August 2007 Pak Students Excel in International Science Olympiads-2007 Interview: Dr. Ishrat Husain Profile: Accreditation & Attestation Division, HEC Commission Events Varsity News Listings and Announcements ...Much More Inside Table of Contents INTERVIEW 2 Dr. Ishrat Husain .......................... By Waseem Khaliqdad PROFILE 4 Accreditation & Attestation Division, HEC 6 Commission Approves Plagiarism Policy Pak Students Excel in International Science Olympiads-2007 Front Cover: Pakistani students represent their country at the 39th International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO-2007) at Moscow, Russia. HEC News & Views is published every month. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publisher. The views expressed by authors in the articles is their sole responsibility and not of HEC. Course on Leadership and Programme Evaluation Workshop on Research Proposal Writing at AMC CALL Workshop at Air University HEC to Implement SAP ERP Software HEC Delegation Visits Austria Workshop on Biosafety, Health and Environment 14 HEC would like to thank all the institutions and individuals who contributed information and photographs for this Magazine. Foundation University Holds Convocation 2007 DIHE Holds First Convocation Workshop at GCU under Joint Higher Education Link Programme Workshop on Storage Technologies at UAAR Assistant Editor KSS Workshop on Crystal Structure Determination Aayesha Ikram University of Education Holds First Convocation Conference on Optical Communication and Network Technology Graphic Designer University of Peshawar, Japanese University Sign MoU Raja Ahmad Nadeem Seminar on 60 Years of Independence Educational Cooperation among China, Pakistan Urged Reporter Seminar on Video Registration and High Dynamic Range Imaging Waseem Khaliqdad Accredited Laboratories for Testing Agricultural Commodities Needed Proof Reader Riaz-ul-Haque Travel Grants to Teachers DDWP Approved Projects Publisher: D.G. Admn. 24 Social Sciences Receiving Due Attention: Dr. Ishrat Husain After bringing about considerable reforms in the banking sector of the country while he was Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan from 19992005, Dr. Ishrat Husain is now-a-days rendering his services for more significant issues of national importance. Besides serving as Chairman, National Commission for Government Reforms, Dr. Ishrat is also Chairman of the HEC Committee on Development of Social Sciences. Dr. Husain received his MA in Development Economics from Williams College and PhD in Economics from Boston University, receiving International Student Award for outstanding academic achievement. He is a graduate of the Executive Development Programme jointly sponsored by Harvard, Stanford Universities and INSEAD. Before coming to Pakistan, he worked for over 20 years at the World Bank rising to the position of Chief Economist and Director for Africa and then East Asia and Pacific Regions. He was kind enough to spare his valuable time for an interview with HEC News and Views: HEC News and Views: How do you compare the state of education, especially higher education, in Pakistan with developing countries of the world? A leading economist and an HEC Distinguished National Professor, he is the author of a dozen books, has contributed 15 chapters in edited books and more than 25 refereed journal articles. Two of his books "Pakistan: The Economy of an Elitist State" and "Economic Management in Pakistan: 1999-2002" are popular in and outside Pakistan. Dr. Ishrat Hussain: The things that have been missing in our education system are access and quality of education. Without progress at these two levels, all other efforts remain meaningless and once you provide the youth access to quality education, it definitely affects all other aspects of national development. Take the examples of China and Korea; you will see that they spent a lot on education, improved the access and quality of education and results are there. I must say that HEC is making commendable efforts to make these improvements in our higher education sector. Since the inception of HEC, finances have not been a problem for faculty members and higher education institutions but leadership and commitment is a must for effective utilization of these incentives. And once our higher education sector is strengthened, we shall also find competent teachers for primary and secondary education. HEC N&V: Since you are Chairman of the HEC's Committee for Development of Social Sciences, how would you respond to the criticism that Social Sciences have not been given the due importance as compared to natural sciences? Dr. Ishrat Hussain: There are people who always portray the facts in a negative manner. Like other subjects, the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities have also been given utmost attention. HEC is putting a lot of efforts to develop these areas. Frankly speaking, the response from the faculty members and Social Sciences departments has been very poor. HEC is a funding and standardization agency. Opportunities are being provided, now it is upto the concerned people to take full advantage and come up with concrete proposals. What is required is leadership and commitment. 2 Interview HEC N&V: What do you think are the significant achievements of the Committee for Development of Social Sciences? HEC N&V: What steps has the Committee taken to make the research journals of Social Sciences more credible? Dr. Ishrat Hussain: The Committee has set the basic criteria for HEC recognized journals. First of all, the journals should be published on a regular basis. Dr. Ishrat Hussain: The Committee is making efforts to motivate the faculty members of social sciences all over the country. I have myself visited faculties of Social Sciences in various universities around the country. The main objectives of the Committee include availability of scholarships, promotion of research culture in Social Sciences, institutional development, linkage programme with foreign universities, establishment of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Pakistan and improving the standard of HEC recognized journals. So we are working on different aspects and guiding the people of Social Sciences disciplines to initiate a change and revamp the whole system. The Committee is acting as a catalyst to bring about the desired changes. The editorial boards of these journals should have diverse membership. There must be one international referee and the journal should also be internationally indexed. HEC N&V: What would you suggest to inculcate a culture of research, especially among faculty members of our universities? Moreover, do you agree that the condition of PhD for promotion in universities is justified? Dr. Ishrat Hussain: Research is a serious business and a university teacher is supposed to produce quality research in addition to his teaching assignments. You can not force anybody to do research; a faculty member should realize himself its significance. As far as encouragement is concerned, opportunities are in abundance. HEC N&V: Is the Committee also considering the strengthening of Social Sciences at pre-university level? Dr. Ishrat Hussain: No, our focus is to strengthen the education of these subjects at university level. We believe that if our university departments produce competent graduates, many of them will ultimately join colleges and will be capable of changing the curriculum and teaching methodology at that level. However, there are people who are producing quality work. Regarding condition of PhD degree, you can't say that everybody who completes PhD becomes a good researcher. A person with less qualification may produce good work but while acquiring a doctorate degree, the student learns basic skills and methods required to carry out research. HEC N&V: The Committee is paying attention to development of linkages with the foreign universities. Is there any progress and how would these linkages help? HEC N&V: What should be done to eradicate the menace of plagiarism? Dr. Ishrat Hussain: Through these linkages, the faculty members and outstanding students may go in the linked institution; similarly the faculty members of that department may be invited for talks and lectures. It may also help in the development of curriculum as well as necessary facilities. Dr. Ishrat Hussain: Plagiarism is a serious crime and the offenders must be punished accordingly. A strong evaluation system is the only solution to check any sort of cheating in research. Some individuals have come up with proposals and are utilizing these incentives but still tangible proposals, especially from departments and institutions, are awaited. This is a wonderful opportunity for the departments of Social Sciences to get connected with their counterparts abroad. HEC N&V: What would you suggest to improve the management structure in the university departments? Dr. Ishrat Hussain: In my opinion, the deans and chairmen should not be given so much power. Our Committee has also recommended that these positions should be rotated among faculty members. HEC N&V: Are you satisfied with the role of private sector universities as far as social sciences are concerned? The appointments should be performance-based and if someone is delivering properly, he/she may be given a chance to continue. The dean or a chairman should not act like a thanedar. Dr. Ishrat Hussain: I think, the Social Sciences departments of private universities are much more developed as compared to those of the public universities. Institutions like LUMS have much established faculties of Social Sciences. By Waseem Khaliqdad E-mail: 3 Profile ACCREDITATION & ATTESTATION DIVISION HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION The initiatives taken by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) have helped in rapid transformation of the higher education sector of Pakistan. But each and every step is taken after ensuring that quality is not compromised at any stage. ACCREDITATION CELL The Accreditation Cell deals with the following: Private Universities The Higher Education Commission, as per Education Policy of the Government of Pakistan, has adopted a liberal policy for encouraging the private sector to establish high-quality institutions to cater to the surging demands of student community. At present, there are 56 universities/institutions in the private sector. As a part of developing a sustainable system of quality assurance in the universities and degree awarding institutions, the Commission has adopted a strict procedure for attestation and accreditation. 