PAT 2009; 5 (1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213 Online copy available at Publication of Faculty of Agriculture, Nasarawa State University, Keffi Response of Broilers to Different Physical Treatments of Cowpea Seedhull *Adebiyi1, O.A., Ologhobo 1, A. D., Akinfemi 2, A., and Adu1 O. A. *1 Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed Toxicology, Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria 2. Nasarawa State University, Lafia-Shabu campus, Nasarawa State. * Corresponding Author: Dr. Adebiyi Olufemi, Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, E-mail;, ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different physical treatments of cowpea seedhull on the performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, carcass characteristics and serum metabolites of broilers. One hundred day old chicks were used for the study. There were four diets with diet A containing no seedhull (control). Diet B, C and D contained 10% of RSH, SSH and SBSH representing raw seedhull, soaked cowpea seedhull and soaked and boiled cowpea seedhull respectively. 25 chicks were assingned to each dietary treatment which was replicated five times in a completely randomised design (CRD). The result showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in the average weight gain of birds on the control diet (287.85g) compared to its counterparts on other diets. Birds on 10% RSH (0.84) and 10% SBSH (0.86) showed no significant (p>0.05) difference in their feed conversion ratios but are significantly higher than those on the control diet (0.64). The result also showed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the apparent crude fibre digestibility from 65% for the control to 40% for RSH. The same trend was observed in the apparent crude protein and apparent dry matter digestibility (DMD).The internal organs of the birds showed that gizzard size was fairly constant among the different diets. However, birds on diet C (SSH) had the highest abdominal fat weight of 2.49% compared with 1.77% in birds fed control diet (A). Result obtained for serum metabolites showed that birds fed with the control diet had cholesterol level of 159.00mg/dl and glucose level of 278.00mg/dl compared to 134.00mg/dl that were observed for birds fed diet B. Key words : performance characteristics, apparent nutrient digestibility, carcass characteristics, serum metabolites broiler chicks INTRODUCTION Poultry production holds a prominent place in the economy of many developing countries including Nigeria. The need to improve the production becomes more important with increasing human population and demand for animal products. PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….76 According to Longe (1986), poultry production represents the fastest means of correcting shortage of animal protein, because of their faster rate of production and quick turn over rates of investment. Unfortunately, poultry production in Nigeria is adversely affected by fluctuations in supply of good quality feed due to inadequate local production of feedstuffs, unavailability of some ingredients year round, competition between man and animals for the limited available conventional feed sources and general inflationary trends in the country due to inconsistent economic policy of government. The use of Agro-industrial by-products (AIBs) in animal feed holds tremendous potential in alleviating the existing critical situation of high cost and inadequate supply of feed (Longe 1985; Babatunde, 1989). Several animal nutritionists have utilized these AIBs in feed formulation for monogastrics. Some of these include cassava peels in rabbit (Omole, 1992), cassava in layers and growers mash (Onabowale,1992) and Leucaena leaf meal in broiler diets (Dada et al., 1998). Fibrousness of these AIBs (crop residue inclusive) has been identified as a major cause of under utilization for monogastric feeding (Longe and Ogedengbe, 1989). Considerable efforts have been made to improve the utilization of AIBs in practical monogastric nutrition. Methods employed in improving fibre utilization include cooking and autoclaving (Ologhobo and Fetuga, 1986), soaking in water, alteration of particle size, treatment with NaOH (Adeleye, 1980) and steam treatment (Castro et al., 1993). The use of microbial enzymes and antibiotics has also been employed (Longe, 1988; Onifade, 1993). Cowpea seedhull is an important crop residual in sub-saharan Africa. The importance of crop residue in animal feeding is clearly shown by the low acceptance of high-yielding varieties of cowpea in Northern Mali because of low forage yield. It therefore stand a reason for farmers to be knowledgeable on the technology that maximizes the use of crop residue whose production is about 660 million tones (dry matter) for pulses according to the world