PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Absolute NOUN 1 ADJECTIVE ADVERB Absolutely absolute abstract / abstraction abstract accept acceptance acceptable / unacceptable accompany accompaniment accompanied account account accountability accountable accumulate accumulation accumulated Abstract 2 Accept 3 Accompany 4 Accountable 5 Accumulate 6 acceptably COLLOCATION have absolute confidence absolutely amazing abstract idea /concept glad to accept / happy to accept / be / seem / make stg acceptable be accompanied by someone on account of bank account make someone / hold someone accountable for stg slowly / rapidly accumulate begin to accumulate lead to / prevent accumulation Accustomed 7 accustomed Acknowledge 8 9 Additive Adjust 10 acknowledge add acknowledgement addition additive adjust adjustment adjustable 1 be / become / get accustomed to something openly / publicly acknowledge acknowledgement from someone food additive quickly adjust / be difficult / hard to adjust fully adjustable PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Administer 11 administer Advance 12 13 Aircraft Allocate 14 allocate Allowance 15 allow Ally 16 NOUN ADJECTIVE administration advance, advancement aircraft administrative COLLOCATION administer an exam administrative duties advanced in advance, advanced level allocate stg for/ to stg allocate time / money weekly / daily allowance get / receive allowance have an ally/ find an ally ally yourself to/ with someone make alterations / undergo alteration allocation allowance ally ally alter alteration Alter 17 ADVERB Analyst 18 analyse analyst analysis analytical Ancestor ancestor ancestry 19 Angle 20 angle 2 analyse carefully/critically/fully in depth / detailed /objective analysis leading / computer / business / political analyst common ancestry claim / have / share ancestry from an angle / angle of / angle between PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Apologize NOUN ADJECTIVE apologize apology apologetic 22 23 Applaud Appoint applaud appendix applause 24 appoint 21 ADVERB Appendix COLLOCATION be/feel/look/sound apologetic make an apology / expect an apology apologize for something apologize to someone something in in the appendix appoint someone to do something / appoint someone as something make an appointment appointment Approach 25 26 Arch 27 Arise 28 Artificial 29 Ash 30 Atmosphere Attain 31 Attempt 32 33 Attorney approach approach arch approachable approach somebody for something approach a problem /task the approach of something artificial arise from / arise out of artificial flowers / light arise artificially ash atmosphere attain attempt attainability attempt attorney attainable perfectly / fully / easily attainable attempted attempt to do stg / attempt at doing stg attempted murder/ suicide 3 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Attribute 34 attribute Authority 35 36 Automatic 37 Axe 38 Backbone 39 Barrel Basis authorize 40 41 Beak bear 42 43 Beast 44 Bend 45 Beneath 46 Beneficiary Bias 47 Bid 48 49 Bind 50 Blade Boost base 51 NOUN attribute attribution authority ADJECTIVE ADVERB attributive authoritarian / authoritative automatic automatically COLLOCATION attribute stg to s.o deny / refuse / reject / undermine authority authorize sb to do stg automatic car axe backbone barrel basis beak bear beast basic basically bearable, unbearable beastly bend base stg on stg basis for on a ...basis bird beak to be, become bearable to make stg bearable bend over / down beneath beneficiary bias bid bind biased bid binding beneficiary of political / gender / racial bias bid against / bid for make / place a bid be bound to blade boost boost booster boosted 4 give sb / provide sb with boost / boost somebody's confidence confidence booster PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Border NOUN 52 53 Bother Bound bother border bother 54 bound bound breed boundary breadth breed bribe bribery ADJECTIVE ADVERB brief briefly Boundary 55 56 Breadth 57 Breed Bribe 58 59 Brief Broad 60 61 Brush 62 Bubble 63 Bulk Bundle 64 Campaign 65 66 Candidate Capable /Incapable (of) 67 68 Captain Capture 69 bribe brief broaden brush bundle campaign campaign candidate capability captain capture broad broad range broaden your horizons brush your hair / teeth bundled bulk of something bundle of something in a bundle launch / start / organise / run / manage a campaign brush bubble bulk bundle capture, captive COLLOCATION on the border /across the border / cross the border bother to do something within the bounds / out of bounds bound to do something common / northern / state boundary breadth of stg rare breed / pure breed bribe someone to do stg bribe someone with stg capable / incapable have capability be capable of doing something captured try to / manage to / attempt to capture 5 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Careless 70 care NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERB care carelessness careless carelessly Carriage 71 carriage Category 72 categorize category cease