C H E M I S T R Y - Rutgers University

M Undergraduate
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Message from the Vice-Chair 
Welcome to the 2012 Celebration of Undergraduate Achievement.
Today’s symposium is meant to emphasize and encourage significant
research in chemistry by undergraduates at Rutgers University. The
accomplishments of our undergraduates have been numerous, and
the 2012 Symposium establishes a venue to present and promote this
work, while providing a forum for interdisciplinary exchange among
students, faculty, and the community. The symposium also provides
us the opportunity to recognize and applaud the outstanding
academic achievements of our chemistry majors, as well as their
dedicated service to both the department and the university.
We thank all of the undergraduates who made the effort to present
their work here today, and we acknowledge the graduate students,
postdoctoral fellows, and faculty members who have devoted their
time and effort to mentoring these students. We look forward to
following these outstanding individuals as they continue their careers,
and hope that today’s program leaves you inspired to ask new
questions, seek new answers, and celebrate each new discovery.
Best wishes,
John Brennan
John Brennan
Vice-Chair, Undergraduate Program
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Rutgers University
About Jean “Bunny” Wilson Day 
Jean Wilson Day received her Ph.D. from Rutgers in 1965, having done
research on polyphosphates under the supervision of Professor Ulrich
Strauss. That same year, she joined the staff of the School of
Chemistry as instructor of general chemistry, and was promoted to
Assistant Professor in 1968. She was an extremely enthusiastic
teacher, and cared deeply about her students; she taught with great
enthusiasm, and organized special classes for the slow learners. Jean
was also profoundly concerned about environmental pollution, and
sparked an interest among her colleagues and students in seeking
After her untimely death in 1971, the Department chose to honor
Jean’s memory by establishing a lectureship designed to attract
undergraduates. As an enduring tribute to her generous spirit, Dr. Jim
Savage, along with fellow classmates from the Rutgers Class of 1971,
formally announced the establishment of the Dr. Jean Wilson Day
Memorial Scholarship on May 14, 2011.
 Guest
Speaker – Biography 
Julio de Paula
Dr. Julio de Paula came to Lewis & Clark College as Dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Chemistry in May 2005. In 2010
he became Associate Vice President and Director of Special Projects,
and Professor of Chemistry. He is also a member of the Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology Program.
Born in Brazil, de Paula came with his family to the United States in
1976 in what he describes as “the traditional immigrant story: we
came in search of a better life.” He earned his bachelor’s degree in
Chemistry from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and his
doctorate in Chemistry from Yale University. He was awarded a
National Institutes of Health Fellowship to conduct postdoctoral work
at Michigan State University. Before joining Lewis & Clark, de Paula
was a professor of chemistry at Haverford College.
Professor de Paula’s research in photosynthesis and nanotechnology
has been supported by grants from the Pew Charitable Trusts, Howard
Hughes Medical Institute, National Science Foundation, Camille and
Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Research Corporation, the A.C.S.
Petroleum Research Fund, David and Lucille Packard Foundation, and
the W.M. Keck Foundation. Professor de Paula has taught courses in
general, physical, and biological chemistry, as well as writing. His
textbooks of physical chemistry, co-authored with Professor Peter
Atkins of Oxford University, are adopted widely by universities around
the world.
Professor de Paula is the recipient of a Christian and Mary Lindback
Award for Distinguished Teaching and a Henry Dreyfus TeacherScholar Award. In 2005 he was the Knapp Visiting Distinguished
Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of San Diego. He is a
Councilor in the Chemistry Division of the Council on Undergraduate
 Program
Highlights 
8:30am – 9:30am……………….Poster Set-Up / Breakfast for Participants
(Location: Life Sciences Atrium)
9:30am – 11:00am…………………………..………………………….Poster Session
(Location: Life Sciences Atrium)
11:00am – 12:00pm……………...…………...........Jean Wilson Day Lecture*
(Location: Wright Auditorium)
12:00pm – 12:10pm………………………Mr. Jim Savage (Rutgers, Class ’71)
Guest Speaker
Julio de Paula (Rutgers, Class ’82)
Professor of Chemistry
Associate Vice President & Director of Special Projects, Lewis & Clark College
Topic: “Science in the Service of Society:
Seven Challenges for Innovators”
12:10pm – 12:40pm………………………………..…….Undergraduate Awards
(Location: Wright Auditorium)
12:40pm – 1:30pm………………………………..……… Lunch for Participants
(Location: Life Sciences Atrium)
 Undergraduate
Research 
~ Poster Symposium ~
Jon Ahn*, Xiao Zhang and Jing Li
“Synthesis, Characterization and Physical Properties of I-VII Based
Inorganic Organic Hybrid Materials”
Isita Amin*, Li Gu and Kathryn E. Uhrich
"Characterization of Lliposomes Formed by Ethyleneimine Amphiphilic
Macromolecule-lipid Complexes"
Samreen Bano*, Kathleen D. Field and Alan S. Goldman
“Determination of Bond Energies in (PCP) Ir Complexes”
Emily Buginsky*, Staci Capozzi, and Lisa Rodenburg
“Natural Dehalogenation of the Groundwater at DuPont - Chambers
Gina S. Chang* and Ralf Warmuth
“Host Guest Chemistry: Surface Immobilization of Cavitands”
Ben Deibert*, Jingming Zhang, and Dr. Jing Li
“Synthesis Optimization and Catalytic Screening of
[Cu5(OH)2(nip)4(H2O)6] . 4.25(H2O) Metal-Organic Framework”
Amy Deighan* and Lisa Rodenburg
“Anaerobic Dechlorination of Dioxins in the NY/NJ Harbor”
Jessalyn DeVine* and Edward W. Castner, Jr.
