Sporting Goods
Payments Package
Payment Alliance International (PAI)
is your partner for sporting goods payment processing
Whether you are a small retail store, website, distributor or manufacturer, Payment Alliance International
is your one stop shop for all things payment related. Our comprehensive suite of products was designed
Rates starting at 0.10% over interchange
Credit, debit and check processing
eCommerce payment solutions
Wireless payment solutions for your
smart phone or tablet
Working capital for your business
Deferred payment plans for your customers
NSGA endorsed
Experts who truly understand your business
24/7 world class customer support (USA)
Reduce fees by as much as 35%
It is essential for business owners to shave costs wherever they
can. When you rely on Payment Alliance International for your
payment processing, you will save upwards of 35% on payment
processing fees.
Working capital cash advances
Leverage your future credit card sales with our PAI CA$H
Advance program. Now you can obtain working capital
advances to use for advertising, remodeling, inventory,
expanding, or whatever you want. There are no restrictions
as to how you use your cash advance -- it’s all up to you!
Our guarantee product allows you to offer your customers
knowing that you’ll never accept another bad check. Don’t limit
your customers’ choice of payment. With check guarantee, any
authorized checks that bounce are reimbursed to you in full.
We are the endorsed payments provider for
these renowned organizations:
© 2015 Payment Alliance International, Inc. All rights reserved. Other marks are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
Sporting Goods
Payments Package
TermPAY® Deferred Payment Plans
Our TermPAY deferred payment solution will help your
business sell more high ticket items and up sell more
your customers. Receive guaranteed, up front funding while
helping your customers take home higher ticket items.
Process cards anywhere with PAIMobileTM
Payment Alliance International now offers a cost-effective
way to accept card payments from your smart phone or
tablet by utilizing a Secure Card Reader Authenticator
(SCRA) that simply attaches to your mobile device.
Automate your customer payments for clubs
and membership programs
We provide the right solution for electronic payment
transfer from a customer’s checking or savings account:
ACH is perfect for one-time payments or recurring
monthly payments – common with clubs and
membership programs
Great for taking deposits
You’ll save upwards of 90% over processing recurring
payments by credit card
For example, a $75 recurring credit card transaction
would cost an average of $1.85. That same transaction
That’s nearly 90% in savings!!!
Now clubs and other membership services can automate
their payment collections in a safe, secure and timely
manner while increasing revenue.
Call 1-866-371-2273 Option 1
or email us at
© 2015 Payment Alliance International, Inc. All rights reserved. Other marks are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.