crop residue production records (Read et al., 1988). Therefore, the use of different physical treatments to reduce the fibrousness of cowpea seedhull for broiler production is hereby investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS § § § Treatment of test ingredient The cowpea seedhull was physically treated in the following ways: 20kg of cowpea seedhull was soaked in 100 litres of water for three days, dried (SSH) and supplemented in the diet. 20kg of seedhull was soaked in 100 litres for three days and boiled for 30 minutes, this was later dried (SBSH) and supplemented in the diet. 20kg of seedhull (Raw, RSH) was supplemented in the broiler diet. PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….77 Experimental birds and their management One hundred day-old broiler chicks were used for the study. Twenty five chicks were randomly assigned to each dietary treatment A (control), B (10%RSH), C (10%SSH) and D (10%SBSH), which was replicated five times in a completely randomized design. The chicks were reared on a deep litter system with feed and water supplied ad-libitum. The management of the birds was as outlined by Oluyemi and Robert (2004). Four dietary treatments were formulated including the control which had 10% Corn offal. The Corn offal was replaced with the different physically treated seedhulls as shown in the gross composition diets Tables (Table 1, starter phase and Table 2, Finisher phase). The diets were made isonitrogenous with the provision for at least the minimum calorie requirement of the chicken as recommended (Oluyemi and Robert, 2004). At the end of the 7days of brooding, the birds were weighed and allotted to their respective treatment diets. The feeds were formulated with the seedhulls to meet the nutrient requirement of broiler (NRC, 1984). Corn offal was used as the fibre source in the control diet. TABLE 1: Gross composition of experimental diets (Starter phase) DIETS Ingredient (%) A (Control) B (RSH) Maize Soybean Fishmeal Cowpea seedhull Corn offal Palm oil Lysine Methionine Oyster Premix Bone meal Salt TOTAL Calculated Nutrients Crude Protein (%) 47.00 32.30 5.00 10.00 2.00 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.25 2.50 0.25 100.00 Crude fibre (%) 3.94 Metabolizable Energy (kcal/kg) 3004.08 23.57 C (SSH) D(SBSH) 50.00 29.30 5.00 10.00 2.00 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.25 2.50 0.25 100.00 47.00 32.30 5.00 10.00 2.00 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.25 2.50 0.25 100.00 48.00 31.30 5.00 10.00 2.00 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.25 2.50 0.25 100.00 22.41 23.72 23.45 5.95 5.64 5.87 3003.38 3065.61 3004.23 RSH: Raw Cowpea seedhull; SSH: Soaked Cowpea seedhull: SBSH: Soaked and Boiled Cowpea seedhull PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….78 TABLE 2: Gross composition of experimental diet (Finisher phase) DIETS Ingredient (%) Maize Soybean Fishmeal Cowpea seedhull Corn offal Palm oil Lysine Methionine Premix Oyster shell Bone meal Salt TOTAL Calculated Nutrients Crude protein (%) Crude fibre (%) Metabolisable Energy (kcal/kg) RSH: Raw Cowpea seedhull; seedhull A (Control) 57.00 22.30 5.00 10.00 2.00 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.50 2.50 0.25 100.00 20.37 3.49 3077.48 B (RSH) 60.00 19.30 5.00 10.00 2.00 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.50 2.50 0.25 100.00 19.12 5.50 317678 SSH: Soaked Cowpea seedhull: C (SSH) D (SBSH) 57.00 22.30 5.00 10.00 2.00 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.50 2.50 0.25 100.00 58.00 21.30 5.00 10.00 2.00 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.50 2.50 0.25 100.00 20.34 5.19 3169.01 19.85 5.42 3167.67 SBSH: Soaked and Boiled Cowpea Data collected Records of feed consumption and body weight were kept on weekly basis whereas, body weight gain and feed to gain ratio (Feed Conversion Ratio) were estimated from the data collected. Metabolic trial and serum collection Digestibility study was carried out between the seventh and eight week of the experiment. Two birds from each replicate whose weights were close to the mean were selected for metabolic trial. PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….79 Apparent Crude Protein Digestibility =Total Intake x % CP Intake – Total Output x % CP Output X 100 Total Intake x% CP Intake 1 Apparent Crude Fibre Digestibility =Total Intake x % CF Intake – Total Output x % CF Output X 100 Total Intake x % CF Intake 1 Apparent Dry Matter Digestibility = Total Intake x % DMD Intake – Total Output x % DMD Output X 100 Total Intake x % DMD Intake 1 Blood were collected by random sampling from four birds per treatment at the end of the experiment into sterile sample tubes without anticoagulant. The tubes were kept in a slanting wooden rack at 450C and the blood allowed to clot. The clotted blood was