GCB Bioenergy (2009) 1, 251–255, doi: 10.1111/j.1757-1707.2009.01016.x OPINION Improving sugarcane for biofuel: engineering for an even better feedstock E R I C L A M *, J A M E S S H I N E J R w , J O R G E D A S I L VA z, M I C H A E L L A W T O N *, S T A C Y B O N O S § , M A R T I N C A L V I N O } , H E L A I N E C A R R E R k, M A R C I O C . S I L VA - F I L H O **, N E I L G L Y N N w w , Z A N E H E L S E L § , J I O N G M A *, zz E D W A R D R I C H A R D J R § § , G L A U C I A M E N D E S S O U Z A } } and R AY M I N G kk *Biotechnology Center for Agriculture and the Environment, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA, wSugarcane Growers Cooperative of Florida, Belle Glade, FL 33430, USA, zDepartment of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, Weslaco, TX 78596, USA, §Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA, }Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA, kDepartamento de Ciências Biológicas, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Pádua Dias, 11, Piracicaba-SP 13418-900, Brazil, **Departamento de Genética, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo, 13400-970, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, wwUSDA-ARS, Sugarcane Field Station, Canal Point, FL 33438, USA, zz106 Euclid Ave, Ardsley, NY 10502, USA, §§USDA-ARS, Sugarcane Research Unit, Houma, LA 70360, USA, }}Departamento de Bioquı́mica, Instituto de Quı́mica, Universidade de São Paulo, 05508-900, São Paulo-SP, Brazil, kkDepartment of Plant Biology, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA Abstract Sugarcane is a proven biofuel feedstock and accounts for about 40% of the biofuel production worldwide. It has a more favorable energy input/output ratio than that of corn, the other major biofuel feedstock. The rich resource of genetic diversity and the plasticity of autopolyploid genomes offer a wealth of opportunities for the application of genomics and technologies to address fundamental questions in sugarcane towards maximizing biomass production. In a workshop on sugarcane engineering held at Rutgers University, we identified research areas and emerging technologies that could have significant impact on sugarcane improvement. Traditional plant physiological studies and standardized phenotypic characterization of sugarcane are essential for dissecting the developmental processes and patterns of gene expression in this complex polyploid species. Breeder friendly DNA markers associated with target traits will enhance selection efficiency and shorten the long breeding cycles. Integration of cold tolerance from Saccharum spontaneum and Miscanthus has the potential to expand the geographical range of sugarcane production from tropical and subtropical regions to temperate zones. The Flex-stock and mix-stock concepts could be solutions for sustaining local biorefineries where no single biofuel feedstock could provide consistent year-round supplies. The ever increasing capacities of genomics and biotechnologies pave the way for fully exploring these potentials to optimize sugarcane for biofuel production. Keywords: Genetic engineering, Flex-stock, Mix-stock, Sugarcane improvement Received 5 March 2009 and accepted 3 April 2009 It is inevitable that fossil fuel will be replaced by renewable biofuels and other alternative energy sources. Global demand for biofuel as a clean renewable energy source is rising rapidly. By 2017, the US alone will need 135 billion liters of renewable fuels as a goal set by the 20 Correspondence: Eric Lam, e-mail: eric189@hotmail.com; Ray Ming, e-mail: rming@life.illinois.edu r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd in 10 program (reduce gasoline usage by 20% in 10 years) in 2007. The current total global production of renewable fuels is 50 billion liters a year, about 40% of which comes from sugarcane that is mostly produced by Brazil. Recent investments from public and the private sectors worldwide in biofuel research have brought sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) to the forefront as the most productive first generation energy crop. However, there 251 252 E . L A M et al. is enormous potential to further improve this energy crop, in spite of its complex genome, by utilizing tools from the rapid advances in genomics and molecular biology coupled with conventional breeding. Sugarcane is one of the world’s most efficient crops in converting solar energy into chemical energy. It is among the crops having the most favorable total energy output per unit of energy required to produce the crop, the output/input ratio (Heichel, 1974). An energy balance of 3 U output per 1 U input (3 : 1 ratio) was estimated for sugarcane grown in Hawaii (Tew, 1980) while ratios as high as 8 : 1 have been reported in Brazil (Bourne, Jr., 2007), which starkly contrasts with the 1.25 : 1 output/ input ratio for corn (Hill et al., 2006). It should be noted that sugarcane has longer growing seasons in the tropics. Sugarcane is an important crop for many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, including four states in the United States: Florida, Texas, Louisiana, and