October - Temple Israel

October 2014 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5775
Kol Yisra’el
The Voice of Temple Israel
Simchat Torah
with us!
This is the joyous festival when we “rejoice in the Torah.” During the Service, we read
the last section of the Book of Deuteronomy and the beginning of the Book of Genesis
as an affirmation of our commitment to celebrate and learn Torah. Join us for the
beautiful Consecration Service.
Consecration and
Got Simchat Torah Service
Wednesday, October 15 ~ 5:00 p.m.
Shabbat Services
Friday, October 3
Kol Nidre Service (see schedule inside)
Saturday, October 4
Yom Kippur Service
(see schedule inside)
Friday, October 10
6:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service
Saturday, October 11
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, October 17
6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat
7:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service
Saturday, October 18
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, October 24
6:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service
Saturday, October 25
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, October 31
7:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service
Simchat Torah Service
Thursday, October 16 ~ 10:30 a.m.
Yizkor will be observed
Saturday, November 1
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Table of Contents
Shabbat Services Cover
Foundation’s Message/ B’nai Mitzvah
Page 4
President’s Message
Page 3
Torah CenterPage 5
SisterhoodPage 6
Jewish Heritage Trip
Page 7
Newest Members/ DIC BBQ
Page 9
Library/ Joys of Jewish Learning
tilbConnect/ Shabbabque Pics
Page 8
Page 10
CalendarPage 11
SCIC/ Anniversaries
Page 12
YahrzeitPage 13
ContributionsPgs 14-16
Sustaining Members/ Sponsors
Page 16-19
Get Well Wishes To...
Charlotte Axel
Ron Banner
Helen Barrad
Thelma Conway
Sylvia Coonen
Bruce Dahl
Trevor Davis-Dressner
Rob Feldman
Gordon Lentzner
Susanna Levitt
Shirley Loeb
June Rubin
Raleigh Schultz
Dan Spellens
Max Turien
Denise Wishner
Rose Ziskrout
Kol Yisra’el is a monthly newsletter published August - June
by Temple Israel (a member of the Union for Reform Judaism).
The deadline for submission of all material for the newsletter is the
10th of the preceding month prior to publication.
Professional Staff
Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
Eric J. Shatzkin, Executive Director • Sharon Amster Brown, Educator
Cantor Emeritus Marvin Finnley • David York, Organist
Our Mission Statement:
To actively engage in a journey of Jewish spiritual, educational
and social growth.
Our Vision Statement
A vibrant, caring Reform congregation of living Judaism
that embraces the rich legacy of Jewish thought, practice and
Kol Nidre: Friday, October 3
6:00 p.m. First Service
8:30 p.m. Second Service
Yom Kippur: Saturday, October 4
8:00 a.m. First Service
11:00 a.m. Second Service
1:15 p.m. Yom Kippur Forum
3:30 p.m. Yizkor Service (New time for 2014)
4:15 p.m. Afternoon Service
6:00 p.m. N’ilah Service
7:00 p.m. Havdallah (Approximate time)
Followed by challah & cookies to break fast
Children’s Services and Programs
Yom Kippur: Holiday Activities Saturday, October 4
First Service
8:00 a.m.– 10:00 a.m. Grades K-3
9:00 a.m.– 10:00 a.m. Grades 4-6
Second Service
10:45 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. Grades K-3
11:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. Grades 4-6
Yom Kippur Family Service 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Board of Directors 2014 - 2015
Jonathan Kass
Seth Goldman
Joanne Levy
Steven Keiles
VP Ritual Practices
Deborah Lewis
Amy Lipeles
VP Education
Past President
David Philips
Mark Beizer
VP Membership
Foundation President
Ed Green
VP Programming
Evan Braude, Rick Burney, Leslie Ciletti, Martha De Young,
Deborah Fabricant, Joyce Feldman, Gail Freedman,
Steve Gordon, Danny Levy, Dove Mayo, Barry Mitnick,
Joel Perler, David Tillman
President’s Message
Talkin’ bout our generations
By Jonathan Kass, Temple President
I was recently reading a debate, between
several online writers, on the challenges
of communication between the Baby
Boomers, Generation X, and the
Millennials. I’m sure many of you have
heard the various clichés and stereotypes
that often come up in this discussion.
While many online discussions tend to
focus on the impact in the work world
of this clash of generational cultures, we,
at Temple Israel, also find ourselves with
highly engaged congregants from many
generational groups.
We are so fortunate to still have congregational family members
who personally remember World War II. For others, the Kennedy
presidency or the moon landing are their earliest memories. Some
cannot remember a time before the space shuttle or may not
remember the USSR. Still others, particularly those Millennials,
have no memory of a time before the Internet. And if you look
just a little further down the road, our preschoolers today will
never know a time when America hadn’t already had an African
American President.
In Jewish traditional terms, we also span multiple generations.
Many of us grew up in what we now refer to as “classical reform”
congregations, where there may have been little emphasis on
some traditional forms of observance such as kippot and Hebrew
in services. Others grew up in conservative shuls where reform
congregations may have seemed foreign, but for whom now the
reform movement, as embodied at Temple Israel, creates a strong
connection. And some of our congregation didn’t grow up Jewish
at all, having come to Reform Judaism by personal choice, study,
and commitment – or having come to Temple Israel as part of a
family creating a Jewish household, even though their personal
beliefs may be different.
As we embark on another year of exciting programming across the
synagogue, and the board continues its work on the strategic plan,
we will continually need to consider how we reach and engage
across all of these secular and Jewish generational differences.
nights and weekends playing out doors in a neighborhood full
of kids, without technology or scheduled play dates to make it
happen. Today our youth are often leading extraordinarily busy
and structured lives, racing from one activity to another with little
downtime, followed by long evenings of homework that always
seem intended to prepare them for the workload of a kid several
years older. They are also engaged in community service earlier
and earlier.
To remain relevant to this group, we’ll need to remember that they
tend to look for more meaning in where they spend their precious
little free time, as they are under much more schedule pressure in
their daily lives than most of us recall from our own youth.
