riict-ffij V O L U M E 28 N U M B E R 49 M O N D A Y , N O V E M B E R 3 0 , 1 9 9 2 • W E S T L A N D , M I C H I G A N • 36 P A G E S FIFTY CENTS 19U SuiMtan CommuniMiont Cttpwrton IN THE PAPER I 1 9 TODAY Yule season: There's lots of holiday activity at Westland Center./ZK School dispute: The WayneWestland school board and administration have disputed a homeowners' claim that a program to encourage early retirements of teachers is costing the district money. /2A No more delays?: City officials are hoping to receive federal funds which would help eliminate a major traffic problem in the city's southwest section./4A A developer wants to rezone a major parcel opposite City Hall for a Kroger superstore and a Sam's Warehouse business. The developer has met with nearby homeowners to discuss potential problems. There is also opposition from one city councilman who wants to retain the residential/office zoning classification. B Y LEONARD POGER EDITOR A super-sized Kroger Supermarket and a Sam's Warehouse business are planned for a large parcel across the street from Westland City Hall. A developer wants to rezone 35 acres on the northwest corner of Ford and Central City Parkway. Several new restaurants could also be built on the parcel, if the city council approves the developer's rezoning proposal. But the council is divided on the request to rezone the property to commercial from its current office/resi- See related story, 2A dential classification. The city administration is urging rant to discuss a suggested 100-foot approval of the rezoning, which would buffer to separate Dowling from the allow the proposed development. planned construction and other deBesides the city council, homeown- tails of the plan. ers on nearby Dowling are also conSeveral council members, who met cerned about the proposed commer- , with the developer at a study session cial development, but are willing to Monday night, had objections to the meet with the developer to discuss commercial rezoning proposal. possible buffers to keep their privacy City Planning Director George Wilinvasion to a minimum. helmi told the Observer that the site The residents and the developer met Tuesday night in a local restauS e e SUPERSTORE, 2A St. Matthew collects food for needy St. Matthew Lutheran School was given an unusual assignment earlier this month by David McNeil, principal and Christian education director. TASTE Splendid table: Chef Larry talks with Lynne Rossetto Kasper about her newly published cookbook "The Splendid Table." Her book features cuisine from Northern Italy and incorporates stories from the regionr/lB Cookie time: Newly released cookbooks offer ideas for holiday goodies to give as gifts, and enjoy. There are even some cookie recipes that your children will enjoy making. / I B MALLS & MAINSTREETS Warm welcome: "Shopping-centered" columnist Linda Bachrack details special objects and smells that can give your home that holiday feeling./SB STREET SCENE Gut check: Warrior Soul singer and Livonia native Kory Clarke checks in with his third release, "Salutations from the Ghetto Nation."/6B SPORTS Vigna retires: Long time Franklin High football coach Armand Vigna retired after 18 seasons with the Patriots, which serves northeast Westland./lC Prep football: The state Class AA football championship was on the line between Redfora Catholic Central and defending champion Saginaw Arthur Hill./IC INDEX Classifieds . . Auto . . . . Crossword . Employment Index . . . . Real estate . B.C.D Sec. D . . 4C .. C,D . .. 4C . . .C Malls. . . . Obituaries . Personal* . Street Scene Sports . . . . . ffB . .4A . . 7B . . . 6B . . IC OUR PHONE NUMBERS Nemroom: 591-2300 Newsroom Fax: 591-7279 Nlghtllne/Sports: 953-2104 Reader Comment Line: 953-2042 Classified Advertising: 591-0900 Display Advertising: 591-2300 Home Delivery: 5*1-0500 ART EMANUELE/STAF? PHOTOGRAPHER School project: Brandon McCullen (left) and Rachael Siggens were among St. Matthew stu• dents whojielped collect food for needy families. He challenged the church school to bring cans of food to school. The food will be given to needy families within the church and local communities in December. McNeil said the class with the largest collection would be treated to a pizza party. To keep track of the collections, the cans brought in by students are weighed and charted daily. In the project's first two weeks, students have brought in 1,500 pounds of food. The food supply will be used in the church food pantry which supplies need families in the church and community. With the response by students so overwhelming, some of the food will also be delivered to another church. The church school is on Venoy north of Ford and serves 140 students from numerous western Wayne County communities. The project began Nov. 4 with students given five weeks to collect the food and find out which class will get the pizza party. Students have until the Friday, Dec. 11, deadline to collect food. Board member questions proposed post B Y DARRELL CLEM STAFF WRITER "A" Wayrie-Westland school board trustee has raised questions about a newly posted job that will add a cabinet member to the district's administration. Nearly $100,000 would be better spent by hiring two high school counselors, rather than adding another cabinet member to Superintendent Larry Thomas' administration, said trustee Francis "Bud" Winter. The posted job, already approved by the board, is part of a cabinet-level shake-up recommended in an administrative audit conducted by the firm SCHOOLS of Plante & Moran. Thomas supports the plan. But Winter has questioned whether the hiring of a new associate superintendent for general administration is appropriate, considering that district residents have asked school officials to "be leaner and meaner and work harder," Winter said.' The audit report recommends — and the board has approved — hiring an associate superintendent and an additional finance official. Despite the two new positions, the district would see a net gain of only one administrator. Thomas has noted that one administrative post has remained vacant since former Deputy Superintendent Thomas Svitkovich left earlier this year for a new job in Flint. The only other substantial change made thus far in Thomas' administration amounted to a promotion. That occurred in October when former executive director Gary Dell was named assistant to the superintendent. The board hasn't quibbled over the need for an additional finance official to assist chief finance officer Randy Liepa, who oversees a $100-million budget. That position also has been posted. But Winter, a Canton Township resident and former Wayne Memorial High School principal who was elected to the board five months ago, remains concerned about the associate superintendent position, which would focus heavily on adult education and grades seven through 12. He has questioned whether the administrative shake-up has been effectively planned. Winter said the district already has a director of adult education, and "I don't think we need an associate suSee POST, 2A Mom to stand trial in robbery at Meijer B Y DARRELL CLEM STAFF WRITER A 28-year-old Detroit woman accused of plotting a gunpoint robbery with her 14-year-old son at the Westland Meijer Btore has been ordered to stand trial for armed robbery. Lechandria Pershon Franklin, 28, was ordered to stand trial in Detroit Recorder's Court after she waived a preliminary examination Wednesday in Westland's 18th"District Court. CRIME Her son is also expected to face a charge of armed robbery, although his case is still pending in juvenile court. The two were charged in a Nov. 18 robbery in which a young boy robbed a 47-year-old Detroit woman at gunpoint in the Meijer parking lot, on the southeast corner of Warren Road andNewburgh. Santa is coming Santa Claus Will visit Westland City Hall next Monday night, Dec. 7, as part of the municipal government's annual Christmas tree-lighting ceremony. The program will start at 6:30 p.m. The public is Invited to join in the caroling. After the lights of the Civic Center are turned on, hot chocolate and cookies will be served at the nearby central fire station. Bridging the generations The kickoff and orientation day for Titus School fifth graders and senior volunteers who will take part in a new intergenerattonal pen pall program will be Wednesday morning at the Westland The incident occurred at 10:10 p.m. The victim was robbed of her purse, which contained $60 in cash plus credit and bank cards. The items were later recovered. The boy then fled to a waiting car that police have accused his mother of driving. The suspects were later arrested after Livonia police stopped a car that matched the description of the getaway vehicle, a red Pontiac Fiero. Lechandria Franklin was arraigned PUCES & FACES Friendship Center, 1119 Newburgh. The day will start at 11 a.m. with an explanation for parents of participating students and guests. The student/pen pal selections will be drawn and then they will pair off for lunch and conversation. Both groups will benefit from the program — the students from language arts activities and in gaining an understanding of older adults, and the the seniors by continuing to be in the mainstream of life, gaining understanding of the younger generation and sharing life experiences, said senior resources director Sylvia Kozorosky-Wiacek. in district court on Nov. 19, and a plea of not guilty was entered on her behalf. Westland police have said she remains jailed on a $20,000 cash bond. She could face a maximum sentence of life in prison, if convicted. A charge of armed robbery against her son could result in his being placed in custody of juvenile authorities until age2Ii The boy was turned over to juvenile authorities following his arrest. Donation The Westland Firefighters Public Awareness Committee recently donated $500 to Keep Michigan Beautiful Inc., a private, non-profit group which promotes public awareness of environmental and historical preservation. The check was accepted by KMB president Joseph Benyo, a former Westland fire official, and city councilman Tom Brown, a KMB board member. Also taking part in the check presentation were firefighters Don Morris, Colleen Fedel and Capt Charles Berry. The committee hopes Its donation will help the state group in reducing fires through its ongoing cleanup and beautificatlon programs. The Observer/ 2A(W) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, iay2 Councilman slams commercial plan Mehl added that the planned tration has endorsed the develop- would be "50/50," with the decidnew businesses would add traffic ment although the mayor said ing votes depending on the reac•"Who needs a new Sam's Ware- to Central City Parkway which " during his-8uccessful-198»-«lec-. - tion of Dowling residents, whalive house. We got a PACE Ware- was opened several years ago to tion campaign that there are too immediately west of the planned development. many strip malls in the city. house and a Meijer's Store. Why relieve traffic on Wayne Road. He also questioned what the In urging that the current rePickering added that other not sell City Hall and put up a developer needs 35 acres for only zoning be retained, Mehl said council members "still have conWal-Mart?" two stores. that some cities are developing cerns on the saturation of busiM - T ^ J r A ^ who ^ SiimV^^h^HKM*^^^ -their residential properties and ' ness'Hn the-community.". Councilman Kenneth Mehl, to be 235,000 square feet while the rezoning parcels from a commerThe president stressed that he isCvehemently opposed to a pro- planned -Kroger store would be cial classification. was concerned about a real estate posed development of 35 acres 65,000 square feet. In addition, across the street from City Hall the developer intends to have sevThe councilman added that he company's sign on the Vacant parfor a proposed Kroger Supennar- eral "-free-standing restaurant feels the public is "fed up" with cel that described it as being in ' ket and Sam's Warehouse, a divi- buildings and businesses between what is seen as a saturation of the city's "downtown" section. • sion of Wal-Mart Corp. commercial developments. The sign "reflects something Kroger and Sam's. ^magnificent is planned,"."but the Council President Charles In voicing his opposition to the Mehl wants the council, which Pickering admitted in a telephone planned development doesn't fit a may consider the rezoning rtquest planned 'development, Mehl also interview last week that he ini- downtown-image, Pickering said. at Its Monday, Dec. 7, meeting, to feared that if the council approves tially opposed proposal but The proposal for a Sam's Wareretain the existing residential/off- the rezoning, there would be other now "I haven'tthemade up my house and Kroger Supermarket commercial growth along Central ice rezoning classification. mind." * "doesn't come close to being a "We don't need another shop- City Parkway. "I have an open mind" on the downtown," Pickering said, al"How much more commercial ping center there," he said of the though he said the proposed deproposed development on the (development) do we need?" proposal, he said. In projecting how his colleagues velopment is different than a typnorthwest corner of- Ford and questioned Mehl, who noted that Mayor Robert Thomas' adminis- would vote, Pickering feels it ical strip mall. Central City Parkway. l***** ** S«*J* .Jiention girls and boyST Christmas is almost here and you know I what that means. Santa Claus is up at the North Pole waitingforietters and double-checking his list to find who has been naughty or nice. Once again this year, The Observer is asking children to send us theirletters to Santa "Clous, along.with their school picture. The-deadline is Dec. 7. We'll print those letters and photographs in.our Dec. 17 issue, * having forwarded the letters to Santa Claus in plenty of time to be ready for Christmas morning. Children of all ages are encouragedjo send their letters to: UtU*tUS**U ' The deadline for The Observer submitting letters ' 36251 Schoolcraft Is Monday, Dec. 7. Livonia, 48150 By LEONARD POGER " ElflfOK .:: Superstore is the largest remaining potential commercial parcel in the city. The administration's view on the proposal, he said, is that the development would be a "gateway to the Westland Center shopping area and be a catalyst for upgrading the appearance of Ford Road." Wilhelmi added that a review of other Ford developments in neighboring communities concludes that nearly all are commercial projects, not offices. The planner said that if the proposal by American Realty Corp. is eventually approved and developed, it would attract other potential developers who want to be "near this type of draw and starting building on other (nearby) sites." The council is expected to act on the rezoning request at its Monday night, Dec. 7, meeting. The planning commission earlier approved the rezoning proposal on a unanimous vote with one member absent. At the commission public hearing, several Dowl- Post from page 1A relation to new property tax revenues. • The planning commission oarlier approved the rezoning proposal on a unanimous vote with one member absent. ing residents had problems with the proposal, Wilhelmi said. Some didn't want any development on the land, which is now vacant. In recent years, several small aging structures on the parcel had been demolished. On the hoped-for office development, Wilhelmi said, the administration would like to see a high-rise office building constructed on the site, but the reality is that it just won't happen. He also said the administration admits that multifamily housing could be built on the parcel, it wouldn't do much for the city in BYDARRELLCLEM Rick Walker, representing developer American Realty Corp., said that the planned Kroger store would be 65,000 square feet, or one of the largest in the region. If built, it would be three times the size of the existing Kroger on Warren Road at Nankin Blvd. There is also another Kroger supermarket store on the southwest corner of Ford and Wayne Road, a half mile from the planned replacement. STAFF WRITER Walker said that if the rezoning is approved, construction would start next spring. He added that since the leases of both Kroger stores expire next year, the supermarket firm wants to move into a new and larger building by then. The Warren Road Kroger store is nearly 20 years old. The supermarket on Wayne-Ford formerly housed a Chatham and Great Scott! store. siitor ernwaad 8 oTpnppWd COfll/IMflCJJf Rezoning feud Westland City Council monlns Ford opposition to proposed commercial rezoning . Sam's Warehouse, a division of Wal-Mart Corp., is proposed to be 235,000 square feet. from page 1A perintendent to' look over his shoulder." But the Plante-Moran audit and Thomas have suggested the new position is needed and that the expanded cabinet would remain three positions short of the 10-member cabinet of years past. "Winter has voiced concerns that expanding the administra- tion would provoke a backlash when the board seeks voter renewal of a tax increase that's set to expire June 30. Moreover, Winter and other board members have indicated they want to avoid seeking a renewal of the full 7.75-mill tax increase that voters approved for two years. They want to seek a lesser renewal. Board members question firings Winter has questioned whether the board would be able to afford to seek a reduced millage and simultaneously plod ahead with other expenses, such as an additional administrator. Thomas has stressed that the administrative shake-up is but the first step in other department studies that will be conducted by Plante & Moran, in hopes of streamlining district departments. Thomas and Plante & Moran have suggested, for example, that money can be saved in areas such as maintenance A staffing shake-up at the Wayne-Westland district's vocational school has sparked criticism from some school board members who believe that laid-off employees were virtually abandoned by the district. The criticism followed a chain" of events that resulted in two former employees of the William D. Ford Vocational/Technical Center being fired because they refused to accept reassignments. The staffing changes began in August when the board laid off six culinary arts employees, amid state budget cuts that slashed funding for adult education programs. But school officials subsequently hired-two new chefs, with higher qualifications, and then offered the six laid-off employees other positions in the district. They were offered jobs assisting teachers as para-professionals. They would have kept their same wage of $10.06 an hour. Four of the employees accepted the reassignments. But two workers who didn't believe they were offered jobs suited to their training refused them, prompting the board to fire them last week in a 4-3 vote. The chain of events that resulted in the firings raised questions about the way the district han- dled the staffing changes, board trustee Francis "Bud" Winter said. "It's suspect," he said. Administration officials said they followed the district's policy of recommending to fire employees who refused, or "abandoned," job offers. But Winter remained concerned about the perception that the employees were treated unfairly. "I don't believe they abandoned their positions. I believe we aban- " .doned them to some degree," he" said. Winter and trustees Sharon Felan and Laurel Raisanen voted against the firings, which were upheld by board members Leonard Posey, Richard LeBlanc, Vicki Welty and Fred Warmbier. "I'm feeling real bad about these two (fired) employees. I truly am," Felan said. Before the board voted to fire the workers, Superintendent Larry Thomas warned that keeping , the employees would mean adding them to the payroll even though .there were no jobs for them. That's a scenario that board . President Leonard Posey strongly opposed. "That's garbage," he said. Posey stressed that the employ- ' ees had been offered jobs, but de- • nied them Conference to explore gifted children Stress and the gifted child will be explored at the December meeting of Metro Area Gifted Information Consortium. ' "Managing Stress in the Gifted Child" and "The Arts and the Gifted Child" will be the topics discussed during the meeting from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3, at the Gaudior Academy. ^The featured speaker will be Cheryl Bush, stafjf member at Gaudior. She earned a master's degree in education and has 10 years experience teaching gifted children. Other staff members will take part in the presentation. To make a reservation for the December meeting, or for information about MAGIC, call 4557270. Gaudior Academy is in the Vil- lage Presbyerian Church on Six Mile between Beech Daly and Telegraph in Redford. MAGIC is a non-profit support group for parents and educators of gifted children. The group holds monthly meetings throughout the metro area. Speakers, informal discussions, and information exchanges are regular aspects of each meeting. Itesttanb ©teenier Welcome Home, Debbie Benedict 663-530 Published every Monday and Thursday by Observer & Eccentric® Newspapers. 36251 Schoolcraft. Livonia. Ml 48150 Second ctass postage paid at Livonia, Ml 48151. Address all mail (subscription, change of address, form 3569) t o P O Box 2428, Livonia Ml 48151. Telephone 591-05?>0. HOME DELIVERY SERVICE Newssiana . . . . . per copy. 5 0 * Carrier monthly, $3.00 Mail . . . • •. ."".-. . . . . . " • ". .yearly, $55.00 All advertising published m the Westland Observer is subject to the conditions stated in the applicable rate card copies of which are available from iheadvertisiflg department, Westland Observer, 36251 Schoolcraft. Livonia. Ml 48150. (313) 591 2300 The WestlamJ Observer reserves the right not to accept an advertiser's order Observer & Eccentric!?1 ad takers have no" authority" to btnrJ ttils newspaper and only puWrcationbf an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser's order. CITY OF GARDEN CITY CDBG HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM INVITATION TO BID Proposals will be received in the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, »000 Mlddlebell Road, Garden City, Michigan 49135 on or before 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, December IS, lMft, in Individually sealed envelopes marked "SEALED BIOS FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM CASE ft." Proposals must be on forms famished by the City of Garden City. Proposals will be pablkly opened and bid prices read. All successful bidders must be registered with the City of Garden City prior to the start of work. 100% Labor snd material, Performance and Maintenance Bonds will be required for an Hghteen month period by successful bidders. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids in whole of In part. For bid packages and further information contact the Office of Community Development at 515-IM1 Debbie has spent the last several weeks in Florida working on Hurricane Andrew claims. We say, "Welcome home, Debbie." LIKE A OOOO NBOHBCm, snTtf*mimmcr*. STATE FARM RONALD D. SHOWALTER City Clerk-Treasurer Publish: November 10.1W1 DEE-OGEES Pot* on Your Christmas List? * * % fr Visit our newly expanded store Everything for CATS • DOGS • BIRDS SPECIAL. .-2* OFF I n two recent polls, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (SJMH) was voted as having the best birthing center by readers of both Metro Times and Metro PARENT. In fact, the McAuley Family Birth Place at St. Joe's in Ann Arbor is fast becoming the name for up-todate, family-focused maternity care, for lots of big reasons: • One of the few birthing centers around to offer both LDR and LDRP suites • Lots of options for pain relief, including labor epidurals and Jacuzzi bath tubs • Tours, classes and other education to help you feel like an expert (even if it's your first baby) • The excellent reputation of SJMH obstetricians McAuley Family Birth Place's caring staff also strive for the best for the tiniest reason of all—your baby. If you're pregnant and looking for an SJMH obstetrician near you, contact one listed here, or call ASK-A-NURSE anytime at 1-800-472-9696. McAuley Health Building, Ford Rd. at Lillcy Dome Hrozencilc, M D , and Yvonne Manber, MO (Suite 305) 981-6556 Arbor Health Building, Ann Arbor Tr. at Harvey Norman Cove, M D (Suite 302) 455-5990 Hugo Sanchez, M D (Suite 201) 4340450 ANY COMPLETE GROOMING SERVICE wWi IMt Ml (rrctwJtnt Munliyi) • Upkf 1>-31-t2 811 Inkater Road <b«tw*tn Ford a, cherry HIII) 261-1090 ^ejijs'. System Sponsored by the Religiout Sitters of Mercy founded In 1831 by Catherine McAuley •M St. | o M p t i M e r c y Hospital 5301 Ea« Huron River Drive P.O. Box M S Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 'Tisthe season J&mily sells came wusmures BYOIANEGALE SPECIAL WRITER ' The Bannoura family is bringing what it sayB are small pieces iof Bethlehem to anyone who wants a special token from the hplychy. They're selling religious wood. en articles from a temporary small stand, "Bethlehem' Gift Shop," at Westland Center in time for Christmas shoppers. "It's all hand carved," according to Michael Bannoura, who with his father, Michael; brother, Riad and uncles, Munir, of Farmington Hills, Gabriel, of Livonia and Hani, of Westland decided to sell the artifacts this year for the first time. Their display is packed with elaborate Nativity scenes, intricately detailed depictions of the Handmade crafts: These camels are among the handmade Christmas objects being sold by a family 'at Westland Center during the holiday season. last supper, rosaries, crucifixes,stars, busts of Jesus, Christmas : ornaments, and small dove peace pins. They also sell secular items, like-chess sets and camels. Everything is -made from olive tree's grown in Bethlehem, and much of the work is done by his relatives, according to Bannoura, a Westland resident. He listed cousins, second cousins and even fourth cousins who live in his native land and carve wood. Some work is commissioned from a factory in Bethlehem and other artifacts are from families known for their specialty carvings, Bannoura said explaining that each family is known specific designs. "Nothing against this country at all," Bannoura said. "I've been in this country most of my life. But, the true meaning of Christmas is lost in this country. "That's why we're bringing this here — to get that feeling back. : Hopefully to get back in the Christmas feeling, he said. "One lady came in today and she said she wanted to buy anything; Just knowing it's from Bethlehem is precious enough to me." That was worth it to me setting up in the mall." Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, has additional meaning to Bannoura, who was born there and came to the United States with his family in June 1969, when he Was 4 years old. The story is told that his father had $13 in his pocket. "My father neVer would have thought that he would be able to put this here in a mall one day, Bannoura said gesturing to the stand. "I thank my parents very much for hot letting me forget the Arab language and the tradition," he said. "The Bannoura family re- STAFF PHOTOS BY ART EMANUFM Yule shoppers: Fischer's Hallmark Shop at Westland Center was crowded Friday morning. Super day? Mall draws holiday shoppers W 'Silly season': Laura Neal of the Silly Hats W Masks booth at Westland Center said sales were up the previous week. hat's the big fuss about the Friday after Thanksgiving being a super shopping day? That's the feeling of one major Westland Center retailer and a couple at the mall Friday morning. "We were up at 6 a.m..Friday," said Ricky Brogdon of Redford. "I like to come down and watch while my wife (Karen) shops." Karen Brogdon said that she waited in line for more than an hour at LeeWard's home crafts store across the street before heading to Westland Center. She felt that many shoppers go to other stores earlier in the day and then drive to the malls in the afternoon when the crowds are expected to be smaller. Some local shoppers got a head start on the holiday season by going to Kmart and Meijer stores which were open on Thanksgiv- Jack Glyshaw, manager of the JC Penney, said that while the Friday after Thanksgiving is always a big shopping day, it is never "the biggest" day, which is always the Saturday before Christmas. "We're having a good year and a good (Christmas) season in the past two months," he said. Laura Neal, who works at the Silly Hats 'n Masks booth in the mall's east court, said Friday that the crowds were larger the previous week. Carol Rutz, Westland Center general manager, reported Friday afternoon that Friday's sales "went very well" and that she expects a much stronger year than last season. There is more consumer confidence after the Nov. 3 presidential election which will result in more retail sales, she said. ANN ARBOR » CROSSE POINTE « BIRMINGHAM 'DEARBORN > ROCHESTER 'LIVONIA Shop until 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday. In Ann Arbor until 6 p.m. on Saturday. Sunday Noon to 3 p.m. Jacobson'c Charge, MaaterCatd*, VISA*, and American Expreis*. —*A(W)- The Observer/MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, "1992 City seeks U.S. funds for railroad underpass B Y LEONARD POGER EDITOR The estimated cost is $4.6 million of which the city would pay - , Local drivers may see an end to $1.66 million, said Veldhuis in a "a"rnajo'r'trafflc~headache in 1994 -Teportto the city-council Monday. ". — if Westland city officials are Michael Gorman, city 'finance . successful in getting federal funds director, said financing the city's ,- %o build a railroad underpass on share of the improvement would I Newburgh between Cherry Hill be no problem'. The City could isI and Palmer. • sue motor vehicle bonds for all or part of its share! he said. If the - The city administration and - city bonds for the improvement, -police department are pushing for the maximum length would be 10 • City council approval in December years. The bonds would be paid -to have an engineering design off from motor vehicle funds. fcontract approved so a Sept. 30 A traffic study by Wayne Coundeadline can be met. ty reported that 18,000 vehicles Scott Veldhuis, city economic cross the tracks daily with delays i development director, said the caused by 20 train movements. : city hopes to qualify for federal Surface Transportation Program The study shows that the Newfunds for the CSX grade separa- burgh-CSX crossing isn't the tion. highest volume in western Wayne County, but Westland could qualify for the project if it gets is application and design plans submitted by next Sept. 30 ahead of other communities with higher ratings. o If the grade separation becomes reality, work would start in 1994 as part of a widening of Newburgh to five lanes in a half-mile stretch both sides of the crossing. Veldhuis added that most of the Newburgh road right of way has been acquired. He told the council thai the city is interested in applying for the federal funds because of extra dollars committed to transportation improvements. Police Sgt. Peter Brokas wrote Veldhuis the previous week that the department is recommending a grade separation for several reasons: -, „ .. _ • A stopped or derailed train can cut off the southwest section of the city from responding emergency vehicles and increasing response time. • Drivers delayed at the crossing by a train begin to make U-turns, increasing the possibility of accidents. • When a train is crossing Newburgh, drivers then use Carlson street as an .alternate route by hundreds of drivers. That-creates problems for Carlson homeowners, increaseing the potential-for accidents, and puts neighborhood children at risk from drivers trying to "make up for lost time." Board denies claims that retirement plan is costly ' BY DARHELL CLEM . STAFF WRITER Wayne-Westland school officials have dismissed rumors that they "bungled" an early retirement plan that let teachers quit their jobs and receive a onetime bonus of $24,000. Despite a $1.8-million payout for the 78 retirees, the district has saved money by hiring new teachers at lower salaries, said Bill Taylor, associate superintendent for employee services. An exact cost-savings analysis wasn't complete last week, but Taylor indicated the district will be close to earlier projections. School officials, had estimated savings of $1.9 million in the next year. The latest debate on the early retirement incentive (ERI) for teachers emerged during last week's school board meeting, as Westland resident Kenneth Raupp raised questions about a possible loss of money. "I heard it was $2.1 million and (the ERI) was bungled," he said. "That's not true," Taylor replied. "We've made money on ERI." Longtime teachers who Opted to retire at the end of last school year cleared the way for the district to hire newer teachers, who started their jobs loWer on the pay scale. "We've hired some outstanding teachers," Taylor said. Moreover, the ERI allowed nearly 80 teachers to DAVID M . O'REILLY transfer within the district. Superintendent Larry Thomas hailed the plan, calling it the "number one method" of revitalizing the district and saving money. "It brought a lot of new blood into the classrooms," he said. "I can tell you that instruction is improving because of it." Some school board members appeared so pleased by the ERI that they indicated a possible willingness to expand it to other employee groups in coming years. "I wouldn't hesitate to support a like program for other employee groups in the future," board trustee Richard LeBlanc said. Trustee Laurel Raisanen had earlier voiced reservations about the ERI, but said last week that it has proved to be a financially sound plan. "I think the ERI was successful," she said. Board members also denied claims that the retirement plan' was a way of getting rid of teachers that the district no longer wanted. Trustee Francis "Bud" Winter noted that some top-notch teachers retired. "It wasn't a payout to get rid of tired old people," hesaid. ; Wayne-Westland is among many districts that have opted for early retirement for teachers, Thomas said. In fact, the National School Boards Association has recommended that all districts consider early retirements, he said. « Mr. O'Reilly, 27, who lived most •. of his life in Garden Gityj died unexpectedly in his Romulus home Nov. 15. Born July 8,1965, ' he was a 1984 graduate of Garden ! City High School and a soap com; pany laborer. Survivors are wife, Cynthia; i children, Katie Mary and David , Jr.; parents, James and Betty '! O'Reilly of Garden City; grandfa" thers, James O'Reilly and Robert <• Stanger, two sisters and one : brother. Services were held from the // R.G. and G:R. Harris Funeral, Garden City, Nov. 18, with burial in Cadillac Memorial Gardens West, Westland. Pastor Herman Webb of Westview Baptist Church officiated. ELEANOR J. COCHRAN Mrs. Cochran, 58, of Belleville, who has survivors who live in Westland, died Nov. 23. Survivors are husband, Donald; sons, David, Richard and Michael; stepsons, Allan, Roger and L N Traffic delays City'pushing . for R/R grade separation on Newburgh between Cherry Hill and Palmer Picking a "name" for your baby? How about Joseph? St. J o s e p h Mercy Hospital (SJMH), that is. Because the McAuley Family Birth Place at St. Joe's in Ann Arbor is fast becoming t h e name for up-to-date, family-focused maternity care, for some pretty big reasons: • Recently v o t e d as t h e best birthing center by readers of both Metro Times and Metro PARENT • One of the few birthing centers around to offer b o t h LDR and LDRP suites (a great combination of high tech and comfort) • Lots of o p t i o n s for pain relief, including labor ^ epidurals and Jacuzzi bath tubs • ToUrS, classes and other education to help you feel like an expert (even if it's your first baby) • The e x c e l l e n t reputation of SJMH obstetricians and nursing staff McAuley Family Birth Place's caring, dedicated staff also strive to be the best for the tiniest reason of all—your baby. If you're pregnant and looking for an SJMH obstetrician near you, contact one listed here, or call ASK-ANURSE anytime at 1-800-472-9696. OBITUARIES I Brokas added that without a grade, separation,., the. ..current problems will continue and become more intense as the planned Newburgh widening will attract more traffic and the temptation to make U-turns will be increased because of the wider road. There would also be more accidents, he said. The officer strongly urged the city to have any grade separation be designed so that vehicle traffic goes under the tracks, based on the city's experience with the overpass on Ford west of Hix. In winter months, the police has-re-, ported a dramatic increase in ac' cidents on the overpass with resulting in fatalities. ' Brian; daughter, Kimberly; stepdaughters, Vicki, Debra and Laura; 21 grandchildren; one greatgrandchild; brothers, Bernard Pierson, Carl Pierson, Max Pierson, William Pierson, Rex Pierson, Earl Pierson and Wallace Pierson; and sisters, Ruth Webb, Mary Larson, Elizabeth Hauger and Norma St. Holmes. Preceding her in death was a sister, Charlene Nicholai. Services were held Nov. 27 from the Uht Funeral Home, Westland. The Rev. Henry Reihewald officiated. Canton McAuley Health Building, Ford Rd.at Lilley Donna Hrozencik, MD, and Yvonne Manber, M D (Suite 305) Plymouth Arbor Health Building, Ann Arbor Tr. at Harvey Norman Cove, M D (Suite 302) Hugo Sanchez, M D (Suite 201) Sponsored by the Religious Sisters of Mercy founded in 1831 by Catherine McAuley Catherine tcAufey Hearth System 981-6556 455-5990 434-0450 St. Joseph Mercy Hospital 5301 East Huron River Drive P.O. Box99S Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 Cameras don't make photographs. people do." The true lens of the camera is in the mind and heart of the photographer." —Monte Nooler Observer & EccentricColumnlst and Fine Arts Photographer Monte Nagler fulfills this belief in "Statements of Light," a collection of 76 black and white photographs which represent many years of love and passion for photography. Released in time for your holiday gift giving, the book is a visual feast of images photographed around the world. This handsome volume also includes a reference section containing camera settings for each photograph—a must for the camera buff on your shopping list. Order your copy today 5 Q 2 mcludMshipping NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: .ZIP:. .COPY(S) O «62 each .TELE. NUMBER,. AMOUNT ENCLOSED:. Payment muet aooompany your order. Charge my order to: Q Mastercard Q Vlea Credit Card # _ _ _ Corporation (Tr* Observer & Eccentric Publar^bysubu^ncorrm^llons Newspap*^^^ 0 0 ^^ Signature: ' Exp. Date: •. — — Mail to: SUBURBAN COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION ATTENTION: Jan Qlaab. 36251 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia Ml 48150 •'(313)953-2215 •5A The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 Drunken-driver victims' testimony stirs crowd B Y R A L P H R. ECHTINAW STAFF WHITER T h e Wayne County chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving eased into its holiday campaign last week with a press conference t h a t began with boilerplate 'speeches by various officials a n d finished with two poignant stories by victims of drunken drivers. V T h e contrast was* startling. . After digesting the routine talks of Wayne County .Sheriff Robert Ficano, Wayne County chief assistant .prosecutor George Ward, state police Capt. Anthony P h i lipps a n d Dearborn Mayor Michael Guido, spectators felt their guts tighten a s Speed and Joyce Gant poured but their story in a restrained emotional manner t h a t would have filled a collection plate with 10s and 20s if one had been passed. T h e \ G a n t s were driving 25 miles per hour in Detroit in March 1990 when a drunken driver doing 70 m p h without the benefit of license, insurance or headlights hit them head on. » "Neither one of u s saw h i m coming," Speed said, " I thought (Joyce) was dead and I'd j u s t breathed my last breath." As the two of them lay there — half in a n d half out of the car, • 'The worst part of the whole thing was I didn't have any control over this. As long as there are drunken drivers on the road you don't have control over your own life. The next time you take a drink I went you to remember this thing (the brace) and I want you to remember me.' Joyce Gant ','.•••„.•' •''•" drunken*driver victim Speed with seven cracked ribs and a crushed hand, Joyce with 4 broken heck, fractured •wrist arid severe bruising, — two men attempted to rob them. Luckily, t h e police arrived in time ^ to prevent t h a t final indignity. "To tell you t h a t I'm lucky is a major understatement," Joyce said. She wore a halo traction brace for three months thereafter, a device that "works on the principal of a vice. T h e pins were bolted to my skull. For three months I was unable to take a shower or a bath. " T h e worst part of t h e whole thing was I didn't have any control over this. As long a s there are drunken drivers on t h e road you don't have control over your own life. T h e next time you take a drink I want you to remember this thing (the brace) a n d I want you to remember me." Livonia resident Darlene Hodges h a d / a similar story to tell about h£r son Craig, Newly graduated from Franklin High School in 1989, Craig was on spring break in Florida with friends. Craig and one of his buddies were struck a n d killed by a drunken driver blowing a red light at 70 miles per hour. " T h e m a n who kiSed my son was found four hours later, and a t the time was found to have a blood alcohol level of .21," Hodges said. As it turned out, the drunken driver was on parole from a sentence served for Wiling two people in a previous accident. . ' " T h a t pain will continue with me for the rest of my life," Hodges said. "My son's life is gone now GUY WARREN/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Seeing red: Observer employee Bob Jusino ties a red ribbon on one of the delivery trucks to support the efforts of Mothers Against Drunken Driving. forever, b u t hopefully not in vain." T h e purpose behind all this testimony is to highten popular sensitivity to how tragic a drunken-driving accident can be, particularly around the Christmas and New Year's holidays when folks tend to imbibe to excess and then some. ': ' ~~* •'.• T h e severity of the punishment for drunken driving in Michigan has increased over t h e years, i n ' part due to MADD's efforts. Probate judge hangs up her robe T h e first woman elected to t h e ing innovations in one of the Wayne County Probate Court, country's largest a n d busiest j u Judge Gladys Barsardian, will re- venile courts, She developed new tire next m o n t h s after 18 years in programs dealing with serious the court's juvenile division. and violent juvenile offenders, inDuring 1 her three terms, she tensive probation a n d docket served six years as presiding judge management and reform. and two years a s chief judge pro She also instituted t h e court's tempre. Neighborhood Youth Assistance Program. During her time on t h e Since her first term, Barsamian has been credited with champion- bench, Barsamian also served as president of t h e Michigan Probate Judges Association, Women Lawyers Association of Michigan and the Women's Economic Club. In recognition of her service, friends a n d colleagues have announced a dinner in Barsamian's honor to be held Tuesday at t h e Savoyard Club in Detroit. T o make reservations, call 348-7794. Committee on airport noise to meet T h e Wayne County committee on airport noise is scheduled to meet a t 2 p.m. Tuesday a n d 1 p.m. Friday on the fourth floor of the Wayne County Building in Detroit. , T h e committee is expected to conclude its review of 34 suggested noise-abatement procedures. T h e committee is also supposed to make noise-abatement recommendations to t h e county commission soon. Observer-area commissioners on the committee are Kay Beard, D-Westland, who also represents Garden City, Bryan Amann, DCanton, a n d Kevin Kelley, DRedford, who also represents t h e portion of Livonia east of Middlebelt Road. A first offender can get u p to 90 days in jail a n d a two-year suspended license. Second offense: U p to one year in jail and revocation of license. Third offense: U p to five years in jail and revocation of license. In a drunken-driving accident causing death, one can b e jailed up to 15 years a n d have his or her license revoked. Of the 1,425 traffic fatalities in Michigan in 1991, 44.6 percent occurred in accidents where alcohol played a part. On t h e national level in 1990, there were 44,529 traffic accident deaths. It's estimated that 22,083 of them (49.6 percent) occurred ins* alcohol-related crashes. MADD encourages Michigan residents to p u t red ribbons on their cars to show t h a t they're opposed to drunken driving. Businesses all over town are distributing t h e ribbons. For more information, call MADD at 422-6233. tt.m la Tire Go. H ! 3 M a r c h T i r e Co. Plymouth 767 S. Main Farmington 33014 Grand River Southfield 28481 Telegraph 455-7800 477-0670 353-0450 Canton 5757 Sheldon Rd. Westland 35235 W. Warren 454-0440 721-1810 1 Gallon of Washer Solvent with i GOOD?YEAR M-FH. KMHLM. S a t M O MM. n r PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 11 11 11 i TUNE-UP *39»s TIRE ROTATION WITH I Expires . 12-5-92 $QOO With Coupon | LUBE, OIL & FILTER • • 4 Cylinder, $49*5 11 6 Cylinder I i i 8 Cylinder. I COMPUTERIZED 1 11 Indudea resiftor spark plugs, labor, adjust FRONT END ALIGNMENT • I « r s 1 01 and carburetor wtiere applicable Check Reg. '33 11 timing ail fluids and filters, test battery and road test. $ 0 0 9 5 Reg. I Diagnostic Service Available 9 { Most Cars & Light Trucks 11 Mean Cars and Light True*a I . ~_ •., I? -" I Most Cam ft Ugrit Trucks Hazardous Waste Disposal Charge $1.10 11 | Rear Alignment At Additional Cost | . Expires 12-5-92 With Coupon . Expires 12-5-92 With Coupon *18 $59" Otter v&lkl with this coupon. Expires 12-5-92 With Coupon DREAMOUSE It's a once-in-a-lifetime offer for a once-in-a-lifetime Grand . YOUR BED Prize! A brand-new condominium in the heart of West Bloomfield valued at $175,000! It's the home you've dreamed about: a three-bedroom, two bath detachedcondominium ranch, located in the Lagoons of West Bloomfield, a development of The Irvine Group. G e t y o u r raffle ticket n o w t h r o u g h F e b r u a r y 12 b y s t o p p i n g d u r i n g b u s i n e s s h o u r s o r s e n d i n g a- c h e c k p a y a b l e to: CCWB House Raffle There are other prizes, too. Other raffle winners will have a chance at • First Prize: a 1993 Beretta GT from Jack Cauley Chevrolet • 5 Second Prizes of $1,000 cash • 25 Third Prizes of $200 cash But hum/: only 5,000 ticket* -will be sold, nt $150 each. Ticket pre-sale party 7-9 p.m. December 3 nt the model home. Register by calling 334-56¾).. R.ilflo License #1*26318. Tile drawing will be ,it .1 p.m., Suml.w, February 21,1W, at Pals Restaurant, 3fi5h'vVcst Maple Ko.ui, West Bloomfield, Michiftan. £5 a ill Don't dream of delaying. . C/O: West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation 3325 Middlebelt Road (just North of Long Lake Road) West Bloomfield, MI 48323 And ORCHIDINTERIORS can help. Your bedroom should be a place for dreaming, not just sleeping. Our custom bedding includes: The drawing will be February 21. For more information call the Raffle Hotline anytime: (313) 33-DREAM (333-7326) The Michigan Dream Sweepstakes House Raffle is sponsored by Concerned Citizens for West Bloomfield as a benefit for the West Bloomfield Recreation Activities Center. UY A DREAM i OF A GIFT! TIOKF'TS ON SAIF f\|l • • • • + Bedspreads Comforters Dust ruffles Pillow shams Throw pillows Visit o u r store at Westchester Square for helpful service and, if youlike, design consultation. W e can also help you select wallpaper, fabric a n d decorative hardware to give your bedroom the look you want. So make your bed. And let u s help you tuck in the corners. ORCHIDINTERIORS III - - n Westchester Square Shops * 550 Forest Avenue * Plymouth, Michigan 48170 Telephone: (313)416-0990 • Fax: (313) 416-0992 Monday through Wednesdayfrom 10 to 6 * Thursday and Friday from 10 to 8 * Saturday and Sunday from 12 to 4 The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 8A*(R,W,G-6A) HOLIDAY SAVINGS irrmi«Bllr» JAMES J. JEWELERS422-2212 T!S* ¢^ 33171 Plymouth Road • LIVONIA aza J ' Corner of Farmlngton & Plymouth Roads • Shdden Pl Plaza CHAIN ~1 GOLD CHAmT WATCH I RING CLASPS I SOLDERING ^BATTERIES i jj* 1 ??^.. $ 0 9 9 » ' $-|99 %L$199 '1 Sue£Larger ^ OR6Smaller " « , . * « Installed It. MkGoU 04E With Coupon *l * IK. »• REMNANTS 50*to*5°°vd. UNCLAIMED DRAPES & CURTAINS f 0n l*^i/^« I Ca*' c Rmfls • ! — F - l Basic Batteries • Includes FREE RcfiMshing VI12* Installed , Cleaning & Inspection SOLDER Basic ChabU I. SOLDER WO^JpSJg^WtoCoupm [__ SI^PMOMOO00*. GRABER and KIRSCr 0iE-W«KC»up.n TOP ^ S S F O B ^ O L D & DIAMONDS GOLD Chains and Bracelets T^ per gram Now Open to the Public with Great Prices 'ft*/u* r — TOBES C O U P O N — -i .AIRPLANTSi ! 20% OFF ! In Premium Oak Doors and Sparkling Beveled Glass Inserts ' C u s t o m Cabinets HOLIDAY FRAMED WATEHC0L0R Air Plants, Cactus, Exotic Bromeliads Candy, Gifts, Closeouts Wholesale • Retail 8048 N. Wayne Rd. In Oak Plaza (Next to Wendy's) Westland . " ' • 33305 GRAND RIVER AT GRAND RIVER &, FARMINGTON Christmas PARK IN VILLAGE MALL Shopping Walk (313) 473-5990 Dec. 5th • MONDAY - SATURDAY 10-6 SUNDAY 12-4 alO%DiKount We accept all major credit cards. LayawtiyM Welcomed £&Mft£ttW^^ Ladies, Chlidrens Clothings Lingerie NEW ARRIVALS EVERYDAY M-F10-9 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 12-5 261-8111 / ^ fej f fHir half !te / ibs! f f'fr\t **jfrfc f^ 1 / i^;? 5 0 0 FOREST AVE. thjfito i t i ,¾¾ 453-0080 f iteai f . j_ w. r _, ^ r . n _w i ''Ua' i' 'Ua 1 J' 'US' f. l. ^ l, f 11871 Selden Ct. • Livonia 421-3720 422-5730 Mon., Wed., Fri. 9-6 Tues. .& Thurs. 9-8 • WITH COUPON r, a V. IT. i K YMtxmtn jj OFF ALL PROGRAMS 8 3 5 9 N. WAYNE ROAD WESTUkHD (acrotl from Art Van) / 421-5420 NEW CLIENTS ONLY \ I r^ — - - C O U P O N ^ — —1 i2o%orri ••}".• A N Y ITEJVf Designed Especially for The Yo-Yo Dieter! Programs for men. women, teens Medically Monitored Use Supermarket Foods Lose Weight Safely and Permanently Payment Plan Available 1¾ a j | Accepted ONLY Womeri's • Petites • Plus iSizes Designer Clothes 'Children's Jewelry PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL! • • • • • • Sat. 9-4. Sun. 12-4 OFFER VALID THRU tf-15-92 I FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE tb;.if J1 Have you had it with those local diet clinics and group meetings? Have you tried enough plils, fads and shots? w.Wfty^KvfflK. INTERIORS PLUS (7 Day Guarantee - if you don't like it, we'll re-do it). fclf-jtao WB©H7"C4./?f. CLINIC P«ryar«. above Invoice Inttattan Availabh r- taiv/(¾ CARPET BROKER JQ f% *?WW IEM HAIR COnCEPTJ 20% OFF ALL SERVICES WITH ROSEMARY OR JIU Si'i I itX) if 1¾¾ # j<3al (t ifcii f 1¾¾¾ ^ f jjjirjtfa' O P E N T O T H E PUBLIC COMMERCIAL PRESIDENTIAL -=Tl PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL PHILADELPHIA- ALADDIN • CUMBERLAND — Mill Direct! — m^ 3 1 1 0 4 5 M i l e • Livonia • 4 2 2 - 7 1 7 7 (Merrl-Flve Plaza) Monday-Friday 10-5:30, Saturday 10-5 Gome in and see our wonderful selection of HOLIDAY GIFTS: • Lace-Curta^alQ^lies • Charming Asomorler• Framed " Prints • Curio Cabinets lr & (Specializing in Custom Matching) And Accents Tobes Distributors oati&lBcyutiq^ r '. 1 liurs., I ri., S,il. \ 1 H Sutul.iv \l-\ 744 Starkweather Plymouth, MI 48170 • • • • " TABUS AND CHAIRS Oak Furniture - N O LIMIT Gift Packages I W i t h Coupon • Good Thru 12-18-921 HOURS: Mini., lues., W I M I . \* Q O^T 'Looking for ' ^ <^J> vj^ J That Special Gift? ^q, Variety of NEW & ANTIQUE TREASURES ^ Unique CmNA-GLASSWARE^FIGURINES COLLECTIBLES^ ANTIQUEJEWELRY CHIL,bRENS ANTIQUE FURNITURE Unusual items starting SPECIAL LINE OF BOUTIQUE ITEMS at $10.00 * UNUSUAL GIFTS FOR MEN * GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY Mention Ad for l< SOUD OAK Hinkle I • Oak, Steel & Fiberglass Doors > Marvin Windows ' P e a c h t r e e Windows & D o o r s • Fine Quality Tiffany Lamps Ik. *5°° to *20°° While Quantities Last ——-—• »HOURS: M O N . thru SAT. 10-5 P.M. 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Expires 12-30-92 llvOMA.42I-*07» IJ-t St. Ufnytiic soiiTii i.voN'457.i5fO • Store is Color Coded • Thousands of Rolls in Stock Room Displays Free Book Loan Steamer Rental Helpful & Experienced Personnel C M I R R Y a n d OAK PUNNITURI l6-*DaIlr'll.«8«Atf«y Winter Phase 1 <r*! IO-9 l»»llr 11.1 luiiAay Includes Tune-up and Radiator Back Flush 4 cyl. ' 9 8 . 8 0 6 cyl. «63.80 8 cyl. ' 0 8 . 8 0 Most Cars Exp. 12/31/92 QUALITY OIL CHANGE & LUBE Sec our large selection of w "Victofian Wreaths and Swags Have Your Bows for Christmas Made Here Gorgeous French Wired Ribbons «, ' 1 , 9 0 t o »3.80-yd. TOPIARY TRIiliS • CHRISTMAS CliNTfiRIII-CliS • IIANDPAINTIil) SANTAS SILK F L O W E R S & T H I N G S tfU Plymouth Rd, • I lllk, li. olWayiW • l.lvonla 42|.ft.«? Ml- l(l') SAT 101 M3.90 •JSC MOST VEHICLES* INCLUDES: SfBSSi • Change oil • Rftfrtact OH IHMr -'-" ' LubrloM* chtltll • FrM vltutl Mftty InapMilm With This Coupon Exp. 12/31/92 6. Livonia 11900 Middlebelt 425-4310 Some Vans & Transverse Engines Add'l. Winter Prep Brake Special Includes Radiator am t* Back Flush • Complete PER AXLE, MOST VEHICLES' Maint. & Safety | INCLUDCS: Install new dWc Inepect master Inspection . • brake pads cylinder A brake Sofne rorvtgn hoeet • Tops Of All Fluids I • oar*, truck* & • Add fluid at '34.90 1 $ 29.90 I Exp. 12/31/92 vantadd'l • Inspect rotors, turning «M'| • Free brake Inspection __ • Test drive vehicle • Seml-metalM pede -eddmonei Exp-JIMl/flffi Fu*l Injection Filters 5.00 OFF Mort cm »29.90 t« + Belts Exp. 12/31/92 & Fuel Injection Cleaning Hoses With This Coupon Exp. 12/31/92 < '34.90 + tax MoMCera Exp. 18/11/92 »1.00 Environmental Fee Where Apftllcablej mm The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 • 7A Families strive to survive in homeless shelter BY DIANE GALE STAFF WRITER If it weren't for the Wayne County homeless shelter in Westland, Gail Zander and her family ^would be living in a car. 2 "This was our last resort, according to Zander's husband, Per•ry Looper. . Z "It's a great place for people to Sry to get their lives back together. jjt gives people a second chance." •* Everything started to unravel ; fqr Zander, Looper and their three 'children, Natasha, 5^ Pradleyj 4, •, arid Leonard (Fuzzy), 3^ last December when a pipe-bomb went ; through a window in the Inkster | home they were renting. the house became too crowded. They had no money, and nowhere to turn. Zander said that the thought of living in a shelter made them nervous. , "We heard a lot of bad things about shelters," Looper said. "It's really much better than we imagined. I can't say enough good things about it.." Zander and Looper talked about their misfortunes inside a spacious shelter room with a large bed and three smaller cots for the Children. .' Looking ahead They have 60 days - the maximum stay allowed in the shelter to turn their lives around. It •Tough times might be just enough time. • Fragments of the bomb shat- Looper, who has experience as a tered Zander's jaw and penetrated jeweler, recently went on a second Sher cheek; Almost a year later, her interview at a jewelry shop in Jface is scarred and she continues Southfield. .'•'to undergo surgery. "Basically, right now, we're tak"I've been going downhill ever ing it day-to-day trying to find a since that happened," Zander house we can afford to rent," said. Looper said. She lost her job as a waitress. They came to the shelter during ^The family moved out ~of that' the height of a dispute between "house and into a Michigan Ave- Wayne County and the agency 'nue motel where Looper had a job hired to run the shelter — Wayne as maintenance manager. Metropolitan Community Ser. It wasn't the best place to live, vices Inc. '-according to the couple, but at Judge Gail McKnight of Westleast it was somewhere to sleep. land's 18th District Court recentEven that fell through when ly signed an order to evict the ^.ooper was fired. . agency from offices on Henry Ruff '.'. Evicted from the hotel, the fam- and Michigan Avenue. Wayneily went{ to live with a friend until Metropolitan is charged with mismanagement and misappropriation of funds. Luther Flanagan, Wayne-Metropolitan executive director, denies the charges. Safe haven • ,.'• Meanwhile, the shelter' has been a haven ftir Michelle Hayden and her daughter, Crystal, 3. They sat in a television room down the hall from Looper and Zander. "It's a lot nicer than I'imagr ined," Hayden said. "I imagined a room with a i r these beds in it. I almost freaked out when I heard that you get your own room." Ten days earlier, Hayden traveled from California to Michigan to live with a-friend who paid for the bus ticket. "He was supposed to put us up and he decided not to," Hayden said. "He dropped us off at the Social Security office and they said to come here. I didn't even have phone money." Joann Hamlein and her twoyear-old daughter sat on a sofa across the room. Hamlein, who said she was onemonth pregnant, chewed on some ice as she explained that her mother dropped her off at the shelter five days earlier. Hamlein said she came to the shelter because she had gotten "into a really bad fight" with her boyfriend and he threw her out of the house. Like all families at the shelter, Hamlein receives a room, food, clothing and counseling. Inside the television room, her daughter played with Hayden's daughter at a plastic school desk. Hamlein and Hayden were among 14 families, including 46 people, registered at the facility one day la.st week. The shelter is equipped to house 26 families: "The county expects us to have 100 percent occupancy," Flanagan said. "The Waldorf Astoria doesn't have 100 percent occupancy." When the shelter opened in 1991 it was touted as' the first and only suburban shelter in the nation designed for-families. 'More than 800 people have passed through the shelter. Shelter dispute " T h a t ' s more t h a n double what HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) had exp e c t e d " when they awarded Wayne-Metropolitan a grant for $162,000, which is administered by Wayne County. T h e agency also receives funding from other entities. T h e facility was renovated in part with block grant money from 10 western Wayne County communities. DIGESTIVE D I S E A S E ^ 12th ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR 18320 Farmington -476-6100 BLOATING AND DISTENTION: A Distressful Abdominal Complaint Sunday/Dec. 6th 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. HOMEMADE ARTS & CRAFTS LARGEST SHOW IN THE AREA Many people attribute bloating and distention to excessive bowel gas which is not' necessarily the case. These individuals are suffering from a variation of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome that affects primarily the small bowel which gives them the sense of overdistention. The evaluation required for the patient with bloating and distention is dependent on a number of factors including age and duration of the problem. Organic disease of the gut - particularly carcinoma of the colon and Crohn's disease - can be present with bloating and distention and these conditions should be ruled, out. Treatment of the bloating patient usually is nor curative and the most important component'of therapy is psychological rather than physical. Simple assurance and explanation lead to dramatic improvement in most cases. Telegraph Over 1 5 0 Artists & Craftsmen $ 1 . 0 0 Donation i^s^m*^?: Arthritis Today Joseph J. Weiss, M.D. Rheumatology ^KOUNDC^ v GRAFTERS SHOWPLACE HANDCRAFTED GIFTS FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY GIFT GIVING Woods Stained Glass Sweatshirts • • " • 1 Silk & Dried Flowers Southwest Sports Plaque ^Ou ^ • • I Don t wait for the Weekend Craft Shows, We re Here For You All Week. (313)454-4717 High Great 43343 Joy Rd. Quality Prices Canton. Ml 48187 Crofters Always Needed to Display! >•••••( • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CKORCE 18829 Farmington Road Livonia, M i c h i g a n 4 8 1 5 2 Phone: 478-7860 : ! & & - • • Hard times: After a succession of unfortunate incidents, this family wound up in the Wayne County homeless shelter in Westland. The adults are Perry Looper and Gail Zander. The children, from left, are Natasha, 5, , , Bradley, 4, and Leonard, 3. $T0F SMOKING WITH ACUPUNCTURE Redford Bishop Borgess High School M . Asbahl, M . D . GUY WAHREN/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS CAN BE A PAIN IN THE NECK. You many know that rheumatoid arthritis inflames the joints of the hands, wrists, shoulders, knees, and feet. In addition, the condition can cause neck pain. A joint that connects the first two cervical or neck vertebrae together is a synovial joint It has the same features of the joints of the hand and feet that are the sites of rheumatoid arthritis. Thus Is can become inflammed and be a source ol pain In rare instances the neck arthritis weakens a ligament that keeps the cervical vertebrae in place. When this ligament weakens, it is possible for the vertebrae to press against the spinal cord. The result is a weakness in the hands or legs in a pattern that doctors recognize as coming from compression of the spinal cord and not from your rheumatoid condition. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, and need surgery with a general aneathesia, it is likely that the anesthesiologist will request you have a neck x-ray before surgery. If it shows that your arthritis includes the neck area, he will prepare you for surgery in a manner that takes that involvement info consideration. . • . ' • . ' • : ' If you have rheumatoid arthritis and develop neck pain, bring the matter to your doctor's attention. He can check its relation, if any, to the inflammation in yoiir other joints, and counsel ^you On the importance of this occurencein your case. _, I U R N S T i l I. A T R I. MYOMA You've probably tried to stop smoking with all the usual ways, Acupuncture is an ancient Oriental way of therapy. It has proven very helpful in treating many of modern day problems and diseases. Smoking is one of them. NOW is the time to make a change and stop smoking with acupuncture. For further information, CALL _ N A N K I N P R O F E S S I O N A L C U N I C , P.C. MlchaH T. Nadolny, O.O. 29200 V n u r , Suit* 800, Uvonla _ _ _ _ , » . . "We recently obtained the largest known settlement in Michigan for a harassed debtor against a collection agency call (3X3) 258-9499 USTEN TO OCR RADIO SHOW "LEGAL AFFAIRS" F i i r v Mnmla* H 9 a m <in WCAR Radio HI'JU AM ZUPPKE & WISEMAN. P.C. Attorneys and Counselors at Law 30800 Telegraph • Suite 2980 Bingham Farms, MI P H I . SI. MATINEE BENEFIT PERFORMANCE • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1992 • 2:00 P.M A portion of the ticket proceeds will benefit the Livonia Family Y's "INVEST IN YOUTH" campaign. "Invest in Youth" is a, fund that supports the youth programs at the "Y". This fund aids any child who needs financial assistance. Our motto, "No one is denied the Y" is upheld through the efforts of those who support the "Invest in Youth" campaign. Thank You ! Ticket availability is limited. Make all checks payaqble to: George Burns Theatre Ticket prices: $ SILVER 25 each $ GOLD 30each PLATINUM ~~$35 each Ticket information: Call Bonnie Jurcisin—261-2161 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE «Y 14255 STARK ROAD, LIVONIA She (Dbseruer • 477-7344: It is I lie gal for Collection Agencies and Other Creditors to Harass You Over Your Delinquent Consumer Debts. Pftr a free consultation i f f ^ £ 4 BUYYOURTICKETS at the Livonia Family isr T HURRY! BEFORE BLACKSTONE DISAPPEARS THE LIVONIA FAMILY H M a a a a i a f l a M a a M f l a a B mmmm**m • --- - ---.•—~h?r 10A*(R,W,G-8A) ^mmmmmm^ The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 POINTS OF VIEW -v Protest against war toys is a little bit of^target I would make their don't buy list. t's not often I disagree with On the surface, they are well-inten' WAND. tioned ..'"•. You know, they are the newly • But-then I think back to my brotherngmed Women's Action for New Direcin-law, JPhil. When I first met him, he tions group, formerly Women's Action was 8 and had the largest stock of toy fqr Nuclear Disarmament. guns I ever saw. He kept them in a toy . And they are usually right on target chest at the foot of his bunk beds and — or they change their name so they they were his most precious posseswill be, : But I'm wondering about their annu-> sions and he took them everywhere he went. • -, al war toys protest, held last Friday at Bam, pow, rat-a-tat-tat .were heard the Southfield Toys "R" Us store. emanating from his room for years unThere, 50-100 protesters peacefully til the sounds of rock and roll took demonstrated against war toys, to increase awareness of parents and grand- over. parents . His parents, my in-laws, were very much pacifists — and my mother-in; Their protest is against such items law was a social worker. They would as G.I. Joe, Teenage-Mutant Ninja never have considered having a real Turtles, Transformers and Nintendo gun in their home. They were even video games. against hunting. And they certainly And of course, any toy gun, whether it be a plastic water pistol or a gun-like made their views known to their children. toy which is designed to teach colors. JUDITH DONER BERNE • The bottom line Is if they have good parenting, from a parent or other adult Whom they respect, it probably doesn't much matter whether children play with guns or dolls. And lo and behold, despite his child- or, even at an appropriate age, without a defined father? , '-• hood ways, Phil also turned out to be The bottom line is if they have good very much a pacifist — and a social parenting, from a parent or other adult" 1 worker. Now, his own son, Ben, is also* whom they respect, it probably doesn't ~" into a "gun period." Arid, although Phil doesn't encourage it, he'does not"."- urudr matter whether children play '•".'• with guns or dolls. " '*' forbid him from having or playing with ' -' i '•' . toy guns. And, if they have poor parenting, it Meanwhile, this women's group is doesn't much matter if a child never mostly aiming at toys which are the has had a so-called "war toy." They province of boys. If they're so dead set will prebably act on their feelings in a against giving them a playful way to negative way. act out aggression, then shouldn't .they WAND and other well-meaning also be worried about prompting the peace groups certainly aren't doing 3 kinds of feelings which result from givdamage. But their efforts are aimed at ' ing dolls to young girls?. the symptoms and not the malaise. We emphazize that dolls are chilJudith Doner Berne is assistant dren's "babies." We allow and even prompt them to cuddle and dress them. managing editor of the Oakland County editions of the Observer & Eccentric Do we consider if that kind of "play" Newspapers. She can be reached dt 644might eventually translate into want1100, Ext. 242. - . , , . ' ing a real baby at too young ah age — Language and its implementation: key to it all R ecently on this page, I prayed for a Bill Clinton presidency. Now i that this will be, I'd like to pose d related riddle that I recently asked an Oakland University class I'm teaching; What is our greatest invention? The wheel? Nintendo? Political action committees? I My class of talented educators offered many thought-provoking answers, such as "man's landing on the moon" and Ferndale Schools' Donna Bialach's response — language. Bialach is right. When our ancestors adapted their organs of breathing and eating to the purpose of speaking and began making symbolic sounds at each other, they separated us from all other forms of earthly life and paved a prehistoric path toward the future. ; While other primates have been taught to communicate with us via computerized picture-symbols, we are this planet's only creators of symbols -^- the factor that produces our percep- tions, knowledge and institutions. Since the human mind cannot think or act without words, the limits of our language are the limits of our world. The mission of American education is to render our children fit to function cooperatively by persuading them to learn, accept and apply democratic codes — the conventions of communication whereby our republic holds itself together. is demonstrated by the question, "What happens to your fist (noun-object) when you open your hand?" The object miraculously vanishes because an action was posing as a part of speech usually assigned to a thing. Thus objects are also events, so our world really is made up of subjective processes that can set the course of all objective entities, for good or evil. JOHN TELFORD Often, unfortunately, American children also are taught not only what words are to symbolize what things, but the way in which society separates things from each other. Anthropological convention undemocratically divides people racially; political convention prejudicially differentiates Democrat from Republican, and grammatical convention imperially decides which experiences shall be called objects and which shall be called events or actions. • ' . .". is to render our children fit to function coo* peratively by persuading them to learn, accept and apply democratic codes — the conventions of communication whereby our republic holds itself together.' How arbitrary such conventions are 1993 will be different. Now is the time to take charge of your future by enrolling in the Adult Accelerated Career Education —• AACE — program a t Detroit College of Business. Earn your Bachelor of Business Administration degree by attending classes that meet just 1 night a week for 5 weeks. YOUR Classes include: Principles of Management, Financial Analysis, Principles of Marketing, Labor Relations, Managerial Accounting and Small Business Management. Demogogues exploit that ambiguity in order to fake having said something when they avoided saying anything; e.g. Pat Buchanan's platitudinous pronouncement last February on CNN: "We shall keep going forward; we shall never take a single step backward." Our articulate new president's interactive use of that invention can reunite and re-revolutionize America. Bill, as you lead we'll be listening, because we know that we won't have to read your lips. Also we know that you'll listen to us as well. John Telford, a Rochester Hills resident, most recently was assistant superintendent in the Rochester School District. He previously was executive director for secondary education in the Plymouth Canton district. To leave a voice mail message for John Telford from a Touchtone phone, dial 953-2047 mailbox 1879. ' WILL PROTECT YOU V FROM OLD M A N Y WINTER! NEW To qualify for our program, students must: A b e at least 23 years of a g e a n d have at least 3 years' significant work experience A have at least 60 quarter or 40 semester hours of transferable college credits Despite this potential for fakery, language and the technology to amplify it remain our most evolutionary — and revolutionary — invention. WALLSIDE THE WINDOW THAT FULFILL Complete Your Degree. As Weingartner and Postman said in their landmark 1969 book "Teaching as a Subversive Activity," "Since all knowledge is learned via language, the meaning we ascribe language gives knowledge both its weight and ambiguity-" Talleyrand cynically said that language was given to conceal thought. Buchanan uses it to conceal absence of thought. YEAR'S Let AACE provide you with a new dimension in learning. Our next session starts January. 4. Call us at (313) 562-8600 to learn more about our Information Session or to schedule a personal interview. AACE ADULI ACCELERATED CAREER EDUCATION Village Plaza • Plaza 20 23400 Michigan Avenue Dearborn, Ml 48124-1915 >:™*:i.i.S?a™ Arnoldt Williams Music's Replace Those Old Drafty Windows With WALLSIDE Vinyl Replacement Windows With <JJigi» Glass \VFREE 30th Anniversary Sale ALL PIANOS ... Grands, Uprights and Digitals mw Starting From... IN-HOME SERVICE INCLUDES LABOR & MATERIALS On Sale Thru The Holidays FOR _ YAMAHA YEARS KAWAI (fil) WERSI BUY TODAY Technics Financing Available (313) 453-6586 5701 Canton Center Road • Canton Twp. ¥ Music INC FOR A FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE MAY '93 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-521-7800 FACTORY a SHOWROOM 2 Miles West of I-275, 1 block North of Ford Road Open Mon.- Thura. 10 am • 7:30 pm< FrI. 10 a m ; 6 pm • Saturday 10 am • 5 pm • Sunday Noon - 4 pm AHNOICIT W I I I I A M S WffB? Call 292-4400 WALLSIDE WINDOW Special Ptlces on Select Demo Instruments Tremendous Selection of Instruments for Holiday Gift Giving Gift Certificates for Our "Fun With Music" Group Lessons Available at $29.95 PER WINDOW INSTALLED AN$ 27000 Trolley Industrial Dr., Taylor, Ml 48180 VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM TODAY wmmmm •••Mi ••MMM The Observer/MONDAY, NOVEMBER (R,W,0-9A)*11A 30,1992 outlawed in state BY TIM RICHARD STAFF WRITER Assisted suicide won't be banned in Michigan."There's only a moratorium of 18-21 months, says a Senate proponent of the ban. ;••:'..-' ' . "' "It's much better than not having anything at all," ^aid Sen. Fred Dillingham, R-FoWlerville. "I expect to see action (in 1993>: to, remove the sunset (expiration date on the. ban). > "I would prefer not to have the sunset in there. But We have to work" with what we have." In a rebuke to House Judiciary leaders Perry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor, and Lyn Jondahl, the Michigan House of Representatives last week passed a bill to: • Make assisted suicide a felony punishable by four years in prison and a $2,000 fine froin about April Ineffective date of the law) until the end of 1994. With Dillingham working behind the scenes, this amendment was added on the House floor by Reps. Ken Sikkema, R Grandville, and Joseph Palamara, D-Wyandotte. • Set up a study commission for 15 months to study such complex questions as the difference between assistance and inaction, "non-causal facilitation," encouragement of suicide and active participation, as well as suicide pacts. The penalties sought by Dillingham, Sikkema and Palamara Would; expire three months after the commission reports i>ut«o later than Jan. 1,1995. The Senate is scheduled to vote oh it, Thursday. Dillingham said it would be taken straight to the floor Without, going through a committee. The Senate passed Dillingham's bill to criminalize assisted suicide months ago. House chiefs lose Bullard, as chair of the House Judiciary Committee, sat on identical bills by Dillingham and Rep. Nick Ciaramitaro, D-Roseville, to criminalize assisted suicide. Instead his panel reported put House Bill 5401, the study commission bill of Rep. Tom Power, R-Traverse City. That bill had. been recommended by a special subcommittee headed by Jondahl. "We spent the last two weeks putting it (the amendment) together," said Dillingham, who prides himself on his ability to work with House members and Democrats. "Vesterday I spent all day making sure we had 72 votes." House passage came on a vote of 72 to 29 with nine absent Area members, voting yes were: Democrate John Bennett of Redford, William Keith of Garden-City, James Kosteva of €anton, and Wilfred Webb of Hazel Park; and Republicans Lyn Bankes of Livonia, Barbara Dobb of Union Lake, J a n Dolan qf Farmington Hills, Georgina Goss of Northville,; John Jamian of Bloomfield Township, and Gordon Sparks of Troy. Voting no were Democrats Justine Barns of Westland and Maxine Berman of Southfield and Republican Shirley Johnson of Royal Oak. The vote came one day after "Dr. Death" — retired pathologist Jack Kevorkian of Royal Oak — assisted a sixth woman to commit suicide in Michigan. Dillingham said that was a coinci- needed to give it immediate effect. Tny dence because the votes were in place to stead it will become law 90 days after the pass the bill well in advance. "The birth- Legislature adjourns, or about the first ofday cake and candles were in place. All April 1993. Gov. John Engler said he will he (Kevorkian) did was light the can r sign it. dies." "It doesn't make me happy we did it,?3 Essentially, the House took the text of said Bankes of Livonia. "I voted yes -££' Dillingham's .bill, added the sunset and. very reluctantly." tacked it onto Power's bill.' Most people saw the bill as banning;' "Some of you accuse Dr. Kevorkian-of—, triclde, but Bankes undersfeored' that ~ playing God," said Berman of Southit's temporary. We've put a moratorium ! field. "Attempting to' ban assisted sui-, on it until we get guidelines." ,cide is playing God, too." • There's much public support for reguPower voted against the bill he spon- lating suicide, she said. "Almost 100 persored and asked that his name be re- cent of my mail is supportive of leaving moved from it. A conservative Republi- that option open to people, Bankes said, can, Power splits with most of his party "Everybody's centered on Kevorkian. ', on abortion and assisted suicide ques-~ Kevorkian is drawing attention to it. He tions. He is leaving the Legislature to be- has gone from lethal injection (in his earcome a circuit judge. lier assisted suicides) to carbon monoxThe House debated the bill more than ide (in the Nov. 24 death of Catherine ' four hours. It added an amendment from Andreyev). But other doctors are doing ' Jamian of Bloomfield Township to place this quietly with no one knowing about it — that's where we're doing the damage," a coroner to the study panel. Bankes said. Kevorkian's attorney, M i c h a e l ' 'Yes — reluetantly' Schwartz, said he may challenge the The bill was short of the two-thirds act's constitutionality. ' - Madonna offers DOS workshops The continuing education department at Madonna University will offer two advanced DOS computer workshops from 6-9 p.m. Mpndays, Dec. 7 and 9. 'Advanced DOS I meets Dec. 7 and will take an advanced look at the MS-DOS operating systems. Topics includes memory management using DOS 5.0 and hard disk partitioning as well as modifying the DOS environment, setting up a virtual drive, using SMARTDRIVE and customizing systems., Advanced DOS II is an extensive session covering DOS batch files. Topics will include getting started with batch files, documenting batch files using If ERRORLEVEL, passing parameters to batch files, testing parameters for specific values, branching in a batch file, summoning one batch file from within another and customizing systems with batch files. The workshop meets Dec. 14. Cost per workshop is $95 for 0.3 continuing education units and includes required text and material which students may retain. For more information, call 5915188. can 1-800-M0BILE-1 or the Ameritech Mobile dealer near you: Give your family peace of mind for the holidays with Ameritech Mobile's Family Pack and get a cellular phone as our gift to you. BIRMINGHAM Finishing Touches Motoring Accessories 235 Pierce St 645-2236 Hawthorne Home Appliances S Electronics BRIGHTON Henderson Glass CANTON ABC Warehouse Henderson Glass v CEHTERUNE Eretler Highland Superstores DEARBORN Amenlech Mobile Sales t Service Center 2719 S Telegraph Rd 277-4111 ABC Warehouse Dash Mobile Electronics Highland Superstores DEARBORN HEIGHTS Henderson Glass DETROIT Ameritech Mobile Sales (J Serrice Center 3334 E Jefferson Ave 259-5007 Mobile Communication Services 8800akmanBlvd 427-1980 J0kW ASS& Get a $150 instant rebate on any phone or $150 in free airtime when you activate your first new Family Pack line. Then with each additional line you activate, get a select Motorola cellular phone and antenna as our gift to you. One year contract required. DOLLS TO LOVE ° ' beautiful dolls, m a d e to be played with I "Baby & Toddler Dolls, Clothes & Trunks, Beds A Buggies Cradlesl & Strollers, Collectible Dolls. Too (or Wds of all ages. "htSMteiSl* 3 1 4 7 W . 1 2 M i l e H d . • Berkley M.T.W * M . 10-5:30 (313) 843-3115 • i Th.N. 10-8; Sun. 1B-4 (Oonvwiltntty k>ci*«d n*kr I-6M) BEDFORD ABC Warehouse ROCHESTER The SHnd Advantage 908 Main St 656-1611 ROCHESTER HILLS A n e r t a k P i e ^ i Services 2951S Rochester Rd 1-800-523-8773 Hawthorne Heme Appliances ( Electronics R0SEY1LLE ABCWerehHse ROYAL OAK Roval Radio S l i e s t Service 612 N Main Si 548-8711 Highland Saperttores SHEBY TOWNSHIP Henderson Glass Highland Superstores S0UTHGATE AKWmmme Fretter Henderson Glass Highland Superstores FLINT Ameritech Paging Services G4029 MJSer Rd 1-800-232-5242 ABC Warehouse Fretter Henderson Gltss Highland Superstores FRASER Henderson Glass LATHRUP VILLAGE Ameritech Mobile Sales ( Service Center 26911 S o u t h M Rd 557-8855 Ameritech Peeing Services 26820 SouthlieURd 1-800-458-1902 very special doll. mdmma uamSir PORTHURON ABCWareheate Henderson Glass Prism Communications 100 Renaissance Center Suite 1820 567-7032 FARMINGTON HILLS Metro Cell 31122 W Eight M'leRd 473-0331 1-800-LEADER-1 Every little girl deserves a K PGHTUC Fretter Highland Superstores ABC Wart house Dash Mobile Electronics Fretter Highland Superstores HIGHLAND PARK Highland Superstores .Visit our wonderland PITMDUTH Amerrtech Mobile Sales* Senrin Center 620 W Ann Arbor Rd 451-0720 Peter's Metro Audio Center 11201 Morang 371-3460 FARMINGTON ABC Warehouse Henderson Glass 642-3000 fife 'V, Fretter Henderson Gins Highland Superstores Fretter STERLING HEIGHTS Metre Cell 5953 E 14 Mile Rd 939-4660 1-800-LEA0ER-1 ABC Warehouse Fretter Henderson Glees TAYLOR Eipress Paging Systems 20127 Ecorse Rd 382-CELL TROY General Cellular Sales 2767 Rochester Rd 524-3232 ABC Warehouse NendtriM Gists Highland Superstores Petar'iMttn Audio Center 3732 Rochester Road 528-2710 WARREN Mobile Cemmenkaritm Services 27041 Gloede 772-2630 Dish Mobile Electronics Henderson Gins WATEHFMO AK WfftNWI 0*rtW**ikFHctrwlci IrfMtfYM 81111 WESTLAM 1-800-MOB1LE-1 LIVONIA Mobile CommeniettlM Service)* 34411 Industrial Rd 427-1980 Connect with the leader. AMERITECH MOBILE Participation »nd equipment models may vary by distributor. \ )ne year service commitment on Family I'ack required. New activations only. Some taxes and restrictions apply. Maximum 6 phones per customer. Minimum 2 lines required. No dealers, no take wltlis. Oiler expires 12/111/112. « 19!I2 Ameritech Mobile Communications. Inc. All rl|(bts reserved. m warn WfJlHOOHfrELO FniNrT Fretter Htinterion Gilts YPStUWI MACHSM HEIGHTS MhvWvtl Ehftlienfcs 25831 John R 543-7700 Fritter 3069 Carpenter Rd 971-8784 I ^1-.1^ I Henderson Glass JSAvftotf &fi& \J73-8300 frXk NOVI First Cellalsr 43450 Grand River 380-8338 SOUTHFIELD Henderson Gilts Cellular 24059 W 10 Mile Rd 350-2100 EASTPOINTE Ameritech Mobile Sales 4 Serrice Center 22371 Gratiot Ave 777-0007 Largest Stkction in Michigan \ •jrvsvr AUBURN HILLS Metro Ctll 2560 N Squirrel Rd 377-3333 1-800-LEA0ER-1 BERKLEY Henderson Glass Host families are needed for high school students from South America, Europe and Asia who are set to arrive in January. The teens, ages 15-18, will spend five months studying in suburban high schools. All of the students have studied English for at least four years and have enough money to cover their personal expenses. They are participants in an exchange visitor program of the American Irtstitue for Foreign Study Scholarship Foundation. Host families will receive a tax deduction and a scholarship for foreign study or travel. Families with or without children of their own can become host families. If you have room in your home and heart for a foreign exchange students, call Lynn or Gideon Levenbach at 453-8562 or 453-6851 or Amber Crowell at 1-800-322-4678. 'tfflUcA A M ARBOR ABC Warehouse Frcfler Henderson Glass Highland Superstores MT.CLEMCKS Metro Call 36884 Harper 790-5900 1-800-LEADER-1 ABC Warehouse Fretter Highlutl Superstores Henderson Glass Families needed for students { AIMONT Celphone Communications 215 Branch St. 798-8881 ! 