"Non-Destructive Determination of the Concentration of Water in
Room Temperature Ionic Liquids"
Note: * Indicates Presenter
 Undergraduate
Research 
~ Poster Symposium ~
Allison Dyevoich*, Qihan Gong, and Jing Li
"Platinum Doping of TDPAT and Verification of Known Metal Organic
Nicholas Ewankov* and Lawrence J. Williams
“Synthesis of 5-Vinylidenenonane”
Alycia Farley*, Fara Lindsay and Gregory Herzog
“Procedure Development & Sample Preparation for Microprobe
David Feinblum*, Lan Wei, Yuriy Choliy, and Karsten Krogh-Jespersen
“Acid-Catalyzed Alkyne-Allene Isomerizations by Re and Rh
Complexes: A Computational Study”
Hana Hamdi*, Sabrina Snyder and Kathryn E. Uhrich
“In Vitro Drug Release, Cytotoxicity, & Storage Stability Study of
Biodegradable Polymers”
Tahia Haque* and Lawrence Williams
“Integrating Organic Chemistry and the Molecular Life Sciences: a
Modular Approach”
Kareem Holligan* and John G. Brennan
“Copper-Indium Complexes with Fluorinated Selenolate Ligands”
Zhaozhi Jiang*, Pamela Perez and Wilma K. Olson
“Geometric Analysis of Multiple tRNAs”
Note: * Indicates Presenter
 Undergraduate
Research 
~ Poster Symposium ~
Christopher J. Kaplan*, Paul F. Smith, John Sheats and
G.Charles Dismukes
“Molecular Cobalt Clusters as Water Oxidation Catalysts”
Richard Kim* and David Case
“Programming for Complex Computations in Chemistry”
Patrick Kramer* and Edward W. Castner, Jr.
“Intermediate Range Ordering in Ionic Liquids Based on the 1-alkyl-3methylimidazolium Cation”
Charles Kreisel*, Lily Liu, and Donald Winkelmann
"Structural Studies on Human Beta-Cardiac Myosin Mutants”
Ilona Litvak*, Peter Shin and John W. Taylor
“Structure – Activity Analysis of beta Fibril Formation by Peptide
Tianyi Liu*, Aleksandra B. Biedron and Edward W. Castner, Jr.
“Characterization of Uniform Films made by Deposition of Ionic
Shoaib Majid* and Laurence Romsted
“Do Arenediazonium and Nitrate Ions React in Solution to Form Phenyl
Nitrate Esters by the Heterolytic Dediazoniation Mechanism? A
Preliminary Exploration”
Note: * Indicates Presenter
 Undergraduate
Research 
~ Poster Symposium ~
Mohammad Malik*,Alex Lo, James Chun, Francesca Guerra and
Darrin York
“Rutgers E-learning: General Chemistry”
Enayet Malique*, Anandarup Goswami, Alexander Reznichenko and
Kai Hultzsch
“Intermolecular Hydrophosphination and Hydroamination”
Albin Mammen* and Ralf Warmuth
“Thermodynamic Aspects and Component Exchange Kinetics of
Constitutionally Dynamic Schiff Base Hemicarcerand Libraries”
Zachary Maron*, Clyde Cady, Yong Bok Go, Martha Greenblatt,
and G. Charles Dismukes.
