MA Political Science Assignment Topics - University of Kerala


Assignment Topics

MA Political Science (Final Year)

2013-2015 Batch

School of Distance Education, University of Kerala

Paper VII Research Methodology

Relevance of Social Science Research in India

Paper VIII Gandhian Political Thought

A Comparative Analysis of Gandhism and Marxism

Paper IX Issues in Indian Politics

An Analysis on the Recent Electoral Decline of Indian National Congress

Paper X Modern Indian Social and Political Ideas

Hindutva and the ideology of Bharatiya Janatha Party

Paper XI Politics of Developing Countries

Causes of Military Intervention in Pakistan Politics

Paper XII State and Society in Kerala

The Present Status of Left Political Parties in Kerala

Elective 3 Media and Political Communication

The Role of Social Media in Protest Movements


For Continuous Assessment you are requested to submit one assignment for each paper.

The attached face sheet must be photocopied, filed and attached to each assignment. The assignment must be neatly handwritten and should contain not less than 15 pages with topic, introduction, titles, sub-titles, conclusion, page numbers, and references/bibliography.

Kindly write assignment on the exact topic given above. Write in your own sentences with the help of references and do not copy each other and also from unauthenticated materials. A total fee of Rs. 100/- should be paid in the university cash counter/friends/DD towards assignment fee and a photocopy of the same should be attached along with the assignments. The original receipt should submit in the AC II section of SDE.

The mark list of assignments (Internal Marks/Continuous Assessment) will be published in the official website of SDE for 15 days after valuation for student scrutiny. Complaints regarding assignment marks should communicate to the co-ordinator during these 15 days. It is not possible to change the final assignment marks once submitted to the university.

The assignment must be submitted to Dr. Rose Mary George, Coordinator, MA Political

Science, School of Distance Education, University of Kerala on or before 31 st


2014. Those who submit their assignments after the specified date has to pay a late fee of to the University.

School of Distance Education



Phone: 0471 2300148, 2300137, website:



Course : ----------------------------- (Previous/Final) ---------------------------

Year of admission: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Paper Code : -------------------------------------------------------------

Title of the Paper : -------------------------------------------------------------

Name and Address of the Contact Centre






Name and Address of the Student

Student’s Name: ------------------------------------------------------


Address : ----------------------------------------------------------------




Phone No : ---------------------------------------------------------------

Mobile : ----------------------------------------------------------------

… Date of Submission: .. __________________________

SDE Enrolment Number


Exam Register Number (Compulsory)





Marks Awarded





Name and Signature of the Evaluator