12A*(R,W,G-10A) The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 JUSt RECEIVED New condominium to be raffled off two outstanding containers from Austria & Great Britain many unique pieces including pine chests, 6' benches, tables, wardrobes and cupboards, painted blanket boxes, dogcarts. Mahogany and walnut chests, armoires. tables, sets of chairs Including Chippendale- •& •Queen Anne styles, sideboards, a 3 piece decorated bedroom set, music cabinets, nests of tables, corner cabinets, Staffordshire lions, dogs & figures, majolica, brassware, cut glass, and much more Stop by today B Y T I M SMITH S T A F F WRITER - Lot 93 in the Lagoons of West Bloomfield subdivision now sits empty, nothing more than an empty parcel of land covered with construction debris. Highlights of the lot along Sandpiper Lane now include two i xnonndH of frozen dirt, wood • scraps and miniature red and grange flags' placed to ' signify where electric and telephone cable wires are buried. Laying flat on the hard ground is -a blue-andyrhite lot marker, with the number 93 painted on it. ' But by this time in 1993, the debris probably will have been replaced by a sparkling new 1,570$quare-foot condominium — compliments of the "Michigan Dream Sweepstakes House Raffle" fund-raiser. .! Through the effort, sponsored by nonprofit Concerned Citizens for West Bloomfield, 5,000 raffle tickets priced at $150 will be available beginning early in December. The goal is to sell at least half of them and raise $500,000 for the proposed recreation activities center. ;„"If they don't sell 2,500 of the 5,000 tickets then there won't be a iome made available, then it (|fund-raiser) would revert to a 5050 raffle," said Norm Finkelstein Of Irvine-Jacobson Development, the company which is building the Lagoons subdivision near Pontiac Trail and Halstead., '< But Finkelstein, a member of the activities center organizing committee, said he and others are optimistic the "Dream" raffle — SCHMIDT'S ANTIQUES 5 1 3 8 W Michigan Ave Ypsilami, Ml 4 8 1 9 7 (313) 534-2660 We buy & sell antiques iy Settle F^r A Partridge Ii A Pear Tree, When%uGfi Give The Entire animal Kingdom? Just the ticket: The price of a $150 raffle ticket comes with the chance to have this 1,570-square-foot Bedford ranch model built on a now-empty lot in the Lagoons of West Bloomfield subdivision. slated for 3 p.m. Feb. 21 at Pals restaurant, on Maple east of Orchard Lake Road *— will succeed. "Everybody seems to be very confident (about it)," Finkelstein said. "So much interest has been expressed already." A barometer of that interest will be held 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3, when an advance ticket sale kickoff party will take place at the Lagoons model home. Tickets subsequently (on Dec. 7) will be made available to the public. After the raffle, if it'brings in the necessary amount of money, the home Would be completed in about five to!six months, Finkelstein said. Meanwhile, people wanting to know what they might get for daily their money can stop by: the Lagoons to view the Bedford, an attractive brick-and-wood home featuring vaulted ceilings, walk-in closets and wide-open spaces. "We're happy to show the home to anyone who is interested in buying a ticket," Finkelstein said. (For information, call the 33* DREAM hotline or 334-5660.) BAZAARS • CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND < Lutheran High School Westland presents "A Christmas Wonderland," 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 4 and Dec. 5 in the school, 33300 Cowan Road, one-half mile east of Westland Shopping Center. Admission is $1. Items from more than 100 quality craftspeople will be avail- able. A bake sale is planned and lunch is available. • ST. JOHN'S St. John Episcopal Church, 574 Sheldon, Plymouth Township will hold its annual holiday ba. zaar 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 5 in the church. Some 30 areas crafts- people will have booths. Fresh greens and roping will be avialhie. A bake sale and cafe also will be featured. Admission is $1 or canned good for Crossroads Soup Kitchen in Detroit. • ST. THOMAS A'BECKET St.Thomas A'Becket will hold a craft show 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the church, 555 S, Lilley Road, south of Cherry Hill. More than 70 crafters will be featured along with a bake sale. Admission is 50 cents for senior citizens, $1 for Others. Children under 12 are admitted free. A Detroit Zoological Society gift membership will introduce its recipient to hundreds of rare and endangered animals; Starting at S25,for individuals and $40 for families. gift memberships are good for 12 months of free admission to the Detroit and Belle Isle Zoos, as well as 100 zoos nationwide. Each gift will be delivered in a special ornament, perfect for the holidays. For niore information call: (313) 541-5717. Give the Gift They'll Go Wild About!. Rapture The Wildlife Calling all kids a g e s 3 t h r o u g h 1 1 ! How would you like to win a year's membership to the Detroit Zoological Society for you and your family? By drawing your favorite zoo animal to enter the Capture The Wildlife Contest, you canl Mine young artists will win a family membership good for 12 months of FREE admission to the Detroit and Belle Isle Zoos, and to more than 100 zoos nationwide. You could be one of these winners and surprise your family with a special holiday giftl So get your crayons, pens, markers, paints or pencils out. Then create any of the animals on exhibit at the Detroit and Belle Isle Zoos on the space provided. When you have finished, send your drawing along with your name, address, phone number and age to: Capture The Wildlife Contest P.O. Box 8 2 3 7 Royal Oak, MI 48068 All entries must be submitted by MONDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1992. The top three drawings from the following age groups will be selected, based on creativity and neatness. Age Groups: 3 - 5 years old 6 - 8 years old 9-11 years old For more information, call the Detroit Zoological Society at (313) 541-5717. Winners will be notified by mall. y Capture The Wildlife Contest is sponsored by: THE (Dbserver £j lEccentric NEWSPAPERS Name:_ Phone} Address: She (Dbsmrer KJBELY WYGONIK, EDITOR »53-2105 INSIDE: Grate cheese recipes, Page 2B Holiday treats, Page 2B B MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992- TASTE BUDS CHEF LARRY JANES Bring out the flavor of pasta with cheese When Italian food is mentioned, the first to come to mind is pasta. The second? Cheese. Not just any old cheese or heaven forbid, something out of a shaker can. Something nutty, something sharp. Something to bring out the flavor of the pasta. Ah, but what is good pasta without the customary grating of a fresh block of Parmesan, Asiago or Percorino Romano cheese. A simple dusting. A complex outburst of taste. Of course, too much of the so called "simple dusting" of cheese and you can undo all the good. No sense dwelling on the salt content, cholesterol and fat contents of these cheeses. Why spoil such a delectable experience? Let's face it, you don't want to mask the flavor of the pasta, but simply improve upon it. If you haven't already guessed, good, aged cheese is as important as a fine grade of pasta. You wouldn't make a cake from scratch and top it off with canned icing? Why even consider doing the same with shaker-can Parmesan cheese and a plate of steaming pasta? Imported cheese Unfortunately, imported grating cheese like Asiago, Parmesan and Romano aren't readily available in most markets and must be searched-out, usually in small local Italian groceries or gourmettype food shops. Every now and then, I stumble oh one of those super "supermarkets" that have a deli with imported cheeses, but true Italian cooks look for the seals present on all imported cheese indicating its type and origin; Ask to see labels and rinds of the block. There are many varieties of grating cheese, both imported and domestic. The flavor difference always stands out. Take Asiago, for instance. Asiago cheese is golden, nutty, and in my opinion, has more flavor than Parmesan and Romano. When I want to toss a simple pasta hot covered with a flavorful sauce, I choose Asiago because it complements the pasta ratherthan covers it. Asiago can be purchased two ways, Stravecchio (very old) and Vecchid (old). Of course, the best is the very old variety but in some markets, I've seen this priced as high as $9.00 per pound. Look around and you should be able to find it in the $6 per pound price range. Don't think you have to purchase a pound. Four ounces will grate one Cup of cheese. Be careful, once you try this flavorful and nutty variety, you'll be hooked. Perfect Parmesan f •• - When it comes to Parmesan, the best variety available is called Parmigiano Reggiano, made the same way as it was in the 10th century. This is a finely textured, golden cheese and is very hard and aged to perfection. If you want the best, this is it. There is no other in comparison. Other dependable brands include Polenghi, Salbani and Locatell but purists seek out the Parmigiano Reggiano. Contrary to popular belief, imported Parmesan should have a light sweet flavor and be slightly nutty, and have almost no trace of saltiness. You'll pay even more for imported Parmesan than you will Asiago so shop around and check out the market deli areas for the best prices and trendy little Italian markets like Alcamo's in Dearborn for availabilities. Romano is a hard white cheese that is somewhat salty in flavor, and has a tendency to be very sharp. Pecorino Romano is the best Romano available and when you see it called for In a recipe, I suggest using half Romano and half Parmesan or Asiago for an improved, less sharp flavor. Remember, you want to compliment, not overpower simple pasta. DAN DEAN/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Splendid table: Lynne Rossetto Kasper presents a dish from her newly published cookbook "The Splendid Table," which explores northern Italian cuisine. banquets . . . Once the bread was soaked with meat juices, they were thrown away to be gathered by peas'ants who waited eagerly for leftovers." B Y LARRY J A N E S SPECIAL WRITER You have probably heard the old adage "they broke the mold when you were born." This doesn't hold true after spending a few hours with Lynne Rossetto Kasper, author of "The Splendid Table," (Copyright 1992, William Morrow Publishers, $30, hard-cover). Kasper recently visited Kitchen Glamor in West Bloomfield, and prepared several recipes from her book. Undoubtedly, you have heard me speak many a time of my Wyandotte upbringing and Kasper bears a very close resemblance to Mrs. Kopernick, a neighbor on Sycamore Street who shares Kasper's joy of cooking. Mrs. Kopernick's claim to fame didn't come from writing the definitive cookbook of recipes from the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy like Kasper's, but her baked goods were the first to be snapped up at St. Joe's bake sales. Her zest of food ,and it's many offerings were evident when, at Halloween, neighborhood goblins and pirates were treated to homemade popcorn balls. As her old Detroit Times carrier, I was treated to homemade fudge and cookies all tucked neatly among shards of tin foil in an Armstrong's shirt box. Mrs, Kopernick was undoubtedly Kasper's precursor. An ardent traveler to Alcamo's Italian grocery, in Dearborn, the Oaza Bakery and Ko^ Lynne Rossetto Kasper, author of the newly published cookbook, "The Splendid Table," explores the rich culinary heritage of northern Italy, Discover this region which is the home of real ParmesanReggiano cheese and Balsamic vinegar. walski's, she would arrive home carrying two of those French expanding string bags filled to the gills with ethnic goodies after the 30 minute bus ride on the Schafer express. Mrs. Kopernick passed away about 10 years ago but there's little doubt her spirit lives on in the likes of Lynne Rossetto Kasper. A Brooklyn native with roots in the Emilia-Romagna area of Northern Italy, (before arriving in New York) Kasper's culinary tome of recipes from the region explore the rich heritage from one of the best known food areas in the world. Dubbed "The heartland of Northern Italian Food," this region is the home of real Parmesan-Reggiano cheese, Balsamic vinegar and the famed Prosciutto de Parma ham. Kasper's roots are from the region, and after spending five years See Larry Janes family-tested recipes inside. To leave a message for Chef Larry, dial 953-2047, then mailbox number 1886. The recipes also include tips on "working ahead," wine and menu suggestions and the seldom seen "cook's notes" that end the recipe with those' secret little tricks of the trade that separate a cook from a food preparer. If learning more about the regional cooking of northern Italy intrigues you then Kasper's book should be a de rigeur addition to your kitchen library. Even if you don't choose to spend the time cooking, the short stories about the birth of prosciutto, balsamic vinegar et al are worth the price alone. Mrs. Kopernick would have loved living next door to Lynne Rossetto Kasper and you will love Kasper's book. See recipes inside. Dust off the cookie sheets, it's time to roll B Y KEELY WYGONIK "The Christmas Cookbook" includes 20 recipes to", help celebrate the holidays in style with old-world; Dust off the rolling pin, grease the cookie sheets, tradition. ; and find the cookie cutters — the holiday baking There are recipes from all over the world includ-i season has begun. ing Roast Goose with Apple Stuffing, Plum Pud- ; Seasons greetings — "Bah humbug" some people ding and Oyster Stew, and some lesser-known \ say, but if you like to cook, this is one of the best treats like Caramel Potatoes, Cranberry Chutney,« times of the year. If you're searching for ideas, one and Homemade Marzipan. j place to look is the newly published "An Edible Chocolate lovers are sure to enjoy "The Choco- > Christmas: A Treasury of Recipes for the Holiday late Cookbook." Surprise chocaholics in your famiSeason" by Irena Chalmers, (William Morrow & ly with one of the 20 wonderful treats including J Co., $23 hard-cover). Black and White Terrine, Chocolate Cookies, j Chocolate Fudge Pie, and White Chocolate Ice > Beautifully illustrated with color photos, and Cream. 4& ' easy-to-read type, this is a book any cook on holi-' The Quaker Oats Company offers these pointers day shopping list would treasure. It's also a good for making cookies with children. ! gift to buy yourself. When selecting a recipe, take into consideration; There are recipes for "Gifts in Jars" including your child's age and-skill level. A preschooler will Five-Alarm Salsa, jams and chutneys, crock of have a short attention span, but can enjoy simple ' simmering potpourri spices, flavored vinegars, oils "hands on" tasks such as breaking eggs into a and vodkas. bowl, mixing the dough with a spoon and decorat-i Of course, there are cookie recipes — Apple and Nut Pockets, Cranberry-Orange Crunchies, Cin>ng. .i! namon Crisps, and Puff Angels to name a few. A school-age children, on the other hand, will b^ There are candy recipes, fun kitchen projects for able to assist with measuring, rolling and cutting, J the whole family like salt-dough Christmas ornaand more elaborate decorating; \ ments, and party menus. Let your kids take part in the planning. Auk youV From the "Little Kitchen Collection," are two child to help choose the cookies you will bake. If \ new cookbooks that make perfect stocking stutters there are too many for a single baking session, put; or holiday hostess gifts — "The Chocolate Cookit to a vote. » book," by Patricia Lousadsa and "The Christmas Let kids help package cookies for gifts. Use crayl Cookbook" by Marilyn Bright. (HarperCollins ons, felt tip pens, stickers or stars to decorate plain Publishers, hard-cover, $7). These little books, 3% white paper plates. Arrange cookies on plate; wrap) inches by 6½ inches, are filled with delicious ideas. with clear plastic wrap or colored cellophane. < Illustrated throughout with four-color pictures, See recipes inside. > STAFF WRITER Great graters Enough said about cheese, now a simple word on cheese graters. Every kitchen has (or should have) the standard hand grater with four sides and available at local houseware stores for about $4. However, if you really want to get the best, Bearch out the Mouli hand grater. Now you're cooking Italian. Food processors such as the Cuisinart and mini-grinders can handle small chunks of cheese but because these grating varieties are best aged more than three years (and some for up to 10 years) they are extremely hard. Trying to cut them up into small chunks for grinding in a food processor is senseless. (I think this 1B the first bad word I've ever said about my Cuisinart). When It comes to storing grating cheese, keep them tightly wrapped as they can impart flavors to other foods and vice versa. I've found that the freezer works best for long storage. (Just allow the cheese to come to room temperature after grating and before serving). there researching and learning from the locals, she compiled her book of recipes and basic information. The book, and I hasten not to call it a cookbook because of the pages of stories about the region, is a compendium of recipes and cooking tips featuring the best of what any Italian would require to enjoy his or her last meal. • "Ask any.Italian where to take only one meal in Italy, and, after recommending his mother's house, he will more than likely send you to Emilia-Romagna," writes Kasper. Unlike most cookbooks, in addition to sharing the recipes of her homeland, Kasper incorporates stories from the region. For example, a short three paragraph story Oh the history of pasta claims that "it (the pasta) may have been born of crusts of bread discarded after Medieval The book dissects nearly all forms of Italian pasta including colorful stories of Strozzapreti or "priest strariglers" thickly cut and hand twisted pasta and Sarganelli which are cut, placed on combs and rolled around quilled pens, the theory being that pasta not rolled smooth and instead is 'rough' holds the sauce better. QIIAKKH OATS COMPANY Chrlttrtiat cookies: Make Oatmeal Gingerbread Cookies to hang on the tree.Children looe to decorate these holiday treats. The Observer/MOHDAY. 2B* NOVEMBER 30,1992 Start foiling,- find the Gookie Gutters, grease baking sheets See related story on Taste front. OATMEAL GMOERBREAD COOKIES * Cookies 1 cup (2 sticks) margarine or butter, softened 34 cup firmly packed brown sugar ½ cup molasses I egg 3 ½ cups all-purpose flour 1 ½ cups Quaker oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked) 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground ginger ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg ½ teaspoon baking soda y* teaspoon salt (optional) Decorations Prepared frosting Assorted candies For cookies, beat margarine and sugar until creamy. Add molasses and egg; beat weUra flour, oats,F spices, hairing sodaand. salt; mix weU. Chill 2 hours. Heat oven to 350 F. On floured surface, roll dough out to "A-inch • thickness for a chewy cookie or V4inch thickness for a crisp cookie. Cut with 5-inch gingerbread man or woman cookie cutter. Bake on un- greased cookie sheet 8 to 10 minutes. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheet; remove to wire rack. Cool completely. For decorations, frost and decorate with candies as desired. Store loosely covered at room temperature. Yield about 20 five-inch cookies. by gatricia Lousadsa. (HarperCollins Publishers, hard-cover, $7). 2 ½ cups confectioner's sugar Vi cup cocoa powder 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon powdered instant coffee 1 tablespoon water CINNAMON CRISPS Scant cup of whole walnuts, very finely chopped ~ Jrrehe&t tne ov£ft,t^9Wr'ir, JLme~a femtkecookjesintgJhane.ngtTTT naments, cut hole near top of cookie baking sheet with baking parchwith drinking straw before hating ment. Using an electric, beater, Repeat immediately after baking if whisk the egg whites until frothy. hole doses. Add the sugar, cocoa, flour, coffee, and water to the bowl and beat first at a slow speed and then at a higher CHOCOLATE CooMES speed for a few minutes until the 4 egg whites mixture thickens. Fold in the walnuts. Place tablespoons of the mixture on the prepared baking sheet leaving a 1 inch space between each spoonful. Bake for 15 minutes. The top will be firm and cracked, but the inside still for 15 minutes. Serves 4. soft. Lift off the cookies and place Chefs suggestion: Try this with them on a rack to cooL Yield: 18 some finely chopped seafood incookies. *..'.'•• stead of the bacon or with simple steamed and chopped vegetables for From: "The Chocolate Cookbook," ' a vegetarian treat! Grated cheese enhances flavor See harry Taste front. Janes' column on HOT ARTICHOKE SPREAD 1 cup fresh grated Parmesan or Asfcgo cheese 1 cup mayonnaise (riot salad dressing) 1 can artichoke hearts..(not the marinated variety) Combine all ingredients and mix weJL Place in a small ovenproof casserole and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Pop under broiler till golden. Serve with crackers, breadcubes, cornchips or fresh vegeta: bles. (Grate in a small onion for different flavor) PARMESAW BAKED CHICKEN 3 lbs. chicken thighs and ;.•• drumsticks 2cupsmak Vs cup plain breadcrumbs Vzcup fresh grated Parmesan or Asiago cheese 1 egg, beaten 3 taWespoofts olive oa Place chicken in a bowl with milk and refrigerate at least one hour. Combine breadcrumbs with par- mesan cheese. Pat chicken dry, Efien dip in beaten egg and coat well in breadcrumb and Parmesan cheese mixture. Place skin side up on a lightly oiled pan and drizzle with olive oiL Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Serves 4-6. Chefs note: you want to taste the Cheese hereto don't try to mask the flavor with tons of herbs, salt and pepper. Chop baoon,set aside. Slice tops off tomatoes and scoop out centers. Squeeze as much of the water out of spinach as possible. Place spinach in a bowL Scoop out center of tomatoes and place in bowl with spinach and remaining jpgraf^igntiii Mil well. .•.••.-'•'. Stuff tomato shells with mixture and bake uncovered at 350 degrees 1 clove garlic, finely diced . 2 anchovjes (optional) 1 coddled egg the juice of Vi lemon dashtobasco dash Worcestershire 54 cup wifie vinegar •A cup imported Italian olive oil ¥i cup fresh grated Parmesan or Asiago cheese Proprietress Sylvia Thacker imports Fortnum & Mason teas, the brand blended especially for Queen Elizabeth, directly from England. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. For reservations, call 454-0777. All customers daring the week of* Dec. 2-5 will enjoy a complimentary beverage with the purchase of any entree — and at Sweet Afton, that's a royal gift Customers can also choose from a variety of gourmet hot chocolates, sparkling non-alcoholic juices, and premium coffees ground fresh on the premises. Mash garlic with anchovies. Add the egg and beat. Add the juice of the lemon and beat until well mixed. Stir in tobasco, Worcestershire and vinegar. Mix welL While beating, slowly add the olive oil in a slow, steady stream. Just before serving, add grated cheese. Mix well and toss with fresh greens and homemade croutons, if desired. This dressing is great with all greens. OF CANTON si£ Seated at one of the tea room's eight tables, customers can enjoy authentic British fare made fresh from family recipes, served by costumed waitresses. Steaming soups, hearty sandwiches and seasoned meat pies are sure to chase away the winter chill for holiday shoppers. Feather-light scones with Devon cream, dainty finger sandwiches, pastries, and daily specials round out the menu. MJ?, TmcesGOOD NOV. 30th THRU DEC. 6th, 1992 Buy Early For The Holidays For the Holidays US.DJV. Grade A U.S.D.A. WHOLE BONELESS, SKINLESS CHICKEN BREASTS $ 2.39 b U.S.D.A. Choice^ Center Cut • Extra Lean BONELESS CHUCK ROAST $ 1.59i b Quick Fixin's Homemade with Brownberry Stuffing STUFFED CENTER CUT £ - .¾.¾¾. 532-1181 S40-3S7S all your bakery needs... EVERYDAY: 3947 W. 12 Mile • Berkley (313) 543-3115 M. T. W. SM- 1 0 5 « ) • Th 4 Fri. 1 M • Sun. 12-4 jcbnvMiwtfy toc«!*d n«ar t*96> tBaskets/Special Orders .imported Specialty Foods - Shepherds Pies • Shortbread & Cookies -Scotch Meat Pies - Scottish Pastries - Cinnamon Rolls • Brownies • Crumpets -Scones • Bread • Steak Pies Stock Up! Then Go Shop! All Week Beef, Chicken Pizza $ 1 4 <or 4 $4 20 £28 m 2.69 b Our Best Hamburger Made From Extra Lean GROUND SIRLOIN 5-10 lb. Family Pac $ 1.66, b U.S.D.A. Grade A WHOLE • PORK SHOULDER BUTTS Ground Free! $ 4 I i ^^m<m>mMM>&s? A 1 9 lb. VIRGINIA HAM ROAST BEEF AMERICAN CHEESE 2.79H>Lipari's Domestic SWISS CHEESE »2.49 Ib. $ Homemade Here SPAGHETTI $ 2.29 b TOP QUALITY WINE SECTION New wines to our area...great for an evening by the fireplace with your loved one! U.S.D.A. Choice 2 . 1 9 lb. "Christmas Parties" Please order early for: SUBS, PARTY TRAYS, SHRIMP TRAYS, VEGGIE TRAYS & FRUIT TRAYS SALAD Cindy Sez: Come in and see my U.S.D.A. Grade A Pork BONELESS, ROLLED LOIN PORK ROAST $ 1.99 lb. Government Inspected • Tail-on Fully Cooked BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS $ $ 3 . 4 9 Ib. 2.69 JUMBO SHRIMP 20-25 ct. * SAVE * »2.00 U.S.D.A. Choice 10.99 'On-Cor" • Fully Cooked • All White Meat Extra Lean NUGGETS N-.Y. STRIP STEAKS CHICKEN Regular • Cheese • Hot & Spicy $ 3.99 Think ahead...please order your favorite Holiday Items early...Last day to order, Mon., Dec. 21st, 8611 N. Lilley Road • Canton, Ml 4 This Week's Specials Good Thru Saturday 12/5/92 4 Lipari's Yellow or White. w'4mm »,000 traw a jfMr. Sliced Free $ Extra Lean • No Top Medium Rare Mckfpyd's 2S5«R*llMtft»d N-Y. STR1F LOINS u n rnvHOMQ $ SHOP ^ ^ 1-5J5J ib. Russets BAKEHOUSE BIRMINGHAM «a &?»** xjojg. CHOPS ^SCOTTISH •BEDFORD ie<L We /I t t^f w &®£sm i ft gg?Sa\g£ ^91 fop* f : PORK ' SOLDIER From: "An Edible Christmas: A Treasury of Recipes for the Holiday Season" by Irena Chalmers, (William Morrow & Co., $23 hard-cover). ' : . , - • • • /// Tea room celebrates anniversary The award-winning Sweet Afton Tea Room, 985 N. Mill in Plymouth's historic Old Village, is celebrating its fifth year in business by offering a special "anniversary gift" to customers old and new. Preheat the oven to 375 F. Butter 2 baking sheets.. In a medium bowl, using a handheld electric mixer set at high speed, beat the butter until creamy, about 1 minute. Add the sugar and continue beating until the mixture is light in color and texture, about 2 additional minutes. Beat in the yolk and vanilla. Sift the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt onto a sheet of waxed paper. Using a wooden CEASAR SALAD DRESSING BAKED TOMATOES FLORENTINE 4 strips cooked bacon, diced 4 medium tomatoes 1package (10 oz.) frozen spni : . ach, thawed % cup fresh grated Parmesan or Asiago cheese % cup breadcrumbs 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened , ½ cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar .1 large egg yolk fe-teaspoon-vanjHa1 % cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder " 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Vfe teaspoon salt 24 walnut halves spoon, work the dry ingredients into the creamed mixture to form a stiff dough. Scrape the dough onto another sheet of waxed paper and form into a thick log about 8 inches long. Wrap the log in waxed paper and refrigerate until chilled and firm, about 1 hour. Using a sharp knife, cut the chilled dough into 24 slices, each 5/ 16 inch thick. Arrange the slices, about 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets. Flatten the slices slightly with a fork, and top each with a walnut half. Bake until golden brownj 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool on the baking sheets for 2 minutes, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely. The cookies will keep, stored in an airtight container, at room temperature, for 3 days. Makes 24 cookies. Shopping Hours: MOA.-Stt 9-8 ^ \ S o n . 10-« 454-0111 We accept U.S.D.A. Food Stomps W* R n * r v « Th* Right To Umtt QtMrrtMM On AH S«l> H i n t . T n t * » , , \ '-' j • 3B The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 ^is€G¥er4w0^Bpkadid-dishes from northern Italy See related story about "The Splendid Table," on Taste front. During the interview*? Lynne Rassetto Kasper said these were her favorite recipes from the book. Bon Appetit! INSALATA Dl PROSCIUTTOE ACETO B A L S A M I C O Salad of Tart Greens with pros-' ."• cluttp and Balsamic Vinegar 1 medium red onion, sliced into rings Vi cup red wine vinegar 1 small head each of fqmaine, raddicho, red leaf lettuce " and curly endive ^2 cup (2 oz) toasted pine nuts 3-4 whole scallions, thin sliced „ on the diagonal * 3 ounces Italian ParmagianoReggland cheese shaved with a vegetable peeler into thick curls 3 ounces thinly sliced Prosciutto di Parma, cut into bitesized squares 1 cup lightly packed fresh basil leaves 1 cup parsley leaves 8 large cloves garfick diced about % cup extra virgin olive oil 3-6 tablespoons Balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar about 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar salt and fresh ground pepper to taste Rid the onions of their sharpness by soaking them in lA cup red wine vinegar for 30 minutes. Meanwhile wash and dry the lettuce, throwing away any coarse or bruised leaves. Tear leaves into bite-sized pieces. In a large bowl, toss the leaves with the pine nuts, most of the scallions, half of the cheese, half the prosciutto, all of the basil and parsley. Arrange on a large platter. To make the dressing: In a medium skillet, slowly cook the,garlic in the olive oil over very low heat for 8 minutes or until barely colored. Remove with a slotted spoon and reserve. Turn the heat to medium high and add the vinegars to the oil. Cook a fewomoments or until the acid has diffused slightly. Add brown sugar to taste and allow the mixture to bubble slowly 1 minute.. - Taste forsweetness and allow to cool slightlyi Stir in extra brown " sugar or Balsamic vinegar if needed. 1 to 1½ cupsmijk 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive on •';/' /...'.•..•'; " \ •• Cook potatoes 15-20 minutes or until easily pierced with a fork. Meanwhile, pourJ. cup of the milk, the butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil into a bowl, While the potatoes are cooking, heat the remaining three tablespoons of oil into a 12inch skillet over high heat. Add the 2 large onions, minced ' Vz cup minced Italian parsley' 2 large cloves garlic, minced '/2 cup fresh minced basil leaves '/2 cup water salt and fresh ground black more milk. The mixture should be onions and all but 2 tablespoons of like very thick whipped cream, but the parsley. Turn the heat to medinot so loose that it will not hold a um low and cover. Cook 15 minutes . high mound on a spoon. or until the onions are soft and clear. Stir occasionally. Uncover Lightly oil a shallow 2½ quart and cook over medium high heat, baking dish. Spread half the potato stirring frequently for 8 minutes or mixture over the bottom of the dish. until the onions are golden brown. Top with, half the cheese and then Then stir in the garlic and basil and spread the remaining potatoes over cook another minute. Add the water • this. Sprinkle with the rest of the and scrape up any bits left in the cheese. •• skillet. Season with salt and pepPreheat oven to 350 degrees. per. Turn into a large bowl. When Lightly cover the potatoes with aluthe potatoes are tender, drain and minum foil and hake 30 minutes or peel them. Pass the hot potatoes. ' until hot in the center. J u s t before .< through a coarse blade of a- food ' serving, sprinkle with remaining . mill set over a large bowl or mash parsley. Serve hot. them with a potato masher. Blend Recipes reprinted with permission the potatoes with the ingredients in of Lynne Rossetto Kasper from "The the bottom of the bowl. Season to Splendid Table,'.' (Copyright 1992 • taste. If the potatoes seem dry, add William Morrow.) r All prices good the week of: C O U P O N POLICY"1 | November — December 30 1 4 5 2 3 Good Thru 12-6-92 \ I TRIPLE COUPONS | 6 I 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: 3 8 0 0 0 ANN ARBOR ROAD 5 MILE & FARMINGTON ^LIVONIA - PH. 464-0330 LLVQNIA^PH. 261-656¾ OPEN DAILY: 9 a . m . - 9 p . m . SUNDAY f) a Tn.-7p.rn. UP TO 3 5 I J DOUBLE COUPONS J , UP TO *i.oo Stan's Giant c$£ Meat Sale 'Look for your Spartan Coupon Circular Coming in the mail this week - Over '45.00 Worth of Holiday savings waiting to come your way. Ragu Spaghetti Sauces Ground Chuck 2f3.00 0>t Domino Sugar Dark, Light or 10-X lLb. 12 oz. Bag Chicken Breasts 2.44 $ Lb. (5 Lbs. or More) $ Lb. (5 Lbs. or More) USDA Boneless Lean/Meaty • Country Style Chuck Roast Spare Ribs 2/1.00 Chicken Holiday appetizers Two holiday appetizer workshops are being offered at the Community Center of Farmington/Farmington Hills, 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 1 and 7-9 p.m- Wednesday, Dec. 2. The cost is $15 per two hour workshop. To register, call 477-8404. 6-7 oz«. C a n s 99* Lb. (5 Lbs. or More) Fresh Grade A Assorted Varieties Fresh Extra Lean Ground Sirloin Drumsticks Northern Toilet Paper Mueller's Noodles $ 16 oz. Assorted Varieties 6 Roll $ • COOKBOOK AUTHORS Chuck Muer will autograph copies of his new cookbook at Jacobson's in Laurel Park Place, Six Mile a t Newburgh in Livonia,' noon to 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3. Bonnie Stewart Mikelson, will autograph copies of her book "Hollyhocks & Radishes," noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6. 1.59 7 88 ¢ Lb. Hygrade Hot Dogs « With Coupon Below Lean Center Cut Rib Pork Chops....... Frozen • MADRIGAL DINNER Enjoy a traditional old England yuletide feast at the 16th annual Madrigal Dinner at Schoolcraft College in Livonia. Tickets are $30 per person. For information, call 462-4417. Dates are — 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10, Friday, Dec. 11 and Saturday, Dec. 11. (5 L b s . o r More) $ 2.77, Grade 3 / l.OO Assorted Varieties Jeno's Pizza Rolls 36 Count 18 Oz. Skin Lotion 200* HIGH QUALITY ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS Starting at »99°° Coupon Expires 12/31/92 lPMF-12-020] Supplier codo#54699/ /T3237228 R£ MARKUN'LIONEL LEARN THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD STARTER SET (Outstanding Promotional Package) $ I I Sirloin Steak Bananas Roast Beef only. Fresh rresn Muenster Cheese !•*!an*. Dairy I Parkay A A ( Philadelphia 8 oz. 9 9 * Cream Cheese SAVE 200 281 Lb. 3 Lb. Apple Bag Red or Golden $- Q Q <J«99Lb. 99 <r + Dep. Produce Lean Sliced $ 2 Liter Assorted Varieties (5 L b s . o r More) . ltVVLb. n r A A Mac's Granny Smith,.,.69c Naval Oranges ..$2.99Ea. Mushrooms 9 9 ¾ Bayer (Assorted Varieties) A | . , -. . -^ ftA 8 9 1 Pain Formulas 5oct. $ 2.99 Bonus Coupon "1 Eckrich 10 oz. Smok-Y ^ , Links Each Save 200 at the checkout when you purchase one (1) 5 lb. bag of Pillsbury Flour (Assorted Varieties). Sttn't Mtfktt Coupon cannol bo used in donjurtclioh w i n any other coupon olfftf. Limit one coupon por family. Redeemable only at the store or storo groups Indicator! above. This coupon may not bo reproduced tn any tornv Good only on product shown- Retailor; You are authorised to act as our agent and rodeorrt this coupon at lace value plus Ac handling it in accordance with Our rodomptron policy. RETAILER - For pnyffwnl. m*tt lo: The Pillsbury Company. P.O. Box 101ft. MihnaapoliJ, MN 5M40. . 1 «92 Tho PilUbury Company USDA Choice Boneless (5 L b s . o r M o r e ) Sliced Ham only A.U5!Lb. Bologna only 1 . 9 9 Spread 3 Lb. Tub Good only Bl Italian Sausage. Eckrich All Meat [HrTwr^ 1 Stan's Homemade Deli 2/5.00 St. Sues (Assorted) 2.27 Lb PepsiCola U.44* 2.88 itivvLb. (5 L b s . o r M o r e ) Chicken Breast 6.5-7 Oz. Lb. $ , (5 L b s . o r More) Banquet Pot P i e s • WASSAIL FEAST T h e Hospitality Management Students of Oakland Community College in Farmington Hills are presenting a traditional Wassail Feast 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3. Tickets are $30 per person and should be purchased in advance. For information, call 471-7786. OO (5 L b s . o r M o r e ) (5 L b s . o r M o r e ) All Meat 79* A Q$ (5 L b s . o r M o r e ) 5 Lb. Bag 7 Fresh English Cut Roast.... •L7IL Ground Turkey Stan's Homemade Lean Boneless $ 1.44, Fresh Kielbasa *•-» TLb. Stewing Beef, Pillsbury Flour • THEBREADMAN George Burnett, " T h e Breadm a n , " and author of " T h e Breadman's Healthy Bread Book," will autograph his book a n d demonstrate uses of the Breadman Bread Making Machine, 1-3 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2 in the Marketplace of Hudson's in Oakland Mall. Lb. (5 Lbs. or More) Lb. (5 Lbs. or More) USDA Boneless 1,79 Pringles * Lb. (5 Lbs. or More) •&/.J> Nestle Morsels Grade A Boneless Skinless Fresh Ground Beef 27.5-30.5 oz. Send items for publication in Cooking Calendar to Keely Wygonik, Taste editor, the Observer & Eccentric, 36251 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia, MI 48150. Jt4T W. « M M • B « M f | f • MS-S11S M.T.W » S»t. 10-5:30; t i l . , frt. (»•»; Sun, 12-4 (Convtnltiitly loc«t«t n««' ! • « • ) PATATEMESCE Basil arid onion mashed potatoes •.'• 5 pounds small red skin pota- If the dressing is too sharp simmer briefly to boil off the vine- ' gar's acid. Set aside till ready to serve. To serve: Top with drained red onions and scatter the rest of the scallions pine nuts, cheese and prosciutto over the salad. Reheat COOKING CALENDAR '7A*r>*U'^*H^ Sf^SOdt^SU^ pepper to taste olive oil 1 cup (4 ounces) fresh grated Parmesan-Reggiano cheese Scrub the potatoes and place them i» a 6-quart pot with enough cold water to cover. P u t the lid i n , place and set the pot over high heat. Bring the water to a lively bubble. "Adjust the heat so t h a t the potatoes . do not boil over and keep the pot partially covered. the dressing, stir vigorously to blend and pour over salad. Serve immediately. I • I Limit 2 with $ 1 0 . 0 0 Purchase Good u o o a thru u i r u 12*6-92 iz*o-»z 4 •>••••««•<<••«• m* The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 4B+ iii. Use leftover pie to make gingefbreadrioaves- One pot dinner festive AP — N o holiday baking spree would be complete without trie aroma of spicy gingerbread wafting through your kitchen. T h e s e perfect-for-gift-giving size loaves u s e u p t h e leftover p u m p k i n from your holiday pie. .-'•'-•' T Cuuha. Make a break t h e tradi- | tional holiday menu! With good food as the' entertaining heart of the season, flaunt some culinary creativity. "New menus or dishes are welcome during-the holidays, if they combine familiar ingredients- in new ways," said Robin Kline, registered dietician and National Pork Producers. Council director of consumer affairs. "One way to make your meals special is to take familiar dishes or traditional holiday ingredients a n d give t h e m a special twist: Give t h a t traditional pork roast a unique stuffing, for instance, or try mixing: t h e expected cranberries with jalape'no peppers for a surprising relish. "Another way to make holiday entertaining special is to feature a Festive meal: traditional holiday dish from another land. In many countries, Feijoada, the PUMPKIN GINGERBREAD LOAVES ' 2 .cups all-purpose flour • .½ cup packed browrt sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder • l teaspoon ground cinnamon •A teaspoon bating soda 1 cup canned pumpkin '/2 cup molasses 2 eggs Va cup margarine or butter ¼ cup milk ' 1 tablespoon grated gingerroot HELP FEED THE HUNGRY Buy a Case of Food This holiday season please the crowd with Brazilian one-pot meal for festive occafavah pnrk is tjfiR 'stai-' fnr holiday sinns. Seemingly exotic, it's amazingly simple to make. meals," said Kline. -.-.•For example, Feijoada (pronounced fay-oh-ah-da), a Brazilian festival dish, is a festive onep o t meal with something for everyone. Black beans are the heart of t h i s drsh, with ham, pork loin, sausage, tomatoes and seasonings adding the "soul." Accompany Feijoada with a simple appetizer of ham-wrapped pineapple spears^ add fresh hot bread and a fruit tray for dessert and you have all the makings for a crowd-pleasing^ easy-on-the-cook, festive party. FEIJOADA 1 pound dried black beans 6 cups water 1 pound boneless ham; cut into %-inch cubes 1 pound boneless pork loin, cut into %-inch cubes 3 A pound hot Italian sausage, sliced into 1-inch pieces % pound smoked sausage, sliced into 1-inch pieces 1 pint cherry tomatoes .. 1 onion, chopped 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 6 cloves garlic, peeled and minced '/s teaspoon orange zest Cover the beans with cold water and soak overnight; or cover them with boiling water and let stand two hours. Drain. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large Dutch oven, combine all ingredients. Bring to a boil, skimming if necessary. Cover and transfer to oven. Bake 1½ hours; remove cover and bake another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool slightly, then cover and refrigerate overnight. Remove any fat from surface. Reheat Feijoada slowly. Serves: 12 Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 120 minutes Nutrient Information per Seruing: Calories 346, Protein 16 gm,. Sodium 773 mg, Cholesterol 71 mg, Fat: 31 gm. IHUNQBX FOR FEEDING THE HUNGRY Use this coupon to Help Feed the Hungry. Gleaners Community Food Bank will use your donations to purchase the cases of food you select and distribute them at no cost to more than 180 soup kitchens, church pantries, and emergency shelters. INDICATE THE NUMBER OF CASES OF EACH ITEM YOU WISH TO BUY FOR THE HUNGRY Handy tip keeps rolls hotter, longer •''•• Here are some handy tips to use "ior share. T o keep rolls hotter longer, p u t - ' a piece of aluminum foil in the •basket under the napkin. ' - Adding water, rather than milk, • to beaten eggs, will make for a' • 'more tender omelet. evenly among the prepared pans. For topping, stir together walnuts and sugar; sprinkle evenly over batter. Bake in a 350-degree F oven for 40 to 50 minutes or until 1 a toothpick inserted near the center ' of each, loaf comes out clean. Cool loaves inpaiis on wire racks for 10 minutes. Remove frpm pans. Cool thoroughly on wire racks. Makes 4 loaves, 8 servings each. To freeze: Wrap-each loaf tightly in freezer wrap. Seal, label and freeze for u p to 6 months. To thaw, let stand, loosely covered, at room temperature for 1 hour. Or, to thaw in the microwave oven, place one unwrapped loaf on a microwavesafe paper towel. Cook, uncovered, on 30 percent power ltolViminutes. or 1 teaspoon ground ginger V3 cup finely chopped walnuts 2 tablespoons sugar Grease the bottoms and halfway up-th'e sides of four 4l/2- by 2V2-inqh loaf pans: Set aside. ,. In a large mixing bowl stir together'l cup of the flour, the brown sugar,' baking-powder, cinnamon and baking soda. Add pumpkin.njolas' ^ses, eggs, margarine or butter, milk and gingerroot or ginger. Beat with an electric mixer on low to medium speed for 30 seconds or until combined. Beat on medium to high speed-for 2 minutes, scraping the sides of the bowl occasionally. Add remaining flour; beat for 2 minutes or until mixed. Divide the batter T h e American Dairy Association offers these holiday entertaining tips. Keep your refrigerator stocked with favorite cheeses. Two Or more varieties served with fruit a n d crackers make an easy and sophisticated offering for unex- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) pected guests. For a quick and easy holiday breakfast for house guests, set up a yogurt buffet. Offer a selection of yogurt flavors and let guests help themselves to stir-ins like fresh fruit, raisins, wheat germ, cereals and/or coconut. €f v €hlcr s Company Carrier jYe're The Inside Guysy Our 31st Year •Unlimited License and Insured 200 $A A A CASH Castleberry Beef Stew Bush's Deluxe Pork & Beans Star Kist Chunk Light Tuna Kroger Peanut Butter Welch's Grape Jelly Ragu Old World Style Spaghetti Sauce Healthy Choice Chicken Noodle Soup Kroger Instant Potatoes Beech Nut Baby Food Juicy Juice (Grape Juice) Sunshine HiHo Deluxe Crackers S-M-A Infant Formula Kroger Toasted Oats Cereal $14.06 $10.85 $40.00 $18.00 $19.35 $20.44 $14.40 $14.03 *$ 7.20 $12.83 $25.50 $24.86 $16.50 case case case case case case case case case Case case case case Gleaners salutes the above food industry associates for their involvement in our continued efforts to Help Feed the Hungry. Enclosed is myh check in the amount of $ . .for .case(s) of food as a tax deductible contribution to Gleaners Community Food Bank to Help Feed the Hungry. REBATE Direct From Carrier 10 Year Parts Warranty On Model 38TH Air Conditioner Name r500 >$J CASH REBATE Direct From Carrier & Utility] • - '. Address. 10 Year Parts Warranty On.Hodei 585XB Furrace City/State/Zip FREE NO-OBLIGATION ESTIMATE! 30885 Eight Mile Road • Livonia CALL TODAY 442-8500 . ' " Please make checks payable to Gleaners Community Food Bank and mail with this coupon to: 2131 Beaufait, Detroit, Michigan 48207 <3*gg»>«9 For more information call (313) 923-3535^ 25 „,,,„, n Lllfait II ill Prices Only Effective 421-0710 31210 WEST WARREN STORE HOURS SUN. 10-6 MON;-SAT. 9-8 NOV. 30 thru DEC. 6 Corner of Warren & Merrjman • Merri-Warren Shopping Center CAL FRESH MEAT - SEAFOOD - DELI - FRUIT & VEGETABLE STORE U.S.D.A. Western Grain Fed Beef Whatever causes you are giving to now, set a goal to increase your giving to a level that will make a permanent and positive difference.Give Five - 5 hours a week and 5% of your income. The rewards will make you feel'like a winner every clay of your life. For more information, call 1-80O-55-GIVK-5. %fjy H—-•-• Five ftours a week and five percent ofyour income. B Boneless CHUCK $ ROAST • • ww LB Bob's Deli - Special Winter Sausage Co. ^%f_ Regular or Garlic ^ ^ ^ 9 r LB. B O L O G N A Limit 3 LBS. U.S.D.A. Western Grain Fed Beef t BONELESS ENGLISH ROAST 1 . 8 9 LB. U.S.O.A. Western Grain Fed Beef Semi-Boneless STANDING RIB ROAST(ifth-«»v.ntnrib U.S.D.A. Western Grain Fed Beef TASTY - LEAN BONELESS STEWING BEEF.. U.S.D.A. Western Grain Fed Beef $ 0NELESS ENGLISH ROAST., U.S.D.A. Western Grain Fed Beef Grade A F r e s h Boneless Sirloin PRIME RIB ROAST PORK $J QA ! CHOPS l i W LB. K. — Coke 20 oz. 8 pk. L B . Cut & Tied Free 1-4 Rib s 2.99 + DEP. Grade A Fresh ,_, __ Assorted Flavors BBQ PORK SPARE RIBS * 1 . 3 9 LB . Imported POLISH STYLE HAM « 2 . 6 9 LB. _ w , Mlcelli MOZZARELLA CHEESE .MltfSi...»1.79 LB. Michigan All Purpose LOOSE YELLOW COOKING ONIONS 1 2 * LB. Bob's Farm Market Your Holiday Headquarters Michigan m*± ' Specializing in custom made party, cheese & veggie, shrimp and CARROTS 3 LB. Bag 59* sandwich trays. Starting at California Seedless ^ $ J A Q Per Ptnon * U P 3 D*V Notice Last Day to Order: 12-20-92 NAVAL ORANGES 1 O * EAIN only: We accept Personal Checks, Mfgs. Coupons and Food Stamps , We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities • All Sales Items Available While Supplies Last i t:n l r 11 • HI :! ifinn 1 ¾ r n IT 11' r f.71 • TrrpTTriiiTro n i -.. .||i 111 ^ m m m m m m m She ©bserucr SUSAN DEMAGGIO, COORDINATOR 644-1100 ext. S66 &MAINSTREETS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 •5B Stay on your toes say security pros {SHOPPING CENTERED B Y SUSAN D E M A G G I O STAFF WRITER LINDA BACHRACK Artful objects, aromas create warm welcome Garlands of evergreens, nosegays of dried roses and clusters of fruit and holly berries were artfully arranged by the women of colonial Williamsburg to create swags.and topiary that fragrantly decorated their holiday entryways. The custom of gathering leaves and flowers from the garden and embellishing them with pine cones, cinnamon sticks and yards of shiny ribbon is one that is enjoyed today. And what could be. more welcoming to your guests than the fresh scent of greenery and a hallway decked in traditional red and green? With the addition of candlelight and the sparkle of brass and glass, you can create a warm, yet dramatic welcome. The gilt-edged potpourri bowl ($22.95) from Crate & Barrel in the Somerset Collection, lends just the right touch to your foyer. Crafted of handblown glass, this Crate & Barrel exclusive features a brass tealight candle holder. The warmth from the flame releases the fragrance of the potpourri. "I really love thiybowl," said Donna Menton of Northville as she pulled me aside to explain the reasons behind her purchase. "I can use it yearround, just by changing the potpourri. It has such a nice contemporary look, and is different from anything I've seen." In fact, the item was so popular that none were left when we went back for a photograph, but they promised a new shipment was on its way. It is also pictured in Crate & Barrel's catalogue. Menton chose Crate & Barrel's evergreen potpourri ($7.95) for its all natural forest fragrance. Another way to permeate the air with enticing smells is to bake a batch of holiday cookies. If your sugarplum fantasies include gingerbread men and snickerdoodles, spend a day in the kitchen mixing up your favorite confections while enjoying the soothing melodies of The Nutcracker. Be sure to make an extra dozen to share with drop-in visitors. Nothing says welcome quite like a fresh-baked cookie and the lingering aromas of vanilla and nutmeg. And to elicit smiles from children of all ages, encourage your guests to help themselves to the contents of the delightful cookie jar pictured. The jolly snowman ($34) is a cheerful holiday accent that should occupy a prominent place in your kitchen or just inside the front door. Keep him handy for ^•JQMVjShk a treat for neighborhood I M | ^ Q carolers. He is just one of the VH^^HHr gift items available at the Ed^^••PP^ die Bauer Home Collection store in Twelve Oaks mall. If your home reflects the popular new "cabin chic" decorating trend, a rustic hunting lodge look, then you must have a moose, the hottest collectible to capture the essence of Adirondack charm. Eddie Bauer's Home Collection is crawling with charming moose ($20). They lounge on flannel-covered beds, peek through the slats of rocking chairs and ride in green pine sleigh baskets ($39) like the one we picture. Generally, they replace the teddy bear as the fuzzy, furry critter of the season. Everyone seems intrigued with the lovable moose. "Bullwinkle in a sweater," exclaimed Jackie Verlinden of Birmingham. Her sister, Linda Forrester, described the moose as "warm and outdoorsy, better than a bear." Both agreed that a moose was capable of welcoming friends in a special way. You just can't look at his curious countenance without grinning — a novel addition to your twig table or wicker chair in the entryway. Crate & Barrel and the Home Collection also offer golden luminaria to light the way to your front door. Choose twinkling cut-out stars from Crate & Barrel ($14.95/set of 12) or a scenic Northwest tree and snow design from the Home Collection ($8/set of 6). So, the halls are decked with holly and mistletoe. A cozy fire crackles in the hearth and the spicy-sweet smell of potpourri perfumes the air. Home-baked goodies cool in the cookie jar. The soft glow of candlelight, inside and out, conveys hospitality. Your home says welcome and the memory of a warm welcome lasts forever. Next week, a look at the nostalgic return to classic toys. If you've overdosed on GI Joe and Nintendo, don't despair. Favorite toys of yesteryear are enticing kids this holiday season. Linda Bachrack is a Birmingham resident. If you have column ideas to share, she can be reached from your touch-tone phone at 953-2047, Ext. 1889. JERRY ZOLYNSK> /STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Who's shopping?: Laura (seated) and Marcy Zatz of Bingham Farms browse through the books at Tel-Twelve Mall. Their grandmother Olga Yaremchuk re-shelves one they've rejected. • Holiday shopping trips are the ideal time to start teaching youngsters how to manage their money. The experts suggest parents match what kids save to help their holiday dollars go further. Homemade gifts are budget stretchers, too. BY SUSAN DEMAGGIO STAFF WRITER Even though she's only 5 years old, Laura Zatz of Bingham Farms wants to buy presents for the ones she loves. "I want to get my little sister a doll and my grandma some books," she said on a recent shopping trip to TelTwelve Mall in S6uthfield. Sheexplained that she had $3.95 in her piggy bank with which to purchase. these and other gifts for her family. Linda Mcintosh, marketing director of Fairlane Mall in Dearborn said Laura's dilemma is not unique. "As the holidays near, we see many young shoppers trying to find something special for families and friends," she said. "But often they're overwhelmed because they lack the sophisticated shopping skills of their parents. But with a little help from the experts parents can help children develop those skills." Mcintosh quoted Grace Weinstein, author of "Children and Money," who insists that "money is a learning tool." "Part of that learning is spending, so whether they're buying for themselves or someone else, they have to learn by doing," Weinstein points out. "If a child has absolutely no money, parents might provide a set amount to cover all gift shopping. But how to allocate the money should be the child's decision." Jim Reichel of Novi said his children buy presents at the Santa Shoppe sponsored by the PTA group at school. Many schools provide this service so kids can have fun and surprise their parents with gifts they bought themselves. 4^% Kids For kids'only develop shopping skills during holiday season Janis Segal, a Southfield mother of three,, agreed. "My kids are 3, 6, and 17-yearsold," she explained. "We celebrate Hanukkah. When they buy gifts we let them select the presents. Sometimes we pitch in to help cover the cost." Match kids'savings Weinstein also suggested parents, if they are able, match the funds children save themselves for presents, or supplement their allowances before the holidays with the understanding that the extra money is for gifts. Mail managers urged parents shopping with youngsters to set a date early in the shopping season, before the stores get too busy, preferably when the stores first open and everyone is fresh. "Children should shop with a Kst of people and amounts, not with specific gift ideas in mind," said Elaine Kah, marketing director at Twelve Oaks Mall in Novi. "For kids, too specific a list can be limiting and frustrating. It's better to wander through a store with inexpensive items and let their imaginations go." She said she sees many kids just buying wrapping paper or candy for homemade gifts that stretch their gift dollars. The Community House in Birmingham and Jacobson's are cosponsoring a Children's Only Shop on the second floor of The Community House through Saturday, Dec. 12. Kids can shop from 3r6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. Gifts are priced from $.50 to $5. The Community' House is located on Bates Street between Merrill and Townsend. ; The mall stores no longer set up special shops for "children, however, at the Renaissance Center in downtown Detroit, children's shopping is a weekend feature until Dec. 24 between Towers 200 and 300 in the Fashion Plaza. Lakeside Mall merchants have compiled a list of gifts under $5 for youthful shoppers. The list includes scented soaps, travel mugs, cassette singles, flavored coffee . samplers, mints wrapped to resemble tree ornaments, socks, and musical toothbrushes. Dennis Jaboro, 15, of West Bloomfield said he expects to spend $500 to $600 for family gifts this year. "I've been buying presents with my own money for the past two years," he said. "I earn the money by working in my dad's store. I spend the money on my friends and family. It's just something I like to do." Jaboro's budget may not be the typical teen's, but a 1991 Roper Youth Report found that American children, ages 8 to 17, spend between $22-$26 billion per year. The holiday shopping season may be short, but smart shopping habits born this December will last a lifetime. MONDAY, NOV. 30 MUSIC PERFORMANCE Rochester Community Education Band plays. 7:15 p.m. Center Court. MeadowBrook Village Mali. Walton/University. 375-9451. LAQNIAPPE Shoppers receive "a little something extra" from participating merchants. 6-9 p.m. Santa visits. Holiday tree lighting ceremony 7 p.m. city hall. • -Downtown Rochester. Rochester Road/University. 6560060. MAOIC MAILBOX Kids send letters off to North Pole via dazzling holiday displays. Now through Dec. 24. Display Includes fourpiece band of giant musical Instruments and concert hall complete with marble arches, golden garlands, red drapery and brass instruments. Santa nearby for photos. Twelve Oaks Mall. l-96/Novi Road. 348-9438. SESAME STREET SANTA Photos available in hands-on display featuring Big Bird, Hairy Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Cookie Monster, Bert and Ernie. Now through Dec. 24. Christmas trees decorated with ABCs. Oakland Mall. I- 75/14 Mile Road. 585-6000. SANTA PHOTOS North Court now through Dec. 24. Special "Carousel Christmas" display features hand-painted Pierrot dolls, gliding horses and sparking Ice light?. Laurel Park Place. W. Six Mlle/Newburgh. 4621100. , TUESDAY, DEC 1 KIDS FOOD DRIVE Canned goods collected after puppet shows and children's events. Distribution to local food banks. Now through Dec. 24. MeadowBrook Village Mall. Waltdn/Unlvwslty. 375-9451. ADDED ATTRACTIONS INFORMAL MODELINO. Featuring Donna Sacs and the Limited. Center Court. Pianist Gloria McBeth performs. 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Laurel Park Place. W. Six Mlle/Newburgh. 462-1100. MORNING; RADIO ~'' Free coffee, muffins and give-aways. 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Sponsored by WKQI-radio. Laurel Park Place. W. Six Mlle/Newburgh. 462-1100. ° WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2 CARTOONIST VISITS Pete and Clete originator Richard Torrey at Hudson's to personalize purchases from sport humor, silk necktie collection. Caricatures of customers. Men's accessories. Oakland Mall, noon to 2 p.m. Twelve Oaks, 5-7p.m. 443-6263. TREES FOR CHARITY Twenty-four Christmas trees representing local charities compete for best-trimmed donation votes from holiday shoppers. 1991 benefit raised $80,000. Now through Dec. 30. Englander's Furniture. Maple/Hunter. 5400660. SATURDAY, DEC. 5 'Tis the season to go shopping. 'Tiff also the season to be wary while shopping. Many malls and mainstreets report adding security personnel for the holidays because the mere sight of uniformed officers deters f wrongdoing. Thieves look for unlocked cars to gain easy access to packages left in the backseat, according to Capt. Scott Jackson, whose security firm contracts with several area malls. They watch for wallets left on counters during transactions. They notice purses left unattended in public restrooms. "Before a family or couple enters the mall they should agree on a meeting place in case they become lost or separated. Parents should make sure their little ones know their name and phone number." "Don't shop with large amounts of cash," advises Sgt. Christopher Carr of Tel-Twelve Mall in Southfield. "We don't have many purse snatchings or pick pockets here, but shoppers should always be alert." Don't become overloaded with packages, said Lt. William Tullock of the Troy police, who reviews crime reports from The Somerset Collection and Oakland Mall. "If your hands are filled with Nintendo games, Barbie dolls and other gifts, you have identified yourself as a defenseless target. Birmingham police Cmdr. Richard Dimock said the police department is in the middle of downtown and a police officer patrols the district on horseback. Some suggestions: "Women carrying packages should wear a shoulder strap purse inside their coat. Females should shop in pairs and avoid parking in dark, unlit areas." Cmdr. Michael Gardner of the Plymouth Police Department said street crime during the holidays in downtown Plymouth is almost non-existent. "I just tell people"to use common sense and be alert." Shopping alert: Security officers warn shoppers to fight crime with common sense. KEYBOARD PERFORMANCE Holiday music by David Bevtngtpn, Noon. Laurel Park Place. W. Six Mile/Newburgh. 462-1100. " SANTA BREAKFAST Entertainment, souvenirs, continental breakfast. 9 a.m. center court. Reservations preferred. $2. Also at center court Saturday: live holiday music performance 6« 7 p.m. MeadowBrook Village Mall. Walton/University. 375-9451. ORNAMENT WORKSHOP Sponsored by Livonia Recreation Department and Livonia Mall. Kids ages 5-8. 11 a.m. Little Caesar's Court. Reservations necessary. Livonia Mall. Seven Mile/Middlebelt. 476-1166. MADELINE MADNESS French crepes, color-your-own Christmas cards, autographs and holiday video. For little ones. 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Breakfast with Madeline $3 at Ruby Tuesday. First come-first serve basis. Video-screening 10:15-10:45 a.m. Performing Arts Court. Madeline will autograph memorabilia from home. Repeated throughout the day. Lakeside Mall. M-59/Schoenherr. 247-1744., SUNDAY, DEC. 6 CHRISTMAS PARADE Down Main Street, 2 p.m. Rochester Road. Greater Rochester-area Chamber of Commerce. 651-6700 ITUC^^VHIIK H R n r l n n Bill Arnold, Hummel spokesman, lectures on production of collector's figurines. Heslop's. 2-4 p.m. and 68 p.m. Free gift with Hummel purchase. Oakland Mail. 1-75/14 Mik* Road. 539-1433. JINOLEBtLLRUM Chill buffet. Awards presentation. Max & Erma't. Benefit for Arthritis Foundation. MeadowBrook Village Man. Watton/UtUvtnlty. 375-9451. MR* pap •p p wwmm The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 6B(F)* ™ mm " " " — l l ^ T s T " " — ? i ii- I, * i _jIL^ .. L iSorne womeni are thick as a brick A while LEFT OF back I was sitCENTER ting at a den- tist's office waiting to get a tooth pulled. As usual in the world of medical professionals, it was going to be a JILL little wait. HAMILTON The dentist motioned to a small rack with ' three magazines in it — "Money," '-'Time" and "U.S. News and World Reports." "Oh," he said. "I'll go get you a women's magazine." A women's magazine? In a blinding flash of bad judgment, since this man was about to be yanking a tooth out of my mouth, I said in what I hoped was a withering manner, "These look like women's magazines to me." The dentist sort of laughed nervously, probably mostly concerned with getting away from this evil feminist woman. It's not that I haven't read a few women's magazines in my time, it's just that the dentist seemed to think I couldn't trouble my little self with such weighty matters as world affairs and money management. Hey, maybe I would sometimes rather read "10 Ways to Make Your Man Your Love Slave" than "10 Promising Money Market Funds," but I don't want anyone assuming anything. My main problem with worn' en's magazines is that they assume that women are seriously dense, weight-obsessed and desperate for a man. OK, I admit it, at some point during my life, weight-obsessed and/or desperate for a man have been my main personality traits, but it was a passing thing. Women's magazines assume this is a constant state. This might be because most women's mags are controlled by men. ("Sassy" is an exception). Knowing this, it becomes less surprising that women's mags were the first to trumpet the supposed man shortage and the last to give up the idea that women should pretty much do anything to get a dude. I know this sounds really paranoid like Oliver Stone or something, but it seems like women's magazines are designed to make women think about stupid things. It all starts with "Seventeen" and "YM" (Young Miss). You are supposed to start with those, move on to "Glamour" and "Mademoiselle," graduate to "Redbook" and "Women's Day," then finally progress to "Lear's." So far no one has yet to hit 1 expr M upon the idea of marketing to boy-crazy 80-year-olds. Feature: "He Offers to'Share His Creamed Peas With You . . . Is It LOVE?" I picked up a copy of "YM" at the library. In one of the many quizzes about boys scattered throughout the magazine, there was one called "Are You Girlfriend Material or Always a Pal?" Question two says, "You're meeting your best friend's boyfriend for the first time. You: A. grin and slap him on the back; B. smile and shake his hand; C. purr hello and drape yourself over him like a new suit." Now, about this answer C, one of the two "correct" answers. Just how is it that you drape yourself over someone "like a new suit" anyway? I should be trying things like this? On my friend's boyfriend? Then there's this weight-obsessed thing. Take a look at "Better Homes and Gardens,1' "Women's Day" or any of the other mags for the 25-44-yearold — I guarantee than every single one of them will have something about losing weight on the cover and something about a fattening chocolate dessert. Here's what the cover of "Good Housekeeping" says: "Exclusive Diana's Exercises" and "Sweets, Savories and the World's Best Brownies." Don't these stories cancel each other out? : Finally, there's the womenare-dense problem. In a household tips column, the writer said we should be solving the problem of chipped dishes by wrapping each and every dish in a toweL Isn't this sort of expensive, not to mention a waste of time? In a "Most Admired Women" poll, "Good Housekeeping" gives us the choices. In most of the magazines, the articles are short; the words small; and the subject matter limited. This would be OK except no men's magazines are this inane. Compare "Esquire" to "Redbook" or "Details" to "Glamour." The men's magazines talk about the world, entertainment and living a life. The women's talk about tips to keep a man interested and how to make the perfect pot holders. ' And somehow, that doesn't seem fair. If you have a question or comment for Jill Hamilton, send it to Street Sense, Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia 48150. You can also leave a message by calling 953-2047, mailbox 1865, on a touch-tone phone. • Warrior Soul singer and Livonia native Kory Clarke checks in with his third release, ".Salutations from the Ghetto Nation." The pulsating hard rock tone of the album covers a spectrum of emotions, from violatile social commentaries to incisive personal politics. B Y LARRY O'CONNOR STAFF WRITER The ability to express himself in vitriolic purges of frustration has never been a problem for Warrior Soul's Kory Clarke. Not at all. Growls the Livonia native on his latest release on David Geffen Growls the Livonia native on his latest release on David Geffen Records: "We stack the courts and we tax the poor/Got Johnny Lunchbox to fight our wars/ . . . Tax him to his knees and make him 'love the flag/We got corporate freedom. He gets a body bag." At times, the onslaught of apocolyptic visions of disintegration, hopelessness and dispair on "Salutations from the Ghetto Nation" become overbearing especially when weighted down by pounding metal guitars. There's no rainbows here. "There's some definite throwing up your arms in the air on this album," said Clarke, whose band performs? Friday, Dec. 4, at the Ritz in Roseville. "Sometimes, that's just the way you feel. "Other parts of the album I'm 18 and I don't know what I want . . . It goes through all the emotions." Clarke's musical career has spanning more than 10 years and includes everything from slashing punk to blistering hard rock. He performed in local outfits such as L7 (not the California all-female outfit) and Trial before venturing to New York to form Warrior Soul. His musical journey has been marked by candor. He speaks his mind, spilling bile indiscriminantly and never apologizing for its messiness. Social commentaries about himself can be equally oblique. He carves up bitter introspection in songs such as "Punk and Belligerent," which was written in anger after a brief separation from his wife. Declares Clarke on the power chord proclaimation: "I'm going out tonight/And I'm going out. drinking/Don't bother waiting up/'Cause I'm coming home stinking." Yet for all this Miller Lite inspired bravado, Clarke keeps one guessing as he evokes a sense of tenderness in the arena rock pop of "The Golden Shore," which covers the tried but true theme of going on the road and being separated from a loved one. Soul expression: John Ricco (left), Kory Clarke, Pete McClanahan and Mark Evans have their third release, "Saluations from a Ghetto Nation," out on David Geffen Records. ' ~ "There's me yelling at my wife on this record ("Punk and Belligerent"), There's me making up with my wife on this record," said Clarke, who graduated from Livonia Bentley High School. "There's me getting drunk and yelling on this album. There's me making fun of the Republican party on this album." The latter, "The Party," displays the pitfalls of political commentary in the rock medium. Clarke tries to kick the GOP in the teeth with the searing number. But the song now sounds dated with Clinton cleaning their clock in November's etection. "I predicted they would lose 15 months ago," Clarke said, "but no one listened to me." Few have bothered to listen or acknowledge Clarke's success here despite Warrior Soul being number one on many metal charts with its 1991 album, "Drugs, God and the New Republic." At the time, Clarke was irate at what he IN CONCERT Monday, Nov. 30 PARADISE V M l t Y JA2Z JAM aivln's, 5756 Cass, Detroit. 832-2355 Xuesday, Dec. 1 MAURA O'CONNELL The Ark, 637½ S. Main St.. Ann Arbor. Bolk) 961-1451 ALKCMCHAMt With Screaming Trees at St. Andrew's Pall, 431 E. Congress, Detroit. (Any exhas? This one's sold out) 961-MELT TRIANSM VI W O N Wind Pig, 208 S. First, Ann Arbor. f968555 CHISEL M t O T M M WITH THORNETTA BAVffi iAIvln's, 5756 Cass, Detroit. f32-2355 Thursday, Dec. 3 LOUDON WAMWRNJHT The Ark, 637¼ S. Main St., Ann Arbor. (folk) $34-9292 Srlth Scfttfhmg Trees at St. Andrew's Had, 431 E. Congress, Detroit. (Screech Ind grung*. This show Is sold out) WATERSHED With Glamour Puss at Paychecks, 2930 Canlff, Hemtremck. Se;-Mfcr 8740254 line •' HAPPY ACCIDENTS 3D Club, 1815 N. Main, Royal Oak. 589-3344 tick's Ctte, 611 Church, Ann Arbor. $96-2747 Friday, Dec. 4 TOM STARR AFRMNOS Riffle's Restaurant, Northvllle Road, between Six and Seven Mile roads. (Jazz) 348-3490 St. Andrew's Hall, 431 E. Congress, Detroit. Tickets are $ 10. (Alternative pop) 961-MELT , THE CHARM FARM Performs an acoustic set at Stanley's Mania .Cafe, East Baltimore, between John R arid Brush, Detroit. 873-4415 Wednesday, Dec, 2 m_< _ ; ; _ MACK ANTHEM jwith 8lack Water Station at GflfTs Grill, 4 9 N. Satfnaw, Pontlac. (Metal) Cross Street Station, 511 W. Cross, Ypsllanti. (reggae) 485-5050 778-6404 761-1451 EMF Hills. -l NKMmiQHT IMITATION Of LIFE "~ With Deterrent at Griff's Grill, 49 N. Saginaw, Pontlac. (Alternative rock) 334-9292 SCATTARBRAM The Ritz, 17580 Frazho, RoSevllle. (Hard rock) Communion Tour: Orbital will perform with Meat Beat Manifesto and Ultra Marine on Friday, Dec. 4, at Industry. VUDU HIPPIES Rick's Cafe, 611 Church, Ann Arbor. 996-2747 UNCLE CHUNK Blind Pig, 208 S. First, Ann Arbor. 996-8555 SOfMWNITirS SHOWCASE With Scott Fab, Mooshka and Chris Moore at Aivln's, 5756 Cass, Detroit. ^ COMMUNION TOUR With Meat Beat Manifesto, Orbital and Ultra Marine at Industry, 10 S. Saginaw, Pontlac. (Mind altering dance). Tickets are $5.50. 334-1999 LENNY PRICE With David Myles & the Mylestones with Klmmie Horn at Henry Fortsoh Auditorium, Inkster High School, 3250 Middlebelt, south of Michigan Avenue. Tickets are $8 In advance; $10 at the door. Proceeds benefit the music program at Inkster High. (Jazz) 729-7717 TINSLEY ELLIS Sully's, 4756 Greenfield, (Roadhouse blues) Warrior Soul will perform Friday, Dec. 4, at The Ritz, 17580 Frazho, Roseville. For information, call 778-6404. /r (Acoustic) 832-2355 MARY MCOUIREAMYK RISE Hoops, Auburn Road, Auburn (acoustic folk) ~ 373-4744 •THAME BEDFELLOWS Blind Pig, 208 S. First, Ann Arbor. 996-8555 perceived as an oversight by the print media and radio. He's obviously mellowed since then. Warrior Soul is in the midst of its first headline tour after successful opening slots for Metallica, Soundgarden and Queensryche. "Once the ball is rolling, Detroit will jump on it," Clarke said. Dearborn. 8461920 LESION HALL With Nameless at Griffs Grill, 49 N. Saginaw, pontlac. (Rock) 334-9292 MID NATURE With Opaque and jes gru at Llli's, 2930 Jacob, Hamtramck. (Pop/rock) 875-6555 WARRIOR SOUL The Ritz, 17580 Frazho, Roseville. (Mentally invigorating metal) 778-6404 RAQINQ HORMONES WITH SCOTT CAMPBELL J.J.'s, Ford Road, west of Merriman, Garden City. Admission Is $ 1 . (Alternative rock). 522-9450 NASHVILLE BLUE0RASS BAND The Ark, 637½ S. Main St., Ann Arbor. (Bluegrass) 761-1451 TRUST FUND' Cross Street Station, 511 W. Cross, Ypsllantl. 485-5050 CARYKOCHER QUARTET Bird of Paradise, 207 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor. (Jazz) 662-8310 FLOTSAM A JETSAM St. Andrew's Hall, 431 E. Congress, Detroit. Tickets are $5. (Alternative) 961-MELT HYPNOTICS With Caught Red at Paychecks, 2930 Canlff, Hamtramck. 8740254 BOP (HARVEY) Rick's Cafe, 611 Church, Ann Arbor. (World beat celebration) 996-2747 TRINIOAD TRIPOLI STEEL BAND Blind Pig, 208 S, First, Ann Arbor. (World music) 996-8555 THE BOQEYMEN Aivln's, 5756 Cass, Detroit. (Blues) 832-2355 CVMBELINES Hamtramck Pub, 2048 Canlff, Hamtramck. 365-3829 Saturday, Dec. 5 BAD COMPANY With Tom Cochrane at The StateTheatre, 2115 Woodward, Detroit. (Arena rock) 961-5450 TINSLEY ELLIS Sully's, 4756 Greenfield, Dearborn. (Roadhouse blues) 846-1920 T.B. VACCINE With Red C at Griffs Grill, 49 N. Saginaw, Pontlac. (Rock) 334-9292 TRASH BRATS With Mother Superior at Llll's. 2930 Jacob, Hamtramck. (Glam rock) 875-6555 SAINTS* SINNERS The Ritz, 17580 Frazho, Roseville. (Hard rock) 778-6404 RABINS HORMONES WITH SCOTT CAMPJ.J.'s, Ford Road, west of Merriman, Garden City. Admission Is $ 1 . (Alternative rock). 522-9450 JOSH WHITE, JR. The Ark, 637½ S. Main St., Ann Arbor, (folk) :' 761-1451 EBBBMB MbM wjmmmmmm The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 (F)*7B 'Unforgiven': Glint Bttsi-v wood stars with Morgan Freeman in "Unforgiven/' tuhichis ': piaymgat the University efMiehigan-Dear/ iarnDefr 2-; SCREEN SCENE HENRY FORD CENTENNIAL REDFORD THEATRE, 17360 LIBRARY, 13650 Michigan Ave., Lahser, Detroit. Call 537-2560 for Dearborn. Call 943-2330 for infor- information. ($2.50) mation. (Free) _ " T h e Bells of St. Mary's" (USA -^-Human-BondageMUSA^— > 1945). 8 p~.ni. Dec. 4 - 5 (organ 1946). 7 p.m. Nov. 30. This rare overture begins at 7:30 p.m.). Bing version of the Somerset Maugham Crosby returns as good Father story stars Paul Henried and El- O'Malley in this sequal to "Going eanor Parker as the intelligent My Way." He gets sent to a runcrippled man who falls in love down parish where Ingrid Bergwith the wrong woman, a vulgar waitress who degrades and tor- man is the Mother Superior. ments him. It can't hold a candle to the earlier Bette Davis-Leslie Howard version, but it's still UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - DEARBORN, Evergreen worth a look. be'twen Ford Road and Michigan MAPLE THEATRE, 4135 Avenue, Dearborn. Call 593-5433 Maple Road, Blbomfleld Hills. for information. (Free) Call 855-9090. for show times. "Unforgiven" (USA - 199-2). , ($5.75 evenings; $2.95 twilight) 7:30 p.m. Dec. 2 - 3. Clint East"Flirting" (Australia - 1991). A wood's superb new western finds coming-of-age film in which an . old squinty-eyes in the role of a outsider at a boarding school in gunslinger who comes out of rethe '60s falls for a fellow outcast tirement for one last job. Gene at; a nearby girl's school. An Hackman plays the local sheriff award-winning Australian film who will do anything to keep orfrom the makers of "The Year My der in his town. Voice Broke." - John Monaghan ;3-r^-;:--,: 1-900-454-8088 7 U U I / L J YOUR PERSONAL PEOPLE CONNECTION C O S T : M.49 P E R 1. Call 1-900-454-8088. Respond to an ad that appeals to you by MINUTE 2. Or browse through a 3. Leave a message. 4. Call anytime, 24 hours a day! selection of new and current You'll hear a recorded greeting from the person who placed the ad. If that person sounds like the person you're looking for, leave your message! The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers PERSONAL SCENE line never closesafter all, you never know when the right person may have left a message for you! pressing!. greetings by pressing 2. The cos! is M.49 per minute. When the system answers, just follow the easy instructions. You will need to use the 5-digit violce mailbox* number located in the ad you select. Including upcoming PERSONAL SCENE ads that willappear in the next issue of Observer & Eccentric Classified Ads. You must be at hast 18 years of age to place or respond to a PERSONAL SCENE td. The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers assumes ho liability for the content, response or any relationshipresultingfrom an ad in this column. Participants agree to indemnify and not hold this publication responsible for any cost, expense (including attorney fees), liability and damage resulting from or caused bythe publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reploy to such acfrertisemert 620 Men Seeking Women 621 Women Seeking Men 621 Women Seeking Men 621 Women Seeking Men 620 Men Seeking Women 620 Men Seeking Women 620 Men Seeking Women 620 Men Seeking Women AAS-SALAAM-ALAIKUM Muslim seeks wife to help me become a millidnare and 100% minister In the new nation of Islam e t c . * 44341 ARE YOU LOOKING for someone who is honest, caring, affectionate,, easy going & decent looking? Well, look no further. I'm a single white male, 25 yrs...5'8", 155 lbs.,,dark brown hair, blue eyes. «44607 DIVORCED white father of 3. 6', 165"lbs. blue eyes, warm honest, smoker, seeking attractive, feeling white female to share friendship 5 romance. Garden City. «44705 DEAR.SANTA: I've been a g o o d girl VERY PASSIONATE, Open, happy; all year so please bring a single busy, fun loving, full figured'white white male, professional, over female. 29, seeking a serious com5'1Q", 48-56. Oakland County. non> mitted relationship with an honest, smoker..for an attractive, educated, happy male. For details, * 44656 sllrh, 5 ' 6 " single white female who 1'HAVE many interests and am' a SWEAT - is sexy! Single white male ARE YOU A white widower, d i - enjoys U of M football, theatre., trav- WELL-blossomed Italian Rose, 36, ; « 4 4 7 7 6 divorced, 1 child, seeks white male, beautiful person. Single white male 37 seeks single, white female, under vorced, 50 and older, needing a el, water, cuddling. 33-45, nort-smdke, who likes quiet 27, 5 ^ 0 ¼ 162 lbs, want more wom- 40 with a passion for running or t r l - housekeeper, cook, companion. I'm en friends to enhance my chance for athalons: Sense of humor neces- 47, white., divorced, needing'a good DON'T SPEND The Holidays Alone! eves & romance, looking, for friend» 4 4 7 0 6 Sirto^e white female 45, widow in ship first, then relationship.» 44592! « 44663 man. Lei's talk. a functional marriage. Seek.fit at- sary! tractive women 23-34, for now possearch of non-smokfng .employed sible friendships only. , « 4 4 6 3 6 TALL, dark, & handsome Inside & ARE YOU TALL? Reasonably trim, white male 40-60, who enjoys dining YOUR'FRIENDS. can"t understand put, white male, willing to devote my 5 0 + . white, single, educated, sen- out, travel, dancing, movies. Seek- why a "great guy", like you is a!6tie. NICE GUY, 28. white, tall, slim, pro- time & affection to a financially inde- sual, enterprising £ desire the same ing a friend first possibly more. One Me either, as you have integrity and fessional, enjoys sports, movies, pendent mature woman. I'm m i d ' with a fastidious epicurean woman on one relationship. > * « 44610 honor, and are 24-A6, tall, profesconcerts, travel, quiet evenings, so- 40's, advanced degree, active,' ln- who enjoys walks, humor, theater, sional, Catholic and loving. » 4 4 7 5 8 cial drinker, non-smoker..Seeks 22- sh'ape, non-smoker. Please_be sin- good wine, fireplaces. -. « 44699 EUROPEAN' LADY - 25 yrs.. old cere. 28 female, similar interest. « 4 4 6 9 1 wants to.meet gentleman:from 30-: ATTRACTIVE B U C K FEMALE 30 40 yrs. old. Married or single; Must NICE, HANDSOME, affectionate sin- THIS - 46 yr. old white semi retired something' searching for a best be wait educated & g e n e r o u s . » gle white male. 29, seeks a single welder In good health, seeks'an in- friend to talk with arid share the joys 44745 ATTRACTIVE; male, 30, seeks nonAsian female who wants a fun, ro- tellectually and physically respon- of life,.between 30-40, race open. smoking slender female 25-32, for . » 4 4 5 5 9 EXCITING -attractive blond profes- tennis, running, skiing, dinner, themantic long term relationship. . sive female. I am attracted to wom- LeVstatk. •'• All replies answered. « 44672 en who use their minds. I see myself atre, social events. Must be honest, sional, 36, single parent seeks handATTRACTIVE, blond, single white sincere;" »44505 NIGHT WORKER seeks lady for dis- as indulgent, and I especially admins female. 53, 5 7 " medium build, gre- some, professional, financially secreet daytime delightful dalliances & the Ideas of Eyn Rand. I anticipate garious, playful, smoker, non-drink- cure, 35-45 for friendship-possible SINCERE • female 32 en'oys sports: «44669 dickering. Race u n i m p o r t a n t . ^ living simply and experimenting with er, seeks tall male 48-56 for a play- lasting relationship. . racquetbaif, Waliyball. Travel: Chica« 44744 _•—.44754 unique ways of living. ful fun relationship. » 44757 LONG LEGGED attractive white go, Austria. Dining: Mltches, MonNO MORE GAMES!!! Single white THIS 48 yr. old.white male seeks ATTRACTIVE. PETITE fun loving female,. 3 1 , 5'10" seeks financially terrey. Seeking single, easy going, male, never married, sincere, caring, younger woman who admires & blond, social drinker, seeks tali, pro- secure tall dark handsome white male i d enjoy above and m o r e ! * 44747 very romantic, seeking attractive wants to live the philosophy of Ayn fessional, good looking secure mate male, 32-42. Ukes golf, movies, dinRand. »44744 ing out, traveling. "»44560 female, .21-28, for relationship 44-54. Race no barrier. WHITE. MALE, 32, -handsome, ath« 44630 VERY HANDSOME, professional, «44644 MIDDLE AGE BLACK Christian letic; passion for women,, seeks, NOT FOUND IN the stores, limited black male, 27, humorous, outgoing, ATTRACTIVE Professional female female with lots to offer {InteJIectual- female for sports' o r w h o seeks, spiritually, physically) seeking other dutlets< for' Nirvana. Daytime time only, seeking somebody for looking t o meet slim, attractive would like to meet white male over rlstlan male over 40. * 44317 perfect & discretion preferred. sincere, honest relationship. Jewish, woman. between 25-40, any race, 6' tall, age 43-55, must enjoy danc« 4 4 4 2 9 ing, traveling, wishing a one to one Birmingham • »44631 white, divorced male, 50, religion no sincere relationship. barrier. Varied interests. « 44498 WELL-ENDOWED Man seeks well- relationship. » 4 4 5 9 9 PRETTY, lonesome, auburn ladybrown eyes, 5 ft, 145 lbs., humor* 44460 ATTRACTIVE Single female, looking ous, intelligent. Looking for ChrisPROFESSIONAL, secure, single endowekHady. white male, 44. seeks lovely, white WHITE MALE, 28. 6'3", 235 lbs, de- for someone who loves, life, works tian smoking social drinking, single female, .30-47 for eternal romance, siring sincerity. Searching for white days, likes to go up in the UP and male, 50-60. Come share. » 4 4 5 8 2 ATTRACTIVE Sincere young at heart, non smdker, blonde, single with or without children. « 44625 female, under 45, marriage-minded loves children. 24-32. female, likes dancing & cards, »44586 PRETTY, very successful, entrepre- white PROFESSIONAL Single While Male. eventually, prefer non-smoker.* nuer. 5'5", very loving, giving, full seeks handsome; tall, fun loving sin-: 44325 ATTRACTIVE, Single, white female. figured; seeking male, 46-late 60's gle white male,€0-70. 3 1 , 6'2", fit, dynamic. Christian; «44700 degreed, outdoorsle, prefers lady 27, career minded, seeking serious who can love me for the person I. 25-30, but not limited to, with like WHITE MALE, 45, educated, seeks relationship, (htersts include: ex- am. » 4 4 1 3 9 CARING AND Sincere professional female who does not look back in attributes, & desirable. « 44490 female late 50*$' Young and. fit, with anger, nor ahead In fear, but around ercise, travel & romantic movies. pleasing personality, eclectic, inter« 44438 Lets hope somthing nice happens PROFESSIONAL white female, 55; ests wishes t o meet educated counPROFESSIONAL, moral, never marbetween us. « 4 4 6 2 8 5'5", prefer casual, country living,, ried white male, 40, seeks relation. »44717 non smoking, non drinking atmos- terpart. 60-67. WHITE, SINGLE, very youthful 40, ship minded female. Enjoy dinner, ATTRACTIVE. Spiritual, Black phere. Value openness, optimism, movies, plays, sports. « 44458 easygoing, sincere, 5*8', muscular Female, 40, 5*3" trim, seeking education, families. Enjoy -garden- HELLO, I'm 66. 'conservative*, white 140, all natural, country style. Needs divorced & fullflgured. semi-retired SINCERE Single White Male. 6'3", petite, trim gal t o share: music, na- friendship with professional 45-55 ing, grandchildren, pictionary. daily & prefer relaxed casual Westyie. If » 44701 37, average person,, enjoys dining ture, romantic monogamy. » 4 4 6 4 9 who loves life, God and people. All walks, hugs. you're a secure' white male looking races considered beautiful.« 44100 out, garage sates, movies, traveling . » 44736 up north, looking for sincere single WORKS NJQHTS, very good looking ATTRACTIVE. TALL. Classy, pas- QUIET, mature black lady seeks for friendship call honest decent family mar) for relawhite female, cheerful, 29-39 t o white male, 35, 6', 175 lbs., brown share life adventures, hopes & hair, hazel eyes, (smoker). Seeking a sionate white female. 40's, seeks tionship. 48-63. Must be sincere, ME: TRIM. Jewish professional: dreams with. « 44217 very pretty white woman, 25-35, white male, 45-55, w/same qualities, good sense of humor, like sports, warm, adventurous, likes travel, the « 4 4 6 4 5 arts, aood food. YOU: single male, slim-medium build, t o spend some sense of humor & adventure. Desire music; travel, dining* out. » 44506 60+j(non-smoklng, Intelligent, funSINGLE BLACK Christian Male 37, serious time with. » 4 4 6 5 7 serious relationship. •SINGLE white female, 42 looking for IbvlngVcultured. »44774 with wide variety of interests, seeks ATTRACTIVE, 5*3". super, full-figChristian single unattached female YOUNG. 51 year old, divorced Bir- ured white female* 39 who's roman- male 35-45: My likes - funny movies, for fun & friendship. « 44078 mingham area, educated, white tic, playful, sincere, honest, passion- garage sales, auto races, spectator STRAWBERRY BLONDE, 5'4', trim, mate with love of all seasons, golf, sports. Social drinker, friends firstnon-drfnklng/smoking, Caucasian. SINGLE BLACK Male. 38, 6'2" loves skiing^ theatre, travel..Seeks friend, ate, fun & enjoys lite, music, affec» 4 4 0 8 2 Christian from Bloomfield Hills tion, movies, sense of h u m o r . « Indoors as well as outdoors. Bowl' lover, wife, with up beat attitude. would enjOy ' meeting gentleman 44467 SOPHISTICATED BLACK ... Single friend early 60'sin my a r o a , » 44642 ing, skating, traveling. Marriage »44629 minded females only. Game time is BEAUTIFUL, busty, bright. 6ft, 2701b female, professional, 40. enjoys fishover. Race no barrier. « 4 4 7 2 3 34 YEAR OLD White single male, single white mom of 1, seeking John ing, traveling, cooking. Seeks emfinancially secure, enjoys movies, ployed male. Race open. \ will anSINGLE white male, 35, seeking sin- dinners, sports, looking tor compati- Goodman teddy bear type for swer all calls. « 44340 camping, sports, cooking & possible FEMALE, while, widow seeking nongle white female 25-35 for fun & ble female for fun & romance. » 4 4 6 2 7 SOPHISTICATED, CULTURED, At- smoking female companion, (50-65) friendship. Garden City area.« - »44654 relationship, 44566 tractive petite Jewish female profes- to travel t o Pompano Florida tor EDUCATED employed black 46, white romantic writer loves dis» 44689 sional, seeks loving, sincere educat- Jan.. Feb. & March: SINGLE, white male, Westland area, creet interludes with affectionate female seeking established e m - ed male non-smoker, 44-56, who 36, 6 ' 1 " , football player type, look- lady 5 0 + . Please respond. Looking ployed educated male who is under- enjoys concerts, theatre, movies, JET SETTER? Beautiful blonde with ing for 30-40 year old companion to forward to writing love sonnets of standing, honest, and rational and travel, romance, traditional values. brains seeks her equal In a single, share good times. « 4 4 6 2 6 our most enjoyable times. « 4 4 6 0 1 seeks no non-sense relationship. » 44703 white, cultured, in shape fine feaRace no barrier. »44667 tured gentleman, mid 40's, for 1st. Single white male, 34, no kids, ath»44158 FEMALE with children ready for a STRIKING, beautiful divorced white class world traveling letic, easy going, degreed, 6'0", 190 new beginning. Pretty blonde teddy female late 40's, catholic, traditional lbs. Seeks classy lady, 27-35 who Is bear seeking honest, outgoing male, values, seeks considerate, divorced TWO WHITE men seek.female for unattached & looking for a forward 30-40. for friendship leading to ro- white gentleman 50-65, 5'10"dr discrete trip north for sensual weekthinking gentleman. « 44709 ATTENTION: Rremari S Policeman mance. » 4 4 3 5 5 ends, must be attractive & sharing; « 44780 taller for friendship.. Race open, we love you all. » 4 4 7 2 7 Single white male, slim affectionate, attractive ravened haired single honest fun loving, avid movie goer, white female, medical professional, HOW DO The Elite Meet? Trim, TOUGH skin,- soft heart, brown eyed seeks non-smoking, westslde single 30, desires to date man in Uniform. beautiful blonde seeks her equal In beauty, 34, bohemiah lifestyle. VERY ATTRACTIVE, sensual, passionate white couple, 35 4 31 seekSeeks strong, honest, free man to a handsome, tit, affluent gentlemen. 5'5", non-smoker, loves classic black female, 22-31, same qualities monogomou5 relationship. « 44734 rock, concerts, camping. » 44584 47ish, degreed, clubed, world trav- handle Imaginative, humorous, XL ing single lady for friendship, traveleled. Golf a plus. » 4 4 0 8 7 woman, plan on friendship.» 44586 ing & exploring common Interests.* 44476 VERY FRIENDLY. Intelligent cre- ATTRACTIVE, divorced, redhead, ative single white male, tall, 3 1 , En- 45, size 16. Enjoys movies, reading, LIVELY, bubbly gal. circa 1950's. VERY ATTRACTIVE 38, blue eyed joy movies, music, stimulating con- cooking, music, etc. Seeking warm; not a size 8. but not an 18. Prefer blonde, non-smoker, 1 dependent, WHITE married couple, early 30's, versation & good times, seeking sin- honest, white male with good sense power tools over flowers. Positive/ college degreed, nice figure, seeks fit & attractive, looking for attractive gle white female, 20-37. with similar of humor, 40-55 to share fun times. upbeat. Are you? Looking ahead. professional, financially secure, for female for daytime, weekday fun S « 44641 friendship, possibly more. » 44609 friendship. « 4 4 9 9 0 Non-smokers. traits and Interests. * 44693 Non-smoker. »44730 ABSOLUTELY HANDSOME 27, single Italian engineer, seeks college educated gorgeous black- female noh smoker, for lasting relationship. .Sincere replies only. v ® 44468 ACTIVE blue eyed 50's professional, 5 ' i d " , 170. lbs., seeks athletic, very bright, attractive, • .eelf confident, non-smoking gal who likes golf, food; passion. ¢44732 ADVENTUROUS white lady sought by ^attractive black man, 40. Try ityou'IUikeit! 9 44651 AFFECTIONATE, musical. . single white male. 40, looking for holiday cheer. Want to share the festive moment of the Christmas season & go from there: »44382 AFFECTIONATE caring, understanding professional white male seeks female unhappy with current situation tor discreel relationship. Age/status unimportant.. « 4 4 6 4 3 AFFECTIONATE, Professional degreed white male, 27. Into fitness, skiing, outdoor activities,- Nonsmoker, ho dependents seeking white female. 23-29 w/same Interests, relationship minded. * 44655 AFFECTIONATE, sexy white male. 43. clean, attractive, slender, nonsmoker, drug free seeks, simitar black female for occassional,'discreet satisfying relationship.•» 44616 AFFECTIONATE. SEXY, white male, 44. clean, slender, drug-free, nonsmoker seeks similar black female for passionate, discreet relationship. «44598 DIVORCED White male, 46, secure, ARTISTIC, romantic, .white, male, drug free, blue collar, looking for 49, 5'10", trim-beard, non-smoker. female companion, 30-40, slim, atSeeks trim, spontaneous, passion- tractive, likes oldies. "Vetts, country «44652 ate woman (30-40). likes: movies, music, quiet evenings. dancing, photography, & w a l k s . * 44464 DOMINANT. SENSUAL, passionate white male, 39,. tall, dark, handsome, seeks adventurous submisATTRACTIVE, honest, factory work- sive lady for friendship, passion. Will answer all! •' « 44066 er, 38, seeks fun-loving wild ladyl « 4 4 6 1 1 EASYGOING, single white male, 30. ATTRACTIVE, physically fit. neglect- fit, attractive, engineer, looking for ed married white .male!" 29. seeks companion who is active, petite, married female for dayttme sensu- 5'2" or shorter to share good times for mature relationship. . « 44697 ous encounters. Age unimportant. « 4 4 5 4 2 EXTRA ORDINARY Unique EnATTRACTIVE, physically fit. 5 ' 7 " , trepreneur, California . transplant. 30, white male, seeks 24-32 caring, Looking for extremely attractive, vipretty & slim woman who likes out- vacious, sexy, financially competent « 44721 door activities. No divorced or w/ female for adventure. kids. « 4 4 7 5 5 PETTISH FANTASY. - White male 40's. non-smoker, educated enjoys ATTRACTIVE, Professional, honest, caring male, 26, loves pumping iron, dancing, dining, cuddling, leather rockin & rolling thru the night. If seeks attractive blonde, slim, 25-42, you've got the stuff; then let's rockf non-smoker. Friendship. flP 44547 « 4 4 6 0 8 FIREPLACE, Dance Club, ski slopes & in your heart is where I want to be. Attractive single white male 31, nev- I'm fit & good looking, single white er married. 6 4 " , 240 lbs. muscular, male. 22, 5'11". Give me a s h o t . « enjoys gym. water sports, seeks 44704 physically tit, attractive single white female, 21-28 years. « 44639 FUN , LOVING, passionate, kindhearted, tall, well built single white ATTRACTIVE white male. 5'10". 165 male early 30's, looking .for sweet, lbs, average build brown hair & eyes easy going attractive female, 25 Is seeking single white female, 20-28 38, for fun, good times & honest, on slender side, without children.® caring relationship. « 44674 44585 GOOD LOOKING, rugged yet genATTRACTIVE; young looking black tle. Outdoorsman, sandy hair, blue male. 5 0 + , 5'6", 160 lbs. Secure, eyes. 5"11", trim 178 lbs. Success.easy going, shy but romantic. Seeks ful, loves life. Late 20"s. Would apopen minded female, slender, 40- preciate a sweet girlfriend. « 4 4 0 9 8 55, unattached for on.going relationship. « 4 4 4 5 1 GOOD LOOKING single white male 22 yrs., 6'3". ?25 lbs, athletic, proBLACK BROTHER seeks white sis- fessional. Not a player. Tired of bar ter for fuh times. Call today for the scene. Seeks single white female for excitement of your life! « 44695 serious relationship, .. «44621 ALL AMERICAN MALE seeks bright, attractive female, age 24-33. I'm d i vorced, white, business owner with 2 children. Must have a positive & healthy attitude toward l i f e . » 44756 BLOOMFIELD HILLS very successful entrepreneur. 5'6". mid 40'a Is ALL-American, single white male, looking for a partner between 25-40 32. 6 ' 6 " , he-man build, healthy, who fs equally successful to share a M.B;A.. financially secure, kind, car- wonderful life. « 44558 ing, compassionate. Enjoy outdoor sports, motorcycles, music & danc- CAN'T FORGET HER...met at Kick's ing - tired of Bar scene. Need spe- in July. Blonde, wavy hair. 20's, cial lady for long term. Must have adorable. Her name Is Cindy? Kris? family values & drive for success.® Lives, works for a couple in Royal 44682 Oak. Any information appreciated. «44698 ALL I WANT for Christmas Is a cute, young, tbving, noh smoking/drlhk- CHEERFUL, Professional, 5'10", ing live-in lady companion liking 1601b. Enjoys travel, movies, dining, country life, antiques, cozy fires, sports, good conversation. Interestcuddling. Westland « 44702 ed In meeting a physically fit nonsmoking lady, 39-45 yrs. o l d « ALL MEN AREN'T THE SAME 44595 I'm a single white male, 25. 5 ' 8 ' \ 155 lbs. with dark brown hair & blue CHIVALRY isn't dead, attractive eyes. Honest, caring, affectionate & white male, 33. 6'2". 185, brown easygoing. « 4 4 7 1 1 hair, eyes, seeking affectionate AM RISER seeks AM rendivous for female 21-35, that's into fitness or discrete but loving caring interludes being active for friendship/ «44587 with warm passionate female 30-50. relationship. Lets heat the winter. Loves to kiss- CHRISTIAN MALE, brown skinned, cuddle. « 4 4 7 2 9 smalt built, 5'8", 160 lbs. Seeking AN UNINHIBITED Single black male Christian female, small built. Purseeks Uninhibited single white pose; friendship, companionship, female for private pleasurable se- someone to sharo life with. « 44606 cret relationship. «44342 CREATIVE - degreed good looking ARE YOU AN attractive white lady, smilln' Irishman, 34, *5"8"\ 150lbs. in your 40's-early 50's. would you Single but bored, needs stimulus of consider o fling with a 32 year old pretty woman with wit & wisdom.« 44670 white male « 44692 A SLIM. TALL handsome male (38). financially secure looking to meet an attractive female for on-going relationship and romance with possibility for more. «44141 DISCRETE White male with free time dally. Financially secure.. Interested in meeting with white female, 24-36. attractive, attentive nurturing, for Interludes. « 44658 HANDSOME professional white male, 37, 5'9' 176lbs, successful, easy going, likes sports, music, romance. Seeks educated full figured white female 25-45 « 44650 HANDSOME, professional white male, 5'10", 170 body building lbs. Successful, good looking, easy going, fun; seeks a. physically fit body building female for friendship leading to relationship. «44175 HELP!!! Tall attractive 45 yr. old divorced white male, executive, seeking a dinner companion for business functions. Very legitimate-'References available'. Would like modeltype woman with outgoing personality & sense of humor, it you want ah occassional night out with no strings attached-please call. « 44721 HONEST, sincere, single white male, 4 1 , 6'2", . educated professional, athletic-build, enjoys sports, movies, plays, romance, seeking trim, attractive woman, 30-42. Rochester area. «44694 LADY IN WAITING? Dynamic, tall, educated single white male, seeks your company! Attractive 30 year old. seeks attractive single white female for possible relationship.* 44778 NICE looking divorced white male, trim, professional musician/band leader, shy. Lakefront living, boating dining out, sipping cocktails, non smoker looking for equaly fit attractive outgoing female late 30's-early 40 s. . « 44647 HANDSOME White, professional man, outgoing, creative, intelligent, sharp, funny* thoughtful seeks attractive educated white female 2333 w/simllar attributes. « 44653 SUBMISSIVE - obedient, eager to please white male 44, clean, attractive, slender, discreet, seeks dominate female for occasional pleasure filled relationship. « 44671 AFFECTIONATE, uninhibited, pro-, fessionai, white femaie, 40's, social drinker, seeking white mate 45-55 for fun-loving relationship. Maybe more. Lets talk.. «44462 622 Sports lnt«wts & 623 Seniors 624 Travel Companions 621 Women Seeking Men • o place your o w n PERSONAL SCENE a d , call 591-0900/FAX 953-2232 or Mail us this c o u p o n : "1 I I The following is kepi confidential. We cannot publish your ad without It. Please print clearly. Print your ad here. The first five lines are FREE. (Space provided equals one (Ive line ad). There Is a one-time '10.00 charge tor each additional line. Use additional sheet of paper II necessary. Please Include payment tor any additional lines. NAME: __ ; -|r All ads must be paid In advance. Be creative, honest, Include age range, lifestyle, self description; Interests and the typ» ADDRESS: ol person you art looking for: . STATE: k^uring the month of November you will receive a free cheese Shields Pizza* when you place your five-line Personal Scene ad. * Ont small fittn from any SUilds suburban mitropolitan Ditrolt location ' METRO DETROIT'S FAVORITE DEEP D I S H PIZZA sounmtiD NOW rrtwjr 4 * it 10 Ml. M1!K AT WORK 1 imnlrii MllCIllc J % GfsmtWvrf ,?m l u t rt Novl M. j% WJHWT SNTnnM"C* H»»II0 AwMwCwiyO* ATPtAV TIKW MtpM W»,t of Crook, 617-)1)1 iTMUNCMKHTS VanDytr«l6MiV 9799270 A P I / 1 A AT SHIH D S WU I MAKr YOUR DAY! • .ZIP: Ad copy (Please print clearly) 5 words per line. PHONE: DAYS: .EVES: Return this form to the address below and we will call you regarding your electronic message. Observer & Eccentric Newspapers/Classified PERSONAL Scene 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia, Ml 48150 Vou must be 18 years of age or older to use Personal Scene. Personal Scene recommends: Meet in a well-lit and public place tor your first encounter and do not give your last name Or address until you aro comfortable doing so. D Men seeking women O Women staking man 620 621 Q Sports interests. 8 1 n *" "" _622 .623 • Travel The Observer/ 8B* MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 Aladdin' rekindles Disney's classic spell A new golden age for Disney animation? The artistic and popular success of" '^Beauty and the Beast" and "The Little, Mermaid" certainly hints at it. Though not of the same caliber) "Aladdin" proJOHN vides a good-naMONAGHAN tured blend' of rollercoaster adventure and nonstop gags. TICKET* PLEASE Aladdin, a handsome young thief, lives off his wits on' the mean streets of Agrabah. When he saves the life of a young maiden in the marketplace, he realizes only later that she is the Sultan's daughter Jasmine. Aladdin's Coup: Disney made one of its best moves ever when recruiting Howard Ashman and Harold Menken to score these pictures. The Sultan's advisor Jafar — tall, black-robed, -and bearing more than a passing resemblance to an older Joan Crawford — UBes Aladdin to acquire a magical lamp that will grant?three wishes. The sand-monster who possesses it insists that only this noble boy can enter his gaping mouth to retrieve it. There's plenty of adventure along the way, especially involving a flying carpet brought alive through the magic of computer animation. You can count on it to woosh beneath Aladdin when he's falling deep into, a chasm or playfully toppling off Jasmine's veranda. way tributes to modern Whitney Huston-style ballads. Best are the spirited ones, including "One Jump Ahead," as Aladdin outwits palace guards, and "Friend Like Me," where the Genie from the lamp unleashes a garish display of his powers. Robin Williams, who provides the Genie's voice, dominates "Aladdin's" second half. You'd almost think he directed the'animation, since the nonstop barrage of rapid fire gags completely plays into his over-the-edge comic style. Disney made one of its best moyes ever when recruiting Howard Ashman and Harold Menken to score these pictures. Lyricist Ashman contributed three clever songs to the project before his death last year. Tim Rice, collaborator with Andrew Lloyd Webber on "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "Evita," added another two. He appears as a game show host telling Aladdin what he can and can't order from the lamp. In the flash of a second, he transforms his gassy physique into charicatures of Groucho Marx, Jack Nicholson, commentators at Macy's parade, and even Disney's Pinocchio. The tunes range from thoughtful to raucous, from jivey Broad- Filrnoffersanjnsightfidlookatlives Garbage man Dominick Lucii , . ano goes through • F \ life with a smile F&iP' on his face, eagerly planning a birthday v outing to Wrestlemania and dreaming of the day h i s brother Eugene becomes a sucLeANNE ROGERS cessful doctor and they move to a nice house on a lake. The brothers are fraternal twins, older by 12 minutes Dominick has been "slow" since he was injured in a childhood fall. —— — — PASS THE POPCORN The fine 1988 film "Dominick and Eugene" looks at the lives of the brothers, very well played by Tom Hulce and Ray Liotta, at a time when some changes are likely. Dominick holds his job and is pretty independent, if gullible. He tends to believe the. outrageous stories spouted as gospel by a coworker. v Dominick supports his brother, who is finishing his internship and wants to do his residency at Stanford, far from their home in Pittsburgh. The brothers, whose parents are both dead, have been inseparable for years but their relationFihip isn't idpfll StTfrinprl hv the demands of medical school, Eugene can blow up at his brother when he forgets to walk his dog or won't stopping talking in the middle of the night. Eugene is quicktempered but saves his real fury for a guy who takes advantage of Dominick. Hulce is very good as Dominick, who is concerned that maybe he is stupid, not just slow. Without being maudlin or overwrought, he makes Eugene a real person who is dealing with some extra challenges and basically doing pretty well. Dominick has befriended a boy who lives along his trash collection route and shares his love of And while he is truly outrageous, the craziness make it hard to focus on the movie's underlying message. Be yourself, "Aladdin" says, and keep your word, including Aladdin's broken promise to the Genie that one of his wishes'will be used to release the spirit from slavery. Disney cartoons thrive oh their timelessness. "Pinocchio" and "Snow White," from Disney's original Golden Age in the 1930s and '40s, can be reissued from... here to eternity because they exist' in their own unique world. How will future generations view "Aladdin's" topical gags during the film's 2012- re-release? Probably the same way we look today at' the vintage. Warner Brothers cartoons, where animators tried to outdo each other with the most gags per minute. "Aladdin" doesn't possess the emotional clarity and meticulous eye for atmosphere that distinguish the best Disney features. But don't let that stop you from having a great time on this wellcrafted magic carpet ride. of2brothers comic books. For his trouble, times inflict the most damage on Dominick is berated by the boy's those they love most. abusive father. When Dominick witnesses his young friend being abused by his father, the shock and terror on his face reaches far beyond what he has just seen. It's a heartbreaking • Served in our beautiful scene, as the painful memories banquet hall. flood Over Dominick who is too • We seat 4 0 0 guests for all occasions. Perfect for your Holiday Party. distraught to speak:. Hulce plays the scene very well, making DomIPechiesdciu inick's subsequent action noble and completely well intentioned. Director Robert M. Young keeps the film on a steady course Featuring: that avoids the pitfalls of melo• Homemade Soups drama, These are people who care • Salad Bar w i t h Fresh Fruit • 3 H o m e m a d e Pastas deeply for each other but some- bQorsi's &(S0* • • • • 1 Meat Entree a n d Vegetable Assorted Pizzas H o m e m a d e Bread ft Garlic Rolls D e s s e r t Table Served 4:30 8:30 p.m. Groups Welcome - Cocktails Available 531-4960 Adults »62> Under 10 Years Seniors *375 '5 7 ' • We cater t o all areas. 7 Mile between Inkster ft Middlebelt Livonia Mpanaflc* of GREEK DINING at on* of tha only Oraah raatauranM m D M suburban An Ano*** AnmtUMleu mtmurmtt...omwr of DfvnaM'a of Fmmlngtai. #5¾¾ FAMILY ATMOSPHERE • FULL LINE OF BEER, WINE, LIQUOR & COCKTAILS Greek, Italian & American Dishes HOMEMADE DAILY seeeALS THE EARLYBIRD GETS THEDEAL Lunch *3.25- 8 5.00 7 8 Offering a full menu of Homemade: Dinner 5.95- 8 7.»5 Lamb Shanks Chops & Ribs Shish Kabobs • Fresh Fish And Much More! • OPA! Saganaki IFIaming Cheese) • Gyros • GreekSalads •XHic^g^TStyle Chicken Pie SUNDAY SPECIAL .„•'. Good 7 Dap a Weefc from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. O S ^ e r i onljl $7 7.95 for Complete dinner at the ^ Q j O U r t uvoNA^amott. _ CompleteFamily pjnner^^ 12 Noon-10:00 p.m. Including Soup. Salad. Main Course*. Potato. Dessert and Coffee. Tea or Soft Drink. * Fresh Roast Turkey with Stuffing ffi •»• OBE * Baked Bone-In Ham with Raisin Sauce V • • «*•» * Roast Leg of Lamb IfeSt Q S • Fresh Roast "j Chicken with Stuffing dpw.tWa* [Specialty of the House) OPEN 7 DAYS! Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri. 11 a.m.-12 a.m.; Sat. 12 p.m.-12 a.m Sun. 12 p.m.-10 p.m. SENIOR CITIZENS 10% DISCOUNT - AFTER 3 P.M. 1 5 8 0 0 MIDDLEBELT ( B e t w e e n 5 & 6 Mile Rda.) LIVONIA » 5 2 2 - 5 6 0 0 17100 Laurel Park Drive, Livonia, Michigan 48152 (313) 462-3100 No other discounts or coupons can be applied. ^yj^- Christmas in Plymouth 19th Annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Show Friday, Saturday & Sunday December 4, 5 & 6 Hours: Fri. & Sat. 11-6 • Sun. 12-5 W k FREE ADMISSION & PARKING In the Plymouth Cultural Center 525 Farmer For more information call 455-6020 mar 1 •».- y • * M 1 ^*»*-»>^ Sponsored by The City of Plymouth Dcpt. of t a r k s & Recreation and remember, don't drink and drive! Tying a red ribbon to a visible location on your vehicle Is a reminder to drive fobetr this holiday season and throughout the year. You can pick tap your red ribbons at any of these dealerships. OAKLAND COUNTY ai/iwiw.'iMitt Fred Lncry PorKkr-Aail Range River 499 S. Hunter Fred Ltwry InXlnitl 529 S. Hunter m.mmnKiii mi.1.1 Aalofcaka Matda/Velknagan 1745 Telegraph Rd. ErkardlMW 4065 Maple Maw/rvcmv MILLS Km-HKxtim Bill Fox Mwmltl 72.1 S. Rochester ltd. 11¾ Fard otjtta Eagle Rochester Rd. Sheldon rtnllM Baled 8S5 S. Rochclter MHKSTKII r i g t ToyaU 21282 Telegraph JM m i n t Onvralel/GEO ' 28111 Telegraph Tmanff Bartk-NlaaanHonda 28585 Telegraph Taaureff Dadge 24825 W. Twelve Mile lilLts Crliiman Llactlit-Mtmrv 1185 S. Rochester ltd. • I I I Caek AalaarwtlM Graaa 37901 (irand River Ave. HaallaitM Fori 2890 S. Rochester Rd. •**• Daise la Uhealn-Ntrcnry 3182.1 (irand River Mtadewbraah Dadge 3050 S. Rochester Rd. max AcaraefTriy Troy Motor Mall FtrMlaiRan Mllli Ckryiltr M-mtala 29301 (Irknd Hlver MMoranOidUGMC 3277 S: Rochester Hd. HatldayChcwelct .1(121)0 (irand Rlvrr Racatlltr Mill* Chryiler Nymtalh 1301 S. Rochester Rd. Ben Haiti Motor Mill 35200 (Irand River Ave. MMItrtl>MtlKGMC 38000 (Irand Hlver 'anihlne Atari .14900 (irand River Tawa A Caunlry [radge 31015 (irand River swTiirimn 29200 Telegraph GUtMnOliHat4)lleSaakH;aiiiil 28000 Telegraph Art Minn rantlac/GMCTMIIiabl.hl 29300 Telegraph Blrmlaakam Ckryiler Hyntaalh 2100 W. Maple Baa twit Llaceln Mtrcnry 1950 W. Maple Flicker BuickiMattWttakarn/Saiakl Troy Motor Mall Mike Sivolc Chetrralct GEO 1900 W Maple MIWYM Aclien Nlma 35655 Plymouth Rd. Dtm Stlltn Far* 2800 W. Maple Aclien OldiaHMIa 33850 Plymouth ltd Setwntl ronllac GMC 1850 Maple Sabirbai OMimakllt/ Tayala/Valn/NiuiB/ ValkiwigMi Troy Motor Mall Tray Mania Armstrong Balek 30500 Plymouth ltd BUI Brown Fard 32222 Plymouth ltd Llvaaia Chrysler flymealk 30777 Plymouth Rd Troy Motor Mall i4uirai.ooMfiM.il Ttnayim Ckftrriltl 32570 Plymouth Rd jKk Canity Ckewalet-CEO 7020 Orchard U k e Rd. WAYNE COUNTY (;.i»of,"»cm ri.rm»'Tii .Blackwrll Ford 41001 Plymouth Rd. Creitweea' Dodge 32850 Ford Rd. Foi Rllli Ckryilr r FlymMlk 111 W Ann Arbor Rd. 91a Evaat LlncalnMtrrary 32000 Ford Rd. Htaei Park Unealn-Merrary 40801 Ann Arbor ltd To our customers and our Mends: Have a safe and happy holiday! A Public Service of the Above Dealerships and... ®JHADD tw f n ^ ^ B f l J H (Mwtnw^Ittfiitrlt ri.vw»i in Lou LaRlcke Chrvrelrl'Subaru 40R75 Plymouth Rd Bob Jeannalte Fenllar^GMC 14949 Sheldon Dan Miiley Cadillic 40475 Plymouth ltd Salaraorriytmath 9301 Mossey l)r nick Scotl Dedir 084 W Ann Arbor ltd Dick Scotl Bakk 200 W. Ann Arbor ltd Sanialar Honda 120.1 Ann Arbor Hd Kr:rfrVmr> Brace Camakell Dodgr 14873 Telegraph ltd Fal MIIIKrai Ford 9800 Telegraph H.iy.vi: Jack Df ramrr Fard 37300 Michigan Ave Jikn Bogin ••Irk 3939 S Wayne ltd tvr^ri.vy/i NartklBm.Fard 93100 Ford Rd. Rrd Haltun P»«lac-r.»rr -Tayott 35.100 r'ord ltd lltestlanft CObserucr BRAD EMONS, EDITOR 953-2123 MONDAY, NOVEMBER SPORTS 30,1992 WESTLAND QDftBTG SCENE Churchill icers romp Livonia Churchill ran its Suburban High School Hockey League record to 2-0 with a 10-4 victory Wednesday over Birmingham in the first game of a double-header at Eddie Edgar Arena. Corey Swider and Steve Grom each tallied two goals for the Chargers, now 2-1 overall. Shawn Thomas, Brian Jakowinicz, Jason Samelko, Jody Milam and Nick Kovich also scored goals for the winners. Todd Siedlaczek contributed four assists, While Grom and Mark Sanburn collected two apiece. Other assists went to Milam, Swider, Jason Lee, Justin Young, Jamie Sass and Mark Woloch. Jammie Schroeder led Birmingham with a goal and two assists. Churchill led 7-2 after two periods. Starting goalie Dave Watson held Birmingham scoreless during his 1'4-period stint before giving way to backup Mike Guider. "Our third line of Samelko, Sass and Lee, which is our checking line, did a good job," Churchill coach Jeff Hatley said. "Both our third and fourth lines did a nice job." Patriots, Lakeland tie Livonia Franklin is fit to be tied after battling host Milford Lakeland to a 1-1 deadlock Wednesday- .••' Trevor Brown gave the host Eagles a 1-0 at the 10:41 mark of the second period, but Franklin's Matt Harrigan scored the equalizer on a powerplay goal from Dave Proctor and -Dominic Catanzarite at 7:28 of the same period. The Patriots could not capitalize on a two-man advantage in the final period, but Franklin coach Terry Jobbitt was encouraged by his team's play. "This is our''best performance to date as far as improving and picking up on the systems," said Jobbitt, whose team is 0-0-2 overall. "But we still have a ways to go." : Franklin goalie Dan Schemanske was again sharp in net, stopping 29 of 30 shots. . Adam Borchert drilled through the extra point, his third of the day, to Redford Catholic Central's football give CC a one-point lead. CC then dug in defensively, stopteam carried out its season-long credo ping the Lumberjacks' last-ditch that "the magic is in the believing." The Shamrocks willed their way to drive in the final quarter. With only five seconds remaining the school's third state championship, capping a 13-0 season Saturday and Arthur Hill on the CC 47-yard with a spellbinding 21-20 victory over line, senior quarterback Marvin Saginaw Arthur Hill before 15,404 at Wright, who was brilliant in defeat with 286 yards total offense, zipped a the Pontiac Silverdome. The game pitted two unbeaten pass over the middle to a wide-open teams that were ranked No. 1 and 2 Kedrick Redeemer just inside the 20. The ball, partially deflected by all season long. It was a virtual replay of last year's CC's Ken Rye, bounced into the Class AA final, with a slightly differ- hands of Redeemer, who could not ent: twist. It was only a year ago that: hangjjn for the grab despite a clear Arthur Hill upset the Shamrocks, 13- path to the end zone. "I'm sure this is as difficult for me 12, but this time it was CC's turn for to be in this position as it was for redemption. "I've been in a lot of big games, but Catholic Central last year," Arthur this is one of the greatest because it Hill coach Jim Eurick told the press went back and forth," Catholic Cen- gathering afterward. "We played it tral coach Tom Mach said. "We hard and we played it fair, but we got didn't want to go through the whole beat by one point and we have to acseason like we did last year and not cept it. win the 13th game. "They (CC) just hit the heck out of "Our team showed tremendous de- you. I was impressed with their offentermination. They were down three sive line. They left tread marks on pur backs and at the end of the game times and Wouldn't be beat." Mach, noted over the years for his our kids were dog-tired." It would seem, however, that the smash-mouth, ball-control style offense, orchestrated a game plan that Lumberjacks would never get tired kept Arthur Hill's defense off bal- running or throwing out of their option attack. ance. They racked up 393 total net yards The eventual game-winning touchdown came with 1:09 left in the third to CC's 286. Speedy tailback Howard Foster, quarter and the Shamrocks staring at who' led all rushers with 108 yards in 20-14 deficit. Junior Freddie Taylor, who had 90 12 carries, scored on a perfect pitch yards in 19 carries on the day, from Wright from 5 yards put with surprised Arthur Hill when he com- 4:03 left in the opening quarter, cappleted a 37-yard halfback pass to ping an 80-yard, 11-play drive. Brady Parikqw for a touchdown. But Wright, a 6-foot-2, 197-pound B Y B R A D EMONS STAFF WRITER Finding daylight: Catholic Central's Freddie Taylor (with ball) tries to elude Saginaw Arthur Hill's Sam Sword. senior, missed the extra point, a play that would loom large the rest of the way. CC took a 7-6 lead early in the second quarter when Taylor broke the plane of the goal line from 2 yards out. The drive covered 72 yards in 10 plays. Wright, dangerous at both running (89 yards) and passing (170), then burst through the heart of the CC defense for a 55-yard TD run with 5:36 left in the first half. (The Lumberjacks were stopped on the two-point See CHAMPS, 3C B Y B R A D EMONS BASKETBALL STAFF WRITER Twisters earn places Kate Keleman, a Livonia Churchill High product and student at Murray State (Ky.), was recently selected to the U.S. Shooting Team's 70-member development squad for 1992-93. The squad consists of the nation's top up-andcoming shooters in each of the four disciplines: pistol, rifle, running target and shotgun. Performances were based on athlete performances at U.S. International Shooting Championships, the National Junior Olympic Shooting Championships, and the National Collegiate Pistol Championships, plus additional matches held by the national team coaches this fall. GUY WAHRSN/STAIT PHOTOGRAPHER Ladywood girls roll to 50-point victory ;- The Livonia Boxing Club/coached by Roger Coon and Fred Busse, came away with a pair of titles in the Diamond Gloves Tournament held Nov. 20-22 at the Northwest Activities Center in . Detroit.. Calvin Jones, a super-heavyweight from Ypsilanti, won both his matches in the Senior Novice A division. Jones scored victories over Marcus McNeal of Pontiac Salvation Army and Cedric Rose of DetrpitKronk. Jones took a standing eight-count against Rose in the second round, but rallied to pull out the decision with a strong third round. Also victorious for the LBC was Sidney Lloyd of Southfield, who scored a unanimous decision in --ilie-tfio-pound^enior^IpviceA^msioa-bout -against DeMario Maddox of Kronk. Brad Martin of Garden City, also representing the LBC, won his first-round bout in the 178pound Senior Novice A class against Shane Hanke of Trenton. Martin, however, defaulted in his scheduled championship match. Keleman makes squad C nacle, 21-20 Redford Catholic Central captured its third state football championship under coach Tom Mach with a thrilling 21-20 victory over Saginaw Arthur Hill in a rematch of last year's final. Diamond Gloves champs The Livonia Y Twisters gymnastics team earned several medals in the Ronald McDonald Charity Cup, Nov. 6-8 in Columbus, Ohio. In Level V, 9-year-old Stacey Townsend took fourth place on beam (8.4), seventh in floor exercise (8.0), 12th on bars (8.05) and was 10th overall (31.05). Heather Wnuk, 10, added a second on floor (9.25), seventh all-around (33.15) and 10th on beam (8.3). Teammate Melissa Peckham contributed a third on floor (9.1) in the same age class. Shiloh Wint, 11, was fifth on floor (8.25), while Lindsay Vecchio added seventh on vault (8.0), 14th all-around (30.3) and 15th on team (7.65) in the same age division. Also competing in Level V were 10-year-olds Katy Ballantine and Cortney Wilmering, both of whom scored personal highs on the floor With scores of 8.2 and 8.5, respectively. , In Level VI, 10-year-old Ailese Scott placed sixth on beam (8.15), seventh on floor (8.6), 10th all-around (33.1), and 12th on both bars (8.2) and vault (8.15). Jessica DeGraw, 12, finished sixth on beam (8.05), while teammate Jeannette Martus, 13, was fifth on vault. INSIDE: Statistics, Page 3C Classifieds, Page 4C JIMJAGDFBU>/STAI>F PHOTOGRAPHER Close guard: Melissa Campeau of Livonia Lady wood controls the ball off the dribble against a Wyandotte Roosevelt player. Life is good these days for the Livonia Ladywood girls basketball team, especially when they're away from the Catholic League's tough Central Division. Following Wednesday's 87-37 waxing of Wyandotte Roosevelt in the TCIass A regional final at Ypsilahti, the Blazers now sport an 18-0 record minus their divisional rivals, Birmingham Marian ahd Harper Woods :. Regina. The 50-point regional win puts the Blazers (18-5 overall) into the state quarterfinals, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday (Dec. 2) at Lansing Eastern against Charlotte (24-1). "When we're playing a rival team it's usually a lower scoring game where it seems every possession is important," Ladywood coach Ed Kavanaugh said. "Because of the competitiveness, you can't relax for one game in our league." The Blazers Were loose as a goose against Wyandotte, fast-breaking and pressing their way to a 16-0 advan- tage to start the game. Wyandotte (20-5) had trouble getting the ball past mid-court, let alone getting a shot off in the opening quar-! ter as Ladywood jumped out to a commanding 23-5 lead. The Blazers also did a number on" the Bailey sisters, 6-foot-3 senior Kim, a recent signee with Oakland University, and 5-11 junior Sara. Kim, despite a team-high 16 points, got into early foul trouble and found herself in a standoff against Ladywood's • two centers, 6-2 senior Katie Wright (eight points) and 6-3 sophomore Anne Poglits (six). "We said we wanted to keep her (Kim Bailey) outside," Kavanaugh said. "We'll let a 6^3 kid shoot from outside. "We also wanted to go at them quickly. Katie made a nice hook shot early and we were able to pick up a couple of quick fouls." ~ See LADYWOOD, 3C Franklin football coach announces retirement B Y BRAD EMONS STAFF WRITER Vigna's final season A huge void has been left in the Livonia Franklin High football program. Armand Vigna, who guided the Patriots to their first-ever state Class A championship during his first season in 1975, is stepping down after 18 seasons as varsity coach. Vigna, who went 85-79 with the Patriots, said he thoroughly enjoyed his final season of coaching. (Franklin finished 7-2, narrowly missing the state Class AA playoffs.) "I hope one of my assistants gets the head job," Vigna said. "And if that happens I think it (the program) will continue right along. Everything goes in cycles, but all of us on the The 57-year-old Vigna, who submitted his letter of resignation Wednesday to the Franklin administration, is trading the hectic sidelines for the peace and quiet of retirement in Rogers City, a small community in northern Michigan located between Alpena and Cheboygan. Vigna and his wife Ruthie will become full-time campers in the small cottage they purchased back in 1970. "It's going to be a different pace of life, a lot slower," said Vigna, who also retired as Franklin's department chair of guidance counseling last June. "We've gotten to know a lot of people up there over the years. We're about eight miles outside of Rogers City. We're In the woods. It's more leisurely, an informal kind of life." Aft**** r staff believe we're on the upswing. The JV and freshman programs are sound." Vigna, a graduate of Dearborn Fordson High School (1953) and the University of Michigan, came to Franklin in 1965 after stints at Ravenna and Inkster Cherry Hill. He served as the JV football coach until 1972 at Franklin before joining George Lovich on the varsity staff along with Gerry Cullin. Following the unexpected death of then athletic director Walt Cosens in 1976, Lovich was elevated to the A.D. post, leaving the varsity football reins to Vigna, who took over a senior-laden varsity team which had gone 9-0 in 1974. - March to state title Coach ratirtt: Armand Vigna was hot only a JoePaterno look-alike, but ran his program inaPenn State-like manner. ..4-- Franklin, despite an early season loss to Livonia Stevenson, regrouped to make the post-season, playoffs, upsetting top-ranked Detroit Southwestern and Traverse City to win the first-ever Class A championship sponsored by the Michigan High School Athletic Association. SeeVNNA, 2C ..-,^1,1,.,.,.. •m 2C(L,W) The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 0 , 1 9 9 2 Shamrocks' Giordano sinks Stevenson BYNEALZIPSER STAW WRITER The "new" Redford Catholic Central hockey team may have gained a little revenge for its predecessors Wednesday ,as the Shamrocks beat Livonia Stevenson, 6-4, at Eddie Edgar Arena. The Spartans ousted CC from the Class A regional playoffs last March with a 4-2- victory. This time, a barely recognizable CC squad held off a furious comeback by Stevenson (0-2)' to secure its first win. Only six Shamrocks return, from last year's team — one "being senior forward Mike Giordano, who scored twice and added an assist. "I'm doing my best along with the other (four) seniors to keep the team together," he said. "All I've seen during our practices is hard work and I believe we will have a good season." It was Giordano's second1 goal, a slap shot from about 25 feet ' away, which was the eventual game winner. After CC carried a 4-1 lead into the third period, Stevenson struck quickly to get back into the game. THE WEEK AHEAD GIRLS BASKETBALL (State Class A quarterfinals) Liv. Ladywood vs Charlotte at Lansing Eastern. 7:3Q p m. The Spartans' Scott Johnson ripped a shot from the blue line which traveled and defelcted off several' players and through CC goalie Jamie Ronayne. Mark Peterson recorded an assist. One minute later, senior Doug Gulau fed-junior Dino Gauci,. who faked .out Ronayne and scored on a-backhand. The Spartans tied the game at 4-all with 4:50 remaining when ' senior Ryan Schmidt tipped in the puck off a scramble in front oftheCCnet. "It was a great comeback and I couldn't ask for more," Stevenson coach Matt Mulcahy said. "We played two good periods of hockey. I was pleased with the way we played in the first and third periods." Stevenson looked to. take the lead on a rush down ice 30 seconds later, but after Frank Novock knocked the puck away from a Stevenson forward, junior Jon Heady fed Giordano, who wound up for the go-ahead goal. Stevenson goalie Daryl Chamberlain stopped the puck Vigna from page 1C Changing leagues like (Redford) Thurston and (Westland) John Glenn, which we lost because of it. There are no traditions now. "I made noise about the^ 12school thing then. I think it diminishes the number of champions." Vigna said the job of head football coach become more demanding during the past 10 years, "I was the kind of guy who liked to do a lot of different things," Vigna said. "I was department chair for 15 years and I got involved in my church (Ward Presbyterian). And I raised three children. "But now high school sports have become so competitive, it's become a year-round thing in all sports. It's too bad in a way because the coach has to spend a lot more time in the off season." Vigna also saw the Patriots through a change of leagues. In 1985, Franklin dropped out of the Northwest Suburban League to join the 12-school Western Lakes Activities Association. "I know large leagues are good for scheduling purposes, but they can also cause problems," Vigna said. "I liked the Northwest Suburban because we had good rivals Vigna made plans Vigna knew his time had come for retirement. "I was a little tired after this May," Vigna said. "Physically, it became more difficult. "That's why I enjoyed it this fall. I didn't have a 7'A-hour (school) day before I went out for practice. But I've always enjoyed "We were really in unchartered waters then," Vigna recalled. "It was only a two-game tourney. But bingo, after we beat Southwestern, it was a shock. We were going to Kalamazoo." Vigna's 1982 team lost only once (7-3 to Dearborn Fordson), but failed to make, the playoffs. This past season, Franklin came close to making the post-season dance, only to be beaten out after suffering losses to Class A runnerup Walled Lake Western and playoff qualifier Northville. "I'll miss the game day excitement, but I won't miss losing," Vigna said. "That's the only thing wrong in athletics, that there's a winning team and a losing team. You die a little when you lose a big game." WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Tuesday, Dec. 1 Mich. Christian at Schoolcraft, 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2 Schoolcraft at Kalamazoo Valley, 7 p m Thursday, Dec. 3 Madonna at Grand Valley State, 7 p.m Friday, Dec. 4 . Madonna at Hope Classic, 6 & 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5 Madonna at Hope Classic, 1 & 3 p m. MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Tuesday, Dec..1 • Schoolcraft at Owens (Ohio) Tech, 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3 Schoolcraft at Albion JV. 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4 (Macomb CC Tournament) Oakland CC vs. Lake Michigan, 6 p.m. Indiana Tech vs. Macomb CC. 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5 Macomb CC Tournament. 6 & 8 p.m. PREP HOCKEY ' Wednesday, Dec. 2 Liv. Churchill vs. Bloomlield Andover, Liv. Stevenson vs. Southlleld at Livonia's Edgar Arena 6 & 8 p m. Redford CC vs. Ann Arbor Pioneer at A.A Veterans Arena, 7*30 p.m .Liv Franklin at Wyandotte (Yack),8p.m. Friday, Dec. 4 Liv. Churchill vs Liv. Franklin at Livonia's Edgar Arena, 6 p.m. Liv. Stevenson at Trenton. 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5 Redford CC vs. S'gate Anderson at Redford .Ice Arena, 8 p m with his glow, but the puckTricT" kled behind him and into the net. Novock added an emptynetter for the final score. Brian Ronayne drew the assist. , . "It shocked me that they were able to come back, but I think we came back just as Weil," Giordano said. ' The Spartans jumped out to a quick 1-0" lead when Schmidt one-timed it past Jamie Ronanyne. Scott Worthen and Ryan Gusick drew assists. The Shamrocks tied it up with the first of their two shorthanded goals. Novock stole the puck at the CC blue line and skated in on- goal. Chamberlain made the first save but Novock scored on the rebound. CC dominated the second period. Brian Ronayne stole a Stevenson pass at center ice and passed to Giordano. Chamberlain made an outstanding save on Giordano's first shot, but Giordano tipped in the rebound. "I would've heard it (from the team) if I didn't score — thank God for the rebound," Giordano said. With 6:06 remaining in the period, Giordano and Novock HOCKEY ^katediniwo-on-one-on4he-Ste=_ venson net. Giordano's'shot was wide, but Novovk ; fed Craig Wasen from behind the goal. Wasen then scored into the wide open net to give CC a 3-1 lead.,, ' Off the ensuing face-off,' Justin Ronayne buried a 15-fbpt shot into the upper right corner of the Stevenson, net. Assists went to Chris Gonzalez and Jason Bellinger/ ".' "It looked»like to me that we didn't know, the second period was on'," Mulcahy said. "We have a lot of new players and we will have to learn how to put three good periods of hocket together."• ;•'"••.:..• Gumbleton was happy with the way his team played, but of course, there is room for improvement. "For our first game, we showed we had the ability to move the puck around," Gumbleton said. "But we have to learn to back down some. It's possible you can overhit. You have to hit at the right time. "It's basically a brand new team. We're a young team, but we're well balanced." CC outshot the Spartans 3729. Lally revivesfipLtcareer 4ii^urptis^mi^^ BYNEALZIPSER STAFF WJUTEK BOXING Durable is defined as "lasting in spite of hard wear or frequent changed. I saw him change something (on the scorecard) before jhe ', u s e . " . •-:•:• '' That's What middleweight turned it in." Lally, who resides in Canton, 1; champion contender Tyrone Trice called Westland John Glenn came out strong in the first round graduate Brett tally oh a radio with several good combinations. • talk show before Tuesday's Fight The first,fiv4 rounds were even, Night at The Palace of Auburn * But it was Lally whp. started • Hills. ^.-.-. .-, . '.-; showing the sighs of punishment Lally 'gave new meaning to the first. His left eye swelled. Trice took control of the middle word durable as he won a controversial 10-round decision from rounds with good blows to Lally's Trice in front of 9,743 in Auburn face. Lally, looking worse as each round passed, connected on severHills, Despite having a bloody and al counter punches and often re- , swollen left eye, Lally pulled off turned blows on off-balanced the upset. The crowd didn't nec- lunged towards Trice. essarily agree with the decision. The fight seemed to belong to . Judges Chip Acey and James Trice entering the final round. Smith scored the bout 96-94 for" Lally increased-his intensity and, Lally, while Rosemary Grable saw with 30 seconds remaining, took it a 95-95 draw. Trice with both hands and threw "I'm very happy," Lally said. "I him to the mat. After Lally was , won and that's" all that matters. given a warning, he controlled the I'm not looking at a rematch. I'm rest of the fight. looking at a middleweight cham"I started putting it together in pionship fight now." the later rounds," Lally said. "He . Lally, who improved to 31-7, hit me with a couple good rights, was battered most of the night but it didn't-hurt me. I knew if I • but was found to be the aggressor, tried boxing Tyrone Trice, I especially in the later rounds. couldn't beat him." Lally' successfully passed exEach boxer's careers may go in aminations from the ringside doctor in the sixth and seventh separate directions now. Lally rounds. Referee Tom Paskevitch was making a comeback after thought Lally's wound to his eye being knocked out lasv year by the breaking down of, film, the might have been bad enough to Terry Norris. Lally was ranked , computer work and the prepara- Stop the fight, but the doctor saw 13th by the World Boxing Countion aspect of the job. It was a the injury as superficial. cil, while Trice was ranked ninth. challenge to get all that done with Trice, who started a hear riot at Trice, who survived the fight only 2½ hours per day for praclooking unblemished physically, the previous Fight Night by chaltice." sat in disbelief in his locker-room lenging International Boxing FedVigna, however, said hell miss chair following the decision. eration champion James Toney,4 the school and the'Franklin staff. "I thought I won the fight,"- all but lost his shot at a title bout. "I'm very prejudiced, but I said Trice, who fell to 41-6. "I "It was a lackluster performthink it (the school) is special," outpunched him. When he want- ance oh my part," Trice said. he said. "We had a very coopera- ed to wrestle with me — I let him. "Maybe it wasn't enough sparring tive teaching staff and a good set I thought they would take a point on my part or maybe I, overof parents from an athletic stand- away from him in the last round." trained. But anybody who saw the point. The kids got along well. As "I asked the judge what he fight didn't see me at my best.'' a counselor I worked hard with kids who transferred in. And I can. say there were only two that I had that in my 27 years that didn't adjust." Cared about kids Vigna's greatest contributions to the Franklin program may have come off the field, according to longtime assistant coach Jim Karoub. . ..'."First of all, there's, not a finer man," Karoub said. "He was always beyond reproach as far as honesty and integrity were concerned. .:. . ... "His approach was not win at all costs. He believed that there are rules that go beyond winning and losing and that the team always came first. FURNACES ^ - ^ ¾ SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION • REPAIR = = ^ - ^ Deal Direct - No Subcontractors thousands of Satisfied Customers ' m R&fGFFStS *> • FULLY LICENSED and INSURED • ONE DAY INSTALLATION • O N E DAY SERVICE We're sorry... SPARTAN TIRE Due to the overwhelming demand and to the manufacturer's inability to ship, Service Merchandise has a limited number of the IBM® PS/1 models #G44CBM and #613C8M, IBM® is unable to ship additional quantities TO meet further demand, so there will not be back orders. 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Garden City kmasansaam ( 5 0 \ - O i l W t l h P u r c h . T . " of 2 T I T ' . ) STEEL RADIAL WHITEWALLS SOyOM M i i I M H d Warranty 56 Vr, I I With Purchase of 4 Tires ALL SEASON STEEL RADIAL WHTTEWALL - • • — - • • - • WDMtwralUra 4.80x8/8 . 4.80x8«.. 4.80x1 Z/B. 4.80x12/C. 540X12/B 53QX12/C B-78X13/C F-78X14/C F-7SX1S/C FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT TRUCK & RV RADIALS $ Q with our rtaUonwkte Road Hazwd Warranty Ask for (fetalis SERVICE -QUALITY PRICE £wwUes BOAT TRAILER &RV SPECIALS $£88 4.80X8/2 W Protect Your Heating, Cooling & Electrical Inc. noi i?a? (313)454-3751 (L,W)3C The Observer/ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 300 games keep rolling in The dream of every bowlerj s to roll a 300 game. It takes 12 'Strikes in a row, •< the ultimate achievement in bowling. Now that the season is well, under way, there are more 300s being AL reported. HARRISON It takes a little while for some of the bowlers to get lined up with the new lane conditions. For oth-' ers, perhaps getting used to a new ball. In the past week, several local houses have had excellent scores, even some 800 series, which many consider to be more difficult than a 300 game. Wonderland Lanes in Livonia features the Wonderland Classic every Tuesday night and this past week Tom Reno had a 300 game and 847 series. His perfect score came a night after he rolled a 299 in the Ansara's Classic League at Drakeshire Lanes in Farmington Hills. Bryan Gogolin also rolled a perfect game in a 701 series, while Dave Kaliszewski. fired 297 with an 821 set. Bud LeBlanc was up . there with an 803 series, including a 278 game. In the Senior House League at Woodland Lanes, also in Livonia, Tim Grates and Scott Linsner both rolled 300 games during the past week. At Super Bowl Lanes in Canton Township, Steve Klein and Bill Moeller each fired 300s f in the Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot Tournament to join recent perfect games -by Larry Pratt, . Jason Adamowicz, Tim Magyar •and Todd Kurowski, each of • whom earned their 300 ring in league competition. Walter Dietz came close with a 299 in the Super Tuesday League. Aleda Sill and Beve Schiff each had perfect games in the All-Star Bowlerettes League in Livonia. Nunzio Marino shot 300 in the Thursday Scratch Trio at Cloverlanes. Sid Moorin rolled a 300 at Classic Lanes in Rochester during the Oakland Invitational. While many bowlers come close to perfection, getting the first 11 strikes, the 12th can be quite difficult. BOWLING HONOR ROLL Country Lanes (Farmilnfllon Hills) Greenfield Mixed — Bob Mertz. 285/681; Steve Mushinskl. 252/607 Steve Wolfe. 267/639, Carl Hansen. 245/683, Alice Wolle. 203. Lee Snow. 258/696: Al Harrison. 247/636. Kay Maikell. 242/604 B'Nal Bnth Brotherhood/Eddie Jacobson — Rob Greenlleld. 26B/692, Barry Fishman, 269/670, Steve Anslandig 240/649. Mike Fabian, 236/635. Bruce Weberman. 221/626 Lyle Schaeler. 221/614, Steve Fine. 222/609 Enter-Lodge — Hal Lublin. 259/628. Mark Silversleln . 219/587 Drakeshire Lanes (Farmington Hills) Ansara's AllStar Classic — Rick Lang, 288/790; Terry Mariucci. 279/784; Nunzio Marino. 278/764. Tuesday Men's Senior House — Duahe Najarian, 254/675; Chuck Mprris, 264; Rich Dawson, 268, BOI-AIre Lanes (Farmington'): Early Birds - Aggie Isabel, 202: Betty Babccck, 209. Salad Bowlers — Dabble Mathis. 205. Senior House — Ross Frasure\ 697; Paul Koenlg. 255/693; torn Johnston. 693; Bill Spray. 254/663; Tony Camerella. 650;. Ted Goldberg. 256/673; Bud Glgnac. 664; Larry Hooper, 675; Eddie Mtu, 263/653: Ray Streltzel. 248/642. Redford Lanes: West Side Lutheran League — Gordon Engel, 602; Craig Engel, 234/626; Milt Frervogte, 249. Woodland Lanes (Livonia): Odd Balls — Angela Heaslip.622. Lyndon Meadows — Tori Reetz, 221: Carol Pozan. 224. Morning Stars — Linda Ponke, 208; Sandy Bingamen, 200. Afternoon Delights - - Marilyn Kosla. 235. Gay 90s — Tom Gerovac. 219; Bill Lawler. 211; Paul Brewer. 266 Youth Preps — Jennifer Wycilowskl. 193 Kings 4 Queens — l i m Vallcento. 648 Sunday Funnies — Jim Harrelson. 875 — Monday Specials. — Harry Buhl, 242. Olga Kwasnluk, 215 " " " " " Swinging Seniors — Walter Huzor. 212, Bob Wilhelm, 236 Senior Houso — Bob Adamczyk, 266/723, Don Chambers, 682. Ken Eldred. 268. Mike Smart, 691. Tim Grates. 300/761: Scott Lisner, 300/681. Mark Payne, 691, Frank Semlk, Sr, 687, Berry Van Dike, 686, Chuck Myers, 682, Jim Carly, 268 > Super Bow) (Canton}- Canton Seniors — Qulmon Ward, 258-246/725 Super Tuesday —Walt.Dielz. 299/766 . Oak Lanes (Westland)' Youth Leagues (Bumpers) — Ryan Haudi. 94, Dan Tomaszewsfci, 94, Colleen Farley, 75 Majors — Fred Brad, 230, Joo Mack 222/592, Shelly aierholz. 200/517 Juniors — Scott Matuslck, 202/487. Ayesha Whitlield. 177. Stephanie Haeger, 374 Preps — Dan Watt. 163/342. Christina Nqtoli. 122, Kelly Tansey. 300 Ooverfanes (Livonia)- Thursday Scratch Trio — Kevin Miller* 299/707. Janice Curclo. 267, Debbie Jones 276. Marilyn Lueck. 257 >. Ail-Star Bowlerettes — Karen Hagan, 278-246/712. Carolyn Flnley. 289/637. Chris Chism. 245-246-212/ 703, Cheryl Slipcak, 246/690. Marilyn Lueck, 245/ 681 Dina Manni-Jones, 248/672 Mayflower Lanes (Redford) Mayflower Monday Seniors — Al Freden, 247, Bob Bulskl, 236 Plaza Lanes (Plymouth): Walerford Men — Jim Roberts 268. Gary Elliot. 256, Rob Humphrey, 246/613. Mike Benton, 244, John Co,, 241/619. Tom Truxell 236/617. Dick Coppens. 234/615 Bob Smith 227 Wonderland Lanes (Livonia). Monday Mixed Trio — Kim Reitmeyer, 224/614: Linda Sylvester, 226 Wonderland Classic — Nunzio Marino, 279/769. Ron Moore 279/742 Lome Green 279/725: Stan Mardeusz. 278/708. Kevin Miller 279/717. Fred Young. 690. Dave Piesz, 258/676. Denny McDonald 256/678. Dave Grabos. 664. Bob Pniewskl, 657: Doug Spicer. 655 Ken Fistler 265/654. Bob Bresousky 654 Nile Owls — Ken Mynalt, 244/667. Rick Grlgg 256/ 650 Gary Steinman 245/634 Darrln Upton. 254: Cliff Hamm, 256. Terry Zohteld. 234 Myles Kemohan. 244 SI. Paul> Presbyterian — Sally Senner, 220/345; John Hoard. 224. * Father/Son — John Franchi, 200; Dave Larsen. 226; Ian Bradford, 81; Bill Marisneck, 202, Monday Mixed Trio — Steve Kiefer. 244/691; Dave Urton. 256/688; Chuck Ryel. 667: Bill Sylvester. 236/ 661; Pat Ramsey, 247/661; Bob Merit 616; Paula Bajorek, 612: Midge Labo. 587: Jackie Plpta, 213. Youth Leagues (Hot Shots) — John Stalker. 103. Majors — Mark Jaroh, 259/592; Jamie Goodell. 180/506; Katie Magull, 100; Millie Ferguson, 99/261. Father/Son — Terry Bradford. 191; Gordon Reno, 246/621. BGR -r Eve Sumner, 258; Al Dumas. 264; Jay Septer. 685. Wonderland Classic — Tom Reno. 300/847; Dave Kaliszewski, 297/821; Bud LeBlanc. 278/803: Ken Bashara, 278/769: Ron Moore. 277/768; John bahierup. 754; Garrett Nagie, 279/750; Brad Wolter. 277/724; Steve Stamp, 276/718; Fred Youngi 277/ 709: Bryan Gegolin. 300/701. Nite Owls — Rob Smith. 267/655"; Max Neher. 233/ 233; Craig Slbel, 236. Champs from page 1C try, but led 12-7.) The Shamrocks answered, however, going up 14-12 on a Jason Krueger 2^yard TD plunge, set up by Chris Barbara's 60-yard pass toPankow. Arthur Hill, however, was not done scoring in.the first half, as Wright found Redeemer all alone over the middle for a 77-yard scoring toss with only 1:35 remaining. Wright then connected with tight end Sam Sword on the twopointer to give the Lumberjacks a 20-14 advantage. Arthur Hill picked up where it had left off in the first half, taking the second-half ] kickoff and marching 64 yards to the CC 10, only to turn it over on a fumble. Wright, trying to turn upfieid on a keeper, had the ball stripped out of his hands by CC nose guard Paul Nemzek. The fumble recovery proved pivotal. "I was plugging the gap and initially I didn't go for the ball," said Nemzek, a 6-foot, 235-pound senior lineman.- "But it surprised me when he (Wright) was holding the ball in front of him. I just grabbed the ball and fell backwards with it. I think it gave a lift to everybody when, we needed it." Season ends Madonna misses at-large berth As it turned out, Madonna University volleyball coach Jerry Abraham was right: The only sure way to make the NAIA National Tournament was to win your district tournament and not rely on at-large berths. The Lady Crusaders lost in. the NAIA District 23 Tournament final to Northwood University, leaving them hoping to land one of four at-large spots. Considering they were ranked 10th in the final NAIA poll, and that last year the team ranked 14th in the NAIA made it, they might have felt confident. As it turned out, Madonna didn't really come close. Upsets reigned in the district and bidistrict tournaments, which left Madonna and two teams ranked ahead of it out of the tournament. One of the at-large berths went to Point Loma Nazarene, which, will host the NAIA tour^ nament in San Diego. Hawaii- • Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference and the NCAA II next year), will be ranked third in the tournament, which starts Wednesday. The Northwomen finished third last year. VOLLEYBALL Hilo, ranked sixth and a loser in the district tournament to top-ranked Brigham YoungHawaii, landed another. Two more went to teams upset in the bi-district round: Northwestern Iowa, ranked fourth, lost to unranked St, Francis College (111.), and Western Oregon, ranked second, fell bo No. 14 Puget Sound (Wash.). Top-10 teams left out, other than Madonna, were No. 5 Westmont (Calif.), which lost in the districts to No. 13 California Baptist, and No. 3 Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis, which was beaten by No. 9 Georgetown (Ky.) University in the districts. Northwood, which successfully completed its final season in the NAIA (the school is switching back to the Great The Crusaders, meanwhile, will have to'be satisfied with their 43-10 final record and post-season honors doled out to six players. Dana Finley earned district co-player of the year honors for the second-straight season; she was joined by Elena Oparka, Tonia Smith and Mazie Pilut on the district's first' team. Oparka, who played for two years at Schoolcraft College before joining Madonna, and Finley were also named to the 12member all-region team, which consists of players from Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois ancV Kentucky. Maureen Paulin and Melissa Mars were all-district second team selections. Schoolcraft cagers outlast Glen Oaks The patterns Schoolcraft College's men's basketball team are following are, well, a bit weird. At least they were last Tuesday at Glen Oaks CC. When the Ocelots should have been down, they were up, and when they should have been up, they went' down. Fortunately, they finished on an upbeat, scoring the final 12 points of the game to repel Glen Oaks 97-86. "We grew up a little bit,!' said SC coach Dave Bogataj, whose team evened its record at 3-3. Good thing. Going into the game, the Ocelots had discovered they Would be without 6-foot-6 Ladywood Wyandotte, Which committed 21 first-half turnovers, could not match up either in the backcourt. ','The key was "to take their guards out of the game," Ka-~~ vanaugh said. "We wanted to double-team and trap them into the sidelines. We knew the Baileys would get there points, but if you can't get the bail to them, they can't score." Ladywood, which led 43-23 at intermission, outscored the Bears er's offense (35 points), Glen Oaks; "crept back into it" and, with 1:27 P left, took an 86-85 lead. "I called, time out and explained to them,! in my normal, composed way,' that they were going to let this one getaway," said Bogataj. freshman Jerome Carter, who tore knee ligaments and is lost for the season. Then, two minutes into the game, Courtney Williamsonbey —SC's second-leading scorer and rebounder — took an elbow to the nose that fractured it. He ended up playing less than 10 minutes. When Williamsonbey went out, SC trailed 6-1. One might think that would really put the Ocelots on their heels; instead, they rallied to score 23-straight points. "Whatever it was, it inspired them," said Bogataj. SC ended up with a 58-43 halftime advantage. But, even though they had the momentum, the Ocelots couldn't sustain it. Led by Rodney Walk- from page Glen Oaks did not score again.; Williamsonbey returned and; scored six of SC's final 12 points;; he finished with 12. ; Jarvis Murray topped the • Ocelots with 25 points and 16 re-: bounds. Mohammed Abdrabboh' had 24 points and Bryant Mar-; kowicz had 16 and six boards.; Mark Elliott notched 14 points; and eight assists for Glen Oaks,' which fell to 1-2. ; 1C ing a pair of three-pointers in the: finalperiod, "There are a lot of personalties on this team," Kavahaugh said.' "It's a fun group.It's a big part 6i playing in this program. If they're;; not having a good time, then; something is wrong." ' Chances arethe good times wilt continue into Wednesday's quarterfinal matchup. But guess who's just around the corner lurking in a potential semifinal matchup? • 20-7 in the third quarter before going on a 24-7 run in the final period. It turned out to be a night of fun-and frivolity night as 12 of Ladywood's 14 players who saw action scored, led by sophomore .forward Tara. Overaitis, who pumped in a game-high 17 points. Tracey Mocon, a 5-11 senior, came off the bench to score 12, while 5-6 junior guard Sara Cavanaugh contributed nine, includ- GUY W A R R E N / S T A F F PHOTOGRAPHER Game-winner: CC's Brady Pankow celebrates a 37-yard third-quarter touchdown pass from teammate Freddie Taylor. Schoolcraft, Livonia ^<BHO%V0^PW1 O ^ N P T W I M O H $E 1 Insulate your windows with Chelsea Community Hospital presents: EGP Magnetic Interior Storm Windows Annual Update MIGRAINE & OTHER HEADACHES - Eliminate Cold Drafts - Seal your Window tike a Refrigerator Door Gasket - Reduce your utility bills - Window uses 3M insulating technology - Increase the comfort in your home - Upgrade to Low-E without replacing your windows - Buy Factory Direct Guest Speaker: J O E L R . S A P E R , M . D . , F . A . C . 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Novi Hilton Expires 12-8-92 To Register or for Additional Information Chelsea Community Hospital 775 South Main Street Chelsea, Michigan 48118 There is no charge for this lecture thanks to educational grants from several pharmaceutical companies r-i"""" ----- I SUPER COUPON INSTALLATION SPECIAL i Regular '198.95 j SUPER COUPON INSTALLATION SPECIAL Atotoiem Shnebrd WATER HEATER P L H R WHITE TOILET S a w «30.95 *319oo Regular 440.95 s^%50'(X» iI I it Coupon cennot be combined with any other oiler. L Expiree 12-8-92 .: J 1. 40 GALLON CALL (313)572-7442 LAVATORY FAUCET 148 S ftogutir '299.05 J w IMKHF.N , M $«»0005 I SUPER COUPON INSTALLATION SPECIAL i 8AMC DAY INSTALLATION FOR DETAILS CM4.I I Coupon cehnot be combined with eny other offer. I Exptrn 12-a-K «•« 6C*(R,W,G-4C) O&E Monday, November 3 0 , 1 9 9 2 dDbserver F< 5E«entric THE NEWSPAPERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 3¾8UYIT- L/ i | ^ REACH MICHIGAN'S FINEST MARKET J SELL IT. ^ FIND IT. 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For. Appointment. 542-471S0r 544-8724 ROYAL OAK - Downtown, 3 bedroom bungalow, basement, fenced yard, renovated interior, $89,900. 544-7632 The Prudential Wolfe Realty Independently Owned and Operated ROYAL OAK - Open Sun. 1-4. Built FARMINGTON HILLS in 1985, immaculate 2-3 bedrooms, central air, deck, $78,000. WARM, C02Y & CLASSIC 548-4153 Heather Hills sub. Scenic ravine lot. Rambling ranch/finished walk-out 2 fireplaces. $237,900, (OE-L-50CAS) THREE BEDROOM brick ranch, central air, updated kitchen, other amenities, home warranty. $62,900. EXECUTIVE LIVING 532-7213 In prestigious Hunter Pointe: 5,000 Agent, Eric Davis. sq. tt. of living space Including lower level. Gourment kitchen, breakfast & sun room combo, family room and 3 car garage. $429,900. (OE-L-40KEN) 310 Wixom-Commerce Lakes Area Commerce Township COUNTRY SETTING NEW CONSTRUCTION Big country colonial on a country MEGANS MEADOW SUB lot. New roof, furnace and atr conditioning. Great area on a no through Immediate occupancy. 1600 sq.ft. Street. $137,900. (OE-L-22LUN) ranch. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1st floor laundry, many extras: $152,900. 462-1811ALSO AVAILABLE. 3 bedroom. 2¼ bath colonial. $157,900. Wlxom Rd, N. to Glengary, turn right to Benstein, turn left v. mile. For appointment call: J.T. KELLY CUSTOM HOMES (313)363-5927 C0LDWELL BANKER Schweitzer Real Estate NEAR 14 Mile & Farmington. 4 bedroom, 2.2 acres, newly decorated, new carpet. Immediate occupancy. L/C available. $128,000. 476-4673 GREAT STARTER HOME 3 bedrooms, country size kitchen, cathedral celling, wood burner stove, bay window In living room, 2 car garage. $79,900. C-22VI-C. Call 360-0450 ERA COUNTRY RIDGE REALTY WELCOME HOME! 3 bedroom contemporary on 86 x 293 lot, master bedroom w/bath, OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 country kitchen w/oak cabinets, liv- Lake Living without the high taxesl ing room with fireplace; 2 car garage West Acres Sub. 3 bedroom, 1½ and more. $98,900. F-29NI-FH. Call 474-3303. INVEST & PROFIT story colonial. Bring the boat, kids, and enjoy tennis and clubhouse. $149,900. S. of Commerce Ad.. W. of Green Lake Road. Ask tor Wayne. This 3 bedroom, 1½ story maintenance free home offers a large COLDWELL fenced lot, hardwood floors, updat LAKES REALTY ed bath, garage A more. $64,999. F-21TU-FH.CaH 474-3303. ERA COUNTRY RIDGE REALTY 311 Homes 306 SoiithlWd-Uthrup BEACON SQUARE SUB - 4 bedroom colonial, neutral decor, new custom kitchen & baths, deck, water healer & roof. Musi see. 350-3396 738 Household Pets 740 Pet Services 744 Horses. Livestock Equipment WE ACCEPT 6 2 0 - 6 2 4 Personal S c e n e IS«« S M I Scene Men. 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Dupont COR1AN counters In 421-5660 lerinat oak kitchen with large eatda Room with electric heat, spa- kitchen, and bath. ing area overlooking fireplace In clous kitchen with appliances. Basement prepared tor finishing and 2 GREAT LOOKING BRICK $69,900 family room with cathedral ceiling. car garage. Hurry on this one. ranch with many important updates Central air, sprinklers, fenced, culincluding new windows, dishwasher, de-sac. $147,900. $94,500. and many others. Located in a great family sub. This home is a real bar- WHAT A GREAT LOCATION - in N. VALUE RICH 462-1660 Canton. Convenient to schools and Step in and enjoy this charming ex- gain. tra large 4 bedroom, 1½ bath shopping this large broadfront Ranch. Features family sized kitch- SQUEAKY CLEAN $105,900 ranch is fully updated with new en, all mahogany woodwork, central You can tell that the original owner kitchen and baths. Large garage air, nice Florida Room, basement & took pride in this 3 bedroom brick and circular driveway add to the ap2 car attached garage. Don't let it ranch with a full basement with a peal, All refinlshed hardwood floors get away. $105,000. 2nd fireplace and 1½ baths bn the and plaster walls show pride of ownmain floor. Beautiful park-like set- ership. Absolutely not a drive by! ting.. 474-5700 $99,999. Alluring Homes K Century 21 CALL THE MOVER $112,900 because this home is ready. Everything is new Including the kitchen, roof, furnace, carpeting, paint, and trim. With over 1,500 square feet, BY OWNER, brick tri-level. 1771 this brick ranch can't be beat' sqft.. 3 bedrobms. family room. 1¼ 462-1660 baths, den. ceiling fan. updated thru-out. 2 car garage/workshop, WESTERN LIVONIAMove in condivery clean! $110,900. 261-3579 tion brick ranch, features 3 bed- Today 462-9800 Award Winning Office 1986, 87, 88, 89,90 & 91 THE MICHIGAN GROUP Realtors, Inc. place in finished basement. House oflors updated country kitchen, new vinyl windows, security system, on demand hot water heater a plenty more! Call for more information Century 21 J. Scott. Inc. PRIME ACRE LOT $179,900 All custom area (n Central Livonia, Stevenson High School. 2,363 square fool 4 bedroom, 3 bath brick ranch, basernent, dining room, fireplace, newer kitchen, and 2 car attached garage. 421-566j0 S BERKLEY - 2520 Bacon. Charming Century 21 J. Scott. Inc. 3 bedroom 1 bath ranch. New sunroom, new root, dining room, $70,000. 313-398-6853 The Prudential Wolfe Realty ool. Immediate 127,500. NO Agents. occupany 455-4423 459-6222 REMEMBER REMERICA N. CANTON COLONIAL Contemporary home on one acre picturesque, treed ravine lot. Beautifully appointed. Many custom features, $127,900. (OE-L.70GRE) place and master bath. Central air. full basement, extra large garage with lots of extra storage. Located close to shopping. Home Warranty. $129,900 ' WATERFORD. all sports Elizabeth lake Access, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, 453-4300 additional lot, 410 Lakeside Dr. BEAUTIFUL 522-3200 this home that you'll never rind a $61,900, or rent $800 mo. 864-0415 MAINTENANCE FREE TRANSFEREE'S DREAM - Move^ln better deal. In area of much higher condition In desirable Nottingham Three bedroom tri-level, newer win- HOMETOWN REALTORS priced homes, this updated house is 312 Livonia Woods sub on "7 acre lot with pri- dows and vinyl siding (91'L Cemrmic an exceptional deaf. 474-5700 vate backyard. Fresh neutral paint & counter tops 8 floor Jn Kitchen. HOT! HOT! carpet. 4 bedrooms, 3 ^ baths plus (OE-L12HIX) 482.1811 Immediate occupancy on this 3 bed- utist room & den. 3400 sq. ft. with $106,500. COLDWELL BANKER room Ranoh. Irpdates throughout Itister bedroom on 1st floor. FabuREMEMBER REMERICA Schweitzer Real Estate the home. Large kitchen, central air, lous floor plan. Ddn'l miss It. 1.2 ACRES basement phis a 2 car garage. $199 900 CANTON - plus 3 bedroom ranch UNIQUE $79,900. CALL MARY ELLEN GOODWIN with 2 car garage & 3 large out Independently Owned and Operated Contemporary home on one acre THE MICHIQAN GROUP ON THE LEVEL ..LOOK at this 3 picturesque, treed ravine lot. Beau- buildings. Over 1,900 sq tt. living REALTORS INC.. 591-9200 tifully appointed. Many custom fea- space. Home warranty too! Priced bedroom Ranch on a 1 acre lot. to sell quldtly at $76,900. Living room/fireplace, 2 car garage. tures, $127,900. (OE-L-70GRE) WESTERN LIVONIA (OE-L-75DEN) 462-1811 Asking $69,900...Land Contract ROW 3 bedroom. 1H bath, Ranch home. available!! COLDWELL BANKER Remerica The Prudential One'Way Realty 473-5500 REALTOR® 304 Farrrrington FarmtngtonHWa 464-7111 Full basement, 2 car attached garage, very open layout. $109,900. Call Carol Lee: C-21 Hartford North. 525-9600 or 462*2236. BEAUTIFUL MAINTENANCE FREE Three bedroom tri-level, newer winLIVONIA dows and vinyl siding (9V). Ceramic GET A JUMP - on the spring market counter topa A floor In kitchen. UPDATES! UPDATES! and grab this great buy Hi Steven307 South Lyon son H.S. area. 1100 sq. ft., 3 bed- This three bedroom brick ranch fea- $108,500. (OE-L12HIX) 482-1611 room brick ranch has 1¼ baths, 2 tures two full baths, updated kitchCOLDWELL BANKER en, new roof, partlaKy finished baseMiHord-Highland car attached garage, partlaHy finSchweitzer Real Estate rec room, newer windows, ment, 2.5 car garage, low taxes, & CONVENIENT- Mlfford Rd/IM. 4 ished pool (selleri wm leave or remove). roof, central Mr. $89,(00. bedrooms, 1¼ balh, parlor, office, $69,900 new designer kitchen, huge garage wrtotl, fruit trees, castle tree house! NEW CONSTRUCTION - In Livonia 8RAN0 NEW COLONIALS STATE STREET RANCH 11/4 acres. »155,000. 4M-1978 FOR $87,900. You must see this 3 Newer windows, roof, insula!ton, A EngHsh tudor style bedroom 2 bath brick ranch featur3 8 4 bedrooms to choose from. ing e cathedral celling, oak cabinets, every room freshly painted. This Starling NEW CONSTRUCTION at $122,500. 981-4818 three bedroom brick ranch has a master bath, and a full basement. Family cotonlel w/huge. kitchen, huge living room, fuH basement, master suite, ( a huge great room, Completely finished and ready 10 overslied garage, A In a great area. Classifieds move Into. BuHder wHl help with cathedral oewng.«1 ts.fnO. $91,499 pomte. C- 128E-M. Call 3*0-0450, WORK ERA COUNTRY RIOOE REALTY THREE BEDROOM BRtCK RANCH To Place your Ad Call 313 Canton THE MICHIQAN GROUP Realtors, Inc. 591-9200 315 Northville-Novi NORTHVILLETWP. NEW CONSTRUCTION IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Approximately 3,000 sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 2½ baths, carpeting Included. Walk-out with patio on large fully landscaped wooded lot. v/t miles W. of Haggerty. lust oil 6 Mile Rd. Open Sun. 1-6, 737-0692. » WINDHAM REALTY GROUP. INC 316 Weatland Garden City-Wayne AFFORDABLE PLEASUREI Great opportunity to start out right with this 3 bedroom, 1½ bath brick ranch with 2¼ car garage & above round poet for summer pleasurel njoy the comfort of a cozy tire In the family room with fireplace. t Won't last at this price ol only $59,900 • HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS In this 3 bedroom, 1½ bath brick home with Vft car garage. It's a dream come true for the whole lamlly with features like a finished basement with dry bar and possible 4th bedroom. Also has central air and rool IS only 4/yrs old. Get ready lor the Holidays Nowl $76,900 Century 21 J. Scott. Inc. 453-0012 R Wolfe Realty The Prudential Large four bedroom colonial featuring 2½ baths, family room with lire- Independently Owned and Operated place, master bedroom with fire- UNIQUE REMEMBER REMERICA MOTIVATED SELLERS $107,900 say "Let's make a deal," on this 1.55Q Square foot home with 3 bedrooms and 1½ baths In a great area of Plymouth. With a maintenance free exterior, newer furnace, and . central air, plus a pleasant neutral decor, you won't find a better value, 462-1660 Wolfe Realty GREAT ROOM RANCH In N. Canton, built in 1978. Desirable features include 3 bedroom's. 1¼ baths. All new carpeting. Large family kitchen, newer central air. Recently finished basement has 4th bedroom or office. Great room with vaulted celling and fireplace. 2 car attached garage. Priced to sell at $125,900. Ask Tor: GARY JONES or PATTY STROPES. t 459-6222 independently Owned and Operated Remerica deck, well landscaped lot. 2½ Car garage. 1661 sq. ft., neutral decor throughout. Snooze & loose. Only $119,500 Remerica HOMETOWN REALTORS CANTON - Open Sun. 1-5 CUSTOM FAMILY HOME $209,900 in exclusive Sheffield Sub. This 2,500 square foot colonial has it all 522-3200 including a beautifully landscaped 'A acre lot. This sharp and clean home 453-4300 421-5660 LIVONIA RANCH. 3 bedrooms. 1.5 Is ready for you. baths, basement. 2 car attached gaCUSTOM FAMILY HOME $210,000 rage, sunroom w/1lrep<ace. .7 ucres. $96,500. 422-3566 This fantastic ranch is finished to perfection with all the extras including a beautiful kitchen with premium HOMETOWN REALTORS bullt-ins, 2 fireplaces, enclosed sunREDUCED room, and beveled glass windows in the great room! 462-1660 JUST FOR YOUI Blnme only yourself If you-mtss this 2 FIREPLACES Beautiful setting for this 4 bedrpom, 2½ bath colonial, 26 ft. family room. Sun room. den. side entry garage, only $249,900! 591-9200 rooms, family room, fireplace, fin-, 44205 N. Umberland. E. of Sheldon ished basement, and 2 car attached between Ford & Warren. 4 bedroom garage. Plush modern decor and re- colonial, 2 car attached garage, GREAT POSSIBILITIES 3 bedroom brick ranch/possible 4th modeled kitchen with light oak cabi- family room w/firepiace, finished 421-5660 basement, in-ground heated gunife bedroom/lull bath, rec room & fire- nets. 380-1425 bonuliful Tri-level. Natural fireplace, Oakland County AUTOMOTIVC RCCRCATIONALVCHICI.es #000-084 DESPERATE OWNER $26,999 has reduced the price so much on OPEN HOUS6 WEST BLOOMFIELO - Warn out 01 SAT-SUN. 1:00-4:00 P.M. luf) basement, 1 tut garage, stove, the City? 3 bedroom, fireplace. fridge, dishwasher, washer, dryer. 2½ car oarage, pool. Vk acre fenced Owner anxious to sen this lovely 4 bedroom, 2½ baiti. tri level in beauExquMtery remodeled Interior. . lot. »70.900 Ask for Janet. NO cats. $750/mO. 642-2665 Work 360-6660 or 300-17(16 tiful Klmberty subdtvlefon. Extras include Fireplace, Central Alt, Baseboard Heat, Separate omnia, Patio w/Reer Deck, New Root m leal, Se•J* curity System, Attached Oarage w/ 30S Rochatttf-Troy Electric Opener, Beautiful Wooded ROCHESTER HILLS - UnrnrMly Lot and more II Beet value hi area at Kins Sub colorHAI, 4 bedrooms, 1<A $145,000. 2*381 Ounds*, 471-7050 betrts, family room, comer lot, near schools, immediate occupancy, »1S4.»O0. «S1-1S«4 BIRMINGHAM - 3 bedroom. 1 bath, IOMELINE AFTER HOURS: Use Our 24-Hour Voice Mail System CENTURY 21 Compliments of The 302 Birmingham i 422 Wanted to Rent 423 Wanted to Rent-Resort Property 424 House Sitting Service 425 Convalescent Nursing Homes 426 Home Health Care 427 Foster Care 428 Homes for the Aged 429 Garages/Mini Storage. COMMCRCIRL/INDUSTRIAl SAIC OA ICASC CMPIOVMCNT/INSTRUCTION #365-372 SCAV1CCS 365 Business. Opportunities 366 Office Business Space Sale/Lease #300-314 RCAl CSTATC fOA SALC # 300-364 Pigpen Myself Urges on Title before a person's name 13 Raged 15 Three-toed sloth 16 Ingredient 18 Japanese measure 19 Astalre ID 21 Mr. Braeden 22 Auricular 24 "One — Over the Cuckoo's Nest" 26 Allowance for waste 28 Fort —. New Jersey 29 Eagle's nest 31 Prepare lor print 33 Spielberg ID 34 Spoken FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION ON OPEN HOUSES - CALL: 8:00 /LM.-5:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY I N f t € X O f CLASSIFICATIONS HOMC & SCRVICC GUIDC # 1-299 1 4 6 11 Fax Your Ad 9 5 3 ' - 2 0 20 w ACROSS 591-0900 644-1070 852-3222 953-2232 Wayne County Oakland County W h e r e You Will Find... Autos For Sale OFFICE HOURS: One A a half btths, In a nice famMy neighborhood, on a comer lot, shad* trees. pMnty of storage m attic and brick garage Com* on by) A 10K hornet $63,900 REAL ESTATE ONE 201-0706 644-1070 591-0900 852-3222 Schweitzer Real Estate 314 Plymouth Eneroy Efficient 453-4300 522-3200 BY OWNER. WESTLANO- Clean, maintenance tree, 3 bedroom with basement on golf course. Priced to sell. Only $66,500. Days: 964-0150 Alter 6pm:722-9241 DISCOVER THE SECRET .Hidden on the inside there Is a completely updated two bedroom bungalow, country kitchen, copper plumbing, tile floors, carpeting, balh. Traditional neighborhood. $84,900. One Way Realty - 473-5500 3 bedroom colonial with enclosed Florida room off family room with fireplace and hardwood floors. Great location with deep lot and privacy-8116.500 WESTLAND Remerica A NEW COMMUNITY SINGLE FAMILY HOMES $79,990 HOMETOWN REALTORS $4800 MOVES YOU IN 453-0012 REMEMBER REMERICA Preview 5 new enclimg models, full basement. 2 car attached garage, large master bedroom suite and Colony Farms Sua. 4 bedroom much more. Get m on the ground Dutch Colonial, 2W2 to. ft. Family room, formal dining. HrMhea) beeemenl, attached 2 cay. $114,000. vacant. Priced to sett 1ST COLONIAL 822-5920 FORECLOSURE ^ MILLPOINTE 595-1010 317Rtdford 316 WMHWH) 326 Condos (Urdtn City-W«ynt AMAZING VALUES UNBELIEVABLEI Only $69,900 for this beautiful 4 bedroom, 1¼ bath Colonial on nicely treed , lot. Includes newer winENORMOUS - 3 bedroom ranch, re- dows, beautiful family room, central modeled kitchen, oak cabinets,' air, basement & attached garage. newer windows & furnace, central Call and see today! air, huge basement, attached breeze way, 2 car garage with openJUST WAITING FOR YOU er, updates galore, $64,900 this tastefully decorated 2 full bath «5> . home with aft the Character and Old PRIVATE SETTING - bTick 3 bed- World Charm you could, want.. Fearoom ranch. 1¼ baths, family room, tures Livonia schools, den with deck, beautifully finished, basement, beautiful hardwood flooring, coved bar., 2 car parage, warranty, $69,900 ceilings, central air, finished basement plus so much more. Only LIVONIA SCHOOLS, prestigious Brick - 4~b«rwnrTahxhrT<rt)aths7 huge country kitchen, bullt-lns, family room, wood burning stove, CENTURY 21 TODAY doornail to deck, enormous basement with-unlqiw workroom, 2¼ cai garage. Immediate occupancy, home warranty $95,900 CENTURY 21 ROW 464-7111 318 Dearborn Ptarborn Height* 328 DupltXM TownhouM* IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY NORTHVILLE - KlngsvllleCo-op. 2 bedroom, Vft bath, formal dining, finished basement, move In condition, great location near .woods, $84,500/negotlable. .981-4021 Century 21 CASTELLI 525-7&00 1990-91 CENTURION AWARD WINNINSOFFIC6 Sharp 3 bedroom, 1½ bath brick ranch, pride of ownership shows through. Full finished basement, kitchen, appliances and window treatments stay. Note newer, roof, newer electrical and F.H.-A. terms offered. $78,900. <540i) FANTASTIC! 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge country kitchen; deck, -2 car garage, super sharp 1¼ story with great terms. $79,900 ' '' • . WOLVERINE PROPERTIES INC. 532-0600 FIRST SHOWING $69,900 North harden City fantastic starter 3 bedroom ranch offers a basement, attached garage^ new dak kitchen, neutral decor, and new windows. First to see will buyi 421-5660 339 Lot* and Acreage For Sal* STERLING HEIGHTS -Golf course condo, 2 bedrooms, 1½ baths, basement. Immediate occupancy. ATTENTION Canton Developers. 26 $62,900. eves. 795-5761 rolling, wooded acres, S.E. corner Palmer &totz, zoned multiple, overlooking Fellows Creek soil course. Westland MUST SELL. 522-6922 or 493-1700 STUNNING Meticulously clean. Open floor plan, FARMINQTON HILLS - 35 acre site, vaulted celling & skylights. 