䋲㪅䇭䊚䊆䉾䉿䇭䋨⧷ᢥ䊒䊨䉳䉢䉪䊃䊶䊄䉨䊠䊜䊮䊃䉃䋩 - 25 - - 26 - - 27 - - 28 - - 29 - - 30 - - 31 - - 32 - Republic of Turkey Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) The Project on Strengthening the Program of Expanding Industrial Automation Technologies Departments (SPREAD) Project Document First Edition April 2007 - 33 - Note: This document is jointly prepared by the Turkish Authorities Concerned and JICA. It describes the background of project and project plan. It will be reviewed with the progress of project Activity, when the necessity arises. - 34 - Table of Contents Abbreviations Ex-ante Evaluations Sheet 1. Introduction 44 2. Project Backgrounds 45 2-1 Socio-economic Conditions 45 2-2 Education System in Turkey 46 2-2-1 Education System and Administration 46 2-2-2 Training for In-service Teachers 49 2-3 National Strategy for Developing Vocational Education and Training 50 2-4 Prior and On-going Projects / Assistance 51 2-4-1 Strengthening the Vocational Education and Training System in Turkey (MEGEP) 51 2-4-2 Assistance by International Donors in the field of VET 54 3. Situations and Challenges in Raising of Labor Demands of the Industrial Sector 55 3-1 Present Situations of Labor Demands of the Industrial Sector 55 3-1-1 Labor Demands of Industrial Automation Technologies 55 3-1-2 Japanese Manufacturers in Turkey 56 3-2 Industrial Framework of VET 56 3-2-1 Program for Expanding Industrial Automation Technologies Departments 56 3-2-2 Target Schools for Extending the IAT Department 61 3-2-3 Curriculum and Modules for the IAT Department 62 3-3 Present Condition and Problems of the TTC to be Addressed 65 3-3-1 Present Condition of the TTC 65 3-3-2 Problems Addressed of the TTC 69 4. Project Strategy 70 4-1 Outlined Strategy 70 4-1-1 Selection of Approaches 70 4-1-2 Project Site 70 4-2 Project Implementation Structure 70 4-2-1 Implementation Agencies 70 4-2-2 Assignment of Project Counterparts 70 5. Project Design 71 5-1 Overall Goal 71 - 35 - 5-1-1 Super Goal 71 5-1-2 Overall Goal 71 5-2 Project Purpose 71 5-3 Outputs and Activities 71 5-4 Plan of Operation (PO) 72 5-5 Project Input 72 5-5-1 Input by the Turkish Side 72 5-5-2 Input by the Japanese Side 73 5-6 Important Assumptions and Pre-conditions 73 5-6-1 Important Assumptions 73 5-6-2 Pre-conditions 73 6. Ex-ante Evaluation 74 6-1 Relevance 74 6-2 Effectiveness 74 6-3 Efficiency 74 6-4 Impact 74 6-5 Sustainability 75 6-6 Conclusions 75 7. Monitoring and Evaluation 76 7-1 Notes for Managing the Project 76 7-2 Monitoring Plan 76 Annex 1㩷 Project Design Matrix (PDM) Annex 2㩷 Overall Plan of Operation (PO) Annex 3㩷 Training Courses for In-service Teachers in 2006 Annex 4㩷 Number of Students and Teachers of the Expansion Schools Annex 5㩷 Questionnaire Survey for the First Group of Expansion Schools Annex 6㩷 Self Assessment on Knowledge and Skills for Teaching Annex 7㩷 Framework Curriculum of the IAT department Annex 8㩷 Standard Curriculum of the IAT department Annex 9㩷 List of Modules of the IAT department Annex 10㩷 Document of the MoNE for Establishment of TTC Annex 11㩷 Problem Trees Annex 12 Terms of Reference on Japanese Expert and Counterparts - 36 - Abbreviations AML Anadolu Meslek Liseleri (Anatolia vocational high school) ATL Anadolu Teknik Lisesi (Anatolia technical high school) CNC Computerized numerical control EML Endüstri Meslek Lisesi (Industrial Vocational high school) GDTVE General Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education IAT Industrial automation technologies ISCED International Standard Classification of Education ISCO International Standard Classification of Occupations JCC Joint Coordinating Committee KOSGEB Small and Medium Industry Development Organization LLL MESS Life long learning Türkiye’deki Mesleki Eitim ve Öretim Sistemini Güçlendirme Projesi (Strengthening the Vocational Education and Training System in Turkey) Turkish Metal Goods Manufacturers Syndicate MoNE Ministry of National Education MVET Modernization of Vocational Education and Training in Turkey Project OVI Objectively Verifiable Indicators PLC Programmable logic controller SPO SVET State Planning Organization Project on Strengthening the Program of Expanding Industrial Automation Technologies Departments Strengthening the Vocational Education and Training System in Turkey TL Teknik Lise (Technical high school) TTC Teachers Training Center of zmir Mazhar Zorlu AML/ATL TVET Technical and vocational education and training VET Vocational education and training MEGEP SPREAD - 37 - Ex-Ante Evaluation Sheet 1. Project Title: The Project on Strengthening the Program of Expanding Industrial Automation Technologies Departments (SPREAD) 2. Project Overview (1) Project Objectives The Project plans, implements, evaluates teacher training and prepare long term strategy of the Teacher Training Center (TTC) for the purpose of establishing the teacher training system at the TTC. The Project contributes to meet the labor demand of industrial sector in Turkey on technicians with industrial automation technologies by the establishment of teacher training system at the TTC. (2) Cooperation Period: Three (3) years, from August 2007 to September 2010 (3) Total Cost: USD 2.9Million (planned disbursement by Japanese side) (4) Partner Country’s Implementation Organization: Ministry of National Education (MoNE) (5) Supporting Organization in Japan: To be decided. (6) Beneficiaries and Expected Scale of Project Benefits (7) Direct Beneficiaries : Teacher Training Center at zmir Mazhar Zorlu School Indirect Beneficiaries: 300 teachers in the expansion schools Students of IAT department Companies of Industrial Sector 3㧚Necessity of the Technical Cooperation (1) Present Situations and Challenges in VET Since 1990s, the national economy in Turkey has been rapidly developed. Despite of the Gulf War, high inflation and the Russian crisis in the decade, the average annual growth of GDP of Turkey was well over 3%. After 2001, when the severest economic crisis occurred, the GDP has maintained a stable growth as shown in 6% growth per annum in 2003 and 9% in 2004. The manufacturing sector has contributed almost a quarter of the GDP as indicated in share of the manufacturing sector in the GDP that was 22.4% in 1990, 23.8% in 1995, 23.8% in 2000 and 25.1% in 2004. The previous Project, “the Project on Establishment of Industrial Automation Technologies Departments in Anatolian Technical High Schools” established the Industrial Automation Technologies Departments as an extension model in zmir and Konya. Curriculum of IAT departments is mainly composed of mechatronics and computer network, and it systematized the various industrial automation technologies. The MoNE established IAT departments at other 20 AML, and the TTC as a part of zmir Mazhar Zorlu School for the teacher training. Although the TTC has started the teacher training course on 2006, several tasks are arisen such as preparation of teacher training textbook, arrangement of teacher training course and evaluation method of - 38 - teacher training course. (2) National Policies for VET in the Partner Country The Medium-Term Program (2007 to 2009) is aimed at development of the human resources as one of the major program targets. In the program, the human resources are planned to develop from various aspects that include increasing of employability, reducing of regional development disparities, development of the education sector, and others. Basic policies for vocational education and training (VET) in aspect of increasing of employability include (1) acceleration of transition to a modular and flexible VET system necessary for meeting the labor force required by the market, (2) strengthening of the cooperation between education and labor market, (3) support for training of human resources for information and communication technologies particularly for enabling employment of the unemployed young population by means of using distant and non-formal education opportunities, and others. (3) Relevance to the ODA Policy of Japan “Human resource development for middle income countries” is prioritized in JICA country program. The Project is included in JICA Cooperation program, called “Improvement of Vocational Education and Training Program”, which aim at improving VET for responding to labor demand of the industrial sector. The previous Project, “the Project on Establishment of Industrial Automation Technologies Departments in Anatolian Technical High Schools” established the Industrial Automation Technologies Departments as an extension model. This Project aims at supporting the extension of the model established at the previous Project. 4㧚Framework of Technical Cooperation (1) Objective of Cooperation Project Purpose: Teacher training system of the TTC is established. Objectively Verifiable Indicator (OVI).1 <Indicator on teacher training course at the TTC> x XX% of participants assess training courses are practically usable for their lectures and practices for IAT. x XX % of participants complete teacher training course. x Average score of tests 1 Numerical indicator will be specified at the first Joint Coordinating Committee based upon baseline survey. - 39 - <Indicator on organization of the TTC> x Procedures on management of teacher training course are prepared. x Percentage of implemented teacher training courses compared with plan <Indicator on long term strategy> x Long term strategy of the TTC receives a due consideration from Ministry of National Education. Overall Goal: Vocational education and training (VET) for IAT at the expansion schools is practiced effectively. OVI: XX students will graduate from IAT Departments. Outputs and Activities Output 1 Teacher training program of the TTC is planned. OVI - Number of designed teacher training courses - Number of teacher training textbooks Activity 1-1 Baseline survey of IAT department of expansion schools is conducted. Activity 1-2 Organizational structure of the TTC is arranged. Activity 1-3 Mid-term training plan (2006-2011) is reviewed. Activity 1-4 Module textbook is drafted. Activity 1-5 Teacher training courses are planned. Activity 1-6 Teacher training textbook is drafted. Output 2 Teacher training courses of the TTC are implemented. OVI: Number of implemented teacher training courses Activity 2-1 Equipment for the TTC is installed. Activity 2-2 Orientation for participants is conducted. Activity 2-3 Teacher training courses are implemented. 2-3-1 Teacher training courses for IAT Departments are implemented. 2-3-2 Teacher training courses for the adjacent departments (summer seminars) are implemented. Activity 2-4 Seminars on management of IAT Department are conducted for the expansion schools. - 40 - Output 3 Teacher training courses of the TTC are evaluated. OVI - Evaluation on teacher training courses is conducted XX times. - Monitoring is conducted XX times at all the expansion schools. Activity 3-1 Standard of evaluation of teacher training courses and evaluation materials are drafted. Activity 3-2 Teacher training courses are evaluated properly. Activity 3-3 Monitoring on VET of IAT at the expansion schools is implemented. Activity 3-4 The teacher training course and training textbook is reviewed. Output 4 Planning capacity of the TTC is strengthened. OVI: The long term strategy of the TTC is finalized. Activity 4-1 Role of the TTC in the Long term strategy is identified. Activity 4-2 Long term strategy to operate the TTC is drafted and submitted to GDTVE of MoNE Input Japanese Side: Experts, supplemental equipment, counterpart training in Japan, supplemental expenses Turkish Side: Administrative personnel, project counterparts, office and office equipment for JICA experts, training equipment for the TTC, project costs (4) Important Assumptions and Pre-conditions (a) Assumptions for Attaining the Outcomes Teachers of IAT Department in the expansion schools are appointed in time (b) Assumptions for Attaining the Project Purpose A majority of the counterparts remain in the TTC (c) Pre-conditions Necessary budgets of the TTC are appropriately allocated. Appropriate number of the project counterparts is assigned. 5㧚Ex-ante Evaluation (1) Relevance Relevance of the Project is high because of the following points. The Medium Term Program (2007 - 2009) prioritizes improvement of the human resources. Improvement of human resources and increasing employability are main target of the program. The - 41 - Project has goals that are highly relevant to these national priority strategies. As shown in the various labor market studies of the manufacturing sector, the labor force in the automation technologies field is insufficient in Turkey. The Project, aiming at teacher training for the IAT department, matches the demand of manufacturing industry. Human resource development for middle income countries is prioritized in JICA country program. The Project is included in JICA Cooperation program, called “Improvement of Vocational Education and Training Program”, which aim at improving VET for responding to labor demand of the industrial sector. (2) Effectiveness Effectiveness of the Project is expected because of the following points. Output of Project includes not only planning, implementing and evaluating the training courses, but also strengthening of planning capacity for the TTC. Sufficient outputs are incorporated in the project plan for achieving the project purpose. The project purpose is “Teacher training system of the TTC is established”. Because The OVI include not only the indicators on the teacher training courses, institutional management of the TTC, but also finalizing long term strategy of the TTC, the project purpose is clearly defined. (3) Efficiency The Project is expected to be implemented efficiently because of the following points. Budget for construction of the TTC building and procurement of the training equipment for the TTC and IAT departments of the expansion schools is allocated by the Government of Turkey, as well as expenditures for implementation of the teacher training courses that include travel expenses of the training participants. Therefore Turkish side will provide necessary input for the Project. Since the counterparts to be assigned for the Project have received a series of training from the Japanese experts in the precedent Project, the total input from Japanese side will be more efficient. Important Assumptions for attaining the output, “Teachers of IAT Department in the expansion schools are appointed in time”, will be satisfied, because the MoNE assign necessary teachers to IAT departments. (4) Impact The impact of the Project is expected as follows. The Project will conduct teacher training courses for approximately 300 teachers, however the seminar for adjacent departments will be held. In Turkey, economics in western part is developed. On the other hand, economics in eastern part is in the process of developing. Because the expansion schools are chosen in various regions of Turkey, the Project will contribute the correction of regional disparity. - 42 - (5) Sustainability Sustainability of the Project is expected to be high because of the following points. The MoNE’s initiative to undertake the expansion program is strong as indicated in a fact that it has already started the teacher training. In the Project, as Japanese expert supports Turkish side in the respect of technical advice on module textbook writing, development of teacher training textbook, and center management, the ownership of Turkish side is respected. 6㧚Measures for Alleviation of Poverty and Gender Issues (1) Poverty Alleviation In Turkey, economics in western part is developed. On the other hand, economics in eastern part is in the process of developing. Because the expansion schools are chosen in various regions of Turkey, the Project will contribute the correction of regional disparity. (2) Gender In the teachers of IAT departments at zmir AML, 2 teachers are female. The gender balance is considered on the selection of lectures of the Project. 7㧚Lessons form the Past Projects The previous Project developed the textbooks of IAT departments. As the work load of the development was heavy, it was recognized that it is necessary to consider the work load on the project planning. The Project includes development of module textbook and teacher training textbook as project activities. Because the module textbook is being developed by Turkish side, the Japanese experts will provide technical advice. Teacher training textbook will be prepared with utilizing the textbook developed by the previous Project and other related materials. 8㧚Time Schedule of Evaluation Mid-term Evaluation: Scheduled around in February 2009 Final Evaluation: Scheduled around in February 2010 - 43 - 1. Introduction Since 1990s, the national economy in Turkey has been rapidly developed. Despite of the Gulf War, high inflation and the Russian crisis in the decade, the average annual growth of GDP of Turkey was well over 3%. After 2001, when the severest economic crisis occurred, the GDP has maintained a stable growth as shown in 6% growth per annum in 2003 and 9% in 2004. The manufacturing sector has contributed almost a quarter of the GDP as indicated in share of the manufacturing sector in the GDP that was 22.4% in 1990, 23.8% in 1995, 23.8% in 2000 and 25.1% in 2004. The previous Project, “the Project on Establishment of Industrial Automation Technologies Departments in Anatolian Technical High Schools” established the Industrial Automation Technologies Departments as an extension model in zmir and Konya. Curriculum of IAT departments is mainly composed of mechatronics and computer network, and it systematized the various industrial automation technologies. The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) established IAT departments at other 20 AML, and the TTC as a part of zmir Mazhar Zorlu School for the teacher training. Although the TTC has started the teacher training course on 2006, several tasks are arisen such as preparation of teacher training textbook, arrangement of teacher training course and evaluation method of teacher training course. Regarding to the establishment of Teacher Training Center, the Turkish Government has requested the technical cooperation to Japanese Government on August 2005. Responding to the request, JICA conducted survey on labor demand of IAT at 4 cities (Ankara, Eskisehir, Bursa, Gebze). On January 2007 Pre-Evaluation team is dispatched for the consultation on the detail of project plan and the pre-evaluation of project. This document is jointly prepared by the Turkish Authorities Concerned and JICA. It describes the background of project and project plan. It will be reviewed with the progress of project Activity, when the necessity arises. - 44 - 2. Project Backgrounds 2-1 Socio-economic Conditions (1) Social Situations According to the 2000 census, a total population of Turkey reached at 67,800,000 persons in 2000. The population growth rate in the year was of 1.83 %. The rates had been considerably decreased in the past years, though it is still at a higher level compared with the industrialized nations in the world. With a growth of the industrialized economy, inflow of the population to urban areas has become remarkable. This resulted in a great change in share of the population between rural and urban areas; in 1960, 32 % of the population had their residence in urban areas and 68 % in rural areas. In 2000, this had been reversed to 65 % in urban areas and 35 % in rural areas. As a result, income gaps have been arisen between the urban and rural areas. The unemployment rate has been high in Turkey for many years, and it was 12.4 % in 2004. Because of a higher unemployment rate of the youth, it presents a serious social problem in the country. By the 2000 census, the employment population that includes the primary industry was 25,997,000 persons in the country. As shown in the following figure, the employment population by economic activities is different among the provinces. Figure 1 㪜㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪧㫆㫇㫌㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪹㫐㩷㪜㪺㫆㫅㫆㫄㫀㪺㩷㪘㪺㫋㫀㫍㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪧㫉㫆㫍㫀㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㪧㫀㫃㫆㫋㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧㪃㩷㪉㪇㪇㪇 㪤㫌㫊 㪪㪸㫅㫃㭧㫌㫉㪽㪸 㪤㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅 㪢㪸㫉㫊 㪭㪸㫅 㪫㫉㪸㪹㫑㫆㫅 㪤㪸㫃㪸㫋㫐㪸 㪛㫀㫐㪸㫉㪹㪸㫂㭧㫉 㪪㪸㫄㫊㫌㫅 㪢㫆㫅㫐㪸 㪜㫉㫑㫌㫉㫌㫄 㪤㪸㫅㫀㫊㪸 㪱㫆㫅㪾㫌㫃㪻㪸㫂 㪜㫃㪸㫑㭧㪾 㪠㬝㪼㫃㩷㩿㪤㪼㫉㫊㫀㫅㪀 㪠㫊㫇㪸㫉㫋㪸 㪤㫌㪾㫃㪸 㪛㪼㫅㫀㫑㫃㫀 㪘㫅㫋㪸㫃㫐㪸 㪫㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㪫㫌㫉㫂㪼㫐 㪢㪸㫐㫊㪼㫉㫀 㪘㪻㪸㫅㪸 㪢㪸㫉㪸㪹㬲㫂 㪞㪸㫑㫀㪸㫅㫋㪼㫇 㪢㫆㪺㪸㪼㫃㫀 㪫㪼㫂㫀㫉㪻㪸㪾 㪜㫊㫂㫀㫊㪼㪿㫀㫉 㪙㫌㫉㫊㪸 㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉 㪘㫅㫂㪸㫉㪸 㪠㫊㫋㪸㫅㪹㫌㫃 㪘㪾㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㪃㩷㪽㫆㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫐㪃㩷㪿㫌㫅㫋㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪽㫀㫊㪿㫀㫅㪾 㪤㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫈㫌㪸㫉㫉㫐㫀㫅㪾 㪤㪸㫅㫌㪽㪸㪺㫋㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㪾㪸㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫎㪸㫋㪼㫉 㪚㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪮㪿㫆㫃㪼㫊㪸㫃㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㫋㪸㫀㫃㩷㫋㫉㪸㪻㪼㪃㩷㫉㪼㫊㫋㪸㫌㫉㪸㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪿㫆㫋㪼㫃㫊 㪫㫉㪸㫅㫊㫇㫆㫉㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫊㫋㫆㫉㪸㪾㪼 㪝㫀㫅㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㫉㪼㪸㫃㩷㪼㫊㫋㪸㫋㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪹㫌㫊㫀㫅㪼㫊㫊㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㫊㫆㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊 㪇㩼 㪈㪇㩼 㪉㪇㩼 㪊㪇㩼 㪋㪇㩼 㪌㪇㩼 㪍㪇㩼 㪎㪇㩼 㪏㪇㩼 㪐㪇㩼 㪈㪇㪇㩼 Source: ”General Censuses of Population”, 2000 - 45 - While the employment population in the manufacturing sector to all the sectors was 32.9% in Istanbul Province, it was much lower, only 2.7%, in Van Province. The national average of the employment population of the manufacturing sector was 12.6%. In many of the provinces in the eastern and the south eastern region, the employment in the manufacturing sector was lower than the average. There also exists similar difference among 20 provinces where the Anatolia vocational high schools targeted are situated. Among 20 provinces, those where a percentage of employment population in the manufacturing sector is larger than the national average are Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Eskisehir, Tekirdag, Kocaeli, Gaziantep, Adana and Kayseri. Those where the percentage is lower than the national average are Antalya, Denizli, Mersin, Erzurum, Konya, Malatya, Van and Sanliurfa. Afyon, Kahramanmaras and Ordu that are not included in the above figure are also lower than the national average. The main industrial development is seen in the provinces in Western Marmara Region, and less developed economics in the eastern and the south eastern provinces. Economic disparity between eastern and western regions poses one of the challenges in the national development plan. (2) Economic Situations Since 1990s, the national economy in Turkey has been rapidly developed. Despite of the Gulf War, high inflation and the Russian crisis in the decade, the average annual growth of GDP of Turkey was well over 3%. After 2001, when the severest economic crisis occurred, the GDP has maintained a stable growth as shown in 6% growth per annum in 2003 and 9% in 2004. The manufacturing sector has contributed almost a quarter of the GDP as indicated in share of the manufacturing sector in the GDP that was 22.4% in 1990, 23.8% in 1995, 23.8% in 2000 and 25.1% in 2004. Economic Aggregates in Turkey x x x x x x x GNP: 299.5 billion US$ (4,172 US$ per capita) in 2004 Foreign exchange: 1.00US$ = around 1.40YTL (New Turkish Lira) in January 2007 Economic growth rate: 9.9㧑 in 2004 (government forecast for 2005 is 5.0㧑) Inflation: 9.2㧑 in 2004 (target in 2005 is 8㧑) Foreign currency reserve: 53.6 billion US$ in end of 2004 Debt/GNP ratio: 63.5% in end of 2004 (government forecast for 2005 is 60.0㧑) Tourists: 17,510,000 in 2004 (25㧑 increased from the previous year) Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 2006, and others 2-2 Education System in Turkey 2-2-1 Education System and Administration The education system for the primary to higher education in Turkey is shown in Figure 2. The MoNE administers all the public education in the country. The organization chart of the MoNE is shown in Figure 3. The secondary education is divided into general education and vocational education. As of 2005/2006 - 46 - academic year (starting in September), there were 4,029 vocational high schools in Turkey. High schools of the industrial field are administered by the General Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education (GDTVE2) of the MoNE. (The organization chart of GDTVE is as shown in Figure 4.) The GDTVE administers Anatolian Technical High School (ATL), Anatolian Vocational High School (AML), Technical High School (TL). All high schools offer a four-year course as of 2006-2007 education year. High schools titled with “Anatolia” admit students who could pass the general entrance examination in the country and allocate more credit hours for foreign language than other high schools. In 2005/2006 academic year, the high schools administered by GDTVE totaled 1,5803 with enrollment of 474,715 students. 2 3 㪉㪋 㪉㪇 㪤㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㪞㪛㪫㪭㪜㪅㩷㪞㪛㪫㪭㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫊 㫄㫌㫃㫋㫀㪄㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㪼㪻㩷㪿㫀㪾㪿㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㪸㫊㩷㫎㪼㫃㫃㪅 㪉㪊 㪈㪐 㪪㫆㫄㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪘㪤㪣㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪸㫉㪾㪼㫋㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉 㪼㫏㫋㪼㫅㫊㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪠㪘㪫㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪉㪉 㪈㪏 㪉㪈 㪈㪎 㪉㪇 㪈㪍 㪈㪐 㪈㪌 㪈㪏 㪈㪋 㪈㪎 㪈㪊 㪈㪎 㪈㪉 㪈㪍 㪈㪈 㪈㪌 㪈㪇 㪈㪋 㪐 㪈㪋 㪏 㪈㪊 㪎 㪈㪉 㪍 㪈㪈 㪌 㪈㪇 㪋 㪐 㪊 㪏 㪉 㪎 㪈 㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃 㪘㪾㪼㫊 㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㫊 㪧㫉㫀㫄㪸㫉㫐㩷㪜㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪞㪼㫅㪼㫉㪸㫃㩷㪜㫅㫋㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼 㪜㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪞㪼㫅㪼㫉㪸㫃㩷㪿㫀㪾㪿 㪘㫅㪸㫋㫆㫃㫀㪸㩷㪿㫀㪾㪿㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪃 㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪃 㪘㫅㪸㫋㫆㫃㫀㪸㩷㫉㪼㫃㫀㪾㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪿㫀㪾㪿 㪭㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪿㫀㪾㪿 㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪃 㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐 㪘㫅㪸㫋㫆㫃㫀㪸㩷㪽㫀㫅㪼㩷㪸㫉㫋㫊㩷㪿㫀㪾㪿 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉 㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪃 㫄㫀㫅㫀㫊㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃 㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪘㫇㫇㫉㪼㫅㫋㫀㪺㪼㫊㪿㫀㫇㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪟㫀㪾㪿㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪭㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪟㫀㪾㪿 㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪘㫅㪸㫋㫆㫃㫀㪸㩷㪭㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃 㪟㫀㪾㪿㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪬㫅㫀㫍㪼㫉㫊㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊 㪘㫅㪸㫋㫆㫃㫀㪸㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃 㪟㫀㪾㪿㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪪㪼㪺㫆㫅㪻㪸㫉㫐㩷㪜㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪟㫆㪾㪿㪼㫉㩷㪜㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 Figure 2: Education System in Turkey 㪞㪼㫅㪼㫉㪸㫃㩷㪜㫅㫋㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼 㪜㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪧㫉㫀㫄㪸㫉㫐㩷㪜㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪢㫀㫅㪻㪼㫉㪾㪸㫉㫋㪼㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪧㫉㪼㪄㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 GDTVE is also called as the General Directorate of Technical Education for Boys. Total number of ATL was 157, and AML was 134 in 1998/99 academic year. - 47 - Figure 3: Organization Chart of the MoNE Source: MoNE, 2006 - 48 - Figure 4: Organization Chart of the GDTVE DIRECTOR GENERAL HUSEYIN ACIR SECRETARY NURTEN ERGUN DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL HUSAMETTN KAYA NEJDET OZSOY SECRETARY KEZBAN SAHIN DEPARTMENT HEAD DEPARTMENT HEAD DEPARTMENT HEAD CENGIZ ISSEVER YUCEL YUKSEL IHSAN SAVAS SECTION DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATION SECTION DIRECTOR FOR INSERVICE TRANINING AYSE TURNA NURZET AGIRBAS SECTION DIRECTOR FOR BUDGET DURBEY AYDOGAN SECTION DIRECTOR FOR INVESTMENT SECTION DIRECTOR FOR EXTENSIVE VOCATIONAL TRAINING SECTION DIRECTOR FOR PERSONNEL MEHMET ALI ADAK OSMAN IBRIM AYSE IYIGUN SECTION DIRECTOR FOR TEXTBOOKS AND CURRICULUM SECTION DIRECTOR FOR EU AND PROJECTS SECTION DIRECTOR FOR STUDENTS AFFAIRS SERAFETTIN CANKURT NEJMI SAKAOGLU SECTION DIRECTOR FOR TOTAL QUALITY SECTION DIRECTOR FOR LEGAL AFFAIRS AND DOCUMENTATION ZEHRA ADIYAMAN SELMA KEMAL BAYTEKIN SECTION DIRECTOR FOR INSTALLATION BAYRAM GUN SECTION DIRECTOR FOR STATISTICS AND DATA PROCESSING SECTION DIRECTOR FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ALI KOSE YAVUZ ERBAS 2-2-2 Training for In-service Teachers (1) Career Path and Training Program for Teachers Maximum length on service of teachers under the GDTVE is regulated as 25 years about male teachers and 20 years about woman teachers. Teachers can be generally promoted twice until retirement age; ordinary teacher for the first five years from the appointment, expert teacher for the next 14 years, and major teacher for the last 6 years. All the promotions are based on the examinations. For promotion to school principal, - 49 - candidate teachers also need to pass examinations. The GDTVE does not obligate them with training courses in a systemized way, excepting administration training courses for principals and deputy principals. The training courses fir principals and deputy principals are mainly about revisions of relevant laws and regulation. (2) In-service Training for Teachers In-service training courses are usually offered in every summer vacations. Department of In-service Training of the MoNE coordinates in-service teacher training courses. The courses are planned by the general directorates in the Ministry in terms of field, term and subjects for training. The general directorates receive requests from teachers and also occasionally consult with industrial sectors about factory visits to plan teacher training course. Websites maintained by each general directorate, and teachers check the website and apply for the training course. In cases that applicants exceeds the limits, courses of the same subject are held. Participants completed the training course are given a certificate by the Department of In-service Training. For training courses of the IAT department, teachers of the 20 expansion schools can only apply. For conducting the general in-service training courses, 8 high schools are usually utilized as training facilities, since these schools possess workshop rooms for practices and accommodation. Though the government operates other facilities for general training, these can not be used because workshops are not built. The GDTVE has held 40 courses as in-service training in 2006 and 781 teachers attended the training in total. The Annex 3 shows training subjects and terms of the courses conducted in 2006. As shown in Annex 3, most of the courses were held for 5 days for training 15 to 20 participants mainly with subjects for PLC, CNC, CAD, basic computer language, and 3D model. In addition, the administration training courses were held 6 times and 275 participants attended. In 2007, 82 course for teachers and 7 courses for administrative staff for1831 persons in total are planned. 2-3 National Strategy for Developing Vocational Education and Training The Medium-Term Program (2007 to 2009) aims at development of the human resources as one of the major targets. In the program, the human resources are planned to develop from various aspects, including increasing of employability, reducing of regional development disparities, the education sector development. Basic policies for vocational education and training (VET) include (1) acceleration of transition to a modular and flexible VET system necessary for meeting the labor force required by the market, (2) strengthening of the cooperation between education and labor market, (3) support for training of human resources for information and communication technologies particularly for enabling employment of the unemployed young population by means of using distant and non-formal education opportunities. - 50 - For the purpose of correcting regional disparities, the program plans to implement labor training and entrepreneurship promotion, which take in account regional potentials and regional peculiarities of labor markets, and thus support particularly in less developed regions with the consideration of local characteristics. Policies on development of the educational sector include 1) revision of curriculum to improve the quality of the primary and secondary education, 2) within this context implementation of the training of teachers and administrators, 3) diversification in terms of programs rather than of schools in the secondary education, and 4) extensive and effective use of information technologies in education. 2-4 Prior and On-going Projects / Assistance 2-4-1 Strengthening the Vocational Education and Training System in Turkey (MEGEP) 䋨1䋩 Restructuring of Departments and Modularizing of Vocational Education and Training Assisted by EU, the MoNE has implemented a five-year Project for “Strengthening the Vocational Education and Training System in Turkey” (MEGEP) since September 2002. Among several reforms of the VET system by MEGEP, restructuring of departments in vocational high schools, modularizing of VET and development of framework curriculum for new departments are conducted. The process for modularization and development of the framework curriculum is summarized as shown in Figure 5. For each new department, task teams were organized by teachers from pilot schools for MEGEP, experts from EU and professors in universities, and they engage in developing of modules and the framework curriculum. Officials of the MoNE also participated in the task teams. Based on “International Standard of Classification of Occupations (ISCO88)”, every occupation in the manufacturing, service and transport industries were classified into 196 categories. According to this occupational classification, VET in the secondary level has been restructured from the previous 98 departments (bölüm) to the present 42 departments (alan or field). A new department was classified based on International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED97). - 51 - 㪫㪸㫊㫂㫊㩷㪹㫐㩷㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧 㪈㪅㩷㪠㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㫊㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㪃 㪺㪸㫋㪼㪾㫆㫉㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㩷㫋㫆㩷㪈㪐㪍㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫇㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪽㫀㫃㪼㫊 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪠㪪㪚㪦㪏㪏 㪉㪅㩷㪩㪼㪄㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪭㪜㪫㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㪼㫎 㪋㪉㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㫊㩷㩿㪠㪪㪚㪜㪛㪐㪎㪀 㪊㪅㩷㪠㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪺㫆㫉㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㫂㫀㫃㫃㫊㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪽㫆㫉㫄㫌㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫉㪸㫄㪼㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪺㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪸㫉㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫂㫀㫃㫃㫊㩷㪥㪼㪼㪻㪼㪻 㪠㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㩹㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊㩹㪃㩷㩹㪨㫌㪸㫃㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩹㩷㪸㫅㪻 㩹㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㩹㩷㩿㪭㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪘㫅㪸㫃㫐㫊㫀㫊㪀 㪮㫆㫉㫂㪑㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪭㪜㪫 㪨㫌㪸㫃㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪑㩷㪸㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼 㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㪑㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼 䇭 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭㪧㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊 - 52 - 㪝㫆㫉㫄㫌㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪝㫉㪸㫄㪼㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪚㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋 㪸㫃㫃㫆㫎㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉 㫍㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㪹㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊 㪝㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪹㫆㫍㪼㩷㫋㪸㫊㫂㫊㪃㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㪾㫉㫆㫌㫇㫊㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪼㪻 㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㫊㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㪃㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫆㪽 㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧㩷㫇㫀㫃㫆㫋㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪽㪼㫊㫊㫆㫉㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫌㫅㫀㫍㪼㫉㫊㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪜㪬 㪼㫏㫇㪼㫉㫋㫊㪃㩷㪥㪞㪦㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪌㪃㪋㪊㪍㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪽㫀㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪋㪉㩷㪭㪜㪫㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㫊㪅 㪘㫄㫆㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㪃㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪊㪃㪌㪇㪇㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊㪃㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㩷㫋㪼㫏㫋㪹㫆㫆㫂㫊 㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪹㪼㪼㫅㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪸㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪡㪸㫅㫌㪸㫉㫐㩷㪉㪇㪇㪎㪅 㪫㪸㫊㫂㫊㩷㪹㫐㩷㪭㪜㪫㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊 㪝㫉㪸㫄㪼㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪚㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㪘㪫 㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㩷㪫㪼㫏㫋㪹㫆㫆㫂㫊㩷㩿㪤㪫㪙㪀㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪠㪘㪫㩷㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪠㪘㪫㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㩷㫀㫊㩷㫆㫅㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪋㪉㩷㪭㪜㪫㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㫊㪅 㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪃㩷㪢㫆㫅㫐㪸㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㫆㫄㪼㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㪭㪜㪫 㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㫍㫆㫃㫍㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪽㫆㫉㫄㫌㫃㪸㫋㪼 㪽㫉㪸㫄㪼㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㫆㪽㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪝㫉㪸㫄㪼㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪚㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄㩷㫆㪽㩷㪠㪘㪫 㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㫊㫋㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪹㫐 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㫊㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫌㫅㫀㫍㪼㫉㫊㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪅 㪠㪘㪫㩷㪤㪫㪙㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪹㪼㪼㫅㩷㪻㫉㪸㪽㫋㪼㪻㩷㫄㪸㫀㫅㫃㫐㩷㪹㫐 㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪒 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊㩷㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪽㫀㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪸㫉㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪠㪘㪫㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫊㩷㫊㪿㫆㫎㫅㩷㪹㪼㫃㫆㫎㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㪝㫉㪸㫄㪼㫎㫆㫉㫂 㪚㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪠㪘㪫㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㩷㫎㪸㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㫄㫌㫃㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅 㪉㪇㪇㪍㪅㩷㪭㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪠㪘㪫 㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫉㫀㫊㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪉㪊㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪐㪊 㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊 㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊㩷㪠㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪽㫀㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㪘㪫㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻㪑 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊 㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㫊㫄㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㪼㫊 㪬㫊㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪬㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪧㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㫃㪼㫉㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㪼㫊 㪪㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㪼㫊 㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉 㪝㪸㪺㫋㫆㫉㫐㩷㪦㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪛㫉㪸㫎㫀㫅㪾 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂 㪚㪘㪛 㪧㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪟㫐㪻㫉㪸㫌㫃㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪤㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪘㪘㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋 㪪㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪝㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼 㪮㫆㫉㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪛㫀㪾㫀㫋㪸㫃㩷㪪㫀㪾㫅㪸㫃㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪬㫅㫀㫋㫊 Figure 5: The process of formulation of curriculum under MEGEP 㪈㪐㩷㪤㪫㪙㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪹㪼㪼㫅㩷㫀㫅㫋㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㪼㪻㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪌㪊㩷㪤㪫㪙㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪹㪼㪼㫅㩷㪸㫃㫄㫆㫊㫋㩷㪽㫀㫅㫀㫊㪿㪼㪻 㪉㪈㩷㪤㪫㪙㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫅㪽㫀㫅㫀㫊㪿㪼㪻 㪤㪫㪙㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪇㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪹㪼㪼㫅 㪽㫀㫅㫀㫊㪿㪼㪻㪅㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪈㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪹㪼㪼㫅㩷㪸㫃㫄㫆㫊㫋 㪽㫀㫅㫀㫊㪿㪼㪻㪅㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪉㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫅㪽㫀㫅㫀㫊㪿㪼㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫎㫀㫃㫃㩷㪹㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㪼㫋㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㪛㪼㪺㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㪉㪇㪇㪎㪅 㪤㪫㪙㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪉㩷㫎㫀㫃㫃㩷㪹㪼㩷㪻㫉㪸㪽㫋㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐 㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㪸㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫊㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㫀㪺㫌㫃㫋㩷㫋㫆 㫊㫌㪹㫊㫋㫀㫋㫌㫋㪼㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫆㫅㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉 㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪘㫇㫇㫉㫆㫍㪸㫃㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪤㪫㪙 㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪘㫌㫋㪿㫆㫉㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪤㪫㪙㩷㫆㪽 㪠㪘㪫㩷㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪄㩷㪩㪼㫍㫀㪼㫎㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㫇㫇㫉㫆㫍㪸㫃㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪤㫆㪥㪜 㪄㩷㪘㫇㫇㫉㫆㫍㪸㫃㩷㪹㫐㩷㪙㫆㪸㫉㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪜㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪄㩷㪧㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㫃㪼㪸㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿 㫎㪼㪹㩷㫊㫀㫋㪼㫊 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㪽㩷㪚㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄 㪚㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪈㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪈㪉 㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫄㪸㫂㪼㩷㫆㫎㫅 㪺㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪹㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊㩷㪹㫐 㫊㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫉㪼㪽㫃㪼㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪺㫆㫅㪻㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃 㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪅 㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㫇㫉㪼㫊㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸 㫉㪼㪺㫆㫄㫄㪼㫅㪻㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪺㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉 㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪅 㪘㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫆㫇㫀㫅㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉 㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪝㫉㪸㫄㪼㫎㫆㫉㫂 㪚㫌㫉㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫌㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪠㪘㪫㩷㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㪼㫊㩷㫌㫅㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㪃 㫎㪿㫀㫃㪼㩷㫃㪸㪺㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐 㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㪅 For developing framework for modules, technical aspects corresponding to occupations, together with skills or competencies that are necessary for occupation, were analyzed. This process is called “Vocational Analysis”, which includes analyze of work, qualification and process. “Work” corresponds to a subject in lessons of the VET, “qualification” corresponds to a module, (a group of modules comprises a subject), and “process” corresponds to details of skills that comprise a module. Basic Mechanics, one of the subjects for lessons of VET, is taken as an example. In an initial stage of the vocational analysis process, Basic Mechanics was divided into three modules of hand-made production, preparation for milling machine and lathe process. Among them, the lathe process was further divided into sharpening cutters, connecting cutters and parts, and others that follow. The following diagram illustrates the vocational analysis of Basic Mechanics. A module is generally comprised of a sort of units of technical skills, therefore, lessen that does not accompany with practices is generally difficult to modularize. Figure 6: An Example of Vocational Analysis Following the vocational analysis, module textbooks that correspond to textbooks in the previous education system have been prepared by teachers of the VET schools who were selected through public recruitment4. As of January 2007, 5,436 modules in total are planned to be prepared for the 42 departments. Among them, 4 Many teachers applied for this short-term recruitment. Public recruitment for “module writers” was undertaken since the MoNE had to prepare all the modules for the 42 new departments in VET schools. Drafting of modules for the IAT Department has been entrusted mainly to teachers in zmir and Konya School for making use of their experience in the precedent project (JICA, 2002-2006). - 53 - around 3,500 modules have been already completed. Some of the completed modules have been released at website of MEGEP and published. 42 new departments include the IAT Department (Code No. 523). Before the reform of VET system, the IAT department in zmir and Konya School had offered two branch courses of “Information Machinery” and “Information Electronics”. Accompanied with restructuring of the departments and introduction of the module-based framework curriculum, new IAT department is composed of the branches of “Mechatronics” and “Industrial Control”. These 2 branches have respectively around 30 students in the maximum, and IAT department has approximately 60 students in total. 2 different framework curriculums are prepared for Anatolia technical high school (ATL) and Anatolia vocational high school (AML). As of January 2007, the IAT department has been established in 26 VET schools. Most of them are AML. (2) Revision of Educational System New education system reformed by MEGEP has been implemented since 2005/2006 academic year; that is to say, since September 2005. Previous ATL’s 5 year course has been shortened to 4 year course by dissolving a preparatory course for lessons for foreign language. AML’s 4 year course has been kept, but a preparatory course in the first year was likewise dissolved. Credits for both common and vocational subjects have been changed. These resulted together in enlarging a difference of total credit hours for vocational subjects between ATL and AML, even between departments of the same name. For example, in case of IAT Department, 14 credits are offered for vocational subjects per week for 11 Grade and 17 hours for 12 Grade in ATL, while 27 hours for 11 Grade and 30 hours for 12 Grade are offered in AML. It means that, in these departments, AML have 13 hours more than those in ATL per week for vocational education. 2-4-2 Assistance by International Donors in the field of VET Modernization of Vocational Education and Training in Turkey Project (MVET) has been implemented by assistance from EU. The MVET aims mainly at teacher training and terminates on September 2007. In addition, EU plans another Project for the educational sector, aiming at the adult education. The World Bank has extended to the Turkish Government a financial assistance for the Secondary Education Project from 2005 to 2010 with a total loan amount of 104 million USD. The Project supports lifelong learning as a main objective and improves quality and equity of the general and vocational education of the secondary level. The Project is comprised of various components that include revision and implementation of the new curriculum programs for providing students with core skills necessary for the knowledge economy and lifelong learning, provision of training for information and communication technologies, implementation of career guidance and counseling, development of student assessment and evaluation. - 54 - 3. Situations and Challenges in Raising of Labor Demands of the Industrial Sector 3-1 Present Situations of Labor Demands of the Industrial Sector 3-1-1 Labor Demands of Industrial Automation Technologies Among one of recent studies on the labor demands in the manufacturing sector in Turkey, “Qualified Manpower Needs of MESS Members” was conducted by Turkish Metal Goods Manufacturers Syndicate5 (MESS) in 2004. The survey was targeted at skill and education level of technicians employed by 119 member enterprises situated in 4 provinces in the central and western region of the country. By results of the survey, 77% of the surveyed enterprises answered that their technicians have insufficient skills and/or knowledge in NC/CNC works, CAD/CAM operation, electric-electronics, electronic materials, basic principles of machinery operation, mathematics, measuring devises and measuring, pneumatic and hydraulic, technical drawing and interpretation, and information on advanced technologies. Furthermore, the professions where lack of competency is observed were electric panel assembly, electrician works, electronics, technical drawing, mechatronics, NC/CNC operation, automatic control, assembly line operation, automobile maintenance and repair, plastic molding, and press operations. “Labor Market and Skill Needs Survey 2005” was conducted in MEGEP, covering all the sectors and targeting at around 5,000 firms in 31 provinces. According to the survey, among the surveyed enterprises that had employed graduates from the VET high schools in the past 12 months, 43% of them indicated that the graduates are insufficient in skills for technical drawing. Likewise, 31% of them indicated they are insufficient in technical and professional skills, and 30% of them indicated low in skills of personal computer. By results of a field survey conducted by the Small and Medium Industry Development Organization (KOSGEB) in Turkey on October 2005, it was estimated that labor demands of around 30,000 automatic control engineers and technicians would arise at 17 provinces in several years. It is expected that 1,200 students will graduate in the maximum every year from the IAT departments of 20 AMLs. The industrial sector in Turkey has been developed in a remarkable rate in the past decade, and its contribution to the national economy will also be further increased. Based on results of the above studies on the labor demands, it is noted that enterprises are not satisfied with a level of skills of newly employed technicians. Especially in the manufacturing sector where the industrial automation technologies are to be introduced in years to come, labor demands of a technical competency are high. 5 MESS: One of the major enterprises and trade organizations in Turkey. MESS is organized by around 300 member companies, employing 120,000 workers in total, in motor vehicle production, metal industry, machinery production, office and data processing equipment, electric equipment, radio, TV and communication equipment, medical and precision optical equipment, and furniture production. - 55 - 3-1-2 Japanese Manufacturers in Turkey According to a study6 conducted by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) in end of 2005, around 50 Japanese firms maintain are located in Turkey. 16 firms among them are manufacturers; 3 firms are manufacturers of automobiles and 10 firms are machineries and assemble parts for automobiles. A majority of the Japanese manufacturers in Turkey is thus those in the automobile industry. Remaining 3 firms are of fields of processing food and agriculture or fisheries products and others. Because of a good geographical access to the European markets, many giant automobile enterprises from the United States, Europe and Japan extend business in Turkey. The study shows that among the above 16 Japanese firms, 5 or more firms deem that the trade and investment system and infrastructures give obstacles to operate business in the country, and 4 firms deem shortage of labor gives the obstacles. 3-2 Institutional Framework of VET 3-2-1 Program for Expanding Industrial Automation Technologies Departments (1) Selection of Expansion Schools for Extending the IAT Department The MoNE planned a program to extend the IAT department, which has been established in zmir and Konya School with assistance of the precedent technical cooperation Project from Japan (2001 to 2006), to other 20 AML in Turkey. Target schools for extending the IAT department were selected from 20 provinces. These selected schools are called “expansion schools”. The main criteria of selection of the expansion schools were the industrial sector in the region, migration of the population and unemployment rate. In addition, expansion schools must have the adjacent department such as Machinery Technologies Department and Electric-Electronic Technologies Department. Name of the expansion schools are listed in Table 1, together with their province and accreditation date of the IAT department. Those that the department was accredited in 2004 total 11 schools. The departments of remaining 9 schools were accredited in 2006. In the first group of expansion schools, it was 2005/2006 academic year that the first students enrolled in the IAT departments. Similarly, in the second group of expansion, it was 2006/2007 academic year. The Project aims at supporting the above Program for Expanding IAT Departments. 6 Study on Business Status of Japanese Manufacturing Enterprises in Europe and Turkey, JETRO, September 2006 - 56 - Table 1: Twenty Expansion Schools and Dates of Accreditation of IAT Departments N O Province Name of School Principal 1 ADANA Merkez ATL-AML Ramazan TEKE 2 AFYON Gazi ATL-AML Erol AVCIOGLU 3 ANKARA skitler ATL-AML Ahmet OZDEMIR 4 ANTALYA Merkez ATL-AML Hasan OZEN 5 BURSA Ali Osman Sönmez ATL-AML 6 DENIZLI 7 Remark Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 2nd group Budget Allocation for Equip. (YTL) 127.500 2004 Establishment approval date 14.07.2004 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 Gurol ERISMIS Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group Merkez ehit Öretmen Yusuf Batur ATL-AML Kudret YEMISCIOGLU 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 Atatürk ATL-AML Fikret UMUDUM 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 2nd group 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 ERZURUM ESKISEHIR Ataturk ATL-AML S.Sirri KABADAYI 140.000 2005 GAZ ANTEP M.Rustu Uzel ATL-AML Abdulkadir KALYENCI 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 9 MERSIN Tarsus-Merkez ATL-AML Hasan GURBUZ 140.000 2005 14.07.2004 10 STANBUL Pendik ATL-AML 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 11 KAHRAMAN MARAS Merkez ATL-AML Mustafa DACI 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 12 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 2nd group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 2nd group 14.07.2004 8 KAYSERI Hurriyet ATL-AML Durmu PAYAS 2005-2006 balad Went to Japan in 2nd group 127.500 2004 05.10.2004 13 KOCAELI Gebze ATL-AML Mehmet Ali TOKLUOLU 140.000 2005 KONYA Adil Karaagac Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Muzaffer APAN 140.000 2005 14.07.2004 15 MALATYA Yunus Emre ATL-AML Huseyin KAYA 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 16 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 2nd group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 3rd group Automation Lab. 2006 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group 14.07.2004 14 ORDU Merkez ATL-AML Omer BA 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 17 SANLI URFA Merkez ATL-AML Abdulkadir ACAR 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 2nd group 150.000 2006 10.03.2006 18 TEKIRDAG Çorlu-M.Rustu Uzel ATL-AML Caner BAYSAL 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 19 VAN Merkez ATL-AML Veysel AKDAS Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 20 Source: MoNE, February 2007 - 57 - (2) Equipment for Expansion Schools The MoNE has delivered most of the training equipment for the IAT departments in the first group. Main training equipment that had been delivered by January 2007 includes factory automation training system (FA) made in Germany, personal computers with LAN server, PLC training equipment. The major equipment was procured by the MoNE and delivered to the schools, while the minor equipment was procured at each school. The budget for a school to purchase the minor equipment was around 127,500YTL to 150,000YTL. Training equipment for the second group has not been prepared yet as of January 2007, as the equipment will not be necessary until 2008/2009 academic year when the first students of the IAT department in the second group advances to Grade 11. Most of workshop practices using the equipment start in Grade 11. (3) Training for Teachers in the IAT Departments of the Expansion Schools The MoNE has recruited or transferred teachers for IAT department at the expansion schools. Full number of teachers for the department is planned around 15 persons, and hence approximately in total 300 teachers are to be assigned for the departments of the 20 expansion schools. As shown in the table below, training of IAT education of the first group has been conducted at the TTC of zmir School and other institutions 3 times by January 2007. The first training for candidate teachers from the second group is scheduled to be conducted at the TTC from 19 February to 1 June 2007 (103 days). Table 2 Training Courses for Candidate Teachers from the IAT Departments (January 2007) Durations March to April 2006 Contents Subjects for Grade 10 For Grade 10 and 11 FA system (provisional) 31 persons 33 persons 20 persons Not implemented yet Not implemented yet Not implemented yet 1st Group 2nd Group Sept. to Dec. 2006 Sept. to Dec. 2006 3 candidates per 1 school are selected from related fields of electric-electronics, machinery and computer. Training courses are planned and implemented as following steps, 1) decision of subjects for training, 2) decision of numbers of participants, 3) selection of participants by the expansion schools. At the end of the training courses examination is conducted, and candidates who passed the examination are formally assigned to the IAT departments. The training course for Grade 10 is held from March to April 2006, which is composed of lectures and practices on 5 subjects including Basic of Micro Controller. The training course is held from September to December 2006, which covers subjects for Grade 10 and 11, as length of training was allowed as 3 months. All the participants attended the same training, irrelevantly to their expertise. As a result, participants were not satisfied with the training as the content of training overlaps their expertise. Reflecting on the - 58 - assessment, the training is modified on February 2007. The course for subjects of Grade 10 and 11 will have 20 participants from electric-electronics field and other 20 participants from machinery and computer fields. It is planned that the former group attends training mainly for subjects of the Industrial Control Branch, and that the latter group attends training mainly for subjects of the Mechatronics Branch. Teacher training for Grade 12 is planned to be started on autumn 2007. According to current mid-term teacher training plan, All 300 teachers will complete the training on 2012. Schedules of each teacher training courses is being carefully reviewed by the MoNE, as it is necessary to finish training for subjects of a grade before the first students goes up to the grade. Figure 7 shows the overall schedule for the on-going teacher training plan. In addition, the second training for the FA training system is planned in April 2007. - 59 - Figure 7: Training Program for Teachers from Expansion Schools, 2006 to 2011 㪰㪼㪸㫉 㪤㫆㫅㫋㪿 2006 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㩷㪛㫉㪸㪽㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㩷㩿㪈㫊㫋㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 㪝㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪚㫃㪸㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊 㩷㩿㪈㫊㫋㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 2007 2008 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )TCFG )TCFG㧦 )TCFG )TCFGCPF㧦 )TCFG )TCFG 5GRVGODGT 'PVT[QHUVWFGPVU 㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㩷㩿㪉㫅㪻㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 )TCFGCPF㧦ੱ )TCFG )TCFG )TCFGCPF㧦 )TCFGCPF㧦 㪝㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪚㫃㪸㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊 㩷㩿㪉㫅㪻㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 )TCFG㧦! )TCFG㧦㧫 )TCFG )TCFG )TCFG㧦 )TCFG Accumulated number of participants from 1st Group: 174 Accumulated number of participants from 2nd Group: 135 - 60 - 㪰㪼㪸㫉 㪤㫆㫅㫋㪿 2009 2010 2011 2012 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㩷㪛㫉㪸㪽㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㩷㩿㪈㫊㫋㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 )TCFGCPF㧦 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG㧦 㪝㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪚㫃㪸㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊 㩷㩿㪈㫊㫋㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㩷㩿㪉㫅㪻㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 㪝㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪚㫃㪸㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊 㩷㩿㪉㫅㪻㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 2013 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG Accumulated number of participants from 1st Group: 130 Accumulated number of participants from 2nd Group: 165 3-2-2 Target Schools for Extending the IAT Department (1) Outline of the 20 Expansion Schools Numbers of the students classified with departments and schools (lisesi), together with number of teachers classified with expertise, are shown in Annex 4. Scales of the expansion schools are largely different in a range from those having 3,000 or more students to those having around 500 students. Though 15 teachers are planned as a full number for the department, in some school, 23 teachers are planned to recruit. Even in the first group of the expansion schools, number of teachers that have been recruited is still 6 to 8 persons as of January 2007, leaving almost a half of the full number vacant. As a result, assignment of the lesson subjects to teachers is not done yet. Questionnaire survey was conducted to the first group schools, in which teachers have already attended training at the TTC (Annex 5). Most participants are not fully satisfied with the training for both Grade 10 and 11, because training materials, lectures, a length of training term and others are deemed not fully sufficient. Some teachers answered that training for their expertise was not necessary. With regard to 20 subjects in the IAT departments, survey was undertaken by self-assessment of all the teachers from the first group schools who had participated in training at the TTC. This survey aims at seeing whether teachers have enough technical knowledge / skills and are able to prepare teaching materials. The maximum point for the assessment was set at 3 and the minimum at 0. Answers to the questionnaire used for the survey from 56 teachers are summarized in Annex 5. The results show that, for more than a half of the subjects, an average of the self-assessment by all 56 teachers was less than 1.5 points. This seems to be resulted mainly because the training for subjects of Grade 12 is not implemented yet and the average was calculated irrelevantly to field of expertise of the teachers. Among 3 expertise fields stated above, “electrics - electronics” is further divided into “electrics” and “electronics and telecommunications”. For 4 fields adding machinery and computer to these two, the average was calculated as well. The results show some differences exist by these 4 fields of expertise (see radar charts attached in end of Annex 6). Teachers of the machinery field answered that they are hard to deal with the subjects related to the electrics-electronics and computer field. The teachers of the computer field assess that they are hard to deal with the subjects related to machinery and electrics-electronics. (2) Management of the Expansion Schools There exist 1,580 VET schools that are administered by the GDTVE of MoNE. The 20 expansion schools are a part of these schools. The expansion schools are administered in the same way as the other schools in terms of personnel management for administration staff and teachers, and the operation budgets for them are also managed as a part of those for all the schools. The training courses for the teachers are deemed as particular measure. Recruitment of teachers and delivery of the training equipment in the IAT departments are in progress. The budget allocation for the expansion schools has been prioritized. - 61 - Based on the site survey on some of the second group schools, training facilities and equipment in the schools appear to have been used for a long time. It seems to be rare that the major equipment was renewed in most VET schools. It is considered that the new IAT departments are paid particular attention and high expectation by the local industry firms as well as by teachers of the expansion schools is recognized. 3-2-3 Curriculum and Modules for the IAT Department (1) Framework Curriculum For drafting the framework curriculum and the modules of the new IAT department, teachers from the MEGEP pilot schools in Bursa, stanbul (Tuzla), zmir, Kocaeli, Konya and Ankara (Iskitler) had organized a task team. Comments from the universities and industrial sector were received. Based on the previous curriculums developed by the precedent Project assisted by JICA, the new curriculums and module textbooks have been planned mainly by the Project counterparts of zmir School at the precedent Project. The framework curriculum defines lesson subjects of the grades and necessary credit hours. The framework curriculum for the IAT departments in AML is comprised of 22 subjects for the common education in Grade 9 and 10, and 23 subjects for the vocational education in Grade 11 and 12. 40 credit hours per week are allocated equally to each of the grades (see Table 3). While all the subjects and necessary credits are specified for the common education, only a standard set of subjects and a total hour of credits are defined for the vocational education. The selection of subjects for vocational education and allocation of credits is left for decision by the schools with reflecting needs of the regional industry. - 62 - Table 3: Framework Curriculum for IAT Departments in AML ANATOLIAN VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES (MECHATRONICS AND INDUSTRIAL CONTROL) WEEKLY COURSE CHART OF FRAME TRAINING PROGRAMME COURSE CATEGORIES IX. X. XI. XII. GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE COURSES *LANGUAGE AND NARRATION TURKISH LITERATURE RELIGIOUS CULTURE AND ETHICS HISTORY COMMON COURSES 2 3 1 2 TURKISH REPUBLIC HISTORY & KEMALISM GEOGRAPHY 2 MATHEMATICS 4 PHYSICS 2 CHEMISTRY 2 BIOLOGY 2 HEALTH 2 PHILOSOPHY FOREIGN LANGUAGE 10 PHYSICAL TRAINING 2 NATIONAL SECURITY TRAFFIC & FIRST AID TOTAL 34 2 3 1 2 2 4 1 15 2 1 2 - 2 1 - 2 4 1 12 4 7 - 27 30 21 3 1 40 27 1 40 30 2 1 40 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECH. 2 3 2 MATHEMATICS F I E L D / B R A N C H C O U R S E S COMMON VOCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES OF THE BASIC MECHANICS *BASIC INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS FIELD BRANCH COURSES TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL DRAFT *SKILL TRAINING AT FIRMS MECHANISMS BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS MODELLING ON COMPUTERS PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULICSYSTEMS *COMPUTERIZED CONTROL *SUCCESSIVE CONTROL *PLANT AUTOMATION AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION SCADA SYSTEMS TECHNICAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT BASIC PROGRAMMING 5 9 2 - BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS & SERVER SERVICES COMPUTERIZED CIRCUIT DESIGNS SENSORS & SIGNAL RECORDING *MICRODETECTOR APPLICATIONS INTERNET PROGRAMMING AND SECURITY INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS INSPECTION SYSTEMS NUMERICAL SIGNALLING SYSTEM TOTAL FIELD/ BRANCH COURSES OPTIONAL COURSES GUIDANCE TOTAL 2 3 1 40 (*) refers to the courses which are not applicable to the annual average success grade in accordance with the Article 33. of the Class Achievement Regulation for Secondary Schools, Ministry of National Education. - 63 - In zmir School, the selection of subjects for Grade 11 and 12 by two branches have been finalized (see Annex 8). The Mechatronics Branch includes mainly the lessons for use of PLC, measures for control of various devices and systems (among them, FA training system is focused), control by use of micro computers, and CAM process. The Industrial Control Branch includes lessons for use of PLC, measures for control of various devices and systems, control by use of micro computers, development of technology application, and installation of computer networks. Though this curriculum has been prepared for zmir School, it is being recommended for use of the expansion schools as well. Teachers in Iskitler School in Ankara Province are reviewing the lesson subjects and modules for their selection to reflect comments from the industrial sector in the province. For a time, it is told that Iskitler School will use the curriculum prepared by zmir School without modification. (2) Framework of Modules According to the framework curriculum for the IAT departments, 28 subjects given to Grade 10, 11 and 12 are to be comprised of 93 modules in total. This means a subject is to be built with 3 modules in average, while some subject of a wider technical range has 14 modules. In the VET schools in Turkey, it seems that vocational training constitutes a main part of the lessons. Most part of the module textbooks are given to guidance for use of devices and machineries, especially in the modules for Grade 11 and 12. Therefore it is considered that technical methods for machinery or system operation constitute a main concept of the lessons, which is supported with practices by means of applying the training equipment. (3) Development of Module Textbooks As a result of the reform of the education system, the framework curriculum was modified and the modular system has been newly introduced. Because of the reform, the textbooks developed at the precedent Project (2001 to 2006) are not used for the new IAT departments. For developing the module textbooks for the IAT departments, the previous textbooks were referred occasionally. As of January 2007, among 93 module textbooks that are used in Grade 10 and upper, 53 modules have been finalized, although these are in various stages such as drafts under peer review, drafts under review by the MoNE, and drafts approved by the Board of Education. All the modules for Grade 12 are being drafted still, and scheduled to be submitted to the MoNE by December 2007. As type of the training equipment is different between zmir School and the expansion schools, some module textbooks will have two versions. To determine technical contents of lectures and practices for drafting module textbooks for Grade 12, it would need assistance by Japanese experts to obtain technical knowledge / skills and teaching materials. Teacher training for Grade 12 is scheduled in April 2008 for the first group, and the lessons for Grade 12 will start in September 2008. The module textbooks are required to - 64 - complete by December 2007. Module textbooks for the IAT departments have been drafted mainly by 15 teachers of zmir School. As shown in the table below, around 30% has been prepared in collaboration with other AML. Some module textbooks were drafted by teachers of Konya and Iskitler School, and some that were prepared in the adjacent departments were determined to introduce to the IAT department. Table 4: Preparation of the IAT Module Textbooks (January 2007) zmir Konya Iskitler Adjacent Grades School School School Departments 10th and 11th 45 7 1 19 12th 15 6 Total 60 13 Total 72 21 1 19 93 Module guides for teachers have not been prepared. Training materials for the teacher training at the TTC have not also been prepared, and module textbooks have been used as substitute of teacher training textbook so far. It is recognized that the training materials is necessary to be prepared. At present, teachers of zmir School are focusing on drafting of the module textbooks, and the training materials will be prepared when enough time is allowed for them to take. 3-3 Present Condition and Problems of the TTC to be Addressed 3-3-1 Present Condition of the TTC (1) Organization of the TTC The TTC aims mainly at teacher training for VET in the IAT. In addition, the TTC has also purposes to hold seminars on the updated IAT for teachers of adjacent fields. The TTC is positioned as a part of zmir School, and it is exclusively used for teacher training in the IAT field and not used for other purposes including general training for in-service teachers. This excusive use of the TTC is justified by a document in the Ministry dated 22 January 2007 (Annex 10). Since it is a part of zmir School, the TTC is not given a status as an independent institution, and one of the deputy principals of zmir School will manage the IAT department. At present the 16 counterparts of the precedent Project are assigned to lecturers at the TTC. They serve concurrently as teachers for the IAT Departments of zmir School, and most of them are also in charge of writing module textbooks of the IAT departments. The MoNE stated that the teachers continue to serve for several duties as above. Table 5 summarizes mandates of the MoNE, zmir School and the expansion schools in relation to extending IAT department. - 65 - Table 5: Management of the TTC and Involvement of Relevant Institutions Functions Personnel management of teachers Current budgets of operation and maintenance on facilities Development budget for construction and purchase Current budgets for training programs Planning and implementation of training for in-service teachers Planning of training programs for teachers of IAT departments Planning of training courses for training for IAT departments Review and revision of curriculum for IAT departments MoNE Decision on numbers of teachers, based on number of students Appointment of teachers and assignment of them to schools Review of budgets requested by schools Decision of amounts of budgets to be allocated Planning and implementation of construction on necessary building, accompanied with accreditation of departments Izmir School and TTC Efforts are paid for enrollment of students filling a full number TTC: Lecturers are organized by teachers in Izmir School, though a few lecturers are occasionally invited from outside. Request for budget for light and heating, and maintenance costs TTC: As a part of Izmir School, necessary budgets for operation and maintenance are secured Request for training equipment necessary for TTC Allocation of budgets for planned training programs Implementation of the training courses allowed by the budgets Asking teachers for training subjects, planning of training contents and numbers of participants in a year Participating in training in same conditions as the ordinary VET schools. General training for in-service teachers has not been done at TTC so far. Planning of timing and term on training courses within limit of number of days secured by budget Planning of training courses that meet the Framework Curriculum Securing TTC and necessary budgets for training of teachers of the IAT departments Leaving these to decision by Izmir School Leaving these to decision of Izmir School, subject to approval and/or accreditation by Board of Education of the Ministry Prepared the Framework Curriculum in collaboration with resource schools. Preparing the curriculum for Grade 11 and 12. Drafting module textbooks - 66 - Expansion Schools Efforts are paid for enrollment of students filling a full number Request for budget for light and heating, and maintenance costs Receiving the delivered equipment. (Specifications for equipment have been planned and reviewed by MoNE) Recommendation of teachers who should attend training courses notified Participating in training in same conditions as the ordinary VET schools Participants assess the training courses Some schools such as Konya have been involved in formulation of the Framework Curriculum and modules textbooks. (2) Construction of the TTC Building Building for the TTC was built in 2006 in a total cost of 1,850,000YTL. The total floor space is of around 4,800 square meters. Main facilities include seminar rooms, workshops (practice rooms), and accommodation for 60 persons. Personal computers and LAN server have been delivered to the building, as well as fixtures and fittings for the accommodation facilities. As of January 2007, the other training equipment for installation in the workshops is being requested to the MoNE. (3) Management of the TTC For planning and implementing the teacher training program, zmir School and the TTC has various relations with the other institutions. The MoNE determines assignment of teachers, scope and amount of budgets. The other AML such as Konya and Iskitler School provide technical support on development of module textbook. The relations among relevant institutions were shown in Figure 8 - 67 - Figure 8: The TTC and related institutions MoNE DG Personnel Human resources Department for Education Equipment and Devices Training equipment DG for Technical and Vocational Education Planning of teacher training Operation costs Study for demands of the industrial occupations by MoNE and Vocational Qualification Authority Industrial Sector: Upgrading of student training Izmir Province MoNE Director SPO Module texts Building of TTC - 68 - Teacher Training Center (TTC) Technical Resources 1. Ankara (Iskitler), Kocaeli, Bursa, Konya, etc. for drafting modules 2. JICA Experts for technology transfer 3. Private enterprises (available only when equipment is purchased) 4. University professors (theory-oriented. Though budget is needed, MoNE cannot allocate budgets for this sort of expenditures) Expansion schools MoNE, Education Board Planning Council Teacher training MoNE In-service Department General in-service training (summer seminar) Ordinary lessons Other VET schools Students in Izmir ATL and AML Operation budget for the TTC was 266,800US$ in 2006 fiscal year. The budget was allocated mostly for the equipment and facilities. Personal expenses for the teachers of the IAT Department of zmir School are covered by the budget for the school. Main budgets for operating the TTC are hence comprised of maintenance costs for building and facilities, fuel and light expenses and labor costs for workers. For the whole buildings and facilities of zmir School, 47,500 YTL for electricity, 4,800 YTL for water, 29,700 YTL for fuel oil and others were expensed in 2006 fiscal year. For the budget in 2007 fiscal year, 90,000 YTL for electricity, 8,000 YTL for water, 70,000 YTL for heating are being requested to the Ministry. Among these budgets, those necessary for the TTC building are included. The training costs that cover travel and food expenses for participants have been budgeted directly by the MoNE. 3-3-2 Problems Addressed of the TTC Based on opinions and observations by 16 teachers of the IAT Department of zmir School, stakeholder analysis and problem analysis were conducted. Results were summarized in the problem trees in Annex 12. As shown in the problem trees, since it was just a year ago when the first training was conducted at the TTC of zmir School, there seems to be still various problems in training materials and institutional management. The problems are summarized as follows; x Shortage or lack of training equipment (at present, equipment for students is used) x Overlapping of training for teachers and lesson for students due to the concurrent assignment of lecturers x Compatibility of training equipment such as circuit board between zmir School and the expansion schools x Management of training courses x Assessment and evaluation on the training courses x Delay in drafting of module textbooks for Grade 12 x Preparation for materials for teacher training - 69 - 4. Project Strategy 4-1 Outlined Strategy 4-1-1 Selection of Approaches The Project is aimed at establishing the effective teacher training system for the IAT at the TTC of zmir Mazhar Zorlu School for the purpose of extending the IAT department, and thus to meet the labor demands of the industrial sector in Turkey. For achieving this objective, planning, implementation, evaluation of the teacher training programs of the TTC, and enhancement of planning capacity of the TTC are selected as project approach. 4-1-2 Project Site The activities of the Project are deployed mainly at Teacher Training Center of zmir School. The building, mechanical and electric facilities of the TTC have been mostly prepared in 2006. 4-2 Project Implementation Structure 4-2-1 Implementation Agencies The Director General of GDTVE will take an overall responsibility for the Project. Among three departments of the GDTVE, the Head of a department that is in charge of in-service teacher training in the GDTVE will take a responsibility for management of the Project. The Principal of zmir School will take an administrative and technical responsibility for the implementation of the Project. At present, the TTC is a part of zmir School, and not given an independent institutional system. Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) will be organized for coordination and discussion by the project implementation agencies. The JCC will be established by representatives from the MoNE, State Planning Organization (SPO), Japanese Embassy, JICA Turkey Office, the Principal of zmir School, and Deputy Principal. 