Fetal MRI Reporting template, Children`s National MC/Bulas

Fetal MRI Reporting template, Children’s National MC/Bulas
Clinical history: [ ] year old whose [< LMP >] [<EDD>] was [ ] consistent with a [ ]
gestation. [< >]
Following discussion with the patient, consent was signed for fetal MRI.
Single slice fast spin-echo T2-weighted images and T1-weighted images were
obtained in various planes.
Maternal Findings [< >]
A single live intrauterine gestation was identified in [ ] lie. The placenta was
[<anterior >] . The cervix was closed. There was no evidence of previa. Amniotic fluid
volume was [<normal>]. A [< three-vessel >] cord was identified.
See ultrasound report for fetal measurements,
The sulcation pattern is appropriate for a [ ] week gestation. Subarachnoid space is
appropriate for gestational age. Cavum septum pellucidum and corpus callosum are
The ventricles are normal in size and contour. [< > ] No hemorrhages or masses are
The brainstem [< normal >]
The cerebellum [< normal >]
Vermis [< normal >] length [ ] AP [ ]
Tegmento vermian angle [ ]
Fastigial point [<present>] Primary fissure [< present >]
Transverse cerebellar diameter [ ]
Nose [< normal>]
Lips [< normal>]
Eyes [< normal>] Orbital distance [ ]
Ears [ < present > ]
Profile [< normal>]
Visualized spine was unremarkable.
Situs is normal.
Lung parenchyma homogeneous without masses or effusions.
Liver and spleen are normal in size contour.
Gallbladder [<is identified.>]
A fluid-filled stomach and bladder present.
Meconium present in [< >] [<rectum>], [<descending colon>], [<transverse colon>] ,
[<ascending colon>].
Cord insertion was normal.
The renal fossa were unremarkable. The right kidney measured [ ] cm with the left
measuring [ ]
[< Male>] genitalia noted
1. Single live intrauterine gestation consistent with [ ] by dates and [ ] by size.
[<Normal interval growth>]
2. [ ]