centrifuged for 15 minutes at 3,500 revolutions per minute. A clear fluid which is the serum was drained out into a clean and sterilized bottle and taken for analysis. The serum protein was analysed using sigma assay kits, glucose was determined by o-Toluidine method using acetic acid (Cooper and McDaniel, 1970) and cholesterol by the method of Roschlan et al. (1974). Carcass quality evaluation At the end of the eight weeks, two birds per replicate were slaughtered after they were starved overnight. The live weight, bled weight and dressed weight were taken. Eviscerated carcass was cut into prime cuts (thighs, drumsticks, wings, breast and back) and weighed. The abdominal fat was also weighed and recorded. The weights of the organs (liver, heat gizzard kidney and spleen) were also taken. The weight of the carcass was calculated as percentage of live weight. Chemical analysis Samples of the test diet and faecal output were analysed for proximate constituents using the procedure of A.O.A.C. (1990). Statistical analysis All data generated were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SAS statistical package (SAS, 1999) and significant treatment means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) of the same software. PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….80 RESULTS Proximate composition of the test ingredient (Cowpea seedhulls). The results of the proximate composition and fibre fraction components are shown in Table 3. The proximate composition and fibre fraction components were all observed to be affected by the various physical treatments the seedhulls were subjected. The crude protein (CP) content increased from 14.11% (RSH) to 16.71% (SSH). The crude fibre (CF) content decreased to 25.50% (SSH), from the initial content of 30.00% (RSH) Table 3: Proximate analysis of Cowpea seedhulls subjected to different physical treatments. Dry Matter (%) Crude Protein (%) Ether Extract (%) ASH (%) Crude Fibre (%) Insoluble Ash (%) Metabolisable Energy (Kcal/kg) Gross Energy (Kcal/kg) Nitrogen Free Extract (%) RSH 89.34±3.42 14.11 ±0.32 9.66 ± 0.35 8.75± 0.27 30.00 ±2.43 1.30±0.07 2642.80 ±8.98 2930.98 ±9.56 37.48 ±3.31 SSH 90.00±4.21 16.71 ± 0.45 9.54 ±1.24 9.19±0.23 25.50 ±1.98 1.40±0.09 2785.29 ±10.21 3227.54 ±7.91 39.06 ±2.31 SBSH 89.30±2.87 15.06 ±0.52 9.30 ±1.02 9.30±0.48 28.21 ±2.67 1.00± 0.06 2698.56 ±8.54 3097.21 ±8.89 38.13 ±2.21 a, b, c.. Means on same row with different superscript are significantly different (P<0.05). RSH --Raw cowpea seedhulls, SSH --Soaked cowpea seedhulls, SBSH --Soaked and boiled cowpea seedhull The Metabolizable energy value was also observed to increase with the increase in CP with the highest value of 2785.27kcal/kgDM in SSH substrate. Table 4 shows the nutrient composition of the experimental diets (starter and finisher). The crude protein for the starter phase ranged from 23.01% to 23.72% at the starter phase while the least crude fibre level (4.00%) was recorded for control diet. The range of metabolisable energy value for the finisher phase was from 3171.05kcal/kg (diet C) to 3178.42kcal/kg (diet A). The proportion of the crude protein decreased slightly at the finisher phase to value ranging from 20.03% to 20.46% although this is still within the recommended range for broilers. PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….81 The Performance characteristics and apparent nutrient digestibility of broilers fed with differently treated cowpea seedhull diets are shown in Table 5. The average weight gain per bird shows that birds on the control diet (A) with mean value of 287.85g were significantly (p<0.05) better than their counterparts in other diets. There were significant (p<0.05) differences in the feed conversion ratio (FCR) of the different diets. Birds fed the control diet (A) had the least value of 0.64, followed by birds on diet C (0.80). Broilers fed diets B (0.84) and D (0.86) were not significantly (p<0.05) different from each other in terms of their FCR values. The apparent crude fibre (CF) digestibility of the birds ranged from 40.00% for diet B (10% RSH) to 65.00% for control diet (A). Analysis of variance showed significant (p<0.05) differences among the dietary treatment means. The apparent crude protein (CP) digestibility value for the control diet (A) was significantly (p<0.05) higher (68.00%) than diet D (56.00%) and Diet C (58.00%), while the least value was obtained in diet B (53.00%). The same trend as apparent crude protein was also observed for apparent dry matter digestibility (DMI), the apparent DMD for birds on the control diet (A) was 71.00%, followed by birds fed diet C (68.00%) and the least was observed with birds fed diet B (50.00%). Table 4: Nutrient composition of experimental diets fed to broiler birds. DIETS STARTER DIET A (Control) Dry matter (%) Crude protein (%) Crude fibre (%) Ash (%) Ether Extract (%) Metabolizable energy (kcal/kg) FINISHER DIET Dry matter (%) Crude protein (%) Crude fibre (%) Ash (%) Ether Extract (%) Metabolizable energy (kcal/kg) 91.02 23.65 4.00 5.50 4.32 3010.50 B (10% RSH) 90.80 23.01 5.70 4.93 4.00 3010.75 C (10% SSH) 90.50 23.72 5.30 5.52 4.05 3015.05 D (10% SBSH) 90.00 23.45 5.60 5.05 4.35 3005.02 90.58 20.42 4.52 5.20 5.32 3178.42 90.40 20.03 6.00 4.63 4.91 3177.92 91.00 20.46 6.01 4.52 5.05 3171.05 91.00 20.05 6.05 4.05 5.04 3171.32 RSH --Raw cowpea seed hulls, SSH --Soaked cowpea seed hulls, SBSH --Soaked and boiled cowpea seed hulls PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….82 Table 5: Performance characteristics and apparent nutrient digestibility of broilers fed with differently treated cowpea seedhulls DIETS B (10% RSH) Parameters A (Control) PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Feed intake /bird/day (g/day) 184.40 Average weight gain (g) 287.85 Feed conversion ratio 0.64c 181.30 a Apparent crude protein (%) Apparent DMD (%) D (10%SBS) SEM 187.50 187.50 0.01 ab ab 236.35 222.20 0.84a 0.80b 0.86a 0.06 40.00d 57.00b 55.00c 0.52 68.00a 53.00d 58.00b 56.00c 0.30 a d b c 0.22 APPARENT NUTRIENT DIGESTIBILITY Apparent crude fibre (%) 65.00a 71.00 215.70 b C (10%SSH) 50.00 68.00 65.00 a, b, c.. Means on same row with different superscript are significantly different (P<0.05). RSH - Raw cowpea seedhulls, SBSH --Soaked and boiled cowpea seedhulls, SSH - Soaked cowpea seed hulls, SEM – Standard Error of Means, DMD -- Dry Matter Digestibility 0.02 PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….83 TABLE 6: Carcass characteristics of broilers fed with differently treated cowpea seedhulls (% Liveweight) Parameters g/100g Bled weight A (Control) 95.77a Shank 2.86 Head 2.86 b Breast 8.56 Thigh & Drumstick ab 2.96 3.14 Back 3.16 ab Neck Wings B (10% RSH) 90.55b 15.69 13.42 a 3.60 14.53 c a 2.67 0.31 8.34 c a 19.23 19.62 2.02 0.50 2.13a 0.60b 1.47d 200.50a 2.09 0.40 1.61b 0.40a 2.49a 202.00a 0.85 0.17 3.33 16.03 SEM 3.33 ab a 9.62 a D (10% SBSH) 91.67b ab 7.15 b 9.45 3.59 a 3.21 b 8.45 a a 20.02 2.90 DIETS C (10% SSH) 88.97c 0.16 0.88 15.00 a 1.03 10.00 b 0.96 b 18.34 1.13 2.17 0.40 1.43c 0.40a 2.11b 199.00b 0.18 0.04 0.17 0.07 0.7 1.00 INTERNAL ORGANS Gizzard Heart Liver Kidney Abdominal fat Length of intestine (cm) 1.99 0.50 1.93b 0.30a 1.77c 198.00b a, b, c means on the same row with different superscript are significantly different (p<0.05). RSH --Raw cowpea seedhulls, SSH --Soaked cowpea seedhulls, SBSH --Soaked and boiled cowpea seedhulls SEM – Standard Error of Means The carcass characteristics analysis of broiler birds fed with differently treated cowpea seedhulls are shown in Table 6. The head and the breast of birds on the different diets showed no significant (p>0.05) differences in their mean values, but significant (p<0.05) differences were observed in the bled weight of birds on the control diet A (95.77%) and diet C (88.97%). The internal organs of the birds showed that, gizzard size was fairly constant among the different diets. Birds fed diets A (0.30%), C (0.40%) and D (0.40%) showed no significant (p>0.05) difference in the kidney weight. No significant (p>0.05) difference was observed in the weight of the heart with mean values ranging between 0.40% and 0.50% for the birds on all the treatments diet. PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….84 Although, birds fed diet B (10% RSH) had the highest liver weight of 2.13% while between the birds fed control diet (diet A) and diet 10% SSH (diet C), no significant (p>0.05) difference was observed. However, birds on diets C with 10.00% SSH had the highest abdominal fat weight of 2.49% compared to 1.77% in birds fed the control diet (A). The length of the intestine also showed significant (p<0.05) differences among the different diets with values ranging between 198.00cm and 202.00cm. 350 300 Value (mg/dl) 250 200 Total Cholesterol Total Glucose 150 100 50 0 A B C D Treatments Fig 1: Glucose and Cholesterol contents of Broiler birds fed Treated cowpea seedhull PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical ……85 4 3.5 Values changes (g/dl) 3 2.5 2 A B C D 1.5 1 0.5 0 A B C D Treatments Fig 2:Total Protein Content of Broiler Birds fed Treated Cowpea seedhulls Effect of different treatments of supplementing different physically treated cowpea seedhull on the serum parameters of broiler birds are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The result revealed that birds fed with control diet had cholesterol level of 159.00mg/dl and glucose level of 278.00mg/dl compared to 134.00mg/dl and 303.00mg/dl that were observed for birds fed diet A (Fig.1). The total protein content for birds on the control diet (diet A) and those on the 10% SBSH (diet D) were similar (3.50g/dl) while the least