4-2-2 Assignment of Project Counterparts Officer(s) for management of the Project assigned by the Turkish Government and lecturers of the TTC will work as the project counterparts. - 70 - 5. Project Design 5-1 Overall Goal 5-1-1 Super Goal Narrative Technicians of industrial automation technologies (IAT) are raised and needs of the summary industrial sector in Turkey for them are substantially satisfied. OVI Numbers of graduates from IAT Departments employed by relevant factories reach to XX persons per year. 5-1-2 Overall Goal Narrative Vocational education and training (VET) for IAT at the expansion schools is practiced summary effectively. OVI XX students will graduate from IAT Departments. 5-2 Project Purpose Narrative Teacher training system of the TTC is established. summary Indicators for training courses OVI x More than XX% of participants from the expansion schools assess their training courses at the TTC are practically usable for their lectures and practices for IAT x XX% of the participants finish the training course x Average score of the exit examinations Indicators for institution of the TTC x Management procedures for teacher training courses are prepared x Planned number and implementation number of training courses Indicators for long term strategy x The long term strategy for the TTC receives a due consideration from Ministry of National Education 5-3 Outputs and Activities Four outputs are planned in the Project. These are planning, implementation, evaluation, and preparation of a long term strategy of the TTC. All these are related to training program of the TTC. Output 1 OVI Teacher training program of the TTC is planned. x Number of designed teacher training courses x Number of teacher training textbooks Activity 1-1 Baseline survey of IAT department of expansion schools is conducted. Activity 1-2 Organizational structure of the TTC is arranged. Activity 1-3 Mid-term training plan (2006-2011) is reviewed. Activity 1-4 Module textbook is drafted. Activity 1-5 Teacher training courses are planned. - 71 - Activity 1-6 Teacher training textbook is drafted. Output 2 Teacher training courses of the TTC are implemented. OVI Number of implemented teacher training courses Activity 2-1 Equipment for the TTC is installed. Activity 2-2 Orientation for participants is conducted. Activity 2-3 Teacher training courses are implemented. 2-3-1 Teacher training courses for IAT Departments are implemented. 2-3-2 Teacher training courses for the adjacent departments7 (summer seminars) are implemented. Activity 2-4 Seminars on management of IAT Department are conducted for the expansion schools. Output 3 Teacher training courses of the TTC are evaluated. x Evaluation on teacher training courses is conducted XX times. x Monitoring is conducted XX times at all the expansion schools. OVI Activity 3-1 Standard of evaluation of teacher training courses and evaluation materials are drafted. Activity 3-2 Teacher training courses are evaluated properly. Activity 3-3 Monitoring on VET of IAT at the expansion schools is implemented. Activity 3-4 The teacher training course and training textbook is reviewed. Output 4 OVI Planning capacity of the TTC is strengthened. Long term strategy of the TTC is finalized. Activity 4-1 Role of the TTC in the Long term strategy is identified. Activity 4-2 Long term strategy of the TTC is drafted and submitted to GDTVE of the MoNE 5-4 Plan of Operation (PO) The Project will have around three year implementation term. It is expected that on-going training courses by the present mid-term teacher training program for the expansion schools can be followed up six times in total. Similarly, relevant activities before and after the teacher training courses will be able to be undertaken six times in total. The overall draft Plan of Operation is attached in Annex 2. 5-5 Project Input 5-5-1 Input by the Turkish Side The Project activities will be led by Turkish side. The lecturers as Project counterparts will be ̌Adjacent Departments” include Electricity-Electric Technology Department, Mechanical Technology Department and Information Technologies Department. 7 - 72 - assigned at zmir Mazhar Zorlu School, and the administrative personnel such as the deputy principal of the TTC and training coordinator will also be assigned at the school and the MoNE. Number of persons to be assigned will meet the necessity for implementation of the Project. When the necessity for increasing the number of teachers at zmir Mazhar Zorulu School is recognized, the Principal of School will consider the additional assignment of teachers8. Office, office equipment, telephone with direct line and power supplies will be prepared in the TTC by Turkish side. The facilities and equipment necessary for training activities will be also supplied by Turkish side. The project costs including expenses for the teacher training courses will be mainly born by the Turkish side. 5-5-2 Input by the Japanese Side Japanese side assists the implementation of project activities led by Turkish side. The Project activities will be conducted based on the framework of curriculum of Industrial Automation Technologies admitted by the MoNE and equipment procured by Turkish side. The technical cooperation team comprised of short-term experts will be dispatched by Japanese side. (Number and field of expertise will be considered in accordance with the progress of Project.) The team will mainly assist in the aspect of teacher training. Although the equipment at the TTC is procured by the Turkish side, if the necessity for implementation of the Project arises, the Japanese side can procure the supplemental equipment. With regard to the project operation cost, the main cost will be born by Turkish side, if the necessity for performing the activities, the Japanese side will bear a part of the cost. 5-6 Important Assumptions and Pre-conditions 5-6-1 Important Assumptions (1) Assumptions for Attaining the Outcomes x Teachers of IAT Department in the expansion schools are appointed in time (2) Assumptions for Attaining the Project Purpose x A majority of the counterparts remain in the TTC 5-6-2 Pre-conditions x Necessary budgets of the TTC are appropriately allocated. x Appropriate number of the project counterparts is assigned. 8 Please refer to the Annex 12 for the detail of terms of reference of Turkish side and Japanese side. - 73 - 6. Ex-ante Evaluation 6-1 Relevance Relevance of the Project is high because of the following points. x The Medium Term Program (2007 - 2009) prioritizes improvement of the human resources. Improvement of human resources and increasing employability are main target of the program. The Project has goals that are highly relevant to these national priority strategies. x As shown in the various labor market studies of the manufacturing sector, the labor force in the automation technologies field is insufficient in Turkey. The Project, aiming at teacher training for the IAT department, matches the demand of manufacturing industry. x Human resource development for middle income countries is prioritized in JICA country program. The Project is included in JICA Cooperation program, called “Improvement of Vocational Education and Training Program”, which aim at improving VET for responding to labor demand of the industrial sector. 6-2 Effectiveness Effectiveness of the Project is expected because of the following points. x Output of Project includes not only planning, implementing and evaluating the training courses, but also strengthening of planning capacity for the TTC. Sufficient outputs are incorporated in the project plan for achieving the project purpose. x The project purpose is “Teacher training system of the TTC is established”. Because The OVI include not only the indicators on the teacher training courses and institutional management of the TTC, but also finalizing long-term strategy of the TTC, the project purpose is clearly defined. 6-3 Efficiency The Project is expected to be implemented efficiently because of the following points. x Budget for construction of the TTC building and procurement of the training equipment for the TTC and IAT departments of the expansion schools is allocated by the Government of Turkey, as well as expenditures for implementation of the teacher training courses that include travel expenses of the training participants. Therefore Turkish side will provide necessary input for the Project. x Since the counterparts to be assigned for the Project have received a series of training from the Japanese experts in the precedent Project, the total input from Japanese side will be more efficient. x Important Assumptions for attaining the output, “Teachers of IAT Department in the expansion schools are appointed in time”, will be satisfied, because the MoNE assign necessary teachers to IAT departments. 6-4 Impact The impact of the Project is expected as follows. - 74 - x The Project will conduct teacher training courses for approximately 300 teachers, however the seminar for adjacent departments will be held. x In Turkey, economics in western part is developed. On the other hand, economics in eastern part is in the process of developing. Because the expansion schools are chosen in various regions of Turkey, the Project will contribute the correction of regional disparity. 6-5 Sustainability Sustainability of the Project is expected to be high because of the following points. x The MoNE’s initiative to undertake the expansion program is strong as indicated in a fact that it has already started the teacher training. x In the Project, as Japanese expert supports Turkish side in the respect of technical advice on module textbook writing, development of teacher training textbook, and center management, the ownership of Turkish side is respected. 6-6 Conclusions This Project is to strengthen the on-going teacher training for the industrial automation technologies at the TTC that has been newly established in zmir Mazhar Zorlu School with an objective to extend the Industrial Automation Technologies Department, which has been established in zmir Mazhar Zorlu Anatolia Technical High School with assistance by Japan during 2001 to 2206, to other high schools in Turkey. The Project will meet one of prioritized issues in the national policies in aspect of supporting education and training of the labor demand of the industrial sector in the country. The Project will also expand outcomes of the precedent cooperation by Japan. Based on these, it is concluded that implementation of the Project is highly justifiable. - 75 - 7. Monitoring and Evaluation 7-1 Notes for Managing the Project (1) Contents of Teachers Training The teacher training at the TTC seems to have been conducted mainly on lectures on module textbooks and use of the training equipment. It is necessary to study whether methods for teaching and methods for developing teaching materials based on the education science should be included in the teacher training. In addition, it is necessary to review whether a length of the current training term (3 months) is appropriate. (2) Compatibility of Training Equipment Training equipment supplied to zmir School in the precedent Project was mainly from Japan, while the training equipment delivered to the expansion school is from the European countries and hence has technical specifications of European versions. It seems that teachers of zmir School have not enough knowledge on the equipment of the expansion schools. By this reason, the TTC is planned to have the equipment of the same specifications as ones in the expansion schools. (3) Long Term Strategy for the TTC With regard to teacher training programs after 2012, though objectives of the TTC operations were identified as updating of technical skills of teachers involved in the IAT education, the details seems not to have been planned. Roles of the TTC for long term are also not identified, probably because the TTC is the first case of a teacher training center for a specific department of VET schools in the country. Review on roles of the TTC in long term should hence be undertaken in collaboration with the MoNE in course of this Project. 7-2 Monitoring Plan The mid term evaluation will be conducted around February 2009, and consultation will be made on the project management. According to results of the mid term evaluation, after holding discussions, the project activities are revised if needed. By six months before the termination of the Project (around February 2010), the final evaluation is conducted. Main objectives of the final evaluation are to assess the achievement of the project purpose by the five evaluation criteria, to find measures to sustain the project benefits at post project stage, and to identify lessons for improvement of planning and implementation of other similar Projects. - 76 - Annexes Annex 1㩷 Project Design Matrix (PDM) Annex 2㩷 Overall Plan of Operation (PO) Annex 3㩷 Training Courses for In-service Teachers in 2006 Annex 4㩷 Number of Students and Teachers of the Expansion Schools Annex 5㩷 Questionnaire Survey for the First Group of Expansion Schools Annex 6㩷 Self Assessment on Knowledge and Skills for Teaching Annex 7㩷 Framework Curriculum of the IAT department Annex 8㩷 Standard Curriculum of the IAT department Annex 9㩷 List of Modules of the IAT department Annex 10㩷 Document of the MoNE for Establishment of TTC Annex 11㩷 Problem Trees Annex 12 Terms of Reference on Japanese Expert and Counterparts - 77 - ANNEX 1 PROJECT DESIGN MATRIX Version. No. 2.0 Date: 18 April 2007 Project Title: The Project on Strengthening the Program of Expanding Industrial Automation Technologies Department (SPREAD) Duration: August 2007 to September 2010 Target Groups: Management staff, lecturers of Teachers Training Center (TTC) of Izmir Mazhar Zorlu Anatolian Vocational High School, teachers to be trained at the Indirect Target Groups: Teachers to be trained at the TTC Narrative Summary Objectively Verifiable Indicators1 Super Goal Technicians of industrial automation technologies XX graduates of IAT departments are (IAT)are raised and needs of the industrial sector in employed to the relevant factories every Turkey for them are substantially satisfied year. Overall Goal Vocational education and training (VET) for IAT at XX students graduate from IAT the expansion schools is practiced effectively Departments. - 78 - Project Purpose Teacher training system of the TTC is established. 1 <Indicator on teacher training course at the TTC> 1. XX% of participants assess training courses are practically usable for their lectures and practices for IAT. 2. XX % of participants complete teacher training course. 3. Average score of tests <Indicator on organization of the TTC> 4. Procedures on management of teacher training course are prepared. 5. Percentage of implemented teacher training courses compared with plan. <Indicator on long term strategy> 6. Long term strategy of the TTC receives a due consideration from Ministry of National Education. Means of Verification Important Assumptions Records of carrier guidance committee of schools with IAT Department Records of carrier guidance committee of the expansion schools Turkish industrial sector continue to develop in same growth rate as present 1. Teacher training course assessment reports by TTC Entry of students to IAT Department in the expansion schools is kept in the present level at least 2. Records for the teacher training courses of TTC 3. Records for the teacher training courses of TTC 4. Interview with the MoNE Numerical indicator will be specified at the first Joint Coordinating Committee based upon baseline survey. Number of expansion schools is not reduced. Output 1. Teacher training program of the TTC is 1-1. Number of designed teacher training courses planned. 1-2. Number of designed teacher training textbooks 1. Records for the teacher training courses of TTC 2. Teacher training courses of the TTC are implemented. 2-1. Number of implemented teacher training courses 2. Records for the teacher training courses of TTC 3. Teacher training courses of the TTC are evaluated. 3-1. Evaluation on teacher training courses is conducted XX times 3-2. Monitoring is conducted XX times at all the expansion schools 3. Records for monitoring 4. Planning capacity of the TTC is strengthened. 4-1. Long term strategy for TTC is finalized. 4. Long term strategy plan by TTC Counterparts remain in TTC - 79 - Activities Inputs Important Assumptions - 80 - Teachers of IAT Department in 1-1 Baseline survey of IAT department of expansion Turkish side: the expansion schools are schools is conducted. appointed in time 1-2 Organizational structure of the TTC is arranged. x Administrative personnel 1-3 Mid-term training plan (2006-2011) is reviewed. x Project counterparts 1-4 Module textbook is drafted. -Trainers of TTC 1-5 Teacher training courses are planned. -Coordinator 1-6 Teacher training textbook is drafted. x Office and office equipment for JICA experts x Training equipment for TTC 2-1 Equipment for the TTC is installed. x Project costs 2-2 Orientation for participants is conducted. -Expenses for teacher training courses 2-3 Teacher training courses are implemented. -Salaries and other allowances for the Turkish staffs 2-4 Seminars on management of IAT Department are -Customs clearance, inland handling of the Project equipment provided by conducted for the expansion schools. JICA Preconditions -Expenses for maintenance of the Project facilities and equipment 3-1 Standard of evaluation of teacher training -Expenses for electricity, water, gas, fuel and other contingencies courses and evaluation materials are drafted. Necessary budgets of TTC are -Other necessary local expenses of the Project 3-2 Teacher training courses are evaluated properly. appropriately allocated. 3-3 Monitoring on VET of IAT at the expansion Japanese side: schools is implemented. Appropriate number of the 3-4 The teacher training course and training textbook x Experts project counterparts is assigned. is reviewed. x Supplemental equipment x Counterpart training in Japan 4-1 Role of the TTC in the Long term strategy is x Supplemental expenses identified. 4-2 Long term strategy to operate the TTC is drafted and submitted to GDTVE of the MoNE ANNEX 2 PLAN OF OPERATION Project Title: The Project on Strengthening the Program for Expanding Industrial Automation Technologies Department Duration: August 2007 to September 2010 1/2/3 Project Activities 1-1 Baseline survey of IAT department of expansion schools is conducted. 1-2 Organizational structure of the TTC is arranged. 1-3 Mid-term training plan (2006-2011) is reviewed. 1-4 Module textbook is drafted. 1-5 Teacher training courses are planned. 1-6 Teacher training textbook is drafted. 2-1 Equipment for the TTC is installed. 2-2 Orientation for participants is conducted. - 81 - 2-3 Teacher training courses are implemented. (Teacher training courses for adjacent departments) 2-4 Seminars on management of IAT Department are conducted for the expansion schools. 3-1 Standard of evaluation of teacher training courses and evaluation materials are drafted. 3-2 Teacher training courses are evaluated properly. 3-3 Monitoring on VET of IAT at the expansion schools is implemented. 3-4 The teacher training course and training textbook is reviewed. 4-1 Role of the TTC in the Long term strategy is identified. 4-2 Long term strategy to operate the TTC is drafted and submitted to GDTVE of the MoNE JCC Joint Evaluation 2007 4/5/6 7/8/9 10/11/12 1/2/3 2008 4/5/6 7/8/9 10/11/12 1/2/3 Version. No. 2.0 Date: 18 April 2007 2009 4/5/6 7/8/9 10/11/12 1/2/3 2010 4/5/6 7/8/9 32 163 178 179 180 201 PARTICIPANTS Teachers of Workshop and Vocational Courses working in the field of Construction CONSTRUCTION Technology of PAINT COURSES Technical Schools WELDING DEVELOPMENT COURSE PLC APPLICATIONS COURSE IN ELECTRO PNEUMATIC SETS BASIC LEVEL OF PIC (16F84,16F628) TRAINING COURSE BASIC LEVEL OF PLC COURSE BASIC PNEUMATIC AND HIDROLIC COURSE Teachers of Workshop and Vocational Courses working in the departments of Levelling, Metalworks, Ship Construction, Machinery, and Installation Technology of Technical Schools Teachers of Workshop and Vocational Courses working in the departments of Electric, Electronics, Machinery, Mechatronics, ndustrial Electronics, and Industrial Automation of Technical Schools Teachers of Workshop and Vocational Courses working in the departments of Electronics and Industrial Electronics of Technical Schools Teachers of Workshop and Vocational Courses working in the departments of Electric, Electronics, Machinery, Mechatronics, Industrial Electronics, Industrial Automation of Technical Schools Teachers of Workshop and Vocational courses Working in the department of Mechatronics in Ankara Balgat, Kocaeli Gebze, STFA and Bursa Hürriyet Vocational high schools LOCATION DYO Paint Factory Trading Inc. GEBZE KOCAEL GEDK Holding Education Foundation Tuzla Vocational High school STANBUL Tuzla Vocational High school STANBUL Tuzla Vocational High school STANBUL MAN Turkey INC. ANKARA - 82 - DATE 13.02.2006 17.02.2006 05.06.2006 09.06.2006 12.06.2006 16.06.2006 12.06.2006 16.06.2006 12.06.2006 16.06.2006 19.06.2006 23.06.2006 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS NAME OF THE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY PERIOD (DAY) ACTIVITY NO Annex 3 IN-SERVICE TRAINING ACTIVITIES GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, 2006 5 15 5 20 5 5 5 5 16 12 20 8 NOTES Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Gebze STFA Vocational high school KOCAEL Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Tuzla Vocational high school STANBUL Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Hotel Business and Tourism Vocational High School Pension ANKARA 226 227 228 229 242 NAME OF THE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY PARTICIPANTS Teachers of Workshop and Vocational courses Working in the department of otomotive in Adana, zmir, Engine ADVANCED LEVEL OF Vocational high DIESEL COURSE schools, Ankara Güvercinlik, stanbul ili, Kartal, Samandra, Bursa Hürriyet Vocational high schools. Teachers with the basic knowledge of graphic design in the BASIC LEVEL departments of OF GRAPHIC computer, electronics DESIGN I and printing in technical COURSE education schools COMPUTER AIDED DRAWING (AUTOCAD) COURSE Teachers of Workshop and Vocational courses – with the basic knowledge of computer, in the departments of machinery and levelling in technical education schools Teachers of Workshop and Vocational courses with the knowledge of DATABASE PROGRAMMING Visual Basic in COURSE WITH technical education schools VISUAL BASIC CNCTECHNICAL COURSE Teachers of Workshop and Vocational courses in the departments of Machinery, Levelling, Tuzla Vocational High school STANBUL LOCATION TOFA Technical Education Center, BURSA Bornova Mazhar Zorlu Anatolian Technical and Plastic Vocational High School ZMR Bornova Mazhar Zorlu Anatolian Technical and Plastic Vocational High School ZMR Bornova Mazhar Zorlu Anatolian Technical and Plastic Vocational High School ZMR Gebze Çayrova STFA Anatolian - 83 - 19.06.2006 23.06.2006 19.06.2006 23.06.2006 DATE 26.06.2006 30.06.2006 26.06.2006 30.06.2006 26.06.2006 30.06.2006 26.06.2006 30.06.2006 26.06.2006 5 5 5 5 5 5 12 16 Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 20 Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join NUMBER OF PARTICIPANT ACTIVITY NO 203 Tuzla Vocational High school STANBUL PERIOD (DAY) 202 Teachers of Workshop and Vocational Courses working in the department of Computer of Technical Schools Teachers of Workshop and Vocational Courses WEB PROGRAMMING working in the department of (PHP-MYSQL) Computer of Technical COURSE Schools BASIC LEVEL OF APPLIED COMPUTER WEB SYSTEMS COURSE 12 18 18 18 20 NOTES Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: A.Ö. Sönmez Vocational School BURSA Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Bornova Apprenticeship Education Center ZMR Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Bornova Apprenticeship Education Center ZMR Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Bornova Apprenticeship Education Center ZMR Those who are selected among the applicants by General Directorate of Technical Education for ACTIVITY NO 252 253 254 255 256 DIESEL SYSTEMS COURSE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT COURSE NAME OF THE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY Teachers of Workshop and Vocational courses in the department of Otomotive in technical education schools PARTICIPANTS Teachers of workshop and vocational courses with the knowledge of Basic Computer BASIC working in the COMPUTER departments of Electric, WEBS COURSE Electronics and Computer in technical education schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses with the knowledge of BASIC LEVEL Basic Computer OF PLC working in the PROGRAMMING departments of Electric, COURSE Electronics and Computer in technical education schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses with the knowledge of BASIC LEVEL Basic Computer OF PIC 16F84 working in the MICRO departments of Electric, CONTROLLER Electronics and COURSE Computer in technical education schools Teachers of workshop COMPUTER- TOFA Technical Education Center, BURSA RENAULTMAIS INC. Education Center, STANBUL RENAULTMAIS INC. Education Center, STANBUL LOCATION Selçuklu Adil Karaaaç Anatolian Technical High School KONYA Selçuklu Adil Karaaaç Anatolian Technical High School KONYA Selçuklu Adil Karaaaç Anatolian Technical High School KONYA Bornova - 84 - 07.07.2006 03.07.2006 07.07.2006 03.07.2006 07.07.2006 03.07.2006 07.07.2006 DATE Males shall join 5 5 5 12 Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: A.Ö. Sönmez Vocational School BURSA 15 Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 15 Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join NUMBER OF PARTICIPANT 251 Teachers of Workshop and Vocational courses in the department of Otomotive in technical education schools Technical School KOCAEL PERIOD (DAY) 250 ADVANCED LEVEL OF ENGINE COURSE Mold, CNC, Metal, Industrial Mechanics of technical education schools Teachers of Workshop and Vocational courses in the department of Otomotive of technical education schools in Adana, zmir Engine vocational high schools, Ankara Güvercinlik, stanbul ili, Kartal, Samandra, Bursa Hürriyet Vocational high schools 03.07.2006 07.07.2006 5 18 03.07.2006 07.07.2006 5 18 03.07.2006 07.07.2006 5 18 NOTES Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Meram Teachers’ Lodging KONYA Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Meram Teachers’ Lodging KONYA Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Meram Teachers’ Lodging KONYA Those who are 292 ACTIVITY NO 301 302 317 CAD/CAM (MASTERCAM) COURSE WINDOWS 2003 SERVER AND DOMAIN CONTROL SYSTEM INSTALLATION COURSE NAME OF THE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY Teachers of Workshop and Vocational courses in the department of Otomotive in Adana, zmir Engine vocational high school, Ankara Güvercinlik, stanbul ili, Kartal, Samandra, Bursa Hürriyet Vocational high schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses working in the departments of CNC (Numerical control on computer ), Machinery, Levelling, Mold, Machinery Painting, Hydrolic Pneumatic Technology, Mechatronics, Industrial Automation in technical education schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses with the knowledge of Basic Computer working in the departments of Electric, Electronics and Computer in technical education schools PARTICIPANTS Teachers of workshop and vocational course working in the COMPUTERdepartment of AIDED FURNITURE AND Furniture and Decoration in technical DECORATION education schools DESIGNING COURSE SERVER INSTALLATIONS COURSE IN LINUX-FEDORA OPERATING SYSTEM COURSE Teachers of workshop and vocational course with the knowledge of Basic Computer and Linux Operating System working technical education Mazhar Zorlu Anatolian Technical and 03.07.2006 Plastic 07.07.2006 Vocational High School ZMR TOFA Technical Education Center, BURSA Alanya Vocational High School ANTALYA Selçuklu Adil Karaaaç Anatolian Technical High School KONYA LOCATION Gazi Vocational High School ANKARA Selçuklu Adil Karaaaç Anatolian Technical High School KONYA - 85 - 10.07.2006 14.07.2006 5 18 5 12 determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Bornova Apprenticeship Education Center ZMR Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: A.Ö. Sönmez Vocational School BURSA Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 10.07.2006 21.07.2006 17.07.2006 21.07.2006 DATE 12 5 20 18 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANT 280 ADVANCED LEVEL OF ELECTRICELECTRONCS COURSE and vocational courses working in the departments of Electric, electronics and Computer in technical education schools PERIOD (DAY) AIDED DRAWING COURSE (SOLIDWORKS) 17.07.2006 21.07.2006 5 20 24.07.2006 28.07.2006 5 18 Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Meram Teachers’ Lodging KONYA NOTES Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Hotel Business and Tourism Vocational High School Pension ANKARA Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Meram Teachers’ schools 338 ACTIVITY NO 350 351 352 SOLVING MACHINERY PROBLEMS COURSE WITH VISUAL BASIC PROGRAM CNC LATHE CUTTER COURSE NAME OF THE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY Teachers of workshop and vocational courses working in the departments of CNC (Numerical control on computer ), Machinery, Levelling, Mold, Hydrolic Pneumatic Technology, Mechatronics, Industrial Automation in technical education schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses working in the departments of CNC (Numerical control on computer ), Machinery, Levelling, Mold, Hydrolic Pneumatic Technology, Mechatronics, Industrial Automation in technical education schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses with the knowledge of Basic Computer working in the departments of Machinery and Levelling in technical education schools PARTICIPANTS Teachers with the basic knowledge in Graphic Design working in the GRAPHIC departments of DESIGN COURSE Computer, Electronics II and Printing in technical education schools Teachers of workshop GENERAL ELECTRIC ARC and vocational courses working in the WELDING department of COURSE Gazi Vocational High School ANKARA Kuadas Vocational High School AYDIN 24.07.2006 28.07.2006 5 18 31.07.2006 11.08.2006 12 20 Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 31.07.2006 11.08.2006 Bornova Mazhar Zorlu Anatolian Technical and 07.08.2006 Plastic 11.08.2006 Vocational High School ZMR LOCATION DATE Bornova Mazhar Zorlu Anatolian Technical and 07.08.2006 11.08.2006 Plastic Vocational High School ZMR ECZACIBA I -Lincoln 07.08.2006 Electric - 86 - 12 5 5 5 20 18 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANT 337 CNC LATHE AND CNC UPRIGHT PROCESSING CENTER SIMULATOR TRAINING COURSE (FANUC PROGRAMMING) Selçuklu Adil Karaaaç Anatolian Technical High School KONYA PERIOD (DAY) 318 C AND PIC MICRO CONTROLLER AUDITING COURSE Teachers with the knowledge of Basic Computer working in the departments of electric, Electronics and Computer in technical education schools Lodging KONYA Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Meram Teachers’ Lodging KONYA Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Hotel Business and Tourism Vocational High School Pension ANKARA 18 20 Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Bornova Apprenticeship Education Center ZMR NOTES Those who are selected by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Bornova Apprenticeship Education Center ZMR Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall 357 365 371 519 520 Metalworks and Installation Technology in technical education schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses IN working in the AUTOMATION departments of SYSTEM SENSORS AND Computer (software), Computer (hardware), PLC APPLICATIONS Electric and Electronics in technical education COURSE schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses working in the GENERAL ELECTRIC ARC department of Metalworks and WELDING Installation Technology COURSE in technical education schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses working in the departments of CNC (Numerical control on computer ), Machinery, Levelling, Mold, Hydrolic Pneumatic SOLID Technology, Casting, MODELLING Industrial Mechanics, (SOLIDWORKS) machinery Painting, COURSE Construction Painting, Metalworks, Furniture and Decorartion, Modelling, Mechatronics, Idustrial Automation in technical education schools Teachers of workshop and vocational courses INDUSTRIAL working in the AUTOMATION department of Industrial TECHNOLOGIES Automation DEPARTMENT, Technologies in TEACHERS’ technical high schools. TRAINING This is for COURSE predetermined teachers for this field. Teachers of workshop and vocational courses INDUSTRIAL working in the AUTOMATION department of Industrial TECHNOLOGIES Automation DEPARTMENT, Technologies in TEACHERS’ technical high schools. TRAINING This is for COURSE predetermined teachers for this field. Askaynak Tuzla/ STANBUL Kathane Profilo Anatolian Technical High School STANBUL ECZACIBA I -Lincoln Electric Askaynak Tuzla/ STANBUL Karyaka Vocational High School ZMR Selçuklu Adil Karaaaç Anatolian Technical High School KONYA 11.08.2006 07.08.2006 18.08.2006 20 14.08.2006 18.08.2006 5 20 14.08.2006 25.08.2006 12 20 20.03.2006 28.04.2006 Bornova Mazhar Zorlu 20.03.2006 Anatolian Technical and 28.04.2006 Plastic Vocational High School ZMR - 87 - 12 40 40 20 10 join Accomodation Place: Tuzla Vocational High School STANBUL Those who are selected by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Accomodation Place: Tuzla Vocational High School STANBUL Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Chiefs of department, workshop and lab WORKSHOP AND LAB working in technical MANAGEMENT education schools. COURSE 530 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT COURSE 531 WORKSHOP AND LAB MANAGEMENT COURSE 532 533 534 535 536 Deputies to principal of schools/ institutions that have never joined in seminar before working in technical education schools. Chiefs of department, workshop and lab working in technical education schools. Chiefs of department, WORKSHOP AND workshop and lab working in technical LAB MANAGEMENT education schools. COURSE Deputies to principal of schools/ institutions that have SCHOOL MANAGEMENT never joined in seminar before working in COURSE technical education schools. Deputies to principal of schools/ institutions that have SCHOOL MANAGEMENT never joined in seminar before working in COURSE technical education schools. Teachers of workshop and vocational courses INDUSTRIAL working in the AUTOMATION department of Industrial TECHNOLOGIES Automation DEPARTMENT, Technologies in TEACHERS’ technical high schools. TRAINING This is for COURSE predetermined teachers for this field. RAIL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY COURSE Teachers of workshop and vocational courses to be assigned in project in technical education high schools. LOCATION Edremit Vocational High School BALIKESR Fethiye Vocational High School MULA Kuadas Vocational High School AYDIN Fethiye Vocational High School MULA Alanya Vocational High School ANTALYA Kuadas Vocational High School AYDIN DATE 03.07.2006 07.07.2006 10.07.2006 14.07.2006 17.07.2006 21.07.2006 24.07.2006 28.07.2006 31.07.2006 04.08.2006 14.08.2006 18.08.2006 Bornova Mazhar Zorlu Anatolian Technical and 04.09.2006 08.12.2006 Plastic Vocational High School ZMR It shall be It shall be determined at determined at a later a later time time - 88 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 96 5 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS PERIOD (DAY) ACTIVITY NO 529 NAME OF THE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY 50 50 NOTES Those who are selected by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Those who are selected by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 50 Those who are selected by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 40 Those who are selected by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 50 Those who are selected by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 40 Those who are selected by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 30 20 Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join 538 Teachers of workshop and vocational courses to be assigned in project INFORMATICS TECHNOLOGIES in technical education high schools. COURSE Teachers of in the departments of NATURAL GAS installation technology, REPAIR AND cooling and airMAINTENANCE conditioning in COURSE technical education high schools. LOCATION DATE It shall be 5 It shall be determined determined at at a later a later time time It shall be 5 It shall be determined determined at at a later a later time time - 89 - NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS PERIOD (DAY) ACTIVITY NO 537 NAME OF THE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY 30 20 NOTES Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Those who are determined by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males shall join Annex4 Number of Students and Teachers in the Expansion Schools Türk Dili Kurum Türü Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise 㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿 㪫㫐㫇㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪘㫅㪸㫋㫆㫃㫀㪸㩷㪭㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪟㫀㪾㪿㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪘㫅㪸㫋㫆㫃㫀㪸㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪟㫀㪾㪿㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪭㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪟㫀㪾㪿㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪟㫀㪾㪿㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃 Bölüm Bilgisayar (Donanm) Bilgisayar (Yazlm) Bilgisayarl Numerk Kontrol (CNC) Biliim Teknolojileri Boya-Apre Döküm Döküm Teknolojisi (MEGEP) Dokuma Elektrik Elektrik-Elektronik Teknolojisi (MEGEP) Elektronik Endüstriyel Elektronik Endüstriyel Mekanik Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) Gemi Makinalar Gda Teknolojisi Güverte naat Teknolojisi (MEGEP) plik Kimya Konfeksiyon Makina Makina Ressaml Makine Teknolojisi (MEGEP) Matbaa Metal Ileri Metal Teknolojisi (MEGEP) Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Model Motor Otomotive Teknolojisi (MEGEP) Plastik leme Rayl Sistemler Tekrolojisi Tekstil (Dokuma) Tesisat Teknolojisi (Istma-Shhi Tesisat) Tesviye Yap Yap Ressaml 㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㩿㪟㪸㫉㪻㫎㪸㫉㪼㪀 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㩿㪪㫆㪽㫋㫎㪸㫉㪼㪀 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪥㫌㫄㪼㫉㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㩿㪚㪥㪚㪀 㪠㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪼㫊 㪪㫀㫑㫀㫅㪾 㪚㪸㫊㫋㫀㫅㪾㪆㪤㫆㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾 㪚㪸㫊㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㩿㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧㪀 㪮㪼㪸㫍㫀㫅㪾 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㪄㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㩿㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧㪀 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊 㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊 㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㪺㫊 㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪼㫊㩷㩿㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㪀 㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪼㫊㩷㩿㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㪺㫊㪀 㪪㪿㫀㫇㩷㪜㫅㪾㫀㫅㪼㫊 㪝㫆㫆㪻㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐 㪛㪼㪺㫂㩷㩿㪛㪼㪺㫂㪿㪸㫅㪻㫊㪀 㪙㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㩿㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧㪀 㪝㫀㪹㪼㫉㪆㪪㫋㫉㪸㫅㪻 㪚㪿㪼㫄㫀㫊㫋㫉㫐 㪩㪼㪸㪻㫐㪄㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪚㫃㫆㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾 㪤㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㫉㫐 㪤㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㩷㪛㫉㪸㫎㫀㫅㪾 㪤㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㫉㫐㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㩿㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧㪀 㪧㫉㫀㫅㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪤㪼㫋㪸㫃㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊 㪤㪼㫋㪸㫃㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫄㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㩿㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧㪀 㪝㫌㫉㫅㫀㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪛㪼㪺㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪤㫆㪻㪼㫃 㪤㫆㫋㫆㫉 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㫆㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㩿㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧㪀 㪧㫃㪸㫊㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㫀㫅㪾 㪩㪸㫀㫃㫎㪸㫐㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐 㪫㪼㫏㫋㫀㫃㪼㩷㩿㪮㪼㪸㫍㫀㫅㪾㪀 㪠㫅㫊㫋㪸㫃㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㩿㪟㪼㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㪄㪪㪸㫅㫀㫋㪸㫉㫐㩷㪠㫅㫊㫋㪸㫃㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪀 㪙㪼㫅㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾 㪚㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪚㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪛㫉㪸㫎㫀㫅㪾 Alan AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLGAYAR ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI DENZCLK ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI GIDA TEKNOLOJS ALANI GYM ÜRETM TEKNOLOJS ALANI NAAT TEKNOLOJS ALANI KMYA TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI MATBAA ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI PLASTK TEKNOLOJS ALANI RAYLI SSTEMLER TEKNOLOJS ALANI TEKNOLOJLER ALANI TEKSTL TEKNOLOJS ALANI TESSAT TEKNOLOJS VE KLMLENDRME ALANI 㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪝㫌㫉㫅㫀㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪥㫆㫋㩷㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㪼㫎㩷㪋㪉㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㫊 㪠㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪼㫊㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪪㪼㪸㫄㪸㫅㫊㪿㫀㫇㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㪄㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪼㫊㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪝㫆㫆㪻㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪚㫃㫆㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪙㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪚㪿㪼㫄㫀㫊㫋㫉㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪤㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㫉㫐㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪧㫉㫀㫅㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪤㪼㫋㪸㫃㩷㪚㪸㫊㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪧㪸㫋㫋㪼㫉㫅㪄㪤㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪤㫆㫋㫆㫉㩷㪭㪼㪿㫀㪺㫃㪼㫊㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪧㫃㪸㫊㫋㫀㪺㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪩㪸㫀㫃㫎㪸㫐㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪥㫆㫋㩷㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㪼㫎㩷㪋㪉㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㫊 㪫㪼㫏㫋㫀㫃㪼㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㪜㫅㪼㫉㪾㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪠㫅㫊㫋㪸㫃㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 - 90 - Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Bes/Gda Tek.Ev Y.ve Bes. Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. EI Sanatlar/Dekoratif San Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine Ressaml Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Rehber Öretmen Tarih Tekstil Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro Türkçe 㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿 㪪㫇㫆㫉㫋 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉 㪙㫀㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐 㪥㫌㫋㫉㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪆㪝㫆㫆㪻㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫐 㪞㪼㫆㪾㫉㪸㫇㪿㫐 㪩㪼㫃㫀㪾㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪤㫆㫉㪸㫃㩷 㪟㪸㫅㪻㪺㫉㪸㪽㫋㪆㪛㪼㪺㭧㫉㪸㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㪘㫉㫋㫊 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪫㪼㫃㪼㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪧㪿㫀㫃㫆㫊㫆㫇㪿㫐 㪧㪿㫐㫊㫀㪺㫊 㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿 㪚㪿㪼㫄㫀㫊㫋㫉㫐 㪤㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㩷㪛㫉㪸㫎㫀㫅㪾 㪤㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㪃㩷㪙㪼㫅㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪤㫆㫌㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾 㪤㪸㫋㪿㪼㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㫊 㪤㪼㫋㪸㫃㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊 㪝㫌㫉㫅㫀㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪛㪼㪺㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪞㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉 㪟㫀㫊㫋㫆㫉㫐 㪫㪼㫏㫋㫀㫃㪼 㪫㫌㫉㫂㫀㫊㪿㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪣㫀㫋㪼㫉㪸㫋㫌㫉㪼 㪚㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㪆㪚㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪛㫉㪸㫎㫀㫅㪾㪆㪚㪸㪻㪸㫊㫋㫉㪼 㪫㫌㫉㫂㫀㫊㪿 - 91 - Annex4-1 㪘㪛㪘㪥㪘㩷㪤㪜㪩㪢㪜㪱㩷㪜㪤㪣 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪌㪋 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪍㪌 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪋㪇㪉 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪈㪏㪏 Total 㪈㪃㪏㪇㪐 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪉㪉 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪍 Elektrik 㪈㪉 㪈㪈 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪊 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪇 㪈㪈 Otomatik Kumanda 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 Otomatik Kumanda 㪈㪈 㪈㪇 Otomatik Kumanda 㪈㪉 㪎 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪇 㪉 Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪋㪈 Dokuma 㪈㪇 㪌 Dokuma 㪈㪈 㪋㪈 Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪌 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪎㪈 Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪉 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪏㪉 plik 㪈㪇 㪈 plik 㪈㪈 㪋㪏 Makina Ressaml 㪈㪇 㪍 Makina Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪊㪋 Metal Ileri 㪈㪇 㪈㪊 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪎㪈 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪇 㪉 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Tesviye 㪈㪇 㪎 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪐㪊 Teknik Lise Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪉 㪈㪉 Bilgisayarl Numerk Kontrol (CNC) 㪈㪈 㪉㪎 Bilgisayarl Numerk Kontrol (CNC) 㪈㪉 㪉㪎 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪎 Elektrik 㪈㪉 㪈㪉 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪉㪉 Elektronik 㪈㪉 㪈㪐 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪐 㪌㪋 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI Anadolu Teknik Lisesi ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 㪋㪈 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪇 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪌㪉 MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪋㪌 METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪎 㪈㪇 㪈㪋 TEKSTL TEKNOLOJS ALANI Teknik Lise ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪊㪇 MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪉 㪪㭧㫉㪸 - 92 - 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪉 㪉㪋 㪈㪏㪋 㪈㪎 㪉㪉㪎 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪌㪍 㪈㪏㪐 㪈㪃㪌㪏㪍 㪉㪇㪌 㪉㪃㪇㪊㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪉㪊 㪈 㪈㪎 㪇 㪈㪈 㪉 㪉㪌 㪈 㪈㪉 㪋 㪉㪏 㪐 㪈㪐 㪋 㪈㪈 㪇 㪉 㪍 㪋㪎 㪇 㪌 㪉㪊 㪍㪋 㪇 㪌 㪉 㪎㪊 㪉 㪋 㪋 㪏㪍 㪉 㪊 㪈㪍 㪍㪋 㪈 㪎 㪉㪏 㪍㪉 㪇 㪈㪊 㪇 㪎㪈 㪇 㪉 㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 㪎 㪇 㪐㪊 㪊 㪈㪌 㪈 㪉㪏 㪈 㪉㪏 㪇 㪈㪎 㪇 㪈㪉 㪍 㪉㪏 㪈 㪉㪇 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪉 㪉 㪇 㪐 㪌 㪇 㪈㪏 㪊 㪉 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪌㪍 㪋㪊 㪉㪇 㪍㪈 㪌㪇 㪈㪎 㪊㪉 㪊㪊 㪉㪋 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran 㪘㫃㫄㪸㫅㪺㪸 Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Döküm/Endüstriyel Döküm Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine Ressaml Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Model Rehber Öretmen Sosyal Bilgiler Tarih Tekstil Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈㪇 㪏 㪈 㪊 㪋 㪈 㪎 㪉㪊 㪋 㪏 㪌 㪊 㪈 㪈 㪈㪌 㪊 㪈㪇㪍 - 93 - 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪉 㪈 㪊 㪉 㪌 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪌 㪊㪈 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪊 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪈 㪌 㪌 㪋 㪐 㪉㪊 㪐 㪏 㪌 㪊 㪈 㪉 㪊 㪈㪎 㪏 㪈㪊㪎 Annex4-2 㪘㪝㪰㪦㪥㪢㪘㪩㪘㪟㪠㪪㪘㪩㩷㪞㪘㪱㪠㩷㪜㪤㪣 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪏 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪇㪌 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪎㪌㪌 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪋㪈 Total 㪐㪌㪐 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 㪌㪊 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪌 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪋㪌 㪈㪈 㪏㪍 Elektronik Gda Teknolojisi 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Kimya 㪈㪈 㪊㪉 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪊㪌 Tesisat Teknolojisi (Istma-Shhi Tesisat) 㪈㪈 㪌㪌 Teknik Lise Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪎 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪐 㪌㪏 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI Anadolu Teknik Lisesi BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪉㪎 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪏 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪎 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪍㪉 GIDA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪌 KMYA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪉 㪈㪇 㪈㪍 TESSAT TEKNOLOJS VE KLMLENDRME ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 Teknik Lise BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Beden Eitimi 㪈 Bes/Gda Tek.Ev Y.ve Bes. Bilgisayar 㪎 Biyoloji 㪉 Corafya 㪉 Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. 㪉 㪈 Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. 㪍 Felsefe 㪈 Fen Bilgisi/Fen ve Teknoloji 㪉 Fzk 㪊 㪊 Ingilizce Kimya 㪈 Matematik 㪌 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪋 Rehber Öretmen 㪈 Tarih 㪊 Tesisat Teknolojisi 㪌 Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat 㪈 Türkçe 㪌㪇 - 94 - 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪍㪇 㪈㪋 㪈㪈㪐 㪊㪋 㪎㪏㪐 㪍 㪋㪎 㪌㪍 㪈㪃㪇㪈㪌 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪎 㪍㪇 㪋 㪉㪐 㪈㪇 㪌㪌 㪇 㪏㪍 㪊 㪉㪐 㪊 㪊㪌 㪇 㪊㪌 㪇 㪌㪌 㪋 㪉㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪍㪇 㪊 㪊㪇 㪇 㪈㪏 㪊 㪊㪇 㪇 㪍㪉 㪉 㪉㪎 㪈 㪈㪊 㪇 㪈㪍 㪉 㪉㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈㪈 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪈 㪏 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪍 㪈 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪋 㪎 㪋 㪉 㪊 㪌 㪊 㪈 㪍㪈 Annex4-3 㪘㪥㪢㪘㪩㪘㩷㪠㪪㪢㪠㪫㪣㪜㪩㩷㪜㪤㪣 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪉㪇㪇 㪐 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪌㪋 㪉 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪉㪌㪐 㪉㪋 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪉㪇㪋 㪊 Total 㪈㪃㪎㪈㪎 㪊㪏 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪇 㪌㪈 㪍 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪏 㪉 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Dokuma 㪈㪈 㪈㪇 㪉 㪈㪇 㪈㪍 㪇 Elektrik Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪉㪊 㪇 Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 㪈 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪎㪐 㪈 Makina Ressaml 㪈㪇 㪏 㪈 Makina Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪎㪌 㪈 Metal Ileri 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 㪇 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪌㪇 㪇 㪈㪇 㪐 㪇 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪋㪏 㪇 Tesviye 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪇 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪏㪏 㪇 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪌㪌 㪋 Teknik Lise Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪉㪎 㪇 Elektrik 㪈㪉 㪈㪊 㪇 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪊㪋 㪇 Elektronik 㪈㪉 㪈㪎 㪇 Makina Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪉㪈 㪇 Makina Ressaml 㪈㪉 㪏 㪇 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪉㪈 㪊 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪉 㪈㪇 㪇 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪍㪇 㪇 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 㪉㪐 㪇 㪐 㪍㪇 㪊 ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪪㭧㫉㪸 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI NAAT TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI NAAT TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI - 95 - 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪎 㪊㪇 㪉㪎 㪉㪎 㪈㪐 㪉㪏 㪈㪋 㪈㪈 㪇 㪇 㪋 㪈 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉㪇㪐 㪌㪍 㪈㪃㪉㪏㪊 㪉㪇㪎 㪈㪃㪎㪌㪌 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪌㪎 㪊㪇 㪉㪍 㪈㪉 㪈㪍 㪈㪉㪊 㪈㪍 㪏㪇 㪐 㪎㪍 㪈㪌 㪌㪇 㪐 㪋㪏 㪈㪇 㪏㪏 㪌㪐 㪉㪎 㪈㪊 㪊㪋 㪈㪎 㪉㪈 㪏 㪉㪋 㪈㪇 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪍㪇 㪉㪐 㪍㪊 㪈㪎 㪊㪇 㪊㪈 㪉㪏 㪈㪐 㪉㪏 㪈㪋 㪈㪈 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. EI Sanatlar/Dekoratif San Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine Ressaml Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Rehber Öretmen Tarih Tekstil Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro - 96 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪉 㪊 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈㪊 㪈㪇 㪈 㪉 㪋 㪉 㪊 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪈㪋 㪈㪈 㪊 㪌 㪈㪉 㪏 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪍 㪈㪈 㪋 㪈㪇㪋 㪊㪋 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪋 㪊 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈㪊 㪈㪇 㪊 㪍 㪌 㪌 㪈㪋 㪈㪈 㪏 㪈㪉 㪏 㪊 㪋 㪈 㪎 㪈㪌 㪈㪊㪏 Annex4-4 㪘㪥㪫㪘㪣㪰㪘㩷㪤㪜㪩㪢㪜㪱㩷㪜㪤㪣㩷 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪉㪏㪍 㪌 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪋㪍 㪋㪇 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪊㪎㪇 㪈㪈㪊 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪈㪌㪌 㪏 Total 㪈㪃㪐㪌㪎 㪈㪍㪍 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) Gemi Makinalar 㪈㪇 㪊㪌 㪇 Gemi Makinalar 㪈㪈 㪉㪊 㪇 Güverte 㪈㪇 㪊㪌 㪉 Güverte 㪈㪈 㪉㪎 㪈 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪇 㪋㪍 㪈㪊 Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪐 㪋 Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪉 㪍 㪍 Biliim Teknolojileri 㪐 㪉㪎 㪐 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪇 㪈㪐 㪈 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪇 㪈㪍 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪊㪏 㪈㪈 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪊㪊 㪇 Elektrik-Elektronik Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪊㪉 㪊 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪎㪋 㪊 naat Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪋㪇 㪊 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪏㪊 㪇 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪋㪊 㪇 Motor 㪈㪈 㪈㪊㪉 㪇 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪍㪏 㪇 Yap 㪈㪈 㪉㪐 㪇 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪈㪍 㪉㪊 Teknik Lise Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪐 㪋 Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪉 㪉㪉 㪇 Biliim Teknolojileri 㪈㪇 㪉㪈 㪊 Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪉㪊 㪇 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪊㪈 㪇 Elektronik 㪈㪉 㪉㪐 㪈 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪈㪇 㪈 㪇 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) DENZCLK ALANI 㪈㪇 㪊 㪇 ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪋㪍 㪈 DENZCLK ALANI 㪐 㪋㪏 㪈 ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI Anadolu Teknik Lisesi BLGAYAR ALANI 㪈㪇 㪊 㪊 BLGAYAR ALANI 㪈㪈 㪇 㪈 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪉㪎 㪐 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪍 㪈 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 㪊 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪍㪉 㪈 NAAT TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪍 㪍 MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪊 㪌 㪈㪇 㪊㪊 㪇 MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI Teknik Lise BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪈 㪊 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪊 㪇 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪈 㪉㪐 㪋 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪈 㪊㪈 㪇 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪉 㪉㪉 㪇 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪉 㪉㪐 㪈 㪪㭧㫉㪸 - 97 - 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉㪐㪈 㪈㪏㪍 㪈㪃㪋㪏㪊 㪈㪍㪊 㪉㪃㪈㪉㪊 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪊㪌 㪉㪊 㪊㪎 㪉㪏 㪌㪐 㪊㪊 㪈㪉 㪊㪍 㪉㪇 㪈㪐 㪋㪐 㪈㪊㪊 㪊㪌 㪎㪎 㪋㪊 㪏㪊 㪋㪊 㪈㪊㪉 㪍㪏 㪉㪐 㪊㪐 㪊㪊 㪉㪉 㪉㪋 㪉㪊 㪊㪈 㪊㪇 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪊 㪋㪎 㪋㪐 㪍 㪈 㪊㪍 㪈㪎 㪉㪎 㪍㪊 㪊㪉 㪉㪏 㪊㪊 㪉㪋 㪉㪊 㪊㪊 㪊㪈 㪉㪉 㪊㪇 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fen Bilgisi/Fen ve Teknoloji Fzk Güverte lköetim Matematik Ör. Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Motor Rehber Öretmen Sosyal Bilgiler Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Türkçe Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉 㪍 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪐 㪋 㪐 㪍 㪈㪋 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪈 㪍 㪐㪐 - 98 - 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪋 㪉 㪌 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪐 㪈 㪊 㪋㪊 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪋 㪎 㪋 㪉 㪉 㪈㪊 㪈㪈 㪊 㪉 㪌 㪉 㪈 㪌 㪊 㪐 㪐 㪐 㪍 㪈㪌 㪋 㪉 㪋 㪈㪇 㪈 㪐 㪈㪋㪉 Annex4-5 㪙㪬㪩㪪㪘㩷㪘㪣㪠㩷㪦㪪㪤㪘㪥㩷㪪㪦㪥㪤㪜㪱 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪍 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪌㪋㪐 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪍㪌㪇 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪉㪎㪍 Total 㪉㪃㪌㪊㪈 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 㪉㪈 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪊 Biliim Teknolojileri 㪈㪇 㪉㪇 Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪉㪏 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪊㪌 Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪉㪎 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪊㪇 Makina 㪈㪇 㪉㪇 Makina 㪈㪈 㪊㪈 Tekstil (Dokuma) 㪈㪇 㪏 Tekstil (Dokuma) 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪌㪇 Boya-Apre 㪈㪈 㪍㪈 Dokuma 㪈㪈 㪈㪇㪎 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪉㪊 Elektrik-Elektronik Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪌㪍 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪈㪊㪉 plik 㪈㪈 㪋㪏 Konfeksiyon 㪈㪈 㪌㪌 Makine Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪌㪌 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪈㪊㪐 Teknik Lise Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪊 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪉 㪎 Boya-Apre 㪈㪈 㪊 Boya-Apre 㪈㪉 㪋 Dokuma 㪈㪈 㪈㪏 Dokuma 㪈㪉 㪎 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪏 Elektrik 㪈㪉 㪈㪌 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Elektronik 㪈㪉 㪈㪏 plik 㪈㪈 㪌 plik 㪈㪉 㪈㪈 Konfeksiyon 㪈㪈 㪊 Konfeksiyon 㪈㪉 㪋 Makina 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Makina 㪈㪉 㪉㪈 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪍 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI TEKSTL TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI TEKSTL TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS GYM ÜRETM TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI TEKSTL TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS GYM ÜRETM TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI TEKSTL TEKNOLOJS ALANI - 99 - ALANI ALANI ALANI ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪐 㪐 㪐 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪋㪊 㪌㪈 㪊㪇 㪏 㪋㪋 㪎㪇 㪊㪍 㪈㪊 㪋㪌 㪈㪈㪋 㪉㪇 㪏㪎 㪋㪎 㪐 㪋㪈 㪇 㪉㪋 㪊 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪋 㪍㪇 㪈㪋㪍 㪍㪐㪌 㪋㪌㪉 㪉㪃㪈㪇㪉 㪈㪏㪇 㪋㪌㪍 㪎㪏㪉 㪊㪃㪊㪈㪊 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪍 㪉㪎 㪈㪇 㪊㪊 㪏 㪉㪏 㪇 㪉㪏 㪇 㪊㪌 㪇 㪉㪎 㪇 㪊㪇 㪈 㪉㪈 㪇 㪊㪈 㪉㪊 㪊㪈 㪈㪍 㪉㪎 㪊㪈 㪏㪈 㪌㪌 㪈㪈㪍 㪏 㪈㪈㪌 㪇 㪈㪉㪊 㪉 㪌㪏 㪉 㪈㪊㪋 㪉㪌 㪎㪊 㪌㪍 㪈㪈㪈 㪈 㪌㪍 㪇 㪈㪊㪐 㪈㪇 㪉㪊 㪇 㪎 㪉㪉 㪉㪌 㪈㪌 㪈㪐 㪈㪈 㪉㪐 㪊 㪈㪇 㪈 㪈㪐 㪇 㪈㪌 㪈 㪉㪎 㪉 㪉㪇 㪈㪋 㪈㪐 㪉 㪈㪊 㪉㪉 㪉㪌 㪈㪍 㪉㪇 㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 㪉㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪋 㪍㪇 㪈㪍 㪈 㪇 㪉㪇 㪉㪈 㪊 㪉 㪈㪐 㪉㪏 㪉 㪊㪈 㪇 㪋㪉 㪈㪋 㪌 㪈㪍 㪇 㪉㪍 㪌㪐 㪌㪉 㪊㪇 㪉㪏 㪍㪌 㪎㪊 㪊㪏 㪊㪉 㪎㪊 㪈㪈㪍 㪌㪈 㪏㪎 㪏㪐 㪉㪊 㪋㪍 㪈㪍 㪉㪋 㪉㪐 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk Fransizca Giyim/Hazir Giyim/Moda Tas. Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Okul Öncesi/çoc. Gel. E. Ö. Rehber Öretmen Tarih Tekstil Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat - 100 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪊 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪈㪍 㪍 㪌 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪈㪋 㪍 㪈 㪉 㪈㪎 㪋 㪏㪐 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪋 㪊 㪎 㪋 㪌 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪈㪎 㪉 㪏 㪉 㪉 㪋 㪐 㪈 㪈㪌 㪈㪍 㪐 㪈㪈 㪌 㪎 㪈 㪈㪌 㪎 㪈㪊 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪌 㪈㪌 㪊㪉 㪏 㪈㪉 㪏㪈 㪈㪎㪇 Annex4-6 DENZL EHT ÖRETMEN YUSUF BATUR Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪋 Teknik Lise Total Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Elektrik 㪈㪇 Elektrik 㪈㪈 Elektrik 㪈㪉 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 Elektrik 㪈㪈 Elektrik-Elektronik Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 Elektronik 㪈㪈 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 Motor 㪈㪈 Otomotive Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 Tesviye 㪈㪈 Yapi 㪈㪈 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪈 Teknik Lise Elektrik 㪈㪉 Makina 㪈㪈 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI NAAT TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI - 101 - 㪈㪇 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪏 㪈㪈㪈 㪈㪃㪐㪍㪍 㪎㪈 㪉㪃㪉㪇㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪌㪐 㪈 㪈㪈㪉 㪈㪐 㪈㪃㪐㪏㪌 㪇 㪎㪈 㪉㪈 㪉㪃㪉㪉㪎 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉㪈 㪉㪏 㪋 㪋㪊 㪎㪉 㪍㪊 㪌㪈 㪋㪎 㪎㪎 㪌㪌 㪋㪊 㪊㪐 㪈㪐 㪊㪎 㪈㪍 㪈㪉 㪢㭧㫑㩷㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪉㪈 㪇 㪉㪏 㪇 㪋 㪋 㪋㪎 㪇 㪎㪉 㪇 㪍㪊 㪇 㪌㪈 㪇 㪋㪎 㪇 㪎㪎 㪇 㪌㪌 㪇 㪋㪊 㪇 㪊㪐 㪇 㪈㪐 㪐 㪋㪍 㪇 㪈㪍 㪇 㪈㪉 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪏 㪢㭧㫑㩷㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪌㪐 㪉㪌 㪊㪉 㪊㪋 㪌㪈 㪈㪇㪉 㪊㪌 㪊㪐 㪉㪎 㪊㪏 㪍㪊 㪋㪊 㪉㪇 㪉㪊 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪉 㪇 㪉 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪉㪍 㪊㪊 㪊㪋 㪌㪊 㪈㪇㪉 㪊㪎 㪊㪐 㪉㪎 㪊㪏 㪍㪊 㪋㪊 㪉㪇 㪉㪊 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Motor Rehber Öretmen Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro - 102 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪋 㪊 㪈 㪈㪋 㪌 㪈 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪐 㪌 㪌 㪐 㪈㪇 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪈㪈 㪐㪉 㪢㭧㫑㩷㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪌 㪋 㪋 㪈 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪈㪌 㪈 㪍 㪈 㪋 㪌 㪍 㪉 㪊 㪐 㪌 㪈㪇 㪌 㪐 㪈㪇 㪉 㪊 㪍 㪏 㪏 㪈㪈 㪊㪉 㪈㪉㪈 Annex4-7 ERZURUM ATATÜRK EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪌㪊 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪊㪋㪈 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪋㪎㪌 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪋㪍 Total 㪐㪈㪌 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 㪉㪈 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪊 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪉 㪈㪇 Biliim Teknolojileri 㪈㪇 㪊㪏 Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪈㪐 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪉㪎 Elektronik 㪈㪉 㪍 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪋 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪉㪎 Kimya 㪈㪈 㪈㪍 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 Motor 㪈㪈 㪈㪐 Tesisat Teknolojisi (Istma-Shhi Tesisat) 㪈㪈 㪐 Teknik Lise Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪈 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪉 㪏 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪊 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪪㭧㫉㪸 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fen Bilgisi/Fen ve Teknoloji Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Motor Rehber Öretmen Tarih Tesisat Teknolojisi Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro Türkçe - 103 - 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪐 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪍㪋 㪉㪎 㪎㪏 㪊㪇 㪉㪐 㪋㪌 㪈㪈 㪈㪎 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪐 㪈 㪈 㪌 㪍 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪌 㪉 㪈 㪊 㪉 㪋 㪉 㪋 㪈 㪉 㪊 㪉 㪌㪏 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪍 㪌㪐 㪉㪇 㪊㪍㪈 㪍 㪋㪏㪈 㪋 㪌㪇 㪊㪍 㪐㪌㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪊 㪉㪋 㪈 㪉㪋 㪇 㪈㪇 㪋 㪋㪉 㪇 㪈㪐 㪇 㪉㪎 㪇 㪍 㪇 㪉㪋 㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 㪉㪎 㪇 㪈㪍 㪇 㪈㪈 㪇 㪈㪐 㪇 㪐 㪇 㪉㪈 㪉 㪈㪇 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪍 㪌㪐 㪋 㪇 㪍 㪇 㪈 㪈 㪇 㪉 㪍㪏 㪉㪎 㪏㪋 㪊㪇 㪊㪇 㪋㪍 㪈㪈 㪈㪐 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪐 㪉 㪊 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪌 㪍 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪌 㪋 㪍 㪈 㪊 㪍 㪈 㪊 㪋 㪉 㪋 㪈 㪉 㪋 㪊 㪉 㪈㪌 㪎㪊 Annex4-8 ESKEHR ATATÜRK EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 Kurum Türü 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉㪌㪇 㪉㪊 㪉㪎㪊 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪌㪏 㪊 㪈㪍㪈 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪐㪊㪇 㪈㪍㪍 㪉㪃㪇㪐㪍 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪊㪇㪊 㪋㪇 㪊㪋㪊 Total 㪉㪃㪍㪋㪈 㪉㪊㪉 㪉㪃㪏㪎㪊 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 Kurum Türü Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) Bilgisayarl Numerk Kontrol (CNC) 㪈㪈 㪉㪎 㪉 㪉㪐 Endüstriyel Elektronik 㪐 㪊㪈 㪌 㪊㪍 Endüstriyel Mekanik 㪐 㪊㪉 㪇 㪊㪉 Makina 㪐 㪉㪍 㪌 㪊㪈 Rayl Sistemler Tekrolojisi 㪐 㪉㪎 㪊 㪊㪇 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Motor 㪈㪈 㪊㪉 㪇 㪊㪉 Motor 㪐 㪊㪋 㪇 㪊㪋 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 㪈㪌 㪋㪈 Döküm 㪈㪈 㪉㪌 㪇 㪉㪌 Döküm Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪈㪐 㪇 㪈㪐 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪉㪏 㪇 㪈㪉㪏 Makina Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪋㪋 㪉㪊 㪍㪎 Makine Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪊㪉 㪋 㪊㪍 Matbaa 㪈㪈 㪉㪊 㪐 㪊㪉 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪐㪉 㪇 㪐㪉 Metal Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪊㪈 㪇 㪊㪈 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪍㪇 㪇 㪍㪇 Model 㪈㪈 㪌㪌 㪋 㪌㪐 Motor 㪈㪈 㪊㪇㪎 㪇 㪊㪇㪎 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪎㪐 㪇 㪎㪐 Teknik Lise Elektrik 㪈㪉 㪊㪇 㪇 㪊㪇 Makina 㪈㪉 㪋㪈 㪇 㪋㪈 Makina Ressaml 㪈㪉 㪎 㪐 㪈㪍 Motor 㪈㪉 㪊㪎 㪇 㪊㪎 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 Kurum Türü Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪌㪊 㪊 㪌㪍 RAYLI SSTEMLER TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪌㪋 㪌 㪌㪐 㪐 㪍㪊 㪌 㪍㪏 ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪉㪍 㪌 㪊㪈 MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI RAYLI SSTEMLER TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 㪉㪎 㪊 㪊㪇 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER A 㪈㪇 㪋㪍 㪊 㪋㪐 㪈㪇 㪋㪍 㪇 㪋㪍 MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 㪊㪋 㪇 㪊㪋 MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI Endüstri Meslek Lisesi AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪎 㪇 㪉㪎 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪍 㪎 㪊㪊 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪍㪎 㪉 㪍㪐 MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪉㪇 㪈㪋 㪈㪊㪋 MATBAA ALANI 㪈㪇 㪎 㪌 㪈㪉 METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪐 㪇 㪉㪐 㪈㪇 㪎㪊 㪇 㪎㪊 MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI Teknik Lise ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪉 㪊 㪉㪌 MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪋㪊 㪈㪇 㪌㪊 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 㪇 㪉㪋 MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI - 104 - Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Döküm/Endüstriyel Döküm Elektrik Felsefe Fzk lköetim Matematik Ör. Ingilizce Kimya Makine Ressaml Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matbaa Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Model Motor Rehber Öretmen Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Türkçe - 105 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉 㪍 㪊 㪊 㪉 㪐 㪉㪈 㪉 㪋 㪈 㪌 㪉 㪈㪉 㪉㪉 㪊 㪏 㪈㪍 㪐 㪎 㪊㪐 㪋 㪊 㪉 㪈㪏㪌 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪋 㪈 㪎 㪈 㪋 㪊 㪈 㪊 㪐 㪉㪈 㪈 㪊 㪉 㪍 㪈 㪋 㪐 㪋 㪍 㪊 㪈㪌 㪉㪉 㪈 㪋 㪋 㪈㪉 㪈㪍 㪐 㪈 㪏 㪈 㪋㪇 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪌 㪌 㪏 㪉 㪊㪊 㪉㪈㪏 Annex4-9 GAZANTEP M. RÜTÜ UZEL EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪋㪈 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪈㪊 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪉㪊㪐 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪏㪎 Total 㪈㪃㪋㪏㪇 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪈㪐 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪈㪎 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪇 㪇 Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪐 Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪎 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪇㪎 Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪈 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪋㪉 plik 㪈㪇 㪍 plik 㪈㪈 㪌㪋 Matbaa 㪈㪇 㪋 Matbaa 㪈㪈 㪋㪈 Metal Ileri 㪈㪇 㪎 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪌㪎 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪇 㪋 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪊㪏 Motor 㪈㪇 㪎 Motor 㪈㪈 㪈㪈㪉 Tesviye 㪈㪇 㪈㪎 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪍㪌 Teknik Lise Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪊 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪉 㪌 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪐 Makina 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪋㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈㪇 㪌㪈 㪈㪏 㪈㪊㪈 㪉㪇㪉 㪈㪃㪋㪋㪈 㪈㪋 㪈㪇㪈 㪉㪋㪋 㪈㪃㪎㪉㪋 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪌 㪉㪋 㪈 㪈㪏 㪈 㪈 㪎 㪈㪍 㪇 㪎 㪋 㪈㪈㪈 㪈 㪉 㪋 㪋㪍 㪈 㪎 㪉㪋 㪎㪏 㪇 㪋 㪈㪈 㪌㪉 㪇 㪎 㪇 㪌㪎 㪇 㪋 㪇 㪊㪏 㪇 㪎 㪇 㪈㪈㪉 㪇 㪈㪎 㪇 㪍㪌 㪌 㪈㪏 㪇 㪌 㪇 㪈㪐 㪇 㪈㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈㪇 㪌㪈 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪉㪇 㪊㪊 㪇 㪐 㪉㪇 㪋㪉 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI MATBAA ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI TEKSTL TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 㪈㪌 㪏 㪎㪍 㪉㪊 㪈㪎 㪈㪍 㪉㪏 㪉㪇 㪈㪈 㪈㪐 㪋㪉㪏 㪈㪇 㪈㪎 㪈㪉 㪊 㪇 㪈㪈 㪍 㪇 㪈㪇 㪇 㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪋 㪇 㪐㪏 㪏 㪈 㪇 㪉㪎 㪈㪌 㪈㪐 㪏㪉 㪉㪊 㪉㪎 㪈㪍 㪉㪏 㪊㪇 㪉㪌 㪈㪐 㪌㪉㪍 㪈㪏 㪈㪏 㪈㪉 - 106 - Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fen Bilgisi/Fen ve Teknoloji Fzk Fransizca Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matbaa Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Motor Rehber Öretmen Tarih Tekstil Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat - 107 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪌 㪈 㪉 㪈㪇 㪎 㪈 㪊 㪉 㪉 㪈㪊 㪌 㪍 㪌 㪊 㪎 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪏 㪏㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪌 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈㪈 㪈 㪏 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪌 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪍 㪉 㪋 㪈㪊 㪌 㪌 㪈㪈 㪌 㪊 㪈 㪏 㪈 㪉 㪊 㪈 㪋 㪏 㪉㪊 㪈㪇㪐 Annex4-10 STANBUL PENDK EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪉 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪋㪏 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪐㪋㪋 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪈㪉㪐 Total 㪈㪃㪈㪎㪊 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪎 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪇㪉 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪌㪉 Kimya 㪈㪇 㪈 Kimya 㪈㪈 㪈㪏 Tesviye 㪈㪇 㪍 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪈㪉㪌 Teknik Lise Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪉㪏 Elektrik 㪈㪉 㪉㪌 Makina 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Makina 㪈㪉 㪈㪋 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪍 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪪㭧㫉㪸 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI KMYA TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Rehber Öretmen Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat - 108 - 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪐㪐 㪈㪍 㪎㪌 㪉㪇 㪈㪍 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈㪋 㪏 㪉 㪈 㪎 㪈㪊 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪌㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪏 㪍㪇 㪏 㪌㪍 㪈㪐㪎 㪈㪃㪈㪋㪈 㪇 㪈㪉㪐 㪉㪈㪊 㪈㪃㪊㪏㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪋 㪉㪏 㪋 㪉㪏 㪇 㪎 㪇 㪈㪇㪉 㪌 㪌㪎 㪋 㪌 㪊㪎 㪌㪌 㪇 㪍 㪇 㪈㪉㪌 㪇 㪉㪏 㪇 㪉㪌 㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 㪈㪋 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪋 㪍㪇 㪈㪎 㪋㪉 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪈㪈㪍 㪌㪏 㪎㪌 㪉㪇 㪈㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈㪌 㪏 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪉 㪌 㪈㪉 㪈㪊 㪊 㪋 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪊 㪈㪌 㪎㪈 Annex4-11 㪢㪘㪟㪩㪘㪤㪘㪥㪤㪘㪩㪘㮔㩷㪤㪜㪩㪢㪜㪱㩷㪜㪤㪣 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪊㪇 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪉㪏 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪉㪉㪐 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪏㪐 Total 㪈㪃㪋㪎㪍 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 㪉㪇 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪐 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪈㪐 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪎㪐 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪊㪎 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪉㪎 Motor 㪈㪈 㪋㪌 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪋㪊 Teknik Lise Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪌 Bilgisayarl Numerk Kontrol (CNC) 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪉㪏 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪊㪇 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fen Bilgisi/Fen ve Teknoloji Fzk lköetim Matematik Ör. Ingilizce Kimya Makine Ressaml Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Motor Rehber Öretmen Resim /Resim/Görsel Sanatlar Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Türkçe - 109 - 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪐 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪏 㪈㪌 㪉㪋 㪊㪉 㪈㪌 㪈㪏 㪈㪌㪐 㪈㪎 㪈㪉 㪉㪇 㪈㪌 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉 㪍 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈㪐 㪐 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪈㪊 㪋 㪎 㪎 㪍 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪋 㪈 㪐㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪊㪇 㪉㪊 㪈㪌㪈 㪈㪊 㪈㪃㪉㪋㪉 㪊 㪐㪉 㪊㪐 㪈㪃㪌㪈㪌 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪌 㪉㪌 㪏 㪉㪎 㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 㪈㪈㪐 㪇 㪎㪐 㪇 㪊㪎 㪇 㪉㪎 㪇 㪋㪌 㪇 㪋㪊 㪊 㪈㪏 㪇 㪈㪈 㪇 㪉㪏 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪊㪇 㪋 㪇 㪍 㪇 㪇 㪉 㪉 㪇 㪈 㪇 㪇 㪉㪉 㪈㪌 㪊㪇 㪊㪉 㪈㪌 㪉㪇 㪈㪍㪈 㪈㪎 㪈㪊 㪉㪇 㪈㪌 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪉 㪏 㪉 㪋 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪈㪐 㪐 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪋 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪋 㪈㪊 㪋 㪎 㪎 㪍 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪈㪌 㪊 㪍 㪈 㪈㪈㪇 Annex4-12 KAYSER HÜRRYET EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪌㪌 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪋㪋 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪏㪍㪉 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪈㪇㪇 Total 㪈㪃㪇㪍㪈 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) Endüstriyel Elektronik 㪐 㪉㪐 Endüstriyel Mekanik 㪐 㪉㪍 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪇 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Boya-Apre 㪈㪈 㪈㪎 Dokuma 㪈㪈 㪊㪋 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪎㪏 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪍㪍 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪈㪏 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪋㪉 Motor 㪈㪈 㪌㪇 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪊㪌 Teknik Lise Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪇 㪈㪎 Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪏 Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪉 㪈㪊 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 㪈㪍 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪐 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪉 㪈㪎 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪌㪊 㪈㪇 㪐 TEKSTL TEKNOLOJS ALANI Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar 㪋 Biyoloji Corafya 㪈 Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. 㪉 Elektrik 㪈㪉 Elektronk/Telekomnkas. 㪎 Felsefe 㪈 Fzk 㪋 Ingilizce 㪉 Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp 㪈㪎 Matematik 㪌 Metal leri 㪋 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪋 Model 㪉 Motor 㪈㪈 Rehber Öretmen 㪈 Tarih Tekstil 㪎 Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat 㪊 㪏㪏 㪪㭧㫉㪸 - 110 - 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪊 㪌㪏 㪊 㪋㪎 㪍㪏 㪐㪊㪇 㪈㪈 㪈㪈㪈 㪏㪌 㪈㪃㪈㪋㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪉㪐 㪊 㪉㪐 㪇 㪉㪋 㪊 㪉㪊 㪋 㪉㪈 㪏 㪋㪉 㪇 㪎㪏 㪌 㪎㪈 㪇 㪈㪏 㪇 㪋㪉 㪇 㪌㪇 㪇 㪊㪌 㪉 㪈㪐 㪉 㪉㪇 㪊 㪈㪍 㪊 㪈㪐 㪈 㪉㪇 㪇 㪈㪎 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪈㪊 㪋 㪈㪐 㪋 㪌㪎 㪊 㪈㪉 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪋 㪊 㪊 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉 㪉 㪐 㪈 㪋 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪎 㪊 㪏 㪋 㪋 㪉 㪈㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪎 㪊 㪍 㪈㪍 㪈㪇㪋 Annex4-13 KOCAEL GEBZE EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪌㪎 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪊㪇 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪎㪌㪉 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪍㪎 Total 㪉㪃㪇㪇㪍 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪊 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪐 㪌 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪐 㪈㪈 Tip Elektronii 㪈㪇 㪊㪈 Tip Elektronii 㪈㪈 㪈㪍 Tip Elektronii 㪈㪉 㪊 Tip Elektronii 㪐 㪈㪈 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 㪈㪈 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪋㪍 Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪈㪍 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪍㪋 Elektrik-Elektronik Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪉㪊 Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪉㪉 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪈㪋㪊 Kalip 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 Kalip 㪈㪈 㪈㪇㪉 Makine Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪉㪌 Metal Ileri 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪈㪉㪍 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪇 㪍 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪍㪊 Tesviye 㪈㪇 㪊㪊 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪈㪊㪊 Teknik Lise Endüstriyel Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪉㪇 Endüstriyel Elektronik 㪈㪉 㪉㪍 Makina 㪈㪉 㪈㪇 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪍 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪪㭧㫉㪸 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise BOMEDKAL CHAZ TEKNOLOJLER ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI - 111 - 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 㪈㪎 㪈㪏 㪏㪎 㪈㪇㪋 㪋㪊 㪈㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪊 㪍㪇 㪌㪍 㪈㪏㪍 㪐㪏 㪈㪃㪏㪌㪇 㪊 㪎㪇 㪈㪍㪇 㪉㪃㪈㪍㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪉㪌 㪇 㪌 㪋 㪈㪐 㪇 㪈㪈 㪈㪌 㪋㪍 㪈㪉 㪉㪏 㪉 㪌 㪍 㪈㪎 㪇 㪈㪈 㪈㪎 㪍㪊 㪇 㪈㪍 㪌 㪈㪍㪐 㪉 㪉㪌 㪇 㪉㪉 㪈㪇 㪈㪌㪊 㪈 㪉㪌 㪉 㪈㪇㪋 㪉 㪉㪎 㪇 㪉㪋 㪇 㪈㪉㪍 㪇 㪍 㪊 㪍㪍 㪇 㪊㪊 㪈 㪈㪊㪋 㪇 㪉㪇 㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 㪈㪇 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪋 㪍㪇 㪈㪌 㪇 㪎 㪈㪋 㪇 㪇 㪊 㪊㪇 㪈㪎 㪉㪌 㪈㪇㪈 㪈㪇㪋 㪋㪊 㪈㪋 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk lköetim Matematik Ör. Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Rehber Öretmen Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat - 112 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈㪊 㪈㪋 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉㪋 㪍 㪈㪌 㪍 㪉 㪈 㪊 㪈㪇㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪎 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈㪊 㪈 㪈㪌 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪈 㪋 㪌 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪉㪌 㪉 㪏 㪈㪌 㪈 㪎 㪉 㪋 㪌 㪋 㪎 㪉㪈 㪈㪉㪉 Annex4-14 KONYA ADL KARAAAC ATL Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉㪌㪉 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪎㪎 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪇 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪇 Total 㪋㪉㪐 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 㪉㪎 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪌 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪐 㪈 Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪋㪊 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪉㪊 Elektrik 㪐 㪌 Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪉㪌 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪉㪎 Elektronik 㪐 㪋 Kimya 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 Kimya 㪈㪈 㪋 Kimya 㪐 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri 㪈㪇 㪉㪍 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri 㪈㪈 㪉㪊 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri 㪈㪉 㪈㪐 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri 㪐 㪊 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪌 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪌 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪍㪉 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI KMYA TEKNOLOJS ALANI Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Rehber Öretmen Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat - 113 - 㪐 㪐 㪐 㪈㪏 㪉㪎 㪈㪈 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪌 㪋 㪉 㪋 㪊 㪈 㪊 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊㪌 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪍㪍 㪊㪈㪏 㪊㪍 㪉㪈㪊 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪈㪇㪉 㪌㪊㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈㪌 㪋㪉 㪌 㪉㪇 㪉 㪊 㪇 㪋㪊 㪇 㪉㪊 㪇 㪌 㪇 㪉㪌 㪈 㪉㪏 㪇 㪋 㪉㪎 㪋㪉 㪏 㪈㪉 㪋 㪌 㪈 㪉㪎 㪋 㪉㪎 㪇 㪈㪐 㪇 㪊 㪉 㪉㪎 㪇 㪉㪌 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪋 㪍㪍 㪈㪈 㪇 㪈㪏 㪉㪐 㪉㪎 㪉㪐 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪌 㪈 㪌 㪉 㪉 㪍 㪉 㪌 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪊 㪏 㪋㪊 Annex4-15 MALATYA YUNUS EMRE EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪏㪋 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪇 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪌㪋㪌 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪇 Total 㪍㪉㪐 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪊㪎 Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪍 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪎㪉 Elektronik 㪈㪇 㪎 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪋㪎 Matbaa 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Metal Ileri 㪈㪇 㪌 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪌 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪇 㪊 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪈㪍 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪇 㪈 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪋 10 Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪉㪋 㪋㪌 ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MATBAA ALANI Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine Ressaml Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matbaa Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Rehber Öretmen Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro - 114 - 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪏 㪊㪇 㪋㪈 㪎 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪋 㪉 㪈 㪍 㪍 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪎 㪊 㪊 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪊 㪊 㪌㪇 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈㪊 㪐㪎 㪇 㪇 㪉㪊 㪌㪍㪏 㪇 㪇 㪊㪍 㪍㪍㪌 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪊㪐 㪇 㪍 㪇 㪎㪉 㪇 㪎 㪊 㪌㪇 㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 㪌 㪇 㪌 㪇 㪊 㪇 㪈㪍 㪇 㪈 㪉 㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪌 㪉㪇 㪌 㪉㪐 㪊 㪋㪏 㪇 㪊 㪇 㪋 㪏 㪊㪊 㪋㪈 㪈㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪈 㪌 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪍 㪍 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪎 㪊 㪉 㪌 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪋 㪊 㪏 㪌㪏 Annex4-16 MERSN TARSUS EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪌㪋 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪍㪐 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪉㪎㪉 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪎㪊 Total 㪈㪃㪌㪍㪏 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪋㪐 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪉㪊 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪇 㪉㪏 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪇 㪈㪏 Kimya 㪈㪇 㪎 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪉 Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪏 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪏㪌 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪋㪐 Kimya 㪈㪈 㪊㪉 Makine Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪌㪍 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪋㪊 Metal Teknolojisi (MEGEP) 㪈㪈 㪊㪏 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪉㪇 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪎㪌 Yap 㪈㪈 㪌 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪈㪉 Teknik Lise Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪉㪉 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪉 Elektrik 㪈㪉 㪈㪊 Makina 㪈㪇 㪈㪏 Makina 㪈㪈 㪈 Makina 㪈㪉 㪎 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪌㪋 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪪㭧㫉㪸 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI KMYA TEKNOLOJS ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI KMYA TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI - 115 - 㪐 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪊㪈 㪈㪋 㪈㪌 㪈㪋 㪌㪇 㪈㪏 㪋㪊 㪋㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪋 㪌㪏 㪈㪏 㪈㪏㪎 㪐 㪈㪃㪉㪏㪈 㪇 㪎㪊 㪊㪈 㪈㪃㪌㪐㪐 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪋㪐 㪇 㪉㪊 㪉 㪊㪇 㪉 㪉㪇 㪎 㪈㪋 㪇 㪉㪉 㪇 㪏 㪇 㪏㪌 㪇 㪋㪐 㪍 㪊㪏 㪇 㪌㪍 㪇 㪋㪊 㪇 㪊㪏 㪇 㪉㪇 㪇 㪎㪌 㪇 㪌 㪉 㪈㪋 㪇 㪉㪉 㪇 㪈㪉 㪇 㪈㪊 㪇 㪈㪏 㪇 㪈 㪇 㪎 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪋 㪌㪏 㪇 㪎 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪊㪈 㪉㪈 㪈㪌 㪈㪋 㪌㪇 㪈㪏 㪋㪊 㪋㪈 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro - 116 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪈㪋 㪌 㪈 㪋 㪈 㪈㪇 㪉㪉 㪋 㪈㪌 㪍 㪉 㪌 㪈㪇 㪈㪇㪌 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈㪋 㪈 㪍 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪍 㪊 㪋 㪊 㪈㪊 㪈 㪉㪊 㪉 㪍 㪈㪌 㪍 㪈 㪊 㪊 㪏 㪈 㪈㪈 㪉㪈 㪈㪉㪍 Annex4-17 ORDU MERKEZ EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪈㪌㪊 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪉㪇 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪉㪌㪉 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪈㪍㪏 Total 㪈㪃㪍㪐㪊 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 㪉㪊 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪐 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 㪉㪐 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪌 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪉 㪈㪈 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪈㪋 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪌㪌 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪋㪊 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪍㪌 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪎㪉 Motor 㪈㪈 㪊㪍 Tesisat Teknolojisi (Istma-Shhi Tesisat) 㪈㪈 㪊㪌 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪍㪎 Yap 㪈㪈 㪊㪎 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪈 㪊㪊 Teknik Lise Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪉 㪈㪇 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪈㪊 Elektrik 㪈㪉 㪐 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪈㪍 Elektronik 㪈㪉 㪈㪍 Makina 㪈㪈 㪈㪋 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪊 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪉㪏 㪍㪇 ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪪㭧㫉㪸 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI NAAT TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI TESSAT TEKNOLOJS VE KLMLENDRME ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI - 117 - 㪈㪇 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪉㪌 㪊㪇 㪊㪊 㪉㪇 㪍㪊 㪉㪇 㪋㪇 㪈㪉 㪉㪈 㪉㪊 㪉㪈 㪋㪊 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈㪏 㪈㪎㪈 㪎 㪈㪉㪎 㪈㪎 㪈㪃㪉㪍㪐 㪐 㪈㪎㪎 㪌㪈 㪈㪃㪎㪋㪋 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪉㪋 㪏 㪉㪎 㪈 㪊㪇 㪋 㪉㪐 㪇 㪈㪈 㪇 㪈㪋 㪇 㪌㪌 㪊 㪋㪍 㪇 㪍㪌 㪇 㪎㪉 㪇 㪊㪍 㪇 㪊㪌 㪇 㪍㪎 㪇 㪊㪎 㪊 㪊㪍 㪇 㪉㪍 㪉 㪈㪉 㪇 㪈㪊 㪇 㪐 㪇 㪈㪍 㪇 㪈㪍 㪇 㪈㪋 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪍 㪉㪐 㪊 㪊㪈 㪇 㪍㪇 㪇 㪉 㪇 㪇 㪉 㪉 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪊 㪋 㪉㪌 㪊㪉 㪊㪊 㪉㪇 㪍㪌 㪉㪉 㪋㪇 㪈㪉 㪉㪈 㪉㪊 㪉㪋 㪋㪎 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Fen Bilgisi/Fen ve Teknoloji Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine Ressaml Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Motor Rehber Öretmen Tarih Tesisat Teknolojisi Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Türkçe Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro - 118 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉 㪐 㪊 㪊 㪏 㪈㪈 㪈 㪊 㪊 㪈㪈 㪍 㪈㪇 㪎 㪍 㪈 㪊 㪋 㪌 㪈 㪌 㪈㪇㪉 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈 㪊 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪏 㪈 㪈㪉 㪈 㪉 㪌 㪌 㪌 㪈 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪈㪈 㪊 㪐 㪈㪇 㪎 㪍 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪋 㪉 㪎 㪈 㪈 㪍 㪉㪈 㪈㪉㪊 Annex4-18 ANLIURFA MERKEZ EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪋 Teknik Lise Total Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪇 Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Yazlm) 㪈㪈 Elektrik 㪈㪈 Elektronik 㪈㪈 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 Motor 㪈㪈 Soutma ve klimlemdirme 㪈㪈 Tesviye 㪈㪈 Yap 㪈㪈 Yap Ressaml 㪈㪈 Teknik Lise Elektrik 㪈㪈 Elektrik 㪈㪉 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 NAAT TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 TESSAT TEKNOLOJS VE KLMLENDRME ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 NAAT TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 㪐 MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 TESSAT TEKNOLOJS VE KLMLENDRME ALANI 㪈㪇 Teknik Lise ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪪㭧㫉㪸 - 119 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉㪈 㪌㪉 㪐㪈㪌 㪌㪏 㪈㪃㪇㪋㪍 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪉㪊 㪈㪉 㪍㪋 㪊㪌 㪐㪌㪇 㪇 㪌㪏 㪋㪐 㪈㪃㪇㪐㪌 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈㪉 㪈㪊 㪊㪉 㪌㪏 㪉㪌 㪉㪉 㪉㪎 㪊㪉 㪊㪇 㪉㪍 㪉㪌 㪉㪋 㪈㪎 㪈㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪌 㪈㪎 㪉 㪈㪌 㪉 㪊㪋 㪇 㪌㪏 㪊 㪉㪏 㪇 㪉㪉 㪇 㪉㪎 㪇 㪊㪉 㪇 㪊㪇 㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 㪉㪌 㪊 㪉㪎 㪇 㪈㪎 㪇 㪈㪈 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉㪉 㪈㪇 㪈㪏 㪉㪍 㪊㪈 㪎㪍 㪊㪐 㪈㪏 㪎 㪉㪈 㪉㪐 㪋㪋 㪊㪐 㪏㪎 㪋㪇 㪊㪏 㪊㪐 㪊㪏 㪋㪇 㪊㪇 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪉㪋 㪈 㪈㪈 㪋 㪉㪉 㪇 㪉㪍 㪍 㪊㪎 㪉 㪎㪏 㪈 㪋㪇 㪇 㪈㪏 㪇 㪎 㪇 㪉㪈 㪇 㪉㪐 㪇 㪋㪋 㪊 㪋㪉 㪊 㪐㪇 㪌 㪋㪌 㪉 㪋㪇 㪉 㪋㪈 㪇 㪊㪏 㪊 㪋㪊 㪇 㪊㪇 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Motor Müzik Rehber Öretmen Sosyal Bilgiler Tarih Tesisat Teknolojisi Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro - 120 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉 㪍 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈㪈 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪋 㪋 㪊 㪍 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪏 㪍㪎 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪍 㪉 㪊 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪈㪈 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪊 㪉 㪋 㪉 㪍 㪊 㪍 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪊 㪋 㪈 㪐 㪈㪋 㪏㪈 Annex4-19 TEKRDA ÇORLU MRÜTÜ UZEL EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪈㪉㪏 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪎㪊 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪈㪃㪋㪍㪇 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪈㪊㪐 Total 㪈㪃㪏㪇㪇 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪈㪊 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Elektrik 㪈㪇 㪈㪐 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Bilgisayar (Donanm) 㪈㪈 㪊㪈 Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪍㪏 Elektronik 㪈㪈 㪌㪌 Metal Ileri 㪈㪇 㪈㪈 Metal Ileri 㪈㪈 㪎㪌 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪇 㪈㪈 Mobilya ve Dekorasyon 㪈㪈 㪋㪍 Motor 㪈㪇 㪐 Motor 㪈㪈 㪍㪎 Tesisat Teknolojisi (Istma-Doalgaz) 㪈㪈 㪊㪊 Tesviye 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 Tesviye 㪈㪈 㪐㪇 Yap 㪈㪇 㪐 Yap 㪈㪈 㪊㪌 Teknik Lise Elektrik 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Elektrik 㪈㪉 㪈㪉 Makina 㪈㪈 㪊㪈 Makina 㪈㪉 㪉㪈 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪉㪈 ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 㪊㪋 㪌㪏 ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI NAAT TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI MAKNA TEKNOLOJS ALANI - 121 - 㪈㪇 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪉㪋 㪊㪋 㪈㪏 㪉㪋 㪍㪇 㪈㪍 㪊㪇 㪊㪈 㪉㪐 㪉㪌 㪉㪋 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪉 㪈㪊㪇 㪈 㪎㪋 㪈㪏 㪈㪃㪋㪎㪏 㪇 㪈㪊㪐 㪉㪈 㪈㪃㪏㪉㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪈㪊 㪈 㪉㪇 㪉 㪊㪊 㪇 㪍㪏 㪈 㪌㪍 㪇 㪈㪈 㪇 㪎㪌 㪇 㪈㪈 㪇 㪋㪍 㪇 㪐 㪇 㪍㪎 㪇 㪊㪊 㪇 㪈㪇 㪇 㪐㪇 㪇 㪐 㪊 㪊㪏 㪇 㪉㪍 㪇 㪈㪉 㪇 㪊㪈 㪇 㪉㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪉㪈 㪇 㪊㪋 㪉 㪍㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪉 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪈 㪇 㪇 㪉㪋 㪊㪋 㪈㪏 㪉㪋 㪍㪉 㪈㪍 㪊㪇 㪊㪈 㪊㪇 㪉㪌 㪉㪋 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Din Kült. ve AhI.Bil. Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk lköetim Matematik Ör. Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Motor Rehber Öretmen Tarih Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat Yapi/Yapi Ressaml/Harita ve Kadastro - 122 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪊 㪈 㪈 㪈㪊 㪌 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈 㪉 㪈㪈 㪊 㪈㪇 㪈 㪌 㪎㪉 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪉 㪌 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈㪊 㪈 㪍 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪌 㪌 㪈 㪊 㪈㪈 㪌 㪎 㪈㪈 㪊 㪈㪇 㪈 㪈 㪊 㪊 㪍 㪎 㪈 㪍 㪉㪏 㪈㪇㪇 Annex4-20 VAN MERKEZ EML Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪉㪎 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪎㪏 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪐㪋㪌 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪉㪊 Total 㪈㪃㪇㪎㪊 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) Endüstriyel Elektronik 㪐 㪈㪉 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪉㪎 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪪㭧㫉㪸 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Teknik Lise 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪉㪎 㪈㪊 㪐㪈 㪉㪉 㪐㪍㪎 㪊 㪉㪍 㪊㪏 㪈㪃㪈㪈㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪈㪉 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪉㪎 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪊㪎 㪈㪏 㪏 㪇 㪋㪌 㪈㪏 BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪐 㪉㪉 㪉㪎 㪌 㪇 㪉㪎 㪉㪎 AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI AHAP TEKNOLOJS ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI ELEKTRK-ELEKTRONK TEKNOLOJS ALANI METAL TEKNOLOJS ALANI MOTORLU ARAÇLAR TEKNOLOJS ALANI TESSAT TEKNOLOJS VE KLMLENDRME ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI BLM TEKNOLOJLER ALANI Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪈㪇 㪈㪉 㪉㪇 㪉㪎 㪉㪍 㪉㪇 㪈㪍 㪌㪇 㪏㪌 㪏㪇 㪋㪌 㪎㪏 㪋㪇 㪈㪎 㪍 㪇 㪍 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪉 㪌 㪇 㪇 㪇 㪊 㪇 㪉㪇 㪊㪊 㪉㪍 㪉㪇 㪈㪍 㪌㪇 㪏㪎 㪏㪌 㪋㪌 㪎㪏 㪋㪇 㪉㪇 㪍 Beden Eitimi Bilgisayar Biyoloji Corafya Elektrik Elektronk/Telekomnkas. Felsefe Fzk Ingilizce Kimya Makine,Tesviye,Kalp Matematik Metal leri Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Motor Tarih Tesisat Teknolojisi Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat - 123 - 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 㪍 㪈 㪈 㪌 㪏 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪌 㪊 㪎 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪌㪈 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪍 㪈 㪈 㪌 㪈 㪐 㪈 㪉 㪊 㪉 㪊 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪌 㪊 㪎 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪋 㪏 㪌㪐 Annex4-21 㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪤㪸㫑㪿㪸㫉㩷㪱㫆㫉㫃㫌㩷㪘㪫㪣㩷㩿㪽㫆㫉㩷㫉㪼㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㪀 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪪㭧㫉㪸 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 㪈 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) 㪌㪐 㪉 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi 㪈㪏㪈 㪊 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi 㪉㪋㪈 㪋 Teknik Lise 㪇 Total 㪋㪏㪈 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Bdlümleri ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪙㬬㫃㬲㫄 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪇 㪋㪏 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪈 㪊㪋 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Elektronik) 㪈㪉 㪐 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪇 㪌㪇 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪈 㪉㪍 Endüstriyel Otomasyon Teknolojileri (Mekanik) 㪈㪉 㪈㪋 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Plastik leme 㪈㪈 㪎㪏 Kurum Bünyesindeki Okullarn Alanlar ve Örenci Saylar (01.11.2006) Kurum Türü 㪘㫃㪸㫅 㪪㭧㫅㭧㪽㩷 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Anadolu Meslek Lisesi (ErkekTeknik) ENDÜSTRYEL OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJLER ALANI 㪐 㪌㪐 Endüstri Meslek Lisesi PLASTK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪇 㪋㪊 PLASTK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪈㪈 㪉㪎 PLASTK TEKNOLOJS ALANI 㪐 㪐㪊 Personel Bilgileri (01.11.2006) Bran 㪜㫉㫂㪼㫂㩷 Beden Eitimi 㪈 Bilgisayar 㪌 Biyoloji Bes/Gda Tek.Ev Y.ve Bes. Elektrik 㪋 Elektronk/Telekomnkas. 㪉 Felsefe Fzk 㪈 Ingilizce Kimya 㪈 Makine Ressaml 㪈 Makine,Tesviye,Kalp 㪈㪉 Matematik Rehber Öretmen Tarih 㪈 Türk Dili ve Edebiyati/Dil ve Anlatm/Türk Edebiyat 㪈 㪉㪐 - 124 - 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪍㪇 㪉 㪈㪏㪊 㪏 㪉㪋㪐 㪇 㪇 㪈㪈 㪋㪐㪉 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪇 㪋㪏 㪇 㪊㪋 㪇 㪐 㪇 㪌㪇 㪈 㪉㪎 㪈 㪈㪌 㪉 㪏㪇 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪍㪇 㪈 㪋㪋 㪊 㪊㪇 㪉 㪐㪌 㪢㭧㫑㩷 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈㪏 㪫㫆㫇㫃㪸㫄 㪈 㪍 㪉 㪈 㪋 㪊 㪈 㪈 㪋 㪉 㪈 㪈㪊 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪋㪎 Annex5 Questionnaire Survey for First Group of the Expansion Schools 㪥㫆 㪨㫌㪼㫊㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㪘 㪤㫆㫍㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㫌㪸㫋㪼㫊 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫄㪸㫅㫐㩷㩼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪾㫉㪸㪻㫌㪸㫋㪼㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪸㫃㫃㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㪼㪻 㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪻㫀㫉㪼㪺㫋㫃㫐㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㫍㪼㫉㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫅㫋㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㪖 㪫㫆㩷㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪫㫆㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪿㫀㪾㪿㪼㫉㩷㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪮㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪾㫉㪸㪻㫌㪸㫋㪼㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪸㫃㫃㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㪽㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫀㫅 㪸㫍㪼㫉㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫅㫋㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㪖 㪪㪸㫄㪼㩷㪺㫀㫋㫐 㪪㪸㫄㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㫅㪺㪼 㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㫅㪺㪼㫊 㪘㫊㫊㪼㫊㫊㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㫅㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫋㩷㪫㪫㪚 㪚㫉㫀㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫋㩷㪫㪫㪚㩷㩿㪤㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫃㫃㫆㫎㪼㪻㪀 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㫇㫇㫉㫆㫇㫉㫀㪸㫋㪼㩷㪸㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪹㪸㪺㫂㪾㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㫊 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㫇㫇㫉㫆㫇㫉㫀㪸㫋㪼㩷㪼㫏㫇㪼㫉㫋㫀㫊㪼 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪼㫅㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㪼㫏㫇㪼㫉㫀㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪸㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㫊 㪲㩷㪛㩷㪴㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㪼㪻㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷 㪲㩷㪜㩷㪴㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷 㪈 㪉 㪙 㪊 - 125 - 㪋 㪠㪠 㪏㩼 㪈㪎㩼 㪊㪌㩼 㪋㪇㩼 㪋㪇㩼 㪌㪇㩼 㪍㪇㩼 㪋㪇㩼 㪎㪇㩼 㪊㪇㩼 㪍㪏㩼 㪊㪇㩼 㪎㩼 㪐㪋㩼 㪈㩼 㪌㩼 㪏㪇㩼 㪈㪌㩼 㪌㩼 㪐㪌㩼 㪋㩼 㪈㩼 㪌㪇㩼 㪋㪌㩼 㪌㩼 㪎㪇㩼 㪉㪌㩼 㪌㩼 㪈㩼 㪠㪠㪠 㪠㪭 㪭 㪘㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊 㪭㪠 㪠 㪭㪠㪠 㪭㪠㪠㪠 㪠㪯 㪯 㪯㪠 㪋㪏㩼 㪋㪉㩼 㪉㪉㩼 㪋㪋㩼 㪉㪊㩼 㪊㩼 㪈㪇㩼 㪉㪇㩼 㪍㪉㩼 㪏㪊㩼 㪈㪎㩼 㪌㪇㩼 㪉㪇㩼 㪊㪇㩼 㪈㪌㩼 㪌㩼 㪊㩼 㪏㪇㩼 㪈㪇㩼 㪈㪇㩼 㪘㪃㪙㪃㪚㪃㪛 㪘㪃㪛 㪘㪃㪛㪃㪜 㪘㪃㪙㪃㪚㪃㪛 㪘㪃㪛㪃㪜 㪘㪃㪛 㪘㪃㪚㪃㪛㪃㪜 㪘㪃㪜 㪘㪃㪙㪃㪜 㪘㪃㪛㪃㪜 㪘㪃㪛 㪘㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊㪑 㪈㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㪼㫊㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㫄㪹㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫃㪼㪸㫉㫅㪅 㪉㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫊㫋㫉㫆㫅㪾㫃㫐㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪺㪿㫆㫆㫊㪼㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫄㪹㫀㫋㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫃㪼㪸㫉㫅㪅 㪊㪅㩷㪪㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㫆㫍㪼㫉㫋㫀㫄㪼㪃㫃㫀㫂㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㪃㪹㪼㩷㫉㪼㪽㫆㫉㫄㫀㫊㫋㪃㩷㪸㪺㫋㫀㫍㪼㪃㩷㪻㫆 㪾㫉㫆㫌㫇㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪹㪼㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫀㫅㫃㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㫊㪅 㪋㪅㩷㪟㪸㫍㪼㩷㫎㫀㫃㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷 㪌㪅㩷㪘㫇㫋㫅㪼㫊㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪾㫉㫆㫌㫇㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫂㫅㫆㫎㫃㪼㪻㪾㪼㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪽㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪅 㪍㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㫆㫃㫃㫆㫎㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㪼㫍㪼㫃㫆㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪹㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㪼㫊 㪺㫃㫆㫊㪼㫃㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪼㪸㪾㪼㫉㩷㫋㫆㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㪾㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㫊㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㪼㪻㪅 㪧㫃㪼㪸㫊㪼㩷㫉㪸㫀㫊㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫀㫍㪼㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫋㩷㪫㪫㪚㪒 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪞 㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪇㩷 㫎㪸㫊㩷㪿㪼㫃㫇㪽㫌㫃㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫅㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫉㩷㫇㫉㪼㫇㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㫆㫉 㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪸㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪖 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪪㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪝㪸㫀㫉 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪥㫆㫋㩷㫊㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋 㪠㪽㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫊㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㫀㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫎㪸㫊㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫊㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋㩷㩿㪤㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫃㫃㫆㫎㪼㪻㪀 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪤㪸㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㫃㫊 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪣㪼㪺㫋㫌㫉㪼 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪣㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫆㫉㫀㪼㫊 㪲㩷㪛㩷㪴㩷㪣㪼㫅㪾㫋㪿㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄 㪲㩷㪜㩷㪴㩷㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉 㪙 㪘 㪙 㪙 㪘 㪙 㪘㩷 㪙 㪘 㪚 㪘 㪛㪃㪜 㪜 㪙㪃㪜 㪛㪃㪜 㪙㪃㪜 㪘㪃㪚㪃㪛㪃㪜 㪘㪃㪙㪃㪜 㪘㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊㪑 㪈㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫄㪸㫂㪼㩷㫇㫉㪼㫇㪸㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪹㪼㪽㫆㫉㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㪅 㪉㪅㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫃㫆㫅㪾㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㫅㫆㫉㫄㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪿㪸㪻㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪼㪽㪽㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫆㫅 㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㪅㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪸㫄㪼㩷㪹㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫆㫎㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㫆㫌㪾㫋㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫅㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐㩷㪹㫐 㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㪅 㪊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃㫃㪼㪻㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪹㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㫆㪽 㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㫊㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㪅㩷㪠㪽㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㪃㩷㪸㫇㫇㫉㫆㫇㫉㫀㪸㫋㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼 㫊㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪅 㪋㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪻㪼㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㪅 㪌㪅㩷㪫㫆㫆㩷㫄㫌㪺㪿㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫊㫈㫌㪼㪼㫑㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㫋㫆㩷㫃㫀㫄㫀㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㪅 㪍㪅㪣㪸㪺㫂㩷㫆㪽㩷㪻㫆㪺㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪅 㪎㪅㩷㪸㪀㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫍㪸㫃㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㪹㪼㫋㫎㪼㪼㫅㩷㫋㫎㫆㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫊㫊㪼㫄㪹㫃㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅 㪢㫆㫅㫐㪸㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㪅 㪹㪀㪫㪿㪼㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㪻㪼㪺㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋㪅㩷㪝㫆㫉㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㩷㪫㪿㪼 㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㩷㫅㪸㫄㪼㪻㩷㪸㫊㩷㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㫉㫄㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㫅㩷㪈㩷㪸㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊 㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㩷㫀㫋㩷㩷㫋㫆㫆㫂㩷㫁㫌㫊㫋㩷㫆㫅㫃㫐㩷㪊㪇㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㪅㩿㩷㪘㫃㫃㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫇㫇㫉㫆㫏㫀㫄㪸㫋㪼㫃㫐㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㫅㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋 㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋㪅 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪞 㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪈 㩷㫎㪸㫊㩷㪿㪼㫃㫇㪽㫌㫃㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫅㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫉㩷㫇㫉㪼㫇㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㫆㫉 㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪸㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪖 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪪㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪝㪸㫀㫉 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪥㫆㫋㩷㫊㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋 㪠㪽㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫊㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㫀㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫎㪸㫊㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫊㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋㩷㩿㪤㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫃㫃㫆㫎㪼㪻㪀 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪤㪸㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㫃㫊 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪣㪼㪺㫋㫌㫉㪼 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪣㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫆㫉㫀㪼㫊 㪲㩷㪛㩷㪴㩷㪣㪼㫅㪾㫋㪿㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄 㪲㩷㪜㩷㪴㩷㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉 㪙 㪘 㪙 㪙 㪙 㪙 㪘 㪙 㪘 㪙 㪘 㪛㪃㪜 㪜 㪙㪃㪛㪃㪜 㪘㪃㪙㪃㪜 㪙㪃㪛 㪙㪃㪚 㪘㪃㪚㪃㪜 㪛㪃㪜 㪘㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊㪑 㪈㪅㪠㫋㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㪼㪽㪽㪼㪺㫋㫀㫍㪼㫃㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㫌㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽 㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪅 㪉㪅㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫃㫆㫅㪾㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㫅㫆㫉㫄㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪿㪸㪻㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪼㪽㪽㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫆㫅 㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㪅㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪸㫄㪼㩷㪹㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫆㫎㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㫆㫌㪾㫋㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫅㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐㩷㪹㫐 㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㪅㩷㪝㫆㫉㩷㫊㫆㫄㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㫌㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼㩷㫃㪼㫅㪾㫋㪿㪼㫅 㫄㫆㫉㪼㪅 㪊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃㫃㪼㪻㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪹㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㫆㪽 㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㫊㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㪅㩷㪠㪽㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㪃㩷㪸㫇㫇㫉㫆㫇㫉㫀㪸㫋㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼 㫊㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪅 㪋㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪻㪼㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉 㪌㪅㩷㪣㪸㪺㫂㩷㫆㪽㩷㪻㫆㪺㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪅 㪍㪅㩷㪝㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫆㫃㫀㪻㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㫅㪼㫎㫀㫅㪾㩷㫂㫅㫆㫎㫃㪼㪻㪾㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪸㩷㫄㫆㫅㫋㪿㩷㫀㫊㩷㫄㫆㫉㪼 㫊㫌㫀㫋㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪊㩷㫄㫆㫅㫋㪿㫊㪅㩿㪽㫆㫉㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㩷㪉㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㪀 - 126 - 㪌 㪍 㪛㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪼㫊㩷㫎㫀㫊㪿㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪿㪸㫉㪾㪼㪖 㩿㪝㫆㫉㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㪃㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪿㪸㫉㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫄㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㫉㫐㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫎㫀㫊㪿㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㪸 㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㪖㪀 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪰㪼㫊㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㫎㫀㫊㪿㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊㩷㫍㪼㫉㫐㩷㫄㫌㪺㪿㪅㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷䇭㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪥㫆㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪻㫆㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫎㫀㫊㪿㩷㫌㫊㫌㪸㫃㫃㫐㪅 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪥㫆㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪻㫆㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊㪅 㪠㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㫊㩷㪻㫆㩷㫐㫆㫌㩷㫋㪿㫀㫅㫂㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㪼㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㫃㫐㪖㩷㩿㪤㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼 㪸㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫃㫃㫆㫎㪼㪻㪀 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㫂㫅㫆㫎㫃㪼㪻㪾㪼㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㩿㫇㫃㪼㪸㫊㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㫊㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㪼㪻㪀 㪙 㪘 㪙 㪙 㪙 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪚 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪘㪃㪚 㪘㪃㪙 㪙 㪘 㪘 㪘㪃㪚 㪘㪃㪙㪃㪚 㪘㪃㪙㪃㪚 㪘 㪘㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊㪑 㪈㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪹㪼㫋㫋㪼㫉㩷㫋㫆㩷㪾㫀㫍㪼㩷㪸㫅㩷㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫀㫊㩷㪹㪸㫊㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㪸㪺㫋㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㫃㪼㪸㫉㫅㫀㫅㪾㪅㩷㪚㪥㪚 㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㪼㪻㪅㩷㪚㪠㪤㩷㪣㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫆㫉㫐㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㪼㪻㪅 㪉㪅㩷㪝㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㪊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪸㫉㫉㫐㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫌㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫁㪼㪺㫋㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫋㫊㩷㪻㪼㫊㫀㪾㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅㩷 㪋㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㪸㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫄㫆㫉㪼㩷㪽㫉㫌㫀㫋㪽㫌㫃㩷㫀㪽㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪸㩷㪻㪼㫍㪼㫃㫆㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫁㪼㪺㫋㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂 㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㪅 㪚 㪎 㪤㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪛㫆㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪇㩷㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪾㫆㩷㫎㪼㫃㫃㪖㩷㩿㪦㫅㫃㫐㩷㪽㫆㫉 㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪾㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪾㫆㫆㪻 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㩷㪽㪼㫎㩷㫋㫉㫆㫌㪹㫃㪼㫊䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫄㪸㫅㫐㩷㫋㫉㫆㫌㪹㫃㪼㫊 㪠㪽㩷㫐㫆㫌㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫋㫉㫆㫌㪹㫃㪼㫊㪃㩷㫀㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫐㫆㫌㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㪖㩷㩿㪤㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫃㫃㫆㫎㪼㪻㪀 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪧㫉㪼㫇㪸㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪤㪸㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㫃㫊 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㫂㫅㫆㫎㫃㪼㪻㪾㪼 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪣㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫆㫉㫀㪼㫊 㪲㩷㪛㩷㪴㩷㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉 㪘 㪙 㪙 㪘 㪙 㪙 㪘 㪙 㪙 㪙 㪙 㪛 㪚㪃㪛 㪘 㪛 㪛 㪚 㪛 㪘㪃㪛 㪘㫅㫊㫎㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊㪑 㪈㪅㩷㪦㫎㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫈㫌㪸㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫆㫊㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫅㪻㪼㫉㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫋 㫄㪸㫂㪼㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㪅 㪉㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㩷㪻㪼㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㩷㫋㪸㪹㫃㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫆㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷 㪊㪅㩷㪸㪀㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㪹㪼㫅㪺㪿㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪹㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㫄㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㪺㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㪿㫆㫇㫊㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼 㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㪼㫋㪼㫃㫐㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㪸㫉㫉㫀㫍㪼㪻㩷㫐㪼㫋㪅㩷㪮㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪤㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪼㫊㩷㪝㫀㪼㫃㪻 㫋㫆㩷㪽㫀㫅㫀㫊㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㪿㫆㫇㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪼㪺㫆㫅㪻㩷㫊㪼㫄㪼㫊㫋㪼㫉㪃㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㫀㪺㫌㫃㫋㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪹㪼㪺㪸㫌㫊㪼㩷㫎㪼㩷㫎㫀㫃㫃㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫃㪸㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㫀㫃㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㪿㫆㫇㫊㩷㫊㪿㪸㫉㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㪅 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㫋㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫆㫎㫅㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㩷㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㫉㫆㫆㫄㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐 㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㫇㫉㪸㪺㫋㫀㪺㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㪿㫆㫇㫊㪅 㪹㪀㩷㪠㫅㩷㪹㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪸㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪺㫆㫅㫍㪼㫅㫀㪼㫅㫋㩷㪻㪼㫊㫂㫊㩷㫀㫅 㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫆㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㫊㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㫅㫆㫋㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㩷㪼㪽㪽㪼㪺㫋㫀㫍㪼㫃㫐㪅㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪻㪼㫊㫂㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫆㫌㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㫌㫊㪼㪅 㪺㪀㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊㪿㫆㫇㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪈㪈㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪈㪉㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㫊㪼㫋㩷㫌㫇㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㪈㪇㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪿㪸㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㪿㫆㫇㫊 㫊㪼㫋㩷㫌㫇㩷㫐㪼㫋㪅 㪋㪅㩷㪛㪼㫊㫇㫀㫋㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫋㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㪿㪸㫊㩷㪈㪇㪅㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫀㫊㫅㫋㩷㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪽㫀㫉㫊㫋 㫀㫅㫊㫋㪸㫃㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪾㫉㫆㫌㫇㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫀㫅㫌㫀㫅㪾㪅 - 127 - 㪌㪅㩷㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫋㫆㫌㪺㪿㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㪻㪼㪼㫇㫃㫐㩷㫆㫅㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊㪅 㪍㪅㩷㪙㪼㪺㪸㫌㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫋㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫄㫆㪻㪼㫃㫊㩷㩷㪽㫆㪺㫌㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫆㫉㪼㫋㫀㪺 㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㩷㪽㪼㫎㩷㪸㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊 㪸㫋㫋㪼㫅㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㪅 㪏 㪐 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫆㫌㫋㪺㫆㫄㪼㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫊㪿㪸㫉㪼㪻㩷㪸㫄㫆㫅㪾㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㪖 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪝㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㫋㫃㫐 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪘㩷㪽㪼㫎㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㫊 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪥㫆㫅㪼 㪠㪽㩷㫅㫆㫋㪃㩷㫇㫃㪼㪸㫊㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㪼㩷㫉㪼㪸㫊㫆㫅㩷㫎㪿㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫌㫋㪺㫆㫄㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫊㪿㪸㫉㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫊㫂㫀㫃㫃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫋㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪛㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㪑 㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪺㪿㪸㫉㪸㪺㫋㪼㫉㫀㫊㫋㫀㪺㩷㫀㫅㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㪑 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪙 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪩㪼㪸㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫆㫌㫋㫋㪺㫆㫄㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫊㪿㪸㫉㪼㪻㪑 㪈㪅㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫋㫆㫆㩷㫄㪸㫅㫐㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㫀㪺㫌㫃㫋㩷㫋㫆㩷㪽㫀㫅㪻㩷㪸㫅㩷㪸㫇㫇㫉㫆㫇㫉㫀㪸㫋㪼㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㫋㫆㪾㪼㫋㪿㪼㫉㪅 㪉㪅㩷㪣㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㩷㫄㪸㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㫃㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㫎㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㩷㫄㪸㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㫃㫊 㫀㫅㩷㪈㪇㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㪼㪻㩷㫃㪸㫋㪼㫃㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊㪅㩷㪝㫆㫉 㪼㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㪃㩷㪧㪣㪚㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫊㩷㪾㫀㫍㪼㫅㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪤㪠㪫㪪㪬㪙㪠㪪㪟㪠㩷㪹㫆㪸㫉㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪧㪣㪚㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪹㫆㪸㫉㪻㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㫊㪼㫅㫋㩷㪹㫐㩷㪤㪦㪥㪜㩷㫀㫊㩷㪥㪘㪠㪪㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㪧㪠㪚㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪈㪍㪝㪏㪋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪹㫌㫋 㪤㪦㪥㪜㩷㫊㪼㫅㫋㩷㪧㪠㪚㩷㩿㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪀㩷㫊㪼㫋㪅 㪈㪅㩷㪫㪼㫏㫋㫀㫃㪼㪃㩷㪺㪸㫉㪃㩷㪺㪿㪼㫄㫀㪺㪸㫃㪃㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㫆㫉㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿 㪸㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㪅 㪉㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㪸㫉㪸㪺㫋㪼㫉㫀㫊㫋㫀㪺㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫐㩷㫀㫅㩷㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㪿㫆㫎㫊㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㪼㫋㫐㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㫎㫆 㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫐㩷㫑㫆㫅㪼㫊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫐㪑㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㪼㫉㪃 㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㪃㩷㫅㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪼㫏㫇㪼㫉㫋㪃㩷㪧㪣㪚㪃㩷㪚㪥㪚㪃㩷㪚㪘㪛㪆㪚㪘㪤㪃㩷㫉㫆㪹㫆㫋㫀㪺㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪊㪅㩷㪥㫆㫎㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫆㫅㫃㫐㩷㪈㪇㫋㪿㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㪅㩷㪪㫆㩷㫎㪼㩷㪻㫆㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㪾㫀㫍㪼㩷㫊㫋㫀㫃㫃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫅㪼㫏㫋㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㫎㪼㩷㫎㫀㫃㫃㩷㫀㫅㫈㫌㫀㫉㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㫐㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊㪅 㪋㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪿㫌㪾㪼㩷㪸㫄㫆㫌㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪼㫊㫋㪸㫋㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆 㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫄㪸㫃㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㫌㫄㩷㫊㪺㪸㫃㪼㪅㩷㪘㫊㩷㪸㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪃㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㫆㫌㪺㪿㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㫊㪼 㪽㪸㪺㫋㫆㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㫊㪿㫀㫇㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫊㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫋㫆㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫆㫌㫉 㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㫍㫀㪼㫎㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㫐㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪅 㪌㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㫆㫋㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㪼㫅㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪼㫊㫋㪸㫋㪼㪃㩷㫊㫆㩷㫎㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪸㪺㫋㩷㫋㫆㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㪼㫅㪻 㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㫅㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㫊㪿㫀㫇㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫐㩷㫀㫊㩷㫄㪸㫀㫅㫃㫐㩷㪹㪸㫊㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅 㫇㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㫄㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㪃㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫊㪃㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㪃㩷㪺㪸㫉㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㫃㪸㫊㫋㫀㪺 㫀㫅㫁㪼㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅 㪍㪅㩷㪙㪸㫊㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪼㫏㫋㫀㫃㪼㩷㩿㫊㫋㫉㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㫎㪼㪸㫍㫀㫅㪾㪀㪃㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㩷㫋㪼㫏㫋㫀㫃㪼㪃㩷㪽㫌㫉㫅㫀㫊㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㩷㫊㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㫊 㪎㪅㩷㪪㫂㫀㫃㫃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㩷㫀㫊㩷㪺㪸㫉㫉㫀㪼㪻㩷㫆㫌㫋㩷㫀㫅㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪿㪸㫊㩷㫊㫄㪸㫃㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㫌㫄㩷㫊㪺㪸㫃㪼 㫇㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫄㫆㫊㫋㫃㫐㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪸㫉㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫐㪅㩷㩷㪤㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㪼㫄㫀㪄㪸㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫉㪼 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫎㫆㩷㫎㪸㫐㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㪅㩷㪤㪸㫅㫐㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫊㪼㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊 㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㪽㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪹㫌㫀㫃㫋㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫐㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫅㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫅㩷㪺㪿㪸㫅㪾㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪺㫆㫉㫇㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫅㫐㪅 㪏㪅㩷㪸㪀㩷㪮㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㪼㫅㪻㩷㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫇㫉㪸㪺㫀㫋㫀㪺㪼 㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫊㫂㫀㫃㫃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㪹㪀㩷㪮㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫄㪸㫂㪼㩷㪸㪻㪻㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫉㪼 㫀㫅㫊㫌㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋㩷㪸㫊㩷㫉㪼㫊㫌㫃㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㪅 㪺㪀㩷㪠㫅㩷㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㩷㪾㫃㪸㫊㫊㪃㩷㫋㪼㫏㫋㫀㫃㪼㪃㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㫊㪃㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㪃㩷㪺㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫅㫀㪼㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫊㫄㪸㫃㫃㩷㫈㫌㪸㫅㫋㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪅 㪐㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪸㫄㫆㫌㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㩹㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㪼㫋㫀㫆㫅㩹㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㪺㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃 㪼㫊㫋㪸㫋㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫃㫀㫂㪼㫃㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㫀㫅㪺㫉㪼㪸㫊㪼㪅㩷㪘㫊㩷㪸㩷㫉㪼㫊㫌㫃㫋㪃㩷㪻㪸㫐㩷㪹㫐㩷㪻㪸㫐㪃㩷㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿 㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪼㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㫊㫂㫀㫃㫃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㩷㪾㫉㪸㪻㫌㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪺㫉㪼㪸㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫊㩷㫎㪼㫃㫃㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㫆㫌㫉 㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㫊㫌㪾㪸㫉㪃㩷㪺㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㪃㩷㫇㫃㪸㫊㫋㫀㪺㪃㩷㫋㪼㫏㫋㫀㫃㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪽㪼㪼㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫐㩷㪽㪸㪺㫋㫆㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼 㪚㫆㫅㫋㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫂㫀㫃㫃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫋㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㪑 㪈㪅㩷㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊 㪉㪅㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㪃㩷㫅㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㪃㩷㪧㪣㪚㪃㩷㪚㪥㪚㪃㩷㪚㪘㪛㪆㪚㪘㪤㪃㩷㫉㫆㪹㫆㫋㫀㪺㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 - 128 - 㪊㪅㩷㪞㪼㫅㪼㫉㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㫀㫅㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫋㫆㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪹㪸㫅㪻㪅㩷㪘㫅㪻 㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㪼㫅㪻㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫄㪸㫃㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㫌㫄㩷㫊㪺㪸㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅 㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫇㫉㪸㪺㫋㫀㪺㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㫃㪼㪸㫉㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㫃㪼㫊㫊㫆㫅㫊㪅 㪋㪅㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪸㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪾㫀㫍㪼㫅 㪸㫊㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊 㪌㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㪃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫊㩷㪹㪸㫊㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㩷㫍㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃 㪽㫀㫉㫄㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫅㪸㫃㫐㫊㫀㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪿㫀㫇㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㫄㩷㫆㪽㩷㪽㫃㪸㫎㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㪅㩷㪘㫅㪻 㫀㫅㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㪃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫊㩷㪹㪸㫊㪼㪻㩷㫄㪸㫀㫅㫃㫐㩷㫆㫅㩷㫍㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫆㪹㫊㪼㫉㫍㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋 㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫇㫉㪸㪺㫋㫀㪺㪼㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊㩷㪻㪼㪼㫇㫃㫐㪅 㪍㪅㩷㪘㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㫆㫊㫋㫃㫐㩷㪹㪸㫊㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪺㪸㫅㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪽㫀㫉㫄㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫄㪸㫃㫃㩷㫊㪺㪸㫃㪼㪅 㪛㫆㪼㫊㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪸㪺㫋㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫐㩷㫊㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㫀㫅㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊 㪘 㪚㪿㪸㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㪚㫆㫄㫄㪼㫉㪺㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫐㪖 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪝㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㫋㫃㫐 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪘㩷㪽㪼㫎㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㫊 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪥㫆㫅㪼 㪈㪈 㪛㫆㪼㫊㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㪺㫆㫅㪻㫌㪺㫋㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㪼㫉㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㪖㩷 㪙 㪲㩷㪘㩷㪴㩷㪝㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㫋㫃㫐 㪲㩷㪙㩷㪴㩷㪘㩷㪽㪼㫎㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㫊 㪲㩷㪚㩷㪴㩷㪥㫆㫅㪼 㪈㪇 㪙 㪙 㪘 㪙 㪙 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪙 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪙 㪘 㪘 㪘 㪙 㪘 㪙 MECHANISMS BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS MODELING ON COMPUTERS PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS - 129 - COMPUTERIZED CONTROL SEQUENTIAL CONTROL PLANT AUTOMATION AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION SCADA SYSTEMS CIRCUIT ANALYSIS INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT BASIC PROGRAMMING BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS & SERVER SERVICES COMPUTERIZED CIRCUIT DESIGNS SENSORS & SIGNAL RECORDING MICRO DETECTOR APPLICATIONS INTERNET PROGRAMMING AND SECURITY INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS INSPECTION SYSTEMS NUMERICAL SIGNALING SYSTEM 㪏㪎 㪐㪉 㪈㪈㪉 㪈㪈㪎 㪏㪍 㪐㪎 㪎㪇 㪎㪋 㪉㪊 㪐㪌 㪍㪉 㪈㪇㪎 㪐㪇 㪈㪇㪎 㪐㪉 㪈㪇㪈 㪍㪋 㪏㪈 㪋㪌 㪌㪊 㪍㪌 㪎㪊 㪏㪏 㪏㪐 㪌㪉 㪍㪐 㪊㪎 㪊㪌 㪈㪇 㪍㪎 㪊㪉 㪏㪋 㪍㪈 㪎㪉 㪌㪏 㪎㪍 㪋㪇 㪊㪐 㪉㪉 㪉㪏 㪈㪇㪉 㪈㪇㪉 㪈㪉㪎 㪈㪊㪈 㪐㪋 㪈㪇㪌 㪎㪍 㪏㪌 㪊㪇 㪐㪐 㪍㪌 㪈㪈㪇 㪐㪈 㪈㪇㪊 㪐㪎 㪈㪇㪋 㪎㪊 㪎㪍 㪋㪐 㪌㪌 㪎 㪏 I can develop practices in laboratories that best support teaching objectives I can prepare and develop evaluation process for student's performance in the subject course 㪌 㪎㪋 㪎㪈 㪈㪇㪈 㪈㪈㪇 㪍㪏 㪏㪇 㪍㪉 㪍㪍 㪉㪍 㪐㪈 㪌㪏 㪐㪈 㪎㪍 㪐㪌 㪎㪍 㪏㪍 㪌㪊 㪍㪇 㪋㪈 㪋㪌 㪍 I have a thorough knowledge of the functional operation of equipment that is generally used in practices for the subject course 㪋 I can lecture the subject course in a professional manner, using proven and agreed-on teaching methods and skills. 