2 Bed- Ideal tor development, zoned resirooms, dining room, Southern expo- dential, all utilities available. sure with deck. $69,900. GORDON GROSSMAN 851-9030 CALL CHARLOTTE JACUNSKt NORTHFIELO TOWNSHIP 38 ACRES, will divide, heavily wooded, ravine, stream, rolling terrain, perced. Land Contract. "437-1174 Remerica HOMETOWN REALTORS 420-3400 REMEMBER REMERICA IN-LAW QUARTERS / 4184,900 Is lust one" of the many features of this 3,000 square foot home in one of Dearborn's most prestigious areas. With 6 bedrooms and 4¼ baths; this home has all the room anyone needs. 474-5700 332 Mobile Homo For Sale 366 Ofc-But. Space Sale/Leate ANNOUNCING 368 Commercial/ Rttail COmmerClal/lndustrlal < Telegreph & 9 Mile area; Beautifully Best rates In town. Maple Business maintained. 10,000 sq. It. Can be Center of Troy. No tease necessary. used for retail. Great ratal ••'••• 227-5000 sq. ft. On Maple near BAILEY PROPERTIES Llvernol8. From $235 up per mo. Tom! 646-0139 BAILEY PROPERTIES Tom; 848-0139 DOWNTOWN 1 & 3 room office suites available Immediately. Rates starting at S12.75/sq. ft. Rent includes eiccofl' «<*ilrm=JieM^-|anltorlaCse»k».NORTHFIELOTOWNSHIP^" ^ k n u aniLU^Mi k u^rat*H>l answering & secretarial Two 10 Acre Parcels, rolling terrain, itelephone, service available. 648-5900 perced. Land Contract Terms* 437-1174 BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Up to 2500 sq- ft. In charming historic building, NORTHVILLE TWP. fully modernized,- superbly located, Large wooded sites available. Some corner of Woodward & Lone Pine walk-outs. 1½ miles W. ol Haggerty, Rds. Baseboard telephone, HVAC: lust off 6 Mile Rd. 737-0892 Park like setting. Call: 644-6440 WINDHAM REALTY GROUP. INC. CORNER: OF Commerce/Orchard ORTONVILLEARI=A Lake. 819 sq.ft. suitable (of bakery. 10 Acres on Wooded lowlands. or carrybut. $950 a mon. NNN.,Cal( $20,000. , A. Fisher at: , : '. -' • : •.. 855-2992 313-422-8102 AVAILABLE FINANCING ASLOWAS5%l New, pre-owned and repossessed 2 or 3 bedroom home? on site *and ready to en|6yl Singles and modu lars priced from $4995. Please call: LITTLE VALLEY HOMES 824-2626 DENTAL/MEDICAL FARMINGTON HILLS : LIVONIA. : ROCHESTER HILLS 4 lots In beautiful "Heritage Oaks;" Sewer,; water, paved. Terms. STREAMWOOD DEV; CO. 852-8434 TWO 3.25 acre parcels, perced, CANTON - Senior Park. 14x70 Holi- treed.hlllfop setting, overlooking day Park. Enclosed porch, central ravine. Land Contract. West of air,.all appliances, new washer & US23. '" .. " "437-1174 dryer, $13,000. 534-0293 PLYMOUTH LANDMARK PROPERTY BIRMINGHAM SOUTH ADAMS SQUARE HEATING BILL ; Receive 1 month free at Haggerty eVHalsted From 750-2,600 sq.ft. CERTIFIED REALTY, INC. (313)471-7100 DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM • Great location! • Large, Spacious 1 & 2 bedrooms! • Abundant Closets «. extra Storage! • Centra) Air • Covered Carports • Vertical Blinds •Smaltf>ets Welcome* • Friendly Caring Management Staffl Call Today .649-6909 CERTIFIED REALTY, INC. (313)471-7100 PLYMOUTH DOWNTOWN Lease space for the Holidays, by the week, by the month. Call Deborah: 313-229:7474 A Perfect Place to call HOME! ChUj out with ua at Buckingham Manor Tin Celling, brick walls, wood floor Birmingham's finest rental retail, olflce of "restaurant. Main community. floor, 2,400 sq.ft., full basement. ; Deluxe 2 bedroom apartments: iticLJlPfl_also available. 3 3 6 8 . ^-1¼ uaihs -^ — Main. Main . '. 439-373J • Lots of closet space * • Full basement FARMINQTON HILLS • Sparkling poof RETAiL STORES • Small pels welcome ' • Short term lease available • Short Term Corporate Suites 10 Mile Road Between 10 Mile Rd. at Grand River Orchard Lk. Rd. at 10 Mile Farmington Rd. at 8 Mile From 1,080-16,000 sq.ft. 342 lakefroht Property Monday, November 30,1992 O&E 400 Aptt. For Bant 400 Aptt. For Rent Birmingham Cranbrook "BEAT THE FREEZE" Centre UP TO $500 OFF YOUR WINTER Apartments You'll be glad yoo dldl Certain Restrictions App Not valid with any other of (R,W,0-5C)*7C W Aptt. For Rent FARMINGTON HILL* $499 Moves You In (On Selected UnltsV 1600 sq. I I . 2 bedroom garden apartments. 2 bedroom tunaiuiane with full beeements 2 I , m doaeu, covered periling, naeher/ dryer, vertical bttnde. attended gatehouae, and • 24 Hour monrlortd Intrusion and Ike alarm. Rent trom SMS SUMMIT APTS. NORTHWESTER* * MIODLEBELT «26-43»« Managed by Kaftan EntsrprHee. mc. FAWVHNOTOMHH.U ORCHARD CREEK APARTMENTS > Call for: HOLIDAY SPECIALSl 642-2500 Mon.-Frl. Sam to 5pm 1300 K|. ft 2 bedroom/2 bath with Individual antranea*. g a t ItrapKoM. QE appliances tnotudtng waanar/ dryar, monitored Bra a Intnulon alarm phw much mora. CALL FOR HOUDAV SPECIALS Located on Soulhlletd Rd., lust S. ot (new ralidantt only) 13 Mile Rd.'(tucked behind the 855-1?50 Cranbrooke Centre Office Plaza). Located on Orchard Laka Rd*A mita south of 14 Mile COUNTRY HOUSE APARTMENTS BIRMINGHAM - Near Downtown Large 2 bedrooms. . Starting at $565. " 649-266Sdr - ^ 649-1649 Farmington 1 bedroom apartment Heat 4 water paid . Carpet & vertical blinds PLYMOUTH - . . BIRMINGHAM - 2 bedroom, 1¾ Pool & air conditioning 1000 sq.lt. prime space on Forest bath, dishwasher, central alrL A&>. .455-6383 washer& dryer, vertical blinds. Near Redford/tip ot Northern Detroit, bus 533-1121 park: $650/month. 253-9042 transportation Hrs Mon.-Frl. 9-5, ^appointment. ROYAL OAK: 14 Mile & Delemere. Prime Corner!700 sq.lt. , eiRMlNGHAM-343 Elm St. Unit A or • BEST APARTMENT VALUE $850 per month. B. 2 bedroom, 1½ bath, hardwood Call.:347»2955 floors, all appliances, 1 car garage, deck, $950 each. 646-2703 WAYNE: Near Michigan and Wayne Rd. Commercial Storage' Building, BLOOMFIELD HILLS can be heated, has bathroom. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments starting Call. 313-68.4-6855 at $475/mo. Immediate occupancy. 335-2460 775-5757 . ' Senior Citizens Applications Available For Our Waiting List Rent Based on Income ' 1 & 2 bedroom apts. FARMINGTON HILLS UTILITIES INCLUDED Visit or Call: TIMBERIDGE FARMINGTON PLACE DELUXE 2 BEDROOM UNITS 32900 Grand River Farmington From $500 Limited time offer on select units 478-8544 BEAUTIFUL LAKEFRONT property on private Rainbow Lake. 85' frontage, N. of Lansing, 2 hrs. from De- 600-1200 sq.ft. of exceptional Class BLOOMFIELD HILLS troit. S27.000. LC posslble.728-6886 A office space available. Immediate occupancy In this prime location: FOXHILCS APARTMENTS CASS LAKE CANAL, new construc- Amenities Include cathedral ceilings, Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath aparttion, 3 large bedrooms, 2½ car ga- many, windows arid prestigious en- TROY- 2800 sq. ft., light Industrial, ments now available featuring MANUFACTURED rage. Jacuzzi, ceramic tile through- try. One save left. Call Judy at research warehouse, will be altered blinds, central air, swimming poof, Independently Owned and Operated Independently Owned and Operated HOME COMMUNITY ' • • . ' . (313)433-1100. to fit your needs. N. of Maple beNew tenants only 13 month lease. Handicapped-Disabled out, 10x40 deck, closeto latca LOOKING FOR THAT SOMETHING and tennis court. All in a beautiful $154,900. 559-6330 or 681-7681 Not Discriminated tween Crooks 5 Llvernols: 528-1469 estate-like setting. From S670. SPECIAL...Hero Is the perfect 2 Includes appliances, vertical blinds, , The New American Lifestyle DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH Equal Housing Opportunity' bedroom, 2 oath maintenance Ifee Off Opdyke Rd.. just north of carpeting, pool, close in Farmington GARDEN CITY - Large 1 bedroom, LIVINGSTON COUNTY - Investors, 2 suites, 890 and 1160 sq. ft. each* WANTED - Warehouse Space. GREAT AREA home. Recently upgraded kitchen One of the finest manufactured builders, developers.. 120 acres. Utilities furnished, excellent Hills location. Western suburbs. 1.00C sq. ft. wltii Square Lake Rd at 1-75 freshly painted, appliances, and bath, finished basement. home communities In the State of 2S00 feet on LAKEFRONT. For more parking. 459-7373 overhead door and high celling. Will GREAT PRICE carpeting, air, cable, laundry, no Enter East off Orchard Lake Rd on pets. $395 Agent. Michigan. Special features Include; 3 bedroom brick ranch; large coun- $68,499, details call, consider sharing. 591-0001 FARMINGTON Hills Folsom S of Grand River. Canton Call. 1-313-522-0420 try size kitchen with doornail td.paLARRY OR MIKE Northwestern Highway WATERFORD, heated secure wareModel Open Dairy 9-5 tio, roomy bedrooms with double - Luxurious Clubhouse THE MICHIGAN GROUP house, 5.000 sq.ft. Close to M59 & Except Wednesday Livonia closets & some new carpet. Large • Heated Swimming Pool REALTORS INC., 591-9200 Telegraph. $4 a sq.ft.. triple net. size lot with above ground pool and - Huron Valtey Schools Shared Office S p a c e 478-1487 775-8206 M6n:-Fri., .. • . . . 362-1850 basement has loads ol storage. - Picnic Areas PRIDEI FARMINQTON HILLS Hey! Build a garage or just .enjoy; You'will find pride In every room of • Playground Area Mental, health related Held. From WONDERFUL HOLIDAY Bring offers -Cable TV Available $200 per mo. Parklike setting. Call MICHIGAN MEMORIAL this noble 3 bedroom, 2 bath rancy. Rent Rollback Special AT 855-2992 2 cemetery plots, Catholic section Arnold Fisher, Finished basement, pool, many ex- - Community Activities . On 1 Bedroom Apts. - Minutes From 12 Oaks Mall near the water. $2400 or best. . tras plus great termsl $94,900 STOP! FARMINGTON HILLS & Proud Lake Recreation area. Call ' 397-5020 $63,000 1,577 sq.1t. available In prestigious THIS IS THE ONE Receive up to $500 off your winter Verticals/Carport Included Pride of owner abounds! 4 bedroom OAKLAND HILLS Memorial Gar- Williamsburg Style Tall Oaks Office heating bill at Livonia's finest rental Various Free/Reduced $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT aluminum bungalow.with update*3 \ dens. Garden Ot The Good Shep- Building on Northwestern Hwy. Pricommunity CEDARBROOKEAPTS. 478-0322 Lot Rent Specials add ons thru-out. Large country herd, 6 lots. Will sell all, or 2. or 4. vate Entrance, Individually ConSpecious 1 bedroom & beautiful 2 kitchen with updates galore. Built Half price. v> -517-435-3058 trolled Heat A Air Conditioning, bedroom, 2 bath Apts. GRAND RIVER - MIDDLEBELT Community Office Private Bathroom Faculties, Ample ins in bedrooms, master bedroom Sales Office Free Carport GREAT LOCATION PARKVIEW MEMORIAL. Livonia . 313-684-2767 Parking. Call Mr. Accardo, 855-0080 tia&electrlc fireplace.with doornail & W. DEARBORN - Ford Rd./Outer 313-884-6796. Vertical Blinds Clerencevllle School District 4 plots, will divide Save Time & Money balcony. Hardwood, floors & newer Drive. Custom energy efficient 3 • Storage Room inside apt. FARMINGTON HILLS - Attractive Ail 4. $1500 ' carpet, newer windows, finished bedroom sbrick Trl-level. 2 Baths, We have new & pre-owned homes Open 7 Days « Sparkling Pool furnished offrce available In suite. 517-468-3904 basement with 2nd bath. 2 car ga- huge family room, Color Videos • Playground 336-2222 for sale. (No home is more.than 4/ Fax, Xerox, kitchen, conference & yrs old). To inquire about a new or rage & a carport. Nice landscaped All Areas & Prices • Picnic Area store room. Receptionist Included. Deluxe 2 Bedroom Units pre-owned home call Dennis Eagen yard. Owner transferring! Turn 3 days Into 30 Minutes • Minutes from Uvonia Mall WHITE CHAPEL, TROY Limited use ot secretary. Perfect for at Quality Homes - Located In the Over 100.000 Choices • Uvonia Schools 2 tots, Garden of Prayer, near mausole professional. 855-8780 Club House 4½ miles N of 1-96. on soleum. $1,000. Limited lime offer on selected units • Convenient Expressways 763-3153 Wlxorri Rd. 313-684-6796 FARMINGTON TROY 680-9Q90 13 month lease New tenants only, • Pets Welcome WISH TO SELL at; reduced price 3 Offices for lease. 400 sq. ft. Grand »Furnished Corporate-Suites INCLUDES, BEGINNER'S LUCK/WAYNE 3726 Rochester Rd 477-6448 burial plots In Mason's special area Rlver/Farmlngton Rd.area. $47,000 SPECIAL PROMOTION blinds, carpeting, Hotpolnt > Save time & money SOUTHFIELD 354-8040 Vertical On Mlddlebelt between 6 & 7 Mite of Oakland Hills* Memorial CemeA fantastic neutral decor and large 649-2848 appliances, security system, storage Mon. thru. Fri. 8:30 - 5:00 country kitchen are Just a couple of $99 SECURITY DEPOSIT tary.$1,000/plot. 474-3297 29286 Northwestern Hwy. • Hundreds of apartment within apartment. 522-3200 - Save up to $454 FARMINGTON -. Quiet 262 Sq. Ft. Sat. 10 30 to 4 & by appointment things you'll love about this great CANTON 981-7200 locations thriiout 2 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS Ends soon - Call, nowl 453-4300 Certain Restrictions Apply office space for rent In excellent looking home! You'll have a payEnter on Tulane 1 block W ot 42711 Ford Rd PuhtaGorda, Florida Not valid with any other offer location. 1 Yr. lease. 32500 Grand ment lower than most rents! SE Michigan Mtddlebelt on the S. side of Grand $2,500 for 2 River. 471-5900 348-0540 River. 462-1660 COMMERCE MEADOWS. 2 bed> Personalized attention to NOVI LIVONIA - Near Westland Shopping WESTLAND - 4 bedroom brick & 313-422-8102 Across from 12 Oaks Mall Near Botsford Hospital, Uvonia Mall Center. Roomy 1 * 2 bedroom rooms, 2 baths, 22x70, all appliFOR LEASE aluminum siding. Sharp remodeled your housing needs ances, laundry room, rear deck, CLINTON TWP. 791-8444 & downtown Farmington. apartments available, starting at PRIME OFFICE/MEDICAL SPACE thru-out + new windows. $54,900. 1Ox10 shed. $36,800. ' . 684-0236 $495taio Heat Included. Bring in From 1^000 to 1,300 sq.ft. immediate occupancy. 525-3585 .36870 Garfield this ad to take advantage of our . 1812-1814 Rochester Road Call Today ANNARBOR 677-3710 FARMINGTON HILLS - 3 mobile super holiday specials! Wayne Rd./ Model open dally 1-5 For information call 2877 Carpenter homes (2 bedrooms. 1 bath, applifor your Ann Arbor Tr. Call 425-53*0 Flnslrver/Friedman Management Independently Owned and Operated ances) In quiet older park. $6900 CASH FOR YOUR. Land Contracts. OFFICE: 775-8206 WHATAVALUEII " A P A R T M E N T S New Apartment Home (313)855-5955 Check with us for your best deal. FARMINGTON DOWNTOWN near WESTLAND - Attractive 3 bedroom LYON TWP./Green Oak Twp. Sever- each. Owner financing available. ImUNLIMITED LIVONIA'S 517-546-1093 al well built, newly constructed enermediate occupancy. Call: 474-2131 Grand River. 1-2 bedroom, carpetranch - priced to self quickly. Many Livonia Pavilion 0r313-522-6234 FINEST ing, heat included, no pets. From newer features & updates. Immedi- gy efficient homes available for near Single to multi-room suites. Immediate occupancy. Starting In $470. 360-3862 ate occupancy. $58,850. WE BUY LAND CONTRACTS APARTMENT HIGHLAND HILLS LOCATION On-site restaurant a. free the low $100,000's. . (OE-L-28GLEM62-1811 Free 24 hour recording explains how SEARCH conference room, utilities. Farmington Hills WILLACKER HOMES. INC. ESTATES to get more cash, taster, and pay no Janitorial, parking included. Best The Easiest Way To Find COLDWELL B A N K E R Merriman corner 7 mile 437-0097 fees. Call: 1-800-428-1319 a GREAT PLACE! Ndvi/Farmington Area rates! Brokers protected. Schweitzer Real Estate — Near Livonia Mall FOUR S.T. A.R, Network Naw.and Preowned Homes CANTON Call Syd 478-7667 GRAND RIVER - 8 MILE Frorn$11,900 361 Money Deluxe 1 a 2 bedroom units Behind Botsford Hospital LIVONIA AREA . Call for Details BLOOMFIELD/AUBUBN HILLS Immediate Occupancy Spacious,' 800 sq.ft. Private enSpacious 2 & 3 bedroom in wooded trance, fully carpeted. $550 per month complete. 478-6215 A CHARMING NEIGHBORHOOD area. New paint/carpet. From 1 Bedroom for $449 33.4sfi812 CallJoanne $63,900 $47,900. Pets O.K. (LI I. LEY & WARREN) 2 Bedroom for $559 Personal, 2nd mortgages & debt LIVONIA and a view of the golf course gives Canton 474-0320 or 474-0333 Immediate Occupancy. 1600 sq.ft. consolidations available up to $50K 3 Bedroom for $669 an extra special appeal to this 3 Limited time offer A SPARKLING CONDO GEM! Mlddlebelt & Schoolcraft. Easy acWe take pride In offering bedroom, maintenance free, ranch 2 bedrooms, brand new quality NO PAYMENTS UNTIL MARCH 1-800-926-1141 PETS PERMITTED on these reduced rates. cess to major expressways, private with a finished basement with 4th Stainmaster carpeting, 'neutral col- 1993 on new double wide in Plymthe following services to Smoke Detectors Instilled entrance, ample well lit parking. outh HiUSv cornerlot, call Central New tenants only. bedroom and 2nd full bath. New fur- ors, new vinyl windows, air, & furSingles Welcome Next to Olive Garden; Chi Ghl's & our tenants & we want to nace. 474-5700 nace. All appliances, great Invest- Outlet Homes lor details 697-4700 Immediate Occupancy Comfort Inn. Meeting and conferOpen 7 Days Vertical blinds ment. $64,900. N-69HA-C. wish them all a very happy We Love Children CASH TODAY ence rooms available. Competitive Patio or balcony Call 348-6767. FULFILL YOUR DREAMS $67,500 HEAT 1 WATER INCLUDED NOVU Cozy 2 bedroom, 1 bath, holiday season. leasing rates. Carol, 421-0770 OR Pool ERA COUNTRY RIDGE REALTY with this 3 bedroom.brick ranch with Quiet prestige address, air condished, expando. appliances, air. Low GUARANTEED SALE aluminum trim In the highly desirtioning, carpeting, stove & refrigerarent! Must Seel Best offer! • Maid service available Also If in Foreclosure able S. Redford school district. This tor, all utilities except electricity InCANTON Can, 422-1479 . 24 hr. emergency maintenance • Or Need Of Repair home has both a basement and ga- 2 Bedroom Condo. Great location cluded Warm apartments. Laundry 5 Mile & Farmington; Mlddlebelt & S • Beautiful grounds with pool & rage. 474-5700 (or your 1st home. $54,000. facilities. Model open 9-5 except Thursday Mile; Mlddlebelt between 7 & 8. picnic area with BBQ's For more information, phone Cafl 474-9178 Several 1, 2 & 3 room offices from 477-9377 Office: 775-8206 • Special handicapped units BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW $69,900 477-8464 $150. Conference room, kitchen, • Short term leases available LIVONIA - Smau efficiency aparton almost a Vt acre wooded lot with copy & fax available. Also, some in- Restful atmosphere 27883 Independence ment in secluded area, ideal for one. many updates including a remodclude phonemall phones. • Cable available $95 weekly Includes all utilities and Farmington Hills eled kitchen and bath, newer vinyl CALL KEN HALE: • Many more amenities cable. Available today. 522-3*62 « 9 0 CENTURION windows, and a targe deck.. Don't FARMINGTON HILLS ATTENTION SENIORS AWARD WINNING OFFICE miss this rare opportunity to have It DAYS: 525-2412 LIVONIA: Sub-Lease. Available Jan 2,000 SQ.FT. OF PURE LUXURY NO OTHER FEES MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY . all' 462-1660 AMBER APARTMENTS . PRIVATE INVESTOR EVES: 261-1211 Elegantly designed 2 or 3 bedroom 1, 1993. expires June 30. 1993. 2 Private Entrances GREAT VALUE! The New American Lifestyle Purchases houses for cash or terms ranch, or 3 bedroom townhouses. bedroom, 1 bath, 1050 sq. ft. priOne Bedroom - $520.900 sq. ft. LIVONIA OFFICE SPACE for lease, 2 bedroom apts in Royal Oak. Any condition or situation 2¼ baths, whirlpool tub, full base- vate entry, washer & dryer. Must 1 or 2 room suites on 8 Mite near Clawsoh 4 Troy from $505 per mo. Two Bedroom - $595, 1100 sq. ft. We have new and pre-owned homes 424-8555 953-4029 ment, 2 car attached garage. From sacrifice $450 per mo. Vertical blinds & carport Included LOCATED 1 BLOCK FROM Farmington Rd. Secretarial & teleIncluding Heat, Vertical Blinds, for sale. Home ownership for less $1525. Professional on-site management SHOPPING & MEDICAL. CENTER phone answering service: 476^2442 . Dishwasher & Morel cost than most apartments. LIVONIA-7 MILE RD, /20 phis yrs. experience 2 bedroom ranch, 1260 sq. tt.. 2 Short Term Lease? Pets? Ask! Near X-ways, shopping, airport LIVONIA WEST, SINGLE OFFICES independently Owned and Operated baths. 1st. floor laundry, full base1 & 2 Bedroom * 280-1700 14 Mile a Mlddlebelt Rose Doherty, Property Manager. $200 month Includes phone ment. 2 car garage! patio deck, cen- • Country Living 851-2730 Starting at $575 « AFFORDABLE 981-4490 answering, other services available. tral air. Traditional Interiors with QE • Beautiful Clubhouse AUBURN HILLS Managed by Kaftan Enterprises Inc. includes washer & dryer in each AVAILABLE SPACE 464-2960 or 349-5449 bullt-lns. $129,900 • Play Areas For a secretarial service business In • RV Storage JUST LISTED - 3 bedroom brick Bloomfield Orchard Apts. Canton ALSO FARMINGTON HILLS - Maple Ridge apartment. Carpeting, vertical an established executive office in W. LIVONIA ^ 6 Ml. Rd. W. of Middlebungalow with dining room finished 2 bedroom ranch. 1475 sq. ft. with • Heated Pool - NEW Apartments. 23076 Mlddlebett. Spa- blinds, deluxe appliances, balcony, Bloomfield. 851-8555 belt. 300 to 1000 sq. ft. general of- Spacious 1 bedroom apartments basement, deck, garage and more. walk-out basement overlooking na- • Professional Management clous 1 a 2 bedroom. 2 bath, air patio, swimming pool, tennis courts, fices. Includes utilities & mainte- from $440.00; includes heat, gas & Only $69,900. ture area. $149,900 • Homes Priced From $14,500 Golfslde Apts. conditioned, carport available. community room. Near shopping. nance. Flexible terms. 422-3870 water. Blinds Included. Pool + laun$460-$560. 473-5180 1 & 2 Bedroom REDUCED TO SELL - sharp 3 beddry facilities & more. Short term, 349*6966 NOVI - 9 Mlle/Nbvl Rd: area. Newly SOUTH ADAMS SQ. room brick ranch with finished FARMINGTON HILLS 7 m m Rd., corner Mayfletd Between furnished units available. Free Golf MODELS OPEN DAILY decorated 1,020 sq.ft. suite includes Retail florist shop available, busibasement & garage in S. Redford. Very, Large 1 bedroom with separate Farmington & Merriman Rds. Open 7 days. ; Heat & Hot Water Free FARMINGTON HILLS: Quiet and To inquire about new or pre-ojrfned ness established 20 yrs. 1400 - 2000 taxes, utilities, janitorial. Inside storage room, from $455. homes call John Van at wuallty 473-3983 775-8206 $875/month. 349-0260 , Carport Included CENTURY 21 TODAY 538-2000 convlenant, 1 bedroom, neutral de- Homes - 313-344-1988. Located In sq. ft. Rental rates starting at FREEHEAT. . «71-4556 Model open dally 9-5 cor. End unit laundry. Pool. Tennis $13/34 ft' Includes heat & air condi- OFFICE OR RETAIL space available except'Wednesday ~court. $49,500. Call. 737-1397 community clubhouse, 1 mile S. of tioning FARMINGTON HILLS 646-5900 In lower level of shopping center. Grand River off Napier Rd. AUBURN HILLS Madison Heights $699 MOVES YOU IN BUNGALOW! Great family area, 3 NORTHVILLE - PERFECT BEGINLow rental rates. Contact Westland DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN THE On selected units FALL SPECIAL bedrooms, all windows replaced NING TO OWNING YOUR OWN Shopping Center 425-5001 FIRST 12 MONTHS! 1500 sq. tt 2 and 3 bedroom townwith beautiful wood energy efficient HOME In this 3 bedroom townhouse PLYMOUTH SCHOOLS JOY ROAD EAST OF 275 Seeking financial investor/partner houses 2¼ baths, spacious master uniis, hardwood floors have been In Northville. Family room/fireplace, 2-3 bedrooms, low down payments, for high-profit maH order business. OFFICE SPACE: prestlgeous N.W. Hwy/Farmlngton Hills. From $1150/ Spacious 2 bedroom iownhouse, 2 bedroom suite. Washer/dryer, re.inisr.ed,'Lots of storage. Don't dining room, eat-ln-kltchen, full easy monthly payments. 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS High, slx-flgure annual income real* mo. 14 Mile I Mlddlebelt. $450/rho. levels with private entrance, Vb bath blinds and covered parking miss this one) $63,900. Call MaryeJ- basement, stone's throw from the APPLEHOMES Includes 416-8340 Istic. Call (313) 626-8112, or Write WEBERMAN/RULE. 932-5750 down, full bath up From $475-5495 RENT FROM $930 ten Ramseyer a^55-8552. • Stove & refrigerator lake. Only $88,900. to: President, Business Promotions INCLUDES: CENTURY 21 MJL CORPORATE , • Dishwasher OFFICE SFACE to share with manu• Stove a Refrigerator RICHARDSON 12x60, 2 bedroom, Group, Inc., P.O. Box 2367, TRANSFEREE SERVICE • Carport facturer's rep or professional In HALSTEOaitMILE • Dlswasner & Disposal appliances. In Redford. $5,000 or Farmington Hills, Ml. 48333. «Intercom Troy. M59/Rochester Rd. Fur473-1127 best offer. 255-5079 Or Fax:(313)626-5889 - . LOW MOVE-IN COSTS • Central Air/Heat • Newly decorated nished, secretary A UPS. 828-1030 Managed by Kaftan Enterprises. Inc. • Smoke detectors • Verticals EXCELLENT ENTREPRENUER OpCAPE COD • Convenient Parking portunity for 2 key people looking Hardwood floors, wet plaster, great NORTHVILLE - Waterfront condo. FARMINGTON HILLS - clean large 2 • Sprinkler system Office & Business Space • Laundry facilities on premises for financial security. 54 hr. record- Small business, 400-750 sq. ft. fireplace, a sitting room oft master 1415 sq. ft., fireplace, deck, finished room, fully furnished, kitchen privi- • FROM $405 • Pool a Clubhouse ed message, CALL, 1-800-760-4643 Plymouth. $500/mo.' 1-75 and 14 Mile bedroom, walk-out basement, new basement, more. Must sec, estate leges, $300 security. $300 month. 453-5020 • Sorry, no pets! Next to Abbey Theater windows, roof, furnace, water heater sale. $89,900. Open Sun. 591-0624 Call 6pm-10pm 474-8738 y EXCLUSIVE SERVICE to Doctors. FLORIDA W. COAST, SPRING HILL. • $400 rebate for new residents only' 589-3355 & carpeting. VA. FHA terms - on /i PLYMOUTH - DOWNTOWN NOVI - Country Place. 3 bedrooms. Pool home, 3 bedroom. 2.5 baths. 2 Save them time/money, high growth Prime" office space approximately FARMINGTON HIULS-1 bedroom Madison Heights acre lot. $84,900 2¼ baths, fireplace, central air. car garage, corner lot, elmost new income potential, work part/full 199 & 1375 sq. ft.. Move-In condi- Mon.-Fri. 9-5 ept. 6 month or 1 year lease availSat.-Sun. 12-5 time, exclusive territory available. kitchen appliances, basement, garool. appliances. 117x102 lot. Askable Washer/dryer In unit. New ap* LOOK NO MORE! tion. Super amenities. Call Deborah BIRMINGHAM - Ann St. flat features Cantdn 681-1458 ing $76,500. Call 1-800-553-9955, $8500 (terms available). Calf Dan or for details. pliances. $500/month 442-8539 229-7474 13x 16 bedroom a 7x12 walk In closThree bedroom brick ranch with 1¼ rage, pool. $118,000. 616-554-3232 ask for Charles, Broker-Associate of Paul baths, remodeled kitchen, new win- NOVI RANCH PREMIER $96,500 FARMINGTON HILLS - 1 bedroom, PLYMOUTH PROFESSIONAL PARK et, carpet, laundry, garage. No pets. The Prudential Pro Realty dows, Florida room, hardwood 2 years new, 2 bedrooms, 2 full 8 HAIR STYLE STATIONS, good Ideal location, setting a floor plan $630/month. 646-5157 w/wasner/dryer. Goll course view. floors, wei plaster walls. Mainte- baths, basement, ceramic kitchen condition, new color change. Elec- for medical or. professional use. 860 On a quiet & comfortable Goes for $489, renting for S450/mo. nance free exterior. 2½ car garage, and foyer. 6 panel doors, central trical outlets, kick plate & a drawer. Sq.ft. + lull basement, immediate BIRMINGHAM - Deluxe 1 bedroom. Single Story Apartments Days337-1475 Eves 471-4118 and nicely landscaped. $83,900 Neutral carpet a verticals." heat a vacuum and more. Former model. Will sell Individually. 459-7350 occupancy. 1 bedrooms, only $445/month!y 453-2350 water Included. 1 mo, FREE. 421-5660 FARMINGTON - LARGE 2 bedroom While They Last! INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS $625/mo. 642-1918 A REAL BEAUTY! town home, contemporary decor, REDFORD TOWNSHIP PUERTO VALLABTA. MEXICO CENTERS Network offers complete South Redlord area. Move in and track lighting, targe living room, fireBIRMINGHAM March week, 3 bedroom, 4 bath, secretariat services -thru-out the Spend your holidays in a new home place, wet bar, cathedral celling, enjoy the warm, cozy atmosphere of 24350 Joy Rd. 2,200 sq: ft. beachlront villa. Foi an appointment call. Metro area. Personalized telephone this 3 bedroom. VA bath ranch. LINCOLN HOUSE APTS built-in sound system and much (JuStW. of Telegraph) 25 years, best otter. 557-2426 answering, word processing, deskNewer carpel, bay window In dining more. $1,200. Call 474-6062 HEATHMOORE APTS. top publishing, copy. Fax', shipping, room, finished basement. & close to Spacious 2 bedroom near down981-6994 OFFICE SUITES FARMINGTON MANOR- Only $150 executive offices, conference schools, church & shopping. Independently Owned and Operated town with GE appliances, blinds, At Ford Rd. & I-275. on Haeg«rty security deposit. Newty decorated rooms, etc. Have a private mailbox $68,500 AVAILABLE loads ol storage. Rent from $675. PLYMOUTH - prestigious location, 2 for your business In Ann Arbor, CALL FOR HOLIDAY SPECIALS bedroom, library, end unit ranch, CANTON - 1 bedroom apartmont studio & 1 bedroom apts trom 625 sq.ft. to 1,250 sq.ft. REAL ESTATE ONE CALL FOR fireplace, finished basement, 2¼ car BUILDING LOT lor sale Port Char- Canton, Novl or Sterling Hts. • available tor sub-lease at Village $400. Central heat a air. appliances, Rent Includes: heat, air conditionlotte, Florida. Must sacrifice $7,000. Call IBC at 344-9500 261-0700 garage. Under value at $134,900. Squire. No security. Only Decem- vertical blinds, carpet, laundry faciliSUPER SPECIAL ing, electricity, underground parkties. Secured entrance door Car451-874B Immediate occupancy. 347-0373 Call Ginger alter 5pm. ber's rent Free. $465/mo 981-0648 BIRMINGHAM Lincoln/Woodward ing, carpeting a blinds. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS ports available. No pets. 474-2552 ON FIRST MONTH'S RENT area Cozy studio. Nice closet, ROCHESTER - condo, 2'bedrooms. JUPITER. FL - Furnished 2 bed- No Investment or Inventory. Work CLARKSTON - A 2 bedroom. private patio, blinds. FIREPLACE FARMINGTON - Quiet complex 1 CERTIFIED REALTY, INC. kitchenette, 1 bath, carport, appliances', balco- room, 2 bath condo. 2 levels, single out Of your own home full or part A/C. parking. $455 to $475. IN- quaint. Downtown apartment. Heat, bedroom, S465/mo.; 2 bedroom. 2 6 month or 1 year tease. Well mainYour search is over the work Is ny, Immediate occupancy, $55,000. garage. Walk to beach, pool, time. Unlimited potential. 425-2943 (313)471-7100 CLUDES HEAT! No pels, minimum water, stove, relrlgerator, new car- bath. $570/mo includes heat, water tained. Newty decorated Features done 2 bath, finished basement and ' 375-1764 $210,000. John White 519-252-7275 Air conditioning, refrigerator, range, pet. $525 No dogs. 549-9281 PARTNERSHIP/BUY-OUT 6/mo. lease, EHO. Call842-8666 •^ar and ((replace, central air. newer 8 carport. 477-5650 smoke detectors, laundry facHttlet A days; 519-979-8122 eves. Established machinery rebuild & SOUTHFIELD - Lodge/9Vi Mile, carpet. These ara only a lew of the CLAWSON/TROY antra storage Swimming .pool. NAPLES, FLA.-New condos trom fabricating company. Annual vol- freshly decorated office suite with BIRMINGHAM, lovely 1 bedroom New 1 bodroom. Casablanca tan, FARMINGTON features In this home. $54,600. Cable available TURN-KEY TREASURE! $57,900. Golf course a beach front ume $5m, desired to merge or buy- consultants, fax, phone, copier, sec- $525 month. Carpeted, newly $495 MOVES YOU IN (5413) mini blinds, air, dishwasher, snack 353-0986 decorated, balcony or patio. Immaculate 2 bedroom, 2½ bath property. Seasonal rentals. out with company ot similar Inter- retarial. Lata deal. on selected units bar, must see $495/mo 549-8685 Credit report required. 301 N. Eton, ranch style condo with all the best ests. Benefits: eliminate duplicate Arlene Kovera, Collier Realty: FREE HEAT - Large 1 8 2 bed ALSO 2 BEDROOM APTS. TELEGRAPH - S . OHO Mile N. ol Maple. 649-1650 DEARBORN HTS homo features. A tull finished basesales, engineering, shop admlnistra< 1-(800)725-4590 rooms Clean, quiet community. SOUTHFIELD ment/family room/possible 3rd bedtlon costs. Companies with not less 1792 sq. M. 1st floor, tront. full serOrchard Lake Rd., N. ot 6 Ml. room. Private entrance and at- N. FORT MYERS FL. Del Tura Coun- than $750,000 annual gross sales vice office suite lor lease. 5 private, BIRMINGHAM garage and 1st floor laundry. try Club. Furnished 2 bedroom, 2 desirable. Contact Robert Byrne. Short-Term Lease HOMETOWN REALTORS tached plus utilities, general office. Just Over 1100 sq. ft. ol luxury living and bath, large Lanal on golf course. At. Fax, Spacious 1 & 2 bedrooms, beautiful 313-645-5533 redone. Park at door. Signage Available tor t month to 1 year 474-1305 central air make this speclalll tached garage, $62,000. 435-8993 Or phone, 313-645-5305 available. 356-2840: Eves 626-5535 elegantly furnished 1 bedroom unit. garden sotting In a peaceful envi- Managed by Kaftan Enterprises. Inc. $1171900 Perfect tor transferred executive. ronment within warning distance to GARDEN CITY - decorated, 1 bedPET SECTION AVAILABLE PORT HURON-lnvest In A Dream shopping, church* & restaurants Call; room, shopping: AppMences & heat REMEMBER REMERICA Reglonslly renown restaurant & BAB DENNIS WOLF $415. plus security. 1 bedroom apts. from $445 3 floors/basement. Air, turnkey: CALL TODAY - ASK FOR SANDY furnished. Liconsed Broker 464-3847 or 421-2146 t-7Send14MHe . LOVELY TO LOOK AT, DELIGHTpub. 4 guestrooms. 313-987-4622 Hall-Woll Properties Opposite Oakland Matt. PUL TO LIVE IN THIS 3 bedroom ATTENTION BUILDERS OFFICE BUILDING - Prime location 647-8100 bungalow with large master bedWORKING PARTNERS GARDEN CITY - Brand new Sub. York Properties, Inc. 5,000 sq. tt., masonary and glass, 3 room suite, with walk-In closet, Just completed. Just 44 lots left. Supervise start otnewbrancho! tenants with 400 sq. ft. available. Ford/MkWKtbelt A r M 463-4300 roomy country kitchen, finished 60x120, start your spring models expanding restaurant chain. J30K Asking $285,000. 10V. down on 10% Spacious 1 bedroom apartments basement with dry bar, freshly decFAIRMONT PARK CaH 313-344-1331 522-3200 NOWI Builders Terms available. cash required. land contract possible. 649-2648 Amenities Include: TIMBERLANE APARTMENTS orated, hardwood floors, walking $32,000/lol. APARTMENTS Owner Paid Heat & Water distance trom SI. Agatha, close to OFFICE BUILDING, prime WaterCentral Air FALL SAVINGS Newll Exercise Room... park, perfect for tennis buffs. WINTER WONDERLAND NOVI - Subdivision close-out salel ford location. M59 » Telegraph. Intercom System Reduced $61,900. Is how you'll feel as you en|oy condo 12 lots remaining. 80x130. $59,000/ Close to courthouse. Approximately Garbage Disposal 1 Bedroom Apts. »4S0 living at Its best. Super clean and tot. Builders Terms. 444 Chester (at BROWN) Save up to $50 PER 4100 aq.tt. Excellent move-In condiLaundry FacWtles 1 Block ft. ol John P.. ready to move Into. New carpet and tion. »265,000. Mon.-Frl,, 382-1850 IN HEART OF DOWNTOWN Window Treatments/Mini Blinds FANTASTIC VALUE Just S. of Oakland Marl ceramic tile In bath, laundry room MONTH on our large 1 and CallJudy.. ..433-1100 • Attractive Units From $390 monthly Single room ofllce space. From 125 next to dining room a all appliances Vertical Blinds • Dishwasher 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartCALL ABOUT FALL SPECIAL sq. tt. to 600 sq. ft. Starting at $150 Included. A must sea at $54,900 BETWEEN PHOENIX & TUSCAN Microwave • Disposal" C/Alr GARDEN CITY TEWWACE ments! Residential lot, $8500. Great to Including utilities. Great parking. 522-04*0 build retirement home. All utilities In Ideal for manufacturers rep or new MOTIVATED 1 Bedroom - trorn $580 and paved roads. 532-1375 business venture. Ford Rd., at GARDEN CITY, 1 8 2 bedroom from Othor home is ready, so owners Private Entrance Mlddlebelt, Garden City. 1Mos. Free Rent'til 12/2 $416 mo. 4 $300 security. Includes want sale NOW. Beautiful 3 bed800-1250 sq.ft. , BLOOMFIELD - Building sites availheal, water, appliances, ak, laundry 1 Bedroom AM. »480 Call 482-2490 room ranch, finished basement. 2½ > Washer 8 Dryer able. Bulldera or Individuals. Lone SOUTH ADAMS SQ. facilities. 421-7765or553-2ies Warren. Mich. car garage. Great terms for $76,500 i Eat In AVAILABLE OFFICE Pine - Telegraph Road area. Call Retell enclosed mall space avsllWest stde of Mound m. kitchen specs In W. Bloomfield, Orchard Lake Rd ame, 725 to 48O0 sq. ft. Rates start-B22-320O Herb Lawson, Inc. (313) 737-0690. Uvonia •Kiel H. ot 13 wee ' Large storage room Private entrances, 90 to 7000 sq. ft. ing at $13/sq. tt. Includes heat a air Opposite A M Teen C#nter 463-4300 PM or Sat/Sun.268-9806 . Vertical bunds FRANKLIN VILLAGE - 1.91 acre Also executive offices. 851-8655 conditioning 646-5900 'Carports Included heavily wooded rolling terrain, BIRMINGHAM ATTENTION SENIORS • beautiful outstanding home site, Woodcrest CANTON - FORD RD, »300 SECURITY DEPOSIT SPECIAL FARMINGTON « 0 . AT « H MILE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Emerald POlnte detached condos Ct, at 13 Mile A Inkster Rds. Retail Stores, from »575'mo. Newly remodeled 2 bedroom, V * 1 Bedroom - | 8 H «> »65» 851-9030 executive office* from 150 tq.rt. buHt in 1990. 1400+ sq. ft. 1 story GORDON GROSSMAN Office apace from $20O/mo. NOBTHVH.LS. Transferred r bath. apt. available. E. ot Adams S, REDFORD 2 fsedroom • N t * 10 N 4 9 ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 2 car WEBERMAN/RULE. 932-57S0 tuMM bewrtttm 1.17» sq ft aft with with complete aecretarlet services. 474-2510 Ro;id near downtown Birmingham, Inctudes Private entrance. attached garage and everything to vaulted osMneje. t uaesoaiwe, * NOVI BUILDING SITES Short term lease, Prime tocftlloris in Rental rates Include heat a. water, 9 Mite A Drake, PLYMOUTH - DOWNTOWN 8HAHP BANCH - with finished make life simple. Just $111.O00. Vertical Sends, AppttonoM. Available In established secluded Novl, Canton, Ann Arbor, A 687-1370 sq. fl. Great location and vertical blind*, new kitchen A apptlbasement» garage. Only *4«,S00. Central Air, Washer 8 Dryer i, sftws as subdivision otl 9 M M Road, East of on Macomb County's Golden Offer expire* 11-30-92 ances, mirrored doors, 8 upgraded parking. Call Deborah tor detaite. CALLJONRUUD orTtm. a Novl Road, Ca» Judy (313) 347-4710 Corridor. C»tt International CXKKnirWW Or carpeting. Call Mon.-Sal. «44-1300 229-7474 ApplkM to new Re»tdent« CINTURV 21 TODAY Business Centers. 344-6500 WINDHAM REALTY GROUP, INC. COMMERCE The Prudential The Prudential MEADOWS Wolfe Realty 369 lndu»t./Warehou»e Sale/Leate Wolfe Realty 332-7400 One Way Realty 473-5500 348 Cemetery Lots 400 Aptt. Far Rent APARTMENT FINDERS WOLVERINE PROPERTIES INC. 532-0600 Century21 J. Scott. Inc. • $485 WOODRIDGE APTS CEDARIDGE FREE FROM $500 LOCATOR SERVICE The Prudential 358 Mortgage! & Land Contracts Wolfe Realty 471-5020 350-9262 • 326 Condos QUALITYHOMES To Loan - Borrow $ ' $ ' $ $ " , APARTMENT HOTLINE Use your phone to find a home. • 362 Real Estate Wanted CHELSEA NOV! MEADOWS Soon To Be BOTSFORD PLACE CARRIAGE COVE LUXURY APTS. SPECIAL From $525 FREE LIVONIA OFFICES The Prudential APARTMENT LOCATOR HAVE A 1-800-777-5616 320 Homes Wayne County 317 Redford FREE Century 21 CASTELLI 525-7900 • 24 hours a day • All sizes, prices and cities • New listings daily MERRIMAN WOODS 691-7150 BRIDGETOWN CONDOMINIUMS Wolfe Realty 365 Business Opportunities COVINGTON CLUB FAIRWAY CLUB BIRMINGHAM (313)475-7810 CANTERBURY PARK :. -332-1848 - Brand New Rentals 2 Bedroom 2 Bath With Washer & Dryer From $610 One Way Realty 473-5500 334 Out 01 Town Property For Sale BLOOMFIELD VILLAS 853-3335 728-1105 Canton Garden Apts CONCORD TOWERS FOXPOINTE 455-7440 GREAT APTS. GREAT LOCATIONS $50 Security Deposit For 1 Bedroom Apts. RENT INCLUDES Heat & Vertical Blinds LOW SECURITY DEPOSIT 335 Time Share For Sale The Prudential Wolfe Realty 336 Southern Property 645-2999 Remerica CAMBRIDGE APTS. 420-3400 Century 21 J. Scott, Inc. 339 Lott and Acreage For Sake 367 Bu*.-Prof.Brda». Sslt/LMM 274-4765 VILLAGE OAKS LEXINGTON VILLAGE GARDEN CITY 585-4010 BIRMINGHAM One Way Realty 473-5500 WOLVERINE PROPERTIES INC. 532-0600 •M-TtU Of' 537-0080 PRESIDENT MADISON APTS. 366 Ofc.-But. Spec* Sato/LtM* Ce.ntury21 J. Scott, Inc. HARLO APTS. 268-7766 ANNOUNCING Century 21-Dynamic 728-8000 585-0580 366 Commtrcial/ RttaH BIRMINGHAM CURTIS CREEK APARTMENTS 473-0365 939-2340 ^ f f 6C*(R,W,G-6C) O&E Monday, November 30,1992 400 ApU-ForRtMt NpVI - 9 Mlf* A Hag««rty. 2 bedroom, 2 bathft, wa&h*r, dry^f, dishwasher, central air. Take over lease. 6 mo left. $300 security. S725 mo. Days 355-7892 eves 380-0224 LIVONIA/WESTLAND AREA: Joy & Hlx Rds 1 bedroom, tree washer & dryer. Small pets considered. $440/ mo. plus security. 453-6375 NORTHVILLE AREA. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available. $520 to $600 per month including heat. 1 year lease. Please call 348-9250 HorthviHe You've reached the top... Novi Ait the things thai you have wanted Jn an apartment home are here at JHETREETOPS Cho*at from totally renovated - apaciotts one o r one bedroom with den apartments. Featuring: Eurostyle kitchens, track Jighling, individual washer/dryef, vertical. Winds; wall to wall plush carpeting, abundant closet space, rnrports and MORE! From only f 825 HEAT INCLUDED) OR Enjoy q life of scenic splendor Cozy 'onu bedroom apartments nestled in a natural wood setting with stream Features dishwasher, central air. walk-in closet, covered parking, and JMJOKE' Lease. EHO. From only $495 "J Located on Novi Rd.» just north of 8 Mile Call for an appointment r^HE BENEICKE GROUP ;:::,' 348-9590 NOW Meadowbrook & 10 Mile SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SAVE $1200 SAVE $1300 SAVE- $1400 - TREE TOP MEADOWS ' Now's the time... With a location this convenient and value this outstanding, apartments Call now, asK us how. are going fast. You can be living fn a Our holiday gift to you spacious one or two bedroom apart$99 security deposit ment with oversized rooms, large balcony/patlo, central air, vertical Short Term Leases. blinds, plush carpeting, covered parking and MOREI! Close to every convenience with shopping, dining, FOUNTAIN PARK and access to expressways lust minutes away. Thls.ls the best value South side ol Grand River, between In an apartment you've seen in a Meadowbrook & Novi Rds. long tim**. tease EHO. . 348-0626 Hours Mon.-Frr 10-30-6:30 Sat. & Sun. Nocm-5 One bedroom from $555 (small pets welcome) Two bedroom from $625 N. DEARBORN HEIGHTS - Ann ArCall for an appointment bor Trail, Large 2 bedroom apartment, carpeting, air, appliances, ' THE BENEICKE GROUP" no pets $450/mo 565-8093 348-9590 NORTHVILLE - large Victorian 2 bedroom duplex. In town. Includes water. Treed lot. Private drive. $825 month. Call altar 6 pm. 437-8660 OLD BEDFORD - 6/LAHSER 1 Bedroom 1625 Building undergoing restoration. Hardwood floors, appliances. Kitty OK S285/M0.353-8447 Oak Park NORTHOATE APARTMENTS Studio. 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Start at $375. Heat & cable Included* Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, and Much More Coll now 968-8688 Located on 10/Greenfleld HILLSIDE A P A R T M E N T S PLYMOUTH • near M r 14 & Sheldon. 1 bedroom apartment. $400 month plus $600 security. Some utilities. Call Pat alien. 437-3494 AWESOME 2 BEDROOM PRICES!!! AT NOVI RIDGE PLYMOUTH - spacious 1 bedroom apt. 2 blka. from Kellogg Park: ' Quiet, well maintained property, $465/mo. 459-7080 PLYMOUTH - Desirable 1 bedroom apartment Carpeting, appliances, heat S water. Walk to town. $425/ Huge Beautiful 1 & 2 bedroom apts. month + deposit. 455-1616 Too good to be true? Walt, there's more.. •Vertical Blinds - PLYMOUTH • Beautltul Kitchens • Private Patio/Balcony BROUGHAM • Exciting New Clubhouse w/large screen TV A,vldeo library MANOR N. ROYAL OAK - Newly decorated. 1 bedroom, 2nd floor, quiet neighborhood. Furnished, $5507mo . unfurnished, $490/mo. 682-5149 LEASING! 400 Aptt. For R f i t 400 Aptt. For Rant 400 Aptt. For Rent 400 Aptt.ForRtnt .400 Apte. For font •fxerciae Room w/sauna 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Starting Irom $435 1 Yr Lease. Heat & Water Included Call Mon-Sat, 10-6 455-1215 PLYMOUTH HERITAGE APTS • (N Territorial, W.ofSheldon) • SPECIAL. 1ST MONTH RENT FREE with 13 month lease * S25 discount off oach months rent, with presentation of ad at time of application * Quality 1 bedroom apts available Rent $445, Includes heat & water Call For Super Special Rates! 455-2143 ' upon credit approval. TII.WKSC.IYIV. SPECIAL Novi/Lakes Area WATERV1EW FARMS $200 Security Deposit I Suites from $ 4 1 9 I 624-0004 • Sparkling Pool/Tennis Courts • Novi Schools • Convenient Expressways • Pets welcome • Furnished Corporis Suites * PLYMOUTH - Spacious 1 bedroom apartment. Appliances, heat & water included. $457/mo. 1 yr. lease.' AvallableOec. 453-0685 Plymouth- . * — — - : — - — - T — ™ - - 'BEAT THE FREEZE' UPTO"$500"OFF Your Winter Heating Bill At TWIN ARBORS 400 Aptt. For Bint FREE Between Ann Arbor Tr /Ann Arbor Rd MOVE IN NOW AND PAY NO RENT • Washer/Dryer In each unit • Window Treatments UNTIL JAN. 1,1993* • Easy Access to I-275 PLYMOUTH MANOR • Air Conditioned AND HOUSE APTS. • Dishwasher Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apts. • Walk to Downtown Minutes from downtown • 1 8. 2 Bedroom FREE HEAT From $445 455-4721 12-5pm Open Daily Call Today & Save (313)455-3880 'With 13 Month lease A-York Community Pontlac Trail Between West and Beck Roads Daily 9-7 Sat. & Sun. 12-4 APARTMENT LOCATOR Save Time & Money . Open 7 Days Color Videos. ' All Areas & Prices Turn 3 Days into 30 Minutes , Over 100,000 Choices Soon To Be APARTMENT SEARCH The Easiest Way To Find a GREAT PLACE! Manager #101 SPECIAL! $50 OFF ON 1 BEDROOM FOR 6 MONTHS 1 BEDROOM..S460 2 BEDROOM, $490 ONE MONTH FREE RENT SENIOR DISCOUNT Amenities include: • Heat & water • Appliances • Carpeting & blinds • Laundry facilities • Central air &'pool • Security WESTGATE VI One Month Suites from { $ 4 8 © • HEAT INCLUDED IN RENT • Washer & Dryer in Every Apartment • Cathedral Ceilings with DnTque Accent Windows Available ' Swimming Pool and Clubhouse 624-8555 LEASING OFFICE OPEN 'Mon.-Fri. 10-6 • Sat. 10-5 • Sun. 11-5 apartment community has been designed to accommodate the specific needs of active senior citizens. [ATTF APARTMENTS TOWNHOUS~ES - FLOOR PLANS i Lakefront FREE RENT 476-8080 981-3891 At Many Locations! On Ford Road, Just East of I-275 Call for Detail*! the best I i; •>• WRTDCRD" <0 *• ^AWTHORNECLUB \lve One Month Free Xjulteijrom $445 mcrudes Heat • V«rtfcAl BHnda' * Snort term leases available • Pet Section • Mlerowavei 522-3364 7M0 Merrftiun. B«!w*n Ann Arftof Ti.ftWanan. "" » M l e t s t a r t , 12-4 Djjjl 307-0200 HUNTINGTON Or) The HILL Two Bedroom Special From$taS Now $495 - $200 Security Deposit Includes Heat • Spacious Suites * Dishwashers • Vertical Blinds • Park Setting «»•»070 Ann ArtM. Trw. W. «f Inktw, Rd DaHyt.7 let. 1 M Sun. 1 W - Color Videos All Areas & Prices Turn 3 Days Into 30 Minutes Over 100,000 Choices 680-9090 TROY 3726 Rochester Rd. SOUTHFIELD 354-8040 CANTON 981-7200 29?86 Northwastero- Hwy 42711 Ford Rd. NOVI 348-0540 Across from 12 Oaks Mall CLINTON TWP. ANN ARBOR 677-3710 APARTMENTS UNLIMITED HEAT AND VERTICAL BLINDS INCLUDED Soon To Be APARTMENT SEARCH The Easiest Way to Find a GREAT PLACE! Located on 5 M i l e R d . J u s t East o f M l d d l e b e l t Southfield HIDDENRIVER TOWNHOUSES in Livonia. OPEN 7 DAYS 427-6970 ,® 791-8444 2877 Carpenter from $ 5 2 0 * 1 & 2 bedroom select units on 1 year lease. New residents only. 111 I I I ! | l l | l M H • Central Air Conditioning • Convenient To Shopping And Expressways OKtieTVttfvi On Palmer, West of LIHey Daily 9-7 80.(3(111.12-4 • Cable TV Available 1 and 2 Bedroom $ Q 7 C Apartments from *«e# I %af HILLCREST CLUB One Month Free Suites I r o m $ 4 7 5 Includes Heat $ 2 0 0 Security D e p o s i t • Psffc tatting ' Shert Term Leases AvaHeMo "Less 5 YOU WIN WITH OUR VALUES! than minutes • Private Balcony/ Patio • Kitchen With Open Bar Counter • Dens Available • 1 Vi Baths Available • And More... Visit Us And See For Yourself! On Halsted <h Nile north of Grand River In Farmington Hills FROM $ SPECIAL 1ST MONTH RENT $265. FREE GAS 4 WATER 1950 sqlt. 1 2 & 3 bedroom townhouses -Fully carpeted 2½ baths > Finished basement > Laundry room. hook-up 'Carport HIDDEN OAKS APARTMENTS 'A OFF RENT, ANY 2 MOS. YOU CHOOSE Plus FREE CARPORT FOR 6 MOS.' Blinds, ceramic bath, central ~alr, carporta available,. Intercoma, patlos'balconie*. Cable ready, large storage area, laundry facilities. 1 BEDROOM. .$510 2 BEDROOM...$595 Dally,11-6; Sat.9em-2pm (Closed Thurs. A Sun.) 16833 w . 11 Mile at Greenfield 857-4520 * Based on 13 month occupency. New tenants only. Selected units SoulMteld WHITEHALL APARTMENTS 1 MONTH'S FREE RENT ' Spacloua 2 Bedroom Apts. Starting at 1660. Free Caot* « Heat on selected units. Cell now 557-0311. Conveniently Located on 9 Mlle/Greennetd. SOUTHFIELD $399 MOVES YOU IN On setscted units • FREE HEAT > Clean, quiet 1 bedroom •Walk-in c l o u t . • Covered perking • 24 hr. monitored intrusion elarm from Novi & Farmington S. ot Ptymoirft Rd.. E. of Kaggetty Dirty 1-7 Set I Sun. 124 WESTLAND Save Time* Money Open 7 Days 36870 Garfield Attractive 1 arid 2 Bedroom Apartments Apartments LIVING YOU CAN A F F O R D T O ENJOY 12350 Rlernan and values! 1 0 0 Moves You I n 1st Month Rent Free Windetnem 453-7144 locations M y M M. 12-4 I Franklih Rd;, S . of 13 Mite Managed by Kaftan Enterprises Southfield Southfield IAL^LIXJ Monopoly on « 7 6 M a i n Street WEATHERSTONE TOWNHOUSES 350-1296 356-8844 One Month Free Suites f r o m $ 4 5 0 Includes H e a t $ 2 0 0 Security D e p o s i t • Pat Section Available * Short Term Lease We have a 652-0543 ffi FRANKLIN PALMER ESTATES Win With A Consolidated Management Inc. Community! IT'S YOUR MOVE! 669-5566 KYMOUTfWMITW Tired Of Playing The Moving Game... • Dishwashers • Laundry Facilities • PldnlC Area •"J Sun. 11-5 405 LOCATED IN NOVi ON PONTIAC TRAIL 1 MILE EAST OF BECK ROAD OPEN DAILY 9-6 • SUNDAY 12-5 MONTH'S • Pool and Saunas . Pet Section Available Vertical Blinds • Basketball and Tennis Court! Daily 9-7 Sat. 11-6 $ COLLECT ONE One Month Free $200 Security Deposit Suites from $450 Includes Heat s IN APARTMENT Apartments VILLAGE SQUIRE A quaint & quiet apartment community in Livonia, close t o great shopping, restaurants, 1-96 access 4 Metro Airport. . Bedroom 624-6464 0<) Old Grand River Between Drake and Halstead Includes H u t • Air Conditioned - SOUTHF1ELO/FRANKLIN NO SECURITY DEPOSIT on selected units 2 or 3 bedroom spacious townhouses, elegant formal dining room & great room with natural fireplace, 2½. baths, master bedroom suite, full basement, 2 car attached garage.'From$1295; . ( A P A D T M. C H I & ) • WASHER & DRYER New 1 & 2 PLYMOUTH/CANTON 3j\ • HEAT-1N<3±JMD— from ROCHESTER SQUARE APTS. One Month Free $200 Security Deposit . Wfr're BIG on Square Feet 1 bedroom: 1100sq.ft. ' 2 bedroom: 1300 sq. f t 3 bedroom townhouse: .1800 sq. ft. Formal dining room, carport, heat included. Health club. Clubhouse/ pool. Close to Birmingham. 647-6100 30300 Soulhfleid (between 12 & 13) rjQJABE Where We Have Something For Everyone! 12 UNIQUE 522-6008 ROCHESTER M° ' ° p Daily and Weekends . COUNTRY CORNER A P T S en BANKJi - For more information call DKfy127 S * . 12-4 Southfield APARTMENT LOCATOR 1-800-777-5616 Models Open • M o n - S a t . 9-6 • Sun 11-5 Dally 9-7 Sat. 11-5 Sotlthfleld . CHARTERHOUSE APARTMENTS 1 MonttVs Free rent/Free' Cable ' Upscale H I - R I M i apartments ' Studio, 1 & 2 Bedrooms starting ' At $400. Pool, Tennis Courts and rnuch more. Call now 557-8100 Located on 9 Mile/Greenfield SOCA HEAT O O U INCLUDED apartments are currently under construction on Jamison Street (south of Five Mile/Middlebelt intersection in residential Livonia. 561-3593 SEVEN MiLE/Telegraph, 1 bedroom ($400 & up): 2 bedroom - $495 & up. Includes:heat & water, pool. Half month rent free 534-9340 What rental communities were meant t o be! You choose the amenities you want CHATHAM HILLS One Month Free • Indoor Poo! • Extra Large Apts. • Attached Garages • Dishwashers 28CM700 .ROYAL OAK. Commuter A p t 540 Sherman, off 11 Mite, near 696 & I7 5 . 1 bedroom, clean, spacious, appliances, fireplace, patjp. 464-8042. . 425-9339 FREE Beautiful Setting in a Great Location/ •jm 11 • i mi FARMINGTON de s Doggy, Doggy, where will you live? At Amber Apartments Permission they give! SPECIALS, TOOl 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FROM The Meadows of Livonia On fnkiter jutt N of Ford Road 941-4057 ARLINGTON . TOWNHOMES&APTS North Royal Oak 2 bedroorri townhouse, over -1,000 sq. ft., fufNaasement, Individual furnaces w/alr, close to park; shopping & schools. Rents from $585 (special rate for first 4 months). 13 Mile & Crooks. Open Dally. 288-3710 1 Afford To Enjoy! Rochester Rd., between 13-14 Mile Rd. Lovely. 1 bedroom. • VSOFF-1STMO... 585-4165 9am-5pm 559-7220 -9amr8pnr HUYALOAK/IHOY- 15001 BRANDT • LIVING YOU CAN • One and two bedroom floor plans • Elegant community areas • Second story solarium • Craft & activity rooms • Emergency pull cord system • On-site management • Individual storage • Indoor mail/trash facilities • Entrance intercom system • • Patios and balconies optional • Carports available • Rents from S639 month (heat included) DEARBORN CLUB One Bedroom Special $200 Security Deposit One Month Free Suites from $460 Open Mon., Wed., Fri. TuesTJsrThu'rs:——— SaL 11am-2pm APARTMENTS Meadows o f Livonia ROYAL OAK - LOOK NO FURTHER »395 month/»T50 security. . Onfy2leftl westwbod Apartments. 357-3777 ROYAL OAK » Ask a b o u t our S p e c i a l s ! * The LAFAYETTe COURT 547-2053 Managed by Kaftan Enterprises, Inc. 559-7220 Windows that soar. Sunlight that warms a room. A cozy fireplace to welcome you. Come home to a prestigious Birmingham location. Euro-style kitchens that make cooking a pleasure. Individual entrances to ensure your privacy. Full basements for ease of storage. And much, much more. ?OT MEADOWS. liili OF LIVONIA ROYAL OAK-DOWNTOWN , $399 MOVES YOU I N ' • on selected units Spacious 1 and 2 bedrooms, walk-In closets, free heat, quiet community. Walk to shopping a entertainment. RENT FROM »485 11 M I L E * MAIN AREA Royal O a k - \ NORTHWOOD APARTMENTS $200 Security Deposit ROCHESTER-DOWNTOWN. Up1 Month's Free Rent stairs 2 bedroom apartment;. 1 bedroom starting at »450 furnished upon request. $550. Call 541-3332 Please call, 651-6447 937-1880 NOTHING ELSE COMES CLOSE .. Coming Soon to Livonia... DEARBORN HEIGHTS SOUTH REDFORD Dearborn Hetghts/Llvonia Area Deluxe 2 bedroom apartment. Small, quiet complex. Excellent storage and cable TV. Location. Location- 624-6480 Tired Of Looking At The Same Four Walls? REDFORD AREA Telegraph-S Mile. 1-& 2 bedroom, clean, decorated; quiet, carpet, air conditioner, blinds. Heat Included. For mature, professional people with references. From $385. Location | Off Pontlac Trail Between West and Beck Roads | Minutes from 1-696 and 1-275 Daily 9-6 Sat. & Sun. 12-4 Mon,iW»d;.Fri.. lti30-6 Sat.." 10-1pm, 6S1r9751 .; 334-1878 2 and 3 bedroom Townhouses Ranging from $399 to $500 : Includes all utilities 453-8811. ' Spacious Apts. • Walk-in Closets • Patio sand Balconies ORCHARD WOODS APTS. OAKBROOK VILLA 1 MONTH FREE RENT AFFORDABLE SPECIALS! Senior citizen, adult community. Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in quiet community. Walk to shopping. Central air, dishwasher, vertical blinds, carport. Avaltabe to qualified applicants. Includes Carport OAK HILL APARTMENTS pontlac' Now accepting applications, lor ORCHARD LAKE ROADnear Telegraph. Beautiful wooded apartments and townhouses^ setting, 1 bedroom apt: Carpet, Air 1 bedroom; »435.2 bedroom, »495 conditioner, heat included, . 2 bedroom townhouse, »610 FROM $385 Includea heat A water . Romulus PLYMOUTH Free Hamlet Apts. 1ST mo. Rent FREE 1 bedroom »510 - * — 2 bedroom »560 Mon-Frl. 9-5, Sat. 10-4 PLYMOUTH Slin.11-4 1 bedroom, charming restored colo852-0311 nial,-lots 6t sunlight, air. Available now! $450/month. 459-8640 ROCHESTER/175, One bedroom apt., WO >q. ft. with balcony, pool, PLYMOUTH - 1 bedroom, $475 plus Jacuzzi.' eauna, gym. Appliance* Inutilities. Half month security deposits cluded. Tenant leaae »540/month.. 303 Roe Street. Walking* distance Call Ray up to 4pm, 433-5757 trom downtown. CaN Mon-Frl. 9-5, 582-0450, eves/weekends:416-14l8 ROCHESTER: near downtown, thru May. 15. poaalble extension. 1 bed; PLYMOUTH - 2 bedroom, lower room, very quiet. »430, Includea unit, .garjtge, basement, laundry heat. 652-2246 or 334-6*91 hook-up, quiet, neutral decort 2 blocks from towm $625, 453-6$37 Rochester . . PARKS) DE APTS. . 532-9234 REDFORD MANOR PLYMOUTH LIVE ON THE PARK 40315 PLYMOUTH RD. Plymouth -ftd-.-,~neaF 1-275 LAKEFRONT APARTMENTS FEATURING: REDFORD - LOLA PARK MANOR has tpacloue 1 bedroom apartments available from *4«5/MO. All amenities Including free heal. Pleaeeea|IWM330 or265-0»32 PLYMOUTH. 1 bedroom lower. Maple A Fairgound, stove, fridge. Walk to town. Available Immediately. $445 (nchidlnflneat:—-45»>sa7fr 1-800-777-5616 455-3682 400 Aptt. For Rwrt PLYMOUTH- 1 bedroom apartment Heat paid. Private, quiet, spacious, secure. The right apartment just for you at $450 Is now available. 1 year tease. No pets. 459-0907 PLYMOUTH - T bedroom, first floor. Rocheeter HHIe Plymouth Rd. & Holbroc*. Stove, refrigerator, air conditioner, walk to Charles town. $440 + utIHtles. . - 458-5675 Beautiful 1-& 2 bedroom apartments NOVI 348-0540 minutes away from Downtown Plyrtv Across from 12 Oaks Mall outhyet secluded-ln a quiet residen349-8200 SOUTHFIELD -''354*8040, tial neighborhood (on 10 Mile between Novi & • Extra Storage Space 29286'Northwestern.Hwy. Meadowbrook Rds.) * Large Balconies Hours. Mon - Fri 8.30 - 5.00 CANTON ' 981-7200 • Beautiful Pool, - Sat. 10 - 4 & by appointment 42711 Ford Rd. . • ' . . - > • Almost 1000 sq. ft of living space Certain Restrictions Apply • Furnished Corporate Suites TROY 680-9090 Not valid with any other otter " •" 453-2800 3726 Rochester Rd. Mon.-Fri., 9 - 5 : 0 0 CLINTON TWP. 791-8444 PLYMOUTH Saturday 10 r. 4 36870 Garfield.. ' &£y appointment' Certain Restrictions Apply ANN ARBOR 677-3710 Plymouth Hills " Not valid with any other offer 2877 Carpenter APARTMENTS Plymouth ApartmentsUNLIMITED 746 S. Mill St. 400 ApU.ForRwt FROM $565 12MM«Lthter TWYCKINQHAM VALLEY Hills" • • e • • • Convenient t o Twelve Oaks Mall Cable TV Available Dishwasher Pool Private Balcony/Patio Variety, ot Floor P l a n . Available 624-9445 • Air Conditioning *•»••-» * » - T - » - w 3M-4403 Managed by Kaftan Enterprises, In SOUTHFIELD $ 4 M MOVES YOU IN OPEN Mon. • Fri. 9 - 6; Sat. 10 3; Sun. 1 2 . S 471-3625 On selected units Extra large 1 bedroom w/den end 2 bedrooms w/2 berhe. Large kitchen w/eating tree and private laundry room m lovely q u M residential area, covered parking, swimming porn and elegant ckrbhoiiee, 84 hour tnIrualon a t a m system. 1SMILESLAH8ER COLONY PARK Opsn Mbrtdsy-Frldsy 10 - 8; Sst. 10 - 5; Sun. 11-5 • 355-2047 Managed by Keflen Enterprises, inc. Monday r Novembei 3D, 1992 0&E_ 400 Apt»,Fof Rtnt •WOApU. For Rent SOOTHFIELO Troy . AT CHURCHILL SQUARE APARTMENTC H O R E T H A N $1100* OFF A 2 BEDROOM-2 BATH Open: dally 12 to 5pm, 707 Klrts Blvd. You can do your laundry In the privacy ot your own apartment. These spacious, dean, quiet & well maintained T bedroom units Include: lull size washer & dryers, carports, central air, patios, carpeting, lull size appliances, water a heat all tor JBT0 per month $300 security. Short term leasing available, 13tli month tree. 398-0960 - SAVE $600 1 BEDROOM SPECIAL NOW ONLY $395 • AUBURNHILLS Executive .1 bedroom, fuHy furnished & professionally decorated. 646-5435 2bedroom,900sq.ft.-$515 BIRMINGHAM - Downtown; Townsend St. 1 bedroom completely furnlsnecLiipanmanl. Short termleaae available. $725. mo. Includes utilities. Security deposit. 642-0093 . $200 DEPOSIT Heat/Water Included New tenants W/credlt&l'yr. lease 722-4700 BIRMINGHAM Short-Term Lease Available for i month to 1 year elegantly furnished. 1 bedroom unit. Perfect for transferred executive. Cam On Wayne Rd. S. of Warren Rd. Troy Blinds, large closets, carport Patio or balcony, Inter-com' Exercise room, saunas, pool OUR HOLIDAY GIFT TO < YOU . Guarded entrance, alarms* SECURITY DEPOSIT $150 Franklin River Apts 12 Mile & Telegraph 356-0400 " iwtect apartments for qualified applicants SOUTHFIELO , « 9 9 MOVES YOU IN ' FREE HEAT. Clean, Quiet Location. Intrusion Alarm, Lighted Parking, Large Walk-In Closet. Extra Large Storage Area, Rent $470. Lahser Near 8½ Mite. WELLINGTON PLACE Managed by Kaftan Enterprises THREE OAKS 30 daya RENT FREE* 362-4088 Luxury 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Private entrance, washer & dryer, open kitchen with eating space, self defrosting refrigerator, self cleaning , oven, dishwasher,. vertical blinds, patio or balcony, carports Wattles (17 Mile) E. of Crooks 'select apts only Civic Center E. of Telegraph 355-0770 TROY SOMERSET AREA - PROM $495 Studio and spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Amenities Include: Owner Paid Heat Swimming Pool Laundry Facilities Balconies or Patios Intercoms • Dishwashers Disposals Air Conditioning Window treatments/Vertical blinds Close To Shopping & Expressways VILLAGE APARTMENTS •Select apts. only STRETCH YOUR RENT DOLLARS Large 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. From $485 Great Location Swimming Pool Wall to Wall Carpet ...... JfllnLBftnl<j8__ _ Laundry Facilities Minutes to Major Expressways and Highways PARKWAY APARTMENTS 357-2503 ^ 'Things That make you go Hmmmmm... For Us In December So If You Can Be.'. FAST We Will Accept YOUR BEST OFFER To Become a Resident at VENOY PINES APTS. IHMO.RE^TFREE* SOUTHFIELD . PARK LANE IT'S SLOW We will Accept All Offers For Rent . Through the Holidays ' Luxurious 1 & 2 bedroom apts. also 1 bedroom wjth den In a quiet setting. Plush carpet, verticals, lots of storage;, fenced patio or balcony, tree carport, pool. & in Our Club House an EXERCISE ROOM Security Deposit $200 355-1069 362-0245 WATERFORD - CASS LAKEFRONT Private 1 bedroom, heat, laundry, boat dockage included. Newly rei t e r a t e d . $550 mo. 332-7744 WAYNE - attractive 1 bedroom, apt. located in the best area ot Wayne. S335/mo. all utilities included, . available Dec. 1 879-6540 WAYNE-Columbus Apts 1 & 2 bedroom, $375-$425 month, includes heat & water. Security same as one month's rent. 728-7865 WAYNE/WESTLAND. Holiday Special $360 rent. Clean, quiet, attractive 1 bedroom on Newburgh Rd. Cats. O.K. $200 security. 721-6699 WAYNE WINTER SPECIAL 1 & 2 bedrooms; from $335 to $420, Have you ever wondered why so Six Month Lease.. Call Mon-Frl many apartment communities must 9:30am-4:30pm. 728-Q699 give a way a month of free rent or WAYNE more?? $399 MOVES YOU IN Hmmrr.rf.rTi ... At WAYNE FOREST APTS. ' Cedar Lake Apartments You won't find all the J*. Special Giveaways w '• Just Great Apartments 1 Great Service At Great Prices FREE HEAT - Separate Dining Huge Walk-In Closets Large Storage Area 326-7800 33095 Forest Avenue Wayne. Ml 48184 Free Vacation Get away to Arizbna on select units. WAYNE - 1 & 2 bedroom apts. $395 & up, Includes heat, water, appliances. Nice neighborhood. Section 8okay.531-9171or 722-2979 RENT ONE GET ONE • 1 X 2 Bedroom Apartments & Townhomes • $ 100 Security Depositl . We Love Pels FREE 1-Bedrooms Starting at $6241 2 Bedrooms Starting at $739! 313-2651-7394 Call For Details & Save Westland Park Apts. Across from City Park (Cherry Hill) (between Mlddtebett & Merrlman) SPECIAL - LIMITED TIME ONLY SAVE$45/mo. 1 bedroom now $430 2 bedroom, 1½ bath - $490 $200 DEPOSIT ALL APTS. Mon. -Fri. 9-6 Sat. 12-4 Located in Northvilie on 6 Mile just 2 miles west of 1-275 • Swimming pool • Clubhouse • Sauna Tennis court Dishwasher , On-site management Call Marlene or LouAnn today TROY SUNNYMEDE APTS. GREAT LOCATION I-75 AT BIG BEjVER First & Last Months RervT Free. 1 & 2 Bedrooms Large Deluxe Units WHILE they last, 2 bedroom. 2 balh apis, $730 Includes heal a water CHANGE to quality, 2 bedrooms, balh apt Includes heal a wale goad to Dec. 6th CAHTODAfc SOMERSET PtmAPTS TROY - large 1100 sq. It. luxury 1 bedroom, t'A balh aparimenl. 647-0333 Troy/Royal Oak Areas SPECIALS at Amber Apartments 280-1700 Warren WARREN PLAZA APARTMENTS 1 MONTHS FREE RENT •200 Security Deposit. 1 and 2 bedroom Irdm »400. Free Heat and Cable. Swrmmmg p o d , tennis, courts A much more. Can 7S4-1100 Located on Hoover arid 10 Mae ROCHESTER HILLS. 4 bedrooms, 2½ baths with library, freshly deco- W BLOOMFIELD - 70SS Pontlac rated, wood floors, private yard, air, fireplace. $1600 month. 375-9722 Trail, 3 bedroom brick, 1 bath, large lot. $650 m o . Shown by appoint67*4)05* LIVONIA - 4 bedrooms, VA bath, ROCHESTER, 3 bedrooms, living ment, stove/dlshwasher/refrlgerator, large room, finished basement, central WESTLAND - Ford/Hix. 2 bedroom, great room, fireplace, 3 car at- air, 2½ car garage, Immaculate con- basement, yard, off atreel parking. tached, fenced yard on 'A acre. dition. $1,100/mo. Call before 5pm, $535/mo. + 1 mo. security. Can After 6pm 652-3149. *995/monlh. 473-4594 979-4400. after 6pm 454-2774 LIVONIA - 5 mite & Merrlman, 3 -ROYAL OAK - Cute 2 bedroom, ap- WESTLAND- Newly updated, 3 bedbedroom ranch, family room, appli- pliances, basement, garage, fenced. room Trl-level, Vk baths, basement, . ances, new carpet, targe deck, no -4595/mo. plus security. 2 par garge, very ciean^J»795/mo., ,1 642.1811 -_^ « >«. tncvrlfa.: ..r_.. . . . .._*. n annnnils a .: Cat*). •!*•* A 347-3147 «<v_i«rUfUy,4fS-tMm,,, j j j f c i a i ^ . pets. $740,., ptua.,jiflci trity^. t" e Available Dec 1. 348-103» ROYAL OAK - Downtown, 3 bedWESTLAND, NORWAYNE. 3 bedLlVONIA - 6 4 Newburgh. 3 bed- room bungalow, all appliances, room duplex, clean, carpeted, race rooms, family room, garage, 1600 fenced yard, $795/mo plus security location $445 mo. plus deposit. Available Jan 1. 544-7632 sq.ft Newly decorated, appliances. References, no pets/ 729-65Z6 $1075/mo. + utilities 425-8491 ROYAL OAK- Newly decorated WESTLAND - 2 bedroom, fenced MILFORD - 2 story home with 3 large 3 bedroom colonial. New car- yard, garage, $500 per month. R.ent bedrooms, 1¼ baths, dining room, peting, basement. 2 car garage, no with option to buy available. 399-1233 Florida room, appliances, base- pets $845. ' w ' 47S-7T28 ment, deck, garage, fenced yard. ROYAL OAK - 2 bedrooms, dean. WESTLAND - 3 bedroom, garage, Available howl $795. • 348-5100 S550/mo. And other suburbs $650/mo. + security * utilities. Small fee 358-RENT Available Dec. 1. Open Turn * Wed, RENTAL REFERRAL PROS Dec 1 & 2,1-4pm. 33106 MeWorj, , ¾ NINE MILE & EVERGREEN - 3 bedW ol Vanoy, N of Palmer.. X.-..-.-& room for rent. $500 per month plus. SOUTHFIELD- A sharp 3 bedroom ranch, 1½ bath,, air, 2½ car garage, security. Immediate occupancy appliances, Florida room, half acre, W. BLOOMFIELD: 2 story'Colonial, After 6pm, 352-0263 lease to buy, $975/mo. 477-0227 air, 4 bedrooms, Vh bath, 2 t W e places, family room, 2 car gaeMe. NORTHVILLE - New large 2 bed788-1*11 3 bedroom W. Blodmtleld schools. room townhouse, appliances, base- SOUTHFIELD-Beautltul brick ranch, finished basement & full ment, shady street, no pets. Securi- larage, new carpet, freshly painted ty deposit- $635/mo. 348-8698 ,625/mo, + deposit. 399-6444 NORTHVILLE-8 Mile & I275. - new 3 bedroom Meadowbrook Hills. 2,870 Sq.ft. SOUTHFIELD ranch, 2 full baths, large kitchen brick Quad. Completely remodeled with appliances, cathedral ceiling, in neutrals. $1800/mo. 348-8331 basement, no pets, $850/mo plus RICHTER& ASSOC. Looking For A... Bargain? Home? Apartment? ' Job? -You'll Find it I in the , - ^ Call Today For *; Home Delivery! ; 591-0500 1 BEDROOM from * 4 4 0 f $250 Deposit § Dishwashers in selected imtli! RJCHTER & ASSOC. • Tennis • Carport • Clubhouse • Cable Reody ; Studio, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Luna & Village Apts. ...on Venoy at Warren Carriage House Apts.... on-Haggerty at Joy 1 Bedroom from...$425 2 Bedroom lrom...$460 Smaller 1 Bedroom from...$390 - WOW - $399 SPECIAL * BIRMINGHAM SCHOOLS: Attractive Brick 3 bed Ranch. 2 fireplaces, family room, 3 baths, attached garage, New kitchen. $1000 plus utilities. 626-4976 SECURITY DEPOSIT-$200 FREE HEAT/HOT WATER Clubhouse, Pool, Decks, Air Verticie blinds. Carpet Included Cable TV, Pet Units & Dishwashers Available 1 BEDROOM from $399* 2 BEDROOM from $515 ATTENTION CORPORATE TRANSFEREES For your relocation needs, call: D » H PROPERTIES 737-4002 New Security Deposit Special! Spacious floor plans • 24 hr. maintenance • Vertical blinds .Storage •. 1st floor laundry • Security lacked doors • Cats allowed • Washer/dryer hook-up In some urtils ', • Westland • Luna/Village Apts.: Mon>Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6 Carriage House Apts.: 7 Days, 12-6 Newburgh near Glenwood LIMITED T I M E 2 B e d r o o m - *440°°* 1 B e d r o o m - *405°°* 425-0930 s BLUE GARDEN APTS. Cherry Hill Near Merrlman Daily 11am-6pm. - Sat. T0am-2pm Sun. 1pm-5pm * Call for details & appt. 300.00 Security Deposit Vertical Blinds • Pool • C a r p o r t Monday-Friday 8:30-5:30 729-2242 LIVONIA SCHOOLS Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom Starting at $475 / ^ J V = = == 729-5090 WESTLAND. The Villa, Margd Capri, 28408 Warren, near Middlebelt. 1 bedroom apt. spacious, clean, appliances, carpet, blinds, etc. 464-6042 425-9339 Glenwood Orchards WESTLAND, 1 bedroom, appliances, carpet, drapes, cable ready, quiet area. $395/mo. plus security. Immediate occupancy, no pets. ] 402 Furnished Apts. For Rent Westland 721-8111 "Family Living At Ws Best" Two bedroom, one bath duplex ranch homes with full basements. Warren & Middlebelt Area $ A Q C OPEN HOUSE * § T f ^DECEMBER 5th! fDECEMBER . • On-site management -n Spacious yard_s • On-site m a i n t e n a n c e • Gas ranges, frost • Lawn cutting free regrigerators • Snow removal • One small pet WESTUWD PLAZA APTS. A nice place t o live! BIRMINGHAM DOWNTOWN Fully Furnished Ail utilities. 30 day short term. 1 bedroom, $895/mo. 2 bedroom, S1150/mo. 642-1918 ©ak Village 2758Ackley 'Subject to change without notice. New tenants only. 517-486-2296 WESTLAND. 1 bedroom, large living room ; kitchen & dining area. Yard, shed, extra storage. $395 mo". Available DEC.1 After 5PM,'482-7147 Near bus line Open Mon.-Fri. 9-7 Sat. 10-5 Sun. 12-5 Come look us over! Birmingham/Royal Oak Spacious I and S Bedroom Furnished Apts. Ask About • Monthly Leases • Immediate occupancy • Lowest Rates • Tastefully Decorated 561 KIRTS NO TURKEYS - |ust value, 2 bedroom, 1050 sq. Il.lromt630 to Dec, 5lh. TROY-3 bedroom, Vh bath, I room/fireplace, 2 cer garage, t a n men!, redecorated, near echoote. great location. $1.100/mo. 626-1651 NOVI Western Hills Apts. SUNNYMEDE APTS. Troy COMPARE our apt/rates 1 bedroom horn $590, 800 sq, II Ront Includes heat « water, call today TROY - 2 houses tor I w. Large ranch, $1400/mo. Large cctonfa . $1500/mo. SoulbEaetecn, 226-1100 or 221-1320 Newburgh between Joy & Warren s' WESTLAND Spacious 2 bedroom apis, located 2½ miles E. ol Birmingham. Includes carpeting, heat, water, air conditioning, dishwasher, disposal, cable ready, laundry facilities on-site. 12'x 15' storage area. $570/mo. '• Some with llrepleces - I590/m< NO SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED (313)435-5430 BIRMINGHAM: GREAT LOCATION 3 bedroom ranch, finished base- FARMINGTON HILLS, available' ment, stove, refrigerator, washer, 12-20-92, 2ft acres. Power R d , DENNIS WOLF dryer, garage, W90. 646-7848 belw. 10-11 Mile, secluded eelting, Licensed Broker 4-5 bedroom, 2 full baths, pine log Hall-Wolf Properties BIRMINGHAM » OTHER SUBURBS living room w/flreplace, dining 647-6100 ATTENTION room, family room, $1100 per mo. CORPORATE TRANSFEREES 1-214-475-5185 Blrmlngham/W. Bloomfletd/Troy Forvour relocation needa. callBLOOMRELO LAKES APTS. O-X H PROPERTIES . FARMINGTON HILLS - 2 bedroom. Grand Rlver/Mlddlebalt. Newly re737-4002 Furnished apts. in smalt, quiet CORK modeled. $575 month i- security. plex. Fully furnished ft. decorated BIRMINGHAM - 2 Bedroom. Base- Appliances available. 442-0843 studio, -1 & 2 bedroom units. In- ment. No lease necessary. Pets OK, cludes dishes,'linens, etc. Cleaning $825. Small fee ' 358-RENT FARMINGTON- 32172 Loomls, 3 services available. Beach privileges. bedroom, 1½ bath; appliances, 2 RENTAL REFERRAL PROS NcL pets please. Rents starting at car, finished basement, pets OK. $475. Heat & water included. Short BIRMINGHAM - 2 bedroom, 1 bath, Vacant. $900. 476=3662.476^4320 term teases for qualified applicants. full basement, stove, refrigerator,, ; 681-8309 washer, dryer, with-in walking dis- FERNDALE - Very nice 3 bedroom, newly renovated bungalow. Newly tance to downtown, no cats LIVONIA. 1 bedroom furnished apt, $?00/mo 642-2665 landscaped., new. carpet, finished Complete with linens, etc. Includes basement.' large kitchen. '2 baths, heat, carport, laundry facilities, c e o garage, no pets. S73S. 781-3865 BIRMINGHAM ' traltytocatedi 478-4571 3 bedrooms, 1 bath with all appllr ances, carpet, blinds. $785/mo. plus GARDEN CITY - Clean quiet targe T bedroom. Private entrance, decosecurity. 646-9179 ROYAL OAK rated, utilities paid. No pets, DOWNTOWN adults only. $425/mo. 681:3671 BLOOMF1ELD HILLS Studio : apartment fully furnished, 4 bedroom colonial, 2½ bath, gas $400 per month. In quiet, secured, heat, air, appliances, basement, ga- GROSSE POINTE. Sunningdafe In adult complex. 1 year lease, (flexi- rage, swtm club, tennis. . 524-3637 the Woods. Elegant restored 4,000 sq.. ft. English Tudor. 4 Bedrooms, ble). Storage lockers. You pay electric - WE PAY HEAT. No pets. Off- BOYNE CITY - Gtenwood Beach. 2 3¼ baths, king size family room. street parking and on premise laun- bedroom home partially, furnished Furnished or unfurnished. $3800/ dry facilities. Minimum Income near Lake Charlevoix. Rent by MO, unfurnished. Minimum 2 yr. 882-0154 requlreed $18,000 a year month or season. Call 616-582-2977 lease. ROCHESTER - downtown. 3 bedroom, 1st floor duplex. Includes stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer-dryer, hardwood floors, private yard, no pets. $650 651-6404 2 BEDROOM from * 5 1 0 459-6600 ;i New England Place Apts. TROY-Nice 2 bedroom nous*, quart neighborhood, Troy schoole. rtochester.176. lanced yard. S47*/mo. + security + untitles, 7*t-234M 356-RENT g TROYrCLAWSON BIRMINGHAM - A lovely 2 bedroom ranch vjrith sun porch, basement, deck, oak floors, appliances and much more. $795. Majestic Properties Inc 332-8500 ORCHARD LAKE - Pontlac TraH/OkJ Orchard. Upper Straits frontage, 5 bedroom cape, 2 fireplecet; 3 + garage, nanny quarters, racquet bait court. 3000 sq.ft. $25O0/mo. 0 & H PROPERTIES 737-4002 DETROIT. 5 Mlle-Telgraph 3 bed- LAKE ORION: Cfwkston/Orion Rd room ranch, newly decorated, S390/ 1990 former model. 3 bedroom mo plus security. Garage, no base- brick ranch, 2200 %q. ft., cathedral ment. 326-7895 cettfng. library, bleached oak kitchen, air. no amokera. $1200/mo. O & H PROPERTIES 737-4002 FARMINGTON & ALL SUBURBS OVER 700 AVAILABLE HOMES Small lee 356-RENT LIVONIA - furnished, 2 bedroom, pleasant neighborhood, family -RENTAL REFERRAL PROS room, Franklin stove, accee* to JefFARMINGTON HILLS - 4 bedroom fries, S650 plus utilities. Jan & Feb. 3½ bath 2800 sq, ft. brick Large 421-5031 family room, library, exercise room, all appliances, 2 fireplaces, garage, LIVONIA-3 bedroom for renl. finair, deck, Msadowbrook Sub. Rent ished basement, appliances, shed. $1495pkissecurity. Days,474-5150 S750/mo with small security. ImmeEves, 478-9713 diate occupancy. Evee 473-0036 404 House* To Rent Ample storage, vertical blinds, tour appliances, carport, exercise room Beautifully landscaped, parklike with saunas, heated seasonal pools arden apts. Quiet secluded living. and tennis courts. lose to shopping. HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE' • CATS WELCOME. Heat Included* • 1 '* Baths in 2 Bed Unit - FREE LIGHTED CARPORT - Washer-dryer/some units -*Vfirtrcal Blinds JOY RD, W. OF NEWBURGH • 24 Hr. Maintenance ' On select units only • Great Storage space • Large walk-in closets - Private Balconies w/double Ford/Wayne Road Area doornails Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apart• Individual Central Air/Heat ments located close to shopping & • Swimming Pool expressways. Other amenities in• Senior Citizens Discount clude: • Short or Long Term Lease • Carpeting - Corporate Furnished Units • Dishwasher • Park-like Setting • Owner Paid Heat - Laundry Facilities • Window Treatments • New Counter Tops • Garbage Disposals - Private Entrances • Air Conditioning From $395 Monthly (1 blk. S.olQlg Beaver, SECOND MONTH'S RENT FREE between Livernols & Crooks) WITH 1 YEAR LEASE COUNTRY VILLAGE APTS 362-0290 PREVIEW 100-S FREE TENANTS & LANDLORDS Share Referrals .642-1620 884 S. Adams. Birmingham 404 H o u t M T o f t f f l t WESTLAND York Properties, Inc. $550 FREE^ HOUSES, APARTMENTS. ETC. (R,W,Q-7C)*»C 404HoueeeToRent STOP WESTWOOD VILLAGE $249 BIRMINGHAM & ALL CITIES RENT-A-HOME 404 H o i l M t T o R w i t 729-6636 (313) 261-7394 IS A BETTER VALUEI 404 KouMtToRmt 258-8200 or 542-9559 KEEGO HARBOR- Lakefront 2 bedCASS LAKE CUSTOM HOME ROYAL OAK: 1 bedroom apart- New construction, 3-4 bedroom, 3 + room, furnished, fireplace, washer/ ments, from $520 a mo.' Short garage,, large walk-in closet, too dryer, dishwasher, $600 + security. security 476-3554 353-4257 683-3838 Jan-May 1993. After 6. leases available. Dishes, color tv, much to list, $2800/mo. SOUTHFIELD - 2-3 Bedrooms. $650 WEST LAND - Spacious studio micro-wave. 10am-8pm, 680-1478 DEARBORN HEIGHTS - Warren/ 3 bedroom, 2 car garage, nice yard. A UP. Other suburbs. Can today. KEEGO HARBOR apartment tor rent near Westland SoutMfeld Telegraph. 2 bedroom, large fenced porch. $560.. (703)459-5546 Small fee 2 bedrooms. Lk. Privileges 356-RENT MalL Only $385/mo.; heat & water yard, new furnace, $525/mo. + utili- Available immediately. $550 RENTAL REFERRAL PROS \ FRANKLIN NW FARMINGTON Hills - 5 bedincluded. Call Rhonda, 9am-5pm, ties. Available Dec. 1st. 582-6072 Call. 477-8220 roora, garage.. Available Jan 1st. ON SYLVAN LAKE, 3 bedrooms, 2 Mon.-Fri.i 462-1660 ' PARK DEARBORN HTS - Tired Ot just LIVONIA - Farming ton Rd. & 7. Mile. $1200/mo. + last month & security. TOWERS Observer & Eccentric-: 813-474-6267 full baths, walkout basement, $1300 renting. Rent with option to buy. Westland 3 bedroom ranch, 1200 sq. ft. Newly Call after 6pm. per month plus security. Call Eric at 3 bedroom Cape Cod, no basement. decorated. Appliances, 2½ car gaFurnished Corporate Suites 682-2293 Newspaper J OAK PARK-3 bedroom, L-shaped 1½ car garage. Rent with $100 • 1 Bedrooms from $780 rage, $775 per month. 462-2338 Ranch with garage. New vinyl siding option, per month is $675. Security UNION LAKE - Must see lakefront Spend your holidays in a new home. • 2 Bedrooms from $930 & windows. New carpeting. $575/ deposit $860. Minimum.down payfrom Inside this very clean, quaint 2 LIVONIA - LOADS OF HOMES Waterbury Apartments 356-8020 month + deposit. 399-8444 bedrom, basement, attached 2 car ment towards option $2000. 2-3 bedrooms starting at $600/MO. Single story • washer & dryer WALLED LAK6/W. BLOOMF1ELD 6034 Beech Daly. 348-0365 Small fee 356-RENT OLD REDFORD - 6 Mile & Tele- garage, appliances Included. Plenty hookups • private entrance/patio • Heritage Apts. Large furnished stuRENTAL REFERRAL PROS graph. Perfect 3 bedroom, garage, of storage for boat In large lot studio's & 1 bedrooms • starting at dio apt. Heat included, air, pool, DEARBORN - Super clean, quiet 3 363-4-"" good neighborhood,'section 6 okay $1000/mo $405. Pets welcome: $200 security cable,$425.644-1163; 624-0780 bedroom, refrigerator, stove, base- LIVONIA Mall area, 2 bedroom, den, 453-0452 ment, garage, fenced backyard. No garage, large lot, stove,, refrigerator, $470 + 1½ security. deposit. Call us today! " 722-5558 — p-t« jaSQ/mo 584-0380 ~~ ~\l. $600.1¼ mos. ^ ¾ | P. Y M O U T H TWP - 4 bedroom colonlai, large wooded lot, first floor DEARBORN WEST - 2 bedroom. AUBURN HILLS. 3 bedroom, $645, central air, appliances, garage with LIVONIA - Smalt 2 bedroom, stove, laundry Hi study, walKout family REDFORD. 3 bedroom. $575/MO. opener. Clean, no pets. $600. refrigerator, washer, dryer, air,, gas room, 2 car garage, $1450 month WAYNE/FORO RD. AREA 453-4445 LIVONIA. 2 bedroom, garage, $600. heat, no dogs, $420/mo. plus secur- Ellen Webb. Spacious- 1 & 2 bedroom apart- WESTLAND. 3 bedroom, $575. ity. Call after 6, 953-5875 ments located close to shopping & OAK PARK. 3 bedroom, $800. PLYMOUTH: 2 bedroom home In DEARBORN - 2 bedroom. Gi Borage expressways. Other amenities in- LIVONIA. 3 bedroom, loaded, $650. basement. Fenced for pets.. ... $485. $485 LIVONIA. 3 bedroom ranch, newer qualnf. area. Walk to town Living, clude: Smalt fee 356-RENT kitchen cabinets, .all appliances, dining, den, 1½ bath, basement, gaSOUTHFIELD. 2 bedroom, $595, ' -Carpeting 453-1353 RENTAL REFERRAL PROS laundry room.Available Jan 1. S625 rage. No pets. $790. FARMINGTON Hills. 4 Room, $595. • Park-like Setting plus 1 'A months security. 349-0971 PLYMOUTH: 2/3 bedroom brick AND MANY MORE • • Owner Paid Heat SEVEN/GRAND area Detroit, 2 bedRENTAL REFERRAL PROS. • Air Conditioning room, living room; kitchen, bath, LIVONIA 3 bedroom brick ranch, ranch, dining, family, new kitchen, • Dishwasher fenced yard, stove, Irldge, $475. family room with fireplace, 1½ garage, air, no smoking, no pets 453-1353 • New Counter Tops Section 8 OK. 313-348-7089 baths, 2¼ car garage, finished base- 1850 month, 23100 Telegraph M-F. 9-7 Sat. 9-5 • Garbage Disposal . ment. $900 month. 422-1436 REDFORD S.- Chlcago/lnksterarea FIVE MILE/Telegraph area, Detroit. • Laundry Facilities BELLEVILLE - 4 bedroom, 2½ car Very clean 2 bedroom home. Stove, LIVONIA - 4 bedroom. 2¼ bath Co- 3 bedroom brick ranch. Finished • Window Treatments/Mini Blinds garage, newly decorated, fenced hardwood floors, fenced yard. $295 lonial. Formal dining room, family basement, garage, $695 month, 1st, From $410 Monthly yard. 1st, last 8. security. $800 mo. 277-2587 room, fireplace, air, 1st floor laun- last, security. Call Joe: COUNTRY COURT APARTMENTS • . 363-7726 or 697-2474 per mo. + security deposit. Call after 7pm, 729-8718 dry, appliances, basement, attached 721-0500 ROCHESTER - 3 bedroom living BERKLEY- Clean 3 bedroom ranch, DETROIT: Warren & Southfleld area. garage, pool. Short term lease okay. room, finished basement, central Westland 348-5100 screened porch, garage, all appli- 3 bedroom, finished basement, ga- Available now) $1,295. air, 1½ baths, 3 blocks from downances. $700/mo. 313-852-6333 town. $750. 375-0674 rage. Sharp. Newly decorated. $545/mo ; $1000 security. 427-4429 FREE HEAT qnd COOKING GAS . -S ROCHESTER BERKLEY - 3 bedroom 1 bath bun- DETROIT - wesiside, Michigan-Mar- LIVONIA - 5 Mile & Inkster. 3 Bed- 3 bedroom, '2 bath, newly decoratroom Ranch. Very clean, all appliVertical BHnds • 1 % Baths • Central Alt **? .1 & 2 Bedrooms Available galow. 2 car garage, finished base- tin area. Clean 3 bedroom unfur- ances, fenced, deck, 2 car garage. ed, $795/mohth + security No FROM $409 ment, newer Kitchen. Possession nished. $350 month plus security $825.1st, last, security. «Pool • Laundry & Storage - 651-5668 427-2731 pels. • FREE HEAT ' ' . mid Dec: $825 per month. 535-4823 . Walk-in Closets (2 bedroom) Kingsway Management, 540-2670 deposit. • On-Slte Laundry BIRMINGHAM - a charming In town DETROIT - 3 bedroom, large lot. • Extra Storage. 3 bedroom 1½ bath, upated spot- clean. $375 per month, $375 securiless, finished basement, fenced tyCall. 454-9726 * Free Vacation Getaway yard, garage, $140p/mo. 540-0260 And $200 Move-In Bonus BIRMINGHAM, good neighborhood. FARMINGTON HILLS: 14/Drake. On Select Units A-1. neat & clean, new carpet, new Gate house community. 4 bedroom kitchen floor, newly painted, hori- brick colonial, 2½ baths, great729-6520 zontal blinds, 2 bedrooms, full bath, roomftvet bar, studio ceilings, listove/refrigerator, laundry hook up, brary, air,2 car, $2300/mo. 737-4002 garage. $700/mo. 1¼ mo. security. D S H PROPERTIES No pets. Available Jan. 1. 649-0762 FARMINGTON i, other suburbs COME SEE WHY Ho Move* Special! 404HoumToRtnt (1 year lease with credit) HEAT INCLUDED Rent a one bedroom apartment at VENOY PINES APARTMENTS and SAVE a full month's rent 348-1830 . 402 FurnMMd ApU. For Rtnt 400 Apts. For Rtnt Westland Estates 326-3280 Weslland FOREST LANE APARTMENTS 6200 North Wayne Rd. SPECIAL! $50 OFF On 2 Bedrooms For 6 Months 2 BEDROOM. $440; $490 STUDIO $410 1 BEDROOM $460 With Approved Credit No Application Peel SENIOR OISCOUNTI Amenllies include: • Heat A water • Carpeting a blinds . Laundry (acuities - Pool A air conditioning • WalK-ln closet • Cable available • Between Ford Rd.« Huntor 722-5155 SPECIAL* 427-1997 549-5500 APARTMENTS & ATHLETIC CLUB Spacious H & 2 bedroom apartments, each with a fireplace, mini-blinds and balcony or patio. Private athletic c|ub featuring year-round .indoor-outdoor pool, sauna, steam bath, whirlpool and exercise room. Secluded setting amidst woods and duck ponds. Pets welcome. Senior citizen discount. 1 Bedroom Starting At s 408 2 Bedroom Starting At *482 455-2424 Mon.