Hawaii. In addition to crop production for sugar as a sweetener and juice as a feedstock for ethanol production, the large amount of biomass has been used as a fuel for generation of electricity and is expected to eventually be used as an additional source for ethanol production. These current and future uses have generated increased interest among sugarcane producers as the societal demand for alternative fuels dramatically increases. As the production cost for ethanol from sugarcane steadily drops while the price of crude oil and gasoline increases as a long-term trend, the demand for ethanol as an alternative fuel is expected to increase on a global basis. For example, Japan could require 2–6 billion liters of ethanol per year, depending on the required ethanol mix that is between 3% and 10%. Moreover, correlation between the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide from petroleum use and global warming has created an urgent need to develop and optimize ‘green fuels’ that will have carbon neutral or even carbon negative capabilities (Schiermeier et al., 2008). Biomass feedstocks such as sugarcane and corn are currently the major operating biofuel systems in large production scales in the world. Corn has been the chief source for ethanol production in the United States for several years. Corn and rice could serve as model species for improving biofuel production in the grass family as extensive genomic resources already developed have potential for modifying these crops for increased biofuel capacity (Bush & Leach, 2007; Lawrence & Walbot, 2007). However, the ethanol production capacity of corn on an area basis is far below that of sugarcane (495 vs. 2105 gallons/acre). Other energy crops in the grass family include sorghum and millet, with the sorghum genome having been sequenced recently (Paterson et al., 2009). The sorghum genome can now be used as a template for resequencing sweet sorghum varieties for marker discovery and functional genomic analyses. Sweet sorghum has greater capacity for biofuel production since more of the plant’s biomass can be readily used for fermentation instead of only the starch from the grains. It can also be used as a template for assembling the autopolyploid genome of sugarcane since they diverged as recently as 8–9 million years ago (Janoo et al., 2007), while maize and rice diverged from sorghum about 12 and 45 million years ago, respectively (Gaut & Doebley, 1997; R. Ming, unpublished results). Within the Saccharum complex, a term used to describe a group of closely related genera (Sreenivasan et al., 1987), sugarcane and Miscanthus are biofuel feedstocks, and sugarcane could serve as a genomic model for Miscanthus, which has comparatively less genetic information and fewer genomic resources available. Brazil has been an exemplary model in developing and commercializing use of biofuels in its bid to minimize dependency on foreign oil while decreasing hydrocarbon air pollution. At the forefront of these activities, sugarcane-derived ethanol has played an indispensable role. Brazil’s successful implementation, as the largest economy in South America, of the transition to a largely ethanol-based fuel consumption model serves as a significant verification of the feasibility to replace fossil fuels with renewable biofuels. However, for sustainability and to provide adequate fuel for consumption in a high energy demand country such as the US, biomass production in feedstock crops such as sugarcane needs to be further optimized and enhanced. Specifically, this means increasing sugarcane yields in countries that already grow it, such as Brazil and the United States. In addition, we need to adapt the crop for sustainable production and more reliable delivery of the needed biomass in more temperate climates that include much of the United States, as well as in other countries. With these objectives in mind, a 2-day workshop on sugarcane engineering was held on October 8th and 9th of 2008 at Rutgers University. Sixteen participants from Rutgers and other US institutions, as well as colleagues from Brazil who are involved or interested in biofuel feedstock research attended to present their research and discuss areas of importance for biofuel feedstock improvement, especially in reference to further optimization of sugarcane as an energy crop. From the roundtable discussion that took place in the second day of this Workshop, three categories of recommendations were synthesized from collective discussion by the group. We believe these are useful ideas to share with the plant biology community since the biofuel problem presents an important opportunity that can have great impact for our society’s wellbeing. r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, GCB Bioenergy, 1, 251–255 IMPROVING SUGARCANE FOR BIOFUEL Critical areas of activity to further optimize sugarcane as an energy crop Physiological knowledge and education Currently there are not enough educational programs supporting plant and/or crop physiological research in sugarcane. Traditional plant physiology studies combined with molecular techniques are needed to develop whole system models for a better understanding of plant development and gene expression. Sucrose synthesis and translocation pathways, cell wall composition and pathways for lignin synthesis are examples of relevant biological problems that need to be more thoroughly understood before biotechnology advances can be fully utilized to improve regulation of these and other pathways. 