Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Extract from Hansard
[ASSEMBLY — Tuesday, 3 December 2013]
Ms Margaret Quirk; Dr Kim Hames
Ms M.M. Quirk to the Minister representing the Attorney General:
I refer to the previous practice of the Parole Review Board publishing all reasons for its decisions, favourable
and unfavourable, can the Minister please advise why the reasons for refusal are no longer published?
Dr K.D. Hames replied:
It is the current practice of the Prisoners Review Board (the Board) to publish all its decisions, and reasons for
those decisions, concerning the release of a prisoner to parole and the cancellation of a parole order, on the
Board’s website. I am advised that the Board has never published its decisions to deny release to parole as these
decisions generally have no impact on the community, and only affect the prisoner concerned and his or her
immediate family, hence their publication is not considered to be in the public interest.