-Fri. 10-6 261-8010 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED OFF WAYNE RD. BETWEEN WARREN A JOY, NEAR THE WESTLAND SHOPPING MALL RENTAL Of FCE AND MODEL OPEN 10 A M * P.M. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Spend Less Time Driving! Saturday 10-5 Sunday 12-5 Quiet Setting in the Hub of _ Farmington Hills INCLUDES: • FREE GAS HEAT (Mosi Units) ' DENS • FIREPLACES • CATHEDRAL CEILINGS •SPIRAL STAIRCASE •CARPORTS • SMALL PETS WELCOMED • FITNESS CENTER • OI.YMPK; i s n itm oorSoba iir.AtiniN . i • SAI N.^ •CLl'B WHIM Attractive , 1 &2 Bedroom ' Apartments from SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON 2, 3 ft 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES A charming rental community |UM 20 minutes from Ann Arbor and downtown Detroit, yet comfortably away from it all. From \-l~">, ixtt Ann Arbor Rd., west to Haggcrty Rd., follow south to.loy Rd then cast to The Crossings. ? teimal . apaHmantt " 1½ MONTHS OFF OUR 2 BEDROOM LIVONIA SCHOOLS Welti In- master closet A storage, blinds, dishwasher, security nail doors with Intercom. Balcony or patio, pool A play areas. WOODLAND VILLA 422-5411 Warren Rd. between Wayne A Newburg 'Select omts onty - iHMMMHI CROSSINGS ATCANTON m m m is Open Mon.-Fri. 10 6 Sat 11-5 . Sun. 1 2 5 ••• m Living at it's Finest! jjj r rtstol axxnxt 405 } APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE... from ONE & TWO BEDROOM APTS 475 Minutes... from 1-696. Northwestern Highway and many of the Metro area* moat popular shopping, restaurant and entertainment districts. 476-1240 AConvantentW kasated on l a M i l e I M . IMtMnMet/ M t a M M M l t 4V Orahar*. LaJae ftosuta. ProArMl(m«% ny ItattWn *Nrw Wrihl»?.m 0*fjr C'«fMtn ComfttttoM Apply Specials WOODCREST VILLA Heat and Water Included SUITE LIFE Our CONVENIENTLY ~W LOCATED NEAR EXPRESSWAYS St TWELVE OAKS M A L L On Beck Rd.. Just North of Pontiec Trail in Wlxom nri. m 6 2 4 - 1 3 8 8 J OPEN MON.• FRI, 9-6 • SAT. 10 5» SUN 11/Vquol Housing Opportunity 10C*(R,W,G-8C) 404 HoUMtToRfht WESTLAND Private Rental Community •OAK VILLAGE! O&E Monday, November 30,1992 406 Duplexes For Rent 410 Flats BIRMINGHAM - Downtown. All wood floors, new kitchen, central air, 2 bedrooms. 544 Henrietta, $1100/mo. downstairs, $700/mo.: upstairs. 846-7061. Eves: 644-4438 WESTLAND - 2635 Brandon, nice 1 bedroom lower flat In. great area, private parking, basement, $350. or 2 bedroom, 1 bath duplex ranch honjeA w/full basements. $495. CANTON -Spacious 4 bedroom, 2 '„• Call about our specials! bath, family room; appliances, at'/ Open House November 21 stl tached garage, fenced yard. Avail' . ,721-8111 able soon. « 9 5 / m o . 348-5100 WESTLAND - Sharp 3 bedroom . brick- ranch, neutral..decor, V/i baths, '• centra) air: appliances, finished basement; garage. Available CANTON-3 bedroom,. 1Vt bath, liv1/1/93. $725/fho. . 348-5100 ing room, kitchen, dining room, basement, central air, all appliances; $750/monlh. . 453-0532 RICHTER oV ASSOC. l.RtCHT.ER'& ASSOC. vVjESTLANP .-. 3 . bedroom ranch, ••••• DEARBORN : fenced yard, stove, refrigerator, South ofWarren. dishwasher. $550 a mo. 4 - 1 mo's, 2 bedroom, basement, $450 per security deposit. , 421-8643 month. • 591-1361 WESTLAND - - 3 BOdroom, appliances. MO./MO. lease. Fenced.for pels.:5600. Small fee 356- RENT " RENTAL REFERRAL PROSJ NOR-WAYNE - 2 4 3 bedroom units. Newly remodeled, freshly painted & carpeted.' $459 monthly plus security. - . . • • " • "• 278-0282 BtSOMfHEtD^3-bedroornrlWf bath, garage fireplace, appliances, WESTLAND - large 3 bedroom du.woods, private, .clean, In* quiet plex, 2. baths', $765/m6. Immediate neighborhood. $875/rno, 682-8604 occupancy. Good credit references required. Located 2 blks;.S. of Ford, 2 blks. E, of Newb,urgh. Shown-by appointment only; Call Mon-Frf,. 2-4pnw . .. 425-0141 405 Rent Option To Buy ; ROYAL OAK (NQRTH^Bright modern'lower 2 bedroom flat. Hardwood floors, garage, washarrdryer, $700. Possible lease with option. 585-8359 406 Property Management '••^ABSENTEE OWNER tyfs personalize bur servioe to meet your leasing & management needs. •iBcoket-Bonded . . . • Specializing incorporate transferees • Before making a decision, call us! r D&H -.Income Properly Mgmt. Farrnington Hills 737-400¾ ^ SINGLE FAMILY " > SPECIALISTS Professional rental management of homes and condos. Western Wayne & Oakland County. Best service & . reasonable fees. 348-5100 RICHTER & ASSOC. 407 Mobile Homes - For Rent •'..•' FARMINGTON HILLS-.Quiet older park. 1 and 2 bedrooms. appii; ances, carpet. No pets: Call: 474-2131 408 Duplexes For Rent FARMINGTON. . HILLS - 6 . Mile/ .Mlddlebelr. Clean 2 bedroom, appll. antes, included,.$39Q/mohth, $390 security. After 4pm. . 474-3845 GAROEN CITY - 1 bedroom duplex newly decorated, "appliances. No pets. $395/MO. $395 security, $100 non-refundable cleaning. 425-5305 412 Townhouses: Condos For Rent BLOOMFIELD HILLS TOWNHOUSE 3 bedrooms, 2½ bath, -^lr, appliances, basement, garage, security system. $1275 permo. 334-3036 BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Condo tor rent. 2 bedroom, 2 baths, washer,. dryer, lake/pool, Large storage space. $775/mo. 333-1354 AUBURN HILLS, SOUTHFIELD FARMINGTON HILLS Outstanding 2 & 3 bedroom town BLOOMFIELD HILLS- Lakefront. houses & ranches,. some with at- Gorgeous view. .2 bedroom, 2 bath, tached garage & fireplace. carport, all appliances; washer/ dryer. $975/mo, . (313) 230-0720 Westbury-Auburn His 852-7550 Weatherstdne-SOuthlletd 350-1296 Foxpointe-Farmlngton His 473-1,127 BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Lovely 2 bedroom In quiet area near 1*75,1¼. Summit-Farming Ion His 626-4396 bath condo at Concord Place. Ten" Covingtoh-Farmlngton 851-2730 nis court, newly refinlshed hardKAFTAN ENTERPRISES wood floor, beamed ceilings, $650/ THETOWNHOUSESPECIALIST month Includes heat- No pets.' Hours. 11am-5pm . 393^8899 BIRMINGHAM - Attractive 1 bedCANTON - Bedford villas, 2 bedroom condo, -appliances,, $550 month Includes heat & water. Close rooms, all appliances, attached gato downtown. • : . . . . 669T20Q5 rage with opener, no pets. $650/mo. Call after 5pm. 981-1117 BIRMINGHAM qOND.O -New kitchCASS LAKE CONDO en, 2 bedrooms, central air, Beautiful view. -2 bedroom. 2.bath, Williamsburg 'complex. $690/mo. underground parking, fireplace, lots ... 258-9419 of storage. $1200/mo. 683-3838 414SouthernRentals CAPTIVA ISLAND FL. 3 bedroom, 3 bath,'waterfront conLIVONIA WOODS - Upper. 2 bed do,. every amenity. Available . 2 room condo. Large living/dining/ weeks at,Christmas. 644-4058 room - green porch. Washer/dryer, heat & pool Included. $B25/mo. DISNEY/EPCOT-Universal Studios 464-8221 or 953-9160 1¼ Miles away. Luxury 2 and 3 bedroom. 2 bath condo, washer, dryer, NORTHVILLE - Beautiful 2 bed- microwave, pool, Jacuzzi,' tennis room/2 bath condo w/deri, fire- courts. From $525 per week. place, central : air, Jacuzzi, appli- Days.474-5150 Evenings 478-9713 ances, attached garage. Available 12/l..$1,500/mo. 348-5100 MARCO ISLAND - South Seas Tower I, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, overlooking gulf, available during winter mos. (800)262-6647 or 879-1204 .NORTHVILLE - Sharp 3 bedroom, townhouse. 2½. baths, appliances, NAPLES, FL Area - Worthlngton finished basement. Pool ft. tennis. Golf corase. Beautifully furnished 2 Heat & water Included. Available bedroom, 2 bath condo. Available 12/1. $98Q/mo. 348-5100 Dec. 8. Apr. $24do/mo. No green fees. Call . • « 813-434-2786 415 Vacetton Rentals 420 Rooms For Rent HARBOR SPRINGS - completely furnished 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo in heart of downtown. Ideal tor skiers. $500 per week or $250 3 day weekends. 642-2665 TWO FURNISHED Rooms, one half bath, fridge.' Gainfully employed man. near U ot D, Dearborn/Henry PROFESSIONAL MALE looking for Ford. $5G/week. 441-1652 478-9047 a roommate. 2 bedroom apartment HOMESTEAD DELUXE BEACH FRONT Condo, Sleeps B Call Kay at, 616-334-3006 RICHTER & ASSOC. RICHTER & ASSOC. NORTHVILLE - 3 bedrdom, 1¼ bath townhouse. Formal dining room, central, air* fireplace, appliances, basement, private patio. Podia tennis. Heat & water Included. , Ava1laHle,1/1J9J.te93.1 ' 346-5IU0 410 Flats 'BEAT THE FREEZE' $500 OFF NOVI RIDGE TOWNHOUSES WALLED LAKE/NovI area. Very nice 1 bedroom upper flat, stove, refrigerator, . quiet neighborhood, 1 car garage, $415/rho. 459-7837 500 Help Wanted 349-8200 LUXURY TOWNHOUSE LOVE CHILDREN & PETS 447 N; ROCHESTER RD. Mon. thruFri; 8:30 - 5:00 Sat. 10 - 4 & by appointment Certain Restrictions Apply .Not valid with any other offer 2 bedrooms, • spacious living room, wood burning.fireplaces 1¼ baths, ROCHESTER- M59/Crooks. 2 bedfull basement, central air, dishwash- room, river- view, garage, pool, air, er, self- clean overt, refrigerator. laundry, $780. Heat/water included. 557-8300; Gall $690/nio. 354-9119 Days. SUGARLOAF RESORT NAPLES, FL - Golf course cqmmunlly 'privately, owiredr'2 Iwdiuutu,. £ bath, liilly turnlteshed; Golf.' tennis, away rentals In chftlets. 2 night miniheated pool & Jacuzzi. 203^248-2523 mum, .. advance deposit required. Limited availability. Call Joe, NOVI - 2 bedroom/2 bath corido.on NAPLES, FL. - New 1st floor 2 bed616-228-5461 6X1876 Walled Lake In Adults only commu- room, 2 bath condo. Air, poor, fully siity. Central air, appliances. Avail- furnished. Available Jan. thru April. TRAVERSE CITY, North Shore Inn: able now! $725/mo. 348-5100 $1500/MO. Call Eves.: 464-1654 Luxury V 2 bedroom, beachfront condo. Great views. Sjeeps" 4-5. STUART/JENSEN BEACH - 1 bed- VCR.HBO. Special weekend pkg.for room ground & 2 bedroom 2rtd floor 2. Starting $169.1-800-968-2365. NOVI - 2 bedroom, 1¼ bath town- condos. Fully furnished, senior comhouse, family room, central afr, ap- plex,. 10 minutes to ocean. $800' per pliances, finished basement, 'ga- month, $1000 per month, seasonal. raged Heat A.water Included. Avail- 644-0554 Or. 682-6756 able 12/15. $825./mo. 348-5100 BEECH/6 MILE - Furnished, kitchen, living .Toom, bath, cable. Mature, working adult male. $80 per week .+ security. . . . 535-3419 PLYMOUTH/HINES PARK AREA . ATTENTION SKIERS 1 bedroom condoi washer/dryer, Modern cozy chalet, minutes*-from BIRMINGHAM lovely home, ..furcarport,. $525 month. Lease with Boyne. Sleeps 6 adults, no pets, nished room, near expressway, for short term possible. 348-1100 313-751-4765 or 573-8455 employed gentleman only. Reasonable. Call after 4pm, / -• 646-4661 PLYMOUTH - 2 bedroom Condo; BOYNE/CHARLEVOIX lakefront appliances Included.. Carport. Walk- condos. Sleep 2-8 plus. Jacuzzi, BIRMINGHAM SLEEPING ROOM ing distance to downtown. $725/ fireplace, cable, efficiency kitchen, Day employed man, non-smoker, MO. Call after 5pm 459-7566 near skiing, available Christmas & middle-aged. Mini refrigerator. New Years, 855-3300 ,363-3885 $55/wk,. 646-9167 ROYALOAK, 2 bedroom townhouse, neutral de- BOYNE CITY CONDO, 10 Minutes COUNTRY SETTING - Furnished cor, large yard, nice neighbors. to Boyne Mountain. Deluxe accom- room, kitchen privileges, male only. $690/mo. plus utilities. 642-1620 modations. Sleeps 8-10. Non-smok- Southwest Canton area. tngfamilies welcomed. 682-6370 Call evenings, . 495-1396 TROY/CLAWSON - Near 14 & BOYNECOUNTRY Crooks. 3 bedroom, 1½ bath town5 bedroom, color T.V. VCR. FARMINGTON HILLS house with full basement, available Sleeps'12^141313-464-4260* Dec. Deluxe kitchen, carport, priCompletely furnished, laundry facilivate entrance and backyard, centrai ties available, ail hotel services; BOYNE COUNTRY - Deluxe 6 bedair, vertical blinds. Only $795, $4.75/MO.&UP rooms, 3 baths, fireplace, convenHEAT INCLUDED. Lease. EHO. . BOTSFORD INN 474-4800 Call Karen at 642-8686 ient to skiing, restaurants & shopping.V«41-3541 or 616-582-2111 LIVONIA - Nicely furnished, TV. air, off-street parking, geritelman over TROY-Northville Hills Condo. 3 bedroomsd'/i baths,flreplace^newly COLORADO SKIING - 6 bedroom 35, non smoker & non drinker, $70 decorated throughout. $985/rho.ln- house at Keystone Resort. 3½ & security. 421-9015 cludes heat/condo fee. 682-7170 baths, weekly rentals, non-smokers. Call Sharon, ' . 932 : 0770 MATURE college student wanted, room & board in exchange for asWESTLAND CONDO .- Livonia HARBOR. SPRINGS-Harbor Coveschools. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, living Luxury condo, sleeps 9, Health Club sistance transporting child to and room, kitchen, dining area, appli- with pool, 5 minutes to ski slopes, from Farmington Hills schools. Must 626-9761 ances, balcony. $595/mo. 591-0226 Holiday 8,-Ski rentals. 313-33,1-7404 have own car. RICHTER& ASSOC. 420 Rooms For Rent female. $300/mo. incfldesutllities& .SHARE 3-4 bedroom home, West981-3513 jahdJPrlvate^txance^Mng room. share , kltchenVlaurtdry, smfflT" pet " CHRISTIAN Female to share 3 bed- welcome. .Male preferred. $250 -?• roorrt apartment in Southtield, $238 month, half utilities. 721-3277 mo. with $238'deposit + '/. utilities, references required.' . 353-2698 SOUTHFIELD furnished room, kltchen, laundry, employed female, non CROOKS-& 14: FEMALE roommate smoking preferred. $275 per month, needed to share 2 bedroom Condo, includes utilities. 357-002.1 apartment style. $325, plus ,- . W electric. Call 7807.9395 SOUTHFIELD Mansion. 6,000 sq.ft., 7 baths, 1 acre view, balcony, privaFARMINGTON HILLS cy, no' pets, no smoking, parking* female to share home. $230 mo./security, eves.354-3352 $300 month Includes utilities. . Call: 473-5741 SOUTHFIELD - S h a r e 4 bedroom home/quality area. Kitchen & launFEMALE ROOM MATE - to Share 2 dry. No pets. No smoking. $235bedroom apt. In West land, quiet llv-v $275. Share utilities. . 746-9237 ing, no drinking, no drugs, $275/mo. plus security deposit; Call after 6pm SYLVAN LAKE - furnished room, 722-7241 lake privileges, kitchen, laundry, utilities Included, prefer gentleman. FEMALE WANTS to share 2 bed- $250 681-7806 room apartment on Cass Lake. $300/mo., available Immediately. SYLVAN LAKE. Lake/living. Safe, Non-smoker. Call Diane 681-3415 sound & secure. Spacious bungalow. Utilities included. Quiet area. " - 691-3411 FREE ROOM & BOARD - In exchange for cooking & cleaning help in my Farmington Hills home (near 8 Mile & Farmington Rd.) Also, I will pay for babysitting two boys (9 & 11 yrs.) before and after school. Prefer HOUSESlTTER AVAILABLE, whits college student or single mother female, age 36, seeking to live-In & with infant only. Lots of. flexibility look after a house, apt., or flat with my schedule. Must be non- through winter mos. References drinker, non-smoker and prefer upon request. Contact Laura Rosallk at:593-4333 or 543-4734 Christian. Call leave message cable. Pool & sauna. , 424 House Sitting Serv. 478-9691, HOUSESITTING someone to maintain & protect your home - while you HOMEMATE WANTED, nice Canton are away - long or short term, livesubdivision, $400 per month/utilities in, references, John - 645-2873 included, nop smoker, no pets. Callflrfter 6prri, . 981-4349 PROFESSIONAL COUPLE Long-term house sitting LIVONIA - female to share no smoke during the winter. Bonjed. r hpme. Room with-phones. T;V.-$50 Leave"a message,"476-74B7'' Irlctudes utilities, kitchen,, laundry, ~Sble. Leave message 422-6178 425 Convalescent & Nursing Homes LIVONIA -Share home, lull; privileges, non- smoker, responsible', $27a/mo.'A utilities. WHEN your loved one needs nursCall before iOpm, .532-9461 ing . home care, call Nightingale MATURE,"singIe women ( 1 or 2) to West. The Westlarid. Livonia, Garshare home 'near 275, on 7 Mile. den City area. Medicade accepted.261-5300 Non-smoker, financially responsible. Price negotiable. Eves; . 348-3416 HARBOR SPRINGS CONDQ, Available Christmas/ski Season. Near Boyne/Nubs. Fireplace, pool, Jacuzzi, sleeps 6. .313-644-7873- NICE FURNISHED room. 11 Mile/ Coolldge area. $65 a'week, Includes' utilities, plus deposit. Quiet working person.. 543-8619 WESTLAND - 3 bedroom condo, 1½ baths,,garage; clubhouse, pool, private entrance, appliances. $725 per mo., plus security deposit. 721-9042 MICHAYWE in GAYLORD 3 bedroom chalet. Sleeps .10+, Available Christmas week. For rent by day, week, or month. 589-0263 t W. BLOOMFIELD, 3 bedroom town home for rent Call for more information. 661-0770 SHANTY/SCHUSS MINUTES AWAY New Torch Lake 3 bedroom home. 2 bath, fireplace, sleeps 8, renting holidays & ski season. 433-3809 ROOM tor rent. $60/wk. Garden City. Days: 591-7440 ext. 219 Eves: 421-3972 NON-SMOKING RELIABLE male or female to share 2 bedrgotn apartment in Bloomfied/Troy areas.Must like cats. References. Call between WIXOM: 2000 sq. It. High, Dry and 6:30pm-.10pm. 795-3323 Secure. t500/mo. Call 347-29S5 500 Help Wanted REDFORD. Plymouth &. Telegraph area. Furnished etfeclency room, ainfuliy employed adult gentleman. 85 week, first & last. 532-9681 429 Garages * Min Storage 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR non profit organization In W. Bloomfield, looking for a part time accounting supervisor. Computer ex. perlence a must. CPA preferred but not required. Send resume to 6600 W. Maple, W. Bloomfleld. Ml 48322. Attn; Business Office APPLIANCE SERVICE TECHNICIAN Experience & mechanical ability required. Own tools. .Honest reputation. Medical & dental benefits provided. Send resume to: . Bill & Rod's Appliance, 15210 Middlebelt, Livonia, Ml 48154 ATTENTION I . BAKER/MANAGER Earn up to $6-S8 per hour, house Small retail/wholesale bakery seeks cleaning. Hiring immediately!!! creative; numerate, hands-on baker Merry Maids. . 525-7290 -with management, background & good people skills. Send resume & • ATTENTION salary history to: SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS NEEDED The Moveable Feast Substitute teachers tor the school 326 W. Liberty district of the City of Pontlac. BachAnn Arbor, Ml., 48103 elor^ degree and teaching certifiThe Charier Twp. of West Bloom- cate desired. No experience necesBALLY'SVICTANNY , field is accepting .applications for sary. Will consider if one has 120 se- Is now accepting resumes for bur the position of Township Assessor. mester hours & 6 hours of Sales Training program. If you are Under the direction of the Township professional education. an energetic self-motivated profesSupervisor, The Township Assessor sional sales person, this could be administers and directs the real and Applications are being accepted in the career opportunity, for you. personal property assessment'func- the personnel office at 350 E' Wide Please mall or dop off ;your resume tions to ensure that all property Is Track Dr., Pontlac, from 9am-3'pm., at: 16000 Northland, Ml., 48075. Infairly and equally assessed among terviews will begin first week of Dec. all Township property taxpayers as Mon.-Fri. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER required by the Michigan Constitution and laws; directs all assessment PROTOTYPE SHOP needs experistaff and Is responsible for. all oper- enced people. CMM operator/inational and administrative functions spector, sheet metal layout/parts of the department! Qualifications maker, machinist & welder, also are a bachelor's degree' In business general laborer. Paid benefits/overor public administration with time. Apply In person 9-5prri, at: Dy- Large National Corporacoursework In statistics and data namic, 41180 Vincent! Ct, (Novi). Off tion needs warehouse help. processing. Certification as a Level Meadowbrook between Grand River Long term. AHshlfts open. IV Assessor by the State of Michi- & 11 Mile. No phone calls please. gan and Certification as Personal ARBOR TEMPS 459-1166 AUTO BODY TECHNICAN Property Examiner by the State of Michigan Is required. A minimum of Experience needed. Apply In perfive (5) years of appraisal and as- son: 7405 Greenfield, Detroit, 1 blk CANTON:. COLLECTION MANAGER sessment experience involving resi- N. ofWarren. In out-patient Physical Therapy Clindential, commercial, Industrial and personal property. Prefer some su- AUTO DETAILING CO. - looking for ic. Tues & Thurs. 9am to 1pm. Mapervisory experience. Salary range a few good people. For more infor- ture person with pleasant personaliis S39.000 minimum to $53,592.38 mation call. Dyna Car Auto Cleaning ty and good telephone skills. Some 454-0200 experience preferred. Pay commenwith an excellent fringe benefit Centers, . package. Applications must be AUTO MECHANIC- Experienced surate with experience. For Interview appointment call, 981-2100. received no later than 4:00pm, drivabiiity mechanic. Pay rate open January 8, 1993, by the Personnel depending on experience, availabiliCARETAKER/MAINTENANCE Dept., West Bloomfleld Township, ty S qualifications. Livonia, 953-2550 Caretaker/maintenance needed for 4550 Walnut Lake Road, P.O. Box 1920's tudor lakefront estate. Duties ^250130, West BloOinftefoV^tir AUTO MEQHANIGSIncfadff mamtalnlng-ftome, gTorindsy48325., Olf dispatch complete car care cen- pool, boats, cars, feeding animals. An Equal Opportunity Employer ter seeking experienced Master & Must be able to do minor carpentry, specialty mechanics. Own tools re- painting, plumbing & electrical ASSISTANT MANAGER quired. Call (ask tor Paul) 355-1030 maintenance. Must be physically fit To work evenings at Putt Putt Ar-> & able to do lifting, shoveling & cade, Should be a good worker, and AUTOMOTIVE get along well with people. Prior ex- Big Als now hiring experienced lube move heavy objects. Must be engperience not necessary. Call... techs for our Southfield & Novi llsh speaking & have a positive 471^4700 or. 477-S90O Stores. AET a plus. Call, 948-9650 friendly, h«pful attitude. Experience & references a must. Salary & health AUTO DEALERSHIP AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN'-- Must insurance-provided. Call 932-5363 Looking for Individual w/some com- be certified. Drlveablllty and tuneputer knowledge, common sense, & up. Good pay and benefits. CARING PEOPLE NEEDED willing to learn. Non-smoking office. Ask for A! 455-6851 We are looking for caring people Joe-Panian Chevrolet, 28111 Telewho want to work with the elderly in AUTO PORTER . Used Car Dept., their homes. Compassion & good graph, Southfield, 355-1000. full time entry level position. Good attitude a must! Experience preAUTO DEALERSHIP driving record. Benefits. Fox Hills ferred. Eldercare 646-8680 Immediate opening for auto biller/ Chrysler-Plymouth, ask for Kyle. car coster. Experience required, 455-8740 CARPET CLEANING TECHNICIAN non-smoking office, Joe Panlan experienced, Ferndale area. Call AUTO SERVICE PORTER Chevrolet, 28111 Telegraph, Mon-Frl, 8-5pm for appointment. Part time 3-7pm. Southtield, 355-1000. S47-3507 CalUackHoldentorappt. 525-5000 Livonia Chrysler-Plymouth CASHER - Light duties. Full or part AUTO DETAILING Full or part time, no experience nec- AVON REPS - Christmas Cash Now! time for small Livonia bakery. Must be conscientious & neat In appearessary, Farmington Hills. 478-8688 No door-to-door required. Sell to ance. 477-1720 friends, family, co-workers. Earn Big $$$. 1-800-677-2388 CASHIER Day Shift. Mobil Mart, 12 Mile Rd. at A.M.I. PRIMARY Directress needed to open 4th primary class room. Farmington Rd. Hourly pay, benefits & tuition plan. Call Anne 553-6121 Gateway Montessori, Beverly Hills. Check-Processor candidates must have-10-key adding machine or numeric data entry key pad experience and a minimum of 8500 keystrokes per hour. ;Other positions require computer and 10-key calculator skills, balancing experience, sound math aptitude, and the ability to work with little supervision. -We've made our move ...now make yours. FOR CONSIDERATION, PLEASE COMPLETE THE CANDIDATE INFORMATION SHEET AND BRING TO OUR INTERVIEW DAY. A REPRESENTATIVE WILL SCREEN THE QUALIFICATIONS AND THOSE CANDIDATES WHO MEET OUR REQUIREMENTS WILL BE INTERVIEWED. « |f you are unable to attend our Interview Day, mail your Information Sheet to: Comerica, Incorporated, JS-7522, Human Resources Department, 39200 West Six Mile Road, Livonia, Ml 48152. Comerica supports a drug-free environment. Drug testing is a required step in the employment process. Equql ".Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V, CANDTDAHlNroRMATION SHEET~" "~ ~~ "~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Please detach and bring with you or mail to above address. 'Name . _^ . Address A CAREER SHOULD SE BY DES1GN....NOT BY DEFAULT That's why.Real Estate One offers career choices for the. self-directed, ambitious individual and then supports those Choices through intensive, training, staff assistance, high quality education programs, and Innovative marketing tools. Ask about our guaranteed income program: Call... ~ LisaDumsa 356-7111 REAL ESTATE ONE, INC. ACCOUNTING CLERK General routine duties. Prepare reports and checks. Computerized ac-. counting experience. Lotus, WordPerfect 5.1, 1-2 years related experience and/or education stronglypreferred. Southfletd Town, Center location. Send resume to: Box 694 Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia Ml 48150 All You Cart Handle ASSEMBLER Assembler needed to assemble inAEROBICS INSTRUCTORS dustrial shock absorbers & their acExperienced for Livonia & cessories . by following process W. Bloomfleld classes: . 647-1521 sheets. Apply in person, 23435 Industrial Park Dr. Farmington Hills, A FULL time employee is needed for" (near Holiday Inn, 10 Mile & Halsted) an adult oriented card & gift . ASSEMBLY, LIGHT shop in In N. royal oak. Choice of two shifts. $4.25-+ over- 549-4438 time, Livonia. Call Lucy at 473-2935 AMERICAN HOME CLEANING in Uniforce Temporary Service Farmington Hills needs full-time ASSISTANT MANAGERS housekeepers. $5.507hr. to start. Own car required. 855-1849 APARTMENT GROUNDSKEEPER for Dearborn area: Full time. 562-3988 APPLICATIONS for full & part Clerks. Afternoons & evenings, some weekends. Minnesota Fabics, 6 Mi & Newburgh. 464-7220 APPOINTMENT CLERK $5~$7/hr. + bonuses. Management Opportunity. Evening hrs., Plymouth. Contact Mr. Brown at: 416-1860 APPOINTMENT CLERK Overload of Work, Due~to our Dusy^rascfrwe:^—~— need help in all areas of our business $300 weekly average. Call Cindy, 299-8981 APARTMENT MANAGERS For beautiful 160 unit complex in NW Detroit. Excellent wages and benefits. Send resume to: P. O. Box 543, Lathrup Village, ML, 48025. ^ 6 - $ 8 AN~HOt)R~ Earn Extra Christmas money. National company seeky -temporary and permanent help in our Scheduling Department. Part time, evening hours. No experience, will train. Call Ken at 453-4366 EARN EXTRA HOLIDAY CASH 50 W O R K E R S NEEDED Wr ;iio currently tftnpr. M r y iiv.iil-ibir lookmq nprsonnH for i. 1 M ,,ir|, 'i' i! -' 1 ..' lht!so nt'cess.iry for I nmj Blue ciopondnblo lorm Jo,HI Mils' day shift Jobs No U;\\/f rrHi.iblo tranSOCirt.it'On • Assemblers • Packagers • Telemarketers Rniifj in two pn.TPS of I D Ik'Ie'tal Bonus OHO'PCI A p p l v M o n d a y t h r u Frirfny 9 1 I ,i m ;mrt t :i p . m . General Management Services M 7 0 0 F a r m i n g t o n Rnnri. S m t p 1 0 1 1 ivnni.i Mir.hiti;m 1B1^<1 427-7660 .City/State/Zip Best Time to Call Retail Opportunities Training needed Availability QlmmediateQ2wksQAfternoonCllvildrilBht Other. Full or Old you GPA Part-time Graduate Full or Part Time New Store Opening •Cashiers • Floor Supervisors • Electronic/Compulcr Assoc. • Sales Assoc. • Receiving & Stocking Assoc. • Service Center Assoc. Offia'M.ix is ,in cxciHng, dtvp-tiiscinint tiffin1 supply retail cruin .ind we'll <wn be opening our tenth ?iiJ.X}rm.irket-tii?c store in the (poller Delniit ,irw( wilh mon? cominp soon. We nwl txt> ple who want It) leant, crow and Iwve fun doing it! Work for an exciting new company that U changing the way people shop for offia' supplies. This is A jm»un<l'floor opportunity for assoailes litv for success in\f enuvlh. High School CoKega Other Experience - Last three jobs Employment dates Name/Address Position Salary Reason for leaving, Month & Year ."• * SPORTS MINDED Management career with future 18 immediate openings. No experience necessary, must be enthusiastic, ambitious & worth $400/wk.,plus benefits to.start CAII LISA-416-0810 Assistant Manager Trainee BOB HAD A JOB Bob got promoted. Who want's Bob's job? Advance quickly Up to S375/wk while in training. Call Holly 647-0710 -ATADIAWE'RE BUSY!! We d tike to keep you busy tool We netid energetic people to do light packaging work in the Westland area. Days & afternoons shifts available. $4.90 per hour starting salary. Monthly increases., Temporary to permanent positions. Call now for an appointment. ADIA PERSONNEL SERVICES 722-9060 or 382-2342 ATTENDANTS Female or male. Immediate openings for 3 full-time positions. Call for a personal interview with the General Manager. 8am-3pm. Colony Car Wash, Plymouth. Mj. 455-1011 APPLICATIONS BEING accepted for part-time Cashiers. Flexible . schedules. Apply 9am-5pm, MonFri Kroger; 25780 Middlebelt Rd.. Farmington. ASSESSOR LEVEL IV BEGIN WORK TODAY . OPENING TWO NEW STORES IN OAKLAND COUNTY Now hiring for: Typesetters Delivery/Drivers If i l l l f O ' C Counter People . " " * " * Key operators the copy center Hiring All Shirts 29306 Orchard Lk. Rd. OPEN 24 HOURS Farmington Hills Apply in person at: MACHINE OPERATORS/ASSEMBLERS TESTERS/SOLDERERS Progressive electronics company is seeking enthusiastic individuals for the following positions: * Machine Operators * Manual Assemblers • Testers • Solderers (Experience preferred) We have afternoon, day and midnight shift positions available. Excellent benefit package including educational reimbursement and opportunity for advancement. Please apply in person between 9 am-5 pm, Mon.-Fri. at: Jabil Circuits, Inc. ""Stow and f»d»(o( laws pfohb* •mptoyofi from dhcrlmlncitlno on the b o * of roc«, color, ','. r»«olon, »x. h«laht. w*ioht, marital itatui, national origin, handicap and ag«. C\)mcng\ REDFORD • share 3 bedroom home, basement, garage; $300/mo + Vfe utilities. Employed female preferred. Call Larry, after 3pm, 534-1279 A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE SALES WITH US IS A "REAL JOB". Our programs and support systems are so effective, we guarantee you a minimum annual income of S25.00Q with unlimited potential: DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR . FUTURE, CALL ME TODAY!!! INDIRA or BARRY, 477-1111 REAL ESTATE ONE, INC. Farm'ington-Farmington Hills Comerica Livonia Operations Center 39200 West Six Mile Road at Haggerty Dates From To ROOMMATES 500 Help Wanted Thurs., Dec. 3 * Tues., Dec. 8 ^ 5 • 7 p m Name/Address home In Warren. All amenities. $325 +' % utilities. After 6pm 777-0067 AFTERNOON Receptionist - $6/hr. MORNING Receptionist - $6/hr: LIGHT Production - $5.50 ah hr. If you are an Oakland County resident and, searching for work, To find out more call. JTPA.354-9167 p£>ur recent merger medhs; opportunities for you! We hove ^rooyed certain operations to our Livonia Center. If you are interested in qn hourly position with excellent financial rewards "Qrid your choice of afternoon or night shifts — we have IMMEDIATE PART TIME openings. Come and meet us: Keystrokes per hour 659-3006 Professional non-smoker female roommate to share 3 bedroom 500 Help Wanted WE'VE MADE OUR MOVE... You're Invited to Join Us Telephone (area) _ mo. Call Steven at • FREE PREVIEW Share Referrals HOMESTEAD - Shlpwatch, large 3 REDFORD. NO-SMOKE working 642-162D bedroom condo, near skiing, lakevfemale to ahans furnished home w/2 864 S.Adams, Birmingham lew. Holidays & ski weekends available. Call owner for details 647-1948 BIRMINGHAM - Non-smoker, mid others. Garage & utilities included. $27S/MO. plus phone; 937-2391 20's to share 3 bedroom, 1¼ bath SUGARLOAF RESORT Beautiful home. $250/mo, + K utilities. AvailROOMMATE to shara home In CanNAPLES, FL - designer furnished contemporary homo. 3 bedrooms. 3 able 12-5. 642-8969 ton. Responsible, non-smoker. villa, 2 bedroom, tennis,-lake, ga- baths. Walk to skiing & health club. $300/mo. + 'futilities. .454-0583 rage, season Dec-Apr., 2 mos. Sleeps 10. Wk./mo. rates. Call now" CANTON - Ford Rd./275 (313)851-2293 2 bedroom apt tosbare, male or $4200,3 mos. $6000: 813-597-1944 (or Christmas! ' RICHTER & ASSOC. 415 Vacation Rentals 642-8686 421UvinyQuartefjL To Share In Troy Fully furnished. $360 p*f 421 Living Quarter* To Share HOMESTEAD • Available 1-Q bedroom condos tor couple or group. Prime location at foot of ak! slopes. . Rental by Owner. (313) 624-1406 ALLCITIES RICHTER & ASSOC ,-,,.ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS World Book Educational Product For part time, office cleaning..Late Co.. is looking . for .manangement evening hours. Farmington area. 12 trainees. S30K first year. Benefits, Mile & Grand River. 759-8505 . training salary. 434-9135 Education 412 Townhouse*Condos For Rent FARMINGTON - Downtown Condo, BIRMINGHAM 2 bedroom, 2 bath. 2 Car parking, Maple & Adams area-, , modem, new appliances, great view, WESTLAND - 2 bedroom Targe du>- Great value. Bright kitchens with poo). .$650/MO. plus $650 security plex. Large yard. Stove, refrigerator, Eurostyle cabinets and dishwasher, includes heat & water. 681-8872 & water included. No pets. Nbh private entrances, basements walkFARMINGTON HILLS - Clean 1 bed.smQker..$535VMO326-7975 - ing distance to downtown! . room condo with, covered parking, 1 bedroom -.$575 2 bedroom - 625 lower level, pool, tennis courts, $575 permonttu 627-4402 Lincoln & Woodward area BIRMINGHAM: 328 W. Brown.In 2 bed/VA bath,, private yard, full FARMINGTON HILLS: Condo, 14 town, 2 blks from library: 2 bedroom basement, central air, carport, nice Mile near Haggerty. 2 bedrooms, upper unit, all appliances, neutral closets, big bedrooms! Only $795 1½ bath's, fireplace, basement, cardecor, central air. $ 6 0 0 a INCLUDES HEATI port. pbol.$799/mo. 661-8278 month.Also.3.bedroom, 2 bath , all appliances,in town $1050 per 14 Mile-East of Pierce LIVONIA MALL AREA - Available month.Call Bob: 647-0631 Cozy 2 bedroom/1 bath. Private en- NOW! 1 bedroom to'wnhouse. Very trance, basement, washer/dryer private river front exposure. Plenty DEARBORN - cosy 1 bedroom up- hook-up, nicely carpeted. of natural wildlife. Every possible per, private, entrance; appliances, Available NOW! $625 convenience. $585/mo. + security, freshly painted, $400 month heated. includes utilities. Security deposit. Working person. No pets. Lease required. EHO Sorry, no pets. 522-1811 After 4:30pm p58l-1439 THE BENEICKE GROUP Novi DEARBORN - Spacious, pleasant 1 bedroom upper, porch, Stove, refrigerator.'carpeting, many closets, BIRMINGHAM'S BEST no pets/waterbeds. Rent $375 + GETS BETTER Your Winter Heating Bill security. 981-1817 NEWLY DECORATED 2 or 3 Bedroom Apts. Beautiful 2 & 3. bedroom townPLYMOUTH - Downtown. Charmjng S-Townhomes homes. You'll enjoy a full basement, 1 bedroom, appliances, washer/ . {with Full Basement) washer & dryer hook ups. Vertical dryer, deck. Suitable for single. No From $700. Month Blinds, newly remodeled kitchens pets. All utilities. $500. 349-8248 Immediate Occupancy and much morel SPECIAL on Security Deposit • Elementary & Middle School ROYAL OAK - clean, large upper Leasing hrs. 9arn'-5pm daily, or after - Novi High School flat. 1 bedroom, references, $475 5 by'appt. Sat. 12noon-3pm or call • Minutes to Twelve Oaks Mall per month, includes utilities; 646-1188 • Convenient to Expressways 542-7168 BIRMfNGHAM-343 Elm St. Unit A or • Beautiful Clubhouse ROYAL OAK-Near town, exception- B. 2 bedroom, 1¼ bath, hardwood • Fitness Room,. Large Screen TV al, spacious 1 bedroom + study. floors, all appliances, 1 car garage, •Pets Welcome Oak floors, living room/ opens to deck, $950,each. fi 646-2703 • Furnished Corporate Suites veranda. Immediate. $550.546-6878. BLOOMFlELD/AUBURN HILLS SOUTHFIELD",- Clean quiet.2 bed- Spacious 2 & 3 bedroom in wooded WESTLAND - 2 bedroom condo, livroom, upper. All new inside.- $450/ area. . Neutral, new paint/carpet. ing room, kitchen, dining room, apPets O.K. From'$645. 334-6812 {On 10 Mile between Meadowbrook pliances; pool. Agent. S525/month MO. plus security, includes utilities and appliances. 350-1449 ANoviRd.) • 462-9292 CLAWSON .LIVONIA - Plymouth/Farmlnglon WESTLAND: 2 bedroom, carpeting, . Rd. area'. Clean 2 bedroom, brick appliances. Absolutely No Pets! ranch, basement, stove & refrigeraProof Of Employment tor. $625/mo. + security. .425-9225 Call; 459-8268 500 Help Wanted 326-7668 412 TownnousesCondos For Rent 32275 Mally Rd. Madison Hts., M l Mally ltd. I< t . of Slfpticn.on Hwy., N. of Whlfcrnnb (1.1¼ Mile) < jABn.cmcuir,mc. For Additional Information Call: 589-3606 R<<lo«ntliiK 1 " A u b u r n f 1111M n « c . 1«l<)2 fr/t/.t/ ()fipor1unlty Employer ' 645-6393 CASHIER - Friendly outgoing individual for full and/or part time poslton,at full service car wash. Experience with computerized cash regisFranklin Bank Is looking for full & ter preferred. Days, afternoons & part time tellers for Its Birmingham weekends. Good working conditions and Southfield branches. Parftime & benefits. Apply In person at hours will be. Mon. thru Frl./lrom MR. GLOW CAR WASH; 3B3Q0 11am to 2pm„ candidates must be FORD RD. & H I * RD. IN WESTLAND experienced. Full time tellers receive Incentive pay, clothing allowance CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT and an attractive benelit plan. Send Staff accounting position available resume to: Personnel, P.O. Box at CPA firm. Send a resume to; 5006, SOUthfleld, Ml 48086-5006. Box 686 Al perspective new hires-will be testObserver & Eccentric Newspapers ed for substance abuse. 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. An Equal Opportunity Employer Livonia Ml 48150 BANK TELLER BIOLOGY/ENVIRONMENTAL Science Teacher/part time. Lab experience required. State Certification required. Private non-prollt high school. Send resume to: Box 664 Observer A Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia Ml 48150 BRIDGEPORT MILL HANDS Bolh shifts, minimum 5 yrs. experience. Full benefits. Pay commensurate wilh ability. Apply between 95pm at: Pace Machine Tool. 4133 Pioneer Dr„ Welled Lake. 360-9900 CABINET COMPANY Needs experienced cabinet assemblers, lamlnators, and finishers experienced in stains & lacquers. Call, 561-7101 CABLE INSTALLER Motrovlslon of Oakland has a lull lime entry level position available. Technical background helpful but hot necessary. Full benefit package. Apply in person A:30am-6:30pm 37735 Enterprise Ct. Farmington Hills. An Equal Opportunity Employer CALL TODAY $8/HR CHANGE YOUR LIFEI Start a new career in real estate today. Call Sheila Clink at 356-7111 REAL ESTATE ONE CHILD CARE Full time asslslant needed In quality day care home, "must love working with infants & toddlers". Reliability a must. Farmjngton Hills, $5/hr. Leave message 553-5825 CHRISTMAS HELP Seasonal help now, some may continue In 1993. Start now, $6.50 pay, college students welcome. 442-9270 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS... CHRISTMAS MONEY! Come In today to see ua for general labor Jobs e.g. Directing traffic, general labor and semi skilled Jobs. Many |obs REDFORD - 25245 5 Mile 532-7666 MADISON HTS - 30805 John R 688-3700 Future Force Positions w i m b l e in troy for loading A packing. Must be available for long hrs. beginning at 6:30am. Mutt be able to lift in excess 60 lbs. Call to apply . CNC MILL OPERATOH n«dford ManulacturM with confirm, ing growth, hm lun-tlm* position avallabK lot CNC Mm Opwator. 401K, ModlcM, Dwital. Good oppor. (unity for right Individual. Temporary Resources 737-1711 Call batwmn Bam to 11am 313-S39.S«S» 7 — i (R,W,0-SC)*11C Monday, November 30,1992 O&E 500 HtlpWtirtd 500 Hip Wanted CHIMNEY SWEEP ' $500-$700 WEEK National company located In Plymouth is expanding once again. No experience, will train Must have truck & ladder. Call Ken 453-4366 CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE Accepting applications for sales. 16164 Mtddlebelt Rd Livonia CLEANING/FLOOR PERSON Mon.,W«d,4lfrf..3.7pm. $5 25/hour Plymoulh/Middlebelt. Savings Bond & Bonus. 563-2960 CLEANING POSITION - 'for apt, community iri-WeslIandMUir time, benefits available, > 459-6600 CNC PROGRAMMER OPERATOR Mill & Lathe Sanuc dial control. 1st A 2nd shift. Overtime & benefits Experienced only Own tools. 669-0068 CONSTRUCTION TO S25/HR • Will train/experienced CALL - 557 1200 S9S FEE JN1 COPIER/FACSIMILE SERVICE"TECHN1CIAN Must nave at least 2 yrs on-the-job experience Management opportunity tor serious minded Individual. Contact Mr Louis at CBM 855-9400 COPYWRITER Internal Creative Oept of International association seeks Copywriter w.in as much attention to strategy ana detail as creative flair 3-5 years' experienced with consumer ana busmess-io-business accounts, primarily print ads, catalogs, POS ana collateral Some audio-visual Must thrive in fast-paced environment and be able to quickly produce creative, accurate work Send resume and two outstanding samples (xeroxes OK) to COPYWRITER P O. BOX 2227 SOUTHFIELO, Ml 48037 CORPORATE RECRUITER m Canton to Interview Tuesday only Entry level, progressing to management level Positions must be Tilled No lay-offs Company pays training, vacations, bonuses, Incentives Call Mon & Tues between 9-5 to set immediate interview 981-9305 COSMETOLOGIST OR MANICURIST 513,000 + Sales Order Desk & Customer Ser-vifce positions available Livonia *Wea 5 day wk , benefits Employer pays fee Employment Center Inc , ABency 569-1636 COUNSELOR - YOUTH JN1 COUNTER HELP - for paint & decorating center. Experienced paint tinting; some knowledge of wall covering & blinds helpful. Call, 421-7555 COUNTER. PEOPLE - days & afternoons. Apply in person: Dunkin Donuts, 39415 W. 10 Mile,.corner. 10 Mile & Haggerty. Novi. CREDIT UNION TELLER (Permanent Part Time). Private corporate credit union, located in suburban area. Is seeking an individual with 1 year teller experience, who is seeking a permanent part time position^ This position would require approximately 30 hours a month (Mon. 8:30-1pm; Frl. 8:30-5pm; and 2 pay days monthly, . 8_30-5pm). If you are looking for a ' unique opportunity- to utilize ,ybur talents in a permanent part time position, mail resume, in confidence, to Box 706 . Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia Ml 48150 CUSTODIAN WANTED- Fpr suburban Cathoti%scrioo1..Must be experienced. Good benefits. PM shift. Contact Mr. Rodriguez, 476-8020 CUSTOMER SERVICE Glass knowledge a must. Computer skills helpful. Excellent wages & beneifts. Only experienced apply. Malt resume to: P. O. Box. 138, Union Lake. Ml 48387 CUSTOMER SERVICE Hovinga Business Systems has an opening tor a Dispatcher. Prior customer service and telephone experience required. Please send resume to: Human Resources Director Hovinga Business Systems 41.180 Bridge St.. Novi, Ml.,48375 CUSTOMER SERVICE Rep - Knowledge of computers & electronic equipment helpful, not required. Full time with benefits. Apply in person, i 0a.m.-2p.m.: ABL Electronics, 24390 W. 10 Mile. Southfield, Ml. 48034. • - . ' CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK We're looking for someone with excellent communications skills to handle customer. Inquiries on the phone. Must be able to work afternoon shift, flexible hrs. & weekends. Some computer experience a plus. This is a full time position w/complete benefit package available. $5/ " f t y r - t o - s t t t ^ interested pleas* apply Mon-Fri. bdtween .9arn-4;30pm. No phone calls please. Qualex, Inc. 43045 W. 9 Mi.. Northville CUSTOMER SERVICE . It you are looking for a position In: • Telemarketing • Phone Survey • Customer Service Wolverine Staffing needs you. Long A,.Shori term assignments. Some Ideal for college students. 'Call today! I- Southfield, 358-4270 Troy, 879-9070 Customer Service PARLEZ-VOUS • :; . FRANCAIS? Kelly Temporary Services has longterm assignments In the Livonia a^ea for French Canadian speaking Customer Service Reps, Customer Service experience required. Please mail resume to Norl at: Livonia 522-4020 <.-i_.> .. t-96 O f f l c e n t e r ut,- 33133 Schoolcraft ~ KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICES Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/O C.P STUDIOS In Westland now accepting applications lor Telemarketers. Earn up to $12 per hour. II you are outgoing, love working with the public and want the opportrunlty to mako great money with flexible hours, can Mon-Frl 10am-Spm tor an interview 835-3400 DANCERS WANTED Must be 18 or older Contact Steve at. 382-2795 or PAQEH. 902-8248 CV DESIQNERSI!! URGENT J. IMMEDIATE need exists for several designers to work on site at m«|or automotive tlrm. Must have Computer Vision experience along with Powertraln and/or a strong automotive mechanical product background. Long term contract assignments. Must be willing to start on evening shlli. Please call or FAX resume to: TECHNICAL ENQINEERINO CONSULTANTS (313)485-3900-01 (313) 485-4219 (FAX) (REFERRAL FEES OFFEREDII PLEASE CALL FOR FURTHER OETAILSII) Data processing IBM PC SUPPORT Orowlng marketing tlrm seeks PC apecianal to trouble shoot»resolve hardware » software problems. Musi be laminar with DOS, Windows, Word Perfect, Oeltro Pro « Harvard OraoMce. Novell experience a pkis. 8ertd resume to: R0A. 450 Enterprise CI., MoomtMd HHts, Ml 48302. Attn: Dawn V 500 HdpWwtfrd GIRLS WANTED from Ohio & Michigan. Between 7-19 to compete In this year's 3rd annual 1993 Toledo Pageants. OVer $20,0000 in prijces A scholarships. Call Today 1-800-Paoeantext.0793 (1-000-724-3268) 500 HtJpWwtM HOUSECLEANERS Mon-Frl., days. Drive tune Included. New auto furnished. Paid holidays/ vacation. Medical benefits, dental, optical, bonuses. The Maids International. 476-9007 500 Bt*pW«rt»<i Machine Operators $6.26 PEft W U R Individuals needed for production work In Farmlngton HWs. Must have machine operating axparlence. Ability to reed calipers and micrometers, knowledge of CNC preferred. Ceil 476-7212 500 Help Wanted Marketing Trainee stonatargiaflizaLocal .oca) office of a national orgenizaa good few fewpeoj people, wWlion log to work hard and• be - t trained. GUARANTIED $25,000 nrst V rtveerlncome. CaH Lisa Dumee at 366-7111 SMMpWanM SNJMpWMtoiJ PART TIME WORK FULLTIME PAY RETAIL SALES,; rhioan's fnoet QNQWUBH.^WS products deeier nee • . . OPEMNQ tar a pert Ken* aatea pareon at our Weet Oata aWre. M l * r noona, ewenhtye-*. waaHanie. t*M per hour to start. $4.80 a f t e r . W MEAT CUTTER NEEDED: Expert- Do you need extra money now? Use days, edvaraefftef* eypertunttea, enced. Apply (n parson at.. err*<oyee dHoMihi. Apply your spare lime to gel you the extra PLUM HOLLOW Market, comer of 9 money you need. 35 year oW com- ar>dK^w*r--*mir-i*aYam»*eyt MHa ft Lahaer, Southfield. pany has 10 new office petttlorw to Macauteys Ofltoe Product* im tills.ween MEAT CUTTER 43741 Weet OafcaOrtve, Nov* GREAT PAY Part lime, Livonia a n Aak for Karen CaM9am-12pm WITH 471-0461 GREAT HOURS SCREEN PfWNTER - Mo taKMac. P a * Salary phis bonuaee. Choose from BOWUNG CENTER • now accepting our 6 - 1 , 2-5 or 5-» SMTH. nequins- and Job hletory to: 47S22 0 eel on; applications for full time, expert^ ^ , menu are: • aenae of humor and en Plvmoii»,Ml4i170 encad mechanic. Apply at 30950 outgolfto personality to talk with the 6 Mile, Livonia. SEAMEN/DCCKHANOa ; p u t * : by telephone. No sales inWANTED volved. Easy work To fW opening*. No ejuertenoe nee* CALL eeaary. 1 7 - » f Year o t d r t a h School 1-800-4803527 grade, wMtftg to travel, d e e d pay,. HUNGRY HOWIES PIZZA 591-2325 IMMEDIATE employment for a Earn Extra Cash For The Holidays Greeter & Traffic Control person. 6DRIVER - with van needed for pack- dsy work week. Apply in person be- Pizza delivery drivers earn between MACHINE SHOP - fuH time steady age & freight delivery. Late model 1 tween 10arn-4pm at:Uvonia Mazda, $6-$l0/hr. Pari time & fuN time po- work available m MWord/Wlxom sitions avertable at Hungry Howies. area, day shift - some overtime. Maton cargo van needed, Paid per- 34501 Plymouth Rd, Livonia. Please can Larry s i 313-295-2350 chine operate* & shipping ft receivcentage. . CaH now, 459-4215 ing. Recant experience helpful, wtH GROUNDS KEEPER - FuH time positrain bright satf starter. CaN Mon. tion for general maintenance duties i- _ DRY CLEANERS thur Thurs. 9-3 473-9305 Need an energetic people person to at beautiful apartment complex in BUILDfNG INSPECTION work the counter. Pleasant working Farmington. $5.00 an hour. 36135 CITY O f TROY MACHINE SHOP 476-8060 Requires any combination of trainconditions. Mon-Frl. 3-7:30pm. Grand River, Looking for hardworking Individuals Come in or cell. TOUCH of CLASS ing ft experience equivalent to grad- for CNC positions In Farmington GROUNDS PERSON CLEANERS: 1150 Ann Arbor Rd,. uation from high school and a JourPlymouth. 453-7474 Needed for luxury apartment com- ney worker license in an appropriate HHIi. Must have experience In a machine shop with precision meamunity In Southfield. For details please can 356-2130 trade or 2 years at an accredited suring tools. ie/$6-25/hr. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: BS cottage or university in construction, Call 953-9751 An Equal Opportunity Employer micro processor, -hardware and architecture or appropriate engiif you are a iBbm player and enjoy software. 1 yr. work experience. NOSRELL SERVICES neering field; at -leasl S years rehelping others, ptease send your reGUTTER PERSON & HELPER • EOE/Disabied Welcome MANPOWER. CaH. 566-6010 sponsible siyryiaory experience In Uu-rt K i m •> yeimr* i i p f i T W nf| f t l a , Identlai, type gutter A downspouts, puttoing comtructton work,. Must be MACHINE SHOP ELECTRONICS INSTRUCTOR 9-S 9-3.-M.-F 7AM - 9PM oertthad by the State of' Ml. as a Mr* Sue Elsengruber A west subum vocational school Is good pay & benefits. CaM Mon thru budding official or Inspector or apply Openings in Farmlngton Hills, shop, Michigan based Industrial 1534 S Woodward 351-9050 Machine operators, experienced SEAMTRESS, WANTED - experiIn need of full time technical instruc- Frl. 10-2pm . PERSONAL BANKER for certincatlori within 30 days of grinder hand. & Inspectors. Full tod cohrpany has an Im Birmingham, Ml 46009 enced on better mans new domino. tor able to teach classes hi DC/AC employment. Salary $ 3 4 , 0 7 0 - time, steady employment. Some ex* mediate opening in EngiBARBER OR HAIR STYLIST Frederick* of Femvinolonv 12 OftCeeJetronles, solid state, digital devic< Huntington Banks or MfcMgeti ie $42,500 per year. Applications avail1 DATA ENTRY CLERK perience helpful Call Mon-Thurs, neering for an Individual now accepting applications for a Ma*. M-*707 es & micro processors. To be con- 20-30 hours, never on Sun. Paid vaEntry level position requires effi- sidered for this position you must cation, friendly atmosphere. Imme- able now'until 4pm, Dec. 7, 1992 at 9am-3pm 473-9305 experienced in threaded fua-time front deak position in Oakcient, attentive Individual. Previous have an associates degree or equiv- diate opening. Joy A UHey. 459-7350 Personnel, 500 W* Big Beaver, Troy. SECURTTY GUARD land'County area. Qualified appHAn Equal Opportunity Employer experience helpful. Excellent work alent vocational training In electronMACHINE SHOP TRAINEE product technology. Applicants witt have at least one yew of Troy baaed company tooWngfor day , HAIRDRESSER environment and benefits. Send re- ics technologies and at feast 2 years First & second shifts. Overtime and cant should have an M. E. experience In the foRowtng areas: security. Must have background insume to S H.. P O. Box 9066, Farm- work experience. Teaching experi- Career opportunity to learn hair re- j JANITOR - clean Farmlngton HiHs benefits Walled Lake. 669-0088 financial counseling, lend* security and good writing * < * » . *** bar after dosing. Retirees welcome. lngton Hills. MI 4S333-9066 Degree or equivalent in the personal ence is a plus,. Reply to Moloch, placement business. 90'day paid log, opening new accounts, loan ap- tired police officer pnasrred. Send training.' IncoaM potential $400 to To apply, ask for Ralph or Peggy, "*""" MACHINING metal working Industry, plications, and developing new de- return* to: Box 724 35155 Industrial Rd Livonia, Ml $1000 week. 647-8111 27406 W 8 mile at Inkster. Observer 4 Eccentric MawepapML, 48150, Attn: Electronics Training PART TIME with some cutting tool ex- poalt and loan business. 38251 Schooicran Rd. Coordinator HAIRSTYLIST & ASSISTANT Great opportunity Progressive perience. PC based CAD LAND MAINTENANCE Westslde firm seeks Individual with Uvonia Ml 48150 Clientele preferred, for progressive company. $Q.&0/hr. Midnight shift, This full-time position offer* an 6 mos -2yrs. numeric data entry ex* ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN salon In Troy, near Somerset CollecFOREMAN (m/f) other times possible Up to 30 hrs./ know-how, tool design and attractive benefit package perience. Must be detail oriented, Must have electronic and Auto CAD SECURITY tion. 649-3310 Kelly Services Is currently seeking week, right off 1-275 Machining manufacturing experience including hearth insurance and paid accurate, able to work with minimal experience. Electronic Associate national property manegernent finn the following qualified individuals for background preferred, CNC operavacations. seeking a night monitor for eves.' supervision In high volume produc- Degree minimum. Send resume to: HAIR STYLIST: Busy Canton salon, long-term positions with a land tor experience a plus. Please send required, with potential to only. Apply hi person Mon. thru Frf. tion environment. 10,000-12,000 P. O Box 530372. Livonia, Ml. has excellent opportunities. Great maintenance company servicing resume in confidence to: CNC, P O, progress Into manage- Apply in person between the hours 10-Spm. Carnegie Park Apts. 11' key strokes/hr. Send resume to. 48153. Pay & Commission, with Clientele Fairlane property Box 129. Belleville. Ml 48111. and noon, Mon.-Fri at: MHe between m k s t e r i Franklin HR/DE. P. O Box 5545, Plymouth, ment. For prompt, confi of 8:00 a.m. waiting and lots of hours. 801W. Big Beaver 313-355-2211 ENGINEER/DRAFTSMAN Ml.. 48170. Call Maureen, 453-3820 MACHINIST, experienced produc- dentlal consideration, SultelOt GRADE A FOREMAN (m/f) tion An Equal Opportunity Employer ' Farmlngton Hills manufacturer of An Equal Opportunity Employer machinist needed to operate Troy, Michigan precision steel parts has opening for HAIRSTYLIST Barber or Beautician • Responsible for completion of DATA PROCESSING mill, cut oil saw, dnll press, panel please fax or mall your reSECURITY OFFICERS - needed m weekly maintenance for Grade A An Equal Opportunity Employer Expanding Detroit based brokerage person experienced with hardened WANTED, a Very Busy Shop Cliensaw A able to read blueprints. Full sume and salary requiresites. the western metro are*. FuH & pert firm seeks qualified individual for & precision ground steel Recent ex- tele waiting Name of the shop, time employment. Send wage rePICTURE FRAMER - experience In time. Must have own transportation, entry level data processing position. perience helpful. Benefits, paid va- SHARE YOUR HAIR: 27726 Piym- • Education/experience in got! quirements & resume to: Personnel ments to: production framing shops. To train valid drivers license A phone. For1 course maintenance or Associates degree in computer sci- cations & holidays Call Mon thru outh Rd. Livonia Joanne, 4,25-5440 Director, 42010 Koppernlck R d , for multi shop management. Thurs, 9-3 473-93*5 landscaping more inforrnallon please caff beence preferred. Must be willing to Bldg C, Ste 111, Canton, Ml 4S1S7 Call Paul. 921-6934 tween 9:30am & 4:30pm, Mon. thru „ HAIRSTYLIST work evenings, weekends, and holiExperienced, full or part time, for an ENGINEERING ASSISTANT Fri. 422-0179 days Excellent opportunity for adMACHINISTS PLASTICS MOLD SETTER PRUNING FOREMAN (m/f) vancement For consideration send Full-time position, may progress upscale Plymouth-Canton salon. • Responsible for maintenance of Farmlngton Hills manutadurer has TECHNICIAN 453-0288 into drafting/detailing /design Initial Call resume tolong term need lor experienced opA rapidly growing plastics automoassigned pruning operation duties Include* blueprinting, drying erators. S6.25/hr to start 2 shifts tive/appliance manufacturer In the - Education/experience In DATA PROCESSING HAIR STYLIST revisions, filing & copying Mechaniwestern suburbs is currently seekCall Loraine at 473-2934 P. O. Box 71629 landscaping. Forestry or tree P O Box 737 cal drafting backround required for busy Canton salon, ing an experienced Moid Setter Unilorce Temporary Services service. Detroit Ml 48231 Madison Heights. Ml. 45072 AutoCad 10 or 11 training or experi- hours, £8/hr guaranteed Technician. 'jQualifted candidate 459-5528 MACHINIST'S HELPER must be familiar with Injection mold- Security officers needed for utilitiesDELIVERY - Chauffeur's license and ence a plus Send resume to Fax:313-543-1403 IRRIGATION FOREMAN Immediate opening tor your light Engineering Manager ing operations, setting molds, SPC company In Monroe, Trenton and good driving record required. HAIR STYLISTS manufacturing experience. Redford methods, blueprint reading, troub- River Rouge areas. S5 mWmurn with P O Box 701460 Knowledge ol Detroit and suburbs. Earn up to 50% at a, very busy Troy Equal Opportunity Employer lesnoot basic hydraulic & electrical medical oeneflts & paid vacations. area business'. To S6.50/hr. , ' Plymouth, Ml. 48170-0965 Davids Office Supply. 22310 Telelocation Interested: Call Linda • Responsible for maintenance of circuits, maintain product quality Contact Guardian Security at: Call Lisa at 357-0644 graph, Southfield, 352-6100 assigned irrigation equipment 689-0364 ENGINEER MECHANICAL: Degreed Unfforce Temporary Services MECHANIC - material handling standards & supervise personnel. • Electrical experience required Design Engineer, with 3-5 yrs expe- HAIR STYLIST: Westland. FarmingDELIVERY HELP WANTED company. Experience, toots, good Excellent fringe benefits. MAINTENANCE - lor apartment driving record needed. Full benefits Send resume to: Box 722, You must be 18 yrs of age, own rience, including Autocad Send re- ton, Rochester Great Opportuni- All of the above positions also communities in Southfield Plumb- Send resume or apply to 39550 Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Security your own dependable transporta- sume to- International Door. 8001 ties Great pay package and equip- requirePATROL DRIVERS 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. ing, electrical, heating & cooling ex- Schoolcraft, Plymouth, Ml 46170 tion, be self-insured & have an ex- Ronda Drive. Canton. Ml 48187 ment provided. If Interested, • Supervision of site crews Uvonia Ml 48150 perience required. Send resume to: cellent driving record with at least 2 1-800-668-8484 • Organizational skills for record Pinkerton'e Inc., is seeking quaHftect ESTIMATOR for established fire re- call Paul, PTB. 26250 Franklin Rd., Southlield, yrs of history. MEMBERSHIP CONSULTANT drivers for our patrol team. Our pa,keeping pair contractor Must have at least 5 HALF TIME UNIVERSITY Ml 48034. Local private fitness center seeks trol division requires the following • Flexibility - extended work hours/ years experience with good work PROGRAM FACILITATOR afternoon consultant ' Must be • New hire bonus PLUMBERS (EXPERIENCED) valid Michigan driver's license, ovei duties / habits Please send resume with sal Postlon available. 12 mos. Mon MAINTENANCE HELPER motivating & health conscious. Experienced in new residents! & 21 yrs. of age, passable driving • Full & pari time hrs available ary requirements to box 636 Thurs., 4-10pm Send letter of applilull time, Plymouth area. Sales experience a plus Call. • Flexible scheduling Condos. Must have truck & tools. If you are Interested in these opporrecord & good report writing skills Observer & Eccentric Newspapers cation & resume by Dec 14,1992, 451-0700 476-8393, ask or Russ. Others need not apply. Call between Qualified applicants meeting t M • Paid training tunities offering competitive pay and Call Mr Crowley 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Robert J. Voss, Assistant 9am-5pm 477-4726 above criteria, please apply at: • Uniforms provided benefits, FAX (313) 336-0030 Livonia Ml 48150 Superintendent tor Personnel MINI MAID - The cleaning profes• Hourly wages plus cash paid. 22190 W. 9 Mile or mall your resume toBirmingham Public Schools sionals are now hiring. PRINTING tips & mileage EXCELLENT CAREER DEVELOPRum Hoitow Office Park 550 W. Merrill Luxury apartment community Mon. - Fri., no evenings $5.25 per Litho Darkroom. 1 & 3 color stripMENT Opportunity - Enthusiastic, Southftafd KELLY SERVICES Birmingham. Ml 46009 Southfrdd Is seeking an experi- hour plus bonus. 476-9810 ping & plate making, for small and Apply in person any day after 3pm outgoing Individual with strong com(between Telegraph & Lahaer) 290 Town Center Drive «321 enced Maintenance Technician. large size press formats. Knowledge munication skills.to organize large MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER Dearborn, Ml 48126 HANDYPERSON , " Must be skilled In all phases of Resiof half tons, contacts, proofs & book 540 S. Main fundraislhg event. Full time tempo- Immediate opening, full time for SECURITY PROFESSIONALS • \. . SEEKING CAPABLE ATTN: Jennifer Goulah dential maintenance including: layout required. Experienced only Loss prevention leader seeks fui Piymouth, ML. 48170 rary. Mon.-Frl, 9am-5pm. $6.00 per apartment communities In Royal MOTIVATED PRODUCER plumbing, electrical, appliance reapply. Uvonia. After 9am, 525-9392 and part time. hour. Send resume to: LASER PRINTER OPERATOR DELUXE MORTGAGE - 464-2299 DELIVERY PERSON - experienced. M . D ; Personnel. 17117 W. 9 Mile Oak and Troy! Salary and benefits, Siemans 2200 on IBM VSE System. pair, unit preparation. Must also • Security Officers provided. Must be able to fix things PROCUREMENT TECHNICIAN have working knowledge of H.V.A.C. Oakland County & Detroit. Rd:, Ste. 820, Southfield, Ml 48075 • Plain Clothes Store Detectives quickly and keep: busy. Get along RPG-II programming a plus. Send This I r a n on-call position. Week- MORTGAGE Schoolcraft CoHege, Uvonia 682-9211 ', at premium accounts in Metro De LOAN PROCESSOR well with, others and put out good resume/salary reqUlrments to: Part time grant funded position, apEXPEREINCED HOUSECLEANERS: quality and quantity. Plumbing and Attn. J. Gillary. VISPAC INC.'35000 ends and evenings are-required to needed for companies in Sterling pro*. 29 hrs. per wit. Provides tech- troll area. Premium pay, medical DELIVERY PERSON Transportation necessary. light mechanical experience need- Industrial Rd. Livonia, Mi. 48150 or handle emergency calls. Hts., Plymouth & Birmingham. Set up stores & deliver books. Needed. nical assistance & support to local dental and vacation available. App* Part-time. Mop Head Cleaning Ser- ed. Our exprlpnced staff will train FAX TO 313-525-0659 We offer a great working environ- Conventional. FHA. VA. Glen Sys- businesses requesting Information at: Gabbard & Co.,. 1239 Andersen Christmas season. Must have car vice. Call ' ' . . - • 559-3070 the right person. .Quick learner and Rd., Clawson, Mon. thru Fri. 10-4. ment with a good benefit package. tem a plus. Long term. 333-1300 and assistance with government 645-0900 LATHE OPERATOR/MILL HAND hard worker. Non-smoker, able to This Is a growing company with op- TEMPSTAFF contracting people. Must have a SECURITY/TECHNICIAN/CCTV DELIVERY-TRUCK DRIVER. Full EXPERIENCED FRAMER WANTED, pass, strenuous physical. Regular portunities for advancement for the minimum of a high school diploma Experience to match pay. Car i for busy Troy frame shop. Resume & Redford. Manufacturer has position NAIL TECHS for new salon on W 8 drug and alcohol screening. time driver. Must have CDL license. right individual. If you are hard qpen due to continued growth. Will working and, committed to a, high MHe Rd. Experienced, excellent with one year work experience in the must. Apply from 9am-4pm. 2141> Experienced only. Must have good references preferred. Call Brian or Apply In person: 9 AM. - 1 PM. field or equivalent college credits Diana 879-1442 AMBER APARTMENTS, 3807 consider training right Individual. 537-520 driving record. Please call Tracl standard of excellence, we want to commission. Apply immediately. and ability to understand and oper- W. 8 Mile. between 1-3pm only, 538-3020 EXPERIENCED GARAGE DOOR Crooks, Royal Oak. Ml., 48073. hear from you! Please send your re- only 4 positions left. Alana.533-1765 ate computers with working knowlSENIOR MORTGAGE NO PHONE CALLS Call between 1am to 3pm, at; sume in confidence to: P. O. Box NATIONAL COMPANY has opening edge of various software programs service person. Must'have knowlLOAN UNDERWRITER DIRECT CARE PERSON 535-5959 . 2360, Farmington Hills. ML, 48334- for a full time temporary employee and data bases. Please can, John Adams Mortgage Co. is took needed tor 2 female women In the edge of all typos of garage door reto provide maternity leave coverage 313 462-4400, Ext. 5003 for an ap- ing for an enthusiastic, "hands-on' Plymouth Area assisting v>lth daily pairs & installations. Call 923-6105 HEATING ft AIR CONDITIONG - I LAUNDRY - Wash person, licensed 1654, Attn. Department 741. need furnace cleaners, sortie sales boiler operator experienced In r e from Jan. thru July Qualified candi- plication. Applications must be mortgage loan underwriter to heip'i living skills; Frl. & Sat. sleep-over & backgroudn a must, strong training, pair & maintenance of, Industrial date should have strong leasing received by Dec. 10, 1992. Position expand and prosper. This position H Sun. daytime. Call 473-5321 E.D.M. OPERATOR must have truck: 32483 Schoolcraft, laundry machinery. Mall resume not the normal dairy grind unskills & have some on-site manage- available approx January 4,1993 mold work; overtime, good benefits. Livonia. Mature, responsible person to per- ment .experience. Salary commenAn Equal Opportunity Employer derwriting position. RespofislbWtiei with salary requirements to: . Westland. . . 728-7550 form required maintenance in luxury surate with experience. FAX include, pricing and locking loans Dependable Coverall Service, 2646 HEATING ft COOLING service perPRODUCTION PLANT suburban apartment community. training of staff, liaison wttrt inves' 412788-1787 FIELD SERVICE/Machlne Builder son needed. Five years experience Eraxlne, Detroit, Ml. 46207. No This is not a iive*ln position. Candi- resumesto: Part time/full time tors, troubleshooling and more. ThT This position requires the skills to required.422-3559 phone calls. Call 9am-l2noon NATIONAL RENT-A-HOME Compadate should be experienced In qualified applicant will have: For group home located In Wayne a. build special mlcrofinishlng ma471-0461 LEASING AGENT. plumbing, heating and electrical. ny, seeks driver to deliver & collect • A minimum 3 yrs. experience In Oakland County. For more informa- chines from blueprints, as well as to HEATING.SERVICE PERSON - e x Full time for large apartment comon rental units. Good starting salary Salaried position. Call 9-11am; undenwrtttng conventional and perienced only, must have own tion call: set up & qualify the final machining PROPERTY MANAGER/Rental plex In Nov); Apply In person. The & bonuses. Health benefits includgovernment loans Barb, Farmlngton: 477-6851 process. The ability to troubleshoot tools, established company with ed. Please apply within, no phone Agent - Entry level position. Must • Direct Endorsement Designation ' . - . • ' • benefits, 525-5246 Springs Apartments, Pontlac Trail Pat, Northville: 348-3843 electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic & speak & write clearly. Real estate libetween West A Beck. Rd. calls. 13191 W. 10 Mile, Oak Park. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Sue, Canton: 981-9857 mechanical systems Is essential. 5 cense preferred. Send resume & ref- • Excellent technical knowledge HELPER,0 Part-Time for Industrial • Can do attitude - Steel service center looking for KlnvWayne; 721-2645 yrs. experience'In the areas microerences to: Majestic Properties inc., NEEDED 100 PEOPLE laundry repair company interested LEASING AGENT & general office mechanic to repair trucks, trailers, - • Dairy!, Canton: 455-2944 finishing, superfinlshing, honing or P.O. Box 431720, Pontlac, Ml *GocdcQmmunicattonskHts To lose wetght nowl in a career opportunity with chance, for Auburn Hills apartment commuJohn Adams Mortgage Co. offers u precision grinding ft SPC proce- for advancement based upon indi- nity. Pull time position. Apply in per- crains, shears and misc. equipment. 48343-1720 NO WILL POWER REQU1RE01 excellent compensation and trenail,, Knowledge of electrical, mechanical dures is required. Send resume to: DIRECT CARE STAFF 602-937-5689 vidual's ability. 722-1222 son at: 3161. Bloomtreld Lane, Moo* & hydraulic important, with dieset Call now. package. Please forward lesurrtej; Previous experience with develop- A. Wills at: 42925 W. 9 Mile Rd., Frl.9-S.f 852-4377 background preferred. Excellent opto: Vickie KameL^tohn Adams Merit? NEED WCLS/MORC Trained Per' , mentally disabled preferred. Excel- Novi, ML 48375. sge Co., 28i2TOrahard Lake ftsC LEASING Agent, full/part time for portunity with, top wage & benefits son,for full-time midnight position A progressive property managelent benefit package available, plus FOREMAN-NIGHT SHIFT te. 101, Farmlngton Hiss, Ml 4fSp\, large apt. complex in Novi. Apply in package, with overtime. Apply in and afternoon position in Garden ment company located in Farmingtraining provided for those who No experience. $295 - $425 weekly. person: The Springs Apartments, person only. Contractors Steel Co., City. Call, Single and rhultl-splndJe screw maAn Equal Opportunity Employer ; 313-569-5640 ton Hills, is seeking a property manqualify. $5.25 thru $5.85 to start. For If you like a Rock 'N Roll atmos36555 Amrhein Rd.. (near Levan). further information call between chine dept. Experienced in repair, phere and working with the opposite Pontlac Trail, West Rd.. & Beck Rd. ager (individual or couple) for 2 SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER- * Livonia. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED - local set-up and tool grinding, Phone 11am& 2pm weekdays. sex call Tammi: 647-0710 LEASING AGENT company dealing with electrical apartment communities totaling 266 BSME preferred. Automotive transT* '• ' 931-2000 , ' Livonia Group Home Part time for large Westland commaintenance equipment needs 23 units located in the city of Farming- mission & drive-line experience neiv* MAINTENANCE PERSON Connie .591-9239 ton. Candidates must have a proven •ssary. Knowledge of hardware, t e e ' munity, hourly plus commission. people such as: construction workKnowledge of electrical, plumbing, FREE . Voice Mall Leave Message, Call 721-8111 boiler operation, general repairs. ers, route people, factory workers or background in marketing, leasing, procedures, and data acquisrlioi' No Experience Necessary! So Look 403-8261 •HOMPUTER TRAINING dissatisfied people to change fields. resident retention A maintenance equipment, electrical experience I.' Full time: Retirees are encouraged No Further! Management Positions Gwen 591-0272 LEASING AGENT - apartment com- to apply. Non-profit private high Permanent full time positions rang- operation. Manager must live on plus. High level of probtonvsoMng/ & JOB PLACEMENT! Only; $9/hr to start. Call Sara Canton Group Home munities in Southfield. Must have school. Send resume to: Box 664 ing from set-up & display to site. Salary, 401K plan, benefits & organizing and communicaiion sfcHH -' 313-683-9888 Carol . 397-3735 You must be between 17-21 years experience. 20 to 40 hrs.. weekendsrequired. Competitive salary ant' old and a resident of Western Observer & Eccentric Newspapers . manangement with company train- bonus program. Send resume to: Voice Mail ,403-8260 Wayne County (not Detroit). Call for Send resume to: TAR..28250 FrankRon Roy benefit package. Resumes & salary ing, rapid advancement, no lay-offs 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Belleville Group Home lin 3d. Southfield, Ml 43034. The Beztek Companies history to: *-' $ HOLIDAY CASH $ $17,000-523,000 first year. If you more information 464-1660 Uvonia Ml 48150 Jim 699-5119 31731 Northwestern Hwy. FF Developments USA are neat & willing to work, call An Equal Opportunity Employer LEASING CONSULTANT TOP PAY MALE CLIENT'is seeking Assistant, Mon-Tues, 9am-5pm. Farmlngton Hills, Ml 48334 12898 Westmore ' ' 981-9331 Needed for communities in Royal DIRECT CARE STAFF from a male person to help with daiLivonia. Ml 48150 No experience needed, immediate Oak and Troy. Immediate opening/ ly living skills in his own apt. Early OFFICE CLEANERS: Hiring for Troy QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSISTANT Well managed group home In N.E. Attn. Pete Crabtree *~ * jobs available In alt locations for the Our unique apartments With oak evening shift, 3 days a week, days' & Southfield aceas. Good opportuni- - manufacturer of precision steel Livonia seeks caring staff to serve SHORT TERM floors and fireplaces attract a pro- negotiable: Call Margaret Fallow. ty for part-time & full-time. Apply parts has opening for person experifollowing: SERVICE DISPATCHER developmental^ disabled adults. JOB TRAINING fessional profile. You must be serHigh school diploma/G.E.D. re473-5321 now at 755 W. Bkj Beaver: Suite enced in quality control or quality Livonia company seeking orgahttett vice-oriented, enthusiastic and a PRESS OPERATORS quired. Variety of shifts. 122, Troy. 11am to 6pm, Mon-Frl assurance with SPC experience. Individual with typing & cornd ~ ~ CLERICAL dedicated team player. Must be able MANAGEMENT TRAINEES WAREHOUSE Some office background helpful, skills. 522-3 Blue Cross/Shield insurance. Call Must have reliable car. RESTAURANT COOK to work weekends. Competitive salmust have good computer & math JANITORIAL 10am-4pm: 454-1131 HEALTHAIDE ary and benefits. Submit resume to: SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT* ASSEMBLY OFFICE CLEANING - Part time. Im skills, benefits, paid vacation & holiACCOUNTING Amber Management, 3807 Crooks, Needed fuH or part-time. Must b#GENERAL LABOR mediate $5.50 to start. 15 + hours a days. Call Mon. thru Thurs. 9-3 HOW WOULD YOU PRINTING TECHNOLOGY DIRECT CARE STAFF Royal Oak, Ml 48073. rotlable. Experience helpful. Apptt473-9305 week, Monday-Friday Good attiLIKETOWORK Group homes hiring caring staff to at Mobil, 1991 Woodward at 14 Mi, We offer Top Pay, Holiday Pay, tude. Call 1lam-3pm, 981-4909 60 HOURS/WEEK? serve developmental^ disabled, For Qualifications call: 595-2314 LICENSING IN REAL ESTATE QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR Bonuses, Temp-Med Insurance.. adults. Variety of shifts available. (Excluding Detroit & Downriver) SERVICE TRAINEE Our students have a 90%pass rate ^ P ^ U C A L J ^ B MAJj^GJ^Mj;NT_^4^ •Ce^Hedayfyen appoioiinantlw-ww.^ Heq^lr6t^^g^r!ilJllUUl'd^plo^lm/Q:e•P^•• ^uWunrtorm.'erHal "*"*, *" TSfilffS Slate WtMIT^T***' Wiirrall the overtime you can handle Super- optical retailer seeks expert- opening for person ex] Blue Cross/Shield Insurance. WAYNE-WESTLAND WE GUARANTEE your money back at a fun job. Ground floor to upper ehced Lab Manager. Are you tired with hardened precision ground Industry Is looking for peraonabta. Call 10am-4pm: '. COMMUNITY SCHOOLS If you don't pass the State Exam) management. No experience neces- of the same old optical scene? Are parts. First & final piece inspection, individuals to fill a service trainee, Belleville, 699-3808.699-6543 An Equal Opportunity Employer Classes starting, soon. Call Lisa sary. Must have great attitude, be you seeking a dynamic environment call Mon. thru Thurs. 9*3 473-9305 position. This position offers a com-, Redfprd, 537-9058 petitive satry with benefits and an. Dumsa at 356-7111 for details. entnusiastlc, willing to learn. Earn that will'challenge your personal & Dearborn Hts., . 277-8193 FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS people QUALITY INSPECTOR opportunity for advancement to an, SOUTHEASTERN INSTITUTE N6VEBAFEE professional growth potential? We $275 to $425 per week. Westland, 326-4394 wanted for counter kitchen & delivOEM automotive supplier nas imme- established route. Apply m person, OF REAL ESTATE ery. No nights or weekends; Call Can Shannon 471-2590 offer top pay and benefits and are diate opening. Must have knowl- at: Clntas, 39145 Webb Dr.. West-, LIVONIA. 4 6 £ i l 0 0 Just what you're looking fori DIRECT CARE STAFF Westslde Dell, Novi. 347-5885 CHANGE YOUR LIFE SOUTHFIELD, 352-1300 edge of S.P.C.. gage studies, Q-i & land, Ml 48185 326-0800,Interested? Call Michelle 9am-5pm, Needed to work full time with develMANAGEMENT Start a new career In real estate AUBURN HILLS. 373-7500 An Equal Opportunity Employer t Mon-thru Fri. 313-726-9198 T.F.E. requirements. ln|ectlon moldopmental^ disabled adults fn-BtrSf today. Call Carol Shelton at (Transportation) ing experience preferred. A SECURITY OFFICERS , mlngham area group heme. $ » / Real Estate One. 652-6500 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS , OPTICAL STORE MANAGER Send resume to NYX Rebmann hour: Benefits. Call: 644-2235 d ^ 1B t . DENSU INC. needs tempoOur Headquarters Team expansion Rochester Troy Area. EOE Plastic Moldings, 24555 Capitol, Experience preferred with flatbed, FAIRLANE TOWN CENTER ^ rary Holiday Season Peoin Plymouth has Immediate openserger & bar taeker. Piece rate after Redford. Ml 48239 IMMEDIATE OPENING DIRECT CARE STAFF ple. Outside traffic control, In Pontiings. Must be experienced with solid training period. Average piece rale Needed for area group home and ac, Clawson. Rosevilte. Starting Imeducational background. Tuckerman Optical has an excellent REAL ESTATE CAREER wage V - tlO/hr. Apply within:, job coach position. $6 to start if mediately. Must be dependable and immediate openings,, all shifts for fruit basket preparation needed 38281 Sxr-ooterall, Unit D.Lhronia.' , opportunity for an experienced AMBITIOUS? CONSCIENTIOUS? trained (WCLS or MORC). Benefits have transportation. $6.50 per hour. Assemblers i G e n e r a l Laborers. OUTSIDE SALES to Increase our store manager. You will start as a from Dec. 10 - thru Dec 24. 464-2575 • WEWANTYOUIH and advancement possible. Call if Call For details 476-6267 Possible permanent positions. Can- customer base. Knowledge of truck- store manager Immediately! ExcelApply in person at We will train you and start you on a Interested at 474-0610 ton/Belleville Area. Call today; SHEETMETAL MECHANIC ing industry and able to contribute lent compensation, bonus, 401K, long term high-income career. Call FULL TIME RECEPTIONIST needed NORRELL TEMPORARY SERVICES immediately Must have 2 years experience on' medical & paid vacation. Qualified for busy W. Bloomfleld salon. Salon DIRECT CARE STAFF 677-2891 Tony Camiller I, Westland residential flashing, flat lock metal 33152 W. 7 Mile, Livonia candidate must be an aggressive Previous experience with develop- desk experience a must, with benedecking, soldering, coping A sheet INSIDE SALES to service custom- self-starter. Optical experience a REAL ESTATE ONE fits. Please leave message. 682-1480 LIGHT mentally disabled preferred. $5.25 metal related to shingle & flat roof-' ers, enter orders and promote sales. must. Call Kathie 593-3040 to $5.85 an hour to start. For further GENERAL HELPER - Full lime for HONEST CLEAN lady wanted to as326-2000 Ing. Good pay A benefits. CaH Mon' INDUSTRIAL Must know computers, the trucking information call 10am to 2pm week- Farmlngton Hills apartment complex sist partial Invalid, good cook. Frl, 351-9050' Industry and able to contribute OPTICIAN DEPENSER Sal, Sun. Be able to work ft sleep In INTERNATIONAL COMPANY look- thru Frl. i0-2pm POSITIONS days. Call Mon-Fri. 9am-5pm, 851-0111 these nights. $100. immediately. • . EXPERIENCED 661-2250 ing for Recepllonlst/Admlnlstratlve We are accepting applications lor; SHINGLE REPAIRMAN Redford SIP Program Excellent career opportunity. Mana- Assistant. Responsibilities Include: An Equal Opportunity Employer Assemblers Irini. 255-7639 HOUSECLEANERS WANTED 565-5600 typing, firing, phone, general office Must have 5 year* experience on an l FLEET LEADER (1st. 2nd. 3rd) to gerial skills needed Packagera types of shingle systems. Good pay Livonia Group Home GENERAL HELPER - Full time 3 to 4 days/wk., 6am-5pm. Farmingdispatch truck; lead Drivers: duties. Call Mon-Fri 642-9335 & benefits tor right person CaN Mon Mall Clerks Connie, 591-9239 grounds work and light maintenance ton Hills Maid Service. Paid unimanage P & L. efficiency & utilizathru Frl, 10-2pm 351-9050 Tor Oak Park apartment complex. forms, vacations, holidays. S6-S7 for long and short term assignments tion; comply with DOT & service RECEPTIONIST A Mske-up-artlst, DIRECT CARE WORKER for Garden CaH Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm, »67-0284 per hour. 932-0019 in Farmlngton. Southfield. Detroit & customers. Experienced, fulMlme, for busy SHINGLE ROOFERS - Experienced. City semi-Independent facility, to Western Suburbs. *4.50-$5.50/hr An Equal Opportunity Employer Southfield salon Good opportunity New work, residential. Mu»1 have drive tenants to jobs, 6:30am- 10am .HUMAN RESOURCES $18K for the right person 1-804-321-6860 own truck A equipment. Can Mon ADMINISTRATION LEADER to lead Mon-Frl. Call 425-0203 GENERAL LABOR Some college needed the accounting and administration • Must have transportation thru Fri I0*2pm 351-9050 for high tech steel treating facility. RECEPTIONIST NEEDED CALL - 557-1200 DIRECT CARE WORKERS for group Call staff while maintaining the books. • Steady work. 459-8022 $95 FEE Full or Part-time for Busy W. Bloom, JNI SHIPPER/RECEIVER home In Piymouth. Afternoon shift 7857 Ronda, Canton Must know computers and account- ' Some lifting Involved field Spa Good phone skills a must. General warehouse duties, for available. WCLS training helpful or ing (thru P & U INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL CALL TODAY Call. 626-1990 Beauty Supply C«rnpeny. Part-time. will train. $5.25-$5.75 per hour. GENERAL LABOR MAINTENANCE Berkley: 399-(960 CONTRACT CARRIER TECHNICIAN 5 days a week, leading to nitl-tlme Call Garin, 420-0876 Unloading ft distribution of office TROUBLESHOOTER Uvonia: 261-1120 to contract carriers to handle our REPORTER Ptease nteM resume to: international furniture, Some Installation skills re- Must have; DIRECT SALES & telemarketing. quired. Ftexstaff No Fee EOE companies excess, transportation Beauty Supply Company, 47020 953-0130 • Minimum 4 yrs. of industrial Full Time Established company seeking West Rd. WtKom. Ml. 483*3. needs. Must know the business, LIGHTING MAINTENANCE experience closers & telemarketers. Salary/ GRINDER HANDS Workers needed for national com- contracts, and operating requireNeeded In Northville newspaper offcommission ft hourly. Experience O.D., I.O. surface capabilities. Both • Good mechanical skills pany. Medium industrial-type work ments, Aiso able to contribute ice, Person chosen must possess a SHIPPING A RECEIVING HANDLER preferred but will train right person. shifts. Minimum 5 yrs. experience. • Good troubleshooting skills on ladders. Must be flexible, for immediately. PAINT CONTRACTOR Bachelor's Degree or have 1-3 yrs. QC tMckground needed, awe to • Working knowledge of N.E.C. Call 532-4066 FuH benefits. Pay commensurate • Experience In programmable days A(or) evenings. Full time. EiecNeeds apartment painters to service experience In newspaper reporting. handle 70 lbs A drive ht-tow. FuH with ability. Apply between 9-Spm. trical experience helpful. Must have Excellent wages and benefits. To trt*county area. Great weges, per This person wttl gather news stories, time envproyrnenl Send wage recontrollers, Allen Bradley, LOCAL DRIVERS NEEDED at: Pace Machine Tool, 4133 Pioflood references. CaH: 422*8460 loin our Total Quality Management apartment. Experienced apartment cover meetings, write news storiee. quirements 8 resume to: Personnel. Square D . S l e i " Light delivery work neer Dr., Walled Lake. 360-9900 354-6820 features and editorials, write head- Director. 42010 Koppernlck Rd., Team apply (w/salary requirements}: painters only Cash paid dally L I T I G A T I O N PARALEGAL for lines, make photo assignments and Bldg.C,Ste i l l , C a n t o n , M l 48187 . Traffic Manager Must be able to work In a team ori- unique plaintiff personal Injury law 28537 Warren, Garden City PAINT CONTRACTOR may take photographs and dummy SIDERS - • Wn tnufrtAirtnyJ. Experl- J P. O.BOK25WC GROUP HOME ented environment and be a self firm. Minimum 3.5 average, after 4 Needs apartment painters to service DRIVER POSITIONS page* when necessary. Smoke-free enced. New work, flseweniie!. Must ? Plymouth. Michigan. 48170 starter. Please send resume or ap- yrs. college. Salary commensurate Assistant Manager trl-county area. Great wages, per environment. Apply: , , Available for responsible, aggresply In person, Mori.