Sociology Deviance Crime and Punishment Upfront Cover Story

Crime and Punishment Upfront Cover Story
1. Why is Rebecca Falcon serving a life sentence for a crime she committed when she was
just 15 years of age?
2. Describe the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
3. Summarize the following supreme court cases:
a. Roper v. Simmons
b. Graham v. Florida
c. Miller v. Alabama / Jackson v. Hobbs
This ruling was 5-4, as close as a Supreme Court decision can be.
Why do you think four Justices dissented (opposed)?
4. Do you think that life without parole sentences for teens violates the Eighth
Amendment? Why or Why not?
5. What is the purpose of parole? Why do you think courts have eliminated the possibility
of parole for some offenders?
6. Under the ruling (Miller v. Alabama / Jackson v. Hobbs) many people in prison for crimes
they commited as teens may now get a chance for resentencing and parole. What
factors should courts consider in deciding each case?
7. Do you agree with Justice Elena Kagen that young people have a “heightened capacity
for change”? How might the judicial system help young offenders change their
8. Why did courts get tough on juvenile offenders in the 1980’s and early 1990’s?
9. Do you believe that kids under 18 who commit serious crimes are less responsible for
their actions than adults? Explain.
10. In what ways are teen brains different from adult ones, according to studies? How do
you think these differences affect teen behavior?
11. How does Rebecca Falcon explain that her case is different?
12. What is the purpose of parole? Why do you think courts have eliminated the possibility
of parole for some offenders?
13. Under the ruling (Miller v. Alabama / Jackson v. Hobbs) many people in prison for crimes
they committed as teens may now get a chance for resentencing and parole. What
factors should courts consider in deciding each case?
14. The Court’s decision notes that judges and juries must be allowed to consider mitigating
circumstances when deciding juveniles’ sentences. What circumstances do you think
should result in lighter sentences?
Graph Questions:
15. What findings from the graph are most interesting or surprising to you? Why?
16. What factors do you think affect the nation’s crime rate in general? What factors might
affect juveniles’ involvement in crime?
17. What do you predict juvenile arrest statistics will look lie in 2024? Do you think juvenile
involvement in crime will increase, decrease, or stay the same? What about juvenile
involvement in property crimes like burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson?