⋂ A C ⋂

Math 15 Test 1 Practice Problems
1. A customer buys 24 flowers. Daisies sell for $2 per stem and roses for $5 per stem. If the customer
spent $75, how many roses were bought?
2. At Hal’s Hot Dog Heaven you can order a large or small hot dog, white or whole wheat bun, and up to
4 condiments with a choice of ketchup, mustard, pickles, and onions. How many different hot dog
choices are available?
3. Consider the set U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} and let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {8, 9, 10} and C = {3, 4, 5, 6}.
List the elements in each of the given sets:
a. A  ( B  C )
b. B ' C
c. ( A  B ) '
d. A ' C '
4. Consider the following Venn Diagram which lists languages taken by some students in a school:
a. How many students are taking French?
b. How many students are taking Spanish and Japanese and not French?
c. How many students are not taking Japanese but are taking French?
d. How many students are taking Spanish or French?
5. Determine the best model for each problem. Choose from
A. Comparison Model B. Cartesian Product Model
C. Array Model
D. Repeat Subtraction Model E. Partition Model
F. Repeat Addition Model
a. A student has red, blue and black sneakers and white, pink and purple shoe laces. How many
different shoe looks are possible?
b. Your shoes are in pairs stored in boxes in your walk-in closet. The shoe area of the closet has a
special shelf that holds 5 rows of shoeboxes with 3 shoe boxes in each row. How many pairs of shoes
are in the shoe area of your closet?
c. A teacher has 12 stickers and 4 students. How many stickers will each student receive?
d. A teacher has 8 science stations and 12 groups of students that need to visit each station. How many
groups will have to wait before a science station is free?
e. Mary has 15 pencils and wants to group 5 together with a rubber band. How many rubber bands will
she need?
f. Joe has 4 baskets. Each basket has 8 tomatoes. How many tomatoes does Joe have?
6. State the property of whole numbers represented in each statement.
a. 5 + 8 = 8 + 5
b. 3 x (2 x 4) = (3 x 2) x 4
c. 5(1 + 6) = (5 x 1) + (5 x 6)
d. 7 x 1 = 7
e. 6 + (-6) = 0
f. 8 + 0 = 8
g. 12 x 0 = 0
1. 9 roses
2. 64 different hot dog choices
3. a. {3, 4}
b. {3, 4, 5, 6}
4. a. 52
b. 7
c. 43
5. a. Cartesian Product
c. {5, 6, 7}
d. {7, 8, 9, 10}
d. 91
b. Array
c. Partition
d. Comparison
e. Repeat Subtraction f. Repeat +
6. a. Commutative Property of + b. Associative Property of X c. Distributive Property
d. Multiplicative Identity e. Additive Inverse f. Additive Identity g. Zero Property