardinalities from verbal specifications “An order can contain several products.” Order ( , ) for ( , ) Product 42 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Cardinalities Alternative notations • Leave the minimum cardinality unspecified. • This notation exactly represents m:n, 1:n, or 1:1 relationships. Movie awards (1:n relationship) N Award 1 awarded_to Movie 43 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Cardinalities Alternative notations • Sometimes found in software supporting visual ER diagram development (e.g., in Oracle DesignerTM): Movie awards (1:n relationship) Award awarded to won Movie ‣ The “crow foot” indicates the “many” side. ‣ Dashed lines indicate optional participiation. ‣ Relationship roles are given (for both sides). 44 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Cardinalities Movie Example Cardinalities in our movie scenario Add cardinalities using the (min,max) notation Actor signed_contract Contract is_contracting_studio is_subject_of Movie is_producing_studio Studio 45 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Ncis_ER_diagram.gif 1631×1448 pixels 4/18/10 12:07 PM Chapter 2 The ER-Model • Database Design Overview • Basic ER Constructs • Cardinalities • Keys, Weak Entities • Design Principles 46 Keys Page 1 of 1 ER key A key K of an entity type E is an attribute of E which uniquely identifies the entities of this type. No two different entities share the same value for the key attribute, i.e., I(K) is injective for all DB states I. Composite keys are allowed. K A1 A2 E 47 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Keys Keys in our movie scenario • Movies • Is title a good candidate key? (4 King Kong movies in IMDB) • How about Title + Year? (Still around 300 “duplicate keys”) • Actor • Firstname+Lastname or • Firstname+Lastname+DOB • Studio • Name 48 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Where is the Key? 49 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Keys Keys in our movie scenario Underline keys Contract_ID Date_Signed Title Firstname Year Lastname signed_contract Actor Contract is_subject_of Movie Type DOB Length is_contracting_studio is_producing_studio Studio Name Address 50 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Weak Entities •In many schemas, some entities describe a kind of detail that cannot exist without a master (or owner) entity. ‣ If entities are part of an IS-A hierarchy ‣ If entities are association entities that have been created to eliminate n-ary relationships. ‣ If the existence of the detail entity (e.g., a room) requires the existence of the master entity (e.g., a building). •In such a case, 1.There is a relationship with cardinality (1, 1) on the detail entity side, and in addition 2.The key of the master is inherited and becomes part of the key of the detail entity. 51 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Weak Entities • Without a specific ER construct for this case, we would require the following additional constraint: ‣ If two entities are in “has” relationship, e.g., an invoice and a position, ‣ Then their attribute “Inv No” are required to have identical values. For example, invoice #12 cannot have position 2 in invoice #42 as detail. • Such constraints occur if an entity does not have a key by itself, but it is only unique in the context of some other (master) entity. 52 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Weak Entities •Note: In such cases, keys are always composite. •Examples: ‣ A classroom is identified by a building and a room number. ‣ A section in a book is identified by a chapter and a section title. ‣ A web page URI is composed of a web server DNS address and a path on that server. •There is also an existence dependency. For instance, if the building is pulled down, the classrooms automatically disappear. If the web server is shut down, all URIs on that server cease to function. 53 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Weak Entities • In the ER model, such scenarios are modeled via weak entities (nonweak entities are also called strong entities). • In ER diagrams, weak entities and their identifying relationships are indicated by double lines. • For the weak entity, the inherited part of the key is not shown. • The relationship type between the weak entity and the identifying owner is called identifying relationship and always describes a 1:N relationship (see next section). Notation of weak entities (1,*) Invoice Inv_No Date has (1,1) Position Pos 54 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Weak Entities • Usage of weak entities is required only if the key of one entity contains the key of a related entity. A weak entity adds further key attributes to the master key. • Weak entities are normal entities except that their key is constructed in a special way. • Weak entities may themselves be masters of other weak entities (building an entire hierarchy of dependencies). 55 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Weak Entities Modeling with weak entities Model a set of online quizzies (multiple choice tests). ‣ Each quiz is identified by a title, each question within a quiz is numbered, and each possible answer to a given question is referenced by a letter. ‣ For each question and answer, the associated text is stored. Answers are classified into correct and incorrect ones. • What is the complete key for each of the occurring entity types? 56 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Association Entities Revisited • We saw that association entities are created in order to resolve n-ary relationships. • For instance, we found that modeling a cinema that shows the same movie twice a day requires a ternary relationship. • Use an association entity: turn relationship into weak entity with multiple owners. Inherits keys of all owners. Association entity “Show” Name Address Cinema does Title Time Show Desc Movie of 57 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Weak Entities in Movie Example Weak entities in our movie scenario Assuming keys and relationships identified earlier, do we have weak entities here? If not, what would need to be changed to obtain at least one? Contract_ID Date_Signed Title Firstname Year Lastname signed_contract Actor Contract is_subject_of Movie Type DOB Length is_contracting_studio is_producing_studio Studio Name Address 58 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Ncis_ER_diagram.gif 1631×1448 pixels 4/18/10 12:07 PM Chapter 2 The ER-Model • Database Design Overview • Basic ER Constructs • Cardinalities • Keys, Weak Entities • Design Principles 59 Basic Principles •Design based on application need. Page 1 of 1 •Avoid redundancy. •Keep it simple! •Use relationships wisely (and sparingly). •Use attributes wisely (and sparingly). •Use weak entities wisely (and sparingly). 60 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Design Based on Application Need •Entity types and attributes should reflect the reality and should be useful for the application. ‣ When modeling movies, gender is not a sensible attribute. ‣ For applications like Amazon, storing the address of each actor does not make much sens. • Relationship types should reflect relationships in the real-world or the semantics valid for the application ‣ Actors and movies are in an m:n relationship, 1:n, n:1 or 1:1 would not correctly reflect the real world. ‣ The relationship between courses and teachers depends on the semantics within the application: - A course is taught by one teacher (1:n) - A team of teachers teaches a course (m:n) 61 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Avoid Redundancy • Redundant information occurs when the same information is expressed in multiple ways. • Redundancy wastes space, both on paper and on disk. • Redundancy eases the appearance of inconsistencies, as information has to be changed at all places where it is redundantly represented. 62 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Keep it Simple KISS: Keep It Simple, St...! • Avoid using unnecessary entity types. ‣ For instance, do you really care that a movie is represented by a holding and that the holding in turn owns a studio? • Avoid using unnecessary relationship types. ‣ For instance, does your application really need the distinction between contracting studios and producing studios? ‣ Avoid redundancy when relationships can be derived. • Avoid using unnecessary attributes. ‣ If your application does not use the actor nickname, there is no need to model it. 63 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Attribute vs. Entity • Attributes are easier to implement than entities and relationships. • An entity type is justified if • It represents more than just the name of an object, or • it is the “n-part” or a 1:n relationship. Association entity “Show” • Studio only has a name as attribute. • Studio is not the n-part of a 1:n relationship. owns Studio Name Movie Movie Title Title StudioName 64 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud Summary • Three phases of database design: conceptual, logical, and physical DB design. • Basic ER constructs: entity types, relationship types, attributes • 1:1, 1:N, and M:N relationships and min-max-notation. • Inheritance of attributes through IS-A relationship. • Keys in ER-models uniquely identify entities • Modeling Existence dependency using weak entities • Keep it simple! 65 Introduction to Database Systems | winter term 2013/14 | Melanie Herschel | Université Paris Sud