
Webtop applications
and their Outlook
P94747004 鍾福貴
P94747007 蕭芳祥
What is webtop
Technology issue
Case Study
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The future top
Ð Desktop
Ð Laptop
Ð Palmtop
A web top is a network application system
for integrating web applications into a web based work space.
A virtual desktop on the web running in a web browser.
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What is webtop
• First introduced by the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) in
1993 for a web-based interface to their UNIX operating
• Often are characterized by an environment similar to
Windows, Mac, or Linux, but are now considered to have
much more functionality being dependent on the internet.
Typical benefits include the ability to save work and
settings over the internet rather than to the local desktop
~ wikipedia
Desktop on the internet
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What is webtop(cont.)
Access at any time, any place
• a virtual environment running on a remote server, which
provides with web space and all the functionality to
handle today’s daily personal tasks: mails, instant
messaging, their contacts, schedules, tasks, and file
explorer to manage online stored data.
• designed to move your daily personal work from local
computer to your own virtual environment in the web
• able to access your personal electronic desktop from
anywhere in the world, as you simply use a web browser
and no need of installing any further software
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Good and bad
• Advantages
– Access to a personalized desktop from any internet enabled
device on any platform.
– No need to install applications.
– Sharing among users located at different remote locations.
• Drawbacks
– Security : For all data is transferred over the internet, it
might be possible that a hacker intercepts the connection
and reads data.
– High speed internet : When using a web based desktop, the
whole code used for visualisation (.js/.css files, flash player
files, etc.) needs to be transferred to the local computer, so
that it can be displayed.
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Netscape think about webtop
Promote products
• Netscape promoted a "webtop" to replace the desktop,
and planned to populate that webtop with information
updates and applets pushed to the webtop by
information providers who would purchase Netscape
• But In the end, both web browsers and web servers
turned out to be commodities, and value moved "up the
stack" to services delivered over the web platform.
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Google think about webtop
Provide Service
• began its life as a native web application, never sold or
packaged, but delivered as a service
• No scheduled software releases, just continuous
• No licensing or sale, just usage
• No porting to different platforms
• Software licensing and control over API in the previous
era -- is irrelevant because the software never need be
distributed but only performed
the value of the software is proportional to the scale
and dynamism of the data it helps to manage
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Current products
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Today’s life - compatibility
Ap1 Ap2 Ap3
Virtual PC
Hardware upgrade Browser will be
OS upgrade
the most successful middleware
Application upgrade
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Today’s life – ubiquitous
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Today’s life - Collaboration
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Technology issue
• Social network
Understanding Social Networks
• Network connections grow faster than the
number of participants
• Extensive local clustering: friends tend to have
the same group of friends
• Small worlds: connecting any two people on a
network with limited steps
• Hubs and Connectors spread information more
quickly than other members
• OK to lose members randomly, but networks
vulnerable to deliberate attack
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Metcalfe’s Law
• Growth of a communications network strongly
enhances its value
• Assuming equal value among network members,
if v = 1, full value of a conversation is $2
• N(N -1) Æ N²
• In networks with changing communication value,
value rises at a slower rate
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The Value of a Complete Network
Value rises rapidly, but not every link
shares the same value
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Marketing Value in Networks
• Networks are most valuable when they are
ubiquitous: the power of the ever present
• Increased speed can transform business
• Participants expectations are important and can
be shaped by publicity and hype
• Resource sharing benefits knowledge
• Greater opportunity for specialization and
challenges in branding
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Virtual value activity
1st step: Gathering
2nd step: Selecting and Organizing
3rd step: Synthesizing
4th step: Distributing
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Asynchronous JavaScript + XML
AJAX is not, itself, a new technology.
» Defines an Approach:
Standards-based presentation (CSS, XHTML)
Dynamic Display/Interaction via DOM
Data manipulation with XSLT
Asynchronous data/code retrieval
Bound in JavaScript
AJAX is a term that identifies a method to load and manipulate
data from a server in a web browser, without reloading the
entire page.
Uses XmlHttpRequest object to fetch data from servers
asynchronously and JavaScript to update page content
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The New Paradigm: Ajax
In the “old” method, we fire off a request, and lock while
waiting for the response.
(Users became used to waiting)
Credit: J.J. Garrett, Ajax: A New Approach to Web
Applications February 2005
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The New Paradigm: Ajax
AJAX decouples the request from the response.
(No more waiting; the Engine works in the “background”)
Credit: J.J. Garrett, Ajax: A New Approach to Web
Applications February 2005
Eliminates flashing and uses bandwidth more efficiently
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AJAX (cont.)
Eliminates flashing and uses bandwidth more efficiently
"Secret sauce" behind Google Suggests, Google Maps, Microsoft
Virtual Earth, Outlook Web Access, and more
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How AJAX Works
11 Browser submits HTTP
request to server
22 Server responds with content;
browser renders that content
33 Browser submits async XMLHTTP request to server; UI
remains responsive; page
doesn't flash
44 XML-HTTP request completes;
JavaScript refreshes portion of
page affected by response
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AJAX with Java 2 Platform
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Case study
• Desktoptwo : solution provider
• Google : service provider
Case study - Desktoptwo
Desktoptwo is a web-based desktop that mimics the look, feel and
functionality of a local computer... all contained within one browser
window... and fully accessible from anywhere as long as you have an
Internet connection.
