Mr. Durkin/Mrs. Despines/Mrs. Rentschler December 2015 Psychological Disorders Poster Project Research Print Resources: Books have been pulled and located on a cart. Please return them to the cart. Please do not take the books out of the computer lab. Use DESTINY, the online resource catalog for additional books if needed. Go to STUDENT LINKS and click DESTINY. Database Resources: POWER LIBRARY: CONSUMER HEALTH COMPLETE • • • • • Go to STUDENT LINKS. Click POWER LIBRARY. Click LIST ALL. Scroll down and click CONSUMER HEALTH COMPLETE. Type in your search terms. On the results page, pay attention to the TABS. You may want to start with FACT SHEETS & PAMPLETS first. Just click on a TAB heading to see those results. To CITE these articles, use the ONLINE DATABASE format on THE GREEN SHEET and the information at the top of the article: 1 Your citation would look like this: “Schizophrenia National Institute of Mental Health.” Schizophrenia (2012): n. pag. Consumer Health Complete. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>. Home access directions for CONSUMER HEALTH COMPLETE: ü GO to o o o the Township Library’s web page You will need the barcode number from your TOWNSHIP LIBRARY CARD! Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Follow the directions and enter the barcode number on your Township Library card. If you need to use your password, it is the last 4 digits of your phone number. o Then click onto the database that you want to use. You may want to try MasterFILE MAIN EDITION from POWER LIBRARY too. In this database, if you find an article that you need to cite, click on the CITE button on the right sidebar and choose MLA. Just copy and paste! Points of View Articles show both sides of an issue; good for articles/documents, statistics, arguments, and some case studies • To access this database from school and home: From STUDENT LINKS, click onto Points of View. • User Id: uschs Password: panther • On the left sidebar, expand your search to include ALL RESULTS or narrow to just MAGAZINES if needed. Student Resources in Context • • • • From STUDENT LINKS, click on Student Resources in Context. User Id: uschs password: panther After you type in a search, look at the right sidebar in the EVERYTHING box, to see what types of results you can use. Under TOOLS, you can click “Citation Tools” to help you cite an article. BEWARE: the citation given is NOT in proper MLA format. USE THE GREEN SHEET! JSTOR College-­‐level research database; good for case studies & scientific studies • From STUDENT LINKS, click the JSTOR link. • Enter the Username: uschs and Password: panther 2 Encyclopedia Britannica The Britannica Encyclopedia and a lot more! From STUDENT LINKS, click the Encyclopedia Britannica link (left side of page at the bottom). • If needed, login: user I.D.: uschs password: panther • Choose the HIGH (for high school level). • Type in your search at the top of the page. • On the results page, if needed, limit your search by content type on the left sidebar. • On the article page, use the tabs and tools icons as needed. The CITE icon will give you the MLA citation to copy and paste. Websites AS LISTED IN THE DSM-­‐5: A List of Psychological Disorders­‐of-­‐psychological-­‐disorders.htm DSM-­‐5 List of Mental Disorders­‐of-­‐mental-­‐disorders.html Do a Google search: DSM-­‐5 Table of Contents Psych Central: Symptoms and Treatments of Mental Disorders By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. MedLine Plus: Mental Disorders National Institute of Mental Health NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness CLICK LEARN MORE AND THEN MENTAL HEALTH CONDITIONS! Mayo Clinic: Personality Disorders­‐conditions/personality-­‐disorders/basics/definition/con-­‐ 20030111 Psychcentral: Personality Disorders 3