Advertising Influence on Market

Advertising Influence on Market
Assoc . prof. Dan NASTASE PhD
„Artifex” University of Bucharest
A consistent advertising budget does not guarantee a successful
advertising campaign. Two companies can spend the same amount of work and get
results that completely different. Research demonstrates that creative messages
may have greater importance for the success of advertising campaigns than money
spent. No matter how big the budget, this activity can be successful only if the ads
attract attention and effectively communicate messages.
Keywords: message, impact, advertising, market, actual consumer ,
environmental , commercial , assessment .
Advertising specialists face environment increasingly cluttered advertising.
Average consumer may hear or watch numerous radio and television programs and
has to choose between thousands of publications. Add to this the countless
catalogs, advertising by mail and many other media. This creates major congestion
problems themselves sponsors, advertising is extremely expensive. They can pay
tens even hundreds of thousands of dollars for a 30 second commercial on a TV
with a high rating . In addition, ads are interspersed with other ads and
commercials, regardless of their broadcasting time . With the development of cable
television network , a videotape recording systems and remote devices , the public
can avoid watching commercials or noncommercial stations or " eliminating " them
by pressing the " fast forward " while watching recorded programs . The remote
control , people can instantly reduce TV sound during commercial or switch to
other channels to see what can chase him. Thus, given the existence of hundreds of
other messages that seek to attract consumers' attention and as a result of a message
to keep their attention for too long, Advertising specialists faced with the
challenging task of designing messages to capture and maintain attention audience ,
but to motivate to respond either in a perceptual or behavioral . The message sent
by the public must be well designed , full of fantasy, exciting and rewarding for
consumers. Achieving these goals requires imagination and innovative spirit . The
creative strategy will play an increasingly important role in terms of advertising
success . To develop this strategy , advertising specialists to go through a three-step
process , consisting in the message, assessment and selection and execution of its
1. Message generation
The message is the idea that underlies communication. When designing the
message, specialists must take into account the target audience (to whom it is
addressed ) and the objectives of the advertising ( like the answer suggested by the
message that it receives ) . Firms can adopt one of these creative strategies :
Revista Română de Statistică - Supliment nr. 1/2014
• The message focuses on brand positioning ,
• Message draw attention to one of the motivations of individual consumer
• The idea could be exploited by formulating ways to increase product
sales : existing users should be encouraged to use more product and those who use
it will be encouraged to buy it
• Post idea might detach from the experience gained in-depth knowledge of
consumer product use , especially buying process , consumption and the effect on
them and the benefits sought by the consumer. Specialist advertising should be as
close as possible to the consumer and track how it uses the product , using the
qualitative research usually lasting such as observations and analysis at points of
sale .
Specialists in advertising approach , therefore, the problem of finding
different message that should attract the attention of the relevant public . Many of
them start by talking with consumers , dealers , experts and competitors . Others try
to and I imagine consumers using the product , so finding the benefits they seek to
gain by buying and using it .
In general, specialists in advertising creates more message options . From a
logical standpoint , it is normal to alternative themes began to generate the message
, they are evaluated and of them to choose the preferred solution . The message will
refer to the assessment .
2. Evaluation and selection message
How should we evaluate advertising messages ? These messages must
fulfill three characteristics :
a. To have meaning , highlighting the advantages that make the product
more desirable or interesting to consumers.
b. Be distinct consumers by communicating what the product is required to
competing brands .
c. To be credible . This last feature is difficult to achieve because many
consumers question the veracity of advertising in general. A study has found that a
third of all consumers appreciate advertising messages as " untrustworthy " .
Therefore, specialists in advertising will have to treat each claim prior to
see if it produces the maximum impact on consumers , if credible and interesting .
3. Execution message
Impact of message depends not only on what is said , but how it is said .
Execution message aimed precisely these issues. It is a difficult operation for the
reasons I mentioned above: lack of attention that consumers typically provide
advertising , " crowded " means advertising and satutatia with competing messages
. Specialist advertising must present the message in a way to attract attention and
interest of target audience , ie to create their message to " capture " . Those who
turn to advertising usually starts by mentioning the objective and appropriate
approach desired ad :
Specialists in advertising must find the style, tone , words and format best
suited for the execution of the message. His presentation can be made respecting
the many styles of execution.
Revista Română de Statistică - Supliment nr. 1/2014
Creative format affects both its impact and the cost of them. A unique
creative design change may have a decisive influence on its effect . The illustration
is the first thing readers see it and therefore it must be expressive enough to attract
attention. Then, the title should actually make him the man to read complaint.
Finally, the text, which is the main part of the ad should be simple but compelling.
In addition, these elements must be combined in an efficient manner. Even so, a
really great ad will be seen by fewer than 50 % of the people exposed to it, out of
which about 30 % will remember the main point made in the title, about 25 % will
remember the company name advertiser, and less than 10 % will read most of the
text. Unfortunately, the ads that are not distinguished by anything not even be able
to get this performance.
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Revista Română de Statistică - Supliment nr. 1/2014