Issue 3, 2014 - St George Christian School

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
John 15:13
Issue 3 2014 - 2 April 2014
Thank you to all who attended the Hurstville Campus Open Day on 21 March.
At our opening ceremony I welcomed Mr David Coleman, Federal Member for Banks, to speak. On arrival,
Mr Coleman took a tour of our School, admiring the work of our students on display, and acknowledging the
theme of “service” presented in commemorating the Centenary of the commencement of World War I. He
was particularly moved by the display depicting Australia’s involvement in World War I.
In his address to Parliament on 26 March, Mr Coleman made the following comments about SGCS:
“The school takes a broad approach to education, with a whole person approach to intellectual, social,
physical, emotional and spiritual development. One of the distinguishing features of the school is its approach
to community service. It strives to ensure that its students form a strong understanding of the world around
them so that they may best take their place within it.”
Mr Coleman went on to acknowledge the spiritual mission of SGCS, which underpins our service to the
community and beyond:
“In a society with so much emphasis on personal advancement, it was good to take the time to reflect on
the importance of committing to activities that are bigger than oneself. Of course, it is easy to get consumed
by our daily lives. It is easy to lose sight of the broader picture as we work through our daily schedules. But we
know that communities are built by those who show up. Whatever the stage, big or small, society gains a lot
when people put their hand up to help.
The theme of 'service' is particularly important in the context of the school's broader spiritual mission. In
encouraging its students to consider the broader world around them, the school is reminding them of one of
the important tenets of Christianity. There is much to be done in this life, and we all have a responsibility to do
our part. As John F Kennedy said in his inaugural speech, 'Here on Earth, God's work must truly be our own.”
If you wish, you may read the full version of Mr Coleman’s generous speech at:
My hope for our students at SGCS is that they embrace a life of service to others, as reflected in the words of
John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.”
At Easter, we reflect on the ultimate sacrifice and service of Jesus in dying for our sins and brokenness. He
demonstrated for us what love and service looks like in human form and shows us the hope, new life and
healing which sacrifice creates.
May this Easter be a time of meaningful reflection and joyful celebration for you and your family.
James Honor
Equipping Your Child For Life
Whole School News
cafe 12
Open Day was a wonderful opportunity
to serve the parents, students and friends
of SGCS. We had a great day serving
cakes including Cherry Blossom, Orange
and Cardomon cakes, from the Lime and
Coconut muffins and our much loved Peach
Slice. We trust you enjoyed yourselves on the
We would like to say a huge thank you to
those students who helped out on Open Day.
We could not have done it without you. Your
service, efficiency and friendly manner was a
credit to you all, so thank you!
We would also like to take this opportunity
to thank our volunteers who come in on a
regular basis. Your willingness, friendliness
and service are such a blessing to us and
help the cafe run smoothly. We really value
your support.
If you are interested in helping out in
the Cafe, even as a one off to see if it is
something you would like to be a part of,
we would love to hear from you (you would
receive a free coffee and lunch). Who would
want to pass that up!!!!
is looking to expand its Lunch Service to the
Infants Campus!
We are very excited about this new venture and are looking
to employ someone for our Hurstville team. This person will
prepare and deliver lunches to Infants campus two to four
mornings per week (to be determined), as well as help out in
the Cafe during functions.
If you are interested please complete the SGCS
Non-teaching application form located on our website
and forward to Valerie Strigas at the Main Office by
Friday 11 April 2014.
Enrolments for siblings
entering Kindergarten
and Year 7, 2015 ARE
Please click here for our online
Calendar listing all events and
activities for our School. Please
check it regularly for updates.
Go to Calendar
Please head to our webpage for Sibling application
“Coffee and Conversation
at Cafe 12 is expanding!
Middle School parents are invited to join with Junior School
parents for coffee, cake and conversation at
Cafe 12 on Fridays between 9-10am.