Meanwhile, many of our Gen Xers are busy raising these kids trying to balance their schedules, get them everywhere they need
to go, and continue to build their own adult lives. Others are midcareer professionals who don’t have large families, and who are
looking for connections based not in their roles as parents, but in
their personal and professional interests.
And of course our Boomers are defined in part today by their pace
towards retirement – I recently heard that about 10,000 a day are
retiring over the next 15 years or so. This is also a generation that
is redefining retirement to not simply be a shift to leisure time, but
also a chance to focus their energies, in a very work-like fashion,
on their passions and their communities.
At Temple Israel, we are so fortunate to have passionate, engaged
congregants that span this wide spectrum of experiences, interests,
needs, and wants. Our goal is to provide programming, services,
and everything in between to enable each of us to connect. I
would welcome your feedback on what you’re looking for from
the Temple and our community, and how you see yourself as part
of our future.
Wishing everyone a
Sweet New Year!
Since our ‘reopening’ we’ve been delivering many services and
events online, via streaming video. For some of our congregation,
it’s a new concept, an exciting option with the power to connect
those who may be unable to attend in person. For our millennials,
raised with the Internet and YouTube, online services cater to their
general expectation to always have access to multiple alternatives
for participation.
Beyond the millennials entering adulthood, we have also seen
an amazing change in what it means to be a child and young
adult in our community. There are many jokes online about my
generation (I’m either a very young Boomer, or a very old Gen
X’er, depending on the study) that still remembers spending
Foundation’s Message
FOUNDATION UPDATEand calendar musings...
By Mark Beizer, Foundation President
Would anyone agree with me that
autumn is a better time for a new year
than January 1? After all, lots of things
change in the fall—for the better,
in my view. The kids (thankfully) go
back to school, which, if you’re lucky,
is some distance away; football arrives
(and baseball finally has meaning...);
the weather cools (but not without
its last throes, as in the normal High
Holy Day heat wave); the brown of
Southern California becomes the norm
across the nation.
But... as Rabbi Moskowitz points out in his HHD greeting in
Long Beach Jewish Life, this is not really the Jewish New Year
anyway – Tishrei is the seventh month of the year, and we can
even choose to celebrate, or as the sages might prefer, observe,
any of four “new years”. Of course, the purpose of a Jewish new
year is spiritual t’shuvah – or, perhaps, the “tithing of animals”
-- not fireworks, inebriation, and short-lived resolutions... And
what the heck happens in January anyway? I mean, besides
clearance sales....
OK, now for the morally uplifting portion of this message...
The Temple Israel Foundation expects this to be a busy year. In
addition to our traditional efforts to build the Foundation’s nest
egg, which supports Temple operations and provides backup
for tough times, we are looking at establishing special funds to
support key staff positions, and to secure the building’s physical
future. More on this effort will follow in subsequent issues of
Kol Yisra’el.
Meanwhile, I am pleased to report that the Temple Board
recently approved two new members of the Temple Israel
Foundation Board of Trustees:
yy Gary Roberts-Gary recently served on the Temple Board.
He termed out (as they say...) and so we grabbed him
and indentured him to our Foundation Board (OK, he
volunteered...). Gary is, of course, also the leader of our
Men’s Club.
yy David Sacks-semi-retired OB/GYN, avatar of both
skepticism and alacrity -- returns to the Foundation board
where he served as president from 2003-05. We’re very
excited to have his experience back with us.
New year or not, on behalf of all of our Foundation Trustees,
have a happy and healthy next twelve months!
This Month’s B’nai Mitzvah
My name is Natalie Petersen and I am
an 8th grader at McAuliffe Middle
Natalie Peterson School. All my subjects in school are
honors classes and I’m also taking
October 18, 2014
a Spanish class. I play competitive
travel soccer with practices three days a week and games every
weekend. I am also participating in the madrichim program
in Torah center. For my Bat Mitzvah project I decided to do
something that is a special interest of mine - dogs. I volunteer
every Friday after school at the SPCA shelter working with
the shelter dogs and helping with laundry. I get to train the
dogs to sit and not to jump or bark so they become even more
adoptable. I am working on my next level so that I can do even
more to help them become happier and more social while they
wait for their forever homes. I want to thank everyone who has
helped me prepare for my important day and all the people who
are traveling so far to be with me. Thank you!
Not pictured
Hi, my name is Ella Kay Farrell and
I am an 8th grader at Orange County
School of the Arts. When I am not
at school I can be found dancing at
my second home, Elevation Studios
in Signal Hill. I’ve been dancing since
I was three years old and have been a
competitive dancer since I was five. I
dance all styles; ballet, tap. jazz, lyrical,
contemporary and hip hop. For my
Picture Removed Mitzvah project I worked with a notfor-profit organization called Dance
for Web
2 Your Door. Our mission is to bring
Ella Farrell
the art and entertainment of dance to
October 25, 2014
facilities for the elderly, chronically ill, and immobile throughout
Southern California. In my spare time I enjoy being with my
friends and family, swimming, and going to the beach. On
October 25, 2014 I will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah.
I want to thank everyone who helped me to prepare for this
important day. I look forward to spending this special day with
friends and family!
Torah Center
Torah Center’s Opening Day!
TI Sisterhood
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (& more!)
By Joanne Levy, Newsletter & Publicity
What’s better than a dinner out with
a few close friends? The answer is,
dining al fresco with 40 great Temple
Israel gals. The first Women’s Night
Out of the year, held on August 27th
at Preveza Restaurant in Los Alamitos,
broke all attendance records. There was
much schmoozing, laughing, catchingup and kvelling. In fact, everyone
enjoyed themselves so much, the next Women’s Night Out is
already scheduled for October 29th, and you won’t want to miss it!
Now don’t think that all we do is dine out. We also spend
time feeding the soul. Kathy Krieda, our Social Action Chair,
is developing plans for Sisterhood volunteer dates at Ronald
MacDonald House and collecting warm clothing during the
winter for those in need. On the lighter side, our Programming
Committee, under the able direction of Deb Lewis, has a
full calendar, including a Mah Jongg Party for both new and
experienced players on January 11th. Watch this page for all Save
the Date announcements.
