PDF unit guide

Human resources management law
Unit Guide
Semester 1, 2012
The information contained in this unit guide is correct at time of publication. The University has the right
to change any of the elements contained in this document at any time.
Last updated: 22 Feb 2012
Table of Contents
BTX5841 Human resources management law - Semester 1, 2012........................................................1
Mode of Delivery..............................................................................................................................1
Unit Relationships............................................................................................................................1
Chief Examiner............................................................................................................................................1
Campus Lecturer.........................................................................................................................................1
Academic Overview...................................................................................................................................2
Learning Objectives.........................................................................................................................2
Graduate Attributes..........................................................................................................................2
Assessment Summary.....................................................................................................................2
Second marking...................................................................................................................2
Return of final marks............................................................................................................2
Assessment criteria..............................................................................................................3
Teaching Approach.....................................................................................................................................3
Our feedback to You........................................................................................................................3
Your feedback to Us........................................................................................................................3
Previous Student Evaluations of this unit....................................................................................................3
Unit Schedule.............................................................................................................................................4
Assessment Requirements......................................................................................................................5
Assessment Tasks...........................................................................................................................5
Assessment task 1...............................................................................................................5
Assessment task 2...............................................................................................................5
Assignment submission...............................................................................................................................6
Online submission...........................................................................................................................6
Other Information......................................................................................................................................7
Student services..............................................................................................................................7
Blackboard (MUSO).........................................................................................................................7
Prescribed text(s) and readings...........................................................................................8
Recommended text(s) and readings....................................................................................8
BTX5841 Human resources management law - Semester 1, 2012
The unit aims to develop knowledge and skills relating to the legal principles which underpin
contemporary human resource management issues. It includes consideration of such matters as
recruitment and selection, contract of employment issues, performance appraisal, equal opportunity and
anti-discrimination, termination of employment, remuneration, rewards and employee benefits, employee
health and safety and related HRM issues. The unit takes a practical approach to these matters and
focuses specifically on practical case studies and decisions of the Courts and Tribunals.
Mode of Delivery
Caulfield (Evening)
HRM Law is a six credit point unit. Seminars take place on Monday evenings from 6 to 9pm in room
N1.08. In addition to attending the classes, students should plan to spend an appropriate amount of time
outside class studying for this unit, including preparing for classes, completing assessment tasks,
revision, and examination preparation.
Unit Relationships
Chief Examiner
Ms Carolyn Sutherland
Campus Lecturer
Ms Carolyn Sutherland
Campus: Caulfield
Phone: +61 3 990 32380
Email: Carolyn.Sutherland@monash.edu
Contact hours: Carolyn will be available for consultation in her office (room 4.10, building S) for one hour
on Mondays (4.30 to 5.30pm), and at other times by appointment.
Academic Overview
Learning Objectives
The learning goals associated with this unit are to:
1. identify a wide range of legal issues affecting the human resources practitioner
2. illustrate the practical implications of the law in the area of human resources management by
identifying emerging issues in the media, the workplace and the case law
3. apply the legal principles from relevant cases to hypothetical scenarios involving human
resources management issues
4. evaluate the principles underlying employment laws and assess the law's impact on the
employment relationship.
Graduate Attributes
Monash prepares its graduates to be:
1. responsible and effective global citizens who:
a. engage in an internationalised world
b. exhibit cross-cultural competence
c. demonstrate ethical values
2. critical and creative scholars who:
a. produce innovative solutions to problems
b. apply research skills to a range of challenges
c. communicate perceptively and effectively
Assessment Summary
Second marking
Where an assessment task is given a fail grade by an examiner, that piece of work will be marked again
by a second examiner who will independently evaluate the work, and consult with the first marker. No
student will be awarded a fail grade for an assessment task or unit without a second examiner confirming
the result.
Note: Exceptions to this are individual pieces of assessment contributing 10% or less of the final mark,
unless the total of such pieces exceeds 30% of the final mark.
Return of final marks
Faculty policy states that 'the final mark that a student receives for a unit will be determined by the Board
of Examiners on the recommendation of the Chief Examiner taking into account all aspects of
The final mark for this unit will be released by the Board of Examiners on the date nominated in the
Faculty Calendar. Student results will be accessible through the my.monash portal.
Academic Overview
Assessment criteria
Assessment Criteria Grading Descriptors available at:
Due Date
Monday 16 April at 6pm
The take home exam will be available on the MUSO site on Monday 4 June
2012 at 10am and must be submitted by 10am on Thursday 14 June 2012
Teaching Approach
This teaching and learning approach provides facilitated learning, practical exploration and peer learning.
