30 STRATEGIES TO PROMOTE COOPERATIVE LEARNING “Of all classroom grouping strategies, cooperative learning may be the most flexible and powerful.” Marzano, Pickering & Pollock 2001 Examples of Cooperative Group Work Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Team Interview Paired Heads Together Rally Coach 3 – Step Interview Give One, Get One Placemat Consensus Relay Review Find Someone Who… Fan-n-Pick Who am I? 4S Brainstorming Mix-N-Match Inside/Outside Circle Blind Sequencing Rally Robin Sage and Scribe Travelling Heads Together Same Different Listen Right Rank Order Back to back Envoys Jigsaw Listening triads Match mine Pass the buck Rainbow groups Round table Snowballing Soldiers’ lines 1. TEAM INTERVIEW Can be used to assess new knowledge. Learners work in teams of 3 or 4. Learners are interviewed in turn by their team-mates. Steps: 1. The teacher assigns a topic and sets the time limit. 2. 1 learner from each team stands ready to be interviewed by their teammates. 3. Team-mates then interview the standing learner asking open ended questions. 4. When the time is up, the standing learner sits down and is thanked by their team-mates. 5. In turn, remaining learners stand and are interviewed by their team-mates. 2. PAIRED HEADS TOGETHER Can be used to share knowledge. Learners work in two pairs. Steps: 1. The teacher distinguishes ‘shoulder’ learners from ‘face’ learners. 2. The teacher presents a problem and provides learners with ‘think’ time. 3. Learners write their answers individually, without help. 4. Learners share and discuss their answers with their ‘shoulder’ learners, coaching if necessary, to come to their best answer. 5. Learners signal when they are ready. 6. The teacher says, “Turn to your ‘face’ learners. Everyone share your best answer. Learners just listen.” Learners share as individuals, not pair to pair. 7. The teacher announces the correct answer, saying, “If your partner said XXXXXXX, then give them a high five (P1, handshake etc)”. 8. Teacher does an additional round, mixing up each time which face learner answers. 3. RALLY COACH Can be used with work sheet or oral problems provided by the teacher. Learners work in pairs. Learners take turns, one solving a problem while the other coaches. Steps: 1. Learner A solves the first problem, explaining what they are doing. 2. Learner B watches, listens, checks and praises. 3. Learner B solves the next problem, explaining what they are doing. 4. Learner A watches, listens, checks and praises. 5. Repeat. 4. 3 – STEP INTERVIEW Can be used as assessment of prior or new knowledge or opinion. Learners work in pairs and then fours. Learners interview a Learner and then share what they have learned. Steps: 1. The teacher provides the interview topic and states the duration of the interview. 2. The teacher calls for ‘think’ time. 3. In pairs, learner A interviews learner B. 4. Learner A thanks and praises learner B. 5. The pairs switch roles: learner B interviews learner A and again thanks and praises. 6. The pairs then pair up to form groups of four. 7. Round Robin: Each learner in turn shares with the team what he/she learned in the interview. 5. GIVE ONE, GET ONE Can be used to encourage learners to share ideas and examples. For example: places to go on holiday; ways in which a story ends; similes for description; how would you describe ……… to a blind person. Learners work in teams of four then in pairs. Steps: 1. In teams, learners brainstorm Give One items without writing them down. 2. When they agree they have come up with a good Give One item, they each, in their own words write it in the Give One column. (Provide learners with a worksheet with 2 columns – one column titled Give One, the other Get One.) 3. When their Give One column is full, the team stands. 4. When all teams are standing, each learner puts up a hand and moves to find a new Learner. 5. In pairs, learners each give one idea and get one idea. Learners write the idea they received in their own words in the Get One column. 6. Pairs part. Learners put a hand up until they find a new partner and then again Give One & Get One. 7. When their form is full, learners stand at the side of the room offering to Give One to anyone whose form is not yet full. 8. When all learners have finished their forms, they return to their teams and share the ideas they have received. 6. PLACEMAT CONSENSUS Team-mates place items they agree on in the centre of their team placemat. Learners work in teams of four. Steps: 1. Each team draws or is given a placemat on a large piece of paper. (A placemat consists of four boxes with an additional box set in the middle of the page for consensus items.) 2. The teacher provides the teams with a topic for discussion. 3. Team-mates all respond simultaneously in their individual space, writing as many items as they can in the time allotted. 4. Team-mate 1 announces one item he/she has written. 