Bug Meal

Episode 13
21 May 2013
Bug Meal
Key Learning
Students will investigate the life cycles of insects and represent the data using a range of methods. Students
will identify and deepen their knowledge of insects eaten by Australian Indigenous people.
The Australian Curriculum
Science / Science Understanding / Biological Sciences
Science / Science Inquiry Skills / Processing and
analysing data and information
Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable
features and can be distinguished from non-living things
Use a range of methods including tables and simple column
graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends
Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072)
There are differences within and between groups of
organisms; classification helps organise this diversity
Mathematics / Statistics and Probability / Data
representation and interpretation
Pose questions and collect categorical or numerical data by
observation or survey (ACMSP118)
Construct suitable data displays, with and without the use of
digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include
tables, column graphs and picture graphs where one picture
can represent many data values (ACMSP096)
Construct and use a range of representations, including tables
and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns
or relationships in data using digital technologies as
appropriate (ACSIS090) (ACSIS107)
Construct and use a range of representations, including
graphs, keys and models to represent and analyse patterns or
relationships, including using digital technologies as
appropriate (ACSIS129)
Cross-curriculum priorities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
Link Cross-curriculum priorities
Discussion Questions
Before watching the Bug Meal BtN story, hold a class discussion. Start the discussion by asking your
students if they would eat insects.
2. Who recently released a report saying that we should think about eating insects?
3. Describe some of the insect snacks that the kids ate in the Bug Meal story.
4. How many people around the world already eat insects?
a. 2,000
b. 2 million
c. 2 billion
5. List some of the benefits for eating insects. Consider health, environmental and economic reasons.
6. A kilo of mayfly larvae has less protein than a kilo of beef. True or false?
7. What vitamin can you find in caterpillars?
8. List some insects that Indigenous Australians eat.
9. Did watching the Bug Meal BtN story change how you feel about eating insects? Explain your answer.
10. Illustrate an aspect of this story.
©ABC 2013
Classroom poll
Discuss with students the BtN Bug Meal story and record what students already know about edible
insects. Students will conduct in depth research into insects that are eaten by Indigenous people in
Australia and record their findings using the following table.
Provide students with the following list of insects to choose from for their research project.
o Witchetty grub
o Honey ant
o Green ant
o Lerp scale
o Native bee
o Bogong moth
Research project: edible insect profile
Scientific and
common name
Shape, size, colour, body
Where does it live in
Australia? Why?
Life Cycle
Describe the stages of
the life cycle.
What is the flavour like?
How is it eaten?
Photograph of insect
or labelled diagram
Insert photo here
Insert diagram
Investigate insects
Organise an excursion to your local museum or conduct online research to find out about insects. Ask
students to start a science journal to record their findings, ideas and questions as they learn.
©ABC 2013
If your class is unable to visit a museum visit one of the following online museums to discover more
about insects.
Australian Museum: Insects – http://australianmuseum.net.au/Insects
CSIRO: Australian National Insect Collection – http://www.csiro.au/places/ANIC
CSIRO: What bug is that? – http://anic.ento.csiro.au/insectfamilies/
Research questions
What is special about insects?
What are their special features?
Collect data on one type of insect. Describe their habitat. What do they prey on and what are
their predators?
How many different types of insects are there? For example, what are the differences between
heavy-winged insects and straight-winged insects?
What role do insects play in the food chain?
Further investigation
Encourage students to enter the Australian Museum’s annual photographic competition called Up Close
and Spineless. The event raises awareness of the wonderful world of invertebrates. Here are some of
the finalist entries from the 2010 Up Close & Spineless competition in the Primary School Category.
Classroom poll – Have your say
“Should we eat insects?” Involve your class in the BtN online poll. To vote head to the BtN website.
After running the online poll in your class watch the BtN Bug Meal story. Discuss the recent UN report
that says insects could be food of the future.
Discussion questions
Would you eat insects?
The UN says 2 billion people worldwide already supplement their diets with insects, which are
high in protein and minerals, and have environmental benefits. Do you know some countries that
already include insects in their diet? Make a list.
Find reasons why people from different countries include insects in their diet.
What are the benefits of eating insects? Consider environmental, health and economic reasons.
©ABC 2013
Design a poster that highlights the benefits of eating insects, taking into consideration environmental,
health and economic reasons.
After students have completed their research into the benefits of eating insects hold the BtN poll
again “Should we eat insects”
Compare the results taken from both polls. Was there a shift in the results? Or were the results the
same? If the results varied ask students why they changed their attitude/view towards eating insects.
Design your own recipe
Set students the challenge of designing their
own recipe that includes edible insects.
Students will need to take into consideration
ingredients, measurements, a procedure,
cooking times and cooking equipment required
to make the recipe.
Students will design a poster which details the
recipe and includes illustrations.
Further investigation: Design a poster, as a
marketing tool, to promote a recipe or product that
includes insects. The poster will use illustrations,
facts and information about the benefits of eating
©ABC 2013
Further Investigation
Have you ever eaten bugs or insects? Share your insect eating stories in the comments section of the Bug
Meal BtN story page. http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s3759814.htm
“Would you eat insects?” Hold your own class opinion poll via the BtN online poll. Discuss the findings of the
class poll. Ask students to write a response and give three clear reasons to support their answers.
Be an insect investigator with CSIRO! Students undertake a variety of investigations of insects to better
understand their place in our world. This workshop provides live insects and preserved specimens for
"Incredible Insects" is a CSIRO hands-on program where students explore the external features of insects,
their basic needs, how they communicate, life cycles and insect classification.
 Related Research Links
ABC News – UN report says insects could be food of the future
ABC News – Edible insects still a niche market in Australia
CSIRO – Insects and their Allies
Open Growd – List of Australian edible insects
National Geographic – UN urges eating insects: 8 popular bugs to try
Australian Screen – Living Country: honey ant
CSIRO – Australian National Insect Collection
CSIRO – What bug is that?
Australian Museum – Insects
©ABC 2013