george Veiligheid op die Moenie jou skootrekenaar, duur selfone en juweliersware saam neem strand toe nie en dit alleen op die sand los wanneer jy gaan swem. Hoe minder goedere jy saam neem strand toe, hoe minder sal jou skade wees sou diewe iets steel. Wees op die uitkyk vir verdagte persone, in die meeste gevalle jong kinders, en rapporteer enige verdagte optrede aan die polisie of munisipale wetstoepassers wat diens doen op die strande. safety 0RHQLH MRX EHVLW tings alleen op die strand los as jy gaan swem nie. Jy VNHSµQJHOHHQWKHLG vir diewe om jou goed te steel. VEILIGHEID IN DIE SEE $ONRKRO HQ VZHP LV µQ GRGHOLNH NRPELQDVLH PRHQLH gaan swem as jy gedrink het nie. 0RHQLHJDDQVZHPDVM\ROLNPRHJRIVZDNYRHOQLH 0RHQLHDOOHHQRIDOOHHQRSµQYHUODWHVWUDQGJDDQVZHP nie, sê vir iemand waarheen jy gaan. Moenie in die aand swem nie. Wees realisties oor jou swemvermoë, PRHQLHWHGLHSLQGLHVHHVZHPWHQV\M\µQEDLHVWHUN VZHPPHU LV QLH :HHV HNVWUD YHUVLJWLJ E\ VWUDQGH HQ PHUH ZDW QLH EHNHQG LV DDQ MRX 0RHQLH LQ YODN HQ modderige water duik nie. 0RHQLH QDE\ EUDQGHUSODQNU\HUV VNLERWH HQ MHW VNL¶V swem nie. Wees ekstra versigtig E\ VWUDQGH HQ PHUH ZDW QLH EHNHQG LV aan jou nie. Moenie in vlak en modderige water duik nie. What makes us different? We simply offer so much more! Blue Dot Ink grad1127 0RHWQRRLWXLWVZHPRPLHPDQGWHKHOSZDWLQGLHPRHL OLNKHLGLVDVGDDUµQDQGHUPDQLHULVRPGLHSHUVRRQWH UHG QLH 'LW LV KRRJV ZDDUVN\QOLN GDW µQ SHUVRRQ ZDW EHVLJLVRPWHYHUGULQNMRXRQGHUGLHZDWHUVDOWUHNXLW desperasie en dit jou lewe kan kos. Auto-dispatching systems that ensure correct and instant dispatching Anti-ballistic window and door panels not only ensure we’re ready for any eventuality, but keep our staff safe too Uncompromising vetting standards of staff including fingerprint scans for criminal records and SANCA testing for abuse clearance The highest training standards ensure all staff are trained and licensed to carry hand guns of all calibres and are competent in: - MasterDrive defensive driving - 16PF psychometric testing for stress tolerance and interactive video scenario response training Fully compliant with SAIDSA (South African Intruder Detection Services Association) regulations ADT GARDEN ROUTE IS AN ACTIVE SUPPORTER OF: The Plettenberg Bay Crime Prevention Association The Knysna Owls Neighbourhood Watch The Sedgefield Neighbourhood Watch Rented systems installed from R499 ADT, the best security choice, always. CALL 044 801 8600, SMS ADT to 32933, visit or find us on Facebook at ADT Security South Africa (SMS charged at R1,00) Terms and conditions apply. Registered as a Security Service Provider by the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority, Reg. No. 765528 96837-JE-HG11-MB Garden Route Ad 1127.indd 1 59 2011/11/08 3:29 PM Don’t take any chance on Security when it comes to Loved ones, Family & Property ecurity SECURITY LEADERS IN THE SOUTHERN CAPE Services With a growing client base of over 6 500, M Sec Security is the leader in the Security Market within the Southern Cape. ǵȟɀɆɃȤɀȿȺɅɀɃȺȿȸȘɃȾȶȵȩȶɄɁɀȿɄȶ ǵȘȽȲɃȾȠȿɄɅȲȽȽȲɅȺɀȿ ǵȦɆɅȵɀɀɃțȶɅȶȴɅȺɀȿ ǵȚȚȫȭȠȿɄɅȲȽȽȲɅȺɀȿ ǵȘȴȴȶɄɄȚɀȿɅɃɀȽ ǵȤȶȶɅȞɃȶȶɅȪȶɃɇȺȴȶɄ M Sec Security provides security to individual clients as well as to corporates in Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, George and the entire Garden Route area. When it comes to security of family, loved ones and belongings, we believe no one should take a chance! Call M Sec today for