"Metal Oxide Spinels with A-site Variation as Water Oxidation
Vivian Nguyen*, Michelle A. Ouimet and Kathryn E. Uhrich
“Synthesis and Characterization of Physically Crosslinked Poly(vinyl
pyrrolidone)/Poly(anhydride-ester) Hydrogel Blends”
Christina Onorato*, Neel Patel, Dimple Shah and Gene Hall
"Multi Spectral Analysis of Omega -3 Dietary Supplements"
Byungkyoo Park* Kai. C. Hultzsch
"Catalyst Development and Substrate Screening for Alkene Amination
Note: * Indicates Presenter
 Undergraduate
Research 
~ Poster Symposium ~
Arpit Patel*, Joseph Kay and Robert Neiderman
“Expression of LH1 and LH2 complexes during the Transition of High to
Low light in R. Sphaeroides”
Jimmy Patel*, Mu Chen and Jeehiun Lee
“Gas Phase Studies of 2-hydroxyadenine”
Neel Patel*, Christina Onorato, Dimple Shah and Gene Hall
“Multi Spectral Analysis of Omega -3 Dietary Supplements”
Kristen Reale* and John W. Taylor
“Synthesis and Study of Polyethylene Glycol-Modified Beta-Fibril
Forming Peptides”
Patrick Rogler* and John G. Brennan
“Main Group and Lanthanide Complexes with Fluorinated Selenolate
Dimple Shah*, Christina Onorato, Neel Patel and Gene Hall
"Multi Spectral Analysis of Omega -3 Dietary Supplements"
Minli Shi*, Jinping Lai and Ki Bum Lee
“Nucleoside Polyphosphates-Triggered Controlled-Release System”
Aaron Sun*, Deepankar Das and Daniel Seidel
“Direct α-Alkynylation of Amines”
Note: * Indicates Presenter
 Undergraduate
Research 
~ Poster Symposium ~
Timothy Susko*, Kevin Memoli and Kathryn E. Uhrich
“Synthesis of a Novel Biodegradable Poly(Ketal-Anhydride) For
Sustained Drug Delivery”
Chun Tong*, Yiling Cui and Brian Buckley
“Method Development of the Extraction of bBsphenol A, Genistein,
and their Derivatives from Tissues Using Microwave Assisted Solvent
Lan Wei*, David Feinblum, Yuriy Choliy, and Karsten Krogh-Jespersen
“Acid-Catalyzed Alkyne-Allene Isomerizations by Re and Rh
Complexes: A Computational Study”
Note: * Indicates Presenter
 2012
Undergraduate Awards 
Presented by John Brennan, Vice Chair of the Undergraduate Program in
Edward Castner Jr. – Professor of Chemistry
General Chemistry 161 - 162 and 162SG
Excellence in General Chemistry………………………...Victor Hernandez
David Rehe
Kelley Steitz
Jeffrey Yang
Outstanding Student in Sophomore Chemistry Classes
Excellence in Organic Chemistry……………………………..Brian A. Chang
Meera P.Trivedi
Outstanding Student in Junior Organic Chemistry Laboratory Class
Excellence in Organic Chemistry Laboratory…………..……Jimmy Patel
The Rufus Kleinhans Award
Excellence in Honors General Chemistry……………Justin W. Marson
Mark Leste V. Quilon
The Roger Sweet Award
Excellence in Organic Chemistry ……………………Precious O. Tabansi
The Phyllis Dunbar Award
Excellence in Physical Chemistry………………………..Jessalyn A. Devine
ACS Inorganic Division Award
Excellence in Inorganic Chemistry…………….…………….Sarah A. Goodman
ACS Analytical Division Award
Excellence in Instrumental Analysis…………………………Byungkoo Park
The Hypercube Award
Excellence in Chemical Physics…………………………….Patrick L. Kramer
The Ning Moeller Award
Outstanding Academic Achievement by a Chemistry Major in the
Junior Year……………………………………………………………………….Aaron X. Sun
The Merck Award
General Academic Excellence and Research………Monica A. Hajduk
The Bruce Garth Award
General Academic Excellence and Research…………Timothy J. Susko
Van Dyke Award
Academic Excellence and Research in Chemistry…Kristen M. Reale
By Paul Keimig
Chemical Resources Award for Distinction in Research…………
Jessalyn A. Devine
Sarah A. Goodman
Kareem J. Holligan
Diana X. Sun
Chemical Resources Award for Highest Distinction in Research……………
Jon Ahn
Patrick L. Kramer
Albin A. Mammen
Aaron L. Petronico
Chun M. Tong
Christopher Chang
Chienyn Chi
Aric Franklin
Sinan Khor
Michael Olson
Maia Saito
Departmental Award
Excellence in Community Service in Chemistry……………….Gina S. Chang
Kevin Lu
Patrick Rogler
Stephen L. Zieminski
Chemdoodle Award
Excellence in computational chemistry and informatics…. James Huynh
Alex Lo
Mohammed Malik
 Other
Awards… 
We wish to recognize the dedication of the following students for
organizing the Friday, April 20, 2012 chemistry outreach program at
the Roosevelt Elementary School, New Brunswick, NJ.
