SuperHealth® Spiritual Vacation

 Introducing the SuperHealth®
Give Yourself a Gift of Healing Relax and rejuvenate in a SuperHealth® Spiritual Vacation program specifically tailored to nurture you and help you discover a deeper meaning and inner fulfillment. Each one of us has a unique purpose in life, filled with talents, interests, creativity and passions – these are special gifts from God. When we serve that source of inspiration and sense of purpose, we live to our destiny. SuperHealth® as taught by Yogi Bhajan helps people to connect with that inner source of healing and health, through meditation, yoga and healthy diet. A SuperHealth® Spiritual Vacation is a dedicated time just for you! The experience will revitalize you as you take a deep breath and appreciate what you value in your life. Practice the technology of Kundalini Yoga and meditation and enjoy the rejuvenation of a healthy and delicious vegetarian cuisine and herbal therapy. Free time activities include walks, hiking and massage. Enjoy our peaceful and serene bed and breakfast retreat (Miri Piri) outside Milan, Italy, in a sunny and mild climate with clean air, pure water and mountain views. A SuperHealth® Spiritual Vacation includes: 
Kundalini Yoga classes and workshops Meditation sessions Nutrition awareness and herbal therapy ‐ learning The Ancient Art of Self‐Healing. Increase your knowledge of food properties for health and healing, awareness of eating habits and foods issues, including a low‐stress diet plan Daily Sadhana (early morning yoga practice) Vegetarian dining Additional services: 
Reflexology ‐ foot massage techniques and practicum for deep relaxation Lectures and group discussions on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan Massage Therapy Individual or couples counseling (family, parenting, personal breaking habits, marriage) Touch your heart and ignite your soul in a holistic, yogic program of body, mind and spirit blending the ancient wisdom of the East with the modern innovations of the West. Invest in yourself – come on a spiritual vacation and discover an improved quality of life! SuperHealth® Spiritual Vacation at Miri Piri Milan is waiting for you. Consider this your home away from home. Vacation Fee: Includes room, board, meals and all program activities. Massage and special counseling services are available for additional cost. For reservations or more information, contact to schedule your vacation!!! (‐english‐version) Sample Schedule: 5:30 7:30 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 noon 1:30 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm Sadhana Yoga Breakfast Walk Yoga Yogi Bhajan DVD lecture – discussion theme (food, relationships, `stress, spirituality) Juice Yoga Lunch Reflexology, journal writing, discussion Activity – hiking, reading, walking Yoga Dinner Discussion & Processing the Day Group meditation Sleep More about SuperHealth® Spiritual Vacation SADHANA — The early morning sunrise sadhana begins the day in an environment of peace and relaxation. Class focuses on developing flexibility and strength while preparing the body for deep meditation. Enjoy dynamic breathing and stretching with warm ups of 30 – 45 minutes of exercise, followed by meditations to mantras with chanting and music. YOGA — Yoga means union. Kundalini Yoga includes breathing techniques, physical postures, meditations and mantra or sound. It is a workout of the body, mind and spirit which allows you to experience the best of what life has to offer in a neutral state of mind. Yoga strengthens the nervous system and enables the glandular system to function optimally while improving circulation, elimination and digestion. Learn how to use your breath to relax and reduce stress. MEDITATION — Daily practice of applied meditation techniques gives an experience of ones ownself through self‐analysis. Habit patterns change only when we change our attitude towards them with a newfound awareness or consciousness. Every action begins with a thought. The subconscious mind releases one thousand thoughts in the wink of an eye. Meditation allows us to view thoughts neutrally to see and act on each moment with clarity and decisiveness. This will bring success to all areas of your life. YOGA AEROBICS — Enjoy this challenging yogic aerobic workout. Improve your cardiovascular fitness as well as your flexibility and meditative mind. ADVANCED YOGA WORKOUT — Experience a challenging yoga kriya to strengthen your nervous system. Build grit and determination to withstand the challenges and stress of daily living. This class is 90 minutes and includes a 31‐minute meditation. YOGA FOR RECOVERY AND RENEWAL — Most of us have habit patterns that affect what we do and how we think. To live consciously, one must live with awareness of the habit patterns that can subconsciously guide our behavior. The yoga postures and meditations in this class strengthen your commitment to a peaceful life of serenity enjoying your birthright to be happy. Discover the beauty of yourself with self‐ autonomy and self‐determination. STRESSAWAY: KEEPING UP WITH KUNDALINI YOGA — The pressure of the times are stressful. To maintain ourselves and enjoy life we need a daily practice of strengthening our nervous system and our mental projection. This STRESSAWAY class is designed for inner fitness, mental health and awakens the dormant spiritual energy for greater intuitive sensitivity and conscious awareness. NUMEROLOGY — What can your birth date tell you about your personality? This class will teach you the properties about the numbers that guide your life and how to make them work for your success. Each person will complete a personal numerological evaluation and receive a yoga set or meditation for a program to practice when you return home. WALKING — Group walks for participants at all levels of fitness are scheduled each morning. Walking is the perfect exercise to develop the cardiovascular system while toning your muscles. Enjoy our beautiful countryside. HIKES — Hikes are led by enthusiastic outdoor specialists and are designed to meet each person’s level of fitness. Take this opportunity to learn about a wide range of countryside and hillside vegetation, wildlife and topography. JOGGING — If jogging is your daily constitutional, come enjoy the Italian countryside complete with jogging lane, fresh air and the natural beauty of the outdoors. PRECISION NUTRITION — You will have the opportunity to learn about foods for health and healing. Every meal is vegetarian and prepared to please your palate and your health. Our menu plan is designed with conscious low‐fat meals using fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and cold pressed oils. Every ingredient is chosen for your well‐
being. Our precision nutrition class will teach you how to incorporate careful preparation and food selection into your menu planning and food shopping when returning home. THERAPEUTIC JUICES — Juices are easy to assimilate and are very high in nutritional value. Specific therapeutic juice blends with fresh vegetables and fruits are used to cleanse and rebuild the system while giving additional nutritional support and vitality. BEHAVORIAL HEALTH SEGMENT — Spiritual and emotional well‐being is as essential as physical health for a vital and energetic lifestyle. We emphasize the need for balance ‐‐ physically, mentally and spiritually ‐‐ while teaching practical skills to maintain steadiness and discipline of character. During your stay, you are removed from your daily routine and responsibilities and have time to dedicate yourself to self‐exploration and personal inner development and growth. MANAGEMENT OF THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS — Through one’s own personal self‐
assessment in meditation, you will come to identify and discover new ways to perceive the self and develop new strategies for constructive and supportive living. Develop strength, grit and self‐determination to execute creativity with new ideas, hopes and dreams and learn practical techniques to manifest them into action. REFLEXOLOGY — Foot massage is both relaxing and therapeutic. All the nerve endings of the body’s organs end in the feet. Through massaging specific points, you’ll experience a deep state of relaxation by stimulating the nerve impulses throughout the body. Learn how to give and receive a therapeutic foot massage. 