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Far Right: Cameron McCauley, Jackson
Dykstra, Tony Moncrieffe and a few other
teammates line up for an offensive play.
Top Right: Jean-Luc Richardson looks
down the field for an open receiver to
pass to. Bottom Right: Derek Schmeler
prepares to receive a hut.
Back Row: Taylor Watson, Aaron Brownlee, Kyle Douglas, Alex McCallum,
Luke Prinsen, Riley Tripp, Derek Fox, Jordan Campbell, Justin Vanderlaan,
Grant Wager, Cameron McCauley, Brendan Ginn, Derek Schmeler, Ben
Locke, Kyle Sovie, Sam Choiniere, Drew McKee. Middle Row: Mr.J.Esford
(Video Analyst), Tyler Hamilton, Coach McCombs, Brian Dunn, Thomas
Daechsel. Nicolas Searle, Jeffery Troywalchuck, Adam Shulist, Tyler Check,
Colin Morey, Andrew Peterson, David See, Justin Deodato, Joshua Reis,
Jarret Lanzo, Kenny McBrien, Jonas Azeredo Lobo, Taylor Farrell, Andrew
Peirson, Coach Burke, Matt Pendergast. Bottom Row: Tony Boston,
Michael Gencarelli, Connor Shkimba, Jean-Luc Richardson, Scott Mossman, Dan Rosebery, Michael Van Laren, Eric Dodwell, Shannon Hill, Brandon St.Pierre, Daniel Kimmett, Luke Chesbrough, Jackson Dykstra, Tony
Moncrieffe, Stephen Arbuckle, Coach Hunter. Missing: Coach Zanette
Team photo: Gavin Brockway
All other Junior Football photos: Gavin Brockway and Van Anh Nguyen
The Junior football team played a tough season of six wins and
two losses. With many newcomers, the boys have demonstrated
great endurance and a hard effort committing to both their practices
and school studies. Unlike the Seniors, the Junior team looked to
continue their success. The team had a record of five straight KASSAA Championship wins under their belt as they headed into the
2008 season. They have solid line-up at every position with strong
returning players that led by example to help mentor new junior
players on the roster. The boys snowballed a chain reaction of wins
after their first victory against the Frontenac Falcons that followed
their season opener loss. The team proved their determination
throughout the season and made a strong name for us Crusaders in
the Junior Football League. We wish for a smooth transition for the
boys moving onto the senior team and new
members to come in the next season.
Far Right: Thomas Daechsel captured
in stance after a kick-off. Top Right:
Eric Dodwell tears down the field for a
touchdown. Bottom Center: Michael
Van Laren, Taylor Farrell, David See
and Ben Locke work as a team to
take down a Frontenac Falcon. Bottom Right: Riley Tripp fights off an
opposing defensive back from taking
138 ... Holy Cross Crusade ... God asks us to care for His Creation
Far Left: Aaron Gazendam throws a
block to spring Christopher Cox for a
long run. Top Center: Jordan Hulton
evades a Frontenac Falcon defender
on a point return. Top Right: Christopher Cox runs the ball for a sure
touchdown. Bottom Right: Christopher Neilson, John McCombs, Corey
Flude, Will Lefort, Jordan Maschi, and
Tyler Grant huddle together to discuss
Back Row: Logan Kidson, Tyler Grant, Will Lefort, Justin Grosman, Jan
Makula, Brett Murphy, Nicholas Vidotto, Aaron Gazendam, Josh Prinsen,
Jonathan Heffernan, Jeffrey Ginn, Corey Flude, Luke Choiniere, Tom Hill,
Luke Ball, Conor Doyle, Coach Brideau. Middle Row: Coach Daniel,
Lorne Murphy, Coach Jarrell, Head Coach Pendergast, Nolan Taylor,
Dustin Girard, Jordan Pugh, Joseph Wilkinson, Andrew Nelson, Gavin
Brockway, Torrin Clinkinboomer, Brock Evans, Jordan Reda, Joshua Dorey, Travis Vankoughnett, Jacob Harpell, Christopher Robson, Mr. Esford
(Video Analyst), Coach Speagle. Bottom Row: John McCombs, Michael
Witters, Joey MacDonald, Daniel LaDuca, Michael Hart, Benjamin Dunn,
Stephen Sullivan, Matthew Hulton, Jordan Maschi, Johnathan Sullivan,
Aiden Dorosz, Bradley Cole, David Heroux, Austen Nizman, Jordan Hulton,
Christopher Cox, Brendan Kelly, Randy Macauley, Chris Neilson, Daniel
Borges, Omar Ballantyne. Missing: Coach Tulk, Coach McPhail, Coach
Ball, Coach O’Rourke, Coach Hulton.
All Senior Football photos: Van Anh Nguyen
The Senior Football team started off their season
by seeking vengeance on Sydenham, the team
that knocked our Crusaders out of the playoffs
last year. The boys proved their hard work and
determination in their season opener by defeating the Eagles with 8.7 seconds left on a 16 yard
field goal by Aaron Gazendam. At the annual
Catholic Cup Memorial, they continued their
winning streak by claiming a 33-12 win over
Regi. Their defense has been one of the strongest the team has ever had. Veteran captains Will
Lefort and Austen Nizman led rookie starters
Dustin Girard, Luke Ball and Omar Ballantyne
well in the battle of the trenches. As for the offence, they had a rock-solid season pushing as
far as ninety-five yards in some games. These
drives have been led by returnees Johnny Sullivan, Josh Prinsen and Christopher Cox. Special
recognition goes out to Head Coach Pendergast,
Special Teams Coach Speagle, Running Back
Coach Hulton and Defensive Coaches Jarrell,
Tulk, McPhail, Ball, and O’Rourke for all their
dedication, effort and time devoted to the team.
The boys played a strong season of five wins
and three losses while demonstrating great
enthusiasm and school spirit.
Top Left: Will Lefort, Jeffrey Ginn,
Luke Ball, and Logan Kidson line
up for a punt. Bottom Left: Aaron
Gazendam, Brett Murphy, Justin
Grosman, and Randy Macauley run
down the field to “lay the bone” on
a kick-off. Bottom Center: Tom Hill
jams a Frontenac Falcon receiver at
the line. Bottom Right: Corey Flude
makes a block on his way to shut down
Football ... 139