This is a great opportunity to catch up with other parents on a
regular basis and enjoy the fabulous food and coffee on offer
from our very own School-run Café.
Coffee from $3.50
Coffee and Cake $5.00
All Welcome, just come along!
Any Questions? Contact
St George Christian School does not represent, sponsor or endorse any of the advertisements contained in this newsletter, nor the quality of
any product, information or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement in this newsletter.
Whole School News
Mrs Patricia Weerakoon
has been invited to
present three seminars
on the topic of Teens, Sex
and Technology. The two
student seminars are open
to students in Year 9-12.
The parent and friends
seminar is open to all
SGCS parents, staff and
their friends.
For further information see:
The change over period from summer to winter uniform will
begin on Tuesday 28 April and end on Friday 9 May. During this
period students may wear summer or winter uniform but not a
combination of both.
From Monday 12 May ALL students must be wearing full winter
uniform including the blazer for students in Years 6-12.
Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 April, will be
9.00 am – 12 noon and 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm.
From the Library
Now that I am retiring, I would like to take
this opportunity to thank all those wonderful
parents, past and present, who helped out
in both Infants and Hurstville Libaries over the
years I have worked at SGCS.
Thank you so much for helping me with the
borrowing during Library classes, the shelving at
Infants and Hurstville, covering of books and all
the other odd tasks asked of you.
I really appreciated and valued your hard work
and diligence. You were such a blessing to
me! Thank you so much and I pray God will
richly bless you as you continue to serve Him.
Jennifer Fryer, Library Technician
You are warmly invited to join the following prayer
INFANTS CAMPUS - every 2nd Friday from 9-9:30am
Contact Rachel Norman on 0419 124 174
MAIN CAMPUS - every Thursday during Term from
9-9:30am in the Main Office.
Please note this is a change of day from 2013.
Contact Julie Stevenson 0414 515 437.
You are very welcome to join us at either of these meetings.
Whole School News
Beyond Ourse
atu I
Fundraising Dinner
Thursday 8 May
6.30 pm
Doltone House
Tickets $65
tly to
goes anuatnd
V ion Fu
Order tickets online now!
Bookings close 28 April
Avoid disappointment, book before the School Holidays
canapes & drinks on arrival
2 course menu
soft drinks/coffee
loads of fun
Talk to your friends and arrange to book the same table number
Enquiries: Mrs Saward 02 8558 4115
Chopped for Charity
Recently sisters Peurla (6S) and Miyah (3F) Saad chopped their
long locks to provide hair to make wigs for cancer sufferers.
The girls willing cut their hair as part of “The Pantene Beautiful
Lengths” campaign. Peurla and Miyah were keen to support
this campaign in honour of their Aunt Nina who lost her battle
with cancer ten years ago. The campaign aims to collect
10,000 ponytails by the end of 2014.
Peurla has recently been named Gutsy Challenge
Ambassador of the Cancer Research Institute. The Gutsy
Challenge aims to encourage children to eat healthy.
Well Done Girls! Thank you for your generosity!
Whole School News
Welcome to our School!
On Friday 21 March, we welcomed parents, friends and visitors to School for our annual Open Day. This event
offers a glimpse into the rich education on offer at our School.
Junior School enjoyed learning about education 100 years ago with chalk and ink and old fashioned board
games. Middle School took a leap into the 21st Century with robotics, urban design, and solar boats. Senior
School demonstrated their goal to prepare students for life beyond school with activities that spanned the
curriculum. And wherever you walked the musical talents of our students could be heard.
Here is a snapshot of the day.
Kindergarten children were very excited to go on the bus for their first outing to the Hurstville Campus Open Day, where
they sang beautifully.
Kindergarten Red children have been making patterns in the classroom. They based this art on work by Bridget Riley,
an artist about whom Robert Melville said “... no painter has ever made us more aware of our eyes.” The students have
completed colourful chequerboard patterns (2 element patterns), circles in the shape of caterpillars (2 element patterns)
and 3 element patterns using either 3 shapes or 3 colours.
