C O U R S E S S E M I N A R S Conferences, courses and training to keep you ahead. Duties and Liabilities of Responsible Officers under the SFO Presenters: Angelina Kwan, Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer – Asia Pacific, Cantor Fitzgerald Felicity Wong, Associate, Sidley Austin Course Details: Date: 15 May 2010, Saturday Language: English Time: 9:30 am – 12:45 pm Level: Standard Venue: 22/F, 100 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Fee: CPD Law Points: 3 HK$1,800 HK$1,530 (for online registration) 1 3 3 CPT Hours : 2 CFA CE Credits : 3 Course Outline: All registered firms such as securities/futures companies, fund management firms, financial advisory companies and corporate finance firms will need to be licensed by the SFC to conduct regulated activities. Each licensed corporation requires 2 Responsible Officers (RO). How do you become an RO and what are the duties and liabilities for ROs? Highlights of the course include: Appointment of a responsible officer – who is eligible? What prior businesses / experiences would be required an RO? What do you mean by “fit & proper”? Application for licence and usual conditions imposed on ROs Exemptions of requirements, e.g. exam requirements, residency requirements, etc. Grounds for rejection of an RO Functions and duties of an RO under the SFO Codes of Conduct applicable to an RO Investigations by SFC and duty of RO during investigations o Whistle-blowing if suspect employee’s misconduct o Co-operation during investigation Potential misconduct of an RO under the SFO o Personal misconduct - Market Misconduct offences o Misconduct of licensed corporation (LC) Suitability of advice by licensed reps.; Connivance or consent/neglect of duty in LC’s misconduct? Usual types of LC’s, e.g. cold calling, carrying on unlicensed regulated activities, lack of internal control, FRR breaches, etc. Money laundering – suspicious transaction reporting and liability of ROs o Self reporting by RO & internal investigation Potential liability for ROs, e.g. disciplinary (suspension of licence/fines) /civil /criminal Recent SFC cases against ROs Note 1 – CPT Requirements: Our courses can fulfil CPT requirements. The Securities & Futures Commission has advised that although formal endorsement will not be given for the training we provide, it does not mean that the training programmes we organize do not meet the CPT purpose. Registrants should note that your employer, as the corporate licensee of your SFC registration, is responsible for determining whether our courses or any training course satisfy CPT requirements i.e. that the training you receive are of appropriate standard and relevance to your maintaining and enhancing the technical knowledge and professional expertise. Please check with your employer before registering for our courses. C&S does not warrant that the attendance of our courses would automatically be recognized by the SFC as fulfilling your CPT requirements. Note 2 – CE Credits: C&S is registered with CFA Institute as an Approved Provider of Continuing education programs. This program is eligible for 3 CE credit hours, as granted by CFA Institute. If you are a CFA Institute member, CE credit for your participation in this program will be automatically recorded in your CE Diary. Note 3 – Standard: for those who have basic knowledge of this topic. Courses & Seminars Ltd Tel: (852) 2901 1333 Fax: (852) 2901 1332 Web: www.courses-seminars.com C O U R S E S S E M I N A R S Enjoy 15% Discount for Online Registration! Registration Form Course Details: Course Name: Duties and Liabilities of Responsible Officers under the SFO Course Code: LCF 675 Participant(s) Details: Firm / Company: Contact Person: Nature of Business: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Address: Please make additional copies, if necessary: Name of Attendee 1: Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. (as on practicing certificate or registration of trainee solicitor contract) Job Title: E-mail: Solicitor No. / CFA Member No.: Place & Year of Admission: □ CPD Law Pts required Certificate required: Name of Attendee 2: □ □ CPT Hours required □ CE CFA Yes (HK$50 per certificate per course) □ □ Others: No Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.. (as on practicing certificate or registration of trainee solicitor contract) Job Title: E-mail: Solicitor No. / CFA Member No.: Place & Year of Admission: □ CPD Law Pts required Certificate required: Name of Attendee 3: □ □ CPT Hours required □ CE CFA Yes (HK$50 per certificate per course) □ □ Others: No Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. (as on practicing certificate or registration of trainee solicitor contract) Job Title: E-mail: Solicitor No. / CFA Member No.: Place & Year of Admission: □ CPD Law Pts required Certificate required: □ □ CPT Hours required □ CE CFA Yes (HK$50 per certificate per course) Cheque for HK$ □ □ Others: No enclosed Signature: Date: Payment Methods: To reserve your seat(s), please complete the registration form and forward full payment of course fee via one of the following methods: ■ Make cheques payable to “Courses & Seminars Limited” and mail your payment together with this registration to our office (22nd Floor, 100 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong). ■ Submit cash / cheque payment in person at our office (22nd Floor, 100 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong). ■ Direct transfer to our account at HSBC (102-437431-001). For registration conditions & further queries, please contact our office at (852) 2901-1333 or visit our website at http://www.courses-seminars.com Courses & Seminars Ltd Tel: (852) 2901 1333 Fax: (852) 2901 1332 Web: www.courses-seminars.com