Voting, Campaigns, & Elections Government 656.001 Fall 2008

Voting, Campaigns, & Elections
Government 656.001
Fall 2008
Instructor: Sean A. Cain, PhD.
Office Hours: Friday 10-12 or by appointment
Office: Ward 224
Class Meeting: Tu. 8:10 to 10:40 p.m. (Ward 304)
This course is designed to acquaint graduate students with the central themes and issues in the
study of voting in national elections. The grade will be based upon course participation, a takehome midterm exam, a take-home final exam, and a comparative campaign study. In the latter
assignment, you will choose two states holding Senate elections in 2008 and develop an
argument for why those states had similar or different senatorial and presidential election
outcomes. This assignment will test your ability to apply course content to a practical setting as
well as encourage you to immerse yourself in FEC data, legislative records, campaign
technology, and local political environments. Each component of the course will account for
10%, 30%, 30%, and 30% of your final grade, respectively.
Berelson et al. Voting
Campbell et al. The American Voter
Zaller. The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion
Holbrook. Do Campaigns Matter?
Popkin, Samuel. The Reasoning Voter
Rosenstone and Hansen. Mobilization, Participation, and Democracy in America
Corrado, et al. The New Campaign Finance Sourcebook
Assigned Readings (Note: This are subject to change, with advanced
August 26 Introduction
Sept. 2 Voting 1
Berelson et al., Voting, Chapters 1, 6, 7, 11-14
Campbell et al., American Voter Chapters 1-4, 6-8, 19-20.
Downs, An Economic Theory of Democracy, Chapters 1, 3, 11-13 (on library reserve)
Sept. 9 Voting 2
Riker and Ordeshook, A Theory of the Calculus of Voting
Popkin et al., What Have You Done for Me Lately?
Popkin, Reasoning Voter, Chapters 1-3;
Bartels, Partisanship and Voting Behavior
Fedderson, Rational Choice Theory and the Paradox of Not Voting
Sept. 16 Participation
Rosenstone and Hansen, Chapters 1-3, 5-7
Gerber et al., Voting May Be Habit-Forming
Green and Shachar, Habit Formation and Political Behaviour
McClurg, The Electoral Relevance of Political Talk
McDonald and Popkin, The myth of the vanishing voter
Quattrone and Tversky, Contrasting Rational and Psychological Analyses of Political Choice
Sept. 23 Belief Systems
Converse, Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics (1964)
Kinder, Belief Systems Today
Popkin, Factual Basis of "Belief Systems"
Lupia, Elitism and Voter Competence
Kuklinski, et al., Misinformation and the Currency of Democratic Citizenship
Conover and Feldman, The Origins and Meaning of Liberal/Conservative SelfIdentification
Sept. 30 Public Opinion
Zaller, The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion, Chapters 1-6
Zaller and Feldman, Simple Theory of the Survey Response
Lacy, Nonseparable Preferences in Survey Responses
Lawrence and Bennett, Rethinking media politics and public opinion
Berinsky, Two Faces of Public Opinion
Oct. 7 Campaigns Effects 1
Zaller, Chapter 10
Holbrook, Do Campaigns Matter? Chapters 1-6
Burden, Senators as Presidential Candidates
Ansolabehere and Iyengar, Riding the Wave and Claiming Ownership over Issues
Vavreck, et al. The Effects of Retail Politics in the New Hampshire Primary
Oct. 14 Campaigns Effects 2
Sigelman and Kugler, Why is research on the effects of negative campaigning so inconclusive?
Ansolabehere, et al. Does Attack Advertising Demobilize the Electorate?
Clinton and Lapinski, 'Targeted' Advertising and Turnout"
Krasno and Green, Do Televised Presidential Ads Increase Voter Turnout?
