Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Car Jack by FAIZAN NASIR Submitted to the MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science Ill MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY at the OMI College of Applied Science University of Cincinnati May 2009 © ...... Faizan Nasir The author hereby grants to the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department permission to reproduce and distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part . ..--- . AI Signature of Author ----------~·1-r--=·f:::::.&:.::"'.:.:,'--"t...:..:c:vt~=-~..£_---Mechanical Engineering Technology L....j/1~.~~<:!.._/-!:.~.....:...~+cj.,::!..t,-/A4----- Certified by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ahmed Elgafy, pJU:f, U Accepted by utnar Al-Ubaidi, P , Department Head Mechanical Engin~ing Technology Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack By: Faizan Nasir June 5, 2009 Advisor: Prof. Ahmad Elgafy TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... II LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................ III LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................. IV ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................. V INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................................... 1 MANUAL JACK SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................... 1 STANDARD MANUAL CAR JACK .................................................................................................................. 1 MANUAL HYDRAULIC JACK ....................................................................................................................... 1 AUTOMATIC JACK SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................................... 2 STANDARD DESIGN AUTOMATIC HYDRAULIC JACK ................................................................................... 2 HYDRAULIC PUMP - PISTON DESIGN CAR JACK .......................................................................................... 3 EASY LIFT HYDRAULIC CONVERSION JACK KIT.......................................................................................... 3 EXHAUST POWERED AIRBAG………………………………….……………………………………….………………………4 CUSTOMER FEEDBACK, FEATURES, AND OBJECTIVES ............................................. 5 SURVEY ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................ 5 QFD RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................... 6 PRODUCT FEATURES AND OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................. 8 CONCEPT GENERATION AND SELECTION……………………………………………………………….….10 HYDRAULIC CAR JACK DESIGN……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 PNEUMATIC CAR JACK DESIGN……………………………………………………………………………………………..……....10 EXHAUST POWERED JACK DESIGN…………………………………………………………………………………………..….….11 CONCEPT SELECTION…………………………………………….…………………………………………………………..…….… 12 FINAL DESIGN…………………………………………….…………………………………………………………..…….…………..13 DESIGN CALCULATIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………….…14 CENTER OF GRAVITY/JACK LOCATION…...…………………………………………………………………………………………14 DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS……………..…………………………………………………………………………………………15 SHIELD STRESS ANALYSIS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16 LOWER PLATE STRESS ANALYSIS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………18 AIRBAG ANGLE……………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….18 MOUNTING STRESS ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………………………………………………...18 COMPONENT SELECTION /DESIGN………………………………………………………………………………..19 AIRBAG SELECTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…….19 AIR COMPRESSOR SELECTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21 AIR HOSE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22 PROTECTIVE SHIELD / MOUNTING……………………………………………………………………………………………………..23 FABRICATION…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………...23 SHIELD/MOUNTING ASSEMBLY…...……………………………………………………………………………………….…………..23 SHIELD CASE……………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...…..24 REAR MOUNTING BRACKET ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...……25 FRONT MOUNTING BRACKET ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………26 SHIELD CASE UPPER BRACKET …………………………………………………………………………………………….………….27 SHIELD COVER ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………...28 LOWER PLATE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….28 SYSTEM ASSEMBLY……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………...29 SHIELD-AIRBAG JOINING…...…………………………………………………………………………………….……………………..29 ii SHIELD MOUNTING……………..………………………………………………………………………….…………..……………...30 LOWER PLATE JOINING ………………………………………………………………………………….…..……………………….32 AIR HOSE/FITTINGS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...32 AIR COMPRESSOR MOUNTING …………………………………………………………………………………………….………..33 AIR HOSE ROUTING ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..34 TESTING…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………..34 AIR-LEAK TEST………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………...34 LOAD TEST……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..............................34 OPERATION PROCESS…………………………………………………………………………………………….………..35 PROJECT MANAGEMENT……………………………………………………………………………………….………..36 SCHEDULE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….36 BUDGET …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..37 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION ................................................................... 38 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 39 APPENDIX A: RESEARCH ................................................................................................ A-1 APPENDIX B: CUSTOMER SURVEY AND RESULTS .................................................. B-1 APPENDIX C: QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT ANALYSIS ............................. C-1 APPENDIX D: SCHEDULE……………………………………………………………….D-1 APPENDIX E: PRODUCT OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS …….......E-1 APPENDIX F: BUDGET…………………..……………………………………………………………….………F-1 APPENDIX G: DESIGN CALCULATIONS ……………..……………………………………………….G-1 APPENDIX H: ASSEMBLY AND DETAIL DRAWINGS …………..……………………… ……H-1 APPENDIX I: PURCHASED COMPONENTS.....…..……..………………………………………………I-1 APPENDIX J: AIRBAG SELECTION GUIDES …………....………..……………………………....J-1 APPENDIX K: BILL OF MATERIALS…………....………..……………………………………………....J-1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1- Standard Manual Jack Figure 2- Manual Hydraulic Jack Figure 3- Standard Design Automatic Hydraulic Jack Figure 4- Single Unit Hydraulic Pump-Piston Automatic Jack Figure 5- Separate Fluid Reservoir Hydraulic Pump-Piston Automatic Jack Figure 6- Easy Lift Hydraulic Jack Conversion Kit Figure 7- Exhaust Powered Airbag Figure 8- Hydraulic Car Jack Design Figure 9- Pneumatic Car Jack Design Figure 10- Exhaust Powered Car jack Design Figure 11- Final Design Figure 12- Test Vehicle Figure 13- Center of Gravity Location Figure 14- Wheel-Vehicle-Jack Lever System 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 iii Figure 15- Projected Bearing Contact Area Figure 16- Shield Stress FBD Figure 17- Lower Plate Stress FBD Figure 18- Convoluted Air Spring Figure 19- Type 1 Bead Design Figure 20- Airbag Material Selection Figure 21- Airbag Selection Chart Figure 22- Airbag Force Table Figure 23- Firestone Airbag Figure 24- Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor Figure 25- EPDM Air Hose Figure 26- Shield/Mounting Assembly Figure 27- Shield/Mounting Assembly Side View Figure 28- Shield Case Bottom Figure 29- Shield Case Top Figure 30- Corner Brackets Figure 31- Corner Brackets Weld Figure 32- Rear Mounting Bracket Figure 33- Rear Mounting Bracket Weld Figure 34- Front Mounting Bracket Figure 35- Front Mounting Bracket Welded Figure 36- Shield Case Upper Bracket Figure 37- Shield Case Upper Bracket Welded Figure 38- Shield Cover Figure 39- Inserted Shield Cover Figure 40- Lower Plate Figure 41- Airbag Shield Joining Figure 42- Airbag Shield Bolts Figure 43- Shield Mounting Locations Figure 44- Shield Mounting Rear View Figure 45- Shield Mounting Front View Figure 46- Front Mounting Bracket Bolt Location Figure 47- Lower Plate Mounting Figure 48- Air Hose Fittings Figure 49- Elbow Fittings Figure 50- Air Hose – Airbag Fitting Figure 51- Air Compressor Mounting Figure 52- Air Hose Routing Figure 53- Airbag Deflated Position Figure 54- Airbag Inflated Position 17 17 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 34 36 36 LIST OF TABLES Table 1- Survey Results of Customer Importance Table 2- Survey Results of Customer Satisfaction Table 3- Relative Importance % Table 4- Relative Weight % 5 6 6 7 iv Table 5- Weighted Decision Matrix Table 6- Schedule 12 37 ABSTRACT There are many safety hazards posed with manually raising a vehicle to change a tire. Standard car jacks pose a great safety hazard due to the physical and time consuming involvement of the operator. Aftermarket automatic hydraulic jacks though safer still are hazardous as they have to be manually placed under the vehicle and have limited use. A pneumatic car jack that is permanently attached to the underbody of a vehicle will reduce and eliminate many of these safety issues. A customer survey of approximately equal number of male and female drivers was conducted. According to the customer survey, safety, reliability and durability are the most important factors for customers when considering a vehicle jack product. The same customers are least satisfied with accessibility of controls, speed of operation and ease of operation of their current vehicle jack system. The results of the QFD matrix show that ease of operation, accessibility of controls and energy efficiency have the highest relative weights. The QFD also shows that power, material and