Transition to Professional Nursing Nursing Process Health Promotion Assignment (20%) The objectives (1fthe NURSING PROCESS HEALTH PROMOTION ASSIGNMENT are to: D~v:lo~!a n~sing processcareplan that focuseson the healthpromotionof an adult Wlthmalfamlly. Utilize internetandcourseresourcesto developan assessment, nursingdiagnoses, planning;(with specificoutcomecriteria,interventions,and evaluation)for the nursing processhealthpromotioncareplan. Your NURSING PROCESSHEALTH PROMOTIONASSIGNMENT is as/ollows: Select an adult <r-lient.You can use yourself as the client for the health promotion paper. If you prefer not to provide information on yourself, you can use a friend or relative or other client. Write the nursiQgprocess paper IN THE THIRD PERSON ("he," "she") so the reader will not be able to identify whether it was completed by you or another individual. If YOUmade vourself the client stand ba and include what the nurse should do in lannin interventions and evaluation. ASSESSMENT Perfoml a health promotion assessmenton an individual. Each type of assessmentinstrument has a unique focus; however, there will be some data should con$ist of the following: . overlapping in the dimensions that are assessed. Assessment 1. General lifestyle appraisal: General lifestyle instruments assessa variety of dimensions to provide an overall "picture" of the individual's lifestyle. There are many web sites that offer a free assessmentof general lifestyle. Go to the web site that is listed below, review and complete the general lifestyle appraisal instrument, and summarize the findings (strengths and weaknesses)for EACH dimension. Write a paragraph for your summary. .Live Well. we! Service/Services/livewell/ 2. Health risk appraisal: A health risk appraisal assessesan individual's risks to his/her health, such as cancer or other illnesses. Since general lifestyle is connected to health risks, you may find similarities between lifestyle and health risk appraisal instruments. Go to the web site that is listed below, review and complete the health risk appraisal instrument, and summarize the findings (strengths and weaknesses)in one paragraph. .YouFirstHealth 3 Fitness appraisal. Fitnessplaysa significantrole in an individual's healthand healthrisks. There area manyweb site instrumentsthat assessfitness. Go to the web site that is listed below, review the instrumentthat relatesto fitnessassessment, completethe instrument,and summarizethe findings (strengthsand weaknesses) in oneparagraph. 12 Shape UpAmerica FitnessCenterAssessment. WWW.shaeu .or fitness/assess/fset2.htm 4 Nutritional appraisal. Nutrition also plays a significant role in an individual's health and health risks. There are a variety of instruments that assessnutritional status and health risks. Go to the web site !thatis listed below, review the instrument that relates to nutritional assessment, complete the instrument, and summarize the findings (strengths and weaknesses)in one paragraph. .USf)A-CNPP Interactive Healthy Eating Index. www.usda.{!ov/cn~~ 5 Injury prevention appraisal. Injuries account for a significant amount of morbidity and mortality in the US. There are a variety of instruments that assessenvironmental risks for injuries. Go to the web site that is listed below, review the instrument that relates to injury prevention appraisal for the home (the instrument works for all--notjust older--adults), complete the instrument, and summarize the findings ,(strengths and weaknesses)in one paragraph.NOTE: Use the SEARCH option at the web site to $nd the Safety Checklist. .US (:'PSC: Safetyfor Older Consumers Home: Safety Checklist. 5, Stressappraisal. Researchhas shownthat stressors(perceivedand actual)influencehealth. There are a variety~~f instruments that assessstress.Go to the web site that is listed below, review the instruments I;~atrelate to stressassessment,complete ALL the instruments below, and summarize the findings t strengths and weaknesses)in one paragraph. .Inp14t Forms: StressSources,DistressSymptoms& StressBalancing Strategies well!less. UWSD .edulHealth Service/Services/stress/sources.html well~ess.uwsD.edulHealth Servic~/Services/stress/svmntoms.html well~ess.UWSD. edulHealth Service/Services/stress/balance.html 6. Psychosocial appraisal. Researchhas shown that psychosocial dimensions, such as how an individual p~rceives self (his/her degreeof self-esteem), and interpersonal relationships and communication influence health. Go to the web sites that are listed below, review the instruments that relate to psychosocial appraisal, complete ALL of the instruments below, and summarize the findings (strengths and weaknesses)in one paragraph. .Self-Esteem Self-Test. .Healthy Interpersonal Communicationand RelationshipsSelf- Test 7 Addiction appraisal. Researchhas also shown that addictions impact health. The most common addictions il} the U.S. are to nicotine and alcohol. These addictions and others (i.e., eating disorders, substanceabuse;gambling addiction, sexual addiction, and even internet addi<;.tion)can be devastating to an individual's (and his/her family's) health. There are self-test instruments that assessfor an addiction. Go to the web site that is listed below, review the self-test instruments that relate to a p<)ssibleaddiction, complete the instrument(s) IF APPLICABLE, and summarize the findings in one paragraph. .Am J addicted? www. 8. Perceiveddegree of control over health status. Individuals mustperceivesomedegreeof control over their healthto makechanges.If individualsfeel thereis nothing they cando to changetheir 3 healthrisks, then healthpromotioneducationwill be ineffectual. Go to the web sitesthat are listed below, reviewthe instrumentsthat relateto perceiveddegreeof control