Mina Aknouk
Denisse Arevalo
Kristina Carney
Walter R. Drake
Andrea Fawzy
David Figueroa
Frank P. Fumo
Marielle jamgochian
Prabhdeep Kaur
Jayswinder Kaur
Adam kornmehl
Yung-Jae Lee
Helen Lopez
Kevin Lu
Sandra Ministro
Apexa Modi
Valerie S. O’Besso
Agnesa Redere
Jennifer Redona
Maria Riego
Bryant M. Ruano
Melissa Valarezo
Samantha S. Vidal
Aileen Zaydel
 List
of Research Advisors 
John Brennan
Molecular, cluster, thin film, and solid-state
lanthanide chemistry
David Case
Theoretical chemistry; simulations of proteins
and nucleic acids
Edward Castner Jr.
Ionic Liquids: intermolecular inter-actions and
dynamics in solution
Charles Dismukes
Chemical & Biological Approaches to
renewable energy generation
Alan Goldman
Organometallic Chemistry; Catalytic
Transformations of C-H bonds
Gene Hall
Biological, environmental, forensic analytical
Gregory Herzog
Origin and evolution of planetary materials
Kai Hultzsch
Organometallic chemistry, asym-metric
catalysis, green chemistry
Computational Studies of Molecular Electronic
Jeehiun Lee
Biological and organic reactivity and catalysis
KiBum Lee
Synthetic nanomaterials for probing biological
Jing Li
Inorganic and solid-state chemistry; synthesis
of functional materials
Wilma Olson
Theoretical studies of nuclei acid
Laurence Romsted
Structure of and reactivity in nano
aggregates; reaction mechanisms
Daniel Seidel
Synthesis and methodology, asymmetric
John Taylor
Bioactive peptide design; peptide
Kathryn Uhrich
Biodegradable polymers for drug delivery
and cell growth
Ralf Warmuth
Host-guest chemistry; molecular
Lawrence Williams
Reaction and methods development, total
synthesis, chemical biology
 Undergraduate Publications 
DeRonde, BM*; Carbone, AL; Uhrich, KE “Storage Stability Study of
Salicylate-based Poly (anhydride-esters)", Polymer Degradation and
Stability, 95, 1778-1782 (2010).
Harmon, AM; Lash, MH*; Sparks, SM; Uhrich, KE “Preferential Cellular
Uptake of Amphiphilic Macromolecule-Lipid Complexes with Enhanced
Stability and Biocompatibility”, J Control Rel, 153, 233-239 (2011).
Harmon, AM; Lash, MH*; Tishbi, N; Lent, D; Mintzer, EA; Uhrich, KE
“Thermodynamic and Physical Interactions between Novel Polymeric
Surfactants and Lipids: Towards Designing Stable, Polymer-Lipid
Complexes”, Langmuir, 27 (15) 9131-9138 (2011).
Nguyen, TA; Brescic, J*, Vinyard, DJ; Chandrasekar, T; & Dismukes, GC
“Identification of an oxygenic reaction center psbADC operon in the
cyanobacterium Gloeobacter violaceus”, PCC 7421. “Molecular Biology
and Evolution” (2011).
McCool, N*; Robinson, D; Sheats, J; Dismukes, GC; "A Co4O4 Cubane
Water Oxidation Catalyst Inspired by Photosynthesis". J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
133, 11446-11449 (2011).
Chu, C; Das, K; Tyminski, JR*; Bauman, JD; Guan, R; Qiu, W; Montelione,
GT; Arnold, E; and Shatkin, AJ. “Structure of the guanylyltransferase
domain of human capping enzyme.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108:1010410108 (2011).
Chung, S; Himmel, DM; Jiang, JK; Wojtak, K*; Bauman, JD; Rausch, JW;
Wilson, JA; Beutler, JA; Thomas, CJ; Arnold, E; and Grice, SF
Le. “Synthesis, activity, and structural analysis of novel αhydroxytropolone inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus reverse
transcriptase-associated ribonuclease” H. J. Med. Chem. 54:4462-4473
Wang, L; Moss, RA; Thompson, J*; Krogh-Jespersen, K "Hammett Analysis
of a Family of Carbene - Carbene Complex Equilibria," Organic Lett, 13,
1198 (2011).
Zhang, M; Moss, RA; Thompson, J*; Krogh-Jespersen, K "Evolution of
Structure and Reactivity in a Series of Iconic Carbenes" (Featured Article),
J. Org. Chem., 77, 843 (2012).
Michelson, AZ; Petronico, A*; Lee, JK “2-Pyridone and derivatives: gas –
phase acidity, proton affinity, tautomer preference, & leaving group
ability”, J Org Chem.1623-31 (2012).
Note: * Indicates Undergraduate
 Thank
Thank you for attending the 2012 Undergraduate Symposium and for
helping to make the event a success. It would not have been the same
without your presence. Our undergraduate researchers are among the
brightest and most driven students and they demonstrate our
commitment and dedication to undergraduate research in chemistry.
and Chemical Biology