Day 3 Sunday, 29th November 2015 08:00 am: Registration & Breakfast 09:00 am: Keynote Address Prof. Nagesh Pai: Beyond Symptom Control: What has been achieved and where to go next? Conference Workshop Clinical Challenges in Psychiatric Practice Enhancing Performance in Functioning at Department of Psychiatry KSHEMA, Deralakatte 10:00-10:45 am : Chairperson : Dr. Nishi Guru Speaker : Dr. Rishikesh Behere :Social cognition and its role in PSR in schizophrenia 11.00 am : Chairman : Dr. Santhosh Prabhu Speaker : Dr. Cary Breakey: Maintenance of developmental trajectory critical in adolescent mental illness at 11:45am: Chairman : Dr. Shishir Kumar Auditorium, JKSH Institute of Management, Nitte Nitte, South India on 28th November 2015 (Saturday Afternoon) 10:45 am: Break Beyond Symptoms Control-Enhancing Performance in Functioning Third Nitte International Conference and Workshop Speaker : Dr. Anne Noonan : Indigenous psychotherapy Colonization and its Discontents by Prof. Nagesh Pai 'BEYOND SYMPTOMS CONTROL' for Post Graduate Students in Psychiatry Nitte University on th th th 27 , 28 and 29 November 2015 01:00 pm: Registration on Day 3 Sunday, 29th november 2015 01:15-3.00 pm : Session Chairman :Prof. Dr. Nagesh Pai th Sunday, 29 November 2015 01.30 to 03.00 pm: Chairman : Prof. Dr. Sathish Rao Speakers : 01:30 pm: Prof. Dr. Parameshvara Deva: Introduction to PSR in developing countries 02:15 pm: Dr. Srinivas Bhat: Revolving door to reintegrating into society 03:00 pm: Break Organised by Nitte University Nitte Rural Psychiatric Centre and Institute of Australasian Psychiatrists sponsored 12:30 pm: Lunch 03:30pm: Chairman : Dr. Virupaksha Devaramane Speakers: Dr Santosh Prabhu : Concept of treatment resistance What are the challenges? Prof Nagesh Pai: Domain of Cognition -In Schizophrenia and Mood disorders – Are they relevant? Dr. P V Bhandary: Psychosocial management – usefulness and limitations in real practice. Prof. Sripathy M Bhat : How to deal with uncertainty in clinical practice? Speaker : Dr. Mahesh Gowda: Challenges in running a rehabilitation centre 03:15 PM: Discussion 04:15-5.00 pm: Chairperson : Dr. Smitha T. Speaker : Dr. Biju Rajan: Improving physical health in mental health (Please proceed to Nitte for) 05:00 pm: Valedictory Prof. Dr. Suresh Kamath : Medical Ofcer Nitte 04:15PM: Closing Function Tea 07:00PM:CULTURAL SHOW & CONFERENCE DINNER by Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations Nitte University Institute of Australasian Psychiatrists Nitte Rural Psychiatric Centre DAY 1 Friday, 27th November 2015 Workshop for Developing Countries By DAY 1 Friday, 27th November 2015 DAY 2 : Saturday, 28th November 2015, 08:00- 09:00 am : Breakfast and Registration 08:00 : Breakfast 02:30 pm – 04:30 pm : Session 2 09:00-10:00 am : Inauguration 08:30 to 10:30 am: Session 3 Sri N. Vinaya Hegde, Prof. Dr. Parameshvara Deva Chairman : Dr. Nagesh Pai Chancellor, Nitte University will preside over the function Psycho Social Rehabilitation Prof. Dr. Ramananda Shetty, Beyond Symptoms Control will inaugurate the Conference Vice Chancellor, Nitte University Chairman :Dr Andrew Mohanraj Speakers: Speakers Dr. Andrew Mohanraj: Psychosocial Rehabilitation in a post conflict post Tsunami setting in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia Dr. Aye Chann Maung Maung: Mental Health in Myanmar Dr. Kyi Min Tun: Psychosocial in Myanmar 10:00 am: 'The Challenge of PuttingFunctioning First' Keynote Address Prof. Dr. Parameshvara Deva:Overview of PSR Dr. P J R Jeyakumar: Psychosocial Rehabilitation of chronic mentally ill and using them for Anti Stigma campaign in East coast of Sri Lanka. Daring to Change - What fails and What works at 11:00 am: Dr. Andrew Mohanraj: conflict Timor Leste. Break Auditorium, JKSH Institute of Management Nitte 11:15 am - 01:15 pm Session 1 27th and 28th November 2015 Prof Dr M P Deva: The Cook Island Story of PSR Creating PSR Services in post Prof. Dr. M P Deva: Re-creating PSR in Post – Planned Economy Mongolia. on Mr Lloyd Brennan: Psychosocial Rehabilitation In Australia- What Works Open forum with Panel of Speakers Chairman: Dr. Naveen Chandra 10:30 am: Break Chairman: Dr. Naveen Chandra 04:30 pm : Break Speakers (With chair and rapporteurs elected by groups) Organised by Prof. Dr. Nagesh Pai: Australian overview of best practices in recovery and rehabilitation services for people with Schizophrenia Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations Dr. Naveen Chandra: The Nitte PSR Development story Dr. Satish Kumar S.V.: Practical Challenges in Rehabilitation of long stay patients in psychiatric hospitals Prof. Dr. Ramohan Malesu: Therapy in PSR Role of Occupational Dr. Shivakumar Thanapal: Day-care and role in postgraduate training in NIMHANS, Bengaluru 01:15-01:45 pm: Open Forum with comments from the Panel of Speakers. 01:45 : Lunch 11:00 am - 01.00 pm Workshop Sessions 04:45-05:15 pm – Chairman : Prof Dr. M P Deva. Open Forum with comments from Panel of Speakers 05:15 pm : Adjourn (Conference Meeting with Australasian Delegates) (a) Setting up Day PSR Programmes Components funding, Transport (b) Day PSR Programmes campaigns v/s Nursing Homes for life Advantages and Disadvantages (c) Why Day PSR is slow in being accepted Teaching of PSR to Health care (d) Stigma – causes, strategies to overcome Usefulness of campaigns v/s Good Services 01:00 pm: Lunch 02:00- 3:30 pm: Presentations by Rapporteurs 03:30 pm: Break 03:45-04:45 pm: Open Forum Chairman: Dr. Naveen Chandra 04:45 pm: Final Resolutions and closing Ceremony, 07:00PM: Cultural Show Conference Dinner