safety have the highest relative importance. Measurable engineering features were derived from the customer requirements to ensure that customer requirements can be applied in the design process. These engineering features in order of relative importance are power, material, safety, maintenance, number of components, weight, size, guarding, manufacturability, actuation method and installation setup. The pneumatic jack was designed based on the relative weights of the customer requirements that are given the most importance and the engineering features with the highest relative importance in order to ensure that customer needs are met. This approach ensured that the car jack was designed with the customer’s needs in sight and thus proved to be a successful product. The schedule for the design process was approved by the advisor and the Final Report due date is June 5th. The budget for the design and manufacturing of the product includes all major components such as airbag, air compressor, protective shield, air hose and mounting hardware. The expenses shown in the budget were covered by the designer of the product. v Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND The standard vehicle jacks require the operator to retrieve the jack from the trunk, place it under the vehicle in the proper location, and then manually rotate the screw thread in order to lift the vehicle. This process is time consuming, physically demanding and poses several safety hazards. Adverse weather conditions can exacerbate the process and make it a greater safety hazard. Those who are physically weaker (women, senior citizens, young drivers) may face great difficulties in jacking a vehicle in case of an emergency repair. The purpose of this senior design project is to counter the safety hazards and physical demands related to using manual jacks or aftermarket hydraulic jacks by designing a jack system that is permanently attached to the vehicle. This vehicle mounted jack system will be automated so that operator input is kept to a minimum and thus safety hazards can be avoided. MANUAL JACK SYSTEMS STANDARD MANUAL CAR JACK: Most passenger vehicles come equipped with the standard manual car jack. This jack uses a screw thread, which when turned raises or lowers the jack. Using the standard jack can be very time consuming, physically tiring and pose safety factors. A standard manual jack is shown in Figure 1. The horizontal screw thread in the middle, when rotated, raises or lowers depending on the direction of rotation. Figure 1- Standard Manual Jack (1) MANUAL HYDRAULIC JACK: Manual hydraulic jacks are common in most automotive workshops. They use a hydraulic cylinder, which when pumped manually, raises the jack in the vertical direction. This type of jack has to be manually placed under the vehicle and manually pumped. Manual hydraulic jacks are stronger than standard manual car jacks and also require less energy to operate. Manual hydraulic jacks tend be large in size and heavy, which makes them inconvenient to store in most vehicles. Handling of the jack can also be an inconvenience for many operators due to their large size and weight. A manual hydraulic jack is shown in Figure 2. 1 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Figure 2 – Manual Hydraulic Jack (2) AUTOMATIC JACK SYSTEMS STANDARD DESIGN AUTOMATIC HYDRAULIC JACK: Standard automatic hydraulic jacks use the same basic lifting principle as standard manual jacks, with the main difference being that an electric-powered hydraulic motor is used to turn the screw thread. The power source for the hydraulic motor is the vehicles battery, and this source is used through the cigarette lighter. Even though the process of raising and lowering the jack is automated, the jack still must be placed under the vehicle manually. In order to operate properly, the jack must be placed on a flat surface. This is not always an option, thus limiting the use of the jack. The particular standard design hydraulic jack shown in Figure 3 has a short cord for the controls. This poses a safety hazard as the operator must be present outside next to the jack during the time of operation. In comparison to the previous two jacks described, the lifting of the vehicle is an automatic process not requiring physical labor. However, the jack still poses safety hazards as the operator must manually place the jack and be present in close proximity during the operation time. Figure 3 – Standard Design Automatic Hydraulic Jack (3) HYDRAULIC PUMP - PISTON DESIGN AUTOMATIC JACK: Hydraulic piston automatic jacks do not use the standard screw thread design to raise the vehicle. A hydraulic pump is used to raise a piston, which in turn raises the car. Similar to hydraulic automatic jack, the lifting process is automated, but the jack still requires manual 2 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR placement. This jack design is more compact compared to the standard design hydraulic automatic jack, which makes it more convenient for storage and handling. The hydraulic pumppiston jack uses the vehicles batter as the power source, accessed through the cigarette lighter. This jack is similar to the standard automatic hydraulic jack in that it requires the same amount of work from the user to operate. Similarly it poses the same safety hazards due to manual placement and alignment of the jack. Figure 4 shows a compact design in which the pump and reservoir is in one unit. Figure 5 shows a two unit design in which the hydraulic pump and the reservoir are in separate compartments. Figure 4 – Single Unit Hydraulic Pump-Piston Automatic Jack (4) Figure 5 – Separate Fluid Reservoir Hydraulic Pump-Piston Automatic Jack (5) EASY LIFT HYDRAULIC CONVERSION JACK KIT: The easy lift hydraulic conversion jack kit allows for the conversion of a manual jack into an automatic hydraulic jack. Currently there is only a patent available on this procedure but no commercial products. A manual jack is disassembled and attached to a hydraulic motor and hydraulic pump. The motor drives a screw thread which in turn raises or lowers the jack. The conversion requires many technical operations which the average person does not have the resources and expertise to accomplish. Figure 6 below shows a diagram of the jack after it has been converted. 3 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Hydraulic Pump Wiring Controls Hydraulic Motor Jack Piston Figure 6 – Easy Lift Hydraulic Jack Conversion Kit (6) EXHAUST POWERED AIRBAG The exhaust powered airbag uses exhaust gasses from the vehicles to inflate and airbag which is used to raise the vehicle. The airbag is manually placed under the vehicle and a hose is inserted into the exhaust pipe of the vehicle. The drawback to this design is that the airbag is very large in size and has to be manually placed under the vehicle. Thus the operator is still in harm’s way as the airbag is being placed. Figure 7 below shows such an exhaust-driven car jack that is available on the market. Figure 7 – Exhaust Powered Airbag (7) 4 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR CUSTOMER FEEDBACK, FEATURES, AND OBJECTIVES SURVEY ANALYSIS A customer survey was made available to 36 people, of which 25 people returned the survey completed. Out of the 25 surveys returned, 9 were females and 16 were male. All survey takers are vehicle drivers who have experienced vehicle problems requiring the lifting of their vehicle using a jack. The complete survey and results are present in Appendix B. The survey was based on 10 customer requirements that affect the design of the product. The first part of the survey asked the customers how important they felt each factor is in a vehicle jack product. The survey taker was asked to rank each factor from 1-5, with 1 being low importance and 5 being high importance. Table 1 shows the results of the customer importance section of the survey. Customer Importance Rank Question Surveyed Avg Result 1 Safety 4.92 2 Reliability 4.92 3 Durability 4.92 4 Low Cost 4.88 5 Speed of Operation 4.84 6 Ease of Operation 4.8 7 Resistance to Extreme Weather 4.8 8 Accessibilty of Controls 4.64 9 Ease of Maintenance 4.52 10 Energy Efficient 4.08 Rank 1 to 10 is Most Important to Least Important Table 1 – Survey Results of Customer Importance In the second part of the survey, the survey takers were asked how satisfied they are with their current car jack product. Again the survey results were compiled and the customer requirements are ranked from least satisfied to most satisfied. Table 2 below shows the results of the customer satisfaction section of the survey. 5 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Customer Satsifaction Rank Question Surveyed Avg Result 1 Accessibilty of Controls 1.4 2 Speed of Operation 2.2 3 Ease of Operation 2.8 4 Safety 3 5 Energy Efficient 3 6 Reliability 3.6 7 Durability 3.9 8 Resistance to Extreme Weather 4 9 Ease of Maintenance 4.3 10 Low Cost 4.6 Rank 1 to 10 is Least Satisfied to Most Satsified Table 2 – Survey Results of Customer Satisfaction Among the requirements that the customers felt were most important are safety, reliability, durability and low cost. Ease of operation, resistance to extreme weather and speed operation also ranked high. Among the requirements that the customer felt they were least satisfied with in their current product are accessibility of controls, speed of operation and ease of operation. These are areas that can be greatly improved upon as the customer satisfaction with them is low. Safety, energy efficiency, and reliability also ranked high among least satisfied factors. The design for the automatic hydraulic jack addressed the shortcomings of the current vehicle jack products while emphasizing on the factors that customers felt were the most important. QFD RESULTS The results from the customer survey were used to generate a QFD matrix from which the relative importance percentage and the relative weight percentage are calculated. The complete QFD matrix and results are present in Appendix C. Table 3 below lists the engineering characteristics that are associated with the customer requirements. The engineering characteristics are ranked from highest relative importance to least relative importance. Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Relative Importance % Engineering Characteristics Relative Importance % Power Source 24.00% Material 16.00% Safety/Status Indicator 12.00% Cleaning/Maintenance 10.00% Number of components 9.00% Weight 7.00% Size 6.00% Guarding/Protection 6.00% Manufacturability 4.00% Actuation Method 3.00% Installation Setup 3.00% Rank 1 to 11 is Highest Relative Importance to Least Table 3 - Relative Importance % 6 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR The power source has the highest relative importance followed by material, safety, maintenance and number of components in the top five rankings. The power source is important as it is what will drive the whole automated mechanism. The material is important because it will affect the reliability, durability, resistance to weather and cost of the product. Safety is also very important as it is the primary reason for the development of this product. The higher ranking engineering characteristics were given high importance in the design of the product so that they may fulfill their corresponding customer requirements. Table 4 below shows the customer requirements ranked in descending order of relative weight percentage. Relative Weight % Rank Criteria Surveyed Relative Weight % 1 Ease of Operation 14% 2 Accessibilty of Controls 12% 3 Energy Efficient 12% 4 Reliability 11% 5 Speed of Operation 11% 6 Durability 10% 7 Safety 10% 8 Resistance to Extreme Weather 9% 9 Ease of Maintenance 7% 10 Low Cost 5% Rank 1 to 10 is Highest Weight to Lowest Weight Table 4 - Relative Weight % As the above results show, ease of operation, accessibility of controls and energy efficiency have the highest relative weights. According to the survey results, ‘safety,’ ‘reliability’ and ‘durability’ are of the greatest importance to the customer. Even though the relative weight for these factors are still relatively high, they do not require as great an improvement as the higher ranking criteria in the relative weight table. The proposed automatic hydraulic jack will fulfill the customer needs that have high relative weight. 7 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR PRODUCT FEATURES AND OBJECTIVES The following is list of product objectives and how they will be obtained or measured to ensure that the goal of the project is met. The product objectives cover the hydraulic pump, motor, shield, controls and wiring. The automatic hydraulic car jack is designed to be used on an even surface to ensure safety and proper operation. The product features below are ranked in order of highest customer importance to lowest customer importance. 1. Safety (4.92): 1.) Check valve to prevent back pressure 2.) Safety Factors in Design 3.) No external sharp edges 2. Reliability (4.92): 1.) Reliability of the device measured by component life and proper design criteria specified in the following spec sheets: -Air Bag Spec Sheet -Air Compressor Spec Sheet -Air Hose Spec Sheet -Protective Shield Material Spec Sheet -Mounting Hardware Material Spec Sheet 2.) The device will have a minimum lift capacity of 2000 lbs at 100 psi. 3. Durability (4.92): 1.) Device will not fail under repeated loads using the following safety factors: -Aluminum/Steel Mounting Components (8) -Airbag (1.5) -Air Compressor (1.5) -Air Hose (1.5) 4. Cost (4.88): 1.) Less than $200. 5. Speed of operation (4.84): 1.) The device will have an operating time less than 3 minutes. 6. Resistance to extreme weather conditions (4.84): 1.) Device is encased in water –tight protective shield. 2.) Protective shield is corrosion resistant. 8 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR 7. Ease of Operation (4.8): 1.) Removal of shield cover and air compressor initiation is only operation needed for startup. 2.) Deflation is controlled by release valve. 8. Accessibility of Controls (4.64): 1.) Air compressor located in trunk. 9. Ease of Maintenance (4.52): 1.) Protective shield will keep components clean requiring only cleaning of external shield. 2.) Removal of protective shield for component access achieved by removing standard screws and clamps. 10. Energy Efficient (4.08): 1.) Device will run entirely off of air compressor battery. 11. Ease of Manufacturing (N/A): 1.) Use off-the-shelf components. 2.) Manufacturing does not require complex joining or machining operations. 9 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR CONCEPT GENERATION AND SELECTION Hydraulic Car Jack Design: The hydraulic car jack as shown in Figure 8 utilizes a hydraulic pump to raise the vehicle. The hydraulic motor gets its power from the vehicles battery. The jack has to be manually placed under the vehicle similar to regular car jack. Controls are used to engage the jack and stop it. This concept has many drawbacks that do not make it an ideal product. First of all, the jack is not attached to the vehicle and must be manually retrieved and placed. It also requires a flat surface for proper engagement with the vehicle. The equipment needed to develop this jack can be expensive as a relatively powerful hydraulic motor and pump is required along with the necessary electronic controls. Storage of the jack can also be a problem as it has a relatively large component size. Figure 8 – Hydraulic Car Jack Design Pneumatic Car Jack Design: The pneumatic car jack as shown in Figure 9 uses a compressed air to inflate an airbag to raise the vehicle. The compressed air is provided by an in-car air compressor. Air from the compressor will be fed to airbag through an air hose and will pass the through a one-way air check valve before infiltrating the airbag. This will prevent back pressure from the airbag into the exhaust and allow the pressure to be maintained in the airbag. The pneumatic car jack also has a few drawbacks. An air compressor can be an expensive device and will also require permanent storage in the vehicle. 10 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Figure 9 – Pneumatic Car Jack Design Exhaust Powered Car Jack Design: The third design concept is an exhaust powered car jack as shown in Figure 10. The exhaust gases from a combustion engine are fed into an airbag through a delivery hose. The delivery hose has a one-way air check valve to prevent back pressure into the exhaust, while maintaining pressure in the airbag. The airbag will be permanently attached to the underbody of the vehicle. This makes the device safe as the operator does not have to retrieve the airbag and manually place it under the vehicle. Figure 10 – Exhaust Powered Car Jack Design 11 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Concept Selection: Weighted Decision Matrix Rating Scale 5 = Excellent 4 = Very Good 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Poor Concepts Evaluation Criteria Weight A: Hydraulic Score B: Pneumatic Score C: Exhaust Score Safety 0.2 4 0.8 4 0.8 3 0.6 Reliability 0.2 4 0.8 5 1 4 0.8 Durability 0.2 5 1 4 0.8 3 0.6 Cost 0.125 2 0.25 3 0.375 5 0.625 Speed of Operation 0.075 3 0.225 3 0.225 2 0.15 Ease of Operation 0.075 3 0.225 3 0.225 4 0.3 Accessibility of Controls 0.05 3 0.15 3 0.15 4 0.2 Ease of Maintenance 0.05 2 0.1 4 0.2 4 0.2 Energy Efficient 0.05 3 0.15 3 0.15 5 0.25 Ease of Manufacturing 0.025 2 0.05 3 0.075 3 0.075 Total 1 3.75 4.00 3.80 Table 5 – Weighted Decision Matrix A weighted decision matrix was conducted to see which of the three concepts has the best overall design based on the evaluation criteria used for the customer survey. Table 5 shows the results of the weighted decision matrix based on the total score for each concept based on the evaluation criteria. The vehicle mounted pneumatic jack had the highest score and thus was the design used. Some of the criterion where the pneumatic jack scored high were reliability, speed of operation, accessibility of controls, ease of maintenance and ease of manufacturing 12 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR FINAL DESIGN: Vehicle Frame Protective Shield Air Hose Airbag Figure 11 – Final Design Figure 11 shows the design for the vehicle mounted pneumatic jack. The jack assembly consists of an airbag that is enclosed in a protective shield and cover. When the airbag is not in use it is completely deflated with the shield cover closed underneath it. The airbag and shield assembly is mounted underneath the vehicle to the same frame that is used with standard vehicle jacks. The pneumatic jack is assembly is mounted to the frame of the vehicle using two brackets. An air hose is routed from the airbag to an air compressor located inside the vehicle. The pneumatic jack was designed such that it can lift an entire side of the vehicle using one jack. The real world application of the design would require one such pneumatic jack on both the left and right sides of the vehicle. 13 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR DESIGN CALCULATIONS: Test Vehicle: For the purpose of this project, the vehicle which this pneumatic jack was designed and implemented is a Mitsubishi Eclipse as shown in Figure 12. This pneumatic jack was designed based on the specifications of this vehicle. Some of the important specifications needed in the design are shown below. 