total peace of mind. MSEC Product Range ǵȜȽȶȴɅɃɀȿȺȴȪȶȴɆɃȺɅɊ ǵȟɀɆɃȫȶȴȹȿȺȴȲȽȪɆɁɁɀɃɅ ǵȩȲȵȺɀȥȶɅɈɀɃȼ ǵȘɃȾȶȵȩȶɄɁɀȿɄȶ ǵȚȚȫȭȪɊɄɅȶȾ FOLLOW UP ON LET US ENSURE your Safety in the Garden Route 7ɪɸɖWɛʃȱɏ(ʩȼɏԫɡ ǵȞȶɀɃȸȶ ǵȮȺȽȵȶɃȿȶɄɄ ǵȦɆȵɅɄȹɀɀɃȿ ǵȢȿɊɄȿȲ ǵȞɃɀɀɅȳɃȲȼ ǵȤɀɄɄȶȽȳȲȲȺ ecurity 94319-JE-HG11-MB 60 george Wees werpe of ander voertuie. Sorg dat alle passasiers in die voertuig, en ja, veral die kinders hul sitplekgordels vasmaak. VEILIGHEID VIR VOETGANGERS /RRSRSGLHV\SDDGMLH9HUP\OLHZHUVRPLQen tussen die bewegende verkeer te loop. Loop liewer in die rigting van GLH DDQNRPHQGH YHUNHHU 'LH PHHVWH YRHWJDQJHUV ZDW veiligheid omgery word, het nie rondgekyk om te sien of dit veilig was om die pad oor te steek nie. Sommige misgis hulle ook met die spoed waarteen voertuie ry. Kyk dus in alle ULJWLQJVYRRUGDWM\GLHSDGRRUVWHHN'UDOLJWHNOHXUHYHUDO as jy in die aand loop, of gebruik 'n flitslig. Klein kinders moet nie toegelaat word om alleen oor 'n pad te loop nie. :HHVZHWVJHKRRUVDDPQXJWHUZDDNVDDPHQJHGXOGLJ dit kan bydra tot ‘n baie laer ongeluksyfer dié feesseisoen. Mense is geneig om in die somer meer sosiaal te verkeer met veiligheid die laaste ding waaraan hulle dink - ‘n ope uitnodiging vir inbrekers of diewe. WEES VEILIG OP DIE PAD Elke jaar gedurende die feesseisoen is die ongeluksyfers op die land se paaie verskriklik hoog. Hier is 'n paar wenke vir motoriste sowel as voetgangers tydens die vakansie: %HVWXXUGHUVPRHWHHUVWHQVDOW\GJRHGXLWJHUXVHQQXJWHU wees wanneer hul agter ‘n motor se stuur klim. Indien u te veel alkohol gebruik het, maak liewer gebruik van ‘n taxi of laat 'n nugter vriend of familielid u motor bestuur. 6SRHGLVLQEDLHJHYDOOHGLHRRUVDDNYDQRQJHOXNNH'LW vertraag die kanse dat jy betyds sal stop om 'n botsing reg van voor te voorkom of gou genoeg kan uitswaai vir voor- Veiligheid BY DIE HUIS Spoed is in baie gevalle die oorsaak van ongelukke. Dit vertraag die kanse dat jy betyds sal stop om ‘n botsing reg van voor te voorkom of gou genoeg kan uitswaai vir voorwerpe of ander voertuie. Voor jy op jou langverwagte vakansie vertrek maak seker dat jy jou huis aan jou naaste polisiekantoor rapporteer. Leë huise is ‘n groot teiken vir diewe. Sluit alle waardevolle items in jou huis toe op ‘n veilige plek. Maak seker al jou deure en vensters is toe en diefwering is stewig. As jy ‘n alarmstelsel het, maak seker dit werk voordat jy die huis verlaat. Moenie implemente soos lere wat gebruik kan word om toegang tot jou huis te kry, buite laat rond lê nie. Pak alle waardevolle items in jou erf weg in die motorhuis. BESKERM JOUSELF! Michael de Nysschen 044 873 6707 Maak seker jou huis is beveilig met diefwering of ‘n alarmstelsel voordat jy op vakansie vertrek. 96822-JE-HG11-PM 96821-JE-HG11-RE Alarms )4116 $ATTERY2ROMOSIE We wish all our valued clients a blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. )4'#6)+(65 )4'#624+%'5 Beveilig jou familie met wonderlike geskenke die somer: GO CAMPING! Pocket LED Flashlight @ R39 Personal Attack Alarm @ R53 Cellphone Stungun @ R139 Alarm Padlocks @ R99 Pepper Spray @ R59 If you are going away for the Festive Season Remember: 1. Inform our control room 2. To test your alarm system well in advance EXTERNAL LIGHTING! 