ceasefire COLLOCATION take care / provide someone with care care about become / get / grow careless horse-drawn carriage, train carriage categorize into put stg into a category Cease 73 declare /negotiate ceasefire cease to exist brief / formal / official ceremony Ceremony 74 75 Chamber Cheat 76 77 Chief 78 Cite Civil 79 Clap 80 81 Client 82 Cliff Code 83 84 Collapse 85 Colonise ceremony chamber cheat cite clap code collapse colonise ceremonial cheat / cheater chief citation cited civilian civil chiefly clap client cliff code encode coded, encoded colony colonised 6 cheat on someone / turn someone into a cheat chief of police / staff works cited be civil to someone civil war give someone a big clap / clap loudly break / write in code / a code of behaviour / conduct/ practice collapse from stg establish a colony PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB 86 Comfort comfort Comment 87 comment NOUN comfort ADJECTIVE comfortable / comforting comment Commentary 88 commentary Commerce commerce commercial 89 commercial Commodity 90 commodity Compatible 91 (with)/Incompatible Compensate 92 compatible / incompatible compensate compensation compile compilation component composer / composition compensated Compile 93 94 Component Compose 95 Comprehensive 96 97 Comprise Compromise 98 compose comprehend comprise compromise comprehension compromise ADVERB COLLOCATION find / get / seek comfort have / make a comment comment on / about something to someone radio / sports / news commentary cinema / radio / TV commercial do / make a commercial domestic / international commerce basic / common / cheap commodity compatible with compensate for something get / receive / gain compensation compile something from / for stg a compilation of comprehensive / comprehensible comprised compose stg extremely / fully / quite comprehensive be comprised of compromised agree on / arrive at / come to / reach a compromise 7 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD 99 Concern 100 concrete Conclude 101 Confirm 102 Conform 103 104 Conscience Conscious 105 Consensus 106 107 Conservative Consistent /Inconsistent 108 109 Constant Constitute 110 111 Constrain Consult 112 Contest 113 114 Continent 115 Contradict Controversial 116 Convene 117 VERB concern NOUN concern ADJECTIVE concerned concrete conclude conclusion conclusive confirm confirmation conformity, conformist conscience confirmed conform ADVERB concretely conform to consciousness conscious / unconscious consensus conservatism consistency inconsistency conservative Consistent /Inconsistent consciously / unconsciously consult contradict constitution constraint consultation / consultant contest / contestant continent contradiction be conscious of stg arrive at / reach a consensus consistent with remain / stay constant draw up / prepare / adopt / enact a constitution constraint on constant constitute constrain COLLOCATION concerned about concrete evidence come to a conclusion / in conclusion wait for / have / get confirmation constrained consult sb about stg Controversial controversy convene convention conventional 8 conventionally cause / create controversy annual / international convention PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Coordinate 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Corporate Correspond Cotton Coverage Crack Craft Creation NOUN ADJECTIVE coordinate coordination coordinated corporate correspond correspondence cotton coverage crack craft cover crack create Creature Criteria Crown Crucial Cultivate Curse cynical Dare cultivate curse live coverage creation / creativity / creator creative creature criteria crown crucial cultivation cultivated curse cynical dare dare dam data daring 136 137 138 139 140 debate debate decade deception deer defeat debatable deceive defeat COLLOCATION coordinate with / lack of coordination color coordinated correspond to 133 134 dam 135 Data Debate Decade Deceive Deer Defeat ADVERB creatively crucial for / crucial to curse for How dare you ! I dare you to ... build a dam collect data debate about / on debate between have a debate deceptive (un)defeated 9 accept / admit defeat PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST 141 142 143 144 145 PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD Defend Delicate Derive Deserve Desire Despair VERB defend NOUN defence delicacy ADJECTIVE defensive delicate derive Detect 147 148 Deviate diagnose detect deviate 149 diagnose diagnosis distract distraction distracted devote devotion devoted 146 desire for stg in / with despair dimensional deviate from to diagnose correctly, wrongly to make / give diagnosis correct/ right / tentative diagnosis distract somebody/something from something devote yourself to stg devoted to show devotion differentiate between differentiate from dig for stg in two / three dimensions direct dine out direct a film / film director be extremely / very / quite direct distract 150 Devote 151 Differentiate 152 153 Dig 154 Dimension 155 Diminish 156 Dine Direct 157 differentiate dig COLLOCATION defend against derive from deserve desire despair / desperation detection/ detective deviation desire ADVERB different digger dimension diminish dine dinner direct director 10 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Discriminate 158 NOUN discriminate discrimination dismiss dismissal ADJECTIVE Dismiss 159 dismissive, dismissed ADVERB COLLOCATION positively/ unfairly discriminate discriminate against age / class / gender / race religious discrimination against somebody dismissal of somebody reason for dismissal class / meeting is dismissed Disobey 160 disobey / obey disobedience / obedience display display dispose disposal disregard disregard obedient/disobedient Display 161 Dispose 162 disposable Disregard 163 Disrespect 164 Disrespectful/respectful disrespect disrespect Dissimilar 165 dissimilar / similar Distinct 166 disobedience to somebody punish somebody for disobedience clearly, prominently, proudly display rubbish, sewage, waste disposal dispose of stg demonstrate / show disregard for / of stg distinction distinct / distinctive 11 have, show, treat somebody with disrespect be / appear / look dissimilar from / to become / remain distinct crucial, important, main distinction between PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Distort NOUN 167 168 Ditch Diversity distort ditch distortion ditch 169 170 Domain Domestic 171 Dominate diversify diversity domain 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 domesticate dominate Dove Downward Drag Drawer Drugstore Eager Ease 179 180 Edge 181 Elastic ADJECTIVE ADVERB diverse diversely domestic / domesticated dominance / domination dove dominant dominantly downward downwards COLLOCATION seriously, severely distort stg cause, create, lead to distortion of stg deep, wide shallow ditch growing, considerable ethnic, genetic diversity diversity in / of stg private / public domain domestic market, economy, pets achieve, assert dominance over seem, become, remain dominant largely, increasingly dominate complete, cultural, economic, political domination peace dove drag drawer drugstore ease ease edge open, pull a drawer eager eagerly easy easily elastic 12 appear, seem eager great, remarkable ease in begin to , try to ease on the edge elastic band PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Element 182 183 Eliminate Emerge 184 emit 185 NOUN eliminate element elimination emerge emergence ADJECTIVE COLLOCATION basic, crucial, essential element eliminate from emerge from, into emergence of energetic carbon dioxide emissions, emission levels to cut, reduce emissions place, emphasis on considerable, great emphasis strongly emphasize enable sb / stg to do stg endurance test endure doing stg defeat, destroy, confront, face an enemy renewable, nuclear, solar energy generate, supply, consume energy enforced fully, strictly enforced strict, effective enforcement law, legal, police enforcement enforce a law / rule / policy emit emission 186 187 Enable Endurance 188 Enemy 189 Energetic emphasize enable emphasis emphatic enabling endure endurance endurable 190 energise Emphasis enemy energy ADVERB Enforce 191 enforce enforcement 13 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Engage 192 NOUN ADJECTIVE engage engagement engaged / engaging entitle entitlement essence entitled ADVERB engage s in stg previous, prior engagement deeply, heavily engaged be entitled to do stg entitle sb to do stg entitlement to holiday,benefit, pension entitlement real, true essence Entitle 193 194 Essence Estimate estimate, overestimate, underestimate 195 estimate / (under, over)estimation Ethics 196 (under, over)estimated Ethical/Unethical (un)ethically ethics Ethnic 197 ethnic evidence 198 evidence evident evolve evolution evolved examine examination Evolution 199 Examine 200 Exceed 201 202 Excess exceed excess excessive 14 COLLOCATION evidently difficult to, hard to estimate early, initial estimate make an estimate personal, business medical ethics ethnic origin, ethnic violence convincing, decisive evidence it is evident that ... gradual, rapid, natural evolution evolve from, evolve into fully, properly examine careful, detailed, full examination expected to, likely to exceed excess of PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Executive 203 NOUN execute executive 204 205 Exit Expense 206 Expertise 207 Exploit exhibit exit exhibition exit 208 exploit ADJECTIVE ADVERB Chief Executive Officer (CEO), executive decision small, important, major exhibition exhibit symptoms executive Exhibit expense 209 leading, medical, travel expenses lack, need , require expertise military, sexual exploit b open to, be vulnerable to exploitation expensive expertise, expert Facilitate facilitate COLLOCATION exploitation facilitation, facilitator further facilitate Facility 210 facility Fade 211 fade feasible 212 213 Feast 214 Fellow Fierce 215 File 216 Finite/Infinite 217 feasibility feast fellow feasible, infeasible fellow fierce file file Finite/Infinite infinity 15 fiercely childcare, leisure facilities quickly fade, fade away, begin to fade economically/technically/pol itically feasible have a feast fellow traveller fierce attack, opposition, criticism alphabetically file fat, thick, secret, case file finite resources infinity of stg PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST 218 219 220 221 PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Fitness Flame Flesh Flood flood Fluctuate 222 fluctuate NOUN fitness flame flesh flood ADJECTIVE fit ADVERB flooded fluctuation Fond 223 fondness fond Forever 224 forever Foundation 225 226 Frozen Fundamental 227 228 Funeral Fur 229 Furnish 230 231 Furthermore Gain 232 233 Gap found freeze foundation freezer founded frozen fundamental fur furry furniture furnished sharply, considerably fluctuate, fluctuate between cause fluctuation be fond of great, special fondness forever and ever go on forever The British Heart Foundation freeze to death seem, remain, consider stg, regard stg as fundamental truly, fairly fundamental funeral ceremony, service funeral furnish COLLOCATION thick, soft, artificial, fake fur fully furnished, garden furniture furthermore gain gain control, power, reputation financial, economic gain gap between gain gap 16 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Gentle 234 235 Gifted Glove 236 237 Glue 238 Grab 239 Grain Grease 240 241 Grind 242 Guarantee 243 Guideline Hang 244 Hardship 245 246 Harvest Haste 247 248 Hay 249 Heel 250 Hence Hero 251 glue grab NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERB gentleman gift gentle gifted gently glove glue COLLOCATION appear, look, seem gentle perfect, real, true gentleman be gifted in gardening, surgical, oven gloves put on glue try to, manage to grab grain covered in grease, remove, dissolve grease grind guarantee grease grinder guarantee guaranteed guide guideline guided full, life time guarantee practical, clear, helpful guidelines develop, draw up, offer, stick to guidelines hang upside down, hang from a place hang harvest hardship hard harvest, harvester haste hay heel hasty hastily cause, endure, experience, face hardships good, large , rich harvest frantic, great haste with / without haste high-heels hence great, brave hero become, turn into a hero hero / heroin 17 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Hierarchy 252 Hinder 253 254 Hip Hire 255 hinder hire NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERB hierarchy hierarchical hierarchically hindrance hip hire hired historian, history historical hollow holy hooked Hopeless /Hopeful Historian 256 257 Hollow 258 Holy 259 Hook Hopeless /Hopeful 260 261 hostile Horizon hook hope 262 hope hostility hostile horizon Horizontal/Vertical Horizontal/Vertical 263 Humble 264 humble humid 265 humidify humidity humid 18 COLLOCATION hierarchical structure, organisation be likely to, tend to hinder without hindrance hire charge, cost, for hire hire locally, by the day, by the week contemporary, early, recent history throughout history change the course of historically history dark, natural, deep hallow holy city, man, book be, become, get hooked hope for, look seem hopefully hopeless hostile to/towards northern, southern, distant horizon broaden, expand, widen horizons Horizontally/Verticall Horizontal/Vertical line y in my humble opinion, humbly humble apologies a humid climate, high, low humidity humidity level PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Hunger 266 NOUN ADJECTIVE hunger hungry ADVERB Hunt 267 hunt hunter, hunting Hypothetical 268 Hypothetical Hypothetically identical Ideological identically Ideologically hypothesis Identical 269 Ideological Ideology 270 Idle 271 idle Ignorant Ignorant 272 ignore Illegal ignorance /Legal Illegal 273 Imitate 274 275 Immense idly /Legal legality imitate imitation imitated Immense 19 Immensely COLLOCATION extreme hunger, feel hunger become, get, make sb hungry fox, seal, tiger hunt massive, nationwide hunt treasure hunt acceptable, working hypothesis entirely, purely, totally hypothetical look, seem identical identical to / with dominant, official, capitalist, socialist ideology remain, leave stg, make stg idle show ignorance appear, seem, seem, remain ignorant become, be legal challenge, question, assert, recognise legality accurate, good, poor imitation PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Immigrant Immigrate NOUN Immigrant, Immigration ADJECTIVE ADVERB 276 Implication 277 implicate implication imprison imprisonment Imprison 278 Improbable/probable Improbable/probable 279 280 Improper/Proper Impure/Pure probability Improper/Proper Impure/Pure 281 Inaccessible/Accessible 282 access Incentive purity / impurity access, (in) accessibility Incentive probably properly purely Inaccessible/Accessible 283 Incident 284 Incident , incidence incidental 20 incidentally COLLOCATION illegal, foreign, Italian immigrant illegal, large-scale, immigration immigration rules, officer, service immigrate from / to be implicated in stg considerable, crucial, major, important implications falsely, wrongly, temporarily