BIOL 472 - Mammalian Physiology Ronald A. Markle, Ph. D. Professor of Biology Office: 213 Whitmore Lab Spring 2011, schd. #541474, Section 001 Tues/Thurs 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. Classroom: 112 Buckhout Lab Bldg. Required Text: Human Physiology. An Integrated Approach. 5th edition, by Dee U. Silverthorn. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, 2010. One (1) copy is on 2-hour reserve at Pattee, and the Interactive Physiology CD-ROM, separately. Suggested Supplements: • Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology. 23rd Edition by Kim Barrett, Susan Barman, Scott Boitano and Heddwen Brooks. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, Medical Publishing Division, 2010. • You should own a medical dictionary. For example: Mosby's Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 6th edition, 2010. General Information: Biology 472 is a 3-credit hour lecture course specifically designed to cover fundamental mammalian physiology for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying life sciences with special emphasis on humans. The course builds upon principles covered in previous biology, chemistry and physics courses. The goal is that students develop a working knowledge of mammalian physiology with particular reference to humans and selected disease conditions. Course Objectives: This instructor has two primary objectives. The first is for every student to gain a working knowledge and understanding of basic physiological principles. The second is to apply these principles to problem solving situations as occur, for example, in acid-base disturbances, vascular dysfunction, renal failure, endocrine imbalances among others. The end point of both objectives is to gain a mechanistic understanding of systemic physiology that students can build upon in their future activities. Grading: The final course grade will be determined by totaling raw scores on three (3) exams, with 60 questions (one point per question) plus a 80 point Final Exam. The exams will emphasize in-class coverage of the topic block, handouts, any out-of-class study materials plus the Silverthorn text. The latter exams will include comprehensive questions, therefore, each exam will be inherently cumulative. Exams may consist of integrative multiple choice and/or short answer questions; figure identification & labeling; problem solving and analysis of hypothetical data may be included. Any handwritten work must be legible, coherent and grammatically correct for fullest possible credit. Calculators will NOT be permitted during exams. Note now: Do not anticipate "extra credit" exercises in this course. The grading scale appears below. Attendance and Notes: Your lecture notes and class handouts serve as your “study guide”. Class attendance is not taken but it is recommended and assumed that students attend all classes. Students are responsible for all course material, including handouts, and all announcements given in each class and transmitted via ANGEL. See a class TA for a missed handout (or check on ANGEL); if you miss a class, obtain the class notes from a classmate. Minor changes of dates of lecture topics and exams could occur and such changes will be announced in class. EXAM days: If a student must miss an exam, a reasonable and honest excuse must be presented for approval by the course professor prior to the exam. This instructor reserves the right to require verification of the reason for missing an exam. • Some BIOL 472 classroom policies for classroom civility and important dates (verify via Registrar’s Office): 1. Cell phones, iPods, etc. OFF. It’s only 75 minutes without the electronic umbilical cord. Thank you. 2. We have two sets of doors. Late arrivals, use the northeast set of doors, away from the lectern. 3. On exam days: bring your PSU photo ID, all electronics off and stowed away; and test day seats may be assigned. 4. Late drop begins January 20th and the late drop deadline is April 8th. 5. Final Exam Conflict filing period: February 14th – March 6th and the Withdrawal deadline is April 29th. • Emergencies happen: At our discretion, we may require you to verify an “emergency” that impacts class administration such as test dates, extended absences, etc. • Help: Teaching Assistants will be available to answer questions, hold pre-exam meetings & help with course material. Details for Olivier ( and Josh ( will be announced in class as schedules become final. • Academic Integrity: University policy (#49-20) describes academic integrity as the pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud and deception. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabricating of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course. This instructor will recommend to the Dean of the Eberly College the dismissal from Penn State of a student for any form of academic dishonesty. • Email to your instructors: If you email your professor or TAs please give your first and last names and have “BIOL 472” in the subject line. • “See Your Syllabus”: Each semester we get scores of email messages asking for information that is already provided here or announced in class. Such items will be returned, instructing you to “see your syllabus”. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to items on the syllabus. Any changes will be announced at class. Tentative Sequence of Topics and Exam Dates: Block 1: • Background topics/earlier courses - assumed (BIOL 240w) • Introduction, quick recap on cells & classic tissue types • Membrane transport principles/active and passive, homeostasis • Excitable Tissues: neurons, electrical potentials (graded and action), synapses, reflexes, autonomic nervous system, other systemic aspects of the nervous system. If time permits in class: Physiology of special senses - selected example(s). Relevant Silverthorn Chapters 1-4 3 5, 6 8, 9, 11 10 Exam 1 planned for: Thursday, February 3rd Block 2: (may include aspects of exercise physiology as covered in chapter 25) • Excitable tissue - muscle, types, tonus, basics of neuromuscular control • CV system: heart as a pump, blood pressure and flow, capillary dynamics, blood as a fluid tissue • Immune system Exam 2 planned for: Thursday, March 17th Block 3: • Respiratory system: ventilation, gas transport & exchange • Renal-excretory system and homeostatic balance of the internal environment. Exam 3 planned for: Tuesday, April 12th Last segment and final exam in the week of May 2nd: • Classic hormone regulation/basic endocrinology, and control of mineral balance, water balance, growth, endocrine pancreas and more. • Reproductive physiology/endocrinology • Alimentary canal/physiology of the gastrointestinal system and its accessory organs. • Temperature Regulation. Final Exam: Comprehensive, 2 hours/ schedule by the Registrar in the week of May 2nd. Do not make your exiting travel plans prematurely! Grade Assignment: The plan for assigning final letter grades is as follows: A 260 – 241 points B 224 – 215 pts C 198 – 181 pts A- 240 – 233 pts B- 214 – 207 pts D 180 – 155 pts B+ 232 – 225 pts C+ 206 – 199 pts F less than 155 pts (60.0%) ** The instructor reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the grade scale. 12, 13 14 - 16 24 17, 18 19, 20 7, parts of 20, 22 & 23 26 21 Parts of 22 & 25