An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of

An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto with Broader Implications Relative to Space Management and Flexible Work Arrangements
Caubo 2010 – Facilities Management Seminar
Ron Swail – Assistant Vice‐President, Facilities & Services June 12, 2010 University of Toronto Global Peers
UC Berkeley
In 2009 ranked:
ƒ 9th in the world for academic reputation and scholarship, ƒ11th for research output and impact Source: Times Higher Education Magazine, 2009 Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
U of T has demonstrated leadership in sustainability activity for over 35 years
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Effect of Conservation Activities GHG Inventory An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Eviction Notice: An Opportunity Faculty needed our existing office space. This provided an opportunity to redefine our office space to:
ƒ address sustainability from a holistic perspective –
environmental, social and economic
ƒ re‐invent how we work and improve our effectiveness and efficiency
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Challenge ‐
255 McCaul St. Warehouse
ƒ Space provided – a vacant warehouse which was deemed inappropriate for faculty use
ƒ Floor square footage 10% less than our previous space
ƒ Many of our staff had spent their entire professional career in 215 Huron
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Solution ‐
255 McCaul St. (LEED)
ƒ LEED addresses building operational sustainability
ƒ Provides a tangible reference to our Students of our commitment to sustainability
ƒ First LEED Gold certified Project for UofT
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Sustainable Building “LEED”
ƒ Repurposed a vacant warehouse rather than tearing it down
ƒ Recycling of 75% of the construction waste
ƒ Water savings estimated at 62% through capture and reuse of rain water and efficient washroom fixtures
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Sustainable Building “LEED” (cont.)
ƒ Utilizing our sustainable roofing standard
ƒ Electrical savings of 15%
ƒ Providing staff with natural light
ƒ Supporting alternate transportation
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Cost / Benefit of a LEED Building Achieving LEED Gold Certificate Is Important
P e rc e n ta g e
Our staff post occupancy survey indicated that 97% felt being in a
sustainable office environment is very important to them 70
Source: Staff post‐ move survey
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Human Factor – The True Cost of Ownership
Life Cycle Building Cost Breakdown
ƒ The vast majority of the life cycle cost associated with a building is staff expenses
ƒ We tend to focus way too much on one‐time construction or ongoing maintenance costs
Source: Chart from ASHRAE Journal, June 2008
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Yesterday’s Office Design – 215 Huron
Our old office environment had serious design flaws adversely affecting our efficiency, effectiveness and morale:
Collaborative work Meeting
Private space
Temporary work space Growth
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Source: New Yorker
1. Fragmented departments 2. Departments highly territorial 3. Lack of standards for office sizes and furniture
4. Missing opportunities for:
Other Problems with Our “Old” Office Design ƒ Silos / Turf An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Other Problems with Our “Old” Office Design (cont.)
ƒ Emphasis on paper storage and processes
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Other Problems with Our “Old” Office Design (cont.)
ƒ Lack of formal and informal meeting space ƒ Lack of security and a professional reception area
ƒ Poor quality / mismatched furniture
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Other Problems with Our “Old” Office Design (cont.)
ƒ Emphasis on enclosed or separated offices
ƒ Lack of office standards
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
“We cannot solve our problems with the same type of thinking that created them”
»– Albert Einstein
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Staff Engagement ƒ Steelcase Consultants • Survey
• Management & staff workshops
• Report
ƒ Internal Presentations • Sustainability • Advantages of moving ƒ Move Consultant An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Staff Engagement (cont.)
Staff survey of physical space issues included:
ƒ Communications
ƒ Security ƒ Amenity space Staff workshops ƒ Clarity of vision
ƒ Encourage cross‐functional teamwork and collaboration
ƒ Leverage technology
ƒ Celebrate wins
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Staff Engagement (cont.)
Workshops identified critical success factors:
ƒ Improving collaboration within and between sub departments ƒ Improving communication and transparency
ƒ Inspire commitment
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Staff Engagement (cont.)