Company : SAPOTEK.com
• began in early 2002
• "sapo" - one of the few animals that can only go forward, never backwards
• Vision : “Leaping into the future... One step at a time"
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Desktoptwo - Features
File Sharing. Grant access to your Hard Drive to other users. Decide the
level of access and begin working collaboratively.
Blog. Post music on your blog using the Desktoptwo MP3 player. Add music
files from your Hard Drive or type in the appropriate link and let the world
know what you’re listening to
E-mail Preview. Allows you to click on any message and preview its
contents in the viewing pane before opening it
Import and Export Addresses. Expand your network of Contacts by
sending your Contact List or by adding someone else’s to your Address Book
IM Fully Compatible. Not only can you IM with other Desktoptwo users, you
can also add all your MSN contacts
Compatible with MSFT. Desktoptwo provides access to Adobe Acrobat
Reader and to the OpenOffice suite of applications, allowing you to open pdf
and edit doc xls and ppt files
Wallpaper. Choose among numerous wallpaper designs and then apply a
unique color scheme.
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Desktoptwo - Applications
Hard Drive. Any file, any time, anywhere. 1GB Free!
Mail. Use Desktoptwo or add your own POP account(s)
Address Book. All your Contacts wherever you are. (Share or import )
My Website Editor. Create/Edit a webpage. Publish it instantly
Blog. For sharing your thoughts with the world
IM. Talk with the Desktoptwo community or use MSN
MP3 Player. Listen to your tunes from anywhere.
Programs. Office programs for reading documents. Collaborate with others
Message Boards. Meet other users in a truly global marketplace of ideas
RSS Reader. Import your favorite feeds or set up new ones
My Sitestwo. Save your favorite sites and share them with others
Live Chat. Get to know Desktoptwo users from around the world
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Enterprise Desktop Network
Customization - You can bring your desktop too and you can even make it
look like you. Brand Desktoptwo so that it bears your company logo
throughout the desktop.
Security - The constant struggle to keep our systems clean puts
tremendous strain on our time, our resources and our patience. Since
Desktoptwo is hosted, it's nearly invulnerable to PC viruses, most of which
originate and spread from the local desktop.
Control - With Desktoptwo you can create distinct work groups, each
having access to different programs and applications. Simply check a box
on an easy-to-use administrative interface and programs disappear (or reappear) instantly.
Interactivity - Got an important message for your people but don't want to
send an impersonal announcement? Talk to each end user on a one-to-one
basis, right from the desktop.
Real-time Information Exchange - Post messages to each account, like
important dates in the Calendar or notices right on the desktop
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Bottom Line Performance
Go Mobile. Mac, Thin-client, smart phone, PDA... whatever! As long as it's
got a browser, you can bring your desktop too.
Eliminate Hardware Commitments. Buying new hardware every few years
is a vicious cycle. With Desktoptwo, don't even think about trashing that old
computer. It may not run the "hungry" applications that eat up your
processing power, but it'll run Desktoptwo perfectly... even if it doesn't have
a hard drive.
No Local Maintenance Costs. Desktoptwo is a hosted solution so there is
absolutely no local maintenance. Aside from the subscription fee, you pay
nothing. It's that simple. No more variable fees for maintenance,
installations or backup chores. That's what we mean by lowering TCO... and
making your life less complicated.
Platform Independence. Use any operating system - Windows, Mac, Linux
- as long as you've got a browser, you're good to go. Migrating to a new
system? No problem. No local installation, no worries!
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What is the difference
• VMWare
Virtualized your hardward
• Remote desktop solution
Centralized your software
– Microsoft terminal service
– Citrix MetaFrame
• Microsoft Office Communicator Collaborate your stuff
– Microsoft office live
– http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/officelive/FX101465131033.aspx
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Case study - Google
• Not just search
• Free to use
• Cross plateform
• Through internet
• Thinking about “Google Platform”
– Manage your time, space, information and
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Google Service
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Google More products
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Google Platform
• 時間管理 : Google Calendar
• 空間管理 : Google Earth and Maps
• 資訊管理
– Google Webs,Google News,Blogger,Google
Groups,Google Books,Google Finance,Google
Images,Google Scholar,Google Video,Google
Pages, Google Docs
• 通訊管理 :
– Gmail,Google Mobile,Google SMS, Google Talk
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The challenge
• Good navigational properties : User experience
• Professional and friendly design
• Strong brand : Security and trust
• Critical mass : Metcalfe’s Law
• Scalability and Reliability : availability
Privacy, security, accuracy, communication
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The next
Web 2.0
Web service
Thanks for your listen
What happen
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