-Frl. 8am-5pm, with ability. Send resume to: ' have own truck A equipment. CaH , in N.E. Livonia seeks assistant manMANAGERS apartment. Experienced apart. sive individuals with a progressive 1351 Hix Rd., Westland, Ml., 46185. Mon thru Frl. 10-2pm 351-9050 J Gursten, Wkjod. Koltonow & Falzon, Ladies Clothing. Good Pay 354-^ painters only. 354-6820 wholesale distributor. Applicants ager to serve devefopmentafiy dis- (S.ofFordRd.) Hometown Newspapers abled adults. Previous experience 265S5 Evergreen. Ste. 1530, SouthBenefits. 17 Locations must have a CDL. Apply In person: An Equal Opportunity Employer SNOWPLOW DRIVERS ; J PAINTER should Include team based personfield. Ml 48076 Personnel Office. CALL, 858-7900 Virginia Tile Company with trucks. Also hiring shoveters I Experienced In commercial buHdlng nel management, client care ft home 323 E. Grand River Avenue 24404 indoptex Circle and drivers with COL. ' MANICURIST LOCAL WHOLESALE building mapainting. operations. Some college preferredHowell, Ml 48843 Farmlngton Hills, Ml 46335 CaH: 422-3232 terial distributor has opening for full Hair replacement center seeking 624*9310 Afternoon shift. Excellent benefits. Call I0am-4pm: 454-1131 Immediate opening tor ah Installer time Inside Sales Person. Position Manicurist for male clientele end to No phone calls. We ere an Equal DRIVERS ft OWNER OPERATORS PARTS DRIVER at Metro Detroit's largest cellular requires aptitude for tetephone and assist hairdressers In tab work. Opportunity Employer. HAIRSTYLISTS, communications equipment firm. counter sales, and misc. office du- Guaranteed Income plus commis- Part time. Must have good driving We are the transportation division of EXPERIENCED Residential snow removal - need [ Installation arid mechanical experiREPRESENTATIVE WANTED 647-8111 record. Appfy In person: 21530 Novi a major plastics manufacturer with clientele walling and or $400 bonus ence helpful. Must be dependable ties. Some construction knowledge sion. Call Rd.. between 6*9 MHeRds. for person with cflentete. Friendly, For buyer of mortgage trust deeds prompt services at *heee ISornee: • or experience would be helpful as plants near Detroit, Chicago, ChamRedford, Telegraph 8 »loy; DMerhom • MANICURIST ' and have a good driving record. well as basic computer akWs. Good modern salon. 453-5090 or land contract receivables. paign, Dayton, Cleveland, and Mutt be able to work some Satur* working conditions, benefits, wages. Wonderful opportunity at busy PART TIME •• floral designer, coun- CaH: 937-2188 Herghts, CfterryWn S Wlir.hjj^.ty, ^ : Bowling Green. Weenand, NewtBirgh A Cnsrr^tM.' davs. Please apply In person at one CaH 9anv4pm Mon-Frl., 536-9300 Southfield salon. Flexible hour*. ter help, approximately 20 hrs. per RESIDENT MANAGER for Water- W r i » to: AW. 4 « 1 3 E, Ann Arfter : of the following locations: Call: 356*1222 week. Redford area. We have Immediate openings for 937-3302 ford apartment complex, must have M.Ptytr*ovfl-Ml4Siro Moblllronrcs, Inc.. 31075 John n LOCALrtARD DRIVERS ten drivers and owner operators to MATURE responsible person want2 years experience In property manLuxury apartment community in Madison Heights (just north of 13 PART TIME HELP needed, no expe- agement. Apertment A utilities In^ support our steady growth. ed tor general yard work. Send reSouthfield Is seeking V Grounds Mite) or 32825 Northwestern Hwy. Local area and yard drivers needed sume to: L.V. Service Corp., P. O. rience required, for dry cleaning eseluded. CaH Mon.-Fri. eam-Sem, {Just south of 14 MH*)br for our plant In Westland. AppliPerson to maintain the exterior aptsbHshment at Munson Cleaners m We provide competitive pay and 352-4043 AeoeptrTtg apeeJCeVaeftai ivr wane*' 1532 S. Woodward Ave., Birming- cants must have a CDL-A. We wW Box 7103. Novi, Ml.. 48376-7103. Lathrup VWege. Can 559-0777 term care feenaj* fct wt* Maaween benefits, up-to-date equipment, pearance of our community. Duties ham (between 14 & 15 MHe Rd*) Ah Equal Opportunity Employer Interview recent graduate* of truck •a. H e i 65% of our drivers are home week- include: trash pickup, lawn A sideNO PHONE CALLS PLEA8E driving schools. Can John 455-1733 PART-TIME, Teachers Asstsisnl walk care, sweeping and blowing ends, and we encourage driver par* Heeded for rtureery school m parking areas and summer pool tlctpatlof. In management. Farmington HWs. 7em-ipm. MACHINE DESIGNERS care, Additional responsibttllles arft Insurance - Experienced Only 476-3110 Oeoa l a m i , one of f i t . Mtohteen't Several IMMEDIATE operrtoos exist Merer service orgentxation seeks an Can after lOem. feeieet orrrwln*. humeroers eere. flrft Call John at 313-465-2066 or 1733 incured during bad weather. for Designers with experience In one experienced marketing profe*stonal A beHoon' chattis, IMS a number or for ah application and telephone to }o*n Its corporate Market Reor ail of the following areas*, spede! PHARMACY TECH/ If you are hard working, dependable meneflement powaiena ertaiaftsa ei Corhmerelel & Personal Lines search teem. Dulles wffl Include Interview. Machines, Materiel HarwtHng Equipand looking' for a piece to begin fhe western SMrjuree. wwasar eape CASHIER CSR's-Merketlnfl.Clelma-Ratere ment, Fixtures, Presses, Sneers, coordinating a wide variety of reyour career, we want to talk with DRIVER/WAREHOUSE PERSON search programs. Queimtd candi- Fu» tune poemen for a Ptiermecy rloncO preSsrred. Oend rsourrio 10: CONCORD PERSONNEL and/or Dies. Manuel & CAD open* you. Driving experience and CDL re-. dates must be degreed and have 2TecMden/Cesraer new avaMeMe. tftge (AutoCAD Version 10) Con19800 MMWweewt Rd, ulred. Salary position with benefits; We offer a gYaat working environ164*1 Qssftdesa tract and Contract to go Direct poet- 3 veers' experience m quentNattve • Flexible hours (no Sundays ment and a good benefit package. epfy with resume to: Redtofri, M 4 I I H 476-2200 Consumer market reeeeroti. KnowlhoHdaya. or avenrnoafr tlone. CaH. FAX, or send resume to: Ptease send your resume In confiBox 716 edge of MatfttKat metthxhjtogy, PC • Cteen, preseeni woTKtrtQ W O O f l W O * Q * * M A « (MrT) All F M S Company Paid TECHNICAL ENGINEERING dence to: P. 6 . Box 2360, FarmingObserver ft Eccentric Newspapers Must be ertpenaftoed In seiesa CONSULTANTS, INC., 391 Airport •ofTware peckage* and strong writtor> Hrffs, M l . 48334-1654, Attn. 36«51ScTroe*CTaftRd. todwrtrlel Drive, YpseanN, Ml 4*1 St. ing sktts required. Osteoses experi- 0 CKoafterrl ruH ttfne benefit peefcete pty ssis*caSrOnJjaidss; s4: Dept. 741. Livonia Ml 46150 JANITOR 4se-4S1S<FAX.) ence deslrsMe,. Exowent seJery end Apply In person dewy betweeen Part time. Uvonia machine enrip, 313 4sS-3t00or ffT^Mrtt—i - ebeln-X eWjPI eee>*at. | lOeirVepmet^ HAIR DESIGNERS' EDM OPERATOR, FULL TIME 18400 Merrlmsn Fid., Livonia. ROUTE BW^™R ssf (naHMsrial •nK •Wary reejwrorwsfns. (ei hesoKai oenter i^Mrniecy M A C W N t 0PE«ATOft 4 years minimum experience, top E 1 Cut, mc. Is eeeNrfw hak dresser* HUMAN m t O U A C E S MANAQfB » r » y . a » i » O M w i i r a s ^ »»*•»» I ll3«iW.aM*ato Oeburrlng experience is a rteoeselty. JEWSLin ' waoes and benefits. Must be able to or barber itynstt tuCtrrne. Expert* ery cesjutteiwants s . FTP Z' Oetron.MWi •need ki perrr-rr-e. cuittng end color* Experienced for W. Iioomtleld Location m N W. Oakland «ounty. make own electrodes. Apply at: Day sMtt. M/hr. starling wage. 8**00 NOnTMVrtStEHN HWY (Net W. of l a h w r In (tie teboy ol Ooverea eesrwae, iweaj Crsklne, (TW liatr, Pay baaed on experience. store. Fun lime. Astt for Seen 101 mduetrlet Dr., Plymouth O s t r M , Ml. eeH/r. fee, tplwon (Sens, SOUTHflELO. Mt. « 0 3 4 OMC rteeflh Care Center) AS-lMO Or can 463-6800 COE M/F/H/V Westterrd. Leave metsevje: 34 4-»473 737-9)33 Sharp Customer Service Representatives Wantedl Dynamic progressive tlrm looking lor a special Individual who can work in e r u t paced environment, maintain a sunny disposition, who la detail oriented and has excellent phone skins. Previous phone experience e must! This fulltime position otters full benefits and a 401K plan. Guaranteed salary plus commission cam enable you to earn; Inspector Supervisor $7-10 Plus MECHANICAL/ DESIGN ENGINEER Ext. 260-62B 1-6Q0-922-1702 DATA ENTRY Personnel Manager DETROIT TOOL INDUSTRIES CORP. SECURITY OFFICERS ; 255-2600 MAINTENANCE S25.479/yr CALL-557-1200 S95 FEE 500 HrtpWanttd CUSTOM CABINET shop In Wlxom DRIVER - for light delivery wanted. hiring shop personnel experienced FuH time. Local work. Apply Mon. In wood furniture & cabinets. Expe- thru Frl. Celt for appointment, rienced only apply. Wage 1o match 532-1515 experience level. Full time. DR.VERS/D.«p*tcrtttr.VM«cneinlca 313-889-5700 For growing cab company. C ^ for application, CUSTOMER SERVICE MAINTENANCE DIRECT CARE STAFF 352-3800 Property Manager Help/Managers f HIRING FREE SNELLING TEMPORARIES HOLIDAY HELP FOR FAST PACED LIGHT INDUSTRIAL JOE'S PRODUCE PACKAGING WE NEEDYOU CORPORATE PERSONNEL SERVICES WOLVERINE STAFFING 358-4270 INSTALLER SNOW REMOVAL • GROUNDS POSITION SOCIALWORKER MARKET RESEARCH ANALYST RETAIL MANAGER AGENCY POSITIONS 3 nr»OHmi.MiM*atn •*PPW*"a«e^W« 12C*(R,W,Q-10C) 500 Heip Wanted . O&E Monday, November 30,1992 sooHttpwmxi 500 Help Wanted SOUTHFIELD INSURANCE Aoancy, TEACHER needs commercial Hnm cuslomer Experienced, certified. Private :servic# rep. Experience .In bom suburban sonoot, rniddte gradee. commercial & personaTHnee. Cleri- afternoon eeeekm. Can QamrSpm. cal a computer eklNa i i m i i l . Must '-. , • \ . ' . 5 5 7 - 8 3 8 0 have good aiuiiide, willing to work hard. S23K pHit Incantlw to etart. TEACHER NEEDED tor customize •Please respond by resume to: PO training. WW provide on-site clerical Box 2719: Farmington HIIK. Ml. training to employees of various corporations. Part time,flexiblehrs. 48333. Submit resume to: 9215 Michigan SCREEN PRINTING Av»...De!rolt, Ml 48210, Attn: emGeneral utility. Win tralhr ployment.. ~ " ---,— — Plymouth area.. 463-7660 telemarketing J STOCK: Advancement to menege. " ment ppaalbie. FuH-tlme.. Expert ^enced. Hard worker.'.Reierencea -, Howards Beauty Supply. 478-1955 GIVE US THE FINGER... TRUCK DRIVER 502 Help Wanted Dental-Medical Experienced: COL required. - M BILLERS know metro ansa. fuK time, excellent benefits: Respond resume only, P.O. Do you feet unappreciated or underpaid m your present medical owing Box 40», Plymouth. Ml 4(170. position? Many new openings for Allergy. Cardiology a femHy practice VETERINARY TECHNICIAN Day work In whan animal hoepltml. oftteW Also openings for DME/IV Infusion baler*. In posh corporate License preferred. office locetlona: Greet, salaries & Can: 476-0570 benefits, CeN or send resume to: 832-1170 VETERINARY Techntdens and Ken- OtaneOetter, nel Assistant* needed lor expanding Harper Assodalee,»o70 Mlddlebert referral hospital located In South- '". FarmlngtonHHIS, Ml 48334 field. All aMHs available. Send resume or apply m person: M . V. S„ BOOKKEEPER with Medicaid & 1925 8. Telegraph. Bloomtlek) HIHe. Medicare, second/third perty insiirMl., 4*302, attn: Peter Barnes. ence experience for posting. Rochester Hilts area. 3 days a week, M time shortly thereafter, 756-2446 WAREHOUSE/LOGISTICS Entry'level apprenticeships'avail5 STOCK HELP - part time. Apply In ... you dial with and we'll tell you able. High School grade to age 34 BUSY BIRMINGHAM ophthalmolo-parson, Art Van Furniture, 433 I N , how to earn excellent money for full willing to.relocate .at our expense gist office Is seeking COT. Experience with refractive surgery and part-time office wort. Oat your S Woodward, Royal Oak. call: j . .^j. terred. Call Carol dialing finger to call ua after 6 pm. j . " • SYSTEMS ANALYST Uvonia . . ; 421-7405 1-800-922-1702 CNA'S -• Needed. All shifts. For r. Full time position available:. Northt r u l l basic Weal Btoomfleld nursing :!.west Detroit suburb; Experienced, TELLER POSITION - pan time, WAREHOUSE MANAGER home. Contact director of nursing. (-. mature Individual to manage system hours vary, soma Sat. Apply 9-5, at » DISPATCH SUPERVISOR . 360-4443'' ^ and design segment or M.I.S. De-. Uvonia CommurUty. Credit Union, Knowledge of inventory systems apartment. Must,, have extensive 15420 Farmington Rd. Livonia. and hl-low experienced: also CROWN t BRIDGE r,s knowledge ol Dlbol language: VAX/ dispatcher needed, background In METAL FINISHER i VMS. Previous management experi- TIRED OF THE 9-5 Work Day? truck transportation and brokerage Part time/piece work/possible lull . ence required. Excellent cornmiml- WeHaveTheAnt>w. .is must: Salary, .bonus, benefits. time. Livonia. , 426-7533 i cation & organizational skills, need- Recorded Message... l Send reaume to: Rick Beyer., • ed. We provide competitive salary/ 513-729-5466. ext. 142. Logistics Services, Inc., RECEPTIONIST ybenefit package. Send * resume 32620 Capita), Livonia, Ml. 48150. for Garden City dental office.. Expe-'along with salary requirements to: • TOOL & DIE MAKERS rience preferred. Come loin our. -.Box «728 '.":•' EXPERIENCE NECESSARY WITH. team. 422-5480 WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR PRESS DIES. 40 HRS./WK + BEN*.. Observer a Eccentric Newspapers Supervisory experience necessary. CHAIRSIDE DENTAL ASSISTANT EFITS, MILFORD. 313-664-0555 '.-: 36251 Schoblcraltfld. Warettoualng/tranaportatKm, experi- RDA, CDA experience preferred. TOOLMAKER/Brldgeport Oporator ence helpful. Salary position Vrirh -- , . iivonia MI 48150 Great opportunity for growth. benefits. Reply with resumeld: • I TAX PREPARERS WANTED r" For 1st & 2nd shift, minimum 4 years ex281-9696. BOX720 / .{.upcoming tax season. 3 high volume perience. Own toots. Overtime & benefits. 669-0088 Observer & Eccentric Newspapers PART-TIME Denial Hyglenlst needn weststde' locations. Full/part-time. 35251 Schoolcraft ^ed .for busy Canton practice. If you », Computerized preparation - easy TOP PAY Livonia Ml 491 ~ enjoy establishing long term treat^ training. Prepare twice as many re- Are you quick, agile and able to ment goals V a n enjoyable piece to ^ turns. 561-8432 or 1-800-248-9629 think on your feet? Long term temWAREHOUSEWI work, pleaae call for an Interview. porary positions available now for Production aaalstant lor bopcorn fai EXPERIENCED JAPANESE first. and second shifts, 7 days a cility. $5 an hour. Perfect Popcorn Some perk) skills required. 459^1850 i AND SPANISH TEACHERS. week. Must be available to work lots Products. DENTAL ASSISTANT . 464-6801 „ Needed for short-term, part time of over time and have a great attenExperience In four-hand dentistry , positions.Call (313)645-6663 dance record. Must have reliable necessary. Canton family practice. fc transportation. Call today for an In- WELL ESTABLISHED 'Propriety CERTIFIED SECONDARY School, seeks individual to. assist in 455-8844 terview. *• ENGLISH TEACHERS Job Oevelopement '&' Job Place473-2111 ment. • Good communicaltn skills. "' With 5-10 years of experience needN S SERVICES Ability, to work under pressure. ed fqr long-term, part time posfHuman Resource Degree preferred. '"tlons.Call (313)645-6663 TRAVEL AGENT FAX Resume to Employment Ser^TEACHER'S ASSISTANT needed 2 Years experience. PARS trained. vices: Fax 555-1185 or call between tf you have dental assisting experi" part-time Immediately for afternoon Full time. Southftefd agency. 9-12. Mon I T u e e . 553-4150. ence and are looking for a positive •- Atiift. West Bloornfield area. Call Paula. =" 356-8400 change-cell us! r Call 661-1000, ext. 252 Weoffer: TRAVEL AGENT - 3-4 yrs experi- . .Medicalbenefits ence. Sabre, Corp. Full or part time. - TEACHERS a Teachers Assistants . * Paid vacation & holidays Start immediately. Good benefits. AMBITIOUS? CONSCIENTIOUS? for private nursery school • , .Paid sick days . . 583-7555 We.will train you and start you on Full & part time. • Bonuses long' term, high income career in • Call 8am-5pm. 420-3553 reaf estate-, ' • • . Profitsharing • TRUCK DRIVER - DELIVERY Southfleld 559-8818 Call John Beflfuss, Uvonia TELEMARKETERS WANTED CDL license a must. Call between ;, tor portrait studio. For more inforPENTAL ASSISTANT REAL ESTATE ONE 7am-5pm. 362-2900 .». matfon please call Lisa at; Bright, mature, experienced Dental ...477-4107 . 261-0700 Assistant needed for Livonia dental TRUCK DRIVER & HELPER *"" THE CLARION HOTEL & Executive Knowledge of trl-county area, WORKSHOP FACILITATOR needed office. Permanent positions 4 days per week. Salary based on experi^ Suites is seeking an experienced or chauffeur a license necessary. for |ob club. Will teach dislocated ence, excellent wage'*, benefits for Kiddie Land, 37025 Grand River, •r~ inexperienced, highly motivated Inworkers how to. find the job they right person. 477-5888 d i v i d u a l with exceptional giiest ser- corner of Halsted. w a n t Excellent cammuhciatlon \ vice to join our organization in the skills In teaching .certificate reDENTAL ASSISTANT '_positiion o( Front Desk Clerk & TRUCK MECHANIC - must be certi- quired. Send resume to: 9215 Michi• - Night Auditors. Competitive salary fied, plenty of work, 5 days per gan Ave., Detroit, Ml 48210, Attn: Experience necessary. Full time, competitive wages & benefits tor -. basedupon experience. Major med- week. Apply to Kurt at 4840 Wyo- Employment. progressive NovT office. Respond to ming, Dearborn. ,'.. leal Insurance. Paid vacation. P. O. Box 941, Nov!. Ml 48375 WRECKER/DRIVERS l„ Send resume and' salary requlre- VALET ATTENDANT - Excellent in- Experienced only. Full/part time. DENTAL ASSISTANT ... ments tn confidence to:' come, days & nights. Apply at: Mayflower Westslde Tow- Livonia specialty practice seeks re;. PERSONNEL DIRECTOR sponsible person interested In an 531-7973 ing, 5406 Sheldon Rd.; Canton. !. , 30840 LYNDON STREET Ideal career opppdrtunlty. Previous WAREHOUSE - growing wholesale „ ' . LIVONIA. Ml 48154 experience helpful, but not necesdistributor looking for reliable' .,-.' An Equal Opportunity Employer sary. 281-7802 502 Help Wanted Packer for small packages (UPS) *• THIRD SHIFT copy machine opera- Must have packing experience. Dental-Medical DENTAL ASSISfANT ". ton lull time. Experience helpful on Call Mr. Fleischer, . 357-4500 Full time cheerful assistant ATTENTION DENTAL HYGIENISTS ' 5090, 5065 & Canon color copiers . tor small but growing denTemporary Hygtenfst needed for * but not necessary. S6.50/hr: + full WAREHOUSE MANAGER tal practice In Canton. Ex' time benefits Apply in person at* Management skills required eneral dentist from Jan to Apr * Kmko's Copies of Southfleld, 28641 Mechanical skills a plus Perfect all Barbara at Dr. Reynolds1 office perience preferred Northwestern Hwy Southfleld Popcorn-Products, 464-6601 at: 652-1010 Call: 453-9250 'SSJSJS DENTAL ASSISTANT WE WANT YOU g WBumm: 9 Aluminum Siding ALL FAZE LAWN MODERNIZATION Aluminum w/vinyl - siding,' trim, gutters, replacement windows, doors, decks, garages. Repairs, Lic/lns: Free Est. Ken, 421-3816 33 Bktg. & Remodeling A FAMILY BUSINESS RON DUGAS BLDG. 6846 Crown . Livonia 4m 55 Chimney Cleaning, Building, Repair 476-0011 12 Appliance Service , PHIL'S APPLIANCE REPAIR We: repair all major.hbuselioid appliances. $20 oil with service. 1-800-559-1411 24 Basement • Waterproofing ALL TYPES OF WATERPROOFING Guaranteed Free Estimates • Peter Mautl-476-1565 . .BASEMENT LEAKS REPAIRED -' Drains & Sump pumps repaired .:, 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Earl H.Jensen 474-6224 iWET BASEMENT •PROBLEMS? NATIONWIDE SINCE 1958 -FOLLY WARRANTED LICENSED & INSURED rB-DRY SYSTEMS £78-8277 581-2720 644-4855 MACOMB.— WAYNE - - OAKLAND 'BASEMENT WATERPROOFING lift, systems, NO DIGGING. Cracks repaired by Xypex & Epoxy. Lifetime vVarrenty. Free Est. 1 -800-729-9739 25 Bathtub Refiniihing BATHTUBS RELIN ED Custom fit better than reflnishlngi $397 Installed Call today for appt. 433-2146 27 Brick, Block, Cement AAA CUSTOM BRICK WORK Specializing In all masonry repairs & hew construction brick sidewalks. Also ctiimney & porch repairs, brick additions 4 glass block. Free Est. Referrals available. Call Keith 477-9673 ADVANCED Porch & Concrete * * . A H types cement work * * Specializing In: Porches. Sidewalks, Steps, Driveways. Chimney Repairs. Ail work Guaranteed! Senior citizen discount, References 427-5586 A FREES FAIR ESTIMATE Concrete S masonry work. Porches, driveways, walks, additions. All brick & block repairs A alterations. No Job too small. No money down. Lie. a Ins. Cell anytime 534-1570 BEST CHIMNEY CO. 557-5595 BRICK DOCTOR Brick - Block - Tile - Cement Repsirs porches, steps, chimneys 476-4101 CONCRETE OR BRICK Drives, walks, rtoors.Tiatcriino. Chimneys, porches or Glass block Work myself. John 533-8962 OO0ONSKI CONSTRUCTION BRICK BLOCK S CEMENT WORK PORCHES - CHIMNEYS DR WAYS - FREE EST - 537-1633 H« J MASONRY All masonry. 42 Years Exp. Repair. Rstoration. Porches, Chimneys, Walks, stone, Lie. Ins. 474-4376 AA SMALL JOB SPECIALIST 25 Yrs Reputable. Quality Work Anything in Cement, Brick or Block Beat Any Price on Drive Replacements Lrc., Insured, Free Est. 348-0066 tt Bklg.*Rem<>tle«ng IT COSTS NO MORE ...to get 1st class workmanship. FIRST PLACE WINNER of two national awards, HAMILTON has been satisfying customers for over 35 yrs. • FREE Estimates • Designs. • Additions * Dormers. . • Kitchens. Bathe. . • Porch Enclosures, etc. HAMILTON BUILDERS Call 559-5590...24 hrs. 66 Electrical A DEPENDABLE ELECTRICIAN for all your residential needs. ALL CHIMNEY Work. Repairs, New. Licensed, Insured, Free Estimates. 7 days . 533-3003 Caps, Rue Pipes, Brick Work. 421-5526 471-2600 Chimneys Built new & repairV Will beat any price! Senior citizen discount . Licensed & insured. BEST CHIMNEY < 557-559' KEN FIERKE Uc.-lns. Carpentry. HILLSIDE TREE FARM Decks, gutters, roofs, alum siding, ree rooms, windows, doors, etc. Cut your own or pre-cut. Great seReesonabfe. Free Est. 937-2390 lection of Scotch Pines,- many over 11 ft:, $14 to $24. Other varieties svallable. Live potted Spruce. WagRETIRED CARPENTER Small Jobs, kitehens, rec rooms, on rides, warming barn with food 8> crafts. Tot lot, tree cleaning & doors, counter tops, etc. wrapping. Saws. 4714 US-12. Tip272-6984 ton, Irish Hills, i-94 W. to US-23 S. to US-12 W. 25 miles W. of US-23. (4 miles W. of M52). Open Fri. 12 to All Phases Of Carpentry 4:30pm, Sat. » Sun. 10am to DESIGN-BUILD-REPAIRS 4:30pm. 313-274-0681 25 YRS. EXPERIENCE. LICENSED PROFESSIONAL CHRISTMAS Light 425-6936 or 465-3870 Installers. For homes & trees up to 20' high, Installation & removal. Free Est. 10% dls. Before 12/6. 533-5416 Rec rooms, Basements, Kitchens, RATTALEELAKE Bathrooms. New A repairs. CHRISTMAS TREE FARM All New Parking, Shaker & Baler 40C«binttry & Formica U-PICK, WE CUT... Scotch Pine, Norway » Blue Spruce... FRESH CUT PREMIUM... Douglas Fir, Blue Spruce & North Carolina Fraser Fir Johnston Custom Furniture Roping, Wreeths Entertainment center, bedroom set, Refreshments, warming room csblnets, tables, etc. Formica or 1-75 Clarkston Exit 91,2 ml N. on Mwood. Free est. Scott 4764884 15, left 1 ml on Rattalee Lake Rd. SMALL WORLD 471-2600 471-2600 PLASTIC LAMINATE CABINETRY * Custom Cabinets & Furniture * 62 Door* * Counter Top Replacement * 15 Yrs. Exp. ins. Ret. Greg 535-9856 DEAL DIRECT - No middleman. I sell A Install steel, wood & storm doors, windows 8< siding. Meny reforonoes. Can Allen. 595-4779 42 Carpet Cleaning 85 PrywaH ALPINE CARPET service. 2 rooms » A-1DRYWALL hall, $35; truck mounted equipment. Any sofa $30. Any loveseat $25. Any Repelre and New Work. 15 Yeera chair $20. Peek of clean. 422-0256 Experience. Licensed. Insured. Free Estimates. Ask for John, 625-6627 44 Carpet Laying * Repair AAA CARPET REPAIR Seams, Burns, ReatretcMng, Pet A Wafer Damage, Squeaky Row*. Same Day Serv. Alt Work Guar. Thank you for 21 yrt, of loyalty, 626-4901 DENTAL ASSISTANT Office clerical part time 2 afternoons & Sat. Dearborn Hts. 581-8790 DENTAL HYGIENIST: Part-time, one . DENTAL ASSISTANT evening per week, In very friendly Experienced, full-time for tugh-quel- patient oriented office. Ity Sou1MWd_ office. Excellent pay, Call. 647-2110 benefits * bonus** 355-9SO0 DENTAL HYGIENIST. i OENTAL ASSISTANT Part time Farmtngtoh Hills office. Part time & full time experience as- Mature adult. patient population sistance needed tor Uvonia dentist. needing periodontal care. Some half Ca»BhytHe ;•;•.•• ,464-4490 day Saturdays. Call for interview. J 553-4740 OENTAL ASSISTANT - Novl area, pert time. Approximately 15 hra. per DENTAL OFFICE MANAGER, week. Experience required. Experienced, full-time for high-qual' .349-41.15 jty Southfield office. Excellent pay, 355-9600 DENTAL ASSISTANT > Experi- benefits A bonuses. 1 enced. 30. hrs.+, flexible hours, no DENTAL RECEPTIONIST - Fulltime, nights for friendly West Dearborn for team; oriented friendly Troy; offprivate practice. ' 583-3400 ice. Experienced in .insurance and pegboard.jRes.): 879-1994 DENTAL ASSISTANT Our,'team Is In search of the right DENTAL'RECEPTIONIST career minded dental assistant who DENTAL EXPERIENCE REQUIRED) knows the value of. commundatlbn, Bloornfield Hills office. Join our skills & enthusiasm,-while delivering great staff. Enjoy benefits, bonuses state of the a n dental care. Benefits: ano friendly atmosphere. Startihg Can Pam, 879-7240 salary $8-$11 hour. . 642-6430 FREE ESTIMATES Residential * Commercial 33920 Van Born. Wayne • 721-4060 SPEEDY ELECTRICAL SERVICE Services increased or moved, flood lights, bucket aval!., lights & circuits added, additions wired, etc. ADMIRE YOUR FIRE SUPER WELL SEASONED HARD-BIRCH-FRUIT HACKER SERVICES 474-6914 QUALITY SERVICE SINCE 1946 ABC AMERICAN FIREWOOD 100% SEASONED OAK $59 Face Cord, 4 x 8 x 1 6 2 tor $115. Free delivery Quan disc. Stacking avail. 435-6928 ANDREWS FIREWOOD - 1 Yr. seasoned oak & maple. $60?!ace cord (4*8x18). Mixed softwoods, $30. Free Delivery neerby. 459-4655 BEST QUALITY FIREWOOD 100% hardwood seasoned, split. 80% cherrywood, $60 face cord, 2 lor $115. Free delivery 553-6682 FIREWOOD 6. COAL Seasoned Herdwood 4 Birch Soft 4 Hard Coal Pick up or delivery available NOBLES LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 474-4922 FIREWOOD- $55 a face cord delivered. (4x6x16). Guaranteed Seesoned Herdwood Oak, Maple. 313-531-5106 FIREWOOD 2 * yr. old SEASONED DRYWALL « PLASTERING Wood, GUARANTEED Seas. H u d New & Repairs. Hand or spray, Tex- wood. 650/FACE CORD. E. Side turing, Acoustical CeH. Lie. Guar. 663-7606 OrW.8lde, 728-1346 30 yeera e»p.643-0712: 662-7543 SPLIT SEASONED HARDWOODS. DRYWALL REPAIRS $60 per face cord 4' X 8' x 16" New Drywafl - 20 Yrs. Experience Quantity discounts available. Free SPRAYING 6 TEXTURING deftvery. Can. 622-8733 LICENSED »INSURED Free Est. 729-7912 DRYWALL. TAPE. PLASTER 471-2600 •1 Floor Service A BETTER FLOOR SANDING JOB Old floors our speclslty. Stem work heeutttmiy done. Also new floors installed. 477-7736 DeRoven Electric Lkj./tns. Free Est. All Types 0« Electrical Work. TALK TO AN ELECTRICIAN 478-8855 363-8400 1-600-638-4071 S3 FurnHura rivnvniiiy • nvfMir REPAtn ft r t t F K W H fOmtvlTUFtC Any type ol Cerwrtg and PHreh 661-5520 DIETARY ASSISTANTS & COOKS Plymouth court,Is currently hiring for Dietary Assistants; part-time and cooks, both full 8 part-time. WE offer a new competitive starting rate and tree uniforms' Please apply In person. 105 H A G Q I L R T Y ROAD PLYMOUTH, Ml 48170 (Between Plymouth Rd 4 Hints Dr) An Equal Opportunity Employer FULL TIME MEDICAL BILLER Bluing & computer expertise required. Contact office manager at; Serious inquiries only 548-6717 HYGIENIST TO WORK full time & part time In cheery offices In Canton and/or,Farmlngtpn; Call . . 981-2880 '•••'• HYGIENIST WANTED for Mondays possibly leading to full time the end of January. v CallGalt ' -354^1555 LIVE-IN OR QUAD CARE 502 H#.pW»nUd ' Dtnttf-NMical LPN's/RN's Would you llke.to do 1:1 nursing visits close to home? VISITING CARE serves your hometown as well as much of SE Michigan. No mln. number of hrs. required to work. Pick and choose your caseload.' LPN'a needed Immediately for an. elderly women In Wlxom. To apply, call today; NOrthvifte 1313)344-0234 Brighton • 313)229-0325 AnnArbor (313)830-0050 502 Htlp Wan-fed DwUI-Mtdlcal MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST - Typing experience necesary. N. Woodward, Royal Oak area. . 399-5905 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Part time. Good people &. basic computer skills. New. Sterling Heights/Troy ENT office. 731-1518 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Full time, experienced, ' medical computer billing. Garden City office. 261-5581 MEDICAL SECRETARY Administrative Secretary for medical office. Seeking mature IndlvlduaT' MEDIALASSISTANTS with experience, capable of working MEDICAL RECEPTIONISTS For beautiful suburban allergists off- both with direction or independentice {non smoking). Expanding staff. ly. Job duties Include correspondTerrific wages! Must have 1-2 yrs. ence., grant management, manumedical' office;- experience, great script preparation, medical tranbenefits Include paid Blue Cross/ scription. Computer literacy with' dental, 2 weeks vacation call or knowledge of word processing and send resume; Diane Oetter 932-1170 spreadsheet.or database software Harper Associates,29670 Mlddlebelt desirable. Send resume and salary requirements to: J. $aker. 29275 , Farmington Hills, Ml 48334 Northwestern Hwy., Suite '100, SpufhtietdVMI 48034 . MEDICAL BILLERS . uTrrnedlaie openings for experience MOTIVATED DENTAL OFFICE in this MAJOR* insurance environstaff member wanted for Southfield ment. Tp $7.00/hour. Call Melanle. ' " 646-6168 dental Office. Full time. Salary based on experience. Call, 443-5110 Uhiforce Temporary Services Dental Assistant 96 Garage* GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS 97 Garage Door Repair 99 Gutter* A-1 GUTTER SPECIALIST Seamless Gutters, 13 Colors'. Installation, Repairs & Cleaning. 467-4968 CLEANING. SCREENING. REPAIRS 471-2600 GUTTER CLEANING Free Estimates 722-1009 LIVONIA GUTTER Winter specials on full Installations & repairs. Free Est 474-6910 lOrHarrt Ma.«/Femal« A-1 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, siding, paint, gutters, window & door repl., plumb, all home repairs. Guar./Uc. & Ins. 425-5782 • AFFORDABLE HOME REPAIR • Kitchens, baths, drywall, trim, finishing work. Roofing, siding, gutters. Guaranteed. Call Lee, 474-8469 CARPENTRY Handyman - Remodel basements, baths, kitchens. Painting, ceramic tile, decks, floor tile. Reas. Free est., lie. Brian. 522-0932 DWT-ALL Home Care-lrnprovement-Palnf Inff Painting, Drywall, Plumbing, Etc. VISA/MASTERCARD. 363-4545 AA-ALL SEASONED HARDWOODS HOME MAINTENANCE/REPAIR $60. per face cord, 4' x 8' x approx. Not enough tlnie, heed a handy16". 1'A tor $88.2 for $110. Kindling man's help with misc. repairs? Make $3.60. Free delivery. 313-683-3490 a list. Reas. Fred 313-981-4632 ALL HARDWOOD-100% Seasoned $55 A Face Cord, 16x48x8tt Retired Handyman NO soft woods mixed ml AH types of work ; NORTHERNTREE 354-0366 ALL HARDWOOD 1½ yrs. seasoned. $55 face cord (16X48X8). T. T. 4 T. Contracting 356-3421 502 tHfp Wanted OtnterHHacHcai Start Immediately! Experienced: FULL & part lime-all shifts. Competitive. Wages., Bonus program In•NURSING ASSISTANTS -Join our • MEDICAL BILLERS cludes annual, attendance, flexible Many new openings for hospitals & caring teaml We. provide quality ?r, & holiday bonuses. Vacation pay. doctors offices. Perm or temp. $10- health care in a family^ atmosphere. r'ansportation allowance. We take $12. Will train on MBS. Resume of Our employees enjoy ^excellent pay DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Front desk duties, insurance, expe* pride In hiring dedicated, caring call: Medical Staff,- 29299 Franklin and benefits. Certified nursing-assistants preferred, but will provide Experienced. Seeking energetic, de- rience. Southfield general practice. peopfe to,provjde unsurpassed cli- Rd, Southfleld, Ml 48034. ent care & case management. training to qualified candidates. pendable, & setf-motTv*ted Individu- Excellent opportunity. .353-5010 EMPA-CAREIV 455-1061 MEDICAL INSURANCE BILLER/ Apply Mon-Fri 9-4, St. Jude Convaal for pteasant family practice, fiurlescent Center, 34350 Ann Arbor RECEPTIONIST DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/NOVI 8leal experience preferred. Exceltnt wonting conditions & benefits. Full-time position. Dental experi- LPN - Dorvin Nursing Center, a for busy ophthalmologists offices in -Tr, Livonia. Pteaaecall 693-7600 enced required. Excellent Benefits. skl-red HCR facility. In Livonia, has Southfield & West Bloornfield. Full an opening for a treatment nurse OPTICAL • JOIN A WINNER! time, mature S. responsible. Third Call. .' 349-4115 DENTAL ASSISTANT every other week-end. This Is a 4 First Optometry has exciting career Needed In a team-oriented preven- DENTAL RECEPTIONIST - Oak hour shift with some flexibility In party billing experience necessary. opportunities. If you are a motivatSend resume to Box 478 tive-restorative practice. To be con- Park. 9 Mile/Greenfield. Excellent times. For more information, please Observer & Eccentric Newspapers ed, individual with a '^can-do" attisidered, you must have completed a contact Chris Jones, ADON. from tude, we want youl Optical experi36251 Schoolcraft Rd. recognized, certified dental assist- opportunity for career oriented ex- Sam to 4pm. Mon., thru Fri. ence a strong plus, but we will'traln Livonia Ml 48150 ing program and have successful perienced person, good wages, at, 476-05S0 the right people. Positions are avail968-2266 field experience. We all share a total hours & benefits. able at many locations. Please send MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST/Blller commitment tor excellence and DENTAL RECEPTIONIST- Full time. Full tlnie for Nov! office. Prior medi- your resume to: team effort. Our office recognizes Knowledge of computers preferred. LPN OR MEDICAL ASSISTANT cal office experience with excellent FIRST OPTOMETRY and rewards individual Initiative and Competitive wages & benefits for for doctor's office in Troy. Part time, patient communication & phone' eti, P.O. Box 710 personal excellence. Call 565-6206 progressive Nov! office. Respond to: Call tor appointment. . 526-9010 quette required. Computer knowlROSevllle, Ml 48066-0710 P. O. Box 941. Nbvi. Ml 48375 edge helpful. Please call 473-8440 MDS COORDINATOR DENTAL ASSISTANTS OPTICIAN Must have recent LTC experience DENTAL RECEPTIONIST . MEDICAL SECRETARY Right person can add $5K to salary. &HYQIENISTS Must love serving people, while with all phases of R.A.I, Full time, 5 With some DME knowledge.. Duties Write: P. O. Box 2400, Birmingham. Christmas Dreams can come true coordinating a scheduling system days, no weekends., excellent bene- Include: typing, filing, computer when you're a Peak Performer. With for our dental practice. Excellent fits. Send resurmrto: •-•--.._'_. entry-. ciistbmer-servlce_calls. Expe- Ml., 48012. only 25 shopping days until Christ- communication :& telephone skills a Sharon Furtaw, RN, DON, Prentis rienced need . only apply. Leave X^RoaomicrAssistant -.- mas, let Peak Performers, Inc. help must. Computer & dental'experi- Manor, Jewish, Home For, Aged, Message:: 3.13-683-0002 Immediate openings lor bright enerwith the extra financial demands of ence necessary. We offer profes- 26051 Lahser, Southfleld, Ml 48034 getic, experienced orthodontic asthe holidays. Experienced, individu- sional,-development training & a MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST An Equal.Opportunity Employer als, committed to excellence in den- supportive team- Farmington Hills: Earn extra cash', flexible hrs. Must sistant Excellent compensation for tistry call PP1 today. CallLori, . 932-B65G MEDCIAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST: have 3, yrs. experience in medical the right individual. (Weekly payl). (313) 477-5777 Pontlac/Waterford Part time, 8 to 10 hours a week, for transcription. WordPerfect knowl- 682-8811 Garden City Family Practise Office. An Equal Opportunity Employer DIETARY AIDE . edge helpful. Call between 10amSend resume to PO Box 696: PART TIME 4r30pm,561-5568 PART TIME X-RAY TECH - must be DENTAL BILLER Apply In person at: Hilton Convales- QardenCity Ml. 48136-0696. . certified. 6-10 hours per week. Dehtal.bffice in Southfield. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST cent Home. 3161 Hilton Road. Fern967-0100' MEDICAL ASSISTANT Computer & dental office, experi- dale, ask torMr. Phelps. Full time for four physician group Please call, Mature, part-time for family practice practice in Westiand. Must be expeence. Full time. 569-0170 physician at Troy Beaumont MOB. DIETARY COOK-Full time rienced, organized and accurate.. PATIENT RELATIONS REP 826-5498 Apply in person at: Benefits, salary commensurate with DENTAL HYGIENIST Hilton Convalescent Home experience. Send resume to: P. O. Multi-specialty group practice has To. work part time In our Canton MEDICAL ASSISTANT 3161 Hilton Rd.. Ferridale, Ml. family practice. . .455-6644 Part time for new Sterling Heights/ Box 85097, Westiand, Ml.. 48185. opening at our Novi Center for exAsk for Mr. Phelps Troy ENT office. perienced patient relations repreDENTAL HYGIENIST - 2 days per NURSES AIDES 731-1518 sentative. Will act as liaison beweek Including Tuesdays 12 noon-8. DIRECTOR OF DIETARY SERVICES CERTIFIED tween patient and staff. Associates, Strong STM program, 14 Mile & De- 100 bed skilled nursing home locat- MEDICAL ASSISTANT/LPN • Full ALL SHIFTS; See Mrs. Saxton degree and 5 years of related expe-' qiiindre area. 979-0111 ed in Southfield, Is seeking to hire a time for growing Novi office. Prior NIGHTENGALE WEST rience or Bachelors with 2 years exDirector of Dietary Services. Certifi- experience necessary. Excellent 8365 Newburgh Rd. perience required. Please seod reDENTAL PERSONNEL cation & experience in long, term clinical skills required. Call 473-9472 Westiand,-near Joy Rd. Our busy Wayne. dental office is care a must. Send resume to; An Equal Opportunity Employer. sume to: searching for energetic & enthusias- Marcia Mittefman, Prentis Manor. MEDICAL BILLER tic people who are seeking a chal- Jewish Home For Aged. 26051 Part-time. Excellent, salary & workNURSES Recruiter/Patient Relations lenging career opportunity in a team Lahser. Southfleld. Ml 48034 Seeking RN's with recent nursing DMC Health Care Centers ing conditions. Redford clinic. oriented environment. We.are look41935 W, 12 Mile Rd. An Equal Opportunity Employer Call Barbara . 532-4200 home experience and familiar with ing for Front Desk Receptionist, MDS forms & OBRA. Excellent Novi. Ml., 48377 Dental Assistant & Hyglehist. If you EXPERIENCED fun time dental, aswages & benefits. Send resume to MEDICAL BILLER enjoy a fast pace, have dental expe- sistant, team oriented preventative Full time. Experienced in billing and Box 0726, A member of the Detroit Medical rience & enjoy being appreciated for office Successful field experience, collections Willing to train on Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Center and affiliated with Wayne your involvement & talent please individual initiative & personal excel- Pac-Comp computer New ENT offState University 36251 Schoolcraft Rd 548-1423 ice Starting Heights/Troy 731-1518 contact D J 728-1700 lence a must Uvonia Ml 48150 An Equal Opportunity Employer Quality Work, Low Prices, Lie. Ins. GARAGE DOOR RUST CUT OFF M u l l a n Electric. 5 2 2 - 4 5 2 0 Galvanized bottom edges instelled, with weatherstrip. Parts. Saves 80% ROWE ELECTRIC 4 SUPPLY Over Replacement Cost! Electric Contracting & Supplies SAVE-A-DOOR 295-DOOR FLOORING BpeeleHrtrio, H> game rooms, jV$% ^% AeeMa^aee^BeBdeL^-BVasebaa^BbeBuBSeh Mtchene, baeememe, and construc•MC VMMHiy sTNIIVMB tion needs, Cad Now A Savel eftaeall6Ga> aSA^A&ap^a^pketa Free In-home estimates, 422-8960 rany rienneng B A I W S CARPENTRY SERVICE PHIA'SOATEnrNO We Ceter Parties ot 2 to 2000. Seme - Basements - Kitchens Free Est. Work Over. HoHdey tatea American t Oourmet Msete. 13YrS.E»p. 47«-688». 538-312« peaer 906-6412 DENTAL HlfclENTIST-Progresslve. dynamic Birmingham office seeks a team oriented Individual who Is looking for a part time. (Mon.: & Wed.) long term committment. Excellent salary. Participating office In pride management. Call Carol between 2-5pm, 646-6363 •SAVE MONEY. ALL CARPET INSTAL.« REPAIRS Pad avsHabte. AM work Guaranteed. •6 Electrical MARDWOOO FLOORS AUTUMN CONSTRUCTION INC, References. 6 Yrs. Experience. Sanded, named, installed. High Llo. Free Est. 100% satisfaction. Ml, Call Dave A A A ELECTRIC 421-8520 queHty work at affordable prices. add.', basement, carpentry, cone, Res. 6 Comm., breaker 1 fuse CeH Al. 291-8344 eYywaH.30yrs.exp. 313-945-9549 panela. pluoa, violations. Uc. Low Prices, Free Est. Anytime 584-796« NATURAL WOOD FLOORS ineiefletton • sending - restoration Sates • InsleHtttkxi - rep*k*a. Bpeclaest In an typea of wood floors retaH price*. Guar. work. Carpel, _ lino, tn* A wood floors. Matt 628-M13 728-67( ""l-670*j AfiTISTIC LUMBER " I " DENTAL ASSISTANT ~ full time, experience prefaced. Specialty office In Southfleld. 87 per hr. minimum. Can Shirley: 362-4551 We sell & service all makes of garage doors & opener* ALL TYPES ELECTRICAL. New & Parts &. labor old.. Specializing in remodeling. All work guar. Qualified Electrician. 18 years expe- • We'll beat your best deal • rience. References. Don. 632-5671 Insurance work One day service ELECTRICIAN • , NEEDS YOUR WORK No lob too small. Call Gary 7 days. FREE ESTIMATES 427-1254 SHAMROCK DOOR 534-4653 CHIMNEYS-PORCHES BRICK RESTORATION 437-7667.473-8640-464,1035 Rebuilt, Repaired, Leaks'Stopped, REPAIR A L L * Interior/Exterior Tuck Pointing, Flashings. Cleaned & 69 Excavating Minor Repairs 'Major Remodeling Screened. All Work Guaranteed. Free Est.-Reasonable- Insured Free Estlmstes. Licensed. Insured. EXCAVATING Call Matt 474-3842 826-2733 Pools, Trenching, sewer, water lines, parking tots, drains, septic tanks. HIQH HAT CHIMNEY SWEEP Reasonable, licensed. 838-6731 39 Carpentry Raincaps, Dampers, Repairs Guaranteed no mess. Insured ABSOLUTELY ALL Home Repairs 72 Fence* Uc.(S2778).4S4-3557 531-8531 Installations, Remodels, Basements, Decks, Kitchens & Baths. 0 & D QUALITY FENCE CO. MARKEN & SONS Chimneysweep HANDY-MAN-JOE Cleaning. Cape,' Masonary Repairs. Chain link, all wood, farm fencing, Lie. & Ins. 664-7879 Conscientious FIRE FIGHTER 8 deck hole, drilling. Beat any written YRS. EXPERIENCE Call 421-4209 est, by $10-$100. Llc/lns. 477-6353 ALL AROUND CARPENTRY Doors, Windows, rluuia, Oiywsll Plumbing, Electrical, Rough/Finish 78 Firewood ST~Ctirtitma« Treat Countertops. 397-5786 AAA-1 ALL AREAS FIREWOOD CHRISTMAS TREES - YOU CUT ALL BEFORE CHRISTMAS Colorado Blue Spruce. Scotch Pine. Seasoned, mixed hardwoods. $50' Repairs, * Remodeling,»Carpentry, Austrian Pine; Free tree bag 4 ball- delivered, dumped. $60 stacked. . Basements. * Baths, • Kitchens. Checks edd $5. 477-6958 ing..Sat. & Sun. Only. -9am til dark. Paints more. 5584207 Between Lansing & Flint. 1 Mile S. of Perry on M52 to Beard Rd. 5 Miles ABSOLUTELY SEASONED 1 YEAR CARPENTRY - FINISH OR ROUGH E. on Beard Rd. Schneider's EverSplit mixed hardwoods Additions, Kitchens, Orywall, Clo- greens. For Info, $60 a facecord (4'x8'x16-18"). 618-677-1001 sets, Pantries, Basements, Decks. 2 for$115 Delivered. "No |ob too small" Uc. 522-2563 Canton, Livonia, nearby. 464-2433 FODOR'S U-CUT or FRESH CUT 8 varieties; Fir, Spruce $ Pine. 3 ft. CUSTOM FINISH WORK ' ABSOLUTELY THE BEST to 18 ft. $5-$75. Free Wagon Rides Bookcases, mantels, moldings, sleir & EJflond. I-94 W. exit 150,3¼ miles Black walnut & cherry,, split & searails, doors, rec rooms. 22 years S. ot Grass Lake traffic light. soned: $60 tece cord,' 4x8x18" exp. Lie. Ralph Stesllckl. 563-7613 Yanke's Landscaping, 471-6930 1-517-522-4982 * Dyeing 502 H«lp Wanted . Dtntirf-Mtdteal GUIDE TUESOAV r w T»J*SOAY EDmoN / 4 PM. FRIDAY FOR MONOAY exrkm • A PERSONAL T O U C H * KITCHENS. VANITIES. COUNTERS ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING BASEMENTS, DOORS, WINDOWS Trim A seamless gutters: ReplaceGENERAL CARPENTRY ment windows & doors, licensed STORE RENOVATION • CHIMNEY CLEANING MANNING CONST. . 427^0748 Lie. & insured - 26 Yr. Experience Miller's Clean Sweep, Caps & screens. Installed. Professionally VINYL & Alum, siding. Gutters, trim, cleaned. $5 off w/this ad. 525-0235 enclosures, roofing*, related work. Alum, cleaning, waxing, restoration. : 502 Help Wanted Dental-Medical 471-.3729 105 Hauling FOR A LOAD OFF YOUR MIND Call Take-A-Way Trash Service 334-2379 1 time pick-ups. Fast service basement removal, appliances, construction, brush, etc. Lowest Prices A-1 HAULING - Moving. Scrap motel, Cleaning basements. Garages, Stores, etc. Lowest prices In town. Quick service. Free Est. Serving Wayne A Oakland Counties. Central location. 547-2784 or 559-8138 HAULING Light 8 Heavy, local 8 out ol state. Frank, 274-8876 106 Heating * Coofltug TOPU*CtYOURADCAU.Sft1-O»00 135 Lawn Maintenance 215 Plumbing 165 Painting/ CALO'S Call 565-5538 YARD CLEAN-UP 471-2600 142 Linoleum 471-2600 647-5708 LOW RATES 548-0125 * * JOHNS MOVING * * LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE LICENSED*INSURED '. BEST RATESII Call 773-5892 MOORES MOVING 4 STORAGE Inexpensive Professionals Two men $45 per hour. Three men S60 per hour, •* Travel charge $35. 399-1159 PJS MOVERS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2 MEN AND A TRUCK 543-9689 WANT TO SAVE MONEY? Rent your own truck • we.will load & deliver. Complete moving service. Move with the assurance ot a prolesslonal. Free est. Call 425-8752 Mark's Moving Assistance 152 Mirror* CUSTOM MIRRORED WALLS Bl-lold doors and glass table tops Insulated glass - Discount prices 442-8910 or 478-1737 165 Painting/ Decorating 476-0011 A. VELASCO CO. PAINTING, PAPERING Plastering, Repairs & Wallwashing ALL TYPES OF ROOFING PRECISION PAINTING, INC. • Interior/Exterior > Commercial/Residential • Staining - Power Washing > Dry Wall - Plaster Repair ' Wallpapering/Removal • References Recovering - Tear Offs Licensed Insured 683-8470 QUALITY PAINTING • THOROUGH PREPARATION • INTERIOR/EXTERIOR •NEAT-REASONABLE FRANK C. FARRUSIA, 540-7106 SINCE 1967. FREE EST. R. K. PAINTING Custom Painting • Staining Drywall • Plaster Repair Fully Insured - Free Est. 873-1909 Interior - Exterior Staining Plaster repair & drywall Spray textured ceilings Paper hanging & removal Aluminum Siding Hefinlshing Your Satisfaction guaranteed Free Appraisal 2022 Guthrie St., Royal Oak STEVE'S 543-9480 50"% OFF FALL SPECIAL FLAT ROOF PROBLEMS? Experienced In flat roofs. shingles and repairs. Residential/Commercial. 552-6116 Aluminum Siding Rellnlshlng Exl. Staining • Light Carpentry Deck Cleaning, Brush & Rolling INT./EXT. * 20 YEARS EXP. Specializing In tear-otfs. Llc/lns. Royal Oak. A/PEASE/CO. J&J ROOFING BONDED & INSURED 546-3199 669-4975 540-7138 656-7370 471-2600 421-2241 425-5444 471-2600 ALL PLUMBING A HOME REPAIR BEMIS PAINTING Spruce up your horn* for ChrlstmM, Sewers & drain cleaning. Hot water OoftNty work M * ouftNty prtc* TrM tanki a replpes. Free asiwisles. > ..tlmift. "'-""> A rWHTCiYlWHiffBli 'fill B & T TREE CARE INC. Big Fall Savings, Free Estimates. Insured. See North Oakland Yellow Pages. 623-9019 DeGUISE CONST. RESIDENTIAL ROOFING CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS ANDREWS TREE SERVICE Tree removal, trimming, topping, some grinding. Free estimates. God Bless You. 459-4655 557-5595 PAINTING SERVICE ABSOLUTELY THE BEST! AFFORDABLE TREES ARE US Specialize in all phases ol tree work. Lot clearing & stumps. 15% savings. 255-8192 D. 255-5384 E. TREE TRIMMER - NOT TRYING TO GET RICH, JUST MAKE A LIVING Insured • Free Est. B U ROOFING - New - Repairs! 969-0342* Tear-olts - A Speclaliyi Gutters, • 623-1562 Vents.No job too big or small. T. T. S T. CONTRACTING 534-5334 - Free Est. - 937-8139 Trimming, removal, stump grinding. Free Est. 20% Winter savings. Call 356-3421 Tearoffs, Re-roofs, wood replacement, Apts. Also; vinyl/aluminum siding, custom trim, gutters, windows/doors. Beat All Estimates. ALL BUILDING & REMODELING Lie. 4 Ins. Free Estimates WE DO IT ALU A BETTER JOB... ...Reasonable Rates SCI PAINT & REMODEL 425-4830 BEST CHIMNEY & ROOFING CO. New & REPAIR. Shingling, rubber TIMBERLAND PAINTING roofing, cedar, fiat tarring, gutters A 20 years exp. Custom workmanship. related carpentry. Insurance work A BETTER LOOK1 A BETTER DEALI Llc/lns. - References available. BARTON WALLCOVERINGS «98-9047 Custom paper hanging & removal, HEATING, AIR 8 DUCT WORK custom painting/plaster repair. Ins. 23 Yrs. & Still Painting) Honest, reliable work at a fair price. Ref. CALL JACK 313-728-0191 Fast/neat. Mainly Res. If you want It LICENSED 8 IN8URED done yesterday call Hank 476-8106 ABSOLUTELY BETTER JOB 525-0749 Over 20 Yrs. In the Business! J.T. CUSTOM PAINTING No Salesmen to Ray Professional Quality Service. 200 Plaafrlng 110 Houeedeaning Deal Direct with Owner A Save! I Interior. Residential, Drywall Repair All work guaranteed In writing) * A-1 PLASTER & ORYWALL * Insured. ISyftarscxperiohce. DIANA'S PERSONAL TOUCH Free Est. John. 683-3673 Oust Fr*e Repairs • Water Damag* Lie. A Ins. Housekeeping serv. Professional Foil Specials. Texture * Small Jobs Welcome housekeeper that win give your U c / I M . 31 Yra.Exp. 478-7949 home e personel touch. Call DIANA, 8am-10pm, 522-7043 JACK'S WALL REPAIR Specializing In dust free drywall A MOP HEAD'S CLEANING SERVICE ROOFING RISKS!! INTERIOR PAINTING SPECIALIST plaster repairs. Licensed/Insured. The Best Cleaning Service 462-2550 Journeymen with 20 yrs. experience Small lobs welcomed. Houses, Condos, Stores, Offices Reduce the risk of an Drywall, Plaster, Repair Bonded. 559-3070 unpleasant roofing PLASTERING ft ORYWALL Your satisfaction guaranteed experience. Order our Repairs, additions, new work OR NO PAYMENTI FREE BROCHURE TODAYI Alt work guaranteed 1 » Lattdecaptog Average room from $50. State Llo. 348-2447, 474-0727 All work done by me AFFORDABLE LAND8CAPING 1-800-466-5325 IVAN: 585-8839 'PLASTER REPAIR SPECIALIST-,-, BY LaCOURE Design 8ervlces. Remove old FLAT « ORNAMENTAL WORK ORDER TODAY!! shrubs. Install new lendecaping. ALL WORK 35% OFF ALSO INSURANCE WORK Strip old sod « meter, new. Grading. ROOFING - SIDING - GARAGES CALL THOMAS, 42S-4559 BEAT ANY PRICE Trim treee-ehrvbe. Cleen-ups. msIM Decks - All work guaranteed Painting • Drywall * Repairs custom made ftower-ehrub beds, References - Licensed 421-0251 eteei-ptaatlc edging, custom decks, DaG Painting* 17 yr». Call Mark 537-9378 brick walkways, patios, emeu-large Water ditmeg*. ins. work, plaiterAA8 SUPERIOR PAINTING trees. Install * service lawn IrrigaIng, painting, repairs. Interior & exterior. QueHty work24S Sewing Machine tion systems. BuHd retaining wails. Free nefnl««<l Est. SfW.co. 384-3213 menshtp. Sstlfectlon QuAremeed, InSUUKI. FrMMtlmnteB. 425-3595 2lSPtwnMng Repair HEATING l AIR CONDITIONING Salea • Service • installation Humidifiera > Refrigeration LOW RATESI LICENSED. 937-0785 253 Snow Removal Gall SAM'S PLUMBING. BOB'S LANDSCAPING EXECUTIVE LAWN CARE Decorating Snow Plowing & Salting Leaf & Fail Maintenance .Gutter & Licensed Master Plumber Industrial/Commercial Down Spout-Fall WINDOW Cleaning BRUSH PAINTING CO. •• 525-3163 981-7068 Int.-Ext. Wallpapering Hot water heaters, faucets,, toilets, Ins. Uc. & Ins. Free Est. . 543-1704 sowers, sump pumps, garbage disCOMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL GORDON'S LAWN 4 HOME. CARE posals replaced. A%> new home deSalting Reliable Service Landscaping & clean-ups. Lawn velopments & Sr. Citizen Discount. Reasonable Rates. 10 Yrs Exp. maiht. X-mas- deco. iSnow aemoval. Master Card & Visa accepted ,NW LAWN SERVICE. - . 478-3434 Comm./Res.- Llc/lns. 451-1508 Custom Painting & Wallpapering TROY-:.::... 683-0971 Anyone can paint or hang wallpaper COMMERCIAL LAWN RAKING • CLEAN UPS SOUTHRELD...353-7267 However, are they: SNOW PLOWING & SALTING Gutters Cleaned • Snow Removal. FARMINGTON.. .477-0864 . Insured with reliable service. Disc lor Sr Citizen. Dependable Serv • Neat • Reasonable • Professional Interior or Exterior. 24 hours. 553-6119 * Call 554-3585 * * GARY'S PLUMBING * It doesn't matter. We guarantee All Types Of Plumbing Work RED'S SNOW PLOWING satisfaction. For Free Est. LEAVES PICKED UP - Gutters Remodeling * New Work • Repair Residential a. Commercial. Cleaned. Exp. crew, references. Lie. Master Plumber 453-0010 Reasonable Rates. 24 hour service. Gordon, daytime leave message, Call 9am-10pm. 474-7465 home alter 6pm. 471-2902 Let Us Show You PLUMBING WORK DONE The True Definition Of Perfection Reasonable rates. Fast service. SNOW REMOVAL No lob too small. Residential or Commercial Fantastic Prices 274-2469 Seasonal or per push rate Count on going even it it's snowing 50% Off HACKER SERVICES 474-6914 Estimate Today * Paint Tomorrow QUALITY SERVICE SINCE 1946 INTERIOR'EXTERIOR Plumbing & Sewer Cleaning. ReCOMPLETELY INSURED pairs & Alterations. Remodeling. 269 Tile Work VINYL SHEET GOODS & Vinyr tile All work fully guaranteed installed. Residential or commercial. FREE ESTIMATES - 30 YRS. EXP. 233 Roofing ACE TILERS EXTRAORDINAIRE Your material or mine. A good Job. a Tile, marble bathroom remodeling, 425-9805-229-9885 good price. 40 yrs.exp. irv, 569-1270 ACE ROOFERS EXTRAORDINAIRE re-grout, repair. Low prices, Rels, • 887-7498« Excellent job at a reasonable price. Free Est. Call Lee anytime 729-1765 Roof removals & skylights welcome. 150 Moving S Storage HOMETOWN PAINTING CO. Ref. Lie. Ins. ALL CERAMIC, Drywall Repairs, Low prices, ref., free est Call Charlie anytime. : 595-7222 New Ceramic, Tub & Shower ReBOS MOVING 8 SERVICE INC. grouting & Recaulklng, Custom Bath Any Size Job - Reasonable Rates ALL ROOF LEAKS STOPPED Short Notice Service Remodeling. Lic./Rel. 477-1266 New Roots. Seamless Gutters Free Estimate - Insured 682-9172 Vents, Flashing, Drip Ledge, Valleys. J. B. TILE COMPANY Guaranteed, References, Free Est. QUALITY CERAMIC TILE D 8 J MOVING & HAULING INTERIORS!!! Licensed. 828-2733. Fully Licensed & Insured Home & otlice moving. Garage & EXTERIORSIII For Estimates, call Jim 463-2446 debris removal. Quick, efficient & TOPS ROOFING reliable. Free est. 454-0650 Painting By Michael Fully He.ALL THE TILE LADY Ins. Guar. Tearoffs, rerools. • Stucco • Drywall Repair new work, repairs. Serving your Quality professional work by li- Wallpaper Removal • Staining area over 20 yrs. Free Est. 981-1116 censed builder contractor. Free esti"' rdmim^iding-Reflnishlr niates, Leavs-mcssager—-478-3870 • Deck Preservation APEX ROOFING, INC. Free Estimates Quality work completed 273 Tree Service with pride. Family owned. INDEPENDENT MOVlNQ 349-7499 Lie-ins. Fair prices. AAAA NATIONAL TREE & STUMP Free Estimates Insured For Honesty & Integrity call: Removal, Trimming, Topping LicensenMPSC L-19876 LOW RATES Days 855-7223 Anytime 476-6984 INSURANCE - LOW RATES Courteous, Careful & Competent Deep Root Feeding 326-0671 ANY BRAND TUNED UP IN YOUR HOME - FOR ONLY »8.60 Free Est. II Additional Work Needed BEWPnyfINC. 443-1W» 277 Upholstery J.C.'S UPHOLSTERING Home & office furniture, boat interiors, furniture repair. Free Estimates. 534-3077 STOP1 Don't throw away that old piece of furniture. It's better quality than what your'e going to buy. Let Sunlight Uphostery make It new again. 25¼ oft all fabrics, free estimates. 595-4300. 1-800-400-2500. 284 Wallpapering THE WALLPAPER LADY Hanging/Stripping 15 Yrs. Exp.-Reas,Rates Call Kathy 81:698-2412 WALLPAPERING 5 PAINTING Reasonable - Freo est. Excellent rets. Still time for the holidays. Kathleen: 471-4548 WALLPAPERING & PAINTING QUALITY WORK. REFERENCES WALLPAPER REMOVAL. WALL REPAIR JOHN, 581-4771 WALLPAPER REMOVAL INSURED ARNOLD GOLOIN 356-0499 471-2600 Paporlng, Removal, Painting, Plastering, related repairs. 285 WallWathlrHj 471-2600 835-8610 Wallwashing, window 4 rug cleantrip, Palnllhg. All types ol repairs. 297 Windows FALL CLEAN-UP • Cleaning, re pairs. Anything to do with windows. 471-2600 WINDOW REPLACEMENT Wood or vmyi. See ad Class. 33 RON DUGAS BUILDING 8846 Crown. Livonia - 421-5520 Classifieds Work Buy It. Sad It. Find It. Can Today 591-0900 644-1070 ~M. I Monday,November30,1992 O&E i ••ID *VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV¥VVVVVVVV¥VVV WVVVVV¥VV A'i Kl i»l: • CHAIRMAN AWARD WINNER $ WHAT DO A, X AND Z PLAN BUYERS WANT? $ THEY WANT MORE MONEY SPECIAL OF THE MONTH!! FOR THEIR NEW 1993 TAURUS G L 4 DOOR SEDAN TRADE-INS A Lot More Money AVIS FORD GIVES MORE FOR EVERY TRADE-IN! St. m I IN THE FIRST 10 MONTHS OF 1992 OVER 1300 A, X AND Z PLAN BUYERS Power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, air bag, power drivers seat, speed control, tilt steering, automatic with overdrive trans, air conditioning, AM/ FM stereo cassette, cast aluminum wheels, rear window defroster, light group, GL decor equipment package, exterior accent group, body side moldings, clearcoat paint, side window demister, dual electric remote control mirrors, child safety locks. IS $ ••OjO"i"i NEW TAURUS SHO Automatics Now in Stock! 99 u Have traded in their USED CARS and trucks at AVIS FORD. The reason continues to be that AVIS FORD gives more money on each and every trade In WAS $19,887 $ Have Your Trade-In Appraised at AVIS Before You Buy! $ NEW 1993 ESCORT GT NEW 1993 PROBE Air, power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, 4 wheel disc brakes, AM/FM stereo cassette, power moonroof, premium sound system, -rear window defroster, tilt steering, tachometer/instrumentation, sport handling, v aluminum wheels, console, rear spoiler. Air, power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, rear window defroster, automatic, speed control, tilt steering, convenience group, dual electric remote mirrors, AM/FM stereo, performance instrument cluster, driver's side air bag. WAS $16,193$ WAS $14,231 $ f f f 3 Q 7 * IS NEW 1993 THUNDERBIRD LX NEW 1992 AEROSTAR XL PLUS WAGON 13,999 Air, power steering and brakes, tinted glass, temperature control, rear defroster, power antenna, cast aluminum wheels, automatic overdrive transmission, tilt, cruise, console, fog lamps, side molding, dual electric remote control minors, Instrumentation, interval wipers, power door group, illuminated entry. . WAS $17,030 , 1 1 4 , 4 ( ) 4 Air, power steering and brakes, tinted glass, air bag/ rear anti-lock brakes, AM/FM stereo, 7- passenger with dual captain's chairs, privacy glass, speed control, tilt steering, automatic with overdrive, tlearcoat paint, electric rear window defroster, fold away mirrors, front spoiler, convenience group, courtesy lamps, instruct mentation, super cooling* - • — WAS $18,993 IS 14,474 NEW 1993 RANGER 4x2 XLT NEW 1993 RANGER XLT SUPER CAB 4x2 NEW 1993 F-150 4x2 STYLESIDE PICKUP NEW 1993 F-150 4x2 SUPER CAB PICKUP Air, power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, rear antilock brakes, AM/FM stereo cassette, XLT trim, sliding rear window, floor console, chrome rear step bumper, cast aluminum wheels, clearcoat paint, super engine cooling, instrumentation, spoiler, moldings, cargo box lights, light group, scuff plates, rear jump seat, 3.0 V6 engine, flip pivoting quarter windows. A'«-^k~ _ ^ —it Air, power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, rear anti-lock brakes, AM/FM stereo cassette, XLT trim, sliding rear window, floor console, chrome rear step bumper, cast aluminum wheels, clearcoat paint, spoiler, moldings, cargo box lights, light group, scuff plates. WAS $12,833 Power steering, power brakes, rear anti-lock brakes, tinted glass, XL trim, instrumentation, moldings, vent windows, power point, interval wipers, scuff plates, dome light, Courtesy lights. XL trim, power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, rear anti-lock brakes, automatic with overdrive, V8 engine, trailer tow package, air, argent rear step bumper, rear bench seat, cargo box light, courtesy lights, instrumentation, vent windows, oower point, point, moldings moldings* lows, oower interval wipers. •«*•*••«•• •* * ^ . m 10,282 WAS $15,028 |S S1 2.464 WAS $11,618 IS 9802 WAS $18,204 ISs 15,401 LOWEST PICKUP PRICES IN METRO DETROIT!!" NEW 1993 ESCORT LX 4 DOOR NEW 1993 ESCORT LX 3 DOOR NEW 1993 TEMPO IS $ «p <( GL 2 DOOR SEDAN Power steering, power brakes, body side molding, console, rear window defroster, AM/FM stereo, reclining bucket seats, interval wipers, side window demister, clearcoat paint, light group. Power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, body side moldings, console, rear window defroster, AM/FM stereo cassette, reclining bucket seats, interval wipers, side window demister, clearcoat paint, light convenience group. NEW 1993 ESCORT LX 5 DOOR NEW 1993 ESCORT 4 D00RWAG0N Air, power steering, power brakes, tinted giass, power door locks, automatic, tilt steering, rear window defroster, AM/FM stereo cassette, poly cast wheels, light group. Stock #10889. IS Power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, body side molding, console, rear window defrostr AM/FM stereo, interval wipers, side window demister, clearcoat paint, light convenience group. Deluxe luggage rack, wagon group, rear window washer/wiper, power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, body side molding, console, rear window defroster, AM/FM stereo, reclining bucket seats, interval wipers, side window demister, clearcoat paint, light group. $ WAS $12,042 8827 'lus tax, title, license and destination. Rebate, If applicable, Included. Retail sales only. Picture may at represent actual vehicle. Sale ends 12/3/92. CALL J<.KMi-WJ;l. Av\s FORD 12 MILE RD. SILVER'S! TEL. 121 MALL " FREE TANK With vehicle from OF G A S P v c i v stock 7 7 7 r Dealership With A Heart n o w purchijso T [ l [.(.Pf'AH HD. J I ; M N m t h of 1.' MH. E RD S O U 1 * ' OPEN M O N K THUHS III 0 P.M. 1-800-358-AVIS or 355-7500 ¥VVV¥VVV¥VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV¥VVVVVVVVVVVV •aH 2D* O&E "Monday, November 30,1992 .0¾ uatd monaay, rNovemucr. ju, my*. • •'• • -f^ . •••;•..• ._••._:,,^;:.:;__^_.^_^____^.^^^—^^^m^^^^^^^^^mm fl# EMPLOYMENT Dtntal-MwHcal 502 MrtpWanttdDtnt«IM>dtert 504 HtlpWanted ^ Offfct^tWCtil PSYCHIATRIC NURSE Fult Full or » part-time partrlfrrw RN needed for Accredited Community JCAHO Accradlted :' An> you looking tor a change AND a Mental Health Mental Health Ctr. Ctr. in in Bedford Bedford Twp. Two' DUTIES INCLUDE: Direct client serni ITIEO ifcu~i i mc. ™,«4 i u i * . -as« We may have what you're looking vices, staff education A quality fort ', '.:•:surance activities. Contact.. AT PLYMOUTH COOHT WE OFFER;' Or* WIHIam Hart: «37-9500' : ' . P a k l C r U training An Equal Opportunity Employer •.Competitive alartlng wage •Health insurance, paid sick. RECEPTIONIST for doctors office. . Hotlday& vacation days . •; Basic clef leal sKHls, excellent per'• Tuitionreimbursement .. '.' sonality. Call between 9-12. Farm•» Free uniforms .-•-,, IngtonHHta. : 855-4900 •.Employee 'recognition S. RECEPTIONIST with billing experireferral bonus programs -. ence needed. Previous experience • Clean. Sale » friendly In computers & bUIIng reuqired. Seworking environment ., rious inquiries only 548-6717 ' , . Want to know more?. Please apply Directly: RECEPTIONIST .-' W. IWdornlleW PLYMOUTH COURT ; -medical office h» Immediate oper^ . 105HAGGERTYRP. Ing for a par) time front deeKeposi" P L Y M O U T H . Ml. 48170 tion.; Duties Irwlude: Making ap•'• (Between Plymouth « Mines Drive) pointments, typing eV filing. Call An Equal .Opportunity Employer weekday), except Tues. from 9-4. Call Greta HaJfyatd 855-5620 NURSING DIRECTOR Modern suburban nursing facility seeks quality driven RN. Excellent RN WANTED For phone triage, in busy Suburban Pediatricians Office. salary & benefits. Send resume to Will Train. Call Maryanri at, Box «726 313^476-2723 Observer & Eccentric Newspapers NURSING ASSISTANTS 36251 SchoolcraftRd. Uvonia Ml 48150 OPTOMETIC ASSlSTANT/Receptionlst - P a r t time/full time. Expert enee preferred/not essential. Mature. Top pay. Farmlngton.474-5125 OPTOMETRIC ASSISTANT witty experience,flexible Hours, salary negotiable, pleasant working conditions, Novi area. .. 349-0990 SOCIAL WORKERS Modern suburban geriatric facility seeking both experienced and Inexperienced people- Send resume to Box »726 Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Uvonia Ml 48150 X-RAY PROCESSOR SERVICE Experience necessary. Attractive benefit package.. Salary commensurate with experience. Call betw. PEQIATRIC NURSE PRACTIONER: : ' 525-7S2S To work fufl or part-time, In well es- 8:30-Spm Mon-Frl. tablished. W. suburban Group pediatric practise: Call, 478-2723 504 Help Wanted Office-Clerical PHARMACY TECH: To work all shifts, fult and part-time. Cummurilty' Drug Store. Apply at Andrews ACCOUNTING,CLERK > for busy Drugs: 29436 Ford Rd. Garden City. Wlxom manufacturing plant. Experience In accounts payable/receivPHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE - full able and general office, procedures time for Oak Park area. $5 an hour required. Overall accounting knowlto start. edge helpful, .romputer.experience r -V—r-v-'-^-r "-'•. • 427-1660 A'some college a must: Reply with resume to: Box 710, . PROVIDER. RELATIONS Observer 6\ Eccentric Newspapers 36251 SchoolcraftRd. REPRESENTATIVE . Livonia Ml 48150 CIGNA Managed Care Companies has an ifrirnediate opportunity in our Southfieid office lor a Provider . Relations Representative. ACCOUNTING CLERK Responsibilities or this position include recruitment and continued servicing of physicians and other medical providers within an assigned geographical territory. Requirements include: • Bachelor's Degree • Knowledge of local medical " community • • High degree of motivation • Excellent Ineterpersbnal and . organizational skills , • Detailed knowledge and understanding of specific . delivery model- . . We offer a competitive salary and benefits,package in a professional, .non-smoking environment. Please send resume and salary history to: . Opportunity "available .in our Plymouth headquarters for an analytical Individual with bank reconciliation experience,, some college accounting classes, 1-2 yrs. office work experience, and knowledge of Lotus 1-2-3 & WordPerfect. . We offer a generous merchandise discount and comprehensive benefits. To explore further call Mrs. Mann at: ' • ', 451-5225 WINKELMAN'S An Equal Opportunity Employer Accounts Payable $7 & Up CiQNA Managed Care Companies "••• 27777Franklln Rd. Suite 900 : . " Southfieid, Ml 48034 Long term assignments in Troy & Pontiac. Computer experience necessary. Call for appointment. No Walk-Ins. No Telephone Inquiries An Equal Opportunity Employer. ACRO RADIOLOGY TECHNOLOGISTS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE . Positions available for A.R.R.T, reg, "rstered techs. Mammography experience required. Please send resume to:: . Immediate full time opportunity exists for a highly motivated, nbn smoking individual. Responsibilities include: accounts payable, payroll, Recruiler/Rad Tech . DMC Health and auditing of accounts receivable.' Care Centers Excellent fringe benefits package in. 41935 W. 12 Mile Rd. cludes master medical, optical, denNovi. Ml,. 48377 ial, antJ prortt sharing plan. We area rapidly expanding rehabilitation serA member of The Detroit Medical- vices corporation. If you are InterCenter and affiliated with. Wayne ested in growing with a leader In the State University.' healthcare Industry, send resume In Ah Equal Opportunity Employer confidence to: RECEPTIONIST: Part-time. BirmingMEDI-SPEECH SERVICE ham OB-GYN. Experience in comOutpatient Rehabilitation Agency puter & insurance billing. OB-GYN Human Resources Dept. experience preferred. Call Mon-Frl. 755 W. Big Beaver, Ste. 404 -9-SphV 645-0840 Troy;MI48084-4&0V RECEPTIONIST - 25-35 hrs. per week!.Insurance billing experience & . ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Suburban advertising agency needs typing necessary. Pedford area. ,' . 937-8155 your word • processing experience and all around skills. To S9/hr. Cail Sharon at 357-0037 RECEPTIONIST. PART TIME . Unlforce Temporary Services For outpatient Psychiatric Clinic. lm' mediate opening. Typing (WordPerADMINISTRATIVE CLERK . feet experience preferred) answer phones. Mon. thru Thurs..4-7:30pm: $5.50/start. Full time position at our fast paced Berkley, office, minimum Fri..1prh~5prn; Sal., 9am-2pm.. 6/mos. experience. Must have exAsk for Marie or Pam 647-5320 cellent telephone personality, typing, & accuracy.. Attractive benefit .REGISTERED X-RAY TECH /part lime. Birmingham area, Call for package. Call for telephone Interappointment Mon-Wed-Thur from view between 3-5pmonly. . . 399-18G0 ' 8am-2pm only. 647-4425 Air Master - Progressive transportation company is seeking an individual to perform diversified clerical tasks at our Detroit area offices. The ideal candidate will possess: • Excellent typing and data entry skills • Good organization and communication skills • Strong work ethic We offer: • Excellent salary/benefits package • Opportunities to advance For consideration, send resume to: OFFICE MANAGER P.O.Box 1026 Warren, Ml 48090-1026 Equal Opportunity Employer ^ 40« HrtpWtniid Otrfco-Crtffce.1 m ^ W M ^- ; Offict-Cltrtetl J O B S . JOBS, JOBS, J OBS!" JOBS, JOBS! CLt^M-WORKERS 5 ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ Offict-ClWCar . 504 Help Wanted -OfiicfrCtoriwI ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT . C U S T O M ER.SERV.CE hou^ Slrona^ommuSonfpe^ CUSTOMER.SERVICE International end (dismternptlonri manufacturer mtnulSrtuw «nd i. • C H R I S T M A S DOLLARS /pTrttm*V 2£?andtaeonewskfis required. $ HOLIDAY CASH $ CHRISTMAS DOLLARS CLERICAL WORKERS v n n , tributor (Part-time) trtbutPr of of automotive automotive and and truck truck air elr r m ™ ^ ^ , (Part-time) ^ UVO^AAREA WordPerfectdesirable. CalMBefore LEGAL & MEDICAL SECRETARIES LIVONIA AREA conditioning searchcondittonfrig components component* Is Issearch- FOR T0"* . „, " • „ . . , - ^ , ,*. . . . ^ m , „ « S515PERHOUR iSHoon 545-0511 $5.15 PER HOUR ing for a GERMAN speaking Admin-, We are seeking Individuals with preWORD PROCESSORS CLERICAL environment processing . iznoon, ino f (w » Assistant. OCHMAM lnMkino Admino C Q r*A SKILLS etc i c . vious We are seek Ino vlduals customwith pre-Production _ .. •W.iartnnwyn _ ~Z1-LL lalrattve for ffs Uvonia, banking or ind telephone DATA ENTRY OPERATORS PAYROLLCLERK Michigan. Purchasing end Sales off- Br|ng your akllla to ua eo' that* you er service experience. Responsibili- documents. Good.10 key skills hetpr Growing; company .has Immediate RECEPTIONIST ANP fulV 30/35 hours per week starling, ice. Will provide administrative supearn money for Chrlatmaa grft- ties will include responding tto over between Noon & 4pm. indefinite position available for a peyroll clerk. SWITCHBOARDOPERATORS port, and translate documents Iri can Experience with ADP. payroll proglving tomorrow. We need experi- 100 telephone Inquiries per day and lobs. Call today for appointment. OFFICE CLERKS German/English, We require a high enced some problem solving. help for client compacessing a plus. Some computer ex- TELEMARKETERS (am Or pm shllts) NORRELL SERVICES school gradfuate with advanced ad- nie*In clerical your area. Skills needed:. pwlenceS-exeeneru* communication We offer. Top Pay, Holiday .Pay , ' 953.9748 :, ministrative training, PC experience WORDPROOESSING : Available"(Shifts: , all aottware* skills a must. Excellent benefits & :; : EOE/Olsablod Welcome and3-5yevs.experiencerIn a'strhtv expeclall Microsoft work/worka and Mon. thru Frl, 1pm to 7pm Bonuses, TemrJ-Med Insurance, '' opportunity. Please apply. Mon, thru lar capacity. The chosen candidate Mdn., Tues., Thurs., Frl., ^ LEQAL ASSISTANT Fri. lOsih-^pm will be abW to work Independently, 4otua 1-2-3 9am to5pm .' . The growth ot our. International be detailed oriented and have TYPING-4S-eo,wpm , SNELLING UNIVERSAL STANDARD company h,aa created an-openlng in strong corflmuhication eklHs (Geo RECEPTIONIST - 1-2 yrs. experi- Mon., Tues., Fri., 11am to 7:30pm. . Agrowlng research arid consulting TE-MFORAR.ES pur Finance Dept. 1-2 years experi- man and English). BEHR offers a ence • .' MEDICAL LABS. firm Is, seeking applications from ence preferred Including trandimg cornpetltive salary and an excellent SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR - 1 yr. We offer a competitive benefit pack-, highly motivated Individuals tor the 21705 EVERGREEN . ••:••".NEVERAFEEage with these, positions. Qualified lock box deposits, posting cash position' of Legal Assistant. Position • • SOUTHFIELD, Ml. • benefits package. If qualified and In- experience with 10-50 Hnes ' receipts and closing ana balancing terested, please forward your:re- ACOOUNTINQ » PAYROLL... 1-3 candidates should apply Mon. - Frl., responsibilities will Include; LIV.ONIAt 464-2100 PROFESSIONAL RECEPTIONIST' to General Ledger. Data entry and sume to our corporate headquarters yrs. experience. • 9arriro4pm. SOUTHFIELD;352-1300 . 10-key calculator skills required. for Immediate consideration: AUBURN HILLS. 373-7500 , . Knowledge and Impiemerltatlon ot For h^volurhe real estate office.. Fuli Call today for appt Please eend resume WITH SALARY * SOURCE ONE MORTGAGE & part time positions; Days, evenBEHR OF AMERICA. INC * civil procedures . SECRETARY NEEDED ' REQUIREMENTS or apply In person ings, & .weekend hours available. SERVICES CORPORATION • Coordinating and acquiring file 1 Must, have good typing and word between 9am-4pm at: * Experienced personnel on|y. Attn: Human Resources 5020 Augusta Drive materials . . ' • • : • • 344-7111 processing skills. Send resume and 27555 Farmington Road Fort Worth. Texas, 76106 .Human ResourcesDepartment • Reviewing fife documents and salary history tp: Richard Hyman (817)624-7273 Farmington Hil|s, Ml 48334-3357 , preparing preliminary tile ' „ RECEPTIONIST-PART TIME Builder, 6400 Farmington Rd, Ste. (81?) 624-3328 FAX ' summaries TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE 114. W. Bloomlleld, Ml 48322 Afternoon end Evenings EOE M/F/D Member of BEHR GROUP, Stutt• Tracking and monitoring discovery Cail Anne IMMEDIATE OPENING - clerical po. gart, Germany -SECRETARY - PART TIME, consult855-8534 sition for busy Bedford offlce.Pteas- DATA ENTRY Clerk needed. Must deadlines • Reading and extracting . ants seek part time secretary profihave good typing skills, self-starter, ant phone manners a mutt. Typing/ ADMINISTRATOR/Part time. Real Information from discovery RECEPTIONIST/LEGAL SECRE- cient In word perfect, Lotus with 6700 Haggerty Road estate assistant to broker, seeking computer & knowledge of various detail oriented. We offer an oppordocuments . TARY - WordPerfect experience re- good office skills. Apply by Resume office machines. Apply 6-4:30pm. tunity to grow. Apply at: mature Individual capable of workCanton, Ml 48187 . Overseeing file preparedness quired, 55 wpm, some legal experi- only to: PiP, 24133 Northwestern, ing with directions or Independently. 12600 Arnold, Bedford, Glendale/ RQsenau Power Sport, 24732 Ford Ste-. 210, Southfieid, 48075 for conferences, depositions and ence helpful. Send resume to: Rd.. Dearborn Heights. 276-5000 Computer knowledge of WordPer- Beech Daly area. No Phorie Calls Please trialGalbraith 4 Booms. 29777 Telefect & real estate experience necesDATA ENTRY _ Three plus years of experience as a graph, ff 1.460, Southfieid. Ml 48034. SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST - ' CLERICAL ASSISTANT sary. Must be friendly & capable of Needed for Northville office. Must < An Equal Opportunity Employer. Farmington Hills corporation has Legal Assistant is required. Product Attn; Pam dealing with clients. TO$300WK. NO FEE openings tor 6,500- minimum key- liability, personal Injury or trial lltlgar RECEPTIONIST - part time, flexible be dependable,and able to perform ' Steve Cole. 641^5300 Great opportunity for person With 1 trokes. Payroll a plus. $6.50/hr. many duties simultaneously. $7 per tion experience preferred. TechniACTNOWU houcs. light typing, filing & phone hour plus benefits. Call 344-4900 yr. data entry experience. Friendly Call Doreen at 473-2933 cal/investigative background a plus. BIRMINGHAM BASED PROPERTY Data Entry Clerks, Uniforce Temporary Services Paralegal certification or ' bac- work. Send resume:, Attn: Cindy, management firm has immediate Scuthneld office! Good benefit*! SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST (9000 kph minimum) calaureate 'degree required. Posi- P.O. Box 10, Southfieid. Mi 46037 Opening in computer operations. RBS ASSOCIATES AGY. 540-4130 tion otters a professional work envi- RECEPTIONIST/PAYABLE CLERK Energetic individual with excellent Phone Surveyors Skills include data entry. Income ronment, flexible work hours, com- Full time, $8/hour. W. Bloomfleld. computer* typing skills for busy acbalancing; organization & efficiency, (Phone experience required) . office.. Send resume toImmediate permanent positions petitive compensation, and benefits Send resume to: 1030 East Walton, counting We have many long arid short term & good sense of humor to keep up OE. P:0. BOX 3238, In major company. Minimum 1 year package. Qualified applicants Pontiac, Ml 48340 positions in Detroit and Western with a fast paced office. Lotus 4 Southfieid Ml 48037; oflice experience; Flexible hours. should submit a resume-with salary Suburbs. Call today for an appoint- WordStar a plus. Salary $16,000* : RECEPTIONIST ., Opportunity tor advancement. requirements to: $17,000. Send resume to: • SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST Full time for Troy law firm. Good Immediate opening for busy sales/ Diversified Recruiters Co. J. Kelly, 7360 W. Greenwich Dr., ELLEN POSTER typing skills. Legal experience pre- service office. Full time. Answer InBloomlleld Hills, Ml 48301 ,344-6700 FAX 344-6704 ferred. : .643-4700 coming calls, type quotes, corre2619 Product Dr., Suite 100 BOOKKEEPER - full time thru genRECEPTION IST/SECRETARY - for. spondence, etc. and handle other Rochester Hills; Ml.,48309 eral ledger needed tor a Synagogue Join the leader In the temporary Southfieid CPA firm.,Full time posi- miscellaneous clerical duties. Must office. Knowledge of computers es- help industry. Kelly Temporary Ser- Lotus 123 experience, expedite be dependable, possess excellent Berkley. 396-8960 sential. Send resume & references vices has Immediate openings tor mall, sorting spreadsheets & some LEQAL.SECRETARIES - Immediate tion. Experience with Word Perfect telephone skills, work welt under Uvonia ' 261-1120 to: Bookkeeper,. P.O. Box 662, the following positions: phone contact. For more details call openings. Busy Troy law firm, mini: preferred. Ask for Janet, 352-3230 pressure^ and^type^ 60 jrvpm with No Fee EOE Southfieid. Mi 46034 10am-2pm, ' 4894)555 raum.3/yrs legal experience. Corporate, Corporate Litigation. WORD PROCESSING ' Securities Litigation. Employment International high-tech firm needs 313-846-2835 for an interview or SECRETARIES BOOKKEEPER - must be experisend resume to Z-Welgh, Inc.. 4610 • Law. Excellent pay & benefits, send experienced receptionist. $7/hr. enced, payroll taxes,, safes taxes, 646-6168 Sleeker, Dearborn, Ml 48126 1 resume & salary requirements to CaltRonna Immediate Openings for: computer literate, communication • Experienced with Microsoft Word Uniforce Temporary Services box »708. skills. Call after 1pm, 353-4347 and Exceit or Dlsplaywrlte 4. • Word Processing Secretaries SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST - imObserver & Eccentric Newspapers • Receptionists RECEPTIONIST/SWITCHBOARD mediate full time opening for bright BOOKKEEPER No hypes just great jobs available. RECEPTJONIST-SWrrCHBOARD 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. • File Clerks Ann Arbor sales office of major person in Farmington Hills mamifac- , Part lime flexible hours. Experience Afternoon shifts. Minimum 7.000 OPERATORS \ Uvonia Ml 48150 • Data Entry. computer company has Immediate turlrig office, must have good typing, in 940,941 & quarterly returns. Wlxkeystrokes. Call now for an • Switchboard Operators opening. Experience necessary. computer & telephone skills, also omarea.Calt •.••' 313-669-5700 LEGAL SECRETARY _ appointment. • Experienced with multiple line Full & part-time temporary positions Litigation experience, WordPerfect, Flexible hours, 4-8/hrs./day. Long- some order entry. Recent employconsole phone or switchboard available for the Ptymouth/Cantoh BOOKKEEPER - part time. ExperiBirmingham, tree parking. Medical. term. $7/hr. Mary Glynn 473-2930 ment In manufacturing office help- . area. Call for an appointment. ^ ence required. Duties Include: booksystem. Some typing skills Uniforce Temporary Services ful. Benefits, paid vacation & holiSmall office, self-starter. 540-7660 required. keeping, inventory, collections, apdays. Salary commensurate with exRECEPTIONIST - entry level posi- perience. Call Mon. thru Thurs. 9-3 proximately 15 hrs per week. CanLEQAL SECRETARY PERSONNEL SERVICES CLERICAL WORKERS ton area. Call forlntervtew,981-650O tion in busy W. Bloomfield construcPartTlme 473-9305 722-9060 or 382-2342 5.1 WordPerfect experience and ho tion office. Front desk appearance Or send resume & salary require- • • Minimum of 6 month clerical BOOKKEEPER fault experience. ' 353-3600 and good communication skills are ments to Personnel Dept.. 30057 W. axperience required. Computer knowledge 8Mlle, Livonia, Ml48152 EOE :,- NeveraFee Southfieid GPA firm has opening for a ifulHlme . bookkeeper. Must be • Experience using 10 key calculator LEGAL SECRETARY for fast-paced helpful..Permanent, full time, immeADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY $ HOLIDAY CASH $ Ability to do detailed work highly motivated - self starter, enBloomfield Hills firm. Must have liti- diate opening. Call, 737-8800 3-4 days/wk. Must have exprience thusiastic and convey professional SECRETARY gation experience and excellent w/drctatlon, WordPerfect & possess image. Candidate should possess Please call, 522-4020 LESAL 4 MEDICAL SECRETARIES skills. Call: 645-1450 RECEPTIONIST . WORD PROCESSOR i organizational skills, shorthand a skills in preparation: of financial for an appointment WORD PROCESSORS MRM Air Products is looking for a plus. For appointment, 540-9866 statements, business . and payroll DATA ENTRY OPERATORS LEGAL SECRETARY - 3-5 yrs expe- professional Receptionist. Excellent Several openings in Plymouth - 1 RECEPTIONIST AND rience for busy 12 Mile/Northwest- .phone and communication skills re- Livonia - Farmihgtbn. Temp or a Livonia tax returns & be. computer literate. ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS ern personal Injury, firm.. Non quired. Additional skills requjrejf: Temp-to-Perm. Good phone skills, e [-96 Officenter Great team environment. Please Department of Public Services OFFICE CLERKS smoker. Salary commensurate with Typing and organizational. Good Accuracy. Experience on 1 or more: 33133 Schoolcraft send resume to: City ot Farmihgton TELEMARKETERS (am or pm shifts) experience. Send resume to; SCHMALTZ & COMPANY-, P.C. Prior office experience required. wages. Good benefits. Great ComMr. Acker, 28588 . Northwestern pany. SEND, RESUME A.J.R. PO • Microsoft Ward Attn:P.P Submit application or resume to the We otter Top Pay. Holiday Pay. #444 Southfieid, Ml 48034 ' 27777 Franklin Road, Suite 950 personnel office. 23600 Liberty, BOX354, Novi Ml. 48376-0354. • Lotus 1-2-3 Bonuses, TemprMed Insurance. Southfieid. Ml 46034 • WordPerfect 5.1 Farmington, Ml 46335 no later than LEGAL SECRETARY - small Troy lit- RECEPTIONIST . $17,000 10:00 a,m. Dec. 4. 1992. Salary BOOKKEEPER & Tax Return Proigation firm. Pleasant and congenial range will be $16,994 to $19,785, ef- cessor for Farmington Hills accountnon smoking environment. Secre- Answer phones, greet clients, and ARBORTEMPS 459-1166 fective Jan. 1, 1993. The City of ing office. Experience required. tary must be well qualified, compe- typing Skills required for this proFarmington is a non-dlscrimlnatory, Flexible hrs., part-time. SECRETARY .855-2242 tent, and willing to be part of a co- gressive, international firm. Great equal opportunity employer,, and vintl '-..• NEVERAFEE hesive team. Salary commensurate benefits, growth potential, immedi- jYour experience/Wo/d Perfect 5.1 & provide, reasonable accomodations Lotus are needed by international with experience. Send resume to: ate openings. Company paid fee. LIVONIA. 464-2100 to qualified employees. PERMANENT STAFF technology:firm. Harvard Graphics a P.O. Box 4726, Troy. Ml 48099. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D SOUTHFIELD. 