World War II Facebook Persona Project

World War II Facebook Persona Project
In this assignment you will choose a “person” from the era of WWII that we have
discussed in class. You will use this character to make your own “Facebook” profile page
about that person. You must include the following in your Facebook page.
o The purpose of this page is to demonstrate how your person was involved in
World War II.
o Must contain a name listed of your person and a picture of that person
o Must contain at least 8 wall posts: (5 ) friend requests, (3) posts from other people
of the era (3) status updates (1) Group invitation or confirmation that you joined a
new group. You may add more if you wish!
o Must contain a quote below the picture that your person said or that is a quote
from another World War II source.
o Must include at least (2) dates on your page from the era of World War II.
o Must provide the name of a city for where your person is from or is currently
Individuals to choose from: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Albert Einstein,
Dwight D. Eisenhower, General MacArthur, A. Philip Randolph, Roosie the Riveter,
Robert Oppenheimer, General Patton, Japanese-American in an internment camp,
Dorrie Miller, a G.I, Sue the patriotic housewife, Personal relative who was alive or
served during World War II, member of the All American Women’s Professional
Baseball League, John F. Kennedy as a soldier in World War II, other suggestionplease see Ms. McInerny for approval.
Terms list to choose from. You must include at least 5 terms. Make sure you provide
enough detail describing your term/event.
•Pearl Harbor
•Lend-Lease Act
•U.S.S. Arizona
•Executive Order 9066
•Internment Camps
•The Allies
•Rationing, ration, ration cards (one of the
•Victory Garden
•War Bonds
•WAC (Women’s Army Corp)
•WASP (Women’s Air Force Service Pilot)
•Battle at Midway
•Iwo Jima
•Island Hopping
•Atomic Bomb
•V-E Day (Victory in Europe)
•V-J Day (Victory in Japan)
•Manhattan Project
•Enola Gay
•Mount Suribachi
•United Nations
•Yalta Conference
•Potsdam Conference
World War II Facebook Persona Project
Name: _________________________________
Grade: _______
The page contains no
The page contains The page contains The page contains 5
grammatical or spelling 1-2 grammatical or 3-4 grammatical or more grammatical
spelling errors. or spelling errors. or spelling erros.
Attractiveness and errors.
Page includes 1.) a
picture 2.) 9 wall posts:
3.) a quote from your
person or a quote from
the time period. 4.) At
least two dates are used
that are relevant to your
person or topic.
Used 5 terms from the
terms list and provided
adequate details.
The page is
The page includes The page contains less
missing one these two of these
than two of these
Used 4 terms from
the list and
provided adequate
Student creates a valid The reflection of a
reflection of a World War World War II
II “person.” Information “person” is vague.
is organized and easy to More information
could be provided
to clarify.
Organization and
clarity could be
Additional Comments:
Used 3 terms
Used 2 terms or less
from the terms list from the terms list
The poster’s
reflection of a
World War II
“person” is weak,
and the
provided is
unorganized or
difficult to
The poster’s reflection
of a World War II
“person” is not