imprison ten years, immediate , life imprisonment highly probable probable outcome, result, consequence proper way, place pure silk pure chance, coincidence purity of tap water make stg, become, remain accessible big, considerable, sufficient, more, less, financial incentive major, serious incident PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Inherit 285 inherit Inclusive 286 include Incorporate Incorporate 287 288 Incurable/curable cure 289 Indefinite /definite Independence 290 291 Indirect Inevitable 292 293 Infrastructure 294 Inherent Inhibit 295 Initiate 296 297 Inner Innovate 298 Insight 299 Insist (on) 300 NOUN inheritance ADJECTIVE ADVERB Inclusive, included inclusion cure Independence incorporated Incurable/curable Indefinite /definite Independent Indirect Inevitable (in)definitely Independently indirectly inevitably COLLOCATION inheritance from sb large, small inheritance possible inclusion all inclusive incorporate stg into / in stg incurable disease, illness Indefinite/definite article become, feel, make somebody independent full, total independence enjoy, value independence Indirect speech inevitable result, consequence Infrastructure Inherent Inherently Inhibit Initiate Innovate inhibition Initiative Innovation Inner Innovative be inherent in stg tend to, severely inhibit inhibit someone from stg take the initiative, have initiative successful, scientific innovation Insight Insist insistence insistent 21 insistently have, gain, get insight into insist on become, remain insistent PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Inspect Inspect NOUN Inspection, inspector ADJECTIVE ADVERB Insufficient/Sufficient Insufficiently/Suffici prove insufficient ently integrate into / with encourage, achieve, speed up, require, lead to integration integral part of stg Intensively tend to, be likely to intensify high, low intensity intensive care, labour intensive Internally /Externally 301 Instruct 302 instruct instruction, instructor Insufficient/Sufficient 303 Integral Integrate 304 integration Intensity Intense 305 Integral Intensive, intense intensify Internal /External Internal /External 306 COLLOCATION carefully, thoroughly inspect carry out, make, conduct inspection carefully, explicitly instruct proper formal, individualized, private instruction intervene 307 intervene intervention invade invasion, invader value value Invade 308 Invaluable 309 invaded Invaluable, valuable 22 to intervene directly, a police, military intervention military invasion fear of invasion invasion of privacy remain, make stg invaluable PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Irrational/rational NOUN ADJECTIVE Irrational/rational isolation jaw jewel, jewellery joint kingdom lab, laboratory isolated 310 Isolate 311 312 313 314 315 316 isolate Jaw Jewel Joint Kingdom Lab Label 317 label ADVERB COLLOCATION Irrationally/rationally quite, totally irrational political, complete, social isolation isolate somebody from somebody / stg knee, hip, elbow joint put a label on stg correctly, falsely, properly, wrongly label physical, hard labour cheap, child labour climb a ladder label Labour 318 319 320 321 322 Ladder Lately Lay Layer League labour, labourer ladder late lay layer 323 league Lean 324 lean Liberal 325 326 Lid 327 Lifelong liberate liberty lid liberal lifelong 23 lately lay eggs, lay stg out thin, thick layer at the bottom / top of the league, be in a different league lean on somebody lean towards liberal leader, party personal, political, religious liberty put a lid on stg lifelong learning PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Lifetime 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERB lifetime Likewise Limb Load Lodging Log Lord Loyal likewise load 335 limb load lodging log Lord loaded loyalty loyal magic, magician magical majority mall major Magic 336 Major 337 338 Mall Manipulate 339 340 Mankind 341 Marker Massive manipulate 342 manipulation, manipulator mankind marker mass, masses manipulative massive Master 343 344 Mat COLLOCATION in your lifetime lifetime income, employment, experience master master mat 24 magically broken, injured, stiff limb heavy, work, full load lodging house keep a log, web log Good Lord! extremely, very loyal show loyalty to, for, from pure, black magic truly, totally magical do magic big, vast majority, majority of shopping mall easily, deliberately manipulate careful, clever, deliberate manipulation history of mankind board marker enormous , huge, large mass massive heart attack massive argument master and servant master the art of stg yoga mat PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB 345 Mate Maximum 346 347 Meantime 348 Meanwhile Mechanism 349 350 Melt Memorial 351 Mentality maximise NOUN mate ADJECTIVE maximum maximum ADVERB meantime meanwhile mechanism, mechanic melt 352 Merchant 353 mechanical melting, melted mechanically memorial memorial mentality merchant, merchandise mental mentally mere merely Mere 354 message messenger, message midst migrate migration, migrant