www.nepad.org info@nepad.org Tel: +27 (0) 11 256 3600 Fax: +27 (0) 11 206 3762 P.O. Box 1234 Halfway House 1685 Midrand, Johannesburg South Africa CONCEPT NOTE FOR THE AFRICAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM 1.0 Introduction The NEPAD Agency in collaboration with its partners IFAD, CTA and UNECA will organize the African Rural Development Forum (ARDF) within the context of the Rural Futures Programme. The theme of the Forum is “Taking Forward the Rural Development Agenda in Africa”. The need to achieve sustainable rural development and agricultural transformation in Africa to deal with high population growth, growing demand for food and escalating food prices, climate change, excessive supply of youth labour, regional food insecurity, existing agriculture yield gap, and unfavourable rural-urban linkages, will be the main focus of the Forum. This will include examining the high potential that exists in Africa due to its abundant natural resources in particular land, water, climate, rural and youthful labour force, and the potential that smallholder farmers and women can play in rural development. There are many challenges facing rural development in Africa. Small-scale farmers and rural populations face a plethora of production and market constraints, which adversely affect their welfare and employment opportunities as well as serious lack public services in rural areas. Tackling inequality and enabling rural men and women to reach their full potential require a significant change in the way rural development has been implemented in Africa to focus more on accelerated economic growth with environmental sustainability, and strengthening livelihood opportunities and employment creation in particular for the youth. Thus, the main challenge for African policy makers is addressing domestic imbalances and injustices, while at the same time maintaining local and global competitiveness. Addressing these challenges will require long term vision, a reconnect of the sector with local and global issues and a strategic approach. What sort of policy frameworks are required to drive the rural development agenda in Africa? 1.1 The Rural Futures Program The overarching purpose of the Rural Futures Program, which was launched by the NEPAD Agency in 2010, is to facilitate new thinking and broad agreement with respect to the vision, strategies and plans for rural economic development and the reduction of rural poverty and inequality. The Program is based on the understanding that the rural economy including agriculture is a vital and central component for structural change. It encompasses a broader understanding of the inter-relationships between economic, environmental and political factors for advancing rural transformation and takes into account the roles of different stakeholders working in a transparent and collective manner. The goal of the Rural Futures program encompasses accelerated and diversified economic growth in rural areas including an expansion of employment and rural livelihood opportunities, an enhanced pace of reduction in rural poverty and improved environmental sustainability. The program has different categories of activities aligned to the identified 1|Page www.nepad.org info@nepad.org Tel: +27 (0) 11 256 3600 Fax: +27 (0) 11 206 3762 P.O. Box 1234 Halfway House 1685 Midrand, Johannesburg South Africa objectives of knowledge generation and sharing, facilitating dialogue on policy and institutional innovations, investments in innovative projects and building partnerships. The Rural Futures program will initially focus on five entry points that include rural and territorial planning, policy and intervention; infrastructure for rural transformation; strengthening the productive sectors in rural areas and job creation; equitable access to resources and services and sustainable natural resource management and climate change. 1.2 Purpose for the organization of the African Rural Development Forum (ARDF) The African Rural Development Forum will seek to provide an opportunity to share lessons within Africa and to learn lessons from other countries where focussed efforts in support of rural transformation have been put in place. The Forum will share best practices of policy coordination across different sectors and agencies as well as between different levels of government with the aim of developing more effective and efficient means of rural service provision, which meets the particular needs for rural areas. The forum will also examine the role of agricultural growth as a driver of the diversification process and diversification of the rural economy beyond agriculture as a key feature of rural transformation. It will seek to benefit from the experience of IFAD in this regard, especially at the national level. The ARDF will establish strategic partnerships between NPCA and various rural development stakeholders towards advocacy and policy dialogue on rural transformation in Africa aimed at improving the livelihoods of poor rural people in all African countries. 1.3 Rationale Sub-Saharan Africa faces major challenges related to its incipient economic diversification and on-going demographic transition. However, it has an unprecedented opportunity for transformation and sustained growth. Until the onset of the global economic crisis, economic growth had averaged 5% for a decade. Even though growth declined as a consequence of the global financial crisis, it rebounded in 2010 thanks to prudent macroeconomic policies and financial support from multilateral agencies. Africa’s private sector is increasingly attracting investment, with much of the funding coming from domestic banks and investors. The sector is also creating an emerging African middle class of hundreds of millions of consumers and prospects for new markets. It is expected that the ARDF will contribute to increased awareness and knowledge of African stakeholders as well as the international community on key issues affecting rural development in Africa, the establishment of strong partnerships on rural development based on common understanding and interests, sharing of experiences on best practices, and implementation of innovative approaches in rural transformation. The Forum is also expected to result in an African consensus on the role of the rural sector in the continent’s economic and social transformation, increased alignment and harmonisation of policy and practice, better understanding of synergies and trade-offs as well as an integrated view of development and the environment by all stakeholders. 