ƒMove seminar
ƒPurge days
ƒMove package etc.
ƒFurniture mock‐ups
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Making it Work – Interior Design
ƒ Established smaller but effective office standards ‐ 25% smaller than our “old” offices
ƒ By reducing the “I” space we were able to create much more “we” space including:
more meeting rooms
private spaces
collaborative and project spaces
informal meeting spaces
social spaces – café / coffee bars hotel offices
provide limited growth space
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Solution ‐ Interior Design Improving Effectiveness
ƒ Improving adjacencies ‐ those that work closely together are positioned closely together regardless of reporting relationships
ƒ Creating an open environment to improve communication, collaboration and teamwork
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Solution ‐ Interior Design Improving Effectiveness (cont.)
ƒ Ensuring open work stations received the best views and natural light / senior management placed within the core or given “Manhattan views”
ƒ Closed offices reduced by 30%, average workstation / office space reduction 25% An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Solution ‐ Interior Design Improving Effectiveness (cont.)
Providing a wide variety of formal and casual meeting spaces:
ƒ Large formal meeting rooms –
technology ready ƒ Smaller meeting rooms for team project work, interviewing
ƒ Numerous casual meeting spaces for ad hoc discussions An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Solution ‐ Interior Design Improving Effectiveness (cont.)
Providing a wide variety of amenity space for team building and casual communication:
ƒ Lunch room ƒ Coffee bars An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Solution ‐ Interior Design Improving Effectiveness (cont.)
Providing space for private and ad hoc work:
ƒ 2 person private meeting / telephone rooms
ƒ Hotel offices in high traffic areas
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
The Solution – Interior
Design Improving Efficiency
Sample of Square Footage Per Employee Administrative Areas
ƒ Eliminating redundant space ƒ Established office sf standards 25%
smaller than our previous offices 204
@ 255
@ 215
Comparison of Paper and Supply Storage Units
ƒ Leveraged technology to eliminate paper processes and storage
ƒ Co‐located departments onto a single large rectangular floor plate
Supply cabinets
215 Huron
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
255 MCCaul
Filing cabinets
The Solution – Interior
Design Improving Efficiency
Other elements improving efficiency ‐ new ways of working:
ƒ Establishing a “Work from Home”
program for the institution ‐ these workers share a work station
ƒ Established a “Virtual Worker”
program for our property managers so they would spend more time with customers within their portfolios ‐
these workers share a work station
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Cost / Benefit of an Effective Interior Design Work Environment Impacts ~ 255 McCaul vs. 215 Huron
No Impact
Source: Staff post‐ move survey An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Collaboration Other
Affecting Staff Culture ƒ Lobby – Trophy Wall
ƒ Communication Boards
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Affecting the Wider Culture ƒ Internal tours at all levels
ƒ Senior Administration Open House
ƒ External tours – featured “Doors Open” Toronto, OAAPA, Facility Management Magazine feature article October 2009
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Affecting the Wider Culture (cont.)
ƒ Did‐You‐Know Kiosks installed
ƒ Links to our commitment to sustainability ƒ A method of informing our 50,000+ students at our downtown campus as they pass through our building of our success etc.
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Impact on the Institution Finance Department – 215 Huron
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Impact on the Institution Planning and Budget Department – Room 240
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Impact on the Institution Governing Council Department
An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
255 McCaul –
Our New Standard
ƒ Improved staff morale (retention / attraction) ƒ Used space to improve communication, collaboration, and teamwork
ƒ Affecting a wider audience both within and external to UofT
Economic / Environmental ƒ Reduced foot print though use of LEED
ƒ Improved space utilization
ƒ Improved staff productivity An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010
Thank you!/ Merci!
Contact Information:
Ron Swail
AVP, Facilities & Services
University of Toronto
255 McCaul St., level 4, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1W7 416‐978‐5098 An Innovative Response to a Space Issue at the University of Toronto 06•12•2010