2015 Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements For the PGOLID Board of Directors
Bill Kelsven
21141 Broadwater Drive
Pelican Rapids, MN 56572
I am currently a resident on Charosa Beach on the south side of Pelican Lake.
My wife and I have lived here full time since 2002. I started coming to Pelican Lake
when I was 5 years old, as my parents had a cabin on Broadwater Beach and I spent
many summers at the lake. I recently retired from Dacotah Paper Company as an outside
sales representative after 39 years. The last ten years at Dacotah Paper Co, I was working
the Pelican Lake and Detroit Lakes area. Prior to that I was in the US Army and was
deployed to Viet Nam.
I have been involved in the community with the Pelican Lake Property Owners
Association (PLPOA) for years as a beach captain and now as a beach major. I have also
served on the Scambler Township Board as a member of the Property Board. For the last
three years I have served on the PGOLID board and would appreciate your vote to
continue working to keep Pelican Lakes a ‘Star Certified Lake’.
Bert McDonough
50733 County Hwy #9
Pelican Rapids, MN 56572
I have been a firefighter with the city of Moorhead for 17 years. My wife Teresa and I
have enjoyed owning a home on Pelican Lake since 2003. I am a beach captain for
Lakeview beach, and have served on the Pelican Lake Property Owners
Association board for the past 2 years. We live along the Red River in Moorhead, and
I recently became a board member of Riverkeepers.
I am interested in becoming a member of PGOLID because I believe the decisions
affecting the future of our lakes need to be grounded in facts as opposed to emotions. I
support the goals of PGOLID to preserve lake quality with thorough study of water
resources and would be honored to participate.
Melody R. J. Jensen
23471 Fish Lake Trail
Pelican Rapids, MN 56572
We have enjoyed our lake home on Fish Lake for the past 12 years. In those twelve
years, the Echo Bay development issue and the arrival of zebra mussels are just two of
the issues that have highlighted the value of this organization. I have been an attorney in
the financial services industry for the past 25 years and as such, have served on a variety
of non-profit and industry related boards. It would be a privilege to serve on the
PGOLID board to support its continued good work to maintain and preserve the quality
of our lake resources. I look forward to the opportunity to work on these various issues
on behalf of all lake residents.