150w Halogen @ R36 500w Halogen @ R48 Twin Security light incl Sensor & Buzzer @ R136 Security is still affordable. Give us a call for a no obligation quotation. PROVIDERS OF SERVICE EXCELLENCE Camping Lanterns, 2 Way radio Kit, LED Spotlight, Tools etc. 84217-JE-HG11-PM Burglar bars...NO RUST! NO SPOILT VIEW! *(25*(2)),&( Alarm Systems +RXU0RQLWRULQJDQG5HVSRQVH +RXU7HFKQLFDOEDFNXS &-/$1*(1+29(1675*(25*( 61 george in the Garden Route is not only a sound financial investment, but a value-added lifestyle... property ANNATJIE Tel: 082 871 0927 - Fax: 044 620 3473 MOSSELBAY ĞǁĞƐĞ ƌĞŬŽƌĚ ǀĂŶ ďĞŬŽƐƟŐďĂƌĞ ;ƐƚĂďŝĞůĞͿ ŚĞĸŶŐƐ͘ ĞƐŽĞŬ ŽŶƐ ďĞƐƚĂĂŶĚĞ Groenkloof aftreeinwoners. oord seBesoek fokus is op hoë kwaliteit, uitmuntende versorging, beheerde toegang engerus veral tevrede bestaande aftree oorde en sorgeenheid vir u gemoedsrus raadpleeg die Groenkloof aftree oord seons fokus is op kwaliteit, uitmuntende versorging, beheerdeen toegang en veral opop Groenkloof aftree oord se fokus is op hoëhoë kwaliteit, uitmuntende versorging, beheerde toegang en veral op evrede inwoners. Besoek ons bestaande aftree oorde en vir uu ugemoedsrus en raadpleeg gerus die inwoners tydens u Besoek besoek aan ‘n Groenkloof aftree oord, insorgeenheid die pragtige Tuinroete. ĂŌƌĞĞŽŽƌĚĞĞŶƐŽƌŐĞĞŶŚĞŝĚǀŝƌƵŐĞŵŽĞĚƐƌƵƐ͊ tevrede inwoners. ons bestaande aftree oorde en gemoedsrusen enraadpleeg raadpleeggerus gerus die tevrede inwoners. Besoek ons bestaande aftree oorde ensorgeenheid sorgeenheid virvir gemoedsrus die nwoners tydens utydens besoek aan aan ‘n Groenkloof aftree oord, inindie pragtige Tuinroete. inwoners u besoek aan ‘n Groenkloof aftree oord, in pragtige Tuinroete. inwoners tydens u besoek ‘n Groenkloof aftree oord, diedie pragtige Tuinroete. Groenkloof aftree oord se fokus is op hoë kwaliteit, uitmuntende versorging, beheerde toegang en veral op R790 000 HERSHAM 5¬¬ FRAAIUITSIG 5¬¬ SUIDERKRUIS 5¬¬ ANNATJIE 082 871 0927 ANNATJIE 082 871 0927 ANNATJIE 082 871 0927 ANNATJIE 082 871 0927 THATCH HOLIDAY HOME 2 beds, 1 bath, lounge, open plan kitchen, attic for sleeping or entertainment, outside wooden deck, braai area and carport. Pool in complex. TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE FAMILY HOME WITH SPLENDID VIEWS PERFECT HOLIDAY HOME Upper level, separate entrance, open Open receptions, open plan kitchen with This double storey house offers open plan kitchen, dining room, lounge with thatch ceiling, separate scullery/laundry, receptions with sea view and wooden wooden deck, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. pantry, 3 bedrooms, main with en-suite balcony. Kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 Downstairs, entrance hall, open plan and walk-in dresser, 1 bathroom. Flat seperate bathrooms. Lower level offers, kitchen, scullery/laundry, lounge dining with lounge, bedroom, bathroom. Double flat with, lounge, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 room, 1 bedroom with en-suite, garage, garage, wendy house, staff bathroom bathroom and patio. Double garage, carport, undercover braai area. and established garden. undercover braai area, wendy Established garden. house/laundry. 5 min walk to beach. Groenkloof aftree oord se fokus is op hoë kwaliteit, uitmuntende versorging, beheerde toegang en veral op (3005#3",3*7*&36*57&3,001 tevrede inwoners. Besoek ons bestaande aftree oorde en sorgeenheid vir u gemoedsrus en raadpleeg gerus die 'ZKKdZ<Z/s/ZͲh/dsZ<KKW͊͊ (3005#3",3*7*&36*57&3,001 inwoners tydens u besoek aan ‘n Groenkloof aftree oord, in die pragtige Tuinroete. (3005#3",3*7*&36*57&3,001 (3005#3",3*7*&36*57&3,001 Die eerste Groenkloof huis is voltooi in Desember 2005, nou ses jaar, 