PAPYRUS Young Peoples Champions Forum

PAPYRUS Young People’s Champions Forum Project
The Project has been partly supported by the Schuh footwear company. It will take place between January 2015 to October 2015. As part of the project we are recruiDng 15 volunteers as the project’s Community Champions who will parDcipate in a Suicide PrevenDon Training Programme (ASIST). Following the training the project Community Champions will organise, co-­‐ordinate and deliver a minimum of 2 suicide prevenDon acDviDes within their chosen community. AcDviDes may range from distribuDng Suicide PrevenDon literature, organising a workshop, fundraising or staffing a PAPYRUS stand at a community event. CollecDvely the project will deliver 30 suicide prevenDon acDviDes across Birmingham.
To take a lead role in delivering the project within a ‘chosen community’ (within a 12 month period, esDmated Dme).
To organise and make it happen! – A minimum of 2 suicide prevenDon acDvity in your chosen community between January 2015 and October 2015.
To recruit/involve a network or group of new volunteers to help you deliver the acDviDes in your community. (opDonal task)
To parDcipate in PAPYRUS suicide prevenDon training ASIST (Applied Suicide IntervenDon Skills training) 2 day programme planned for 21 and 22 March 2015) and within your volunteer role become a posiDve ambassador for PAPYRUS.
Provide updates by phone, email and/or one to one meeDngs with Rachel Harding (project’s youth worker) or Mehrdad Nadershahi at PAPYRUS.
Provide PAPYRUS inducDon, training and support.
Provide project related expenses to aid your parDcipaDon in the project, mainly travel and food expenses.
Provide you with a resource ‘tool kit’ and other resources you may need to support your area acDviDes and promoDon of PAPYRUS.
Carry out a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check for each volunteer.
Take a lead role in press and markeDng for the project and consult with you before we include you and your acDviDes
Launch project meeDng – Wednesday 25th February 2015 -­‐ 4pm –7pm, Venue: The Big Peg, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham.
Applied Suicide IntervenDon Skills Training (ASIST), 21st and 22nd March 2015, Venue to be confirmed.
Suicide PrevenDon AcDviDes x 2, the acDvity/length can be determined by you, agreed and supported with PAPYRUS project manager.
If you have any further quesOons about this project, or would like to get involved please contact Mehrdad Nadershahi, Regional Development Officer at: Mobile: 07780471223
Office: 0121437 0411
 The Big Peg, 510B, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham, B18 6NF
 mehrdad.nadershahi@papyrus-­‐