Sisterhood Request for Recipes
For those who also like to dine in, Elyse Gordon
is spearheading the creation of the first
Temple Israel Sisterhood Cookbook in over 20 years!
• Do you have a favorite recipe from your bubbie?
• Do friends always ask for the recipe for that great dessert or
appetizer you bring for Shabbat dinner?
Well, it’s time to share those recipes by submitting them for our
cookbook. We are really excited to be compiling a book filled
with favorites.
Please submitt recipes to Elyse Gordon
3434 McNab Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90808
or egordon938@verizon.net
*Please do not include recipes with pork, shellfish or dairy/meat
Women’s Night Out
Wednesday, October 29th at 6:30 p.m.
Eastside Marios • 4771 Candlewood St., Lakewood
$23 per person
Includes: entrée, soup or salad, and beverage (soda, coffee)
Sarah - $36 Rebecca - $54
Leah - $100 Rachel - $180
Checks payable to Temple Israel Sisterhood can be sent to
Sharon Coleman 1700 Bluff Pl #2, Long Beach 90802
(562) 436-9530 or sharonscoleman@yahoo.com
For your convenience: the Membership Brochure at
THis Month’s Renewing Members
Binnie Berro, Valerie Condon, Marilyn Day, Cheryl Eiser, Arlene
Freeman, Debbie Feldman, Joanne Feldman, Andrea Friedenthal,
Pat Glow, Michele Goldstein, Michelle Gordon, Joan Leb, Nancy
Lentzner, Margaret Locke, Deb Lewis, Ana Moskowitz, Mona Panitz,
Susan Phillips, Doris Ratner, Joy Rosenthal, Janet Schultz, Kristina
Shafton, Shelly Speigel-Coleman, Karen Strelitz
Welcome to our Newest Members
Hana Askin, Sharlee Bergman, Nancy Blum, Laurie Gerstman,
Lory Glickman, Carol Greenberg
All reservations MUST be pre-paid.
Please indicate your choice:
Eggplant Siciliana (parmagiana with spinach)
Angel Hair Primavera (vegetarian)
Classic Caesar Salad with Chicken
Baked Ziti (pomodoro sauce/herbs/cheese)
Mail to Temple Israel Office - Attn. Charmaine
Make checks: payable to: Temple Israel Sisterhood
All pre-paid reservations must be received by
Thursday, October 23
O u r S ist e r h oo d
All Your High Holy Days Needs and more!
Honey Pots, Apple Plates, Candles, Kiddush Cups,
Challah Plates, Gift Certificates, Beautiful gifts for
weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvah gifts and cards, and
New Greeting Cards for ALL Occasions!
Jewish Heritage Trip June 2014
by Rick & Linda Burney
In June, 20 of us including
nine people associated
journeyed to Eastern
Europe for a Jewish
Heritage experience. The
goal of the trip was to
provide an appreciation
of and insight into Jewish
life in Central and Eastern
Europe, past and present,
coupled with exposure
to the rich cultural life
of these newly free countries. Never far from any discussion
was the Holocaust, the role played by the countries of Eastern
Europe in the Holocaust, and the aftermath in those countries.
The trip mixed difficult days (Auschwitz and Terezin) with
lighter moments (the beauty and culture of Prague, Krakow and
Budapest) and by the end of the journey we had gained valuable
insight into Jewish life in these countries. Most importantly, we
all had an increased appreciation of Israel and why it’s existence
is crucial.
Our journey into the recent past of European Jewry focused on
bearing witness to the Holocaust; we saw the area that was once
the Warsaw Ghetto, visited concentration/death camps, and
observed the post-war and present day impact of the Shoah on
the Jews of Europe. The tour started in Warsaw, Poland. While
a number of monuments and memorials to Jews who perished
in the Holocaust and the Warsaw Ghetto have been built so that
the stories of their lives will not be forgotten, there is little left
of the ghetto infrastructure, which was destroyed by the Nazis
in 1943.
While still in Poland, we visited Auschwitz/Birkenau, and it was
every bit as difficult as one would imagine. My wife, Linda, had a
great-aunt who was a Birkenau survivor and Linda had brought
along her great-aunt’s memoir which documented her horrific
experiences in the camps. Linda read portions to the group and
everyone felt the chilling reality from the testimony of a survivor.
We concluded this most solemn day when we stopped at a small
memorial to those who had perished. Candles and stones were
placed on the memorial and together we recited Kaddish and
quietly walked away.
In the Czech Republic, we went to the Terezin Concentration
camp which was just outside of Prague. While less notorious than
Auschwitz/Birkenau, Terezin served as a slave labor camp and a
transit camp for many who passed through, only to be murdered
in the death camps. In Budapest, we visited the “Shoes on the
Danube” memorial so that we could remember the thousands of
Jews who were murdered on the banks of the Danube River in
1944 by the Hungarian fascist group, the Arrow Cross.
A personal goal for this trip was to understand how the
Central/Eastern European countries that we visited currently
view the Holocaust and whether these countries have taken
any accountability for their role in the Shoah. I received my
answer and it was disappointing. Both Poland and the Czech
Republic have taken the position that the Holocaust was the
sole responsibility of Germany, that they suffered too at the
hands of the Germans and that many millions of people were
murdered by the Germans. They acknowledge that many of the
victims were Jews but assume no responsibility. Hungary has
never truly addressed the Holocaust and even today, there is an
ultra-nationalist faction in the Hungarian government that is
virulently anti-Semitic.
One surprise that we encountered was the “Jewish Renaissance”
that is taking place in Krakow, Poland. Poles, who, until now
were unaware that they had any Jewish ancestry, are discovering
their Jewish roots. Given Poland’s long history of antiSemitism, we all were skeptical about what we were hearing
but the fact remains that the Jewish community of Krakow
is growing and receiving financial assistance from the Polish
government. There is a very active JCC in Krakow that is the
hub of Jewish activity and growth in Krakow. This is in stark
contrast to other countries that we visited where there is little
evidence of a vibrant Jewish community. In Hungary, there is
the very real prospect of a decrease in the Jewish population as
Jews leave for better economic opportunity and safer havens. We
saw numerous synagogues in the Czech Republic and Hungary
that were quite beautiful but they are not used much for religious
purposes and function more as Jewish museums. There are not
enough practicing Jews in these countries to fill the synagogues.