165 huise en ‘n ͻϱϬďĞĚ^ŽƌŐĞĞŶŚĞŝĚŵĞƚϮϰƵƵƌŵĞĚŝĞƐĞƐŽƌŐ͕ŝŶďĞĚƌLJĨ͘ moderne later is Groenkloof Brakrivier voltooi, en jaar, kyk ons vorentoe Die eersteSiekeboeg Groenkloof huis is in voltooi inGroot Desember 2005, noujaar, ses 165 huise enna ‘n Die eerste Groenkloof huis is die voltooi Desember 2005, nou ses 165 huise en (3005#3",3*7*&36*57&3,001 Die eerste Groenkloof huis issukses inlaeDesember 2005, nou sesmet jaar, 165 en‘n‘nna die voortsetting van van onderhoud aftree oorde finansiële stabiliteit moderne Siekeboeg later isvoltooi Groenkloof Groot Brakrivier voltooi, en kyk onshuise vorentoe ͻLJƐƚĂŶĚƐǁŽŽŶƐƚĞůůĞǁĂŐůLJƐ͕ůĞǁĞŶƐƌĞŐǀĂŶĂĨR300 000͘ moderne Siekeboeg later is Groenkloof Groot Brakrivier voltooi, enen kyk ons na moderne Siekeboeg later is Groenkloof Groot Brakrivier voltooi, kyk onsvorentoe vorentoe na en bekostigbare heffings wat langtermyn volhoubaarheid verseker. die voortsetting van die sukses van lae onderhoud aftree oorde met finansiële stabiliteit die voortsetting van die van lae onderhoud aftree oorde met finansiële stabiliteit die voortsetting vansukses die sukses van lae onderhoud aftree oorde met finansiële stabiliteit ͻϭϭϲsŽůƟƚĞůŚƵŝƐĞ͕ŬŽŶƚĂŬŽŶƐŐĞƌƵƐǀŝƌŚĞƌǀĞƌŬŽƉĞ͘ Diebekostigbare eerste Groenkloof huis islangtermyn voltooi in Desember 2005, nou ses jaar, 165 huise en ‘n en heffings wat volhoubaarheid verseker. n bekostigbare heffings wat langtermyn volhoubaarheid verseker. en bekostigbare heffings wat volhoubaarheid verseker. moderne Siekeboeg laterlangtermyn is Groenkloof Groot Brakrivier voltooi, en kyk ons vorentoe na ͻ^ŽƌŐĞĞŶŚĞŝĚŽŽŬďĞƐŬŝŬďĂĂƌǀŝƌŶŝĞŝŶǁŽŶĞƌƐ͘ die voortsetting van die sukses van lae onderhoud aftree oorde met finansiële stabiliteit R300,000 en bekostigbare heffings wat langtermyn volhoubaarheid verseker. R300,000 R300,000 R300,000 3&&#0,.044&-#""* 70-500* R300,000 3&&#0,.044&-#""* 70-500* ZK<ͲϱϬйsK>dKK/͊͊ 3&&#0,.044&-#""* 70-500* 3&&#0,.044&-#""* 70-500* R850 000 3&&#0,.044&-#""* 70-500* ͻsŽůƟƚĞůŚƵŝƐĞǀĂŶĂĨR850 000͕ŐĞĞŶŽŽƌĚƌĂŐƐŬŽƐƚĞ͘ R595 000 R850 000 R595 000 ͻ^ƉĞƐŝĂůĞĂĂŶďŽĚ͗Ϯ^ůĂĂƉŬĂŵĞƌůĞǁĞŶƐƌĞŐŚƵŝƐR595 000͘ R850R850 000 000 R595000 000 R850 000 ͻ'ĞŵĞĞŶƐŬĂƉƐĞŶƚƌƵŵŵĞƚƉƌĂŐƟŐĞƵŝƚƐŝŐƚĞĂŵƉĞƌǀŽůƚŽŽŝ͘ R595 ͻ^ŽŶǀĞƌǁĂƌŵŝŶŐďĞƐƉĂĂƌĞůĞŬƚƌŝƐŝƚĞŝƚŐĞďƌƵŝŬ͘ R595 000 (&03(&#068&3,#&(*/730&( (&03(&#068&3,#&(*/730&( Lae onderhoud aftree oord met pragtige noordelike uitsig op Outeniqua berge. 'KZ'ͲKhtZ<'/EsZK'ϮϬϭϮ͊͊ t*OQSPTFTWBOPOUXJLLFMJOH'BTFTJWJFMFEJFOTUFSFFETWPMUPPJ (&03(&#068&3,#&(*/730&( Lae onderhoud aftree oord met pragtige noordelike uitsig op Outeniqua berge. 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Lae onderhoud aftree oordaftree metoord pragtige noordelike uitsig op Outeniqua berge. t,JFTVJUWPMUJUFMCFLPTUJHCBSFFOTMBBQLBNFSIVJTFWBOBGR925 000. t(FNFFOTLBQTFOUSVNWJSPOUTQBOOJOHFUFTCZFFOLPNTUFIBBSTBMPOFOCJCMJPUFFL t*OQSPTFTWBOPOUXJLLFMJOH'BTFTJWJFMFEJFOTUFSFFETWPMUPPJ ͻϮϬϮŚƵŝƐĞ͕ϮϰǁŽŽŶƐƚĞůůĞ͕^ŽƌŐĞĞŶŚĞŝĚ͕ϮϰƵƵƌĚŝĞŶƐ͘ t*OQSPTFTWBOPOUXJLLFMJOH'BTFTJWJFMFEJFOTUFSFFETWPMUPPJ t-BBUPOTVNFFSWFSEVJEFMJLWBOEJFMFXFOTSFHBMUFSOBUJFGPQIVJTFWBOBGR658 *OQSPTFTWBOPOUXJLLFMJOH'BTFTJWJFMFEJFOTUFSFFETWPMUPPJ t,JFTVJUWPMUJUFMCFLPTUJHCBSFFOTMBBQLBNFSIVJTFWBOBGR925 000. 000. tCFENPEFSOFTPSHFFOIFJENFUVVSHFLXBMJöTFFSEFQFSTPOFFM tCFENPEFSOFTPSHFFOIFJENFUVVSHFLXBMJöTFFSEFQFSTPOFFM ͻ<ŝĞƐƵŝƚϭƚŽƚϯƐůĂĂƉŬĂŵĞƌŚƵŝƐĞ͕ǀŽůƟƚĞůǀĂŶĂĨR885 000͘ tNB: Bestaande versorgingsfasiliteit (met sub-akute lisensie) reeds beskikbaar. CFENPEFSOFTPSHFFOIFJENFUVVSHFLXBMJöTFFSEFQFSTPOFFM t-BBUPOTVNFFSWFSEVJEFMJLWBOEJFMFXFOTSFHBMUFSOBUJFGPQIVJTFWBOBGR658 000. t(FNFFOTLBQTFOUSVNWJSPOUTQBOOJOHFUFTCZFFOLPNTUFIBBSTBMPOFOCJCMJPUFFL t(FNFFOTLBQTFOUSVNWJSPOUTQBOOJOHFUFTCZFFOLPNTUFIBBSTBMPOFOCJCMJPUFFL tNB: Bestaande versorgingsfasiliteit (met sub-akute lisensie) reeds beskikbaar. 