㪊 I am skilled to develop teaching materials that support lecture of the subject course 㪉 I have reviewed all the MEGEP modules for the subject course 㪪㪼㫃㪽㪄㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㫊㪼㪻㩷㪸㪹㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪠㪘㪫㩷㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㪚㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊 㪫㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㫇㫆㫀㫅㫋㫊㪑㩷㪤㪸㫏㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪈㪍㪏㪃㩷㪤㫀㫅㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪇 㪈 I have academic backgrounds appropriate for teaching the subject course 㩿㪈㪀㩷㪦㫍㪼㫉㪸㫃㫃㩷㪫㫆㫋㪸㫃㪃㩷㪌㪍㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 I have knowledge on the subject course sufficient to teach in the secondary education Annex 6 Self Assessment on Knowledge and Skills for Teaching 㪏㪏 㪎㪌 㪈㪈㪈 㪈㪈㪍 㪎㪐 㪐㪋 㪍㪏 㪍㪐 㪊㪍 㪐㪈 㪍㪇 㪈㪇㪇 㪐㪇 㪐㪏 㪏㪋 㪐㪉 㪍㪉 㪍㪏 㪋㪍 㪌㪈 㪪㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪈㩷㪸㫋㩷㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪘㪤㪣 㪪㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪉㩷㪸㫋㩷㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪘㪤㪣 㪥㫆㫋㩷㫃㫀㫊㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪈㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪈㪉㩷㫆㪽㩷㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪘㪤㪣 㩿㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㫅㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㫉㪸㫅㫊㪽㪼㫉㩷㫋㫆㩷㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪇㩷㪸㫋㩷㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪘㪤㪣㪀 㪏㪐 㪎㪐 㪈㪈㪋 㪈㪉㪇 㪏㪍 㪐㪇 㪎㪈 㪎㪍 㪊㪇 㪐㪋 㪍㪊 㪈㪇㪌 㪏㪌 㪈㪇㪇 㪏㪌 㪐㪎 㪍㪌 㪍㪎 㪌㪇 㪌㪉 㪏㪇 㪏㪇 㪈㪇㪊 㪈㪈㪊 㪎㪌 㪏㪎 㪍㪎 㪎㪈 㪊㪇 㪏㪎 㪌㪐 㪐㪎 㪏㪋 㪐㪈 㪏㪇 㪏㪎 㪍㪉 㪍㪍 㪋㪍 㪋㪐 㪐㪋 㪏㪐 㪈㪇㪍 㪈㪈㪎 㪏㪋 㪐㪋 㪎㪊 㪏㪌 㪊㪊 㪐㪇 㪌㪎 㪐㪐 㪏㪍 㪈㪇㪇 㪏㪎 㪐㪎 㪎㪊 㪎㪏 㪋㪍 㪌㪊 㪘㫍㪼㫉㪸㪾㪼㪑 㪤㪸㫏㪔㪊㪃 㪤㫀㫅㪔㪇 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪐 㪉㪅㪇 㪈㪅㪋 㪈㪅㪍 㪈㪅㪉 㪈㪅㪊 㪇㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪍 㪈㪅㪇 㪈㪅㪏 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪎 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪎 㪈㪅㪈 㪈㪅㪉 㪇㪅㪏 㪇㪅㪐 - 130 - MECHANISMS BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS MODELING ON COMPUTERS PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS COMPUTERIZED CONTROL SEQUENTIAL CONTROL PLANT AUTOMATION AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION SCADA SYSTEMS CIRCUIT ANALYSIS INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT BASIC PROGRAMMING BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS & SERVER SERVICES COMPUTERIZED CIRCUIT DESIGNS SENSORS & SIGNAL RECORDING MICRO DETECTOR APPLICATIONS INTERNET PROGRAMMING AND SECURITY INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS INSPECTION SYSTEMS NUMERICAL SIGNALING SYSTEM 㪋㪋 㪈㪐 㪋㪍 㪋㪏 㪈㪎 㪉㪏 㪉㪐 㪊㪋 㪌 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 㪉㪉 㪉㪈 㪈㪌 㪈㪎 㪈㪊 㪈㪌 㪈㪐 㪏 㪈㪈 㪉 㪊 㪋 㪌 㪍 㪎 㪏 I have reviewed all the MEGEP modules for the subject course I have knowledge on the subject course sufficient to teach in the secondary education I am skilled to develop teaching materials that support lecture of the subject course I can lecture the subject course in a professional manner, using proven and agreed-on teaching methods and skills. I have a thorough knowledge of the functional operation of equipment that is generally used in practices for the subject course I can develop practices in laboratories that best support teaching objectives I can prepare and develop evaluation process for student's performance in the subject course 㪪㪼㫃㪽㪄㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㫊㪼㪻㩷㪸㪹㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪠㪘㪫㩷㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㪚㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊 㪫㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㫇㫆㫀㫅㫋㫊㪑㩷㪤㪸㫏㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪌㪎㪃㩷㪤㫀㫅㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪇 㪈 I have academic backgrounds appropriate for teaching the subject course 㩿㪉㪀㩷㪤㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㫉㫐㪃㩷㪈㪐㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪉㪋 㪉㪇 㪊㪊 㪊㪏 㪈㪊 㪉㪈 㪈㪌 㪈㪎 㪈 㪈㪉 㪐 㪈㪐 㪈㪌 㪈㪈 㪈㪊 㪐 㪈㪇 㪐 㪌 㪌 㪌㪈 㪉㪉 㪋㪏 㪌㪊 㪉㪈 㪊㪇 㪉㪐 㪊㪋 㪋 㪈㪉 㪈㪌 㪉㪉 㪉㪇 㪈㪇 㪈㪍 㪈㪊 㪈㪊 㪈㪏 㪐 㪈㪈 㪋㪊 㪈㪌 㪋㪈 㪋㪎 㪈㪌 㪉㪍 㪉㪍 㪊㪇 㪋 㪈㪉 㪈㪋 㪈㪐 㪈㪎 㪈㪉 㪈㪌 㪐 㪈㪇 㪈㪋 㪏 㪐 㪋㪏 㪈㪈 㪋㪌 㪋㪏 㪈㪏 㪉㪎 㪉㪍 㪉㪐 㪍 㪈㪉 㪈㪋 㪉㪇 㪈㪏 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 㪈㪈 㪈㪉 㪈㪌 㪏 㪈㪇 㪋㪏 㪈㪌 㪋㪍 㪌㪇 㪉㪇 㪉㪏 㪉㪏 㪊㪊 㪍 㪈㪊 㪈㪎 㪉㪈 㪈㪏 㪈㪉 㪈㪋 㪈㪇 㪈㪉 㪈㪌 㪐 㪏 㪋㪇 㪈㪌 㪋㪈 㪋㪋 㪈㪍 㪉㪉 㪉㪍 㪊㪇 㪋 㪈㪈 㪈㪌 㪈㪏 㪈㪎 㪐 㪈㪊 㪏 㪈㪇 㪈㪊 㪏 㪈㪇 㪘㫍㪼㫉㪸㪾㪼㪑 㪤㪸㫏㪔㪊㪃 㪤㫀㫅㪔㪇 㪋㪋 㪈㪌 㪊㪏 㪋㪌 㪈㪏 㪉㪋 㪉㪌 㪊㪊 㪌 㪈㪈 㪈㪊 㪈㪏 㪈㪍 㪈㪋 㪈㪌 㪈㪉 㪈㪊 㪈㪏 㪏 㪈㪈 㪉㪅㪊 㪇㪅㪐 㪉㪅㪉 㪉㪅㪌 㪇㪅㪐 㪈㪅㪋 㪈㪅㪊 㪈㪅㪍 㪇㪅㪉 㪇㪅㪍 㪇㪅㪎 㪈㪅㪇 㪇㪅㪐 㪇㪅㪍 㪇㪅㪏 㪇㪅㪍 㪇㪅㪍 㪇㪅㪏 㪇㪅㪋 㪇㪅㪌 - 131 - MECHANISMS BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS MODELING ON COMPUTERS PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS COMPUTERIZED CONTROL SEQUENTIAL CONTROL PLANT AUTOMATION AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION SCADA SYSTEMS CIRCUIT ANALYSIS INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT BASIC PROGRAMMING BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS & SERVER SERVICES COMPUTERIZED CIRCUIT DESIGNS SENSORS & SIGNAL RECORDING MICRO DETECTOR APPLICATIONS INTERNET PROGRAMMING AND SECURITY INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS INSPECTION SYSTEMS NUMERICAL SIGNALING SYSTEM 㪉㪉 㪊㪈 㪊㪇 㪊㪈 㪊㪇 㪊㪋 㪉㪈 㪉㪈 㪏 㪋㪇 㪉㪋 㪊㪍 㪊㪇 㪋㪌 㪊㪍 㪋㪈 㪉㪈 㪊㪇 㪉㪇 㪉㪊 㪉 㪊 㪋 㪌 㪍 㪎 㪏 I have reviewed all the MEGEP modules for the subject course I have knowledge on the subject course sufficient to teach in the secondary education I am skilled to develop teaching materials that support lecture of the subject course I can lecture the subject course in a professional manner, using proven and agreed-on teaching methods and skills. I have a thorough knowledge of the functional operation of equipment that is generally used in practices for the subject course I can develop practices in laboratories that best support teaching objectives I can prepare and develop evaluation process for student's performance in the subject course 㪪㪼㫃㪽㪄㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㫊㪼㪻㩷㪸㪹㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪠㪘㪫㩷㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㪚㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊 㪫㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㫇㫆㫀㫅㫋㫊㪑㩷㪤㪸㫏㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪌㪈㪃㩷㪤㫀㫅㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪇 㪈 I have academic backgrounds appropriate for teaching the subject course 㩿㪊㪀㩷㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪫㪼㫃㪼㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷㪈㪎㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪈㪎 㪉㪌 㪉㪊 㪉㪉 㪈㪐 㪉㪊 㪈㪉 㪈㪈 㪌 㪉㪋 㪈㪈 㪉㪏 㪉㪊 㪉㪎 㪉㪇 㪊㪉 㪈㪌 㪈㪎 㪏 㪈㪉 㪉㪌 㪊㪌 㪊㪋 㪊㪍 㪊㪌 㪊㪍 㪉㪌 㪉㪎 㪈㪉 㪋㪉 㪉㪌 㪊㪏 㪊㪇 㪋㪊 㪊㪐 㪋㪉 㪉㪐 㪊㪉 㪉㪉 㪉㪍 㪈㪍 㪉㪍 㪉㪎 㪉㪎 㪉㪊 㪉㪋 㪈㪐 㪈㪏 㪐 㪊㪋 㪉㪊 㪉㪎 㪉㪋 㪊㪎 㪉㪍 㪊㪌 㪈㪐 㪉㪊 㪈㪍 㪈㪐 㪉㪇 㪉㪎 㪉㪏 㪊㪉 㪉㪍 㪉㪐 㪉㪉 㪉㪈 㪈㪌 㪊㪍 㪉㪋 㪊㪉 㪊㪈 㪋㪉 㪊㪉 㪊㪏 㪉㪉 㪉㪐 㪈㪐 㪉㪉 㪉㪈 㪉㪍 㪊㪈 㪊㪍 㪉㪐 㪊㪇 㪉㪋 㪉㪊 㪈㪉 㪊㪏 㪉㪌 㪊㪋 㪉㪐 㪋㪇 㪊㪊 㪋㪈 㪉㪌 㪉㪏 㪉㪉 㪉㪌 㪉㪈 㪉㪏 㪉㪎 㪊㪋 㪉㪎 㪊㪇 㪉㪉 㪉㪇 㪈㪇 㪊㪇 㪉㪈 㪊㪉 㪉㪏 㪊㪏 㪉㪐 㪊㪍 㪉㪉 㪉㪏 㪉㪇 㪉㪈 㪘㫍㪼㫉㪸㪾㪼㪑 㪤㪸㫏㪔㪊㪃 㪤㫀㫅㪔㪇 㪉㪇 㪊㪉 㪊㪉 㪊㪎 㪊㪉 㪊㪊 㪉㪏 㪉㪎 㪈㪊 㪊㪌 㪉㪊 㪊㪊 㪊㪈 㪋㪈 㪊㪋 㪋㪇 㪉㪏 㪊㪇 㪈㪎 㪉㪉 㪈㪅㪉 㪈㪅㪎 㪈㪅㪎 㪈㪅㪐 㪈㪅㪍 㪈㪅㪏 㪈㪅㪊 㪈㪅㪉 㪇㪅㪍 㪉㪅㪈 㪈㪅㪊 㪈㪅㪐 㪈㪅㪎 㪉㪅㪊 㪈㪅㪏 㪉㪅㪉 㪈㪅㪊 㪈㪅㪍 㪈㪅㪈 㪈㪅㪊 - 132 - MECHANISMS BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS MODELING ON COMPUTERS PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS COMPUTERIZED CONTROL SEQUENTIAL CONTROL PLANT AUTOMATION AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION SCADA SYSTEMS CIRCUIT ANALYSIS INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT BASIC PROGRAMMING BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS & SERVER SERVICES COMPUTERIZED CIRCUIT DESIGNS SENSORS & SIGNAL RECORDING MICRO DETECTOR APPLICATIONS INTERNET PROGRAMMING AND SECURITY INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS INSPECTION SYSTEMS NUMERICAL SIGNALING SYSTEM 㪈㪍 㪉㪉 㪉㪌 㪊㪇 㪉㪉 㪉㪋 㪈㪋 㪈㪉 㪏 㪊㪉 㪈㪎 㪉㪏 㪉㪇 㪉㪏 㪉㪌 㪉㪐 㪈㪊 㪉㪊 㪈㪊 㪈㪈 㪉 㪊 㪋 㪌 㪍 㪎 㪏 I have reviewed all the MEGEP modules for the subject course I have knowledge on the subject course sufficient to teach in the secondary education I am skilled to develop teaching materials that support lecture of the subject course I can lecture the subject course in a professional manner, using proven and agreed-on teaching methods and skills. I have a thorough knowledge of the functional operation of equipment that is generally used in practices for the subject course I can develop practices in laboratories that best support teaching objectives I can prepare and develop evaluation process for student's performance in the subject course 㪪㪼㫃㪽㪄㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㫊㪼㪻㩷㪸㪹㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪠㪘㪫㩷㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㪚㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊 㪫㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㫇㫆㫀㫅㫋㫊㪑㩷㪤㪸㫏㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪊㪐㪃㩷㪤㫀㫅㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪇 㪈 I have academic backgrounds appropriate for teaching the subject course 㩿㪋㪀㩷㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫊㪃㩷㪈㪊㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪈㪎 㪈㪌 㪉㪉 㪉㪌 㪈㪉 㪈㪎 㪐 㪌 㪋 㪉㪉 㪐 㪉㪉 㪈㪉 㪉㪊 㪈㪍 㪉㪈 㪎 㪈㪈 㪎 㪋 㪉㪇 㪉㪋 㪉㪏 㪊㪊 㪉㪈 㪉㪌 㪈㪌 㪈㪎 㪈㪈 㪊㪈 㪈㪍 㪉㪐 㪉㪈 㪉㪐 㪉㪎 㪊㪇 㪈㪋 㪈㪐 㪈㪉 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪈㪌 㪉㪊 㪉㪐 㪈㪎 㪉㪈 㪈㪊 㪈㪉 㪈㪈 㪊㪉 㪈㪌 㪉㪍 㪈㪏 㪊㪇 㪉㪋 㪉㪍 㪈㪈 㪈㪏 㪈㪉 㪈㪈 㪈㪊 㪈㪏 㪉㪊 㪉㪎 㪉㪇 㪉㪌 㪈㪋 㪈㪊 㪈㪉 㪊㪇 㪈㪋 㪉㪎 㪉㪇 㪉㪏 㪉㪋 㪉㪌 㪈㪉 㪈㪎 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪈㪋 㪉㪇 㪉㪌 㪉㪏 㪉㪉 㪉㪊 㪈㪌 㪈㪊 㪈㪇 㪊㪉 㪈㪌 㪉㪐 㪈㪐 㪉㪐 㪉㪌 㪉㪐 㪈㪋 㪈㪎 㪈㪉 㪈㪉 㪈㪌 㪉㪇 㪉㪊 㪉㪐 㪈㪐 㪉㪋 㪈㪋 㪈㪌 㪈㪊 㪊㪊 㪈㪍 㪉㪎 㪉㪇 㪉㪏 㪉㪍 㪉㪏 㪈㪌 㪈㪏 㪈㪈 㪈㪈 㪘㫍㪼㫉㪸㪾㪼㪑 㪤㪸㫏㪔㪊㪃 㪤㫀㫅㪔㪇 㪉㪋 㪉㪋 㪉㪋 㪉㪐 㪉㪈 㪉㪎 㪈㪌 㪈㪎 㪈㪉 㪊㪉 㪈㪍 㪉㪏 㪉㪈 㪉㪐 㪉㪍 㪉㪐 㪈㪎 㪉㪈 㪈㪋 㪈㪊 㪈㪅㪊 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪐 㪉㪅㪉 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪏 㪈㪅㪇 㪈㪅㪇 㪇㪅㪏 㪉㪅㪊 㪈㪅㪈 㪉㪅㪈 㪈㪅㪌 㪉㪅㪉 㪈㪅㪐 㪉㪅㪈 㪈㪅㪇 㪈㪅㪋 㪇㪅㪐 㪇㪅㪏 - 133 - MECHANISMS BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS MODELING ON COMPUTERS PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS COMPUTERIZED CONTROL SEQUENTIAL CONTROL PLANT AUTOMATION AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION SCADA SYSTEMS CIRCUIT ANALYSIS INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT BASIC PROGRAMMING BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS & SERVER SERVICES COMPUTERIZED CIRCUIT DESIGNS SENSORS & SIGNAL RECORDING MICRO DETECTOR APPLICATIONS INTERNET PROGRAMMING AND SECURITY INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS INSPECTION SYSTEMS NUMERICAL SIGNALING SYSTEM Remarks: Among 56 teachers, expertise fields of a teacher is unkown. 㪌 㪈㪎 㪐 㪍 㪈㪍 㪐 㪌 㪎 㪉 㪈㪇 㪍 㪈㪏 㪈㪍 㪈㪍 㪈㪈 㪈㪌 㪈㪌 㪐 㪋 㪏 㪉 㪊 㪋 㪌 㪍 㪎 㪏 I have reviewed all the MEGEP modules for the subject course I have knowledge on the subject course sufficient to teach in the secondary education I am skilled to develop teaching materials that support lecture of the subject course I can lecture the subject course in a professional manner, using proven and agreed-on teaching methods and skills. I have a thorough knowledge of the functional operation of equipment that is generally used in practices for the subject course I can develop practices in laboratories that best support teaching objectives I can prepare and develop evaluation process for student's performance in the subject course 㪪㪼㫃㪽㪄㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㫊㪼㪻㩷㪸㪹㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪠㪘㪫㩷㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㩷㪚㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊 㪫㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㫇㫆㫀㫅㫋㫊㪑㩷㪤㪸㫏㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪈㪏㪃㩷㪤㫀㫅㫀㫄㫌㫄㪔㪇 㪈 I have academic backgrounds appropriate for teaching the subject course 㩿㪌㪀㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㪃㩷㪍㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪍 㪈㪉 㪐 㪊 㪎 㪎 㪇 㪉 㪇 㪎 㪊 㪈㪊 㪈㪇 㪐 㪎 㪈㪉 㪏 㪉 㪉 㪎 㪌 㪈㪏 㪈㪋 㪎 㪈㪌 㪈㪈 㪍 㪎 㪊 㪈㪈 㪐 㪈㪏 㪈㪎 㪈㪏 㪈㪉 㪈㪍 㪈㪎 㪎 㪍 㪎 㪋 㪈㪊 㪏 㪌 㪈㪉 㪎 㪋 㪍 㪉 㪈㪇 㪍 㪈㪍 㪈㪋 㪈㪊 㪐 㪈㪋 㪈㪊 㪌 㪌 㪍 㪍 㪈㪍 㪈㪉 㪎 㪈㪊 㪈㪈 㪍 㪍 㪊 㪈㪇 㪏 㪈㪏 㪈㪏 㪈㪌 㪈㪈 㪈㪌 㪈㪍 㪎 㪏 㪏 㪌 㪈㪍 㪈㪇 㪌 㪈㪋 㪏 㪋 㪎 㪉 㪏 㪍 㪈㪏 㪈㪍 㪈㪍 㪈㪇 㪈㪌 㪈㪋 㪎 㪎 㪎 㪋 㪈㪌 㪈㪇 㪋 㪈㪉 㪐 㪌 㪍 㪊 㪈㪇 㪎 㪈㪎 㪈㪎 㪈㪊 㪈㪇 㪈㪊 㪈㪌 㪎 㪎 㪎 㪘㫍㪼㫉㪸㪾㪼㪑 㪤㪸㫏㪔㪊㪃 㪤㫀㫅㪔㪇 㪌 㪈㪍 㪈㪇 㪌 㪈㪉 㪏 㪌 㪏 㪊 㪐 㪌 㪈㪎 㪈㪍 㪈㪊 㪈㪇 㪈㪋 㪈㪌 㪐 㪎 㪎 㪇㪅㪏 㪉㪅㪍 㪈㪅㪎 㪇㪅㪐 㪉㪅㪈 㪈㪅㪌 㪇㪅㪎 㪈㪅㪇 㪇㪅㪋 㪈㪅㪍 㪈㪅㪇 㪉㪅㪏 㪉㪅㪍 㪉㪅㪋 㪈㪅㪎 㪉㪅㪋 㪉㪅㪋 㪈㪅㪈 㪈㪅㪇 㪈㪅㪉 㩿㪉㪀㩷㪤㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㫉㫐㪃㩷㪈㪐㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㩿㪈㪀㩷㪦㫍㪼㫉㪸㫃㫃㩷㪫㫆㫋㪸㫃㪃㩷㪌㪍㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪥㪬㪤㪜㪩㪠㪚㪘㪣㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤 㪠㪥㪪㪧㪜㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 - 134 - 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪠㪥㪫㪜㪩㪥㪜㪫㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞㩷㪘㪥㪛㩷㪪㪜㪚㪬㪩㪠㪫㪰 㪤㪠㪚㪩㪦㩷㪛㪜㪫㪜㪚㪫㪦㪩㩷㪘㪧㪧㪣㪠㪚㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥㪪㩷 㪪㪜㪥㪪㪦㪩㪪㩷㩽㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㩷㪩㪜㪚㪦㪩㪛㪠㪥㪞 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪛㪜㪪㪠㪞㪥㪪 㪤㪜㪚㪟㪘㪥㪠㪪㪤㪪 㪊㪅㪇 㪉㪅㪌 㪉㪅㪇 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪇 㪇㪅㪌 㪇㪅㪇 㪤㪜㪚㪟㪘㪥㪠㪪㪤㪪 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪 㪤㪦㪛㪜㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪦㪥㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪪 㪧㪥㪜㪬㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪘㪥㪛㩷㪟㪰㪛㪩㪘㪬㪣㪠㪚㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪪㪜㪨㪬㪜㪥㪫㪠㪘㪣㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪧㪣㪘㪥㪫㩷㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪥㪬㪤㪜㪩㪠㪚㪘㪣㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤 㪠㪥㪪㪧㪜㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪠㪥㪫㪜㪩㪥㪜㪫㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞㩷㪘㪥㪛㩷㪪㪜㪚㪬㪩㪠㪫㪰 㪤㪠㪚㪩㪦㩷㪛㪜㪫㪜㪚㪫㪦㪩㩷㪘㪧㪧㪣㪠㪚㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥㪪㩷 㪪㪜㪥㪪㪦㪩㪪㩷㩽㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㩷㪩㪜㪚㪦㪩㪛㪠㪥㪞 㪊㪅㪇 㪉㪅㪌 㪉㪅㪇 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪇 㪇㪅㪌 㪇㪅㪇 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪 㪤㪦㪛㪜㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪦㪥㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪪 㪧㪥㪜㪬㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪘㪥㪛㩷㪟㪰㪛㪩㪘㪬㪣㪠㪚㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪪㪜㪨㪬㪜㪥㪫㪠㪘㪣㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪧㪣㪘㪥㪫㩷㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪛㪬㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪㩷㩽㩷㪪㪜㪩㪭㪜㪩 㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪪㪜㪩㪭㪠㪚㪜㪪 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞 㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪘㪥㪘㪣㪰㪪㪠㪪 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪤㪘㪥㪘㪞㪜㪤㪜㪥㪫 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪛㪜㪪㪠㪞㪥㪪 㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪛㪬㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪㩷㩽㩷㪪㪜㪩㪭㪜㪩 㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪪㪜㪩㪭㪠㪚㪜㪪 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞 㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪘㪥㪘㪣㪰㪪㪠㪪 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪤㪘㪥㪘㪞㪜㪤㪜㪥㪫 㩿㪋㪀㩷㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫊㪃㩷㪈㪊㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㩿㪊㪀㩷㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪫㪼㫃㪼㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷㪈㪎㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪤㪜㪚㪟㪘㪥㪠㪪㪤㪪 - 135 - 㪥㪬㪤㪜㪩㪠㪚㪘㪣㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤 㪊㪅㪇 㪠㪥㪪㪧㪜㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪉㪅㪌 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪠㪥㪫㪜㪩㪥㪜㪫㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞㩷㪘㪥㪛㩷㪪㪜㪚㪬㪩㪠㪫㪰 㪤㪠㪚㪩㪦㩷㪛㪜㪫㪜㪚㪫㪦㪩㩷㪘㪧㪧㪣㪠㪚㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥㪪㩷 㪪㪜㪥㪪㪦㪩㪪㩷㩽㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㩷㪩㪜㪚㪦㪩㪛㪠㪥㪞 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪛㪜㪪㪠㪞㪥㪪 㪉㪅㪇 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪇 㪇㪅㪌 㪇㪅㪇 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪 㪤㪦㪛㪜㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪦㪥㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪪 㪧㪥㪜㪬㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪘㪥㪛㩷㪟㪰㪛㪩㪘㪬㪣㪠㪚㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪪㪜㪨㪬㪜㪥㪫㪠㪘㪣㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪧㪣㪘㪥㪫㩷㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪛㪬㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪㩷㩽㩷㪪㪜㪩㪭㪜㪩 㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪪㪜㪩㪭㪠㪚㪜㪪 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞 㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪘㪥㪘㪣㪰㪪㪠㪪 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪤㪘㪥㪘㪞㪜㪤㪜㪥㪫 㪥㪬㪤㪜㪩㪠㪚㪘㪣㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤 㪠㪥㪪㪧㪜㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪠㪥㪫㪜㪩㪥㪜㪫㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞㩷㪘㪥㪛 㪪㪜㪚㪬㪩㪠㪫㪰 㪤㪠㪚㪩㪦㩷㪛㪜㪫㪜㪚㪫㪦㪩㩷㪘㪧㪧㪣㪠㪚㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥㪪㩷 㪪㪜㪥㪪㪦㪩㪪㩷㩽㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㩷㪩㪜㪚㪦㪩㪛㪠㪥㪞 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪛㪜㪪㪠㪞㪥㪪 㪤㪜㪚㪟㪘㪥㪠㪪㪤㪪 㪊㪅㪇 㪉㪅㪌 㪉㪅㪇 㪈㪅㪌 㪈㪅㪇 㪇㪅㪌 㪇㪅㪇 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪 㪤㪦㪛㪜㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪦㪥㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪪 㪧㪥㪜㪬㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪘㪥㪛㩷㪟㪰㪛㪩㪘㪬㪣㪠㪚㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪪㪜㪨㪬㪜㪥㪫㪠㪘㪣㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪧㪣㪘㪥㪫㩷㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪛㪬㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪㩷㩽 㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪪㪜㪩㪭㪜㪩㩷㪪㪜㪩㪭㪠㪚㪜㪪 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞 㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪘㪥㪘㪣㪰㪪㪠㪪 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪤㪘㪥㪘㪞㪜㪤㪜㪥㪫 㩿㪌㪀㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㪃㩷㪍㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 - 136 - 㪤㪜㪚㪟㪘㪥㪠㪪㪤㪪 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪 㪥㪬㪤㪜㪩㪠㪚㪘㪣㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪊㪅㪇 㪠㪥㪪㪧㪜㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪤㪦㪛㪜㪣㪠㪥㪞㩷㪦㪥㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪪 㪉㪅㪌 㪧㪥㪜㪬㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪘㪥㪛㩷㪟㪰㪛㪩㪘㪬㪣㪠㪚 㪉㪅㪇 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪈㪅㪌 㪠㪥㪫㪜㪩㪥㪜㪫㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞㩷㪘㪥㪛 㪈㪅㪇 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪪㪜㪚㪬㪩㪠㪫㪰 㪤㪠㪚㪩㪦㩷㪛㪜㪫㪜㪚㪫㪦㪩㩷㪘㪧㪧㪣㪠㪚㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥㪪㩷 㪇㪅㪌 㪇㪅㪇 㪪㪜㪥㪪㪦㪩㪪㩷㩽㩷㪪㪠㪞㪥㪘㪣㩷㪩㪜㪚㪦㪩㪛㪠㪥㪞 㪪㪜㪨㪬㪜㪥㪫㪠㪘㪣㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣 㪧㪣㪘㪥㪫㩷㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㪠㪱㪜㪛㩷㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪛㪜㪪㪠㪞㪥㪪 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪚㪦㪤㪧㪬㪫㪜㪩㩷㪥㪜㪫㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪㩷㩽 㪪㪜㪩㪭㪜㪩㩷㪪㪜㪩㪭㪠㪚㪜㪪 㪙㪘㪪㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪞㪩㪘㪤㪤㪠㪥㪞 㪘㪬㪫㪦㪤㪘㪫㪠㪚㩷㪧㪩㪦㪛㪬㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㪪㪰㪪㪫㪜㪤㪪 㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪘㪥㪘㪣㪰㪪㪠㪪 㪠㪥㪛㪬㪪㪫㪩㪠㪘㪣㩷㪤㪘㪥㪘㪞㪜㪤㪜㪥㪫 Annex 7 Framework Curriculum of the IAT Department - 137 - - 138 - - 139 - - 140 - - 141 - - 142 - - 143 - - 144 - - 145 - - 146 - - 147 - - 148 - - 149 - - 150 - - 151 - - 152 - - 153 - - 154 - - 155 - - 156 - - 157 - - 158 - - 159 - - 160 - - 161 - - 162 - - 163 - - 164 - - 165 - - 166 - - 167 - - 168 - - 169 - Annex 8-1 Standard curriculum of Mechatronic Branch COMMON SKLLS SCADA Systems (5) Op-Amp Open-Loop Control Closed-Loop Control PID Control Technical English (2) VOCATONAL SKLLS Micro-Controllers(6 ) The basics od microcontrollers Programming of microcontrollers 㩷 Network structure of Factory Automation Using CNC with CAM programme Assembly and Disassembly of machine Parts Control of Flexible Manufacturing Cell Conveyors and Grippers 㩷 COMMON SKLLS Sequence Control Workshop (7) VOCATONAL SKLLS Computer Control (6) Visual Programming Language Control by Relay Automatic Manufacturing (8) Position Control Inverter - Servo Interface ID Interface Technical Terms Technical Contracts Factory Automation Workshop (9) PLC Programming Parallel and Serial Port Control Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems (4) Pneumatic Systems Electro- Pneumatic Systems Electro- Hydraulic Basic Mechanisms Basic and peer to peer networks 㩷 Modelling of Machine Parts Assembly Mechanisms (5) Basic Computer Network (3) 㩷 Modelling In Computer (CAD) (2) Electro-Mechanisms BASIC COMMON SKLLS Technical Drawing (2) Technical Drawing of Mechanics Parts Technical Drawing of Electricty and Electronics Electricty –Electronics Lab. (9) DC Circuits AC Circuits Soldering Circuits with Transistors Making Power Supply Logic Gates Machine Wokshop Measuring and Control Tool Machines Safety at Work Common Lectures (5) Selected Lesson (3) Basic Programming of C language Information Technologies (2) Hardware Wordprocessor Spreadsheet 㩷 㩷 Common Lectures Common- Basic Skills - 170 - Vocational Skills Annex 8-2 Standard Curriculum of Industrial Control Branch COMMON SKLLS Control Systems(5) Op-Amp Open-Loop Control Closed-Loop Control PID Control Servo Drivers Servo Mechanisms Technical English (2) Internet Programming Micro-Controllers and Security (6) Applications(6 ) Internet The basics od Programming microcontrollers Servers Control via Network Programming of microcontrollers Installing systems with microcontrollers Industrial Network Systems (5) Pneumatic Systems (3) Pneumatic Systems Electro- Pneumatic Systems Technical Terms Technical Contracts VOCATONAL SKLLS Embeded Systems Industrial Bus Systems SCADA Software 㩷 COMMON SKLLS Sequence Control Workshop (7) Control by Relay PLC Programming 㩷 VOCATONAL SKLLS Sensors and Signal Processing (6) Computer Control (6) Visual Programming Language Basic Computer Network and Server Services (6) Basic and peer to peer networks Server Services Op-Amp Semi-Conductors Temperature Measuring Pressure Measuring Level Measuring Force-Weight Measuring Parallel and Serial Port Control 㩷 Design of Electronics -Circuits (2) Design Printed Circuit Design BASIC COMMON SKLLS Technical Drawing (2) Technical Drawing of Mechanics Parts Technical Drawing of Electricty and Electronics Electricty –Electronics Lab. (9) DC Circuits AC Circuits Soldering Circuits with Transistors Making Power Supply Logic Gates Machine Wokshop Measuring and Control Tool Machines Safety at Work 㩷 Common Lectures 㩷 Common Lectures Common- Basic Skills - 171 - (5) Selected Lesson (3) Basic Programming of C language 㩷 Information Technologies (2) Hardware Wordprocessor Spreadsheet Vocational Skills Annex 9 Curriculum for IAT Branches of Izmir AML 㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪇 㪪㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊 㪫㪼㫄㪼㫃㩷㪤㪼㫂㪸㫅㫀㫂 㪫㪼㫂㫅㫀㫂㩷㫍㪼㩷㪤㪼㫊㫃㪼㫂㩷㪩㪼㫊㫀㫄 㪫㪼㫄㪼㫃㩷㪜㫅㪻㬲㫊㫋㫉㫀 㪬㫐㪾㫌㫃㪸㫄㪸㫃㪸㫉㭧 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㪺㫊 㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪭㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃 㪛㫉㪸㪽㫋 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 - 172 - El Tesviyecilii 1 El Tesviyecilii 2 Temel Frezeleme Temel Tornalama 1 Temel Tornalama 2 Teknik Resim Devre emalar Çizimi Doru Akm Devreleri Alternatif Akm Devreleri Lehimleme ve Bask Devre Analog Devre Elemanlar Transistörlü Devreler Temel Güç Kayna Yapm Lojik Devreler 1 Lojik Devreler 2 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊 㪤㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㩷㪣㪼㫍㪼㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㩷㪈 㪤㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㩷㪣㪼㫍㪼㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㩷㪉 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪤㫀㫃㫃㫀㫅㪾 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪣㪸㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪈 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪣㪸㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪉 㪛㫉㪸㪽㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪛㫉㪸㫎㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㪽㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㫊㩷㪪㪺㪿㪼㫄㪼㫊㩷 㪛㫀㫉㪼㪺㫋㩷㪚㫌㫉㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㫊 㪘㫃㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㪚㫌㫉㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㫊 㪪㫆㫃㪻㪼㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㫊㫊㫀㫆㫅㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋 㪘㫅㪸㫃㫆㪾㫌㪼㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㩷㪜㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪫㫉㪸㫅㫊㫀㫊㫋㫆㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㫊 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪧㫆㫎㪼㫉㩷㪪㫌㫇㫇㫃㫐 㪣㫆㪾㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㫊㩷㪈 㪣㫆㪾㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㫊㩷㪉 Bilgisayarda Modelleme 1 Bilgisayarda Modelleme 2 Temel Pnömatik leri Pnömatik Elektropnömatik Sistemler Hidrolik Sistemler Elektrohidrolik Sistemler Bilgisayarl Kontrol 1 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 2 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 3 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 4 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 5 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 6 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊 㪤㫆㪻㪼㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㪦㫅㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪈 㪤㫆㪻㪼㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㪦㫅㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪉 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪧㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺 㪘㪻㫍㪸㫅㪺㪼㪻㩷㪧㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㪄㫇㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㫊 㪟㫐㪻㫉㪸㫌㫃㫀㪺㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㪄㪿㫐㪻㫉㪸㫌㫃㫀㪺㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪈 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪋 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪌 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪍 㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪈㩷㩿㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㪀 㪪㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊 㪙㫀㫃㪾㫀㫊㪸㫐㪸㫉㪻㪸㩷㪤㫆㪻㪼㫃㫃㪼㫄㪼 㪤㫆㪻㪼㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊 㪧㫅㬬㫄㪸㫋㫀㫂㩷㫍㪼㩷㪟㫀㪻㫉㫆㫃㫀㫂 㪪㫀㫊㫋㪼㫄㫃㪼㫉 㪙㫀㫃㪾㫀㫊㪸㫐㪸㫉㫃㭧㩷㪢㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪧㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪟㫐㪻㫉㪸㫌㫃㫀㪺 㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪘㫉㪻㭧㮕㭧㫂㩷㪢㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪫㪼㫂㫅㫆㫃㫆㫁㫀㫊㫀 㪪㫌㪺㪺㪼㫊㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㩿㪪㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㫋㫀㪸㫃㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㪀 㪫㪼㫄㪼㫃㩷㪹㫀㫃㪾㫀㫊㪸㫐㪸㫉㩷㪘㭕㫃㪸㫉㭧 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂 - 173 - 㪤㪼㫂㪸㫅㫀㫑㫄㪸㫃㪸㫉 㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㫊㫄㫊 Kumanda Devre elemanlar Asenkron Motor Kumanda Teknikleri Asenkron Motorlara yol Vermek PLC’ye Hazrlk PLC Programlama SFC Programlama PLC’de Panel Kullanm PLC’de Haberleme PLC le Sistem Tasarm PLC’ye Giri PLC Programlama Teknikleri Operatör Panelleri PLC ile Motor Kontrolü PLC ile Ünite Kontrolü Temel Bilgisayar Alar 1 Temel Bilgisayar Alar 2 Temel Bilgisayar Alar 3 Mekanizma Teknii 1 Mekanizma Teknii 2 Mekanizma Teknii 3 Mekanizma Teknii 4 Mekanizma Teknii 5 㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪈㩷㩿㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㪀 㪪㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊 Anahtarlama Elemanlar Osilatörler lemsel Yükselteçler 㪘㫃㪾㭧㫃㪸㫐㭧㪺㭧㫃㪸㫉㩷㫍㪼㩷㪪㫀㫅㫐㪸㫃㩷㭦㮕 㪪㪼㫅㫊㫆㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪪㫀㪾㫅㪸㫃㩷㪩㪼㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾 Scaklk Ölçümü 㫃㪼㫄㪼 Kuvvet, Arlk ve Basnç Ölçümü Seviye Ölçümü Ak Ölçümü Bilgisayarl Kontrol 1 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 2 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 3 㪙㫀㫃㪾㫀㫊㪸㫐㪸㫉㫃㭧㩷㪢㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 4 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 5 Bilgisayarl Kontrol 6 㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㩷㪜㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷 㪛㪼㫊㫐㫅㪺㪿㫉㫆㫅㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪤㫆㫋㫆㫉㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㫈㫌㪼㫊 㪫㫆㩷㪠㫅㫀㫋㫀㪸㫋㪼㩷㪛㪼㫊㫐㫅㪺㪿㫉㫆㫅㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪤㫆㫋㫆㫉 㪧㫉㪼㫇㪸㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪧㪣㪚㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾 㪪㪝㪚㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾 㪬㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪧㪸㫅㪼㫃㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㪧㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪠㫅㫋㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㫈㫌㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪧㪣㪚㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾 㪦㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫆㫉㩷㪧㪸㫅㪼㫃㫊 㪤㫆㫋㫆㫉㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪬㫅㫀㫋㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㩷㪈 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㩷㪉 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㩷㪊 㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㫊㫄㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㫈㫌㪼㩷㪈 㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㫊㫄㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㫈㫌㪼㩷㪉 㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㫊㫄㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㫈㫌㪼㩷㪊 㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㫊㫄㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㫈㫌㪼㩷㪋 㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㫊㫄㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㫈㫌㪼㩷㪌 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊 㪪㫎㫀㫋㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪜㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪦㫊㪺㫀㫃㫃㪸㫋㫆㫉㫊 㪦㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪘㫄㫇㫃㫀㪽㫀㪼㫉㫊 㪤㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪟㪼㪸㫋 㪝㫆㫉㪺㪼㪃㩷㪤㪸㫊㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪧㫉㪼㫊㫊㫌㫉㪼㩷㪤㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪣㪼㫍㪼㫃㩷㪤㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪝㫃㫆㫎㩷㪤㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪈 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪋 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪌 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪍 - 174 - Kumanda Devre elemanlar Asenkron Motor Kumanda Teknikleri Asenkron Motorlara yol Vermek PLC’ye Hazrlk PLC Programlama SFC Programlama 㪘㫉㪻㭧㮕㭧㫂㩷㪢㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪪㫌㪺㪺㪼㫊㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 PLC’de Panel Kullanm 㪫㪼㫂㫅㫆㫃㫆㫁㫀㫊㫀 㩿㪪㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㫋㫀㪸㫃㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㪀 PLC’de Haberleme PLC le Sistem Tasarm PLC’ye Giri PLC Programlama Teknikleri Operatör Panelleri PLC ile Motor Kontrolü PLC ile Ünite Kontrolü Temel Bilgisayar Alar 1 Temel Bilgisayar Alar 2 Temel Bilgisayar Alar 3 㪫㪼㫄㪼㫃㩷㪙㫀㫃㪾㫀㫊㪸㫐㪸㫉㩷㪘㭕㫃㪸㫉㭧 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊 Sunucu Servisleri 1 㫍㪼㩷㪪㫌㫅㫌㪺㫌㩷㪪㪼㫉㫍㫀㫊㫃㪼㫉㫀 㪸㫅㪻㩷㪪㪼㫉㫍㪼㫉㩷㪪㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊 Sunucu Servisleri 2 Sunucu Servisleri 3 Sunucu Servisleri 4 㪙㫀㫃㪾㫀㫊㪸㫐㪸㫉㫃㭧㩷㪛㪼㫍㫉㪼㩷㪫㪸㫊㪸㫉㭧 Bilgisayarl Devre Tasarm 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㩷㪛㪼㫊㫀㪾㫅㫊 㫄㭧 Bilgisayarl Bask Devre Çizimi 㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪉㩷㩿㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㪀 㪪㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊 㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㫊㫀㫊㫋㪼㫄㫃㪼㫉㫀 㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪤㫀㫂㫉㫆㪻㪼㫅㪼㫋㫃㪼㫐㫀㪺㫀 㪬㫐㪾㫌㫃㪸㫄㪸㫃㪸㫉㭧 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 lemsel Yükselteçler Açk Çevrim Kontrolü Kapal Çevrim Kontrolü SCADA Sistemleri 1 SCADA Sistemleri 2 Mikrodenetleyici 1 Mikrodenetleyici 2 Mikrodenetleyici 3 Mikrodenetleyici 4 Mikrodenetleyici 5 Mikrodenetleyici 6 㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㩷㪜㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪪㫐㫅㪺㪿㫉㫆㫅㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪤㫆㫋㫆㫉㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㫈㫌㪼㫊 㪫㫆㩷㪠㫅㫀㫋㫀㪸㫋㪼㩷㪪㫐㫅㪺㪿㫉㫆㫅㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪤㫆㫋㫆㫉㫊 㪧㫉㪼㫇㪸㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪧㪣㪚㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾 㪪㪝㪚㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾 㪧㪸㫅㪼㫃㩷㪬㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㪛㪼㫊㫀㪾㫅㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪠㫅㫋㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪧㪣㪚㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾㩷㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㫈㫌㪼㫊 㪦㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫆㫉㩷㪧㪸㫅㪼㫃㫊 㪤㫆㫋㫆㫉㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪬㫅㫀㫋㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪧㪣㪚 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㩷㪈 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㩷㪉 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㩷㪊 㪪㪼㫉㫍㪼㫉㩷㪪㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㪈 㪪㪼㫉㫍㪼㫉㩷㪪㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㪉 㪪㪼㫉㫍㪼㫉㩷㪪㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㪊 㪪㪼㫉㫍㪼㫉㩷㪪㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㪋 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㩷㪛㪼㫊㫀㪾㫅 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㪧㫉㪼㫊㫊㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㩷㪛㫉㪸㫎㫀㫅㪾 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊 㪦㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪘㫄㫇㫃㫀㪽㫀㪼㫉㫊 㪦㫇㪼㫅㩷㪚㫐㪺㫃㪼㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪚㫃㫆㫊㪼㩷㪚㫐㪺㫃㪼㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㪈 㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㪉 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪈 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪉 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪊 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪋 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪌 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪍 - 175 - 㪦㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫂㩷㬒㫉㪼㫋㫀㫄 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪝㪸㪹㫉㫀㫂㪸㩷㪦㫋㫆㫄㪸㫊㫐㫆㫅 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪫㪼㫂㫅㫀㫂㩷㭦㫅㪾㫀㫃㫀㫑㪺㪼 㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿 Otomatik Üretim 1 Otomatik Üretim 2 Otomatik Üretim 3 Otomatik Üretim 4 Otomatik Üretim 5 Otomatik Üretim 6 Otomatik Üretim 7 Otomatik Üretim 8 Otomatik Üretim 9 Fabrika Otomasyon 1 Fabrika Otomasyon 2 Fabrika Otomasyon 3 Fabrika Otomasyon 4 Fabrika Otomasyon 5 Fabrika Otomasyon 6 Fabrika Otomasyon 7 Fabrika Otomasyon 8 Fabrika Otomasyon 9 End. Otm. Teknik Terimleri End. Otm. Yaynlar 㪞㫉㪸㪻㪼㩷㪈㪉㩷㩿㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿㪀 㪪㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊 㪤㫀㫂㫉㫆㪻㪼㫅㪼㫋㫃㪼㫐㫀㪺㫀 㪬㫐㪾㫌㫃㪸㫄㪸㫃㪸㫉㭧 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㭦㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪼㫋㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㪺㭧㫃㭧㭕㭧㩷㫍㪼 㪞㬲㫍㪼㫅㫃㫀㭕㫀 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪼㫋㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪪㪼㪺㫌㫉㫀㫋㫐 Mikrodenetleyici 1 Mikrodenetleyici 2 Mikrodenetleyici 3 Mikrodenetleyici 4 Mikrodenetleyici 5 Mikrodenetleyici 6 Mikrodenetleyici Uygu. 1 Mikrodenetleyici Uygu. 2 Mikrodenetleyici Uygu. 3 Programlama Veritaban nternet Programcl Uygulamalar nternet Güvenlii Uzaktan Eriim Elektronik Posta Sunucusu 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪈 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪉 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪊 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪋 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪌 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪍 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪎 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪏 㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪐 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪈 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪉 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪊 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪋 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪌 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪍 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪎 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪏 㪧㫃㪸㫅㫋㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪐 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪈 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪉 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪊 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪋 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪌 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪍 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪈 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪉 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㪻㪼㫋㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪊 㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾 㪛㪸㫋㪸㪹㪸㫊㪼 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪼㫋㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾㩷㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪼㫋㩷㪪㪼㪺㫌㫉㫀㫋㫐 㪩㪼㫄㫆㫋㪼㩷㪩㪼㪸㪺㪿 㪜㪄㫄㪸㫀㫃㩷㪪㪼㫉㫍㪼㫉㫊 㪜㫅㪻㬲㫊㫋㫉㫀㫐㪼㫃㩷㪪㫀㫊㫋㪼㫄㫃㪼㫉 㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪛㪼㫅㪼㫋㫀㫄㩷㪪㫀㫊㫋㪼㫄㫃㪼㫉㫀 㪠㫅㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪧㫅㬬㫄㪸㫋㫀㫂㩷㪪㫀㫊㫋㪼㫄㫃㪼㫉 㪧㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪫㪼㫂㫅㫀㫂㩷㭦㫅㪾㫀㫃㫀㫑㪺㪼 㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿 Gömülü Sistemler 1 Gömülü Sistemler 2 Endüstriyel Bus Sistemleri SCADA Sistemi Kurma SCADA ile Veritaban Açk Çevrim Kontrolü Kapal Çevrim Kontrolü PID Kontrolü Servo Sürücüler Servo Mekanizmalar Temel Pnömatik leri Pnömatik Elektropnömatik Sistemler End. Otm. Teknik Terimleri End. Otm. Yaynlar 㪪㫆㫌㫉㪺㪼㪑㩷㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉㩷㪘㪤㪣㪃㩷㪡㪸㫅㫌㪸㫉㫐㩷㪉㪇㪇㪎 㪠㫅㫋㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㫊㩷㪻㪼㫍㪼㫃㫆㫇㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㪽㫀㪼㫃㪻㫊 㪙㫌㫉㫀㪼㪻㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㪈 㪙㫌㫉㫀㪼㪻㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㪉 㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪙㫌㫊㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪜㫊㫋㪸㪹㫃㫀㫊㪿㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪛㪸㫋㪸㪹㪸㫊㪼㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪪㪚㪘㪛㪘 㪦㫇㪼㫅㩷㪚㫐㪺㫃㪼㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪚㫃㫆㫊㪼㩷㪚㫐㪺㫃㪼㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪧㪠㪛㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪪㪼㫉㫍㫆㩷㪛㫉㫀㫍㪼㫉㫊 㪪㪼㫉㫍㫆㩷㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㫊㫄㫊 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪧㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺 㪘㪻㫍㪸㫅㪺㪼㪻㩷㪧㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㪄㫇㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋㫊 - 176 - Annex10 Document of MoNE for Establishment of the Teacher Training Center TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION FOR MALES No : B.08.0.ETÖ. 22/01/2007 Subject: Teachers’ Training Center founded under zmir Mahzar Zorlu Anatolian Technical School TO THE ATTENTION OF MINISTRY Ref: a) Project Protocol signed between our Ministry and Japan International Agency (JICA) on October 12, 2000 on founding the departments of Industrial Automation Technologies under Anatolian Technical High Schools. b) Confirmation No: 138 dated on January 9, 2004 of General Directorate of Technical Education for Males. While the activities of furnishing industrial technical schools affiliated with our Ministry with modern equipment and materials depended on new technologies are still going on, it is known by you that new schools and departments are underway with a view to train technical manpower in vocational areas that play a predominant role in our Turkish economy. Within this framework, Industrial Automation Technologies Departments were established in zmir Mahzar Zorlu and Konya Adil Karaaaç Anatolian Technical high schools displaying activities as affiliated with our Ministry and for the purpose of furnishing these departments with international standards, for these teachers’ technical trainings abroad to provide education for them in these areas, for expert Japanese consultants to work in our country in these fields, and for developing educational programs, it is known by you that the reference (a) concerning signing the protocol and pilot project applications being completed in 2 schools mentioned above in 2006 shall serve as a basis for the application of the project within the framework of technical cooperation between Turkish Republic and Japanese Governments. Within the scope of this project, 25 technical teachers completed their 6-9 month-period trainings in Japan and returned home. On account of our Turkish industry attempting to integrate with the world and its progress day by day in this direction within this framework and the increasing need for qualified intermediary manpower especially in automation area, it was approved by our Ministry through reference (b) to open up new more Industrial Automation Technologies Departments under 20 industrial technical schools in 20 provinces with industrial concentration. One of the most important points is the teacher training activities to obtain the target productivity from the said departments that are furnished through expensive investments made and funded by our Ministry. In our country in the field of “Industrial Automation Technologies” as there were no educational institutions with associate and licence degree programs to educate the teachers of workshop and vocational courses, technicians and engineers, it is known by you that a teachers’ training center was built under zmir Mahzar Zorlu Anatolian Technical high school for the purpose of meeting the need for the teachers to be employed in generalization- oriented schools. In this above-mentioned center it was planned to educate the teachers from Middle East Countries and Turkic countries with the support of Japanese Government as well as to meet the need for the teachers in Turkey. - 177 - TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION FOR MALES No : B.08.0.ETÖ. 22/01/2007 Subject: Teachers’ Training Center founded under zmir Mahzar Zorlu Anatolian Technical School In parallel with those developments; For the training of intermediary staff that know and apply the new technology in the field of Industrial Automation Technologies, through the acquisition of knowledge to a large extent on the said subject and the utilization from Japan’s experience and possibilities with high-technology, the “ Project of the Development of Industrial Automation Technologies Department under zmir Mahzar Zorlu Anatolian Technical Schools and the Foundation of Teachers’ Training Center” was prepared by General Directorate of Technical Education for Males under Our Ministry so as to be applied depending on the cooperation agreement between Turkish and Japanese Governments and presented to Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and subsequently admitted. I kindly submit and put forward this for your confirmation that the said training center should be used with a view to update in pursuance of technological progress the teachers and administrative staff’s knowledge and experience working in technical schools and institutions as well as to train the teachers assigned / or to be assigned in generalization-oriented schools of industrial automation technologies department displaying activity under our General Directorate. Signature Hüseyin ACIR Deputy to General Director I Extend With My Approval 17/01/2007 Signature Prof. Dr. Necat BRNC Undersecretary CONFIRMATION …../ 01 / 2007 Associate Prof. Hüseyin ÇELK Minister of National Education - 178 - Annex 11 Problem Trees (1) Expansion Schools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rame Training Programme (Framework Curriculum) 6TCKPKPIU[UVGOQH66%KUPQV HWNN[RTGRCTGF[GV # 1TKGPVCVKQPHQT)TCFGKU PQVGPQWIJ (2) Teacher Training Center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bjectives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odules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nnex 12 Terms of Reference (TOR) The Director General of the GDTVE The Director General of the GDTVE as the Project Director shall bear the overall responsible for the implementation and management of the SPREAD in consultation with the Chief Advisor. Duties of the Project Director include, but not limited to, the followings; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To supervise the overall progress of the project plan. To assure timely input to the Project (budgets, equipment, human resource, and etc). To supervise the teacher training program and seminar. To decide long term strategy of the TTC. To represent the SPREAD at the JCC as a chair. To liaison with the JICA Turkey Office. To establish effective linkages and coordinating mechanism between the SPREAD and the other related organizations. The School Principal of the Izmir Mazhar Zorulu School Under the supervision of the Director General of the GDTVE, the school principal of Izmir school as the Project Manager shall be responsible for the managerial and technical matters of the SPREAD in consultation with the Chief Advisor. Duties of the Project Director include, but not limited to, the followings; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. To arrange the organization of the TTC To supervise the Turkish project counterparts and other staff of the TTC. To assure timely input of the Project (budgets, equipment, human resource, etc). To formulate and update the Plans of Operation. To organize training courses for the expansion schools and seminars for other VET schools involved. To ensure on-time submission of module textbooks and teacher training textbooks. To evaluate the teacher training courses and seminar at the TTC. To develop long term strategy of the TTC. To disseminate the project information to the public. To prepare progress reports for the JCC. To establish effective linkages and coordinating mechanism with the GDTVE and other agencies operating relevant projects. - 183 - Lectures of the TTC Under the supervision of the Project Director and Project Manager, the lectures as the Project Counterparts of the TTC shall be responsible for implementing the project activities of the SPREAD in consultation with the Chief Advisor and Experts. Duties of the Project Counterparts include, but not limited to, the followings; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. To propose the detailed working plans for the PO. To validate the OVI. To review the ongoing teacher training courses at the TTC. To conduct the study on needs of teacher training for IAT in the expansion schools as a baseline study. To draft the mid term teacher training program. To examine the purpose of teacher training and design the teacher training courses. To design the seminars on the management of the IAT department. To design the summer seminars for the adjacent departments in other VET schools. To prepare teacher training textbooks. To conduct the teacher training courses and seminars. To develop methods and conduct evaluation for the teacher training courses. To develop strategies for long term strategy of the TTC. - 184 - Chief Advisor/Center Management (JICA) The Chief Advisor assists the Project Manager on the implementation and management of the SPREAD. The Chief Advisor’s such assistance include, but not limited to, the followings; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. To review the progress of the project plan. To advice on the center management of the TTC. To validate the OVI. To review the ongoing teacher training courses at the TTC. To propose the mid term teacher training program. To conduct the study on needs of teacher training for IAT in the expansion schools as a baseline study. To design the teacher training courses for the IAT departments in the expansion schools. To design the summer seminars for the adjacent departments in other VET schools. To design the seminars on the management of the IAT department. To prepare teacher training textbooks. To conduct the teacher training courses and seminars. To develop methods and conduct evaluation for the teacher training courses. To develop long term strategy of the TTC. Project Coordinator/Teacher Training Management (JICA) The project coordinator assists the Project Manager with the Chief Advisor on the implementation and management of the SPREAD. The project coordinator’s such assistance include, but not limited to, the followings; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To execute and coordinate the project activities of the SPREAD. To manage the operational budget of the SPREAD allocated by JICA. To manage the procurement of the equipment provided by JICA. To disseminate the project information to the public. To validate the OVI. To develop long term strategy of the TTC. To conduct coordination with related organizations. - 185 - Expert in the specific technical fields (JICA) The Experts in the specific technical fields advise their counterparts in the TTC in the fields of their expertise so as to assist the project activities of the SPREAD. The Experts assist the project counterparts especially in following tasks; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. To propose the detailed working plans for the PO. To validate the OVI. To review the ongoing teacher training courses at the TTC. To propose the mid term teacher training program. To conduct the study on needs of teacher training for IAT in the expansion schools as a baseline study. To design the teacher training courses. To design the seminars on the management of the IAT department. To design the summer seminars for the adjacent departments in other VET schools. To prepare teacher training textbooks. To observe the teacher training courses and seminars by the TTC lectures and provide necessary advice. To develop methods and conduct evaluation for the teacher training courses. To develop strategies for long term strategy of the TTC. - 186 - 䋳㪅䇭ᬺ೨⹏ଔ ઃዻ⾗ᢱ 3 ᬺ೨⹏ଔ ᬺ೨⹏ଔ㧔ᛛⴚදജࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻㧕 ᚑᣣ㧦ᐔᚑ 19 ᐕ 4 16 ᣣ ᜂᒰㇱ㧦ੱ㑆㐿⊒ㇱ ᛛⴚᢎ⢒࠴ࡓ 㧝㧚᩺ઙฬ ࠻࡞ࠦ⥄േᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒᥉⸘↹ᒝൻࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ The Project on Strengthening the Program of Expanding Industrial Automation Technologies Department (SPREAD) 㧞㧚දജⷐ 㧔㧝㧕ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡߣࠕ࠙࠻ࡊ࠶࠻ࠍਛᔃߣߒߚⷐߩ⸥ㅀ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޔ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ 1 ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߩઃዻᯏ㑐ߣߒߡ⸳┙ߐࠇ ߡࠆᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲㧔Teacher Training Center: TTC㧕ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃታᣉࠍ⏕┙ ߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒߡޔᢎຬ⎇ୃ⸘↹ߩ┙᩺߮ታᣉ⹏ޔଔߦട߃ߡޔTTC ߩ㐳ᦼㆇ ༡⸘↹ࠍ╷ቯߔࠆޕ ߹ߚޔߪ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޔTTC ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃታᣉࠍ⏕┙ߔࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅߩઁޔ ࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ 20 ᩞ߳ߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩ᥉ࠍଦㅴߒࠦ࡞࠻ޔㅧᬺㇱ㐷ߦ߅ ߌࠆᓮᛛ⢻⠪ߩੱ᧚㔛ⷐࠍḩߚߔߎߣߦነਈߔࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕දജᦼ㑆 2007 ᐕ 8 ߆ࠄ 2010 ᐕ 9 ߹ߢ 㧔㧟㧕දജ✚㗵㧔ᣣᧄ㧕 ⚂ 3.4 ం 㧔㧠㧕දജ⋧ᚻవᯏ㑐 ࠻࡞ࠦ࿖ ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ ↥ᬺᛛⴚ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒✚ዪ㐳 㧔㧡㧕࿖ౝදജᯏ㑐 ᧂቯ 㧔㧢㧕⋉ኻ⽎⠪߮ⷙᮨ╬ ⋥ធ⋉⠪㧦ࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ 㑆ធ⋉⠪㧦᥉ᩞ 2ᢎຬ 300 ฬޔᄐቄࡒ࠽ෳടᢎຬ ᥉ᩞ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ቇ↢ 3 ડᬺ㧔ㅧᬺㇱ㐷㧕 㧟㧚දജߩᔅⷐᕈ⟎ઃߌ 㧔㧝㧕⁁߮㗴ὐ ࠻࡞ࠦ⚻ᷣߪޔ2001 ᐕߦ⚻ᷣෂᯏߩߚࡑࠗ࠽ࠬᚑ㐳ࠍ⸥㍳ߒߚ߽ߩߩޔ1990 ᐕએ㒠ޔᚑ 㐳ࠍ⛽ᜬߒߡࠆ㧔2004 ᐕߩ GDP ᐕ㑆ᚑ㐳₸ߪ 9.9㧑㧕ࠦ࡞࠻ޕ࿖᳃⚻ᷣߦ߅ߡޔㅧᬺ ࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߪޔᾫ✵ᛛⴚ⠪ࠍ⢒ᚑߔࠆߚߩ 4 ᐕߩ㜞ᩞ㧔ਛ╬ᢎ⢒⺖⒟㧕ߢࠅޔᄖ࿖⺆㧔⧷ ⺆㧕ᢎ⢒߇㊀ⷞߐࠇߡࠆࠦ࡞࠻ޕ࿖ౝߦ 134 ᩞࠆޕ 2 ࠻࡞ࠦ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ 20 ᩞߦ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ࠍᣂ⸳ߒߡࠆޕએਅ⥄ޔേᓮቇ⑼߇ᣂ ߚߦ⸳ߌࠄࠇࠆࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ 20 ᩞࠍޟ᥉ᩞߣޠ߱ޕ 3 ᥉ᩞ 1 ᩞߚࠅ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩቇ↢ߪ 1 ቇᐕ⚂ 60 ฬޕ 1 - 187 - ߪ⚂ 4 ಽߩ 1 ࠍභߩߘޔഀวߪᓟߐࠄߦ㜞߹ࠆ߽ߩߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆ㧔ㅧᬺߩ GDP ߦභ ࠆഀวߪޔ1990 ᐕ 22.4%ޔ1995 ᐕ 23.8%ޔ2000 ᐕ 23.8%ޔ2004 ᐕ 25.1%㧕ࠦ࡞࠻ޕㅧᬺߩ ᚑ㐳ߩ৻ᣇߢޔડᬺߪᓮᛛⴚߦ㑐ߔࠆ␠ຬߩᛛ⢻᳓Ḱߦḩ⿷ߒߡߥߎߣ߇ฦ⒳⺞ᩏ߆ ࠄࠄ߆ߣߥߞߡࠆ 4ޔߚ߹ޕㅧᬺㇱ㐷ߢߪ↢↥ᕈะߩߚ↥ޔᬺࠝ࠻ࡔ࡚ࠪࡦൻ ߇ᓟㅴࠄࠇޔᓮᛛⴚࠍ߃ߚੱ᧚ߩ㔛ⷐߪᓟ㜞߹ࠆ߽ߩߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ ࠻࡞ࠦ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪޔᓮᛛⴚࠍ߃ߚੱ᧚⢒ᚑߩߚޔᣣᧄߩᡰេߦࠃࠅ 2001 ᐕ߆ࠄ 2006 ᐕߦ߆ߌߡታᣉߐࠇߚ⥄ޟേᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ᡷༀ⸘↹ޠ㧔ᛛⴚදജࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻㧕ߦ߅ ߡࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޔ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞ߮ࠦࡦࡗᩞߦ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ࠍ⸳┙ߒߚ⥄ޕേᓮቇ ⑼ߩࠞࠠࡘࡓߪࠍࠢࡢ࠻࠶ࡀ࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦߣࠬࠢ࠾ࡠ࠻ࠞࡔޔਥⷐಽ㊁ߣߒߡޔฦ ⒳ᓮᛛⴚߩ♽ൻࠍ࿑ߞߚ߽ߩߢࠆࠦ࡞࠻ޕ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪޔ ⥄ ޟേᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ᡷༀ⸘↹ޠ ߩᚑᨐࠍฃߌߡࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖ౝฦߩࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ 20 ᩞߦ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ࠍ⸳ߌࠆߣߣ߽ ߦ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔᩞߩઃዻᣉ⸳ߣߒߡᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲㧔TTC㧕ࠍ⸳┙ߒޔᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍታᣉߔ ࠆ╬⥄ޔേᓮᛛⴚߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ߩ᥉ࠍ࿑ߞߡࠆ 5ޕ ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞ TTC ߪ 2006 ᐕߦᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍ㐿ᆎߒߚ߇↪ୃ⎇ޔᢎ᧚ߩᧂᚑࠬࠦୃ⎇ޔ ߩㆇ༡ߩᧂᢛ⹏ߩࠬࠦୃ⎇ޔଔᚻᴺߩᧂᢛ╬ߩ⺖㗴߇ߍࠄࠇߡࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕࠻࡞ࠦᐭߩ࿖ኅ╷ߩ⟎ߠߌ ࠻࡞ࠦᐭߪޔਛᦼ㐿⊒⸘↹㧔2007 ᐕ㨪2009 ᐕ㧕ߢ⾗⊛ੱޟḮߩ㐿⊒ࠍޠਥⷐ⋡ᮡߩ৻ߟ ߦឝߍޔ㓹↪ᯏળߩჇᄢ⚻ޔᷣߩၞ㑆ᩰᏅߩ✭ޔᢎ⢒ࠢ࠲ߩ㐿⊒ߣߞߚ᭽ߥޘ ߆ࠄ⾗⊛ੱޔḮߩ㐿⊒ࠍㅴߡࠆ↥ޕᬺᛛⴚᢎ⢒⡯ᬺ⸠✵㧔Technical and Vocational Education and Training: TVET㧕ಽ㊁ߢߪޔԘੱ᧚㔛ⷐࠍḩߚߔߚߦࡕࠫࡘ࡞ᢎ⢒߳ߩォ ឵ࠍଦㅴޔԙᢎ⢒ᐲߣഭᏒ႐ߩදജ㑐ଥߩᒝൻޔԚ⧯ᐕጀߩ㓹↪ࠍ㜞ࠆߚߩᖱႎᛛ ⴚࠍ߃ߚੱ᧚㐿⊒߇ޔㅴࠄࠇߡࠆޕ 㧔㧟㧕ᚒ߇࿖េഥ╷ߣߩ㑐ㅪޔ࿖ᬺታᣉ⸘↹ߩ⟎ઃߌ JICA ߪ࠻࡞ࠦ࿖ᬺታᣉ⸘↹ߦ߅ߡޟਛㅴ࿖ߦะߌߚੱ᧚⢒ᚑࠍޠេഥ㊀ὐಽ㊁ߩ 1 ߟߣߒߡޔ ޟᛛⴚᢎ⢒ᡷༀࡊࡠࠣࡓࠍޠታᣉߒߡࠆޕหࡊࡠࠣࡓߪ↥ޔᬺ⇇ߢ᳞ࠄࠇ ࠆਛၷᛛⴚ⠪ࠍ⢒ᚑߔࠆߚ ߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔTVET ᡷༀࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒߚ߽ߩߢࠆޕ2001 ᐕ߆ࠄ 2006 ᐕߦ߆ߌߡޔᛛⴚදജࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⥄ޟേᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ᡷༀ⸘↹߇ޠታᣉߐࠇ࠻࠽ࠕޔ ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞ߮ࠦࡦࡗᩞߦ᥉ࡕ࠺࡞ߣߒߡߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼߇ᣂ⸳ߐࠇߚޕ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߢ⸳┙ߐࠇߚ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ࠍઁߩࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ 20 ᩞߦ᥉ߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒߡޔTTC ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃታᣉࠍ⏕┙ߔࠆޕ ࠻࡞ࠦ㊄ዻຠㅧᬺ⠪⚵ว㧔MESS㧕ߦࠃࠆੱ᧚㔛ⷐ⺞ᩏ㧔2004 ᐕ㧕ޔਛዊડᬺ㐿⊒ᯏ᭴㧔KOSGEB㧕 ߦࠃࠆੱ᧚㔛ⷐ⺞ᩏ㧔2005 ᐕ㧕ޔEU ߩᡰេࠍฃߌታᣉߐࠇߡࠆ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ᐲᒝൻ⸘↹㧔MEGEP㧕ߦ ࠃࠆੱ᧚㔛ⷐ⺞ᩏ㧔2005 ᐕ㧕ߦ߅ߡޔᓮᛛⴚࠍ߃ߚੱ᧚ߩਇ⿷߇ᜰ៰ߐࠇߡࠆޕ 5 ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭߇⎇ୃ੍▚ࠍ㈩ಽߒ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔᩞ TTC ߇⎇ୃࡊࡠࠣࡓࠍ⸘↹߮ታᣉߔࠆޕTTC ߪޔ ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߩઃዻᯏ㑐ߩ 1 ߟߢࠆߎߣ߆ࠄޔหᩞߩᩞ㐳߮ᩞ㐳߇ㆇ༡▤ℂࠍⴕ߁ޕ 4 - 188 - 㧠㧚දജߩᨒ⚵ߺ 㧔㧝㧕දജߩ⋡ᮡ㧔ࠕ࠙࠻ࠞࡓ㧕 㧝㧕දജ⚳ੌᤨߩ㆐ᚑ⋡ᮡ㧔ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡ㧕 TTC ߦ߅ߌࠆᢎຬ⎇ୃࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ߇⏕┙ߐࠇࠆޕ ᜰᮡ⋡ᮡ୯ 6 Ԙ ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡ ⎇ୃฃ⻠⠪ߩ߁ߜޔXX㧑એ߇⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᬺߦ TTC ߩ⎇ୃ߇ታ㓙ߦᓎ┙ ߟߣ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ฃ⻠↢ߩ XX%߇⎇ୃࠦࠬࠍୃੌߔࠆޕ ⎇ୃୃੌ⹜㛎ߩᐔဋὐ ԙ ࡦ࠲ㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡ ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩㆇ༡ᚻ㗅߇ቯࠄࠇࠆޕ ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩ⸘↹࿁ᢙߦኻߔࠆታᣉ࿁ᢙ Ԛ TTC 㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹ߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡ TTC 㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹߇࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߦࠃࠅࠄࠇࠆޕ 㧞㧕දജ⚳ੌᓟߦ㆐ᚑ߇ᦼᓙߐࠇࠆ⋡ᮡ㧔⋡ᮡ㧕 ᥉ᩞߦ߅ߡ⥄േᓮᛛⴚߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵߇ലߦታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ ᜰᮡ⋡ᮡ୯ ᐕ㑆 XX ੱߩቇ↢߇⥄േᓮቇ⑼ࠍතᬺߔࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕ᚑᨐ㧔ࠕ࠙࠻ࡊ࠶࠻㧕ߣᵴേ ᚑᨐ㧝 ᢎຬ⎇ୃ⸘↹߇ᚑߐࠇࠆޕ ᵴേ㧦 1-1 ᥉ᩞߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩ⁁ߦߟߡ⺞ࡦࠗࠬࡌޔᩏ߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆޕ 1-2 TTC ߩㆇ༡߇⋥ߐࠇࠆޕ 1-3 ⴕߩਛᦼᢎຬ⎇ୃ⸘↹(2006-2011)߇ᡷ⸓ߐࠇࠆޕ 1-4 ࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻߇ᚑߐࠇࠆޕ 1-5 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬ߇⸳ቯߐࠇࠆޕ 1-6 ᢎຬ⎇ୃ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻߇ᚑߐࠇࠆޕ ᚑᨐ 2 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬ߇ታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ ᵴേ㧦 2-1 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߦታ⠌ᯏ᧚߇ᢛߐࠇࠆޕ 2-2 ⎇ୃฃ⻠⠪ߦኻߔࠆ೨⺑߇ታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ 2-3 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬ߇ታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ 2-4 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߔࠆࡒ࠽߇ታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ ᚑᨐ 3 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩ⹏ଔ߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆޕ 6 ᜰᮡਛߩᢙ୯ߦߟߡߪ⺞ࡦࠗࠬࡌޔᩏߩ⚿ᨐࠍ߰߹߃৻╙ޔ࿁วห⺞ᢛળ⼏ߦ߅ߡቯߔࠆޕ - 189 - ᵴേ㧦 3-1 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩ⹏ଔၮḰ߮⹏ଔᚻᴺ߇⸳ቯߐࠇࠆޕ 3-2 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߦኻߔࠆ⹏ଔ߇ㆡಾߦታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ 3-3 ᥉ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᬺ߮ㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߒޕࠆࠇࠊⴕ߇ࠣࡦ࠲࠾ࡕޔ 3-4 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬ߅ࠃ߮⎇ୃ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ⋥ߒ߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆޕ ᚑᨐ 4 TTC ߩ⸘↹╷ቯᯏ⢻߇ᒝൻߐࠇࠆޕ ᵴേ㧦 4-1 TTC ߩਛ㐳ᦼ⊛ᓎഀ߇․ቯߐࠇࠆޕ 4-2 TTC ߩ㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹߇ᚑߐࠇࠆޕ 㧔㧟㧕ᛩ㧔ࠗࡦࡊ࠶࠻㧕 Ԙ ᣣᧄ㧔✚㗵 3.4 ం㧕 ኾ㐷ኅᵷ㆜ޔଏਈᯏ᧚ୃ⎇ޔຬฃߌࠇޔᄖᬺᒝൻ⚻⾌ ԙ ࠻࡞ࠦ࿖㧔✚㗵 2.5 ం㧕 ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻ੱઙ⾌ޔᣉ⸳ᚻ㈩ୃ⎇ޔታᣉ⚻⾌ ╬ 㧔㧠㧕ᄖㇱⷐ࿃㧔ḩߚߐࠇࠆߴ߈ᄖㇱ᧦ઙ㧕 Ԙ ೨ឭ᧦ઙ TTC ߩㆇ༡੍▚߇ㆡಾߦ㈩ಽߐࠇࠆޕ ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻߇ᚲⷐੱᢙ㈩ዻߐࠇࠆޕ ԙ ᚑᨐ㆐ᚑߩߚߩᄖㇱ᧦ઙ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎຬ߇ㆡᤨ㈩⟎ߐࠇࠆޕ Ԛ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡ㆐ᚑߩߚߩᄖㇱ᧦ઙ ᄢඨߩࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻߇⇣േߒߥޕ ԛ ⋡ᮡ㆐ᚑߩߚߩᄖㇱ᧦ઙ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼߳ߩቇ⠪ᢙ߇ᄢߦᷫዋߒߥޕ 㧡㧚⹏ଔ 5 㗄⋡ߦࠃࠆ⹏ଔ⚿ᨐ 㧔㧝㧕ᅷᒰᕈ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩᅷᒰᕈߪએਅߩὐ߆ࠄ㜞ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ ࠻࡞ࠦᐭߩਛᦼ㐿⊒⸘↹(2007㨪2009 ᐕ)ߦ߅ߡ⾗⊛ੱޔḮߩ㐿⊒ࠍㅢߓߚ㓹↪ᯏળ ߩჇᄢߪਛᦼ㐿⊒⸘↹ߩਥⷐㇱಽߣߒߡ⏕ߦ⟎ઃߌࠄࠇߡࠆޕ ㅧᬺㇱ㐷ߩੱ᧚࠾࠭ߦ㑐ߔࠆฦ⒳⺞ᩏߦࠃࠅޔᓮᛛⴚࠍ߃ߚੱ᧚ߩਇ⿷߇ᜰ៰ ߐࠇߡࠆߎߣ߆ࠄ⥄ޔേᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍⴕ߁ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪࠦ࡞࠻ޔㅧᬺ ߩੱ᧚࠾࠭ߦว⥌ߒߚ߽ߩߣ߃ࠆޕ TTC ߪ 2006 ᐕࠃࠅᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍታᣉߒߡࠆ߽ߩߩᧂߩ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹↪ୃ⎇ޔᚑࠦୃ⎇ޔ ࠬߩㆇ༡ߩᧂᢛ⹏ߩࠬࠦୃ⎇ޔଔᚻᴺߩᧂᢛ╬ߩ㗴ὐ߇ߍࠄࠇߡࠆߚ ࠅࠃߦ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޔTTC ߩ⎇ୃታᣉࠍ⏕┙ߔࠆߎߣߪࡊ࡞ࠣ࠻࠶ࠥ࠲ޔ - 190 - ߢࠆ TTC ⎇ୃ⻠Ꮷߩ࠾࠭ߦว⥌ߒߡࠆޕ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔJICA ࿖ᬺታᣉ⸘↹ߩេഥ㊀ὐಽ㊁ޟਛㅴ࿖ߦߌߚੱ᧚⢒ᚑޠ ߦ⟎ߠߌࠄࠇࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕ലᕈ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔએਅߩℂ↱߆ࠄലᕈ߇ㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪ TTC ߦ߅ߌࠆ⎇ୃࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ⏕┙ࠍࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡߣߒߡࠆ߇ޔห ⋡ᮡߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡߣߒߡޔᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡߩઁ࠲ࡦޔㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰ ᮡޔ㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹ߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡ߇⸳ߌࠄࠇߡࠆߚ⋡࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔᮡߪ⏕ߦ⸳ቯ ߐࠇߡࠆޕ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔᢎຬ⎇ୃ⸘↹ߩᚑ߮ታᣉ⹏ޔଔࠍㅢߓߡୃ⎇࠲ࡦޔታᣉ ࠍ⏕┙ߔࠆઁ࠲ࡦޔ㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹ߩᚑࠍㅢߓߡ╷↹⸘࠲ࡦޔቯᯏ⢻ࠍᒝൻ ߔࠆߎߣ߆ࠄ⋡࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔᮡࠍ㆐ᚑߔࠆߚߦචಽߥࠕ࠙࠻ࡊ࠶࠻߇ቯࠄࠇߡ ࠆޕ 㧔㧟㧕ല₸ᕈ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔએਅߩℂ↱߆ࠄല₸⊛ታᣉ߇ㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ TTC ᑪ⸳߮ᯏ᧚⺞㆐ޔ᥉ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᯏ᧚⺞㆐ߪࠦ࡞࠻ޔᐭߩ⥄࿖ ੍▚ߢㅴࠄࠇߡ߅ࠅୃ⎇ߚ߹ޔฃ⻠⠪ߩᣏ⾌╬ୃ⎇ޔታᣉ⚻⾌ߪหߓߊ࠻࡞ࠦᐭߩ ⥄࿖੍▚ߢ⾔ࠊࠇߡࠆߚ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔᵴേߩߚߩ࠻࡞ࠦߩᛩߪㆡಾߦⴕࠊ ࠇࠆߣㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߢ㈩⟎ߐࠇࠆࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻ߪޔ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦ߅ߡ⥄േᓮᛛ ⴚߦ㑐ߔࠆᛛⴚ⒖ォࠍᣣᧄੱኾ㐷ኅ߆ࠄฃߌߡࠆߚޔ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࠃࠅ߽ዋߥ ᣣᧄߩᛩߢࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᵴേߩታᣉ߇น⢻ߣㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߦࠃࠅޔ᥉ᩞ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎຬߪᔅⷐੱᢙ㓹↪ߐࠇߡࠆߚޔᚑᨐ㆐ ᚑߩߚߩᄖㇱ᧦ઙ⥄ޟേᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎຬ߇ㆡᤨ㈩⟎ߐࠇࠆߪޠḩߚߐࠇࠆㄟߺߢ ࠆޕ 㧔㧠㧕ࠗࡦࡄࠢ࠻ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩࠗࡦࡄࠢ࠻ߪޔએਅߩߣ߅ࠅ੍᷹ߐࠇࠆޕ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔ᥉ᩞߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ᢎຬ⚂ 300 ฬࠍኻ⽎ߦᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍታᣉߔࠆߎ ߣࠍਥߥ⋡⊛ߣߒߡࠆ߇⥄ޔേᓮቇ⑼ߩ㓞ធቇ⑼ߢࠆᯏ᪾ቇ⑼ޔ㔚᳇ቇ⑼ࡦࠦޔ ࡇࡘ࠲ቇ⑼╬ߩᢎຬࠍኻ⽎ߣߒߚ⍴ᦼࡒ࠽߽ⴕ߁ 7ޕ ࠻࡞ࠦߪߩ╬࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔ࡞ࡉࡦ࠲ࠬࠗޔᄢㇺᏒࠍߒޔEU ⻉࿖ߣߩ⚿߮ߟ߈߇ᒝߊ Ꮏᬺߩ⊒ዷ߇⪺ߒㇱၞߣޔጊጪᏪߢ⚻ᷣ㐿⊒߆ࠄขࠅᱷߐࠇߚ᧲ㇱၞߣߩ 㑆ߢᄢ߈ߥ⚻ᷣᩰᏅ߇ࠆ᧲ޔߪ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޕㇱၞࠍోࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖߆ࠄㆬቯ ߐࠇߚ᥉ᩞ 20 ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼⸳┙ࠍᡰេߔࠆߎߣ߆ࠄࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖ౝߩၞ㑆 㓞ធቇ⑼ߩᢎຬߩౝ⸶ߪᰴߩߣ߅ࠅޕ㔚᳇㔚ሶቇ⑼ 5,548 ฬ࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦޔቇ⑼ 1,964 ฬޔᯏ᪾ቇ⑼ 2,591 ฬ㧔࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ ↥ᬺᛛⴚᢎ⢒⡯ᬺ⸠✵✚ዪ㧕ޕ 7 - 191 - ᩰᏅᤚᱜߦ߽⽸₂ߔࠆ߽ߩߣㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ 㧔㧡㧕⥄┙⊒ዷᕈ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩ⥄┙⊒ዷᕈߪޔએਅߩℂ↱߆ࠄ㜞ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ ࠻࡞ࠦ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪ⥄࿖੍▚ߢ TTC ᑪ⸳ޔ᥉ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᯏ᧚⺞㆐ࠍㅴ ޔ2006 ᐕߦᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍ⁛⥄ߦ㐿ᆎߒߡࠆߎߣ߆ࠄޔห⋭ߪᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦᒝࠗ ࠾ࠪࠕ࠹ࠖࡉࠍߒߡࠆޕ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦ߅ߡޔᣣᧄੱኾ㐷ኅߪ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹࡞ࡘࠫࡕޔ߮ᢎຬ⎇ୃ↪࠹ࠠ ࠬ࠻ᚑ߮ࡦ࠲ㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߔࠆഥ⸒╬ࠦ࡞࠻ޔߦࠃࠆࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᵴേߩ㕙ᡰ េࠍⴕ߁ߚࠦ࡞࠻ޔߩࠝ࠽ࠪ࠶ࡊߪ⏕ߐࠇߡࠆޕ 㧢㧚⽺࿎ࠫࠚࡦ࠳ⅣႺ╬߳ߩ㈩ᘦ ࠻࡞ࠦߪߩ╬࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔ࡞ࡉࡦ࠲ࠬࠗޔᄢㇺᏒࠍߒޔEU ⻉࿖ߣߩ⚿߮ߟ߈߇ᒝߊ Ꮏᬺߩ⊒ዷ߇⪺ߒㇱၞߣޔጊጪᏪߢ⚻ᷣ㐿⊒߆ࠄขࠅᱷߐࠇߚ᧲ㇱၞߣߩ㑆ߢᄢ߈ ߥ⚻ᷣᩰᏅ߇ࠆ᧲ޔߪ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޕㇱၞࠍోࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖߆ࠄㆬቯߐࠇߚ᥉ᩞ 20 ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼⸳┙ࠍᡰេߔࠆߎߣ߆ࠄࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖ౝߩၞ㑆ᩰᏅᤚᱜߦ㈩ᘦߒ ߚ߽ߩߣ߃ࠆޕ ߹ߚࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޔ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ᢎຬߩ߁ߜޔ2 ฬ߇ᅚᕈߢࠆ߇ޔ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦ߅ߌࠆ⎇ୃ⻠Ꮷߩㆬቯߢߪߦࠬࡦࡃ࠳ࡦࠚࠫޔ㈩ᘦߔࠆߎߣߣߔࠆޕ 㧣㧚ㆊߩ㘃ૃ᩺ઙ߆ࠄߩᢎ⸠ߩᵴ↪ ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⥄ޟേᓮᛛⴚᡷༀ⸘↹㧔2006 ᐕ 4 ⚳ੌ㧕ߢߪ⥄ޔേᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎ⑼ᦠ ߇㐿⊒ߐࠇߚ߇ޔᢎ⑼ᦠᚑᤨߩᬺ⽶⩄߇ᄢ߈ߥ߽ߩߣߥߞߚߚޔหᬺ⽶⩄߳ߩ㈩ᘦ߇ ᔅⷐߣߩᢎ⸠߇ߍࠄࠇߚ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹࡞ࡘࠫࡕߪ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޕ߮ᢎຬ⎇ୃ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ ߩᚑࠍᵴേߦࠎߢࠆ߇࠻ࠬࠠ࠹࡞ࡘࠫࡕޔᚑߪᣢߦࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻ߦࠃߞߡ⌕ ᚻߐࠇߡࠆߚޔᣣᧄੱኾ㐷ኅߪᔅⷐߥഥ⸒ࠍⴕ߁ޔߚ߹ޕᢎຬ⎇ୃ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪޔ೨ࡊࡠ ࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߢ㐿⊒ߐࠇߚᢎ⑼ᦠ╬ޔᣢሽߩᢥ₂⾗ᢱࠍᵴ↪ߒߟߟޔᚑߔࠆߎߣߣߔࠆޕ 㧤㧚ᓟߩ⹏ଔ⸘↹ 2009 ᐕ 2 ਛ㑆⹏ଔ⺞ᩏ 2010 ᐕ 2 ⚳ੌᤨ⹏ଔ⺞ᩏ - 192 - 䋴㪅䇭䊒䊨䉳䉢䉪䊃䊶䊄䉨䊠䊜䊮䊃 ઃዻ⾗ᢱ 4 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ࠻㧔ᢥ㧕 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ࠻ ࠻࡞ࠦ⥄േᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒᥉⸘↹ᒝൻࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ 㧔╙ 㧕 ᐕ - 193 - ᵈ㧕ᧄ࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ࠻ߪࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖ᐭ㑐ଥᒰዪߣ JICA ߩวหߢᚑߐࠇߚ ࡔࡘࠠ࠼ᧄޕ ࡦ࠻ߪߩ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔ⢛᥊߮ၮᧄ⸘↹ࠍ␜ߒߚ߽ߩߢࠅ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔᵴേߩㅴ ߦޔᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡㆡቱ⋥ߐࠇࠆޕ - 194 - ⋡ ᰴ ⇛⺆ ⋡ ᰴ ╙㧝┨ ᐨ ╙㧞┨ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ታᣉߩ⢛᥊ 㧞㧙㧝 ␠ળ⚻ᷣᖱ 㧞㧙㧞 ᢎ⢒ࠢ࠲ోߩ⁁ᴫ 㧞㧙㧞㧙㧝 ᢎ⢒ᐲߣᢎ⢒ⴕ 㧞㧙㧞㧙㧞 ৻⥸ᢎຬ⎇ୃ 㧞㧙㧟 ᢎ⢒ಽ㊁ߩᐭ㐿⊒ᣇ㊎ 㧞㧙㧠 㑐ㅪࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ 㧞㧙㧠㧙㧝 ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ᐲᒝൻ⸘↹ 㧞㧙㧠㧙㧞 ઁߩ࠼࠽ߦࠃࠆ㑐ㅪࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ ╙㧟┨ 㐿⊒⺖㗴↥ޟᬺੱ᧚⢒ᚑ⺖ߣ⁁ߩޠ㗴 㧟㧙㧝 㐿⊒⺖㗴↥ޟᬺੱ᧚⢒ᚑ ⁁ߩޠ 㧟㧙㧝㧙㧝 ⥄േᓮᛛⴚߦ㑐ߔࠆੱ᧚㔛ⷐ 㧟㧙㧝㧙㧞 ࠻࡞ࠦߦ߅ߌࠆᣣ♽ડᬺߩᵴേ 㧟㧙㧞 ↥ᬺᛛⴚᢎ⢒ߩᐲ⊛ᨒ⚵ߺ 㧟㧙㧞㧙㧝 ࠻࡞ࠦߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼᥉⸘↹ 㧟㧙㧞㧙㧞 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩ᥉ᩞ 㧟㧙㧞㧙㧟 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩጁୃࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ 㧟㧙㧟 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߩ⁁ߣ⺖㗴 㧟㧙㧟㧙㧝 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߩ⁁ 㧟㧙㧟㧙㧞 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߩ⺖㗴 ╙㧠┨ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᚢ⇛ 㧠㧙㧝 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᚢ⇛ߩⷐ 㧠㧙㧝㧙㧝 ࠕࡊࡠ࠴ߩㆬᛯ 㧠㧙㧝㧙㧞 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࠨࠗ࠻ 㧠㧙㧞 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩታᣉ 㧠㧙㧞㧙㧝 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ታᣉᯏ㑐 㧠㧙㧞㧙㧞 ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻ߩ㈩⟎ ╙㧡┨ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩၮᧄ⸘↹ 㧡㧙㧝 ⋡ᮡ - 195 - 㧡㧙㧞 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡ 㧡㧙㧟 ᚑᨐߣᵴേ 㧡㧙㧠 ᵴേ⸘↹㧔21㧕 㧡㧙㧡 ᛩ 㧡㧙㧡㧙㧝 ࠻࡞ࠦᛩ 㧡㧙㧡㧙㧞 ᣣᧄᛩ 㧡㧙㧢 ᄖㇱ᧦ઙ߮೨ឭ᧦ઙ 㧡㧙㧢㧙㧝 ᄖㇱ᧦ઙ 㧡㧙㧢㧙㧞 ೨ឭ᧦ઙ ╙㧢┨ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩታᣉᅷᒰᕈ 㧢㧙㧝 ᅷᒰᕈ 㧢㧙㧞 ലᕈ 㧢㧙㧟 ല₸ᕈ 㧢㧙㧠 ࠗࡦࡄࠢ࠻ 㧢㧙㧡 ⥄┙⊒ዷᕈ 㧢㧙㧢 ⚿⺰ ╙㧣┨ ࡕ࠾࠲ࡦࠣߣ⹏ଔ 㧣㧙㧝 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࡑࡀࠫࡔࡦ࠻ߩ⇐ᗧὐ 㧣㧙㧞 ࡕ࠾࠲ࡦࠣ⸘↹ - 196 - ╙㧝┨ ᐨ 1990 ᐕઍએ㒠ߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖᳃⚻ᷣߪᕆᚑ㐳ࠍ⛯ߌߡࠆޕ1990 ᐕઍߪ৻╙ޔᰴḧጯᚢޔ 㜞ࠗࡦࡈߩࠕࠪࡠޔᴦ⚻ᷣෂᯏߥߤߦ߽߆߆ࠊࠄߕޔGDP ߩᐕ㑆ᚑ㐳ߪᐔဋ 3㧑ࠍ߃ߚޕ 2001 ᐕߦߪᄢ߈ߥ⚻ᷣෂᯏ߇ࠅࡑࠗ࠽ࠬᚑ㐳ߣߥߞߚ߇ߩߘޔᓟߪ 6㧑㧔2003 ᐕ㧕߆ࠄ 9㧑 㧔2004 ᐕ㧕ߣ GDP ߩᚑ㐳߇⛽ᜬߐࠇߡࠆޕㅧᬺࠢ࠲ߩ GDP ⽸₂₸ߪ 1990 ᐕ 22.4%ޔ 1995 ᐕ 23.8%ޔ2000 ᐕ 23.8%㧔1995 ᐕߣห₸㧕߮ 2004 ᐕ 25.1%ߢߞߚࠆࠇߐ␜ߦߎߎޕ ࠃ߁ߦߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖᳃⚻ᷣߩ߶߷ 4 ಽߩ 1 ߪㅧᬺࠢ࠲ߦࠃߞߡᜂࠊࠇߡࠆޕ ࠻࡞ࠦ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪޔᓮᛛⴚࠍ߃ߚੱ᧚⢒ᚑߩߚޔᣣᧄߩᡰេߦࠃࠅ 2001 ᐕ߆ࠄ 2006 ᐕߦ߆ߌߡታᣉߐࠇߚ⥄ޟേᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ᡷༀ⸘↹ޠ㧔ᛛⴚදജࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻㧕ߦ߅ߡࠕޔ ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞ߮ࠦࡦࡗᩞߦ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ࠍ⸳┙ߒߚ⥄ޕേᓮቇ⑼ߩࠞ ࠠࡘࡓߪࠍࠢࡢ࠻࠶ࡀ࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦߣࠬࠢ࠾ࡠ࠻ࠞࡔޔਥⷐಽ㊁ߣߒߡޔฦ⒳ᓮᛛⴚ ߩ♽ൻࠍ࿑ߞߚ߽ߩߢࠆࠦ࡞࠻ޕ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪ⥄ޟޔേᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ᡷༀ⸘↹ߩޠᚑᨐࠍ ฃߌߡࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖ౝฦߩࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ 20 ᩞߦ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ࠍ⸳ߌࠆߣߣ߽ߦ࠭ࠗޔ ࡒ࡞ᩞߩઃዻᣉ⸳ߣߒߡᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲㧔TTC㧕ࠍ⸳┙ߒޔᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍታᣉߔࠆ╬⥄ޔേ ᓮᛛⴚߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ߩ᥉ࠍ࿑ߞߡࠆޕ ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞ TTC ߪ 2006 ᐕߦᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍ㐿ᆎߒߚ߇↪ୃ⎇ޔᢎ᧚ߩᧂᚑߩࠬࠦୃ⎇ޔ ㆇ༡ߩᧂᢛ⹏ߩࠬࠦୃ⎇ޔଔᚻᴺߩᧂᢛ╬ߩ⺖㗴߇ߍࠄࠇߡࠆޕ ⥄േᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ߩ᥉ߩߚޔ2005 ᐕ 8 ߦ࠻࡞ࠦᐭߪ⥄ޟേᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒᥉⸘↹ޠ ߦߟߡޔᚒ߇࿖ߦදജࠍⷐ⺧ߒߚޕ2006 ᐕ 1 ߆ࠄ 3 ߦ߆ߌߡޔJICA ߪ⥄േᓮቇ⑼߇ ᣂ⸳ߐࠇࠆ 20 ᩞߩ߁ߜޔ4 ᩞߩࠆㇺᏒߦߟߡ㧔ࠕࡦࠞࠥޔࠨ࡞ࡉޔ࡞ࡅࠚࠪࠠࠬࠛޔ ࡉ㧕࠻ࡦ࠲࡞ࠨࡦࠦ࡞ࠞࡠޔ߮ᧄ㇌ࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠲ࡦ࠻ߦࠃࠅ⺞࠭࠾᧚ੱޔᩏࠍⴕߞߚޕ 2007 ᐕ 1 ߦߪ೨⹏ଔ⺞ᩏ࿅ࠍᵷ㆜ߒߩ⺧ⷐޔኻ⽎ߣߥߞߚ⥄ޟേᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒᥉⸘↹ޠ ߩᬺታᣉߦଥࠆ⻉᧦ઙࠍ⺞ᩏߔࠆߣߣ߽ߦߦ↹⸘࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔ㑐ߒߡ࠻࡞ࠦᐭߣၮᧄ⊛ ߥวᗧࠍᒻᚑߒߚޕ ᧄ࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ࠻ߪࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖ᐭ㑐ଥᒰዪߣ JICA ߩวหߢᚑߐࠇߚࡦࡔࡘࠠ࠼ᧄޕ ࠻ߪߩ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔ⢛᥊߮ၮᧄ⸘↹ࠍ␜ߒߚ߽ߩߢࠅ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔᵴേߩㅴߦޔ ᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡㆡቱ⋥ߐࠇࠆޕ - 197 - ╙㧞┨ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ታᣉߩ⢛᥊ 㧞㧙㧝␠ળ⚻ᷣᖱ 㧔㧝㧕␠ળᖱ 2000 ᐕࡦࠨࠬߢߪੱ✚ߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔญߪ 6,780 ਁੱߢޔએ೨ࠃࠅੱญჇട₸ߩૐᷫ߇ࠄࠇ ࠆ߽ߩߩޔ2000 ᐕߢჇട₸ߪ 1.83%ߩ᳓Ḱߦߞߚ⚻ޕᷣᚑ㐳ߦߞߡੱޔญߩㇺᏒㇱ߳ߩᵹ ߇㗼⪺ߣߥࠅޔ1960 ᐕߦߪㇺᏒㇱ 32㧑ޔㄘㇱ 68%ߢߞߚੱญߩഀว߇ޔ2000 ᐕߦߪㇺ Ꮢㇱ 65㧑ޔㄘㇱ 35㧑ߣㅒォߒߡࠆ⚿ߩߎޕᨐޔㇺᏒㇱߣᣇߢᚲᓧᩰᏅ߇↢ߓߡࠆޕ ᄬᬺ₸ߪ 12.4%㧔2004 ᐕ㧕ߣ㜞ᱛ߹ࠅߢࠆ⧯ߦ․ޕᐕጀߩᄬᬺ₸߇㜞ߎߣ߽ߞߡޔᷓ ೞߥ␠ળ㗴ߣߥߞߡࠆޕ2000 ᐕࡦࠨࠬߩ⚿ᨐߦࠃࠇ߫৻ޔᰴ↥ᬺᓥ⠪ᢙࠍߚ㓹↪ ੱญߪ࠻࡞ࠦో࿖ߢ 25,997 ਁੱߢࠆ⚻ޕᷣᵴേߦߚ㓹↪ੱญߩഀวߪᰴ࿑ߦ␜ߔࠃ߁ߦ Ꮊߦࠃߞߡᄢ߈ߊ⇣ߥࠆޕ ࿑ 㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧䊌䉟䊨䉾䊃Ꮊ䈱⚻ᷣᵴേ㓹↪ੱญ㪃㩷㪉㪇㪇㪇ᐕ 㪤㫌㫊 㪪㪸㫅㫃㭧㫌㫉㪽㪸 㪤㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅 㪢㪸㫉㫊 㪭㪸㫅 㪫㫉㪸㪹㫑㫆㫅 㪤㪸㫃㪸㫋㫐㪸 㪛㫀㫐㪸㫉㪹㪸㫂㭧㫉 㪪㪸㫄㫊㫌㫅 㪢㫆㫅㫐㪸 㪜㫉㫑㫌㫉㫌㫄 㪤㪸㫅㫀㫊㪸 㪱㫆㫅㪾㫌㫃㪻㪸㫂 㪜㫃㪸㫑㭧㪾 㪠㬝㪼㫃㩷㩿㪤㪼㫉㫊㫀㫅㪀 㪠㫊㫇㪸㫉㫋㪸 㪤㫌㪾㫃㪸 㪛㪼㫅㫀㫑㫃㫀 㪘㫅㫋㪸㫃㫐㪸 㪫㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㪫㫌㫉㫂㪼㫐 㪢㪸㫐㫊㪼㫉㫀 㪘㪻㪸㫅㪸 㪢㪸㫉㪸㪹㬲㫂 㪞㪸㫑㫀㪸㫅㫋㪼㫇 㪢㫆㪺㪸㪼㫃㫀 㪫㪼㫂㫀㫉㪻㪸㪾 㪜㫊㫂㫀㫊㪼㪿㫀㫉 㪙㫌㫉㫊㪸 㪠㫑㫄㫀㫉 㪘㫅㫂㪸㫉㪸 㪠㫊㫋㪸㫅㪹㫌㫃 㪘㪾㫉㫀㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㪃㩷㪽㫆㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫐㪃㩷㪿㫌㫅㫋㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪽㫀㫊㪿㫀㫅㪾 㪤㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫈㫌㪸㫉㫉㫐㫀㫅㪾 㪤㪸㫅㫌㪽㪸㪺㫋㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㪾㪸㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫎㪸㫋㪼㫉 㪚㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪮㪿㫆㫃㪼㫊㪸㫃㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㫋㪸㫀㫃㩷㫋㫉㪸㪻㪼㪃㩷㫉㪼㫊㫋㪸㫌㫉㪸㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪿㫆㫋㪼㫃㫊 㪫㫉㪸㫅㫊㫇㫆㫉㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫊㫋㫆㫉㪸㪾㪼 㪝㫀㫅㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㫉㪼㪸㫃㩷㪼㫊㫋㪸㫋㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪹㫌㫊㫀㫅㪼㫊㫊㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㫊㫆㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊 㪇㩼 㪈㪇㩼 㪉㪇㩼 㪊㪇㩼 㪋㪇㩼 㪌㪇㩼 㪍㪇㩼 㪎㪇㩼 㪏㪇㩼 㪐㪇㩼 㪈㪇㪇㩼 ᚲ㧦”General Censuses of Population”, 2000 ㅧᬺ㓹↪ੱญߩഀวࠍࠆߣ࡞ࡉࡦ࠲ࠬࠗޔᎺߢߪ 32.9%ߩߣߎࠈ᧲ޔㇱߩࡢࡦᎺߢߪ 2.7%ߣૐޕㅧᬺ㓹↪ੱญߩഀวߩో࿖ᐔဋߪ 12.6%ߢࠍࠇߎޔᄢ߈ߊਅ࿁ࠆᎺߪ᧲ㇱߣ᧲ ධㇱࠍਛᔃߦࠄࠇࠆ⺞ᧄޕᩏߩኻ⽎ߦ߹ࠇࠆ 20 ᩞߩࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ߇ᚲߔࠆᎺߩ 㑆ߦ߽ߎߩࠃ߁ߥ㆑߇ሽߔࠆ ߩߎޕ20 Ꮊߩౝޔㅧᬺ㓹↪ੱญߩഀว߇ో࿖ᐔဋࠍ࿁ ࠆᎺߪࠗࠬ࠲ࡦࡉ࡞ࠫࠟޔࠛࡖࠫࠦޔࠣ࠶࠳ࠠ࠹ޔ࡞ࠪࠠࠬࠛޔࠨ࡞ࡉޔࠞࡦࠕޔ ࠕࡦ࠹࠶ࡊ࠽࠳ࠕޔ߮ࠞࠗߩ 9 Ꮊߢޔᱷࠅߩࠕࡦ࠲࡞ࡗ࠭࡞ࠛޔࡦࠪ࡞ࡔޔࠬ࠾࠺ޔ - 198 - ࡓࡦࡢޔࡗ࠻ࡑޔࡗࡦࠦޔ߮ࠨࡦ࡞ࡈࠔߩ 8 Ꮊߪో࿖ᐔဋࠍਅ࿁ࠆߚ߹ޕ࿑ߦ߹ ࠇߥࠕࡈࠖࠝࡦࡑࡦࡑࠞޔ߮ࠝ࡞࠼࠙ߩ 3 Ꮊ߽ో࿖ᐔဋࠍਅ࿁ࠆޕએߩ⁁ᴫߪޔਥ ⷐ↥ᬺ߇ㇱࡑ࡞ࡑၞߦ㓸ਛߒ᧲ޔㇱ߮᧲ධㇱߩ⚻ᷣ⊒ዷ߇ㆃࠇߡࠆߚߢࠆߎޕ ߩࠃ߁ߥ᧲ߩ⚻ᷣᩰᏅߪ࿖ኅ╷ߩᄢ߈ߥ⺖㗴ߩ৻ߟߣߥߞߡࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕⚻ᷣᖱ 1990 ᐕઍએ㒠ߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖᳃⚻ᷣߪᕆᚑ㐳ࠍ⛯ߌߡࠆޕ1990 ᐕઍߪ৻╙ޔᰴḧጯᚢޔ 㜞ࠗࡦࡈߩࠕࠪࡠޔᴦ⚻ᷣෂᯏߥߤߦ߽߆߆ࠊࠄߕޔGDP ߩᐕ㑆ᚑ㐳ߪᐔဋ 3㧑ࠍ߃ߚޕ 2001 ᐕߦߪᄢ߈ߥ⚻ᷣෂᯏ߇ࠅࡑࠗ࠽ࠬᚑ㐳ߣߥߞߚ߇ߩߘޔᓟߪ 6㧑㧔2003 ᐕ㧕߆ࠄ 9㧑 㧔2004 ᐕ㧕ߣ GDP ߩᚑ㐳߇⛽ᜬߐࠇߡࠆޕㅧᬺࠢ࠲ߩ GDP ⽸₂₸ߪ 1990 ᐕ 22.4%ޔ 1995 ᐕ 23.8%ޔ2000 ᐕ 23.8%㧔1995 ᐕߣห₸㧕߮ 2004 ᐕ 25.1%ߢߞߚࠆࠇߐ␜ߦߎߎޕ ࠃ߁ߦߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖᳃⚻ᷣߩ߶߷ 4 ಽߩ 1 ߪㅧᬺࠢ࠲ߦࠃߞߡᜂࠊࠇߡࠆޕ ࠻࡞ࠦߩਥⷐ⚻ᷣᜰᮡ x x x x x x x GNP㧦2,995 ం࠼࡞㧔1 ੱᒰߚࠅ㧦4,172 ࠼࡞㧕㧔2004 ᐕ㧕 ⋧႐㧦1 ࠼࡞㧩⚂ 1.40YTL㧔ᣂ࠻࡞ࠦޔ2007 ᐕ 1 㧕 ⚻ᷣᚑ㐳₸㧦9.9㧑㧔2004 ᐕ㧕㧔2005 ᐕᐭㅢߒߪ 5.0㧑㧕 ࠗࡦࡈ₸㧦9.2㧑㧔2004 ᐕ㧕㧔2005 ᐕ⋡ᮡߪ 8㧑㧕 ᄖ⽻Ḱ㜞㧦⚂ 536 ం࠼࡞㧔2004 ᐕᧃ㧕 ௌോᱷ㜞㧦ኻ GNP Ყ 60.0㧑㧔2005 ᐕᐭㅢߒޕ2004 ᐕᧃߪ 63.5㧑㧕 ⷰశቴᢙ㧦1,751 ਁੱ㧔2004 ᐕޔ೨ᐕᲧ 25㧑Ⴧ㧕 ᚲ䋺ᄖോ⋭䇸䊃䊦䉮ᴫ䇹䇮2006 ᐕ 1 䇮ઁ 㧞㧙㧞 ᢎ⢒ࠢ࠲ోߩ⁁ᴫ 㧞㧙㧞㧙㧝 ᢎ⢒ᐲߣᢎ⢒ⴕ ೋ╬ᢎ⢒߆ࠄ㜞╬ᢎ⢒߹ߢߩ࠻࡞ࠦߩቇࠍ࿑ 2 ߦ␜ߔޕೋ╬ᢎ⢒߆ࠄ㜞╬ᢎ⢒߹ߢߩᢎ⢒ ⴕߪ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭㧔MoNE㧕ߦࠃࠅⴕࠊࠇߡࠆޕ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߩ⚵❱࿑ࠍ࿑ 3 ߦ␜ߔޕਛ╬ᢎ ⢒ߪ᥉ㅢᢎ⢒ߣ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒ߦᄢߐࠇࠆޕਛ╬ࡌ࡞ߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒ߪᎿᬺಽ㊁ߣᬺⷰశᬺಽ㊁ ╬ߩ㜞ᩞߢ᭴ᚑߐࠇࠆޕ2005/06 ቇᐕᐲ㧔9 㐿ᆎ㧕ߦ߅ߡࠄࠇߎޔ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒ಽ㊁ߩ㜞ᩞߪ࠻ ࡞ࠦో࿖ߢ 4,029 ᩞࠍᢙ߃ࠆߩߘޕౝޔᎿᬺಽ㊁ߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒ߪ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߩᛛⴚ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒✚ዪ 㧔General Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education: GDTVE㧕߇ᜂᒰߒߡࠆޕGDTVE ߩ ⚵❱࿑ࠍ࿑ 4 ߦ␜ߔޕGDTVE ߪࠕ࠽࠻ࠕᎿᬺ㜞ᩞ㧔Anadol Teknik Lisesi: ATL㧕ࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޔ ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ㧔Anadolu Meslek Lisesi: AML㧕ޔᎿᬺ㜞ᩞ㧔Teknik Lisesi: TL㧕߮⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ㧔Endüstri Meslek Lisesi: EML㧕╬ࠍ▤ロߒߡࠆޕEML ߪਃᐕߢઁߩ㜞ᩞߪ྾ᐕߢࠆ࠻࠽ࠕޕ ࠕߩฬ⒓ࠍߔࠆ㜞ᩞߦߪో࿖ㅢ⹜㛎ࠍߐߥߣቇߢ߈ߕߚ߹ޔᄖ࿖⺆ߩጁୃනᢙ߇ ᄢ߈ޕ2005/06 ቇᐕᐲߦ߅ߌࠆ GDTVE ▤ロߩቇᩞߪ 1,580 ᩞ 1ߢޔቇ↢ᢙߪ 474,715 ੱߢࠆޕ 1 ࠕ࠽࠻ࠕᎿᬺ㜞ᩞߪ 157 ᩞࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޔ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߪ 134 ᩞ㧔1998/99 ቇᐕᐲ㧕 - 199 - ࿑㧞ߩࠦ࡞࠻ޓቇߣᛛⴚ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒✚ዪ㧔GDTVE㧕߇ᚲߔࠆ㜞ᩞ 㜞 ╬ ᢎ ⢒ ਛ ╬ ᢎ ⢒ 㪉㪋 㪉㪇 㪞㪛㪫㪭㪜䈏ᚲ䈜䉎㜞ᩞ䋨䊥䉶䋩䇯 㪉㪊 㪈㪐 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼䈱⸳⟎ኻ⽎ᩞ 㪉㪉 㪈㪏 㪉㪈 㪈㪎 㪉㪇 㪈㪍 㪈㪐 㪈㪌 㪈㪏 㪈㪋 㪈㪎 㪈㪊 㪈㪎 㪈㪉 㪈㪍 㪈㪈 㪈㪌 㪈㪇 㪈㪋 㪐 ᄢቇ 䉝 䊅 䊃 䊥 䉝 Ꮏ ᬺ 㜞 ᩞ ⹜ ೋ ╬ ᢎ ⢒ 㪈㪋 㪏 㪈㪊 㪎 㪈㪉 㪍 㪈㪈 㪌 㪈㪇 㪋 㪐 㪊 㪏 㪉 㪎 㪈 ᐕ 㦂 ቇ ᐕ 䉝 䊅 䊃 䊥 䉝 ⡯ ᬺ 㜞 ᩞ ⡯ ᬺ 㜞 ᩞ Ꮏ ᬺ 㜞 ᩞ 䉝䊅䊃䊥䉝㜞ᩞ䇮䉝䊅䊃 ᥉ㅢ㜞ᩞ䇮⡯ᬺ㜞 䊥䉝ቬᢎ㜞ᩞ䇮䉝䊅䊃䊥 ᩞ䋨ઁ䈱⋭ᐡ䈮䉋䈦 䉝⟤ⴚቇᩞ╬ 䈩▤ロ䋩 ⹜ ೋ╬ᢎ⢒ቇᩞ ዞቇ೨ᢎ⢒䇮ᐜ⒩ᢎ⢒ - 200 - ᓤ ᒉ ⸠ ✵ ᐲ 㩷 㩷 ࿑ ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭⚵❱࿑ ᚲ㧦࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ޔ2006 ᐕ - 201 - ࿑ ᛛⴚ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒✚ዪ⚵❱࿑ DIRECTOR GENERAL HUSEYIN ACIR SECRETARY NURTEN ERGUN DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL HUSAMETTN KAYA NEJDET OZSOY SECRETARY KEZBAN SAHIN DEPARTMENT HEAD DEPARTMENT HEAD DEPARTMENT HEAD CENGIZ ISSEVER YUCEL YUKSEL IHSAN SAVAS SECTION DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATION SECTION DIRECTOR FOR INSERVICE TRANINING AYSE TURNA NURZET AGIRBAS SECTION DIRECTOR FOR BUDGET DURBEY AYDOGAN SECTION DIRECTOR FOR INVESTMENT SECTION DIRECTOR FOR EXTENSIVE VOCATIONAL TRAINING SECTION DIRECTOR FOR PERSONNEL MEHMET ALI ADAK OSMAN IBRIM AYSE IYIGUN SECTION DIRECTOR FOR TEXTBOOKS AND CURRICULUM SECTION DIRECTOR FOR EU AND PROJECTS SECTION DIRECTOR FOR STUDENTS AFFAIRS SERAFETTIN CANKURT NEJMI SAKAOGLU SECTION DIRECTOR FOR TOTAL QUALITY SECTION DIRECTOR FOR LEGAL AFFAIRS AND DOCUMENTATION ZEHRA ADIYAMAN SELMA KEMAL BAYTEKIN SECTION DIRECTOR FOR INSTALLATION BAYRAM GUN SECTION DIRECTOR FOR STATISTICS AND DATA PROCESSING SECTION DIRECTOR FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ALI KOSE YAVUZ ERBAS - 202 - 㧞㧙㧞㧙㧞 ৻⥸ᢎຬ⎇ୃ 㧔㧝㧕ᢎຬੱ ↵ᕈᢎຬߩ⡯ᦼ㒢ߪ 25 ᐕޔᅚᕈᢎຬߪ 20 ᐕߢࠆޕណ↪߆ࠄ 5 ᐕ㑆ߪ ordinary teacherޔ ߘߩᓟ 14 ᐕ㑆ߪ expert teacherߩߘޔᓟ 6 ᐕ㑆ߪ major teacher ߣޔਃᲑ㓏ߩᩰઃߌࠍ⚻ࠆޕฦ Ბ㓏߳ߩᩰߦߪ⹜㛎ࠍޔᩞ㐳⡯ߦߪߦ⹜㛎߇ࠆߥ߁ࠃߩߎޕᩰߦኻᔕߔࠆ⎇ୃ ߪ․ߦሽߒߥ߇ޔᩞ㐳ߣᩞ㐳ࠍኻ⽎ߣߔࠆ▤ℂ⠪⎇ୃߪࠆޕ㑐ㅪᴺⷙ߿ᐲߩᡷᱜ 㗄߇ਥߥ⎇ୃ㗄ߢࠆޕೋߡᩞ㐳ߦߥߞߚੱߦߪ▤ℂ⠪⎇ୃߦఝవ߇ਈ߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕ᢎຬ⎇ୃ ⡯ᢎຬߦኻߒߡޔਥߦᲤᐕߩᄐભߺ╬ભᥜᦼ㑆ਛߦ⎇ୃ߇ታᣉߐࠇߡࠆޕ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ᢎ ຬ⎇ୃㇱ㧔Department of In-service Training㧕߇ᢎຬߩ৻⥸⎇ୃᬺߩ⺞ᢛࠍᜂᒰߒߡࠆ⎇ޕ ୃߩડ↹㧔ಽ㊁ᦼޔ㑆⺖ୃ⎇ޔ㗴㧕ߪฦ✚ዪ߇ࠆ⺖ୃ⎇ޕ㗴ߩ⸘↹ߦ㓙ߒޔᢎຬ߆ࠄߩⷐ ⺧ࠍฃߌߡ⺖㗴ࠍࠆߎߣ߿↥ޔᬺ⇇ߦᛂ⸻ߒᎿ႐ⷞኤࠍ⺖㗴ߣߔࠆߎߣ߽ࠆޕฦ✚ዪߩ ࠙ࠛࡉࠨࠗ࠻ߢ⎇ୃ⸘↹߇⊒ߐࠇߡࠍࠇߎޔᔕߔࠆੱޕ᳇ߩࠆ⺖㗴ߢߪ 40 ੱቯຬߦ ኻߒߡ⚂ජੱߩᔕ߇ߞߚߎߣ߽ࠆߪᤨߥ߁ࠃߩߎޕหߓ⺖㗴ߩ⎇ୃࠍౣᐲ㐿ߒኻᔕߔ ࠆޕฃ⻠⠪ߦߪᢎຬ⎇ୃㇱ߆ࠄୃੌ⸽߇⊒ⴕߐࠇࠆ⥄ޕേᓮቇ⑼ߩ႐วߪޔቇ⑼᥉ߩኻ⽎ 20 ᩞߛߌ߇ᔕน⢻ߢࠆޕ ో࿖ 8 ▎ᚲߩ㜞ᩞࠍ⎇ୃᣉ⸳ߣߒߡ↪ߒߡࠆޕṶ⠌ቶ߇ࠆߎߣ߮ኰᣉ⸳߇ࠆߎߣ ߇↪ߔࠆℂ↱ߢࠆୃ⎇ߥ⊛⥸৻ޕᣉ⸳߇ࠅޔᐲߪ↪น⢻ߢߪࠆ߇ޔṶ⠌ቶ߇ߥ ߩߢ߃ߥޕGDTVE ߢߪ 2006 ᐕߦᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍ 40 ࠦࠬ㐿ߒޔᑧߴ 781 ੱߩ㑐ଥᢎຬ ߇ฃ⻠ߒߚ⺖ୃ⎇ޕ㗴ߣࠦࠬߩᣣᢙࠍઃዻ⾗ᢱ 3 ߦ␜ߔ৻ޕ࿁ 5 ᣣ㑆ޔ15 ੱ߆ࠄ 20 ੱෳട ߩ⎇ୃࠦࠬ߇ᄙޕPLC ޔCNC ޔCAD ޔBasic ⸒⺆ ޔ3D Modeler ߥߤߩ⎇ୃ⺖㗴߇⋡┙ ߟ▤ޕℂ⠪ࠦࠬߪ 6 ࿁㐿ߐࠇޔ275 ੱ߇ෳടߒߚޕ2007 ᐕߪ 89 ઙߩ⎇ୃࠦࠬ㧔VET ᢎ ຬ 82 ઙ▤ޔℂ⠪ 7 ઙ㧕ߦࠃࠅ 1,831 ੱߩ⎇ୃࠍ⸘↹ߒߡࠆޕ 㧞㧙㧟 ᢎ⢒ಽ㊁ߩᐭ㐿⊒ᣇ㊎ ਛᦼ㐿⊒⸘↹㧔2007 ᐕ㨪2009 ᐕ㧕ߢߪ⾗⊛ੱޔḮߩ㐿⊒߇ਥⷐ⋡ᮡߩ৻ߟߣߥߞߡࠆޕ ਛᦼ㐿⊒⸘↹ߢߪޔ㓹↪ᯏળߩჇᄢ⚻ޔᷣߩၞ㑆ᩰᏅߩ✭ޔᢎ⢒ࠢ࠲ߩ㐿⊒ߣ⸒ߞߚ ᭽ߥޘ߆ࠄੱ⊛⾗Ḯߩ㐿⊒߇⋡ᜰߐࠇߡࠆޕ 㓹↪ᯏળჇᄢߩ߆ࠄߚੱ⊛⾗Ḯ㐿⊒ߩߚߩၮᧄ╷ߢߪޔ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ߩಽ㊁ߦ߅ ߡߪޔԘੱ᧚㔛ⷐࠍḩߚߔߚߦࡕࠫࡘ࡞ᢎ⢒߳ߩォ឵ࠍടㅦߔࠆߎߣޔԙᢎ⢒ᐲߣഭ Ꮢ႐ߩදജ㑐ଥࠍᒝൻߔࠆߎߣޔԚ⧯ᐕጀߩ㓹↪ࠍ㜞ࠆߚ㆙㓒ᢎ⢒߮㕖ᑼᢎ⢒ࠍᵴ ↪ߒߡᖱႎᛛⴚಽ㊁ߢߩੱ᧚㐿⊒ࠍᡰេߔࠆߎߣ╬߇ߍࠄࠇߡࠆޕ ⚻ᷣߩၞ㑆ᩰᏅࠍ✭ߔࠆ߆ࠄߪޔၞߩẜ⊛น⢻ᕈ߮ഭജ㔛ⷐߦวࠊߖߡޔ ᬺଦㅴߣഭജߩຠ⾰ะࠍⴕ⚻ߦ․ޔᷣ⊒ዷߩㆃࠇߚၞߦ߅ߡޔၞ․ᕈࠍᒁ߈ ߔߚߩᡰេࠍⴕ߁ߎߣ߇╷⋡ᮡߣߥߞߡࠆޕ ᢎ⢒ࠢ࠲㐿⊒ߩ߆ࠄߪޔԘೋ╬ਛ╬ᢎ⢒ߩ⾰⊛ะࠍ࿑ࠆߚߦࠞࠠࡘࡓࠍᡷ ༀߔࠆߎߣޔԙߘߩߚᢎຬ߮▤ℂ⡯ߩ⎇ୃࠍⴕ߁ߎߣޔԚਛ╬ᢎ⢒ߩ᭴ㅧᡷༀߪቇᩞߩᄙ ᭽ൻߢߪߥߊᢎ⢒ࡊࡠࠣࡓߩᄙ᭽ൻߦၮߠߡⴕ߁ߎߣߚ߹ޔԛᢎ⢒㕙ߢᖱႎᛛⴚߩ㓸⚂⊛ ߆ߟലߥㆡ↪ࠍ࿑ࠆߎߣ߇ޔ╷ᣇ㊎ߣߒߡቯࠄࠇߡࠆޕ - 203 - 㧞㧙㧠 㑐ㅪࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ 㧞㧙㧠㧙㧝 ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ᐲᒝൻ⸘↹ 㧔㧝㧕ቇ⑼ߩౣ✬ᚑߣᢎ⢒ߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞ൻ 2002 ᐕ 9 ߆ࠄ 2007 ᐕ 9 ߹ߢߩ 5 ᐕ㑆ࠍታᣉᦼ㑆ߣߒߡޔ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪ EU ߩᡰេࠍฃ ߌޔ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ᐲᒝൻ⸘↹㧔MEGEP㧕ࠍታᣉਛߢࠆࠅࠃߦ↹⸘ߩߎޕଦㅴߐࠇߚ⡯ᬺᢎ ⢒⸠✵ᡷ㕟ߩ৻ߟߩಽ㊁ߣߒߡޔቇ⑼ߩౣ✬⛔วޔᢎ⢒ౝኈߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞ൻ߮ጁୃࡊࡠࠣ ࡓߩ㐿⊒߇ࠆࠍࠬࡠࡊߩߎޕ࿑␜ߔࠆߣ࿑ 5 ߩࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߩ࡞ࡘࠫࡕޕᨒ⚵ߺߣጁୃࡊ ࡠࠣࡓߩ㐿⊒ߦ㓙ߒߡߪ↥ޔᬺ⇇ߦኻߔࠆ⢻ജ࠾࠭ߩ⺞ᩏ⚿ᨐࠍ߽ߣߦޔಽ㊁ߏߣߦޔ MEGEP ߩࡄࠗࡠ࠶࠻ᩞᢎຬޔEU ኾ㐷ኅޔᄢቇᢎຬ╬ߦࠃࠆࠣ࡞ࡊᬺࠍ⚻ࠆࡊࡠࠬ߇ข ࠄࠇߡࠆߩߎޕᬺߦߪ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭߽ෳ↹ߒߡࠆޕ ㅧᬺࠬࡆࠨޔᬺޔㆇャᬺߩ⡯ᬺ߇ ISCO88㧔ILO ߇ឭ໒ߔࠆ⡯ᬺಽ㘃ߩ࿖㓙ၮḰ㧕ߩಽ㘃 ᣇᴺߦࠃࠅ 196 ઙߩ⡯ᬺߦಽ㘃ߐࠇߩߎޔ⡯ᬺಽ㘃ߦၮߠߡޔਛ╬ᢎ⢒⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ߩᢎ⢒ ಽ㊁߇ᓥ᧪ߩ⚂ 98 ቇ⑼߆ࠄ 42 ಽ㊁ߦᢛℂ⛔วߐࠇߚޕ42 ಽ㊁ߩಽ㘃ᣇᴺߪ ISCED97 㧔 UNESCO ߇ឭ᩺ߔࠆᢎ⢒ಽ㘃ߩ࿖㓙ၮḰ㧕ߦၮߠߊޕ - 204 - 㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧䈮䉋䉎ᬺ 㪈㪅㩷↥ᬺ⇇䈱䊆䊷䉵䈱․ቯ䇮⡯ᬺ䊒䊨䊐䉜䉟䊦㪈㪐㪍ઙ 䋨㪠㪪㪚㪦㪏㪏Ḱ䋩䈻䈱ಽ㘃 㪉㪅㩷⡯ᬺᢎ⢒䉕㪋㪉ಽ㊁䋨㪠㪪㪚㪜㪛㪐㪎Ḱ䋩䈮ౣಽ㘃䇮䈖䈱 㪋㪉ಽ㊁䈮䉋䉍ቇ⑼䉕⛔ว䊶ౣ✬ᚑ 㪊㪅㩷ฦಽ㊁Ფ䈮᳞䉄䉌䉏䉎䈫⢻ജ䈮ኻᔕ䈚䈢䊝 䉳䊠䊷䊦䉕․ቯ䈚䇮ጁୃ䊒䊨䉫䊤䊛䉕ᚑ ᳞䉄䉌䉏䉎⢻ജ䈱䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦ൻ䋺 㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊䈎䉌㪨㫌㪸㫃㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅䈘䉌䈮㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊䉕․ቯ 䋨㪭㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪘㫅㪸㫃㫐㫊㫀㫊䋩 - 205 - 㪮㫆㫉㫂䈏⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡䈮䈾䈿ኻᔕ 㪨㫌㪸㫃㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅䈏৻䈱䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䈮䈾䈿ኻᔕ 㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊䈏䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䈱ౝኈ䈮ኻᔕ 䇭 