Subject Description Form Subject Code ITC2014R Subject Title Fashion Retailing Principles Credit Value 3 credits Level 2 Pre-requisite/ <Co-requisite> / (Exclusion) Objectives Nil Intended Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Explain the role and functions of retailing in the distribution channel; b. Relate the elements and roles of marketing, management, sales and promotion in the retail environment; c. Compare the various forms of retailing ownership and the different strategies of traditional and non-traditional retailing; d. Apply the retailing concepts and theories to analyse and solve problems in the real world situation; e. Develop skills in problem solving and communication; f. Acquire the skills in teamwork; g. Develop critical and creative thinking in retailing knowledge ; h. Possess the global outlook and commit to lifelong learning. Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus (I) The overview of the Fashion Retail Environment Retail customers Evaluating the competition in fashion retailing Channel behaviour Legal and ethical aspects of retail decision (II) Concepts and Theories in Fashion Retailing Wheel of retailing Retail life cycle Scramble retailing The subject aims to develop the students with an understanding of the fundamentals in fashion retailing and basic business concepts involved. (III) Retail Institutions Retail ownership Traditional retail format Non-traditional retail format Electronic retailing (IV) Fashion Retail Mix Retail marketing Retail promotion Retail operations Retail buying Merchandise management Retail logistics and information system (V) Fashion Retail Trends and Strategy 90 Current fashion retail trends and development in global environment Strategic issues in fashion retailing Teaching/Learning Methodology Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes Lectures are structured to deliver core knowledge and concepts while seminars and tutorials are designed to integrate the learnt theories with practical application. Case studies analysis, group discussion and presentation will be employed in the tutorials to develop students’ critical thinking, team working and communication skill. Specific assessment methods/tasks % Intended subject learning outcomes to be weighting assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f g h 1. Test 20% 2. Case study 10% 3. Group Project 20% 4. Examination 50% Total 100% Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The test and final examination are used for assessing students’ competence level of knowledge and their ability to analyse the retail business. Student Study Effort Expected The case study and group project requires students to integrate the theoretical retail knowledge and apply into the retail business world. These will therefore embrace all the learning outcomes. Class contact: Lecture 28 Hrs. Tutorial/ Studio 14 Hrs. Other student study effort: Reading List and References Assignments preparation 33 Hrs. Self study and group work 33 Hrs. Total student study effort 108 Hrs. Books Dunne, Lusch and Carver (2011) Retailing. 7th Ed. Mason, OH: SouthWestern. Levyand Weitz (2012) Retailing Management. 8th Ed. New York: Mcgraw-hill. Supplementary Freathy, P. (2003). The Retailing Book: Principles and Applications. Pearson 91 Education Diamond, J & Diamond, E. (2008). The World of Fashion. 4th Ed. New York: Fairchild Periodicals Inside Fashion Women's Wear Daily Journal of Retailing Textile Outlook International 92