'Accreditation and Attestation (A&A) Division' HEC is carrying out following statutory functions as assigned vide Section 10 (1) of the HEC Ordinance of 2002: The Division is also carrying out inspection of private sector universities/institutions as follow-up of decisions of Chancellors' Committee. The evaluation and physical inspection of private universities is made in relation to fulfillment of requirements of Cabinet Criteria. a) Operations of private sector universities entrusted vide clause (d) which states “prescribe conditions under which institutions including those that are not part of the State educational system may be opened and operated” Based on inspection reports, private universities/ institutions have been categorized into four Categories viz: Category W (universities/institutions meeting criteria requirements); Category X (universities/ institutions with minor short-comings); Category Y (universities/institutions not meeting criteria requirements); and Category Z (universities/institutions seriously deficient). b) Establishment of universities/institutions vide clause (f) which states, “advise the Federal Government and the Provincial Governments on proposals for granting a charter to award degrees in both public and private sector” c) Equivalence of foreign and local degrees as well as Deeni Asnaads vide clause (o) which states, “determine the equivalence and recognition of degrees, diplomas, and certificates awarded by institutions within the country and abroad” The outcome of first inspection was alarming but upon conscientious efforts and persuasion, the sponsors of the most institutions have shown substantial improvement. Establishment of Universities/Institutes A proactive policy is followed for establishment of universities and institutions of higher education both in public and private sectors. For smooth processing of establishment of new universities/institutions of higher education, the Federal Cabinet on February 27, 2002 approved the 'Criteria/Guidelines for the Establishment of a New University or an Institution of Higher Education'. In addition, the A&A Division has also been assigned the following jobs: d) Franchising of local institutions with foreign universities e) Attestation of degrees/diplomas/certificates For better discharge of its functions, the A&A Division is administratively divided into following three cells: The Criteria highlights parameters in the shape of academic, financial and physical infrastructure to be satisfied by universities/institutions prior to the grant of Charter. The Criteria/Guidelines were later amended by the Federal Cabinet on October 04, 2006. i) Accreditation Cell ii) Attestation Cell iii) Equivalence Cell 4 Department Profile With an objective to improve governance and management of universities/institutions, a Model Federal Universities Ordinance (FUO), 2002 was promulgated on November 13, 2002. The Chancellors' Committee has necessitated for implementation of FUO, 2002 in Charters of all universities/institutions to be established in future. EQUIVALENCE CELL The equivalence certificates are issued to determine the equivalence of degrees/diplomas awarded by accredited/chartered local and foreign universities/ institutions. The determination of the equivalence of awards conferred by chartered universities/institutions of higher education falls within the jurisdiction of the HEC, whereas determination of equivalence of credentials at secondary and higher secondary level primarily rests with the Inter-Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC). Following parameters are involved for determining equivalence of degrees: Franchising of Foreign Institutions The internationalization of higher education brought university education at the forefront of globalization. Many foreign universities are franchising institutions in developing countries to provide educational opportunities. To provide quality foreign education at comparatively cheaper rates, the Commission has also allowed collaboration/franchising of local institutions with the foreign universities. In this context, 'Policy Guidelines' have been approved by the Equivalence & Accreditation Committee of HEC for collaboration of institutions in Pakistan with institutions abroad. After verification of necessary institutional gadgets, the Commission has allowed franchising/ collaboration of 12 institutions. - Accredited/recognized status of awarding universities/institutions Admission requirements Duration of study System of Education and Assessment Bilateral agreements Decisions taken by the Equivalence & Accreditation Committee The accredited status of concerned university/ institution is confirmed after consulting the directories published by international agencies like UNESCO and organizations e.g. Embassies/High Commissions. Steering Committee of Provincial Education Secretaries In order to coordinate activities of the Commission with Provincial Governments, a Steering Committee of Provincial Education Secretaries including Education Secretary, AJ&K was constituted in 2003. To date, six meetings of the Steering Committee have been held. Certificate for conversion of CGPA into percentage/ Marks/Division are also issued by the office. For conversion of CGPA awarded on scale of 4, 5 and 6, a formula has been approved by HEC Equivalence & Accreditation Committee and is followed accordingly. ATTESTATION CELL Final Deeni Sanad 'Shahadatul Almiya Fil Uloomal Arabia wal Islamia' awarded by recognized Wafaq/Tanzeem/ Rabit ul Madaris/Deeni institutions is considered as equivalent to MA Arabic/Islamic Studies for purpose of teaching Arabic, Islamic Studies and for pursuing higher studies. In addition, the Equivalence Cell provides information on status of foreign universities/institutions and corresponds with Provincial Governments, universities/institutions, embassies, high commissions, public service commissions and other agencies. The degrees/diplomas/transcripts awarded by the chartered universities/institutions, both in public and private sectors and final Deeni Sanad 'Shahadatul Almiya Fil Uloomal Arabia wal Islamia' awarded by recognized 'Wafaq/Tanzeem/Rabit-ul-Madaris/Deeni' Institutions are attested by the Attestation Cell. To minimize the chance of forgery, authorized signatures, specific text format and embossing inscribed on the awards are verified before the documents are stamped and attested. Focal Person: The samples of degrees/diplomas/transcripts are also available with the HEC. Attestation stamps with security features are used for sanctity of stamps. The attestation is made only at the HEC Secretariat. For facilitation purposes, attestation is also provided through M/S Gerry's/FedEx courier service. Muhammad Javed Khan Director General (A&A) Ph: 051-9257508 E-mail: 5 Commission Approves Plagiarism Policy Prof. Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Executive Director, HEC briefs the Commission Members about major initiatives and achievements of the Higher Education Commission The Higher Education Commission has approved the plagiarism policy under which the faculty members guilty of copying research work of others and publishing it as their own will be dismissed from the service. This was decided during the 13th Commission Meeting held at HEC Secretariat recently under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, Chairman, HEC. The Commission also approved the recommendations of the Selection Board regarding appointment of three persons as Distinguished National Professors. Earlier, the Chairman HEC welcomed the members and informed them about recent programmes of the HEC including E-books scheme. The policy will be sent to all the universities so that it can be formally adopted and implemented through their statutory bodies. The Commission agreed that those universities who do not follow the governance and quality criteria laid down by the HEC would have their development and recurring projects curtailed. A detailed presentation was made by Prof. Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Executive Director, HEC describing how the programmes of the Commission are resulting in enhancement of high-quality research output, improving standards of education, enhancing access and making university education relevant to the national needs. The Commission members were of the view that teachers are role models for the students and that there should be zero tolerance for teachers who are found cheating and publishing the work of other persons as their own. Moreover, HEC has also acquired a software for checking plagiarism and a blacklist of plagiarists has been created which is given on the HEC website. “Particular emphasis is being placed on scholarships to leading universities in technologically advanced countries and some 2000 scholarships have already been awarded for foreign universities while 1000 will be awarded during the current financial year”, he said. Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, Chairman, HEC is being conferred Honorary Degree of Doctorate of Education by the Coventry University, UK in recognition of his services and commitment to restructuring higher education in Pakistan. Dr. Atta-urRahman obtained his PhD from Cambridge University, UK in 1968 and was later awarded the degree of Doctor of Science by the same institution. He is the first scientist from Muslim world to have won the prestigious UNESCO Science prize (1999). He has also secured the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies Award (Hiroshima, Japan, 1997) and the ECO Prize (2000). Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman was the first scientist from Islamic world to be selected as the Fellow of Royal Society (FRS) in recognition of research carried out within the Islamic world in the 360 year history of the Society. He was elected as "Honorary Life Fellow", a prestigious honour by Coventry University in May 2007. 6 Pak Students Excel in International Science Olympiads-2007 The teams of talented students selected by the STEM Careers Project, a joint venture of Higher Education Commission (HEC) and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, represented Pakistan in the 18th International Biology Olympiad (IBO-2007), 38th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO-2007), 39th International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO-2007) and 48th International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO-2007) held in July 2007 at Canada, Iran, Russia and Vietnam respectively. The efforts made by the STEM Careers Project and the home institutions in selecting, preparing and sending the teams paid dividends when these students won awards at these Olympiads bringing international recognition for the country. Abeera Ali won bronze medal at IBO2007, Canada; Anita Pabani, bronze medal, IChO-2007, Russia; Shaina Khan, bronze medal, IChO-2007, Russia; Zaeem Hussain, bronze medal, IMO2007, Vietnam; Sohaib Afzal, Honorable M e n t i o n , I M O - 2 0 0 7, V i e t n a m ; Muhammad Zeeshan Javed, Honorable M e n t i o n , I P h O - 2 0 0 7, I ra n a n d Muhammad Suleman, Honorable Mention, IPhO-2007, Iran. IPhO team with Dr. Ibrahim Qazi (3rd in front row) and Mr. Al Hasanat Rasul (2nd in front row) in Iran problems that only the most talented youth can answer. Besides grooming talented youth for careers in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, the STEM Careers Project also organize annual National Science Talent Contest (NSTC) for coaching talented students in collaboration with institutions including PIEAS, HEJ, NIBGE, GIKI, and SMS for participation in International Science Olympiads. The teams were led by Dr. M. Sarwar Khan of NIBGE (IBO-2007), Dr. Ibrahim Qazi of GIKI and Mr. Al Hasanat Rasul of STEM Careers Project, HEC (IPhO-2007), Dr. Khalid M. Khan and Dr. Shaiq Ali of HEJ, Karachi University (IChO-2007) and Dr. A. D. Raza Choudary and Mr. Ahmed Mahmood of SMS, GCU (IMO-2007). These annual International Olympiads provide pre-university science students from around the world an opportunity to compete in solving challenging theoretical and experimental science IChO team with Dr. Khalid M. Khan (1st from right) and Dr. Shaiq Ali (1st from left) in Russia 7 IBO team with Dr. Sarwar Khan in Canada IMO team with Mr. Ahmed Mahmood Qureshi (C) in Vietnam The Project also organizes annual National Engineering Competitions in collaboration with NUST and GIKI. Moreover, the Project also plans to launch the 5th National Science Talent Contest (NSTC-5) for talented 1st Year FSc/A-Level students from September this year. It is worth-mentioning that many students selected under the National Science Talent Contest (NSTC-3) have also been able to secure fully funded admission for higher studies in top world universities such as Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Oxford. The website ( can be visited for participation in NSTC-5 or for more information about STEM Project. Course on Leadership and Programme Evaluation A course on 'Leadership and Programme Evaluation' was organized by the Department for Educational Development (DED), Aga Khan University, Karachi in collaboration with Higher Education Commission from July 16-27, 2007. The course was aimed at developing participants' vision and strategic plan for educational management, improve their skills to manage and lead educational programmes more effectively and develop evaluation plans for educational programmes including Nursing, MBBS programmes, Residency