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Hierdie versorgingsfasiliteit landgoed in George is (met spesifiek vir die individu met die behoefte vir meer spasie Hierdie landgoed in George is spesifiek vir die individu met die behoefte vir meer spasie 'ZKE<>KK&Z/&ͲEhtsZz^d>>/E'͊͊ (30&/,-00'3*'(&03(&o/68&73:45&--*/( (30&/,-00'3*'(&03(&o/68&73:45&--*/( Argitektoniese riglyne die koper vryheid ‘n groter huis self teis beplan. en die gemoedsrus watgee ‘n Aftree oord die bied. Erwe om se gemiddelde grootte 850m². Hoewel Groenkloofrif eie die identiteit ‘n eieom Huiseienaarsvereniging dit ook (30&/,-00'3*'(&03(&o/68&73:45&--*/( Argitektoniese riglyne‘ngee koperhet diemet vryheid ‘n groter huis self teis beplan. en die gemoedsrus wat ‘n Aftree oord bied. Erwe se gemiddelde grootte is 850m². Hoewel Groenkloofrif ‘n iseie identiteit met ‘n eiemet Huiseienaarsvereniging dit ook ͻWĞƌƐŽŶĞŵĞƚĚŝĞďĞŚŽĞŌĞĂĂŶƐƉĂƐŝĞ͕ĞƌǁĞŽŶŐĞǀĞĞƌ Hierdie landgoed invanaf George spesifiek vir het die individu die behoefte vir meerisspasie Vol titelgemoedsrus huise die R1 000.,POUBLPOTHFSVTWJSCPVQMBOOFCFTLJLCBBSIFJEFO en die wat995 ‘n Aftree oord bied.oord Erwe sereg gemiddelde grootte isgeleë 850m². gekoppel Groenkloof George aftree watgemiddelde langs Groenkloofrif is. die gemoedsrus wat Aftree oord Erwemet se grootte is spasie 850m². Ϯin aan Hierdieen landgoed George is ‘n spesifiek diebied. individu die behoefte vir meer meer besonderhede. Argitektoniese riglyne gee 000.,POUBLPOTHFSVTWJSCPVQMBOOFCFTLJLCBBSIFJEFO dievirkoper die vryheid om ‘n groter huis self te beplan. ͕ ŵĞƚƉƌĂŐƟŐĞŶŽŽƌĚƵŝƚƐŝŐƚĞǀĂŶ'ĞŽƌŐĞĞƌŐĞ͘ ϴϱϬŵ Vol titel huise vanaf R1 995 riglyne gee koper diehet vryheid ‘n groter huis self is te 850m². beplan. n dieArgitektoniese gemoedsrus wat ‘n Aftree oord bied. Erwe gemiddelde grootte Hoewel Groenkloofrif ‘ndie eie identiteit metse ‘n om eie Huiseienaarsvereniging is dit ook meer besonderhede. Hoewel Groenkloofrif ‘n eie identiteit het met ‘n eie Huiseienaarsvereniging is dit ook is. ͻ<ŽƉƉĞůŝŶŐĂĂŶ'ƌŽĞŶŬůŽŽĨŌƌĞĞŽŽƌĚĞǀŝƌƵŐĞŵŽĞĚƐƌƵƐ͘ Argitektoniese riglyne gee die koper die vryheid om ‘n groter huis self te beplan. gekoppel aan die Groenkloof George aftree oord wat reg langs Groenkloofrif geleë aanhuise die‘nGroenkloof George aftree oord wat reg langs Groenkloofrif geleë is. Vol titel vanaf R1 995 000.,POUBLPOTHFSVTWJSCPVQMBOOFCFTLJLCBBSIFJEFO Hoewelgekoppel Groenkloofrif eie identiteit het met ‘n eie Huiseienaarsvereniging is dit ook ͻsŽůƟƚĞůŚƵŝƐĞǀĂŶĂĨR1 995 000͘ Vol titel huise vanaf R1 995 000.,POUBLPOTHFSVTWJSCPVQMBOOFCFTLJLCBBSIFJEFO meer gekoppel aan diebesonderhede. Groenkloof George aftree oord wat reg langs Groenkloofrif geleë is. meer besonderhede. Vol titel huise vanaf R1 995 000.,POUBLPOTHFSVTWJSCPVQMBOOFCFTLJLCBBSIFJEFO gekoppel aan die in Groenkloof wat reg Groenkloofrif geleë is. Hierdie landgoed George is George spesifiekaftree vir dieoord individu metlangs die behoefte vir meer spasie meer besonderhede. R3 450 000 OUTENIQUASTRAND R2 450 000 Pragtig, solied en baie ruim. 4 slaapkamers,studeerkamer, 5 badkamers, 5 leef areas, 2 kombuise, kelder, stoorkamers en vele meer. Prys drasties verlaag. PIENAARSTRAND R1 950 000 KINGSWOOD ERF OUTENIQUASTRAND Baie netjiese lae onderhoud huis met mooi seesig. Oop plan leef area, dubbel motorhuis en apparte braai kamer. 