Year 4s Parent Night 2013 ‘Together we Achieve’ Year 4 A & B Information Evening (7.2.12) Teachers: Mrs Deb Searle, Mr Ben Campbell & Mrs Jillian Granger YEAR 4 A & B WEEKLY TIMETABLE Daily Items: hat, drink bottle, “pollywally”, message book Monday Day Uniform Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sports Day Uniform Day Uniform Uniform School Integrated Subway RETURN Assembly Arts with Mrs HOMEWORK Donna Gray 4A Lib Lesson 4B Integrated Arts with Mrs Donna Gray 4B Lib lesson 4A Swimming Integrated 4A 12.30pm Arts with Mrs Library Donna Gray borrowing 4B 1.15pm 4/5A 4A & B Friday Sports Uniform Tuckshop Homework given out Staff Integrated meeting – Arts with Mrs unavailable Donna Gray for parent 4A Odd meetings 4BEven MONDAY Library borrowing – Remember your Library bag! Swimming Items: sun shirt, togs, cap, goggles, sunscreen, thongs and UNDIES!! Chess lessons are optional and on Tuesday mornings from 7:40am Children may bring their own book from home, or use their own borrowed library book for silent reading in the classroom. There is always a bulk loan of library books in the classroom which are available for reading. Children are responsible for always having a book ready for silent reading. Children are responsible for choosing their own book for our reading program “Reading Friends”. GENERAL AIMS Skills for lifelong learning, underpin all that we do inside and outside our classroom. We are always promoting self-confidence, trust, pride, risk-taking, responsibility and independence through positive relationships with your children and with you. We do have high expectations in terms of manners, doing one’s best and accurately completing set tasks. Children will develop skills to be able to work quietly as individuals as well as in co-operative situations to achieve work of which they (and others) can be proud. In Year 4, children learn to become much more responsible for their own learning. Please help your child take on some of the responsibility for being organised for school life (e.g. charging then packing their computers, getting swimming gear ready the night before, packing their own bags) HOMEWORK Homework includes learning work (spelling, reading, work practice & research work). We would expect children to be spending the equivalent of 20 – 30 minutes four times a week on homework. Learning of basic facts is essential in Year 4. Your child’s highlighted list words were the ones identified as being spelt incorrectly in the pre-test and are the ones to focus on for the week. We encourage children to read as much as possible. Home reading material is free choice. Books would be the normal medium but not the only one. Newspapers, information on the computer etc also provide variation in reading practice. We encourage you to use the ‘Reading Friends’ method. Please initial homework – spelling page. This provides you with an opportunity to have a conversation with your child about their work. Neat presentation is required. Feel free to add any comments on the sheet as regards your child’s learning. Family life always comes first so a note from you is all that we require to excuse a student from homework. Homework is sent out on Friday and is to be returned on Thursday. Children have 6 days to complete. Check OneNote (The Hub) homework page. Please check one note every night as work could be added to homework. For example: Research/work which needs to be finished. COMMUNICATION Throughout the year it is our hope that you will feel welcome to see us about any concerns or queries that you may have. It is usually best to make an appointment as needed, however, we are happy for you to drop in and see if we are available. CAMPS Yr4 are going to’ Underwater World’ on Thursday 17th October and arrive home on the 18th October. Communion and Confirmation Year 4 students will have the opportunity to participate in the Jubilee Sacramental Program for Communion and Confirmation. They will have a retreat day on Thursday the 12th of September; with the sacraments of Confirmation on Friday followed by Communion, which will be celebrated over the weekend. We look forward to a happy and productive year and thank you in anticipation of your support. Yours sincerely Deb Searle Ben Campbell Jillian Granger CURRICULUM RELIGION This is an integral part of the everyday life of our school, where the focus is Making Jesus Real which includes reflecting regularly on how we have made Jesus real for each other and how others have made Jesus real for us. We offer thanks to God regularly. This term, our unit is called the “People of Justice”. We learn about respect and fairness and how to treat others. At the end of the term we will look at the important events of Holy Week and Easter. All experiences of Mass and Church are particularly important for your children this year as the 4’s become more focussed in their special year of preparation for the Sacraments. ENGLISH Spelling strategies (including rhyming words; adding ed, s, ing, other suffixes: alphabetical order) grammar, punctuation (including consistent use of full stops, capital letters, direct speech), neat cursive handwriting, reading and comprehension strategies are the focus. This term, our writing tasks will be using the persuasive genre with the focus on writing well constructed paragraphs. Reading will include many different genres with explicit teaching of skills for understanding and finding the meaning. Such comprehension skills will include finding the main idea, prediction, reading for details, skimming, meaning of vocabulary (including synonyms and antonyms, compound words), understanding sequence, making inferences and judgements. Speaking and Listening for Term 1 will include general participation in co-operative group learning as well as morning presentations relating to a particular topic? Students will share with a listening audience. MATHS Year 4 concepts include making connections between representations of numbers extending place value to decimals recalling multiplication tables, communicating sequences of simple fractions, using instruments to measure accurately, creating patterns with shapes and their transformations, and collecting and recording data deriving strategies for unfamiliar multiplication and division tasks evaluating