There were parts of the trip that were focused on something
other than Jewish heritage. We visited an ancient salt mine near
Krakow, experienced the stunningly beautiful city of Prague,
visited palaces in both Prague and Budapest and explored caves
in the Czech Republic.
In addition to learning about the horrors Jews experienced in
the 1930s and 1940s, we experienced so much more. We were
reminded of the prominent role Jews had in these countries prior
to the Holocaust, professionally, culturally and in some cases
politically. We heard first hand from a heroic woman whom we
met in Krakow who hid a young Jewish girl in her home for
three years, at great peril to her own family. We heard about the
valiant efforts of the Swiss diplomat Carl Lutz and the Swedish
diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who saved countless Jews in
Budapest in 1944. We learned that there is a revival of Judaism
in Krakow and to a lesser extent, Prague. But the state of affairs
for Jews in Poland and the Czech Republic are still tenuous. The
conditions for Jews in Hungary are dire and many Jews have exit
strategies planned. Jews are under attack in many western and
northern European countries; Poland and the Czech Republic,
ironically, are two relatively safe havens for Jews in Europe.
Finally, history has demonstrated repeatedly that Jews can never
assume themselves to be safe. With this knowledge, Israel is even
more important as a refuge and home for all Jews.
News From the Library
by Joan Leb
We print here the Temple Israel Library Circulation Policy for
new members and others who may not be familiar with it:
1. Temple Israel members, clergy, staff, and students in
the Torah Center may borrow books from the Franklin
Library. Others may enjoy the use of the facility but may
not borrow books or other media. Reference materials are
for library use only.
Temple Israel
adult education
Screening of the short film:
“Happiest Person in America”
with director Sara Israel
Saturday, October 11 at 7:00 p.m.
2. Adults and Torah Center students may have three items
on loan at one time.
3. Materials may be borrowed for three weeks. An item may
be renewed twice unless there is a “hold” on it for another
4. Fines will not be levied for overdue items. However,
borrowers are responsible for damaged or missing items.
If an item is lost or damaged beyond repair, the patron is
asked to purchase a replacement copy or pay an $18.00
fee or the value of the book, whichever is greater, to the
Library. An item will be considered lost if it has not
been returned at the end of a three-month period.
Thank you to those who returned several of the “lost” books
mentioned in the September Kol Yisrael. They are happy to be
Volunteers still needed for the library committee
and for the Sunday torah center. Please call or email Joan Leb if
you have questions. (562) 435-9390 or luckylady2617@verizon.net
Join us for a very special evening for a screening of the short
film “The Happiest Person in America” and a conversation
with its writer-director-producer Sara Israel.
Is there a mathematical formula for happiness? The Happiest
Person in America explores this possibility, and one woman’s
quest to learn from the one man who has perhaps mathematically
“achieved” it. Set at the cultural intersection of American
Judaism and the Asian American experience, the film tells an
unexpectedly funny and subtly insightful story about what we
lose and what we gain throughout our lives, and how those
transactions affect our identities and our happiness--even while
we must acknowledge that there are some aspects to each of us
that are immutable.
Recreating Creation
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
November 5, 19, and Dec. 3
Teacher: Miriam Wajnberg
The creation account in Genesis is one of the most familiar
stories in the Torah - or is it? What really happens in the creation
story? In this three-session course, we will study the Torah’s
creation story, along with midrashim, interpretive stories, that
elaborate on Genesis. We will compare the creation story of
our tradition with other explanations, including other cultural
narratives and scientific understandings of how the world came
to be. In addition, we will engage in some creation of our own,
using arts and creative writing to deepen our understandings.
Cost: None
WElcome to our Newest Members
Lisa Aubert
Joshua & Amy Axel
Sacha & Connie Bambadji
Joe & Harriette Bennish
Eli & Karen Ben-Shmuel
Chrles & Vicky Brodsky
David & Erin Cherson
John & Michelle Currey
MarilynGreen & Martha Ponce
Craig Kain & Kevin O’Grady
Don & Andrea Kaiser
Loren & Kim Kaiser
Ronnie & Priscilla Kershner
Tom & Gail Levy
Scott & Melissa Newman
Timothy & Sarah Redondo
Micki Sangster
Todd & Vicki Scherwin
Eve Schleich
Nadine Wener
Thank you to our Temple Israel
Volunteers at the Drop-in Center
Sponsored BBQ
By Stephanie A. Bussi,
Homelessness Chair, Social Action Committee
We want to thank the wonderful First Congregational Church
staff and volunteers: Arlene Mercer, Executive Director;
Roberta Enriquez, Program Director and Chef; Mark Gagnon;
Sous Chef: Roger Holman: Computer Lab Director and Gary
Shelton, Liaison between the Church and Temple. We need
to include and offer thanks to many of the Drop-In-Centers
regular volunteers.
As I am sure most of you are all aware Temple Israel and the
Drop-In-Center partnered several years ago and consequently
we prepare two yummy dinners for the members of the DIC
each year. The Torah Centers has also been involved as the
Confirmation class has worked several Sundays with the DIC.
The second grade has not only collected money but socks for our
guests. Mitzvah Day programs have also included preparing and
distributing hygiene kits. Members of the DIC are homeless,
poor, working poor, people down in their luck. We have been
seeing not only single people but families. On Sunday August
17th most of the members of Temple Israel and Drop-InCenter’s staff and volunteers came together to prepare and serve
a delicious indoor barbaque meal: chicken, baked beans, green
salad with fruit, deserts including freshly baked cookies and an
assortment of hot and cold beverages We fed approximately 350
guests Everyone thanked up for a wonderful meal and they look
forward to our return.
Our BBQ is now completed, our High Holy Days are quickly
coming upon us, and the world is looking forward to Christmas.