Messenger 355 356 Midst Migrate 357 358 Mild Military 359 360 Minimal 361 Minimum military mild mildly military minimal maximum militarily 25 COLLOCATION class, team, work mate maximum amount, number maximise opportunities, chances in the meantime locking, steering mechanism avoidance, control, defence mechanism melt away memorial ceremony, service mentality of teenagers, youth mental illness rich, powerful merchant buy, sell merchandise mere coincidence, mere fact don't shoot the messenger in the midst of migrant worker, migrate from, into, to mild weather, illness military forces,military action PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Mining 362 NOUN mining, mine, miner ADJECTIVE minority minority mixture mode mixed moderation modesty moderate modest modification modified motion motionless motivation motive motivated ADVERB COLLOCATION modestly coal mine belong to, discriminate against minority ethnically, socially racially mixed normal mode in moderation moderate amount of stg show modesty Minority 363 Mixed 364 365 Mode Moderate 366 367 Modest Modify 368 Motionless 369 Motivate 370 371 Motive 372 Multiple 373 Multiply 374 Muscle Mutual 375 376 Namely 377 Neat Neglect 378 379 Neutral 380 Nevertheless 381 Noble 382 Nonetheless mix modify motivate multiply multiplication muscle multiple multiplied mutual neatness neglect negligence genetically- modified food absolutely, virtually motionless poor, low motivation, lack, lose motivation motive behind, for stg multiple choice neat mutually namely neatly mutual trust, respect, understanding be accused of, guilty of negligence remain, stay neutral neglected, negligent neutral nevertheless noble noble family, blood nonetheless nobility 26 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Norm 383 NOUN ADJECTIVE norm normal notion notable nuclear ADVERB Notable 384 385 386 387 388 Nuclear Nuisance Numerous Nut Obedience 389 number numerous Obedient/disobedient (dis)obey obliged 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 Nuisance number nut (dis)Obedience obligation notably COLLOCATION become the norm, social, cultural norms notion of stg notable example, achievement, success nuclear power awful, terrible nuisance numerous occasions Obediently/disobedi obedience to ently obliged, obligatory to be, feel obliged to do stg to be obligatory for sb to do stg Omit On the contrary Ongoing Operate Option Otherwise Outbreak Outcome Outwards Overlap Pan Parallel Paste 403 404 Patriotic omit omission On the contrary ongoing operate operation option ongoing project, research Operate (machinery) have an option optional Otherwise outbreak outcome overlap overlap pan outward overlapping parallel paste paste patriotism, patriot Outwards outbreak of disease major outcome facing, looking outwards overlap with parallel to copy and paste, tooth-paste patriotic 27 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Pattern Pearl Peculiar Periodical Persist persist Pile Pinch Pipe Pitch Plot Plough plough Plug plug Policy 417 NOUN pattern pearl peculiarity periodical ADJECTIVE ADVERB peculiar become, remain peculiar persistence pile pinch pipe pitch plot plough plug persistent persist in, show persistence a pile of a pinch of water pipe football pitch plot of a film, story plough through pull the plug, plug stg in foreign, economic, public policy plugged / unplugged policy COLLOCATION pattern of stg Pose 418 Possess pose Possess Possession 419 possessive Potential 420 potential potential poverty powder poor practicality practical precious potentially Poverty 421 422 Powder Practical 423 424 Precious 28 practically pose a threat, danger, risk family, personal, private possession reach, realize, fulfil potential reduce, eliminate poverty extreme, severe, widespread, rural, urban poverty gun powder practical person practicalities of stg precious stone PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Preliminary 425 NOUN ADJECTIVE preliminary preliminary ADVERB Premises 426 Preservation Preserve premises Preservation 427 preservative Presumably 428 429 Pretend 430 Pride 431 Primarily Prior Presume pretend pride Presumably presumption pretension pride primary Priority pretentious proud primary Prior Prize prize Procedure Procedure 434 Proceed 435 proceed pretentiously proudly Primarily rightly, wrongly presume strong, general presumption about, against pretend to be have pride, out of pride primary care high, major, top, immediate , low priority Prior to stg get, receive, take, accept a prize complex, complicated simple procedure decide to, intend to proceed criminal,justice, legal proceedings 432 433 COLLOCATION preliminary stages as a preliminary on the premises, off the premises environmental, building preservation food, wood, artificial preservative preserve stg for stg proceedings 29 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Prohibit Prohibit 436 NOUN ADJECTIVE prohibition prohibitory promoter, promotion promptness Prompt proof proven ADVERB Promote 437 438 Prompt Proof promote 439 prove Properly (im)Properly 440 441 Proportion Proposal 442 Promptly proper / improper Proportion propose proposal Prospective Prospective 443 prospect Protection 444 445 Radical Random 446 protect protection Radical protective Radical random 30 randomly COLLOCATION prohibit from impose, abolish , lift prohibitions prohibition against, of promote stg, widely promoted, efforts to promote get a promotion prompt action prove to be innocent, guilty be proof against stg proper name, behaviour, place improper conduct, behaviour proportion of stg marriage proposal propose doing stg propose an idea Prospective (buyers/employers) job, career prospects protect against, from be protective against, towards protection against, from radical changes, ideas random sample, selection PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Rank 447 448 Ratio 449 Raw 450 Reactor rebel 451 Recall 452 453 Reckon Reform rank NOUN ADJECTIVE rank ratio raw reactor rebel rebel, rebellion recall reckon recall rebellious reckoning 454 455 Refresh Refuse 456 Regard reform refresh Refuse reform, reformation, reformist Refreshments Refusal 457 regard regard Regulate regime Regulation Regulate 459 regarding, regardless regulated Reinforce 460 reinforce reinforcement COLLOCATION rank high, low be ranked fourth, number one ratio between raw material / food nuclear reactor rebel against stg rebel forces/soldiers recall clearly, vividly, well total recall reckon stg to be stg go through reform carry out , implement, put into practice reforms attempt to, seek to, try to reform refreshing, refreshed Regime 458 ADVERB reinforced 31 refuse to do stg, refusal to do stg regard stg as stg show, pay, considerable, great regard regardless of new, old, current, socialist regime strict, tight, government, school regulations positive, negative reinforcement PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Relate 461 NOUN relate relation, relative relieve relief reproduce request rescue reluctance remark reproduction request rescue ADJECTIVE ADVERB Relatively related Relief 462 Reluctant 463 464 465 466 467 Remark Reproduce Request Rescue Residence 468 reluctant reproductory reside residence, resident residential resign resignation Resistance Resign 469 Resist 470 resist irresistible reluctantly COLLOCATION relate stg to stg relation between / with / to considerable, deep, enormous relief a sense of relief, tears of relief be reluctant to / reluctance to make a remark reproductory organs make a request residents of a place residential home, course, neighbourhood resign from announce, accept, reject resignation popular army, organised, political resistance Resolve 471 resolve Resource 472 473 Restless Restrain 474 restrain resolution resolved resource resourceful restless restraint restrained 32 an attempt to resolve, resolve stg through / by stg financial, limited, natural resources restrain from considerable, great, remarkable restraint PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Restrict 475 NOUN ADJECTIVE restrict restriction restrictive, restricted reverse reversal reversible rigour rival, rivalry rose rigid ADVERB without restriction restrict yourself/somebody to (doing) something restricted access, area reversal of stg reverse a decision/verdict/policy be, appear , seem rigid academic, intellectual, logical rigour rival company/firm/team rosy cheeks Reverse 476 Rigid 477 478 479 480 481 482 Rival Rose Rough Route Rubber Rumour 483 484 Rural /urban Rush 485 Sacrifice 486 487 Sand 488 Scale rush Sacrifice rosy rough COLLOCATION roughly route rubber scenic route rubber gloves rumour urbanization spread,hear, start a rumour rural area do something in a rush rush to do something make sacrifices sacrifice something for something rural / urban rush Sacrifice sand scale on a large scale 33 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Scare 489 scare NOUN Scenario scare Scenario Schedule /Scheme Schedule /Scheme ADJECTIVE Scared ADVERB 490 491 Scope 492 493 Seal 494 Sector Seek 495 scope seal sector seek sectoral seeker Seize 496 497 Senior Sequence 498 499 Session Settle 500 501 siblings 502 simultaneous seize senior Sequence sequential sequentially COLLOCATION care the life/living daylights/hell etc out of somebody a bomb scare a health scare worst-case/nightmare scenario make a schedule beyond/outside/within the scope of something seal hunt public/private sector eek refuge/asylum/shelter seek revenge/damages/compens ation job/attention/publicity etc seeker seize something from somebody senior management. in a ... Sequence out of sequence sequence of events session Settlement, settler settle settled in siblings simultaneous 34 simultaneously PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Shade 503 504 Sharp 505 Sheet (of paper) Shelter 506 Shield sharpen shelter Shield NOUN ADJECTIVE shade sharpener Sheet Shelter shaded sharp ADVERB in the shade (of something) sharp edge Sheet of paper animal shelter shelter somebody/something from somebody/something Shield shield against shield somebody/something