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦᭴ᚑ䈫䉮䊷䉴䈱ቯ ጁୃ䊒䊨䉫䊤䊛䋨䊐䊧䊷䊛䊪䊷䉪䊶䉦䊥䉨䊠䊤䊛䋺 ฦᩞ䈮䉋䉎⑼⋡ㆬᛯ䈱䉕ᱷ䈜䉦䊥䉨䊠䊤䊛䋩 䈱ᚑ એᬺ䈱䈢䉄䈱ᆔຬળ䉕⸳⟎䇯ᆔຬ䈲↥ᬺ⇇ઍ 䇮㪤㪜㪞㪜㪧䊌䉟䊨䉾䊃ᩞᢎຬ䇮ᄢቇᢎຬ䇮㪜㪬ኾ㐷ኅ䇮 㪥㪞㪦╬䇯 㪭㪜㪫㪋㪉ಽ㊁䈮ኻ䈚㪌㪃㪋㪊㪍ઙ䈱䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䈏․ቯ䈘䉏 䈢䇯䈖䈱ౝ⚂㪊㪃㪌㪇㪇ઙ䈮䈧䈇䈩㪉㪇㪇㪎ᐕ㪈ᤨὐ䈪䊝 䉳䊠䊷䊦ౝኈ䈱⺑↪䊁䉨䉴䊃䋨ᢎ⑼ᦠ䈮⋧ᒰ䋩䈏 ᚑ䈘䉏䈩䈇䉎䇯 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼䈱ጁୃ䊒䊨䉫䊤䊛 ⥄േᓮᛛⴚ䋨㪠㪘㪫䋩䈲⡯ᬺᢎ⢒㪋㪉ಽ㊁䈱৻ 䈧䈮䉁䉏䉎䇯 䊑䊦䉰䇮䉟䉵䊚䊷䊦䇮䉟䉴䉺䊮䊑䊷䊦䇮䉮䉳䊞䉟 䉬䇮䉮䊮䊟䇮䉝䊮䉦䊤䈱ฦ㜞ᩞ䈏䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䈱᭴ ᚑ䈫ጁୃ䊒䊨䉫䊤䊛䈱ᬌ⸛䈮ᒰ䈢䈦䈢䇯䊒䊨䉫 䊤䊛ᚑ䈮㓙䈚䈩䇮ᄢቇ䇮ᬺ⇇ઍ╬䈱ᗧ䉕 ⡞䈇䈢䇯 㪠㪘㪫ಽ㊁䈱䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦ൻ䈮䈅䈢䈦䈩․ቯ䈘䉏䈢 㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊䈲䋨ᵈ䋩䈱䈫䈍䉍䇯 㪠㪘㪫ಽ㊁䈱ጁୃ䊒䊨䉫䊤䊛䈲㪉㪇㪇㪍ᐕ䈮ᚑ䇯 㪠㪘㪫ቇ⑼䈲㪉㪊⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡䇮㪐㪊䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䉕ᜬ 䈧䇯 Ꮏᬺ䊶⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ╬䈱ᬺ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼䈱䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䊶䊁䉨䉴 䊃 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼䈱䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䊶䊁䉨䉴䊃䈱 ᚑ䈲䉟䉵䊚䊷䊦ᩞ䈏ਛᔃ⊛ᓎഀ䉕ᜂ ᒰ䈚䈩䈇䉎䋺 㪈㪐䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䉕ઁ䈱ቇ⑼䈎䉌୫↪ 㪌㪊䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦᩺䈏䈾䈿ᚑᷣ䉂 㪉㪈䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䈲ᧂᚑ 㪈㪇ᐕ↢䈲ቢᚑ䇯㪈㪈ᐕ↢↪䈲䈾䈿ቢᚑ䇯 㪈㪉ᐕ↢↪䈲ᧂᚑ䋨㪇㪎ᐕ㪈㪉䉁䈪䈮 ᚑ䈜䉎䋩䇯㪈㪉ᐕ↢↪䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䈲ઁቇ⑼ 䈎䉌୫↪䈜䉎䈖䈫䈲䈪䈐䈭䈇䇯䉟䉵䊚䊷 䊦ᩞ䈪ᚑ䈜䉎䇯 䋨ᵈ䋩㪠㪘㪫ಽ㊁䉕᭴ᚑ䈜䉎㪮㪦㪩㪢㪪䋺 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫆㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊 㪤㪼㪺㪿㪸㫅㫀㫊㫄㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㪼㫊 㪬㫊㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪬㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪠㫅㪻㫌㫊㫋㫉㫀㪸㫃㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊 㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪧㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾 㪤㫀㪺㫉㫆㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㫃㪼㫉㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㪼㫊 㪪㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㪼㫊 㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉 㪝㪸㪺㫋㫆㫉㫐㩷㪦㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪫㪼㪺㪿㫅㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪛㫉㪸㫎㫀㫅㪾 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㫀㫅㪾 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂 㪚㪘㪛 㪧㫅㪼㫌㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪟㫐㪻㫉㪸㫌㫃㫀㪺㩷㪚㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃 㪜㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪤㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪘㪘㩷㪚㫀㫉㪺㫌㫀㫋 㪪㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪝㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼 㪮㫆㫉㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪛㫀㪾㫀㫋㪸㫃㩷㪪㫀㪾㫅㪸㫃㩷㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㫊㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪬㫅㫀㫋㫊 䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦䊶䊁䉨䉴䊃䈱ᛚ 㪠㪘㪫䊝䉳䊠䊷䊦ᛚ䈱䊒䊨䉶䉴 ቇౝ䈶㪤㪦㪥㪜䈮䉋䉎ᬌ⸛䊶ክᩏ 㪙㫆㪸㫉㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪜㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅䈮䉋䉎ᛚ 䉡䉣䊑䈮䉋䉎䊶⊒ೀ 䉦䊥䉨䊠䊤䊛䈱✬ᚑ 㪈㪈ቇᐕ䈫㪈㪉ቇᐕ䈱䉦䊥䉨䊠䊤䊛 䈱✬ᚑ 䉰䊑ቇ⑼䋨㪙㫉㪸㫅㪺㪿䋩䈱⑼⋡䈲ㆬ ᛯน⢻䈪ฦᩞ䈏ᚲ䈜䉎ၞ ↥ᬺ䈱᧦ઙ䈮䉋䉍⁛⥄䈱䉦䊥 䉨䊠䊤䊛䉕ᚑ䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏น ⢻䇯 䉟䉵䊚䊷䊦ᩞ䈲ઁᩞ䈮ኻ䈚䈩৻ 䈧䈱᩺䉕ផ⮈ਛ䇯 䉟䉵䊚䊷䊦ᩞ䈮䉋䉏䈳䇮ጁୃ䊒 䊨䉫䊤䊛䈮䈲ਇⷐ䈭⑼⋡䈏䈅䉎 ৻ᣇ䈪䇮䉰䊑ቇ⑼䈱ᬺ䈮ᔅⷐ 䈭⑼⋡䈪ή䈇䉅䈱䉅䈅䉎䈫䈱䈖 䈫䇯 ࡕࠫࡘ࡞ߩᨒ⚵ߺߩ㐿⊒ߦ㓙ߒߡߪޔ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒ಽᨆ㧔Vocational Analysis㧕ߣ⒓ߔࠆᬌ⸛ࠍ⚻ ߡޔ⡯⒳ߣ⢻ജߦኻᔕߒߚᛛⴚౝኈߩಽᨆ߇ⴕࠊࠇߚߩߎޕᬌ⸛ߪ Work-Qualification-Process ߩ ㆊ⒟ࠍ⚻ߡࠆޕWork ߪ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ޔQualification ߪ⑼⋡ࠍ᭴ᚑߔࠆࡕࠫࡘ࡞ޔProcess ߪࡕ ࠫࡘ࡞ࠍ᭴ᚑߔࠆ⚦ಽൻߐࠇߚᛛⴚᛛ⢻ߦ⋧ᒰߔࠆޕ ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ߩ৻ߟޟᯏ᪾ᛛⴚၮ␆ߦࠍޠขࠆߣߪ⋡⑼ߩߎޔᚻᎿߩ⋚ࠬࠗࡈޔḰޔ ᣓ⋚Ꮏߩਃߟߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞ߦಽߌࠄࠇޟߟ৻ߩ࡞ࡘࠫࡕߚ߹ޔᣓ⋚Ꮏߩ࠻ࠗࡃߪޠḰ߿ ㇱ᧚ߩ᷹ቯߥߤⶄᢙߩᛛ⢻ߦಽߌࠄࠇߚޕ࿑ 6 ߪޟᯏ᪾ᛛⴚၮ␆ߩޠ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒ಽᨆ߇ᬌ⸛ߐࠇߚ 㓙ߦขࠄࠇߚࡊࡠࠬࠍ␜ߔ৻ߪ࡞ࡘࠫࡕޔߦ߁ࠃߩߎޕ⒳ߩᛛⴚන߆ࠄ᭴ᚑߐࠇࠆ߽ߩߢޔ ታ⠌ࠍ⸳ቯߢ߈ߥᬺ⑼⋡ߪࡕࠫࡘ࡞ൻߢ߈ߥߣ⸒ࠊࠇࠆޕ ࿑ 8QECVKQPCN#PCN[UKU ߩ Qualifications ( Works ( ): 1. Hand-made production ): Basic Mechanics 2. Preparation works for milling machine 3. Lathe process ): Processes ( 1. Sharpening cutters 2. Connecting cutters 3. Connecting part 4. Measuring 5. Making guide hole 6. Cylinder lathing 㵺 ᒁ⛯߈ⴕࠊࠇߚᬺߣߒߡޔ╬2ߦࠃࠅ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ᩞ╬߆ࠄㆬቯߐࠇߚᢎຬߦࠃࠅࠫࡕޔ ࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩᚑ߇ⴕࠊࠇߡࠆޕౝኈߪᓥ᧪ߩᢎ⑼ᦠߦ⋧ᒰߔࠆޕ42 ಽ㊁ว⸘ߢޔ5,436 ઙߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍᚑߔࠆ⸘↹ߢࠆޕ2007 ᐕ 1 ⚂ޔ3,500 ઙ߇ᚑᷣߺߣ⸒ ࠊࠇࠆޕᚑߐࠇߚࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩౝߊߟ߆ߪޔMEGEP ߩ࠙ࠛࡉࠨࠗ࠻ߢ㐿ߐࠇߡ ࠆޕශ‛ߣߒߡ⊒ೀߐࠇߚ߽ߩ߽ࠆޕ ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒ 42 ಽ㊁ߩ৻ߟ㧔ࠦ࠼ No.523㧕ߦ⥄േᓮᛛⴚ㧔↥ᬺࠝ࠻ࡔ࡚ࠪࡦᛛⴚ㧕ಽ㊁߇ ߹ࠇߡࠆ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޕᩞߣࠦࡦࡗᩞߦ⸳⟎ߐࠇߡߚ⥄േᓮቇ⑼㧔↥ᬺࠝ࠻ࡔ࡚ࠪࡦ ᛛⴚቇ⑼㧕ߪᖱႎᯏ᪾⑼ߣᖱႎ㔚ሶ⑼ߩࠨࡉቇ⑼㧔ࡉࡦ࠴㧕߆ࠄ᭴ᚑߐࠇߡߚ߇ޔቇ⑼ߩᢛ ℂ⛔วߣጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߩᣂ⸳ߦߩ࡞ࡠ࠻ࡦࠦ࡞ࠕ࠻ࠬ࠳ࡦࠗߣࠬࠢ࠾ࡠ࠻ࠞࡔޔੑ 2 ᄙᢙߩᢎᏧ߆ࠄᔕ߇ߞߚߣ⸒ࠊࠇࠆޕߒߚᖱߩ⢛᥊ߦߪޔ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪ 42 ቇ⑼ోߡߦߟߡࡕࠫࡘ ࡞ᚑߦ⽿છࠍᜬߚߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥ⁁ᴫ߇ߞߚߩߘޕਛߢ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩᚑߪਥ ߦࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞ߿ࠦࡦࡗᩞߩᢎຬߦᆔ⸤ߐࠇߚޔߪࠇߎޕవⴕࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻㧔JICAޔ2006 ᐕ⚳ੌ㧕ߩ⚻㛎ࠍ↢߆ ߔߚߢߞߚߣߩߎߣޕ - 206 - ߟߩࠨࡉቇ⑼߆ࠄ᭴ᚑߐࠇࠆߎߣߣߥߞߚޕᣂቇ⑼ߩቯຬᢙߪฦࠨࡉቇ⑼ 30 ੱߢว⸘ 60 ੱߢ ࠆ⥄ޕേᓮቇ⑼ߩጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߪࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޔ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߣࠕ࠽࠻ࠕᎿᬺ㜞ᩞ↪ߩੑ⒳㘃߇ ↪ᗧߐࠇߡࠆޕ 26 ᩞߦ߅ߡ⥄േᓮቇ⑼߇⸳⟎ߐࠇߡ߅ࠅ࠻࠽ࠕߪߤࠎߣ߶ߩࠄࠇߎޔ ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߢࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕 ୃቇᐕᢙߩ⍴❗ MEGEP ߦࠃࠆቇᡷ㕟ߪ 2005/06 ቇᐕᐲ߆ࠄታᣉߐࠇߚ⚿ߩߘޕᨐޔᓥ᧪ 5 ᐕߢߞߚࠕ࠽ ࠻ࠕᎿᬺ㜞ᩞߢߪޔḰ⺖⒟ߣߒߡᄖ࿖⺆ቇ⠌ߦలߡࠄࠇߡߚᦨೋߩ 1 ቇᐕ߇ᑄᱛߐࠇޔ4 ᐕ ߦ⍴❗ߐࠇߚࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߢߪޔᓥ᧪ߩ 4 ᐕ߇⛽ᜬߐࠇࠆߣߦᦨޔೋߩ 1 ቇᐕߩ ᄖ࿖⺆ቇ⠌ߪᑄᱛߐࠇޔ4 ᐕ㑆߇ᄖ࿖⺆ቇ⠌ࠍ৻⥸⑼⋡ߣ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ߩቇ⠌ߦలߡࠄࠇࠆߎ ߣߣߥߞߚߣ⋡⑼⥸৻ޔߚ߹ޕ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ߩනᢙ߇ᄌᦝߐࠇߚߎߣ߽ߞߡޔቇ⑼ฬ߇หߓ ߢ߽ޔቇᩞ㧔㧕ߦࠃࠅ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ߦഀࠅᒰߡࠄࠇࠆㅳᒰߚࠅߩᬺᤨ㑆ᢙߦᏅ߇㐿ߊ⚿ᨐ ߣ߽ߥߞߚ⥄ޔ߫߃ޕേᓮቇ⑼ޔᯏ᪾ᛛⴚቇ⑼ޔᖱႎᛛⴚቇ⑼ߦߟߡߪࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޔᎿᬺ 㜞ᩞ߇ 11 ቇᐕ 14 ᤨ㑆ޔ12 ቇᐕ 17 ᤨ㑆ࠍ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ߦలߡߡࠆߩߦኻߒߡࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޔ⡯ᬺ 㜞ᩞߢߪ 11 ቇᐕ 27 ᤨ㑆ޔ12 ቇᐕ 30 ᤨ㑆ࠍഀߡࠆ⚿ߩߘޕᨐߩࠄࠇߎޔቇ⑼ߢߪਔቇᐕߣ߽ ㅳᒰߚࠅ 13 ᤨ㑆ߣޔ ࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ߩᬺᤨ㑆ᢙ߇ᩰᲑߦᄙ⁁ᴫߣߥߞߚޕ 㧞㧙㧠㧙㧞 ઁߩ࠼࠽ߦࠃࠆ㑐ㅪࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ MEGEP ߣ߶߷หߓታᣉᦼ㑆ߢޔEU ᡰេߦࠃࠅޔᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍਥߥ⸘↹ౝኈߣߔࠆ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵ ㄭઍൻ⸘↹㧔MVET㧕߇ታᣉߐࠇߡࠆޕMGEP ߣห᭽ߦߎࠇ߽ 2007 ᐕ 9 ߦ⚳ੌߔࠆ ߦઁޕEU ᡰេߦࠃࠆᢎ⢒ಽ㊁ߩ⸘↹ߣߒߡౕޔ⊛ౝኈߪਇߢࠆ߇␠ޔળੱᢎ⢒ࠍౝኈߣߔࠆࡊࡠࠫ ࠚࠢ࠻߇ർ᧲ㇱ߮ධ᧲ㇱߢታᣉ੍ቯߢࠆޕ ⇇㌁ⴕߪ 2005 ᐕ߆ࠄ 2010 ᐕߦ߆ߌߡޔਛ╬ᢎ⢒ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻㧔Secondary Education Projectޔ ୫᱅㗵 1 ం 4 ⊖ਁ US$㧕ࠍታᣉਛߢࠆ↢ޕᶦቇ⠌ࠍᡰេߔࠆߎߣ߇ਥߚࠆ⋡⊛ߢߦߚߩߘޔ ਛ╬ࡌ࡞ߩ᥉ㅢᢎ⢒ߣ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒ߩ⾰ߣᐔᕈߩะࠍ࿑ࠆⶄߪ↹⸘ޕᢙߩࠦࡦࡐࡀࡦ࠻߆ࠄ ᭴ᚑߐࠇޔ⍮⼂⚻ᷣ㧔knowledge economy㧕ߣ↢ᶦቇ⠌ߦᔅⷐߥၮ␆⢻ജࠍቇ↢߇߃ࠆߚߩࠞ ࠠࡘࡓߩᡷᱜߣታᣉޔᖱႎㅢାᛛⴚ㕙ߩ⸠✵ߩࠬࡦ࠳ࠗࠟࠕࡖࠠޔታᣉޔਛ╬ᢎ⢒⹏ଔ ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߩ㐿⊒╬ߩౝኈ߆ࠄ᭴ᚑߐࠇߡࠆޕ - 207 - ╙㧟┨ 㐿⊒⺖㗴↥ޟᬺੱ᧚⢒ᚑ⺖ߣ⁁ߩޠ㗴 㧟㧙㧝 㐿⊒⺖㗴↥ޟᬺੱ᧚⢒ᚑ⁁ߩޠ 㧟㧙㧝㧙㧝 ⥄േᓮᛛⴚߦ㑐ߔࠆੱ᧚㔛ⷐ 3 ㅧᬺࠢ࠲ࠍኻ⽎ߦⴕࠊࠇߚੱ᧚㔛ⷐ⺞ᩏߩ৻ߟߦࠦ࡞࠻ޔ㊄ዻຠㅧᬺ⠪⚵ว㧔Turkish Metal Goods Manufacturers Syndicate: MESS㧕ߩታᣉߒߚ MESS ട⋖ળ␠ੱ᧚㔛ⷐ⺞ᩏ㧔2004 ᐕ㧕 ߇ࠆޕਛㇱㇱߩ 4 Ꮊ 119 ␠ߩᛛ⢻⡯㧔technician㧕ߩᢎ⢒ࡌ࡞╬ࠍኻ⽎ߣߒߡࠆ⺞ޕᩏ⚿ ᨐߦࠃࠇ߫ޔ77㧑ߩળ␠߇ NC/CNC ᎿޔCAD/CAMޔ㔚᳇㔚ሶޔ㔚ሶㇱ᧚ޔᯏ᪾ᠲߩၮᧄේ ೣޔᢙቇ⸘ޔ᷹ᯏེߩ↪ޔᴤⓨޔ࿑ߣ࿑㕙ℂ⸃ޔవㅴᛛⴚᖱႎߩ㕙ߢߩߘޔᛛ⢻⠪ߦ⢻ ജ߹ߚߪ⍮⼂ߦਇ⿷߇ࠆߣ࿁╵ߒߡࠆޔߚ߹ޕ⢻ജਇ⿷߇ࠄࠇࠆ⡯⒳ᛛⴚಽ㊁ߣߒߡޔ ⸘ⵝ㧔㈩㔚⋚⚵┙㧕 ޔ㔚᳇Ꮏޔ㔚ሶቇޔ࿑ޔࠬࠢ࠾ࡠ࠻ࠞࡔޔNC/CNC ടᎿ⥄ޔേᓮޔㅧ ࠗࡦㆇ↪⥄ޔേゞୃℂࠢ࠶࠴ࠬࡊޔ㊄ဳࠬࡊޔടᎿ╬߇ࠆߣߩ⚿ᨐ߇ᓧࠄࠇߚޕ MEGEP ߩഭᏒ႐߮⢻ജ㔛ⷐ⺞ᩏ㧔2005 ᐕ㧕ߪోࠢ࠲ߦ߹ߚ߇ࠅޔ31 Ꮊߩ⚂ 5 ජ␠ࠍ ኻ⽎ߦታᣉߐࠇߚޕㆊ 12 ࡩߩ㑆ߦᎿᬺ㜞ᩞ߮⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞතᬺ↢ࠍណ↪ߒߚડᬺߩ࿁╵ᢙߩ߁ ߜޔ࿑⢻ജߦߟߡ 43%ޔ⡯ᬺ⢻ജߦߟߡ 31%↪࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦޔ⢻ജߦߟߡ 30%߇ޔත ᬺ↢ߩ⢻ജ߇ૐߣ࿁╵ߒߡࠆޕ ਛዊડᬺ㐿⊒ᯏ᭴㧔KOSGEB㧕ߩ⺞ᩏ㧔2005 ᐕ 10 㧕⚿ᨐߢߪޔᓟᢙᐕߩ㑆ߦ 17 Ꮊߦ߅ ߡᓮᛛⴚ⠪ᛛ⢻⠪ߩᣂⷙ㔛ⷐ߇⚂ 3 ਁੱㄟ߹ࠇࠆߣߩផቯ߇ߥߐࠇߡࠆޕ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒ ⋭߇↥ᬺࠝ࠻ࡔ࡚ࠪࡦᛛⴚᢎ⢒᥉ߩኻ⽎ߣߒߡࠆࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞ 20 ᩞߩ⥄േᓮቇ ⑼߆ࠄߪᦨޔᄢߢᲤᐕ 1,200 ੱ߇තᬺߔࠆߎߣߦߥࠆޕ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߢߪߥ߁ࠃߩߎޔ㔛⛎⁁ᴫߦߟ ߡޔዋߥߊߣ߽ଏ⛎ㆊᄙߦߪߥࠄߥߣ⠨߃ߡࠆޕ ㄭᐕߩ↥ᬺࠢ࠲ߩᚑ㐳ߦߪ㗼⪺ߥ߽ߩ߇ࠅߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖᳃⚻ᷣߦኻߔࠆ↥ᬺࠢ࠲ߩ ⽸₂ߪᓟߐࠄߦ㜞߹ࠆ߽ߩߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕએߩ⺞ᩏ߿ಽᨆߩ⚿ᨐࠍ〯߹߃ࠆߣޔㅧᬺ⇇╬ ߩડᬺߢߪណ↪␠ຬߩᛛ⢻᳓Ḱߦᔅߕߒ߽ḩ⿷ߒߡߥߎߣߥߤ߇್ߒߡ߅ࠅࠝޔߦ․ޔ ࠻ࡔ࡚ࠪࡦᛛⴚ╬ߩవㅴᛛⴚߩዉ߇ᓟଦㅴߐࠇࠆߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆㅧᬺ⇇ߢߪ৻ޔቯߩᛛ⢻ ᳓Ḱࠍ߃ߚੱ᧚ߦኻߔࠆ㔛ⷐߪ㜞ޕ 㧟㧙㧝㧙㧞 ࠻࡞ࠦߦ߅ߌࠆᣣ♽ડᬺߩᵴേ ᣣᧄ⾏ᤃᝄ⥝ᯏ᭴䈱 2005 ᐕᧃᤨὐ䈱⺞ᩏ4䈮䉋䉏䈳䇮䊃䊦䉮ᣣ♽ડᬺ䈲⚂ 50 ␠䈅䉍䇮䈠䈱ౝㅧ ᬺ䈲 16 ␠ሽ䈜䉎䇯ᣣ♽ㅧᬺ䉕ᬺ⒳䈪䉎䈫䇸ャㅍ↪ᯏ᪾䇹䈏 3 ␠䇮䇸ャㅍ↪ᯏ᪾ㇱຠ䇹䈏 10 ␠䉕 භ䉄䈩䈍䉍䇮ᣣ♽ㅧᬺ䈲⥄േゞ↥ᬺ䈏ਛᔃ䈫䈭䈦䈩䈇䉎䇯ᱷ䉎 3 ␠䈲䇸㘩ຠ䊶ㄘ᳓↥ടᎿ䇹╬䈪䈅䉎䇯᰷ ᎺᏒ႐䈻䈱ℂ⊛䉝䉪䉶䉴䈭䈬䈱ᅢ᧦ઙ䈎䉌䇮䊃䊦䉮䈮䈲᰷☨䉇ᣣᧄ䈱⥄േゞ↥ᬺ䈏ᄙ䈒ㅴ䈚䈩䈇䉎 䈏䇮2004 ᐕ䈮䈲ᣣᧄ䈱ᄢᚻ⥄േゞㅧᬺ䈏Ꮏᬺㇱ㐷ャ㗵䈱㚂䈫䈭䈦䈢䇯ᣣᧄ⾏ᤃᝄ⥝ᯏ᭴䈱⺞ ᩏ⚿ᨐ䈮䉋䉏䈳䇮⚻༡㗴䈫䈭䉎㗄⋡䈫䈚䈩䇮5 ␠એ䈱ડᬺ䈏⾏ᤃᐲ䇮ᛩ⾗ᐲ䇮䉟䊮䊐䊤ᢛ䈮 ଥ䉎㗄䉕䈕䈩䈇䉎䇯ᰴ䈇䈪 4 ␠䈏ੱ᧚⏕䈱㔍䈚䈘䉕㗴ὐ䈫䈚䈩䈕䈩䈇䉎䇯 3 MESS㧦࠻࡞ࠦߩਥⷐડᬺ࿅ߩ৻ߟߢ⥄ޔേゞޔ㊄ዻޔᯏ᪾ޔᖱႎᯏེޔ㔚᳇ᯏེޔή✢ㅢାޔක⮎♖ኒశቇ ߮ኅౕߩಽ㊁ߩ⚂ 300 ␠㧔ᓥᬺຬ✚ᢙ⚂ 12 ਁੱ㧕ߢ᭴ᚑߐࠇࠆޕ 4 ᰷Ꮊ࠻࡞ࠦᣣ♽ㅧᬺߩ⚻༡ታᘒ⺞ᩏ㧔ᣣᧄ⾏ᤃᝄ⥝ᯏ᭴ޔ2006 ᐕ 9 㧕 - 208 - 㧟㧙㧞 ↥ᬺᛛⴚᢎ⢒ߩᐲ⊛ᨒ⚵ߺ 㧟㧙㧞㧙㧝 ࠻࡞ࠦߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼᥉⸘↹ 㧔㧝㧕᥉ኻ⽎ᩞߩㆬቯ ᚒ߇࿖ߩᛛⴚදജ㧔2001 ᐕ㨪2006 ᐕ㧕ߦࠃࠅࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞߮ࠦࡦࡗᩞߦ⸳┙ߐࠇߚ⥄േᓮቇ ⑼ࠍઁߩቇᩞߦ᥉ߔࠆ⸘↹߇࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߦࠃࠅ┙᩺ߐࠇޔᣢߦታᣉߦ⒖ߐࠇߡࠆޕ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒ ⋭߇⥄േᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ߩ᥉ߩኻ⽎ߣߒߡࠆቇᩞߪࠕ࠽࠻ࠕ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߢోޔ࿖߆ࠄ 20 ᩞ߇ㆬ ቯߐࠇߚߩࠄࠇߎޕㆬቯߦ㓙ߒㆡ↪ߐࠇߚ᧦ઙߪޔቇᩞᚲၞߩ↥ᬺࠢ࠲ੱޔญ⒖േޔᄬ ᬺ₸╬ߢߞߚߚ߹ޕኻ⽎ᩞߦ㔚᳇㔚ሶቇ⑼ޔᯏ᪾ቇ⑼߇ࠆߎߣ߽᧦ઙߣߐࠇߚࠄࠇߎޕ᥉ ᩞߩᚲᎺޔฬ⒓߮⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩนᣣ╬ࠍ 1 ߦ␜ߔޕน߇ 2004 ᐕߦⴕࠊࠇߚቇᩞ ߪ 11 ᩞߢߎࠇࠍ╙৻ࠣ࡞ࡊޔ2006 ᐕߦนߐࠇߚᱷࠅߩ 9 ᩞࠍ╙ੑࠣ࡞ࡊߣ⒓ߒߡࠆޕቇ ᡷ㕟ᓟߩᣂ⸳⥄േᓮቇ⑼߳ߩᦨೋߩࠢࠬߪޔవ⊒ߩ╙৻ࠣ࡞ࡊߢߪ 2005/06 ቇᐕᐲߦቇ ߒޔᓟ⊒ߩ╙ੑࠣ࡞ࡊߢߪ 2006/07 ቇᐕᐲߦቇߒߚޔߪ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޕએߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ ᥉⸘↹ࠍ⋥ធߩᡰេኻ⽎ߣߒߡⷐ⺧ߐࠇߡࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕᥉ᩞߦኻߔࠆᯏ᧚㈩ ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪޔవ⊒ 11 ᩞߦኻߒߡ⥄േᓮṶ⠌ቶߦ㈩ߔࠆᯏ᧚ଏ⛎ࠍㅴߡࠆޕ㈩ᷣߺ ߩਥⷐᯏ᧚ߣߒߡࡦ࡚ࠪࡔ࠻ࠝ࠻ࠢࠔࡈ࠷ࠗ࠼ޔ㧔FA㧕Ṷ⠌ⵝ⟎ޔPCޔPLC ታ⠌ⵝ ⟎╬߇߹ࠇߡࠆޔߜ߁ߩߎޕᄢဳᯏ᧚ߪ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭߇৻⺞㆐ߒฦᩞߦ㈩ߒޔዊဳᯏ᧚ߪ ฦᩞ߇੍▚㈩ಽࠍฃߌߡ⺞㆐ߒߚޕዊဳᯏ᧚↪ߩ৻ᩞᒰߚࠅߩ㈩Ꮣ੍▚ߪ 127,500YTL㧔⚂ 1,000 ਁ㧕߆ࠄ 150,000YTL㧔⚂ 1,200 ਁ㧕ߢࠆޕᓟ⊒ 9 ᩞߦኻߔࠆᯏ᧚ߪ 2007 ᐕ 1 ㈩ߐ ࠇߡߥޕᓟ⊒ᩞߩᦨೋߩࠢࠬߪ 2006/07 ቇᐕᐲߦቇߒޔᯏ᧚Ṷ⠌߇ᔅⷐߥ 11 ᐕ↢ߦㅴ⚖ ߔࠆߩߪ 2008/09 ቇᐕᐲߣߥࠆߩߢߪߢ߹ࠇߘޔᯏ᧚㈩ߩᔅⷐ߇ߥߚߢࠆޕ - 209 - ᥉ᩞ ᩞ߮⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩนᤨᦼ N O Province Name of School Principal 1 ADANA Merkez ATL-AML Ramazan TEKE 2 AFYON Gazi ATL-AML Erol AVCIOGLU 3 ANKARA skitler ATL-AML Ahmet OZDEMIR 4 ANTALYA Merkez ATL-AML Hasan OZEN 5 BURSA Ali Osman Sönmez ATL-AML 6 DENIZLI 7 Remark Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 2nd group Budget Allocation for Equip. (YTL) 127.500 2004 Establishment approval date 14.07.2004 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 Gurol ERISMIS Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group Merkez ehit Öretmen Yusuf Batur ATL-AML Kudret YEMISCIOGLU 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 Atatürk ATL-AML Fikret UMUDUM 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 2nd group 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 ERZURUM ESKISEHIR Ataturk ATL-AML S.Sirri KABADAYI 140.000 2005 GAZ ANTEP M.Rustu Uzel ATL-AML Abdulkadir KALYENCI 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 9 MERSIN Tarsus-Merkez ATL-AML Hasan GURBUZ 140.000 2005 14.07.2004 10 STANBUL Pendik ATL-AML 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 11 KAHRAMAN MARAS Merkez ATL-AML Mustafa DACI 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 12 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 2nd group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 2nd group 14.07.2004 8 KAYSERI Hurriyet ATL-AML Durmu PAYAS 2005-2006 balad Went to Japan in 2nd group 127.500 2004 05.10.2004 13 KOCAELI Gebze ATL-AML Mehmet Ali TOKLUOLU 140.000 2005 KONYA Adil Karaagac Anadolu Teknik Lisesi Muzaffer APAN 140.000 2005 14.07.2004 15 MALATYA Yunus Emre ATL-AML Huseyin KAYA 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 16 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 2nd group Automation Lab. 2006 Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 3rd group Automation Lab. 2006 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group 14.07.2004 14 ORDU Merkez ATL-AML Omer BA 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 17 SANLI URFA Merkez ATL-AML Abdulkadir ACAR 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 2nd group 150.000 2006 10.03.2006 18 TEKIRDAG Çorlu-M.Rustu Uzel ATL-AML Caner BAYSAL 2006-2007 Went to Japan in 3rd group 150.000 2006 24.01.2006 19 VAN Merkez ATL-AML Veysel AKDAS Started 2005-2006 Went to Japan in 1st group Automation Lab. 2006 127.500 2004 14.07.2004 20 ౖ㧦MoNE, 2007 ᐕ 2 - 210 - 㧔㧟㧕᥉ᩞ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ᢎຬߦኻߔࠆ⎇ୃᬺ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᣂ⸳ߦޔ᥉ᩞߢߪណ↪߹ߚߪ⇣േߦࠃࠅᔅⷐߥᢎຬߩలࠍⴕߞߡࠆޕ ቇ⑼ߩቯຬߪ 15 ฬߣ⸘↹ߐࠇޔ20 ᩞߢว⸘ 300 ੱߩᢎຬ߇లߐࠇࠆ੍ቯߢࠆޕᰴߦ␜ߔࠃ ߁ߦޔ2007 ᐕ 1 ߹ߢߦߥ߁ࠃߩߘޔవ⊒ 11 ᩞߩᢎຬߦኻߒߡ⥄േᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ߩ⎇ୃ߇ TTC ╬ߦ߅ߡ 3 ࿁ታᣉߐࠇߡࠆޕᓟ⊒ᩞߦኻߒߡߪޔ2007 ᐕ 2 19 ᣣ߆ࠄ 6 1 ᣣ㧔103 ᣣ 㑆㧕ߦ TTC ߢೋ࿁ߩ⎇ୃࠍⴕ߁ߎߣ߇੍ቯߐࠇߡࠆޕ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ᢎᏧߩ⎇ୃ㧔 ᐕ 㧕 ታᣉᤨᦼ 06 ᐕ 3 㨪4 06 ᐕ 9 㨪12 06 ᐕ 7 ߆ࠄ 12 ⎇ୃౝኈ 10 ᐕ↢↪⑼⋡ 10 ᐕ11 ᐕ↢↪⑼⋡ FA Ṷ⠌ⵝ⟎㧔⥃ᤨ㧕 వ⊒ 11 ᩞ 31 ੱ 33 ੱ 20 ੱ ᓟ⊒ 9 ᩞ ᧂታᣉ ᧂታᣉ ᧂታᣉ ߎࠇ߹ߢߩߣߎࠈޔ㔚᳇㔚ሶޔᯏ᪾ߩ࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦޔਃಽ㊁߆ࠄ৻ੱߕߟ⎇ୃࠍฃߌࠆ⸘↹ ߣߥߞߡࠆࠆߔ↹⸘ࠍࠬࠦୃ⎇ޕ㓙ߦߪߩ⋡⑼ୃ⎇ޔቯψฃ⻠ᢎຬᢙߩቯψ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ ߆ࠄߩㅢ⍮ࠍฃߌฦᩞߦ߅ߡᢎຬߩផ⮈ቯߣޔᲑ㓏ࠍ⚻ߡࠄࠇߡ߈ߚ⹜ߦᤨੌ⚳ୃ⎇ޕ 㛎߇ⴕࠊࠇޔวᩰ⠪߇ᱜᑼߦ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ᢎຬߣߒߡ㈩⟎ߐࠇࠆޕ 2006 ᐕ 3 ߩ 10 ᐕ↢↪⑼⋡ߩ⎇ୃߢߪޔ5 ⑼⋡ߩ⎇ୃࠍⴕߞߚ ߪߦࠇߎޕ10 ᐕ↢↪⑼⋡ߛߌ ߢߪߥߊޔMicro Controller ߩၮ␆߽ࠄࠇߚޕ2006 ᐕ 9 ߩ⎇ୃߪ 3 ࡩߣ㐳ᦼߩ⎇ୃᦼ㑆߇ ᓧࠄࠇߚߩߢޔ10 ᐕ↢߮ 11 ᐕ↢↪⑼⋡ߩ⎇ୃࠍⴕߞߚޕኾ㐷ಽ㊁ߦಽߌࠆߎߣߥߊోޔฃ⻠ ↢ࠍ৻ߒߡࡉࡦ࠴㧔ࠨࡉቇ⑼㧕ߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ߩ⎇ୃࠍⴕߞߚޕኾ㐷ಽ㊁ߩ⎇ୃࠍฃߌߡ߽ ή㚝ߣߩჿ߇ᒝߊޔ2007 ᐕ 2 ߩᓟ⊒ᩞኻ⽎ߩ⎇ୃߢߪߎࠇࠍᡷࠆ੍ቯߢࠆޕ㔚᳇㔚ሶಽ ㊁ 20 ੱ߮ᯏ᪾PC ಽ㊁ 20 ੱߩෳടࠍᓧߡޔ10 ᐕ↢߮ 11 ᐕ↢↪⑼⋡ߩ⎇ୃ߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆޕ㔚 ᳇㔚ሶಽ㊁ߩฃ⻠↢ߦߪࠗࡦ࠳ࠬ࠻ࠕ࡞ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ࠨࡉቇ⑼ߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ࠍࡦࠦޔ ࡇࡘ࠲߮ᯏ᪾ಽ㊁ߩฃ⻠↢ߦߪࡔࠞ࠻ࡠ࠾ࠢࠬࠨࡉቇ⑼ߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ࠍ⎇ୃߩਛᔃߦߔ ࠆ੍ቯߢࠆޕ 12 ᐕ↢↪⑼⋡ߩ⎇ୃߪ 2007 ᐕ⑺ᦼ߆ࠄታᣉߐࠇࠆޕᢎຬ⎇ୃ߇ᚲቯߩቯຬᨒߦኻߒߡోߡ⚳ੌ ߔࠆߩߪ 2012 ᐕߣㄟ߹ࠇߡࠆޕㆃߊߣ߽ᦨೋߩࠢࠬߩㅴ⚖߹ߢߦޔฦቇᐕߩ⑼⋡ߩᢎຬ⎇ ୃࠍ⚳ࠊࠄߖࠆߎߣ߇᧦ઙߣߥࠆߎߣ߆ࠄߩୃ⎇ޔታᣉᤨᦼߪᘕ㊀ߦᬌ⸛ߐࠇߡࠆᦼోޕ㑆ߩ ᢎຬ⎇ୃ⸘↹ࠍ࿑ 7 ߦ␜ߔޕ ઁߦ 2007 ᐕ 4 ߦߪ FA Ṷ⠌ⵝ⟎ߩੑ࿁⋡ߩ⎇ୃࠍⴕ߁⸘↹߇ࠆޕ - 211 - 㪰㪼㪸㫉 㪤㫆㫅㫋㪿 2006 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㩷㪛㫉㪸㪽㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㩷㩿㪈㫊㫋㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 㪝㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪚㫃㪸㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊 㩷㩿㪈㫊㫋㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㩷㩿㪉㫅㪻㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 2007 2008 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )TCFG )TCFG㧦 )TCFG )TCFGCPF㧦 )TCFGCPF㧦ੱ )TCFG )TCFG 5GRVGODGT 'PVT[QHUVWFGPVU )TCFG )TCFG )TCFGCPF㧦 )TCFGCPF㧦 㪝㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪚㫃㪸㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊 㩷㩿㪉㫅㪻㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 )TCFG㧦! )TCFG㧦㧫 )TCFG )TCFG )TCFG㧦 )TCFG - 212 - Accumulated number of participants from 1st Group: 174 Accumulated number of participants from 2nd Group: 135 㪰㪼㪸㫉 㪤㫆㫅㫋㪿 2010 2011 2012 㪤㫆㪻㫌㫃㪼㩷㪛㫉㪸㪽㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㩷㩿㪈㫊㫋㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 )TCFGCPF㧦 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG㧦 㪝㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪚㫃㪸㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊 㩷㩿㪈㫊㫋㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㩷㩿㪉㫅㪻㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 㪝㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪚㫃㪸㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊 㩷㩿㪉㫅㪻㩷㪞㫉㫆㫌㫇㪀 2013 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG㧦 )TCFG Accumulated number of participants from 1st Group: 130 Accumulated number of participants from 2nd Group: 165 㧟㧙㧞㧙㧞 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩ᥉ᩞ 㧔㧝㧕᥉ᩞߩⷐ ᥉ኻ⽎ߩ 20 ᩞߪ ߩ┵᧲ᦨޔVan ᩞ߆ࠄᦨ┵ߩ Tekirda ᩞ߹ߢ࠻࡞ࠦో࿖ 20 Ꮊߦࠊߚߞ ߡࠆޕቇᩞᚲၞߩ↥ᬺࠢ࠲ߩⷙᮨߣ᭴ᚑߪᄙ᭽ߢࠆޕవ⊒ 11 ᩞߦኻߔࠆࠕࡦࠤ ࠻⚿ᨐ㧔ઃዻ⾗ᢱ 5㧕ߦࠃࠇ߫᧦ߥ߁ࠃߩߘޔઙߩ㆑ߦࠃࠆ߽ߩ߆ޔฦᩞ߇ᜬߟၞ↥ᬺ ࠢ࠲ߦኻߔࠆ⠨߃ߦߪޔቇ↢ߩታ⠌ߩ႐ߣߒߡࠆ߆ዞ⡯వߣߒߡࠆ߆ߢᐞಽ߆Ꮕ⇣߇ ࠄࠇࠆޕ ઃዻ⾗ᢱ 4 ߦฦᩞߩቇ⑼ቇ↢ᢙߣኾ㐷ಽ㊁ᢎຬᢙࠍ␜ߔోޕᩞቇ↢ᢙߪᄢ߈ߣߎࠈߢ 3 ජฬࠍ߃ޔዊߐߣߎࠈߢ 500 ฬ⒟ᐲߣޔ᥉ᩞߩⷙᮨߪᄙ᭽ߢࠆ⥄ޕേᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎ ຬቯຬߪ 15 ฬ߇⸘↹ߐࠇߡࠆ߇ޔ23 ฬߢ⸘↹ߐࠇߡࠆቇᩞ߽ࠆޕవ⊒ 11 ᩞߦߞߡ߽ޔ 2007 ᐕ 1 ߢណ↪ᢎຬߪߥ߅ 6 ฬ㨪8 ฬ⒟ᐲߣޔඨᢙ⒟ᐲ߇ᧂណ↪ߢࠆߛᧂߚߩߘޕ ᜂᒰ⑼⋡ߩᝄࠅಽߌߥߤࠍࠆᲑ㓏ߦߪߥޕ ⸥ߩࠕࡦࠤ࠻ߪޔTTC ߩ⎇ୃࠍᣢߦฃ⻠ߒߚవ⊒ᩞࠍኻ⽎ߣߒߡࠆୃ⎇ޕౝኈߦ㑐ߔ ࠆ⾰ߩ࿁╵ߦࠃࠇ߫ޔ10 ᐕ↢߿ 11 ᐕ↢↪⑼⋡ߩ⎇ୃߦචಽḩ⿷ߒߡߥቇᩞ߇ᄙޕਇ ḩ⿷ߩℂ↱ߪޔᢎ᧚⟵⻠ޔౝኈᦼୃ⎇ޔ㑆╬ߊߟ߆ߩⷐ࿃߇ࠆޕኾ㐷ಽ㊁ߦኻߔࠆ⎇ୃߪ ਇⷐߣߩჿ߽ᒝ߇ޔ2007 ᐕ 2 ߩ⎇ୃ߆ࠄߎࠇߦኻߔࠆភ⟎ߪขࠄࠇߡࠆޕ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩ 11 ᐕ↢ߣ 12 ᐕ↢ߦኻߔࠆ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒ 20 ⑼⋡ߦߟߡޔචಽߥᛛⴚ⍮⼂ࠍᜬߟ ߆ޔᢎ᧚ࠍߢ߈ࠆ߆╬ࠍ߁⥄Ꮖ⹏ଔ⺞ᩏࠍޔ᥉ᩞหቇ⑼ߩᢎຬߢ TTC ߩ⎇ୃฃ⻠⠪ߦ ኻߒߡⴕߞߚᦨޕ㜞ὐߪ 3 ὐᦨޔૐὐߪ 0 ὐߣߒߚޕ56 ฬ߆ࠄᓧߚ࿁╵⚿ᨐࠍขࠅ߹ߣߡઃ ዻ⾗ᢱ 6 ߦ␜ߔޕ56 ฬోຬߩ㓸⸘⚿ᨐߦ␜ߐࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦޔᐔဋὐ߇ 1.5 ὐએਅߩ⑼⋡߇ඨᢙࠍ ߃ߚ ߪࠇߎޕ12 ᐕ↢↪⑼⋡ߩ⎇ୃ߇߹ߛታᣉߐࠇߡߥߎߣߚ߹ޔᢎຬߩኾ㐷ಽ㊁ߦࠃ ࠄߕᐔဋὐࠍ▚ߒߡࠆߎߣ╬߇ℂ↱ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕGDTVE ߇ⴕ߁ฃ⻠↢ߩ▤ℂߦࠃࠇ߫ޔ ᢎຬߩኾ㐷ਃಽ㊁ߩ߁ߜޟޔ㔚᳇㔚ሶޟߦࠄߐߪޠ㔚ሶ㆙㓒ㅢାޟߣޠ㔚᳇ߦޠಽ㘃ߐࠇ ߡࠆߦࠇߎޕᯏ᪾ߣࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ࠍട߃ޔኾ㐷ಽ㊁ࠍ 4 ಽ㊁ߦಽߌߡ⥄Ꮖ⹏ଔࠍ㓸⸘ߒߚ⚿ ᨐߢߪޔಽ㊁ߦࠃࠆ㆑߇ࠆ⒟ᐲࠄ߆ߣߥࠆ㧔ઃዻ⾗ᢱ 6 ߩ࠳࠴ࡖ࠻ෳᾖ㧕ޕᯏ ᪾ಽ㊁ߩᢎຬ߇⧰ᚻߣߔࠆ㔚ሶ㔚᳇࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦޔ㑐ㅪߩ⑼⋡ߪᄙޕ㔚ሶ㆙㓒ㅢାߣ㔚 ᳇ಽ㊁ߩᢎຬߩ⥄Ꮖ⹏ଔߪหߓࠃ߁ߥะࠍ␜ߔ࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦޕಽ㊁ߩᢎຬߪᯏ᪾ޔ㔚᳇㔚 ሶ㑐ㅪߩ⑼⋡ࠍ⧰ᚻߣߒߡࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕ቇᩞߩㆇ༡ ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ᛛⴚ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒✚ዪ߇ᚲߔࠆᎿᬺ㜞ᩞ߮⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߪ 1,580 ᩞࠅ৻ߩߘޔㇱߦ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ࠍ⟎ߊ᥉ᩞ 20 ᩞ߇߹ࠇߡࠆޕ᥉ᩞߩ▤ℂ⡯ຬ߿ᢎຬߩછߦߪઁᩞߣ Ყߴߡ⇣ߥࠆὐߪߥߊߩߘߚ߹ޔㆇ༡੍▚߽ో㜞ᩞߩ੍▚ᨒߦ߹ࠇࠆߥ߁ࠃߩߘޕ⢛᥊ࠍ⠨ ߃ࠆߣޔ᥉ᩞᢎຬߦኻߔࠆ TTC ߩ㓸ਛ⎇ୃߪ․Ბߩភ⟎߇⻠ߓࠄࠇߚ߽ߩߣ⸒ߞߡ⦟߹ޕ ߚ⥄ޔേᓮቇ⑼ߩᯏ᧚㈩߿ᢎຬណ↪ࠍଦㅴߔࠆߢ▚੍ޔភ⟎߇㓚ኂߦߥࠆࠃ߁ߥ⁁ᴫߪ ↢ߓߡߥޕᛛⴚ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒✚ዪߢߪ⥄ޔേᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ߩ᥉ߦᒰߚߞߡޔᯏ᧚㈩ߥߤኻ ⽎ 20 ᩞ߳ߩ੍▚㈩Ꮣ߇ఝవߐࠇߡࠆߎߣࠍᒝ⺞ߒߡࠆ߇ߪࠇߎޔታߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ ⷞኤߒߚ㒢ࠅߢߪߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔᎿᬺ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߩ⸳ߪ߆ߥࠅฎߊޔ࿁ߩࠃ߁ߦᣂ⸳ቇ⑼ߩ ߚߦᣂⷙߩᄢဳታ⠌ᯏེࠍዉߔࠆߎߣߪߥ߆ߞߚࠃ߁ߢࠆޔߡߞ߇ߚߒޕ᥉ᩞߦ߅ ߡߪޔᢎຬߪࠈࠎߩߎߣޔర↥ᬺ⇇߆ࠄ߽ᣂ⸳ߩ⥄േᓮᛛⴚቇ⑼ߦኻߔࠆᦼᓙߪ㜞ߣ - 213 - ᗵߓࠄࠇߚޕ 㧟㧙㧞㧙㧟 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩጁୃࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ 㧔㧝㧕ጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓ ᣂቇߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߩᚑߦ㓙ߒߡߪޔMEGEP ࡄࠗࡠ࠶࠻ᩞߣߥߞߚࡉ ࡞ࠨ࡞ࡉࡦ࠲ࠬࠗޔ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔ㧔࠷࠸ᩞ㧕ࠞࡦࠕޔࡗࡦࠦޔࠛࡖࠫࠦޔ㧔ࠗࠬࠠ࠹ ࠖ࡞ᩞ㧕ߩฦ㜞ᩞߩᢎຬ߇ߩ࡞ࡘࠫࡕޔ᭴ᚑߣጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߩౝኈᬌ⸛ߦᒰߚߞߚޕᬌ ⸛ᬺߩ৻Ⅳߣߒߡޔᄢቇޔᬺ⇇ઍ╬ߩᗧ߇⡞߆ࠇߡࠆߩߘߚ߹ޕᓟߪޔ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ ࠻ߩᚑᨐߢࠆ⑼⋡᭴ᚑ㧔ࠞࠠࡘࡓ㧕ࠍࡌࠬߦޔ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻߇ ਛᔃߣߥߞߡࡕࠫࡘ࡞߮ࠞࠠࡘࡓ߇⠨᩺ߐࠇߚ ߪߣߎߩߎޕIAT ቇ⑼ߩㆇ༡ߦᔅⷐߥ ⚵❱⢻ജ߇ሽߔࠆߎߣࠍ␜ໂߔࠆޕ ጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߪޔᬺ⑼⋡ߩቇᐕ᭴ᚑߣᔅⷐߥጁୃᤨ㑆ᢙࠍቯࠆࠕ࠻࠽ࠕޕ⡯ᬺ㜞 ᩞ↪ߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߪ ⋡⑼⥸৻ޔ22 ⑼⋡ޔ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ 23 ⑼⋡߆ࠄ᭴ᚑߐࠇޔ ㅳ 40 ᤨ㑆ߩᬺ߇ഀࠅᒰߡࠄࠇࠆ㧔 3 ෳᾖ㧕ߩ⋡⑼⥸৻ޕ᭴ᚑߣጁୃᤨ㑆ᢙߪቯࠄࠇߡ ࠆ߇ޔ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⑼⋡ߦߟߡߪޔጁୃ⑼⋡ߩᨒ⚵ߺߣว⸘ᤨ㑆ᢙࠍቯࠆߛߌߢޔၞߩ↥ᬺ ࠾࠭ߦวࠊߖࠆߚߩ⋡⑼ޔㆬᛯߪቇᩞߦછߐࠇߡࠆޕ ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߢߪޔ11 ᐕ↢ߣ 12 ᐕ↢߮ࠨࡉቇ⑼ߩ⑼⋡ߩᝄࠅಽߌߪᣢߦቢੌߒߡ ࠆ㧔ઃዻ⾗ᢱ 9㧕ޕ11 ᐕ↢߆ࠄಽ߆ࠇࠆࡔࠞ࠻ࡠ࠾ࠢࠬࠨࡉቇ⑼ߢߪޔPLC ߩᣇߣฦ⒳ ⵝ⟎ߩᓮᣇᴺ㧔FA ⵝ⟎߇ਛᔃ㧕ࠆࠃߦ࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦࡠࠢࠗࡑޔᓮޔCAM ߦࠃࠆടᎿ߇ਥߥ ቇ⠌ౝኈߢࠆࡉࠨ࡞ࡠ࠻ࡦࠦ࡞ࠕ࠻ࠬ࠳ࡦࠗޕቇ⑼ߢߪޔPLC ߩᣇߣฦ⒳ⵝ⟎ ߩᓮᣇᴺࠆࠃߦ࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦࡠࠢࠗࡑޔᓮ߮ࠕࡊࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㐿⊒ࡀ࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦޔ ࠶࠻ࡢࠢߩ⸳⟎ᣇᴺ߇ਥߥቇ⠌ౝኈߣߥߞߡࠆ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޕᩞߩࠞࠠࡘࡓߣߒߡᚑ ߐࠇߡࠆ߇ޔ᥉ᩞߦኻߒߡ߽ࠞࠠࡘࡓᚑߩߢหᩞߩ߽ߩࠍ൘ߡࠆࠞࡦࠕޕ ߩࠗࠬࠠ࠹ࠖ࡞ᩞߢߪ↥ࠞࡦࠕޔᬺ⇇ߩᗧࠍᤋߔࠆߚߦ࡞ࡘࠫࡕ߿⋡⑼ߩߤޔᵈ ⋡ߔߴ߈߆หᩞߩవ↢߇ᬌ⸛ਛߣߩߎߣߢࠆ߇ޔᒰ㕙ߪࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞ߇Ḱߒߚࠞࠠࡘ ࡓࠍߘߩ߹߹߁ߣߩߎߣߢࠆޕ - 214 - ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓ ANATOLIAN VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES (MECHATRONICS AND INDUSTRIAL CONTROL) WEEKLY COURSE CHART OF FRAME TRAINING PROGRAMME COURSE CATEGORIES IX. X. XI. XII. GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE COURSES *LANGUAGE AND NARRATION TURKISH LITERATURE RELIGIOUS CULTURE AND ETHICS HISTORY COMMON COURSES 2 3 1 2 TURKISH REPUBLIC HISTORY & KEMALISM GEOGRAPHY 2 MATHEMATICS 4 PHYSICS 2 CHEMISTRY 2 BIOLOGY 2 HEALTH 2 PHILOSOPHY FOREIGN LANGUAGE 10 PHYSICAL TRAINING 2 NATIONAL SECURITY TRAFFIC & FIRST AID TOTAL 34 2 3 1 2 2 4 1 15 2 1 2 - 2 1 - 2 4 1 12 4 7 - 27 30 21 3 1 40 27 1 40 30 2 1 40 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECH. 2 3 2 MATHEMATICS F I E L D / B R A N C H C O U R S E S COMMON VOCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES OF THE BASIC MECHANICS *BASIC INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS FIELD BRANCH COURSES TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL DRAFT *SKILL TRAINING AT FIRMS MECHANISMS BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS MODELLING ON COMPUTERS PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULICSYSTEMS *COMPUTERIZED CONTROL *SUCCESSIVE CONTROL *PLANT AUTOMATION AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION SCADA SYSTEMS TECHNICAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT BASIC PROGRAMMING 5 9 2 - BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKS & SERVER SERVICES COMPUTERIZED CIRCUIT DESIGNS SENSORS & SIGNAL RECORDING *MICRODETECTOR APPLICATIONS INTERNET PROGRAMMING AND SECURITY INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS INSPECTION SYSTEMS NUMERICAL SIGNALLING SYSTEM TOTAL FIELD/ BRANCH COURSES OPTIONAL COURSES GUIDANCE TOTAL 2 3 1 40 (*) refers to the courses which are not applicable to the annual average success grade in accordance with the Article 33. of the Class Achievement Regulation for Secondary Schools, Ministry of National Education. - 215 - 㧔㧞㧕ࡕࠫࡘ࡞ߩ᭴ᚑ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߢߪޔ10 ᐕ↢એ㒠߇ቇ⠌ߔࠆ 28 ⑼⋡ࠍว⸘ 93 ࡕࠫࡘ࡞ߢ ᭴ᚑߔࠆࠃ߁ቯߡࠆ⋡⑼৻ޕᒰߚࠅᐔဋ 3 ࡕࠫࡘ࡞ߢ᭴ᚑߐࠇࠆߎߣߦߥࠆ߇ߦ⋡⑼ޔ ࠃߞߡߪᄙ߽ߩߢ 14 ࡕࠫࡘ࡞߆ࠄᚑࠆ߽ߩ߽ࠆޕ ࠻࡞ࠦߩᎿᬺ⡯ᬺ㜞ᩞߢߪޔਥߦ⡯ᬺ⸠✵⊛ߥౝኈ߇ᢎ߃ࠄࠇߡࠆޕ࿁ᚑߐࠇߚࡕ ࠫࡘ࡞ߦ߅ߡ್߽ࠄ߆⚂ⷐޔᢿߔࠆ㒢ࠅߢߪޔ11 ᐕ↢ߣ 12 ᐕ↢ߦߥࠆ߶ߤޟᣇ߿ޠ ޟᠲ߁ߣޠ㗄߇ᄙߊߥࠆౕޕ⊛ߥታ⠌ᯏེߦࠃࠆᠲᴺ߇ޔᬺౝኈߢࠆߣᕁࠊࠇ ࠆޕ 㧔㧟㧕ࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ㐿⊒ᚑ ቇᡷ㕟ߩ⚿ᨐጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓ߇ᄌࠊࠅ߇ࡓ࠹ࠬࠪ࡞ࡘࠫࡕߚ߹ޔዉߐࠇߚߩߢޔᣂ ⺖⒟ߢߪ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻㧔2006 ᐕ⚳ੌ㧕ߢᚑߐࠇߚᢎ⑼ᦠߪ↪ߐࠇߡߥ⥄ޕേᓮቇ ⑼ߩ႐วߪ࡞ࡘࠫࡕޔᚑߦ㓙ߒߡޔ೨ߩᢎ⑼ᦠ߇ෳ⠨ߦߐࠇߚࠤࠬߣෳ⠨ߦߐࠇߥ߆ߞ ߚࠤࠬߩਔᣇ߇ࠆޕ10 ᐕ↢એ㒠ߢ↪ߐࠇࠆ 93 ࡕࠫࡘ࡞ߩ߁ߜ 53 ࡕࠫࡘ࡞߇ቢᚑߒ ߡࠆߣ⸒ࠊࠇࠆ߇࠻ࡈ࠼ߛ߹ޔᲑ㓏ߩ߽ߩޔቇౝክᩏࠍ⚳߃࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߢክᩏਛߩ߽ߩޔ ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߩክᩏࠍ⚻ߡ Board of Education ߩᛚࠍᓧߚ߽ߩߣޔ⒳ߩޘᲑ㓏ߦಽᢔߒߡࠆޕ 12 ᐕ↢↪ࡕࠫࡘ࡞ߪోߡ࠼ࡈ࠻ᚑߩᲑ㓏ߦࠅޔ2007 ᐕ 12 ߹ߢߦ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߦឭ ߐࠇࠆ੍ቯߢࠆޕ ߥ߅ߣ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔ᥉ᩞߢߪታ⠌ᯏེ߇⇣ߥࠆߩߢޔ2 ⒳㘃ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍᚑߔࠆߣ߁ ߎߣߢ߽ࠆޕ12 ᐕ↢ߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ᚑߩߚޔᛛⴚ⊛ߥቇ⠌ౝኈ߿ታ⠌ౝኈߥߤ ߩᬌ⸛ߦᔅⷐߥᢎ᧚߮ᣂᛛⴚߩ⍮⼂ߥߤޔᣣᧄߩഥ⸒߇ᔅⷐߣߩߎߣߢࠆޕవ⊒ᩞߦኻ ߔࠆ 12 ᐕ↢↪ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃߪ 2008 ᐕᤐቄߦ⸘↹ߐࠇߡ߅ࠅ ߚ߹ޔ12 ᐕ↢ߩᬺߪ 2008 ᐕ 9 ߆ࠄ㐿ᆎߐࠇࠆ⁁ߥ߁ࠃߩߎޕᴫߩਛߢ ࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔ2007 ᐕ 12 ߹ߢߦᚑߔࠆߎߣ߇᳞ ࠄࠇߡࠆޕ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞ᚑߪࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߩᢎຬ 15 ੱ߇ਛᔃߣߥߞߡㅴࠄࠇߡࠆޕ ᰴߦ␜ߔࠃ߁ߦ ⚂ޔ30㧑߇ઁᩞߩදജࠍᓧߡḰߐࠇߚࡗࡦࠦޕᩞ╬ߩᡰេࠍᓧߡᚑߐࠇ ߚ߽ߩߣ㓞ធቇ⑼ߢᚑߐࠇߚ߽ߩߩዉߢࠆޕ ᐕ ᧃߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ᚑ⁁ᴫ ࠗ࠭ࡒ ࠗࠬࠠ࠹ 㓞ធቇ⑼ߩ߽ ቇᐕ ࠦࡦࡗᩞ ࡞ᩞ ࠖ࡞ᩞ ߩࠍዉ 10 ᐕ↢ޔ11 ᐕ↢↪ 45 7 1 19 12 ᐕ↢↪ 15 6 ว⸘ 60 13 ว⸘ 72 21 1 19 93 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߢߪᢎຬ↪ߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞ࠟࠗ࠼ࠍᚑߒߡߥޕTTC ⎇ୃ↪ߩᢎ᧚߽ߩ ߣߎࠈ↪ᗧߒߡ߅ࠄߕޔቇ↢↪ࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍេ↪ߒߡࠆߪ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹↪ୃ⎇ޕᚑ ߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆ߇ޔߪࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ᚑߦኾᔨߒߡ߅ࠅޔ᧪ᤨ㑆߇ขࠇࠇ߫⎇ ୃ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ᚑߦ⌕ᚻߒߚߣߩߎߣߢࠆޕ - 216 - 㧟㧙㧟 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߩ⁁ߣ⺖㗴 㧟㧙㧟㧙㧝 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߩ⁁ 㧔㧝㧕㪫㪫㪚 ⚵❱ TTC ߪ⥄ޔേᓮᛛⴚಽ㊁ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍਥߚࠆ⋡⊛ߣߒߡࠆߦઁޕ㑐ㅪቇᩞ߮⚵❱ࠍኻ ⽎ߦ⥄ޔേᓮಽ㊁ߩᦨᣂᛛⴚߩ⎇ୃࡒ࠽ࠍⴕ߁⋡⊛߽ᜬߟޕTTC ⸳⟎ߩߚߩᴺߪ ቯߐࠇߡ߅ࠄߕ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗߪߢ⁁ޔᩞߩ⚵❱ߩ৻ㇱߣߒߡ⟎ߠߌࠄࠇߡࠆޕTTC ߩ⋡ ⊛ࠍ⥄േᓮᛛⴚಽ㊁ߩ⎇ୃߦ㒢ߔࠆ 2007 ᐕ 1 22 ᣣઃߌ⋭ౝᢥᦠ㧔ઃዻ⾗ᢱ 10㧕߇ࠅޔ ߎࠇ߇ TTC ࠍઁಽ㊁ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃߥߤߩ৻⥸⎇ୃߦ↪ߒߥᩮߣߥߞߡࠆޕTTC ߪࠗ࠭ ࡒ࡞ᩞᣉ⸳ߩ৻ㇱߢࠆߚ❱⚵ߚߒ┙⁛ޔᒻᘒࠍขࠄߕޔᩞ㐳ߩ৻ੱ߇ߘߩㆇ༡▤ℂߦ ᒰߚࠆ੍ቯߢࠆޕ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦ߅ߡᣣᧄߢ⎇ୃࠍฃߌߚࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻ 16 ੱ߇⎇ ୃ⻠Ꮷߢࠆ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޕᩞߩᬺ߽ⴕ߁ߩߢછߢࠆߩࠄࠇߎޔߚ߹ޕᢎຬߪ߶߷ోຬࡕ ࠫࡘ࡞ᚑߩᜂᒰ⠪ߢ߽ࠆޕએߩߪᓟ߽⛽ᜬߔࠆ੍ቯߣߩ⺑ࠍ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭߆ࠄ ฃߌߡࠆޕᢎຬੱୃ⎇ޔᬺߩ⸘↹ߩࠬࠦୃ⎇ޔᚑޔጁୃౝኈߩᬌ⸛╬ߩᬺോ߇ⴕࠊ ࠇࠆ㓙ߩ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔᩞ㧔TTC㧕߮᥉ᩞߦࠃࠆ⚵❱⊛ߥ㑐ਈࠆߪߘࠇߙࠇ ߩᚲࠍ 5 ߦขࠅ߹ߣࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕㪫㪫㪚 ᣉ⸳ߩᑪ⸳ TTC ᣉ⸳ߪ✚Ꮏ⾌ 1,850,000YTL㧔⚂ 1 ం 5 ජਁ㧕ߦࠃࠅ 2006 ᐕߦ┫Ꮏߒߚޕ7 㓏ᑪߡ㧔 ਅ 2 㓏㧕ߢᑪ▽㕙Ⓧߪ⚂ 4,800 ট࠽ࡒޔቶޔṶ⠌ቶࠍ߃ࠆ ߦઁޕ60 ੱ↪ኋᴱᣉ⸳߇ࠆޕ ᣉ⸳ౝߦߪࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲߮ኋᴱᣉ⸳ੲེຠ߇㈩ᷣߺߢࠆޕ2007 ᐕ 1 ޔฦṶ⠌ቶ ߦ㈩ߔࠆᯏ᧚ߪ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߦⷐ⺧ਛߢࠆޕ 㧔㧟㧕▤ℂㆇ༡ ⎇ୃᬺࠍ⸘↹ߒታᣉߔࠆߢ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔᩞ TTC ߣ㑐ㅪᯏ㑐ߣߩ㑆ߦߪ⒳ߩޘ㑐ଥ߇↢ߓ ࠆޕ㑐ㅪᯏ㑐ߦߪੱޔ߿੍▚㈩ಽࠍࠆ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪ߽ߣࠃࠅޔᛛⴚ㕙ߢߩ࠰ࠬߣߥ ࠆࠦࡦࡗᩞ߿ࠗࠬࠠ࠹ࠖ࡞ᩞ╬ߩදജᩞߩୃ⎇ޔኻ⽎ߣߥࠆ᥉ᩞޔ᧪ᄐᦼࡒ࠽ࠍ੍ ቯߔࠆ㓞ធቇ⑼ࠍߔࠆቇᩞߥߤ߇߹ࠇࠆޕᛛⴚ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒✚ዪߣࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞઍ⠪ߩදജ ࠍᓧߡޔ㑐ㅪᯏ㑐ߩࡑ࠶ࡇࡦࠣࠍⴕߞߚ⚿ᨐࠍ࿑ 8 ߦ␜ߔޕ 2006 ᐕᐲߩ TTC ੍▚ߪ 266,800US$ߢߞߚޕኾࠄᯏ᧚⾌ߣ⸳⾌߆ࠄᚑࠆ⻠ޕᏧߣߥࠆ⥄ േᓮቇ⑼ᢎຬߩੱઙ⾌ߪቇᩞߩ੍▚ߦ⸘ߐࠇߡࠆߩߢޔTTC ߩਥߥㆇ༡੍▚⾌⋡ߪޔᣉ ⸳⛽ᜬ⾌ޔశᾲ᳓⾌ޔഭോ⾌╬ߦߥࠆ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޕᩞోߢ 2006 ᐕᐲߦޔ㔚᳇ᢱ 47,500 YTL 㧔⚂ 380 ਁ㧕ޔ᳓ᢱ 4,800 YTL㧔⚂ 38 ਁ㧕ޔΆᴤ⾌╬ߢ 29,700 YTL㧔⚂ 240 ਁ㧕ࠍᡰ ߒߡࠆޔߚ߹ޕ2007 ᐕᐲ੍▚ߣߒߡޔ㔚᳇ᢱ 90,000 YTL㧔⚂ 720 ਁ㧕ޔ᳓ᢱ 8,000 YTL 㧔⚂ 64 ਁ㧕ޔᥦᚱ⾌╬ߢ 70,000 YTL㧔⚂ 560 ਁ㧕ࠍⷐ⺧ߒߡࠆୃ⎇ߦઁޕᬺ⾌㧔⎇ୃ ↢ߩᣏ⾌ޔ㘩ᢱ⾌㧕߇ࠆ߇ߪࠇߎޔ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭߇⋥ធ੍▚ൻߒߡࠆޕ - 217 - ᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߩㆇ༡ߣ㑐ଥᯏ㑐ߩᚲ ᚲ ᢎຬੱ ⚻Ᏹ੍▚㧔ᣉ⸳⛽ ᜬ㧕 㐿⊒੍▚㧔ᑪ⸳⺞ ㆐㧕 ⚻Ᏹ੍▚㧔⎇ୃ ᬺ㧕 ৻⥸ᢎຬ⎇ୃߩ⸘ ↹ߣታᣉ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ᢎຬ ⎇ୃߩ⸘↹ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼⎇ୃ ࠦࠬౝኈߩᚑ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩጁ ୃౝኈߩᬌ⸛ߣᡷ ⸓ ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞTTC ᥉ᩞ x ቇ↢ᢙࠍ〯߹߃ߡ ᢎຬߩቯຬࠍ ቯޕ x ᢎຬߩណ↪ߣฦᩞ ߳ߩ㈩⟎ࠍⴕ߁ޕ x ቯຬᨒࠍḩߚߔቇ↢ ߩ⏕ദജޕ x TTC㧦 ࠗ ࠭ ࡒ ࡞ ᩞ⥄ േᓮቇ⑼ᢎຬߩᨒౝ ߢ⻠Ꮷߩ㒯ኈ߇ࠄ ࠇߡࠆޕዋᢙߛ߇ᄖ ㇱ⻠Ꮷࠍ⡜ߔࠆߎߣ ߽ࠆᮨ᭽ޕ x శᾲ᳓⾌ޔ⛽ᜬ⾌ ╬ߩ⚻Ᏹ੍▚ߩ↳⺧ࠍ ⴕ߁ޕ x TTC㧦 ࠗ ࠭ ࡒ ࡞ ᩞߩ ৻ᣉ⸳ߣߒߡశᾲ᳓ ⾌ޔ⛽ᜬ⾌ߩ੍▚ ߇⏕ߐࠇࠆޕ x TTC ߦᔅⷐߥᯏ᧚ࠍ↳ ⺧ߔࠆޕ x ቯຬᨒࠍḩߚߔ ቇ↢ߩ⏕ദജޕ x ↳⺧ߐࠇߚ੍▚ࠍ ᩏቯߒ੍▚㗵ࠍ ቯޕ x ቇ⑼ߩ᥉น ߦޔᚲⷐᣉ⸳ ߩᑪ⸳╬ߩ⸘↹ࠍ ቯޔታᣉߔࠆޕ x ⎇ୃᬺߩ⸘↹ࠍ 〯߹߃ߡ੍▚ࠍ⏕ ޕ x ⎇ୃ⺖㗴ࠍ৻⥸ᩞ ᢎຬ߆ࠄࠅޔᲤ ᐕߩ⎇ୃᬺߩౝ ኈߣቯຬᢙࠍ⸘↹ ߒߔ⏕ࠍ▚੍ޔ ࠆޕ x TTC ࠍ⥄േᓮቇ ⑼ኾ↪ߩ⎇ୃᣉ⸳ ߣߒߡ⏕ޕ x ⥄േቇ⑼ᢎຬ⎇ୃ ߩ੍▚ᨒࠍ⏕ޕ x ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߩࠗ ࠾ࠪࠕ࠴ࡉࠍዅ ㊀ޕ x ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߩࠗ ࠾ࠪࠕ࠴ࡉࠍዅ ㊀ߥ⊛⚳ᦨޕน ߿ ᛚ ߪ ⋭ ߩ Board of Education ߇ⴕ߁ޕ x ੍▚ߢ⏕ߐࠇߚ⎇ୃ ᣣᢙߦኻᔕߔࠆ⎇ୃࠦ ࠬࠍታᣉߔࠆޕ x ৻⥸ᩞߣห᭽ߥ┙႐ߢ ৻⥸⎇ୃࠍฃߌࠆޕ x ߩߣߎࠈ TTC ߢߪ ৻⥸ᢎຬ⎇ୃᬺߪⴕ ࠊࠇߡߥޕ x శᾲ᳓⾌ޔ⛽ ᜬ⾌╬ߩ⚻Ᏹ੍▚ ߩ↳⺧ࠍⴕ߁ޕ x ቇ⑼ᢎ᧚ߩ㈩ࠍ ฃߌࠆޕᢎ᧚᭽ߪ ᧄ⋭߇⸘↹ߒߡ ࠆޕ x ᚲቯߩ⎇ୃ⸘↹ߦ ኻᔕߒߡฃ⻠ߔࠆ ᢎຬࠍផ⮈ߔࠆޕ x ⎇ୃᬺߩታᣉߦ ߟߡᏗᦸߔࠆౝ ኈࠍ↳⺧ߔࠆޕ x ੍▚ߢ⏕ߐࠇߚ⎇ୃ ᣣᢙߦኻᔕߒߡ⎇ୃࠦ ࠬߩ࿁ᢙ߿ᦼ㑆ࠍ⸘ ↹ߔࠆޕ x ጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߦㆡว ߔࠆౝኈߢ⎇ୃࠦࠬ ࠍ⸘↹ߔࠆޕ x දജᩞߣߣ߽ߦጁୃࡊ ࡠࠣࡓࠍᚑߒߚޕ x 10 ᐕ↢㨪12 ᐕ↢ߩផ ᅑࠞࠠࡘࡓࠍḰ ޕ x ࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ ࠍᚑਛޕ - 218 - x ᓟߦฃ⻠↢ߦࠃ ࠆ⎇ୃࠦࠬ⹏ଔ ࠍⴕ߁ޕ x ࠦࡦࡗᩞ╬දജᩞ ߣߒߡጁୃࡊࡠࠣ ࡓ߿ࡕࠫࡘ࡞ ߩᬌ⸛ߦදജߔࠆ ቇᩞ߇ࠆޕ - 219 - 㧟㧙㧟㧙㧞 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߩ⺖㗴 䉟䉵䊚䊷䊦ᩞ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ᢎຬ 16 ฬ䈱දജ䉕ᓧ䈩䇮⥄േᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒䈱᥉䉕ਥ㗴䈫䈚䈩㑐ଥ⠪ಽ ᨆ䈫㗴ಽᨆ䉕ⴕ䈇䇮䈠䈱⚿ᨐ䉕㗴♽࿑䋨ઃዻ⾗ᢱ 11䋩䈮ข䉍䉁䈫䉄䈢䇯 㗴♽࿑ߦ␜ߐࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔᩞ TTC ߪ 2006 ᐕߦ⎇ୃᬺࠍ㐿ᆎߒߚ߫߆ࠅߢୃ⎇ޔ ⸘↹ޔᢎ᧚ᚑ❱⚵ޔㆇ༡ߩ㕙ߢ⒳⺖ߩޘ㗴ࠍᜬߟޔߚ߹ޕએߦട߃ߡޔ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߩ⺖ 㗴ߢߪࠆ߇ޔኻ╷ߩታᣉ߇߹ࠇ߫ TTC ߇ᜂᒰߔࠆߎߣߦߥࠆ⺖㗴ߣߒߡޔᣥ⺖⒟ߩ⥄േᓮ ቇ⑼ޔ᥉ኻ⽎ߦ߹ࠇߥ 5 ᩞޔᯏ᪾ቇ⑼ޔ㔚᳇㔚ሶቇ⑼ޔᖱႎᛛⴚቇ⑼ߥߤ⥄േᓮᛛⴚߩ ৻ㇱࠍጁୃ⑼⋡ߦᜬߟ㓞ធቇ⑼߳ߩኻಣߥߤ߇ߍࠄࠇࠆ ߣࠆߔ⚂ⷐࠍࠄࠇߎޕTTC ߩ⺖㗴ߪએ ਅߩࠃ߁ߦ␜ߐࠇࠆޕ x Ṷ⠌↪ᯏ᧚ߩਇ⿷㧔ߪቇᩞߩຠࠍ↪㧕 x ⻠Ꮷ߇છߢࠆߎߣߦ࿃ߔࠆᜂᒰᬺߣߩᤨ㑆⊛㊀ⶄ x ᥉ᩞߢ↪ߒߡࠆᢎ᧚㧔࿁〝ၮ᧼ߩ㘃㧕ߣߩ឵ᕈ x ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩㆇ༡ x ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩ⹏ଔ x ࡕࠫࡘ࡞ᚑߩㆃᑧ㧔․ߦ 12 ᐕ↢↪㧕 ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹↪ୃ⎇ޔᚑߩᧂ⌕ᚻ x ⎇ୃ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩᚑ - 220 - ╙㧠┨ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᚢ⇛ 㧠㧙㧝 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᚢ⇛ߩⷐ 㧠㧙㧝㧙㧝 ࠕࡊࡠ࠴ߩㆬᛯ ࠻࡞ࠦߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ߩ᥉ޔᒁߡߪ↥ᬺ⇇ߩᓮᛛ⢻⠪ੱ᧚㔛ⷐ߳ߩኻᔕߦะ ߌߡ⋡ߩ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޔᮡࠍࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߩ TTC ߦࠃࠆ⥄േᓮᛛⴚᢎ⢒ߩ⎇ୃߩᢛߦ ⟎ߊ⋡ޕᮡࠍ㆐ᚑߔࠆࠕࡊࡠ࠴ߣߒߡޔTTC ߦࠃࠆᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩ⸳⸘ޔታᣉ⹏ޔଔ߮ TTC ߩ⚵❱ㆇ༡ߩᡷༀᒝൻࠍㆬቯߔࠆޕ 2005 ᐕ 9 ߆ࠄవ⊒᥉ᩞߢ㐿ᆎߐࠇߚᣂ⺖⒟ߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ㆇ༡ߩߚߦޔTTC ߢߪᣢߦ 2006 ᐕᒰೋߦᢎຬ⎇ୃ߇ታᣉߦ⒖ߐࠇߡࠆୃ⎇ߩⴕޕᬺࠍᡷༀᒝൻߔࠆߣߦ⥄ޔേᓮ ᛛⴚᢎ⢒᥉ߩታน⢻ᕈࠍ㜞ࠆߚߦޔਛ㐳ᦼ⊛ⷞ㊁ߦ┙ߞߡ TTC ㆇ༡ߩᡷༀࠍ⋡ᜰߔޕ 㧠㧙㧝㧙㧞 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࠨࠗ࠻ ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߩ TTC ߇ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᵴേࠍⴕ߁ࠨࠗ࠻ߣߥࠆޕTTC ߩᑪደޔ㔚᳇ᯏ᪾⸳ߪ߶ ߷ 2006 ᐕߦ┫Ꮏᢛߐࠇߡࠆޕ 㧠㧙㧞 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩታᣉ 㧠㧙㧞㧙㧝 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ታᣉᯏ㑐 ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߩᛛⴚ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒✚ዪ㐳߇ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩ✚⽿છ⠪ߢࠆޕหዪߪਃㇱ㐷ߦಽ߆ ࠇߡ߅ࠅߩߜ߁ߩߘޔᢎຬߩ৻⥸⎇ୃ╬ࠍᜂᒰߔࠆㇱ㐷ߩ㐳߇ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩㆇ༡⽿છ⠪ߣߥࠅޔ ߹ߚࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞ㐳߇࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔታᣉߦ㓙ߒ▤ℂ߮ᛛⴚ㕙ߩ⽿છࠍᜬߟ ߪߢ⁁ޕTTC ߪ ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߩ৻ㇱߢߞߡߚߒ┙⁛ޔㆇ༡⚵❱ࠍᜬߞߡߥޕ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦ㑐ଥߔࠆฦᯏ㑐ߩ⺞ᢛ߮ද⼏ߩߚߦวห⺞ᢛᆔຬળࠍ⸳⟎ߔࠆޕਥⷐߥ᭴ ᚑຬߪޔ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ᧄ⋭㑐ଥ⠪࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔᩞ㐳ޔᩞ㐳㧔TTC ߩ▤ℂ⽿છ⠪ߣߥࠆ੍ቯ㧕 ޔ࿖ኅ ⸘↹ᐡ㧔State Planning Organization: SPO㧕߅ࠃ߮ᣣᧄ㑐ଥᯏ㑐ߢࠆޕ 㧠㧙㧞㧙㧞 ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻ߩ㈩⟎ 䊃䊦䉮䈏㈩⟎䈜䉎ᧄ䊒䊨䉳䉢䉪䊃䈱▤ℂⷐຬ䈶 TTC 䈱⎇ୃ⻠Ꮷ䈏䉦䉡䊮䉺䊷䊌䊷䊃䈫䈭䉎䇯 - 221 - ╙㧡┨ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩၮᧄ⸘↹ 㧡㧙㧝 ⋡ᮡ 㧔㧝㧕ࠬࡄࠧ࡞ ⷐ⚂ ⥄േᓮᛛⴚߩᛛ⢻⠪߇⢒ᚑߐࠇ↥ࠦ࡞࠻ޔᬺࠢ࠲ߩੱ᧚㔛ⷐ߇⋧ᒰ⒟ᐲ ల⿷ߐࠇࠆޕ ㆐ᚑᜰᮡ ⥄േᓮቇ⑼තᬺ↢ XX ੱ߇㑐ㅪᎿ႐ߦዞ⡯ߔࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕⋡ᮡ ⷐ⚂ ᥉ᩞߦ߅ߡ⥄ޔേᓮᛛⴚߩ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⸠✵߇ലߦታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ ㆐ᚑᜰᮡ ᐕ㑆 XX ੱߩቇ↢߇⥄േᓮቇ⑼ࠍතᬺߔࠆޕ 㧡㧙㧞 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡ ⷐ⚂ TTC ߦ߅ߌࠆᢎຬ⎇ୃᐲ߇⏕┙ߐࠇࠆޕ ㆐ᚑᜰᮡ (1) ⎇ୃࠦࠬߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡ Ԙ ⎇ୃฃ⻠⠪ߩ߁ߜޔ XX㧑એ߇⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᬺߦ TTC ߩ⎇ୃ߇ታ㓙ߦ ᓎ┙ߟߣ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ԙ ฃ⻠↢ߩ XX㧑߇⎇ୃࠦࠬࠍ⚳ੌߔࠆޕ Ԛ ⎇ୃୃੌ⹜㛎ߩᐔဋὐ (2) TTC ⚵❱ㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡ Ԙ ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩ▤ℂᚻ㗅߇⸳ߌࠄࠇࠆޕ ԙ ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩ⸘↹࿁ᢙߦኻߔࠆታᣉ࿁ᢙ (3) 㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹ߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡ Ԛ TTC 㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹߇࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߦࠃࠅࠄࠇࠆޕ 㧡㧙㧟 ᚑᨐߣᵴേ TTC ߩ⎇ୃᬺߦߟߡޔ↹⸘ޔታᣉ⹏ޔଔ߮㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹ߩᚑߣޔ㆐ᚑߔߴ߈ᚑᨐࠍ 4 ઙ⸘↹ߔࠆޕ ᚑᨐ㧝 TTC ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃ⸘↹߇╷ቯߐࠇࠆޕ ㆐ᚑᜰᮡ Ԙ ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬ ԙ ⎇ୃ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ᢙ ᵴേ㧦 1-1 ᥉ᩞߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩ⁁ߦߟߡ⺞ࡦࠗࠬࡌޔᩏࠍⴕ߁ޕ - 222 - 1-2 TTC ߩㆇ༡ࠍ⋥ߔޕ 1-3 ⴕߩਛᦼᢎຬ⎇ୃ⸘↹㧔2006-2011㧕ࠍᡷ⸓ߔࠆޕ 1-4 ࡕࠫࡘ࡞࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧔ᢎ⑼ᦠߦ⋧ᒰߔࠆ߽ߩ㧕ࠍᚑߔࠆޕ 1-5 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬࠍ⸳ቯߔࠆޕ 1-6 ᢎຬ⎇ୃ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍᚑߔࠆޕ ᚑᨐ 2 TTC ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬ߇ታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ ㆐ᚑᜰᮡ ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩታᣉ࿁ᢙ ᵴേ㧦 2-1 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߦታ⠌ᯏ᧚ࠍᢛߔࠆޕ 2-2 ⎇ୃฃ⻠⠪ߦኻߔࠆ೨⺑ࠍታᣉߔࠆޕ 2-3 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬࠍታᣉߔࠆޕ 2-4 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߔࠆࡒ࠽ࠍታᣉߔࠆޕ ᚑᨐ 3 TTC ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬ߇⹏ଔߐࠇࠆޕ ㆐ᚑᜰᮡ x ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩ⹏ଔ߇ XX ࿁ታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ x ᥉ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆࡕ࠾࠲ࡦࠣ߇ XX ࿁ታᣉߐࠇࠆޕ ᵴേ㧦 3-1 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߩ⹏ଔၮḰ߮⹏ଔᚻᴺࠍ⸳ቯߔࠆޕ 3-2 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߦኻߔࠆ⹏ଔࠍㆡಾߦታᣉߔࠆޕ 3-3 ᥉ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᬺ߮ㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߒޕ߁ⴕࠍࠣࡦ࠲࠾ࡕޔ 3-4 ᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬ߅ࠃ߮⎇ୃ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ⋥ߒࠍⴕ߁ޕ ᚑᨐ 4 TTC ߩ⸘↹╷ቯ⢻ജ߇ᒝൻߐࠇࠆޕ ㆐ᚑᜰᮡ TTC ߩ㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹߇ᚑߐࠇࠆޕ ᵴേ㧦 4-1 TTC ߩਛ㐳ᦼ⊛ᓎഀࠍ․ቯߔࠆޕ 4-2 TTC ߩ㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹ࠍᚑߔࠆޕ 㧡㧙㧠 ᵴേ⸘↹㧔21㧕 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩታᣉᦼ㑆ࠍ⚂ 3 ᐕߣߒߚ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޕታᣉ⸘↹㧔PO㧕ࠍઃዻ⾗ᢱ 2 ߦ␜ߔޕ 㧡㧙㧡 ᛩ 㧡㧙㧡㧙㧝 ࠻࡞ࠦᛩ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᵴേߪ࠻࡞ࠦߦࠃߞߡㅴࠄࠇࠆ࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޕᩞߦ߅ߡࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻ࠍޔ ߹ߚหᩞߣ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߦ▤ℂⷐຬࠍࠇߙࠇߘޔᔅⷐᢙ㈩⟎ߔࠆ⥄ࠆߢ࠻ࡄ࠲ࡦ࠙ࠞޕേ - 223 - ᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎຬߪޔᢎຬ⎇ୃߩઁߦหቇ⑼ߩቇ↢ࠍኻ⽎ߣߒߚᬺ߽ᜂᒰߒߡࠆߎߣ߆ࠄ࠭ࠗޔ ࡒ࡞ᩞ㐳ߪᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡᢎຬࠍჇຬߒ⽶ߩ࠻ࡄ࠲ࡦ࠙ࠞޔᜂࠍシᷫߔࠆޕ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ታᣉߦᔅⷐߥോቶޔੲེຠ⋥ޔㅢ㔚ޔ㔚Ḯ⸳ࠍ TTC ߦ⸳ߌࠆ✵⸠ޕᵴേ ߦᔅⷐߥၮᧄ⊛⸳ᯏ᧚ࠍḰߔࠆޕᢎຬ⎇ୃᬺ⾌ࠍࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ㆇ༡⚻⾌ࠍ⽶ᜂߔࠆޕ 㧡㧙㧡㧙㧞 ᣣᧄᛩ ᣣᧄߪࠦ࡞࠻ޔߦࠃߞߡㅴࠄࠇࠆࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᵴേࠍᡰេߔࠆ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޕᵴേߪޔ ࠻࡞ࠦߦࠃߞߡᚑߐࠇߚ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓ߮࠻࡞ࠦߦࠃߞߡ⺞㆐ߐࠇߚᯏ᧚ ࠍ↪ߡⴕࠊࠇࠆߪ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޕ⍴ᦼኾ㐷ኅᵷ㆜ࠍਛᔃߣߔࠆ߇ޔᵷ㆜ಽ㊁߮ੱຬᢙߪᬌ ⸛ਛߢࠆޕᯏ᧚⺞㆐ߪਥߦ࠻࡞ࠦߦࠃߞߡⴕࠊࠇ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔታᣉߩᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡޔTTC ߩᯏ᧚ࠍᣣᧄߢ⿷ߔࠆ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޕㆇ༡⚻⾌ߪਥߦ࠻࡞ࠦߦࠃߞߡ⾔ࠊࠇࠆ߽ߩߩޔ ᔅⷐߦᔕߓ৻ㇱ⽶ᜂߔࠆޕ 㧡㧙㧢 ᄖㇱ᧦ઙ߮೨ឭ᧦ઙ 㧡㧙㧢㧙㧝 ᄖㇱ᧦ઙ 㧔㧝㧕ᚑᨐ㆐ᚑߩߚߩᄖㇱ᧦ઙ x ᥉ᩞ⥄േᓮቇ⑼䈱ᢎຬ䈏ᔅⷐ䈭ᤨᦼ䉁䈪䈮ណ↪䈘䉏䉎䇯 㧔㧞㧕ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡ㆐ᚑߩߚߩᄖㇱ᧦ઙ x 䉦䉡䊮䉺䊷䊌䊷䊃䈏 TTC 䈮ቯ⌕䈜䉎䇯 㧡㧙㧢㧙㧞 ೨ឭ᧦ઙ x TTC 䈱ᚲⷐ੍▚䈏ㆡಾ䈮㈩Ꮣ䈘䉏䉎䈖䈫䇯 x 䉦䉡䊮䉺䊷䊌䊷䊃䈏ᚲⷐຬᢙಽ㈩ዻ䈘䉏䉎䈖䈫䇯 - 224 - ╙㧢┨ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩታᣉᅷᒰᕈ 㧢㧙㧝 ᅷᒰᕈ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩᅷᒰᕈߪޔએਅߩὐ߆ࠄ㜞ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ x ࠻࡞ࠦᐭߩਛᦼ㐿⊒⸘↹ 2007㨪2009 ᐕߦ߅ߡ⾗⊛ੱޔḮߩ㐿⊒ࠍㅢߓߚ㓹↪ᯏળߩჇᄢ ߪޔਛᦼ㐿⊒⸘↹ߩਥⷐㇱಽߣߒߡ⏕ߦ⟎ઃߌࠄࠇߡࠆޕ x ㅧᬺㇱ㐷ߩੱ᧚࠾࠭ߦ㑐ߔࠆฦ⒳⺞ᩏߦࠃࠅޔᓮᛛⴚࠍ߃ߚੱ᧚ߩਇ⿷߇ᜰ៰ߐࠇߡ ࠆߎߣ߆ࠄ⥄ޔേᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍⴕ߁ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪࠦ࡞࠻ޔㅧᬺߩੱ᧚࠾࠭ ߦว⥌ߒߚ߽ߩߣ߃ࠆޕ x TTC ߪ 2006 ᐕࠃࠅᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍታᣉߒߡࠆ߽ߩߩᧂߩ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹↪ୃ⎇ޔᚑߩࠬࠦୃ⎇ޔ ㆇ༡ߩᧂᢛ⹏ߩࠬࠦୃ⎇ޔଔᚻᴺߩᧂᢛ╬ߩ㗴ὐ߇ߍࠄࠇߡࠆߚࡠࡊᧄޔ ࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦࠃࠅ TTC ߩ⎇ୃታᣉࠍ⏕┙ߔࠆߎߣߪ ࠆߢࡊ࡞ࠣ࠻࠶ࠥ࠲ޔTTC ⎇ୃ ⻠Ꮷߩ࠾࠭ߦว⥌ߒߡࠆޕ x ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔJICA ࿖ᬺታᣉ⸘↹ߩេഥ㊀ὐಽ㊁ޟਛㅴ࿖ߦߌߚੱ᧚⢒ᚑߦޠ⟎ ߠߌࠄࠇࠆޕ 㧢㧙㧞 ലᕈ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔએਅߩℂ↱߆ࠄലᕈ߇ㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ x ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪ TTC ߦ߅ߌࠆ⎇ୃࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ⏕┙ࠍࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡߣߒߡࠆ߇ޔห⋡ᮡߦ 㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡߣߒߡޔᢎຬ⎇ୃࠦࠬߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡߩઁ࠲ࡦޔㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡޔ㐳ᦼㆇ༡ ⸘↹ߦ㑐ߔࠆᜰᮡ߇⸳ߌࠄࠇߡࠆߚ⋡࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔᮡߪ⏕ߦ⸳ቯߐࠇߡࠆޕ x ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔᢎຬ⎇ୃ⸘↹ߩᚑ߮ታᣉ⹏ޔଔࠍㅢߓߡୃ⎇࠲ࡦޔታᣉࠍ⏕ ┙ߔࠆઁ࠲ࡦޔ㐳ᦼㆇ༡⸘↹ߩᚑࠍㅢߓߡ╷↹⸘࠲ࡦޔቯᯏ⢻ࠍᒝൻߔࠆߎߣ߆ࠄޔ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡࠍ㆐ᚑߔࠆߚߦචಽߥࠕ࠙࠻ࡊ࠶࠻߇ቯࠄࠇߡࠆޕ 㧢㧙㧟 ല₸ᕈ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔએਅߩℂ↱߆ࠄല₸⊛ታᣉ߇ㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ x TTC ᑪ⸳߮ᯏ᧚⺞㆐ޔ᥉ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᯏ᧚⺞㆐ߪࠦ࡞࠻ޔᐭߩ⥄࿖੍▚ߢ ㅴࠄࠇߡ߅ࠅୃ⎇ߚ߹ޔฃ⻠⠪ߩᣏ⾌╬ୃ⎇ޔታᣉ⚻⾌ߪหߓߊ࠻࡞ࠦᐭߩ⥄࿖੍▚ߢ⾔ ࠊࠇߡࠆߚ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔᵴേߩߚߩ࠻࡞ࠦߩᛩߪㆡಾߦⴕࠊࠇࠆߣㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ x ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߢ㈩⟎ߐࠇࠆࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡄ࠻ߪޔ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦ߅ߡ⥄േᓮᛛⴚߦ㑐 ߔࠆᛛⴚ⒖ォࠍᣣᧄੱኾ㐷ኅ߆ࠄฃߌߡࠆߚޔ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࠃࠅ߽ዋߥᣣᧄߩᛩ ߢࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᵴേߩታᣉ߇น⢻ߣㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ x ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߦࠃࠅޔ᥉ᩞ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎຬߪᔅⷐੱᢙ㓹↪ߐࠇߡࠆߚޔᚑᨐ㆐ᚑߩߚ ߩᄖㇱ᧦ઙ⥄ޟേᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎຬ߇ㆡᤨ㈩⟎ߐࠇࠆߪޠḩߚߐࠇࠆㄟߺߢࠆޕ 㧢㧙㧠 ࠗࡦࡄࠢ࠻ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩࠗࡦࡄࠢ࠻ߪޔએਅߩߣ߅ࠅ੍᷹ߐࠇࠆޕ x ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪޔ᥉ᩞߩ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ᢎຬ⚂ 300 ฬࠍኻ⽎ߦᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍታᣉߔࠆߎߣࠍਥ ߥ⋡⊛ߣߒߡࠆ߇⥄ޔേᓮቇ⑼ߩ㓞ធቇ⑼ߢࠆᯏ᪾ቇ⑼ޔ㔚᳇ቇ⑼࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦޔቇ⑼ - 225 - ╬ߩᢎຬࠍኻ⽎ߣߒߚ⍴ᦼࡒ࠽߽ⴕ߁ޕ x ࠻࡞ࠦߪߩ╬࡞ࡒ࠭ࠗޔ࡞ࡉࡦ࠲ࠬࠗޔᄢㇺᏒࠍߒޔEU ⻉࿖ߣߩ⚿߮ߟ߈߇ᒝߊᎿ ᬺߩ⊒ዷ߇⪺ߒㇱၞߣޔጊጪᏪߢ⚻ᷣ㐿⊒߆ࠄขࠅᱷߐࠇߚ᧲ㇱၞߣߩ㑆ߢᄢ߈ߥ ⚻ᷣᩰᏅ߇ࠆ᧲ޔߪ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޕㇱၞࠍోࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖߆ࠄㆬቯߐࠇߚ᥉ᩞ 20 ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼⸳┙ࠍᡰេߔࠆߎߣ߆ࠄࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖ౝߩၞ㑆ᩰᏅᤚᱜߦ߽⽸₂ߔࠆ ߽ߩߣㄟ߹ࠇࠆޕ 㧢㧙㧡 ⥄┙⊒ዷᕈ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩ⥄┙⊒ዷᕈߪޔએਅߩℂ↱߆ࠄ㜞ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ x ࠻࡞ࠦ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߪ⥄ޔ࿖੍▚ߢ TTC ᑪ⸳ޔ᥉ᩞߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᯏ᧚⺞㆐ࠍㅴޔ 2006 ᐕߦᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍ⁛⥄ߦ㐿ᆎߒߡࠆߎߣ߆ࠄޔห⋭ߪᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦᒝࠗ࠾ࠪࠕ࠹ࠖ ࡉࠍߒߡࠆޕ x ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦ߅ߡޔᣣᧄੱኾ㐷ኅߪ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹࡞ࡘࠫࡕޔ߮ᢎຬ⎇ୃ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ ᚑ߮ࡦ࠲ㆇ༡ߦ㑐ߔࠆഥ⸒╬ࠦ࡞࠻ޔߦࠃࠆࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ᵴേߩ㕙ᡰេࠍⴕ߁ߚޔ ࠻࡞ࠦߩࠝ࠽ࠪ࠶ࡊߪ⏕ߐࠇߡࠆޕ 㧢㧙㧢 ⚿⺰ 2001 ᐕ߆ࠄ 2006 ᐕߦ߆ߌߡᣣᧄߩදജߦࠃࠅࠕ࠽࠻ࠕᎿᬺ㜞ᩞࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߦ⸳┙ߐࠇߚ⥄ േᓮቇ⑼ࠍࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖ౝߩઁߩ 20 ᩞߦ᥉ߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒߡࡒ࠭ࠗޔߪ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊᧄޔ ࡞ᩞߦᣂ⸳ߐࠇߚᢎຬ⎇ୃࡦ࠲ߦ߅ߌࠆ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍᒝൻߔࠆ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ᧄࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߪߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔㅧᬺࠍᡰ߃ࠆੱ᧚⢒ᚑࠍᡰេߔࠆὐߦ߅ߡߩࠦ࡞࠻ޔ࿖ኅ╷ ߩ㊀ὐ⺖㗴ߦᔕ߃ࠆ߽ߩߢࠅߚ߹ޔᣣᧄߦࠃࠆදജߩᚑᨐࠍᄢ᥉ߔࠆᗧ߆ࠄ߽ޔታᣉ ߩᅷᒰᕈߪᭂߡ㜞ޕ - 226 - ╙㧣┨ ࡕ࠾࠲ࡦࠣߣ⹏ଔ 㧣㧙㧝 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࡑࡀࠫࡔࡦ࠻ߩ⇐ᗧὐ 㧔㧝㧕 ᢎຬ⎇ୃߩౝኈߦߟߡ TTC ߢߪߩߣߎࠈޔਥߦࡕࠫࡘ࡞㧔࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧕ߩౝኈ⺑߿ታ⠌ᯏེߩ↪ᴺߦߟߡ⎇ ୃࠍⴕߞߡࠆ߇ޔᢎ⢒⑼ቇߦၮߠߚᢎᴺ߿ᢎ᧚㐿⊒ᴺ╬ߦߟߡ߽⎇ୃߦขࠅࠇࠆᔅⷐ ߇ߥ߆ᬌ⸛߇ᔅⷐޔߚ߹ޕ3 ࡩߩ⎇ୃᦼ㑆߇ᅷᒰ߆ᬌ⸛߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ 㧔㧞㧕 ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߣ᥉ᩞߩᯏ᧚ߩ⋧㆑ߦߟߡ ࠗ࠭ࡒ࡞ᩞߦߪޔ೨ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦࠃࠅᣣᧄᯏ᧚߇ਥߦଏਈߐࠇߚ߇ޔ᥉ᩞߦߪ࡛ࡠ ࠶ࡄ᭽ߩᯏ᧚߇ዉߐࠇߡࠆޕ᥉ᩞߦዉߐࠇߚታ⠌ᯏེߦߟߡޔTTC ߩᢎຬߪචಽᾫ ⍮ߒߡߥޔߚߩߘޕTTC ߦߪ᥉ᩞߣหߓ᭽ߩᯏ᧚߇ዉߐࠇࠆ੍ቯߢࠆޕ 㧔㧟㧕 66% ߩ㐳ᦼᚢ⇛ߩ╷ቯߦߟߡ 2012 ᐕએ㒠ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃ⸘↹ߦߟߡߪޔ㓞ធቇ⑼ᢎຬߩᛛⴚะߣ߁⋡⊛ߪߍࠄࠇߡࠆ ߽ߩߩߪ⚦ࠈߎߣߩޔቯ߹ߞߡߥ․ޔߡ߅ߦࠦ࡞࠻ޔߚ߹ޕቯቇ⑼ߩᢎຬ⎇ୃࠍ⋡⊛ ߣߒߚࡦ࠲ߩ⸳┙ߪೋߡߢࠆߚߩ࠲ࡦޔਛ㐳ᦼ⊛ߥᓎഀ߇ቯࠄࠇߡߥᧄޕ ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࠍㅢߓߡߩ࠲ࡦᧄޔਛ㐳ᦼ⊛ߥᓎഀߦߟߡ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ߣᬌ⸛߇ㅴࠄࠇࠆߴ ߈ߢࠆޕ 㧣㧙㧞 ࡕ࠾࠲ࡦࠣ⸘↹ ⸘↹╙㧟ᐕ⋡ᒰೋ㧔ᧄ⸘↹߇ 2007 ᐕ 7 ߦ㐿ᆎߐࠇࠆ႐วߪ 2009 ᐕ 3 㗃㧕ࠍ⋡ㅜߣߒߡޔ ਛ㑆⹏ଔ⺞ᩏࠍታᣉߒ࠻ࠢࠚࠫࡠࡊޔㆇ༡ߩࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠹ࠖࡦࠣࠍⴕ߁੍ቯߢࠆޕਛ㑆⹏ଔߩ⚿ ᨐߦࠃߞߡߪޔᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡද⼏ߩޔએ㒠ߩ⸘↹ౝኈߩ゠ୃᱜࠍ࿑ࠆᤨੌ⚳↹⸘ޕὐߩ 6 ࡩ ೨㧔2010 ᐕ 3 㧕એ೨ߦ⹏ᤨੌ⚳ޔଔ⺞ᩏࠍታᣉߔࠆ⹏ᤨੌ⚳ޕଔߩਥߥ⋡⊛ߪࡊߩ↹⸘ᧄޔ ࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻⋡ᮡߩ㆐ᚑ╬ࠍ 5 㗄⋡⹏ଔߩᚻ㗅ߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߔࠆߎߣޔදജ⚳ੌᓟ߽ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ଢ ⋉ࠍᜬ⛯ߐߖࠆߚߩኻ╷╬ࠍߔߎߣޔ߮㘃ૃߔࠆࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩ⸘↹┙᩺ߣታᣉߩᡷༀ ߦᵴ߆ߔߚߩᢎ⸠ࠍᒁߔߎߣߦࠆޕ - 227 - ઃዻ⾗ᢱ 㧝㪅 㩷 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻࠺ࠩࠗࡦࡑ࠻࠶ࠢࠬ㩷 㩿㪧㪛㪤㪀㩷 㧞㧚 ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ో⸘↹㩷 㩿㪧㪦㪀㩷 㧟㧚 㪉㪇㪇㪍 ᐕᢎຬ⎇ୃ㩷 㧠㧚 ᥉ᩞᢎຬᢙ߮ቇ↢ᢙ㩷 㧡㧚 వ⊒ 㪈㪈 ᩞࠕࡦࠤ࠻⺞ᩏ⚿ᨐ㩷 㧢㧚 ᢎ⢻ജ⥄Ꮖ⹏ଔߩ⚿ᨐ㩷 㧣㧚 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ጁୃࡊࡠࠣࡓ㩷 㧤㧚 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩᮡḰ⊛ࠞࠠࡘࡓ㩷 㧥㧚 ⥄േᓮቇ⑼ߩࡕࠫࡘ࡞ࠬ࠻㩷 㪈㪇㪅 㩷 㪫㪫㪚 ⸳⟎ߦଥࠆ࿖᳃ᢎ⢒⋭ᢥᦠ㩷 㪈㪈㪅 㩷 㗴♽࿑㩷 㪈㪉㪅 㩷 ᬺോౝኈ㩷 ᵈ㧕ᢥࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ࠻ߢߪઃዻᦠ㘃ߪ⋭⇛ߒߚ⧷ޕᢥࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ ࠻ࠍෳᾖߩߎߣޕ - 228 -