253 301N and 301S latitude. As a perennial crop, sugarcane offers many advantages compared with annual crops as a feedstock for bioenergy production. In addition to its more efficient solar-energy conversion, sugarcane can be harvested annually for a number of years without replanting. For these reasons sugarcane represents an attractive component of our global bioenergy future. One of the biggest technical challenges for energy production from sugarcane biomass in the United States is to expand its adaptability, including drought and cold tolerance. Comparative analyses between sugarcane and other potential energy grasses that have more tolerance to cold and drought, such as its close relatives Miscanthus and sorghum, are thus important for future engineering and improvement of sugarcane. Broaden sugarcane germplasm with Miscanthus Phenotype characterization Sugarcane researchers need to reach a consensus on standardized protocols to phenotypically characterize and document germplasm for traits such as drought and flood tolerance, cold tolerance, photosynthetic efficiency and nutrient use efficiency in particular environments. These are complex traits that depend on the functions of multiple biochemical and physiological processes. Plant physiology research will be needed to determine appropriate metrics to characterize these traits in a high throughput manner and in consistent ways by different research programs. Miscanthus spp. is a member of the saccharum complex, and produces viable hybrids when crossed with sugarcane. Above freezing low temperatures during growth has little effect on Miscanthus photosynthesis, as opposed to a decrease of 80% in corn (Naidu et al., 2003). If cold tolerance genes from Miscanthus could be identified and isolated, and then transferred into tropical energy crops such as sugarcane, the enhanced lines might achieve high biomass production under temperate conditions. Each crop has its relative strengths and weaknesses, and interspecific or intergeneric hybridization may thus be a method to transfer traits of value from one species to another or to create a unique new species, specifically developed for biofuel production. Breeder friendly markers The identification of markers associated with stress tolerance traits is needed for screening germplasm and progeny derived from crosses. This quest should be aided by the rapidly advancing genomic technologies such as NextGen Sequencing methods, but will require more concerted efforts in the community to develop user-friendly bioinformatics support and programs. High throughput genotyping platforms need to be developed to overcome the relatively small effects that may be contributed by individual quantitative trait loci. Resequencing of sweet sorghum varieties Potential impact of resequencing sweet sorghum resides on the efficient manipulation of physiological parameters with a view to increase biomass yield and the recovery of biofuel from biomass with less than optimum water availability. Comparative analysis of sweet sorghum and field sorghum genomes might reveal genes or regulatory elements responsible for increased sugar production. Genetic mapping could identify genes or quantitative trait loci controlling drought tolerance. These genes are desirable for sugarcane improvement via genetic transformation. Translational research between energy grasses and model plants Novel technology development Expand the geographical range for sugarcane production Flex-stock concept for using different biofuel feedstocks Traditional breeding and genetic engineering have the potential to develop sugar/energy cane genotypes with adaptability beyond its ideal growing region, between This concept involves constructing refineries for biofuel production that can use diverse sources of biofuel feedstock, e.g. cane, cassava, corn, sweet sorghum etc. This r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, GCB Bioenergy, 1, 251–255 254 E . L A M et al. approach can alleviate problems of seasonal availability of a particular feedstock by having a refinery that can use multiple inputs. Feedstock flexibility would have economic advantages, as the refinery can then potentially be operated year-round while specific feedstocks might be seasonal. The ability of a local refinery to use multiple feedstocks would also encourage the development of minor feedstocks used to fill in the gaps in production associated with seasonal bulk crops. This concept depends on the economics and technical feasibility of building such a refinery. It was pointed out that in China, several ethanol producing plants that were recently built to use only a single feedstock are consistently working below capacity and thus not economically sustainable. It was suggested that the