was observed for birds fed 10% RSH (diet B) as shown in Fig 2. DISCUSSION Proximate composition of cowpea seedhulls The Proximate composition of the test ingredients showed that soaked cowpea seedhull (SSH) had the highest crude protein, metabolisable energy and the least crude fibre. PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….86 This could have resulted from the fermentation that occurred during soaking that degraded some components of the non starch polysaccharide, which in turn improved the protein and energy values and reduced the crude fibre content of the hulls. The untreated seedhulls (RSH) had the least values of crude protein and metabolisable energy contents, but the highest crude fibre content. This was because the hulls were not subjected to any treatment, and digestion of nutrients was hindered by crude fibre thereby making the nutrients unavailable to the animals. The values obtained for the soaked and boiled hulls (SBSH) were lower than that of SSH and this was probably due to the treatment effect of boiling which might have destroyed some of the proteins, evaporated several volatile substances and inactivated some enzymes within the feedstuff. Umoh and Bassir (1980) reported loss of protein and some essential amino acids during parboiling. Also, Castro et al. (1993) showed that steam treatment led to a partial hydrolysis of hemicellulose, depolymerization of lignin and expansion of the cell wall. Van Soest and Mason (1991) explained that crude protein values decreased due to heating of lignocellulosic material, that generated undegradable maillard products which were detected by an increase in the nitrogen content of the cell wall. The maillard polymers produced are considered to be a lignin-like compound and poorly degradable. This shows that soaking alone produced a better effect than soaking and boiling (SBSH). Performance characteristics and apparent digestibility studies The Performance characteristics of broilers fed with differently treated cowpea seedhulls showed no significant (p>0.05) difference in the feed intake. Milling was a general form of treatment carried out on all the hulls before they were used to compound diets for the different treatments. This might have been responsible for the non significant difference observed in the feed intake. It agrees with Khajaren and Khajarern (2003) that physical treatments such as milling, chopping, soaking, prior to feeding gave positive response in term of increasing intake and digestibility. Also Daveby et al. (1998) reported better digestibility of nutrients of pea as a result of milling compared to crushing. By milling, the mechanical impact on the physical structure is more exact. The effect on starch according to Biliaderis (1991) is at least related to the presence of intact cell wall structures that surround the starch granule and which could act as physiological barriers to α- amylase The weight gain of the birds showed significant differences with the birds on control diet (A) having the highest weight gain of 287.85g/day. No significant (p<0.05) difference was observed between birds fed diet C (10% SSH) and diet D (10% SBSH) respectively. Birds on diet B (10% RSH) gave the least weight gain of 215.00g/day which might be due to unavailability of nutrients. This agrees with Eastwood (1973) who observed that fibre had significant negative effects on weight gain and feed intake PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….87 in birds. The feed conversion ratio showed that birds fed the control diet had better feed utilization to those on other diets. This could be as a result of low fibre content in the diet at both starter and finisher phases (Table 4) thus leading to better conversion of the diet to flesh as revealed by the FCR Nutrient digestibility is the ratio of the nutrient retained to the total intake expressed in percentage. Digestibility is one of the most essential tools or parameters with which one can assess the nutritive value of a particular feedstuff. However, components of feed nutrients cannot be said to be beneficial unless such nutrients are capable of being properly digested and assimilated. The result obtained in the present study that there were significant differences in the apparent digestibilities of the different diets. Birds on the control diet had the highest apparent digestibility values. This might be due to the various industrial processing that the corn offal (fibre source of this diet) had gone through which could have reduced the possible non starch polysaccharides in the corn offal or possibly because the fibre content of this diet is low as compared to other diets. Among birds on the test diets, birds on diet C had better apparent digestibilities values than those on diet D (10% SBSH) and diet B (10% RSH) respectively. This might be