5. Team-mates discuss the item. 6. If there is consensus that the item is important, Team-mate 1 records his/her best consensus of the team’s ideas in the centre of the placemat, seeking help with wording if necessary. 7. The process is repeated for one or more rounds so each team-mate in turn suggests an idea and records the team consensus. 7. RELAY REVIEW Can be used to review prior or new knowledge, as a starter or plenary activity. Learners work in groups of 4 divided into two teams of 2. Steps: 1. Two teams of 2 stand as shown with learners in each pair standing one behind the other, facing the other pair. B1 A1 A2 B 2 2. A1 has the ‘baton’ and carries it to and hands it over to A2 and gives an answer. A1 then goes to stand behind B2. A2 B2 A1 B1 3. A2 carries the baton to B1, hands it over and goes to stand behind B1. A 2 B1 B2 A1 4. This continues until time is called. 8. FIND SOMEONE WHO… Can be used to review a topic or assess prior knowledge. Learners each have a question sheet and ask others for a correct answer. Steps: 1. Hand each learner a work sheet and ask them to chose a partner. 2. Learner A asks learner B a question from the worksheet. B responds and A writes down the answer and signs A’s work sheet. 3. B then asks A a question and A responds as above. 4. Learners shake hands/thank each other and move on to find a new learner. 5. The whole process is then repeated until all questions have been answered. 6. The answers can then be reviewed within groups or as a whole class. 9. FAN-N-PICK Can be used to review a topic or to assess prior knowledge. Learners work in groups of 3 to ask questions and coach each other to the correct answer. Steps: 1. A pack of question cards are given to learners who are in teams of 3. 2. Learner A shuffles the cards and fans them out, with the questions facing them. 3. Learner B picks a card and reads it out aloud. 4. Learner C answers the question. 5. Learners A and B praise if answer is correct or coach learner C until they can answer the question correctly. 6. The cards are rotated clockwise after each question so that learners take it in turn to be A, B and C. 10. WHO/WHAT AM I? Can be used to assess prior or new knowledge. Learners question one another to discover their hidden identity. Any reply to a question must be either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Steps: 1. Pictures or names are placed on learners’ backs. 2. Learners walk around the room until they find a Learner. Learners check each other’s back. 3. Learners take turns asking 3 yes/no questions. 4. After 3 questions learners change partners and again ask 3 yes/no questions. 5. When a learner guesses who they are, their partner removes the picture from their back and gives it to them to wear on their front. They are now ‘helpers’ and are allowed to drop one subtle hint to any learner who does not yet know their identity. 11. 4’s BRAINSTORMING Brainstorming can be used as an end in itself for creative thinking or as a beginning for generating ideas for problem solving, discussing, and writing. The team becomes a think tank as each learner – each with a special role – contributes to the team’s storm of ideas. Learners work in groups of 4. 1. Each learner is given a role. 2. The teacher announces the topic on which learners are to brainstorm as many creative ideas as possible. 3. Team-mates put their heads together and generate as many ideas as possible. 4. The secretary records each idea on a different small piece of paper. For 4s Brainstorming, each learner gets one of the following roles. • Speed Sergeant ensures that team-mates work fast, under time pressure, to come up with as many ideas as possible. The team member assigned this role says things like: ‘We only have one minute left.’ ‘Let’s hurry!’ ‘Let’s get quicker with our responses.’ • Chief Support makes sure all ideas are encouraged with no evaluation of ideas. Chief Support says thinks like: ‘All ideas are great!’ ‘That’s an excellent idea!’ ‘I really like that!’ • Sultan of Silly encourages silly ideas. Having a good percent of silly ideas is very helpful in the flow of ideas. The silly idea may not be part of the final solution, but may well lead to an idea that is. The Sultan of Silly says things like: ‘Let’s have a crazy idea!’ ‘Can anyone think of something funny?’ It is not the Sultan’s job to provide all of the silly ideas; rather he or she is to encourage team-mates to come up with silly ideas. • Synergy Guru encourages team-mates to build on each other’s ideas, saying things like: ‘Lets’ build on that.’ ‘Let’s combine these ideas.’ The Synergy Guru is also the team Secretary, recording each idea on a separate slip of paper. In teams of five the Secretary is a fifth role; in teams of three the roles of Chief Support, Synergy Guru and Secretary are combined. 4s Brainstorming is a strong team builder designed to release synergy and generate an inhibited flow of ideas. Learners build on each other’s ideas, coming up with a storehouse of creative ideas or solutions to problems. 