NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE MCH5004: Mechatronics System Design Miniproject (ECE_E1): Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis 1. Object The miniproject is designed to provide hands-on experience in the application of an accelerometer and digital signal processing techniques to vibration monitoring and fault diagnosis of machines. Students are expected to set up the monitoring system from components to detect pre-specified faulty conditions. 2. Introduction The practice of machinery condition monitoring and fault detection has become widely accepted in the industrial predictive maintenance market. The main reasons are: Availability of lower cost fault detection sensors and technology which can meet the requirements of machine condition monitoring, and Recognition of the importance of machinery condition monitoring for the purpose of minimizing maintenance costs and production shutdown time. A major consideration for the installation of a fault monitoring device lies with the installation costs. For companies to consider installing these devices on a large scale, the installation should be simple, requiring minimal reconfiguration of the physical system, and yet sufficiently robust to provide suitable signals reflecting the health of the machine. One approach towards achieving this objective can be based on an analysis of the vibration signal. This is very intuitive to the way an experienced operator will detect a fault from the abnormal machinery sound/noise generated. The accelerometer is a typical mechatronic device, which is able to yield an electrical signal representative of the mechanical vibration. Analysis of this signal can provide insights into the health of the machine. In this project, this approach will be adopted to develop a fault detection system. An accelerometer is used to derive the vibration signals. The system should be able to run under two modes. A learning mode can be initiated with the machine running under normal functional conditions. This mode can be reinitiated any time when the operator feels a re-learning/re-training is necessary (for example, after the machine has undergone modifications/retrofitting). Thus, normal vibration signatures can be extracted in this way automatically. Thereafter, the monitoring system can enter a continuous monitoring mode, where the vibration signals are continuously acquired and compared to the pre-acquired “normal” signatures. If the deviation from the Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 2 signature exceeds a certain specified threshold, an alarm can be raised to alert the operator of possible machine malfunction. The student will develop this monitoring system independently from components. Although, the development will be mainly PC-based, a demonstration will be done towards the end to show how the same function can be readily achieved on an embedded DSP device, so that the monitoring device is portable and appropriately sized for practical implementation. 3. Equipment The equipment available for use in this mini-project include: Pentium workstation PCI-MIO-16E-4 data acquisition card (with LabVIEW) Accelerometer Shaker table Embedded DSP device and development kit 4. Preliminaries 4.1 Hardware Configuration The schematic diagram of the proposed fault detection system is as shown in Figure 1. The hardware, to be used in the development of the fault detection system, consists of a National Instrument's data acquisition card PCI-MIO-16E-4 installed in a Pentium workstation. The acquisition card supplies two channels of analog output and up to eight channels of analog input. The accelerometer acts as an interface between the motor (or machine) and the data acquisition card. It converts mechanical acceleration into electrical signals. The analog electrical signals from the accelerometer are then acquired by the DAQ card as raw data and stored in the PC for further conditioning and analysis. Accelerometer M Pentium workstation LabVIEW DAQ card Motor or machine Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the data acquisition system Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 3 4.2 Software Development Platform The recommended software development platform for this miniproject is Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW). It is a graphical programming language. The software is windows-driven, and various functions can be performed simply by placing icons and carrying out the soft-wiring connections. LabVIEW is integrated fully for communication using standards such as GPIB, RS232, RS485, and it facilitates interfacing to plug-in data acquisition cards. Using LabVIEW, 32-bit compiled programs that provide fast execution speeds needed for custom data acquisition, test and measurement solutions can be created. As LabVIEW is a true 32-bit compiler, standalone executables can also be created easily. It contains comprehensive libraries for data collection, analysis, presentation and storage. Traditional program tools are also included