For the past 5 plus years we have been preparing a wonderful
Christmas Dinner for the DIC guests, including 16 roasted
turkeys, gravy, stuffing and all the fixings to make a wonderful
meal. Last year, because of all the many donations, we were able
to give our guests, beanies, gloves and socks---we hope to repeat
the same again this year.
None of the above could be made possible without the
sponsorship of our very generous Temple members, I must say
our Torah Study members are so very generous of not only their
time but their money. The Caring Community also continually
contribute to our coffers, We start work at 8:30 a.m. and
continue until 4 p.m. working in about two hour shifts. Help
is also needed in the form of a planning committee. If anyone
was left off the lists, please forgive me and let me know. Please, I
hope to hear from your soon (562) 436-6302 or email
Thank you to our TI Volunteers
Roni Shevick, Carol Greenberg, Tila Carol, Janneka Resnick,
Doreen W. Wendel, Catherine Benamon, Inge Johnson, David Sacks,
Deb Lewis, Maya Rosen, Laurel Gaumer, Joy and Hayim Zadaca,
Natalie Lissak, Bobbi Horowitz, Elizabeth Phelps, Barb Gilliam,
Mark and Nancy Speizer, Janette Hull, Louise Hensel, Alan Rosen,
Rita and Al Birch, Ruth Cooperman, Paddy Kaller, Fred Masback,
Jeannie Halliday, Irene and David Leib, Ilsebill Wolfe, Bianca
Cramer, Sandra and Gerald Joffee, Myron Wollin Elisa and Nico
Turien, Ellie Turien, Carlos Angel, Arla Lewis, Mark Levinstein,
Joanne Levy, Gail Sherain, Marlene Sanchez, Tina Lopez, Kathy
Bussi, Augie Bussi, Stephanie Bussi, Linda R. Fox, Sumiko Oberman,
Sam Aborne, Sue Griffiths, Barry Mitnick, Martine Korach, The
Alhadeff Family, Pat Glow, Charles and Dorothy Samuel, Temple
Israel’s Caring Community, Barbara E. Crane, Neil Steinhouser
Special thanks to the Dempsey Family and the Shabbaque
folks who packed up all the Shabbabaque leftovers and sent
them all to the DIC.
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Everyone had a great time at our annual Shabbabaque!
Interfaith gReetings
by Roni Love, member of the SCIC
Jews are preparing to embark on the High Holy Days season
of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a time for us to reevaluate
ourselves and where we’ve been; determining how we will be
our best selves in the new year. Though each faith tradition has
its unique ways of dealing with atonement and forgiveness this experience is universal, reaching to devotees of the world’s
religions. Their rituals are, “like the husk of a seed, preserve its
life and make it germinate,” according to Hinduism.co.za.
3 Bill & Kristina Shafton- 15 years
6 Brian & Sara Nisenholtz - 13 years
10 Charles & Vicky Brodsky - 4 years
Art & Audrey Zahler - 15 years
12 David & Joanne Feldman - 34 years
13 Lawrence Rosenthal & Kathrine Sachnoff - 18 years
Soctt & Beth Sterling - 7 years
16 Michael & Natlaie Furst - 1 year
Of the sin against the gods - Thou art atonement; Of the sin
against men-Thou art atonement; Of the sin against myselfThou art atonement; Of every kind of sin - Thou art atonement.
The sin that I have committed knowingly, and that I have
committed unawares, Of all sins - Thou art atonement. These
words are according to Hinduism’s Yajour Veda.
18 Steven & Scott Folick - 33 years
From early Christianity, the Apostle Paul said that “through the
waters of Baptism those who are born into this world, dead in sin,
are not only born again and made members of the Church, but being
stamped with a spiritual seal they become able and fit to receive the
other Sacraments.” ... To put it most simply, the power, effect,
benefit, fruit, and purpose of Baptism is to save…To be saved,
we know, is nothing else than to be delivered from sin, death,
and the devil and to enter into the kingdom of Christ and live
with him forever. From Luther’s Large Catechism, 1529.
23 Mark & Corey Brackmann - 10 years
Imam Johari Abdul-Malik on NPR’s Talk of the Nation with
Neal Conan, stated that in Islam there are five fundamental steps
to achieving atonement in Islamic tradition: to admit that what
you’ve done is wrong, to detest it in your heart, to commit to
turn away from it and not to go back, to make restitution, and
then to ask for God’s forgiveness. He also added that because we
punish ourselves over and over again for the same harms or sins
or crimes…self-forgiveness is an important part of this process
of atonement.
Sikhs believe that as the Divine light is in all of us, God already
knows of our “sins. We are to pray to God, for God to forgive us and
cleanse us. Only through God and doing Good Deeds in God’s name
in a way that God is pleased can we obtain salvation - escape from
sin,” according to http://diffen.com/difference.Hin/Christianity_
“The root of atonement is oneness,” Dr. Ed Tick of Soldier’s
Heart writes, “becoming one with”…entails not just awakening
or exchanging feelings of empathy, friendship, or forgiveness but
performing acts of repair that bring what was separated, divided,
or broken back into union.