or Postgraduate programmes. Participants of the Course at the Aga Khan University, Karachi The participants, belonging to different institutions, are involved in teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in addition to middle or top level leadership and management in their respective institutions. Chicago was the lead faculty for first week of the course, which focused on Leadership. The second week focused on Programme Evaluation and was conducted by Dr. Rukhsana W. Zuberi (MHPE), Associate Dean Education and Chairperson, DED and Dr. Syeda Kauser Ali (MHPE), Senior Lecturer, DED and a well known educationist. The course was inaugurated by Dr. Mohammad Khurshid, Dean, AKU Medical College. The resource persons included national and international experts in the field of medical education. The instructional strategies employed during the course included case-based discussions, interactive facilitator led presentations, individual presentations by course Dr. Alan Schwartz, Associate Professor at the Department of Medical Education, University of Illinois, 8 participants, group work, group presentations and reflective assignments. leadership styles to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their departments and institutions. They will also be able to use appropriate programme evaluation approaches to improve their programmes besides contributing to the National Programme Evaluations by Accrediting Bodies. The participants were assessed on their contributions and participation in all activities and individual presentations, critique and for providing insights to any/all topics, and distance learning assignments. In her concluding remarks, Mrs. Shamim Shami, Deputy Director, Learning Innovation, HEC highlighted the activities of Learning Innovation Division. They were required to submit two application-oriented, research-based distance learning assignments for final certification and credits, one assignment on Leadership and the other on Programme Evaluation. She assured the audience that the Higher Education Commission will continue its support for the professional development of faculty members. The course enabled the participants to understand their own leadership style, improve upon it and use other styles, apply the various organizational frames and Workshop on Research Proposal Writing at AMC A workshop on 'Research Proposal Writing' was organized by the Learning Innovation Division, HEC in collaboration with Army Medical College, Rawalpindi recently. Thirty seven participants from various medical colleges and hospitals of twin cities attended the workshop. Kiyani, Deputy Surgeon General; President and Members of the Executive Council of Amcolian Alumni Association (AAA) also attended the workshop. The resource persons of the workshop included Prof. Dr. Anwar Siddiqui, Prof. Dr. Rehana Siddiqui and Dr. Naureen Hadwani from the Aga Khan University, Karachi. The workshop was inaugurated by Lt. Gen. Mushtaq Ahmed Baig, Surgeon General, Pakistan Army and Director General Medical Services. Prof. Dr. Riaz-ul-Haq Tariq, Member (Academics) HEC; Maj. Gen. Shafique Brig. Syed Imran Majeed, President AAA highlighted academic activities of the Association and appreciated Participants and speakers of the Workshop with Ms Noor Amna Malik, DG Learning Innovation, HEC 9 support provided by the HEC for such workshops. He emphasized the fact that as the number of participants was increasing therefore arrangements had to be made for two workshops on each subject to cater to the emerging needs. Dr. Riaz-ul-Haq Tariq appreciated the efforts of the Association to promote research and development among undergraduate and postgraduate doctors. He stressed the need for training activities that contribute to quality research in the field of Medical Sciences. Lt. Gen. Mushtaq Ahmed Baig emphasized the requirements for good research methodology and its applications for writing good research articles. He dilated on the facts that the data available to the doctors should be translated into research articles that can help and contribute in policy decision making so as to provide good medical care. Ms Noor Amna Malik, Director General Learning Innovation, HEC was chief guest at the closing ceremony. Maj. Gen. Farooq Ahmad Khan, Vice Principal was also present on the occasion. Ms Malik appreciated the facilitators for their efforts in delivering the knowledge of research proposal writing to the participants. She acknowledged the efforts put in by the organizing committee and the AAA to provide a platform for learning of various aspects of research. She renewed the commitment of HEC to provide funds and support for such academic activities in future. CALL Workshop at Air University A five-day orientation workshop for English language practitioners on “ E x p l o r i n g Te c h n o l o g y - b a s e d Instruction: CALL Options” was organized by the Higher Education Commission in collaboration with Humanities Department, Air University Islamabad recently. Twenty participants from different universities participated in the workshop. The workshop focused on the divide at the classroom level in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) that was centered on how those who have technology, use it in the pursuit of effective language teaching and learning. Theoretical and practical approaches towards electronic resource sharing were introduced during the workshop. Prof. Abida Hassan, Dean Social Sciences, Air University was chief guest at the concluding ceremony. She appreciated the organizers for conducting a successful workshop. Workshop participants with Mr Fida Hussain, Director Learning Innovation, HEC Mr. Fida Hussain, Director Learning Innovation, HEC said that CALL workshops and courses help the faculty members not only to incorporate technology in language learning but also help developing online faculty community and resources accessible for all the stakeholders. “We are planning to conduct such courses and workshops in future so as to equip the faculty with modern technology which they could use in teaching and learning”, he said. 10 HEC to Implement SAP ERP Software In order to improve its processes and streamline the activities of the Higher Education Commission as per international standards, it has been decided to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution of international repute. For this purpose, the contract has been awarded to Siemens Pakistan. Siemens will implement mySAP based ERP. In the first phase, this ERP will be implemented in HEC’s main office and later its scope will be extended to all public sector universities of the country. Siemens is a global service partner of SAP and has certified SAP partnerships in 43 countries worldwide. The Company has an edge over other organizations due to its excellent knowledge in other areas of technology such as Process Automation and infrastructure etc. Being a global service partner and certified service provider of SAP, all Siemens' SAP solution implementations are backed by Siemens AG and SAP. Siemens has a large pool of SAP consultants in all parts of the world having excellent skills and exceptional project implementation experience. The modules of SAP to be implmented in HEC include FI/CO (Finance and Controlling module), HR Module (Human Resouce Management), MM (Material Management) and Project System (For Projects of HEC). Implementation of SAP in HEC as an ERP software has been formally begun. Siemens team deputed for HEC has shifted to HEC premises and has started working in close co-ordination with Business Automation System (BAS) team of HEC. A presentation was given to Siemens consultants by BAS team to gain a better understanding of the departments and objectives of the Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Member O&P, HEC presents certificate to a participant of SAP training. Mr. Muhammad Yaqoob, Adviser Finance and Ghulam Mujtaba Kayani, DG Finance are also present Commission as an organization. The ERP system is likely to be deployed by October 2007. Meanwhile, the Business Automation System (BAS) team of HEC arranged a 40-day training programme of SAP (Finance module) for HEC employees. The training was aimed at capacity building of employees to effectively use the new international software of SAP. The training inculcated in the participants all necessary skills of using the SAP well before its implementation. Around 20 participants from Finance, Audit, Budget, HRD and IT departments attended the course. Four trainees including Mr. Ghulam Mujtaba Kayani, Mr. Kamran Nazir, Mr. Sayim Sohail and Mr. Usman Bashir got distinction in the training. The certificate distribution ceremony was held in HEC Auditorium on July 30, 2007. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Member Operation and Planning was the chief guest. Mr. Muhammad Yaqoob, Adviser Finance and Dr. S. M. Raza, Adviser HRD were also present on the occasion. Dr. Mukhtar appreciated the performance of the participants. He stressed the need for more hard work and dedication to make the HEC processes efficient through the new computer software of SAP. “This project will go a long way in further improving the processes of HEC and would be beneficial to the universities for further promotion of higher education in the country”, he said. 11 HEC Improving Facilities at Universities: Dr. Naqvi “HEC has revamped the courses for Information Technology and improved facilities at universities according to emerging needs of the country”. Addressing the students participating in the first National Physics Talent Contest at the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute (GIKI), Prof. Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Executive Director HEC said that the Commission wa s w o r k i n g s y s t e m a t i c a l l y t o strengthen public sector engineering universities across the country. He said that facilities, including laboratories were being provided to the institutions to bring about a result-oriented change in the higher education system. The Executive Director said the faculty had to play an important role in achieving the objectives of providing quality education, adding that 40 per cent of the HEC funds had been allocated for teaching. "We want to impart quality education to students according to requirements of the country”, he said. Dr. Naqvi said that the medical and engineering varsities were being strengthened but regretted that social Participants of the first National Physics Talent Contest with Prof. Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Executive Director HEC and Dr. Abdullah Sadiq, Rector GIKI sciences field, was lagging far behind. He said the Commission was taking steps to improve this field. He informed the students how the HEC was formed, its achievements and its future plans. “Engineering universities were on decline when the HEC was founded but now all these institutions impart quality education to the youth”, he said. Dr. Abdullah Sadiq, Rector GIKI said the Contest was part of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) career project, a joint venture of the HEC and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. HEC Delegation Visits Austria A delegation of the HEC led by its Chairman Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman visited Austria from August 6-8 to hold further discussion for the establishment of University of Engineering, Science and Technology Pakistan in Lahore. Talking about UESTP, he said the University would be a replication of good modern universities and standards of partner foreign universities would be adopted to ensure quality education. He said the HEC has planned to commence the Master's programme of the University in Autumn 2008 at an alternative site till the completion of ongoing construction work. The Chairman apprised the Austrian side of the steps taken by the Pakistan Government to achieve targets set in the field of education. He made a particular mention of about 2,000 per cent increase in the higher education budget, the doctorate and post-doctorate level foreign scholarships programme and ongoing work for setting up nine universities in Pakistan. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman said that successful students of the University would get degrees of the partner universities in Austria that would be later on converted into a joint degree. He also held separate meetings with Austria's Minister for Science and Research Johannes Hahn, Minister for European and International Affairs Ursula Plassnik and former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel. The foundation stone of the UESTP was laid in November 2006 by President General Pervez Musharraf. The then Austrian Minister for Education Ms. Elizabeth Gehrer was also present at the ceremony. 12 Workshop on Biosafety, Health and Environment Effective HR Utilization Needs Conducive Environment The National Core Group on Life Sciences, Higher Education Commission organized a Workshop on 'Biosafety, Health and Environment: A New Frontier' in collaboration with the Institute of Environmental Studies, MAH Qadri Biological Research Centre, University of Karachi recently. Prof. Dr. Pirzada Qasim Raza Siddiqui, Vice Chancellor, University of Karachi, in his inaugural address, strongly emphasized the need for safety of human health and advocated the better quality of life. “Quality of work environment plays an important role in the beneficial utilization of human resource”, he said. The Vice Chancellor reiterated that all organizations involving human resources must provide a conducive work environment so that the country reaps socio-economic benefits and other tangible positive impacts. A large number of participants from public and private sector universities, government and nongovernment organizations attended the Workshop and benefited from the course and technical lectures delivered by the subject experts. Dr. Moazzam Ali Khan, Incharge of the Institute welcomed the Vice Chancellor and the participants. During the Workshop, experts in the relevant fields spoke on the importance of occupational health and safety in everyday life. They emphasized the need for adopting safety measures by the employees and urged the employers for providing sound and safe environment to their workers. Prof. Dr. Pirzada Qasim Raza Siddiqui, Vice Chancellor, University of Karachi addresses the inaugural session of the Workshop They were critical that health and safety issues must be given due priority as they deserved so as to save the lives of common men. It was recommended that documentary films, brochures/handouts and small booklets pertaining to health and safety issues should be made available in national and local languages. Moreover, they asserted that hazardous waste should be treated and disposed as per WHO guidelines. They were of the opinion that strict laws and legislations be enforced without any further delay with the follow up so that there shall be no loss of time and money. In the closing session, certificates were awarded to the participants. Most of the participants were of the opinion that more programmes on the subject be organized so as to develop trained manpower for the country. The International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) has designed 10 technical courses for unemployed youth that will be taught free of cost. The courses will be taught at IIUI's Iqra Centre for Technical Education (ICTE) in collaboration with the National Vocational and Technical Education Commission. The selected candidates will receive Rs. 1,000 scholarship per month as well. However, the students will have to pay for their transportation and accommodation. 13 Foundation University Holds Convocation 2007 The Convocation 2007 of the Foundation University, Islamabad was held at Convention Centre recently. Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz was the chief guest on the occasion. A total of 500 graduates belonging to Foundation University Institute of Management and Computer Sciences, Foundation University Medical College and Foundation University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences were conferred degrees this year. Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister appreciated the welfare and educational role of the Fauji Foundation. He also commended the efforts of the Foundation for establishing a stream of educational outlays across the country, especially an institution for higher learning in the form of Foundation University. He congratulated the graduating students and urged them to inculcate in themselves the values of diligence, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz gives medal to a graduate during Convocation 2007 of Foundation University honesty and discipline. “This in turn will project a positive image of Pakistan in the comity of nations”, he said. The Prime Minister stressed that illiterate nations could not make progress and that the Government is alive to meet the fast track of educational requirements of the 21st century. “Every possible effort is being made to set the educational standards of Pakistani institutions as comparable to international institutions”, he said. DIHE Holds First Convocation The Degrees were awarded to 942 students during the first convocation of Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education (DIHE), Karachi held at the Mohatta Palace recently. The degrees were conferred in the disciplines of MBA, BBA, BCS, B-Tech, B-Tech (Hons) and Law. constituted the first batch. "The youth is the architect of any nation and the progress of nations depends on their performance. I am sure that the education you have received will certainly play a vital role in bringing about prosperity in this country." The Chief Minister also announced 20 scholarships for deserving students including 10 for urban and 10 for rural areas. Dr. Arbab Ghulam Rahim, Chief Minister Sindh was chief guest while Mr. Abdullah Dadabhoy, Chairman, DIHE Board of Governors presided over the ceremony. Thirty students received gold medals in various disciplines. In his welcome address, Mr. Dadabhoy highlighted the aims and objectives of DIHE. He said that the Dadabhoy Foundation plans to establish a world-class University on 250 acres of its own land in the Hawksbay area. "The plans and designing of the huge campus have been completed by the world renowned architects of Singapore and work on the site has already begun”, he said. Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister congratulated the DIHE administration on the Institute's first convocation and also the students who On the occasion, executive excellence awards were conferred on Haji Abdul Razzak Yakoob, founder of the ARY Group, Mr. Shaukat Tareen, Chairman KSE and Mr. Zia Shafi Khan for their contribution in their respective fields. 14 Workshop at GCU under Joint Higher Education Link Programme The Department of Economics, Government College University, Lahore organized a one-day workshop on 'Advising Client Entrepreneurs about Strategy' recently. The Workshop was part of an agreement between GCU, Lahore and Cranfield University, UK under the Higher Education Commission and British Council's Joint Higher Education Link Programme Phase I. The Workshop aimed to train the professionals and faculty members about the entrepreneurship and strategy. P r o f. J o s e p h G . N e l l i s , P r o Vice Chancellor, Cranfield University UK, who is also the Link Coordinator from his University for the said programme was resource person for the Workshop. He was assisted by Mr. Uzair Ahsan, Lecturer, Department of Economics, GCU and Assistant Link Coordinator from GCU, Lahore. Speaking in the first session, Mr. Uzair Ahsan described the concept and importance of strategy for entrepreneurs. He explained the various aspects of strategy and its role in the process of attaining and maintaining a competitive advantage for firms. He also Workshop participants with Prof. Joseph G. Nellis, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Cranfield University UK suggested the possible competitive positioning for entrepreneurs about value propositions. The second session, which was based on the blue ocean strategy concept, featured the discussion by Prof. Joseph Nellis. While considering the different options available to entrepreneurs for strategy formulation, he asserted that entrepreneurs should focus on innovation and remain ahead of other competitors by creating 'blue oceans'. He explained the concept of 'blue oceans' as a space in market which is least competed for by the entrepreneurs. He also discussed the role of technology in creating and maintaining the blue oceans and make competition by other rival firms irrelevant. The Workshop was attended by professionals from Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA), TUSDEC, TEVTA, Kashf Foundation, Bank Alfalah's SME Division and the British Council. The International Islamic University, Islamabad is co-hosting a conference on 'Tashkent the Capital of Culture of Islamic World' from September 45, 2007 at its Faisal mosque campus. The Conference is being organized in collaboration with the Embassy of Uzbekistan, Islamabad and the Society of Asian Civilizations (SAC), Pakistan. In this regard, Dr. Anwar Hussain Siddiqui, President IIUI presided a preparatory meeting that was attended by Mr. Obek Arif Osman, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Islamabad, Prof. Dr. Z. A. Qureshi, President SAC and others. The meeting reviewed various aspects of cultural interaction of Pakistan and Uzbekistan and awareness about Central Asian Civilizations. 15 Workshop on Storage Technologies at UAAR Workshop participants with Dr. Khalid Mahmood Khan, VC, University of Arid Agriculture and faculty members A two-day training workshop on “Controlled and Modified Atmospheres to Preserve Post-Harvest Quality of Stored Grains” was recently organized by the Department of Entomology, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi (UAAR) in collaboration with the HEC and Pakistan Science Foundation. Dr. Khalid Mahmood Khan, Vice Chancellor, UAAR, appreciated the Department of Entomology for organizing the Workshop. He informed the gathering that UAAR provides a forum for open discussions on the topics of immediate national concern. He said that there was a need for trained people to save stored grains and it was also the responsibility of universities to train people through various degree courses to preserve food. He praised the Higher Education Commission and Pakistan Science Foundation for providing financial assistance to arrange the Workshop. The basic objective of the Workshop was to equip the professionals from Food, Extension and Quarantine departments and NGOs with advanced storage technologies, involving use of inert gases, heat and phosphine to control the resistant pests. Mr. Fayyaz Bashir, Secretary Agriculture, Government of the Punjab was chief guest in the inaugural ceremony. Speaking on the occasion, he said the Government acknowledged the importance of agriculture sector and was focusing on increasing the yield per hectare and reducing post-harvest losses. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Chairman, Department of Entomology, highlighted various achievements of the Department and the University to introduce new agricultural technology. At the concluding session, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashfaq, Chairman, Department of Agriculture Entomology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad was the chief guest. “Agriculture is a very important sector. It contributes 23 per cent to the country's GDP and is also the biggest sector in terms of employment, providing jobs to 45 per cent of the population at national level and 60 per cent at the rural level”, he said. At the end, the Workshop participants recommended that there is a need of comprehensive study of different pest/friendly fauna of post-harvest products which are covering the geographical regions of the country. It was also suggested to develop new pest management strategies suited to local conditions by exploiting the use of indigenous plant materials as protectants in grain storage management and basic training course for new entrants in food handling agencies. Mr. Bashir said food grains constituted an integral part of our life and that the country was self-sufficient in their production. “It is estimated that the country loses 20 per cent of food grains during handling and storage, however by using modern technologies post-harvest losses of stored grains can be minimized”, he added. 