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS Curb Weight = 2842 lb Wheelbase = 98.8 in. Figure 12 – Test Vehicle Center of Gravity/Jack Location Calculations: Since one whole side of the vehicle will be lifted using a single jack, it is important to find the location on each side at which the weight distribution will be equal between the front and rear sections of the vehicle. The center of gravity of the vehicle along its length is the ideal location of the pneumatic jack. If the pneumatic is not located at the center of gravity, both tires on one side may not rise off the ground at the same distances. The center of gravity of an average production car is 14 to 22 inches off the ground. The center of gravity in the vertical direction is not important as the vertical location of the jack will be bound by the frame of the vehicle. The average production car has 60/40 front to rear weight distribution between the two axles. Assumptions: Wheel base = 99 in Weight Distribution = 60/40 front to rear. 14 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR CG (Front to Back direction) = 99 * 0.4 = 39.6 inches back from the front axle. Figure 13 – Center of Gravity Location CG (Front to Rear Direction) = 40 inches back of the front axle Figure 13 shows that the center of gravity along its length is located approximately 40 inches rear of the front axle. The location of the jack along is width will be under the vehicles frame at the edge of the vehicle, similar to the location where a standard vehicle jack is placed. Design Load: It is important to calculate the amount of load that the pneumatic will be lifting when in operation on the test vehicle. The wheel-vehicle-airbag system work as a class 2 lever as shown in Figure. The mechanical advantage of this lever system is used to calculate the input force needed for a particular output force needed, which in this case is the 2000 lb design load. It is assumed that the center of gravity of the vehicle is on or very close to the center line of the vehicle along its length. Since the weight of the vehicle acts on its center of gravity and the input force of the airbag is located at the edge of the vehicle, the input distance is approximately twice that of the output distance. Figure 14 shows the relation between the load, lift point and the fulcrum about which the vehicle is raised. Assumptions: Vehicle Total Weight = 3200 lb Car Width = 68.5 in 15 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Analysis: Vehicle-Tire-Airbag system work as a class 2 lever. Mechanical Advantage of class 2 lever= Input force = output force x output distance / input distance = 3200 x 34.25 / 68.5 = 1600 lb An additional 25% factor of safety in the design load. Design Load = 2000 lb Vehicle - Load Pneumatic Jack - Force Direction of Lift Opposite Side Wheel - Fulcrum Figure 14 – Wheel-Vehicle-Jack Lever System The design load used throughout the design is 2000 lbs. Shield Stress: The shield is placed between the airbag upper plate and the vehicle frame. Figure shows the location of shield case in relation to the airbag and vehicle frame. The shield undergoes bearing load as it is compressed between the airbag upper bead plate and the vehicle frame. Figure 15 shows the projection of the bearing contact surface area of the vehicle frame on the shield case in relation to the airbag upper plate. Figure 16 shows the free body diagram for the shield. Assumptions: Design Load = F =2000 lb Design Factor = N = 8 (repeated load) Vehicle Frame Thickness = t = 1 inch 16 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Figure 15 – Projected Bearing Contact Area Contact surface area = 6.23 * 1 = 6.23 in2 For Aluminum: Stress bd = 0.65 sy Stress = f/a = 2000/6.23 = 321 psi Design factor of 8 = Stress = 321 * 8 = 2568 psi Required Yield Strength: Stress bd= 1.6 * stress sy / 2.48 Sy = stress bd * 2.48 / 1.6 = 2568 * 2.48 / 1.6 = 3980.4 psi Using Aluminum Sheet Metal: Tensile yield strength of sheet metal (2014-0) = 10000 psi Bearing Load = 2000 lb Factor of Safety: Factor of safety = 10000/3980.4 = 2.5 Figure 16 – Shield Stress FBD 17 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack Lower Plate Stress: The lower plate is attached to the bottom of the airbag to give it a larger base. The plate exhibits compressive stress. Figure 17 shows the free body diagram for the lower plate. FAIZAN NASIR Bearing Load = 2000 lb Assumptions: Load = 2000 lb Design factor = 8 Plate Stress: Plate surface area = 4 x 4 =16 in2 Stress = F/A = 2000/16 = 125 psi Design factor of 8 = Stress = 125 * 8 = 1000 psi Tensile strength of sheet metal (2014-0) = 10000 psi Figure 17 – Lower Plate Stress FB Factor of Safety: Factor of safety = 10000/1000 = 10 Angle of Airbag (Shear): When the airbag is inflated, it expands in the vertical direction. The point at which the airbag contacts the vehicle frame is fixed. As the airbag is released from the shield, it expands pushing into the ground below. The load of the vehicle prevents the airbag from moving along the ground. Since the wheel-vehicle-airbag system work as a lever, the air bag will not be at an exactly 90 degree angle with the ground below. Variations in the level and height of the ground below will further affect the angle of the airbag. This angle is calculated using basic geometric principles assuming that only distance changing during the lifting process is that associated directly with the airbag. The calculated angle is too small to exhibit any significant shearing force. The airbag is designed to be used in such lever type applications and can withstand the minimal shearing force. Mounting Stresses: There are two brackets holding the shield and airbag assembly to the bottom of the vehicle. The weight of the airbag is 7.5 lbs and the weight of all the sheet metal used in the fabrication of the shield and mounting brackets is approximately 3 lbs. The total weight of the assembly is no more than 11 lbs. This is a very low load and the stress forces on the mounting brackets and hardware are negligible. 18 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR COMPONENT DESIGN/SELECTION: Airbag Selection: After experimentation, the distance required to raise the vehicle off of the ground in order for the wheels on one side of the vehicle to come off the ground is 9 inches. The design load is 2000 lbs; this is the minimum amount of weight the airbag should be able to lift. The ideal airbag will have a minimum 9 inch extended height and lowest compressed height. The diameter of the airbag should also be kept to a minimum so that it will take up the minimum amount of space under the vehicle. Firestone Airstroke Actuators airbags are made for vehicle suspension and industrial applications. The Firestone Airstroke Actuator series has several pneumatic airbags that meet these design criteria. The convoluted air spring with the crimped bead plate has the ideal profile for the pneumatic jack as shown in Figure 18. The convoluted bellows have the smallest compressed heights combined with the bead plates that have a small profile. The blind mounting nut also allow for mounting hardware that protrude out the least from the upper bead plate. There are several different types of bead plate styles available, however the type 1 style as seen in Figure 19 is the most common and fits the design criteria. There are several different types of material configurations for the airbag. The different configurations are made for different temperature ranges. The standard material type shown in Figure 20 has a range from -37C to 57C, which is adequate for this application. From the selection guide shown in Figure 21, the double convoluted style #20 airbag with the type 1 bead plate fits the criteria for this design. The selection guide shows the force delivered by the airbag at 80 psi and in full extension to be 1770 lbs. However for 100 psi of air pressure, the force is estimated to be approximately 2212 lbs, more than the design load. Figure 18 – Convoluted Air Spring 19 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack Figure 19 – Type 1 Bead Design FAIZAN NASIR Figure 20 – Airbag Material Selection Figure 21 – Airbag Selection Chart Figure shows the specification sheet for the Firestone Actuator #20 airbag. For this design purpose, assembly order no. W01-358-6910 was used. Figure shows the actual airbag that was used in this design. 20 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Figure 22 – Airbag Force Table According to the Force table shown in Figure 22, at a design height of 9 inches and 100 psi of air pressure, the airbag delivers a force of 2380 lbs. This is more than adequate for the design load of 2000 lbs. Figure 23 shows the actual airbag that was used in the design. Figure 23 – Firestone Airbag Air Compressor Selection: An air compressor is required to provide compressed air that will inflate the airbag. The airbag requires an internal pressure 100 psi to raise the design load to the maximum height of 9 inches. The Campbell Hausfeld 12VDC Portable Air Compressor was used in this design. This air compressor can deliver a maximum air pressure of 125 psi and1 cfm of free air at 90 psi. The air compressor utilizes a rechargeable battery and the battery charger is provided with the product. 21 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR The air compressor is relatively lightweight as it only weighs 9 lbs. The size of this air compressor is approximately 11x8x5, which makes it compact and easy to store. An air hose is also provided, which includes a coupler plug fitting for connecting to the air compressor. Figure 24 shows the air compressor and the accessories it is provided with. Figure 24 – Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor Air Hose: The air hose provided with the air compressor was shorter than the required length and not flexible enough to be routed effectively under the vehicle. A general duty multi-purpose EPDM Air Hose with a 1/4 inch I.D as shown in Figure 25 was used for the compressed air delivery. The air hose comes with ¼ inch NPT male fittings and has a total length of 25 feet. The air hose is rated at 200 psi, more than adequate as the airbag only requires 100 psi and the air compressor has a maximum air pressure of 125 psi. Figure 25 – EDPM Air Hose 22 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Shield/Mounting Material: The material used for the airbag shield case, cover and mounting brackets is 2014-0 Aluminum sheet metal. 