SARASOTA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL NURSING PROCEDURE PS1094 TITLE: DELIVERING A TWIN GESTATION BY MEANS OF A DOUBLE SET-UP IN THE LABOR AND DELIVERY SETTING (obs11) ISSUED FOR: DATE: 02/93 REVIEWED: 9/15 PAGES: 1 of 4 RESPONSIBILITY: Nursing RN – Maternal Services PURPOSE: To provide information to assist the nurse working in Labor and Delivery to coordinate the care of a patient with a twin gestation to be delivered under a double set-up if one is so requested by the attending physician. RATIONALE: 1. The route of delivery for twins should be determined by the position of the fetuses, the ease of fetal heart rate monitoring, and maternal fetal status. 2. Patients admitted to the Labor and Delivery unit and identified as a twin gestation, will be delivered under a double set-up in the Labor & Delivery OR suite beginning with the birth of Twin A. 2. A support person participating in the birth experience will be present at the discretion of the attending obstetrician. 3. Nurses from the NICU will attend the delivery as appropriate. 4. RT will attend the delivery as appropriate. 5. Attendance of a neonatologist will be required if deemed necessary. 6. Anesthesiologist/CRNA will be in attendance upon transfer of the patient to the Labor & Delivery OR suite. EXCEPTIONS: Patients with a twin gestation will be exempt from the above guidelines if one or more of the following exists: 1. Scheduled/unscheduled Cesarean Section ordered by physician for the birth of both twins. 2. Twin pregnancy deemed not viable by attending physician. 3. Twin B identified as a fetal demise. 4. Twin A and B both identified as fetal demises. TITLE: DELIVERING A TWIN GESTATION BY MEANS OF A DOUBLE SET-UP IN THE LABOR AND DELIVERY SETTING (obs11) PAGE: 2 of 4 DEFINITION: Double Set-Up: Equipment and personnel present to provide a vaginal and/or Cesarean delivery in the same room at the same time. EQUIPMENT: 1. The patient with a twin gestation will be delivered in the OB Operating Room (OB OR) utilizing a double set-up, the nurse will have available in the OR the following: a. Instruments and equipment for a vaginal and Cesarean delivery; b. Two infant warmers and resuscitation equipment; c. Portable ultrasound machine; d. Fetal monitor; e. Stirrups for the surgical bed; and f. Two circulating nurses, a scrub nurse or CST, two NICU/NSY nurses, RT, anesthesiologist or CRNA, neonatologist, and OB physician. PROCEDURE: ADMISSION 1. When a patient with a twin gestation is admitted for active labor, the L&D nurse will notify NICU/Nursery, the L&D communicator, and the appropriate personnel of the need for a double set up. 2. NICU/Nursery will set up the equipment needed for the infants (i.e. Infant warmers and resuscitation equipment). The L&D nurse will coordinate all the equipment necessary for a double set up (vaginal delivery and a cesarean section). 3. A patient with a twin pregnancy may labor in a labor room. The L&D nurse will advise all personnel listed above of the patient’s progress and of any complications during labor. 4. The patient will sign a consent for cesarean section. TITLE: DELIVERING A TWIN GESTATION BY MEANS OF A DOUBLE SET-UP IN THE LABOR AND DELIVERY SETTING (obs11) PROCEDURE (cont’d): PAGE: 3 of 4 DELIVERY 1. In the Labor & Delivery OR suite under a Double SetUp, the attending L&D nurse will: a. Notify, or designate notification, to the following: 1. L&D Communicator 2. NICU/RT 3. Anesthesiologist and CRNA 4. Neonatologist 5. On-call personnel (if needed) 6. Supervisor and/or APN (if needed). 7. OB Hospitalist may be notified to see availability to assist if provider requests b. Prepare the patient for transport to the OB OR. c. Instruct the support person to don appropriate attire and wash their hands. 2. The NICU personnel will: a. Set up the equipment needed for the infants (i.e., infant warmers and resuscitation equipment). b. Notify Respiratory Therapy at their discretion. c. Assume care of the infants at the time of delivery and determine if infants will be admitted to the NICU or Newborn Nursery. See Policy 126.604 “Admission Criteria for MBU” or Policy 126.660, “NICU: Admission Care and Transfer” TITLE: DELIVERING A TWIN GESTATION BY MEANS OF A DOUBLE SET-UP IN THE LABOR AND DELIVERY SETTING (obs11) PAGE: 4 of 4 PROCEDURE (cont’d): RECOVERY Following delivery, the patient will be recovered: a. In a labor room providing both twins delivered vaginally. If there are no beds available in the Labor & Delivery unit, then the patient will be recovered in the OB PACU. DOCUMENTATION: Documentation of this procedure will be done on the Labor & Delivery EMR REFERENCE: American Academy of Pediatrics (7th ed.) (2012). Guidelines for Perinatal Care. AAP: Washington, D.C. REVIEWING AUTHOR (S): __________________________________ Debbie Dietz, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, APN, Labor and Delivery/Antepartum/OB ECC