Close Up of paper - River Dell Regional School District

Wide shot of room, bell rings.
Medium shot of teacher calling student to desk.
Comment [DR-21]: Trey, can I talk to you
for a second?
OTS of student sitting down
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Comment [DR-22]: I wanted to talk to you
about your assignments this marking period.
Medium shot/OTS of Student dialogue
Comment [DR-23]: What assignments?
Medium Shot of teacher pulling out pile of papers
Comment [DR-24]: Exactly…
Close Up of papers on desk
Medium shot/OTS of Student dialogue
Comment [DR-25]: Oh those assignments…
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Comment [DR-26]: Trey we are halfway
through the marking period and you haven’t
submitted a single good assignment. Right
now, you have a seven in this class
Medium shot/OTS of Student dialogue
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Medium shot/OTS of Student dialogue
Comment [DR-27]: Hey not bad!
Comment [DR-28]: Out of 100.
Comment [DR-29]: Oh….
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Comment [DR-210]: For your Of mice and
Men essay, you gave me a picture of a mouse.
Medium shot/OTS of Student dialogue
Comment [DR-211]: (reaction shot)
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Comment [DR-212]: For the persuasive
essay, I asked for 12 point font, times new
roman. You gave me 72 point font wingdings.
Medium shot/OTS of Student dialogue
Comment [DR-213]: (reaction shot)
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Comment [DR-214]: You are the first
student in the school to get 100% similarity on
Medium shot/OTS of Student dialogue
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Close Up of paper
Comment [DR-215]: Hey she copied me!
Comment [DR-216]: Regardless, you have a
problem with plagiarism. For your
scriptwriting assignment, you turned in the
first ten pages of Avatar. You even left James
Cameron’s name on it!
Medium shot/OTS dolly to door. Brooks walks in, dialogue.
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Medium shot/OTS of Brooks dialogue
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Medium shot/OTS of Brooks dialogue
Medium shot/OTS of teacher dialogue
Medium shot/OTS of Brooks dialogue
Mid shot of fletcher sitting at desk, looks at paper, picks up phone.
Close Up of fletcher dialogue.
OTS Close up of papers.
Comment [DR-217]: Hi, Ms Brooks? I was
hoping to talk to you about the School Safety
report you gave me today….