COSC 1401, Microcomputer Applications

COSC 1401, Microcomputer Applications
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Overview of computer information systems. Introduces computer hardware, software,
procedures, systems, and human resources and explores integration and application in business and other segments in
society. The fundamentals of computer problem-solving and programming in a higher level language may be discussed
and applied. (COSC 1401: equivalent to ITSC 1401, Intro. to Computers at some universities)
Course Title:
Microcomputer Applications or Introduction to Computers
Course Number:
COSC 1401 or ITSC 1401
Credit Hours:
4 credit hours
Semester and Year:
Spring 2010
Class Days and Times:
Mondays and Wednesdays
Lecture: 7:30 AM – 8:40 AM
Lab: 8:50 AM – 10:00 AM
Brenda Phillips
Office Location:
Adjunct Office E 212
Office Hours:
Mondays and Wednesdays 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM; other times by appointment
Personal Phone:
Additional Information:
This course is supplemented with the LSC-Online Angel Learning Management System
and MyITLab Assessment and Training Software. You should complete the Getting
Started modules in both products before beginning your coursework.
Be prepared to spend a total of 8-12 hours per week on this course during a 16week semester.
The student will be able to
• The student will identify the components of a computer system.
• Demonstrate basic understanding of commonly used applications.
• Explain the impact of computers on society.
• Explore computer careers.
• Identify fundamental programming structures.
• Demonstrate proficiency in basic operating system functions.
• Discuss current issues associated with security, ethics, and legal issues.
• Describe uses of the Internet and design a simplistic web page using HTML coding.
• Demonstrate proficiency in the use of word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation applications.
• Demonstrate proficiency in the use of email.
• Discuss current issues such as viruses and other related topics.
• Demonstrate basic understanding of network topology and connections.
• Package ISBN: 0558513328
Gaskin: GO! w Office 2007 Intro – 3/e
Getting Started with WinXP
Getting Started with Outlook
Getting Started with Internet Explorer
Evans: Technology in Action – 6/e
Package ISBN:
Includes: MyITLab with eBooks
Storage Media: USB storage media recommended (DL students may use hard drive)
Evaluation will be based on module tests, chapter quizzes, software projects and study plans (in class and homework),
class attendance/participation, and semester project as follows:
1. Module tests in MyITLab
2. Chapter quizzes in MyITLab
3. Software projects and Study Plans in MyITLab
4. Semester project
5. Class participation and attendance/punctuality
Refer to class schedule for exact dates of above activities.
1. Module tests contained in MyITLab will cover the seven modules in this course. Material covered will be taken from
both textbooks. See the class schedule for more information. The average of the seven modules tests will count for
40% of the semester grade
2. Chapter quizzes are contained within MyITLab. For each chapter, the student will complete all the activities contained
within that chapter. Chapter quizzes will not be accepted late. The average of the chapter assignments will count
for 20% of the semester average.
3. Software projects are taken from the Office 2007 textbook. Study Plans are in MYITLAB. These will be completed
during lab time and/or outside of class/lab as needed. Points will be deducted for typographical errors (poor
proofreading), format errors, etc. Software projects will not be accepted late. The average of the software projects
and study plans will count for 20% of the semester average.
4. Students will complete a semester project which includes:
a. A written research paper in MLA format;
b. PowerPoint presentation; and
c. A short oral presentation using PowerPoint presentation.
The average of all the components will count for 10% of the semester average.
5. Students are expected to actively participate in class activities. Regular attendance is expected in order to actively
participate. Attendance and punctuality are qualities expected of all employees and, therefore, are expected of
students as well. Ten points will be deducted for each unexcused absence and five points will be deducted for each
tardy or leaving class/lab early. Class attendance, punctuality, and participation will count for 10% of the semester
Final letter grades will be assigned after computing individual final averages in percent as follows:
Final Average in Percent
Letter Grade
100 – 89.5 %
79.5 – 89.4 %
69.5 – 79.4%
59.5 –69.4%
0– 59.4%
Attendance to all classes is expected and with active participation in class activities. Should you anticipate an absence,
please notify the instructor in advance. An excessive number of absences will prohibit the successful completion of this
course. Students that miss a class, have the responsibility to obtain lecture notes and assignments from a classmate.
The instructor will not take time from the scheduled course time to discuss missed activities.
COSC 1401 or ITSC 1401 Syllabus
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Students should make note of all schedule exams. Students that miss an exam without contacting the instructor prior to
the scheduled examination by phone, in-person, by e-mail, or by voice mail will receive a grade of zero on that exam. An
opportunity to take a makeup examination may be offered to those who make prior contact with the instructor,
should circumstances warrant the absence. Students scoring below 70 on any exam may be afforded the opportunity
to take a retake exam with the permission of the instructor. If permission is granted, the original exam grade and the
retake exam grade will be averaged for the recorded exam grade. All make-up and/or retake exams will be administered
in the Tomball College Assessment Center.