overhealth,chooseand completeONE of the instruments,and summarizethe findings (strengthsand weaknesses) in one paragraph. .Multidimensional Health Locus o/Control (ScalesA and B).!.!kwaliston/mhlcscales.htm .Health Orientation Scale. NURSING DIAGNOSIS Basedon the resultsof the assessment, selecttwo (2) nursingdiagnoses.SeeExamlliesQfWellness Diagnoses. PLANNING/OUTCOME CRITERIA As noted in the text, if the client concludesthathe/shealreadyhaspositive functioning in a certainarea,the client canusethis informationto help him/herreacha higherlevel of functioning. If the client is in needof positive functioning in a certainpatternarea(s),the client can Collaboratewith the nursein settingpriority goals(be certainto indicatea time frame) for increasedpositive functioning; Collaboratewith the nurseto identify possiblebehaviorchanges,assignpriorities to behaviorchanges;make commitmentto changebehavior(self-contract);identify effectivereinforcementsandrewards;determinebarriersto change; Collaboratewith the nursein exploringavailableresourcesto assistwith the change,and developa schedule(be specific)for implementingthe behavior. Make the plan/outcome criteria ~-centered, e.g., the "client will " Relate the plan/overall goal to the nursing diagnosis. For example, if the WELL client has "low weight," then the overall goal may be to have "appropriate nutritional intake." Use ~ evidenced bv as introduction to stating measurable (time/amount) outcome criteria: NURSING INTERVENTIONS Self-responsibilityis emphasizedfor implementingthe plan. The client is the primary decisionmaker, andthe nurse'srole is to ascertainthatthe assessment is accurateand complete,andthe goalsare individualizedand attainable.Make the interventions !!!!!§£-centered. Be specific (so anyonecould carry out the interventions) and state frequency/amount/time,e.g.,the "nurse wilL.." Suggested nursingstrategies(be specificasto how often, how much, etc.) for behaviorchangesinclude: .Supporting; .Teaching; .Consulting; .Coordinating; .Facilitating; .Counseling; .Enhancing 14 Intervention references should be researched-orfactually based. For example, if a health promotion goal is to stop smoking, references should include Quality internet resources or iournal articles that relate successful strategiesto stop smoking. EVALUATION Evaluationis ongoingand a collaborativeeffort betweenclient andnurse.Evaluationis basedon the plan/outcomecriteria (both shortandlong teffil). Look at your measurableDlan/outcomecriteria and state whether the client has achievedthe criterion. e.g., Long teffil evaluationwill probablynot be possiblein this paper;however,the evaluationshouldinclude what~ be evaluated. Documentation of assignmentcompletion: GENERAL GUIDELINES: The GENERAL FORMAT of the paper should be the following: EXAMPLE OF ONE (1) NURSING DIAGNOSIS, PLAN/OUTCOME CRITERIA, INTERVENTIONS, AND EVALUATION ASSESSMENT Summarize and prioritize. For example, one assessmentfinding may be low body weight (provide data such as weight %tile) and emaciation (% body fat). NURSING DIA GNOSIS Potentialfor enhancedweight gainthroughappropriatenutritional intake PLAN (OVERALL GOAL)/OUTCOME CRITERIA The client will have enhanced weight gain through appropriate nutritional intake as evidenced by: 1. Verbally den)lonstrating understandingof the Food GuidePyramidwithin one (1) week. 2. Verbally demonstratingunderstandingof a properlybalanced2500 calorie diet plan within two (2) weeks. 3. Creatinga mealplan for one on day seven(7). 4. Increasingconsumptionof nutritional foods by (1) food item/dayuntil a properdiet is achieved. 5. Decreasingconsumptionof junk foods by (1) food item/dayuntil a properdiet is achieved. 6. Gaining 1-2 lbs per weekuntil FDA recommendedbody weight is achieved. 7. Achieving FbA recommendedbody weightof 124poundswithin 3-4 months. INTERVENTIONS The~will: 1. Provide client with written information about required nutrients, food guide pyramid and planning a meal plan for a 2500 calorie diet on day (1). 2. Teach client about the importance of proper nutritional intake on days (1) to (7). 3. Teach client about the food guide pyramid, required nutrients, meal planning and reading labels to ascertain nutritional content of foods on days (1) to (21). 4. Facilitate the learning process by using audio and visual aids. 5. Facilitate the learning process by allowing time for client questions. 6. Assist the client in forming a meal plan for one day on days (7), (14), and (21). ~ 7. Refer the client to weight control support group on day (1). 8. Have client weigh self weekly and document. EVALUATION 1. Verbally de$onstratedunderstandingof the food guidepyramid within (1) week. 2. Createda m~alplan for one day on day(14), etc.,etc... SPECIFIC GUIDELINES: PROCESS HEALTH PROMOTION PAPER om ts! --Assessment: St1eabovefor guidelinesDO NOT INCLpDE YOUR RAW ASSESSMENTDATA WITH THE PAPER . General'lifestyleappraisal(oneparagraph) . Healthqsk appraisal(one paragraph) . Fitness~ppraisal(one paragraph) .....Nutritio~al appraisal(one paragraph) 25 Stressall>praisal (one paragraph) Psychos~cialappraisal(oneparagraph) Addiction appraisal(one paragraph) Perceiv9ddegreeof control over health(oneparagraph) ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ I~~~£!!_~~gn?s ---~~~~~.- -~ e~""~~~~~l!!~~ 10 ~---~-~ Lrlleria: See abovl!1~~~~!~~~i~es 20 Seeabovefor guidelines 20 Interventionsmustbe referenced. 10 "'ormat: ........ AP A style Title page Paginated 10-12point font Double-$paced 15 1 inch margins all around is OK Correct spelling Correct Useof grammar (EX: correct paragraphing, no run-on sentences) ~"'~ '!'~~~~,~~"-" [NURSING ~1~~~!~g/Outcome !lnterventions: ~ 100 I p. ~'~-~--~ ,-~-~~~-,-~,~-~"--~~"~"~~ =c=~"~"C~"..,~~"~~~-~~~~~~--"~ i 16