Franz, Freedman, Goldstein, and Ridout, Understanding the Effect of Political Advertising on
Voter Turnout
Krasno and Green, Response to FFGR
Freedman et al., Campaign Advertising and Democratic Citizenship
Theilmann and Wilhite, Campaign Tactics and the Decision to Attack
Oct. 21 Workshop in Campaign Advertising (Midterm Due)
Oct. 28 Campaign Finance
Corrado, et al. The New Campaign Finance Sourcebook.
Jacobson, The Effects of Campaign Spending in Congressional Elections
Abramowitz, Incumbency, Campaign Spending, and the Decline of Competition in U.S. House
Box-Steffensmeier, A Dynamic Analysis of the Role of War Chests in Campaign Strategy
Nov. 4 Mass Media
Popkin, Reasoning Voter Chapters 4, 5
Miller and Krosnick, News Media Impact on Presidential Evaluations
Iyengar, et al. Experimental demonstrations of the ‘not-so-minimal’ consequences of television
Baum and Kernell, Cable and presidential Television
Nov. 11 Issues and Trust
Bartels, “Class Politics and Partisan Change” and “Homer Gets a Tax Cut”
Aldrich et al., Foreign Affairs and Issue Voting
Mughan and Lacy, Economic Performance, Job Insecurity and Electoral Choice
Abramowitz and Segal, Beyond Willie Horton
Cook and Gronke, The Skeptical American
Hetherington, The effect of political trust
Nov. 18 Electoral Institutions
Wlezien and Erikson, The Timeline of Presidential Election Campaigns
Bartels, Candidate Choice and the Dynamics of the Presidential Nominating Process
Garand and Parent, Representation, Swing, and Bias in U.S. Presidential Elections
Gelman and King, Enhancing Democracy Through Legislative Redistricting
Hetherington, et al. The Redistricting Cycle and Strategic Candidate Decisions in U.S. House
Dec. 2 Paper Workshop & Final Exam Review
Abramowitz, Alan I. “Incumbency, Campaign Spending, and the Decline of Competition in U.S.
House Elections.” The Journal of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1. (Feb., 1991), pp. 34-56.
Abramowitz, Alan I. and Jeffrey A. Segal (1990). "Beyond Willie Horton and the Pledge of
Allegiance: National Issues in the 1988 Elections." Legislative Studies Quarterly 15(4):
Aldrich, John H., John L. Sullivan and Eugene Borgida (1989). "Foreign Affairs and Issue
Voting: Do Presidential Candidates "Waltz Before A Blind Audience?"" The American
Political Science Review 83(1): 123-141.
Ansolabehere, S. and S. Iyengar (1994). "Riding the Wave and Claiming Ownership over Issues
- the Joint Effects of Advertising and News Coverage in Campaigns." Public Opinion
Quarterly 58(3): 335-357.
Ansolabehere, Stephen, Shanto Iyengar, Adam Simon, and Nicholas Valentino. 1994. “Does
Attack Advertising Demobilize the Electorate?” American Political Science Review. 88:
Bartels, Larry M. 1987. “Candidate Choice and the Dynamics of the Presidential Nominating Process.”
American Journal of Political Science. 31: 1-30.
Bartels, L. M. (2000). "Partisanship and Voting Behavior, 1952-1996." American Journal of
Political Science 44(1): 35-50.
Bartels, Larry M. 2008. Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age.
New York: Russell Sage
Basinger, Scott J. and Howard Lavine (2005). "Ambivalence, Information, and Electoral
Choice." American Political Science Review 92(2): 169 -182.
Baum, Matthew (2003). Soft news goes to war : public opinion and American foreign policy in
the new media age. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press
Baum, Matthew A. and Samuel Kernell (1999). "Has Cable Ended the Golden Age of
Presidential Television?" American Political Science Review 93(1): 99-114.
Berelson, Bernard, Paul Lazarsfeld and William McPhee (1954). Voting: A Study of Opinion
Formation in a Presidential Campaign. Chicago, University of Chicago Press
Berinsky, A. J. (1999). "The Two Faces of Public Opinion." American Journal of Political
Science 43(4): 1209-1230.
Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M. 1996. “A Dynamic Analysis of the Role of War Chests in Campaign
Strategy.” American Journal of Political Science. 40: 352-371.
Burden, Barry C. (2002). "United States Senators as Presidential Candidates." Political Science
Quarterly 117(1): 81-102.
Campbell, Angus, Philip Converse, et al. (1960). The American Voter. New York, John Wiley
Clinton, Joshua D. and John S. Lapinski (2004). "“Targeted” Advertising and Voter Turnout: An
Experimental Study of the 2000 Presidential Election." The Journal of Politics, 66(1): 6996.
Conover, Pamela Johnston and Stanley Feldman. 1981. “The Origins and Meaning of
Liberal/Conservative Self-Identification.” American Journal of Political Science. 25: 617-645.
Converse, Phillip (2007). "The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics (1964)." Critical
Review 18(1-3): 1-74.
Cook, T. E. and P. Gronke (2005). "The Skeptical American: Revisiting the meanings of trust in
government and confidence in institutions." Journal of Politics 67(3): 784-803.
Downs, Anthony. 1957. An Economic Theory of Democracy. New York: Free Press. Chapters 1, 3, 11-13
Epstein, David and Peter Zemsky. 1995. “Money Talks: Deterring Quality Challengers in Congressional
Elections.” American Political Science Review. 89: 295-308.
Feddersen, Timothy J. "Rational Choice Theory and the Paradox of Not Voting." The Journal of
Economic Perspectives, Vol. 18, No. 1. (2004), pp. 99-112.
Fiorina, Morris P. (1979). Retrospective Voting in American National Elections. New Haven,
Yale University Press
Franz, Freedman, Goldstein, and Ridout. "Understanding the Effect of Political Advertising on
Voter Turnout." Journal of Politics. Vol. 70, No. 1, Jan 2008
Freedman, Paul, Michael Franz and Kenneth Goldstein (2004). "Campaign Advertising and
Democratic Citizenship." American Journal of Political Science 48(4): 723-741.
Garand, James C. and T. Wayne Parent. "Representation, Swing, and Bias in U.S. Presidential
Elections, 1872-1988." American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 35, No. 4. (Nov.,
1991), pp. 1011-1031.
Gelman, Andrew and Gary King. "Enhancing Democracy Through Legislative Redistricting."
The American Political Science Review, Vol. 88, No. 3. (Sep., 1994), pp. 541-559.
Gerber, Alan. "Estimating the Effect of Campaign Spending on Senate Election Outcomes
Using Instrumental Variables." The American Political Science Review, Vol. 92, No. 2.
(Jun., 1998), pp. 401-411.
Gerber, Alan S., Donald P. Green and Ron Shachar (2003). "Voting May Be Habit-Forming:
Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment." American Journal of Political Science
47(3): 540-550.
Green, D. P. and R. Shachar (2000). "Habit Formation and Political Behaviour: Evidence of
Consuetude in Voter Turnout." British Journal of Political Science 30: 561-573.
Grofman, B. (2004). "Downs and two-party convergence." Annual Review of Political Science
7: 25-46.
Hetherington, M. J. (1999). "The effect of political trust on the presidential vote, 1968-96."
American Political Science Review 93(2): 311-326.
Hetherington, M. J. and M. Nelson (2003). "Anatomy of a rally effect: George W. Bush and the
war on terrorism." Ps-Political Science & Politics 36(1): 37-42.
Hetherington, Marc J.; Bruce Larson; and Suzanne Globetti. "The Redistricting Cycle and
Strategic Candidate Decisions in U.S. House Races." The Journal of Politics, Vol. 65,
No. 4. (Nov., 2003), pp. 1221-1234.
Iyengar, Shanto, Mark Peters, and Donald Kinder. 1982. "Experimental demonstrations of the
`not-so-minimal' consequences of television newscasts" American Political Science
Review 76: 848-858.