Chag Sameach-Peace, Shalom, Salaam, Paz, Shanti, Her Ping
Jeff Schimsky & Kendra Miller - 16 years
20 Joel & Macy Jelinowicz - 7 years
21 Jerry & Joanne Levy - 30 years
22 Alan & Kathy Kreida - 31 years
Howard & Dove Mayo - 15 years
24 Ronald & Adele Banner - 27 years
Meir & Melodee Levy - 15 years
25 Daniel & Rebecca Siskin - 6 years
26 Joel & Kelly Perler - 13 years
Carl & Janet Schultz - 17 years
27 Steve & Michelle Gordon - 30 years
Ross & Cathrine Tesser - 29 years
September Anniversary
5 Sanford & Francine Levy -54 years
Y ahrzeit O bservance
“Zecher Tzadik Livracha”
The memory of the righteous are a blessing
October 1-7
Arthur Alban
Ethel Appel
Esther Baileys
Samuel Bard*
Soli Berger
Nancy Lerner Boone
Oscar Buchalter*
Martin Dicker
Rebecca Feiler
Martin Fixler*
Sara Greenberg*
Herbert Halpert
Bertha Hilf*
Morton Horowitz
Rhoda Janis
Nancy Jonas
Sylvia Karabenick
Barry Karp
Aladar Kelen
Becky Kozoll*
Ida Ruth Lichter*
Jack Lieberman*
Norman Miller*
Seymour Moreno
Bruno Neuburger*
Alfred Neumann
Harry Oster
Rebecca Pieser*
Selma Reichelsheimer
Julian Rosen*
Libby Sacks
Anna Sappell
Nathan Schulman*
Ruth Schultz
Sara Naran Segal
Mayer Sommer*
Flora Ruth Spellens*
Morris Stark*
Minnie Helstein Zack*
October 8-14
Esther Alban
Al J. Baral*
Hyman Davis
Elaine Ehrenberg
David Feuer*
Louis Gersten*
Claire Glow*
Janet Gonshak
Ralph Harris
Charles Hassenbusch*
Felix Horowitz*
Rhonda Jarvis
Pauline Katz*
Leona Kline
Donald David Kozoll*
Sylvia Lee*
George Lerner*
Robert Licht
Erwin Loeb
Dave Mathews
Jean Betty Meyer
Boyce Miller
Israel B. Padway*
Marcy Raftenberg*
Judith Anne Raykoff
Celia Reicher
Max H. Rose*
Ferne Rosen*
Max Rosen
Benjamin Rosenberg*
Rose Rudis
Maurice Sachs
Harry Silver
Jennie Silvergate*
Edith Swider
Jack Valt
Sarah Zatlin*
October 15-21
Allyn Abramson
Marcia Blank
Jesse Blatt
Jean Butler
Si Collins
Jess Cooperman
Gloria Davis
Ronald Decker
Seymour Diamond
B’nai Faulkner
Abraham Feuer*
Bertha Goodman*
Harry Hilf*
Arthur Holzman*
Bernhard Horowitz*
Stephen Horowitz
Nettie Horrowitz*
Esther Jacobi
Lillian Komaroff*
Walter Kutner
John Lane
Miriam Lebow
Irene Lederer
Nancy Leff*
Glenn Levy
Phyllis Lowenthal
Morris Lubkin
Shirely Marks
Marian Martin
Aaron Neiburger*
Morris Rabin*
Freda Rosen*
Max Saloman*
Joseph Shapiro*
Seymour Siegel*
Sylvia Heller Stern*
Ronald Allen Stutzer*
Rena Sugarman
Irving Switzky
Nathan Tobias
Beatrice Weinberger*
Rudolf Wolff*
Helene Worsley
Ruth Yarbrough
Blanka Zimmerman
October 22-28
Paulie Addis
Harry Alban
Sam Bender
Samuel Joseph Berro
Murray Black*
Ernest Bresch*
Natalie Brody*
Ester Buchholz
Lauren Ariel Calig*
Edwin Cogert
Tillie Evans
Ida Feldman
Warner Florsheim
Moe Freed
Mollie Garber
Jacob Gawryn
Shirley Gold
Allan Goldenberg
Ruth Hirschland
Alice Hirsh*
Laverne Leonardo
Florence Locks
Mable Melnicoe
Edith Meltzer*
Ilanea Ochitil
Sheldon Ray Prager*
Louis Rabenn*
Lewis Rabin*
Max Reicher
Freda Roberts
Ted Roselinsky
Irving Rosenberg
Lester Schumow
Lucy Solomon
Erna Stern
Keith Taylor
Harry Weinberger
Sol Wollin
October 29 - Nov. 4
Dave Aron*
Jacob Brodsky
Francis Brody
Irving Cohen
Sadye Angel Eisenberg
Charles Fritz
Harold Glasser*
Moe Grabelle*
Rose Greenberg
Yrielle Hirsch
Abraham Kaller*
Mollie Koppel*
Harold Lang
Sam Levin*
Hyman Levine*
Virginia Lopez
Paulette Maki
Leslie Martin*
Anthony Masters
Irving Mitnick
Lotte Newman
Walter Newman
John Philips
Sam Pilger*
Jennie Franklin Purvin*
Raymond Roberts
Joseph Rosenstreich
Beatrice Saltzman
Frances Schild*
Arnold Schulman
Howard Sherain
Donna Sylvia Simmons*
Harry Simon
Henry Simon
Lillie Steinberg*
Emanuel Stern*
Joyce Stuhlbarg
Ruth Swartz
Sidney Wasserman*
Saul Weiss
Gertrude Wool
* These names will be permanently inscribed on Memorial plaques
and are to be read in perpetuity.
Contributions Through September 10
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Israel by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through generous contributions
Betty Appel in loving memory of her husband, Julius “Pete” Appel.
Beverly August in loving memory of her mother, Bella Milkes.
Helen Barrad in loving memory of her husband, David Barrad.
Cathe & Mark Beizer in loving memory of Cathe’s father, W.
Robert Hagerman.
Beverly Brown in loving memory of her friend, Marlene Fields.
Beverly Brown in loving memory of her father-in-law, Joseph Brown.
Ruth Cooperman & Michael Tate in loving memory of Ruth’s mother,
Selma Cooperman.
Elaine & Howard Davis in loving memory of Elaine’s father,
Herman Albert.
Nisim & Julia Falach in loving memory of Nisim’s father, Jacob Falach Sr.
Joy & John Fisher in loving memory of Joy’s mother, Evelyn Palmquist.
Linda R. Fox in loving memory of her mother, Sylvia Selesnick.
Mort Godlas in loving memory of his father, Aaron Godlas.
Alan & Kathy Gordon in loving memory of Alan’s mother,
Phyllis Gordon.
Anne Gundry in loving memory of her father, Robert Gundry.
Judith Gale Hardaker in loving memory of her father, Louis Gale.
Judith Gale Hardaker in loving memory of her mother, Rae Gale.
Dorothy & Paul Hartstein in loving memory of Dorothy’s mother,
Marcia Federman.