2 slaapkamers, studeer kamer, 2 badkamers, braai kamer <ŽŽƉĚŝƌĞŬǀĂŶĚŝĞŽŶƚǁŝŬŬĞůĂĂƌͻǁǁǁ͘ŐƌŽĞŶŬůŽŽĨ͘ŶĞƚ 62 Klipgooi van die strand met seesig. Elite ligging. Baie goeie area. Lae onderhoud huis met seesig en naby mooi strand. 1600M’ in Cul de Sac. PLANNE INGESLUIT R1 100 000 ona Elite eiendom met prag seesig. Baie spasie en aandag aan detail. 5 slaapkamers,4 badkamers, baie ruim leef ruimtes. 2 binne braai areas,kaggel,kroeg en vele meer. R5 500 000 Tel / Faks: 044 873 6388 .BSLTUSBBU(&03(&t&SSPMt#FBUSJY As we grow older buying a retirement home can be one of the most important decisions we ever make. It should be a step that assures us of contentment and dignity in the years ahead. The 'Golden Years' should be just that, years of enjoying the rewards of a lifetime of hard work. This is the time when adults get time for fun! Unfortunately, most of us tend to put off even thinking about purchasing a home for our old age simply because we can't face the fact that we are getting older. We overlook signs that are probably staring us in the face. The once pristine family home starts looking shabby. The children have left and the home is now too big, maintenance of the property has by investing early in a retirement property in the now become a burden and before it deteriorates any further, it’s time to move on! The saddest reason of all to move is the death of a partner. The decision to move should ideally be made by a couple rather than by a grieving spouse. What will happen to the surviving spouse in the event of the caregiver's death. Is there enough money to pay for 24 hour nursing care at home? And if not, who is going to be responsible for the frail care costs? It is preferable to bypass all these potential problems by moving into a retirement community while both of you are in reasonable health. There is no need to dwell on how vulnerable we are to attacks in our homes. A well-run retirement complex will prioritise the security of 63 its residents. Retiring to a town like George is ideal. The Southern Cape is beautiful, with easy access to beaches, mountains and forests. George has top class shopping and medical facilities close by and a host of community activities. The area boasts one of the lowest crime rates in South Africa. You may think you're not ready to move at this stage, but your situation may unwittingly be a cause of real concern for your family. Perhaps they see what you won't: that you are a vulnerable couple, totally reliant on the family should things go wrong. The family may not always be there in an emergency, whereas in a retirement complex someone should be on call 24 hours a day. Since the Government passed the Housing Development Schemes for Retired Persons Act 65 of 1988 and amendment number 70 of 1990, all developers are bound to deliver on promises made to provide facilities like frail care, sports and community centres. Senior citizens can now buy into a retirement community and know that they have the full protection of the Government behind them. Other acts such as The Sectional Titles Act No. 95 of 1986, Share Holdings Act No. 59 of 1980, Aged Persons Act No. 81 of 1967 and as amended Act No. 100 of 1998 have all contributed to the financial security of buying into a retirement