11/24/2011 Introduction What is International (Global) Marketing? How is it different from regular marketing? Introduction to International Marketing Analysis © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-1 Stages of International Marketing Involvement 1-8 © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-2 Introduction 1. No Direct Foreign Marketing 2. Infrequent Foreign Marketing - export operations 3. Regular Foreign Marketing Marketing – Process of planning and executing the conception pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organization goals - export operations, direct investment sales operations, direct investment production operations 4. International Marketing - fully committed and involved in international marketing through production and service operations 5. Global Marketing - companies treat the world as one market © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-3 Foreign environment (uncontrollable) 1 7 1-5 Cultural forces Domestic environment (uncontrollable) Political/ legal forces (controllable) Price Promotion Domestic environment 6 Geography and Infrastructure © 2005 Prentice Hall Product 4 Structure of distribution 3 Level of Technology Economic climate 5 Domestic economic climate (e.g. strength of domestic economy = possibilities to invest abroad, value of currency (weakness of US$)) 2 7 1-4 Domestic political decisions affecting marketing activities to foreign markets (e.g. Libya, Iraq, South Africa, China…) Economic forces Competitive structure Competitive Forces Channels of distribution – Focuses resources on global market opportunities and threats; the main difference is the scope of activities because global marketing occurs in markets outside the organization’s home country © 2005 Prentice Hall The International Marketing Task Political/legal forces Global Marketing Competition in home country Environmental uncontrollables country market A Environmental uncontrollables country market B Environmental uncontrollables country market C 1-5 Copyright©2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. International environment Cultural, political and economic climates can change dramatically (e.g. China and Russia, EU – Greece, Ireland) © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-6 1 11/24/2011 Inititation of internationalization - Export motives Reasons for Global Marketing Growth – Access to new markets and access to resources usually there are many factors which affect the company’s decision to export in Hollensen’s book those factors are devided into two categories: proactive and reactive - they can also be called push and pull factors Survival – Against competitors with lower costs (due to increased access to resources) – e.g. India and China Or push and pull factors Proactive motives © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-7 1-9 – In SMEs export decisions may be the province of a single decision maker – in LSEs decision making unit might be responsible for these decisions © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-10 3. Technology competence / unique product If a company produces goods or services which are unique, a competence edge exists which can result in major business success abroad one issue is how long such an advantage will continue? these decisions are affected by the international background of the managers those who have more international experiences are more internationally minded 3. Technology competence / unique product © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-8 2. Managerial urge managerial urge is a motivation which reflects the desire of management towards global marketing activities often the managerial urge is simply a reflection of general entrepreneurial motivation - desire for continuous growth managerial attitudes play a critical role in determining the exporting activities of the firm 1. Profit and growth goals the possibility for a short term profit may be especially important to SMEs experiences from the profitability of export affect the company’s attitude towards growing by the means of export (especially when you start to internationalize the perceptions about profitability may be far away form reality) © 2005 Prentice Hall © 2005 Prentice Hall 4. Foreign market opportunities market opportunities act as stimuli only if the firm has or is capable of securing resources necessary to respond to the opportunities 1-11 © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-12 2 11/24/2011 in general decision makers are considering only a rather limited number of foreign market opportunities in planning their foreign market entry Reactive motives 1. Competitive pressures a firm may fear losing domestic market share to competing firms that have benefited from economies of scale gained by global marketing activities further, it may fear losing foreign markets permanently to domestic competitors that decide to focus on these markets – the market opportunities of similar overseas markets are explored first 5. Economies of scale the benefits of decreasing production costs / unit by increasing production 6. Tax benefits © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-13 Competitors are an important external factor stimulating internationalization (Coca-Cola & Pepsi) 2. Domestic market: small and saturated a company may be pushed into exporting because of a small home market potential if domestic markets are unable to provide sufficient economies of scale, export markets are automatically included in their market entry strategy a saturated domestic market has a similar effect (car manufacturers in USA) © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-14 3. Overproduction / excess capacity • if domestic sales are below expectations => inventory can be above desired levels => with short-term price cuts export is started • when domestic markets are normal, global marketing activities may be terminated (Canadian paper and pulp producers) 4. Unsolicited foreign orders • many small companies have become aware of export market opportunities by accident (advertising, exhibitions etc.) 1-15 5. Extend sales of seasonal products • seasonality in