Alain & Tari Hirsch in loving memory of Alain’s aunt, Helen Zelnick.
Alain & Tari Hirsch in loving memory of Alain’s uncle, Selim Sassoon.
Irene Hirschland in loving memory of her husband, Walter Hirschland.
Irene Hirschland in loving memory of her son, Mitch Berman.
Irene Hirschland in loving memory of her husband, Marshall Berman.
Dorothy & Joshua Kaye in loving memory of Dorothy’s parents,
Bertha & Sam Sherman.
Dorothy Levin in loving memory of her sister, Frances Faverman.
Dorothy Levin in loving memory of her friend, Marvin Sokol.
Gerald, Joanne, Gabrielle & Benjamin Levy in loving memory of
their mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Beverly Levy.
Alan & Robin Lilien in loving memory of Alan’s uncle, Irving Geldin.
Eva & Harry Lowenstein in loving memory of Eva’s father, Rafael Urcis.
Kathryn McDermott in loving memory of her mother, Susan Davis
Marc & Diane Merrick in loving memory of Marc’s aunt, Janet
Albert Roller in loving memory of his brother, Nick Roller.
Herman & June Rubin in loving memory of Herman’s mother,
Irene Ross.
David & Sadie Sacks in loving memory of David’s aunt, Henrietta
P. Berlin.
Samuel & Elizabeth Salzberg in loving memory of their niece,
Mara Schlesinger.
Gloria & Martin Simon in loving memory of Gloria’s father, Isaac
Martin & Gloria Simon in loving memory of Martin’s brother,
Lester Simon.
Sharon & Matthew Sloan in loving memory of Sharon’s father,
Nathan Meltzer.
Arlene Solomon in loving memory of her step-father, Eli Kaplan.
Barbara Wolfe in loving memory of her mother, Florence Weir.
Doreen Wright-Wendell in loving memory of her mother,
Bertha Wright.
Rose Ziskrout in memory of her beloved husband, Philip Ziskrout.
Beverly Brown and family in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Timu Gallien & Christine Bellettini in appreciation of Rabbi Moskowitz.
Ronald & Diane Guest in honor of Carl Hartman for the Fine Fellow he is!
Dawn Haldane & Art Lim in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Jerry & Joanne Levy in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband
of Arline Hillinger.
Sunelei Meylor.
Eugene & Shirley Ross in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Seymour & Reva Alban in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Seymour & Reva Alban in memory of Art Polacheck, beloved
husband of Karin Polacheck.
Barbara Alpert in honor of Rabbi Moskowitz.
Helen Barrad in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Binnie & Jack Berro in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband
of Arline Hillinger.
Jim & Peggy Brady in honor of the Wedding of Nancy & Jay Lentzner.
Jim & Peggy Brady in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved father of
Laurie Garabedian & David Hillinger.
Jim & Peggy Brady send their wishes for a speedy recovery to
Ana Moskowitz.
Mark Dressner & Matt Davis in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger, beloved father of David Hillinger.
Lyn & Joel Epstein in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger, beloved father of Laurie Garabedian and David Hillinger.
Jean Feldman in memory of Paul Hillinger, a Mensch and beloved
husband of Arline.
Linda R. Fox in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Linda R. Fox in loving memory of her grandfather, Hyman Selesnick.
Linda R. Fox sent her get well wishes to Ana Moskowitz.
Linda R. Fox as a thank you to Rabbi Moskowitz.
Marv & Lory Glickman in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
father of Laurie Garabedian.
Marv & Lory Glickman in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
father of David Hillinger.
Ronald & Diane Guest in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Chana & Glenn Ham-Rosebrock in memory of Paul Hillinger,
beloved husband of Arline Hillinger.
Carl & Elise Hartman in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Arline Hillinger & family in gratitude to Rabbi Moskowitz.
Steve Hillinger & Brenda Buratti with thanks & appreciation to
Rabbi Moskowitz.
Irene Hirschland in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Paddy Kaller in loving memory of Paul Hillinger, Oskie The Bear,
UC Berkeley ’44.
Shirley Kashoff.
Marian Lerner in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Dorothy Levin in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Shirley Loeb in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger, father of David Hillinger.
Eva & Harry Lowenstein in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Fred Masback in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Carol Masters in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Julie Maunders in appreciation of Rabbi Moskowitz.
Ralph & Jane Mindess in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Bethlaine Moreno & family in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Daryl & Sandy Phillips in loving memory of Louise White.
Daryl & Sandy Phillips in memory of Ellen Levy, beloved wife of
Walter Levy.
Daryl & Sandy Phillips in memory of Bea Friedland.
Sheila & Norman Pokras in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Dodie Robbins sent her get well wishes to Ana Moskowitz.
David & Sadie Sacks in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband
of Arline Hillinger.
Burt Schild in memory of Marlene Fields.
Burt Schild sent his get well wishes to Ana Moskowitz.
Nancy & Mark Speizer in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Bob & Phyllis Wallis sent their get well wishes to Ana Moskowitz.
Elaine Warren in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Barbara Wolfe in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Barbara Wolfe sent her get well wishes to Joan Leb.
Phyllis Wolfe in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Ed Zwieback & Mona Panitz in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Melanie & Dan Spellens in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
father of Laurie Garabedian.
Melanie & Dan Spellens in memory of Louise White.
Melanie & Dan Spellens in loving memory of Miriam Levy.
Sandra Avchen in honor of Maralee Beck.
Sandra Avchen in honor of Mrs. Ruth Flinkman-Marandy.
Sandra Avchen in honor of Gloria Stern on her Big Birthday.
Sandra Avchen in honor of Mrs. Janet Salter.
Sandra Avchen in honor of Jerry Epstein on his special Birthday.
Sandra Avchen in honor of Harriet Beck.
Sandra Avchen in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Berkett on their
Wedding Anniversary and Lloyd’s speedy recovery.
Sandra Avchen in honor of Monty Hall on his Big Birthday.
Sandra Avchen in memory of Nate Witken, beloved husband of
Norma Witken.