the appropriateness of different displays History This year we will introduce world history and the movement of people. Beginning with the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, students will examine European exploration and colonisation in Australia and throughout the world up to the early 1800s. Students will examine the impact of exploration on other societies, how these societies interacted with newcomers, and how these experiences contributed to their cultural diversity. Students look at the founding of British colonies and the development of a colony. They learn about what life was like for different groups of people in the colonial period. They examine significant events and people, political and economic developments, social structures, and settlement patterns. Key Questions Why did the great journeys of exploration occur? What was life like for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples before the arrival of the Europeans? Why did the Europeans settle in Australia? What was the nature and consequence of contact between Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples and early traders, explorers and settlers? What do we know about the lives of people in Australia’s colonial past and how do we know? How did an Australian colony develop over time and why? How did colonial settlement change the environment? What were the significant events and who were the significant people that shaped Australian colonies? HPE Swimming Cross country and athletics Blue earth Program T-Ball as part of Gala Sports on Fridays in Term 2. Gymnastics TECHNOLOGY Publishing using Microsoft word internet as a research tool Scootle Australian History CD-Rom Spelling city Cool Maths Ziptales and more. HOW YOU CAN HELP YOUR YEAR 4 CHILD AT HOME Speak positively about school in front of your child. Encourage and praise your child. Encourage your child to take responsibility for their own organisation and time management. Encourage your child to make use of the local and school libraries. Let your child see you reading and writing. Discuss events in the news or in the paper – is it local, national or international? An Australian and world map visible in the house is useful. Have a dictionary readily available at home and use it often! Use a calendar regularly Look for patterns in everything. Teach your child to play games – card games, jigsaws, dice and board games, computer games Problem solve whenever possible. HOMEWORK Find a quiet spot Turn off the television Encourage but let your child work independently. Encourage them to complete all the activities they can before coming to you for help. Help your child develop a routine. (It will help in the future studies.) Encourage and praise your child for independent, focused efforts. READING Listen to your child read aloud twice a week if they are competent readers or each night if they need help. Practice is the key. Encourage your child to read aloud using expression, pausing at full stops, emphasizing bold words. Direct speech can always have expression added. Use the ‘Reading Friends’ method. Read with or to your child Check your child’s understanding and comprehension of the book when they have finished reading it. Ask them to tell the story in their own words or ask them some questions. “Does that make sense?” – “Why do you think the character said that?” – “What might happen next?” - Talk about the start of the story, what happened by the end of the story, the people in the story ....- Find me the part that tells me .....Was there an interesting beginning to the story? What was the complication and how was it resolved? Does this give you any ideas for your story writing? WRITING Encourage your child to write things down. Reading and writing go hand in hand. Good readers are generally good writers. Letter writing, sending postcards, making lists all encourage writing for a purpose. Encourage your child to proofread and edit their writing if someone else is going to read it. Encourage your child to attempt all words even if they are unsure of the spelling. Underline words they think might be spelt incorrectly. Use a dictionary if not sure. (If the first three letters of a word are known, the word can usually be found easily enough.) SPELLING Hear your child’s spelling remembering that spelling is a written activity. Expect that your child will use the correct spelling of any homework words in any written work. Expect that any words already visible on a page will be spelt correctly. MATHEMATICS Encourage and work with your child to help them to learn basic facts and perform mental computations. Spend 5 minutes daily and say them whenever possible e.g. in the car Speed and accuracy in addition facts are just as important as multiplication facts. When speed and accuracy develops with addition and multiplication facts then subtraction and division facts will come easily. Have a multiplication chart visible in the house. Talk measurement at home – this includes time, calendar, litres, millilitres, metres, centimetres, kilograms, grams. Cooking – measuring, estimating, timers; Shopping – estimate cost, count money, change Use all coins and notes to make up different amounts of money Telling the time using digital and analogue clocks, finding out the time of television shows, talk about time e.g. half an hour, how long is it until we go swimming, what time will it be in ten minutes, how long is it until, ‘Reading Friends’ Catholic identity The Hub Spelling Ash Wednesday MJR Spelling strategies Interactive Angle Games S.A. Tests Testing SSR Religion What do the students know Angle Hunt Prayer Spelling Compare and identify Angles Angles Friendship Maths Reading Zipptales Writing English Getting to know each other. Fun Routine Homework Lent Word Processing Skills Persuasive Texts Year 4 Group skills and expectations Class Covenant Ways of Working Geese Collaborative Skills and Expectations Values Integrated Arts The Hub Technology Special Days Class Expectations Team building Connected Learning Pod Australia Day Personal identity Digital Citizenship Assembly Australian Identity Saving Routines Morning class routine Group Skills/Collaborative Art Generosity Resposible use Passwords Charging Job Lists Line up Folders/Computers simple Demo