demand conditions may be different in domestic market from other international markets • this can act as a stimulus for example to market skiing shoes to New Zealand during summer or harvesting machines to Argentina during winter 6. Proximity to international customers / psychological distance • German firms established near Austrian border may not even perceive their marketing to Austria to be international © 2005 Prentice Hall © 2005 Prentice Hall © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-16 the same situation in Europe exists between Germany and parts of Switzerland, France and part of Belgium, Sweden and parts of Finland, Netherlands and part of Belgium Between USA and Canada (partly with Mexico) 1-17 © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-18 3 11/24/2011 Global Marketing: What it is and What it isn’t Global Marketing: What it is and What it isn’t Strategy development comes down to two main issues similar to single country marketing – Target market – Marketing Mix © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-19 Global Marketing: What it is and What it isn’t 1-20 Standardization versus Adaptation Globalization (Standardization) Global marketing does not mean doing business in all of the 200-plus country markets Global marketing does mean widening business horizons to encompass the world in scanning for opportunity and threat © 2005 Prentice Hall © 2005 Prentice Hall – Developing standardized products marketed worldwide with a standardized marketing mix – Essence of mass marketing Global localization (Adaptation) – Mixing standardization and customization in a way that minimizes costs while maximizing satisfaction – Essence of segmentation – Think globally, act locally 1-21 Standardization versus Adaptation © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-22 The Importance of Global Marketing For US-based companies, 75% of sales potential is outside the US. – About 90% of Coca-Cola’s operating income is generated outside the US. For Japanese companies, 85% of potential is outside Japan. For German and EU companies, 94% of potential is outside Germany. © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-23 © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-24 4 11/24/2011 Environmental adaptation Management Orientations To adapt marketing programs to foreign markets certain amount of adaptation is needed (take uncontrollable elements into consideration) In broad sense the uncontrollable elements constitute the culture – the difficulty is in the recognition of the cultural impact Ethnocentric: Home country is Superior, sees Similarities in foreign Countries The problem in adapting to foreign markets is self-reference criterion (SRC) and an associated ethnocentrism SRC is an unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values, experiences and knowledge as a basis for decisions – ethnocentrism: one’s own culture knows best how to do things Regiocentric: Sees similarities and differences in a world Region; is ethnocentric or polycentric in its view of the rest of the world To avoid this misconception remember that it makes sense for the other person to do things in his/her own way, if you don’t remember this you might fail in recognizing cultural differences and the importance of those differences © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-25 Concept EPRG Schema 1-8 Domestic Market Extension (Ethnocentric) Multi-Domestic Market (Polycentric) Global Marketing (Regio/Geocentric) Geocentric: World view, sees Similarities and Differences in home And host countries © 2005 Prentice Hall Strategic orientation to international markets 1-9 Polycentric: Each host country Is Unique, sees differences In foreign countries 1-26 It is expected that differences in the complexity and sophistication of company’s operations depend on which orientation guides its operations Among the approaches describing the orientations from casual exporting to global marketing is EPRG schema - in this schema the firms are classified as ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric or geocentric depending on the international commitment of the firm - in this schema it is also assumed that the degree of internationalization to which management is committed or willing to move affects the specific international strategies and decision rules of the firm Domestic market extension orientation © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-27 Copyright©2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. It views its international operations as secondary and as an extension of its domestic operations The primary motive is to market excess domestic production Minimal, if any, efforts are made to adapt the marketing mix to foreign markets In EPRG schema these companies are classified as ethnocentric Multidomestic market orientation A company guided by this orientation has a strong sense that country markets are vastly different and that market success requires an almost independent program for each country => development of country based marketing strategies Control is usually decentralized In EPRG schema these companies are classifies as polycentric © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-29 © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-28 Global marketing orientation A company guided by global marketing orientation is referred to as a global company: its marketing activity is global and its market coverage is the world It develops a standardized marketing mix applicable across national boundaries In EPRG schema these companies are regiocentric or geocentric © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-30 5 11/24/2011 Forces Affecting Global Integration and Global Marketing Driving Forces – Regional economic agreements – Market needs and wants – Technology – Transportation and communication improvements – Product development costs – Quality – World economic trends – Leverage © 2005 Prentice Hall Forces Affecting Global Integration and Global Marketing Restraining Forces – Management myopia – Organizational culture – National controls Global Integration and Global Marketing 1-31 © 2005 Prentice Hall 1-32 6