352-1300 Troy . . " Farmington Hills plus: Call Sophie 3S7-O034 CLERICAL/RECEPTIONIST ADVERTISING SECRETARY AUBURN HILLS, 373-7500 Uniforce Temporary Services 585^2720 737.5750 20 hours per week. Advertising agency has challenging Bookkeeping and typing skills. EXECUTIV^ASSISTANT position. Harvard Graphics a plus. An experienced "take Charge" perSMALL BIRMINGHAM business 425-0151 Choice opportunity tor experienced $9.50/hr. CaH Shirley at 357-0036 son will welcome the challenge of needs typist with WordPerfect 50 this responsible position. Hurry! secretary with marketing division of Unlforce Temporary Services experience and written communicaCLERK: Phone order position, for Call 484-090«. leading national company. $10/hr. tion skills. Approx 20 hours a week SNELLING PERSONNEL SERVICES busy Dental Supply. Must, be self Cad Sheila 646-7662 Fast-paced top spot position tor (flexible) some knowledge of resistarter; good communication skills, corporate and real estate experiUniforce Temporary Services CASHIER/Switchboard needed/Ex- Varied duties, some computer Input. ence. Super benefits. Top calibre Telephone poise and personality dential construction helpful but not perience helpful but not necessary. 8:30-Spm- Moh-Fri. BENEFITS. Wilt 649*3762 call Mark at 649-5900 or FAX along with good word processing necessary. Jeff or Anita Apply between 9-5pm. Located In Train. Canton Area. EXECUTIVE CLERICAL firm, 454-0300 skills will count here. Enjoy great resume to: 649-3526! OldRedford. . 534-7200 Bloomfield Hills commercial real e Switchboard Operator SNELLING PERSONNEL SERVICES paid benefits. Hurry! Call 464-0909. CNA ^ MUST BE CERTIFIED tate company needs bright and perSNELLING PERSONNEL SERVICES Immediate opening, permanent jab. " OFTROY - AGGRESSIVE SELF MOTIVATING to work Iri long term care, full or part sonable Individual for front office. Must be professional, welt spoken. \ person for In office. Full time Insur- time, all shifts: Beverly Hills Nursing Recent experience, with WordPerRECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY LEGAL SECRETARY, $25,000 Will be working for a large Company ance sales; no license necessary, Center, Royal Oak. 286-6610 fect. Accurate and fast composition; Outstanding opportunity with Oak- Plymouth Co. seeking experienced with excellent benefits. £15,000-., • WordPerfect will train. Call, 533^878? operator $18,000. Growth opportunity. transcription, file maintenance, and land county firm. Medical Malprac- switchboard/multl-llne 'Display Write COMPUTER CONSULTANT telephone skills required: Pleasant tice experience. 35 Hr. week. Bene- with 50-60 wprh typing or wordpro• Lotus 1-2-3 CLERICAL ADMINISTRATOR CPA firm in Southfieid has opening work environment and competitive fits include dependent coverage. cessing skills. Shorthand or dictaCustomer service oriented individution skills, preferred. Must have Benefits package offered. Call now al experienced in math, reports, for experienced hardware/software salary..Resume.to P.O. Box 7584, consultant. Emphasis on micro acfood communication/people skills, PARALEGAL. $25,000 for an appointment. statistics, PC data entry, volume counting packages. Novell & RBase Bloomfield Hills. MI46302. end.resume & salary history to: Environmental, background. Gorphone work. Must excel In people helpful. CPA or comparable acWORD PROGESSOR - PART TIME EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Receptionist, P.O. Box 5545, skills, organizational skills, decision counting experience preferred. Multi-skilled person- needed for geous new offices. Full benefits. WordPerfect. 5.1. type 65 + , good Plymouth, ML. 48170. making and follow-thru.. organizational skills. Southfieid loSend resume to: temp-to-perm position in Southfieid. An Equal Opportunity Employer , LEGAL SECRETARY, $19,000 cation. Send resume to Box »712 Dictation/shorthand. WordPerfect 1-2 Yrs. litigation experience. Good Al Meitzner PERSONNEL SERVICES TELESERVICES PROGRAM Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 5.1, Lotus & receptionist skills re- organizational skills. Friendly Parker; Wlttus & Co. RECEPTIONIST 722-9060 or 382-2342 LEADER 36251 SchoolcraftRd. quired. Call for more information Birmingham firm. Opportunity to 2000 Town Center, Ste. 1100 Needed for Plymouth date processExperienced In the following areas: Livonia Ml 48150 261-3830. INTERIM PERSONNEL Southfieid. Ml. 48075 ing firm. Successful candidate will advance. 772-6760. BOOKEERER - OFFICE MANAGER • Develop Inbound/outbound possess a professional phone manSNELLING PERSONNEL SERVICES COMPUTER PROCESSOR/ EXPERIENCED WORKERS Com. telemarketing-projects including Fluent in computers, Lotus & Quickner, word processing skills & a high SECRETARY * • ", pensation Secretary needed. Good en, and typing. 2 days per week, , surveys. level of interpersonal skills; Must be . MEDICAL SECRETARY Small Southfieid CPA firm, seeks In- typing skills. Send reumes to: 705 Corporate hospital headquarters. flexible & detail oriented. Payroll exTues. 4 Thurs., 8am-5pm. $10 per • Schedule and monitor dividual with computer experience. Frederick, Royal Oak. Ml 48067 hour. Orchard Lake area. 681-7060 performance of TSR's Experience with Word Perfect. Med- perience deslrabtei Full or part time. Let ADIA put your experience Secretarial & organizational skills • Ability to makespeclflc program ical terminology a plus. To $9.50/hr. Pay commensurate with experience. to work for you! We're the worlds FRONT DESK BENEFITS ADMINISTRATOR required, knowledge ot accounting recommendations Call Meredith 646-7662 Reply In confidence to: Employer second largest full service agency software & processing tax returns Use your energetic personality and • Assist Teleservices Manager as Solutions, 41590 Joy Rd., Plymouth, specializing in temporary & full-time Uniforce Temporary Services Thoroughly experienced in the adhelpful. 358-0300 recent experience in a fast paced required. . ML 48170. No phone calls please. placement. environment. $7/hr. ministration of health, vision, dental, Positions offer full benefits. Please NATIONAL LEASING company Call Ruth at 367-0641 life, disability, 401K, worker's eomp. forward resumesto: seeking energetic, hardworking indiCUSTOMER SERVICE Uniforce Temporary Service Must be knowledgeable of all revidual for lease documentation proADISTRA CORPORATION The Employment People turn-to-work compliances, medical cessing and general clerical duties. 101 Union 3S8-S890 Please send resume to T.H. r P.O. leave, generate new-hjre/termlnaPjymouth, Ml 48170 , , ^WttjOOG—tforTpT Box 9066, Farmington Hills. Ml FEE PAID BY COMPANY,- . Wlxom area. Requires filing, light 48333-9066 worked with the ABRA Human ReDo you want a SECURE & STABLE sources software Is a definite plus. DISPATCHER needed for major typing, good math aptitfde & familposition with outstanding benefits. If Musi also exude the following qualiyou have experience handling heavy medical company In Farmington iarity with office machines In casual OFFICE ties: warmth, team-player, personphone volume and some word proHills. Must be able to handle many atmosphere. Call today for appt. CLERICAL able, congenial, punctual, under- We are seeking Individuals for sev- situations In busy, stressful dept. cessing can for an immediate apInteresting job with manufacturer pointment, standing. Please forward all eral new, entry-level clerical posi644-4600. PERMANENT position available In a Long -term assignment with permastaff of hi-tech manufacturer In lresumesto: SNELLING PERSONNEL SERVICES Southliekl Advertising Agency for a tions. If you have any or all of the nent possibilities. Call to apply 275 corridor. Diverse secretarial/ ADISTRA CORPORATION following qualifications: TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE Temporary Resources clerical responsibilities. Requires SALES ORIENTED GENERAL professional person. Must have, ex101 Union 737-1711 mature self motivator with good typ- SECRETARAY - full time for State perience with MaclNTOSH. EXCEL. Plymouth, Ml 48170 528-8454 Receptionist/Phone Experience ATTN: Randy Shaffer . GENERAL OFFICE - part time, 2-3 ing skills & computer literacy. Com- Farm Agency. Seven Mile & tnkster PAGEMAKER S MICROSOFT Data Entry/Typing 4 0 + WPM 531-0117 WORD. Good typing skills S phone An Equal Opportunity Employer days per week. Experience In typing, petitive salary, great company paid Rd.area. Alpha/Numeric Filing voice Important. Cali today for a 10 key. accounts payable/receiv- benefits. Please send resume to: Math Skills HIGH TECH COMPANY needs part personal interview or send resume BOOKKEEPER *3ox 696, able. Westland area. ' 729-7022 to: P.O. Box 514 time mature Secretary knowledgeObserver & Eccentric Newspapers • All Shifts Southfieid. Ml. 48034. One of these positions may be for able In the use of IBM PC & other GENERAL OFFICE - Computer exBookkeeper needed In Southfieid 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. • Full-Time/Part-Time general office procedures. Reply in perience. Full time with benefits. office. Growing manufacturer needs youl We offer a competitive benefit Uvonia Ml 46150 writing to: Advanced Technology InHURRY IMMEDIA1E OPENING Apply: House of Maple Furniture, experienced person to handle ac- package. cubator Inc. 31275 Northwestern counts payable, accounts receiv- Qualified candidates should apply Good keystrokes. Some positions 32098 Plymouth Rd., Livonia. could be long term. Hwy, Ste 150, Farmington Hills, Mi able, thru trial balance. Position is Mon. - Frl., 9am to 4pm Call Today 48334 full time, competitive wage & bene$5 Per Hour and Up. SOURCE ONE MORTGAGE fits, professional work environment. Fulltime for Westland office. ComSERVICES CORPORATION Call Mon., Tues., 10am to 5pm, puter experience required. Lotus AH 3 Shifts Available. Attn: Human Resources 313-353-2041 experience preferred. Send resume Macintosh office: Excel, Word, Pa27555 Farmington Road Or send resume to: Personnel, Southfieid, 358-4270 to: Margaret, P.O. Box 530, Westgemaker. Call ASAP 431-1415 $ I HEARD IT THROUGH Troy Location. Farmington Hills, Ml 48334-3357. Bona) Technologies, 21178 Bridge land, Mich 48165 THE GRAPEVINE $ Troy, 879-9070 St,^Southfieid. Ml 48034. SECRETARY NEEDED - TelemarSecretaries or Word Processors: Please call our job opening hotline GENERAL OFFICE CLERK keting experience preferred, but not SPENCER DATA ENTRY • Gel free windows tralningl for Information on these and other We have an immediate opening for a necessary. Send resumes: Attention PERSONNEL, INC. Plus: openings: (313J488-7JOB, International client needs your general office clerk capable'of workPersonnel, 19827 W. 12 Mile Rd.. • Win a Color TV (313)488-7502. 10.000 keystrokes and attention to ing Independently & with the followFULLCHARGE Southfieid, 48075 559-0110 detail. $7/hr. Call Doris 357-0644 • or Other Funtastlc Prizes ing skills? ' " ' Experienced thru trial balance, mulNEVER A FEE EOE Uniforce Temporary Services. SECRETARY, PART TIME, tor • Refer a friend & you still qualify tiple sets ot books, knowledge of If you are hearing Impaired please • TypeSOwpm 1 OFFICE HELP BLoomfieid ofllce. Please send reCall today for details. Solomon software. Full time position call for assistance, 1-800-649-3777 • Data Entry DATA ENTRY Part time opening or busy Roches- sume to: 21 E. Long Lake Rd. Suite SNELLING TEMPORARIES EOE M/F/D with benefits. Farmington Hills loca• 10 key adding machine . ter firm. Tuesi thru Frl., 9am-4pm. 211. Bloomlleld Hills. Ml 48013 Troy 362-5090 Detroit 871-2700 PLYMOUTH AREA tion. 1-800*342-8921 • Good telephone technique Interested & qualified applicants Must be well organized. Ideal tor A largo national corporation needs should send resumes to: Embest mature college student or homemaker with office experience. Phone data entry cierk for Indefinite tem- Inc. 31770 Enterprise Dr. Livonia, Mi work, customer Interface, P.C. & orary customer service position. 48150-1957 some bookkeeping skills a must. 7/Hr. for accurate typist. An Equal Opportunity Employer Please call for interview, 652-8411 HOMEMAKER RE-ENTERING - job ARBOR TEMPORARIES OFFICE HELP WANTED The Standard Products Company, a market that has computer, office, leading manufacturer of rubber phone skills, light bookkeeping, ac- Taking customer orders, quotations; 459-1166 parts for the automotive Industry, counts receivable! Call, 6B0-0707 inventory contltl. Typing & math skills very important; plus many seeks a Clerk to perform general EARN other duties. Located In Wayne, Ml, IMMEDIATE POSITIONS office work for the Customer SerHOLIDAY 722-7171 Available in the Farmintbn/Novl For Interview call Joann vice Department at our office In area for Word Processors, Data EnDearborn, CASHII OFFICE MANAGER try. Receptionist with phone board Word Processors Seeking motivated & reliable IndiCandidates should be proficient * Long term temporary position in experience. Call today for an ap- vidual for 1 person office. Dulles Inwith WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3 West Suburb. MICROSOFT WORD pointment. All fees employer paid. 30060 Orangelawn 826 Dowling clude typing, phones, billing, light and have good communication and experience with WINDOWS is nec- REMEDY TEMPORARY SERVICES bookkeeping & ell other gefteral off26200 Town Center Drive, telephone skills, A high school edu- essary, Uvonia 48154 Westland 48185 ice duties. Good computer skills cation (or equivalent) preferred. Du- • Temp to permanent part-time &' full Suite 270, Novi, Ml,„313-380-0900 necessary. Reply with salary history ties will Include typing, filing, and time positions In Detroit end Sub- INSURANCE AGENCY - In South- to: P. O. Box 33106, Bloomfield answering calls. urbs. WORD PERFECT 5.0 e must. field desires experienced personal Hills, Ml. 46303-3106. Top Pay and Benefltsll lines CSR. Good benefits and workWe otter an attractive salary, good Call today for an appointment. ing conditions. 356-1600 OFFICE RECEPTIONIST - benefits. benefits', and the opportunity to Apply in person 9am-5pm: Dynamic, grow with an Industry leader. For KEYDISC/KEYPUNCH experienced 41180 Vincent) C g . (Novi). oft confidential consideration please dala entry operators. Day/aftwnoon Meadowbrook between Grand River send your resume to Human Reshltls. Full or steady p-irt time work. & 11 Mile. No phone calls please. sources, Department SPG. (No Ms, Hardman, 581-5151 POSITIONS phone calls please). . AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 396-8960 FRIENDLY OUTGOING - Individuals Berkley needed as leasing consultants. Full In Farmington Hills & Southfieid 261-1120 Livonia 32810 W. Chicago A part time positions available. Will• Data Entry Operators No Fee EOE ing to train the right people. • Receptionists Uvonia 48150 . Call. 624-9449 • Switchboard Operators 2401S.Gulfey • Word Processing Operators • Word Perfect 5.1 LEQAL SECRETARY Dearborn; Ml 48124 Personal Injury Law Firm has open- • Lotus 1-2-3 ing for Legal Secretary wtlh 1-3 yrs. Call Manpower Temporary Services Equal Opportunity Employer M/F for an appointment experience. Send resume to: OFFICE MANAGER 471-1870 CLERK/TYPIST 31700 Mlddfebeft Rd. Suite 240 Detroit based firm seeks entry level Farmington HMh), Ml. 48334. PERSONNEL RECEPTIONIST clerk typfsta. Candidates should Fast-paced employment service repossess a minimum typing speed of •DATA ENTRY LEGAL SECRETARY - For well es- quires multi-talented Individual to 40 WPM, good phone manner end • RECEPTIONISTS tablished mid-tired defense firm m manage busy front office. .Seeking general clerical knowledge. Excel- • SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS Farmington Hills, '2-4 years experi- enlhuslestlc candidate with ah exlent advancement opportunity. This • WORD PROCESSORS ence. 70 w.p.m. 476-6900 cellent phone manner and InterperpoMtton It futt time with complete (with WordPerfect a Lotus). sonal skirls. General office backbenefit package. For consideration, • PART-TIME TELEMARKETERS LEGAL SECRETARY pfeete forwerd resume to: Troy law llrm relocating In Jan. to ground required: computer experiFarmington HWs, Novi, area. ence helpful. Immediate opening CLERK/TYPIST We can work around your achedulel Bingham Farms. Experience pre- direct position. Competitive wages/ ferred, word processing a must. P.O. Box 77» Type 65-70 wpm, salary commen- benefits. Please cetl: TECHNICAL Detroit Ml 46231 Call today for an Immediate ' surate with experience, beneftis. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS/ appointment. COLLECTOR Well groomed with pleasant speek- The Employment Connection Compenlee. (313M«5.9»00 NationM|l*«efng bompeny is seeking ing vowe, non smoking offtc*. en experienced coinmerctet ooHeoCaflTrecey 646-3660 OFFICE WORKER ter. Self Marter, reeutts oriented tnReliable, energetic, dtvfdwet. EWetteni work environ"' Th« Errtployrrwnt Peoprt LEGAL SECRETARY needed. 2-3 phone vote* a must! WW mertt, Pfeeee tend resume to Colyears famity tew exptrksnceJetery tram. Apply tfl person: lection Merwder, P.O. Box M M , negotiable. Pteete contact Lauren. Farrtrlngton Hffii, Ml 41333-0066 313-357-4868 S3100 Telegraph, Southfieid. No Fee Accounts Receivable - .;v. Glerk 528^8454 Future Force AMERICAN YAZAKt CORPGRATION DATA ENTRY DON'T BE LEFT OUT IN THE GOLD!! """CORPORATE PERSONNEL DATA ENTRY SERVICES ADIAhas DATA ENTRY ADIA 525-0330 ADIA Personnel Services KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICES SNELLING TEMPORARIES LEGAL SECRETARY $25,000 FEE PAID RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY $19,500 PLUS APPLY NOW WORD PROCESSORS CALL ADIA. 358-8890 ADIA , WORD PROCESSORS Receptionist ADIA WORD PROCESSOR/ SECRETARY CLERICAL Future Force DATA ENTRY OFFICECLERKS WOLVERINE STAFFING GENERAL OFFICE SECRETARY WOLVERINE STAFFING 358-4270 BOOKKEEPER Departmental Clerk OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR In Relational Database Technology, Sybase's advanced open client/server architecture is the new industry standard. Due to unprecedented growth, Sybase's Sales Oflice in the Farmington Hills area is seeking an''experienced Office Administrator to handle a wide variety of office management duties as well as budgetary responsibilities. RED WING TICKET WINNERS S CORPORATE PERSONNEL SERVICES Requirements: •3-5 yrs. administrative experience. • Initiative, self-direction and motivation. • Outstanding communication abilities. • Knowledge of Excel and Macintosh. • College degree or equivalent. SYBASE 504 Ht.pW.nttd _ Offica-Ctoricrt ACCOUNTING ACCOMNTINQ CLERK/CLERICAL Full-time for lor Soumffeld SouthMekt landscape Fiilt-tlm* li.nd.cap* firm. firm. Requirerrtents: Retirements: experience exr*rience in in computerized computerized accounting accounting Including Including payables, billing a. receivables. Also, hiiuu tResumes k^MiJlhiM n«..hu typing &. phone. onlyu*n tor N.L., 24001 Telegraph Rd. Southfieid, Ml. 4M34: . BOOKKEEPER $20,000 591-1100 CLERICAL 504 HrtRWanttd Offic^Cl^rical Tony Rosati Jan Jaber Shirley Furget 18427 Foch Livonia 48152 24931 Elmira Radford 48239 S.A. Cracchiolo Beth Ann Dauble 1528 W. Horseshoe Bend Rochester Hills 48306 The Standard Products Company EARN HOLIDAY $$$ ADIA has IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR We offer an excellent compensation package and competitive benefits. For immediate consideration please mail or fax your resume to: SYBASE, L. Jacobs, 6550 Rock Spring Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817 Fax (301) 564-0338. No agency calls please. BOE/AA Questions? Please call (301) 564-5295 vv mmmmmm Please call the promotion department of the Observer & Eccentric before 4 p.m. Friday, to claim your free ticket?. 591-2300, ext. 2 1 5 3 ADIA 442-7800 naaMtea Sam Martlnico MMMM • Congratulation*! • 3D Monday, November 30,1992 O&E MARKET 504 IMpWantfd Officfr-Ctorical 505 Htlp Wanted Food-Bwtray 506 H+Jp Wanted S a t f 506 HtlpWanttd 3»ltf 506 Hdp Wanted Satot 506 HflpWantfdSalff 506 Htlp Wanted Safta 508 H*)p Wanted 506 Help Wanftd Domestic / •••.; IS YOUR JOB helping make your ATTENTION SALES Donwetie A CAREER SHOULD BE BY REAL ESTATE SALES dreams come true? Chart your fu- $26 000 Guaranteed! If you always REPRESENTATIVES DESIGN NOT BY DEFAULT . NANNYS & HOUSEKEEPERS. \ AFFECTIONATE NANNY.- needed SWITCHBOARD/RECEPTIONIST ture with international marketing wanted to start a career in real esBUS/DISH HELP - Full or part time, That's why Real Estate One offers Don't Quit Your Day Job Experience required. Top salary and;; part time for roving 15 month old in Major health care provider needs days or nights Good wage for right career choice* for the setf-dlrected, Substantially supplement your cur- company Call 458-7659 tate but felt you coufdn t lake a --: our Farmington HrHs'-home. Non benefits. All areas: --• , your experience Horizon a plus To person Apply in person Silver- ambitious Individual and then sup- rent income setting Franklin Bank chance on a tower first year income, S7 50/hr Call Rebecca at 473-2933 man's Restaurant, Main St at Ann ports those choices through inten- commercial checking to your exhiStnow is the time to get started Call • Experiencect,; vyell spoken, smoker, references A own transpdr- THE NANNY NETWORK 739-2100 V tatfon required. Exoelientpay. Arbor Rd , Plymouth Unitorce Temporary Services sive training, staff assistance, high Ing clients. Part time effort could Carolyn Bailey at 348-6430 to find produce big time dollars for the Are you a successful professional our about our guaranteed income Begin d a n . . ^553-0208 NANNY to care-for infant & toddler . quality education programs, and strong people skills CASHIERS & Hourly. Management r ^ & H c f l f f i i r a e n j ^ — „ — - ^ worried about lay offs? Or Is the program, and start immediately in a - ExceUnnt lQb oapgrtunif lent jnnrtwstlytT TnarJiietlfMitflQiff. imedi ~ home.' " -•• ' • needed - Furl OfParTTlme ftexlbh 3 ^ 1ISnflaT ' l D I * rjOT'Tboul our guaranteed Income No previous banking experience 'B^uitmnj uaiuuimj ybnr ttftntyle7 careeTfield of unlimited . ' S53-WiW-.v year old. 3. days. per week. ?Vour. Mon.-Frl. necessary, iooklog for sharp Build a safety net! Very lucrative full REAL ESTATE ONE hours & pay Apply within program Call EOC • Excellent hourly pay place 6> mine, Farmlngton hills: Refsalespersons with tne right con- or part time opportunity Well estabBurger King, 32704 Grand River, • Excellent bonus program erences required.: ,',788*3057 NURSE'S AIDE needed with expert- . tacts Will train Commission paid lished nationally recognized health Lisa Dumsa' SALES ENGINEER Farmlngton or-calf 471-5991 ence^ in working -with' handicapped ,,^ ' ' Detroit area automotive manufacon both number of accounts sold & care co 800-266-6245 ext 7292 Wanted by International company »Excellent training BABYSITTER fbr_3 mo.pld In OUrW person, who. cannot-Watk. Other, r*-.,:. 356-7111 turing company Looking for experi- CHAPLINS COMEDY Club located percentage of balance Don't pass manufacturing leak and flow testing program : .. Bloomfletd home, afternoons ap- sporistbMl,ies: Included: .Mon.-FrL '• MALL DEMONSTRATORS enced Telephone Operator Recep- In Canton Softball Center Is hiring REAL ESTATE ONE, INC. up this opportunity Please send reinstruments for non-destructive proximately 25 hrs, Experience & 7;30am'-5pm. 5160/weekV 476-0422 , . • Evening'work, plus Sat. sume fo Personnel 28400 W 12 Salary and/or commission for testing for quality control tionist with 3-5 yrs experience with experienced waltstaff Apply in perreferences required: , 851-7902 high volume switchboard Must have son. 46555 W Michigan Ave Canton ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE SALES - na- Mile R d . Southfield, 48034 All pro- Christmas season. ME"or E E Degree preferred with • 30hrs. per.weeK SPANISH SPEAKING family dealres tional temporary service seeks ex- spective new hires wilt be tested for Please call 333-1300 good communication and presenta- Call Mon. thru Fri.' 0 Id 9pm.' typing word processing & strong babysitter'for ;1 yr.; old boy In -our . ( : BABYSITTER/HOUSEKEEPER., perienced sales person for expand- substance abuse tion skills Willingness to travel ex- Sat, Sanyo 1pm. communication skills Send resume In'our Uvorfelhome. Syear old, 3 nome-Or yours. 10 Ml. Orchard Lakev MARKETING PROFESSIONAL ing, established territory, at least 2 An Equal Opportunity Employer tensively and demonstrate instrustaling experience, qualifications & COOK & WAIT PERSON -; -;473#015 . year old, & newborn. Part time now, area. Mon-Fri, Livonia mechanical contracting ments to customers yrs, business sales experience. salary history to P O Box 23091, full or part time, flexible hrs full time Jan, 4. Will pay well for right company seeking individual for marMid $20's phis accelerating comDetroit Ml 48223 CAREER OPPORTUNITY Sam's Cafe Novl, 474-8887 mission Reply to Personnel. P O MARKETING ASSISTANT energetic person. OK to bring your 3 WOMAN LIVING In South Blvd./Adketing position Engineering graduirias Rd. area to help with - house,, Professional sales people needed Marketing or Business degree pr& year old or older. Call for recorded ate a plus Please send resume to Box »1531. Birmingham, Ml 48012 for marketing real estate in a unique CRACKER BARREL RESTAURANT Equal Opportunity Employer M/F (erred with good communication details, 591-7684 work Saturdays, every other vVeek, TERRITORY MANAGER Marketing. 12425 Stark Road, tax sheltered program We offer .10anv2prn. Call after 7pm. 852-1894Now hiring for all positions Com' skills Ability to understand techni- Despite the Doom 4 Gloomer*, •' ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE SALES Uvonla. Ml 48150 WORD PROCESSING SECRETARY petltive wages, exceptional benefits cal applications and perseverance we re growing Into the 90'a: If you BABYStTTER/HOUSEKEEPER ':Career opportunity with Southeast- high commissions for full or part Suburban healthcare headquarters Apply In person-l-94 & Belleville Rd to be on the phone for long hours are Interested In not participating In care for 2 yr old. wanted 3-4 days 509 Help Wanted ern Michigan's largest AT&T VAR time positions For Information call MEDICAL SALES has immediate opening for your Mr Richards at 261-4720 Recent graduates also welcome to per weekHome is located In 13 the recession, and you have at feast and supplier of hightech telecomIndependent representative wanted apply No phone calls please Word Perfect 5 1 & Lotus experiDELIVERY DRIVERS WANTED 3 yrs: of sales experience, read fur- Mile - Telegraph area. Must be good munications equipment, networks, Couples for specialty Durable Medical Equip- Send resume in confidence to ence $9 50/hr Call Stacy 473-2931 Earn up to $10 an hr Celt or come and software Highest commissions ther ..MRM Air. Products Js a pro- with children A have recent referCHANGE YOUR LIFEI ment company (D M E.) expanding GENERAL MANAGER Umlorce Temporary Services In. Mon thru Sun 29934 Southfietd in the Industry with bonus, profit Start a new career In real estate gressive distributor representing ences & own trahportatibri. Into SE Michigan. Experienced In ATEQCORP. Rd. SouthfWd. , 557-770Q sharing, 401-K plan, medlcat/optl- today. Call Carol Yost at 952-5590 626-8222 top of the line products.in the fluid medical sales and/or college degree power Industry. We are looking for a cal/dentat Insurance, car allowance, •tor Troy Area. 42040 KOPPERNICK RD. preferred. Must be articulate, action EARW EXTRA money for the holl^ and expense reimbursement. person with a college degree or FPS BABYSITTER - loving, mature. & exCANTON* Ml 48187-2417 oriented with strong .selling skills. , REAL ESTATE ONE days. Wait Staff, Cooks, Dishwash- Please call Dave Fisher at 489-0148 Certification. A working knowledge perienced to take care of my 4 yr. & MANAGER C O U P L E : Attractive commission program with ers. Must have experience & trans- ext. 202 to arrange an appointment. SALES .HELP REAL ESTATE of Pneumatics or Hydraulics and a 6 mo. children. Our Nov! home. 2-3 Join a great property'organization & .; monthly performance bonus. days/week, hon Smoker, references assist in, management of large apt: •: portation. Call' First - Impressions CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Builder needs experienced real es- familiarity with the automotive . If you have knowledge in 1 or more Temporary Agency. Mon-Frt., 9-12; Send resume & cover tetter . Terry. 347-3479 community located, in Plymouth:,. tate sales person to handle sales In industry is preferred, tf you meet the required.. Start a new career in real estate ADMISSIONS ADVISOR/TALENT IPC SPECIALTIES ol tne following software packages: 478-3644 new subdivision in Commerce Twp. above mentioned requirements, SCOUT for John Casablanca's Mod- today. Call Carol Yost at 952-5590 BABYSITTER NEEDED 20-25 hours Maintenance experience required, • WordPerfect 5.1 . . P.O. BOX 80324 Draw available. send resume or call: for Troy Area, or Carol Shelton, eling & Career center. Attractive, viweekly, experienced. Must have good salary, a p t & benefits.., Valley Forge,-Pa 1fl484 • Lotus 123 . 363-8479 or . 332-7330 FINE DINING vacious person who likes to work 652-6500 for Rochester area MRM AIR PRODUCTS: Please call - 4$5^880 ' own transportation. Farmington «Macintosh Waiters/Waitresses, Bartender, REAL ESTATE ONE with the public. Full time, commisNATIONAL LEASING company P.O. Box 354, Novl. ML 48376-0354 Hills: 553-8552 1 SALES - NEW CAREER 1992 We have short& long term positions Bus Help COUPLES WANTED "". • sion plus bonus, exciting work, seeks, vehicle sales representative. . Attention David. Nichols avallalbe now In Troy & surrounding W. Bloomfleld.. Call 737-0160 Unusual opportunity for a refined^ CHRISTMAS HELP Plymouth 455-0700 Light to medium duty : truck sales CALL, 348-6900 : areas. Must type 50 words miniFull & part time people for retail andr'pr finance experience preBABYSITTER needed for 3 small and perhaps retired couple with ex- mum, Call immediately for appointFOODSERVICE ADVANCE YOUR CAREER sales. Opportunity: $200 $300 week, ferred. Duties will include vehicle National music company seeks goal children Morn-Wed-Frlln our Beverly ecutlve and administrative skills to -£ ment. WAITSTAFF/KITCHEN HELP $$ DAILY CASH $$ Hills home. Gall after 6pm, 647-9021 manage one of the areas-most preV Our 17 year old company Is a lead- part. time. $400-$600 a week, full oriented people to handle local retigious apartment building. Please Now hiring full time for all shifts. Re- ing distributor of telecommunication time. Experience helpful but not sales/leasing and direct marketing. tail/fund raising accounts with muExcellent base pay and commission tirement community. Please apply in systems. We are seeking an orga- necessary. Call BABYSITTER WANTED,fOr .2 chil- apply to: P. O. 3040, Birmingham,**" Our company is the fastest growing 525-6285 package, and pleasant work envi- sic & video.products. Weekly re-or"* person: Flelschman Residence, nized & goal-oriented professional ders • bonuses. Rapid . advance- meat company in the midwest. You dren In our Oak Park hpme, 7:30am- Ml., 48032-3040. • ' . - - 591-1100. ronment. Please sendresume to: 6710 ,W. Maple, W- Bloomfleld, with equipment sales experience. COMMUNICATION SALES 5:30pm, Tiies,- Wed. A Fri. Noncan start now and earn. ment. Call immediately % ANOFFER YOU CAN'T REFUSE $ Mon.-Frl. 10-2. Inside, sales. position In Southfield, D.S., PiO. BOX 9066, Farmlngton .818-783-8347 or local 222-1505 smoker. Call after 6pm. 542-5693 This individual should be earning a Hills, Ml 48333-9066 EARN TOP PAY $$$ 511 Entertainment $600-$1500 per week An Equal Opportunity Employer minimum of $40,000 annually. Bene- must have previous safes expertSALES PERSON- EXPERIENCED Company vehicle, monthly prizes, BABY SITTER wanted Sat. & Sun. • WordProcessors 353-2234 fits include salary, top commissions, ehce. for appointment ANY OCCASION, OFFICE EQUIPMENT . Lube oil/gasoline. Send resume to: trips,-weekly bonus check, & mari- AM., 2 boys, Southfield area. Tran• Secretaries HOSTESS/HOST (Part-Time) even- auto allowance & Blue Cross. For a Representative for outside sales, ^Disco - Big Bands - Top 40' . Personnel, P; D. Box 3023. Birming- agment opportunity: * Data entry operators portation required.'- • ' ings. Mature person preferred. No confidential Interview, call: . COMPUTER SALES leaps & car allowance. ham, Ml 48012 • Typists (50wpm) CaUnbwl (313)623-2600 Call. 352-7482. CHRISTMAS & NEW YRS. Available experience necessary. Apply within: Computer reseller seeks two enthu(313)652-3070, ext. 22.;, Call Mr, Spitz at , 356-2300 ProD.J.-$150/Up 474-8084 • Receptionists. Monroe (313)234-4004 Roman Forum. 41601 Ford Rd., siastic and dedicated telemarketing SALES PERSON for new, moderateBABYSITTER wanted for 7 mo. old, Put your skills to work todayl Canton 581-2030 AGENTS WANTED salespeople. Telephone sales and/ PROMINENT RESIDENTIAL guilder/ 4y-prieed condomirtimums^-JrVaUed DJ SERVICE 3 or 3 rnrjrnlngs/wki & possible K N E L L I N G TEMPORARIES Specializing lh new construction, or computer knowledge is a must. developer is looking for highly Lake/Wtxom area; Experience ' ^Wailable^or-the^fioliday; weekend night In my Huntington 507 Help Wanted Troy 362-5090 Detroit 871-2700 new sUbs. motivated Individual to handle mar- new construction sales. One person Draw against commission plan. Hosts, Hostess, Woods home. References. 548-3062 pens since 1979, flexible rates, ref610-2557 851-9950. erences. Gary 464-7750 keting & sales duties in his Troy de- office. Work directly for developer. Computer Sales PartTime Wait Staff & Line Cooks velopment.. Specific experience not BABYSITTER WANTED to care for 505 Help Wanted 37713 Schoolcraft . Send resume to: Box 608, Full or part time. Apply in person. AGGRESSIVE, sniall advertising necessary but will be considered. Observer & Eccentric Newspapers ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK toddler's, infant in our home (13 Mile . FORGET your brother-in-law!! Livonia. Ml 48150 37716 6 Mile Rd., Laurel park Place, agency looking for Account Weekend work' a must. Pay comneeded ;for busy, small real estate & Telegraph area) Mon-Fri., 6-6pm Professional SANTA tor home,, of- ' Food-Beverage 462-1060 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Executives with new business expeLivonia, , mensurate with experience & ability; developer. Must have payables, Experienced, non" smoker, car, Eng- ficwe, school, club-restaurant. A l l ' Livonia Ml 48150 476-6750 rience. Straight commission. Accepting applications for: Send resume to: The Benelcke CREATIVE SALES 353-,1576: ext. 44 ages. Clip & Save, general accounting background; lish-speaking. . resumes to: 615 S. Wood- If you' are your own toughest com- Group, 200 E, Long Lake Rd. »165, SERVERS Send resume to: Clerk, PO Box 664, Little Caesar's Italiano. Send SALES. REPRESENTATIVE ward, Royal Oak, Ml 48067 Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48304 BLOOMFIELD. HILLS, experienced HOST/HOSTESS H o ! H o ! H o ! '."••:' petitor, you have one of the keys to Bloomfield Hilts, Ml. 48303-0864 Major Metro Detroit Travel Agency Opening soon. Accepting applicaloving Nanny for 3 and 6 yr, olds, . At. the Ground Round. Flexible tions: Walt Staff, Food Prep Crew, Have Santa and/or Co. (Mrs. Claus,. being successful In our career. We seeking outside sales representaA CAREER, . PART TIME •. 5 days, live In, Tues. thru Sat., non Elf & Caroler) visit you.. hours, competitive wages. Apply Dish. Apply: 23780 Michigan Ave., V* 981-5271 are seeking the person who needs tive. Travel background preferred. If, A GREAT PLACE TO WORK . BANK TELLER WANTED smoker, must drive, references redally between 2 & 4pm at: ultimate freedom & independence you are self-motivated, with strong - ^ mile E. of Telegraph, Dearborn AND A $25,000,DOLLAR .MUSIC TO YOUR.EARS :'••'-^^ At Credit Union. 15-20 hours quired, goodtwages. 626-9577 .Ground Round, 30005 Orchard together with financial rewards & sales background and are result-OriMINIMUM INCOME GUARANTEE Professional Disc Jockey and Video per week. $8 per hour. Must Lake Rd. Farmlngton Hills. 851-7404 LOCAL RESTAURANT - Currently ented, please send resume to: Di< CHILDCARE • IS WHAT WE CAN OFFER TO THE feeling of accomplishment. Top service. Karaoke: For alt occasions.' seeking kitchen & dining room susales people earned $80,000 plus In AMBITIOUS? CONSCIENTIOUS? rector. Corporate Travel, 44 E. Long have experience. Apply in person for Dependable, mature non smoker, to AMBITIOUS, CONSCIENTIOUS APPLY WITHIN: WAIT PERSONS pervisors. Some experience ' re.Call Dave/669-5844 •' 1991. We will consider serious appliLake Rd.. Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48304 interview on 11/23 or 11/30 at provide full time TLC in our NW Troy AND SELF MOTIVATED. needed for Chinese dining - and quired. Competitive wage. Opportu23400 Plymouth Rd., near Telecants - preferably with college deSOLOIST: Holiday music for ' DISHWASHERS. Part Time work nity for advancement. Send resume Call JOSEPH P. MELNIK, CRB, CRS gree. Ca|l or submit resume in configraph Rd. in Hedford, Ml, between home, Mon-Fri, 3 children, referenc- PIANO We will train you and start you on private/corporate parties. Popular, SALES es & own transportation a must. Salonly. Moy's Restaurant. 16825 tor-Mr. Van, P.O. Box 530822, Livo5:00pm-8:30pm. REAL ESTATE ONE, INC. dence to: Con Otterbeln, Michigan long term, high income career, ary negotiable. ... 641-8661 standards. Having a wedding:? Call Middlebelt, Livonia. REPRESENTATIVE nia, M148152. THE PLYMOUTH/CANTON OFFICE Financial GrOup, 30600 Telegraph, . Call John Bellfuss, Uvonla me! Vocalist available. . 661-5622 CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS Ste 2191, Birmingham, Ml 48025. CHILD CARE for 1 year old in my AWHUR TREACHER'S FISH & PART TIME EMPLOYMENT . REAL ESTATE ONE Progressive national health care 313-540-9300 Plan Your Christmas Party Early Royal Oak home. 3 days per week. CHIPS now hiring all positions. Ilex MANAGER & CHEF - Experienced & agency seeks a dynamic self-starter A NEW CHANCE AT SUCCESS -STARLIGHT SOUNDS r Non smoker,. references required. brs. Applications being accepted at personable. Full-time for new res261-0700 DIRECT SALES PERSON for full-time Sales Representative The City of Farmlngton Hiils anBirmingham Bloomfleld area . . - • ' • 549-4359 Disc Jockeys. 8 Years Experience. •: fel-12Ma.il office. 353-4111 taurant opening soon in Southfield. position- Enthusiasm and dedication nounces the following part-time winPlease send resume to: P. O. Box This Is your opportunity to discover To train, for management position. Keith 482-1467, ' James 534-1447,, : REAL ESTATE CLASSES ter employment opportunities' In the Experience in calling oh CEO's of a must. Supplemental staffing expeCHILD CARE NEEDED, ASSISTANT MANAGER tor high 48472. Oak Park, ML 48237. the unlimited professional & finanSANTA FOR HIRE for infant & 6 yr. old boy: Mon.-Fri.. traffic bake shop. Must.be outgoing cial rewards of a career with Real companies. Old line company ex- Learn how to obtain your Michigan rience, a plus. Take advantage of Recreation Division: 8am-5:3Qpm. Begin Jan.2. Roches- Available for family & olfice'parties 4 service oriented. Will train. Estate One. Classes will be starting panding nationally. Very,- very high Real Estate license. Our classes are this great career.growth opportunity MANAGERS SALARY ter Hills. 656-2065 including Christmas Eve & Day.' Call Come, 352-5695 soom Call Laura Cahtln. 646-1600 earnings'. Mr Arthur: 313-377-9060 taught by experienced profession- to join our rapidly growing health. CLASSIFICATION Pre-Schooi Years of.experience. • 624-6104care team. Competitive compensaIndustry leader, national family resals. State of the art facility, bay end tion and benefit package. Send reDISCOVER THE ADVANTAGE CHILD CARE needed full time in my Day Camp Counselor ATTENTION taurant chain,- needs professional, PM classes available. $125 includes sume with salary requirements 4n Pre-School ARE YOU LOOKING * "100% PLUS" commission plan: Royal Oak home, for 6 month old 512 Situations Wanted ambitious management dedicated tuition and materials. FAST FOOD MANAGERS * More advertising. • starting Jan. 1993. Non-smoker with Art Instructors A CHANGE? complete confidence to: to service. Immediate local open- I love FOR For more Information call during references. ' , 549^3627 TIRED OF BEING Pre-School my new job. My Old Job was * Complete Closing Department. . ings. Excellent benefits, training & never like this. The work Is fast female business hours: Call Jerry Wolfe today USED 4 ABUSED? GENERAL MANAGER Tumbling Instructor DEPENDABLE, caring mature percareer opportunity. No fee. 421-56601 MOVE UP TO SIT DOWN DINING paced and challenging. 1 work, be1-800-989-2121 CAREGIVER FOR ELDERLY mature, 26261 EVERGREEN RD, SUITE 215 Pre-School son for elderly lady, 24>Hr,Ji»e-ln.. tween 42 and 46 hours In a well disDance Instructor experienced, part time. 2-3 days per SOUTHFIELD. MM8076 $22,000 1ST. YR. NO FEE Own room & bath ; References. PERSONNEL SYSTEMS played showroom. I enjoy people Pre-School RBS ASSOCIATES AGY. 540V4130 . 626-6914 week. Driving, housekeeping, etc. 459-1166 arid get great personal satisfaction Day Camp Aides 5.00 W. Bloomfleld, An Equal Opportunity Employer Excellent references. 352-099B REAL ESTATE from helping them. I how earn more BARTENDERS, EXPERIENCED, for. Pom-poh/Cheerleadlng FAMILY in .Bloomfield Hills seeks $3000/mo. and I'm not the evening work. Some cooking InSALES 8.00 Housekeeper 3 days a week, Mon- CHILD CARE, UvoKia area. Lots of Instructor PROFESSIONALS MOUNTAIN JACKS than highest paid salesperson In my comtime and love for your little one. volved. Good Job references. TruGreen-ChemLawn has openings Sled Hill Attendant 6.00 Wed-Fri. Occasional child careVnon pany: l also have a full benefits Independently Owned arid Operated The old days and ways are no morel for several sales people: $300-5350/ Downhill Ski Aide Cantcn:487-9770 FARMINGTON HILLS 6:00 smoker, excellent references. Must Plymouth &. Middlebelt area;. Call package Including major medical Lori: 261r0502 . week salary plus commission & Facilities Attendant 5.00 have own transportation. 737-1724 Just getting a license is hot enough Is now accepting applications for: and dental, paid vacations and even BARTENDERS. Walt staff, bus peoDiscover The to insure success, tf you are willing bonuses, Call Mr. Hunt at 525-5200 Adult Basketball CARE.-Loving grandmother, profit sharing. • LUNCH & DINNER ple. Applications being taken, Dec. ; 6.00 HOUSEKEEPER/NANNY for busy CHILD Scdrekeepers Coldwell Banker Difference to work hard, no other, company can STORE MANAGER 1 4hru Dec. 10 at. The Local Bar 4 single parent with 11 & 8 yr. olds in yrs, of experience, excellent; referWAIT STAFF offer a better, package to help you Catch a rising.star with America's Youth Basketball ences, TLC, hot meals, fenced yard, Grill. 9am-3pm. 454 E. Lalayette at A Free Seminar 6.00-12.00 Bloomfield. Live-in /preferred* non- full time.. Call Jean:If this sounds like you, we should attain a successful career Iri real • COCKTAIL SERVERS largest & most decisively'expanding .532-1375 the corner pi Beaubieh 4 Lafayette. smoker, references. 569-1130 talk. estate. on Real Estate fashion accessory chain. In this key • HOST/HOSTESS ART VAN FURNITURE BARTENDER/WAIT PERSON - full position at our Northland locatfon, Counselors and instructors are re- LIVE IN HELP NEEDED for loving CHILD CARE - $l.50/hr.Part time, Sales Careers , WESTLAND • Individualized training time and part-time. Clancy's Bar & Apply in person Mon-Thurs 2-4prri. you will manage all facets of store quired to plan, implement, and su- family, 6 days/week, light house* only, any hours, any days. Meals a- •*• THURS. DEC. 3,1992 --^ • 100% commission plan MR. THOMAS 425-9600 Grill. Farmington Hills. operations, from merchandising S. pervise the recreational activities. keeping & child care. Birmingham. snacks fnctuded. Call Mary. 24275 SINACOLACT. 537-7232-^ • Completely updated office NOVi payroll to store personnel: Our can- Must have at least one year experi- References required. 477-7177 540-1757 7 PM NIGHT COOK - Full & Part Time and technical.systems MR. DONOVAN 348-8922 didate will be a take charge individ- ence in related position. All pre218 S. Main, Plymouth Experienced. Farmington. CLEANING-at affordable rates by BATES HAMBURGERS - 33406 5 • Group health coverage ual with retail supervisory experi- school classes will be between the LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER/Hetper, for LIVONIA To reserve seating Call Mark between 2PM-5PM Mile, Livonia. 22291 Middlebelt, ence: We offer competitive salary, hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. • Best buyer and seller system MR. FERGUSON 478-8870 call Pat Ryan - 453-6800 84 yr. old Invalid man, Birmingham. experienced, pleasant lady," North j 477-0099 Farmington. Full & part time, meals bonus program, full benefits & ad• # 1 rated franchise sytem Free room & board plus wage, call Woodward area. You must be 544-1667,' and uniforms furnished. Apply in vancement potential.'To apply call Application will be accepted until son at 398-9277, 8:30am, Mom-Sat. pleased.. • Unsurpassed national and local ARE YOU WORTH MORE? PART TIME CAFETERIA Laurel at 313-462-2614 December 11,1992. Apply In person person, Sam to 10am & 2pm to 5pm. Help needed In Livonia. Mon.-Fri. Are you fashion-oriented, great with advertising exposure EXPERIENCED loving care isiavail-1 LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER or in writing to: people & worth more than you're, only. $4.75 per hour. Please call CLAIRE'S BOUTJQUE Orchard Lake family seeks experi- able for your child at affordable: Call Jim Stevens or Neal Lamphere. between 1-4pm: 523t4911 presently making? Due to our draAn Equal Opportunity Employer enced fuir charge housekeeper/ba- rate. Ptymouth Area. References. Department of Special Services 459-6000 for personal Interview matic success, we will hire &• train up Call: 416-8077 bysitter to live In. Duties include City of Farmington Hills to 8 additional designer-focused TARGET PASTRY CHEF WANTED ALL POSITIONS child care & household management EXPERIENCED Nurses Aide will as31555 w . 11 Mile Road. Schweitzer Real Estate SUPERVISOR with floor experience for top area retail shop. Send re- sales consultants for our Bloomfleld Flexible hours. Looking for fun, tasks, such as: cooking, cleaning, Farmlngton Hills, Ml 4*8336 sist senior citizen, etc. Will live in or Hills and West Bloomfield stores. in retail desired, flexible hrs. sume to: 3580 Orchard Lake Rd.. 19 Offices energetic people. Apply between shopping & errands. Must be eng~ part time. Excellent references; An Equal Opportunity Employer $250/WK WHILE LEARNING' College degree required. Apply dur2-4pm daily. 2555 Woodward Ave., Orchard Lake, Ml 48324 Expect the best* ^ llsh speaking, non-smoking & have 352-5011;. . . 321*6200' interior design sales, tralning^-sf ing business hrs at Bloomfleld Hills. DELIVERY PERSON-Ught deliver- references & drivers license. Cheerschool desirable, but hot necessary TARGET, 30020 Grand River Ave. DRIVER SALESPERSON (or the right candidates. A successFarmington Hills 476-1808 ies.co.car. Knowledge of metro area ful, helpful attitude a' must. Room. F A R M I N G T O N H I L L S . - , ExperiBEVERLY HILLS GRILL helptul.ideal for retiree, $4.25/hr. enced, mature-woman willing to do board, salary, car& health insurful career in retail sales requires the Automotive after market wholesale Seeking: Call after 10 a.m.: 427-8300 ance provided- Call - 032-5363 typlng.fiiing.'bookkeeping, answerTELEMARKETERS NEEDED, No ability to work some evenings and distributor desires experienced drivWAIT PERSON ing phones; 3 days/week: -661-0016 experience necessary. $50 per hour Schweitzer Real Estate most weekends (Saturdays & Sun- er salesperson. Responsible for sellLOVING,. happy, nurturing houseJANITORIAL ^ PART TIME PM DISHWASHER possible, incoming calls. Call •GENERAL MANAGER to £35,000 days), with days off during the week. ing & delivering battery's & various Apply In person: REAL ESTATE Universal Cruises, 968-4445 Available immediately. Clean private keeper to provide care for a 2 yrV-old GOOD, THOROUGH Housecleanlng ~ parts lines to the service station For an appointment; call Brian at + bonus school. Experience heeded. Call & infant in Bloomfield Hills home. by 2 women. 3pm-5pm; mornings.t 31471 Southfield Road. market. Compensation & benefits, (313)334-5756 •MANAGER to $28,000 + bonus Matt, 8am-12 noon, Mon thru Fri. Must have reliable transportation. taken. References. Trustworthy; reli- '• • between 13 & 14 Mile Roads. commensurate with experience. Pre-LIcense classes are now formTELEMARKETERS •ENTRY LEVEL to $22,000 + bonus 669-8743';• Experience & references helpful. able. $50. ; 3 646-8900 Submit resume Including salary A ing! Double your income! It's easier Experienced telemarketers with exBOB EVANS RESTAURANTS Ask tor Janet: 540-4232 than you think) Call now to begin cellent phone skills needed immedibenefit history to: Box #716. HOUSECLEANING.p by.an e x p e r i Now accepting applications for ex- National full service family dining FURNITURE Observer & Eccentric Newspapers your new career! ately for sales/customer service. LOVING MOTHER To care for your enced, dependable,, trustworthy pai-ini-oH Line Cooka. Apply at; chain. Excellent benefits, training; & •• ASK-FOfrSTEVC 1IOCKII 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. PaH"&"fuirtirhehOufs available.—~ Toddiercrilia:FoitrqrparT=tIm6. . — - •woman,, reasonable,- cxceHentrefef-^career opportunity. Local units. (PART-TIME) 13911 Middlebelt at Schoolcraft. ATTENTION Livonia Ml 48150 ences: Call Carol.. - 3 1 3 - 4 3 7 - 1 3 5 2 ' . , 473-7212 Appointment needed - call today Must be at least 16 yrs. of age In Non smoker. Wfistland Area. Ladles & Gentlemen: A Metro BORDER CANTINA in NOVI Steven J. Greene Personnel 528-8454 Calf, : 722T4727 order to work until 9pm In compliDetroit Car Dealership is now hiring EDUCATIONAL SALES MANAGER LET DARLENE'S DAYCARE with. 10 ,£i Hiring for alt positions. Mexican rear ance with the Fair Labor Standards new car salespeople. No experience Local branch of national chain, very yrs experience & a reputation f o r - * 3 taurant background preferred, RESTAURANT & NIGHT CLUB Act, must be able to work days, high earnings, to train for National Walton MATURE PERSON wanted to live In dependability & TLC provide a " * &^ Call Melissa 277-9252 Assistant manager-Hands on mana- necessary- Will train the right evenings and/or weekends and be. person who is willing to learn a r-7-iai Manager. Mr. Edwards. . 377-J216 health, happy home environment tor ger experienced In bar tending & able to transport books in carts. with elderly woman, must drive. Call your child. Call .COOK POSITION - FULL TIME serving. Salary low to mid teens. rewarding career in automobile 535-8694 vrp. TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE 313-646-4131 $4.50/hbur. Applications available between 9am-7pm. ELECTRONICS 464-6400 "available at Botsford Hospital. Med- Apply In person Sheraton Oaks Ho- sales. Contact Eric Wheeler, New TELEMARKETING - Immediate how until 4pm, Dec. 7. 1992 at City MATURE NANNY for newborn In W LOVING MOM WILL BABYSIT " 474-0500 Inside sales position Is available at ical benefits & holiday pay included. tet..Novi (Novl & 96). No phone calls. Car Manager openings. Hourly + bonus: 9;30am- of Troy Personnel. 500 W. Big REAL ESTATE SALES the Premier Electronic Manufacturyour _children. 5 Mtle/Middfebeli ^-¾ BloomfieldLight housekeeping/ Strong culinary background pre2:30pm & 3:30-8:00pm shifts. Farm- Beaver. Troy. ATTENTION - OLAN MILLS Is now er's Rep Company In the state. We cooking. Own car and references re- area. Flexible hours, references. •, WEST BLOOMFIELD ferred. Applications are being acSAUTE COOKS : * # • ington area. Charlotte. 478-2784 hiring full time In your area. An Equal Opportunity Employer are looking for a quallty-orlehted In- $25,000 guaranteed income 522-9321 quired. 932-2655 cepted at 28050 Grand River In the experienced. Apply within: - Appointment Coordinator: dividual who Is conscientious and program combined, with excellent Dietary Department, Mon.-Fri. 9-3. TELEMARKETING Salvatore Scalloplnt, 6565 scheduling appointments, LOCAL OFFICE of a-national organihard working. This is an excellent No phone calls please. training....yours for a phone call to $5-$7/hr. + bonuses, management graph, Dearborn Heignts. answeing phones, light filing. zation needs 2 part-time people. We 506 Help Wanted Sales opportunity in a nice environment Fran Mlrsky, 851-6000 opportunities. Evening Hrs., Plym- offer training, earn while you learn, • Telemarketing Manager; managing for the right individual. Education CATERING MANAGER Start Your Real Estate Career outh. Contace Mr. Burke 416-1860 flexible hrs.. choice of location, betTHE COZY CAFE - ALL POSITIONS local telephone sales offices. and experience will help, but quality The Successful Way) AVAILABLE DAY OR EVENING. Will • Sales Consultant; direct sales ter than average potential earnings. is essential. Please send your reDining Services Inc.. one of Michi- train right person. Contact: TELEMARKETING Call Keith { M p m onty) 968-6950 presents portraits & packages sume in confidence to: Greg Raths- SALES/MARKETING REP gan's respected professional food Michael 455-3510 or Nick 455-3501 to customers. burg, P.O. Box 3361, Farmington Allied Electronics, a national com • Must be articulate service management companies has MAINTENANCE PERSON • Must have a proven track record In pleasant studio atmosphere, Hills, Ml 48333. an excellent position available for WAIT PERSON portent distributor, is expanding in • Part i Full time available days Flexible 15 hours per week. For Catering Manager. Experienced. Full-time days, Mon- guaranteed hourly with excellent Plymouth. We are seeking an indimore information call Village Oaks ELIZEBETHS BRIDAL MANOR Apply Today. 261-1654 Fr|, 11:30-5pm. Apply R.J.'s Pub, benefit package. Call vidual with the desire to succeed Club House, . 349-0510 or apply In person at: Olan Mills. Now accepting applications for We require an individual with the ed- 288 W. Tienken, Rochester Hills. and grow. Telemarketing experiWOLVERINE Terrenes Corner, 16312 Middlebelt, full-time and part-time sales. ucational & business background ence preferrable. Experience in'the MAINTENANCE PERSON Experi402 S. Main, Northvllle. Food Industry. In a recession p e o p l e Livonia. Mon-Tues-Wed, 10am-8pm needed to assume hands on caterSTAFFING WAIT PERSON electronic industry Is not necessary, enced in ail phases of office building ing responsibilities. Duties include Equal Opportunity Employer Full & part time. Apply in person but helpful. Salary plus commission, ENTRY LEVEL SALES REP maintenance. Up to 30 hours per d o not n e e d new homes, new clothes, 358-4270 customer service & all related activiThe Box Bar & Grill Mlnorlty/Female/Handlcapped/Vet and benefits-. If you are ready for a Base + commission to $35,000. Deweek. Maintenance. P. O. Box 864, ties; daily operation in quality con777 W. Ann Arbor Tr., Plymouth challenge call Mon-Fri, 8am-10am, new furniture, new cars, new insurance TELEMARKETING Bloomfleld Hills. Ml. 48303-0B64 ATTENTION SALES ASSOCIATES gree preferred. Will train. 473-7210 trol; budget responsibility thru an313-416-9300 Steven J. Greene Personnel Experienced or New nual & weekly reports; computer liWAITRESS OR WAITER policies, etc. MAKE $10 to $15 per hr. or more EOE/M/F/V Portions available with growing Discover the terate. We provide a comprehensive Needed full or part time. selling roses at concerts and company. Competitive benefits, salColdwell Banker Difference: starting salary & benefit program. Experienced. SALES/MEDICAL - leading provider ary plus commissions, great working nightclubs. Must be at least 18 and BUY THEY DO HAVE TO EAT! Send resume in complete confiOf computer systems for medical In- environment. Call, 626-3722 work well with people. Call Julie at: > Pour Commission Plans dence lo: Food sales, delivery & service com- dustry seeking well organized, You need 1 yr. ol telemarketing ex373-6666 Get into a recession proof o c c u p a t i o n WAITSTAFF • Referrals/Relocation DINING SERVICE INC. pany looking tor food representa- motivated individual to market perience, some industrial sales, colNeeded for full service restaurant • Best BuyerVBest Seller- Systems NURSERY AIDE - Livonia church tives. Please call between 10am- products In Detroit area. Minimum lege degree (or equivalent). a n d m a k e great money. C o m p a n y Box 660 inside The Franklin Racquet Club. - Accredited Training seeks loving person to help care for 4pm. at: 471-5696 of 5 yrs. medical sales experience Call Mon.. Tues., 10am to Spm. Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Night shift. Full club privileges upon and knowledge of Detroit medical vehicle , provided.,.Advancement o p infants/toddlers from 6:30 to noon. 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. 313-353-2041 FORGOTTEN WOMAN employment. Immediate opening. For a personal interview contact: market required. Excellent compen- Or send resume to: Personnel, Suns. Seniors welcome. 261-7229 Livonia Ml 48150 Birmingham, part time sales. Expe- sation ft benefit package, excellent Call Paul or Tim. 352-8000 ext. 56 portunity. ' JACQUELINE STEUER Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Bonai Technologies, 21178 Bridge rienced, energetic person to work OFFICE ASSISTANT: Great work In* opportunity for growth. Please send 737-9000 477-4353 3-4 days. Call Cyd 258-8861 resume & references to: National S t . Southlietd, Ml 4B034. vfronment. Must have good computSales Manager, 29299 Franklin Rd., TERRITORY ADVERTISING Sates er and telephone skills. W. BloomSouthfield, Ml 48034. Representative. Corporate publica- field Area. Work. Mon thru Thrus, tion has full or part time positions in 1-5:30pm. Call. 661-1000, ext. 347 To arrange for an Interview. Farmington Hills. Southfield, Troy & SALES OPPORTUNITY Local office of National Organization seeks 2 individuals lor their market- Entry-level sales person needed Birmingham areas. Excellent pay. PART TIME HELP heeded to assera ing staff. Free training to those who with outgoing, tenacious personality flexible hs. Call between 9am-5pm. bte centerpieces & baskets tor a Schweitzer Real Estate 693-2944 Oakbrook Common, a retirement community qualify: Earn while you learn. For coupled with ability to cold call in Ask for Mr. Peterson. small creative party planning store. the growing service-related indus19 Offices more Info,, call: of over 300 residents, has openings for the Own transportation necessary, TRAVEL SALES AGENT . try. Some sales experience desireExpect the best v DENNIS COHOON able. Salary plus commission struc- Foi Michigan's largest four operator hours to Increase. 10-5:30.352-2752 following positions: ATTENTION SALES ture. Rush resume and salary re451-5400 For over 43 years a tradition of quality PART TIME JOB CLEANING OFFIC28 yr. old parent company. New Di- 462-3000 JOIN OUR TEAM! quirements to: Personnel (LK), P.O. • COOKS ES - must be available evenings and vision. Seeking experience sales- HOMEMAKERS - RETIREES, spare Box #4966, Troy, Ml 48099 Real Estate Brokerage has been our Sal. afternoons. $5.50 per Hr. fo people. $50-$60K first yr. potenlal. • FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANTS Wfl ore looking tor reservation sales time on your hands - children In 348-5778 Hallmark at: SALES REP agon is who aro up-beat, articulate. start. Plymouth. Canton. Walled school? Work your own hours, call • DISHWASHERS Lake « Mlltord areas. 591-7781 Branch office of Fortune 500 com& ensily understood on I he telefor details BUI Amlcl 525-7900 BALLY'S VIC TANNY is now acceptpany has 3 full time openings In our phone. Computer experience 4 trav-SERVERS ing fesumes for our Sales Training PART TIME RECEPTIONIST LEASING POSITION el education are a plus. We will train Flexible hours - u p 10 23 hours/ Program. It you are an energetic, for apartment community In South Employee Benefits Dept. • DIETARY SUPERVISORS - with 3-5 on our program. self-motivated professional field. Full time. Sales experience • Full training at our expense. week. Must have telephone skills year* experience In long-term care • J26-S30K 1st year earnings salesperson, this could be the ca- preferred. Benefits available. and light typing required. W o r k w i t h s o m e of M i c h i g a n ' s highest • Incentive (rips Apply in person only! • reer opportunity for you. Please mall Call Call Betty Barbour. ' 646-1600 356-0400 • Existing clients Full-time, part-time and contingent positions Tues. Wed.. Thurs.. Fri, earning- Real Estate Sales A s s o c i a t e s . A or drop off your resume at: 16000 Coldwell Banker Schwelfrer • Full retirement program between 10-12 noon A 2-5pm Northland Dr., Southfield, Ml. LOAN OFFICERS WANTED available. Benefit package with full-time. limited n u m b e r o f sales p o s i t i o n s are 48075. PART TIME - S6-$e per hour. PerNational mortgage lender now has a • Profit sharing program, Send resume or apply In person at the HMHF TRAVEL CORP currently a v a i l a b l e . manent position for 12 Oaks Mall. Interviews will be begin the 1st weel branch office located In Livonia. We Call Terry, Mon. 8-4pm.. for confidential Interview. 313-637-9880 29566 Northwestern Hwy. No selling, will train. People skills reere looking for aggressive people of December. following times, (no phone calls): Southfield, Ml quired. Ask lor Ann. 543-4500 wilh a proven track record in 1st Tuesday, December 1 - 8:00 pm-10:00 am SALES REP • OFFICES IN ROCHESTER, TROY, BEAUTY CONSULTANT mortgage originations. We offer an •'WE ARE EXPANDING" PERMANENT. PART TIME excellent benefits package, car alEARN $ 15/HR. GUARANTEED 5:00 pm-7:00 pm PROCESS INDUSTRIES Experienced or new sales associMorning position. Hours: 8 or 8:30 BIRMINGHAM, PLYMOUTH AND ALOETTE Is currently training for lowance & earnings commensurated We are a top 50 distributor as listed ate $ Full (mining Available. 100% lo 12 noon. Mature, responsible this area, Flexible hours. Excellent wilh experience. Our commission In Chemical Processing with manu- commission program. Offices In person to assist in our office with Thursday, December 3 -10:00 am-l2:00 noon WEST BLOOMFIELD earning opportunity and career ad base Is one of the best. .Send facturing and engineering value Wayne. OnHinnd, Washtenaw Coun- phones, word processing, and other resumes to: vancement. Call for Interview: added capabilities. Growth oriented, ties Call Petor Orlop. The Michigan misc. otflce duties. Southlietd Town Friday; December 4 - 1 : 0 0 pm-3:00 pm • IN-HOUSE TRAINING PROVIDED Temple Inland Mortgage 313-694-1330 we have doubled company's sales In Group, 313-953-2600 Ext. 21 Center location. Send resume to: OAKBROOK COMMON, Human Resources 10616 Mlddtebeit past ft years. • TRAINING CLASSES START Box 894 A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE Livonia, Ml., 48182 WHAT RECESSION??? Dept., 1S3S1 Rotunda Dr., Dearborn, M l Observer 8. Eccentric Newspapers SALES WITH US IS A "REAL JOB" Or caft for appt: 442-0505 REGULARLY Seeking a seasoned outside sales 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Our programs and support systems person tor the Detroll/Tnledo marWe seek 2 MONSTER SALES PEO48120. MANAGERS/TRAINEE Uvonla Ml 48160 are so effective we guarantee you a ket. This top performer should have PLE! Recession proof business. CaFor more information and Large International corporation minimum annual Income of $25,000 Emm> Opportunity Emplaytr looking for an aggressive Individual a minimum oi 3 yaars experience in reer move. $75,000 plus within 120 SECRETARIES (2) lor commercial wilh unlimited potential. confidential interview with with ambition to earn $30,000 per valve actuation, mixing/process dflys. Must have bachelors degree, property management A accounting DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR year a more. Wining to start at bot- equipment. A technical degree or piny golf, love the Red Wings, be department Strong WordPertecl FUTURE. CALL ME TODAYIII Phyllis G o o d r i c h , Director tom A learn new business. Opportu- related industrial experience a phis, surgically clean, non-smoker, Amer- organization, and detail skids needSUE KELLY, 644-4700 ican car with phone, professional, ed. Lotus needed for accounting ponity for $300 a week while .teaming. REAL ESTATE ONE, INC. of Career Development Call 525-6265 We offer attractive •alary/commls< best dressed, exceHent presentation •ition, Flexible weekday hours. Send Btoomf letd - Birmingham sions, benefit*, A the opportunity for skills, a a command of the English resume to: Secretary, P. O. Box 884, call 851-5500. language. Commissioh-out-tAtes Bloomfleld Hills, Ml. 483034884 professional growth. CAREER MINDED hardworking perposition. Tons ol phone work. Modson needed for a local office o f a naern Troy office, Work (realty work) 6 TELEMARKETING tional wgimiiatton. We train you, Locafroftfce of a rTattonal organlia- For a confidential interview aend days per week a some evenings, earn white your leern, choice of lo- tloh needs a good few people, will- resume to: Box 680 otherwise do not waste our time. See ad under telemarketing In the Observer A Eccentric Newspapers cation. Potential 1st Yr. earnings m ing to work hard and be trained. R«sume to. JB. 570 Kir to Blvd. Ste 36251 Schooteralt Rd, General section or call after 8pm . excess of »26,000. Call Mr. GUARANTEED 925,000 first year In231. Troy, Ml 46084 Llvonls Mi 48150 McLeffen < M p m onty) MB-«950 come. Oaft Lisa Dumta at 356-7111 Uvonla 421-7435 TELEMARKETING CAREER LAY OFFS , SWITCHBOARD RECEPTIONIST 313-539-3¾ ASSISTANT Word Processors $8.50 & Up ; $700 -$2000 /WK ACRO REAL ESTATE CAREER WE WANT YOU!! 455-7000 The Prudential Wolfe Realty COLDWELL BANKER BENNIGANS 459-6000 COLDWELL 'BANKER RESTAURANT MANAGERS!!! hillside LIBRARY PAGE CENTURY 21 Hartford South Future Force • *i Salesperson/Manager $1200/WEEKLY FOOD SALES FOOD SERVICE COLDWELL BANKER Call Mr. Sharp a t 9 5 3 - 4 0 7 2 FREE CAREER SALES OPPORTUNITY WEIR, MANUEL, SNYDER a RANKE, INC. Marketing Trainee «*- WEIR. MANUEL. SNYDER & RANKE. INC REALTORS - - . ' • • i ii mmm*^™* •' « 0&£ Monday, November 30,1992 • 512 Situation* Wanted F«mate 515 Child Care CHILDCARE 7 Mlle/Farmlngton area ' LOVING MOTHER wishes to sit your Openings for all age*. All shifts. child. Westland area. N of Ford, W Call: 473-0147 of Newburflh. Lunch, snacks & goodies, fletertrices, 722-5088 LICENSED DAYCARE Playmates, large fenced yard, rion .PLYMOUTH Mother, of 1 wishes to. smoking home, hot meals, 10 years ,caT* for your child In your home/ experience." . 288-^704 &e£_Bde/ences,^451-7433. 7 ^^LlCEWSED"DAYCAnE Has opening for 2-5 yri olds; QUALITY day ca«e fpr newborns |n Joy aVFarmlrigton Rd, . . : . . . -*. 427-5409 . - - X West Bloomfield. Specializing in individual aUenllon. Full tlmcf. onto "., 66lr4S86 NEWBORN BABYSITTING.-Warm & cozy;'tending and feeding for your •* J. RUSSIAN LADY can provide all of baby. Near Maple & Coolldge. -" A: your housewprk. cleaning; Also walk Laurie: • 649-1838 paper & painting;"Christmas decorations by handymah, 645-5464 • '• > * - " ...SEEKING POSITION as full lima ' Laundress or Housekeeper, willing . t o ' travel, excellent references. Bonded. . . 247-3992 513 Situations Wanted Male ATTENTION RETIREES Home maintenance service availa b l e . Wiil perform interior/exterior repairs. Reasonable rates for rea; -sonabie people. 25 y.rs. experience. .. Call Larry for more details. 357-3718 OUTDOOR PERSON ' i s available to split firewood for fresh air. exercise and extra Income. Cali Frank at: 398-8032 515 Child Care f? u n M i m CHILD CARE in my licensed home, 19 yrs. experience. W. Dearborn, Outer Drive & Monroe area. 277-0369 516 Elderly Care & Assistance HOME HEALTH CARE 518 Education & Instruction 522 Professional Services* ~~ FREE CATALOG ~ WATKINS QUALITY PRODUCTS FINANCIAL SERVICES BARTENDER TRAINING, For Catalog, call: OF AMERICA -Offers a. tree family ' 2 Week Class. Minln-.un age '18 748-3351 (24 Hrs.) protection package which' Includes Job Placement Assistance legal & living wills, credit report, auSANTA LETTERS , Professional Bartenda/s School dit forms, Information on checking SSwHltgift . * '1-800-532-9222 and estimating your social security special - unique - Child & adult earnings. For more information :775-0885 INFORMAL 'plnntn mB hatwarm. flam t 6pm, — T — S T , JUDE NOVENA 7 Mon thru: Fr!.. .Contact' William May the Sacred Heart of Jesus -be Conner 313-254-0090 adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout .the world, now & forever. Sacred Heart of. Jesus, pray for fnKome us., St. Jude-, worker of miracles, Interested? pray Tor lis. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray fOr us. Say prayer 9 DIVORCE BANKRUPTCIES from times a day for 9 days, then publish. Call . $200. Drunk driving; wills, etc. . Yqur request.willbfr granted.^ 326-0690 FREE CONSULTATION. LEAD TEACHERS - Infant toddler Seth L. Goldner. PC. Also Week- R:E, .524-2450 Troy program. Full time 8. part time. Qhlld ends Aevea. * WOMEN NEEDED * development or related degree. BeFriendship for Singles very Hills, Ml. 645-6383 Many secure, sincere men await youf special introduction. $50 GERRY ETUE fees/3 mo. , Katy 945-9422 BIBLE STUDY 523 Attorneys . Legal Counseling Aides/nurses qualified to care for -your loved ones at home. •BASIC CARE •COMPANIONSHIP • PROFESSIONAL NURSING CARE • COMPETITIVE RATES JOB PLACEMENT Trained & courteous personnel ASSISTANCE available 24 hour? a day. RELIABLE NURSES, INC. Classes now forming 981-3344 • Computer Operator • Administrative Specialist I DO elderly care, 4pm-11pm. No • Word Processing Secretary heavy tilting. R e f e r e n c e s , Programs open to Oakland County trustworthy, reliable. $6 per hour. residents (excluding Pontiac area) Mon. thru Fri. 669-8743 who are: * • Unemployed or Underemployed OPENING for elderly resident In li- • Receiving assistance/ADC censed Livonia home. 24 hour as- • On limited income.. sistance. Dignity & comfort. • Training at Southfield & Madison 532^3366 Heights locations. Sponsored by : Oakland County P.I.C. No cost to elA Caring Person igible applicants. In Your Home Equal Opportunity. Agency NO COST TRAINING ^y NURSE AIDES HOfvlEMAKERS - LIVE-INS Dorsey Business Schools CHILD CARE In my licensed home, 19yrs..exprience. W. - Basic home care Dearborn, Outer Drive & • Terminal patient care Monroe area. 277-0369 • Disabled person assistance J Call Ms. James 585-9203 « Disease care CHILDCARE in. my licensed • Companionship & domestic TUDORS WANTED tor reputable Southfield home. 14 yrs. . • Transportation learning, center In Bloomfield experience. Warm & loving Trained, courteous personnel. Hills. Must have.masters degree environment, infants S up. Bonded & insured. Available 24 with LD certification. 557-4872 . hours a day. 7 days e week, all areas Call Beverly — 331M703CHILD CARE PROGRAM - for ages 476-9091 J5. weeks to .12 yrs. of age. Certified Farrhington Hills Teachers. Part time & fgtl time programs. Located in Livonia. 525-5767 £$?• $? 520 Secretariats Business Services 855-9551 Birmingham ..CHILD CARE" sister, team (both • mothers* art teachers). Have open, Irigs in licensed Royal Oak day care home. References: 589-3896 DYNAMIC PRODUCTIONS Word processing, reports, letters, labels, advertising, bulk mailing, . design, printing, editing. 535-2330 740-9050 Troy . 600 Personals IS40II Have You Read PERSONAL SCENE? Look in Today's STREET SCENE 608 Transportation * Travel 602 Lost & Found 600 Personals 602 Lost & Found FOUND: Beautiful all white neutered male cat. Medium long hair, green eyes; top of right ear has been cut & healed. Michigan & Sheldon Area. Bathe & ready for owner to claim. ,, 397-0342 FOUND-CAT, long haired, orange/ white, Persian male, neutered, declawed. 13 Mile Rd. In Beverly Hills In October. 647-5836 FOUND: Female Beagle, Nov. 12th. Outer Drive & Lahser Area. Call after 7pm. 535-8155 700 Auction Sales ^ 663 Health-Nutrition Weight Loss FOUND: Maiemute, male, large, vi- ABUNDANCE OF LOVE is waiting cinity Brewster school. 656-0958 for Infant we yearn to adopt. Call collect anytime. FOUND - Tan Shaggy Terrier mix. 313-357-3124 Ann Arbor Rd: & Beck area. No tags. FOUND - Dark brown Chow, male. IF ANYONE HAS Information on the Plymouth area. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Call Pam or Donna 453->2577 That on Dec. 12, 1992 at 10:00am whereabouts of John Schmelik. Call. 721-1943 FOUND - Young tan female dog on The space Place wilt conduct an R 1 Fri. 11Y40/92 on Southfield Express- auction by sealed b i d * ! 5 1 * f* *graph. pontiac, Ml to satisfy the O L E S T . N I C K O L A S way. Missing owner. storage Hen against: 265 Lata.nya "Traditional Santa" w{rea) beard.& belly, 32 yrs. experience. 425-8548 LOST: Dog. Ridgewood Hills Sub, Busbee, 200 Brian Dewitde, 087 Plymouth. White wired hair mix; Moses J. Simpson PISTON TICKETS - section 229, Please call. . . 459-6327 Classifieds Work 5th row. Sale price. l Buy it. Sell it. Find it, Call after,6pm, 427-0498 LOST - female "Bassett. hound, white/black/brown, looks like, ad for Call Today ST. JUDE Hush Puppy Shoes, long ears & sad 591-0900 644-1070 Thanks for the favors you have eyes. Needs medication, Merriman, granted me.. M.M. Warren area 422-2827 Section for your "Personal People Connection" 700 Auction Sales ANTIQUE AUCTION LOST: Black Cat with greeh gV eyes in Hickory Grove/TeleSaturday December 5.1992-11 AM V graph area op Oct. 29,ANY CITY Southwest fly's. $320 Featuring* collection ~ "Mango", ho collar, no frOnt round trlp/Steo one way, no notice. from two local estates claws, $100 cash reward. If found ' . • • • • 581-0290 Brief Listing Includes: .. call 334-5052. ask for Odrth. . ONE TICKETTO HONOLULU 18th"Century elm curved settle 1 LOST: Black> & white "male cat. Hawaii, one way. male, Dec. 8. bench, Eastlake parlor set, Victorian leaves 7 A_M/$ 150. •.,•:. 255-0140 marble top center table, commode Farmington Hills area. • .,.:.. P!ease;Cali, 737-0864 '... ' 2-One way Tickets from Detroit to A parlor criaIf,.OaX refectory tabley1 Art Deco ar'molre, cabinet, & dress- ' LOST; GAT:, large black & while, Tarrtpa: flood until'Dec. 15, $75 er. oak Including an 8 pc, oak dining 649-7194 mate, near, Orchard Lake & Grand eacffcalt sat. drop front ladies desk, stacking River, It found pleaseCall. 471-3395 WILL DRIVE ANY VEHICLE to all bookcase, dropfeaf table, chairs, sideboard, rockers, parlor set * coir LOST-DOG. Reward. Shepherd/ points-In the US. Michigan CDL & fee table', Chinese chest, American Rott puppy, male; family pet- Please Chauffeurs license. .-,.. ' v 274r8678 pine .cupboard. Staffordshire. Dogs, call Robin, 531-3991. 357-4040 Frank, Mottoware, Russian brass samovar, marble pedestal, portrait vases, LOST MALE CAT: Oct 10, whit* with, Lend* figures, Drassware, wicker black spots, tail & nose. Square Lk. & Telegraph; 777^2664 CONFISCATED Jewelry from Bor- baby buggy, "Irish Mall" chtlds band car, cut glass, carved qak baroman's Jewelry, totaling -.over eter, numerous paintings, and LOST:tf Ring at Mr. B's In Plymouth. 300,000.-Over 250 lots of beautiful prints, African Tribal art ..(masks, Sentimental. Reward, MODERN & ANTIQUE JEWELRY to beadwork, figures), many country 421-1339 be sold at public auction. Diamond smalls, semi antique 9"x 12" navy solitaires: 6.28 ct. 3.90 c t , and 2.41 Sparta rug, and several other rugs ct. Marquis; plus numerous dia- of various sizes. Jewelry Including monds from 1.0-3.0 ct. Loose dia- T4K gold opal &, garnet bangle monds, rubles and sapphires. RaK« bracelet, pearl bracelet, angel skin President, antique wristwatches, coral ruby & diamond ring, aquamaand pocket watches. Also antique rine, diamond & white gold ring, ADDICTED TO FOOD? Therapy for compulsive overeaters silver, U.S. gold pieces and uncircu- multi-color tourmaline & diamond lated silver dollars. All fine jewelry ring, 18K Watch bracelet plus many 539-0981 and fully guaranteed! more unsual pieces. VIC TANNY PREMIER + memberSPECIAL CLOCK FEATURE IN(Borgan's Jewelers, inc. ship. Includes everything, 2¼ yrs. CLUDING: 19th Century French Fed. Bankruptcy No. 89-01094) $450 + t-ytransferencefee. Morbler wall clock, Gustav Becker 2 SAT. DEC. 5,10:30 AM Call. 313-624-1601 wt Vienna, early 3 wt Vienna Regula(Inspection at 9:30 am) tor, Becker oak wall clock with THEGEORGIAN INN YOUR LAST DIET! Westminister chimes. Seth Thomas 31327 Gratiot Ave..- Roseville Serious about losing pounds before 30-day "World" school clock, Seth Christmas? Earn $ white you lose. Terms: Cash, MC 4 Visa Thomas Sondra chime mantle, Doctor and Pharmlst recommend- 5% Buyer's Premium Welch "Verdi" long dFop schooled. Call Mary, R.P.H. 391-1242 Gordon Rlewe, Auctioneer- (313) house, Gilbert O.G., New Haven 667-1488 Banjo and many other wall, shelf and mantle clocks. 605 Adoption 606 Legal Notices Looking For A... Bargain? Home? Apartment? Job? You'll Find it —ItMhe^ ^ Observer & Eccentric Newspaper Call Today For Home Delivery! 591-0500 • TtoOur Classified Advertisers: IS YOUR AD OK? Please notify us if you find an ercpr Jn'yOur ad or if your ad failed to.run. If ypu notify us'on the first day 'It was scheduled to appear we'll make a correction as soon as deadlines permit. We want, to give you the best possible service. But If you do not let us ' know of a problem the first day ii may continue to run Incorrectly ' Thanewspaper will not be liable lor failure to publish an ad or for a typographical error or errors In publication except to the extent of the cost of the ad for the first day's insertion Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occured. Please check your advertisment EACH time It appears and nollfy our Customer Service Department in case of an error. 591-0900 644-1070 852-3222 10% Buyer's Premium Preview begins Wednesday December 2.1992 SCHMIDT'S ANTIQUES 5138 MICHIGAN AVE. YPSILANTI. Ml 48197 (313)434-2660 • _ _ _ _ We_atej»r«nllr8CcepTIng consignments for our Jan. 2, 1993 Decorative Arts auction Including Arts & Crafts, Art Deco, Art Glass S Pottery, period metalware, etc. 701 Collectibles ERTE10 of his finest lithographs all signed & numbered. After 5pm.. 669-2B97 O- ThankrYbuf 701 Collectibles DOLLS - Modern collectibles. Madame Alexander, Esfanbee, Norman Rockwell, many limited editions. All MIB. Very reasonable. 313-887-9276 • . • • EXCELLACARE, INC. • Pill jiiaa i> IB* i '- IVr.'- • • • J l • • • * • • IJBHB Musicians will tell you... Gardeners will tell you... .. .they always "hit .. .they really " d i g " a high note" when all the great they turn to the classified columns and discover the Do-itYourselfers will tell gardening buys they find every day in the classified columns. best musical buys around. ! afi <« w BUY IT !SELL IT. F I N D IT ^HUT-WHEBI you... . . . they can "hammer-home" all their projects by turning to the • classified columns forhelp in finding the best buys. BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. Nil • • ••£]•• • • • Audiophiles will tell you... Equestrians will tell you... ...they never get "taken for a ride" when they shop for all their t a c k \ supplies in the classified columns. . ..they just can't "beat" the wide selection of sound equipment they find every day in the classified columns. *1 BUY IT. i SELL IT. FIND IT. If! BUY IT, SELL IT. FIND IT, Hf.WHH'l - ^ Homemakers will tell you... Golfers will tell you... ...they "sew-up" all their purchase decisions with a little help from the most complete shopping guide around—the-—classified columns. .. .they never "get IB MBUBB BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. in the rough" when they shop the classified columns for golfing equipment. . ]|BjBUY IT. WLM s a L " • J I f FIND IT. nt.wmn'1 ©tetter & Ettentric CLA66IFIED ADVERTING 644-1070 Oakland County 591-0900 Wayne County 852-3222 Rochester/Rochester Hills DEADLINES: 5 P.M. TUESDAY FOR THURSDAY EDITION/5 P.M. FRIDAY FOR MONDAY EDITION ,. r if .*• mmmmmmmmm m^wmm Monday, No<-mber 30,1992 O&E •BD MQRKET PLACE 701 Coltoctfolw 703 Craft* 708 Household Goods Oakland County COMIC COLLECTION - Marvels. CRAFT SHOW: AMERICAN CTR DC's, Valiants; over 900 books. Building, Lobby. 27777 Franklin Rd $2900/best. Call: 981-7854 11 Mile between Telegraph & DINING - Beautlfut dark mahogany Double pedestal table, two leaves, Inkster. Dee. 2,3rd. 10-3pm. DICKENS VILLAGE & Christmas in six shield back chairs, china cabithe Olty pieces for sale irw jlng HOLIDAY CRAFT SHOW net, bulfet. Quality. $3200 524-9035 limited editions. Must sell. 348-8331 Sat., Dec. S - 10am-4pm DINING ROOM SET, dark pine, 48" Farmington Hills - VEW Post 2269 round table with leaves, 6 chairs & 23414 Orchard lake Rd. MARILYN. ;MONROE CALENDAR Information 644-0396 .-320-7673 I954 r make offer ; • ,476-3353 DINING ROOM TABLE. Travertine, JURIED ARTS & CRAFT SHOW OVER 2000 DOLLS FOR SALE March 20tb, .at Dearborn Civic Ctr 5 2 " round with l&destal, oft white. Shirley Temple. Madame Alexander, Exhibitor Space. For Information: $300 or best olfer. 253-9416 etc. Dolt repair & fashions. Call, 313-746,3386 • • 477-2/46 UNIQUE RETIRED DICKENS VILLAGE: Childe Pond, filyth .Pond, Counting House. Fruit &-Spice, & Dover Wreaths & decorations for the holi3524013, Coach. , 624-6822 day. • . 702 Antiques AGE-OLD Winter Antiques Market Ann Arbor - Dec. 12 & 13 UM CotOsseum 150 Dealers in Quality Antiques Irom'Furniture to Jewelry. Sat., 7-6; Sun.. 8-4. 1-94 exit 175. N to Hill St. right to 51h, (517-456-6153 704 Rummage Sales & Flea Markets YPSI'S Newest and Largest Flea Market. 8,000 sq. ft. New and Used merchandise. Antiques, Collectables. Furniture, tools, glass, china, dolls, etc, 1000's of unusal &.interesting Items, BUNKY'S TRADE CTR. 3011 E. Michigan Ave. 1 Blk. E. of Ridge Rd. Hours, 9-6pm Wed thru Sun. 1.313-483-4699. AtATIQUE SALE OUT OF WAREHOUSE Holiday open house sale of european. country, antique furniture & ac5000 MEMBER GROUP cessories at 2271 Cole, Birmingham, (bet 14 & 15 Mile Rds. otf Eton) 1000's OF ITEMS Fri. Dec. 4 S Sat. Dec. 5. from 11-5 for adults & kids. Sweaters, coats, CLASSIC COUNTRY boots, linens, etc.792-0222 Thurs., Dec. 3, 9-5pm: Fri., Dec, 4, WATCH HILL ANTIQUES 9-4pm: Sun., Dec. 6,9-5pm. 644-7445 HADASSAH WAREHOUSE 5030 Orchard Lake Rd. 25W-5140 W Bloomfield (N of Walnut Lake Rd.) ANTIQUES - DECORATIVE ARTS CASH/VISA Holiday Show & Sale. Judy. Frankel & Assoc. Weds.-Sun.. Dec. 2nd-6th, SOOO MEMBER organization fabu1.aro-4pm. 2900 W. Maple. Suite lous clothing/household. Hadassah, 111. Troy, southeast corner of 5030 Orchard Lake Rd. W Bloom683-5030 Maple &Coolidge 649-4399 lield. Dec 3-4-6.9-5pm. HUGE SALE • ANTIQUE WOODEN carouse) horses (15) from the turn of the century. Will sell individually, excellent condition, 751-8078 705 Wearing Apparel BLACK Persian Lamb, full length. 12-14, very good condition. $600 or best olfer. 827-4567 ANTIQUE 5 piece bedroom set, including armoire, vanity & bed. $500/ FULL length fur coat. Coyote & besl. Other old furniture 549-8552 Shadow Fox. Size med. New! Was $6500, Now, $2,000. 349-6892 DOLL. BEAR. & TOY *"SHOW&SALE FURS-1 Raccoon, size 6-10, $750 8 Antique & collectible such as 1 Coyote, size 8-10, $750. Stored, Barbie. Gl Joe. etc. Sunday, Dec. 6, excellent condition. 652-3539 , 10-4pm. Royalty House of Warren, DEMETRlOS WEDDING GOWN 8201 E. 13 Mile. Appraisals. Size 4, white, excellent condition. Admission $2.50..757-5566 $450. Call 536-6147 ENJOY CHRISTMAS IN WILLIAMSTON at our Annual Antiques Open FOX FUR Jacket, new, dyed black, 543-8304 House. Fri. & Sat, Dec. 4-5, 10-6. size small, $100. Sun. Dec. 6. 12-5. Over 100 dealers providing quality LUXURY light coyote coat, extra full antiques for Christmas gift giving. length, hardly worn, excellent condiAll Wllliamston merchants welcome tion. Size 10-12, all receipts. Paid you! Door prizes, refreshments, spe- $3600, sell $1200. 768-1042 . ctal holiday events. Restaurants & lodging in town. FOUR-PIECE Mahogany sleigh bedroom set. Late 1800's. S1700 471-7069 LULU. 405 N. Main, Royal Oak. Antiques, buttons, gifts, wreaths, ornaments, etc. Christmas hours Tues & Wed 11-6pm; Thurs.-Sat. 11-9pm: Sun. 12-5pm. 542-6464 OAK 48" round table; two 12" leaves, pads. 6 T-back chairs, china & buffet. Eves6-9pm. 4354)308 SAXAPHONE; IN ORIGINAL Case. Circa late 1800's! Excellent Condition. $1000, Call, 522-0294 703 Crafts ABUNDANT SAVINGS On Christmas Supplies: Wreaths, picks, garland, over 1000 yards of ribbon. Call 531-3544 ARTS 8. CRAFTS SHOW - Dec.6. Juried. Free admission. Clarion Hotel, 12 Mile Rd, between Orchard Lake 4 Farmington Rd. 10am-5pm. ARTS & CRAFTS. Dec 4,5th. Bake sale, refreshments, Santa Ciaus. Eton Senior Citizen Center, 4900 Pardee. Dearborn Hts. 277-7765 CHRISTMAS BOUTfQUE - Dec. 5 & 6, 2 adjacent homes, 2263 & 2275 Minerva. Westland. Hours 9-5. Silk flowers, bears, wooden Items, dolls, purses, jewelry, photo's & baskets. 