2 element patterns
3 element patterns
Year 2 children also attend the Hurstville Campus Open Day. They were put into groups for activities and had a
wonderful morning which was capped off with an ice block before returning to Sans Souci.
Year 2 enjoyed an excursion to Taronga Zoo on Monday 31 March. They had a lovely time observing both exotic and
more common place animals. Here are about some animals they encountered:
By Catherine Mallis
From the forest floor I look up
and see a screeching howler
monkey swinging wildly from
tree to tree. I see a colourful,
feathered toucan gulping down
berries with its long enormous
beak. From the forest floor I see
a patterned jaguar climbing up
the tree. The jaguar is watching
a sleeping sloth.
By Ayden Harper
From the forest floor I look up
and see a screeching howler
monkey swinging wildly from tree
to tree. From the forest floor I
look up and see an angry army
ant chomping lots of leaves up.
From the forest floor I look up
and see a harpy eagle soaring
through the dark green canopy.
By Zoe Zhao
From the forest floor I look up
and see a screeching howler
monkey swinging wildly from
tree to tree. From the forest floor
I look up and see a morphobutterfly landing on a branch
so gently. From the forest floor
I look up and see a green
humming bird drinking nectar
from a flower.
Thank you for your consideration when droping-off and picking-up your child/ren from school. Please take extra care for
the safety of our children and other drivers on the road. When in the 2 minute drop-off zone, you may not move more
than three metres from your car. Please do not stop in that zone and come into the playground or have a chat. This will
give other parents a chance to find a parking spot to drop-off or pick-up their child/ren safely and promptly. U Turns are
not permitted in the school zone.
Infant’s children have settled very well into the
normal daily routines of school. Towards the end
of Term 1 they are preparing for the Infants Easter
Service, which will begin at 1.30pm in the Sans
Souci Baptist Church on Thursday 10 April 2014.
During the final week of Term, parents are invited to discuss their child’s learning
progress and welfare with the class teacher. The teachers are interested in
developing an ongoing, healthy relationship with each family and finding out
about the individuality of your child.
Appointments are to be made by returning the tear off slip at the base of your
child’s note to the Infants Office. Your appointment time will be confirmed in a
written letter.
We look forward to this opportunity to be an encouraging Christian community.
Junior School
Year 3 informal interviews between parents and myself have proven to be an encouraging and thoughtful way to get to
know the children, their families and their interests.
It appears that Year 3 are enjoying, sport, the different activities, kicking balls and, of course not forgetting
the playground. The teachers are impressed with their enthusiasm for learning and resilience for managing
Year 4 students braved the heavy rain and embarked on their first school camp with their courageous teachers and
enthusiastic parent helpers. The children’s excitement reached great heights with the performances for the Camp
Concert. Our judges commented on the high standard and had difficulty choosing the winning act. The children came
home exhausted but happy after their camp experience.
During the final week of Term (Monday 7 April), parents are invited to discuss their child’s learning progress and welfare with
the class teacher. The teachers are interested in forming a healthy relationship with each family and finding out about the
individuality of your child. Appointments are to be made through the main office and we look forward to this opportunity
to be a supportive Christian community.
Lastly, thank you to
all our visitors, parents
and grandparents who
attended our Open
Day. The sparkling
weather spread a
special excitement throughout the School as
the students enjoyed having an audience in
their activities. Many people commented on the
beautiful artwork, the quality of the choir’s singing
and the happy atmosphere. Your presence and
interest was a great encouragement to your
children on this day.
Mrs Cottam
Mrs Lyn Barnes
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Year 3-6 Sport
to Wade Bonhomme in Year 2 who successfully qualified for the CIS
Swimming Carnival. Wade swam in the 8year boys 50m freestyle at Homebush on Wednesday 26 March where he was
placed 3rd in his heat, qualifying for the finals, where he came 8th. What an outstanding achievement! Well done Wade!