12. MIX-N-MATCH Can be used to acquire new knowledge or recap a topic. Learners work individually and then pair up. 1. Give each learner a similarities/differences). card (e.g., question and answer; 2. With cards in hand, learners get up and move around the room trading cards with other learners as they pass by. 3. When the teacher calls ‘freeze’, they all stop in their tracks and no more trading of cards is allowed. 4. When the teacher calls ‘match’, learners actively seek out the partner who has their matching card. 5. After all learners have found their perfect match, call ‘mix’ and they start again. 6. Encourage learners to mix independently, not with friends. Model how to find a matching learner, if necessary. 7. When learners have a Learner, they move to the outside of the room to allow more room for those still looking for a partner. 13. INSIDE/OUTSIDE CIRCLE Used to introduce new information. Learners work in large groups. 1. This is a good structure for having learners share information in an exciting way. 2. Learners stand in two concentric circles around the classroom. Learners in the inside circle face out, facing a learner standing on the outside circle. 3. Learners from the inside circle share something with their partners. 4. Learners switch roles; the outside circle learners now share while their partners listen. 5. Learners rotate to work with new partners – rotate four people ahead to a new partner – vary by changing the number of positions advanced or switch the direction of the rotation; class counts aloud the number of positions they are moving so everyone knows when to stop. “One, two, THREE!” (Movement energises learners.) 6. Learner’s problem-solve or share with many partners and hear multiple perspectives. Variations • Learners rotate in pairs and discuss in groups of four; e.g. teacher asks question; inside circle pair discusses question while outside circle discusses questions; pairs compare answers. • Learners generate questions they want to ask other learners in the classroom. Put the question in a hat and draw out one question each time the circles rotate. • Flashcards – each learner makes up one question on a flashcard. Learners ask each other their questions and switch cards before each rotation. With each rotation, learners get a new partner and a new question. • Teacher can supply the flashcards, or act as quality control by collecting and correcting cards before they are used. 14. BLIND SEQUENCING Good for revision. Teams are best in threes or fours. Teams work to sequence cards in their proper order, but there is a catch – each learner is given his or her own cards, and no one else can see what’s on them! The teacher prepares sequencing cards. Content on the cards may be sequencing content or the steps of solving a problem. Each team receives their cards face down so no one can see what’s on the cards. 1. Dealer Deals Cards One learner is assigned the role of dealer. The dealer’s job is to equally distribute the cards among team-mates. The dealer deals the cards face down making sure no one can see the cards. When learners get their cards, they mark the back of the cards to identify them as their cards. Learners can use initials, a number, a letter or a geometric shape. 2. Learners Describe Cards Learners look at their cards, without showing them to anyone. In turn, each learner describes his or her cards to the team. Learners describe the cards as well as possible in an attempt to make it easy for the team to sequence the cards. 15. RALLY ROBIN In pairs, learners alternate generating oral responses. Can be used to review a lesson/topic. Steps: 1. The teacher poses a problem to which there are several possible responses or answers. 2. In pairs, learners take turns giving responses or solutions. 16. SAGE AND SCRIBE Learners take turns being the Sage and Scribe. Can be used to peer assess the learners at the end of a topic. Steps: 1. The Sage gives the Scribe step-by-step instruction on how to perform a task or solve a problem. 2. The Scribe records or follows the Sage’s solution step–by-step in writing, coaching if necessary. 3. The Scribe praises the Sage. 4. Learners switch roles for the next problem or task. 17. TRAVELLING HEADS TOGETHER Learners work in groups of 4 and travel to new teams to share their team answer. Can be used to assess prior knowledge or after research on a topic. Steps: 1. The teacher presents a problem and gives think time. 2. Learners privately write their answer. 3. Learners stand, show answers and discuss, then teach each other. 4. Learners sit down when everyone knows the answer or has something to share. 5. The teacher calls a number, and one learner from each team with that assigned number, stands up. 6. The standing learners join another team and sit down with them to share their best answer. 