“A Lenten Journey Through Genesis”

“A Lenten Journey Through Genesis”
With Corrine Carvalho, PhD
Mondays in March, 7:00—8:30 pm
Corpus Christi Gathering Area
Genesis is a very complex book, covering the earliest history of Israel from Creation
through their first settlement in the Promised Land. Each week we will focus on one
of the major sections of the book, starting with the stories of the creation of the
world, the narratives of Abraham and Sarah, followed by each successive generation
(Isaac and his wife Rebekah; the wily Jacob and his complicated family; ending with
the surprising story of Joseph). These characters demonstrate how God uses
common and flawed people as the chosen ones. Co-hosted by Corpus Christi and St.
Rose of Lima.
Dr. Corrine L. Carvalho is a full professor of theology at the University of
St. Thomas . She earned her PhD from Yale University where she specialized
in Old Testament Studies. Dr. Carvalho is a gifted and popular Hebrew
Scriptures teacher and has presented “An Introduction to the Hebrew
Scriptures”, “The Narrative Gems Found in the Short Books of Hebrew
Scripture”, and “The Wisdom of Ben Sirach”, at our parish. Dr. Carvalho is a
collaborative editor on the Book of Psalms in the New American Bible 2010.
She has published Encountering Ancient Voices, a textbook on the Old
Testament, a handbook on methods of biblical Interpretation.