Year 3 have now finished their popular tennis lessons held during sport time each Thursday afternoon
with coach James Woodward. The playground has been a hub of activity with forehands and
backhands being played across several courts. The students have enjoyed themselves immensely and
improved their tennis skills greatly.
Rob Archer
K-5 Sports Coordinator
11April(last day of Term)
Year 3-6 Sport
Years 3-6 Cross Country at Olds Park, Penshurst.
Races commence at 10.30am and we will finish with a picnic lunch by 1pm.
Parents and spectators are welcome to come and cheer on our weary runners.
Middle School
We're pleased to announce our Middle School Leadership Teams for 2014:
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Ian Takyan Li (6S)
Keira Gatenby (6W)
Imogen Croucher (7C) Heath Cauchi (7K)
Jonah Mendes (8K)
Lachlan Fraser (8L)
Taran Copeland (7L)
Willem De Moore (8M)
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Trinity Thacker (6S)
Holly Ford (7C)
Tiffany Zwanink (8K)
James Farah (7L)
Sophie Caukill (8M)
Max Klamus (6W)
Benjamin Oliver (7K)
Michael Diba (8L)
Congratulations to every student in Middle School who took advantage of the opportunity to re-examine the qualities of
godly leadership and who gave serious and careful consideration to the development of these qualities in themselves. The
staff spoke highly of numerous speeches in their classes that reflected a humble and honest response and an earnest desire to
Mr Jeremy Watts
(our new 6W Home Room Teacher)
My earliest memory is… riding on the back of a truck to where my dad was building our house in Uladulla.
I was 3 or 4 years old.
At school I was… someone who liked to keep a low profile while I did as much art and “hackey sack” as I could.
“Hackey Sack” is a small bean bag that you juggle using only your feet!
My mum and dad always told me… If you are going to do something, do it properly.
I wish I had… taken advantage of all the things I could have done at school, especially hands-on activities like
At home I cook,,, roasts, stir-fries, pasta dishes; anything with meat and vegetables together is tasty.
My last meat would be… eaten very slowly! It would be roast chicken with vegetables, salad and a big bowl of ice
My favourite gadget is… my iPad. I use it every day and am still constantly amazed by it!
I am very bad at… singing, dancing and tennis.
When I was growing up I wanted to be… a “running man”. I was inspired by the film “Chariots of Fire”.
It’s not fashionable but I love wearing… an old T-shirt and jeans.
My friends say… I am laid back but I don’t necessarily agree with them.
If only I could… do all the things I want to do in the one day.
The hardest thing I have done… was become a vegetarian for 100 days because I love eating meat and it is hard to
The last belly laugh I had was… when I saw my one and 1/2 year old daughter’s latest dance moves.
I am always… involved in strange little hobbies such as using a device to improve my lung capacity, barefoot running
and improving my hand stands.
At the moment I am reading…”Unstoppable” by Nick Vugicic. It is about a man born without arms or legs. He is a
motivational speaker and an inspirational Christian.
I often wonder… At how amazing this world that God has created is.
INTERVIEWED BY: Lachlan Fraser (8L)
Middle School
A team of specially trained Registered Nurses will be visiting our school on Friday 2
May 2014 to administer:
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) Boys and Girls, Dose 2 of 3
Please note: The scheduled Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccination will now be administered on the third visit on Friday 12 September 2014 due to a shortage of the vaccine.
Catch up Vaccinations are available for:
Year 7 boys and girls who missed the first HPV vaccination on visit 1
Year 7 boys and girls who missed the single dose dTpa (Diptheria/Tetanus/
Pertussis) booster vaccine on visit 1
Year 8 boys and girls who did not finish their HPV course at School in 2013
Please be aware of the procedure required for Withdrawal of a Consent which
can be found on the NSW Health website
Years 7-12 Sport
St George 32 def Sydney Tech 19
Cricket (20-20)
1st Grade
St George v Kingsgrove North (8/50)
Touch Football
3rd Grade
St George 1 def by Sydney Tech 3
Table Tennis
3rd Grade
St George 6 def Kogarah 0
4th Grade
St George 2 def by Kogarah 4
2nd Grade
St George 5 def by Peakhurst 6
St George 28 def Kogarah 4
Cricket (20-20)
1st Grade
St George (8/47) def by Kingsgrove North (8/50)
Table Tennis
3rd Grade
St George 1 def by James Cook 5
4th Grade
St George 1 def by James Cook 5
1st Grade
St George 0 def by Kogarah 2
2nd Grade
St George 2 def Kogarah 0
2nd Grade
St George 9 def Kogarah 0
Cricket (20-20)
Touch Football
Table Tennis
1st Grade
3rd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
St George (7/84) v Blakehurst
St George 2 def by James Cook 3
St George 4 def Sydney Tech 2
St George 0 def by Sydney Tech 6
1st Grade
St George 2 def Kingsgrove 0
Years 7-12 Sport
Congratulations Peter Binns
Peter broke a 23 year record (set in 1991) in the 17yrs breastroke at our
School Swimming Carnival on 14 February with a time of 36.00 seconds.
What an amazing result, well done!!
South Metropolitan Zone Swimming Carnival Report
On Thursday 27 February, 43 students represented SGCS at the South Metropolitan Zone Swimming Carnival at Engadine Leisure
Centre. In addition to our swimmers, students from Years 9 and 10 attended the day to assist Mr Moore in the smooth running of
the carnival.
All of our students represented themselves and SGCS very well. Despite it being a cold and windy day, our swimmers entered
race after race and contributed to SGCS being ranked 2nd in the South Metropolitan Zone. This is an outstanding achievement
as some of the schools we compete against are much larger schools. Every student who entered events on the day
contributed to our overall success and should be congratulated for their fine efforts. A list of the 2014 Swim Team is below.
Particular mention should be made to Peter Binns (17yrs) and Mayra Lobos-Munoz (18yrs) who were the Age Champions at the
Congratulations to the following students who qualified for the CSSA State Swimming Carnival; Alexander Anderson (12yrs),
Kobe Shannon, Gabriella Kosteski & Christiane Wilson (13yrs), Kurt Stavrou and Benjamin Meller (15yrs), Owen Murray and Matt
McCulloch (16yrs), Peter Binns, James Douglas, Murray Meller, Pearson Bulmer and Nicole Chu (17yrs).
2014 SGCS CSSA Swim Team
Alexander Anderson
Chloe Hong
Yasmin Rajan
Emily Hawkins
Connor Witney
Owen Murray
Ashleigh Ford
Pearson Bulmer
Kathryn Pritchard
Olivia Bulmer
Gabriella Kosteski
Zoe Rodway
Joel Henderson
Emilie Autard
Iavor Nikolaev
Thomas Kelly
Nicole Chu
Mayra Lobos-Munoz
Jessica Chemali
Thomas Norman
Christiane Wilson
Kayla Karagorgovski
Ashley Karagorgovski
Kurt Stavrou
Matthew McCulloch
James Douglas
Gabriella Moulos
Dean Ellis
Benjamin Oliver
Sophie Caukill
Amelia Raffo
Georgina Li
Kevin Xie
Jessica Payne
Murray Meller
Joshua Hampson
Daniel Poulos
Harry Clark
Kobe Shannon
Benjamin Meller
Jessica Anderson
Peter Binns
Grace O’Brien
I would like to commend all students who attended the Carnival for the way you conducted yourself and Mr Moore for the
smooth running of the whole carnival.
Mr Munro
Years 7-12 Sport
On Monday 3 March, sixteen boys ventured to Middleton Park, Bass Hill
to represent our School for the first time in the CIS Soccer Knockout Cup.
Our first game was against Georges River Grammar School and the team
were quietly confident as we warmed up before the game.
The humidity was high as the game kicked-off at 10:30am and we came
out of the gates strongly, dominating possession and creating a number
of early chances that somehow were kept out by their keeper or narrowly
missing the posts. We were looking dangerous, but with the half time
whistle approaching, I was starting to think we should definitely be ahead
by at least a goal.
Five minutes before the break we went ahead via a very classy finish
from our striker Harrison Papoulious. The boys celebrated what had been
coming for a while. So after a solid first half performance we deservedly
went to the drinks break with a one-nil lead.
To their credit, Georges River Grammar came out in the second half with
more determination and started to put our goals under pressure. We had
a few close calls but our solid defensive line of Simon Leech (GK), Brendan
Nelson (CB), Michael Nikolovski (CB), Kurt Stavrou (LB) and Kyle Sarigiannis
(RB) remained calm under pressure and thwarted the opposition’s
attempts to keep our sheet clean.
It was looking like we might not convert any more of our chances until,
with about five minutes to go, a great through ball by Josh Tasevski (CM)
connected with Harrison Papoulious (ST). Harrison broke through the line
and was zoning in on goal until he was tackled recklessly from behind
inside the box. We were awarded a penalty! Alex Illievski, our captain,
confidently stepped-up to take the spot kick. In a cool and calm fashion
he wrong footed the keeper and dispatched the ball tidily into the
bottom left side netting to make it two-Nil.
Our midfield was asserting its dominance yet again and a few minutes
later Alex Illievski intercepted a pass in our half and proceeded to hold off
all challenges and dribble all the way through their defense to slide the
ball past the keeper once again to make it three-Nil.
There was barely time for the opposition to kick off again before the
referee blew the full time whistle. It was a solid performance by both
teams played in good spirits and the score was a good reflection of our
dominance for at least 75% of the game.
I was really proud of our whole team as we now moved through to the
2nd round playing Trinity Grammar School.
Special thanks to Peter Binns our reserve goal-keeper taking on the role of
linesman for the game and to Mr. Munro for driving the bus for us.
Mr. Matt Tomlin (coach)
The CIS Soccer Knockout Cup Team: Alex Illievski, Simon Leech, Brendan Nelson and Dean Balding (Yr12), Michael Nikolovski, Harrison Sherwen,
Harrison Papoulious, Amit Paul-Chowdury and Peter Binns (Yr11), Josh Tasevski, Kristian Cassimatis, Adrian Tsopanis and Jacob McKegg (Yr10),
Kurt Stavrou, Kyle Sarigiannis and Harry Haralabopoulos (Yr9).
Years 7-12 Sport
CSSA Swimming
On 13 March twelve students travelled to Homebush for the CSSA State Swimming Carnival. This included two relay
teams. For many of our students, this was their first CSSA event.
The team consisted of Alexander Anderson , Gabriella Kosteski, Christiane Wilson, Kurt Stavrou, Benjamin Meller,
Owen Murray, Matt McCulloch, Peter Binns, James Douglas, Murray Meller, Pearson Bulmer and Nicole Chu.
We had some fantastic individual and team results on the day!
Congratultions to the following students:
The 17 years boys relay team achieved 2nd and 3rd placing in their events. These boys are now eligible for
these events at CIS State.
Christine Wilson will also be attending CIS State Swimming next Term where she will participate in the 50m
Backstroke event.
Peter Binns not only made it to CIS for the relay events, the 50m Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly and 100m
Freestyle but he was the CSSA 17years boys Age Champion. Well done Peter!!!
Mr Moore
Senior School
Picking up students after school - Woids Avenue (Senior School side)
To facilitate safe student movement and smooth flow of traffic, please abide by the following:
The ‘No Parking’ / 2 minute drop-off/pick-up zone is a drive through zone only.
When dropping off or picking up your child in this zone, drive as far forward as traffic allows.
Drive around the block if you are unable to enter the drop-off/pick-up zone.
Please do not:
• Park or stop for more than 2 minutes in this zone. Council Traffic Officers impose fines and loss of demerit
points for parking or stopping for more than 2 minutes in this zone. Neighbours and our School’s Traffic Duty
Officers will forward offending vehicle number plates to Police and Council Traffic Officers.
• Stop in the ‘No Stopping’ Zone next to the wombat (safety) crossing. Students will not be allowed to enter
a car in this area.
• Park across neighbours’ driveways (even a little bit).
• Make a U-turn in the school vicinity.
• Ask students to cross anywhere other than the wombat crossing
• Stop behind the wombat crossing if the line of cars heading for the pick-up zone is not moving. Please
continue around the block.
Students in Year 10 or younger who are not picked up by 3:30pm will be transferred to
the Main office where they will wait to be collected, as there is no teacher supervision
after this time.
Carolyn Lee
Head of Senior School
Community News
St George Local Area Command
Date: Saturday 5th April, 2014
Time: 10.00am until 2.00pm
Place: Riverwood Police Station
Cnr Shenstone and
Belmore Streets,
More information available
on our Facebook Page.
We are just a phone
call away
02 9806 9960
9am - 3pm School Terms
Membership brings
advocacy to parents whose benefits of:
Provides support and
children have learning
difficulties, and information to
teachers, other professionals
and members of the
community interested in the
field of learning diffulties.
Fortnightly emails of current
news and articles relating to
Learning Difficulties
X an extensive referral register •
• Youth Command • Dog Unit
• Marine Area Command • Eyewatch
• Constable Charlie • Proactive Crime Team
• Highway Patrol • Public Transport Command
• Customer Service Program • Mounted Police
• Forensic Services Group • Crime Prevention Officer
There will also be face painting, jumping castle, food vendors,
show bags and live entertainment.
to assist you in finding
A coalition of parent group
X advice regarding the
organisations representing LD &
resources available within the
ADHD,Dyslexia, Tourette Syndrome,
school systems
Autism and Aspergers Syndrome,
X contact with your nearest
Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome,
parent support group
Dyspraxia and Anxiety Disorders.
X booklists and websites
The Helpline is coordinated by
X handout information on LD
Learning Difficulties Coalition
and ADHD and co-morbid
of NSW Inc
PO Box 140 Westmead NSW 2145
Tel (02) 9806 9960 Fax (02) 9689 2871
X booklets and informative
articles on topics in this filed
The Learning Difficulties Parent
Helpline is a Parent/Health/Education
initiative supported by NSW DET
Holiday Activities for Primary School-Aged Children
Activities are free but online bookings at
are essential. Art & craft activities can be messy, so please wear appropriate clothing.
Parental supervision is required.