2014-0 Aluminum is suitable for all the stresses calculated for the various sections of its design applications. 2014-0 Aluminum does not exhibit excellent corrosion resistance properties as other Aluminum alloys. However it is readily available at a relatively low cost. The final shield and mounting assembly will be painted with a high grade automotive paint protecting the Aluminum from possible corrosion. FABRICATION: Shield/Mounting Assembly: Figure 26 – Shield/Mounting Assembly The complete shield and mounting assembly is shown in Figure 26. The shield case was designed to be of the smallest size that can completely enclose the airbag. Enclosing the airbag completely will protect it from the environment when it is not in use. The smallest size for the shield casing was desired so that it takes up the minimal amount of room when mounted under the vehicle. All components were fabricated from (2014-0) Aluminum Sheet Metal. Using the same material for all the components in the assembly kept material costs to a minimum. Figure 27 shows the side view of the shield and mounting assembly. 23 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Figure 27 – Shield/Mounting Assembly Side View Shield Case: Figure 28 – Shield Case Bottom Figure 29 – Shield Case Top Figure 28 shows the bottom side shield case which will enclose the airbag completely when it is not in use. 2014-0 sheet metal was cut into an 18x20 sheet using a sheering metal cutter. Figure 29 shows the top side of the shield case. After the sheet metal was cut to the required size, it was bent into an open box form using a magnetic hand metal bender. The excess 1 inch on two sides of the box were bent to form grooves. These grooves will hold the shield cover. In order to close and reinforce the corners of the box, brackets were welded to the inside of all for corners as shown in Figure 31. The brackets shown in Figure 30 were formed from the same 2014-0 sheet metal material used for the shield case. Four 1x2 inch rectangular pieces were cut and then bent along the centerline to form 90 degree brackets. The brackets were spotwelded to the edge of the shield case at each corner as shown in Figure 17. Multiple spot-welds were made on each side of the bracket to ensure a reliable and durable joint. 24 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack Figure 30 – Corner Brackets FAIZAN NASIR Figure 31 – Corner Brackets Welded Rear Mounting Bracket: Figure 32 – Rear Mounting Bracket The rear mounting bracket as shown in Figure 32 is formed from the same 2014-0 Aluminum sheet metal material used in the shield case fabrication. The cuts were made using a hand operated sheer metal cutter and the 90 degree bents were made using a hand operated magnetic metal bender. 25 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Figure 33 – Rear Mounting Bracket Welded The rear mounting bracket is attached to rear side of the shield case as shown in Figure 33. The bracket is spot-welded with both the case and bracket upper surfaces parallel and on the same plane. Multiple spot-welds were made to ensure a rigid and durable joint. Front Mounting Bracket: Figure 34 – Front Mounting Bracket The front mounting bracket as shown in Figure 34 is formed from the same 2014-0 Aluminum sheet metal material used in the shield case fabrication. The bracket was bent to an internal angle of approximately 130 degrees. This angle ensured that face of the bracket attached to the vehicle’s frame was parallel to that frame. The two surfaces needed to be parallel in order to ensure a proper and tight bolt fit. The sheet metal was cut using a hand operated sheer metal cutter and the bents were made using a hand operated magnetic metal bender. A hole of ¼ in diameter was drilled along the center line of the bracket using an automated step-driller. A ¼ inch diameter hole gives adequate movement for the bolt so that it can be easily inserted and removed for installation and maintenance. 26 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Figure 35 – Front Mounting Bracket Welded The front mounting bracket was attached to the front side of the shield case as shown in Figure 35. The bracket is located along the center of the shield case with 3 inches of distance from the top of the bracket to the shield case surface. Several spot-welds were made to join the two surfaces and to ensure a rigid and reliable joint. Shield Case Upper Bracket: Figure 36 – Shield Case Upper Bracket Figure 37 - Shield Case Upper Bracket Welded The shield case upper bracket was made to give rigidity to the case when attached under the vehicle. Aluminum sheet metal was cut into a 10 inch by 1.85 inch strip. The sheet metal strip was then bent at a 90 degree angle along its length so that one face of bracket would have a 1 inch width and the other 0.85 inch as shown in Figure 36. The 1 inch width face was spotwelded to exterior of shield case on the top side. The 0.85 inch face perpendicular to the shield case top surface was designed so that it would not interfere with vehicle’s underbody when in contact with the frame at which the vehicle is raised. The shield case upper bracket is attached to the upper surface of the shield case on its outer surface along the center as shown in Figure 37. The two mating surfaces were spot-welded along the brackets entire length to ensure a rigid and reliable joint. 27 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Shield Cover: Figure 38 – Shield Cover Figure 39 – Inserted Shield Cover As shown in Figure 38, the shield cover is a flat piece of sheet metal used to completely close the shield case. The shield cover is opened when the airbag is in use and closed when not in operation. The shield cover is made from the same 2014-0 Aluminum sheet metal material used for the shield case. The shield cover was cut into the required dimensions needed to completely close the shield case as shown in Figure 39. The corners and edges of the shield cover are rounded using a grinder and a file for safety reasons. Since the operator will be grabbing the cover in order to open and close it, the rounded edges will prevent any injury. When the shield cover is closed, it forms a tight fit with the shield case preventing water or debris from entering the shield case and potentially harming the airbag. Lower Plate: Figure 40 – Lower Plate 28 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR The lower plate as shown in Figure 40 is attached to the base of the airbag to give it a wider and more stable base when actuated. The plate is formed from 2014-0 Aluminum sheet metal material and is cut into a 4x4 inch flat plate. The edges and corners of the lower plate rounded using a file. This will ensure that the operator is not harmed when compressing the airbag in order to close the shield cover under it. SYSTEM ASSEMBLY Airbag-Shield Joining: Figure 41 – Airbag-Shield Joining Figure 42 – Airbag-Shield Bolts The airbag is mounted to the shield using a 3/8"-16 x 1-1/2" Hollow Bolt shown in Figure 42. Figure 41 shows the location of the hole drilled in the shield case through which the bolt will be inserted. The bolt along with a hardened ¾ inch steel washer will be used to join the shield case to the airbag. Using bolts and washers to attach the airbag to the shield case rather than a permanent joint allows for easier installation and removal during maintenance. The bolts are standard grade 2 bolts as there are no major stress forces acting on the bolt or shield at the hole location. 29 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Shield Mounting: Mounting Locations Figure 43 – Shield Mounting Locations: As shown in Figure 43, the airbag-shield system is mounted to the underbody vehicle frame at two locations. In order to mount the pneumatic jack system, the side skirt of the vehicle had to be removed to make the vehicle frame visible. The mounting location of the front mounting bracket was also hidden under the side skirt of the vehicle. Removal of the side skirt was achieved by unscrewing several bolts and removing clips along the bottom of the vehicle. The shield case upper bracket also serves as guide for the location and mounting of the entire jack assembly. Figure 44 shows the rear mounting bracket attached to the frame underneath the vehicle using a clamp. The two parts are held together by tightening a bolt on the clamp. Figure 44 – Shield Mounting Rear view 30 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Figure 45 – Shield Mounting Front View Figure 45 shows the location of the front mounting bracket and its location in relation to the vehicle. A ¼ inch hole was drilled in the side frame of the vehicle along its bottom corner. The hole was drilled at the center of gravity of the vehicle location calculated earlier to ensure proper weight distribution when the vehicle is being lifted. A ¼ inch Hex bolt along with a ½ inch spacer and a 1 inch washer were used to mate the front mounting bracket to the vehicle’s frame as shown in Figure 46. Figure 46 – Front Mounting Bracket Bolt Location 31 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Lower Plate Mounting: Figure 47 – Lower Plate Mounting The lower plate was attached to the bottom plate of the airbag as shown in Figure 47. In order to ensure a flat and level surface on the lower plate, it was welded to the bottom plate of the airbag. J-B Weld, a cold weld epoxy solution, was applied to the contacting surfaces between the lower plate and bottom plate of the airbag. The cold weld epoxy ensures a durable, reliable and waterproof joint between the two mating surfaces. Using the cold weld epoxy provides a permanent joint between the two surfaces while keeping costs to a minimum. Air Hose/Fittings Figure 48 – Air Hose Fittings Figure 49 – Elbow Fitting A ¼ inch I.D air hose as shown in Figure 48 was used to deliver air from the compressor to the airbag jack system located under the vehicle. The air hose was cut to the required 15 feet length from the airbag to the compressor. The fitting used to attach the air hose to the air compressor was a ¼ inch I.D hose barb with a ¼ inch male NPT fitting. The ¼ inch male fitting was screwed into a ¼ inch coupler fitting available with the air compressor. The fitting used to attach the air hose to the airbag was a ¼ inch I.D Hose barb with a 1/8 inch male NPT fitting elbow as shown in Figure 49. The elbow fitting was required in this case because of the small gap between the airbag and vehicle’s frame. A ¼ inch hose clamp was tightened on the air hose 32 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR at the both fitting joints to ensure no leakages or dislodging of the air hose. Figure 50 shows the location of elbow hose barb fitting joining the air hose and air bag. Figure 50 – Air Hose-Airbag Fitting Air Compressor Mounting: Figure 51 – Air Compressor Mounting The air compressor is located in the trunk of the vehicle behind the rear driver side seat as shown in Figure 51. A strap provided with the air compressor is used to hold the air compressor firmly to the back of the rear seat. This will ensure that the air compressor will not be damaged when the vehicle is in operation. The air compressor is visible in plain sight and easily accessible from the rear of the vehicle so that the operator can easily start and stop the air compressor. The rechargeable battery and the air pressure discharge coupler are also within accessible range of the operator. 