complex. Many retirement villages now allow for investment from as young as 45. A rental income from such an investment assists with property paying off the property until you are ready to make use of it. At this stage of your life, the greatest gift a parent can give a child is that parent’s own independence. Just bought your dreams house, and woke up to a nightmare Protect yourself with a Home Inspection, Know the facts before you sell or buy that property We also inspect New Builds and Renovations. Give us a call – we CAN help you George / Oudtshoorn / Mosselbay T: +27 (0) 44 870 0148 C: +21 (0) 83 270 7904 F: +27 (0) 86 648 3260 Ispecting homes in South Africa since 1986 94298-JE-HG11-PM Benefit george EXCLUSIVITY Nowhere else in the country do you find such a combined diversity of nature, recreation and leisure, ideal weather and serenity. LOGISTICALLY The Garden Route is sandwiched between the Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma mountains and the Indian Ocean. It includes towns such as Still Bay, Mossel Bay, Wilderness, Knysna, Oudtshoorn, Plettenberg Bay and Nature's Valley, with George the Garden Route's largest city and main administrative centre. It has top-class amenities such as schools, a university, hospitals, shopping complexes and excellent infra-structure with very well-maintained roads and a national airport at George at the centre of the route. ECOLOGY The Garden Route offers majestic mountains, breathtaking views, a natural garden of rich, colourful vistas with valleys and lakes, rivers and forests. The Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma indigenous forests are a unique mixture of Cape Fynbos and temperate forest, and offers hiking trails and eco-tourism activities. NATURE It hosts unique marine reserves, and is home to soft coral reefs, dolphins, seals and a host of other marine life. Various bays along the Garden Route are nurseries to the endangered Southern Right Whale which come here to give birth in the winter and spring (July to December). Nearly 300 species of bird life are to be GLENTANA 044 879 1053 MOSSEL BAY 044 693 0211 george a preferred destination found in a variety of habitats ranging from Fynbos to forest to wetlands. It has an eco-destination like few others in the world, with miles upon miles of beautiful, white sandy beaches and a zillion things to do and explore. Ten nature reserves embrace the varied ecosystems of the area. CLIMATE It has an oceanic climate, with mild to warm summers, and mild to cool winters. It has the mildest climate in South Africa and the second mildest climate in the world, after Hawaii, according to the Guinness Book of Records. Temperatures rarely fall below 10°C in winter and rarely climb beyond 28°C in summer. Rain occurs year-round, with a slight peak in the spring months, brought by the humid sea-winds from the Indian Ocean rising, and releasing their precipitation along the Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma Mountains just inland of the coast. genous forests are a unique mixture of Cape Fynbos and temperate forest and offer hiking trails and eco-tourism activities. INVESTMENT Being the primary holiday destination of many people, locally as well as offshore, this area will always be popular. Although we experience global economic pressure which logically has a negative impact on property prices, the Garden Route will always be an excellent