Tybie Becker in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Brian & Laurie Garabedian in loving memory of Laurie’s father,
Paul Hillinger.
Jerry & Joanne Levy for meals for Rabbi & Ana Moskowitz.
Burt Schild in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Rob & Debbie Feldman in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Rob & Debbie Feldman in memory of Art Polacheck, beloved
husband of Karin Polacheck.
Rob & Debbie Feldman in memory of Ray Alpert, beloved husband
of Barbara Alpert.
Shirley Kashoff.
Robert & Laurie Raykoff send their wishes to Rob Feldman for a
speedy recovery.
Samuel Aborne in support of the Drop-In Center Barbecue.
Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of grandmother, Miriam Levy.
Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of their cousin,
Marvin Kaufman.
Barbara Crane in support of the Drop-In Center Barbecue.
Shirley Kashoff.
Martine Korach & Steven Brenton in support of the Drop-In
Center Barbecue.
Dave & Irene Leib in support of the Drop-In Center Barbecue.
Jerry & Joanne Levy in support of the Drop-In Center Barbecue.
Barry & Donna Mitnick in support of the Drop-In Center Barbecue.
Edna Statman in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Robin & Alan Lilien in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved father of
David Hillinger.
Laurie & Robert Raykoff in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Charles & Dorothy Samuel in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Howard & Linda Vogel in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Bob & Phyllis Wallis in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband
of Arline Hillinger.
Jerry & Joanne Levy send their Get Well Wishes to Tom Besley.
Sharlene Alexander & Chuck Leff in loving memory of Ellen Levy.
Walter Levy in loving memory of his wife, Ellen Levy.
Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Mentz in loving memory of Ellen Levy.
Jerry & Joanne Levy.
John & Marcie Blumberg in loving memory of John’s father,
Myron Blumberg.
Brian & Laurie Garabedian in loving memory of Brian’s father,
Frank Garabedian.
Kevin & Sandra Kayse in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Ann & Michael Martin in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger, beloved father of Laurie Garabedian and
David Hillinger.
Binnie & Jack Berro in honor of Gary Fields to thank him for all
of his efforts on behalf of Temple Israel. They truly appreciate having
Gary on our Temple Israel team!
Mark Dressner & Matt Davis in memory of Zella Alcouloumre,
beloved mother of Marcia Senteno.
Mark Dressner & Matt Davis in memory of Susan Bollingmo,
beloved mother of Laurie Dempsey.
Elaine Warren in honor of Barbara Miller on her very special
Thank you to our
Oneg Shabbat Sponsors
Through September 19
Esther Albert
in loving memory of husband, George Albert
Jessie Butler
Gwen Shaffer & Ken Chesnin
Bill & Kristina Shafton
in memory of Bill’s beloved father, Daniel Shafton
Temple Israel Recognizes Our Sustaining Members
Life Members
Reva & Seymour Alban
Barbara Alpert
Helen Barrad
Binnie & Jack Berro
Jean Feldman
Sylvia & Ron Hartman
Fred Masback
Sidney Schulman
Nancy & Mark Speizer
Karen Zoller & David Tillman
Honorary Life Members
Merv Lemmerman
Shirley Loeb
Minyan Circle
Arlene Solomon
Temple Dome
Beverly August
Elaine & Howard Davis
Howard & Nancy Epstein
Ronald & Diane Guest
Alain & Tari Hirsch
Alan & Robin Lilien
Richard & Amy Lipeles
Alexander & Ellen Polsky
Martin & Gloria Simon
Double Chai
Cathe & Mark Beizer
Harry Cohn
Marc Coleman &
Shelly Spiegel-Coleman
Gary & Judy Cooper
Clifford & Deborah Corman
Mark Dressner & Matthew Davis
Hank & Joyce Feldman
Seth & Amy Goldman
Carl & Elise Hartman
Jonathan & Lynne Kass
Steven & Pamela Keiles
Steven & Julie Kinsbursky
Seth & Vicki Kogan
Alan & Kathy Kreida
Michael & Cheryl Laven
David & Irene Leib
Arthur & Barbara Miller
David & Susan Philips
Daryl & Sandy Phillips
Mark & Liz Sharzer
Leon & Barbara Shoag
Jan & Norma Stein
Morton & Susan Stuhlbarg
Barbara Wolfe
Menorah Circle
David & Cindy Arana
Michelle & Bruce Baral
J. Garth Begler & Laura Snyder
Michael & Elena Belkin
Thomas & Jacqueline Besley
Michele Berro
John & Marcie Blumberg
Denny & Judy Blumenthal
James & Peggy Brady
Joel & Edie Brodsky
Michael & Susanne Brodsly
Alan & Rosecarrie Brooks
John Burkholder & Barbara Pollack
Richard & Linda Burney
Fernando & Linda CalderÒn
Bill & Wynndi Dahlin
Brent & Erika Eastep
David & Joanne Feldman
Rob & Debbie Feldman
Gary & Lindsey Fields
Donald & Diane Fike
John & Joy Fisher
Richard & Arlene Freeman
Brian & Laurie Garabedian
Daniel & Felicia Gilboa
William Giser & Margaret Locke
Steve & Michelle Gordon
Jonathan & Cindy Gotz
Please Support our Sponsors
Dawn Haldane & Art Lim
Daniel Hart & Sheila Carter-Hart
Arline Hillinger
Ruth Padway Kaller
Bob & Ronni Kaplan
Adam & Jodi Leiter
Eugene & Ann Lentzner
Gordon & Judith Lentzner
Mark Levinstein
Gerald & Joanne Levy
Thomas & Gail Levy
James & Nancy Linden
John & Joanne Lopez
Harry & Eva Lowenstein
Carol Masters
Marc & Diane Merrick
Bob Nakamura
Dave & Judy Ross
David & Sadie Sacks
Carl & Janet Schultz
Cindy Shilkret
Wayne Slavitt & Joanne Ratner
Keith & Leticia Somers
Jeffrey & Sheryl Stewart
Howard & Ava Weiss
Libby Wilson
Janice Wood & Leon Neumann
Please Support our Sponsors
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