33 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Air Hose Routing: Figure 52 – Air Hose Routing The air hose is routed under the vehicle from the airbag to the air compressor located in the trunk of the vehicle. Clips were used to attach the air hose to a brake fluid line that ran underneath the vehicle as shown in Figure 52. The air hose was then routed over the rear axle and inserted into the trunk of the vehicle through a hole at the bottom of the trunk. The general purpose of hole located at the bottom of the trunk that is closed using a rubber plug is to drain water or any other liquid that may have accumulated in the trunk. A hole of the approximately the same diameter of the air hose was cut into the rubber plug for insertion of the air hose and a tight fit. The air hose was then connected to the air compressor located in the trunk. The length of the air hose was tightened underneath the vehicle to ensure no dangling of the air hose. OPERATION PROCESS 1. Open shield cover. - The operator slides the shield cover outwards from the shield case in order to release the airbag. 2. Start air compressor to raise vehicle. -The air compressor in the trunk of the vehicle is started. 3. Stop air compressor once desired height achieved. - The air pressure inside the airbag in will increase until enough pressure to raise the vehicle is achieved. Once the vehicle has risen to the desired height, the air compressor is shut off. The air compressor will maintain the air pressure inside the airbag, keeping the vehicle aloft. Figure shows the airbag extended after the shield cover has been opened and the compressor started. 4. Conduct task needed. 34 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR - The operator then can conduct any required task such as changing a flat tire. 5. Remove airline fitting from compressor to discharge pressure. - Once the desired task has been conducted, the airbag needs to be deflated in order to lower the vehicle. In order to release the air pressure, the coupler fitting connecting the air compressor and air hose is removed. The air pressure will be released from the airbag, slowly lowering the vehicle in the process. 6. Close Shield Cover. - Once all the excess pressure has released from the airbag, the operator lifts the airbag and slides the shield cover under it. The airbag only requires 7 lbs of force to be compressed in order for the shield cover to close under it. This force is relatively small and will not require much effort from the operator. Figure shows the shield case, with the airbag deflated inside it and the shield cover closed. After experimenting with the pneumatic jack on several occasions the lifting operation time is approximately 1.5 to 2 minutes. The lifting operation time is from when the shield cover is removed to when both wheels on one side of the vehicle have been raised from the ground. The variability in the lifting operation time depends on the level and distance of the ground at the contact point with the pneumatic jack. Figure 53 shows the deflated position of the airbag when it is not in use and shield cover is closed. Figure 54 shows the inflated position of the airbag when it is being fed compressed air. Figure 53 – Airbag Deflated Position Figure 54 – Airbag Inflated Position TESTING: Air-Leak Test: The first test conducted on the pneumatic jack system was an air-leak test. The purpose of the air-leak test was to ensure that the system is able to build and maintain air pressure without any leakage. The two main connections in the system are the airbag-elbow-hose and the hosecoupler-compressor fittings. In order to test these fittings, a soap-water mixture was placed on 35 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR the various connections. In the event of an air leak, the mixture would be disturbed giving evidence of leakage. The air compressor was started and the airbag was inflated to the maximum design pressure of 100 psi. Once the pressure was achieved, the air compressor was shut off. The pressure inside the system was maintained for 30 minutes and the fittings were inspected for air leaks during that time period. After the 30 minutes and constant visual inspection, no airleaks were reported. Load-Test: The second critical test of the pneumatic jack system was the load-test. After successful completion of the air-leak test, the system was placed under the test vehicle. Weights were added to the vehicle to achieve the design load of 2000 lbs. The air compressor was started and vehicle was raised to the maximum height achievable by the airbag. After the desired maximum height was achieved at the design pressure of 100 psi, the distance of the raised wheels from the ground were measured and recorded. The air compressor was shut off and the vehicle was kept raised for 2 hours. After 2 hours, the distance of the raised wheels from the ground were measured and compared to the initial readings. The pneumatic jack system successfully completed the load test as there was no significant change in the height of the wheels from the ground. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Schedule: The project schedule begins on November 10, 2008 with vehicle jack concept development and ends on June 5th when the Final Design Report is due. The complete schedule is present in Appendix D. Project Milestone Dates: Design Freeze Oral Design Presentation Design Report Due Demo/Proof of Design Tech Expo Oral Presentation Final Report Due February 2nd March 2nd March 9th April 27th May 7th May 27th June 1st 36 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR Projected v.s Actual Schedule Task Projected Date Actual Date Car Jack Concept Development 1/4/2009 1/4/2009 Preliminary Design 1/18/2009 1/18/2009 Design Freeze 2/2/2009 2/2/2009 Final Design 3/1/2009 4/15/2009 Oral Design Presentation 3/2/2009 3/2/2009 Winter Design Report 4/12/2009 4/12/2009 Pneumatic Jack Fabrication 4/19/2009 5/1/2009 Assembly/Testing 4/23/2009 5/5/2009 Tech Expo 5/7/2009 5/7/2009 Final Oral Presentation 5/29/2009 5/29/2009 Final Design Report 6/1/2009 6/1/2009 Table 5 – Schedule Table 5 shows the major tasks throughout the project along with their projected and actual dates of completion. There were three crucial instances when then projected dates were not met. Firstly the final design was late by about two weeks. This was because of several major design changes that were made throughout the design process. Initially a hydraulic jack was proposed, after which an exhaust driven jack was proposed. After several design iterations, the final design was based on the pneumatic system. Because of the delay in the final design for the project, the fabrications as well as assembly were delayed. The fabrication of the shield was on time; however the airbag took longer than expected to arrive. The delay in the arrival of the airbag also added to the delay in testing process. Other than these three criteria, all other tasks were met on time including the CAS Tech Expo, Oral Presentations and Final Design Report. A complete detailed schedule is shown in Appendix D. Budget: The budget expenses for this project will be covered by the designer, Faizan Nasir. Budget expenses include all parts and equipment required for manufacturing. All machining and joining process will be conducted in the CAS lab with raw materials provided by the designer. The 37 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR materials and equipment included in the budget include airbag, air compressor, air hose, protective shield, mounting hardware, fittings and other miscellaneous hardware. The initial proposed design was a hydraulic jack system, for which the budget was $325. The final design that was implemented was the pneumatic jack which had an actual budget of about $346. Even though the final budget is higher than the initial, it is merited because the pneumatic jack has several advantages over the hydraulic design. The large portion of the final cost is due to two components, the airbag and the air compressor. The airbag cost approximately $170 whereas he airbag cost about $95. The rest of the budget consisted mainly of mounting and shield materials as well as miscellaneous hardware. The complete budget is present in Appendix E. Recommendations and Conclusions: Overall the project from conception to design and finally to implementation went fairly well. There were some drawbacks in the design and fabrication process; however the project was completed on time. After using the product several times, there are some concerns that should be dealt with before the product is to be mass produced for the public. The ground clearance of the vehicle is affected by the airbag-shield assembly as it protrudes from beneath the car. On the test car for which this particular pneumatic jack was developed, the ground clearance was reduced by 4 inches. This can be hazardous as altering the ground clearance can pose safety hazards while the car is moving. In order to counter this problem, it is recommended that the airbag-shield assembly be mounted at a higher point on the vehicle. This may require extensive modifications to the vehicle which can be costly. One of the purposes of this project was to further automate the process of raising and lowering a vehicle. When using the vehicle mounted pneumatic jack, the operator is still required to go to the airbag and slide opens the shield cover. Automation of this process, where a servo motor can be used to automatically open and close the shield would further reduce safety hazards and operation time. The vehicle mounted pneumatic jack will drastically reduce safety hazards posed by standard and currently available aftermarket vehicle jacks. The process of raising and lowering a vehicle can be fully automated reducing the safety hazard and making the process convenient for the operator. The vehicle mounted pneumatic jack will accomplish this goal at a reasonable price. 38 Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack FAIZAN NASIR REFERENCES 1. All Products. 12v Electric Car Special Hydraulic Jack. November 5, 2008. 2. Jack Co Ltd. Economic DC 12v Motorized Auto Jack. November 5, 2008. 3. Manual Jack. Shanghai Yicheng Auto Inspection Device Science. 4. Sharp, Junior Loyd. Easy Lift Hydraulic Jack Conversion Kit. 20040104381 USA Nov 21, 2003. [Online] United States Patent 5. Instajack. Instajack and Instawrench Combo. November 5, 2008. 6. Car Jack. Car Jack PreliminaryAnalysis. Design decisions Wiki. November 5, 2008. 7. Exhaust Jack. November 5, 2008 8. Mott. Applied Strength of Materials. Textbook. Design Factors 39 APPENDIX A – RESEARCH Interview with customer 9/29/08. Saad Saleem. Car owner. (513)371-2215 Recently had a flat tire requiring him to raise car using manual jack. Labor intensive and time consuming. Automatic Hydraulic Jack would be safer and more efficient. m/electrical- electronicitems.html 9/28/08 Automatic Car Jack Automated operation Requires manual placement Requires flat surface. Remote cord short. Has to be ordered online. Performance Parameters • Lifting Capacity 1 /1.5/2ton • Supply Voltage 12V • Rated Current 10A • Lifting Height 120MM--350MM • Working Temperature -40 + 90 • Net Weight 4KG Appendix A1 Automated operation High lift capacity High lift range Storage case Requires manual placement Requires flat surface InstaJack Instant 12v Automatic Car Jack LIFT CAPACITY: Vehicles up to3.5 TONS LIFT RANGE: 5” to 17.5” 9/28/08 InstaJack Automatic Car Jack JK100 : InstaJACK™ UPC Code: 831541551009 JK 100 Includes: 1– 12V DC InstaJACK™ 2– 15-amp replacement fuses 1– Heavy-Duty Storage Case tonet/product1.html 9/28/09 12v Car Hydraulic Jack Automated operation Low height range Low weight capacity Compact size Requires flat surface Requires manual placement Model NO: DYQ-1130 12V electric cars special hydraulic jack Mini Height: 130 MM Max Height: 300 MM Rated Voltage: 12 V Rated Current: 10 A Lifting Time: 30 second Max lifting weight: 1000KG Applicable for: car less than 2000 KG Weight: 3.3 KG Size: 17CM x 14 CM x 13.5 CM Protection: if overload, current will be off automatic,it can be continue to work automatic after 5 second Packing: shaped plastic foam box Inner box: 22CM x 18CM x 18CM ourter carton: 24CM x 39CM x 39CM Appendix A2 9/28/09 Economic DC 12v Motorized Auto Jack Automated operation Slow operating time Direct battery power compatible Requires flat surface Requires manual placement Voltage : D.C 12V~14V (Powered by Cigar Lighter or Battery) Current : 15 Amp Operating Method : Vertical Lift Screw Operating Type Lifting Range : Max. 156 mm Minimum Height : 156mm Vehicle Weight : Within 2,000kg Operating Time: Around 2 Mins JACK CO LTD Model no. Cy-130 12v impact wrench with LED light (powered on car cigar lighter)Output square shaft:1/2 (13mm) Max torque:350nm/250 ft. Lb No-load speed:5300 RPM Appendix A3 /si/6008814312487/pdtl/Car-emergency/1008825804/ HydraulicFloor-Jack.htm 9/28/08 Hydraulic Floor Jack Autoline International Trading Co Ltd Manual operation Manual placement Large size Large weight Not easily storable 2T Hydraulic Floor Jack with 135 to 340mm Lift and GS Approved Model Number:140123 Key Specifications/Special Features: • • • 2T capacity Lift: 135 to 340mm GS and TUV approvals Easy Lift Hydraulic Conversion Jack Kit Patent: United States Patent Application 20040104381 html 10/15/08 Easy Lift Hydraulic Conversion Jack Kit Jack not attached to vehicle Requires manual placement Large setup Not easily storable Abstract: A hydraulic conversion kit designed to convert a manual jack to hydraulic, with the use of a 12V hydraulic pump, special mounting brackets, and a hydraulic motor. This changes the manual jack to the ease of push button operation. Inventors: Sharp, Junior Loyd (Fair Grove, MO, US) Appendix A4 Vehicle Mounted Hydraulic Jack System Patent number: 6991221 Issue date: Jan 31, 2006 Inventor: Daniel G. Rodriguez Application number: 10/908,039 Expensive setup Complex system Not easily manufactured M_UiAAAAEBAJ &dq=automatic +hydraulic+car+jackVehicle mounted hydraulic jack system 10/15/08 Vehicle Mounted Hydraulic Jack System Abstract: A vehicle jack system attachable to a vehicle for lifting portions of the vehicle. The system includes at least one hydraulically operated jack pivotally mounted to the associated vehicle. A hydraulic positioning assembly extends between the jack and the vehicle to effect a pivoting of the jack into either a horizontal position for storage, or a vertical position for operation thereof. A solenoid arrangement facilitates a controlled distribution of hydraulic fluid from a pressure source to a plurality of such jacks mounted around the vehicle. An alternate embodiment of the present includes a ground engaging ski for permitting translation of the vehicle over an icy surface, and a locking assembly for securing both a longitudinal and angular position of each jack. Exhaust Powered Jack Manual Placement Required Large Airbag Size The exhaust powered airbag uses exhaust gasses from the vehicles to inflate and airbag which is used to raise the vehicle. The airbag is manually placed under the vehicle and a hose is inserted into the exhaust pipe of the vehicle. The drawback to this design is that the airbag is very large in size and has to be manually placed under the vehicle. Thus the operator is still in harm’s way as the airbag is being placed. Appendix A5 APPENDIX B – CUSTOMER SURVEY AND RESULTS Automated Hydraulic Car Jack Customer Survey with Results How important is each feature to you for the design of the automated hydraulic car jack? Please circle the appropriate answer. 1 = low importance 5 = high importance Avg Ease of maintenance 1 2 3(1) 4(10) 5(14) N/A 4.5 Ease of operation 1 2 3 4(5) 5(20) N/A 4.8 Reliability 1 2 3 4(2) 5(23) N/A 4.9 Durability 1 2 3 4(2) 5(23) N/A 4.9 Resistance to extreme weather 1 2 3(1) 4(2) 5(22) N/A 4.8 Low Cost 1 2 3 4(3) 5(22) N/A 4.9 Safety 1 2 3 4(2) 5(23) N/A 4.9 Speed of operation 1 2 3 4(4) 5(21) N/A 4.8 Energy Efficient 1 2 3(9) 4(5) 5(11) N/A 3.1 Accessibility of Controls 1 2 3(3) 4(3) 5(19) N/A 4.6 How satisfied are you with your current car jack? Please circle the appropriate answer. 1 = Unsatisfied 5 = Very Satisfied Avg Ease of maintenance 1 2 3(3) 4(12) 5(10) N/A 4.3 Ease of operation 1 2(7) 3(15) 4(3) 5 N/A 2.8 Reliability 1 2(2) 3(5) 4(18) 5 N/A 3.6 Durability 1 2 3(4) 4(20) 5(1) N/A 3.9 Resistance to extreme weather 1 2 3(2) 4(21) 5(2) N/A 4.0 Low Cost 1 2 3(2) 4(6) 5(17) N/A 4.6 Safety 1 2(4) 3(18) 4(3) 5 N/A 3.0 Speed of operation 1 2(21) 3(3) 4(1) 5 N/A 2.2 Energy Efficient 1 2 3(6) 4 5 N/A(19) 3.0 Accessibility of Controls 1(19) 2(3) 3(3) 4 5 How much will you be willing to pay for an automated hydraulic car jack? ($5 - $ 15) ($25 - $50)(4) ($50 - $100)(19) ($100 - $200)(2) ($200 +) N/A 1.4 Appendix B1 9 4.52 3 3 4.8 3 3 3 4.92 9 3 4.92 3 9 4.84 3 9 1 9 4.88 3 3 9 3 3 4.92 9 4.84 3 9 4.64 3 9 4.08 0.64 0.95 0.70 1.67 0.27 2.46 0.98 1.19 0.59 0.44 0.29 10.2 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.16 0.03 0.24 0.10 0.12 0.06 0.04 0.03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.3 2.7 3.5 3.7 4 4.6 3.1 2.3 3 1.6 4.6 5 5 5 5 3 4 3.5 5 3 1.1 1.9 1.4 1.4 1.3 0.7 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 4.8 8.9 7.0 6.6 6.1 3.2 6.3 7.4 7.7 7.7 65.7 0.07 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.05 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.12 1.00 Relative weight % Improvement ratio Planned Current Satisfaction Sales Point Customer importance Actuation method Manufacturability Guarding/Protection Safety/Status Indicator Cleaning/Maintenance Power Material Installation Setup 3 Relative weight 1 3 3 Modified Importance Ease of maintenance Ease of operation Reliability Durability Resistance to weather Low cost Safety Speed of operation Accessibilty of controls Energy Efficient Abs. importance Rel. importance Weight Size Automatic Hydraulic Car Jack QFD Number of components APPENDIX C – QUALITY FUNTION DEPLOYMENT ANALYSIS 7% 14% 11% 10% 9% 5% 10% 11% 12% 12% *Sales Point – 1’s used to donate exclusion of sales point from calculations. Appendix C1 Task Proof of Design Contract Car Jack Concept Development Choose Best Concept for Jack Preliminary Design Work Jack Design 1. Airbag Design 2. Shield Design 3. Air Hose routing / Fitting Design 4. Mounting Design Design Freeze Component Selection Car jack BOM Final Car Jack Design Oral Design Presentation Design Report Order Jack Components Exhaust Jack Component Fabrication 1. Airbag 2. Shield 3. Mounting 