in LabVIEW. Breakpoints and single-stepping through the program can be done in the LabVIEW environment. These make debugging and program development easier. LabVIEW provides numerous mechanisms for connecting to external code or software through DLLs, shared libraries, ActiveX and more. In addition, many add-ons toolkits (for example, the internet toolkit and DSP toolkit) are available for a variety of application needs. The student is expected to produce the software to implement the two operational modes (learning and monitoring modes). In the learning mode, appropriate vibration signatures (to be specified in Section 5) are to be extracted for subsequent comparison purposes. In the monitoring mode, the status of the machine is to be closely monitored with respect to the “normal” signatures. This development will encompass the use of digital signal processing techniques and tools. 5. Recommended Procedures The mini-project is allocated five sessions in total for one semester, comprising of a lecture followed by four 3-hours laboratory sessions. A brief description of the recommended activities to be accomplished in each session is given in this section. Self-study sections are expected to be included in the report. NOTE: If you are new to LabVIEW, it is compulsory to go through the online tutorial on LabVIEW before coming to the lab. After going to the webpage, you should follow the 9 parts as shown in Figure 2. This tutorial is video-based and interactive, and it should take less than 90 minutes to complete. You can download the LabVIEW trial version to get hands-on practice. At the end of this tutorial, we assume you should have learnt about basic programming in LabVIEW. Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 4 Figure 2: LabVIEW online tutorial Session 1: Familiarization with LabVIEW and the Accelerometer Hardware In this session, you will be briefed on the key requirements of this mini-project and the expected deliverables. The main objective of this session is to familiarize the students in using LabVIEW to acquire data from acceleration sensing. There are two parts for this session. Part 1: LabVIEW Data Acquisition (60 minutes) To enhance your skill in LabVIEW signal processing, especially with regards to tools used in this project, students are also recommended to go through the examples and demos that are listed under In particular, the following examples are relevant to this project. - Acquire and generate data - Create applications (adding data logging, monitoring and alarming) Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 5 Part 2: Accelerometer (90 minutes) Accelerometers (a typical mechatronic device) are available in a large variety of sizes, shapes and styles to suit a broad range of test and control applications. Each accelerometer series is designed with a particular group of measurement and control applications in mind. In this application (referring to Figure 1), the accelerometer acts as an interface between the motor (or machine) and the data acquisition card. It converts mechanical vibration into electrical signals. The pin configuration of the accelerometer is provided in Table 1. The lab assistant will give you a demo on how to connect the hardware and obtain the output signal. You should explore the data acquisition process in this session. Guidelines are given below: 1. The outputs of the accelerometer are to be connected to the LabVIEW DAQ card supplied. Connect the ‘Sensor’ wire of the accelerometer to the analog input of the DAQ card, the ‘Ground’ wire of the accelerometer to the analog ground of the DAQ card. 2. Create a new control panel in LabVIEW that reads in the signals from the accelerometer. The control panel should read in the data from the same analog input as the accelerometer is connected. Use a waveform chart VI to display the data obtained. Provide a plot of the signal when the accelerometer is unexcited (stationary). What do you think are the signal sources giving rise to this non-zero signal even when there is apparently no motion? 3. Excite the accelerometer manually and observe the output on the waveform chart of the VI created. Is the time interval between consecutive digital samples a constant according to your specification? If not, provide some possible reasons and explain how a constant sampling interval can be reinforced. 4. Using the control panel that was created earlier, read in the analog signals from the LabVIEW DAQ signal accessory’s on-board function generator (see Figure 3). The function generator produces a 2V (peak-to-peak voltage) sine wave and square wave. Connect the output terminals of the function generator to the analog input terminals as shown in Figure 3. Use the Frequency Range selector switch to select the frequency range of 1 kHz to 100 kHz. Fine tune the signal frequency to 5 kHz by turning the Frequency Adjust knob. Use a waveform chart VI to display the signal obtained. Verify with the laboratory assistant that your control panel is working properly. Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 6 Figure 3: LabVIEW DAQ Signal Accessory parts locator diagram Table 1: Pin configuration of the accelerometer Colour Pin Signal Red 1 5V DC Black 2 Ground White 3 Sensor Table 2: Specifications of the accelerometer Description Value Remark Span (G) 4 5% Sensitivity (mV/G) 500 5% Bandwidth (Hz) DC-100 5% Noise (mg rms) 5 Typical Zero G output (V) +2.50.1 @25 deg C Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 7 Zero G Drift (mV) 60 0-70 deg C Span output (V) 2.00.1 @25 deg C Nonlinearity (%FS) 0.2 Typical Temperature range(deg C) -40 to +85 Alignment (degrees) 2 Shock (G) 1000 Output loading 10K 1nF Supply voltage (V) +50.25 Supply current (mA) 8 Typical Max Typical Table 3: Specifications of the DAQ card PCI-MIO-16E-4 Specifications Input characteristics 1. Number of channels 16 single-ended 2. Type of ADC Successive approximation 3. Resolution 12 bits, 1 in 4096 4. Max sampling rate 500 KS/s (KS: kilo samples) 5. Input coupling DC 6. Input range 5V Bandwidth 600kHz Digital I/O 1. Number of channels 8 input/ output 2. Compatibility TTL/CMOS 3. Power-on state Input (High-Z) 4. Input Low voltage 0.0 to 0.8 V 5. Input High voltage 2.0 to 5.0 V Slew rate 20 V/s Power requirement +5VDC (0.9 A) Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 8 Self-Study Report Explain in details the operational principles of any type of accelerometers, showing in particulars how acceleration is finally converted into a final standard full-scale electrical signal. The specifications of an accelerometer are provided in Table 2. Explain the implication of each of the specifications. Apart from providing vibration signals as it is used in this project, where do you think are the other possible application areas of an accelerometer? The analog output of the accelerometer can be converted into a digital signal and stored in the PC using the LabVIEW DAQ card (Figure 1). The LabVIEW DAQ card to be used is the PCI-MIO-16E-4 type (Refer to the Appendix for the pin configuration of the DAQ card). The important specifications are given in Table 3. Self-Study Report With reference to these specifications, what is the resolution of acceleration measurement achievable (in G/bit)? Given the maximum sampling rate, what will be the maximum frequency component in the input signal that can be analyzed? Given this maximum frequency, what then will be the range of mechanical vibration that can be reasonably monitored using this setup? NOTE: Any block function, if not found through the paths specified below, can be searched through the Search Palettes function. Session 2: Fault Diagnosis in Time Domain In this session, the main objective is to perform time-domain analysis on the acquired digital signals to derive the required information necessary for machine fault detection and diagnosis. This session is divided into two steps. First, signal processing techniques must be used to extracts time-domain features from a reference signal. These features will be stored under the form of variables or a data file. Next, a monitored signal is observed online (continuously) to compare its feature with the previous obtained set. The two signals here are the vibration signals of the same machine under normal and fault operation modes. Alarm can be raised when the comparison shows unfavourable differences. In the time domain, a simple way to detect fault is comparing the peak in the acquired signal with the acceptable maximum value. Alternatively, the root-mean- Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 9 squares (RMS) of the time-domain signal can also be compared with the acceptable values. The following steps need to be performed: 1. Implement a diagnosis algorithm that obtains the signatures of a signal. Remove the offset in the signal and use either of the two ways: - Use any two of the following three function blocks: Amplitude and Levels, Histogram, Statistics. Try to use at least two features for the diagnosis. - Matrix manipulation in with Matlab Script VI. Loops can be used to update the desirable values through a time period. For example, a peak-to-peak value must be updated with the highest output from the Amplitude and Levels bock. Save these values as variables or as data in a file. Test your program using simple standard signals. 2. Develop the fault detection platform. Data from the learning mode will be passed to the monitoring to perform comparison. The learning mode and monitoring mode can be implemented through the Case or Sequence structure. Mode 1 is the learning mode where your program should derive the vibration signature. Mode 2 is the monitoring mode where your program should carry out the continuous monitoring function and provide the alarm signal where adequate. The alarm can be triggered and maintained until it is reset by the user. Implement a LED to light up when this occurs. Sessions 3: Fault Diagnosis in Frequency Domain In the frequency domain, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) can be used to provide information on the frequency contents of the signal. This can be a more sensitive and revealing tool as compared to the earlier one. A component can be defective and failing or may have already failed without seriously affecting the vibration levels. Yet signs of these defect or abnormal vibrations can be found in the spectrum of the signal. The spectrum of the vibration can be obtained in frequency domain using FFT. Thus, by studying the frequency spectrum, machine fault detection and diagnosis can be done. Self-Study Report Explain how Fourier Transform works. Explain the relationship between FFT and DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform), clarifying why FFT is the popular choice in practice. Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 10 In this application, FFT can be used to derive the resonant frequency (frequency component with the maximum amplitude) and compare with the acceptable one. Alternatively, the root-mean-squares (RMS) of a frequency range can also be compared with the acceptable values. Alarm can be raised when the comparison is unfavorable. Follow the below procedure to carry out fault detection in frequency domain: 1. Implement an algorithm to perform FFT on the vibration signals by - A standard FFT function to extract the resonant frequency of the vibration signals can be obtained from one of the combinations: FFT Power spectrum + Peak detection, or simply Tone extraction (equivalent to Extract single tone information). - Functions imported from Matlab with the Matlab Script VI. Save the extracted information into variables or a data file (for example, 5 ). Test your programs using the standard signals. 2. Implement the two modes of the system and make them executable online. You need to compare the resonant frequency of the monitored signal to a segment around the learned resonant frequency (the so-called envelope, in this case, 5 1 ). The above approach can be used when the faulty frequency component is so large that it affects the resonant frequency (the largest tone in the signal). For a more subtle detection, consider examining two or more tones. Denote the detection resolution , you should construct not only one envelope around the resonant frequency, but a series of envelopes that cover also the 2 -largest, …, - largest components in the signals. After that, you need to examine if components of the monitored signal fall within these envelopes. For illustration purpose, refer to Figure 4. In the learning modes, two envelopes around 5, 10 are constructed. In the monitoring modes, selected components of the monitored signals with sufficient power are examined (to ignore small noise signals, they should be larger than 1). Consequently, the 18 component is acceptable, but the 15 component will raise the alarm. NOTE: You can use the VI Extract multiple tone information to complete this task. In the next session, your program will be tested on a real-time motion system by the laboratory assistant. Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 11 Figure 4: Illustration for multiple tone detection. Session 4: Real-time Test on Shaker Table In this session, the main objective is to perform fault detection and diagnosis on a real platform, i.e. shaker table (Figure 5) itself. The fault diagnosis programs (written in the earlier sessions) should take in the data directly from the shaker table and perform the fault detection and diagnosis. The laboratory assistant will excite your shaker with a normal signal. Your program should learn from this experiment. Subsequently, the assistant will excite your shaker table with other signals; your program should be able to differentiate the excitation which gives rise to an abnormal machine operational condition from those which result in a normal one. The laboratory assistant will note your performance. Self-Study Report Do a survey of embedded DSP systems available and their applications. Report on the various key components in a typical embedded DSP system. Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 12 Figure 5: Shaker table and its connections 6. Report The program and results of each stage of the mini-project should be properly logged and explained. All self-study portions should be addressed. Adequate comments and explanation on the flow and logic of the overall program should also be provided. References Application notes and other references on National Instruments LabVIEW webpage, “”. Clarence W. de Silva, Vibration, Fundamentals and Practice, CRC Press LLC: Washington DC, 1999. C. D. Johnson, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, 4th Edition, Regents/Prentice Hall. Robert W. Ramirez, The FFT Fundamentals and Concepts, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 1985. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, Microelectronic circuits, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982. Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis MCH5004 Mechatronics System Design/Page 13 Appendix Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis