№ 305 ВЕСТНИК ТОМСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА Декабрь 2007 АННОТАЦИИ СТАТЕЙ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ PHILOLOGY Р. 7. Vasilchenko T.V. CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF F.M. DOSTOEVSKY’S «KARAMAZOV BROTHERS», CONCERNING ENGLISH CULTURAL TRANSLATION STRATEGIES AT THE END OF THE 20TH CENTURY. The following paper is an overview of English translation strategies at the end of the 20th century. The comparative analysis of three translations of F.M. Dostoevsky’s «Karamazov Brothers», written in the 1990’s shows the interconnection of the major translation concept tendencies. The paper focuses on the problems of translating specific national and religious words from Russian into English. Р. 11. Kashpur V.V. GENRE «CONGRATULATION» IN RUSSIAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE: TO THE PROBLEM OF LINGUISTIC COGNITIVE MODEL. The article describes the results of the linguistic cognitive model of the congratulation genre research. The peculiarities of the model are determined by the demands of the discourse, the situation of communication, and by the genre itself. Р. 15. Poleva E.A. THE THEME OF DISAPPEARANCE IN VLADIMIR NABOKOV’S «RUSSIAN NOVELS»’: APPROACHES TO INTERPRETATION. In the article the author regards biographical, cultural-philosophical and social-historical approaches to the exploration of the theme of disappearance in Nabokov’s novels which substantiates the significance of this theme for the writer’s aesthetics and world view. The article gives the review of the investigations of the novels which gives an idea of the discussion about the interpretation of the theme of disappearance on Nabokov’s works. Р. 20. Tikhomirova Yu.A. GENRE ORIGINALITY OF POETIC TRANSLATION OF RUSSIAN ROMANTICISM. The author raises the issue of genre originality of the Russian Romanticism poetic translation on the material of I.I. Kozlov’s translations of English poetry. There has been grounded the possibility to consider different translator’s entitlements and under-entitlements to be translation genres. The article touches upon series-constituting and myth-creating potential of translation genres. Р. 23. Khudorozhkova O.V. INTERPRETATION OF SCHILLER’S BALLADS, DER TAUCHER (THE DIVER) AND DER HANDSCHUH (THE GLOVE), BY RUSSIAN LITERATURE SCIENTISTS OF 19–20 CENTURIES. The article sequentially analyses the interpretation of Schiller’s ballads, Der Taucher (The Diver) and Der Handschuh (The Glove) by Russian Literature scientists of 19–20 centuries. It reviews plot similarities and opposites in the Schiller’s ballads, The Diver and The Glove. A specific research target is how the translation by V.A. Zhukovskiy affects the way Schiller’s ballads are perceived and interpreted in Russia. PHILOSOPHY, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES Р. 26. Belekova А.T. MAIN TRENDS OF UNESCO ACTIVITIES AT PRESENT TIME. The article contains the information concerning basic purposes and goals of UNESCO – leading international intellectual forum. The author has made an attempt to examine the UNESCO reform problems in the context of modern global processes and to highlight the Organization’s role in comprehending longstanding global response to many threats of the XXI century. In the end some conclusions are presented concerning the mission and main trends of UNESCO activities at present time. Р. 29. Ladov V.A. THE VARIATIONS OF PHILOSOPHICAL INTERPRETATIONS OF INTELLIGENT ACTIVITY IN THE CONTEXT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCHES. The different philosophical paradigms of interpretation of intelligent activity are presented in this article. The author’s task consists in demonstration that a choice of some paradigm of interpretation of rationality determines a strategy at artificial intelligence researches. Р. 35. Nesterov А.Yu. DEFINITION OF THE NOTION OF FANTASTIC. The author of the article considers the notion of fantastic in the context of the semiotic model of communication, formulates and proves the hypothesis, in accordance with which fantastic can be defined as the logical paradox, i.e. as the self-referential negation. In accordance with the semiotic-receptive conception of literature this definition is verified for semantics, syntax and pragmatics of all the three levels of functioning of the text, i.e. on the level of linguistics, poetics and aesthetics. The conclusions obtained testify that the definition of the notion «fantastic» as the self-referential negation is adequate and productive for the spheres, which need this notion. Р. 42. Popov A.A. PHILOSOPHICAL-HISTORICAL OPPOSITION OF CULTURAL AND INDIVIDUAL IN PEDAGOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. In this article the author discusses the influence of the notions «cultural» and «individual» on the modern pedagogical anthropology. The way of formation of the European pedagogy from the point of view of cultural transmission is being traced back, besides the transition to the processes of individualization and to the overcoming of the existing pedagogical techniques is reflected in this article. The process of individualization is described by the author as the mastering of means of anthropological selfdetermination of a person in modern life. Р. 47. Tulenkova N.V. THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FAMILY STATUS IN SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS, THAT CHILD WITH LIMITED HEALTH CAPACITY HAS IN THE SPHERE OF SOCIALIZATION. The article is dedicated to analysis of social and psychological status of families, bringing up children with limited health capacity, according to such parameters as family structure, educational and professional status of parents, their social and pedagogical status and financial position. The necessary development of the sociocultural, psychological and pedagogical system becomes actual, system that supports present – day family which brings up disabled child. 231 CULTUROLOGY Р. 50. Galanina E.V. THE MYTH AS A PHENOMENON OF THE MODERN CULTURE. This article is devoted to the problem of the myth status and role in the modern social and cultural reality. The author investigates the myth as a phenomenon of the culture, which shows its importance in ontological, epistemological, social and cultural aspects. The conclusion of this article is the following: the myth is a fundamental anthropological category, which plays the main role in the modern culture, realizing the cognitive, ideological, value, social and regulative functions. Р. 53. Zaytseva T.A. A STUDY OF SPECIFIC IN LOCAL CULTURES. Local cultures and its specific are one of the more interesting problems of modern humanities. At the studying of this problem may be formulated vital questions connected with process of forming different types of culture and methods of its research. Р. 55. Kaligoida E.V. THE DIALOGUE OF CULTURES AS A METHODOLOGICAL CONSTRUCT IN STUDYING RELIGIOUS HYMNES OF SIBERIAN COMPOSERS. The article is a generalized description of the results of scientific investigation of religious hymnes of Siberian composers as a phenomenon with specific peculiarities of functioning and development. The most important issue is the notion of the composers hymnes as bifunctional texts. This makes it possible to define their static and dynamic functional structures. Р. 59. Pushnaja M.L. METHODS OF RESEARCHING REGIONAL SUBCULTURES AT THE EXAMPLE OF NEOPAGANIZM. In this article I talk about the phenomena of neopaganizm (New religious movements). I give short characteristic of neopaganizm and research the question about the most effective methods for researching regional subcultures at the example of neopagan subculture. Р. 62. Saveleva E.N. GENERIC AND STYLISTIC FEATURES OF THE FILMS OF SIBERIAN THEME IN CINEMATOGRAPHY OF 1960 YEARS. In the spase of a regional cinematograph group of the productions united by the Siberian subjects is marked. The stylistic and genre features of cinema about Siberia are used as the metodological bases. Hereat art means and historical reasons of their use are analysed. Genre identification allows to accentuate peculiarity of this group of cinema productions. Р. 67. Yushenko M.A. MASS MEDIA AS A POWER’S MECHANISM OF PUBLIC OPINION FORMING. In this article the power’s use of mass media for public opinion forming is considered. Concepts mass media and means of mass communication are differentiated. The history of interaction between power and mass media is described. Main trends of modern development of mass media in Russian Federation are shown on data of federal and regional studies. HISTORY Р. 71. Bilalutdinov M.D. J.P. GOEBBELS ABOUT WOMEN ROLE AND PLACE IN NATIONAL-SOCIALISTS SOCIETY AND STATE. Article is devoted to the analysis of representations about woman role and place in a national-socialist society and state of the minister of propaganda the Third Reich J. P. Goebbels, and as well as his gender policy. Р. 75. Markova M.F. CULTURAL-EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL ACTIVITY OF TOMSK’ MUSLIM IN BEGINNING OF 20 CENTURY. The article is considering development of social and political processes in muslim society in Tomsk in the beginning of 20 century and their consolidation with muslim of Russian Empire. Р. 79. Nadtochey Iu.I. THE INSTITUTIONAL BARGAIN OF THE WEST WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF UNILATERALISM/MULTILATERALISM ISSUE IN TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS. Тhe US-European interaction in the second half of the twentieth century and on the eve of the millennium is being envisaged in retrospective. Terms «unilateralism» and «multilateralism» are common words for modern historical and political science. Main IR schools of thought define these two concepts in different ways, but most of them nevertheless converge that multilateralism can be defined as certain international consensus while unilateralism means the absence of it. Retrospective analysis of transatlantic relations within the context of unilateralism/multilateralism issue is impossible without appropriate theoretical approaches. One of them is called «bargaining theory»” which envisages multilateral interaction as a process of gaining compromise (consensus). The author concludes that unilateral tendencies in US Foreign Policy and European multilateral aspirations in security sphere after the end of the Cold War originated from both objective and subjective factors. The divergence of the United States and Europe’s «strategic cultures» has resulted from increased asymmetry of power between US and European «poles» in NATO. In such circumstances political elites on both sides of the Atlantic have come to conclusion that the principles of functioning in transatlantic security system need to be reconsidered. Р. 83. Poddubnaya M.V. MUTUAL RELATIONS OF THE USA, THE PRC AND RUSSIA IN THE MODERN WORLD OF GLOBALIZATION. The article is devoted to the analysis of relations among three key actors of the world arena: the United States of America – the People’s Republic of China – Russia. The collapse of the USSR and bipolar system of international relations brought to the world-wide rise of influence of the USA. The complex of problems and processes of political, economic, military-technical origin, which exist among official Washington, Moscow and Beijing, is a subject of this article. Р. 88. Rumyantsev V.P. D. EISENHOWER AND DECISION TO SEND AMERICAN TROOPS TO LEBANON IN 1958. The article is devoted to investigation of motives of D. Eisenhower’s decision to send American troops to Lebanon in 1958. Realization of military operation in the Middle East in summer of 1958 seemed to U.S. administration to be the demonstration of readiness and ability of the U.S.A. to make military intervention to the region. Such demonstration of power was necessary in connection with development of events in the Middle East after the coup d’etat in Iraq on July 14 of 1958, and competition between parties in the U. S. on the eve of election to the American Congress. 232 Р. 93. Sedler A.A. «THE NUMBERS» – A CENTER OF RUSSIAN YOUTH EMIGRATION. The present article is devoted to publicity writing of the first tide of emigration. By analyzing the activities of «The Numbers» (Paris, 1930–1934) problems of youth emigration abroad are revealed. Destiny of «The Numbers» and other periodicals of that time were natural. Actually all of them ceased their work by the beginning of the Second World War. Р. 96. Smokotina L.I. G.N. POTANIN ABOUT THE ROLE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION IN DEVELOPING SIBERIAN TRADE IN THE BEGINNING OF 20TH CENTURY. On modern conditions when Russia makes one more attempt to main western market economy, the investigation of Potanin' s views about the role of special education in developing Siberian trade in the beginning of 20th century is of the special meaning and actuality. Potanin thought about increasing Russia prestige and considered that the most important thing for Russia is to study trade successfully but not war. According to Potanin's views it could be achieved only on conditions of special education of Siberian merchants. Р. 100. Shakurov K.R. AN ACTIVITY OF MUSLIM SECT «VAIS’ DIVINE REGIMENT» IN TOMSK PROVINCE. In history of western Siberia of the end of XIX – beginning of XX century there is a distinct interest to study an activity of Vais’ movement. Vais` movement, which is very interesting and contradictive phenomenon in history of Muslim nations of Volga-Ural region, has left an essential track in the history of Islam in Russia. Vaisov followers were in permanent conflict both with authorities and official Muslim seculars. However, on all stages of the development of this movement its followers tried to resolve appearing issues by means of political dialogue. LEGAL Р. 104. Altynbaewa L.M. IMPROVEMENT OF LEGISLATION CONCERNING THE PECULIARITIES IN THE USE OF PENALTIES FOR JUVENILES. Given research made possible to find out considerable problems in legislation and in the use of institution penalties for juveniles. The undertaken study of tendencies of the development in the system of penalties for juveniles the study of criminal legislation in different countries the study of the up-to-date legislation in Russia concerning the types of penal sanctions for juveniles give an opportunity to put forward certain suggestions on the improvement of some provisions of criminal law concerning the use of for juveniles. Р. 106. Zheleznyak I.N. ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF OPERATIVE-DETECTIVE RESTRICTION OF CITIZENS’ RIGHT TO INVIOLABILITY OF PRIVATE LIFE. The article consideres the issues of provision of inviolability of citizrns’ private life in performing operative-detective activity. The auther defines the term «private life», detailes its elements, shows the problems of compliance with the institution of iviolability of private life in the course of operative-detective actions. The ways of improving legislative regulation of the above mentioned right restrictions in operative detective sphere of law enforcement activity are preposed in this article. Р. 109. Ivanova L.V. FEATURES OF THE PERPETRATOR’S EXCESS. Features of the perpetrator’s excess are considered in the article. Such features as lack of causal and guilty connection, commitment the perpetrator’s excess in objective and subjective spheres, by intention or careless, are described in he article. It’s paid attention to cases of the perpetrator’s excess in which objective and guilty connection is retained. ECONOMICS Р. 113. Bogomazova O.I. STRUCTURE OF AGRICULTURAL RISKS. The risk is the complex effect having set not conterminous, and sometimes of the opposite real bases. A variety of opinions on essence of risk speaks, in particular, multidimensional this phenomenon. In the paper research of the risk situations of shown during realization of activity by managing subjects of agrarian sphere, systematization of kinds of risk. Р. 116. Gammershmidt I.A. THE MAIN FEATURES OF PRIVATE FARMS BEHAVIOR. The basic factors that influence the family decision and form the further economic behavior of private farms have been viewed. Р. 119. Kazakov V.V. THE MAIN PATTERNS OF THE BUDGETARY POLICY IN 2007. In the article there are considered vectors and tendencies of the Budgetary Policy in the Russian Federation and solutions for the current situation. The main principles and priorities of the Budgetary Policy in 2007 and for middle-term perspectives have been determined. There is a detailed consideration of income and outlay budgetary policy and state debts policy in the work. Р. 127. Kasachova O.V. THE PROBLEMS OF PERFECTION OF COMPULSORY SOCIAL INSURANCE IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AT THE PRESENT TIME. More actual problems of development of compulsory social insurance in the Russian Federation, being connected with work of the state social out of budgetary funds, are analyzed. Ways of improvement of the existent in Russia system of social insurance, allowing to provide social defence in accordance with the requirements of the socially-oriented market economy, are offered. Р. 130. Lazicheva E.A. ABOUT SYSTEMS ESSENCE OF THE CATEGORY OF «REGION». The aim of the article is the methodological definition of the region as a system. The term of «region» as a key concept of the regional economics has been analуzed in the view of its polysemy. The integrative abilities of this term have been revealed. Using the methodology and instruments of systems analysis, the own arguments for systems essence of the term of «region» are suggested by the author. Р. 133. Lyakh O.A. THE EFFICIENCY OF INFLUENCE OF A TAX POLICY ON THE BUDGETS FORMATION OF SUBJECTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. In the given questions of investment activity stimulation of organizations are con- 233 sidered, which depend on many causes connected with the perfection of the legislation in tax and budgetary, as well in bank spheres. The situation of investment activity of managing subjects in Republic Khakassia is analysed. Р. 136. Olovyanishnikov A.G. THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF FINANCIAL RE-STRUCTURING AT THE ENTERPRISE IN MODERN CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY. More often proprietors or management are solved on carrying out of changes in case of unsatisfactory, in their opinion, parameters of financial and economic activity of the enterprise. One of directions of increase of efficiency becomes carrying out of financial re-structuring which purposes usually are prevention or a conclusion of the enterprise from crisis and optimization of financial streams inside of the company or groups of the companies. Р. 139. Snegireva I.A. EURO`S INFLUENCE ON RUSSIAN ECONOMY. Euro`s entering the world took an effect on The Russian Federation economy. Though in Russia euro` role is not so significant as in other countries still there are some spheres of Russian economy where euro influences the situation in a definite way. Р. 143. Starikova T.A. ACTIVITY APPROACH IN APPLIED RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF LABOR ECONOMICS. The present article considers the importance of activity approach for investigations of actual problems in the field of labor economics. In order to form up effective socio – labor relations, it is necessary to take into account as level of society development (formation approach), as well as it’s cultural, value characteristics (civilization approach). Activity approach gives the possibility to join features of approaches in applied research, because social dynamics is based on activity, considerably influenced by values of people, involved in this activity. Р. 147. Tarabanovskiy А.A. EFFECTIVE INSTRUMENTS OF CONTROLLING IN SYSTEM OF THE FINANCIAL PLANNING THE AUTONOMOUS ESTABLISHMENT OF THE HIGH VOCATIONAL TRAINING. The author suggests to use the model of multipleparameter base of tasks for payment as one of effective instruments of controlling in system of the financial planning the autonomous establishment of the high vocational training. The given model allows to keep account and the control of an expenditure of money resources over a spectrum of the set parameters that is especially important at formation of administrative decisions. PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGICS Р. 149. Andronova O.Е. THE PROBLEM OF COMPONENTS, CHARACTERISTICS AND THE MAIN TYPES OF SELFCONSCIOUSNESS IN PSYCHOLOGY. The article contains the comparative analysis of self-consciousness theories of scientists of our country (as L.S. Vigotskii, E.T. Sokolova, V.V. Stolin, I.S. Kon, I.I. Chesnokova and others). Different approaches to the definition of essence and structure of self-consciousness were considered. On the basis of analysis the author of article suggests the types of selfconsciousness. Р. 153. Kalabina N.N. THE STRUCTURE OF ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION IN TOMSK. In the giving article the main attention is paid on the necessity of preventive ecologization of all education system. The basic components of ecological education in Russia are determined here. They are: scientific, normative and integral components. The author gives the brief characteristic of current state of ecology specialists training in Tomsk, describes achievements and problems. Furthermore, the structure of the higher ecological education is shown and the short review of educational ecological problems and technologist is giving in this article. Р. 157. Klochko V.E. POST-NON-CLASSICAL TRANSSPECTIVE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE. The problem of «paradigmal shift» as one of the most important characteristics of modern scientific psychology is studied in the article. The paper is an attempt at reconsidering the history of psychology from the perspective of a paradigm shift. With the help of the transspective analysis author demonstrates of the reasons of progress in the psychological science as an open self-organizing theoretical system. The transspective analysis is considered as the methodological means knowledge of self-organizing psychological systems. Affirms, that the contemporary psychology moves to a post-nonclassical paradigm, within the limits of which the mentality and consciousness receive a new explanation. Р. 165. Krasnorjiadtseva O.M. PSYCHOLOGY-EDUCATIONAL ACCOMPANIED BY TRAINING OF SPECIALIST. In the article the issue below presents the experience of working out the psychology-educational accompanied by training of specialists. Conceptual foundations and specific tasks of programs by psychology-educational accompanied are discussed in the article. Р. 169. Lygina N.I., Turlo Ye. EXPERT EXAMINATION OF TEACHING MATERIALS QUALITY. The paper presents principles of teaching materials development; highlights the major components of academic publications and formulates their main characteristics. On this basis, the «norm» of quality of academic publications of different types which is represented as questionnaires has been developed. As example, questionnaires assessing the quality of teaching manuals and teaching aids for practical classes are given. Р. 174. Franova I.V. THEORETICO-METHODOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF ELLIS'S RATIONAL-EMOTIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY. We present the sources of theoretical and practical ideas integrated into the theory of rational-emotive behavioral therapy due to Ellis, one of the founders of the cognitive tradition in psychotherapy. Anthropological notions underlying Ellis's therapeutic model are reconstructed showing their relationship with Dewey's philosophy of pragmatism. Р. 178. Shishkova M.G. ROLE CREATIVE REALIZATION ITSELF IN PROFESSIONAL FORMATION PUPILS PU. The Conditions social and economic transformations in modern russian society have fundamentally changed the system of the requirements presented to preparation pupil in vocational school. The Society is interested in worker, capable to realization itself, creative activity. In given context of one of the the most most important problems professional teaching becomes direct pupil vocational school on creative realization itself, which goal-directed development is conditioned by his(its) creative activity, creative independance, creative. Creative realization itself executes role in scholastic-professional and professional activity pupil vocational school at presence of the happy circumstanceses for her(its) manifestations. 