APRIL 2014
Units attending:
Quarterly newsletter
A discounted entry to LDC
A discount on LDC
Rockdale CITY Library
448 Princes Highway, Rockdale – Enquiries: 9562 1821
All Activities will be held from 2pm–3pm
Tuesday 15
Portrait Collage
Wednesday 16 Cherry Tree Posters
Thursday 17
Joke Attack – Funny Show with Andy Jones
Tuesday 22
Mona Lisa Twist
Wednesday 23 Matisse’s Autumn
Thursday 24
Art Minions
Activities for 9-12 year-olds only from 10:30am–11:30am
Wednesday 16 Japanese Art Fair
Arncliffe Library
11 Firth Street, Arncliffe – Enquiries: 9562 1816
All Activities will be held from 10:30am–11:30am
Tuesday 15
Thursday 17
Tuesday 22
Thursday 24
Matisse’s Autumn
Art Minions
Pop Art – Warhol’s Shoes
Portrait Collage
Bexley Library
499 Forest Road, Bexley – Enquiries: 9562 1813
All Activities will be held from 2pm–3pm
Monday 14
Mona Lisa Twist
Bexley North Library
24 Shaw Street, Bexley North – Enquiries: 9562 1814
All Activities will be held from 10:30am–11:30am
Wednesday 16
Wednesday 23
Pop Art – Warhol’s Shoes
Art Minions
Sans Souci Library
Cnr Clareville & Russell Avenues – Enquiries: 9562 1817
All Activities will be held from 10:30am–11:30am
Wednesday 16
Thursday 17
Wednesday 23
Thursday 24
Mona Lisa Twist
Art Minions
Pop Art – Warhol’s Shoes
Portrait Collage
The “All Kids Can Play Tennis”
Tennis Skills & Tennis Fitness Camps
For ages 7-12: 2 Days, 9am to 12noon
Entry fee: $49 (Inc. GST) includes free racquet, cap and ball
Location: 280 Princes Hwy, Kogarah Bay 2217
• Camp 1A
• Camp 1B
Week 1 of Easter school holidays – Mon 14th April to Thurs 17th April
Mon 14/4 & Tues 15/4
9am - 12pm
$ 49
Wed 16/4 & Thurs 17/4 9am – 12pm
$ 49
• Camp 2A
• Camp 2B
Week 2 of Easter school holidays – Tues 22nd April to Fri 25th April
Tues 22/4 & Wed 23/4 9am - 12pm
$ 49
Thurs 24/4 & Fri 25/4 9am – 12pm
$ 49
OR call 9546 8053 to enrol with payment over the phone
Or visit Tennis Blast Office, 280 Princes Hwy, Kogarah Bay 2217
(Car park opposite West Street)
Selective School Entrance
Exam Preparation Course
FREE Information Night
Enter a draw to win a $500 credit towards enrolment
Monday April 7th 6pm
(Corner of Queens Rd & George St)
Come and experience how JEI can help
your child to live:
“A better life through better education”
and First lesson*
**Conditions apply. Enquire within.
On The Night
• Get information on the exam, how to enrol and what counts
• Meet our teachers
• Program overview
• Cognitive Load Theory and dealing with exams
• Helpful techniques and strategies
• We believe every student has the potential
• Inspect our new modern location
• Light refreshments will be provided
M: 0403 318 180 /
RSVP - 8084 1010 - Limited places
JEI Maths
JEI Problem Solving
JEI English
JEI Reading & Writing
JEI Korean
*Science Year1 to Year10 also available*
(50% off Science when enrolled in 2 JEI subjects)
*FREE Diagnostic examination
Global Education Academy, Sydney's only research based learning centre
1/53-55 Montgomery Street, Kogarah, Ph: 02 8084 1010
211b Ramsgate Road, Ramsgate (near Coles)
Prop.: Edward J Kasparian
(Bph.BA.MPS. member of DA Australia)
Shop Hours: 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday and Sunday
Fast prescription service with counselling
Free Delivery and Pick up Service
Cosmetics, Exclusive French Perfumes, Gift Ware and Cards
We will match the best price
Webstar Packs Dispenser
We are members of the School Community and would be pleased to
offer a 10% discount on shopping items (not on scripts or specials)
to families and friends of SGCS - ask at the counter.
Tel: 9529 3367
Fax: 9583 2103
Individualised learning program for
each student with
diagnostic examination and
computerised result analysis.
Important information: The $550 commission is inclusive of GST. Only for new loans and lines of credit of $100,000 or more (or higher
if required by the particular home loan product). Excludes internally refinanced loans, bridging loans and credit limit increases on existing
loans. Applications are subject to credit approval. Full terms and conditions included in our Loan Offer. Fees and charges are payable. Your
personal details or details of your loan will not be disclosed to the school. We may cancel, terminate, modify or suspend this offer at any time.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. Australian Credit License 234945.