investment opportunity as vacant land became a very scarce commodity in this area. LEISURE AND SPORT Sun, fun and rest is what this area presents. It is well known for its numerous quality golf courses. In George alone there are five popular golf courses. It hosts a fisherman’s paradise as all sorts of angling is catered for along the coast as well as in all the lagoons. The lakes, lagoons and open sea invites yachting and motor-boat activities. The Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma indi- GEORGE 044 874 1113 SEDGEFIELD - R1 090 000 property WILDERNESS 044 877 0027 REALISTIC HOUSE PRICES Currently investors can acquire property at extremely realistic prices due to the nature of the economy. It is common fact that the best buys, and therefore value for money, are acquired during times when the economy is at the bottom of a cycle. Historically we have seen that downward trends do not continue continuously and will investors be abundantly rewarded for investing at the bottom troughs of economic cycles. (Article by Gerhard Roux of RealNet George and Garden Route) There are many reasons for investing and living on the Garden Route. SEDGEFIELD 044 343 2777 SEDGEFIELD - R1 560 000 ON SHOW SOLE MANDATE Cosy 2 bed brick under tile home in the desirable area of the Village featuring double garages, fully walled and secure plus a 1 bedroom flat with spacious lounge. Call now for an appointment to view ERA (044) 343 2777 ALL HOURS. GEORGE - R1 020 000 SOLE MANDATE SOLE MANDATE 3 Bed, 2 bath timber clad family home on a corner stand of 1126m2. Situated within the vicinity of the school and walking distance to the town, this spacious property features attractive gardens with pool and water features. The added bonus of a 2 bed flat for extra income or visiting family. View by appointment. ERA (044) 343 2777 ALL HOURS DORMEHLSDRIFT - R1 500 000 Geniet die Feestyd in die paradys! Hoekom maak u dit nie u permanente tuiste nie? SOLE MANDATE This 3 bedroom house in secure complex offers 1.5 bathrooms, open plan kitchen with living areas. Garages with small erf. Offers welcome. KATY 082 788 9710 / MART 072 393 8487 A HOUSE TO CALL HOME!! Charming thatch roofed home in popular security village. Three bedrooms, sunny livingareas. Pretty garden. Double garage. MARION 082 775 2348 KINGSWOOD - R3 200 000 WILDERNESS - R1 080 000 Besoek ons Webtuiste: SOLE MANDATE PRICED TO SELL! Secure! Stunning views. Tranquility. KLEINKRANTZ Beautiful double storey house with pool in up and coming area. KATY 082 788 9710 / MART 072 393 8487 ERA WILDERNESS (044) 877 0027 DENNEOORD - R865 000 GEORGE - KRAAIBOSCH - R2 699 000 Vir 600 + Eiendomme Of Skakel ons & verander u lewe! KATY 082 788 9710 / MART 072 393 8487 A beautiful home in a upmarket area. The open plan living room extends to the outdoors capturing the most amazing views of the mountains. Four bedroom house with open plan living areas with doors leading to swimming pool with BBQ room. KATY 082 788 9710 / MART 072 393 8487 96927-JE-HG11-RE SOLE MANDATE Real value for money. This neat family house in cul de sac offers 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, living areas, kitchen on large stand with garage. A lot of potential. GEORGE/OUDTSHOORN 044 874 6010/044 272 2178 | | More than 3 500 offices in 36 countries and in excess of 40 000 sales assocaites worldwide 64 96892-JE-HG11-RE 96891-JE-HG11-RE 65 * PAID ADVERTISEMENT 66