from somebody/something shift attention/emphasis/focus shoot somebody in the leg/head etc a photo shoot sea shore water/food/housing etc shortage shortage of to commit, confess a sin it is a sin to do stg 507 Shift 508 shift shift shoot shoot Shore Shortage Shoot 509 510 Shore Shortage 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 COLLOCATION sin sin Sincere Slight Smart So called Soil sincerity Sincere Slight smart So called soil 35 Sincerely Slightly PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD Sole Solid Sow Specialist Sphere Spill Spin Spit Splendid Split Spot Stable VERB Specialize spill spin spit NOUN sow Specialist sphere spill 534 ADVERB solely COLLOCATION solely responsible specialised spherical spilt Specially sowing the seeds of specialize in Splendid splendidly cry over spilt milk Split Spot stable Stare (at) Stem Sticky Stiff Sting ADJECTIVE sole solid Stare stem stick spot the difference in a stable condition shut/close the stable door after the horse has bolted British English Stare (at) Stem (from) stick to Stiff joints A bee, wasp, scorpion can sting stir something with something stir something in/into something stable stem sticky Stiff sting Stir 535 536 537 538 539 540 stir Stocking Stove Straw Stretch Strict stockings stove straw the last straw stretch Strict 36 Strictly PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Strike Strike 541 542 543 544 545 546 Substance Suburb Suck Superior Surround (go around) Suspend NOUN Strike ADJECTIVE ADVERB Substance Suburbs Substantial substantially superiority Surrounding Superior suck Surround Suspend 547 superiority complex Suspended total, temporary, immediate suspension suspend somebody from something suspension Sustain 548 549 Swing 550 Sword Tackle 551 talent 552 553 Temple Tempt 554 555 Tension Terminate 556 557 terrify 558 Thereby COLLOCATION strike something with something substantial amount of stg Sustainable Sustain swing environmentally sustainable swing back and forth sustainability swing sword tackle somebody about something talent for stg artistic / unique talent to have / demonstrate talent to be very talented tackle Tempt terminate terrify talent temple Temptation tension termination, terminator talented tempt somebody into doing something tempting tense early, sudden termination terminate a contract terminated terrified, terrifying thereby 37 thereby doing something PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Threat Threaten 559 560 Tight /Loose 561 Timeless Timely 562 tolerate 563 Trace 564 565 Tradition 566 Transit Transmit disease 567 NOUN ADJECTIVE Threatening ADVERB Tight /Loose Timeless Tightly /Loosely threat tighten / loosen time time in a timely manner/fashion tolerate tolerance tolerant, intolerant trace trace Tradition transit Traditional transmit Treat trap Treat tolerance of/towards/for / to trace something (back) to something transit passengers Transmit disease the transmission of disease transmission be/feel trapped trap somebody into (doing) something treat somebody like/as something badly treated/well treated treat somebody with respect/contempt/courtesy my treat Trap 568 COLLOCATION threaten to do something threaten somebody with something lifethreatening pose a threat trap Treat 569 38 PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB Treatment Treat 570 571 Tremble Trigger tremble Trigger NOUN treatment ADJECTIVE ADVERB trembling Trigger 572 COLLOCATION treatment of/for get/receive treatment treat somebody with something tremble with anger/fear trigger a memory trigger the alarm pull the trigger Trouble 573 574 Tube Underestimate 575 576 Undergo operation Undertake 577 (responsibility) 578 Uneasy United 579 580 Upward Urge 581 582 Utilise 583 Vain 584 Vast 585 Vehicle 586 Veil trouble have trouble with , ask for trouble, trouble somebody with something take/catch the tube underestimate the importance/extent/effect/ power etc of something Undergo operation Undertake (responsibility) trouble tube Underestimate, estimate Underestimated estimation Undergo Undertake Unity Uneasy United upward urge Utilise urge Utility vain utilizable vast Vehicle veil 39 uneasily uneasy about economic unity , economic unity upward trend/movement upward trend/movement urge to do something utility room in vain vast majority motor vehicle PRE‐FACULTY WORD LIST PRE-FACULTY WORD LIST HEADWORD VERB 587 Vessel Violate Violate 588 589 Virtual 590 Virtue Vision 591 592 Visual Vital 593 594 Waist Whisper 595 Widespread NOUN vessel Violation, violator virtue ADJECTIVE violated virtual virtuous COLLOCATION violate rights, privacy violation of virtually virtuously good/normal/poor etc vision have visions of something vision visual vital visually vital to do something vital organs waist whisper wonder worm whisper something to somebody widespread support/acceptance/criticis m wonder how technological wonders the Seven Wonders of the World book worm wreck ship wreck whisper Widespread 596 Wonder 597 598 Worm 599 Worship 600 Wreck ADVERB wonder worship 40