Our feedback to You
Types of feedback you can expect to receive in this unit are:
• Informal feedback on progress in labs/tutes
• Graded assignments with comments
Your feedback to Us
Monash is committed to excellence in education and regularly seeks feedback from students, employers
and staff. One of the key formal ways students have to provide feedback is through SETU, Student
Evaluation of Teacher and Unit. The University's student evaluation policy requires that every unit is
evaluated each year. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the surveys. The feedback is
anonymous and provides the Faculty with evidence of aspects that students are satisfied and areas for
For more information on Monash's educational strategy, and on student evaluations, see:
Previous Student Evaluations of this unit
If you wish to view how previous students rated this unit, please go to
Unit Schedule
No formal assessment or activities are
undertaken in week 0
Topic 1: Identifying Conditions of Employment
Topic 1: Identifying Conditions of Employment
Topic 2: Recuitment and Selection
Topic 2: Recuitment and Selection
Topic 2: Recuitment and Selection
Topic 3: Fitness for Duty (Guest Lecture on Safety
Obligations: Karen Streckfuss)
Topic 3: Fitness for Duty
Topic 3: Fitness for Duty
Topic 4: Executive Benefits
Topic 5: Executive Terminations
Topic 5: Executive Terminations
Assignment due in class by 6pm on
Monday 16 April
No formal assessment is undertaken
Examination period
LINK to Assessment Policy:
Assessment Requirements
Assessment Tasks
Assessment task 1
Due date:
Monday 16 April at 6pm
Details of task:
To be advised
Word limit:
2000 words including footnotes
Estimated return date:
Assignments will be returned by 7 May
Learning objectives assessed:
Objectives 1, 2 and 4.
Submission details:
The assignment should be submitted by 6pm on Monday 16 April 2012 in person (in
class) to Carolyn Sutherland or by email (as a word or pdf document) to
<carolyn.sutherland@monash.edu>. Assignments must not be left in Carolyn's
pigeonhole. You should keep a copy of your assignment until grades are finalised.
Penalties for late lodgement:
Meeting the assignment due date is a fundamental requirement. Up to two marks per day
may be deducted for late submission.
Assessment coversheet:
The assignment must be accompanied by a Faculty cover sheet and declaration which
has been completed and signed by the student.
Assessment task 2
Take-home exam
Due date:
The take home exam will be available on the MUSO site on Monday 4 June 2012 at 10am
and must be submitted by 10am on Thursday 14 June 2012
Details of task:
The exam will include a combination of essay and case study questions.
A take home exam paper from a previous year will be available on the MUSO site or
handed out in class.
Word limit:
The total maximum word length for the exam is 3,000 words (including footnotes).
Estimated return date:
The final marks for the unit will be released by the Board of Examiners on the date
nominated in the Faculty Calendar.
Learning objectives assessed:
Objectives 1 to 4
Assessment Requirements
Submission details:
The exam must be submitted by email (as a word or pdf document) to
carolyn.sutherland@monash.edu. You should keep a copy of your exam until grades are
Penalties for late lodgement:
3 marks may be deducted per day for any exam papers submitted after 10am on
Thursday 14 June 2012.
Assessment coversheet:
The exam must be accompanied by a Faculty cover sheet and declaration which has
been completed and signed by the student.
Assignment submission
Online submission
If Electronic Submission has been approved for your unit, please submit your work via the VLE site for
this unit, which you can access via links in the my.monash portal.
Other Information
Monash has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and
students are aware of the University's academic standards, and to provide advice on how they might
uphold them. You can find Monash's Education Policies at:
Key educational policies include:
• Plagiarism
• Assessment
• Special Consideration
• Grading Scale
• Discipline: Student Policy
• Academic Calendar and Semesters (http://www.monash.edu.au/students/key-dates/);
• Orientation and Transition (http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/resources/student/orientation/);
• Academic and Administrative Complaints and Grievances Policy
Student services
The University provides many different kinds of support services for you. Contact your tutor if you need
advice and see the range of services available at www.monash.edu.au/students
The Monash University Library provides a range of services and resources that enable you to save time
and be more effective in your learning and research. Go to http://www.lib.monash.edu.au or the library
tab in my.monash portal for more information.
Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit to
discuss academic support services. Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) visit all Victorian campuses on a
regular basis
• Website: http://adm.monash.edu/sss/equity-diversity/disability-liaison/index.html;
• Telephone: 03 9905 5704 to book an appointment with a DLO;
• Email: dlu@monash.edu
• Drop In: Equity and Diversity Centre, Level 1 Gallery Building (Building 55), Monash University,
Clayton Campus.
Blackboard (MUSO)
All unit and lecture materials, plus other information of importance to students, are available through the
MUSO (Monash University Studies Online) site. You can access MUSO via the My.Monash Portal:
Other Information
You can contact MUSO Support by:
Jobdesk: http://jobdesk.monash.edu.au/login/index.cfm?jobdesk_id=14
Email: muso.support@calt.monash.edu.au
Phone: (+61 3) 9903-1268
Further information can be obtained from the following site
Prescribed text(s) and readings
Students are not required to purchase any required texts. Required readings are available at
Recommended text(s) and readings
See the library reading list for this unit