4. Hose/Fittings Assembly Testing Modification Final Test Demonstration of Proof of Design CAS Tech Expo Final Design Report Revision Oral Presentation Final Design Report 6/1 - 6/7 5/25 - 5/31 5/18 - 5/24 5/11 - 5/17 5/4 - 5/10 4/27 - 5/3 4/20 - 4/26 4/13 - 4/19 4/6 - 4/12 3/30 - 4/5 3/23 - 3/29 3/16 - 3/22 3/9 - 3/15 3/2 - 3/8 2/23 - 3/1 2/16 - 2/22 2/9 - 2/15 2/2 - 2/8 1/26 - 2/1 1/19 - 1/25 1/12 - 1/18 1/5 - 1/11 12/29 - 1/4 12/15 - 12/21 12/8/ - 12/14 12/1 - 12/7 Faizan Nasir Vehicle Mounted Pneumatic Jack Schedule (begin every Monday) 11/24 - 11/30 APPENDIX D – SCHEDULE 4 11 18 1 15 22 22 1 2 8 15 29 3 19 12 19 5 12 12 16 23 23 26 27 7 31 29 5 Appendix D1 APPENDIX E – PRODUCT OBJECTIVE MEAUSUREMENT AND RESULTS Product Objective Measurement and Results Product Objective Safety Criteria Check Valve Design in Factors No Sharp Edges Reliability Airbag Spec Air Compressor Spec Air Hose Spec Fittings Spec Shield/Mounting Material Spec Durability Design Factors : Aluminum: 8 Airbag : 1.5 Air Comrpessor : 1.5 Air Hose : 1.5 Cost Less than $200 Speed of Operation Less than 3 mins Resistance to Extreme Weather Water-tight shield Corrosion resistance Ease of Operation Removal of shield only manual operation Deflation through release valve Accessibility of Controls Air compressor located in trunk Ease of Maintenance Shield keeps components clean Easy Removal Energy Efficient Run off air compressor battery Ease of Manufacturing Use off-the-shelf components No complex manufacturing Measurement In air compressor Load-test Corners grinded/rounded Design within spec Design within spec Design within spec Design within spec Design within spec Design within spec Design within spec Design within spec Design within spec Prototype cost: $390 1.5-2 mins Sealants applied Aluminum shield Easily removal Release valve on air compressor Easily accesible Sealants applied Bolt and clamp used Rechargeable battery No custom components Spot-welding, bending, cutting used Results Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed P/F* Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed *Mass production will reduce costs of actual product. Appendix E1 APPENDIX F - BUDGET Budget Summary Proposed Budget Material and Components Actual Budget Cost Material and Components Hydraulic Motor $150 Hydraulic Pump $75 Air Compressor $95 Control/Wiring $25 Sheet Metal Shield $25 Shield/Guard $25 Hose $5 Mounting Hardware $30 Fittings $6 Miscelaneous $20 Rubber Sleeves $15 Mounting Hardware $10 Miscelaneous $20 Total Cost $325 Airbag Cost Total Cost $170 $346 Appendix F1 APPENDIX G - DESIGN CALCULATIONS Test Vehicle: For the purpose of this project, the vehicle which this pneumatic jack was designed and implemented is a Mitsubishi Eclipse as shown in Figure. This pneumatic jack was designed based on the specifications of this vehicle. Some of the important specifications needed in the design are shown below. 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS Curb Weight = 2842 lb Wheelbase = 98.8 in. Figure 12 – Test Vehicle Center of Gravity/Jack Location Calculations: Since one whole side of the vehicle will be lifted using a single jack, it is important to find the location on each side at which the weight distribution will be equal between the front and rear sections of the vehicle. The center of gravity of the vehicle along its length is the ideal location of the pneumatic jack. If the pneumatic is not located at the center of gravity, both tires on one side may not rise off the ground at the same distances. The center of gravity of an average production car is 14 to 22 inches off the ground. The center of gravity in the vertical direction is not important as the vertical location of the jack will be bound by the frame of the vehicle. The average production car has 60/40 front to rear weight distribution between the two axles. Assumptions: Wheel base = 99 in Weight Distribution = 60/40 front to rear. Appendix G1 CG (Front to Back direction) = 99 * 0.4 = 39.6 inches back from the front axle. Figure 13 – Center of Gravity Location CG (Front to Rear Direction) = 40 inches back of the front axle Figure shows that the center of gravity along its length is located approximately 40 inches rear of the front axle. The location of the jack along is width will be under the vehicles frame at the edge of the vehicle, similar to the location where a standard vehicle jack is placed. Design Load: It is important to calculate the amount of load that the pneumatic will be lifting when in operation on the test vehicle. The wheel-vehicle-airbag system work as a class 2 lever as shown in Figure. The mechanical advantage of this lever system is used to calculate the input force needed for a particular output force needed, which in this case is the 2000 lb design load. It is assumed that the center of gravity of the vehicle is on or very close to the center line of the vehicle along its length. Since the weight of the vehicle acts on its center of gravity and the input force of the airbag is located at the edge of the vehicle, the input distance is approximately twice that of the output distance. Figure shows the relation between the load, lift point and the fulcrum about which the vehicle is raised. Assumptions: Vehicle Weight = 2842 lb Additional Weight = 300 lb Car Width = 68.5 in Appendix G2 Analysis: Vehicle-Tire-Airbag system work as a class 2 lever. Mechanical Advantage of class 2 lever= Input force = output force x output distance / input distance = 3200 x 34.25 / 68.5 = 1600 lb An additional 25% factor of safety in the design load. Design Load = 2000 lb Vehicle - Load Pneumatic Jack - Force Direction of Lift Opposite Side Wheel - Fulcrum Figure 14 – Wheel-Vehicle-Jack Lever System The design load used throughout the design is 2000 lbs. Shield Stress: The shield is placed between the airbag upper plate and the vehicle frame. Figure shows the location of shield case in relation to the airbag and vehicle frame. The shield undergoes bearing load as it is compressed between the airbag upper bead plate and the vehicle frame. Figure shows the projection of the bearing contact surface area of the vehicle frame on the shield case in relation to the airbag upper plate. Assumptions: Design Load = F =2000 lb Design Factor = N = 8 (repeated load) Vehicle Frame Thickness = t = 1 inch Appendix G3 Figure 15 – Projected Bearing Contact Area Contact surface area = 6.23 * 1 = 6.23 in2 For Aluminum: Stress bd = stress by / 2.48 = 1.6 * stress sy / 2.48 = 0.65 sy Stress = f/a = 2000/6.23 = 321 psi Design factor of 8 = stress = 321 * 8 = 2568 psi Required Ultimate Strength: Stress bd=stress by / 2.48 Stress by = 1.6 * stress sy Stress bd= 1.6 * stress sy / 2.48 Sy = stress bd * 2.48 / 1.6 = 2568 * 2.48 / 1.6 = 3980.4 psi Using Aluminum Sheet Metal: Tensile yield strength of sheet metal (2014-0) = 10000 psi Bearing Load = 2000 lb Factor of Safety: Factor of safety = 10000/3980.4 = 2.5 Figure 16 – Shield Stress FBD Appendix G4 Lower Plate Stress: The lower plate is attached to the bottom of the airbag to give it a larger base. The plate exhibits compressive stress. Assumptions: Load = 2000 lb Design factor = 8 Bearing Load = 2000 lb Plate Stress: Plate surface area = 4 x 4 =16 in2 Stress = F/A = 2000/16 = 125 psi Design factor of 8 = stress = 125 * 8 = 1000 psi Tensile strength of sheet metal (2014-0) = 10000 psi Figure 17 – Lower Plate Stress FB Factor of Safety: Factor of safety = 10000/1000 = 10 Angle of Airbag (Shear): When the airbag is inflated, it expands in the vertical direction. The point at which the airbag contacts the vehicle frame is fixed. As the airbag is released from the shield, it expands pushing into the ground below. The load of the vehicle prevents the airbag from moving along the ground. Since the wheel-vehicle-airbag system work as a lever, the air bag will not be at an exactly 90 degree angle with the ground below. Variations in the level and height of the ground below will further affect the angle of the airbag. This angle is calculated using basic geometric principles assuming that only distance changing during the lifting process is that associated directly with the airbag. The calculated angle is too small to exhibit any significant shearing force. The airbag is designed to be used in such lever type applications and can withstand the minimal shearing force. Mounting Stresses: There are two brackets holding the shield and airbag assembly to the bottom of the vehicle. The weight of the airbag is 7.5 lbs and the weight of all the sheet metal used in the fabrication of the shield and mounting brackets is approximately 3 lbs. The total weight of the assembly is no more than 11 lbs. This is a very low load and the stress forces on the mounting brackets and hardware are negligible. Appendix G5 APPENDIX H – DETAIL DRAWINGS Appendix H1 Appendix H2 Appendix H3 Appendix H4 Appendix H5 Appendix H6 Appendix H7 Appendix H8 APPENDIX I - PURCHASED COMPONENTS Firestone Airstroke Actuator # 20 Aluminum 2014-0 20 Gauge Sheet Metal Appendix I1 Campbell Hausfeld 12 VDC Portable Air Compressor: Appendix I2 EDPM ¼ inch Air Hose, 25 ft: 3/8-16 Hex Bolt: Appendix I3 Brass Hose Bard, ¼ inch Hose, 1/8 inch NPT Fitting: J-B Weld Cold Weld Epoxy Solution: Appendix I4 ¼ inch Hose Clamps: 1 ¼ inch Hose Band Clamp: Appendix I5 Pro-Seal 34 Waterproof Sealant: Appendix I6 APPENDIX J - AIRBAG SELECTION GUIDE Air Bag Types: Appendix J1 Elastomer Selection: Appendix J2 Firestone Airstroke Actuator Selection Guide: Appendix J3 End Closure Selection Guide: Appendix J4 Firestone Airstroke Actuator Style 20 Specification Sheet: Appendix J5 APPENDIX K - BILL OF MATERIAL Bill of Material Material and Components Airbag Air Compressor Sheet Metal Shield Hose Fittings J-B Weld Mounting Hardware Hose Clamps Sealant Total Cost Part Number W01-358-6910 Campbell Hausfeld Portable 2014-0 EPDM 25 ft (2) Elbow Brass Hose Barbs One tube Bolts - Washers - Spacers (10) 1/4 inch Pro-Seal 34 Cost $170 $150 $25 $18 $6 $5 $5 $5 $6 $390 Appendix K1