War in the Pacific National Historical Park

War in the Pacific
National Historical Park
presents the
Junior Ranger Academy
Registration Packet for April 2014
February 2014
Hafa Adai!
Are your children looking for something fun to do outdoors this Spring Break? Are they interested in
exploring their national park, learning about World War II on Guam, or protecting the island’s
resources? Then enroll them in War in the Pacific National Historical Park’s Junior Ranger Academy!
Junior Rangers at the War in the Pacific National Historical Park will see World War II artifacts, tour
World War II battle sites on Guam, spend time outdoors with park biologists, and participate in
restoring and/or preserving a World War II historical site!
The more our youth understand how important the parks are to their country, the more likely they are
to want to help protect these special places so the next generation can enjoy them too. War in the
Pacific National Historical Park Junior Rangers will serve as stewards of the plants, animals, and
historical places of Guam.
The Junior Ranger Academy will take place from during April 7-12 and April 14-19, 2014. Youth in 7th
and 8th grades are eligible to participate.
Junior Rangers get a stamp in their Junior Ranger Passport for each day completed. Successfully
obtaining five stamps will earn them an official Junior Ranger badge, t-shirt, & certificate.
Registration packets should be picked up and submitted at the T. Stell Newman Visitor Center in Sumay.
Registration packets can also be downloaded from www.nps.gov/wapa or www.pacifichistoricparks.org.
Seats are limited and reservation slots are on a first come, first serve basis. The last day to submit
completed registration packets and a $20 refundable deposit is March 15, 2014.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email jracademy@pacifichistoricparks.org or call
Education Assistant Tanya Sortor at 671-482-1234 or 671-477-7279, ext 1015.
We hope to see you this Spring Break!
Jaclyn Zapanta Balajadia
Pacific Historic Parks
Education Specialist
Registration Form Part I: Participant Information
Child’s Name (Last, First): _______________________________________________________________________
Indicate grade level of child:
! 7th grade
! 8th grade
Other: __________
The school my child is attending: ______________________________________________________________
Gender of Child:
T-shirt Size:
(Youth) ! S
How many times has your child
snorkeled in the past year?
! 0 (Never)
! 2-5 times
! 6 or more times
How many times has your child
hiked in the past year?
! 0 (Never)
! 2-5 times
! 6 or more times
(Adult) ! S
Please be advised that participants will be in an outdoor environment. They will be exposed to the sun
for an extended period of time. During the Academy, youths may snorkel, hike on uneven terrain, sit on
a tarp under a canopy during sunny or rainy days, pick up trash, paint, and walk along beaches.
If there are any important health conditions (allergies, medications, etc) you believe the camp
staff should be aware of, write them below. All information you provide will only be released to
Emergency Personnel Services in the event of an emergency.
Registration Form Part II: Emergency Contacts
Child’s Name (Last, First): _______________________________________________________________________
Home Address (Street, Number, & Village):
Contact Person #1: _________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: _______________________
Home Phone: _______________________
Work Phone: _______________________
Email address: _________________________________
Contact Person #2: __________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: _______________________
Home Phone: _______________________
Work Phone: _______________________
Email address: _________________________________
Contact Person #3: __________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: _______________________
Cell Phone: ___________________
Work Phone: _______________________
Registration Form Part III: Session Preference
War in the Pacific National Historical Park is conducting two weeklong sessions of the
Junior Ranger Academy.
Students may only participate in one session. No exceptions. Spots are reserved on a first
come, first serve basis.
Session 1 Dates & Times
April 7-11, 2014
09:30 am – 12:30 pm (Drop off no earlier than 9:00 am)
On April 12, the Junior Ranger Ceremony will take place from 10 am to 11 am at the T.
Stell Newman Visitor Center. Parents are invited to attend the ceremony.
Session 2 Dates & Times
April 14-18, 2014
09:30 am – 12:30 pm (Drop off no earlier than 9:00 am)
On April 19, the Junior Ranger Ceremony will take place from 10 am to 11 am at the T.
Stell Newman Visitor Center. Parents are invited to attend the ceremony.
Please indicate which session you prefer your child will attend:
! Session 1
! Session 2
Optional: Please write down any pertinent information you would like the Junior Ranger
Academy staff to know concerning the week you prefer your child to attend:
Registration Form Part IV: Parent Consent
I, __________________________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Name),
have read and understand the Junior Ranger Academy Registration Packet. My
child is fit to participate in vigorous physical activities of the camp.
I hereby give permission to park staff to photograph, record, video, and/or film
during the Junior Ranger Academy for National Park Service and Pacific Historic
Parks media.
I hereby give permission to allow my child to participate in the Junior Ranger
I certify that the information filled out on the Junior Ranger Academy Registration
Packet is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Junior Ranger Academy
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Jaclyn Zapanta Balajadia, Education Specialist
National Park Service
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War in the Pacific National Historical Park
April 9, 2014
Asan Bay Overlook
April 15, 2014
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War in the Pacific National Historical Park seeks to conserve natural, scenic, and historic values and objects for the benefit
and enjoyment of present and future generations. Junior Rangers will learn about and assist in refurbishing bronze
plaques. They will also help park staff in weeding the garden areas. Activities include, but are not limited to, scrubbing
monuments, cleaning around monuments, and doing general gardening. Participants must wear hats and clothes for
outdoor cleaning activities.!
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Junior Ranger Academy Daily Schedule
Session 1: April 7-12
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Session 2: April 14-19
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
April 7, Monday: History on Wheels
Location: T. Stell Newman Visitor Center
Visit some of the most beautiful park sites in the nation and
learn about the incredible battles that took place in these areas.