18. SAME DIFFERENT Good for introducing new information. Learners work in groups of 4. • Distribute materials. Each pair on the team (of 4) receives two items, (e.g., pictures, articles, advertisements, poems, films, music, extracts from texts) and a recording sheet for the team. • Make sure that Pair A does not show what they have to Pair B. (Teams could build a barrier so pairs cannot see what the other pair has. Give each pair two wallet folders and one paper clip. They clip the folder together at the top with a paper clip and spread the base to make a stand-alone ‘buddy barrier’). • In their pairs, each learner takes it in turn to make their contribution. • When the separate pairs have uncovered all the similarities and differences or can’t find any more, they compare their lists. They go over all the similarities and differences they recorded, again taking turns and making sure they are accurate. Then, they continue to find more similarities and differences. (Teams can be held accountable by collecting their recording sheets.) 19. LISTEN RIGHT During an explanation the teacher stops talking to allow learners to write the main points, compare with a learner and celebrate. Steps: 1. Teacher gives information in small chunks. Learners, with pens down, listen carefully for the key words, phrases or ideas. 2. Teacher stops talking. 3. Learners write, draw or add key points to a mind-map. 4. Learners share with a partner, checking for accuracy and making corrections on their own papers. 5. Teacher announces key points. 6. Learners celebrate if correct or make corrections. 7. Learners put pens down and process is repeated from Step A. 20. RANK ORDER Learners each have an individual problem to solve then line up in numerical order of their answers. Can be used whenever numerical answers are required. Problems can be differentiated so that all learners have an equal chance of success. Steps: 1. Learners solve their individual problem while sitting at their desks. 2. When the learner has solved his/her problem they move to the back of the room. 3. As they are joined by other learners, they rank themselves in ascending order of their answers. 4. When all learners are in what they hope is the correct order, they discuss their problem and solution with a partner. The teacher can do the ‘pairing up’. 5. Any mistakes can be rectified and the rank readjusted. 6. The teacher then checks to see if the ranking is correct. 21. BACK-TO-BACK Students sit in pairs “back-to-back” – the chair backs should touch so the students are close enough to hear each other. A is given visual material which he holds close to his chest. B is given a piece of plain paper and a pencil. A describes the visual to B, while B draws it, aiming to make a perfect replica which is exact in size, shape, and detail, complete with labelling. Describers are not allowed to draw in the air with their fingers. This is a cooperative exercise. B can ask as questions and A’s job is to be as helpful as possible. When the time is up, partners compare the original with the copy. Partners swap roles and material. 22. ENVOYS Once groups have carried out a task, one person from each group is selected as an ‘envoy’. The envoy moves to a new group to explain and summarise their group’s work and to find out what the new group thought, decided or achieved. The envoy then returns to the original group and feeds back. This is an effective way of avoiding tedious and repetitive reporting-back sessions. It also encourages the envoy to think about his/her use of language and creates groups of active listeners. Example: A Year 7 history class was divided into small groups. Each group was given a different historical artefact to handle and speculate about. Once some ideas about origin, age and use had been generated, one group member went to the next group to introduce the artefact and explain the group’s thinking. The new group contributed ideas before the envoy returned to the original group. 23. JIGSAW A topic is divided into sections. In ‘home’ groups of four or five, pupils take a section each and then regroup into ‘expert’ groups. The experts work together on their chosen areas, then return to their home groups to report on their area of expertise. The home group is then set a task that requires the pupils to use the different areas of expertise for a joint outcome. This strategy requires advance planning, but is a very effective speaking and listening strategy because it ensures the participation of all pupils. Example: A Year 9 history class was working on maps of the local town. Five maps were used, each from a different period of history. Home groups of five divided the maps up and then expert groups formed, with a checklist of questions to help them to interrogate their map. When home groups reformed, each pupil was required to introduce his or her map and talk through the information gleaned from it. Each group was then asked to summarise what it had learned about how the town had developed over a 200-year period, and to start speculating about the reasons for this. 24. LISTENING TRIADS Pupils work in groups of three. One pupil takes on the role of talker, one