16 KSS Workshop on Crystal Structure Determination The Khwarzimic Science Society (KSS), Lahore organized a three-day National Workshop on 'Crystal Structure Determination using Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD)' at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of the Punjab, Lahore. The workshop dealt with various aspects of determining crystal structures and touched upon symmetry, crystal lattices and structures, Fourier description of diffraction, peak indexing, determining unit cell shapes and sizes and atomic positions, crystal structure refinement and peak profile analysis. The participants came from a carefully selected mix of backgrounds including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Soil and Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Agriculture, Engineering and Geology. The opening lecture was given by Dr. N. M. Butt, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation on “Diffraction Studies of Nanostructures”. Dr. Saadat Anwar Siddiqi, President of KSS and Chair of the Advisory and Organizing Committees presented an overview of KSS, coinciding with tenth anniversary of the Society. He said that with very meager resources, the Society has been able to maintain an unmatched track record of scientific events of very high quality and caliber. Dr. Jamil Anwar, Dean of Sciences, University of the Punjab was chief guest at the opening session. He praised the efforts of KSS and its team in organizing the Workshop and maintaining an illustrious record of uplifting the popular science culture. The Workshop was hosted in collaboration with the Centre for Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab and the financial support of Bana International and Bruker-AXS, Germany. The latter also invited Dr. Menges Goetz, one of the key speakers, who traveled all the way from Germany for the workshop. Group photograph of the workshop participants The first day of the workshop covered the basics of crystallography including symmetry, point and space groups, crystal lattices and the seven crystal systems. Special emphasis was laid on crystallographic notation and the seasoned speakers, especially Dr. Saadat Anwar Siddiqi, Professor at Centre for Solid State Physics, carefully addressed the myriad problems students routinely faced while trying to understand crystal systems. He was very clear in marking the difference between lattices and structures, and explained Miller indices, planes, directions and fractional coordinates. An exercise worksheet was also handed out to the students. The second day dealt with diffraction and crystal structure determination. It featured lectures by Dr. Falak Sher from PIEAS, Islamabad who covered peak indexing, space group determination using systematic absences and the phase problem. Dr. Sabieh Anwar from School of Science and Engineering, LUMS, Lahore covered the physical basis of diffraction focusing on the duality between the real and reciprocal spaces, the Fourier and the convolution connections to crystal structure determination. On the final day, Dr. Falak Sher wrapped up his discussion with the Rietvald method of refining trial crystal structures. He took the example of computer-based refinement methods, the freely available programme, GSAS. He went through the working of the application with real examples. On the same day, Dr. Menges Goetz from BrukerAXS, Germany described the instrumental, sample and background contributions to peak profiles. He elaborated the 'fundamental parameters' approach to analyzing peak profiles and its role in refining crystal structures. Moreover, Dr. Arshad Bhatti from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad was invited to lecture on “Microscopic Characterization of Nanostructures” and Dr. Umair Manzoor from the same University spoke on “Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction”. 17 University of Education Holds First Convocation “The universities must strive to promote quality education. The Government has charted out plans for teachers besides providing an environment conducive for education”. This was stated by Lt. Gen. (R) Khalid Maqbool, Governor Punjab while addressing the first Convocation of the University of Education, Lahore recently. The Governor, who is also Chancellor of the University, said that the Government has allocated nearly Rs. 1 billion for the development of campuses of the University of Education. He said the Government was striving hard to solve problems faced by teachers. “The Punjab Government plans to recruit more than 25,000 teachers this year while 75,000 have already been employed in the past three years to ensure quality education”, he added. He said that 200 acres of land had been allocated to University's Okara Campus and case for another 1000 acres is in process. “In return, the University will have to provide quality education and produce excellent teachers to cover shortage of quality teachers”. Dr. Munawar S. Mirza, Vice Chancellor, University of Education said that 'a specialized University in the field of education is a new concept in Pakistan'. She said that China, Russia, Japan, South Korea and Thailand have a number of Education Universities. Governor Punjab greets a graduate of University of Education while Punjab Minister of Education and Vice Chancellor look on The Vice Chancellor said that a number of new programmes have been designed that meet the HEC criteria, international standards and needs of the society. “Masters in Leadership and Management Studies, Specialized MPhil programmes and PhD will be launched in the coming session. The University will focus on raising the quality of education through IT on all its campuses”, she said. Mian Imran Masood, Punjab Education Minister, Vice Chancellors of some local universities, faculty members and a large number of students attended the Convocation. The Chancellor conferred degrees upon the successful graduates of BEd, MEd, BSEd and MSEd degrees. Thirteen students were awarded gold medals for their excellent performance during their academic sessions. ‘Government Enhancing Standard of Higher Education’ “It is a top priority of the Government to exploit all resources in enhancing the standard of higher education in the country”. This was stated by Lt. Gen. (R) Khalid Maqbool, Governor Punjab while presiding over a meeting of the public sector development projects (PSDP), establishment of centres of excellence and strengthening and up gradation of selective departments at the Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU), 18 Rawalpindi recently. The Governor said that the Provincial Government would give all help in carrying out various development projects at the FJWU. An amount of Rs. 48 million have been allocated to procure new and modern equipment for the Biotechnology, Microbiology and Chemistry laboratories while Rs. 35 million would be spent to build a sports complex with sports hall, volley ball, badminton and basket ball courts. During the meeting presentations were made to the Governor about programme strengthening and development projects by three universities including Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi; University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila and University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi. Moreover, a sub-campus of FJWU over 200 acre land with a cost of Rs. 30 million would be established in Sialkot. The meeting also decided that a School of Architecture will be established in the Sujhan Singh Havali campus of the FJWU. The Vice Chancellors of the three universities briefed the Governor about their development projects. The meeting was also attended by all the deans, chairpersons and senior faculty members of the FJWU. The Governor also visited the newly constructed Environmental Sciences and Communication Sciences blocks of the University. He visited the campus radio 'Voice of Women' and had recorded his Independent Day message. The Governor, who is also Chancellor of the FJWU, assured its Vice Chancellor of his co-operation in the execution of future plans. The Governor has already approved new projects worth Rs. 115 million for various projects at the FJWU. Conference on Optical Communication and Network Technology A three-day International Conference on 'Optical Communication and Network Technology' was recently organized by the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila. have been approved to be launched in UET, Taxila that would help strengthen ties between universities and industry. He pointed out that a large number of engineers were needed to speed up the process of development in the departments of communication, building and the production of oil, gas and electricity. Lt. Gen. (R) Khalid Maqbool, Governor Punjab was chief guest at the inaugural ceremony. Speaking on the occasion, he said that with the expansion of fiber optic technology, the internet communication and video conferencing would be increased. Earlier, Dr. Habibullah Jamal, Vice Chancellor, UET Taxila said that under the leadership of President Musharraf, Pakistan had become an important part of Silicon Valley. The Governor said that the manufacturing of electronic components and the preparations of new computer software in Pakistan could help gain foreign exchange of billions of dollars as compared to America and Europe. “Our engineers have the ability to utilize the modem techniques in telecommunication as there is no lack of laboratories, technical knowledge and resources in the engineering universities”, he said. He said that Government through HEC has expanded the standard of engineering education in the country. The Conference was sponsored by Higher Education Commission, City University, Hong Kong, New South Wales University, Australia and CISCO. He said that Industrial Engineering Department and Renewable Energy Resource Development Programme 19 University of Peshawar, Japanese University Sign MoU The University of Peshawar and Saga University, Japan have signed a Memorandum of Understanding according to which both the Universities will encourage and promote academic and scholarly activities while tuition, entrance and examination fee will be mutually exempted for research scholars of both the institutions. The Agreement was signed by Prof. Dr. Haroon Rashid, VC, University of Peshawar and Prof. Nakahara Toru on behalf of Dr. Akira Hasegawa, President of Saga University, Japan. The two Universities agreed to encourage exchange of faculty, staff members, students and exchange of publication and relevant academic scholarly information. Both Universities will send only their PhD students to the counterpart institution and length of stay will not be longer than one year. Similarly, number of exchanged students will not be more than three per year and the academic credits obtained at the host Prof. Dr. Haroon Rashid, Vice Chancellor, University of Peshawar and Prof. Nakahara Toru of Saga University, Japan sign the MoU university will be accredited according to the regulations of the home university. Earlier, Prof. Nakahara was briefed about the University of Peshawar. He showed keen interest and lauded the role of University in the field of education and research. He was told that presently 104,000 students were enroled and the University has six academic faculties and five centres of excellence. Seminar on 60 Years of Independence A seminar titled '60 years of Independence' was organized by the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) recently. Independence Day