While every attempt has been made to prepare this syllabus and class schedule in final form, it will be the instructor's
prerogative to make any changes as may be deemed necessary in order to meet the learning outcomes of the course.
Students will be notified in writing of any change.
Withdrawal from the course after the official day of record (see current catalog) will result in a final grade of “W” on the
student transcript and no credit will be awarded. After the official day of record, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate
and complete a request for withdrawal from any course. Students having four absences from this course will have missed
sufficient course material that a withdrawal is recommended. .
Lone Star Colleges are committed to a high standard of academic integrity in the academic community. In becoming a
part of the academic community, students are responsible for honesty and independent effort. Failure to uphold these
standards includes, but is not limited to, the following: plagiarizing written work or projects, cheating on exams or
assignments, collusion on an exam or project, and misrepresentation of credentials or prerequisites when registering for a
course. Cheating includes looking at or copying from another student's exam, orally communicating or receiving answers
during an exam, having another person take an exam or complete a project or assignment, using unauthorized notes,
texts, or other materials for an exam, and obtaining or distributing an unauthorized copy of an exam or any part of an
exam. Plagiarism means passing off as his/her own the ideas or writings of another (that is, without giving proper credit by
documenting sources). Plagiarism includes submitting a paper, report or project that someone else has prepared, in whole
or in part. Collusion is inappropriately collaborating on assignments designed to be completed independently. These
definitions are not exhaustive. When there is clear evidence of cheating, plagiarism, collusion or misrepresentation, a
faculty member will take disciplinary action including but not limited to: requiring the student to retake or resubmit an exam
or assignment, assigning a grade of zero or "F" for an exam or assignment; or assigning a grade of "F" for the course.
Additional sanctions including being withdrawn from the course, program or expelled from school may be imposed on a
student who violates the standards of academic integrity.
Law strictly prohibits unauthorized copying of software purchased by Tomball College for use in laboratories. Tomball
College administration will take appropriate disciplinary action against anyone violating copyright laws.
Computer viruses are, unfortunately, a fact of life. Using the diskettes on more than one computer creates the possibility
of infecting computers and diskettes with a computer virus. This exposes the computers of the college, your personal
computer, and any others you may be using to potentially damaging viruses. The college has aggressive anti-virus
procedures in place to protect its computers, but cannot guarantee that a virus might not temporarily infect one of its
machines. It is your responsibility to protect all computers under your control and use and ensure that each diskette you
use, whenever or wherever you use it, has been scanned with anti-virus software. Since new viruses arise continually,
your anti-virus software must be kept current. And, since no anti-virus software will find every virus, keeping copies of data
(backups) is extremely important.
The U.S. Department of Education Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) has researched and
listed the skills and competencies that make up the know-how employees will need for workplace success. You can view
the SCANS skills that are included in the course objectives at the Lone Star College web site at:, under Catalog & Description, then Course Descriptions.
COSC 1401 or ITSC 1401 Syllabus
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It is the policy of the Lone Star Colleges to provide equal employment, admission and educational opportunities without
regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
Lone Star Colleges strive to provide an excellent learning environment free from harassment or intimidation directed at
any person’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated.
The LONESTAR colleges are dedicated to providing the least restrictive learning environment for all
students. The college district promotes equity in academic access through the implementation of
reasonable accommodations as required by the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title V, Section
504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) which will enable students with disabilities to
participate in and benefit from all post-secondary educational activities. LSC-Tomball Disability
Services are located in the South Hallway, Student Life Center. Contact : Carolyn Ambrose, Office
S114, 281-351-3380 for more information.
If you require reasonable accommodations because of a physical, mental, or learning disability, please
notify the instructor of this course as soon as possible and preferably before the end of the first two
weeks of class to arrange for reasonable accommodations.
Lone Star College guarantees that graduates who complete the requirements for the Associate of Arts or the Associate of
Science degree will be able to perform at a senior college or university at a level equivalent to other transfer students or to
the college’s native students. Further, Lone Star Colleges guarantees that graduates of its Associate of Arts, Associate of
Science, or Associate of Applied Science and all Certificate programs, will have acquired the job skills for entry level
employment in the field of their award. Lone Star College will provide, under certain circumstances, additional education
and training tuition free to students lacking appropriate mastery of specified competencies. For additional information,
refer to the Lonestar Colleges catalog.
o Technology Department Chair: Lindell Chapman,, 281-357-3756
o COSC/ITSC 1401 Curriculum Specialist: Pat Rajski Lyon,, 281-357-3610
o There is also information at
COSC 1401 or ITSC 1401 Syllabus
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Study collections