2|Page www.nepad.org info@nepad.org Tel: +27 (0) 11 256 3600 Fax: +27 (0) 11 206 3762 P.O. Box 1234 Halfway House 1685 Midrand, Johannesburg South Africa 1.4 Objectives of the ARDF The strategic objective of the first African Rural Development Forum (ARDF) are to (1) promote a collaborative agenda focused on the key challenges and renewed opportunities in rural development in African countries and (2) mobilise a strong political leadership and a pro-poor and integrated approach to rural development with effective policies and actions for successful rural transformation. The specific objectives of the Forum are to: Contribute to raising awareness about existing and emerging challenges in rural development in Africa; Promote the exchange of information and best practices on rural development from within Africa and from various parts of the world; Provide a platform to debate on various perspectives on policy options and strategic thinking and action on rural development in Africa with a view to up-scaling or replicating best practices; and Help to forge strategic partnerships for joint implementation of suitable flagship projects and programs for rural development in Africa. 1.5 Expected Outputs The following are the expected outputs from the Forum: A consolidated report and proposed action roadmap focusing on the multi-sectorial approach for advancing rural transformation across Africa; A policy brief on tools and best practices in rural transformation that will go through the necessary AU decision-making processes to ensure endorsement by the Governments and the Ministers responsible; Learning and Knowledge platform to promote and strengthen learning partnerships among key regional and national organizations involved in rural development launched; Areas for further in-depth research and analytical work identified; and Collaborative flagship projects including those on expanding rural job opportunities, especially for young people, and the necessary resource mobilization strategies 3|Page www.nepad.org info@nepad.org Tel: +27 (0) 11 256 3600 Fax: +27 (0) 11 206 3762 P.O. Box 1234 Halfway House 1685 Midrand, Johannesburg South Africa 1.6 Expected Outcomes The occasion of the Rural Development Forum will launch a number of collaborative flagship projects including those on expanding rural job opportunities, especially for young people, and the necessary resource mobilization strategies which relate directly to the rural development agenda. It will also result in: Awareness for the prioritization of rural development in economic planning and financing enhanced; and Substantive national political commitment toward the adoption of pro-rural development strategies and policies. 1.7 Thematic Focus Areas The major theme of the Forum will be to assess the state of affairs of rural development in African countries, including challenges and opportunities, policies, and best practices. It will attempt to answer the following questions: Why rural development is a central agenda for the continent? What makes rural development work or succeed within a green context? What are the capacity and knowledge systems needs for effective rural development? Sub-themes for the Forum will include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.0 Political Economy of Rural Transformation Territorial Development and multi-sectorality Livelihood, Employment and Job creation Rural Infrastructure development Environnemental Management and Sustainability Organizational Arrangements The preparation of the African Rural Development Forum will be undertaken by an Organizing Committee involving a Core Task Team drawn from NPCA, IFAD, UNECA and CTA in collaboration with a Technical Committee comprising of above organizations, other partners (FAO, AFD, ILO, UNDP and COMSEC) and individual resource persons. A conference organizer and facilitator will be identified. 4|Page www.nepad.org info@nepad.org Tel: +27 (0) 11 256 3600 Fax: +27 (0) 11 206 3762 P.O. Box 1234 Halfway House 1685 Midrand, Johannesburg South Africa 2.1 Communicating the ARDF A communication strategy for rural transformation initiatives and best practices will be a major output of the Forum. A special website will be launched/developed and dedicated to the Forum both at the preparatory stages and post-Forum follow up activities, as well as making use of the existing websites of the three partners-UNECA, IFAD and CTA to post papers and outcomes of the Forum. There will be competition awards to encourage and promote production and sharing of best practices in terms of articles on rural transformation and most appropriate case studies on the ground. Mechanisms to monitor the impact of rural transformation initiatives will be developed and shared. Policy briefs on important lessons and experiences will be encouraged. A Rural Future Newsletter is on the cards. NPCA will use its access to Ministerial and AU forums to report and communicate policy messages on rural transformation. 2.2 Participants to the ARDF The target group for the ADRF will be drawn from beneficiaries of rural development programs at the community level, policy makers and rural development practitioners from different stakeholder levels who will be expected to share their experiences and ensure follow up after the Forum. The participating countries and individuals will include a crosssection of all Africa’s regions to give a balanced overview of rural transformation practices and experiences. The selection will be done in consultation with RECs and other partners especially those at country level. Priority will be given in the list to include those countries that have made successes in rural development, as well as those lagging behind and needing to learn from best practices. African and global expertise, development agencies, governments, universities, farmers and private sector will also be the target group for the Forum. Date and Venue for the Forum The meeting dates are 2-4 May 2013 in Cotonou, Republic of Benin. 5|Page