give us an opportunity to look back, note our mistakes and renew our energies for moving forward in a better way. “If we continue to solve our issues without bringing any change or improvement to our conscience, we may suffer the same way for another 60 years”, he warned. The seminar was attended by Sahibzada Yaqub Ali Khan, former Foreign Minister, Senator S. M. Zafar, Altaf Hasan Qureshi, Editor Urdu Digest, Dr. Manzoor Ahmad, Rector IIUI, Dr. Anwar Hussain Siddiqui, President IIUI and a large number of university teachers and students. Senator S. M. Zafar said Pakistan was liberated through the vote of common people. “Despite a number of constitutional, social, economic and security issues, Pakistan still enjoys independence and is moving towards its destination that is a combination of democracy and Islam. Ask Palestinians, Kashmiries and Chechans the value of independence if you are disappointed with the state of affairs in Pakistan”, he said. Speaking on the occasion, Sahibzada Yaqub said that occasions like Dr. Manzoor said, “One of the most important questions we must think about is why Pakistan left behind when other countries of the world 20 (L to R) Sahibzada Yaqub Ali Khan, Former Foreign Minister; Senator S. M. Zafar, Former Law Minister; Altaf Hussain Qureshi, Editor Urdu Digest; Dr. Manzoor Ahmed, Rector IIUI; Dr. Anwar Hussain Siddiqui, President IIUI and Dr. Husain Ahmed, Students Adviser IIUI speak during seminar on 60 years of independence made remarkable progress. Nations achieve their goals through knowledge and we have to excel in this area to become a developed nation”. that youth of Pakistan must know the sacrifices made for this homeland. He said that Sindhi, Punjabi, Pathan, Balochi and many other ethnic groups scarified for Pakistan with a sense of oneness and the same sense can lead us out of current distressed situation. Dr. Anwar Hussain Siddiqui narrated his personal experience of migration from India to Pakistan and said Educational Cooperation among China, Pakistan Urged “Mutual cooperation in the field of education and research between Pakistan and China is need of the hour to strengthen existing ties between the two countries”. This was stated by Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, University of Agriculture Faisalabad while talking to a Chinese delegation that visited the University recently. Dr. Ahmad said that there is a lot of potential in the agriculture sector to explore new vistas for the scientists and researchers of both the countries. He informed the delegation about HEC scholarship programmes through which faculty members and students are being sent to China for higher studies. “The UAF scientists are also being benefitting from the mutual cooperation programme”, he added. Mr. Zen Ming, Senior Executive CM Pak Chinese cellular company calls on Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, UAF Mr. Ming explained about new programme initiated by CM Pak for the student community in Pakistan. He said that due to significance of UAF as a pioneer agricultural institution in sub continent, CM Pak wants to launch free connection campaign among the students and faculty members to facilitate them with cheapest rates. He also highlighted the educational programme of CM Pak for provision of free books to needy students of various educational institutions in Pakistan. Mr. Zen Ming, Senior Executive, Chinese Telecom Company briefed the Vice Chancellor about functioning of cellular company and said that CM Pak Company started functioning in February 2007 and within four years 2500 new base station would be setup in Pakistan. He added that CM Pak has invested US $ 700 million and this investment would be enhanced in future. 21 Seminar on 'Video Registration and High Dynamic Range Imaging’ An eight-day seminar on 'Video Registration and High Dynamic Range Imaging' was held at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering, Science and Technology on August 3, 2007. Numerical estimation, algorithm evaluation and application of the video registration in different problems like georegistration, face recognition and number plate recognition were discussed during the seminar. Dr. Yaser Ajmal Sheikh said that the main objectives of the seminar were to introduce the concept of video registration and high dynamic ranges and to discuss the applications of video registration in industry and in research. Registration is a central task in a number of applications including georegistration, automatic target recognition, target tracking and medical imaging, he said adding that they covered two paradigms in registration, featurebased and direct registration. The experts spoke on various high dynamic range (HDR) imaging including acquisition, storage and display of the HDR data, its current applications in space technology, munitions analysis and potential applications of HDR data in future related to machine vision. Dr. Erum Arif Khan said that HDR imaging is an emerging field that allows capture of the actual illumination of a scene. “As the acquisition of HDR data becomes affordable, this field promises to bring about immense changes in the design and performance of all kinds of images and video image and video processing algorithms”, she said. The seminar was attended by university professors and academic staff, people from industries and graduates of various leading universities and institutes from all over the country. Accredited Laboratories for Testing Agricultural Commodities Needed A network of accredited testing laboratories for the purpose of exporting fruits, vegetables and other agricultural commodities to global market is need of the hour. This was stated by Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF) while talking to three-member delegation of Pakistan Kinnow Processors and Exporters Association recently. Haji Muhammad Azam, Chairman Pakistan Kinnow Processors and Exporters Association highlighted the problems faced by farming and exporting communities for the purpose of grading, sampling and packing at international standards. He urged the need for establishment of accredited testing laboratories at town level so that target of export can be achieved. Dr. Bashir maintained that due to lack of awareness and illiteracy, farmers are not following international standards set by WTO which of course is a major hurdle to export our produce at a huge amount in the world market. He said that water pollution, heavy amount of pesticides without consultancy and other factors are creating problems for export. Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghafoor, Director Research, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashfaq, Chairman Department of Entomology and Prof. Dr. Aman Ullah Malik also spoke on the occasion and presented their research recommendations. Mr. Babar Bajwah, representative of Pakistan Horticultural Export Board, Lahore briefed about the PHEB vision for the facilitation of exporters and assured that PHEB and UAF will utilize collaborative efforts to set up testing laboratories at UAF Campus. The Vice Chancellor directed the UAF researchers to design recommendations regarding setting up accredited laboratories for testing of fruits, vegetables and agricultural produce. He also formed a committee comprising scientists from various departments to provide technical assistance to the farming communities in this regard. 22 Pakistani Scholar Attends 2007 TESOL Conference Dr. Shahid Abrar Awan, a Fulbright Fellow in California and a former doctoral scholar of the National University of Modern Languages (NUML), gave a presentation at 2007 TESOL Convention and Exhibit held in Seattle, USA. The annual TESOL conference is the biggest professional event for language teaching professionals in the world. Dr. Awan's presentation entitled “Assessing Reading in EFL Business English Programmes,” was aimed at designing reliable and valid tests to assess reading skills in Business English Teaching (BET). He underscored the significance of reading construct in Business English and Communication. Designing reliable and valid tests in BET is critical because the foundation of a Business English course is the needs analysis. BET practices involve various test types such as diagnostic tests, achievement tests and proficiency tests. Dr. Awan addressed the fundamental concerns in assessing reading including taxonomy of reading skills, test specifications, validity, and reliability. No single best method to test reading skills can be prescribed Dr. Shahid at 2007 TESOL Convention and a crucial step in test design will be making construct and context-specific choices from a range of testing techniques and methods. The session involved interactive activities focusing on identifying assessment Dr. Mirza Attends World Agroforestry Centre Meeting Dr. Barjis Baig Mirza, a Foreign Professor at Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) recently represented Pakistan at the South Asian Regional Agroforestry Working Group Meeting held under the auspices of the World Agroforestry Centre (International Centre for Research in Agroforestry). Dr. Mirza was invited to Kandy, Sri Lanka to attend the meeting, where he was designated the Rapporteur while Dr. S. S. Baghel, Vice Chancellor, Assam Agricultural University was Chairman of the inaugural session. Besides Dr. Abeygunawardena, University of Perdeniya, Sri Lanka, many representatives of international academic institutions and world renowned scientists attended the meeting. This was Pakistan’s first participation in the programmes and projects offered by the World Agroforestry Centre. The World Agroforestry Centre is an international research institution established in 1978 with a mission to improve human welfare by reducing poverty, improving food and nutritional security, and enhancing environmental resilience. The Centre works in seven regions around the world pursuing its research-development-education agenda in partnership with National Agricultural Research System, universities, development institutions 23 Dr. Barjis Baig Mirza (both government and nongovernment), and ARI (advanced research institute) partners. In 1993, the World Agroforestry Centre launched a programme for Southeast Asia. The Regional programme works with the Southeast Asian research and educational organizations to understand the opportunities for and remove constraints to agroforestry development. Travel Grants to Teachers The following travel grants, for the faculty members of public sector universities, were sanctioned in May 2007: Name & Address of Applicant Title of Conference Venue Date(s) of Conference Recommended Grant in PKR Mr. Muhammad Asim Rasheed, Lecturer, D/o Chemical & Material Engg. PIEAS, Islamabad To pursue PhD Canada 7th May to 21st May, 2007 48,500 Mr. Shaukat Amer, Assistant Prof. D/o Management Sciences, CIIT, Attock International Conference on Management from Islamic Perspectives Malaysia 15-16.05.2007 26,160 Prof. Dr. Roshan Shah Rashdi, I/o Science & Tech Development, MUET, Jamshoro NanoExpo Conference UK 16-17.05.2007 137,257 Prof. Dr. Syed Afaq Hussain, D/o Electronics Engineering, IIU, Islamabad IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications 2007 Japan 16-18.05.2007 124,585 Mr. Luqman Amrao, PhD HEC Scholar, NIBGE, QAU, Islamabad 5th International Geminivirus Symposium & 3rd International ssDNA Comparative Virology Workshop Brazil 20-26.05.2007 147,980 Mr. Ayyaz Mahmood, Assistant Prof. D/o Management Sciences, CIIT, Islamabad Academy for Global Business Advancement World Congress Malaysia 21-25.05.2007 115,800 Mr. Ashfaq Ahmad, PhD Scholar, D/o Management Sciences, Foundation University, Islamabad Academy for Global Business Advancement World Congress Malaysia 21-25.05.2007 115,800 Ms. Faiza Mir Lecturer, D/o International Relations U/o Balochistan, Quetta 2nd Annual Yok -Suny Collaboration Symposium Turkey 23-25.05.2007 66,750 Dr. Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq, Associate Prof/Chairman, D/o Islamic Law, AIOU Islamabad. 