Jump on the Junior Ranger bus and a park ranger will guide you
on this exciting historical tour.
April 14, Monday: History on Wheels
Location: T. Stell Newman Visitor Center
Visit some of the most beautiful park sites in the nation and
learn about the incredible battles that took place in these areas.
Jump on the Junior Ranger bus and a park ranger will guide you
on this exciting historical tour.
April 8, Tuesday: Coral Reef Quest
Location: Asan Beach
Spend time with park biologists as you snorkel and examine
coral and marine life. Tune your senses to an awesome
underwater world at your national park.
April 15, Tuesday: Strive for Stewardship
Location: Asan Bay Overlook
The park seeks to conserve natural, scenic, and historic values
and objects for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future
generations. Junior Rangers will take the lead in maintaining
our national treasures.
April 9, Wednesday: Strive for Stewardship
Location: Asan Bay Overlook
The park seeks to conserve natural, scenic, and historic values
and objects for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future
generations. Junior Rangers will take the lead in maintaining
our national treasures.
April 10, Thursday: Culture & Coconuts
Location: Ga’an Point
One of the most significant natural resources in the park is the
coconut tree. Junior Rangers will learn about the wonders of
this plant, the various ways Chamorros have used it, and what
threatens this valuable resource.
April 16, Wednesday: Culture & Coconuts
Location: Ga’an Point
One of the most significant natural resources in the park is the
coconut tree. Junior Rangers will learn about the wonders of
this plant, the various ways Chamorros have used it, and what
threatens this valuable resource.
April 17, Thursday: Coral Reef Quest
Location: Asan Beach
Spend time with park biologists as you snorkel and examine
coral and marine life. Tune your senses to an awesome
underwater world at your national park.
April 11, Friday: Artifact Exploration
Location: T. Stell Newman Visitor Center
Go behind the scenes and take a glimpse of Guam and Saipan’s
amazing collection of World War II artifacts. Take a walk
through history and view documents, photographs, magazines,
uniforms, and weapons.
April 18, Friday: Artifact Exploration
Location: T. Stell Newman Visitor Center
Go behind the scenes and take a glimpse of Guam and Saipan’s
amazing collection of World War II artifacts. Take a walk
through history and view documents, photographs, magazines,
uniforms, and weapons.
April 12, Saturday: Junior Ranger Ceremony
Location: T. Stell Newman Visitor Center
10:00 am – 11:00 am only
Bring in your passports with at all five stamps and receive an
official Junior Ranger badge and certificate.
April 19, Saturday: Junior Ranger Ceremony
Location: T. Stell Newman Visitor Center
10:00 am – 11:00 am only
Bring in your passports with at all five stamps and receive an
official Junior Ranger badge and certificate.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What should my child bring?
For safety purposes, Junior Rangers are required to dress
appropriately for each outdoor event. Please have
clothes for hot weather, tennis shoes, a hat, sunscreen,
water, insect repellant, and sunglasses. They may also
bring a camera, extra slippers, snacks, and an umbrella.
For the day they are snorkeling, bring a swimsuit, a rash
guard, slippers, and a towel. For the day they are helping
to clean the park, they must wear a hat and clothes that
they do not mind getting dirty in.
Junior Rangers will earn a total of three community
service hours for helping to spruce up the park during the
Where do I turn in the Junior Ranger Academy
Registration Packet and $20 deposit?
They can be turned in at the T. Stell Newman Visitor
Center (located in Sumay, near the Naval Station Guam
front gate across from Taco Bell) between the hours of
9:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday through Sunday. Cash and
check deposits are accepted. Checks should be made out
to Pacific Historic Parks.
Junior Rangers will receive a free Junior Ranger backpack What if my child is NOT in 7th or 8th grades?
and water bottle, courtesy of Pacific Historic Parks.
The curriculum is designed and tailored for this specific
age group. Therefore, youth entering 7th and 8th grades
Junior Rangers should not bring pets, bicycles, wheeled
will have first priority in reserving spots. Youth from
vehicles, distracting electronic game devices, musical
other grades will be placed on the waiting list. If there is
instruments, or sports balls.
an open slot available, we will contact parents three days
before the Junior Ranger Academy begins.
How are Junior Rangers selected?
Youth currently in the 7th or 8th grades are eligible.
Will there be a lifeguard?
Completed registration packets and a $20 refundable
Yes. A lifeguard or Master Diver will be on duty on the
deposit are required for reserving a spot. Spots are filled day the Junior Rangers are snorkeling.
on a first come, first serve basis.
What does it take to earn an official Junior Ranger
When is the deadline to turn in the Junior Ranger
Badge this Spring Break?
Registration Packet?
Participants must complete all five (5) programs. Badges
Completed registration packets should be submitted by
will be presented at the Junior Ranger Ceremony at the
4:00 pm on Saturday, March 15, 2014.
end of the week.
Where do I pick up and drop off my child?
How & when do I claim my refundable registration
Please refer to the Junior Ranger Academy Daily Schedule deposit of $20?
for details of each particular session.
Participants must attend all five days of the academy and
refunds should be picked up at the T. Stell Newman
How many community service hours will Junior
Visitor Center between April 19, 2014 and April 26, 2014.
Rangers receive?
The last day to pick up refunds is April 26, 2014. Refunds
will be issued only to parents or guardians who are listed
in the Junior Ranger Academy Registration Packet.
Registration deposits not collected after this date will be
automatically donated to future educational programs.