Laser Registration - Department of Public & Environmental Safety

Tufts University
Radiation Safety Office
Environmental Health & Safety
200 Harrison Ave.
Boston, MA 02111
Laser Safety Officer
SUBJECT: Laser System Registration Form and Standard Operating Procedures
Instructions: Please use this form for the registration of your Class 3b/4 laser system. The SOP should indicate any
special operating procedures in addition to those listed. Please email the completed to
Laser Safety Officer (LSO) will review this SOP within two weeks. Upon inspection, the LSO will send a
completed inspection report to the principal investigator or supervisor.
This registration form and SOP will summarize the specifications and procedures for the [Include Laser type,
classification, location].
Laser Experiment Description and Purpose:
[Please enter Laser system location, area and Laser control measures, description/purpose and time frame for
Example Write-up:
(Location) This laser(s) are located in _______. (Area Controls) There are combination locks on both entrances to
the laboratory so that access can be restricted to authorized personnel. There are also flashing laser warning signs
above each door that are interlocked to the laser power supply. There is a laser warning signs on the door entrance
stating the power and wavelength of this Class 4 laser. For emergencies, a “panic button” is available for deactivation
of the laser or reducing the output below the MPE. (Laser Controls) The laser is not left unattended while in
operation. Laser curtain will pulled around the laser when the power supply is turned “ON”.
(Description)The laser system is designed to be an eye safe laser transmitter. It consists of two different color lasers,
which will be pulsed. The laser outputs are coupled directly into optical fibers. The optical fibers are then coupled
into telescopes with an aperture diameter of 11 inches. The aperture diameter was selected to bring the output power
density to a level below the ANSI MPE standard so that it would be eye safe at the aperture.
The objective of the tests is to provide documentation and certification of the eye safe laser transmitters. The
irradiance, divergence and other parameters will be measured at several distances within the laboratory. (Time frame)
The project plans to use this laser system from January 05 to July 05.
III. Laser Specifications:
*Manufacturer/Model Number
*Classification (Class 3b/4)
Maximum Power (watts or joules per pulse)
Pulse Length
Pulse Repetition Frequency
Beam Diameter at Transmit Aperture (mm)
Minimum Beam Divergence (mrad)
Laser Protective Eyewear Inventory:
Laser System Hazard Evaluation Parameters:
If transmitted and alignment parameters are significantly different or impact the controls in place, please note.
Please fill in the output irradiance and the wavelengths used. The Laser Safety Officer will complete the associated
parameters for optical density, MPE and NHOD.
Laser Parameters
Laser beam
J/cm2 or W/cm2
Example: 11” telescope
permanently mounted to aperture
Completed by LSO
Optical Density
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) * J/cm2 or W/cm2
Nominal Hazard Zone (NHOD) *
MPE is the level of laser radiation to which a person may be exposed without hazardous effect or adverse biological changes in the eye or
NOHD is the distance along the axis of the unobstructed beam from the laser to the human eye beyond which the irradiance or radiant
exposure during normal operation is not expected to exceed the appropriate MPE
Laser System Daily Use/Alignment Service Standard Operating Procedure:
Routine operation of this laser will follow the Laser System General SOP along with some specific alignment
[Enter any additional SOP information/procedures that are specific to this laser system. For general, include the
use of laser curtains, beam blockers, removable enclosures, and interlocked door entry way. For alignment,
include a combination of good practices and indirect viewing tools.]
Guidelines for Daily Use/Alignment/Service Laser System SOP:
Daily Use Safety Procedures for Laser Operation
The beam shall be kept in a single horizontal plane whenever possible; if the beam height must be altered, extreme
caution shall be exercised during alignment.
No user shall ever look directly into the beam
Do not sit with eyes at the same level as the beam.
All precautions will be taken to prevent the beam from propagating beyond the edge of the table. Beam stops will
be used as the primary method of containing the laser beam, and the enclosures shall be used when necessary
(please add more detail for the specific system).
High power operation with the enclosure open should be avoided. If such operation does prove necessary, laser
protective eyewear shall be worn by the authorized user.
Visitors/sponsors can be present during laser operation if provided with laser protective eyewear and accompanied
at all times by authorized personnel. No modifications or alignment of the set-up will be performed while the
visitors/sponsors are present.
When working in an area where there is open laser beam operation, remove all unnecessary mirror-like surfaces
from the vicinity of the beam path. Avoid wearing rings, metallic watchbands, and reflective objects (LL Badge)
while working in the vicinity of the beam path. Also, minimize the number of optics, tools, and plastic boxes etc.
on the table area.
Laser start-up procedure:
1.Turn “ON” the laser warning light(s).
2.Examine the beam path and fix any items that will misdirect the beam. See alignment procedure if necessary.
3.Remove all non essential items from the beam path.
4.Place barriers to contain the beam completely to the table.
5.Put on Laser protective eyewear
6.Turn key on power supply to its on position.
7.Press the TEC “Output” button to activate the cooling module.
8.Run through self tests
9.Alert everyone in the area the laser imminent activation.
10.Adjust dial to desired current and press the laser “Output” button to turn on laser.
11.Remove beam stop
Laser shut down procedure:
1.Put the beam block in place.
2.Lower current and press the laser “Output” button to turn off laser.
3.Press the TEC “Output” button to deactivate cooling module.
4.Turn key on power supply to its off position.
5.Turn “OFF” the laser warning light(s).
6.Alert personnel in the area that the laser system is turned off.
Additional Procedures for Alignment for the Laser
See manufacturer’s instructions located in_________.
During alignment, backstop material should be diffusely reflective.
Wear laser protective eyewear during alignment. Use special alignment eyewear when circumstances permit their
During alignment, focus on one optic at a time. Know where the beam will go after it hits the optic and have a
beam stop ready to intercept the beam.
Alignment tools such as phosphor cards and video cameras can be used to locate beam.
Whenever possible, use low-power visible lasers for path simulation of higher-power visible or invisible lasers
Alignment shall be performed at the lowest power levels possible.
Remove all non essential personnel from the lab and lock the door.
Use beam blocks and/or laser protective barriers in conditions where alignment beams could stray into areas with
uninvolved personnel.
The start-up/shut down procedures are the same as daily use.
Services Procedures for the Laser
Include service contact
State “EHS lock out/tag out procedure for repair will be followed”
Location of main breaker and kill switches.
VII. Authorized Personnel (Laser Workers):
Personnel who will be working with Class 3b/4 Laser systems.
Extension Laser Training Date
Laser Eye Exam Date
VIII. Department [ # ] Contacts:
Laser Safety Rep
Revised 11/09