313-722-5613 CHRISTMAS CRAFT OPEN HOUSE Dec. 4th. 7-9pm; Dec. 5th, 10-4pm 14048 Blackburn. Livonia; 525-4581 Baskets, fabrics, wood, much more! CLASSICCREATIONS ARTS & CRAFT SHOW Sat. Dec. 5th. 1992 HOBENSCHOOL 44680 Saltz Rd. Canton. Between Sheldon & Canton Ctr. 10am to 4pm Hot lunches available. ADMISSION 51.50 WALLED LAKE WESTERN PTSA 5th Annual Juried Craft Show. Dec. 5, 10-4pm. Dec. 6, 11-4pm. 600 Beck Road, between Maple & Pontiac Trait, 100 crafters. Admission $1: Seniors & students free.' CRAFT FAIR-20th YEAR Southfieid Christian School, " 12/Lahser. Sat, Dec. 5th. 9-5 Food • Games - Auction at 10 & 2 Items autographed by pro athletes. Free admission. 357-3660 CRAFTY SUNDAY Holiday Inn, 10 Mile & Grand River $10 gift certificate drawn every hour Dec, 6,10am-5pm, Admission $1.50. HOLIDAY GIFT BASKETS!! Friends, Family, Clients, Corporate. $20/up. Custom fill to order. Deliver UPS. Quanity discounts. Call tor details. Fax: 583-4761. office. 585-1062. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS 4th ANNUAL CHRISTMAS ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW Corner of Ford Rd. 4 Evergreen Sat. Dec. 5th, 10am - 6pm. FREE ADMISSION. Bake Sale. Raffle. Pictures with Santa. Snack Bar. For more information call. 271-4170 RESALE DESIGNER VINTAGE CASUAL Fine clothing. 33688 Ford Rd. (W. ofVenoy) 421^8480 WEDDING DRESS, size 8. Includes veil, $300 firm: Call for description: ,347:7857 WOMENS APPAREL size 4-12, reasonable prices. Beeper: 610-7799 707 Garage Sates: Wayne DEARBORN. Numerous items. Dec 3,4,5th, 10-4. 4230 Jonathon, S. of Michigan Ave. WING BACK Chairs: 3 piece sectional, lamps, china, sndwblower. mower. Morel Call, 334-7047 708 Household Goods Oakland County 1930"S STYLE bedroom sets (2), assorted other pieces, price range: $200-5700. . 473-0617 BEDROOM SET-6 piece, black w/ gold trim, queensize, 6 months old. $650. . . 780-9395 BEDROOM SUIT- House of Denmark, queen headboard with attached nlghtstarid, highboy chest, triple wide chest, $2200. 644-3822 BIRMINGHAM RENOVATION - carpeting, cabinets, electrical & plumbing fixtures, in good condition, leave name & number 313-642-4742 BIRMINGHAM SALE! Contemporary couch, leather chair. Stereo equipment, Technic, Onkyo, Sony. Call, 647-8435 BREAKFRONT & buffet, danish modern style, walnut, both for $150. Call 641-7118 ' ESTATE SALES BY DEBBIE IN HOUSE •Full Estates - 2 0 % Fee Cash paid 48 hrs. after sate •Auction - Consignments ANTIQUES W A N T E D - C A S H BUY O U T S Our Reference List is the "Best Thing We Havel 538-2939 WEDOALLTHEYVORKI ESTATE SALES M o v i n g or Just Selling? Let Us Do T h e J o b For You Living room, bedroom, dining room, antiques, china, crystal & misc. OLD OR NEW W E ' L L SELL IT FOR Y O U AH your valuable goods displayed In our 15,000 sq.ft. showroom. ^THE GREAT EXCHANGE Consignment C o m p a n y 1431 W. 14 Mile Rd. • Madison Hts. Campbell Corners Center . (2 block W. of I-75) (313)589-0390 Dally 10-9-Sat. 10^6-Sun. 12-5. FIREPLACE accessories (new). 5 piece fire sets, log basket & log lighter, & more. 537-3371 CONSIGNMENT WORKS FOR Y O U ! We Get New Factory Consignments: Living Room * Bedroom, Dining Room • Mattress Sets Estate Furniture & Accessories Buy at a Fractiori of the Original cost Brand Names: Drexel. Heritage, Baker, Henreddn. THE GREAT EXCHANGE Madison Heights: , 58fr-0390 DINETTE TABLE - glass & chrome, cane back cushion chairs, good condition, $100. 661-9063 DINING ROOM set by Burnhardt, pecan, 45" round table, 18" leaf. 4 side chairs, 2 arm chairs, cane back, leather seats, buffet, folding bar, $750. Bedroom set. dark pine, king cannon bait headboard, triple dresser with hutch mirror, chest, 2 nightstands. $750. Origfnal oil pointing by Augeli, 3 old men at table, 45x33, matted A framed, light, $150. Duncan Phyfe table $60. Dark finish sofa table, cedar chest $75. 349-5359 PUBLIC AUCTION COPIERS • COMPUTERS • C A L C O M P PLOTTER M O D E L 345A • PRINTERS • VARITYPER • FAX MACHINE • CASH REGISTERS • FILE CABINETS • AUDIO VISUAL CAMERA EQUIP. • M A R R O N CARREL CAMERA MODEL QCR • RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT • S. S. UNITS • TRUE T 2 DOOR REACH-IN FREEZER • H O B A R T SLICER • SCALE • SOUPWELLS • ROOFING EQUIPMENT - REMOVERS • CARTS • SPREADERS • P U M P S • LUGGERS • ETC. • LANDSCAPING EQUIPMENT • LAWN M O W E R S • EDGERS • M U L C H I N G MOWER • STIHL C H A I N SAW • TV'S • MICROWAVES • FURNITURE • C L O T H E S • J E W E L R Y • FUR C O A T S • EXERCISE BIKES • TREADMILLS • CLARKE M O D E L 3300 & TENNANT 95AA GAS POWER SWEEPERS • PLUS MANY MORE ITEMS T O O NUMEROUS TO M E N T I O N . 1981 FORD CUBE V A N WITH LIFT GATE - 1984 PONTIAC FIERO, 2 M 4 • 14' STARCRAFT BOAT W I T H TRAILER A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONEI DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLYI THIS WILL BE A VERY LARGE SALE. INSPECTION - FRIDAY, DEC. 4TH - 9:00 A M TO 4:00 P M * M O R N I N G O F SALE. T O B E BETTER INFORMED REGARDING THE QUALITY OF MERCHANDISE OFFERED, W E ADVISE ALL BUYERS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR INSPECTION PERIOD PRIOR TO THE AUCTION DATEI FUNDS ONLY! FOR ILLUSTRATED B R O C H U R E C O N T A C T : EDWARD J . KAYE, I N C . 5641 C O N N E R , DETROIT, M l (313) 571-4400 FAX (313) 571*4403 712 Appliances 338-7999 FREE DELIVERY OLIVETTI-UNDERWOOD, electric typewriter, never used. S9S. 326-4594 MASTER BEDROOM SET, 5 piece. Ladies fall & winter clothes. Plants, nick-nacks & curtains, cosmetics, And leather sectional couch, 5 perfumes', jewelry, tables, games, TELEPHONE SYSTEM 7 Pre-owned piece, new. Both in exceptional 454-6537 Telrad system. 25 phones, 24 line, condition. . 626M616 toys & misc. 64 phone capacity. Vqlcemall capability. Larry, 455-5880 MOVING - Inexpensive knickknacks, appliances, portable sewing NEW couch & love seat. Broyhin, 397-8156 machine/tables. Mon., Tues., Wed.. $600, beige/mauve. Sam to 5pm. 218BO Indian Creek Dr. 474-9408 QUEEN SIZE waterbed, wavy mattress, black naugahyde padding & MOVING-SALE * alt. furniture must padded headboard, 4 drawers. Paid APPLE He - color monitor lie, Apple' . 422^558 printer, keyboard, Joy stick, manuals go. Dining room, bedroom & some $600. asking $400. family room furniture. 263-7581 ft software. $550. , 231-2264 MOVING SALE. Trestle table, 8 TWO SOFA'S & 2 chairs. One like APPLE IIC. 2 disk drives, software, chairs & 2 leaves, $500. Solid oak new. Call, 538-3537 Instructions, printer: Image Writer; bedroom set, dresser, -2 mirrors, $425. 453-9284 mens hutch, 2 nlghtstands, king size WATERBED. waveless, oak, king bed, $700. Large colonial bookcase size, bookcase headboard, excellent APPLE lie. Computer with monitor. 397-2149 Sloppy drive. Imagewriter Printer with matching wing Tbcker $600. condition. $150. various programs. $175. 3.49-2659 Camelback couch, like new, $600. Kenmore 18cu,ft refrigerator & KenAPPLY HE,- 128 k; Color monitor, more electric range with ceramic dual disc drive. Panasonic printer. cooktop, both $500. 879-2822 Much software. Ideal for grades 3 thru 10. $650. Call, 641-7934 BAHAMA CRUISE 5 days/4 nights. Underbooked! IBM, PS1 desk, cost $2838, never Must seH! $249/Couple. DELUXE A U T O M A T I C Used. Sell for $1500. Zig-Zag sewing machine. Cabinet Limited tickets. Mori.-Sat. 9am-9pm 326-4594 (407) 767-8100 ext,25T6 model. Embroiders, blind Hems, Macintosh 512 Enhanced (MacPius) buttonholes, etc:' $53 cash or CRAFTSMAN TABLE SAW 2 MB hard drive, Imagewriter monthly payment's. Guaranteed. Excellent condition, $275. printer, software, covers, $800 or UNIVERSAL SEWING CENTER 477-3473 best offer. 344-4615 2570 Dixie Hwy. FOR SALE - very nice green artificial MICROSOFT PROGRAMMING 674^0439 Christmas Tree. Simple to assem- LANGUAGES - /Greatfy reduced After 6, 851-4022 prices: C/C-t- + Cobol, Fortran, NEW MAPLE rocking chair & pads; ble. S3& 90" sofa, upholstered with wood; Macro Essem, Vfisual Basic. Limited LIQUIDATION SALE new 36" storm door & screen: offer. Call Comfortech.before 6pm. ' Name Brand Mattresses Mitsubishi receiver, cassette deck, 1-800-458^7668 Sold Separately Or In Sets turn tables & 2 ADS 10 speakers. All Sizes From $69.95 WYSE KEYBOARD - brand new, still Call 693-1810 CALL LIQUIDATION PLUS In box, full featured. $35 or best ofLIVONIA. 471-6050 OAK CHINA Cabinet, $550. Oak bar fer. Please call Mike, 730-0896 TAYLOR, 291-3603 , with A stools, $150. Gun cabinet, holds 10 guns, $100. Steel office MOUNTAIN KING - new, 6 ft artifi- Zenith 286 Computer, 2.5 MB RAM, 40 MB Hard Drive, UGA Color. 3.5" desk, $75: 544-3406 cial Christmas tree, scotch pine, $60. 1.44 MB Floppy, Windows 3.0, like 543-8304 new, $650. firm. Eves ORIENTAL Rug, pjnk. tones. 9x12, 443-4974 $2000 or best. Area Rugs, two 9x12, grey, $100 each, waterbed, queen, heated, black platform, $200. Apt. size electric stove, $100 548-5552 715 Computers Sales & Service 710 Misc. For Sale Oakland County NECCHI PRICEQ ESTATE S A L E ESTATE OF KATHRYN WEST CAMPBELL 933 WEAVER ROAD MILFORD FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 10-5 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5..10-5 Antique furniture, chlnaware accessories-complete home furnishings Take I-96 to Milford Rd. North through Milford to Summit St. East on Summit to first street (Weaver Rd.) North on First/Weaver. House is on left. 711 Misc. For Sale Wayne County 716 Commercial Industrial Equip. AQUARIUM - 50 gallon tank with AIR COMPRESSOR, 10hp., 3 phase. stand, pump, heater, all ornaments. 45-60 CFM at 175 PSI, horizons! 80 Best offer. Call 8am-8pm. 722-3727 gal. tank, excellent condition, $600. 517-732-4905 BETTY CROCKER handmixer, new, never used. K-Mart telephone, black UFT TRUCK: Hyster 'SS100B ca&* white. 2 lihes. all features, hew, pacity, 10,000 pounds. L.P. gas. 180 never use. GEfiake & Broil Toaster? in. llfti^Solld tires. $4000.-Call Oven, Temp Control, electric,, never Fred Rawllngs, 313-442-0200. used. Toastmaster 20'' fan. Beautiful royal blue dress, silver sequlned, PORTABLE WELDER - Miller sue 12713. fitted bodice. Black & sil- 200amp, AC/DC weld current & ver butterfly blouse, brand new, 120/240 full power, low hrs, w/ never worn, size 12/13 & black vel- leads, helment. cutting torch & vet skirt, size 12/13. Black Bolero gauges, $1200. 517-732-4905 leather hat, lady's medium. Presto Corn Popper. Cute little green YALE Hi-Low, steel grading, conChristmas tree w/flocklng, 4 to 5 ft. veyor belt, shelves. A.J. Marshall. Books, records, tapes, etc.372-5904 4400 Cass, Detroit. Thur & Fri., 9-4., Sat., 9-1. Cash & Carry. 661-1299 GLASS SHOWER door, like new $40. 464-2506 H 717 Lawn, Garden, Farm, Snow Equip. Sale conducted by DuMouchelles HOMEMADE AFGHANS, $60 ea.. (313)963-6255 nice Christmas gifts. Kerosene "A PACKAGE OF Lawn & Garden stove, $75, used once. ' 532-1375 equipment for sale." Electric start QUALITY FURNITURE Toro mower &, snow blower, gas Mostly new - in decorators home, JUKE BOX - Rocola 1971. plays trimmer, electric shrub trimmer, must sell. Pair white cemelback great. Will deliver $500. hand tools, saws, shovels, rakes, 649-0254 wfieelborrow, sofas, mauve print; 96 In. long etc. Call: beige; wing chairs, unusual rec- POOL TABLE for sale. Pottery Kllm. 313-553-0487, after Nov. 30. llners, tables, lamps. Bedrooms, lull, Chest freezer. Other things. queen - oak with armoires. 937-0938 SNOWBLOWER - Homellte-Jacobsen. used once, Fl. bound. Jan 1992 Cherry with poster beds, much 549-0722 Queen Anne; dining set, hall con- SNOW Blower S200 $125. Kenmore $4S0-now$250/best. soles, entertainment armoire apt. size washer/dryer $150. MiniaTWO SNAPPER COMETS Electric fireplace - Call 356-7136 ture rabbit to good home. 455-9831 Both need work. $200. must sell. •QUEENTSNNFcKefry cTnTh^Toom/ THINK XMAS - Sears electronic Town & Country. Breakfront buffet, typewriter $75. Black CD rack $35. lowboy,- 4 side/2 arm chairs, table Mens Schwinn 12 speed $100. 44x66,2 leaves; Best offer.644-1416 Technics stereo cabinet $40. All mint. 422-6526 CHERRY,FLOORING-Selecl shorts. SIMMON'S nursery maple furniture, $1.50 sq. ft. OAK FLOORING-Selight finish (arched crib with matlect, qusrter sawn $2.30 sq. ft. tress, changing table, 5 drawer Quality Hardwoods of Ml. 853-2232 chest. $500) like new boys baby ALEX APPLIANCE clothing. White formica bedroom (twin storage beds, 3 wall units, Repossessed major appliances. night table $550), Antique oak china Guaranteed & delivered. 841-9361 cabinet with bevelled mirror, $750. Will beat any deals. Antique oak sideboard $550. AnCAL SPA, 8ft, 7 people, cover, 1 yr. tique oak. dresser $70. Brown cor- AMANA REFRIGERATOR. 16 cubic old, cost $6900. Sacrifice $3500 duroy sectional $800. All items In ft.. S100. ' (moving) 375-0360 or 373-0033 excellent condition. 474-4065 531-2212 SPA. Indoor, self-contained, TRADITIONAL dining room set - APARTMENT SIZE FREEZER. 6 person, $6,000 new. $2,900 Now. Table 66"x44" expands to 102" Kelvlnatof. $100 or best offer. 776-6814 or 622-8662 with custom pads, 6 cane back 435-3327 chairs, 64" buffet, $500 338-4211 718 Building Materials 712 Appliances 719 Hot Tubs, Spas ft Pools TWIN BEDROOM Sot, solid dark oak, mattress, trundle, desk, bachelor chest. $275. after 5, 363-1379 BEST VALUE APPLIANCE UNDERGROUND COLLECTOR MODERN APPLIANCES S T.V.'S 1 YEAR WARRANTY CONDUCTS A QUALITY DECEMBER SALE? HOLIDAY SALE 1OV.-30V. OFF 31509 Plymouth Rd. 1 block W. of Merrlman. Open Monday - Saturday In the heart of Bloomfield Hills. 427-9544 No Signs or Advertising. Soiling provlew Thur.. Doc. 10, BEVERAGE Air beer rolrlgorator, 5 to 8pm. Sale Proper Fri.. Sat.. C 0 2 systom. gages and taps for Dec. 1 1 * 12.10 to 5pm. kegs. $400 or best offer. 532-8965 Quality fumlturo, some antiques, Persian rugs Including room size 8 GE REFRIGERATOR - 1SV4 cu.tt.. runners, beautiful accessories like beig, top freezer, runs geaf, $17$ or 313-454-9697 new, some toys. For Invitation and best offer. address call. 644-3982 or 646-9287 KENMORE • 14½ cubic feet, white, frost/freo, good condition, $100/ UPHOLSTERED CHAIR-$50. . best. 633-9693 856-773B MAYTAG DRYER, olectrlc. regular 8 WALL UNIT, END TABLE, dining room set. small kitchen table w/2 chairs, 2 whlto formica bedroom sets, color tv, stereo, file cabinets, formica desk, & assorted framed pictures. Alter 6pm, 352-9174 delicate cycle, loss than 2 years, $200. 538-8984 REFRIGERATOR $40. Washer $40. Electric Stove $40. 536-5526 REFRIGERATOR: Frost-Free. $125. WHEELCHAIR (antique), 3 wheel Washer & dryer $75 each. Cloan & in 295-1784 cart, stereo, microwave, lots ol good working order. 477-2748 REFRIGERATOR 8 Electric Stove, 70S Household Goods Wayne County ARRIVING: Beaded gowns, waterfall bedroom sets, marble tables, turn of the century china cablnefs, oak furnishings, w e sell in store and auction. The Estate Liquidators, 24490 Five Mite, between TMgraph and Beech Daly. 536-8870 GERMAN Shepherd, spayed female, housebroken, S yrs, needs good home. Rosedale Park. 535-5476 ABSOLUTELY We buy with integrity. Please call Jeff Benson Car Co * GET ALONG LITTLE DOGGIE. AKC 562-7011 Bassett's, shots, papers, worried. FUBECK TOWING. Buying Drhrable Call' 525-1819 cars Pay mdre than yard pflco Call. 313-531-3602 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS AKC registered, top champion and obedience bloodlines, hip, eye & heart clearances. For further infor- WANTED - Cars, trucks, wrecks i mation, contact Pam Blankenship, restorable classics; Need not be 891-8485 {313)851-7438 running Call. 721 Hospital-Medical Equipment AEROSTAR 1992 XL. Loadedl 1000 miles. Dark Qreen. $13,200. Call, 459-5988 or 705-6545. ASTRO 1993 -LT - Extended van. loaded, 1701) miles, must seel $19,995. Livonia Chrysler-Plymouth 525-7604 We buy all makes & models Top $$$ Running - wrecked or Junk 474-4425 397-2200 LA8 - black. 4 mo old, papers, shots, loves people, to good home. Accessories included. 651-1903 540-5624 JVC STEREO Receiver; 60 watts per channel, $150. 2 SanSul speakers, 100 watts. $100. 2 Optonica cass. decks, $76/$100. 544-3406 NEW RCA CAMCORDER Pro edit, with carrying case, stlil in box. $675. Call after 5pm; . 852-9242 QUASAR 2 1 " Console color TV, beautiful cabinet; completely overhauled, $250. : 421-2695 730 Sporting Goods Exercise Equipment Brand Licensed & liability Insured CARAVAN ES, 1992 - Indy red, V6. loaded, aluminum wheels, 9,000 ml. $17.«00/be«t 455-8297 CARAVANS * VOYAGERS, from $3495.3 to choose from. DICK SCOTT Garden City 522-7820 CARAVAN, 1988, automatic, air conditioning. Tyme does tt again! Only $3775 TYME AUTO 455-5588 CARGO VAN 1990, 1 ton, hard to find, in very good condition. Drawllte trailer hitch, Insulated a. paneled. $8000. 697-3906 CHEVROLET 1991 ASTRO. CL -" All Wheel Drive", V6, automatic, air, power windows/locks, tilt. ak. Uke new. only $15,888. MATICK CHEVY 5 3 1 - 7 1 0 0 CHEVY ASTRO 1991, V8, automatic, air, power windows/locks, tilt, cruise. 1.700miles.On1y$13,995', MATICK CHEVY 5 3 1 - 7 1 0 0 customized, runs 425-4287 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE CHEVY 1986 ASTRO Conversion Autos & Trucks - 24 Hour Towing Van, clean, 4 buckets and bench, Up to $5000. LARRY'S TOWING LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUPPIES 335-7480 335.7487 power everything, rear air and heat, cruise, $4,990. 478-8399 AKC registered. Excellent show A' companion prospects. Hip & eye CHEVY 1986 Conversion Van, Full clearances/ For further information, size, automatic, air, power windows, contact Pam Blankenship. CHEVROLET 1992, S10 pick up, V6, (313)851-7438 automatic, air, tilt, cruise, ' " " power locks, tilt, cruise, only $8,868. MATICK"CHEVY 5 3 1 - 7 1 0 0 MAINE. COON kittens, silver 8. miles Only $10,995. — " 5 3 1 - 7 1 0 0 CHEVY. 1986 ?«ton cargo van. Air, brown tabbies, born '10-19=92^. automatic, new battery, tires, exHome raised, shots & papers, ready at Christmas. $350. 313-725-4573 CHEVY S-10, 1985 - 5 speed, excel- haust. Am/fm cassette, $3000. Cafi lent running - looking Motor over- after 5pm, 471-9163 MINI DACHSHUNDS, female, black hauled. $2200/best offer. 261-0921 CHEVY 1989 ASTRO - V6. automat& tan and red, 4 weeks old. 1985 Suburban - V. ton, 350 ic, air, tilt, cruise, 6 passenger. Uke 459*6398 or 481-5660 CHEVY automatic, 68,000 miles, $4,000 or new. Only $9995. NEWFOUNDLAND - AKC regis- best offer 274-1427 M A T I C K CHEVY 5 3 1 - 7 1 0 0 tered, wonderful temperrnent, needs love & room to roam. All CHEVY 1985, Truck, V8, automatic, CHEVY 1991 ASTRO - Extended shots. $400, After 5pm.' . 453-7114 new cap, tires, brakes, shocks, runs van, 7 passenger, like new, only good $5O00/best. 532-8985 $14,995. POMERANIAN pups, AKC, Tweaks, cream. 1 male, 1 female, shots, CHEVY 1989 SILVERADO, pick up, MATICK CHEVY 5 3 1 - 7 1 0 0 $350. . 721-3965 pOwer windows/locks, tilt, cruise, CHEVY 1991 ASTRO LT - Extended. buckets. $10,499. 6 passenger, full power, low miles. POODLES-TCup/Toys/Mlnis. Adults/pups. Health guaranteed^ M A T I C K CHEVY 5 3 1 - 7 1 0 0 $15,295 Jack Cauley Chevrolet-GEO shots, happy & loving. 665-7260 CHEVY 1991 BLAZER - 4 door. 4 3 855-0014 ROTTWEILER Puppies, AKC, 4 fe- VbSautomatic, air, power windows/ Open Sat., 9-4 locks\ tilt, cruise Like new, only males, 3 males, 6 weeks old, S300. $16,655 DODGE 1987 CARAVEN, air, 70000 Taking deposits. . 421-7922 MATICK CHEVY 5 3 1 - 7 1 0 0 miles, extended warranty, $7000/ ROTTWEILER PUPPY Male AKGbest. Mustsell. Taylor, 291-9628 OFA-TT-Champion sired-5 genera- CHEVY; 1992 S-10 Tahoe. extended tion championship; pedigree^tern- cab. 4 3 v-6 Fully equipped. 2 tone DODGE 1988 CARAVAN - 7 passen422-7603 ger, loaded. $5895 permanent tested excellent-refer- Grey with cap $11.800 DICK SCOTT Garden City 522-7820 ences given & required. 459^4243 DODGE 1975 1 ton stake truck, new SHIH-TZU PUPPIES. AKC: 3 fe- brakes, good tires, runs excellent. DODGE 1989 B-250 Cargo Van. w/ males, . 2 males. Nice Christmas Good work truck Ask for Terry or options $9669 535-1505 present. Livonia. 464-8408 leave message. E & M Auto Parts LAS - mixed male pup, 5 .months old, shots, great/with kids, to good. family. • .. •. 476-3991 CHEVY 1977 good, $600. 822 Trucks For Sale TOWN & COUNTRY EZ GLIDER. ASSEMBLED. FOLDS TO GOOD HOME 2 female husky DODGE 1992 Dakota - Extended FOR STORAGE. NEW $35,522-1281 lab mix,, shots, spade, good with cab. LE package, loaded-loaded! 2 kids. Will separate. . 534-5738 tone psjnt GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT - New BOB J E A N N O T T E Lifecycie 6500. Asking $1,000. Store PONTIAC/GMC TRUCK price $1,500. 420-0782 WIRE FOX Terrier, smooth. Plymouth. 453-2500 . 313-752-9757 or 313-395-4554 GYM: Marcy • Master Gym. model 1307. 4 station. 4. weight stacks: YELLOW LAB - for sale. Female, FORD 1984 F250. extended cab, air, 220. 180. 120 & 50. excellent cdndi- spayed, 15 months, all shots, to the power steering/brakes, automatic, 363-1722 tlon.no fabric tears. $1400.644-3822 right home: " 545-1304 $1500/best offer. 46" RCA projection screen TV, 1990 FORD 1985. F-150. 6 cylinder, auto' NORDIC TRACK ACHIEVER model, beautiful condition, $1,495. matic, $3,495 6 mos. otd,'A-1 condition. Call ' Call after 1pm dally 643-4781 Uvonia Chrysler-Plymouth 525-7604 354-6200 Days; 855-2909 Eves. FORD 1985 F-150 Pickup, automatic, power steering & brakes. 6 cyl OLIN SK11S 180's - Soioman 637 Only $3295. Bindings. Nordica rear entry boots, ARTICAT 1979 Jaguar & 1974 B DICK SCOTT Garden City 522-7820 size 7½ & poles. $200. 333-3658 Tlgre,. trailer, excellent condition, POOL TABLE, bar room size; 1 $1500 for all. 422-4129 FORD. 1986, T ton stake body, facpiece top. 1" slate, excellent condftory power gate lift, runs great. tion.$700. 591-7739 FOUR PLACE custom snowmobile 425-8067 trailer, tandem axle, excellent condition. $1125. 477-7116,357-6410 POOL TABLES GMC SUBURBAN 1991 - Loaded All slate, antique, ultra modern, : only 14,000 miles. $20,960. bar size. Ftoormodeldemo's. BILL FOX CHEVROLET 651-2262 399-7255 Eves:547-3980 POLARIS (2) snowmobiles, 440SS, tow miles, excellent condition, with GMC, 1979 pick up. V. ton, 5th trailer. $2800 . . 592-8328 TREADMILL - Cadence, 5.0, elecwheel trailer pkg, air. low mileage, tronic. 1 year old, $215. runs & looks good. $2200 459-2991 728-7934 SKI-DOO 1991. Mach 1X & Mach 1, excellent condition, studs, custom GMC, 1986, Sierra Pickup, automatTREADMILL - DP Pulse Strlder paint stripes. Must sell. Besl offer. ic, air. $2495 2600. $225. Less than year. old. Call 227-1612 TYME AUTO 455-5566 after 6pm, 624-5934 YAMAHAS. 1982 Bravo, 1983 Excel GMC T988 Sierra V4 ton Pickup TREADMILL. LIFESTYLE - 5,000 3, electric start, handle bar warmers Good condition No rust, new psi, $556, Stairstepper prbform on both, excellent, also 2 place trail- brakes/tlres/transmisslon After 5pm, 522-7546 $3500 3001 six, $400 . 313-380-1591 er, $1800» 522-2400 802 Snowmobiles TRIAD WEIGHT Bench, butterfly legs lads, like new, $225. After 4;30pm 462-3964 WANTED: Schwinn Alredyne exercycle. For Sale: Combined steper/ welghlbench.$150....-'- : - 642-4223 735 Wanted To Buy ALBUMS 45's. Old Comics, Cards, Magazines, Models, Toys. Motown, Elvis, Beatle items. Eves. 264-1251 FARMINGTON HARRISON Varsity Jacket. Size 42 to 44. Call. • 313-553-8352 Old wooden duck, hurWng decoys wanted. Cash paid. Call Joe: 774-8799 TOY Trains wanted Lionet & American Flyer, any age or condition. Also toy boats & peddle cars. 981-4929 474-6750 DODGE 474-6888 FORD AEROSTARS 1968-1992. 14 to choose, from $6,995. PAT M I L U K E N F O R D 255-3100 FORD ECONOLINE. 1989 Conversion - Beautiful & clean interior & exterior. Loaded. $9500. 455-4423 FORD E-150 1985 8 1988 cargo vans. 6 cylinder. $1,950 VS. $4850 255-0054 FORD 1987 AEROSTAR XLT - loaded, all the seats, priced toaell, extra ready! $5785 DICK SCOTT Garden City 522-7820 FORD 1988 CLUBWAGON XLT dual air, automatic. $6800 OEMMER FORD 721-2600 FORO 1988 E-150 Starcratt Conversion, quad chairs, seat, bed, lots more. 59,495. PAT M I L L I K E N FORD 255-3100 FORD 1988 E350 15 passenger van. 351 automatic, ell power, 53,000 miles. Ask for Dennis 721-7410 FORD 1988 PARCEL VAN - Overgenerator. $8900 8ang, EMMER FORD 721-2600 FORD 1989 E-150 Cargo Van. V8 automatic, stereo, very good condition. $6000/best offer GMC, 1990 Sierra pick up. V. ton Call 884-4299 or 549-6406 with cap. extended warranty, 9,700 274-1506 FORD 19S0 Conversion Van, loaded ALUMINUM ROWBDAT, 12 ft., flat miles. $13,000. After 4 w/alarm. $8992 bottom & camo. $250 firm. 453-5020 GMC. 1990. Sierra. SLE. loaded, 1 owner, V8, oxceilent condition, must see. $11,800 474-0228 474-6750 DODGE 474-6868 MA2DA 1986 B2000 U . cab plus £ FORD 1990 SUPER CARGO - Excapper top. Excellent condition tended, automatic, great work van. 420-2053 $9900 AAA STORAGE DEMMERFORD 721-2600 NISSAN 1989 Pickup - cap. casBoats,.Tra!lers, Trucks FORD 1991 CARGO VAN - automatsette, air, only 28.000 miles $5995 Outdoor, well-lighted, secured. ic. 44,000 miles $9900 Electricity available. 5 acres. DEMMERFORD 721-2600 Jeffries & Telegraph area. 538-8660 Chrysler-Plymouth FORD 1992 AEROSTAR Wagon All Boat & RV S t o r a g e 455-8740 961-3171 automatic, air, loaded, extended $12 per Mo. - Reserve Now From $11,900. SUBURBAN. 1985 SILVERADO Fenced. Lighted, Secured 721-2600 Excellent body, runs very well, V8, DEMMERFORD 348-2592 loaded. $4650 960-9734 GMC 1986 SAFARI SLE. stereo, air, CLASSIC C A R S T O R A G E 7 passenger, clean In & out. $3500. BIRMINGHAM-TROY AREA 437-6851 649-2848 AEROSTAR-1989, extended, 7 pas- GMC 1990 CARGO VAN, white. 302 senger, 3.0 engine, dual air/heat, V-8. 40000 miles, air. loaded $8,600 453-3317 Call Steve. 887-5187 Or, 522-3773 806 BoatsftMotors TOWN & COUNTRY 808 Vehicle & Boat Storage FOX HILLS 823 Vans 736 Absolutely Free 812 Motorcycles Runs Mondays Only Mini-Bikes QUEEN-SIZE springs. MATTRESS AEROSTAR. 1989 XL - Full power, GMC-1992 SAFARI, extended, very & box low mileage, loeded, $16,000. real sharp. $7,395 or best. 844-2813 YAMAHA 1979 - 1100 special high Call after 3pm 981-6949 416-0449 or 453-8975 performance. 14,500 ml.$800/best 533-9693 738 Household Pets AKC COCKER Spaniel pups, black beautys, vet checked, first shots, 7 weekeoloV" 425-272-T 814 Campers, Trailers —cVMotortiomes—- AKC GOLDEN Retriever Puppies DODGE 1976 Motorhome. 80.000 10 wks. old. looking to sell quick at mites. $3500. Must see! reduce price: Please call 273 r 0265 BEAUTIFUL Cocker Spaniel Pups, AKC. 3 buff males. Just In time tor Christmas. $225. 524-9365 BICHON FRISE Puppies. AKC. 1st shots. Perfect Christmas gifts. 540-1416 TOWN & COUNTRY 474-6750 DODGE 474-6668 DRIFTWOOD. 1965. clean. 18ft. sell contained, propane or electric, sleeps4, $1,000 firm. 421-3297 SOUTHWIND - 1983. 27 ft. Generator, microwave, Excellent condition, 397-2786 BISHON FRISE - Female. AKC, 7 $15,000. weeks, shots,- nori-shed. non-allergic fur, $600. 473-4006 WILDERNESS 1988 - 29'. front kitchen, queen, elr, awning, micro, 261-2524 BOUVIER Des Flanders. AKC. Male. tow package,-$10,500. 8 mos. old. Brindle. Obedience leash trained. Call. 313-528-0997 BOUVIER PUPPY - AKC. male. Shots, tails & ears to date. 313-724-8691 816 AutoftTruck PartsftService 818 Auto Financing BEAUTIFULLY RE9TORED 1903 Mason Hamltn baby grand piano. Gorgeous Instrument, appraised at $8,500. Asking $5,700. 517-546-7091 AEROSTAR 1990 XLT Extended Loaded, Ml power, absolutely clean Inside A out. Must aae! Exceptional buy «1*10.700. 478-2*1 T AARDVARK TO Z-28 726 Musical Instruments BALDWIN Console organ with large speaker, $550 or best offer. 478-6678 425-6124 AEROSTAR 198« Extend*] - eir, automatic, am/fm. good, condition. $6900/but offer. »81-2725 AARDVARK TOWING MUSTANG TAIL LIGHTS 1984 modBOXER PUPS - AKC, heavy Cham- el, new, $50 pair, $2S each. 464-2508 pion bloodlines, brindle with show HOSPITAL LIFT CHAIR quality markings. $350. 750-0921 RUSTED AFAR? I'll restore your old Now. $900; asking $425 or best. B R I T T A N Y pups. 3 months. 2 males, car, auto body rebuilding, sheet 837-3042 AKC. champion, sired, shots, dew metal fabrication, panel Installation, claws. 525-8663 complete painting, experienced, resonable, old A new. Hank, 291-3075 CHINESE SHAR PEI Puppies, papers, lots of wrinkles. Ready for SUBARU, 1981 1600GL5 - Motor 453-1763 runs great, needs starter, many exACROSONIC Baldwin Piano, dark Christmas. tra body parts. $150. 729-6625 mahogany, with bench, tuning, COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIE8 TRUCK CAPS, - One ^lumlnum. moving A warranty. $1,495. AKC. butt males. Good price. MICHIGAN PIANO CO. 548-2200 Call alter 3pm. 846-47S9 $150 ft one llberglas, $75 for short bed pickups, Call Nick: 422-5992 AREA'9 BEST USED PIANOS COCKER SPANIEL male puppies. Starters to Pro's from $395. AKC. shots, $225/negollable. MICHIGAN PIANO COMPANY 336-3637 Woodward. 1 mile South of I-696. COLLIE MIX - male adult, neutered, Open 7 Days 548-2200 50 lbs. Needs good loving.home WE BUY PIANOSI BABY GRAND PIANO beautiful dark wood. With bench, delivery, tuning, and warranty, $3,495. Michigan Piano, 548-2200 AEROSTAR 1969 XLT. LowMd, excetant 'condition, 78,000 mHH, eea-49i4 821 Junk Cars Wanted 722-7357 LAB - Black male, 2 years old, to a good home. Housebroken, excellent with children. 478-0814 478-6400 or 626-8051 BAD CREDIT NO CREDIT COLLIE PUPPIES That's right! We will arrange low AKC, 6 weeks, health guaranteed, cost financing, even if you have shots, home raised. 363-0439 been turned down elsewhere. Loans DACHSHUND home-raised puppies. available tor bankrupt, bad credit, or no credit no cosigners needed. AKC, Champion Stud Service. Phone applications accepted. Miniature, smoolh, long & wlrehair. Terms. Bob Albrecht 313-471-7191 MR. HACKETT DALMATIONS - AKC registered. 3 females, 6 mates, 8 week check-up. shots A wormed. 463-2603 DISCUS FISH - the beautys of all CHRISTMAS SPECIAL-5 piece freshwater fish, 2 adult Royal Blue, beautiful bonded pair, cannot Sepadrum set. black, like new, 6 0 H STOVE - tour-burner, 30-Inch, ava- complete, $275. 461-1674 397-7965 rate. $50. cado, electric, Whirlpool, self-cleaning oven, light, $75. 835-5673 CONSOLE PIANO, walnut, with DOBERMAN PUPPIES - AKC, males bench, excellent condition. $700. ft females, rust red ft black ft gold. USED REFRIGERATORS, freezer. 722-8388 or 326-1016 4770893 stoves, TVs, VCRs, microwaves, ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL GRAND PIANO: 3AMICK, 6ft. 1 In. 1 stereos., 28801 Southfieid 659-2900 yr. old. Ebony. $7000 or beet offer. good home needed. AKC. huntino 476-2903 8868 Greenfield ' 838-7600 Excenenl condition. Can. 479-5749 dag. good family pet. used.GE. $125 for set. will separate. 416-8843 . KITTENS, Cats, beautiful, all colors, fixed,'3 vadnatfons plus FIV, lukeroia tested vaclnated. 842-7672 728 VCR, TV, Stereo, Hi-Fi, Tape Decks BURTON SNOWBOARD new. only used twice, $110. .646-8887 . GOLDEN RETRIEVERS AKC-Females 823 Vans HIMALAYAN Sealpolnt. Male, Turn that junk, running or wrecked neutered, 1 yr., papers. car/truck into cash. $25-$5000. Beautiful: $150,Must sell. 453-7135 842-1275 NINTENDO, 11 games, joy stick, 2 controllers, light gun,. . HIGHEST S-PAID FOR Quality C a r s & T r u c k s GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC, excellent German working tines. $225 Eyes 535-4544 727 Video Games Tapes & Movies $150. Call Tom Hines Hines Park Lincoln-Mercury 453-2424x245 or 570-7239 M o b i l e Phorte (313) 531-5920 The largest selection of used office furniture In northern Oakland County. Files, desks, chairs, tables, bookcases & computer tables. New office furniture, 30%-50% off list. . Across from St. Joe Hospital. For Nice Domestic C a r s Especially T o w n C a r s & Grand Marquis v FRIENDLY - 1 yr. old Red male Doberman, AKC. Moving forces aaje, S100. * 737-4812 We Buy... OFFICE PRODUCTS OUTLET . Always Looking ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL Puppy, AKC, bom 9/23/92i Great hunters, great pets. Black & white, stud service available. 534-8447 714 Business & Office Equipment OAK CONFERENCE TABLE, 8H, 6 chairs, $450. 451-0017 820 Autos Wanted ENGLISH Springer Spaniel Puppies, AKC registered, certified eye exam complete, shots complete, blsfck & white, liver & white. Males left only. 8 weeks Old, $400. 313-667-5676 MICHIGAN USED A P P U X f c ^ FORMAL Dining set: dark pine Country style, matching buffet & hutch..$2300/best. 4/8-8319 MONTEREY King Size Waterbed In' a solid light oak frame with matchHALL TREE with lift-up seat & be- ing 8 drawer & 6 door storage veled mirror, darker oak'finish, very pedestal & solid . oak bookcase detailed, $500. 645-0055 headboard, 5 yrs: old. Padded side rails. $300/best. 981-4184 HARVEST STYLE Pine dining table, 6 cattail style chairs. $650 or best MOVING SALE Offer. 363-5012 Dec. 1 - 1Qam-5pm - 453-2155 14999 Scenic Lake Dr., Northvflle HENREDON SOFA - Pastel colors. Highland Lake Sub. 3-cushion contemporary, $150. Large walnut partner's desk, chairs, 375-0836 tables, over 300 old booKs, trunks, dishes, confernece table & misc. LAB/SPANIEL mix, male, 1½ yrs. old, neutered, all shots, good watch MUST SELL - 20" color TV W/redog. Mpvlng. 421-2453 mote, j 2 " TV, w/adapter for auto. misc. 738 Household Pats 726 Musical Instruments. JENN-AIR' Cooktop, KltchenAid dishwasher, GE double oven, MarBEAUTIFUL brass daybed with ble vanlty/slnk/toKet. Elkay stain- GRAND PIANO - (Baldwin) deepbrand new mattresses & peach la- less steel double sink. 646-4509' toned, 54"X 54", beautifully crafted cey spread & accessories, never In walnut $4000 or best offer. been used, paid $600 for everything, Pager- 609-5556, Fax, 664-6098 asklrtg $250/best offer. Leave mesTelephone, 664-4112 sage * "326-8137 KAWi \\ Midi compatible keyboard. BEDROOM SET- - American Drew, Atari ST'computer with Band In A oak, headboard, nlghtstand, mirror, Some like new>-etiaranteed in Box program. 2 dressers, $B50/best After 5prn. home service. CoweSt prices. Refrig- Call Ban before 5pm, 399-8750' 728-5435 eration. 1912 Venoy Rd corner LOWRY CONSOLE Piano, walnut, Palmer. Westland. excellent condition. $995. COLONIAL couch & love&eat, brown tone. Drop sides oval cocktail table, 693-7661 729^4848 • , octagon end table Good condition. $200 525-3534 STOVE - Magic Chef gas stove, MOVING, Gulbransen Organ, very CRIB. MATTREES. bedding, baby works good, almond color, $100 or reasonable . 669-3644 397-5489 clothes, dining room set. china cabi- best offer OAK PLAYER PIANO - Rebuilt & renet + household items. 476-4020 WHIRLPOOL: Automatic, gas dryer. Jinished Bench, rolls, excellent. DeDINING ROOM, queen arms style, 5 cycle, 3 temperature. $75 or livery possible 682-8928 425-1643 cherrywood, table, 6 chairs, leaf best offer. Call, Uke new $500 261-8405 WHIRLPOOL ELECTRIC stove & ORGAN - LOWRY Spinet Model L55, walnut formica, A-1 condition, DINING ROOM SET, Early American Refrigerator (white), excellent condi- originally $2,800, $1,095. 377-2850 981-2976 maple, table, 6 chairs, buffet, hutch, tion, $500 for both. like new. $1,095. * 455-7945 WHIRLPOOL Washer & Dryer, $125 OVATION LEGEND acoustic guitar, oak finish; guitar case, excellent534-9804 DINING SET, solid Oak, 48" hexa- each. Range $125.' Refrigerator, condition, $450. 697-7222 or 729-0276 gon w/24" leaf; 4 swivel upholstered $200. PIANO, excellent condition, $1,500/ arm chairs, brand new: Paid $1550; WHIRLPOOL washer & gas dryer, best. Guitar. $150. Antique rocker, Asking $1025. 427-4048 excellent condition, harvest gold, $75. Antique chair, $50. 473-1540 DOUBLE HOLLYWOOD frame & $100 each. $175/set; Caloric gas headboard, $10; twin bed frame, $5; stove, top-line, like new, self-clean- PIANO - Walnut, spinet, excellent exercise hike, $10; window fan. $10; ing, black/almond, $275. 591-42T1 condition. $900. • . 476-9003 Whirlpool washer, $50; antique rocker, $23; antique trunk, $25; •i -SPINET GRINNELL PIANO lamp, $5. After 6:30pm, 937-0825 A-1 condition/must sell. Call days 354-6200; Eves. 855-2909 ELECTRIC STOVE, $150. Side by SPINET GRINNELL PIANO side refrigerator, $150. Maple china CANNON PC-3 il COPIER, excellent cabinet, $200. 397-0430 condition, cartridge & warranty in- A-1 condltlon/must sell. Call days cluded. $460/best. Mike. 730-0896 354-6200; Eves. 855-29.09 . . ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, neutral color, 58"x70", 3 yrs old, very good DESIGNER CLOTHING STORE going out of business. Finest quality condition. $50. 481^1674 racks, hangers, & etc. Custom made PIANOS ETHAN ALLEN BEDROOM Set. counter, sacrifice, best offer. (Spinets. Consoles. Grands) Harwood Maple;, classic manner fin- 29839 Northwestern Hwy., South-ANDish, dresser, tediment mirror, 2 night field. 352-7202 HAMMOND ORGANS stands, double bed. Very Good conIBM Selectrlc II typewriter (correctdition. $700.453-4943. Canton. (B-3. C-3, A-100,« others) ing), used, very good condition. Call Mr, H o w a r d LIVING room -Couch, loveseat, ta- $250. 852-3891 bles, rocker-neutra\ color, wood trim. Excellent. ,$800. \ 453-8566 MATCHING GREY desks,. chairs, table, file cabinets, loveseat. Xerox MATTRESS - high qiiaWy^ queen copier, pallet Jacks, bander. Excel- WURLITZER 630 Organ, triple keyboard, built-in Leslies, pecan cabisize, 1 year old with box spring & lent condition. Mon-Frl 454-7887 nets. Excellent condition. 287-4952 frame, $95. 459-2622 CHERRY WOOD DINING room set: Oval table, 6 chairs, china cabinet, POOL: Solar cover, diving board, asking $2500. .Royal Doulton fine chemicals, patio blocks, etc. china "Sara Bande", 80 pieces, Call 9am-8pm. 553-4964 $1500. 879-6429 SffiDt-rVOF U.S. MARSHAL AND OTHER SECURED PARTIESSATORljA>\DEC. 5,1992 BEGINNING 9:30 AM. SHARP! H O N T O B E HELD A T : EDWrATW-* K A Y E , I N C . W A R E H O U S E 5641 C O N N E R , DETROIT, M l (1 BLOCK SOUTH OF 1-94 NEXT TO WCC COLLEGE) CASH 0 » CERTIFIED 709 Household Good* Wayne County 354-3300 120 A r t * Wanted WANTED AUTOS & TRUCKS BILL BROWN -USED CARS35000 Plymouth Rd.. Uvonia 622-0030 PUBLIC SALE Friday, Dec 4 and Saturday, Dec. 5 9:00-5:00 Everything you'd expect to find in a busy, tastefully-decorated advertising/marketing firm! • Office Furniture • Dividers • Office Equipment • Audio-Visual Equipment • Professional Artist Supplies • Office Supplies & Paper Goods • Miscellaneous Items Cash & Carry Only No Credit Cards 350 North Wbodward, 2nd Floor Birmingham, Michigan. Call (313) M7-3900torinformation. 6D* AUTOMOTIVE M • KIHIIIIIIlllfl • 8^3 Van* S34 jMpaAOttMr fORO 1990 SUPER WAGON XLT 4-WlwtlDrim V8; dual air. 15 passenger, from BLAZER 1979 - VS. 350, spare mo$10,000. DEMMEftFORD 7S1-2800 tor & many parts, needs work. 36" Urea, $2800. 397-8836 <$MC SAFARI 1 » 1 . W T , V8. automatic, air, rear h u t . family run. BRONCO II 1969'XLT.4x4, V6, auto, 1 Awner, loaded, black w/ silver, sharp. $7900.592-1344; 531-6407 tu.sea. MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 OLOSM08IL6. 18SP Silhouette, BRONCO, 1978 XLT, 351 automatic, toother Inlerlpr, « seats. $11,500/ body fair, nice Interior, good tires, 454-7622 test. , «49-11117 $1500. After 6pm. C-LDS 1990 SILHOUETTE - auto- CHEVY 1968 Pickup - Silverado, iTjalic. air, laatrrtr.atl power, low low 4X4. w/Weatern plow 32.000 mile*. mile's 0nly$11,995. only$13,995. FOX HILLS MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 ACURA 1987 Ledgend, navy blue, rVagi 4x4, automatic air, loaded. $17,900 full power, 64,000 miles, original DEMMERFORD' 721-2600 owner, -excellent condition, $8400 591-1692 FORD 1992 F2S0 XLT - 4x4, Diesel, automatic, air, 9,000 miles. $19,400 AUDI 1987, 5000, original owner. DEMMER FORD 721-2600 Also 1986 Audi, 5000, turbo Both cars loaded 8 beautiful, 348-5733 GEO 1992 TRACKER Convertible, automatic/power steering, cassette, AUDI-1990 Quattro Coupe, pearl black beauty. Only $9999. gray leather, loaded, all wheel MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 white, drive. 37,800 miles, excellent condition. $15,900. 737-4075 GMC JIMMY, 1991, SLE Package 4 x 4 . Excellent condition. $11,700. . 344-4803 BMW 198B 3251s - Red, .loaded. 74,000 miles, $9,750 or best ofler. QMC SUBURBAN 1991 - 4X4. Load- S22-3505 pr 594-9878 erUow miles $22,960 ' . BILt FOX CHEVROLET 651-2262 BMW-1989 325IX, red, 4 door, 5 GMC, 198¾. S15 Jimmy: rebuilt mo- speed, sunroof, healed seats, Pirelli tor, needs transmission work, good tires, under 30,000 miles Asking 524-9785 body,$800/best 757-5614 $18,500. Call, - Chrysler-Plymouth CHEVY 1990 K-BLAZER- Silverado, 455-8740 961-3171 4x4. loaded, heavy duty trallering, low miles. $14,495 PLYMOUTH 19«6 Voyager, air, a m Jack Cauley Chevrolet-QEO fin. cruise, >3 yrs In Arizona, runs 655-0014 Well'S3200 or best offer. 420-2784 Open S a t , 9-4 BLYMOUTH 1989 VOYAQER - autoCHEVY 1991 BLAZER - 4x4, Tahoe. GMC 1989 JIMMY, 68,000 miles, BMW 1991.318-1. s speed, ami mate, air, only $6495 automatic, air, wheels. $12,400 great condition, Gypsy package, lock brakes, air bag Excellent con•EMMER FORD 721-2600 loaded, $9000. 766-1969 dition. $11,700 Call days, 942-3557. or evenings, 647-1053 Chrysler-Plymouth CHEVY 1991 BLAZER - S10. Tahoe, GMC 1990 Jimmy - Full Size. 4x4, 455-8740 961-3171 4 3 V6, automatic, air, 4x4, loaded SLE package, loaded sharpl CORVETTE 1975 Convertible, $14,995 PLYMOUTH 1990 VOYAGER L6 - MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 orange, 2 tops, good condition v*6. 7 passenger, all the toys, 3 to BOB JEANNOTTE Call Mr Ross at 963-7755 quopse, Irom 39,995 CHEVY 1992 BLAZER S-10, 4x4, 4 PONTIAC/GMC TRUCK lrivoniaChryslef-Ptymoulho25-7604 door Tahoe, loaded, 8000 miles, exPlymouth, 453-2500 CORVETTE 1985 fully loaded. cellent condition, $16800. 459-6368 P L Y M O U T H 1991 V O Y A Q E R - v e , 7 GMC 1991 JIMMY S-15 - 4x4, auto- 21,000 miles, needs minor body TaaSsenger. air. tilt, cruise, power DODGE RAMCHARQER 1938. Red matic, air, 4 3 V-6, SLE package, work & paint lob Must sacrifice, focKs 1owner.$11,995. $8,500/best 425-2768 & silver, 4x4.360 engine, automatic, power windows, locks, & morel Livonia Chrysler-Plymouth 525-7604 air, am-fm tape, Maintenance BOB JEANNOTTE DODGE 1991 STEALTH RT - Twin PONTIAC/GMC TRUCK PLYMOUTH 1992 VOYAQER - V6, 7 records available $5,000. 454-9881 Turbo, all wheel drive, leather & Plymouth, 453-2500 passenger, air._ tut, cruise, locks, FORD 1988 BRONCO XLT - 4x4, loaded 33,000 miles $22,890 -Showroom new. $13,995. GMC-1991 SONOMA SLE, 4x4, Ljyonla Chrysler-Plymouth 525-7604 sharpl Only $7495. TOWN & COUNTRY loaded, V6, alarm. 32,000 miles, $11,500. After 4pm. 274-1506 474-6750 DODGE 474-6668 # * N T I A C 1990 TRANS SPORT SE # * l .power, suspension packege, 7 Chrysler-Plymouth JEEP 1976 DJ5. postal vehicle, DODGE 1992 STEALTH - 5 speed, 4Wssenger, low mites. 455-8740 961-3171 runs well, $500 Call after 4pm. stereo cassette, black, 7,300 miles " BOBJEANNCTTE 953-9638 $17,865 FORD 1989 Bronco XLT - 4x4, load-j*r PONTIAC/QMO TRUCK ed, tow mileage, excellent condition, <jl Plymouth, 483-2500 TOWN & COUNTRY $12,400. 261-6904 JEEP, 1985 CJ7, Laredo package, new engine & paint, very good con• A N S P O R T - 1 9 9 0 S E . whits, DODGE 474-6668 dition, hard/soft top/doors, white, 474-6750 Kooo miles, excellent condition, FORD 1991 EXPLORER XLT - 4x4. gold Interior, $450O/best 642-9214 HONDA, 1992 ACCORD EX ret sell. $12,000 or best. 656-8418 automatic, air. $13,900 OEMMERFORD 721-2600 JEEP 1987 COMMANCHE 1987, 2 4 door, loaded, ask!ng$15.000 AflSPORT 1992 - SE. loaded, ex547-8057 wheel drive, 4 speed stick. 4 cylinided warranty. 16,000 miles. FORD 1991 F250 XLT - 4x4, heavy der, air, cruise, 82000 miles. Must $.000 557-0408 duty, automatic, air, plow $16,900 sell. $2800/best. Taylor, 291-9628 ISUZU. 1985, l-Mark, 4 door, 42,000 DEMMERFORD 721-2600 miles, automatic, air, good condi^AQER 19S8 SE. power steering JEEP 1966 CHEROKEE Limited, tion, $2800.788-1833 751-3821 Brakes, air, excellent condition, FORD 1991 RANGER Supercab - 4x4, leather, gold package. $7900 rech-smoker. running boards, XLT, 4x4, automatic, air. $9900 OEMMERFORD 721-2600 721-2600 MAZDA 1982 RX7,runs good, first {$6.7.60:. :•• 459-2465. DEMMERFORD JEEP 1988 COMANCHE Pickup, $800. 643-6917 stick, stereo, & more. Only $3895. DICK SCOTT-'Garden City 522-7820 '• FOX HILLS FOX HILLS f i890Automotive JEEP 1988 COMANCHE Pickup - 5 speed. 55.000 miles. $4992 . TOWN & COUNTRY ...all cars safety checked. •\jf' 474-6750 DODGE 474-6668 MERKUR 1988 XR4TI - while, leather interior, 66,000 miles, one owner. JEEP 1990 CHEROKEE SPORT $4990 2 dobr, black, automatic, air, cassette, cruise, tilt, tinted windows, alloy wheels, 36000 miles. $11,900, Audette Cadillac Eves.;478-6864 West Bloomfleld MAIL SURPLUS JEEP. 1976, 65.000 miles, new exhaust, floor boards, paint, $750, 722^6618 ELDORADO 1983 - Very good con- IMPALA 1974 • 6 passenger wagon, dition, all the options, looks good, 107,000 miles, runs great, well . 476-0169 JAGUAR 1991 XJS, classic collec- $3,000 or best offer 534-7974 maintained, $600 tion, red convertible with cream Interior, V-12. 3760 miles. $56,000 ELDORADO 1992 - white, loaded, LUMINA 1992 - Euro. 4 door, power, Call 8am to 6pm, 286-0968 keyless entry, theft deterrent. 1,600 cruise, air, stereo cassette, 6700 474-5439 MILES. $29,500 Call 553-0078 miles, $12,300. MERCEDES, new ,1992, black/ black, beautiful, must see. $34,500/ FLEETWOOD' 1986 Brougham. $700, runs - hlgtV MALIBU 1981 Mint Condition 19.000 miles Offer 334-8806 462-9832 miles After 5, Call, 261-0828 SCORPIO 1989 - moonroof, leather, SEDAN DEVILLE, 1992 - GM execu40,000 miles, black. Only $7900. 862 Chrysler DEMMERFORD 721-2600 tive, 3700 miles, carmen red/gray leather, excellent. 626-8609 CONQUEST-1989 TSI, black withlealher Interior, $7600. Excellent SEDAN DEVILLE: 1992. Immacu852 Classic Cars 698-9632 late Loadedl Taupe/Dark Plum condition, loaded DESOTO. 1960, 4 door, flretllte S.SOd'mlles, $24,400 885-3192 CORDOVA 1976, automatic, power sedan, complete running restorable steering, good winter car $450. car. good overall condition. Asking SEDAN DEVILLE, 1991, raspberry 255-2048 $800. 291-3075 red, grey interior, eir bag. like new. 25,000 miles. $18,300 firm 476-4673 FIFTH AVENUE 1988 - automatic, FORO MODEL T'8. A parts, plus SEDAN DEVILLE 1989, loaded with all Dower, leather Only $5295 mlsc car Items Uvonia 313-422-1489 options, additional warranty, excellent. S10.9Q0 471-7792,641-8119 Chrysler-Plymouth SEVILLE. 1984 Silver, black leath854 American Motors 961-3171 er, 124,000 miles, Bose stereo, 455-8740 CONCORD-1979, runs good, good ?ood condJtiop $2500/offer Mon - IMPERIAL, 1971 - Good running transportation. $400 or best offer. r i . 10am-4pm 398-9002 condition Power brakes & windows, new tires, $800. 313-534-9065 Ask for Jim. 459-5611 FOX HILLS SPIRIT 1981 AMatchback, automatic, 70,000 miles1, new tires, no rust, 1 owner. $S50/best offer 981-6504 SEVILLE 1990 - white w/burgundy leather, loaded, 43,000 miles Only $14,990 EAGLE 1981 WAGON, 4 wheel drive, good condition. ALLANTE 1992 - red. one owner, 474-0285 8.000 miles Only $38,990 PREMIERE 1990 Limited, excellent condition, loaded Must sell $7500 COUPE DeVILLE 1991 - triple bur288-5301 gundy, very sharp' $16,990 This m a y b e Michigan's largest inventory! Acnievas, Ciefas, Cutlass S u p r e m o s , SB's, 9 8 ' s , Toronados, Bravadas, Silhouettes New 1992 Achleva S Coupe New 1992 Cutlass Supreme Coupe Air. automatic. AM/FM stereo, electric rear, detogser, wtlitewsjls, Slk. #3130. Alter rebate: »11,953* ••12,952* GMCMPUOYEES Additional Robat«» $717 r I s t T l m a B u y v f $400 GM EMPLOYEES Additional Rebate $797 ELECTRA: 1984 Station wagon. 95K miles. Good condition. Will take $1500/best, tor rapid sale. 855-6722 PARK AVENUE 1986-60,000 miles, loaded, excellent condition. Must sell. $5,680. 684-0900 REGAL GRANSport 2-door 1992 Fully eqyupped, power moon root. 8,500 ml.,, immaculate, like new. S16,500/best 643-9029 SKYHAWK,- 19JS6. automatic, stereo, very low miles, $2450 • TYMEAUTO 455-5566 SKYLARK 1989. Umlted. 32.0Q0 Miles, v-e, all power, immaculate condition. $6395. 855-9862. v ^ ...all cars , safety checked RIVIERA 1992 - pearl white, leather Interior, Astro roof, 8,000 miles. $19,990 GRAN SPORT 1990 priced to sell fast. $7990 maroon, Audette Cadillac West Bloomfleld New 1992 Eighty-Eight floyale Sedan Electric rear defogger. air, power windows. AM/FM stereo, drivers side qirbag. Stock #3460..--- 1 851-7200 *15,5i8* 858 Cadillac C M EMPLOYEES Additional $933 Rebate ~ CIMMARON, 1985. 2.8 liter V6. loaded, leather & cloth, $2,000. 641-7894 24555 Michigan Ave. 1 block W. of Telegraph Dearborn COUPE OE VILLE 1983 - very low miles, clean. $3,000 or best offer. After 3p,m.: . 476-5026 565-6500 •Plus tax, l i c m M , rebate I D deafer 522-3960 LeBARON 1988 Coupes - automatic, air, ail the toys 1 owner, From $5995 Livonia Chrysler-Plymouth 525-7604 890 Automotive TOTAL INVENTORY "SEVIU-E SALE" 1992 - Maroon - $27,990 1992 - Black.- $28,990 1992 - Black --$27,990 1992-Burgundy - $27,990 1992 S T S - Black - $31,990 1992 STS - Pearl - $29,990 459-5968 or 705-6565. TAURUS 1987, Wagon, grey. 5 ESCORT. 1992 WAGpN speed manuel transmission, cart Semi-loaded, 13,000+ hwy m l , phone, $3300 After 6pm 420-3285. t $9800 or best offer 684=0365 TAURUS 1989 GL Wagon, V6, autoEXP 1986, excellent condition, 5 Speed manual, AM-FM stereo cas- matic'alr, power windows 8. locks, tilt, cruise, cassette. Only $7995. sette, black with grey interior. 8AM-5PM254-4590 MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 6PM-9PM 647-6645 TAURUS 1989 SHO - black, leather, * FAIRMONT 1980 - New tires, ex- moonroof*$5900 721-2600 haust, radiator. Needs engine work DEMMERFORD $500 Call Mr. Ross at 963-7755 TAURUS 1989 Wagon, perfect for FAIRMONT-1981, clean, automatic, snow. $5295 reliable transportation, $500. DICK SCOTT Garden City 522-7820 953-9670 TAURUS, 1990 GL - Air. power Fairmont 1981-4 door, air, automat- equipment, cruise, am/fm cassette, 348-7104 ic, power steering-brakes Needs 4900O mi. $7000 work $900 397-5197 or 464-7228 TAURUS 1990 SHO - loaded, only FESTIVA 1990 LX, showroom new, 721-2600 sunroof, stereo cassette and load- DEMMER FORD ed Asking $3950 464-2107 TAURUS 1992 ^leather, power winLTD 1961 - 75,000 miles, excellent dows & locks, power seat, loaded condition, loaded, new tires, well $12,400 721-2600 kept, reliable, $1,450. 397-5489 DEMMERFORD T-8IRD 1984 - Automatic, air, loadLTD 1984 - LOADED, v-6, 3 8, door, full power, new tires, brakes, ed, well maintained, records avail553-7314 air, $1100. 437-0347 able $3000/best offer 864 Dodge AIRES 1987 Station Wagon. Ivory, 4 cylinder, automatic, air, am-fm tape, maintenance records available. $2600. Call: ' . 454-9881 Audette Cadillac West Bloomfleld 851-7200 DAYTONA, 1987, 5 speed, 2.5L, air. power Steering, amfm, black, $ieso/best.Atter6pm. 420-3529 DAYTONA 1989 - ES turbo, 66.000 miles, very good condition, $8800/best. ^--348-2638 880 Chevrolet ATTENTION ARE YOU LOOKING '» TO BUY or SELL A CAR TRUCK Or VAN SHADOW 1987 - ES.-lurbo, 60,000 miles; black exterior, great condition, $ 3 9 0 0 / . . 649-9423 SHADOW 1989 ES, turbo, black, fully loaded, $5500 or best. . Work, 448-0707. Home. 552-.9346 SHADOW 1991 ES Convertible, all power, low miles, balance of new Come to where the dealers go. car. warranty. $9995 MICHIGAN AUTO AUCTION 30040 Mlthlu.an Avo. WAYNE, Ml. For information, 326-6400 Chrysler-Plymouth Regular.sale every Thur. at 6pm. 455-8740 • • . . 961-3171 BERETTA 1991 - GT. fully loaded. 866 Ford $9960. BILL FOX CHEVROLET 651-2262 ATTENTION CAMARO 1989 RS - bright blue, auARE Y O U LOOKING tomatic, t-tops, loaded. 64,000 T O BUY or SELL miles. 56600/best offer. Ask for Donna: - -422-4797 or 729-8510 A C A R T R U C K or V A N Come to where the dealers go. CAMERO 1986, IfocZ, T tops, red, MICHIGAN AUTO AUCTION loaded, low miles, wife's car. $6100 33640 Michigan Ave. or best. Days: 295-1750. WAYNE, Ml. Nights andweekends:- . 981-5119 For Information, ' 326-6400 Regular sale every Thur. at 6pm CAPRICE CLASSIC 1989, Loaded. 8.000 miles, like hew^ Excellent condition.$11.000. • -"855-3835 CROWN VICTORIA 1995 LX - leather, wheels, loaded. $13,900. 721-2600 CAPRICE CLASSIC. 1978 - 2 door DEMMERFORDV8, wires, stereo, 58,000 original CROWN VICTORIA 1992 LX - 1,465 miles, like new, $2100. 681-8268 .rnilesl Leather, loaded, $18,500453-2424 . CAPRICE CLASSIC BROUGHAM 1988 - Fully loaded, like newl $8960. BILL FOX CHEVROLET 651-2262 LINCOLN-MERCURY CAPRICE 1987 CLASSIC Brougham, V8, automatic, air, power win- ESCORT; 1983. reliable transportation, rebuilt engine" in 87, some dows, power locks, tilt, cruise, extra dents, $600. 422^8328 cl&an. only $8:488; FOX HILLS HINESPARK MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 CAPRICE 1987 - Classic 9 passenger Wagon, automatic, power steering/brakes/wlndows/locks, undercoated, air, amfm, air shocks, dual power seats, roof rack. $4,000. After 6. 464-7745 ESCORT 1984 - 69,000 mites, automatic transmission, air, some rust, «900 or best. 524-9471 ESCORT, 1986, clean, no rust,l $1089; TYMEAUTO 455-5566 ESCORT. 1986 GT, white, tinted CAPRICE 1990. power windows/ windows, sunrool, power steering & locks, tilt, cruise, power seats, brakes, air, am-fm Cassette, rear window detogger. great condition. 25,000 miles. Only $10,488. 522-7297 MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 $2500/best LTD, 1965, all options, runs great, T-BlRD 1989 LX - loaded, moonroof, warranty clean, must see $1600 313-4S5-6589 after 6pm 8. weekends, 532-7984 Call after 5pm MUSTANG 1975, GIA, V6, 4 speed, T-BIRD 1989 Super Coupe - sliver, new tires, brakes, exhaust, nice leather, automatic, power, moon stereo, $685 981.3441 roof 46,000 mi, new tires/brakes/ tune-up $9500 Work, 647-1080 MUSTANG, 1981, 6 cylinder, auto- Home 258-6807 matic, very good condition, engine tick, $475. 274-9875 TEMPO 1984 - 4 door, 91.000 ml manual transmission, good transMUSTANG 1987. 5 0 liter, shpw portation, $399 435-3179 room condition, low mileage, red/ white Interior, $4800/best. 453-6462 TEMPO, 1987 GL. 39,000 miles, new tires & exhaust, $3100. MUSTANG, 1988, automatic, air • . 425-0847 conditioning, 55,000 actual miles, $3450 TEMPO 1987 - LX, Full power, air, TYME AUTO 455-5566 automatic. $2,995 DICK SCOTT Garden Sity 522-7820 MUSTANG 1968 -automatic, air. sunroof, 5.0, all power. Only $5995. TEMPO, 1988. fully loaded. 1 owner, . A title, $2775 ,i. TYMEAUTO 455-5566 " V : - Chrysler-Plymouth TEMPO 1988 LX, automatic, power 455-8740 961-3171 steering/brakes, cruise & more, 425-3851 MUSTANG 1989 GT - 5.0 L, 5 great condition, $3900. speed, air, 26,000 miles. $7900 OEMMERFORD 721-2600 TEMPO-1990 GL, 4 door, 24,000 miles, air, power locks, cassette, exMUSTANG 1989 Hatchback - air. cellent condition. $5,800. 937-1141 cassette, rear spoiler, chrome THUNDERBIRD 1990- Red. loaded, wheels, $3,995. 29,000 miles, $8;300/best. BOB JEANNOTTE 737-2857 PONBAC/GMC TRUCK ith. 453-2500 THUNDERBIRD 1979. garage kept, exceptional condition. Must see to MUSTANG. 1989 - 5.0, 5 speed, fully appreciate. $1950. 474-0749 44,000 ml. Red. New tires & rims, clean car. $7000. Call after 7pm. THUNDERBIRD 1990 Super Coupe 669-2767 moonroof. automatic,' air, loaded. $10,900 . , :5.0 L. air. MUSTANG 1990 LX DEMMERFORD 721-2600 27.000 miles. $8900 DEMMERFORD THUNDERBIRD 1986 Turbo Coupe,low miles, all power, cloth, clean.. MUSTANG: 1990 LX. 5.0. White. $5995 Fully Loadedl Alarm, $8450/best. Jack Cauley Chevrolet-GEO Call. 886-4990 855-0014 Open Sat., 9-4. . , MUSTANG-1991 LX. 2.3L. 5 speed. 20,000 miles, all black, every option. Mint. $8100. 979-7764 868 Geo FOX HILLS MUSTANG 1991 LX - automatic, air, METRO 1990 LSI. - 5 door, air, 5 only $6900. speed, stereo, defog. 38,000 miles, DEMMER FORD 721-2600 clean, sharp. $4,500. 937-0207 PROBE 1969 GT - alt power, cas- METRO 1990 XFt - 2 door, power sette, sunroof, $6595 steering 8, brakes, 39,000 miles, white: 5speed. $2900. 454-0903 FOX HILLS PRISM 1992. automatic, air, rear • Chrysler-Plymouth defog, am/tm, under 1100Q miles, r 455-8740 961-3171 good condltion.^85007- 553-9359^ • •PROBE 1989 GT - low miles, loaded. PRIZM, 1990; automatic: air, cas$6900 DEMMERFORD 721-2600 sette, new tires, excellent condition, 49,000 miles, $5,000. 454-0341 PROBE 1990 GT- automatic, air, power windows/locks, tilt, cruise, PRIZM, 1990 LSI - 20.000 ml, very ; clean, excellent condition, good incassette, defroster, black beauty. snow. $6750. 313-684-2161 Only $9995. MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 SPECTRUM 1989. automatic, air, PROBE: 1990 LX- V6, 5 .speed, air, defroster, power steering, 33,000 power locks & windows, very clean, miles, only $4,788. 54.000 rtllles. $6100. 981-0597 MATjeK CHEVY 531-7100 890 Automotive j * * I* * 99 Down 300 Down 500 Down CASH or TRADE CASH or TRADE CASH or TRADE 1990 E S C O R T 1988 ESCORT 1989 P O N T I A C 6 0 0 0 1UD mo. 1988 F-150 1988 C U T L A S S CRUISER J119 I $ **Sfe 125 1990 T E M P O 1991 P R O B E 1986 T-BIRD BH.L-F-OX-CHEVROI.ET BS1-22B?, CELEBRITY 1988 QL, 54000 miles, ,8 passenger wagon. $4800, 278-8797 CELEBRITY 1986 - air, stereo, low < Jack Cauley Chevrolet-GEO 855-0014 Open Sat., 9-4 I.ROC. CHEVELLE, 1970, SS396. all original, restorable, -original owner, $3300. 459-2991 CHEVETTE 1987 - 4 cylinder. 5 speed, am/tm cassette. 53,000 | miles. $2960 BILL FOX C H E V R O L E T 118f> R A N G E R 4 x 4 1990 R A N G E R 1991 T A U R U S $ Loaded r 177 rmmr*•mn A t R O S T A R 1989 M U S T A N G 1990 T BIRD 11,900 1991 L I N C O L N CONTINENTAL s 11.900 -r^ 17,950 '90 GEO P R I Z M Immediate • • » • $ N O RTHBI THBROS I^K^n^^Kr &/(f///f&/u>(/ ((JJCf 421-1:500 * * Delivery! , • I inrincinr) lor e v e r y o n e ' Ask for Mr. Karr 2GI-6900 "~ A C T I O N O L D S M O B I L E ' 33850 Plymouth Road Livonia • O n e n Sat. 10-4 * * * * * * CORISICA 1989 - 6 cylinder, automatic, power windows A locks, tilt, cruise, low miles. $7960 BILL FOX CHEVROLET 651-2262 CORSICA 1969 - automatic, air, much more, sharp $4,995 Livonia Chrysler-Plymouth 525-7604 CORSICA 1990 LT2 - V6, automatic, ftfr, power windows & locks, tilt, cruise, only $6,888. 11,888 * * * * * '89 CHEVY SPECTRUM »4848 MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 90 ESCORT CORSICA 1991 LT - Automatic, air. detroster, stereo, cosselto. 6,000 miles, only $8,995. 5555 LUMINA 1990 EURO - 4 door.aulomaiici sir, V6, power windows a locks, tilt, cruise, cassette, like new. Only $9766, MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 LUMINA 1991 Euro Sport, euiomntIc, air, power windows/locks, tilt, cruise, aluminum wheels, spoiler, only* 10,688. MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 LUMINA 1991 - 4 door sedan, null), made, air, power windows A power locks, till, cruise, only $6,995. MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 '87 FORD Full size van conversion, real plush, rear air. s 7979 $ 7979 '88 CELEBRITY CI EURO 8484 '84 CAVALIER '90 L U M I N A Loaded, won't last at this price! Automatic, air, only 30,000 miles. CORSICA 1990, 4 cylinder, automatic, air, am/fm, excellent cohdl-1 lion. $670O/best. 277-2223 CORSICA-1991, 5 speed, black, 14,000 miles,-stereo, air, excellent condition. $8,000. 645-0869 '91 S T O R M 5757 '91 G M C S O N O M A SLE PICKUP MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 *Wilh approved credit. Plus title and license. 1965 A 1906 models based on 00 monthly pymts, at 13.0% A.P.R. 1987 models based on 42 monlhly pymts. at 11,0% A.P.R. 1968 models beted on 42 monthly pymts at 9.0% A.P.R. 1969 models based on 48 monthly pymts. at 8.25% A.P.R, 1990 models based on 54 monthly pymts al 7,90% A P R , 1991 * 1992 models based on 6 0 monthly pymts. at 0.9% A.P.R. . Subject to prior sale. * F v c i v o n e ciosorvo?. ,1 s e c o n r i c h . ' m r o Y o i n |Ob is y o u r c r e d i t Bankruptcy Ropro N o ProblCFT!' Ri> e s t a b l i s h votir cipclil Automatic, air, AM/FM stereo, sale priced. CITATION 1980 High mites, needs work. $200/best. Call alter 6 p.m. 425-3661 | MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 199? T A U R U S * All used cars and trucks red-tagged w th our NO TlftSSI^T5rh^s-tor^^ 651-2262 i CORSICA 1989 LT, Automatic, air, tilt, cruise. Real Clean, only $6,995. I'l'i; T RIRDS * CAVALIER 1990 - 4 door, automatI ic, air. am/fm stereo. $5960. | BILL FOX CHEVROLET 651-2262 miles. $3995 1987 C A M A R O * CAVALIER 1989 RS,- automatic, air, slereo.a more. Only $4395. [ DICK SCOTT Garden City 522-7820 CAVALIER 1990 - Wagon, automatic, air, 22.000 miles. Like new! *af * Drive Home Today - PONTIAC/GMC TRUCK Plymouth, 453-2500 890 Automotive * HTOlli CAVALIER 1983 - hatchback, stick. ESCQRT, 1986 L. 2 Door, automatic, good condition, very dependable. good runner. $1195. 526-9485. DICK.SCOTT Garden City 522-7620 Must sell. $1.800...CAVALIER. 1988, 6 cylinder auto- ESCORT, 1987 QL, 2 door, excellent condition, dark blue, 4 speed, ammatic, 55,000 actual miels, $2650 TYMEAUTO 455-5566 fm stereo, $1500. after 6,474-0038 ESCORT. 1987 4 door automatic, CAVALIER 1988 Z-24 - automatic, power steering & brakes, air, 95,000 air. loaded, 46.000 mlleslllil ftl., $900. 421-8431 ESCORT 1986 QL - 4 door, power steering/brakes, cruise, air, automatic, cassette, excellent condition, CAVALIER-1989. 54,000 miles, 2 64.000 miles. $2,400. 535-6292 door, automatic, air, non-smoker, well kept. $3,900. 380-7242 ESCORT 1988¼. Pony, 1 owner; 49,000 miles, great transportation, CAVALIER. 1989 - 2 door, new tires $3150: Eves 473-0461 & exhaust,. extended warranty. $4,700. Must sell. . 399-4719 * GUARANTEED BOBJEANNOTTE WE MUST SELL 75 VEHICLES BY DEC. 1 st TAURUS 1987 - LX, V6, loaded, excellent condition. 69,000 miles. 1 owner, clean, $4300 591-1780 ESCORT 1991 LX Automatic, 4000 miles. $6400 Call, 856 Buick SKYLARK. 1990 - 4 door, automatic; air, am/tm cassette, low mlies, mint, extended warranty. $7800. Call after 6pm. ' 737-9242 Air, automatic; polycast wheels, pulse wipers, power locks, AM/FM stereo, electric rear detbgger. elk. # 3 2 7 1 . Alt.freb.tB: LE BARON COUPE 1987 - Power windows & doors, air, auto, am-fm cassette, till, cruise. $3350/best. 255-3100 ESCORT, 1991 - IIKB new. Am/fm PROBE 1991 - low miles, loaded, cassette, heat, air, extended war- only $7500. ranty. Zlebart. $7000 ' 476-8588 OEMMERFORD 721-2600 ESCORT 1991, LX, white, 2 door, TAURUS L, 1988 - 35.000 m l , exair, arn-fm cassette, sunroof, excel- cellent condition, ESP maintained, lent condition, $5500/best 347-4137 full warranty $5395. . 563-5258 FOX HILLS 646-2909 1992 CLEARANCE Lancer 1986 ES {LeSaron GTS) Loaded, excellent, must sell. $2,095. 649-5*12 ESCORT, 1989 LX, all options, deep PROBE 1991 - GT, loaded, all the burgundy, low miles, priced $1,000 toys, red beauty $9995. below black book, $3750 PAT MILLIKEN FORD TYME AUTO • 455-5566 LEBARON 1989 - coupe, red, T A L O N 1991 T S I - an wtieatidrtveralf FL££TWOOBff990 Brougham, rear 58,000 miles, air bag, automatic, air, wheel drive, triple sliver, sharp am/fm stereo, $4500 firm 642-3933 power. $10,995 $11990 LeBARON 1989 GTC Convertible, ELDORADO 1987 - triple gray, vo- leather, power windows & locks, tilt, Chrysler-Plymouth gue wheels tires, very sharp $7990 cruise, cassette, power seat Only 455-8740 961-3171 $10,388 SEDAN DeVILLE 1988 - gray w/ MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 leather interior, sharp! $9990 NEWPORT 1979 - Good running CENTURY 1985, automatic, new SEDAN DeVILLE 1990 - black w/ condition Original owner $900 or tires, excellent transportation $450 leather interior 535-7822 40,000 miles best offer 255-2048 $14 990 NEW YORKER, 1987 - Excellent CENTURY 1985 - 4 door, looks condition, loaded, $2450 or trade. good, fully equipped, good condi- SEDAN DeVILLE 1991 - black w/ 471-2665 tion, $1900/best offer 477-1369 leather interior loaded $16 990 NEW YORKER 1982, $500 or best. ELECTRA 1974 - 225, 4 door, only SEDAN DeVILLE 1987 - beige w / 316 engine, V-8, needs motor work. 35.000 miles. $2,000 or best offer. lealher interior, 48.000 miles. $9990 459-6132 Must see. 427-3176 REGAL. 1991 QS . sedan, clean, loaded, leather, low miles, $13,500. 890 Automotive ...all cars safety checked 855 Eagle REGAL. 1989 Grand Sport. Loaded. 28,000 miles, factory sunroof, black, like new. $9600. Canton 981-4492 851-7200 y^ 866 Ford «66 Ford 860 Chevrolet 858 Cadillac 825 Sports* Imported Car* 825 Sports & Import*! Can 824 JoapsAOthtr 4-Whoo.Drim 1595 '92 CAPRICE CLASSIC Loaded, 2 to choose, what a value! 5959 M 3,888 *85 CHEVY S-10 TAHOE BLAZER Automatic, air, aluminum wheels, 4x4, loadedl '91 S-10 PICKUP 6464 5959 Most cars guaranteed 3« months or 3 0 0 0 miles m •Lou LaRTche CHEVROLET 961-4797 453-4600M LOCAL". _ ET RO H 7 S Plymouth P h m u M i t h Road, R o a d . INvnMMith 40875 Phrmouth f l U • • • " • * Monday, November 30,1992 O&E AUTOMOTIVE m 7 1181111111111111 ? 868 Geo 874 Mercury 872 Lincoln 872 Lincoln STORM. 1990 - Excellent condition, CONTINENTALS 1991 - 5 available, TOWN CAR 1991 Signature Series, 1 owner 5 speed, air, )6400 or best mllos no higher than 32,000, all leather, loaded, like new, $19,995 offer 399-6271 spotless From $15,500 453-2424 STORM, 1992. GSI. black, 5 speed, loaded. Immaculate. 9.000 miles, $9900 851-3678 870 Honda PAT MILLIKEN FORD 255-3100 HINES PARK LINCOLN-MERCURY MARK Vll 1991 LSC - Special Edltlon, moonroof, 16,000 miles, S19.900 453-2424 ACCORD 1986 LX. 4 door, 5 speed, air,, loaded we.ll maintained, -moe car, must see. $4250/besl 425-8578 HINES P A R K — 874 Mercury' CAPRI 1991 XR2 - Turbo, 5 speed, air. loaded, convertible $7900 PEMMERfORO .721-2600 CAPRI 1991 XR2 - Turbo, air. power LINCOLN-MERCURY locks S. windows, cassette, alarm ACCORD, 1988 LXJ, burgundy, 4 TOWN CAR 1991 - Carriage roof. Only 3,800 miles. $10,995 'door, automatic, sunroof, ptus all 28.000 miles, keyless, $17,900 4 Japk Cauley-Chevrolet-GEO 453-2424 extras. New tfres/exhaust/brakes other 9V& available 855-0014 Excellent condition) 58,000 miles Open S a t . 9-4 Call alfer e. 344-1711 COUGAR-1939, Bright red with LINCOLN-MERCURY CIVtp 1990 Hatchback, very clean. ' round effects, 1 owner, perfect! $4600, must sell, Call after 6pm, TOWN CAR, 1991 - Titanlum..laalh7,695. 453-2424 313-242-76B1 er, 29,000 m l , excellent condition, .HINES'PARK ' S CIVIC, 1990 HatchbacK 4 Speed, am-fim cassette, well maintained, 57.000 mllSS S4B00 344-4338 J 18.995 HINES PARK 455-6309 ...all cars safety checked • LINCOLN-MERCURY COUGAR 1991 - moonroof, keyless, 28 000 miles $10,500 453-2424 CRX 1987. white, excellent condi- • ^ tion. $-4500 or best offer 355-1677 TOWN CAR 1968 Signature Series. Triple white, sharp! $9990 LINCOLN-MERCURY HONDA 19B2 ACCORD - 5 speed, COUGAR 1992 LS - loaded, wheels good transportation Must sell, $11,900 J1.200 353-4859 DEMMER FORD 721-2600 West Bloomfield HONDA 1991 Prelude Si, antl lock GRAND MARQUIS 1986, loaded, brakes, black/black, automatic, 120.000 miles, $3850. spoiler, alarm. $13,500. 726-0053 278-8797 HINES PARK Audette Cadillac 851-7200- 872 Lincoln CONTINENTAL 1990 EXT - {2). Keyless, leather. Choice - $11.900. DEMMER FORD 721-2600 MARK VII 1 9 9 1 - Special Edition, moonroot. leather, 17,000 miles. $19,900 DEMMER FORD , 721-2600 ...all cars safety checked i ^ TOWN CAR 1968 Signature Series. Triple white, sharp! $9990: Audette Cadillac TOWN CAR 1991 - Excellent condition, sunroof, loaded. Gray/black leather.Interior.? 18,900. 350-2212 West Bloomfield GRAND MAROUIS 1985 - 2 door, excellent condition,. $2,000. After 6prh only 473J7498 GRAND MARQUIS LS 1992 - Mocha frost,, fully-loaded, excellent condit!on..$15.90p 292-0828 GRAND MARQUIS 1990 LS - 32,000 miles, like hew, loaded. $10,900 453-2424 851-7200 HINES PARK LINCOLN-MERCURY 890 Automotive 1993 BUICK CENTURY SPECIAL V6, air, power locks, AM/FM stereo, dynaride suspension and more. SMART LEASE FOR ONLY s 199 per mo.* OR Smart Buy at Similar Savings See Us For.Details BUUCIC The New Symbol For Qiiajily InAmerica. • OicK Scott: Buiclc ZOO A N N A R B O R R O A D , PLYMOUTH 963-30Z5 • 453-4411 First month's Jease payment.61-$198.70 plus dawn payment 01 S1.97S.00. ptus . {225.00 refundable security deposit lor a total ot 52.398 70 due 31 lease signing Tax. license, title tees* and insurance extra. You musl take retail delivery tram dealer stock. (aMAC 'must approve, lease'. ' Example based on 1993 Century Special wrth anMSRP ol S15.3S5.Q0, including destination charge total o! 4B'monthly p'aymenls'is £9,537 60 Option to purchase at lease end lot £5.915.53 Mileage charge ot 10 cents per mile over 60.000 miies. Lessee . pays foi excessive wear and use Se.e ycu-' panicipa'iig dea *r for qja'ili:a'icn detans Q'fei good only lo' resident G< Wayne Oahjnd iVacoTh Wasf'enart Lapse Liv mgron S "Clair Monroe Sars ac coin.3a (Her may no be avai able with cfh^' n ceruvs 880 Pontile 878 OkUmobile 880 Pontiac GRAND MAROUIS 1988 LS. 4 door, CALAIS-1987, amfm cassette, BONNEVILLE 1983 Brougham, GRAND PRIX. 1978, runs great. every option. 69000 miles, loaded, 71,000 miles, great condition, no 68.000 miles. $2,100. 336-3637 421-4352 * 9 5 0 / b e « offer. $5900 335-1304 rust. $3,295, ' 760-9395 GRAND MARQUIS 1969 GS - Excel- CALAIS: 1987,2 door. Chsanl Load- BONNEVILLE 1991 SE, excellent GRAND PRIX, )990. 4 Door, black, lent condition, orlgjnal owner, ed! 62,000 miles One Owner! condition, fully loaded, must teM. 38,000 miles, good condition. 647-0624 651-9646 $6,500 Leave maaaag* camper package, white Reduced to «4650/best oiler Call, 471-5693 best offer. $5,700. Livonia, 261-7445 CUSTOM CRUISER, 1981 Station BONNEVILLE 1889 SE. burgundy, PONTIAC 1987 6000 LE - full power, extra bean, 1 owner, great condiloaded, great condition, must sell QRAND~MARQUIS 1991 LS - 23.000 Wagon. 120,000 m l , all power, trail651-6411 miles, only $13,200. 453-2424 er hitch Runs great. $*1000 or beat Asking $6500, After 6PM, 669-8922 tion, muat * • * , $3700. offer. Call after Spm 451-7910 BONNEVILLE, 1990 LE. loaded 8. SUNBIRD 1966, QT - Very clean, CUTLASS 1980 Wagon $675 add Immaculate. 31,000 mUee, werranty automatic, cassette, sunroof, 57,000 LINCOLN-MERCURY 420-4605 mllee, $2200. 474-0749 1981 Pontlac Bonneville, loaded, available. $11,000. SABLE. LS Wagon 1986 - Excellent $1,875. Good condition. 354-5714 SONNIEVILLC, 1990 • 35,000 ml SUNBIRD 1991 - Convertible, loadcondition, auto. V-6, blue, loaded, CUTLASS 1984 Supreme, 4 door, CD. auto temp, steering wheel con- ed. 3 1 V6, air. stereo cassette, rust-proof, 67,000 ml $3,950 V6, air, full power. 79,000 ml, nice, trols, remote entry, security, $9500. white sport wheeta, vinyl Interior, tail Days, 356-5505, Eves., 649-0593 509-7566 Una. Muit sell. $11,600 negotiable. no rust, $1.450/t»s<. 274-5509 265-9084 307-1023 SABLE 1967 LS - 30,OOOmlles/enFIERO 1984 SE. White, automatic, gine, loaded, extremely clean, good CUTLASS 1984 Supreme V-6, Lan- air, loaded, good condition. TRANS AM. 1991, auto, t-topa. Red. condition, $4,650 " 651-1182 dau; sharp, air, stereo, lilt, like new $2,000 537-18*7 CD Player. Loadedl Must salll tires & battery, well maintained. 981-0564 SABLE 1991 - 18,000 miles, fully $2,150 264-1617 FIERO 1968 - QT. good condition, $12,000/offer. loaded $10,900 453-2424 CUTLASS 1988 Ciera Brougham - 4 loaded, -black, tint, alarm, new tires & brakes. Btored winters, very clean, ddor, loaded, priced to se!l*$4105 547-6441 DICK SCOTT Garden City 522-7620 very quick. $5200. SATURN, 1991 SLI, fully loaded LINCOL'N-MERGURV Eves., 752-4344 SABLE-1992 GS. loaded, 16,000 CUTLASS 1989 Clera Brougham FIERO. 1968. GT. red, V-6, power locks, windows & mirrors, sunroof, 453-2424 V6, automatic, air, power windows & saddle leather seats, automatic, SATURN 1992 SC Blue/black, miles $12,500 locks, tilt, cruise, power seats, S6100 397-2117 manual, air, cruise, power windows/ 29,000 miles Only $7,995 locks, cassette. Beat offer. 532-4831 MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 FIREBIRD, 1978 - Automatic, Mops, LINCOLN-MERCURY SATURN 1992 SL2 ABS 4 door, looks & runs great, $1800. SABLE 1992 LS - 3.8 L. loaded, only CUTLASS 1989. Supreme Internablue/black, leather, sunroof, loaded, 421-6431 tional Series,, loaded, new tires; $12,600. automatic, $14,400/best. 823-6414 DEMMER FORD 721-2600 brakes, sunroof, black, 75,000 FIREBIRD 1989 Formula - 305, aumiles. $8,500. .398-3104 tomatic, loaded, T-tops, 50,000 SL2 1991-Whlte/belge Inside, TOPAZ 1986. LS, 4 door. 80,000 brakes,power miles, wife's car, $7,995 255-4155 auto,anti-lock miles, loaded. $2,3O0/best. FIRENZA 1984. Gray, 110,000 miles, windows&!ocks,air,m!nt. 437-7666 Call after6pm, 522-1557 new. radiator, belts & other recent FIREBIRD 1991 - Black, T-tops, aumajor repairs. Best offer. 532-4831 tomatic, cassette, power windows & TOPAZ: 1988 LS. Loaded! Excellent doors, 25,000 miles 82B-3652 Condition. New brakes, exhaust, OLDS 98. Regency Brougham, powtires. $4200: Call. 685-1035. er seats, power windows/locks, till, GRAND AM's 1987-1991, 2 4 4 door, clean and sharp. 7 to choose) cruise, only $10,995. TOPAZ 1969 LTS. 52000 miles, excellent condition, all power, $5995. MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 From $3,695 BOB JEANNOTTE Home.,442-7339 . Work. 291-5250 BEGENCY 1986 Brougham, 89,000 PONTIAC/GMC TRUCK TOPAZ 1989 - Sharp. whUe, vinyl miles, perfect condition, $4000. Plymouth, 453-2500 425-5272 top, one owner, 52,000 miles, asking $4,600. 932-1.722 SILHOUETTE, 1992 - Loaded, tow- GRAND AM 1986 - 1 owner, air, new tires, $2,000 or best offer. TRACER 1991 LTS. Extended ser-ing package, 17,000 miles, $16,000. For details. 545-1645 563-1609 vice plan, alarm, loaded, moonroof, Call after 5pm. GRAND AM 1966 - 2 door. AM/FM lowjniles. $88O0'best. 261-1021 TROFEO 1990 - 33,000 miles, cassette, power steering/brakes, TRACER 1991 -moonroof. 35,000 leather, extra clean: $13,960. 347-0023 651-2262 automatic, air, $2500 miles, automatic, air. 453-2424 BILL FOX CHEVROLET GRAND AM 1989 LE 2 door, auto, air, cassette, full power, 36,000 miles: $6750 Call. 680-1368 LINCOLN-MERCURY ACCLAIM 1987 LE - automatic, GRAND AM 1990 LE - 4 door, powpower locks, cruise, tilt, only $6995. er steering & brakes, air, am-fm cassette, low mileage, excellent condlMAXIMA: 1988 GXE. Grey. 66K . lion. $8,000 After 5pm'A22-1527 Chrysler-Plymouth miles, automatic, rust proofed. 961-3171 GRAND AM, 1990 SE, full power. $7499/best, 336-1363 or 561-6719 455-8740 38.000 miles, excellent shape, gaHORIZON 1979 white with red InMAXIMA-1990 GXE, automatic, rage kept. After 6pm. 729-5852 loaded, sharp. $12,900. . 453-2424 terior, many new parts, many hlghway.miles. cassette, $700. 464-1385 GRAND AM 1990 SE LASER 1990.RS - Automatic, air, all LINCOLN-MERCURY the toys, bright red. Like newl 2 door. Auto Quad 4 $6800. Call, 459-5988 or 705-6565 NISSAN XE, 1990 - Like new,,air, $9,995; . cassette, low miles, warranty re- Livonia Chrysler-Plymouth 525-7604 GRAND AM, 1992, loaded, abs, maining. $6595. Must sell. 981-4552 LASER 1990 • RS. 48,000 miles, manual transmission, excellent condition, 11 6K miles. $10,500 NISSAN, 1986, 300ZX, all options loaded, 5 speed, $7800, Call after after 5pm, 338-4838 771-6566 plus t-tops, priced $389 below black Spm. book. $3540. LASER 1991 RS 12,000 miles, auGRAND AM 1992 SE 4 door. auto. TYMEAUTO 455-5566 tomattc, loaded. 453-2424 Loadedl White/velaur Interior PULSAR 1986 - Red, good condi$10,200 459-5988 or 705-6565 Aluminum rims, tion, air, am-fm cassette, sun roof, LINCOLN-MERCURY GRAND PRIX, 1979 - Brown, runs 106,000 mi. 348-6641 power roof, all the toys. good, good condition $450 or best. PULSAR-1987 - Red, automatic, t- RELIANT 1987 - automatic, air, ster- Call anytime, if not home leave mesroof, air, new tires, excellent condi- eo, very clean. $2995 sage 425-3522 Jack Cauley Chevrolet-GEO tion.$5,000. 788-0897 855^0014 GRAND PRIX 1989 - 3 1, white with OpenSat.,9-4 gray cloth, remote entry/alarm, sterSUNDANCE 1987 - automatic, air, 2 eo control on steering wheel, computer. $7300 474-3894 C U T L A S S 1 9 8 9 • a u t o m a t i c , a i r , 4 door, red, only $3995. d o o r , all p o w e r , c a s s e t t e . ¢ 5 9 9 5 PONTIAC 6000 - 1986 LE, gray/ gray, loaded, excellent condition, Chrysler-Plymouth 7-1.000 miles. $3375 335-2124 Chrysler-Piymputh 455-8740 961-3171 PONTIAC 6000 1990 LE - Automat455-8740 961-3171 ic, air. loaded, sharp Only $7,995. CUTLASS 1991 - automatic, air, MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 18,000 actual miles, only S8495 BONNEVILLE 1992 SE - loaded aluminum wheels spoiler, power SUNBIRD 1990 LE automatic, air. seat OnlyS14,995 tilt cruise 31000 miles only $6995 Chrysler-Plymouth MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 455-8740 961-3171 MATICK CHEVY 531-7100 HINES PARK 881 Saturn HINES PARK HINES PARK HINES PARK 875 Nissan FOX HILLS '86 MAZDA 323 70,000 miles, transportation special. HINES PARK BOB JEANNOTTE SL2 1991, automatic, fiidy loaded Including power eunrodt & aba COROLLA, 1969 red 4 door Deluxe, brakes, under 19000 miles. $11,500 automatic, air, stereo- caaaette, 847-3592 1-800-6^2-4221 Or Evee. 889-3537 68.812 mHoa $6.000. SL2 1992 - Auto, loaded, like new. 3,300 ml., blue/green metallic exterior, tan Interior. $12,700. evas..3T5-8492 882 Toyota CAMAY 1965 - manual, air. amfm stereo, cruise. 1 owner, 4 door, $3,800 476-0437 JETTA 1991 GUI - 4 door. 22.000 miles. S speed! air,' BBS wheeta, 18 TERCEL 1965,4 wheel driver Station 645-9271 Wagon, totally rebuilt. 100,000 mile valve. $11,250 warranty, $3995. 645-5266 PASSAT 1992 wagon. 850 mBw. eunroof, alloys. 5 speed, alarm, extras, warranty $15,900. 553,2331 ...all cars 884 VoltMwagon • a^e* safety checked West Bloomfield V w W 'S4 CAVALIER * - _ _ Strong.motor, * f i B 5 automatic, air. W w w '86 DODGE FULL SIZE PICKUP Automatic, FOX HILLS 880 Pontiac FOX HILLS € *<*•**# VUlage95fd •**•** Most Cars Under USED CARS AND T '^•r^B^Bifa '83 S-10 Long bed. V-6 Tahoe '87 DAKOTA 4 l 4 Automate air v-6 t;-!. *.$'/ '87 TOPAZ SPORT 5 speed air low miles '87 SPECTRUM 4 door automatic air low miles '84 E-1S0 CLUB WAGON 6 passenger, clean '90 TEMPO Automatic, air 39000 miles '90 MUSTANG LX Automatic loaded low miles '80 LINCOLN MARK V 4 door sharp. Automatic, air, only 12,000 miles. '88 MERKUR SCORPIO Loaded *9650 * 10,950 '88 E-190 CONVERSION VAN 1989 TOYOTA CAMRY '88 CIVIC LX 4 door, automatic, only 33,000 miles. 4 door, automatic «5850 »7550 '86 ESCORT 5 speed air. diesel '86-'88 AEROSTARS Loaded '84 CROWN VICTORIA 52 000 miles sharp '84 COUGAR LS Loaded. 44 000 miles '89 CHEVROLET S-10 PICK-UP Clean '87 CARAVAN Loaded sharp '91 FESTiVA GL Automatic 20 000 miles '8B--89 TEMPOS - TOPAZ'S '87 GRAND MARQUIS LS Low miles like new wss^mr SATURDAY 10-3 1205 Ann Arbor Rd Vi Miles Wesl of I 275 Plymoulh Phono: 453-3600 '86 ESCORT 2 door automatic, power '88 COUGAR LS 5 0 loaded like new '3480 '6980 '4380 '3280 '3980 '5980 '6880 '3480 '2480 '7980 from'5480 '5980 '3780 Must See '4880 '5980 '6280 lrom'3980 '6480 '2980 '7280 cWlage&fod sunsHinE HonoA f/ 1995 46,000 miles. 2 door, only 38,000 miles. Very nice car! WOLFSBERQ EDITION 1989-Jetta, power yrlndowB/doors, Alloy wheels, excellent, $4700. 644-2010 4i *_-,._ *f%Q5 1992 MAZDA MX3 Automatic, air. 5552 851-7200 1989 HONDA ACCORD LXi '88 PRELUDE SI SUPER BEETLE: 1979 CONVERTIBLE - Aqua. Completely restored. Approximately 60,000 miles. $7500 or best offer. Original OwnerlS4S- Audette Cadillac '85 MERKUR XR4Ti 16.450 1987 HONDA CRX RABBIT. T979, runs good, need* starter & battery, $250. 459-2991 CRESSIOA 1991 AT - white, leather Interior, lots of equipment $14,990 '86 SAAB 900 Loaded, hurry $ on this one! Automatic, C D player, 9,000 miles. $6450 CRESSIDA 1986 - Excellent condition, new tirea 8. brakes, loaded' $5,995. Call 855-6600 or 546-4600 876 Oldsmobile •••.FOX HILLS'- sunsHinE nanDA *7450 CELICA. 1992 OT Llflback - Red, 5 speed, power sunroof, loaded, 9.000 m l , $14,300. 8111537-6796' PONT! AC/GtMC TRUCK Plymouth, 453-2500 '82 CELEBRITY Automatic, air, * m raia% ap low miles 9n #U>% like new! I I WW HINES PARK 1988 HONDA ACCORD LX 1992 HONDA PRELUDE Si $ CEUCA1985 GTS - Arr, cruise, sunroof, cassette, 71,00 ml,, one owner, no rust. $4,550. ' 644-3927 M 878 Plymouth v** 7950 882 Toyota SATURN 1992 SL2 Sedan - air, power moonroof, aluminum wheels, 6,700 miles $12,995 BUDGET CAR The <&ttferber & Eccentric CLASSIFIED $ 881 Saturn 890 Automotive j»»U«»*k Automatic, 4 door. +n Used Cars ^K 25S65 Michigan Ave. <A m i l * wast of Talagraph mhH^WMEhh P@B©*SJ S U P E R BUYS 92 LINCOLN tOWN CAR SIGNATURE MODEL Jet black with leather trim! all the luxury extras Including lull power, tilt and cruise, stereo cassette and much more - not a cleaner one anywhere! Save $ 0 0 O f t A '81 CHEVROLET MALIBU STATION WAGON Automatic, power stcenng brakes, only 49.000 miles | j A D O 4 door, loaded, 17,000 miles, two "T* $ 16,988 '89 TAURUS SHO '92 TEMPO 5 speed, air, power windows, locks, seats, cassette, jet black, 4 dr., automatic, air, stereo power steering, brakes, 6,200 miles, snow white f | '90 MIATA Convertible, automatic, stereo cassette, medium blue with black top, like new. '91 ESCORT 2 door, 5 speed, air, stereo, power steering, brakes, 16,000 mHes, bright red. £ j ion '92 MERCURY GRAN MARQUIS LS MICHIGAN ^m Lot 2 278-8700 i- -, mm 8D* O&E ^mr^r^m^ mmmrmmmmmmmmm mm Monday, November 30,1992 '93 CHEVY V2 TON PICKUP '93 LUMINA SEDAN Month' NEW 1 9 9 3 • 8 Foot Bed • AM/FM stereo cassette •Tilt BMW 325is $ • Split seat • Rear defrost •V-6 • Automatic overdrive 229, '229 $229 $250 $900 Monthly Lease Payment PRICE INCLUDES: • Premium Computer • New M-50 engine (189 hp) • Air Conditioning • Antilock brakes (ABS) • Alpine AM/FM stereo cassette radio Cruise ' Power windows locks • Air • Airbag • Leather interior • Power windows & sunroof • Heated seats • Central Locking Refundable Sec. Dep. Down Payment Monthly Lease Payment Refundable Sec. Deposit Down Payment Total Cash Due At Inception $ 1 3 7 9 "Based on 48 month closed-end lease with 60,000 allowable miles. $2,500 non-refundable down payment, 1st payment, $450 security deposit, plate and tax due at delivery. 12 cents per mile over limit. Option to purchase at end of lease for $13,663. Total payments equal to $399 plus 4% times 48. Stock #3009-00. 3 Year/36,OOO Milt? J5* $229 $250 $1350 Total Cash Due at lncep!ion$1829 $8244 Total of Mo. Payments • *«* Total of Mo. Payments $8244 GM E m p l o y e e s S a v e E v e n More! COVERED BY A ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND A 4 YEAR/50,000 MILE WARRANTY LIMITED TIME UL OFFER! ~~uou c a n1« CHEVROLET Q | 9 @ S U B M U LOCAL 453-4600 METRO 961-4797 40875 Plymouth Road • Plymouth OAKLAND COUNTY'S ONLY AUTHORIZED BMW DEALERSHIP SERVING METRO DETROIT SINCE 1 9 6 4 SHir 642-6565 ™=t::; OPEN LATE MON. & THURS. EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. Corner of Plymouth Road & Haggerty •38 Month 45,000 ralla l u n . U U H raaponalMa lor aicaaa waar 6 taar 1 mllaa at 10- par mil* plus tax, llcanaa nat rabataa < approvad cradit, option to purchaaa at laaaa and atraaldtialvahM additional $100 f n . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ( • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a tntuf $2O0O or up t o 5.9% APR on select models to qualified buyers 1993 GRAND PRIX SE 2 DOOR Air. rear dgfogger, automatic 4 speed transmission, power windows, power locks, cruise, tile, gages, AM/FM cassette, BYP Sport appearance package, cioth bucket-seats. Stock # 9 3 0 2 1 7 MUz ^ LIST PRICE $17,513 SALE * " PRICE .-*,< $ 1993 GRAND AM SE 2 Door Stock #930248 . Stock # 9 3 5 0 4 4 SPECIAL SLE Comfort, air, power steering, tilt, cruise, full size spare, 2,8 V-6 & more! LIST PRICE $11,747 ODOWN 199 Lease 217.37f Air, automatic, power s t e e r i n g , anti l o c k brakes, AM/FR s t e r e o , f u l l c o v e r s , c l o t h b u c k e t seats, 2.3 Q u a d IV. # 1993 SONOMA per month GMAC 36 month tout * u » tax, security deposit A pities, 15,000 mttw per year. 45,000total.10c a m8t over at ItaM end. Total payment* S71Q6JtO 1992 BONNEVILLE SE 4 Door LIST PRICE $20,027 • When the lot fills up, prices go down! GM Opt II Deduct $850.40 Air, 55/45 split seat, power windows, power locks, tilt wheel, cruise, lamp group, rally gages, AM/FM cassette, full covers and more. Stock #920878 Come in and see Why Bob Jeannotte Pontiac is Michigan's SALE nnif^C rnlUC LIST PRICE $14,554 12,699 SALEM PRICE GM Option II Deduct $563 First Time Buyer Deduct - $400 1993 SIERRA 4X4 FULL SIZE Stock #935079 Air. 4 •pMd.uitonutic. badtinar, AM/FM radio. Mi-alza apara, sliding rear window, raar ETD 14949 Sheldon Road (Just North of M-14, Jeffries Fwy.) Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9 Tues., Wed., Fri. OPEN MONDAY Wg*m 453-2500 •Plus tax, title and license, rebates Included where , icaNe. m for excess wear and tear. Sutxect to credit approval, " A D smart buyers Include 4% sales lax and $2000.1 down payment 4 mos, 15,000 miles per year, W per n * over 60.000 mH«s. Custormr has option to purchiM s«k) vtNcta for pra-Mt ydne «1 mcMNdn. S2S0 dispoiil fM If c«r tumei) In M end of 43 monihs. Custonwr inception, 4% mo. use tax Incl. In payments. Mileage limitation of 15,000 15.000 per year with charge of 10 cents over the limit limitptf pet mHe. To get total tlease based on 48 month closed endif 'lease. "$2,000 "" down. 1st months payment and security deposit (sec. dep. rounded off to nearest $25 increment over monthly payment) plus Heme lets rtqufttd at lease Inception, payments, multiply monthly payment x 48. Lessee subject to credit approval and responsible for any excess wear and tear. Lessee also subject to Insurability. Lessee hat«»option to purchase at lease end at the price of formula to be negotiated at lease Inception with dealer, Rebates applied where applicable. SALE