22nd SSEASR Conference of South & Southern Asian Association Bangkok, Thailand 24-27.05.2007 104,400 Austria 25-27.05.2007 120,433 Austria 25-27.05.2007 136,895 Austria 25-27.05.2007 137,140 Turkey 27-29.05.2007 136,740 Malaysia 28-29.05.2007 74,060 30 May -01 June 2007 127,470 Mr. Ghulam Rasool, Lecturer, D/o Computer Science, CIIT, Lahore Mr. Muhammad Sharif, Assistant Prof. D/o Computer Science, CIIT, Wah Cantt Mr. Awais Adnan, Lecturer, D/o Computer Science, IMS, Peshawar International Conference on Computer Information & System Science & Engineering International Conference on Computer Information & System Science & Engineering International Conference on Computer Information & System Science & Engineering Mr. Muhammad Rizwan Sabir, PhD Scholar, D/o Computer Science & Engg., UET, Lahore 6th WSEAS International Conference on Applications of Electrical Engineering Dr. Salahuddin, Professor, D/o Statistics, U/o Peshawar Second International Conference on Mathematical Sciences Ms. Samana Zehra, Assistant Prof. D/o Software Engineering, UET, Taxila The 7th IASTED International Conference on Wireless & Optical Communications-WOC 2007 24 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Name & Address of Applicant Title of Conference Venue Date(s) of Conference Recommended Grant in PKR Ms. Hafsa Zaneb, PhD Scholar, D/o Clinic for Orthopaedics, Veterinary Medicine Univ, Vienna European Workshop on Movement Science Netherlands May 31 to June 2, 2007 33,639 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nishat, Chairman, D/o Economics & Finance, IBA, Karachi Pan-Pacific Conference XXIV New Zealand 02-04.06.2007 166,360 Dr. Muhammad Sohaib, Sr. Medical Officer (Assistant Prof) D/o Medical Sc. PIEAS, Isb 54th Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine USA 02-06.06.2007 217,900 Mr. Muhammad Alam Zeb, PhD Scholar, D/o Mechanical Engg., NWFP U/o Engg & Technaology, Peshawar SEM 2007 Annual Conference on Experimental Mechanics USA 3-6.06.2007 161,385 Ms. Fatima Adeel Jalil, MS leading to PhD, F/o Business Admn. MAJU, Islamabad 2007 European Applied Business Research Conference Italy 04-07.06.2007 105,000 Dr. Shahabuddin Memon, Assistant Prof. NCE in A/Chemistry, U/o Sindh, Jamshoro International Conference on Organic Chemistry (ICOC 2007) Turkey 05-09.06.2007 92,565 Mr. Khasan S. Karimov, FFHP Professor, F/o Electronic Engg., GIKI, Swabi 1st International Conference on Sustainable Materials Malaysia 9-11.06.2007 102,000 Dr. Rizwan Ur Rashid, Assistant Prof. D/o Computer Science, MAJU, Karachi 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion & Health Education Vancouver, Canada 10-15.06.2006 194,560 Engr. Liaqat Ali Qureshi, Prof. D/o Civil Engineering, UET, Taxila International Conference on "Sustainable Construction Materials & Technologies Coventry, UK 10-13.06.2007 115,000 Ms. Bushra Ahmad Saeed, Senior Research Officer, HEJ Research I/o Chemistry, U/o Karachi Plant Tissue Culture Symposium Malaysia 17-21.06.2007 63,490 Prof. Dr. Abdumalik Rakhimov, D/o Mathematics, FUUAST, Karachi International Conference "Trends in Harmonic Analysis" Austria 17-23.06.2007 84,927 Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Kamal, Professor, D/o Civil Engg.,U/o Engg. & Technology, Taxila International Conference on Advanced Characterization of Pavement Greece 20-22.06.2007 95,730 Mr. Nadir Ali Kolachi, Assistant Prof., D/o Management Science, Bahria University, Karachi 2007 Oxford Business & Economics Conference UK 24-26.06.2007 124,580 USA 24-27.06.2007 170,210 USA 24-27.06.2007 186,710 Jordan 25-28.06.2007 95,941 USA 25-28.06.2007 176,100 Mr. Iftikhar Hussain Gul, PhD Scholar, D/o Physics, QAU, Islamabad Dr. Muhammad Anis ur Rehman, Associate Professor,D/o Physics, CIIT, Islamabad. Dr. Amin Badshah, Professor, D/o Chemistry, QAU, Islamabad Dr. Muhammad Haroon R ashid, Director, Campus Head/Faculty of Computer Sc. CIIT, Abbotabad International Thermal Conductivity Conference & International Thermal Expansion International Thermal Conductivity Conference & International Thermal Expansion Petra International Chemistry Conference and Trans-Mediterranean Colloquium World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering & Applied Computing 25 Name & Address of Applicant Title of Conference Dr. Hassan M. F. Madkour, FFHP Prof., I/o Biochemistry, U/o Balochistan Petra International Chemistry Conference Prof. Dr. Aurangzeb Hasan, Professor, D/o Chemistry, QAU, Islamabad Eight Tetrahedron Symposium Mr. Faisal Tahseen Shah, Assistant Prof. D/o Computer Science, CIIT, Lahore Venue Date(s) of Conference Recommended Grant in PKR Jordan 26-28.06.2007 86,080 Germany 27-29.06.2007 124,380 2007 International Conference of Wireless Networks London, UK 02-04.07.2007 135,270 Mr. Imran Raza, Lecturer, D/o Computer Science, CIIT, Lahore 2007 International Conference of Wireless Networks London, UK 02-04.07.2007 135,270 Mr. Muhammad Nafees Qamar, Research Asso. D/o Computer Science, CIIT, Islamabad 2007 International Conference of Wireless Networks London, UK 02-04.07.2007 135,270 Mr. Zahoor Jan, PhD Scholar, D/o Computer Science, National U/o Comp. & Emerging Sc. Isb 3rd International IASTED Conference on Computational Intelligence Canada 02-04.07.2007 183,760 Dr. Nilofer Sheikh, Professor & Chairperson, D/o Archaeology, SALU, Khairpur. 19th International Conference on South Asian Archaeology Ravenna, Italy 2-6.07.2007 111,560 Mr. Adnan Ahmed Khan, PhD Scholar, Centre for Advance Studies In Engg. UET, Taxila Genetic & Evolutionary Computation Conference UK 07-11.07.2007 125,300 Mr. Nauman Mazhar, PhD Scholar, Centre for Advance Studies in Engg. UET, Taxila Genetic & Evolutionary Computation Conference UK 07-11.07.2007 125,300 Mr. Muhammad Shahid Qureshi, PhD Scholar, D/o Marketing, Technical University Berlin 17th Global Conference Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Poland 8-11.07.2007 91,599 Ms. Sameen Baluch, PhD Scholar, CASE, UET, Taxila 11 th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybermetics and Informatics. USA 8-11.7.2007 183,700 Prof. Dr. Shirin Zubair, D/o English, BZU, Multan Gender Unbound (International Conference) UK 09-11.07.2007 123,350 Prof. Dr. Nadim Asif, HOD Computer Science, The U/o Lahore International Conference on Software Engg. Theory & Practice USA 09-12.07.2007 138,670 Mr. Muhammad Shaban, Research Scholar (PhD), D/o English, U/o Management & Tech. Lahore Globalization of Stress Canada 09-13.07.2007 112,445 Dr. Fatima Shad Kneez, FFP, Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine & Drug, U/o Karachi 7th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience Australia 12-17.07.2007 179,020 Dr. Saeed Ahmed, Assistant Prof. D/o Horticulture, U/o Agriculture, Faisalabad ASHS Annual Conference 2007 Arizona, USA 16-19.07.2007 174,200 Dr. Waqar Ahmad, Assistant Prof., D/o Horticulture, U/o Faisalabad ASHS Annual Conference 2007 Arizona, USA 16-19.07.2007 163,700 Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmad, Lecturer, D/o Horticulture, BZU, Multan ASHS Annual Conference 2007 Arizona, USA 16-19.07.2007 163,700 26 Name & Address of Applicant Title of Conference Venue Date(s) of Conference Recommended Grant in PKR Prof. Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi, D/o Applied Psychology, U/o the Punjab, Lahore 115 th Annual APA Convention 2007 USA 17-20.08.2007 141,000 Dr. Asad Zaman, Director General, D/o Economics, IIU, Islamabad South East Asia Meetings of Econometric Society India 18-20.12.2006 49,147 Ms. Shamsa Zafar, Associate Prof., Obstetrics + Gynaecology, Riphah University, Islamabad 7th congress of the TurkishGerman Gynecological….. Turkey 16-20.05.2007 116,260 Ms. Saadia Abid, PhD Scholar, University of Vcienna, Austria Conference on Crossing International Bounderies Ningbo, China 23-25.05.2007 93,568 Ms. Fozia Andaleeb, PhD Scholar, D/o Bioprocess Biotechnology, NIBGE, Faisalabad 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex….. China 23-27.05.2007 99,535 Dr. Khuda Bakhsh, Lecturer, D/o Environmental & Resource Economics, U/o Agriculture, Faisalabad 8th Econometrics and Statistics Congress of Turkey Turkey 24-25.05.2007 53,760 Ms. Sajida Agha, Asst. Prof., D/o Behavioural Sc., Isra University, Hyderabad 1st International Congress on Addiction Turkey 28-31.05.2007 61,687 Prof. Dr. M. A. Irfan, D/o Mechanical Engg., NWFP U/o Engineering & Technology, Peshawar 2007 SEM Annual Conference USA 04-06.06.2007 183,045 Mr. Abdul Qadir Bhatti, Faculty Member, D/o Structural Engg., NUST, Rawalpindi 5th Intel Conference on Concrete under sever…… France 04-06.06.2007 114,000 Hafiz Muhammad Inamullah, Asst. Prof/Director, I/o Education & Research, KUST, Kohat College Teaching & Learning (TLC) Conference Italy 04-07.06.2007 140,100 Dr. Qaisar Abbas, Associate Prof., D/o Management Sc., CIIT, Islamabad European Applied Business Research Conference Italy 04-07.06.2007 99,413 Dr. Naveed Murtaza, Asso. Prof., D/o Plant Breeding & Gen. BZU, Multan Plant Canada 2007 Canada 09-14.06.2007 182,640 Mr. Muhammad Shoaib Abdullah, Lecturer, D/o Business Administration, IIU, Islamabad International Business & Economics Research Conference USA 13-16.06.2007 166,460 Prof. Dr. Himayatullah Khan, D/o Development Studies, CIIT, Abbottabad 3rd International Conference on Business on Business, Management & Economics Turkey 13-17.06.2007 67,166 Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq Asst. Prof., D/o Business Administration, FUUAST, Islamabad 3rd International Conference on Business on Business, Management & Economics Turkey 13-17.06.2007 87,820 Syed Atif Ejaz, PhD Scholar, I/o Management & Comp Sc., Foundation University, Rawalpindi 3rd International Conference on Business on Business, Management & Economics Turkey 13-17.06.2007 87,010 Ms. Safia Qamar Minhaj, Lecturer, D/o Economics, U/o Karachi 3rd International Conference on Business on Business, Management & Economics Turkey 13-17.06.2007 69,356 Mr. Humayoun Naeem, PhD Scholar, F/o Management Sciences, Foundation University, Rawalpindi 3rd Asian Academy of Applied Business Conference Thailand 14-16.06.2007 67,400 27 Name & Address of Applicant Title of Conference Venue Date(s) of Conference Recommended Grant in PKR Prof. Dr. Suhail Aftab Qureshi, D/o Electrical, UET, Lahore ICEEI 2007 International Conference on Electrical Engineering & Informatics Indonesia 17-19.06.2007 130,680 Mr. Shamaraz Firdous, Sr. Scientist/PhD Scholar, D/o Physics & Applied Math. PIEAS, Islamabad European Conferences on Biomedical Optics 2007 Germany 17-21.06.2007 109,000 Ms. Asma Naib, Research Fellow, D/o Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology, U/o Karachi Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture & AgriBiotechnology Malaysia 17-21.06.2007 64,434 Ms. Sheeba Naz, Research Fellow, D/o Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology, U/o Karachi Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture & AgriBiotechnology Malaysia 17-21.06.2007 64,434 Prof. Dr.Muhammad Shahid Khalil, D/o Mechanical Engg. UET, Taxila 8th International Conference on Data & Web Mining & their Business Application UK 18-20.06.2007 108,080 Mr. Ali Dino, Asst. Prof., D/o Mathematics, SALU, Khairpur International Conference “Trends & Challenges in Applied Mathematics” Romania 20-23.06.2007 91,700 Mr. Nasim Raza, PhD Scholar, HRD (Manag. Sciences) NUML, Islamabad International Education Management Conference Malaysia 22-24.06.2007 77,000 Mr. Ghulam Yasin Shaikh, Assistant Prof. D/o Industrial Engg. & Manag. MUET, Jamshoro European & Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems - 2007 Spain 24-26.06.2007 120,560 Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Kalim, School of Business & Economics U/o Management & Technology, Lahore Oxford Business & Economic Conference UK 24-26.06.2007 137,200 Syed Feroz Shah, Asst. Prof. D/o Basic Sciences & Related Studies, MUET, Jamshoro European & Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems - 2007 Spain 24-26.06.2007 128,960 Mr. Sajid Ali, PhD Scholar, C/f Advanced Mathematics & Physics, NUST, Rawalpindi 7th International Conference Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Ukraine 24-30.06.2007 110,090 Mr. Muhammad Adam Mohyuddin, Lecturer,D/o Comp. Sc.& Engg. UET, Lahore The 2007 International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering USA 25-28.06.2007 154,190 Hafiz Muhammad Shehzad Asif, Lecturer, D/o Computer Sc. & Engg., UET, Lahore DMIN2007 – The 2007 International Conference USA 25-28.06.2007 153,400 Syeda Umema Hani, Lecturer, D/o Computer Engg., Sir Syed U/o Engg. & Technology, Karachi World Congress in Computer Science, Engg. & Applications USA 25-28.06.2007 158,565 Mr. Mushtaq Raza, PhD Scholar, D/o Computer Sc., SZABIST, NWFP, Peshawar International Conference on Semantic web and Web Services USA 25-28.06.2007 169,900 Jordan 25-28.06.2007 99,900 Jordan 25-28.06.2007 98,006 Dr. Haq Nawaz Bhatti, Associate Prof. D/o Chemistry, U/o Agri. Faisalabad Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Assistant Prof., D/o Chemistry, Gomal University, D. I. Khan Petra International Conference of Chemistry & Transmediterranean Colloquium of Heterocyclic Chemistry Petra International Conference of Chemistry & Transmediterranean Colloquium of Heterocyclic Chemistry 28 Name & Address of Applicant Title of Conference Petra International Conference of Chemistry & Transmediterranean Colloquium of Heterocyclic Chemistry Petra International Conference of Chemistry & Transmediterranean Colloquium of Heterocyclic Chemistry Dr. Bushra Khan, Associate Prof., D/o Analytical Chemistry, LCWU, Lahore Dr. Zaibun Nisa Hussain, FHHP, D/o Chemistry, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. Date(s) of Conference Venue Recommended Grant in PKR Jordan 25-28.06.2007 104,320 Jordan 25-28.06.2007 105,820 Dr. Sajjad Maqbool, Associate Prof. D/o Transportation Engg. & Management, UET, Lahore 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering Canada 26-29.06.2007 183,750 Dr. Siraj-ul-Islam, Assistant Porf., D/o Basic Sciences, UET, Peshawar 22nd Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis UK 26-29.06.2007 128,200 Mr. Raheel Anwar, Lecturer/PhD Scholar, D/o Horticulture, U/o Agriculture, Faisalabad ASHS Annual Conference 2007 Arizona, USA 16-19.07.2007 159,200 GRANTS TO ORGANIZE SEMINARS Name & Address of Applicant Title of Conference Dr. Sher Khan Sadozai, Chairman, D/o Chemistry, Gomal University D. I. Khan 7th International & 17th National Chemistry Conference Prof. Dr. Abuzar Wajdi, Chairman, D/o Public Admin. U/o Karachi Venue Date(s) of Conference Recommended Grant in PKR Dera Ismail Khan 26-28.02.2007 400,000 National Seminar on Local Government Karachi 26-27.03.2007 189,400 Dr. Samina Amin Qadir, Professor, D/o English, FJWU, Rawalpindi English Language Teaching: Current Practices & Future Prospects Karachi 26-27.03.2007 120,935 Prof Dr. Umar Ali Khan, Associate Dean, Islamic Intl. Medical College, Riphah Intl University, Rawalpindi Workshop on: Assessment: What Works and what doesn’t Rawalpindi 28.04.2007 30,000 Prof. Dr. Alamdar Hussain Bukhari, Dean & Chairman, D/o Urdu, University of Sargodha How to Teach and Write the History of Literature Sargodha 11-12.05.2007 33,700 Engr. Muhammad Saeed, HOD, D/o Electrical Engg., CIIT, Wah Cantt A Workshop on Wi-Max Wah Cantt 12.5.2007 120,000 Dr. Asmatullah Khan, Vice Chancellor, U/o Science & Technology, Bannu National Level Conference on e-Govt Bannu 26.05.2007 193,800 Dr. Abdul Khaliq Professors/Chairman, D/o Entomology, U/o Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi Controlled and Modified Atmospheres to Preserve Postharvest quality of stored grains Rawalpindi 29-31.05.2007 277,500 Dr. Zubair A. Shaikh, Director & Asso. Dean, National U/o Computer & Emerging Sc. (FAST) Karachi Campus International Conference on Information & Emerging Technologies Karachi 06-07.07.2007 800,000 Dr. Rubina Tareen, Chairperson , D/o Urdu, B. Z. University, Multan The Most Suitable & New Methodologies & Techniques of Research Literature Compatible to Advance Countries Multan 2nd Week of Sept. 2007 87,000 29 Name & Address of Applicant Title of Conference Dr. Abdul Sattar Memon, Meritorious Prof. D/o Surgery, LUMHS, Jamshoro 5th Annual International Conference Prof. Dr. Shahid Kamal, Principal, College of Statistical & Actuarial Sciences, U/o the Punjab, Lahore Statistical Data Produced and Application of statistics Dr. K. M. Yahya, HOD D/o Computer System Engg., NWFP U/o Engg. & Technology, Peshawar Latest trends in wireless Communications Dr. S. M. H. Zaidi, Acting Director, General, I/o IT, NUST, Rawalpindi Venue Recommended Grant in PKR 24-26.2.2007 539,000 26 & 28.04.2007 794,000 Peshawar 19.05.2007 or 26.05.2007 70,000 International Conference on Research & Development and Emerging Technologies Rawalpindi 29-30.05.2007 806,000 Prof. Dr. Muhammad Riaz Bhatti, President & Head Academic D/o Psychiatry & Behavioural Sciences, King Edward Medical College/Mayo Hospital, Lahore 4th National Symposium on Psychiatric updates & Media / Public Awareness Lahore 9-10.06.2007 700,000 Prof. Dr. Umar Ali Khan, Associate Dean, Islamic International Medical College, Riphah Intl. University, Rawalpindi Workshop on: Assessment Techniques Rawalpindi 18-23.06.2007 125,000 Dr. Mohammad Abid, Chairman, D/o Computer Science, U/o Peshawar, Peshawar Conference on language and Technolo gy Peshawar 7-11.08.2007 825,000 Dr. M. Iqbal Bhanger, Director, NCE in Analytical Chemistry, U/o Sindh, Jamshoro. 2nd International Seminar on Analytical Sciences. Hyderabad 7-9.9.2007 490,000 Dr. Muhammad Hanif Noomrio, Professor & Chairman, D/o Biochemistry, SALU, Khairpur 1st National Training Course on Biochemical Techniques Khairpur October 162,620 Dr. M. N. Jafri, Prof. Mubarak Shah, Prof., Military College of Signals, NUST & UCF, RWP IEEE International Conference on Machine Vision Islamabad 28-29.12.2007 895,000 Dr. M. A. Bodla, Chairman, D/o Management Sciences, CIIT, Islamabad COMSATS International Conference on Management Lahore 29-30.12.2007 1,000,000 30 Jamshoro Date(s) of Conference Lahore DDWP Approved Projects Projects presented and approved in the 43rd meeting of Departmental Development Working Party (DDWP) are as under: HEJ, University of Karachi Project: Development of Infrastructure for Latif Ebrahim Jamal National Science Information Centre Cost: Rs. 30 million University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila Project: Extension in Academic Block of Electrical and Civil Engineering Department to Enhance Enrolment Cost: Rs. 37.975 million Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi Project: Construction of Sports Complex Cost: Rs. 37.500 million Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad Project: Construction of Hostel Cost: Rs. 38.222 million Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam Project: Provision of Sports Allied Facilities Cost: Rs. 35 million Higher Education Commission Project: HEC's Outstanding Research Award Series Cost: Rs. 39 million Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad Project: QAU Botanical Garden for Evaluation and Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Cost: Rs. 34.600 million Higher Education Commission Project: Country Licenses of Advanced Design Software for Teaching and Training in Engineering Institutions Cost: Rs. 39 million NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi Project: Development of Sports Facilities Cost: Rs. 38 million Higher Education Commission Project: Partial support for PhD Studies Abroad Phase III Cost: Rs. 38.409 million University of Balochistan, Quetta Project: Development of Botanical Garden, Department of Botany Cost: Rs. 18.753 million Project: Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study for Up gradation of the College of Engineering and Technology, Mirpur into Engineering University, AJK Cost: Rs. 29.098 million University of Science and Technology, Bannu Infrastructure for Higher Education Facilities Cost: Rs. 36 million The Pak-US Joint Research Project launched in 2006 has helped the Pakistani universities and institutions of higher education to boost engineering education and create an environment of industry competitiveness through a vital public-private partnership. Dr. Rizwan uddin of University of Illinois USA said this while speaking in a one-day seminar on 'Nodal Methods for Fluid and Solid Mechanics' under the Pak-US Science and Technology Programme jointly offered by University of Illinois and Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering, Sciences and Technology recently. He said that the three-year project, jointly funded by Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology and USAID, would help the universities and institutes to establish a state-of-the-art computation facility for carrying out engineering calculation of interest to the local industry. Dr. Rizwan said that the nodal methods have been developed for heat transformer, neutron diffusion and transport, fluid mechanics and other problems. He discussed the nodal methods and their recent applications and how they can be utilized in the industrial development. The entrepreneurs, he said, could get benefits from computational mechanics programme to meet the challenges of 21st century in the industrial sector. 31 Media Student Awards ‘Ibda'a Media Student Awards' are held in Dubai every year. Launched in 2001, the Awards aim to recognize talented media students in the region. This annual quest invites creative media projects from students all around the world. Short-listed candidates gain region-wide exposure and are flown to Dubai courtesy Dubai Media City ( on an all-expenses-paid trip to attend the Gala awards ceremony. Winners walk away with prestigious internships and cash prizes. For media students all over the world, this is a chance to showcase their talent on a global scale. Students can participate in different categories including Journalism, Radio, Digital Photography, Analogue Photography, Film/TV Feature, TV Documentary, Graphic Design, TV Advertising, Print Advertising, Animation and Best UAE Project. The contest is open to all undergraduate students. Students who graduated in 2006/2007 are also eligible to apply. All entries must conform to the criteria of each category and must follow the guidelines for the submission of entries for the respective category. All submitted entries will be reviewed and judged by the IAA (International Advertising Association). Contact: Imran Sarwar Cheema Segment Development Manager Tel: +971 4 391 4555 Direct: +971 4 391 4598 Fax: +971 4 391 4616 Email: Website: Mechanical Engineering Scholarships at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia The Department of Mechanical Engineering, King Saud University invites application for graduate programme in Mechanical Engineering. The students will perform basic and applied research in the field of thermal science and solid mechanics where special emphasis will be on the newly funded centre of excellence for engineering materials, initiate and conduct experimental studies with a theoretical understanding in the area of solid mechanics and thermal-fluid sciences, train and supervise undergraduate students in experimental work, assist the investigators in the interpretation and publication of results and assist in writing proposals. The Scholarships are available in the general areas of solid mechanics and thermal-fluid sciences. A bachelor degree in Mechanical or any other relevant field is required. Furthermore, a strong commitment to teaching excellence is essential and preference will be given to those candidates who have already demonstrated it. Proficiency in both spoken and written English is essential. Candidates will be given monthly stipend, in campus housing or housing allowance, free round trip air tickets, medical coverage in the university medical centre including full dental coverage. For further information, please visit: "" 32 August 2007 Pak Students Excel in International Science Olympiads-2007 Interview: Dr. Ishrat Husain Profile: Accreditation & Attestation Division, HEC Commission Events Varsity News Listings and Announcements ...Much More Inside