CONTEXT TITLE: Jungle Fever Year: 6 Terms: 3 and 4 LEARNING



Year: 6 Terms: 3 and 4



Stunning start:

Weeks 1 and 2

Jungle animals

Weeks 3&4

The rainforest

Which animals live in the jungle? (Science)

What is global warming?

What classifies something as living? (Science)

• What are the different layers of

• the rainforest? (Geography)

What can be heard? (Music)

What is the climate like in the rainforest? How does it compare to the UK? (Geography)

Where are the rainforests ?







Write a non chronological report about a jungle animal


Poster about causes of global warming (ICT)

Write a story with Jungle

Book as skeleton (Literacy)

Life processes – MRS NERG

Label the rainforest and explain each of the sections


Compose a piece of music representing sounds of the jungle (Music)

Compare the climates of rainforest and UK


Atlas – label and annotate world map (Geography)

Weeks 5&6

Adaptation and habitats

Weeks 7&8

Human impact on the rainforest

How can different animals be classified? (Science)

How does an animal adapt to suit its habitat? (Science)

How has evolution affected the jungle? (Science)

What do animals need to survive?

Should deforestation be allowed?


Why are humans taking resources from the rainforest? Is it moral?


What is the impact of native tribes people? How is that different from explorers? (Geography)

Simulation – what are the effects of global warming (ICT)

Write an explanation text about their jungle animal


Look at habitats of jungle animals – how have they adapted?


Create clay animal representing their design (Art)

Debate deforestation


Write a discussion text on deforestation


Compare lives of themselves and tribes people


Weeks 9 & 10


Weeks 11&12

Charity work

Independent activities ongoing throughout.

What will be the impact on the world if deforestation continues? (Geography)

Are zoos the right way to conserve life?


What happens if one is taken out of the jungle?


Which charities are working with the rainforest?

How do charities gain support?


Why is their work important?

Design a jungle treehouse

Research the Amazon rainforest

Create your own jungle animal

Describe the jungle to an alien

Create a plate snake

Fabulous finish:

Write a persuasive letter to a poacher (literacy)

Design and create a moving puppet of endangered animal


Write as an animal taken from rainforest to a zoo (literacy)

Food chains (Science)

Create a charity event to raise money for conservation charity.

Create a budget (Maths)

Create a persuasive leaflet for a charity (literacy)

We are fundraisers module