due to the fermentation of the seedhull, and during fermentation enzymes are produced which could have brought unexpected benefits as demonstrated by Danicke (1999 a,b,c; and 2001) and Maisonnier et al. (2001 a,b) thus leading to better utilization of the diet by the birds. The values obtained for the apparent nutrient digestibilities of birds fed diet B was the least and might be as a result of the fact that the seedhull in this diet was not treated in any form. This could have probably increase of the NSP thus resulting in low apparent digestibilities compared to birds on diets C (10% SSH) and D (10% SBSH) respectively. This agrees with the submission of Delorme and Wojcik (1982) who reported that as dietary fibre increased, adequate protein nutrition becomes critical. Also Abdelsamie et al. (1983) found that high fibre decreased growth and nutrient digestibility through changes in the gut transit time, while Varel et al. (1988) concluded that there was an inverse relationship between dietary fibre and digestibility coefficient of nutrients. Carcass Characteristics The gizzard weight was not significantly affected by the diets, although, values obtained for the test diets are higher than the control, yet the fibre levels fall within the recommended level (3% to 5%) for broilers. The fibre levels at the finisher phase for birds fed diets B, C and D were slightly above (6.0%) the recommended level, and a PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….88 prolonged consumption of soluble NSP (from high fibre) has been described by Ikegami et al. (1990) to lead to significant adaptive changes in the digestive system in rat. Some of the changes include enlargement of the digestive organs and increased secretion of digestive juices, accompanied by decrease in nutrient digestion. The result obtained for gizzard weight is similar to the work of Summer and Leeson, (1986) who reported that gizzard weight was higher in birds fed fibrous diet, and Kubena et al. (1980) who stated that gizzard weight increased in high fibre diets. The increase in size might have been due to the muscular activity, which might have also led to the increase observed in the liver and kidney of birds fed diet B (10% RSH). The length of the intestine increased with increase in fibre, Abdelsamie et al. (1983) reported that at similar feed intake, fibrous diet increased the weight and length of the gastro- intestinal tract in broilers. Longe and Ogedengbe (1989) reported that the gravity of feeding dietary fibre on performance is a function of the source and concentration of the fibre source. Van Soest, (1982) also concluded that different dietary fibres are known to be compositionally (physical and chemical properties) different from each other. Serum Metabolites The result obtained for serum metabolites, showed significant dietary (p<0.05) differences for serum glucose with 10.00% RSH diet giving higher values than the control and other diets. The values obtained did not fall within the range of 152.00 to 182.00mg/dl reported for chicken by Mitruka and Rawnsley (1977) and also contradicted the report of Ogunwole et al. (1984), that high fibre diet reduced serum glucose concentration. However, IFST (2001) observed that some fibres improved glucose metabolism and insulin response. Diets high in fibre may improve glycometabolic balance in diabetic patients. The total cholesterol values obtained were significantly different. The cholesterol values for birds on diet A and diet D (10% SBSH) fall within the normal range of values (52.00 to 140.00mg/dl) as reported by Mitruka and Rawnsley (1977). Comparing the other treatments with the control, it could be observed that the birds fed with diet C (149.00mg/dl) and diet D (140.00mg/dl) had values lower than the control (159.00mg/dl) and this could be due to the fibre content of the diets. CONCLUSION This study has demonstrated that the supplementation of broiler’s diet with different physically treated cowpea seedhull has a pronounced decrease effect feed conversion PAT 2009; 5(1): 75-91 ISSN: 0794-5213; Adebiyi et al; Response of Broilers to Different Physical …….89 efficiency and nutrient availability of the animals compared with those on maize-based diet but with a reduction in the cholesterol level of the birds. REFERENCES Abdelsamie, R.E., Ranaweera, K.N.and Nano, W.E. (1983). The influence of fibre content and physical texture of the diet on the performance of broilers in the tropics. Brit. Poult. Sci., 24: 383-390. Adeleye, I.O.A. (1980). Treatment of low quality roughages and agronomic waste for livestock feeding: Their technology, applicability and adaptability to the local conditions. Invited paper presented at the workshop on alternative formulation of livestock feeds in Nigeria, Nov.1980, 21-25. 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