Jacobson, Gary C. "The Effects of Campaign Spending in Congressional Elections." The
American Political Science Review, Vol. 72, No. 2 (Jun., 1978), pp. 469-491
Kinder, Donald R. (2007). "Belief Systems Today." Critical Review 18(1-3): 197-216.
Krasno and Green, "Do Televised Presidential Ads Increase Voter Turnout?" Journal of Politics.
Vol. 70, No. 1, Jan 2008
Kuklinski, James H., Paul J. Quirk, Jennifer Jerit, David Schwieder, and Robert F. Rich. 2000.
“Misinformation and the Currency of Democratic Citizenship.” The Journal of Politics. 62: 790816.
Lacy, Dean (2001). "A Theory of Nonseparable Preferences in Survey Responses." American
Journal of Political Science 45(2): 239-258.
Lawrence, R. G. and W. L. Bennett (2001). "Rethinking media politics and public opinion:
Reactions to the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal." Political Science Quarterly 116(3): 425-446.
Lupia, Arthur (2007). "How Elitism Undermines the Study of Voter Competence." Critical
Review 18(1-3): 217-232.
Lupia, Arthur, Adam Seth Levine, et al. (2005). "Were Bush Tax Cut Supporters “Simply
Ignorant?”: A Second Look at Conservatives and Liberals in “Homer Gets a Tax Cut”."
McClurg, Scott D. "The Electoral Relevance of Political Talk: Examining Disagreement and
Expertise Effects in Social Networking on Political Participation." American Journal of
Political Science 50(3): 737-754.
McDonald, M. P. and S. L. Popkin (2001). "The myth of the vanishing voter." American
Political Science Review 95(4): 963-974.
Miller, Joanne M. and Jon A. Krosnick (2000). "News Media Impact on the Ingredients of
Presidential Evaluations: Politically Knowledgeable Citizens Are Guided by a Trusted
Source." American Journal of Political Science 44(2): 301-315.
Mughan, Anthony and Dean Lacy (2002). "Economic Performance, Job Insecurity and Electoral
Choice." British Journal of Political Science 32: 513-533.
Popkin, Samuel, John W. Gorman, et al. (1976). "Comment: What Have You Done for Me
Lately? Toward An Investment Theory of Voting." The American Political Science
Review 70(3): 779-805.
Popkin, Samuel L. (1994). The reasoning voter : communication and persuasion in presidential
campaigns. Chicago, University of Chicago Press
——— (2007). "The Factual Basis of "Belief Systems": A Reassessment." Critical Review 18(13): 233-254.
Quattrone, G. A. and A. Tversky (1988). "Contrasting Rational and Psychological Analyses of
Political Choice." American Political Science Review 82(3): 719-736.
Riker, William H. and Peter C. Ordeshook. "A Theory of the Calculus of Voting." The
American Political Science Review, Vol. 62, No. 1. (Mar., 1968), pp. 25-42.
Sigelman, L. and M. Kugler (2003). "Why is research on the effects of negative campaigning so
inconclusive? Understanding citizens' perceptions of negativity." Journal of Politics
65(1): 142-160.
Theilmann, John and Allen Wilhite (1998). "Campaign Tactics and the Decision to Attack."
Journal of Politics 60(4): 1050-1062.
Vavreck, Lynn, Constatine J. Spiliotes, and Linda L. Fowler. 2002. “The Effects of Retail Politics in the
New Hampshire Primary.” American Journal of Political Science. 46: 595-610.
Christopher Wlezien and Robert Erikson. 2002. “The Timeline of Presidential Election Campaigns.” The
Journal of Politics. 64: 969-993.
Zaller, J. and S. Feldman (1992). "A Simple Theory of the Survey Response - Answering
Questions Versus Revealing Preferences." American Journal of Political Science 36(3):