Flex-Stock approach might work well for industrial plants built to produce syngas from biomaterials, as these can readily use multiple types of feedstock as input. Another FlexStock scenario could be a biorefinery that can handle both sugar (e.g. sugarcane or sweet sorghum) and starch (e.g. corn) based feedstocks efficiently. While the concept was not explored in detail, the fundamental issue of ensuring a year-round supply of biofuels feedstock was recognized as an important one, especially in climates that experience more extreme seasonal variations than the traditional sugarcane producing regions. Mix-Stock concept for the separate production of enzymes involved in feedstock degradation, transformation and fermentation The notion of introducing transgenes into plants that encode enzymes for degradation of recalcitrant polymers, or that contribute to the conversion and fermentation of starch and sugars to alcohol is well established and is the goal of some current projects in the Lam lab at Rutgers University. The Mix-Stock approach attempts to reduce the cost of adding enzymes from exogenous sources (that have to be produced, extracted and purified from microbial cultures) by building them into an enzyme feedstock to supplement the bulk feedstock in biofuels processing. In this ‘Mix-Stock’ concept, the degradative enzymes are incorporated into a separate transgenic plant variety (called the ‘enzyme stock’) that is then mixed in with the bulk feedstock, such as sugarcane, cassava, corn or grasses as they are fed into the refinery. Such ‘enzyme stock’ needs to be developed in multiple varieties or even species to prevent disruption caused by a crop failure. The advantages of this approach are that different transgenic enzyme stock plants can be developed and cultivated independently of the bulk feedstock. Moreover, some feedstock can be difficult to transform while there are other cultivars that can be transformed more efficiently and these would normally need to be introduced into breeding programs to facilitate the transformation of the recalcitrant bulk feedstock. This can add many years to field deployment. In addition, by making the feedstock ‘transgenic’ there is the added burden of obtaining deregulation for the transgenic feedstock. Separating the production of bulk biomass from the production of enzymes needed for lignocellulose breakdown and starch conversion may minimize or avoid these problems, thus providing considerable flexibility to the breeders and processors. Moreover, transgenic production of degradative enzymes can occur in a plant species that is already approved for field production (e.g. tobacco, tomato) and helps avoid the need to engineer different feedstock species. In addition, separating enzyme production provides flexibility of cultivation (the plants can be intercropped, or grown in separate fields or even locations), allows for multiple and interspersed (and even separately grown) crops of both the feedstock and the enzyme stock species. It also expands the potential market for enzyme stock plants that can be provided to producers of biofuels from multiple feedstock sources. Discussion of this concept among the workshop participants was positive and it was recognized that this approach can allow rapid improvements in enzyme performance (e.g. from directed evolution) to be more quickly incorporated into biofuel production systems. In summary, all participants in this Workshop agreed that further collaborations between investigators from the United States and Brazil would be highly desirable and synergistic in order to realize the objective of optimizing sugarcane and other related crops as biofuel feedstocks. Research and development of even a subset of the ideas outlined above could have major impact in the further implementation of a global transition from petroleum-based fuels to a renewable and environmentally sustainable biofuel economy. With the urgent climate issue of global warming and energy security in mind, we hope our Workshop and the ideas that were generated will seed new collaborative projects in the near future. Acknowledgement We thank Paul Moore for reviewing and editing the manuscript. Funding for this workshop was generously provided by the International Cluster of Sugarcane Engineering of Rutgers University, the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, the Biotechnology Center for Agriculture and the Environment, the Rutgers Energy Institute, the Waksman Institute of Microbiology, and the Turfgrass Center of the NJ Agricultural Experiment Station of Rutgers University. r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, GCB Bioenergy, 1, 251–255 IMPROVING SUGARCANE FOR BIOFUEL References Bourne Jr JK (2007) Green dreams. National Geographic, October, 38–59. Bush DR, Leach JE (2007) Translational genomics for bioenergy production: there’s room for more than one model. Plant Cell, 19, 2971–2973. Gaut BS, Doebley JF (1997) DNA sequence evidence for the segmental allotetraploid origin of maize. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 94, 6809–6814. 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