the role of questioner and one the recorder. The talker explains something, or comments on an issue, or expresses opinions. The questioner prompts and seeks clarification. The recorder makes notes and gives a report at the end of the conversation. Next time, pupils change roles. Example: Pupils in a Year 9 English class were given a poem. Each pupil selected sections that they felt were interesting or significant. The teacher organised the pupils into groups of three and each read out her or his chosen section and discussed with the ‘questioner’ reasons for the choice. At the end, after all three had introduced their chosen sections, and taken a turn as questioner and recorder, the recorder’s notes were considered and the group drafted a collaborative written response to the whole poem. 25. MATCH MINE Use to develop visual thinking and vocabulary on any subject. Partners on opposite sides of a barrier must communicate with precision, in order for one to match the other’s arrangement of game pieces on a game board, which is hidden behind the barrier. Steps: 1. The SENDER arranges his/her game pieces on his/her game board. 2. The Sender gives the RECEIVER directions to match the Sender’s arrangement of game pieces on the board. 3. When finished, partners check for accuracy. 4. The Receiver praises the Sender for their instructions and they develop improvement strategies. The partners now switch roles and repeat with a new arrangement. 26. PASS THE BUCK Students work in pairs at tables which are arranged in rows. They have five minutes to begin a draft answer to a difficult question. Pairs could work on large sheets of paper with felt pens. As soon as time is up, they pass their partial answer to the pair behind them and receive the work of the pair in front. The now have five minutes to continue, not their own answer, but the received answer from the pair in front, picking up from wherever it was left. They are encouraged not just to add, but to cross out bits they don’t agree with and redraft others. The process can be repeated, after which the papers are returned to the original authors. 27. RAINBOW GROUPS This is a way of ensuring that pupils are regrouped and learn to work with a range of others. After groups have done a task, each pupil in the group is given a number or colour. Pupils with the same number or colour then join up to form new groups comprising representatives of each original group. In their new groups, pupils take turns to report on their original group’s work and perhaps begin to work on a new, combined task. Example For groups of six. Allocate colours as in Edward do Bono’s thinking hats. Form “same-hat” groups to discuss the “hat response” then return to original group to discuss in role. (See attached list of hats) Example: A Year 7 science class was asked, in pairs, to draw a concept map of all their ideas about the term ‘force’. Pairs then formed fours to compare lists and categorise their ideas into different kinds of force. The teacher then gave each pupil a colour (red, green, blue, yellow). New ‘rainbow’ groupings were then formed – all those with the same colour – and pupils were asked to introduce their force categories to each other. Each new group was then asked to devise some scientific questions in preparation for a class discussion. 28. ROUND TABLE Student work in groups of 3 or 4 to solve/answer a multi-step problem. Ideal for solutions that have an algorithmic form. Steps: 1. Students are numbered 1 to 3 or 4. 2. Student 1 answers the first part of the problem with the rest of the group offering help, giving constructive criticism and praise. 3. Student 2 then answers the second part of the problem with similar responses from the rest of the team. 4. This is repeated with students 3 and 4 etc until the problem is solved. 5. For more problems, the students’ roles are reassigned. 29. SNOWBALLING A Year 10 science group was exploring rates of reaction. Step 1: ‘On your own, write down as many ways as you can that might speed up the reaction between hydrochloric acid and marble. You have 1 minute.’ Step 2: ‘As a pair, compare your lists, agree a set of factors that you think have the best chance of speeding up the reaction and leave to one side those you think are irrelevant. You have 2 minutes.’ Step 3: ‘As a four, select from your lists those two factors that you think will cause the biggest increase and are therefore worth investigating. You have 3 minutes.’ Step 4: ‘As an eight, for each factor you have selected, use what you know about particles to give a reason for the effect you think it will have. You have 10 minutes and then I will ask for your reasons.’ In this example the snowball builds to a group of eight, but it could stop at four. 30. SOLDIER’S LINES The group divides into two rows and both stand facing each other. Teacher informs each row whether they are for or against the proposal Each facing pair takes it in turns to argue their viewpoint for one minute each without interruptions. Teacher will ask one row to move up by one person, with end ‘free’ person from one line moving to the back of their row. Teacher again asks one row to move up, but this time roles are reversed. Co-operative group work activities – examples of classroom applications ACTIVITY 3 – Step Interview EXAMPLES ‘Maths – What can you remember about probability?’ Science - What do you know about the rock cycle/homeostasis/products from oil etc – any revision topic 4S Brainstorming History - Ideas for reducing crime. Back-to-Back Almost any visual material, such as photographs of landscapes, settlements, historical monuments, works of art, maps, fashion garments, religious buildings. Geography – diagrams of different types of volcanoes, sketchmaps. Flow diagrams, maps and plans. Designs in technology History – Chronological events. Generic - Steps in a process. English – Stages of development – chronological incidents. SEAL – Stages of unhappiness/happiness. Generic – What are the main issues here? Generic – five groups have to discuss five different aspects of the same issue. Maths – Circle Theorems; equations of a circle; graph and equation matching Science - Circulation and the heart, forces, reactions of metals (any topic really!) Maths – Use with any worksheet Science - All and any Science specification topic Blind Sequencing Envoys Fan-n-Pick Find Someone Who……. Give One, Get One Inside/Outside Circle Jigsaw Maths – Ways to represent data; types of polygons; properties/vocabulary associated with circles Science - Chemical symbols/formula/renewable/non-renewable energy resources/for and against arguments for any contemporary Science issue SEAL – Generating good personal goals. Maths – Any set of mathematical problems Science - Any topic area of Science with a number of questions/problems RE – Prepare a poster on ‘Celebrations’ from the perspective of different religions. Listen Right Generic - delivery of information. Listening Triads Tech – pupils discuss reasons for their choice of design. Match Mine Maths – Coordinates and mathematical shapes; 3-D objects made from multilink Mix-n-Match Maths – Fractions; standard form; rearrangement of formulae; simplifying algebraic expressions; logarithms; matrices Science - Any Science topic with lots of questions and answers or similarities and difference or imagies and descriptions to match up ‘Maths – Write/describe all you can about x2 – 2x – 3’ Paired Heads Together Pass the buck Placemat Consensus Exam preparations. English – planning an essay, extended creative writing, audiences. MFL – Translations, open-ended stories. Technology – generating or evaluating different designs to given specifications Maths – investigations Art – developing drawings and paintings in the style of a variety of artists Revision – any subject. Science - Good for debates where different opinions need to be discussed – good for HSW contemporary Science ideas Rainbow Groups Generic – De Bono’s Thinking hats to solve a problem. Rally Coach Maths – Any Maths worksheet Science - Any Science problem/exam questions Rally Robin Maths – Ways to make 24 using addition/subtraction/division/multiplication only; factors of 144; properties of a polygon Science - Types of energy, energy resources, forces, organs in the body – anything that you can list or methods of Rank Order Maths – Any differentiated set of questions Relay Review Maths – Ways to make 24 using addition/subtraction/division/multiplication only; factors of 144; properties of a polygon Maths – Simultaneous equations; fraction +,-,x,÷; Pythagoras’ theorem; trigonometry; mid-point, gradient equation of a line; Round Table/Mixed Pair Rally Coach Sage and Scribe Any Maths worksheet Anything Sciencey! Same Different Snowballing Science - Characteristic of animals/plants/environmental adaptations/cells/forces/energy types/compounds/mixtures/elements etc. Can use pictures as initial stimulus Generic – selecting the best from a variety of solutions to a problem. Soldiers’ Lines Science – Nuclear Power, ethics. Team Interview Topic revision – each member of a team having a different topic. Travelling Heads Together Maths – Any multi-step problem Science - Any multi-step problem or abstract idea. How are rainbows formed?, why is the sky blue?, why is the Earth round? etc Maths – Types of number; polygons; graphs Science - Historical Science figures/ formula/energy resources or types/different forces Who/What am I? Further Research Publications: Cooperative Learning Structures for Classbuilding Spencer Kagan Cooperative Learning Spencer Kagan Teambuilding Spencer Kagan The above books are available in the Staff Library in the LRC. Websites: www.kaganonline.com/KaganClub/FreeArticles/ResearchInNutshell.html An introduction to Kagan structures by Spencer Kagan himself. www.kaganonline.com/ The homepage of all things Kagan. www.t2tuk.co.uk/ British website devoted to Kagan Structures Thank you to Barbara Thompson for supplying the strategies outlined.