234 MATHEMATICS Р. 181. Mizin A.G. FUNDAMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN 1-FAMILIES AND HYPERCOMPLEXESOF MULTIDIMENSIONAL PLANES IN PROECTIVE SPACE. Fundamental correspondence which was introduced by the author (Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Math.12, 1989) between families of complementary dimensions on the Grassmanian of multidimensional planes is considered for 1-families and hypercomplexes of such planes. Р. 185. Tveretin A.S. ALMOST COMPLETELY DECOMPOSABLE TORSION-FREE FINITE RANK GROUPS WITH ELEMENTARY FACTOR. In this paper we study almost completely decomposable groups G of finite rank which have incomparable types of rank-1 summands. Each of these groups has unique complete quasi-decomposition A. We consider a problem about quantity of almost completely decomposable groups G with given complete quasi-decomposition A for which G/A is isomorphic to direct sum of Z(p). BIOLOGY Р. 188. Mamontov Ju.S. ADDITION TO THE BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF THE OMSK REGION. The article describes the habitats of one type of liverwort and seven types of mosses which were previously not known in the Omsk Region. Р. 192. Munkhjargal N., Zibareva L.N., Ouynchimeg D., Pyak A.I. SCREENING ЕCDYSTEROID-CONTANING SPECIES IN MONGOLIAN AND RUSSIAN ALTAIN FLORAS. Ecdysteroids presence were detected in 14 from 127 species from 27 families of Mongolian and Altain floras, but in 5 of them: Silene aprica, S. ichebogda, S. mongolica, Serratula marginata, Chenopodium frutescens for the first time. Р. 197. Nekratova N.A., Vysochina G.I., Zibareva L.N., Kukushkina T.A., Miroshnichenko E.V. TO STUDYING THE BIOCHEMICAL COMPOUND OF SOME SPECIES OF GENUS ADENOPHORA FISCH. (FAM. CAMPANULACEAE). For the first time the quantitative matter of some biologically active substances (free acids, tannins, flavonolods, catehins, saponins, cumarins, alkaloids etc.) is established in elevated and underground segments at 5 species of genus Adenophora (A. golubinzevaeana, A. lamarckii, A. lilifolia, A. coronopifolia, A. stenanthina). The raw material for analyses is collected on Kuznetskiy Alatau (republic Hakasia) in optimum oikes of species. Р. 202. Panchenko E.M., Dukarev A.G. FUNCTIONAL ZONING THE TERRITORY BETWEEN RIVERS OB’ AND TOM’ AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Principal factors of anthropogenic load of the territory between rivers Ob’ and Tom’ were analyzed in this paper. It is shown that the work of the Tomsk water inlet, agricultural activity, and lumbering negatively affect the territory. One of the negative consequences is forest and peatbog fires. The ecological functional zoning has allowed revealing the firedangerous sites and the transformed territories between rivers Ob’ and Tom’. Р. 208. Rodikova A.V. GENESIS AND PROPERTIES SALINE SOILS OF KHAKASIA. In the steppe depressions of Khakasia the arid type of pedogenesis is shown to predominate; it is related to local orografic and climatic features. The author described the results of investigations saline soils and characterized the processes of their genesis. Р. 211. Sviridova T.P., Zinner N.S. INTRODUCTION MEDICINAL PLANTS, WHICH CONTRIBUTE FLAVONOIDS IN THE SIBERIAN BOTANICAL GARDEN OF TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY. The paper summarize results long-term Introduction experiment in the Siberian botanical garden of Tomsk state university, the herbs containing flavonoids are generalized. The Attention also concentrated on features of growth, development, duplication and stability of 26 species Р. 215. Suchkova S.A. PERFECTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DUPLICATION OF NONCONVENTIONAL FRUIT AND BERRY CULTURES IN TOMSK AREA. Results of researches on technology of duplication of grades of Virbatum and Lonicera are stated to green shanks(cuttings). Dependence of rooting of shanks (cuttings) and qualities received саженцев from a high-quality accessory(belonging), a part of the runaway, used regulators of growth and ways cultivation is established. For the accelerated reception of a landing material the combined way of cultivation landing material is recommended. SCIENCES ABOUT EARS Р. 219. Asochakova E.M., Konovalenko S.I. GEOCHEMICAL PECULIARITIES OF IRON ORES OF THE BAKCHAR DEPOSIT (WEST SIBERIA). The Bakchar deposit is one of the largest deposits of oolitic iron ore in Russia and the world. The study of impurity elements distribution into oolitic iron ores and associated rocks and simultaneous consideration of petrogenic oxides behavior allow the deeper understanding of sedimentary minerogenesis processes. Р. 223. Melnik I.A. TECHNOLOGY OF INCREASE INFORMATION DATA GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCHES WITH THE PURPOSE OF ALLOCATION OF ZONES IMPOSED EPIGENESIST IN SANDSTONES-COLLECTORS. The algorithm of calculation of concentration Fe, B, K, Si, on data Geophysical researches, in sandstones-collectors of the Western-Siberian province is shown. The opportunity of allocation of zones imposed epigenesist on border oil-water is proved undressed on the basis of the correlation analysis of concentration Fe, B, K, Si and the data of the general porosity and Specific electric resistance. 235